#it's genuinely so strange to be able to say yes
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wyervan · 15 hours ago
Heyy, I really wanted to say how obsessed I'd been with your DCA Slasher Au! I LOVE the designs, the little things you tell us about them and all of that. It's really really cool. I also like A LOT your art style🫂
Also I wanted to share from here some doodles I'd been doing because I'm really embarrassed to share them in my blog but whateverr. As I say.. loved the designs and obviously I had to draw them with my baby (He has seen the horrors)
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Also I'm not really sure if you already answered this (feel free to ignore it if so) but..
- Are you planning to make it a fic? Like in Ao3 or some sort of. Or maybe comics or short chapters?
- Are you telling us/showing us more of The Glamrocks in the story?
- What is the relation between Vanessa and Star/y/n?? Friends, It is casual? I really really like Vanessa and if you are ok with it could you tell us what does she thinks of Sun and Moon?
Anyways thank youu you are so cool yay people cheered🫂🫂👏💚
omg you like my style?? No I like your style dude. It’s feels so down to earth? Genuine? You got some great gesture happening in your lines. And you make me laugh 😝
I am planning on doing a fic! But I don’t have the full plot figured out 🤔. I have this fear that if I start writing and publishing chapters without knowing all the details, later on I’ll find out there’s a big plot hole. And then I sweep the rug out from people by going back and needing to change what I’ve already written.
I know though that my own perfectionism often holds me back so I should probably just slap myself on the ass and get to writing at least the first two chapters. I have a very clear idea of how they’ll go.
Yes it would be going on AO3 (as soon as i figure out the tagging culture over there). I will ofc be continuing to do short comics and illustrations alongside any writing.
I’m actually in the middle of doing some design exploration with the Glamrocks rn! Hopefully I’ll be able to share some sketches with you guys by the end of the weekend~~ They are side characters but I want them to be more than just fluff or cameos, ya kno what I mean?
Ahh~~ and Vanessa, nobody’s asked about her yet :3c. I do in fact see her and y/n Star as becoming aquatinted, perhaps to the surprise of both of them!
Vanessa is a cop! Disappearances around town have put a lot of pressure on her small department and she’s had to pay the arcade a visit more than once to take routine statements on a couple of the missing people.
Her presence around the arcade puts Smoon on edge for obvious reasons, though she has no idea why. For now she chalks it up to the general anxiety people get around police and… they’re just… strange men.
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overthinkit-underscore · 3 days ago
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She Won't Be A Problem [Don't take the blade.]
something noteworthy is that Cold genuinely believes the Princess is dead. they've slain her. he doubts that she's come back. in fact, looking at some of his dialogue along the Path and in the Cabin's entrance…
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Voice of the Cold - She won't be a problem. Voice of the Cold - Who cares if there's a mirror? Let's just go into the basement and find her body so we can be done with this.
…Cold doesn't really have a reason to think of taking the blade. he doesn't comment on it. and, really, if we're "just going down to find her body," we have no real reason to grab a weapon. unless we're planning on stabbing ourselves later, but it's not like we weren't able to open the door last time and see the void He shoved us into. so, Cold is neutral on the blade. we could take it, or not. for the purposes of this demonstration and arc, i'm not going to. She Won't Be A Problem.
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Voice of the Cold - It’s just like I told you— The Spectre - Why are you even here? Just making sure you finished the job or what?
we are "just making sure we finished the job." how observant of you, Spectre.
- (Explore) See, this is exactly what I was trying to tell you about in the woods. This already happened. We killed her. The Narrator - Yes, obviously things are… strange, right now. I think it’s safe to say you’ve seen something, something you shouldn’t have seen. Whatever worlds you’ve hopped between, whatever versions of me you’ve met, none of that matters now. There’s no changing what’s already happened. But you have a job to finish.
Voice of the Hero - Finish how?! We already did what you told us. And now she’s a ghost! The Narrator - There’s a perfectly pristine blade waiting for you upstairs. You could always use it to… Oh, I don’t know, slay her? Voice of the Cold - And then what? The Narrator - And then you’ll have saved the world.
