#it's jail time for ya'll
violetlunette · 11 months
Twst SPoilers!
“Honest” Fellow: Golly, Gee! I’ve learned my lesson about forgoing schooling! And I’m so inspired by you that I’ll become a teacher! To education! NCR Students shrugging off rigor mortis puppetation: To education! Yuu: To jail! *Slaps cuffs on Fellow* You kidnapper and human trafficker! By god, you’re getting the chair!
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silverlulus · 1 year
Don't worry, sea demon yami is taking "care"of mer yug on his birthday ~
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girlyliondragon · 1 year
What the fuck WH fandom???
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Datura Pt 15
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Author's Note: Darrrrrlllllliiiiinnnngggg guess who's back from jail the debilitating cycle of mental illness?
Seriously tho, thank ya'll for sticking with me I have not been able to write more than a couple paragraphs a day lately. Please enjoy meeting a couple familiar faces, as a treat.
Content Warnings: Canon Typical Violence
Previous Chapter/Masterlist
Giving the High Lords’ their powers back is, surprisingly, the easiest part of the next hour. Reaching into your power well, untangling the threads of each of them, swirling together within you is easy compared to getting them to agree on anything. They all stand there, in what’s left of the Throne Room, yelling at each other about what’s to be done about your father. Rhys and Helion want him dead now, the Cauldron returned to its resting place. Beron and Tarquin want to go home and be done with the whole mess. Kallias and Thesan want to try and muster their armies, in case of all out war. 
By this point its all a jumble of nonsense in your ears. You’re so tired. Rhys, with his powers returned, is healing nicely from the wounds you’ve inflicted, and despite all he’s endured, he’s the one holding you upright as you lean into his side. It’s taking all your energy to just keep your eyes open, to not give into the warmth that radiates from his skin, and sink into it. 
“We are wasting time!” Helion agrues.
“What he does in the Human Lands is no business of ours!” Shouts Beron.
You’d snarl at him if you had the energy; every time he opens his mouth you wish you’d had the presence of mind to give his powers to Eris instead, but the headache from holding all that had gotten so bad you’d thought your head might actually burst if you didn’t expel as much of it as you could. As is, Tamlin’s powers still prowl beneath your skin; finding him will be a challenge you’ll have to face later, once this threat is finally over.
Rhys’s hand strokes your side soothingly as he comes to Helion’s defense, his snarl making the room shake. He is a sight to behold at full power, everything about him seems to dim the impressive powers around him. Wisps of shadows twirl around his body, twining around your own in exploration. A welcome darkness. You’d like very much to fall into it and not think about any of this for weeks and weeks.  
“We are getting nowhere with this,” Kallias insists. “Let us return home and send out spies. We are of no help to anyone if we end up dead because we went in blind.”
“We cannot wait that long,” Helion presses. 
“We won’t need to,” Rhys says, flicking a bit of lint off his shoulder. “My spy should be here with news any minute now.”
Even you crane your head up to look at him, surprised. He hasn’t moved from the Throne Room, is only now dressed because he summoned something from a pocket realm, when would he have had the time?
He merely winks at you as he says to the others, “Once he arrives, we will make our decision.”
“And we should trust a word from your spies?” Beron snarls. “As we should trust a story about the Cauldron from her.” He’s been rather pissed that a female had wielded his powers, and has taken every opportunity to take a shot at you since getting them back. As if diminishing your ability cleansed them of whatever womanly germs you may have gotten on them. 
“I gave you those powers of my own free will, I can take them back any time I desire,” you warn. 
He has the good sense to step away from you, at least, even if his disdain is palpable.
“The next time you look at my mate like that,” Rhys snarls so low the lights in the room start to wink out. The stars that usually glitter in his violet eyes shrink, pupil expanding until it’s nearly black. “I’ll separate your head from your shoulders.” His shadows deepen, swirling around him.
Mate. The word clangs through them like a warning bell and there are various reactions of disgust and surprise. Helion claps him on the back in congratulations despite the others’ response.
You brush a mental hand over the thin thread that connects you to Rhys, testing to tell yourself that it is real. The loss of the bargains is visceral, it feels as if there’s a gaping wound in your soul, poking around in there feels like touching an exposed nerve, but beneath it, glittering like a million stars, is that tether. The one you suspect might have been the only reason you’re still alive at all. 
Rhys opens his end of it to you, the door of adamant thrown open far wider than it had ever been before. “Are you all right, Darling?”
You could cry from a thousand different things right now, but the fact that you can hear him, feel him like this makes you close your eyes for a brief moment and relish the fact that Hybern hadn’t robbed you of this too. “I thought…” the memory of that dark power holding you down, tearing the bargain apart, flashes across your shared mental space before you can shut it out. “I wasn’t sure this would still be here.”
Rhys’s anger flares down the bond as the memory plays out before him, the arm around your waist tightening. “It will always be here. Nothing, no exiled king, no Mountain, no damned Cauldron, will ever change that.”
“Even if I did punch you in the face?” You quip, eyes blurring with tears. 
His deep rumble of a laugh flows down the bond, fills it with glittering starlight. It is such a contrast to the dark lord mask he still outwardly shows the other lords. Looking at him, they can only see Darkness Incarnate, a creature of shadows and malevolence that keeps baring his teeth when someone gets out of line. Yet here, between your two souls, he is gentle and kind and bright. 
“Maybe if you’d broken my nose it would be different, I am known for my good looks after all,” he returns. “So I suppose it can be overlooked.”
You’ve almost forgotten the other lords are still bickering until Rhys’s remark makes you snort and Beron turns to glare at you. It’s only because your mate flashes his teeth at him with a growl that he keeps from pointing it out. 
You could have stayed like this, warm in both his physical and mental embrace, had a male with wings not entered the room. Fae came in all shapes, sizes and colors, your travels had shown many of them to you over the years, but you’ve met very few with wings like these. The leathery membrane is reminiscent of a bat’s, with a large apex talon at the tip; when folded behind him, the talons make it look like horns are growing out of his shoulders. He weara]s black fighting leathers, fit tight to his muscled form; a sword sheathed between his great wings, a single, ornate dagger strapped to his thigh. You know him to be with Rhys solely from the shadows that mist over his frame, drifting through his dark hair to shroud his face as he enters, his powers not entirely unlike your mate’s.
The male’s hazel eyes flick immediately to Rhys, his features mostly schooled into cold indifference, but you note the briefest flick of relief as he takes in his High Lord.
“Don’t tell me you only brought the Shadowsinger?” Helion asks with a pout.
The rest of the room finally falls silent as the male steps up to the table you’ve all been arguing around. Rhys claps him on the shoulder in greeting, your mate’s posture relaxing at his presence.
The male returns the gesture, the hand he reaches out scarred beyond any repair. “M’lord.” There’s a bit of teasing underneath the tone, as if he says it in joke, perhaps that is why Rhys flashes him a grin in return.
“Well?” Thesan questions. 
“My spies and I have tracked Hybern back to a temple in Spring,” the male says, turning away from Rhys to face them. “Troops are prepared to move, but no one has yet. I couldn’t get any closer.”
You run your fingers over your damaged throat in thought. He has the Cauldron still, why not use it?
Helion asks as much before you can say it aloud. 
“I couldn’t get inside, his shields are extensive. If we are to engage him, we’ll have to draw him outside.”
“With what army?” Kallias returns.
“We have an Illyrian legion and a squadron of Darkbringers standing by,” he says with a nod to Rhys. 
“Ah, so you did bring Cassian,” Helion says with a grin. “I was hoping I’d see a pretty face after being in this cage for so long.”
Beron snarls softly under his breath in disgust. 
“I can break the shield,” you say. 
“Tore through Amarantha’s like butter,” Helion agrees.
Rhys’s attention is now glued to you, as is the Shadowsinger, hazel eyes assessing the way his lord holds you. 
