#it's just midnight and i'm feeling introspective
paranorahjones · 7 months
maybe it's the rejection sensitivity talking but with everyone in my life who thinks well of me, i am constantly afraid that i am one misstep away from proving them wrong which will in turn lead them to abandoning me as quickly as possible.
logically, i do not think so lowly of my loved ones that they would do that to me over a small mistake. but i experienced around five or six major instances of abandonment as a child that were all caused by situations either outside of my control, or outside of my understanding at the time. which caused to me to be convinced that they were triggered by some minute mistake i had made, something i wasn't aware of at the time but was clearly egregious enough to warrant abandonment.
i'm still so messed up by that. i live in total fear of abandonment almost constantly and it's been running in the back of my psyche for so many years that sometimes i forget it's there. and then i perceive that i've done something wrong in front of a loved one and suddenly i'm 15 years old again, or 12, or 8, or 5, or 3, and i'm staring isolation in the face.
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chemicallywrit · 7 months
Happy Audio Drama Sunday! I heard so many good shows this week, let’s goooooo
🥃 I started listening to @breakerwhiskey this week, and I’m on episode 21 (which is nothing, it’s microfic), and it is so compelling. Lauren Shippen said in episode zero that she misses the improvisational feel of early audio dramas and that really comes through in this show—the wandering of the story reflects the wandering of Whiskey herself. I can’t wait to see what happens next.
🎵I am not alone in my reaction to the new season of @hellofromthehallowoods, which I think goes something like, “Wh—who—but—Arnold?????” (Seriously, Arnold???) but I love a mystery, and I love how linear this season is starting out. I’m sure that it’ll all get more complicated soon.
💔 Have you all heard Josie’s Lonely Hearts Club? It’s a call-in advice show from a fictional radio station and it is HILARIOUS. Until this last episode, which got SAD. It's a partially improvised show, so the whole thing feels so incredibly human and it always hits. Please listen, more fictional advice shows all around.
🐺 The Midnight Burger/The Amelia Project crossover was exactly as delightful as I expected. We got two shows that love historical figures and putting people in the deep freeze. What could go wrong! Absolutely nothing. With a crossover episode I always wonder if there will be enough character interaction to slake my insatiable character dynamic thirst and for this one I definitely think there was.
🍺 Inn Between dropped an episode of Dragon’s Rest on their feed this week, and I'm here to say that we did that because it's frikkin hilarious. This last episode was so good, especially with Shax trying to talk to a bartender and the bartender getting mad that Shax was complaining about her friends and not having a professional business conversation. I love you, southern-sounding bartender, and I love you Shax.
🩸Hemophobia continues to scare the heck out of me. This series, Camp Havenside, ended exactly how I expected it to, with the extra twist of that horrible half-possessed state Sam is in. Lordt. Listen to this show. Mind the content warnings. Then like, message me about it, it has taken permanent residence in my brain.
🎭 Oh Malevolent, you never disappoint me. I adore the twists the season finale took, and the real danger Arthur and John were in had me on the edge of my seat. How are we gonna get outta this one boys! Frikkin Kayne.
💎 As it ever is, @kingmakerpod was a blessing visited upon my podcatcher. Oh man though, Lucas Lando, what a scuzbag. Like maybe the worst villain yet in this series for me, and I'm including the psychic child. Lando's just unsavory. The action scenes in this episode were excellent, and I love the use of Pocket Cinnamon. For a minute when they were looking for things in the barn that don't conduct electricity, I was very worried for the cows. Honestly now a little surprised they didn't explode a cow. Hey guys, why didn't you explode a cow?
🌈 I've been listening to this actual play, @ourstoriedinsight, and it's about all the typical actual play stuff--a party of misfit adventurers, thrown together by circumstance, trying to stop the end of the world. What stands out about this one is its wonderful sound design and its tone--it's so introspective and kind. The characters are great too. I would die for Vishakapar. If you like an actual play and you don't want to wait for it to get really good, please check out Our Storied Insight.
As for personal news, boy oh boy am I working hard on the Dead! Pray for our recording schedule these next couple weeks. As for Inn Between, we'll be putting up an episode this week that is a true banger, I hope you like it.
That's it for me this week! If you like what I do, send me a tip!
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transhawks · 12 days
You said in a previous post you have a lot of feelings about the ending to BNHA and if you wasted your time putting as much energy into it as you did.
For what's its worth I'm glad you did. I've been following you for a while and I always enjoyed reading your take on things and analysis. I didn't always agree but you explained yourself really well so I understood why you felt like you did or came to that conclusion.
I miss seeing your posts on my dashboard as much as I used to. Not saying this to try to pressure you to post more, just to illustrate that I really enjoyed reading your take on things.
I also really liked 'Minutes to Midnight.' I'm a sucker for 'what-ifs' and characters being introspective. I especially love it when the one doing the introspection's usual approach to things is to shove their feelings in a box and bury it as deep as they can.
Sorry this is kind of long and rambly. I'm pretty much incapable of keeping things brief. I'm glad I got to experience BNHA as it was coming out with your takes and analysis.
Thank you, this was a really good ask to open up tumblr to. I'm glad people had fun reading my takes - I had fun writing them, geeking out with you all. It's just the ending just kind of....side-winded me? And I was really, really hopeful for years that things I wanted to be resolved and themes I wanted carried through would be, and to see that not happen when I was particularly harsh towards people who saw what was going to happen...it just makes me feel a bit down. I'll get over it, soon, hopefully. Just managing my fairly busy career and such.
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captain-gillian · 5 months
fic pride friday
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Rules: Post your favorite line or passage from as many of your published works as you’d like. Let yourself feel proud of your creations! Tag as many people as you post snippets, so your fellow fic friends can be proud, too.
thank you for the tag @lemonlyman-dotcom i'm using this to try and be kinder to myself in how i think about my own writing
strays (5 + 1 of TK attempting to bring home a 'pet' from a call, Nancy POV)
“Carlos has been talking about maybe getting a cat…” TK muses. Here we go again , Nancy thinks.  There’s no mistaking the look on her partner’s face; she’s seen it more times than she can count—he wants to take this wild animal home. She knows his heart is in the right place, but the sooner Carlos relents and lets him get a cat—or a fish, or a hamster even, any kind of pet—the better as far as she’s concerned because talking him out of bringing home new ‘pets’ every week gets exhausting. “Dude, stop, don’t even say it.”  “You can’t possibly know what I was going to say.” “I know you, TK. You were going to suggest that murder mittens over there might be a good cat for you and Carlos to adopt, but the answer is no.” “Murder mittens? Look at him, Nancy—he’s just a little baby.” TK says, gazing longingly across the room at the tiger cub. “TK, I can’t believe we even need to have this conversation. You can’t raise a tiger in a downtown apartment. Tigers aren’t pets, or did you forget why we ended up here in the first place?" “Oh, but look at him. He’s only a baby. He wouldn’t hurt a fly.” “This week, he’s a baby, sure. But do you know what babies do, TK? They grow up, and then you will be the one calling 911 because your 200-pound murder kitty went for the jugular, and when that happens, I’m not coming to save your ass, dude.”
