#lmfaoooo i went so off topic i yam SORRY
theloveinc · 1 year
i don’t know if you take tiktoks on this blog but if you don’t then this is just for the two of us
anyways this is what i imagine princess!reader and knight!denki to be like. unsung hero. back hurting from how much he’s carrying the team in all the ways no one would think about. but like, cripplingly goofy.
(link fs!)
Awww, knight!Denki! A concept I’ve never thought of before... but lowkey I love this (and laughed too fjehksof)
knight!Denki being the smallest and most good natured of his lance fournie (or maybe this is an AU where he's not ganged up with the squad yet?) ... works his flat butt off trying to keep up not realizing he's already one of the strongest. Over-volunteering for more work, to care for the horse... be the team's distraction... but keeping a smile on his face nonetheless.
i'd feel like he'd have all these dreams of marrying you... like he's known by other lances as a playboy, doesn't like... shy away from getting around, but deep down he's very in love with the princess. always shows up to your court (with messy hair, too much weight on his back, looking a lil flabbergasted and silly)... but always with a cute, shy smile and gift for you.
(even if he's a little insecure cuz there's much bigger and tougher knights who aren't the entertainers of the group, who your family seem to favor much more than him.)
but it's hard not to want to talk to him even if you know other royals are watching. trying to hide your giggle when he bows to kiss your hand, or shows you whatever silly thing he picked up in battle; often times a pretty (squished) flower that made him think of you.
ANDDD not to get too into this (bc i think i've lost the point of the tik tok: he's silly and CUTE) ... but i think it would be sweet if like... he ended up running away with the bakusquad right as ur royal relatives are trying to get u to marry... and he comes back for just a quick bit to ask if you want to leave with him🥺🥺🥺 (ofc after all the nights he spends running down to the knight quarters from your room in just his undershorts.)
thank u so much for sending me this anon!!!
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