Cold doesn't care about the Mirror or proving that it exists to the Narrator. he does care about commenting on the fact that he's right, the Princess is dead. "it's just like i told you-". this isn't just to be petty, it was his only real motivation in returning to the Cabin in the first place. to show the Narrator that we've finished up His busy work, so can He please go away now?
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Voice of the Hero - I think he’s asking about what happens after we save the world. If that’s even still an option. The Narrator - What do you mean, ‘after’? Voice of the Cold - You already know what we mean, don’t you? So why don’t you go ahead and tell us? Are you going to try and lock us away in a timeless void again? Because I didn’t much care for that. The Narrator - I’m not going to lock you anywhere. - (Explore) "After I killed you, this cabin… I want to say it teleported? It wasn't in the woods anymore, time stopped meaning anything and I had to kill myself to escape. The Spectre - You poor thing. That must have been so frightening for you. Voice of the Hero - You know, after everything we've been through, it's nice to see someone finally sympathizing with us. This whole thing's been an ordeal, hasn't it? Voice of the Cold - She doesn’t mean it. The Spectre - It sounds like you got exactly what you were owed.
Decider commenting on what happened after the Princess died to her 'cause, hey, we're on the train of thought anyway. it's only polite to share your thoughts with those who can't hear them.
- (Explore) "I guess I should tell you why I was sent to kill you. You were going to end the world." The Spectre - And, what? You just believed that? You killed me without giving it any thought? That's cold. Voice of the Hero - That's rich coming from her. Every time she touches us, it's like we freeze over. Voice of the Cold - She's right, though. But that's neither here nor there. What's done is done. What we do from this point forward is all that matters. Let's try not to let emotion get the better of us.
now, Cold is a very decision-focused guy. he doesn't dwell very much, if at all, on the past. (wonder where he got that from…)
"You did kill someone. Greater good or not, something would be very wrong with you if you didn’t feel at least a little bad. But it was for the greater good. One of these days, that will sink in and help ease your guilty conscience." something is wrong with Cold, Narrator. thank you for your observation probably has something to do with all the sensory deprivation of the Happy Ending. y'know, the one that lasts [ERROR: time has stopped meaning anything]
he's also rather emotionally repressed, which--
- (Explore) "I'm not cold! I'm just… dumb! I'm just a big dumb stupid idiot! Stupid stupid stupid what was I thinking just believing what I was told?" Voice of the Cold - Oh, cut it out. You don't need to be so pathetic. The Spectre - Nevermind. I don't think I want to see you beg. That's just sad. I shouldn't feel sad about my murderer. - (Explore) Shit. Everyone sounds disappointed in me. I should grovel even more. Voice of the Cold - No. You're not doing that. The Narrator - That's right, don't you dare grovel. Mine is the only opinion that matters and I'll never be disappointed in you. So long as you do as I say.
- (Explore) "Do you want me to die? Do you want me to kill myself to satisfy some sort of sick revenge fantasy? Because I already did that and it wouldn't be hard to do it again." Voice of the Hero - Are we putting this to a vote? Because personally, I'd prefer if we didn't die again… Voice of the Cold - If that's what it comes down to, that's what it comes down to. But I don't see the point of offing ourselves just yet. The Princess - Aw, that's sweet of you to offer, but killing yourself wouldn't help either of us. The Narrator - It would seem that everyone here is in agreement except for you. I shouldn't have to tell you that you shouldn't kill yourself. So please, try to keep your suicidal tendencies in check.
–-i don't need to provide receipts for, we all know he is, but they're nice to have.
anyway! back to the topic at hand. Cold likes making decisions, doing things, having new experiences. but he's also hardwired for violence. the first things we learn of the world are paths in woods and basements in cabins and about a Princess and the end of the world. the first action we ever learn exists is that of [Slaying], specifically [Slaying the Princess].
it is an inherent knowledge at the core of Cold's very being. we, and by extension him, Can Kill. so, when prompted for his thoughts on this situation, his first inclination is violence. naturally.
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Voice of the Cold - We could always try violence. It’s worked for us so far. Voice of the Hero - She's a ghost. Voice of the Cold - Who says ghosts are immune to violence? Voice of the Hero - … common sense? Voice of the Cold - There's nothing common or sensible about common sense. Action and observation are the only things that matter.
is it "the only language he speaks"? or is it the only language he was taught?