nothing a kiss better can't fix (soft tarlos)
“Seriously, it’s nothing, TK,” Carlos says as he leans against the back of the 126 ambulance with his worried fiancé methodically checking him over.  “It’s not nothing, Carlos. You’re bleeding .” TK tells him, trying to gently guide him towards the stretcher. “Now, will you please sit down and let me treat you?” “I’m okay, TK. Breathe,” Carlos says, taking his fiancé’s hand. “This is nothing a kiss better can’t fix.”  “Is a kiss better for a certain flu-riddled fiancé of yours, perhaps exactly how you ended up in this situation, dude?” Nancy asks with a raised eyebrow and a laugh. “First of all, I’m not ‘flu riddled’,” TK tells her, putting dramatic air quotes around his words. “And second, how do you know about that?”  “When are you going to just admit I know everything,” Nancy tells him with a grin before adding. “Also, you’re both, like, hella predictable.”
sugar, butter, flour (5 + 1 TK and Gwyn baking)
His father and Carlos have always assured him that Jonah will know her through him, but as they stand in the kitchen, he wonders how he can ever live up to the task. TK is uncomfortably aware of the ache of grief in his chest alongside a sharp streak of guilt. Guilt that he got 28 years of her love but spent so many of them pushing it away, too deep in the spiral of addiction to accept it. Those were years Jonah will never get, and TK wasted them.
and again (nancymarjan)
And then before she can dwell on it any further, the countdown hits midnight, the fireworks start in the distance, and Marjan kisses her. It’s like nothing she’s ever felt before, and while Nancy has never been a believer in destiny or soulmates, right now, at this moment, it’s undeniable that Marjan is her soulmate. 
when everythings made to be broken (introspective carlos/a 4x01 coda)
He takes a deep breath and silently tells himself, “You can do this,” and suddenly, he’s nineteen again and doing whatever he can to be a good son and live up to expectations. He’s standing at the altar trying to convince himself he can do this, that somehow he’ll be able to love her like he’s supposed to—like God wants him to—because his parents need him to, his family needs him to. He’s silently praying that, in time, he’ll be able to love like she deserves. She’s his best friend, and he can learn to love her like this, surely—he owes her that. But it doesn’t work out—despite his best efforts, he can’t love her the way she deserves, so he moves out, and she starts dating again, and he’s ready to drown in his shame. And then she disappears, and as the months drag on without a single credible lead, he goes through all the stages. 
no pressure tagging
@fallout-mars @paperstorm @literateowl
@reyesstrand @welcometololaland
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@chaosteddybear tagged me in the following game and the autism won. I decided to make an extra challenge for myself: a themed playlist with 1 'outsider' or anachronistic track that still fits the overall vibe. We begin... with Disco Funk.
Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post with links to music and/or lyrics describing the following: 1. An event that defines your character's past 2. How your character sees themselves 3. How others view them 4. Their closest relationship (platonic or romantic) 5. A major fight scene 6. End Credits song
Spotify Youtube Music
1. AFRO CUBAN BAND* - Something's Gotta Give -
Dreams have done their share of dying love cries out but no one hears - oh, Something Something's got to give We can't, We can't go on like this
Is it a little on the nose? Sure. But a midnight revelation that he simply couldn't continue his life as it was going put Zell on the road to discovering his own path. He aches for the hurting, broken world he was brought into; he may not have the answer for fixing things, but he has to try something. Even if he's unsure of himself, even if he's convinced of his own fragility, he can fake strength if he can get out. He can't do anything while locked away in a Hellknight compound in Lepistadt, so he goes. And so it goes...
2. ARTIE SHAW - Nightmare - (Instrumental)
The problem with having an unclear sense of purpose and underdeveloped, poor self-esteem is that it can lead one down a path of introspection that keeps one in a spiral. Zell is an outsider when he isn't a rebel, never fitting with any authority and rarely synchronizing with any group; uncomfortable in his own body even when he's done everything he can to feel like himself. He desperately wants to solve the conundrum of connection - even when he's successful he has doubts that haunt him, especially in the lonely hours in the night.
(It's called Depression but they haven't invented therapy in Golarion yet)
Why this is the Anachronistic Outsider - Zell himself is a man out of time... even he doesn't know how old he is or how long he spent in Areelu Vorlesh's "care."
3. DEODATO - Also Sprach Zarathustra (instrumental)
I'm being a little bit of a shit with this; historically the misinterpretation of Nietzsche's Zarathustra have been that the title character is a teacher of doctrine/great leader/himself the 'Übermensch' he urges humanity to become. The actions of someone who wishes not to speak to the masses but instead live his own life of contemplation - and if he ever leads, to do it by example - often get twisted into fanatic parasocialization... if that isn't the life of the Knight Commander I don't know what is. Plus, this is just a bop.
Ooh-ooh, it's a, oh-oh, it's a shame (Shame) oh-oh, it's a (Shame) mama** just don't understand Oh, how I love my man (shame) It's a, oh, it's a (shame)
Falling for someone when you already don't like yourself a whole lot can be hard, but it's much harder when nobody else likes the someone you love. Sometimes you just have to whip around and be assertive: the real shame would be abandoning what you have. Especially when it's this good.
5. C.J. & CO - Devil's Gun***
Get a new direction Well, well, well another resurrection Well now don't wait hesitate Or it's gonna be too late Flames are getting higher Got to jump out of the fire
I felt this fit as a big combat piece for Azata path especially; deeply anti-authoritarian theme about bringing together the community and avoiding the Devil (literal, figurative, and so on) and rebuilding? Yes please.
6. FRANCO MICALIZZI - Stridulum Theme (Instrumental)****
I wanted to close us out with something that felt a little magical and strange; this is a longtime favorite that really fit the bill.
TAGGING~ @Rlainarin @thedosianexplorer @arendaes I'm pretty sure two of you have already been tagged so feel no obligation, naturally.
*Had to transcribe the lyrics here myself so I'm not 100% sure I got them on the mark. Frustratingly I think this group only did one other track, which was the b-side for Something's Gotta Give. Real bummer, I love what I've found.
**Mama in this context is 100% Irabeth. She does NOT approve of this obviously farcical union. She's watching Arendae like a HAWK .
***YES, OF COURSE I played this during the Mephistopheles fight, who do you think I am?! TBH it was a real close call between this and Stayin' Alive but Devil's Gun won out for thematic reasons.
****I've had this track on Zell's playlist for a long time simply because I love the sound. It's the theme to a truly bizarre 70s Italian horror flick called The Visitor / Stridulum that's worth catching if you're curious. Free on youtube via the link.