“I can go in first, take the shield down, and you all can come in behind me.”
“And let you lead us right into a trap?” Beron snarls. 
“Would you prefer to go in first?” Tarquin returns.
“Helion and I will be right behind you,” Rhys says slowly, as if he’s still thinking through the details. 
“I can cleave any surprise spells beyond the shield,” Helion confirms.
“My troops can provide cover, if Hybern’s men move,” Rhys continues. “The rest of you can follow along behind. We’ll distract Hybern while…”
A shiver runs inadvertently down my spine at thought, but I force the words out anyway, “While I drain the Cauldron so he can’t use it.”
Rhys nods, a string of affection trickling down the bond. “Once Hybern and his troops are dead, or captured, we send the Cauldron back to its resting place, and we all go home.”
Kallias rubs a hand wearily over his face. 
“I don’t see why all of us have to risk our necks,” Beron snarls.
“Because we don’t know what else he has up his sleeve,” Thesan returns. “We’ve all been in the dark to the outside world for the last fifty years. He could have anything.”
“He doesn’t have his whole army moved in yet,” the Shadowsinger confirms. “We have to move now.”
Tarquin sighs as he leans his weight against the table. “Let us be done with it then.”
You sigh with relief. It’s almost over. This nightmare is, mercifully, moments away from over. All you have to do is tear down a shield and drain the actual, life giving, Cauldron.
The terrifying, cold, bottomless Cauldron that had swallowed you and spit you out. The very thing that had tied you to Hybern’s will and nearly cost you your mate. And you wanted to, somehow, take that power from it so it couldn’t be wielded?
You are in over your head.
You never should have suggested it.
But how can you not? Even with all their powers restored, none of the High Lords can take power from anyone, or anything else. That is a gift that belongs to you and you alone. It has to be you.
By the time you pull yourself out of your thoughts over the ancient artifact, the other lords have filtered out, leaving you alone with Rhys and his spy. It’s only when they’re gone that Rhys releases you, so he can throw his arms around the other male. It is far more affectionate than you have ever seen him be with someone aside from yourself. 
“Az,” he half sobs into the other male’s shoulder.
“You idiot!” The other snarls, even as those scarred hands grip so tight to the back of Rhys’s shirt it looks like he might tear it. “What were you thinking!?”
Rhys’s response is still more sob than laugh, but there is some humor in it nonetheless. “It worked didn’t it?”
“I’d thought I’d never see you again, you stupid prick!” 
When they finally pull away, Rhys is grinning. “Az, you should meet my mate.”
You’re still standing there awkwardly, and probably looking like you’d been tossed under a wagon, if you’re being totally honest with yourself, and the only thing you can think to do is give a little wave. “Hi.”
He looks back and forth between you two, shadows drifting off his shoulders, slithering around his dark boots like snakes as they come to appraise you, much as Rhys’s own powers had that night on Calanmai. Though these are colder and more methodic in their search than your mate’s had been.
“Y/N, this is my brother, Azriel.”
“Who’s blood is all over your hands?” Azriel asks by way of greeting.
It’s an effort not to tuck them behind your back under his scrutiny. “A little bit of everyone’s really,” you mumble.
Azriel shoots Rhys a look that has your mate grinning, “She killed Amarantha.”
“Well, then, it’s nice to meet you,” Azriel replies, the corners of his mouth quirking up in a grin. 
“You two will get along well, I think,” Rhys says, and judging by the warmth he’s flooding down the bond you know he really means it. This is important to him. 
“You make it a habit of killing dictators, Y/N?” Azriel teases.
“Well we are on our way to kill my father, so I might be,” you return.
The shock on his face is enough to make you grin, even as Rhys slaps Azriel on the back and says, “We should go find Cass.”
Cass turns out to be one of the tallest males you’ve ever seen, bearing the same dark wings as Azriel, long brown hair tied back out of his sun kissed face. While Azriel had remarks on Rhys’s absence to make, this one merely barreled into him as soon as he caught sight of him, nearly taking them both to the ground in his attempt to bear hug him.
Azriel takes up the space beside you, watching them with the same cold indifference he looked at everything. “Careful, he’s a hugger.” Was the only warning you got before the giant of a male released Rhys to sweep you up into a hug of your own.
You awkwardly pat his large back once your feet manage to get back on the ground. “Uh hi.”
“You’re much prettier than he is,” he says when he pulls away, a shit eating grin plastered to his handsome face. “You sure you want this loser?” He jerks his thumb in Rhys’s direction for good measure.
Rhys grabs you by the shoulders and pulls you back against his chest. “Don’t mind Cassian, he was dropped as a baby.”
“I was not!” Cassian returns. “Thrown out into the snow sure, but no one ever dropped me.”
“His head’s so big you wouldn’t have noticed if he had anyway,” Azriel returns.
Rhys chuckles as they turn to square off each other, shouting obscenities. “I know they’re a little much-”
You run your fingers over his arm where it’s braced against your collarbone, the weight of him at your back solid and reassuring. “This is pretty much what I’d expect of anyone related to you, honestly.”
He gives your shoulder a teasing pinch, “Brat.”
“You endured all this for them,” you say in a more serious tone. “You gave all of yourself to make sure they were safe. They’re important to you, so they’re important to me.”
He kisses the top of your head in thanks. “I can’t wait for this to be over, so we can go home and you can meet the rest of them.”
For that, for them, you can do this, you can go up against the Cauldron. You give his hand a squeeze. “Let’s get this done then.”
The crunch of every dead piece of grass under your feet sounds like an alarm bell. The rustle of the trees, the quiet of the nearby birds, it all feels as if it’s screaming your location right to your father.
You draw a deep breath as you creep forward, then another as the Temple finally comes into view. Hybern’s shield around the building is a lot less visible than Amarantha’s had been, yet you can feel it. There’s a buzzing beneath your skin that grows the closer you get to it, the air tinged with a hint of overripe fruit.
“Hello, Daughter of the Void, have you come to play another game?”
You freeze, a shiver running down your spine. 
Behind you, Rhys and Helion pause too, watching the area ahead of you warily. Cassian had produced armor and weapons for both of them, their swords still sheathed at their backs. Rhys reaches a hand up to grab his at your movements, but neither mention hearing the Cauldron.
“Darling?” Rhys asks mind to mind to avoid being heard. “Are you all right?”
Your stomach is in your throat, it’s an effort to swallow. “Yeah,” you lie as the phantom touch of that icy water brushes over your skin. Cassian hadn’t found armor for you, just a pair of more practical clothes and boots. Helion had offered to cast a shield for you, but his efforts had been for nothing, your body had swallowed up the shield like it was starving for any bit of new power it could reach. Still, you wish you’d found something, anything to make you feel a little less powerless against what you were up against.
“Just thought I heard something.” In a few more tentative steps, you’re at the edge of the shield.
“Come, come and play, Sweet Nothing.”
You reach out a hand, even though it’s shaking, and let your claws slide into place. They’re still a little distorted from Spring’s powers, you skin a war of fur and scales as the warring powers fight for dominance.
You can do this. Your mate is right behind you. His brothers and their winged armies just above the treeline. You are not alone to fight Hybern this time.
“Once we’re through, let Helion go ahead and check for protection spells,” Rhys cautions.
“I didn’t see any before,” you muse.
“He wasn’t trying to keep you out then,” he reminds. “But he knows that you’re against him now. We have to be ready for anything.”
You square your shoulders. You can do this.
The shield splits under your claws as if you’re shredding paper, your hand tingling with the sensation of a thousand needles as you draw all that power into you. After holding the powers of all the High Lords, this is nothing in comparison, even if it is stronger than Amarantha’s. You don’t stop pulling it into you until you no longer feel the buzzing of it against your skin.