"action and observation are the only things that matter." all he has acted upon up until this point, all action he has seen, is acts of violence. all he has observed is violence and death.
speaking with Spectre prompts Cold to learn and philosophize on the little he knows, for the record. that's one of his major character traits: obnoxiously philosophical.
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some highlights of Cold's philosophy, to pick his brain even harder for just a moment:
Action and observation are the only things that matter. (agreement with Skeptic)
[specifically when faced with ghosts] Death---at least as a form of permanence---is just a concept, and clearly one that's now rendered useless.
Reality is what's in front of us, not our preconceptions of what it should be. (agreement with Skeptic AND Paranoid)
There doesn't need to be a static 'truth'. There doesn't need to be objectivity. (agreement with Paranoid)
Everything here [in the Construct] is impermanent, always shifting. The end of one thing only leads to the start of another. (agreement with Shifting Mound)
“Who cares what we are? We exist.” -> Labeling one's identity is a pointless endeavor. What matters is that you exist.
[pondering] Where does one world end and the next begin? Does the destruction of one lead to the creation of another, or is it the same world, reborn?
what you'll notice is that Cold is very focused on existence, being real, existing in the moment*. being present and awake and aware of the things around you and the impacts you may or may not have on them. there's no need to question who or what you are; you are, and that's what's most important to him. to exist. to be somewhere. to do something. he takes whatever is presented in front of him, works to accept it, and then internalizes what he's learned. * odd, then, that Hunted and Cold don’t get along, no? not too odd at all. the major sticking point is that Cold doesn't care for survival while Hunted does. Hunted is very risk-averse (he might even appreciate the Happy Ending because of the net safety it offers), whereas Cold will take anything as long as it's a raw experience. Hunted's "in the moment" is STAY ALERT. STAY ALIVE. whereas Cold's "in the moment" is Feel. Be. Act.
but just because violence is his first inclination doesn't mean he's tunnel-visioned into it*. he can be persuaded to try out different avenues of action. * if you do initially attack the Spectre, he does tunnel vision. it's clear that the Decider's intention was to Slay the Princess, and there have been complications that he needs to figure out how to address. but i can get into this more later.)
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Voice of the Hero - Fine. Then let me 'observe' that the 'acts' of killing her and killing ourself haven't got us much of anywhere. We're still back in this cabin, and we're still dealing with her, only now she has a good reason to hate us. Voice of the Cold - I suppose you have a point. Do you have any ideas, then?
Hero appeals to Cold's (mask of) pragmaticism, and it works.
Voice of the Hero - We could always ask her what she wants? Voice of the Cold - But those are the only options, aren't they? Violence, or doing what she wants. Or just leaving her down here. Though ignoring a problem is rarely a solution, isn't it? Voice of the Cold - That’d be dull, anyway. It’s more interesting if we make a choice. Voice of the Cold - She’s not in a position to bargain with us. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. Voice of the Hero - We don't have to do anything, but maybe we should. We did kill her. Wouldn't it be the moral thing to help her now that we have another chance?
Cold is not convinced by "it would be the moral thing to help her". he doesn't do morals. but he does "do" "violence hasn't gotten us anywhere [besides the Good Ending, and that was terrible]. this is a new option for us; we’ve killed her, now we have a chance to help her."
he has no real drive towards violence. it's just the only language he knows to speak. and if offered something else, well…
frankly, i think Cold would immediately agree to possession. but taking those (Explore) options gives some more insight into Cold's thoughts on the matter, so we'll look into that. [i'm melting together both Cold and Soft Spectre dialogue here, just to overall get some insight on Cold. this isn't a Spectre analysis. as for their differences to Cold: Cold outwardly likes Cold!Spectre more, but has more agreeable conversations with Soft!Spectre.]
Voice of the Hero - Is she asking if she can… possess us? The Narrator - She is, and I hope I don't need to explain why you can't let that happen. It would be catastrophic if she managed to escape this place, and if you let her in, there is very little anyone could do to stop her. Voice of the Hero - Would she be able to see… us if we went along with it? Voice of the Cold - Now isn't that an interesting thought. We could finally bring her face- to face with Him. I wonder what she would have to say to the one who wants her dead so, so badly…
note that Cold uses "interesting" as a compliment. intrigue is an important emotion for him. (it's the opposite of boredom.) it's also clear indication that Cold does feel things, he just chooses, consciously or not, to ignore those feelings most of the time.