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purplina · 2 months
(TW : i'm complaining again 🥰)
That's my birthday at midnight but idc. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO START THE KLANCE FF I'M WRITING. Like, I know WHERE i want to go. I vaguely know what is going to happen. But the beginning ????? I feel like I've never written anything in my life and god knows i spent my life writing 👁️🌊👄🌊👁️
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Even more, idk WHY i'm making this post bc it's not even like i tell new infos or i'm teasing what will happen in the story
Another thing : the title SUCKS ASS ; i'm sorry ToT i'm just really upset about my non productive writing routine. What routine even, I haven't touch my drafts for WEEKS AAAAAAAAAAAAA
First POV is Lance, my baby boy, my son. And idek how to give him a voice ??? "I could be a good mother" ??? Huh ??? I can't even figure out how he would start his story. Humouristic like Flynn Rider ? In character but is it the way we want to know him. Serious and introspective ? Might be interessant. However if I suck at writing the constrast, it will be shit
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Okay i'm done complaining, got tired, thanks for coming to my TED talk babies, go to sleep now ily 🩷
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libellule-ao3 · 1 year
I'm a reader and writer of fanfiction, active since 2020 on AO3 [➡️ Libellule-Sulfureuse]. I'm used to commenting on all the fanfic I read, which probably explains why I don't read much. 😅
Below you'll find my fanfic, my character profiles, fanarts etc.
I like the idea that fanfiction is all about sharing, excitement, and good times. So please feel free to contact me with any requests or questions about my stories/characters. 💚
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✅️ = Completed fanfiction
⚠️🤜 = Graphic depictions of violence
🔞🔥 = Smut
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➡️ HL Fanarts (commissions & gifts)
✅️ | Obsession | 🔞🔥 | Dark!Dominis/You-F!Reader | 20,800 words
After Hogwarts, Ominis Gaunt embarks on a journey of introspection to gain perspective on his life. Haunted by your promise, which he ignored at the time, he returns to London a year later and discovers your new intimacy with Sebastian. No matter! For Ominis, you must honour the promise he never asked of you. Whether you like it or not.
☆ Lullaby for Cursed Seeds | 🔞🔥 | ⚠️🤜 | Ominis Gaunt/Evelyne Lavandin (#EVINIS)
Ominis Gaunt, the pure-blood wizard, struggles to thrive in the stifling shadow of his family manor. A prisoner of a heritage he rejects.
Evelyne Lavandin, on the other hand, is a precocious Muggle-born witch who has been uprooted since people greedy for power and money tore her away from her family.
Two characters and two solitudes separated by everything. And yet, who still believes that encounters are the fruit of chance?
✅️ | Wild Surrender | 🔞🔥| Sebastian/You + Garreth/you) | 3,400 words
Sebastian doesn't want you! And although he has kissed you passionately in what he calls a moment of weakness, he never misses an opportunity to remind you of it. For Garreth, this rejection is too ostentatious to be sincere and he decides to help you force Sebastian to reveal himself.
✅️ | The Snake's Duality |🔞| ⚠️🤜 | Dark!Seb /Ominis, ambiguous relationship | 2,050 words
Sebastian has just been released from Azkaban after more than three years in prison. 1 223 days to be exact. His first instinct is to find Ominis, whose weekly letters rekinkled in extremis his desire to live, drained by the dementors, and he realise that a shadow reeking of malevolence is following him like a shadow.
✅️| Veins of time | Leila Sae-OFC & Evelyne Lavandin-OFC (Written for the Secret Magic Santa 2023)| 2,147 words
Leila Sae receives a diary to fill in for posterity. This raises a few questions.
✅️ | Late Bloom | Mirabel Garlick/OFC | 1,060 words
After the shared night with Viviane, Mirabel reflects on the path that led them to this intimate moment, anticipating the challenges of their future together.
✅️ | In the Shadow of Midnight Confessions for silverxstardust |Sebastian/You | 3,400 words
When Sebastian met you in the Slytherin common room, you didn't expect to receive such a confession. Nevertheless, it explains a lot.
✅️ | Lonely Pleasure |🔞🔥| Ominis/you | 600 words
✅️ | Sex under the coat | 🔞🔥| Ominis/Evelyne | 850 words
✅️ | In the Shadow of the Lost Time for Tamayula💛 | M | Dad!Sebastian/Sakurako (MC) | 8000 words
Devastated by the loss of his wife Sakurako, Sebastian falls into despair and obsession. Torn between his duty as a father and his quest for escape, he seeks solace through questionable means.
✅️ | Himitsu no Shibari for Annarielmidori 💚| 🔞🔥| Ominis/You-F!reader | 4 100 words
In feudal Japan, where duty reigns supreme, you find yourself trapped in an arranged marriage with a ruthless daimyo. However, you unexpectedly discover solace in the arms of your brother-in-law, Ominis.
☆ In Mrs Gaunt's Nightgown | 🔞🔥|Ominis Gaunt/You-F!Reader
Like all young women, your friend Adelia dreamed of a loving union.But like most pure-blooded witches, she found herself trapped in an arranged marriage. However, she sees a clause in her marriage contract that offers her a way out... and you are the key.
HC: Ominis' wand + Sebastian's wand
HC: Some Hogwarts Legacy characters & their MBTI types
HC: Ominis Gaunt/NSFW Alphabet | M |
HC: Ominis, his eyes and his experience as a blind wizard
HC: Dark!Ominis/NSFW Alphabet
Meet: Evelyne Lavandin (OFC- Hogwarts Legacy)
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Jae Kim's bets |🔞 🔥| ⚠️🤜| Jae Kim/Annie Thorn | 59,109 words
When Jacob's sister makes a stupid bet to motivate him during the chore of washing dishes imposed by Pitts, she has no idea what she's getting into. Indeed, Jae Kim is a particularly mischievous boy, with much naughtier aims than she imagined. Will their little games strengthen their friendship, destroy it or lead to a romantic relationship?
Life Links | T | Second war against Voldemort from the POV of the hphm characters |
The members of the Circle of Khanna, an underground student organisation dedicated to bringing justice to their murdered comrade, have grown up. Since graduating, some of them have never left each other's side, while others never thought they would see each other again. Yet as the final battle against Voldemort looms, only one question remains. How will the links forged yesterday influence the battle of Hogwarts?
✅️ | Are flowers counted? |Jae Kim&Annie Thorn | 1,000 words
For the first time in 100 years, Phyllida's Flutterby bushes will bloom at Hogwarts. This is an exceptional event which, by chance of the calendar, falls on Valentine's Day.
✅️ | Skating Lesson | Jae Kim&Annie Thorn | 1,000 words
A lesson in skating turns out to be much more instructive and valuable than expected.
✅️ | Broken Promise | Jacob&Annie&Peregrine | 3,897 words
Jacob suffers from his father's absence and tries to spare his little sister the same grief.
✅️ | Little Sheninagans for Eternalchocolaterain 💙| T | Merula Snyde/Quinn Lee) => [on Tumblr] 1,060 words
Gossip about her relationship with Quinn is getting on Merula's nerves, and she's determined to divert attention from the rabble.
Meet Annie Thorn (MC) & Jacob Thorn
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✅️ | From Monster to Brother | ⚠️🤜 | Gaara & Temari & Kankurō & Baki | 13 690 words
Fanfiction about how Gaara reconnected with Temari and Kankurō after the Konoha Crush.