“We’re in,” you say to Helion, who strides past you far more confidently than you felt he should be.
Especially when it’s so… quiet.
You tilt your head, listening. There are still no birds here, but there is no waiting army either. Hybern had plenty of soldiers when you’d seen him last, too many to cram all inside the Temple, even with the ones you’d misted under his orders. It shouldn’t be this quiet.
Helion’s head tilts to the side as he too considers the stillness. 
You can’t smell any spells at work, or see any other types of shields.
“Come, come and play,” the Cauldron beckons. “We have so much more to learn from each other, Little Death.”
Why have no army in sight with something this valuable out in the open?
Why leave something you could hear within reach?
You glance back at Rhys, by the look on his face its clear he too knows something is wrong, but he still can’t hear that it’s wrong. 
“Come.” It starts like a second pulse within your chest. 
“Come.” Then the hair on your arms raises.
“Come.” The ground trembles, but still no one but you notices.
Because you were remade. It knows you and you know it. And that’s the only way you have time to run and push Helion out of the way before Hybern uses the Cauldron to send out a blast of pure energy that hits you right in the chest.
Tag List: @mariahoedt, @lovelydove, @twsssmlmaa, @sleepylunarwolf, @judig92, @willowpains, @daughterofthemoons-stuff, @annnaaaa88, @myheartfollower, @uniquecolorwizard, @eternallyelvish, @waytoomanyteenagefeels, @lovemesomeevesy, @localfangirl09, @isa1b2h3, @starswholistenanddreamsanswered, @slytherintaco, @iluvewmanblog, @thebeautifulmysteriesoflife, @kitsunetori, @lilah-asteria, @dianxiaxie, @msoldier, @amara-moonlight, @darling006, @92494-blog1, @genniecokkie, @nyctophiliiiiaaa
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saltygilmores · 5 months
@frazzledsoul shared an absolutely baffling take that she spotted on Instagram . Someone claimed "People are so distracted by Jess' looks that they overlook the fact he is a calculator (calculated?) person only at the age of 16 it's alarming and SICK that Jess knew how to manipulate Dean and Rory's relationship to make them feel uncomfortable with each other! Jess did this to make Dean feel insecure and paranoid so Rory got progressively more distant and Jess can take Rory away from him!" Dean wasn't insecure and paranoid until Jess showed up? I smell a trash take! Lessgo! I notice Dean's supporters who blame Jess for being a big ol Ruiner seem to gloss over Dean's jealousy over TRISTAN (who was nothing more than a bully and a harrasser that Rory wasn't dating or even interested in). If everything was so dang hunky dory for Dean and Rory (Lol, that rhymed) before Jess shows up, what is Dean's excuse for being insecure, paranoid, and making Rory uncomfortable for the entire first season of the show, another 5 episodes of season 2 until Jess shows up, then another some odd epsiodes into season 2 until Dean and Jess even just meet each other or are simply aware of each other's existence? The first time we truly see the rivalry between Dean and Jess start brewing on screen isn't until Bracebridge Dinner (2x10), and then it heats up for realsies in A Tisket a Tasket (2x13). So before 2x,10, who was using their psychic abilities on Dean to "make him" treat Rory like crap for 30 some odd episodes? He treated Tristan with the same jealous contempt as he did Jess, and I would argue it was even worse. in fact in Love, Daisies, and Troubadors, Tristan grabs Rory's books without her consent while Dean is in the Chilton parking lot. All he has to do is see Tristan with Rory's books (that she didn't want him to take and was trying to get back from him) and he doesn't ask Rory any questions. His temper is instantly set off and he becomes scarily jealous in the school parking lot and starts raising his voice at Rory in front of hundreds of other students.
Not to excuse Tristan for being a bully. Poor Rory is exhausted and she should probably just give up on boys, run away and join a nunnery. But we're talking about Dean The Butt Forrester here. Just seeing another boy carrying Rory's books was enough to set him off.
Just a very select few examples of Dean being insecure, paranoid jealous, and just a garden variety asshole, and Rory's "comfort" with him, long before Liz stuck Jess on that bus to hell:
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See, he's more than capable of being a butt clown all on his own! Sorry Dean Lovers, ya'll get five seasons worth of your lover boy and we only get 1 and a half of Jess. You can't use Jess as a "get out of jail free card" for every shitty thing Dean does.
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A Little Comfort
Summary: Yan!Diavolo has abducted you and kept you locked inside the castle. How would the Little D's would try to make you feel better?
A/N: Say uh... about my past work I will TRY to make a part two about it I promise😙. Thankyou for all the love ya'll please let me know what you think🥰
Little D No. 1
will always remind you to eat, sleep, etc even if if you don't feel like it
will always do little things just to make you feel a little bit better in your room (jail) like opening your windows to let in some air or pouring you a glass of water before and after your slumber
Little D No. 2 (Greed)
the one who likes to spend the most time with you though he won't admit it and will always say things like "I'm doing this just for ya so ya better be grateful!" or "This is just part of my job to take ot ya and I'm not enjoying this!" but you can clearly see the faint blush on his cheeks even if he hides it by looking away.
Little D No. 3 (Envy)
will bring you games to keep you entertained.
would sometimes makes himself lose just so he could cheer you up
Will even brought you some anime films for you to watch together
Little D No. 4 (Wrath)
will bring you books to read to keep you busy
will even sometimes read you one when you're about to sleep
will also sneak in cats
Little D No. 5 (Lust)
will comfort you when you're crying and tell you how beautiful you are while fixing your hair
likes to put accessories on you or update you on the latest trnd on the outside world
Little D No. 6
will always bring you food or always have some food in him just in case you finally have the urge to eat something
will even encourage you to do indoor exercise with him so you won't feel bored
Little D No. 7
will always cuddle with and is the biggest cuddle bug
will sometimes tag along with Little D Number 6 so you all can cuddle together
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Commiting tax evasion with Bai yi as your ceo...
Girl... I don't even know how you got here but... You were very likely HIGHKEY scammed by miss gurl... 🦗🦗🦗 Yeah... Why did you apply in a shady company anyways...? But you probably was LOOKING 👀 for a job that can PAY the bills 💵💵💵 but spoilers, you were UNDERPAID, OVERWORKED, and most esp. Not even paid anyways... 🙄🙄🙄 So forget what I said about being paid little because girl you are not paid even once while you were working with this stink... 😑
You decided to apply for a job position as her assistant... In Syndicate. Pooks... This should've been your first red flag, but NOPE! You were DESPERATE. For what though? 🤨 And the flyer wasn't... That great like sis... Again, another red flag... Couldn't you just... 🏃‍♀️💨 away from the moment you saw the flyer? (/j I'm holding you in 😰🔫 point so, you didn't have a choice anyway 💅) But who even reads nowadays as long as, we get PAID 🤑🤑🤑 right? So, fast forward to you clutching your pearls and barely making it out alive to meet with the interviewer... Maam. Major red flag, the building looked run-down.
Pookie... 🤧 You didn't almost get stabbed, kidnapped, mugged, and possibly even get robbed for your kidney for this... 😭😭😭 Finally, your employer shows up in this DRIP 💧, what you doing???
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Remember when I said that you have the option to say no? I didn't say anything 😇 The thing is, you can't. You just CANT. Look me in the eye and tell me that this girl wouldn't do SHIT to you rn... Be serious, because I don't even think you're gonna walk out of the interview scot free sis... Nah uh, not at all... Sis looks like she is about to beat the SHIT out of you, and will most likely sell your organs after that... 🥺🥺🥺 Luckily, she spoke up and had that mom vibe that you almost instantaneously calm down...