Voice of the Cold - It could very well be the best way to trap her for good. Doesn’t seem like it would be very easy to end the world from inside someone else’s body.
Cold is doing some suggestion here. he's already, immediately, in favor of possession. he's just making it sound more appealing to … well, the Decider, it must be. he doesn't care much for the Narrator's opinion. (but he'll never force them to do anything. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to.")
- (Explore) "This would just be temporary, right? You'll leave once we're out of the cabin?" The Spectre - Look, I don't want to be stuck with you any more than you want to be stuck with me. You're my murderer. All I see when I look into your eyes is the thing that ran at me with the point of a blade aimed for my heart. The Spectre - So… you're not exactly my first choice. But you're also my only choice. Voice of the Cold - It sounds to me like she'd be a lovely roommate.
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Voice of the Cold - What’s another voice rattling around in here? We’ll be fine.
noteworthy dialogue implying VoT Cold, at minimum, tolerates VoT Hero and doesn't consider the headspace too crowded.
Voice of the Hero - It's pretty crowded already, wouldn't you say? And she's not exactly friendly. Voice of the Cold - Neither is He. The Narrator - I'm being perfectly respectful considering the stakes of the situation! Don't push my good will.
Cold seems to think the Narrator counts as one of us, at least as a roommate. a voice in the head. he hasn't observed otherwise, beyond the pathos of the Narrator bossing them around, and Cold isn't moved much by pathos like that. he DOES want to slay Him very, very badly. but i've also wanted to kill my roommates at times, so… that's something he and Soft!Spectre have in common, actually!
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The Spectre - […] everything will be fine. The Narrator - Everything won’t be fine if you listen to her. Voice of the Cold - One way or another, this is all going to end. Wouldn’t it be nice if He ends with it? The Spectre - Wouldn’t that be nice? There’s only one way to find out.
anyway, we're naturally going to agree to a possession in this scenario. Hero's made a rather convincing argument. but, by leaving the blade upstairs, we're presented with one last chance to opt for violence… one final divergence point...
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The Narrator - I can't believe you're even entertaining her right now. I mean, just look at her, do you think she has good intentions for her 'murderer's body'? Of course she doesn't! - "Sounds great. Do it." [Let the Princess possess you.] The Spectre - You're really trying to make it up to me, aren't you? Thanks for being a pal, killer. I mean it. The Narrator - This body wasn't made to hold you and the Princess. If you want to renege on your cataclysmically terrible decision a minute ago, well, you're the only one who can make that happen. - (Explore) [Take the blade.] - [Trudge forward.]
... Let’s continue on our chosen path for the time being.
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Voice of the Cold - Was exhaustion the best you could muster up? It’s over. There’s no use stalling. Let’s see what happens next.
Cold has a habit of rushing the Narrator when something he likes is happening. or, more accurately, blocking interruptions.
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The Spectre - Nothing. He’s gone. And so is everything else. Voice of the Cold - So we did slay Him after all. He had it coming, I suppose.
note on VoT Cold’s dialogue: “i suppose” is not a dialogue particle indicating uncertainty, just a manner in which he tends to narrate his own dialogue. whenever he’s conversationally voicing his thoughts rather than acting in an advisory role, he tends to use “i suppose” to declare those thoughts.
it's a small victory, and the slightest, most subtle celebration between himself and the Princess. it is nice, isn't it? they talked about exactly this happening.
In this instance of events, Cold progresses from slayer to savior.
"Which came first, the Chicken or the Egg?"
There are two major ways to interpret how Voice Hatching works:
The Voices Spawn. The manner in which the Decider behaves, the things they experience, and the trauma they endure influence the Voice hatched upon their death. Their personality, philosophy, and perspective are informed by what Quiet collectively has gone through. The Egg (previous iterations of the Decider) hatches into The Chicken (Voice).