Thanks to everyone who likes, reblogs and comments on my stuff! 🫶🫶🫶
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taylortruther · 1 month
I think if you look at the bigger picture (and this depends on how fictional/personal you think folkmore is) you can actually draw a timeline of how she was feeling about herself and the relationship, with midnights being the last internal hail mary to save the them from the inevitable break-up. I've always thought the re-recordings are also part of what led her to writing midnights too, but now I'm wondering how that fits or if it fits at all.
oh absolutely. i don't think folkmore is that fictional, and i definitely think this entire period of her life has been one of reflection and introspection. she was doing a lot of work on herself, and the re-records contributed to that - how could they not? and honestly even just comparing tracks from foklmore to midnights, and then midnights to ttpd, you can see where her mind was and how her behaviors or thoughts evolved.
it's kind of crazy because as someone a lil younger than taylor, i think we are in similar life stages, and this really is the time (late 20s/early 30s) where you do some serious reflection because you are tired of making the same mistakes, you want something different, you are staring down some hard choices and you look to your past to see how you got there, etc. and watching taylor do this is interesting because she has autobiographical albums from her past she has literally been revisiting/re-recording. she created a whole tour as a retrospective on her career. idk, i'm articulating this badly.
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spadilled · 4 months
get to know the author behind the blog hehehe
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name: nev/nejvamin/nevward/nevington/whatever u want really age: 24 whole years old pronouns: they/he/she in that order of preference gfhjghjf years of writing: uhhhh since i was in primary school really so like. 18? years? oh god... that sounds like so many years wth
why did you pick up writing? i hate to say it but it was when i read the warrior cats books for the first time. i started writing my own bits and pieces surrounding my own warrior cats literally in bed at midnight in a tiny little like a6 notepad i'd been given for a birthday or something when i was six years old and it just snowballed from there. i found a warrior cats forum to rp on when i had my own pc and then i found my way to deviantART and all of the many rp groups on there! then it was tumblr and discord and the rest is history! i've been on tumblr for a While now (either unfortunately or fortunately depending on what way you look at it) and i've since had a Lot of thoughts about trying to write my own novel but i'm still debating on that with myself lmao do you have any writing routines? honestly? none at all. it all depends on whether i have the energy or thought process to get any words down. it's a lot harder at the moment with balancing my job and a horse but i'm hoping to get back into the swing of it sooner or later when my hours drop back down at work again! the most i do is i slap a playlist (or my current brainrot song) on and i pick threads at random depending on which ones i can think of a first sentence to reply with. what's your favorite part about writing? exploring characters and their actions. i really found my stride when i started writing more introspective responses to people. the idea of being able to get into a character's head and know what they're thinking (or not thinking) about is just something that i honestly can't get enough of. another thing though is the creation of a scene as a whole? i tend to 'see' the pieces i'm writing as movie scenes i'm directing, rather than a piece of writing. it makes life hard sometimes but it's just so fun to get to put what i'm seeing down on paper
i. oh jeez.... my dialogue? i like to think that the dialogue i use fits my character's voice as well as physically possible? i have pages and pages of dialogue written out for my ocs and otherwise as a fun writing exercise so i'd like to think i'm pretty good at it by now and changing it to suit what muse i'm writing. speech habits are a fascination of mine so i'd like to think that shows through in my writing ii. i try to match my style to whoever i'm writing with? if my writing partner uses more flowery language then i try to match them and vice versa. it's a good exercise for me specifically because i tend to fall into some repetitive habits so i do my best to avoid that iii. bruh this is so hard actually. i'd like to think that i'm quite good at describing emotions? i try to make them as visceral and physical as possible and i think it adds another layer to my characterisation when you can read about how they feel their grief or their joy
what was the first character you ever picked up to start rping? why did you gravitate to them? qr/ow bra/n/wen. i always find myself drawn towards the characters that show their affection in different ways - the tough outer shell and the soft heart. qrow was and is still fascinating to me because he's been through so much in his life and he refuses to let it get in the way of how he treats his nieces and their friends. yeah, he's rough around the edges and comes across as gruff and rude but he genuinely and completely cares about the smiles on his kids faces and that's something i just can't get enough of in a muse. i love cracking open a character and exploring who they are beneath what they show the people around them QUESTION: what keeps you coming back to tumblr rp? what do you enjoy about writing with strangers/friends on the internet?
tagged by: @forbelobog THANK UUU tagging: @finalism, @reasoncore, @vulpesly, @wingspiked. @dreamweaved, @deathsmaidens, @dreamweaved, uhhh idk who has and who hasn't done this im sowwy lmao just steal it if u want to and say i tagged you!!
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mogwai-movie-house · 9 months
The Best Album Per Year for Sixty Years
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No-one asked for it, of course, but I do like making lists, so here's me pondering what have been the best Long Players in the album artform the past 60 years. I originally tried to keep it to just one per year, but many years that proved impossible: when listing multiple albums I have tried ranking them with the one I feel narrowly edges out the others first, and I use lower case to indicate an album that is not at the same level as others on the list but was the best I've heard from that time.
Feel free to have fun with the list and make up your own.
1962 Bob Dylan - Bob Dylan 1963 The Freewheelin' - Bob Dylan 1964 another side of - bob dylan 1965 Highway 61 Revisited - Bob Dylan 1966 Pet Sounds - The Beach Boys / Blonde On Blonde - Bob Dylan / Revolver - The Beatles 1967 Magical Mystery Tour - The Beatles / The Velvet Underground & Nico / Parsley, Sage, Rosemary & Thyme - Simon & Garfunkel / Safe As Milk - Captain Beefheart 1968 Astral Weeks - Van Morrison / The White Album - The Beatles / Bookends - Simon & Garfunkel / We're Only In It For The Money/Lumpy Gravy - Frank Zappa 1969 Let It Bleed - The Rolling Stones / Abbey Road - The Beatles / In A Silent Way - Miles Davis 1970 Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon & Garfunkel / Plastic Ono Band - John Lennon 1971 Imagine - John Lennon / Blue - Joni Mitchell / What's Goin' On - Marvin Gaye/ 2 - Moondog 1972 Exile On Main Street - The Rolling Stones / Discover America - Van Dyke Parks / Clear Spot - Captain Beefheart / Ege Bam Yasi - Can 1973 Raw Power - Iggy And The Stooges 1974 Blood On The Tracks - Bob Dylan 1975 Horses - Patti Smith / Discreet Music - Brian Eno / Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd / Velvet Donkey - Ivor Cutler 1976 The Ramones - The Ramones 1977 Low - David Bowie / New Boots & Panties - Ian Dury / Marquee Moon - Television / 77 - Talking Heads 1978 Music For Airports - Brian Eno / This Year's Model - Elvis Costello / Third (Sister Lovers) - Big Star / More Songs About Music & Food - Talking Heads 1979 Unknown Pleasures - Joy Division/ Fear of Music - Talking Heads / Into The Music - Van Morrison / Sheik Yerbouti - Frank Zappa / Rust Never Sleeps - Neil Young 1980 Remain In Light - Talking Heads / Closer - Joy Division / One Trick Pony - Paul Simon / Common One - Van Morrison 1981 Faith - The Cure 1982 Thriller - Michael Jackson / 1999 - Prince / 4 - Peter Gabriel / Too Rye Ay - Dexys Midnight Runners / Big Science - Laurie Anderson / Nebraska - Bruce Springsteen 1983 Swordfishtrombones - Tom Waits / Murmur - R.E.M. / Hearts & Bones - Paul Simon / Off The Bone - The Cramps 1984 Purple Rain - Prince & The Revolution / Hatful Of Hollow - The Smiths / Various Positions - Leonard Cohen / Reckoning - R.E.M. / The Unforgettable Fire - U2 1985 Don't Stand Me Down - Dexys Midnight Runners / Rain Dogs - Tom Waits / Around The World In A Day - Prince & The Revolution / Suzanne Vega - Suzanne Vega / Hounds of Love - Kate Bush / Hunting High & Low - A-ha 1986 Parade - Prince & The Revolution / So - Peter Gabriel / The Queen Is Dead - The Smiths / Graceland - Paul Simon / Steve McQueen - Prefab Sprout / Blood & Chocolate/King of America - Elvis Costello 1987 Sign O The Times - Prince / The Joshua Tree - U2 / Strangeways Here We Come - The Smiths / Actually - Pet Shop Boys / Tango In The Night - Fleetwood Mac 1988 Irish Heartbeat - Van Morrison & The Chieftains / Green - R.E.M. / Viva Hate - Morrissey / The Serpent's Egg - Dead Can Dance / Surfer Rosa - Pixies / Naked - Talking Heads / Introspective - Pet Shop Boys / I'm Your Man - Leonard Cohen / Blue Bell Knoll - Cocteau Twins 1989 Disintegration - The Cure / Technique - New Order / Doolittle - The Pixies / Oh Mercy - Bob Dylan / Avalon Sunset - Van Morrison / Rei Momo - David Byrne / Behaviour - Pet Shop Boys / Candleland - Ian McCulloch 1990 Extricate - The Fall / The Good Son - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds / Songs For Drella - Lou Reed & John Cale / Jonathan Goes Country - Jonathan Richman 1991 Screamadelica - Primal Scream / Achtung Baby - U2 / The Bootleg Boxset - Bob Dylan 1992 It's A Shame About Ray - The Lemonheads / Henry's Dream - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds / Automatic For The People - R.E.M. / Good As I Been To You - Bob Dylan / The Future - Leonard Cohen 1993 Debut - Bjork / Dubnobasswithmyheadman - Underworld / Exile In Guyville - Liz Phair / Neroli - Brian Eno / Come On Feel - The Lemonheads / Zooropa - U2 / Vena Cava - Diamanda Galas
1994 Selected Ambient Works Vol. II - Aphex Twin / Toward The Within - Dead Can Dance / Let Love In - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds / Dummy - Portishead / Autogeddon - Julian Cope / Vauxhall & I - Morrissey 1995 Anthology - The Beatles / The Ugly One With The Jewels - Laurie Anderson 1996 Boys For Pele - Tori Amos 1997 Ladies & Gentlemen We Are Floating In Space - Spiritualized / The Boatman's Call - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds / Time Out Of Mind - Bob Dylan / Vanishing Point - Primal Scream 1998 Up - R.E.M. / I'm So Confused - Jonathan Richman 1999 Play - Moby / I See A Darkness - Bonnie Prince Billy 2000 XTRMNTR - Primal Scream / All That You Can't Leave Behind - U2 / The Marshall Mathers LP - Eminem / Kid A - Radiohead / KY - Lemon Jelly 2001 Vespertine - Bjork / Love & Theft - Bob Dylan / No More Shall We Part - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds 2002 The Eminem Show - Eminem 2003 Room On Fire - The Strokes / The Man Comes Around/Unearthed - Johnny Cash / The Wind - Warren Zevon 2004 Has Been - William Shatner / How To Dismantle An Atom Bomb - U2 / You Are The Quarry - Morrissey / The Milk-Eyed Mender - Joanna Newsom / Smile - Brian Wilson 2005 Another Day On Earth - Brian Eno / Le Fil - Camille 2006 Modern Times - Bob Dylan / Surprise - Paul Simon / Love - The Beatles 2007 for emma, forever ago - bon iver 2008 vampire weekend - vampire weekend 2009 No Line On The Horizon - U2 / The XX - The XX 2010 show me the face - michelle gurevich 2011 Angles - The Strokes / So Beautiful or So What - Paul Simon 2012 Life Is People - Bill Fay / Old Ideas - Leonard Cohen 2013 Comedown Machine - The Strokes / Crimson Red - Prefab Sprout 2014 Ghost Stories - Coldplay / 1989 - Taylor Swift 2015 ★ - David Bowie 2016 Lover, Beloved - Suzanne Vega / Stranger To Stranger - Paul Simon 2017 American Dream - LCD Soundsystem / antisocialites - alvvays 2018 music for installations - brian eno 2019 weezer (teal album) - weezer 2020 rough & rowdy ways - bob dylan 2021 happier than ever - billie eilish 2022 dragon new warm mountain i believe in you - big thief
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visceravalentines · 2 years
House of Wax Masterlist
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the brain rot is so, so chronic. I love this goddamn movie.
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Bo Sinclair
A Gentleman and a Scoundrel Masterlist Bo Sinclair is your dad's best friend. To you, he's so much more. NSFW Dilf!Bo Sinclair x AFAB!Reader
Why Are You Here? You and Bo aren't together anymore. So why does it piss you off so much to see him here with a date? NSFW Bo Sinclair x GN!Reader
The Devil Himself He's brutal, frightening. It turns you on. NSFW Bo Sinclair x GN!Reader
Workaholic You know it's bad when Bo says you've been working too hard. SFW Bo Sinclair x GN!Reader
Did You Touch Yourself While I Was Gone? He gave you explicit instructions, and now he's got to teach you a lesson. NSFW Bo Sinclair x AFAB!Reader
These Violent Delights You don't want to do it anymore. He's not going to let you leave. SFW Bo Sinclair x GN!Reader
Carnival Games You fucked up beyond forgiveness. He's going to let you try to leave. SFW Bo Sinclair x GN!Reader
Date Night You're his captive and he'd like to have a cozy night in. NSFW Bo Sinclair x GN!Reader
His Sequel to "Date Night." You're still his captive, mostly. NSFW Bo Sinclair x GN!Reader
Breakfast Food He's wearing an apron and cooking you pancakes the end. SFW Bo Sinclair x GN!Reader
It Ain't Georgia, But It's Close Enough Bo Sinclair meets the devil
I'm So Dirty, Babe He's really sweaty and you wax introspective about your feelings for him. NSFW Bo Sinclair x GN!Reader
Blurb: Bo in Panties
A Gun is a Lonesome Creature Drinking with Bo is a bad idea. He has a worse one. NSFW Bo Sinclair x AFAB!Reader
Worship Dilf Bo eats you out in a confessional booth. That's it that's the fic. NSFW Dilf!Bo Sinclair x AFAB!Reader
Dumbification high sex with a meanie who's mean. NSFW Bo Sinclair x AFAB!Reader
cane-cutter blues you are a girl or you are rabbit and either way you are sad. NSFW Bo Sinclair x AFAB!Reader
fever dream it's August and you love him and you hate him and you're haunted. NSFW Bo Sinclair x AFAB!Reader
sometimes he sleeps in the church a smol, sad blurb
small town, sunday night he's an asshole and that's just what you like. NSFW Bo Sinclair x AFAB!Reader
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Vincent Sinclair
For Your Safety, I'll Be Gentle He's always so reserved. For once, you want him to let loose. NSFW Vincent Sinclair x GN!Reader
The Dusty Shelf You take Vinny on a bookstore & coffee date. SFW Vincent Sinclair x GN!Reader
Dawn He's pretty all the time, but especially when he's sleeping. SFW Vincent Sinclair x GN!Reader
Blurb: College!Vincent x GN!Reader
You Can Get Louder, Can't You? Show Me Vincent doesn't speak but he sure makes noise. NSFW Vincent Sinclair x GN!Reader
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Lester Sinclair
Lester's Nightmare He's really never stopped being a little kid at heart. SFW Lester Sinclair x GN!Reader
Once I Start, I Can't Stop Don't underestimate him. He's just as feral as his brothers. NSFW Lester Sinclair x GN!Reader
Blurb: Caught in the Rain with Dilf!Lester
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D: All of the Above
All You Have is Your Fire Bo spends his childhood standing up for Vincent. This time, he gets arrested.