After hyperventilating and K.K giving you odd looks as well... Finally you were in the "company" Yay? 🧍‍��️ You stood there staring at the dusty ass couch and a man who looked VERY sleep-deprived. You learned that Che was their name. But why is he dressed up like he about to go for a hike...? Sighs, i don't think you'll ever get the fashion of Syndicate... You and the two held a mini staring contest like you two were Communicating, that K.K was confused at the random moment she had to snap ya'll out of it and discuss the job details... The job being, you doing all the paperwork... For 50 discoins per hour. Stink, you're screwed 😃
Obviously, you were about to decline... Until finally, the CEO showed up. Sighs. You ask to yourself, was this really worth the trip and the STRUGGLE you went through? Stink cannot even bribe you with her face card because you still had to pay the billssssss 😞
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Bai yi shows up, you hear the sound of sirens and cops speaking through the megaphone. 🤡 You really thought this was going to be the las time you'll be seeing daylight, like sis you were going to JAIL. ⛓⛓⛓ For existing. The three of them noticed and explains casually that this is their hideout, and no one's breached here before. You raised a brow at the statement, skeptical at how relaxed they were acting 🤨🤨🤨 Like who you fooling??? Though you can't speak for yourself when, you waltzed into Syndicate knowing DAMN well that this place was bad news... So you kept it to yourself 🥰
Of course, Bai yi bribes you to stay and become Whitestone Industries assistant with a sob story that can make you cry... Except you weren't gullible enough and walked out of the door, preferring to get arrested instead, lmao 🤭🤭🤭 Sis chased you down the stairs like it was a kdrama scene, grabbing your arm and acting like this was the last time ya'll seeing each other 💀 girl, you can never escape her because she's all over and like, she's a criminal, what else? 🤓 You ended up accepting in the end, because you wasted your time for this... Making K.K sigh in relief since she finally isn't alone with two idiots... Unless you add up to the equation then... 😶
Timeskip to a month, you and sis was WORKING. Helping them out with ✨Graphic design is my passion✨ motto since you wanted to get rid off the... Terrible... Designs that they come up with when they release an ad, flyer, or promotion post. You kinda got used to the usual, illegal work they do because why not? 😎 You already gave up in paying the bills, so why not commit tax evasion as well, right? You asked Bai yi tips on how to tax evade 🏃‍♀️ K.K was beyond mortified at the sudden camaraderie that came after the event, making you and Bai yi besties 🤝 Friendship ended with the government 💔 Tax evasion is my pookie now 🥰
You are being hunt down by the police as well, causing you to move to Syndicate, living with K.K, Che, and Bai yi currently. Life was good, until Bai yi kept bringing more problems than solutions everyday, causing you to become one of the MOTHER 👩‍🦰 alongside with K.K, making sure the other two stay out of trouble because they're a magnet for chaos, apparently. K.K's words, not mine 🤷‍♀️ More on that when I think of part two! An: My exam in a major subject FLOPPED. 👎📉 /j, I'm overthinking so I cope with writing unserious shit to think less of it, and hopefully make the redemption in finalsssss HISSSS 🐍 RAH❗❗❗ 🦅 But anyways, to more UNSERIOUS, and UNHINGED shit to come!!! But also some serious ptn stuff (Like the nursing intern one)
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jungle-angel · 8 months
The Piano Man (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You and Rhett discover that Royal has a serious hidden talent when your little boy asks him to teach him something one day
Tagging: @floydsmuse
"Alright son, that's enough of that," Royal said, dusting the wood shavings off the piece he and Rhett had been working on.
Rhett blew away some of the wood shavings and agreed. Any more work and the piece just wouldn't look right. "Feels like this is taking forever," he yawned.
"I know, I know," Royal told him. "But whatever can help bring in some extra cash we'll take it. You teaching next week?"
"Three days a week at the Amelia County Steiner school that the kids go to," Rhett answered. "Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays."
Royal was relieved. Ever since the woodworking teacher had retired, he had wondered if he should take the job, but the ranch desperately needed running and with the new hands having been hired, it had doubled the work. Brian O'Dowd had proven himself to be an excellent worker, but having done a stint in jail had Royal and Russ Redwood keeping a close eye on him just in case he had gotten in trouble again.
The two of them worked away at the wood, the radio playing on the shelf above Royal's tool bench and the smell of freshly carved woods filling the entire room. The door to the woodshop creaked open and in came Tanner in his little boots, black cowboy hat and his denim jacket that Rhett had gotten him and his twin brother at a ride two weeks before.
"Papa?" he chirped, tugging at Royal's jacket sleeve. "You come play with me?"
"We'll come play in a minute bud," Royal told him. "Daddy and I have to finish something up, but we'll come once we're done."
"Ok," Tanner chirped.
Royal lifted his grandson up off the ground and seated himself on the tool-bench, letting him play with a few of the little wood blocks that he and Rhett had made for him and Tatum to play with.
"Where's Nana bud?" Royal asked him, marking the corner of the wood with a pencil.
"Nana went to Miss Sawah's," Tanner chirped.
Rhett tried to fight back the grin that was beginning to form on his face. Both Tatum and Tanner still had trouble pronouncing their Rs an Ls which their teachers thought was the cutest thing in the world.
As soon as they were both done, Rhett and Royal led him out of the woodshop and closed it up for the day, eager to get back into the warm house. February was always a tough month for Wabang's residents, with spring being around the bend but with winter still clinging on with its death throes.
"Still lesson planning sweetheart?" Rhett asked, sticking his boots on the hard plastic mat near the door.
"Yep and I'm gonna take a break in two minutes," you chuckled. "Block rotations suck no matter how you look at it."
"What is it this time?" he asked.
"Ancient Persia," you yawned. "We start Ancient Greece in two weeks. Greek Games are in May."
Rhett made a face. He loved hearing about your students and the lessons you got to do in school but he had also remembered how exhausted you felt when lesson planning. Thank God you had a mentor like Betsy Livingston, otherwise you would be lost.
"Alright bud, whatcha wanna do?" Royal asked him.
"Can you teach me to pay piano?" Tanner asked him.
"Sure, c'mere," Royal answered.
You and Rhett were a little surprised as the two of them sat on the little bench in front of the piano. "I wan' you to pay a song fist," Tanner told him.
"I want you to play a song first......?" Royal reminded him.
"Ya'll got it bud," Royal said as Tanner hi-fived his grandfather. "Rhett, can ya'll hand me the book on the coffee table?"
You and Rhett dug through the notebooks, papers and pencils you needed for your main lesson plans when he found the old, dusty book that looked like it hadn't been touched in a while. "The complete book of movie soundtracks for piano players," Rhett read aloud. "Didn't even realize we had this."
Royal didn't say much as he opened it up and cracked his knuckles. Tanner watched his grandfather as his rough, calloused hands began playing away at the keys, hitting almost every note perfectly. It wasn't long before you and Rhett recognized right away what the piece was.
"Is that.......?" you asked.
"I think so," Rhett answered. "Dad is that the theme to Forest Gump?"
"None other," Royal chuckled.
Tanner kicked his little legs and giggled when Royal had finished. "Can you do anuver?" Tanner asked. "Peas?"
Royal gladly obliged, switching the page. As he began playing, you and Rhett once again, recognized what it was, the piece having played every year in the general store around Halloween.
"Das Hawwy Potter!!!" Tanner chirped excitedly.
Royal laughed as he finished off the last note. You and Rhett were hardly able to control the grins on your faces.
You both listened with awe as Tanner kept asking Royal to play more and each time, you and Rhett were surprised by how well Royal could play. He played "Red Warrior" from The Last Samurai, "May It Be" from Lord Of The Rings, "Now We Are Free" from Gladiator and "Tennessee" from Pearl Harbor. Yet you and Rhett were not prepared in the least when he played "Oogway Ascends". It was even more beautiful that you had remembered the first time you had heard it, watching it with the kids one night, the memories of the absent minded master from Kung Fu Panda, still fresh.
"One more Papa, one more," Tanner begged.