The Voices Always Existed. The options provided to a player are reactions to their environment and circumstances, adulterated with the impulses and personality of nascent Voices waiting to hatch. The Chicken (Voice) lays The Egg (options the Decider picked in the previous Chapter).
There are more than two ways to interpret how Voices operate, and most you ask this question to will say something in-between these two black and white options. Ultimately, it's inarguable that a Voice is always influenced in some manner by events preceding their hatching. It is not that fact of influence the debate is centered on, but the interpretable extent. The fact is openly supported by the text.
Certain Voices will take credit for actions taken in the previous Chapter (ex: Cold claiming to have killed Damsel in Burned!Grey) or the previous life (ex: every Voice, bar Hero & Cheated, in Razor's Chapter IIIs), and many others will remember events long before they hatch (ex: Smitten recalling the entire narrative up to Chapter III - The Thorn, Cheated recalling everything that happens before Chapter III - The Wraith).
With this background information in mind, we can examine the events in Chapter I - The Hero and The Princess leading into Chapter II - The Spectre mindful of how specific choices made by the Decider or certain events they encounter may influence Voice of the Cold moving forward.
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[FOR CONTEXT: [Take the blade] once at the cabin, hereby accepting the Narrator's premise and following His word.] Voice of the Hero - She’s so coldly beautiful… is she really a threat to the world?
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The Narrator - You step forward, your grip tightening as you steel your resolve. The Narrator - You lunge forward without a moment’s hesitation. The Narrator - You feel flesh easily give way and look down to see your blade already sinking deep into her heart. Voice of the Hero - But is it over? Really over? - Of course it is. She’s dead.
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The Narrator - You did kill someone. Greater good or not, something would be very wrong with you if you didn’t feel at least a little bad. But it was for the greater good. One of these days, that will sink in and help ease your guilty conscience.
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The Narrator - You open the cabin door, ready to return to a world saved from certain doom.
The Narrator - Only, a world saved from certain doom isn’t what you find. Instead, what you find is nothing at all. Where a lush forest stood mere minutes ago, the only thing in front of you now is the vast emptiness of some place far away. Voice of the Hero - What… happened? The Narrator - Everyone is fine, it’s just that you and the cabin are now far away from them. Don’t worry. You’ll be safe here. This is good. Everyone is happy. You’ll be happy.
- I was kind of hoping I’d get a better ending for saving the world. The Narrator - This isn’t an ending. In fact, now that the Princess has been slain, endings are a thing of the past. No… this is the beginning of eternity. Your reward. The Narrator - This is what’s best for everyone. Trust me. The Narrator - Time passes. You can’t be sure if it’s days, or months, or years or even decades. It’s all a wonderful, boring blur. You’ve never been happier.
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Voice of the Hero - Pst! Hey! We’re not just going to stay here forever right? Voice of the Hero - Are we really happy, or is He just telling us that we are? - Hmm, okay maybe I’m not happy. And I’m not just saying that because you’re the last person I talked to. Voice of the Hero - Good, because I have an idea to get us out of here. Though you’re probably not going to like it. Voice of the Hero - The blade. We can use the blade to get out of this.
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The Narrator - Do you hear that? It wants to take this happiness away from you. It wants this wonderful place to end. Voice of the Hero - Do you not? There’s more for us to do, and the only way for us to do it is to take that blade and use it. The Narrator - Don’t you dare. - Anything to get out of this hell. Voice of the Hero - Thank you. The Narrator - I made this happy little place for you! Is this not a good enough reward for saving the world? An eternity of bliss? You… you ingrate! The Narrator - Fine. Whatever. For the first time since time stopped meaning anything, you throw open the door to the basement and walk down the stairs. The Narrator - You pick up the blade, you stab yourself, and you die. The Narrator - The end. Nice knowing you.
a set of directions from the Narrator, dutifully carried out by the Decider without the slightest hint of doubt, ignoring their conscience until faced with an utterly detestable "reward" for their compliance. critically, the timelessness perceived in that moment between opening the door to stare into the abyss and slaying oneself to be rid of the stagnation is so dilated in Quiet's perception that the Princess's corpse is reduced to a skeleton by the time the Decider plucks the Pristine Blade from its ribcage.
i could commentate further on this, or i could include one particularly noteworthy dialogue screenshot ---
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- (Explore) Wouldn’t ‘using’ the blade… you know, kill us? Wouldn’t we be dead? The Narrator - How astute. You’re absolutely correct. Using the blade to kill yourself would kill you and you shouldn’t do it. Voice of the Hero - In a sense, we’d die, but looking at things from another angle, are we even really alive anymore? This place… it’s nothing! It’s absolutely nothing. It’s just the same thing, constantly, forever. Voice of the Hero - I know this is out there, but trust me. I know using the blade will work.