Sinclair Household HCs
Sleepy Sinclair HCs
Blurb: Twin Angst
Tourniquet Victor & Trudy meet their (un)timely end
Ambrose Ghosts It ain't easy growing up in a haunted house
Blurb: Kissing All Three Dilf!Sinclairs
Headache HCs
12 Days of Cleaning the Sinclair House
I Only Have Eyes for You (and You, and You) Dancing in the kitchen with all three of your boys. SFW Poly!Sinclairs x GN!Reader
A Matching Set of Spoons Midnight cuddle puddle. SFW Poly!Sinclairs x GN!Reader
The Sundress A little friendly competition in which you are really the winner. NSFW Poly!Sinclairs x AFAB!Reader
Never Again Obligatory we-almost-died-but-we-didn't fic. SFW Poly!Sinclairs x GN!Reader
Four's Company Good thing you have so many holes, darlin'. NSFW Poly!Sinclairs x AFAB!Reader
Part of the Family You decide you'd like to contribute to the family business, but it ends up being too much for you. Your boys make sure you're okay. SFW Poly!Sinclairs x GN!Reader
Blurb: Taking Care of Sick Sinclairs
Novelty Mugs Watching a thunderstorm in good company. SFW Poly!Sinclairs x GN!Reader
Wet Dream You're in Bo's bed and at the mercy of Vincent. NSFW Poly!Sinclairs x AFAB!Reader
A Place for You Cuddling the twins after a long day. SFW Poly!Sinclairs x GN!Reader
Blurb: Creepy Obsessed Sinclairs
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I'm the Problem, It's Me
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TITLE: I'm the Problem, It's Me PAIRING: Bob/OC RATING: T CHAPTER: One-shot SUMMARY: Storm has trouble with relationships and thinks maybe she’s the problem.
[A/N - I've finally written a fic based on "Anti-Hero" by Taylor Swift. Still trying to get out of my writing slump. I blame starting a new job.]
Storm had never been in a serious relationship. Sure, she’d had boyfriends here and there, but never a serious one.
They usually dumped her after two months or so for whatever reason.
She knew she could be annoying and clingy at times and she never stopped talking. She talked so much that the Dagger Squad joked that she should have been called “Motor-Mouth” instead of “Storm”.
During the day, she was a bubbly out-going person.
At night, it was like a flip got switched. She became introspective and quiet, often staying up past midnight. Her mind going a million miles an hour thinking about the past or people she no longer talked to.
On the nights, she did sleep she woke up with nightmares. She’d woken up Bob, Hangman, and even Rooster screaming in her sleep. Whenever she awoke, she never wanted to talk about it.
But luckily they knew. They knew it had to do with the special mission they’d carried out two months ago. They themselves suffered from nightmares.
Bob, about dying on the mission.
Rooster, about the death of his father and crashing his plane.
Hangman, about losing his team members.
On the nights where none of them slept, they would hang out in the rec room and just talk or watch movies.
Storm, who had been alone for a lot of her life, was glad to not be alone anymore.
On days when they weren’t in the air, the team liked to spend their time at the beach. It was a good way to de-stress and it helped them blow off some steam. Most of the time, Maverick joined them if he wasn’t too busy with Penny.
Storm and Bob were the only two who didn’t strip down or wear swimsuits.
Bob didn’t feel the need to show off and Storm was uncomfortable showing so much skin. She often felt like she didn’t fit in with the rest of the team. All of them were Adonis’ and Goddess’ and she was just Storm. Awkward, weird, Storm.
The squad split up into two teams and started a game of Dogfight football.
Storm sat on the sidelines claiming the teams would be uneven if she played. No one bothered her or begged her to play with them.
Sometimes Storm felt like she was invisible.
Bob was the only one who wanted to ask her to play with them. Bob stared at her until he got hit in the head with a football.
“Bob! Come on!” Rooster yelled.
Bob looked at her a moment longer before rejoining the game.
That night, they went to the Hard Deck after cleaning up from their day at the beach.
Rooster and Hangman started a game of pool while Phoenix, Coyote, Fanboy, and Payback watched.
Bob left the group to get another cup of peanuts from Penny. When he came back, he noticed that Storm was missing. He glanced outside and saw her sitting on the beach. He slipped out the back door and joined her.
“Peanut for your thoughts?” Bob asked, offering her his cup.
Storm chuckled and took a handful. “Just thinking.”
“About what?”
“I think I’m the problem,” she said.
“I think I’m the reason most people don’t like me.”
Bob looked at her like she was insane. Where was this coming from? “What?”
She shrugged. “Maybe it’s me. I know I can be a lot to deal with…”
“Who told you that?”
Storm looked at him. “Everyone. Even my parents. People just seem so exhausted and tired after interacting with me. Even some of our team.”
Bob was quiet for a moment. “I don’t think you’re a lot to deal with.”
“Yeah. I think you’re one the nicest girls I’ve ever met. You don’t tease me or make me feel invisible.”
“You don’t make me feel invisible either. Sometimes I feel like you’re the only person who sees me.”
Bob looked down and blushed.
“You’ll make someone very happy one day,” Storm told him.
“And what I want to make you happy?”
Storm blushed this time. “You do make me happy. Did you maybe…want to make each other happy?”
Most people wouldn’t know what Storm was talking about, but Bob did. It was her own awkward, weird, and unique way of asking him out.
Bob nodded. “I think we can do that.”
Storm smiled. “Okay. Great.”
Maybe Storm wasn’t the problem after all.
Maybe it was everyone else.
Top Gun Taglist: @maverick-wingman @thescarletknight2014
Lewis Pullman Taglist: @tallrock35 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @luckyladycreator2 @justanothermagicalsara @anotherr-fine-mess @airedale17 @xcastawayherosx @khaylin27
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grilledkatniss · 10 months
Okay so I'm just now catching up on whatever this "why is she shading Joe if she's happy in her new relationship omg" and the comparisons with Lover's I Forgot That You Existed's reactions of "why would she feel the need to come after Calvin if she's in a happy relationship omg" and...