"Tanner c'mon, we've gotta take a break," Rhett chuckled.
"Nah Rhett, don't worry about it, he's havin fun," Royal said with a wave of his hand. "Your Ma's gonna be home with Tatum any minute so we might as well enjoy it while it lasts."
You and Rhett couldn't help but smile. If Royal didn't mind, then so be it.
When Royal began to play the next song, you didn't recognize it at first until he really began to get into it, your jaws nearly dropping. It wasn't in the book as far as you knew, but then again, Royal hadn't ever been known for doing anything by the book.
"Rhett is that......?"
Rhett laughed and pulled you close, kissing your forehead. "Fireflies" by Owl City had been a song that had played on your first date and one that you and Rhett enjoyed immensely. You and Rhett sang along to the words as Royal played and when he was done, the look on your faces had been enough.
And every day since then, when he had the time, Royal would sit with Tanner at the piano bench, teaching him little by little how to play.
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lawnchairthethird · 2 months
Oversharing on the internet again
I just discovered some insane ass shit. I'm usually not one to overshare to strangers on the internet but my life has been a wild ride the past few months and it's a bit theraputic.
So I know a lot of you saw my whole family drama post when I went to visit my parents. So yeah, family stuff is messy.
A while, I paid to upgrade my 23 and me DNA test because I've been having health problems (nothing super serious, but stuff I need to figure out) and I wound up really looking into it. It's really important because I don't know my father and have no medical family history.
Out of curiosity, I was looking at the family tree feature. My great grandparents on my mothers side were immigrants from Finland through Ellis Island and I love finding information out about it. It's super interesting and cool.
I called my mom and was asking her if she knew any of the names that popped up as relatives so I could put them on the correct side of the family tree. She went ballistic. Told me to stop digging, asking me why I wanted to know. So I ended the conversation and called my grandma. My grandma is a ROCK. She's the only one who has it together in my family and she is an integral part of why I turned out okay. She even told me to stop, that there were things my mother was ashamed of and it was best to leave it. That was probably about a year ago that this all went down.
I had a doctors appointment yesterday, and my doctor and I were looking through the weird drug intolerances that are in my genetic expression so we could find a better medication for me. Of course, it got me curious again because that's human nature.
Last night, I googled my birth father's name. I've done it before, nothing ever comes up. I had always assumed he was dead because my mom told me he was a heroin addict. Well, A LOT came up this time because he's involved in high profile parole case for murder charges from 1992. At first, I wasn't sure if it was him, but the article was from the town I was born in. The timeline REALLY lined up- he would have committed murder when my mom was about six months pregnant.
I told my husband and we started digging. I found a bad picture of a newspaper article from 1994 when he was convicted. My mom was listed as testifying and as his girlfriend. He brutally strangled a woman in a school parking lot with her own pants. His fucking colloquially known as the 'stretchy-pants strangler'. He had previous charges for domestic violence and had been in jail for robbery. The quotes from him in the articles are creepy and manipulative and make my skin crawl.
And ya'll I'M FINE. Like I didn't know the guy and I assumed he was a bad person, but it's just....unreal. He's alive and I know what prison he is in. I saw a picture of him after spending 31 years not knowing what he looked like. I can't talk to my mom about it because she's so mentally fragile and I think me knowing would push her over the edge.
Do I like...write a book? This isn't how real life works. I always liked true crime, but I'm not sure if I like being one degree away from it.
So yeah. Now I decide how deep I dig- part of me wants to foia court records and arrest records. Part of me is like leave it alone.
TL;DR: my bio dad is a convicted murderer and i just found out
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13keithxpidge13 · 1 year
Hi! I love your Scarlet Witch Au! I have some questions!
With your Scarlet Witch Hobie Au! How does Hobie react with seeing our miles? Does he get déjà vu? Instantly goes into protective mode? Does he break out of the jail he was put in to get to miles? Does he think this is he’s second chance to be with Miles? Also what does Miles think of Scarlet Witch Hobie?
In a scene ya'll might see later, Hobie is released from the ancient cube that was keeping him held for those four years in his exile. He was kept in a deep vault inside HQ. Only Miguel, Lyla, and The Doctor Strange Spider-Man knew what was inside those giant double doors that no one else could get in to. Due to The Spot shaking up the multiverse though, it allowed Hobie to slip from his chains and back into reality.
Miguel, of course, is notified that there's been a breach and he along with the rest of the main cast rush to see what's happened and-well, that's where they find Hobie just getting back in touch with reality, standing on shaky legs and beginning to try and work with his magic again.
"No," Miguel gasps out and is immediately racing to stop him, the others around him completely confused. "No!"
Hobie's head shoots up and their eyes meet.
Immediately, he wastes no time in creating a portal, walking ever so slowly backwards towards it because there's no way Miguel will reach him in time and, even if he could, Hobie's magic is already configuring itself back to his body, already morphing and shifting and getting back to one hundred percent.
Hobie smirks and raises his head.
"Cya, mate," He taunts as he takes another step back into the portal.
"Stop!" Miguel shouts.
His fingers curl and red flares from his digits as he glances to the side, catching sight of the crowd growing by the open entry way to his prison.
And, just as the portal's about to close-
Hobie's eyes widen and he inhales sharply.
Brown skin, dark frizzled curly hair, deep, emotional, gorgeous, caramel eyes that meet his own-
The portal closes-and he exhales.
(Of course, this leads to Hobie's slow downward spiral. For one, he wants revenge on Miguel for destroying his universe and killing the Miles he fell in love with but, now, he has a more important goal; to get Miles back, to have his happiness again, to have everything that was taken from him returned.
Blah blah blah, plot plot, THEY MEET AGAIN! Pretty much inspired by the Scarlet Witch and Dr. Strange face off after Wanda gets out of the mirror dimension soooo this is kinda in the middle of a scene, sorry if that's a little distracting!)
"What the fuck," Hobie deadpans as he stares at his variant.
The Hobie of Earth 99934 looked weary as though he had been fighting a war his whole life. Bags stained underneath his dark eyes, his uniform that was so obviously created with his magic was a dark red with black cracks spreading through it all, starting where his heart would be. It was as his madness had manifested onto his physical form, so much pain, so much grief, so much of it that it could not be contained.
He had long dreads that were tied in a bun at the top of his head, locks falling past his shoulders and towards the middle of his back. Crystals hung from the ends of some of his strands, red crystals that were glowing on their own. A crown rested atop his head, rusted and broken.
Miles clings to Hobie, shaking and terrified. Gwen stands beside them, tense and ready to fling herself at the enemy. Pav is on the other side of them, glaring. Peter B stood in front of them, protecting them alongside Jessica, Miguel, Noir, Peni, and Ham.
"Who are you?" Miles whispers and Variant Hobie smiles at him. He had never looked away from him.
"Hobie Brown," He replies. "Of Earth 99934."
Miles' brows furrow.
"How did you escape the seal?" Miguels demands, tense and completely on edge. "It shouldn't be possible."
They all glance at him, confused. Seal?
"It's cute how ya' think that yer little box would keep me held forever," Variant Hobie laughs. "How ya' think it would keep me from him."
"You're a monster," Miguel snaps.
"Oh, yes," Variant Hobie chuckles. "Me. I'm not the one who destroyed an entire universe just so I could play house with my fake daughter and wife."
Miguel doesn't say anything at that so Variant Hobie continues, walking around them ever so slowly, like a predator waiting to strike.
"Nah, I jus' tried to be happy, to take back what was stolen from me," He growls, eyes flaring red. "By you."
"What?" Gwen perks up. "Miguel, what is he talking-?"
"They don't know?" Variant Hobie pauses in his next steps, puzzled. "Ya' mean to tell me, they don't even fuckin' know? Ya' never told them of yer greatest failure? Of yer greatest mistake? Of how ya' destroyed my entire world? How ya' killed the love of my life? How ya' took everything from me?"