Alright, listen. Here's my super fresh out the over hot take: have we forgotten who we're talking about? Melancolia, and digging up the grave another time, and never leaving well enough alone, and remembering it all too well, and looking back, and recalling now, and seeing it all now that it's gone, and wishing she'd realized what she had, and the whole ass concept of midnights is her dealing with the past and coming to terms with the series of events (happy or unfortunate) that led up to where she is now. It's her coping and doing that hindsight is 20/20, introspective psychoanalytic revisiting of the past, a terribly underappreciated skill characteristic to someone who's very emotionally intelligent. She's like an Olympic Gymnast in emotional maturity and intelligence at this point, and as such she never stops training and practicing -as in, she never stops reminiscing and taking apart what was and isn't anymore, like someone who's trying to figure out what didn't work out, what was the last straw, where were the signs she missed, what should've gone differently, how they could have fixed things, etc etc- It's her niche, her field of expertise and trade mark. Why is it becoming an issue now? Like, our capacity for empathy is super selective, honestly.
Also, now knowing how long it'd been shelved, there's a new bigger book of itemized speculations from the public, many of which will hardly ever get any sign of official recognition, much less one of direct confirmation.
It was probably one of those songs that was meant to be just for her and never released, or that didn't fit any album yet. Hell, it was probably what nudged her into starting a whole new album after an entire year of putting out rerecordings. Maybe she was already well underway designing the concept for the album, maybe the concept was already set, maybe this one at the moment fit said concept and was a call back to another sleepless night that could've taken place at any point in her life, be that recent past or decades ago past, current relationship's past struggles, ancient relationship ponderings.. you know what I mean? She's not doing anything out of what we've learn to expect from her throughout her career but more specifically when it comes to her latest studio album, which literally, as the well established and expressively stated core concept foretells, is an exploration of a lifetime of insomnia inducing ruminations.
[That being said, at the beginning of the year she did spend quite a lot of time flying back and from NYC's Electric Lady Studios (but I actually think she was most likely working on the rerecording of Speak Now and 1989) so there's that on the table.]
But at the end of the day these are people we don't know personally, and unless Joe decides to write a memoir (highly improbable), write another few songs but on his own and make them public, or write/direct a piece in the audiovisual department that specifically addresses the end of a long and very scrutinized relationship, idk something of the like, we might never know his side of the story. Taylor has this very public outlet and a huge platform whereas Joe doesn't beyond his sporadic Instagram photo dumps every once in a while.
Anyway, I don't think her puting an already published song now out on Spotify is a dig. She probably knew this assumption was inevitable and by now super predictive, cause this type of speculation has happened with literally every single one of her songs. She simply decided not to shield away from the scrutiny that was to come regardless and not let the public frenzy censor her anymore. People were gonna think the worst either way, make up theories and demonize her and the intentions they imagine she had for putting out a song about her own life.
I also think she learned from the experience of the re-releases that now she doesn't have to limit her self expression to appease absolutely anyone other than herself. She doesn't have to keep the men in suits with the big pockets happy to get where she wants to go. The rerecordings are a passion project of hers, where the fans' impressions and opinions haven't weighed too much in the making of. Yet, the relentless encouragement she's received from said fans, along with the praise from the media as an after the fact result (which could have never been taken for granted since none of them were counting on it getting any sustancial pay off, keeping in mind an enterprise like that hadn't had that much commercial success in previous attempts by several other artists... which is exactly why she was doing it more for herself and her own personal moral and legal gain) have helped in getting her out of her head about releasing discarded projects. You know, stuff that for some reason or another had to be cut from the final more polished official version of the end product. And it reassured her in the fact that, in the position she's in, at least today, whatever she releases will most likely not bomb commercially. Also, as an added bonus, not only does she get to get things off her chest and speak her truth, but revel in the knowledge that it feeds both the media and her own fanbase with content she knows it's desperately being sought after and craved for, not out of necessity but out of greed for anything resembling an inside look into her up till very recently pretty much kept under wraps and extremely undisclosed private life. Yes, even if it's calculated, cause it's a taste of the type of flaunting and overexposing she was known for during the 1989 era, where everyone and everything clung to her for clout.
What was my point? Something along the lines of be thankful for the dashboard food she's providing us with, but also be nice??? Be more aware of the bigger picture and the inner workings behind the decision of putting out a previously shelved song??? And be empathetic??? It's not that hard??
And, sidenote: in case it was so -that she's still harboring some type of feelings towards Joe (anger, resentment, sadness, longing, etc)-, she's completely entitled to feel any which way she might deem appropriate in regards to her own life, her own relationships and situations, and act and react upon them accordingly. We, however, are NOT entitled to any answer whatsoever. All tidbits, drops of tea and crumbs of scones are hers to disclose if so she chooses and at will, not ours to demand.
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joeys-piano · 2 months
Writerly Questionnaire
... aka the first bit of writing I've done this week, other than work reports and audit workpapers and burning the midnight oil over with nothing but a red Teams icon. Thank you for tagging me @agirlandherquill! You've no idea what a bright spot this has been for my week.
About Me:
When did you first start writing?
I started officially posting my work December 2011. It was a Vocaloid fic inspired by one of the popular songs at the time.
Are the genres/themes you enjoy reading different from the ones you write?
I don't write much angst anymore because of health reasons. I also don't write much fluff anymore for the same reasons. But it's perfectly fine for me to read it, though 🥰 My writing preferences are heavy introspection, slice of life, and flavors of horror.
Is there an author (or just a fellow writer!) you want to emulate, or one to whom you're often compared?
I don't think I have one. Nor do people compare me to other writers. I've been told my writing requires you to be in a certain mood to read it, so there's that.
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (Room, coffee shop, desk, etc.)
90% of the time I write while cuddled in bed, fuzzy under my favorite blanket, and a soft plush just staring at me as I write on my phone. Yes, I'm one of those writers.
Once upon a time, I used to be the writer who wrote on my laptop and at a desk. But life is too short for back, shoulder, and arm pain. So I write in bed, usually while lying down, and chip away at the work on my phone. I'm a faster writer on my laptop, but it's much easier for me to be creative when I'm not on a laptop. And really, at the end of the day after work, after sitting in front of a laptop all day, writing on my phone felt obvious.
What's your most effective way to muster up some muse?
Thinking to myself what kind of story I want to read but haven't found a writer who's written it.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
Geographically, no. Emotionally, yes.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
I think the most recurring themes are "it's good you found people you can be yourself around" and "it's okay if you're just you". These don't surprise me at all.
The more I write about it, the more I feel comfortable being myself, too.
My Writing
What's your reason for writing?
If I hadn't followed the path of the writer, I would've been a video editor and would make music video-style edits for things I enjoy. But alas, I picked one or the other because both take a lot of time.
I write because there was this one point in 2014 where I wanted to quit as a writer because I didn't feel like I could write the things I envisioned and wasn't skilled enough to pull the things I wanted to do. In the nearly ten years since then, I've written a lot of stuff 2014 me didn't know I was capable of because the only way I really get better at anything is when I try. I try, and I "fail". But I gave effort, and that means something. Every little thing counts. I think I write at this point, in spite of how hard it is, is because I want to tell 2014 me what I wouldn't have experienced in my journey if I had stopped.