They're stunned into silence. Miguel looks impossibly sorrowful and ashamed.
Variant Hobie scoffs. "Well, I suppose I wouldn't tell anyone how I destroyed an entire universe and killed billions of people except fo' one person, exiling them and taking away everythin' they had, either."
"You were the only one to survive?" Miles breathes, astonished and impossibly horrified. "But...how?"
"Oh, my love," Variant Hobie turns soft seemingly on automatic. But, his eyes were blank, dark, like black holes. "Ya' don't wanna know how."
Miles shudders.
"Oi," Hobie frowns and glares at his variant, working to keep Miles from his view. He didn't like the look in this guy's eyes. "Whateva' beef ya' got wit' Miguel ain't our problem. Settle this between the two of ya'll, we ain't got nothin' ta' do with this."
Variant Hobie hums. "I would agree with ya', but..." He trails off. "Ya'll have somethin' I want."
He points behind Hobie and directly at Miles.
They all tense.
Miles sputters. "I-what?"
"Sorry, no can do," Gwen speaks up, practically growling. "Get the hell out of here before we beat your ass, man."
"Yeah, what the hell makes you think we're just going to hand our friend over?!" Pav screams. "You're crazy, man!"
Hobie turns to his variant, a hand on his guitar.
"Sorry, mate," He tells him. "I think it's best if ya' leave. Now."
Variant Hobie sighs and shakes his head.
"I wanted ta' be gentle," He says to them and the ground beneath them shakes. "I wanted ta' reason with ya'll but, I suppose there's no reason ta' talk."
His eyes flare and all of the Spider's go in the defensive and-
"Wait! Stop!" Miles screams and rushes between all of them, holding out both hands between both groups and everyone pauses. "Stop, please. We can-" He turns to Hobie's variant, pleading. "We can talk this out, yeah?"
Variant Hobie stares at him as though he's trying to grab ahold of Miles' soul.
"Miles!" Peter B yells. "Get back here!"
"Just-" Miles gasps. "Let's just hear him out, okay? I don't want to fight if we don't have to."
"You're so alike," Variant Hobie breathes, mesmerized. "Just like him. Ya' always want ta' choose the peaceful way out."
Miles' brows furrow in confusion. "What?"
"Ya' want ta' know my side of the story?" Variant Hobie asks as he stands up straight and his fingers flare red, curling in the air as he twists his hands. "Fine. I'll show ya' my story."
Miles yelps as red magic flickers in front of him and he goes tread milling backward as he moves out of the way of his aura. Then, suddenly, an ancient looking, glowing book appears in front of them and Miles stares, astonished.
"The Darkhold," Miguel whispers. "You still have it."
"It's connected ta' me, bloody idiot," Variant Hobie growls. "Of course I still have it."
Peter B pales. "How-?"
"When Miguel decided to say fuck all and play fake daddy," Variant Hobie snarls and visions in red light up in front of them, showing what they had all previously seen; Miguel's daughter fading in his arms. "It caused my universe to become disrupted and everythin' disappeared. All of it. Gone."
Then, the shapes in red changed and Miles' eyes widened as he recognized well-himself.
"I met Miles when I first joined the Avengers," Variant Hobie explains and the visions morph into both Miles and the variant, showing them chatting and laughing together. "He was funny, caring, kind, and beautiful. He accepted me with no problem and we became fast friends..."
"We went on missions togetha' all the time. We hung out every chance we could get and-"
His voice breaks.
"We were supposed to get married."
Miles' lips part.
It all makes sense now.
This feeling that was radiating from him, from this variant it was-
It was grief.
Variant Hobie huffs a distorted laugh as his fingers curl and the book closes. "Every night," He says. "The same dream. Then, every morning, the same-"
Their eyes meet and Miles shudders.
The Darkhold disappears, along with the red visions and imagery and Variant Hobie sighs, dusting off his long skirt.
"But, I suppose it doesn't matter now," He says, trailing off into a whisper as he turns away to hide his face. "None of it matters now..."
Miles swallows thickly, taking a step back.
Miguel is the first one to step towards him, taking a defensive stance in front of him and Miles stares up at him, surprised.
"Like they said," Miguel starts. "Your business is with me. Let them leave."
Variant Hobie eyes him for a few moments. Seconds tick by as everyone seems to hold their breath, waiting for the moment to strike, to jump in and stop this variant.
"This doesn't need to end in bloodshed," Variant Hobie smiles bitterly. "Give me what I want and I'll let you all live."
They let his words sink in.
"What..." Gwen breathes. "What do you want?"
Miles could see the flashbacks behind those dark, red eyes.
"I'll get what I want," Variant Hobie snaps. "Then, no one, not a single goddamned soul in this multiverse will ever take it from me-"
His hands light up and orbs glow blood red as he glares at Miguel.
And then, all hell breaks loose.
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Ya'll, I just found a really cool novel that gives huge PIDW vibes and i wanted to share it here.
It's called "Camino Elemental" or "Elemental Way" in english.
Also, there's a scum villain called Ramón, who sent the protagonist to jail by blaming his crime onto him (he was 12 at the time) exchange for money. Turns out, he had to spend 10 years of his life in a jail that only let him eat and drink water once a day and that had needles all around his body at all times.
Also, a monk took levels of his power everyday until it reached like, 1. The only way of getting out of there was choosing the elemental way, from which you cant come back from. He reaches level 1 and chooses the elemental way.
He first goes to the bank to look for his payment, but the only thing that was there was an ordinary rock and a note, calling him an idiot and that his life was worth the same as the rock. Turns out the protagonist was expecting the lack of money, but he still had the half that Ramón gave him as an "insurance". He got some clothes, went to the barber (who thought he was about to rob the place) and got to an inn to plan what he was gonna do next.
He wrote 100 names in a notebook and took the pages out, saying something along the lines of: "you disregarded me, tortured me, hurt me and used me. But i'm a good man, so i'll let you all live your lives. you cant die until that moment. you cant get hurt. your lives are mine and i'll take them one by one".
and then everyone in the universe recieved the same letter, which was the 100 names. Most of them didnt even care about it, but as the years passed, they found out the true meaning of it.
What do ya'll think?
The link to the story is this: https://visortmo.com/library/novel/58402/camino-elemental
The only problem is that it's 1 chapter long and it's been a WIP since 2021, but it's just way too good for ya'll to miss!
Please go read it! :DDDD
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jacksdinonuggets · 3 months
Charlie putting Vaggie down for a nap but she is being a stubborn baby that wants to keep playing so she makes a plan to escape the baby jail?
Baby Jail
Notes: lowkey feeling angsty. if ya'll want to vent through making Vaggie suffer like i do, you can request angsty, hurt/comfort ones.
It was another regression day for Vaggie. Charlie was sitting in her rocking chair, scrolling on her phone while Vaggie played with her activity board on the floor. She was babbling and giggling happily to herself when she let out a tiny yawn. This alerted the caregiver so she checked the time. It was in fact past her usual naptime. Charlie sighed and put away her phone, walking towards Vaggie and kneeling down to her.
“Hey, sweetie, its nap time,” She spoke softly to her. Vaggie acted like she didn’t hear her and kept playing.
“Vaggie~” Charlie sing-songed, gently and slowly pulling away the activity board. Vaggie pouted and let out whine, trying to reach for it.
“You can play later,” Charlie said, lifting her up.
“NoOo!” Vaggie whined.
“YeEss,” Charlie said in the same tone Vaggie used. 
She placed Vaggie down in her crib and tucked her in. The one-eyed girl did not want to take a nap. She wanted to play! Not sleep! But she knew if she tried to get out now, Charlie would see her and put her right back in baby jail! So she came up with a plan.
When the only thing illuminating the room was Vaggie’s nightlight, and Charlie was out of sight, she began her escape. She needed to be really quiet to not alert the baby monitor. She sat up and tried to pull down on the bars of baby jail. Drat! It was locked. Luckily, it wasn’t too high and she could climb over it.
She threw her leg over the bars and held on until her whole body was on the other side. She landed on her feet but almost slipped! She grabbed the crib bars to keep her balance and to not make any noise if she were to fall.
She started to waddle over to her playpen but every movement she made, had her padding crinkling loudly. She was a bit worried that it would blow her cover but she safely made it to the playpen and started to play with her sensory toys again and have some more tummy time. 
However, she got really happy while playing and let out a giggle of enjoyment and a little happy clap, forgetting that she was supposed to be quiet.
Before a minute could pass, the door to the nursery slowly opened. Vaggie jumped when the light from the hallway entered the room and Charlie stood in the doorway.
“Vaggie~ you’re supposed to be in bed~” Charlie sing-songed playfully, not wanting to scare her. She also hated being angry at the little darling.
“Dun wanna…” Vaggie mumbled, rubbing her eyes.
Charlie sighed and sat down on the floor with her.
“Vaggie, I don’t wanna be bad mama but I need you to take a nap,” She rubbed Vaggie’s back.
“No!” The little one yelled, crossing her arms.
“Vaggie…” Charlie warned.
“Not gonna!”
“You will take a nap or 5 minutes in the time out corner,” She threatened. It wasn’t much of a threat. She hated giving Vaggie punishments and often went a little easy on her with them.
Vaggie grumbled and sat in silence for a bit. Charlie sighed after not getting a response and went to lead Vaggie towards the corner.
“Fine..” She muttered.
“Good girl,” Charlie praised, “Let’s get you a baba to help you fall asleep, okay?” 
“Otay…” Vaggie said with disappointment and sadness in her voice. 
Charlie went over to the minifridge and grabbed the gallon of milk and poured it into her baba. She heated it up in the microwave before pouring in some strawberry syrup and shaking it. She sat in the rocking chair with Vaggie on her lap and fed her. Vaggie’s eyelids began to droop and she found herself growing sleepy. Charlie smiled and gently pulled off her eyepatch before tucking her back in the crib.
Finally, Vaggie fell asleep and stayed put.
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squishybin · 2 years
How I envision TXT as fathers.
Yeonjun def is the flashy type of dad.
Would show up in expensive ass attire to his kid's parent-teacher conference.
Every teacher and parent has a big fat crush on him.
His children's friends would literally IDOLIZE him for how cool he looked.
100% would buy flashy clothes for his kids.
He would be in charge of dressing them up
Would buy all the versions of 'Just Dance' and gift it to his kids for Christmas.
Would 100% be more excited about playing it than his own kids are.
He would for sure blast music while making dinner.
Teach his kids how to rap and dance.
Would write a whole rap about you for mothers days and make his kid sing it while he does the background vocals lol.
He would probably be the type to film and document EVERYTHING his kid does. (their first step, the first day of kindergarten, etc.)
Would lowkey be so overprotective of his child.
"No, you're too young"
"Dad I'm literally 16 years old."
Would probably read his kid's bedtime stories and not stop until they are at least 18 years old.
His rule is, ALWAYS TUCK HIS KIDS TO SLEEP and never miss a day.
He would also be so excited when a day like "take your kid to work day" happens.
He just wants his kids to be so proud of their dad and who he is.
He would honestly be the type to introduce his kid to each and everyone he knows, and praise his kid even when he does the bare minimum like idk, shaking hands with someone?
He would be so open about "awkward" conversations with his children and even prompt them to feel comfortable talking about said topics. (sexual orientation, sex, mental issues, body dysmorphia, etc.)
He would support his kids NO MATTER WHAT.
Oh, you went to jail? He would likely scold the fuck out of you but nonetheless help bail you out.
Beomgyu for sure would teach his kids (especially his son) how to make a girl/boy swoon.
It would be the worst mistake to send Beomgyu and your kids to the grocery store together.
They would completely disregard the list you made and would come out with bags of candy and toys.
Has a hard time saying no to his kids, and he admits to it.
Family game nights are a MUST in his household and it always ends up with him and one of your kids fighting over who won.
He would 100% teach his child how to play the guitar.
His children would have amazing music taste by default due to his impeccable taste in music.
Whenever ya'll go to the mall he always takes his children to the arcade.
He would for sure be more immersed in winning than his own kids are.
You would have to literally DRAG HIM OUT of the arcade because he's just too stubborn but ends up winning a giant teddy bear so it's okay ig.
Beomgyu would probably be the type to fall asleep while trying to put his own kid to bed.
Poor baby is exhausted and couldn't help but fall right asleep once he sat on the rocking chair :(
Taehyun would for sure be the type to help his child with homework or help them study for a quiz.
His patience level is out of this world.
He has such a soft spot for his kids so if his kid asks him for something he just HAS to get it.
Loves telling them that they look beautiful like their mother.
He'd honestly be the calm type of scolder, he wouldn't yell or make a big fuss, but will make sure his kids know what they did was wrong.
Finds it absolutely ADORABLE when his children ask for him or want to be around him.
100% would shed tears during fathers day because seeing his little children saying they love and appreciate him makes his heart melt.
He would be such a good person to talk to, so naturally, his kids feel extremely comfortable talking to him about anything.
He would for sure be the type to swing and throw his child in the air. (yk when dads do the little throw and catch, yeah well that.)
Taehyun would probably not know what to do when his daughter has her first boyfriend, he wouldn't be overprotective, but if someone hurts his precious daughter's heart, he will make sure the person responsible never sees the light of day again.
Kai would be the mushiest, cutest little baby when it came to his kids.
He's just so soft around his kids that it makes your heart melt.
He would be the best dad in the world, I literally cannot.
He would be SO DEDICATED to decorate his child's room with a shit ton of plushies and blankets.
You would sometimes find him and your kid fighting over who gets to sleep with the stuffed animal.
Kai would definitely yell something like "CHILDREN REMEMBER DADDY LOVES YOU ALL SO MUCH, HAVE A NICE DAY!!!" while dropping his kids off at school.
He would get so shy when his kids say they love him.
Lowkey cannot say no to his kids, if his kids want to eat ice cream for breakfast they get ice cream for breakfast.
Sometimes you scold him for doing everything their kids want but he can't help it, he just wants to make his kids happy.
Tries to be more strict but fails immediately when his kids start crying.
Def would be the type to take his kids to Disney World every summer or some shit like that.
Overall the softest dad in the whole entire universe.
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wyrmguardsecrets · 6 days
That ya'll constant excuse for people putting child sex in their stories is "go read a big boy book" is really telling of your own personal egos. We. Are. Not. Authors. Stop putting yourself on the level of story telling as real authors.
And yeah, you should go to jail for reading Twilight. But also, Bella was an adult when her and Edward broke their martial bed. But it's still gross, because it's hundreds years age difference. The child rape in GoT is consistently criticized? And Shakespeare is a standard that is over 300 years old, I think we can do better in modern times than Shakespeare's standards. Imagine thinking something is okay because it's been going on for a long time. Children have sex, and there are books that depict that.
But the only way we are having an effect on birth rates is the fact that none of us even know how sec actually works. That's why we all jam past the cervix and dump our loads straight into the womb.
But oooo My rEaLiSm bOo HoO sOmEoNe OnLiNe HaTes mY fEtIsH
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bridgeportbritt · 8 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
The Brown Residence | Brindleton Bay, Simerica
???: Hey, fam! I'm home!
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???: Jenny! Hi, sweetness. How are you?
Jennifer: I'm good, mom. How are you? Where's Dad and Dennis?
Rainbow: I'm alright. They'll probably come down once they smell the food. Want to help me in the kitchen?