I've met my dearest friends through writing. I've gotten more comfortable with who I am because of writing. I have a career because of writing and get to give back to the creatives I admire and whom I want to see thrive in their art. I wouldn't be who I am today had I quit in 2014.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
Comments where people tell me they've reread a work again.
How do you want to be thought of by those who read your work? (For example: as a literary genius, or as a writer who "gets" the human condition; as a talented world builder, as a role model, etc)
"Joey makes you laugh and cry, and sometimes both at the same time."
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Rhythm and vibes.
What have you been frequently told your greatest writing strength is by others?
Others have told me it's my characterizations. It's how I capture a distinct voice through the narrative.
But on an aesthetic note, that my writing is pretty.
How do you feel about your own writing? (Answer in whatever way you interpret this question)
It's a foggy mirror after a hot shower and I'm drawing a smiley face to unearth my reflection.
If you were the last person on earth and knew your writing would never be read by another human, would you still write?
It gives me something to talk to.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? if it's a mix of the two, which holds most influence?
It's a seesaw of both. Ultimately, it's my time I'm spending on a project. I might as well write something I enjoy.
Tagging nobody but @voxofthevoid.
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hergan416 · 4 months
Writing Patterns
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
I got tagged by @afterdeck-ace while I was at a work conference and so I'm only just getting to this now.
This should be interesting because I feel very strongly that my writing has changed since joining the yuumori fandom, and the last time I was tagged in this meme, I was still writing for the One Piece & Yugioh fandoms.
10. The Problem (Moriarty the Patriot, Allou, Rated M(ature), Underage)
It wasn't a problem that he could turn to his brother about.
9. Midnight Stroll (Moriarty the Patriot, Louiliam, Rated E(xplicit), Rape/Noncon, Somnophilia)
Louis wakes to a loud noise as the door to his room opens too quickly and slams against the wall. A muffled thud and a grunt follows, as the door ricochets off the wall and hits the intruder on the rebound.
8. Courses (Moriarty the Patriot, Allou, Rated E(xplicit), Underage)
“It's such a waste of a pretty face. I have heard the only one he willingly serves is that orphan tramp he calls a brother.”
7. No Limits (Moriarty the Patriot, Sherlouis, Rated E(xplicit), Graphic Depictions of Violence, Dubious Consent, Under-Negotiated Kink)
The guilty conductor was carted off the train at Grantham. And Sherlock’s words still burned in Louis’ ears.
6. Date Night (Moriarty the Patriot, Bondson, Rated T(een), Canon-Typical Violence)
There was a flash of silver. One of the targets had a gun. One of the targets had a gun and it was trained on Fred.
5. Starvation (Moriarty the Patriot, Allou, Rated M(ature), Underage)
The problem has only grown exasperated.
4. The Depths of a Mountain (Moriarty the Patriot, Sherlouis, Rated T(een), No Archive Warnings Apply)
“Come with me.”
3. Day 1: Fashion (Moriarty the Patriot, Sherlock Holmes and many, willsherbert, Rated M(ature), No Archive Warnings Apply)
A young man sat cross-legged upon the matted gray carpet of the library. It appeared he had moved a perfectly usable coffee table from its position between several overstuffed cloth chairs– missing backs and arms, as was want for public areas on campus– to take its place. He had spread an array of papers before him: they curved around his body in a half-circle reminiscent of a pale rainbow, but he seemed to derive little pleasure from their existence.
2. Day 4: Indulgence (Moriarty the Patriot, Sherlouis, Rated M(ature), Dubious Consent, Drug Use) *this fic was co-written with @vitya-nikiforova & the first line is mostly her writing, although I think it echoes the structure I started out with.
The apartment felt oppressively still in that quiet summer evening.
The Affair of Unforeseen Consequences (Moriarty the Patriot, Mycal, Rated E(xplicit), Contains untagged content that some readers may find upsetting to avoid spoilers)
Mycroft entered his office to find the seat to his desk thoroughly occupied.
Patterns: Alright! so I find that I have returned to much shorter opening paragraphs! Except for my Sherlock studying paragraph, my fics seem to open with one or two lines... although one fic truly began in the author's notes where the tiktok edit that it was based on was transcribed.
There is a mixture of action, scene setting, and introspection, which seems to be more attuned with the story I'm telling. I have a mixture of tenses even (and I know my fics are starting to mix tenses as a result 😬).
Maybe in the morning I'll see something different - really the thing I was noticing the most as I typed all that up was that my archive warnings have gotten more varied 😂
Tagging @seeingteacupsindragons @user-needs-new-hyperfixation @touchmycoat @nenya85 @kaibacorpintern @bum-scum @cawcawkarasu @vitya-nikiforova @winxhelina and anyone else who would like to participate.
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liknws · 1 year
i’m coming into your asks because i need to know what taylor swift era you think each skz member is because the question has been plaguing me (you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to i completely understand)
why you gotta expose me like this? i'm such a fake taylor swift fan, i literally know next to nothing about the eras. so i'm just going off vibes only and that's about all i can offer you. and this isn't in any particular order, just whatever i can think of.
lover: i think the obvious one for me is felix? the brightness, the optimism. being defined more by the things that someone loves and cherishes is just a felix vibe for me.
speak now: hear me out when i say this but its jisung for me. speak now always felt like a very... personal and confessional sort of album? it has some heavy hitter songs emotion wise for me and jisung has always delivered those kinds of lyrics in my opinion
fearless: i can't really verbally justify this choice but it's hyunjin for me. it's all about embracing emotions and taking chances on love. he's said before that love is unconditional and he gives it freely so that's kind of why i think this is his.
lover: i also want to throw hyunjin here too because this album is so clearly about the beauty of love and life. but also jisung and changbin because there are some songs on here that speak about struggles with anxiety and body image. but ultimately i think this era goes to seungmin and his journey with self-acceptance and self-love.
evermore: i can't really explain it well but this is minho to me. he feels like a very nostalgic person who is very comfortable in their life right now and reflects back on the past with fondness and understanding.
reputation: hands down this has to be chan. the self-discovery was a huge theme in this album and personal growth. it's about the death of ego and being more outspoken. chan has always been pretty unapologetic with his opinions and views of the industry so i think it fits him best.
midnights: i wasn't really sure anyone would fit this era but then i kind of flipped back and forth with jeongin a bit. it fits him the best, in my opinion, simply because this album is about her maturity and her entire career growth. we've literally watched jeongin go from a child idol to a mature adult and i think the themes of self-discovery and introspection fit him the best.
red: i'm not saying this era is changbin's because of any heartbreak but more the underlying emotions within the era itself. it's all about passion, powerful, feelings that are all over the place but still fit together in the end. i think red could be for all of skz but for him specifically because of the rawness of it. changbin is very open about his emotions.
okay so all of this again, is just my opinion and is not stated to be fact. i'm going on vibes and what i can assume based on interviews, stage performances, etc. i'd love to hear anyone else's opinion about this as well!
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