Jennifer: Yeah, sure.
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Rainbow: So, what time is your friend coming over?
Jennifer: Pretty soon. He's coming straight from work.
Rainbow: Ah okay. Dennis spoke pretty highly of him.
Jennifer: Yeah, they seemed to hit it off at Halloween. Hopefully, you and Dad do too.
Rainbow: Hopefully, he's as great as ya'll say. Help me stir those veggies will you?
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Jennifer: I think you will think so. He's got a good job, comes from a good family, plus he's really funny and thoughtful.
Rainbow: And where'd you meet him?
Jennifer: Remember when I was volunteering at the homeless shelter last summer? He was volunteering there, as well.
Rainbow: Okay, that's a good sign. 'Cause I have read some other things that-
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???: Smells good in here! Must be a dynamic duo in the kitchen!
Jennifer: Hi, Dad!
Dennis Sr: Hi, baby girl. How are you?
Jennifer: I'm good. How are you?
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Dennis Sr.: Well, I hear there's a boy coming over so I could be better.
Jennifer: Dad. He's great, I promise. You're going to love him.
Dennis Sr.: I hope so. Can't just let anyone snatch up my Baby Girl.
Jennifer: These are examples of things you all shouldn't say when my boyfriend is here.
DJ: Good luck, these two run away all my ladies.
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Jennifer laughs: Hi, Dj.
Rainbow: And what ladies are these? The ones you have plastered all over your bedroom wall? Bring a real girl over here and then we'll talk.
DJ: Dang, mom. You stay cramping my style.
Jennifer chuckles: I'm sure the ladies love DJ.
Doorbell rings
The Browns in Unison: Come in!
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Gianni: Hello, Brown family!
Jennifer: Hi, Gianni. You're just in time for dinner. You already know DJ, this is my mom, Rainbow, and my dad, Dennis.
Dennis Sr.: Hi there!
Rainbow: Welcome, Gianni.
Jennifer: Here. I'll take your coat. Have a seat.
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Gianni: This food tastes amazing! You did a great job, J, Mrs. B.
Jennifer: Thanks, Gianni. I'm glad you like it.
Rainbow: Thank you. I'm guessing you don't have home cooking a lot with your parents away.
Gianni: Yeah, my mom wasn't much of a cook, but I can't complain. Always ate good.
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Dennis Sr. laughs: I'm sure you did! I can't imagine food cooked by Royal chefs is all that bad!
Gianni chuckles: Yeah, it's alright.
Rainbow: And what about your dad's side? You know before he... went to jail.
DJ: Someone's been doing their homework...
Jennifer: Mom...
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Rainbow: What? I'm just trying to get to know him. Isn't that what we're here for?
Gianni: It's okay! Really. I'm an open book.
Rainbow: Good. Because I read this article. Let me pull it up. Ah "New Flavor of the Week: Gianni Spotted with 5th Girl this Month." I'd love for you to be open about that.
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Jennifer: Please excuse my mother. You don't have to answer these questions if you don't want to. You know I don't care about that kind of stuff.
Gianni: No, I don't want anyone to have any doubt about me. Yes, I used to... date around. You know, young, single, wealthy guy in Del Sol.
Rainbow: And what about now? Is Jennifer the new flavor of the week?
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Gianni: No. Jennifer isn't a flavor. She's more like an enhancer. She makes everything better, including me. She's more than what I need or deserve. I'm really lucky to have her.
Jennifer: Aw, thanks, Gianni.
Rainbow: Mhmmm. Good answer.
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DJ: That was smooth, man. I'm taking notes.
Rainbow: Maybe you should be taking notes, so you can finally bring home one of these ladies you keep talking about!
DJ laughs: Why you keep coming for me, Ma?
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Jennifer: Don't worry! We know your time is coming, DJ! But it might help if you left this house.
Dennis Sr.: House? Try his room!
DJ: Alright, I'm eating upstairs.
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Dennis Sr.: Well, it looks like you survived the interrogation portion of the evening, son. Now we've moved on to the roasting portion. You still interested in being involved with this family?
Gianni: Well... I imagine I can't take a roast to seriously from a family who still has their Halloween decorations up for some reason? It's nearly Spring!
Jennifer: And they are so tacky, too!
DJ: The tackiest!
Rainbow: Tell that to that big hat you're wearing at the dinner table!
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𝐇𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐲𝐥𝐞𝐬 - 𝐎𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠
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ꜱᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: ʏ/ɴ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴏ ᴄᴀʀᴏʟ'ꜱ ʜᴀɪʀ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢꜱ: ꜰʟᴜꜰꜰ, ᴀɢᴇ ɢᴀᴘ, ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, ꜰʀᴇᴇ! ᴄᴀʀᴏʟ ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢꜱ: ᴄᴀʀᴏʟ x ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ! ꜰᴇᴍ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴘʟᴀᴛᴏɴɪᴄ) ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛᴇᴅ ʙʏ: ɴᴏʙᴏᴅʏ
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"Pleaseeeeee" I begged.
"No" she stated bluntly turning her head away from me.
"But your constantly carrying that 80's hairstyle it is time to maintain up with the generations-"
"Fuck off it is bizarre what ya'll are doing nowadays and what the fuck is up anyways with your baby hairs?!"She stated.
"Ok first off these are referred to as edges and second I'f you'll simply allow me fashion your hair you'll see that they may be sincerely cute" I attempted to reason however she simply rolled her eyes and popped a jawbreaker into her mouth.
I sighed and sat on our shared bed it has been some time since Carol has been released from jail after forty years of incarceration she nonetheless thinks that nothing hasn't changed.
After I myself was released I began to start my own hair business it become tough at first however it finally started to work out and it is sincerely doing really great.
"Come on Care just one time and in case you do not love it I'll positioned it again into your uninteresting little 80's hairstyle" I stated she groaned loudly and positioned the remote down earlier before crossing her arms.
"Fine!" She snapped I quick shot up from the mattress and ran into the rest room grabbing the hair components from below the cupboard and coming again into the room I set them down on the mattress and went into the kitchen to get a chair.
She sat on the chair and I started to get to work.
I swiped through my phone and smiled selecting a hairstyle for her with out announcing anything.
I parted her hair into 4 sections and I used my curling iron to begin curling her hair Carol was watching TV the entire time however everytime I moved her hair she would get an attitude and she would slap it away.
But then yelled at me after I would burned her and everytime I told her "you should have moved your head like I stated".
When I finish curling her hair I reached for my hair gel and she must have been watching what I was doing due to the fact she snapped her head to me.
"Nu uh!"
"No!" She snapped.
"If you get throught this I'll take you out to eat" I stated and she quickly stopped her rambling and slumped in her chair.
"Whatever" she mumbled.
I smirked triumphantly and opened the gel I used the brush to part a few thin strands of hair and curled them with my fingers.
I then scooped a few gels in my hand and applied it on Carol's head feeling her shiver a little from the uncomfortableness.
I used a brush and brushed her hair keeping the strands of hair in the front considering the fact that Carol's hair turned was thinner and simpler to gel down than mine it didn't really took long.
I then grabbed a hair tie and tied her hair into a curly bun I then sprayed coconut hair spray into her hair for the scent.
I picked up my edge brush and used the brush side and applied some gel onto it before brushing down her baby hairs after I was finished I used a hairdryer to keep it down.
I put the hairdryer down and backed away looking at the final product I squealed and clapped my hands "you look amazing" she got up from the chair and walked into the rest room.
I appeared nervously due to the fact I could not examine her facial features however it quick vanished after I noticed the side of her lips perk up.
"It does not look so bad" she stated giving me a kiss on the cheek and I felt my face warmth up hoping she could not see it however I'm pretty sure she knew due to the smirk she had on her face.
"So do I get to do your hair more?-"
"Oh come on Carol!" I stated with a pout.
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