--- and let Cold speak for himself on the matter:
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[FOR CONTEXT: in response to the Narrator saying we're only here because we died, which probably only happened because we didn't listen to Him] Voice of the Cold - Oh, we listened to you plenty. We slew the Princess, just like you asked us to. And then you locked us away in an empty void for eternity. So we slew ourselves, too.
[FOR CONTEXT: in response to the Narrator asking what would've happened to the world we left behind had we failed to slay the Princess] Voice of the Cold - It doesn’t matter, because we didn’t fail to slay her, and if she’s really back, which I doubt, it’ll be just as easy to do it again. But after that nasty trick you pulled on us, maybe she’s not the only one around here in need of slaying.
[FOR CONTEXT: in the cabin with Spectre, talking to the Narrator about the ghost-Princess after having talked to Him previously in the woods about the looping] The Narrator - What do you mean, ‘after’? Voice of the Cold - You already know what we mean, don’t you? So why don’t you go ahead and tell us? Are you going to try and lock us away in a timeless void again? Because I didn’t much care for that. The Narrator - I’m not going to lock you anywhere. Voice of the Cold - What an interesting choice of emphasis.
- (Explore) If anything, the world ended after I slew her. When I tried to leave, everything was gone. Voice of the Hero - That’s a good point. How do we know we didn’t have things backwards? Maybe slaying the Princess was what ended the world, not the other way around. Voice of the Cold - Yes, maybe this whole thing was a trick to get us to end the world. And now we get to go through the whole charade again wholly aware of what’s waiting for us at the end. Voice of the Cold - But that’s assuming she’s alive in that cabin. We did kill her, after all.
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Voice of the Cold - This is boring. He’s clearly not interested in talking, so let’s just do as He says and maybe He’ll stop bothering us.
Cold is interesting because, as I'll point out later (both in this analysis and whenever i seek out Cold's other appearances), you need to read between the lines and in the negative spaces quite often to gauge what he's thinking. here, though, back in the woods again, Cold's an open book. "we listened to you and you locked us in an empty void for eternity. i really didn't care for that. it was a 'nasty trick.' we slew ourselves." note that Cold isn't expressing regret or remorse for anything that happened. he doesn't feel guilty about [Slaying the Princess], and he's outright convinced we're capable of doing it again. note twice, though, that Cold doesn't think we need to. he's fully convinced that her death sticks, even if ours didn't. he isn't readying up, either. it's just a job to him. (Something he was asked to do. a task, some dirty work. he holds no real opinion on the act of [Slaying the Princess], not here, and not now.) A job that, as he's seen, has no good rewards. In fact, the end result of completing this task is not something he wants at all. But he also really, really, really wants the Narrator to shut up, and trying to talk to Him isn't getting anything done.
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connormoving · 7 months ago
i am going to try watching a show i never got 2 finish. not telling u what it is incase i actually am not able to
#ive seen a bitchy guy so ive been bewitched and i want 2 try it again#i was watching it with ykw but obviouslyyyyyyy we stopped wtchingggg bc . LOL#if yr aware of my life u may know what it is since there were just a couple shows i watched with him#well it isnt spn. ill tell u that. if i ever watch spn again itll probably be with lamp#but also idk if theyd actually have fun. but i think its very funny especially the first season the editing is sooo sillay. so yes#but anyways thats not what im watching so strike it off your list... there r like. 2 other options i think KJADNBKJWA#we watched That show 2gether (its getting another season soon and i genuinely dont know if ill like. Be Able to watch it or not. bc of.#gesture...)#but then theres the show im watchig which like even tho i watched it with him it was like. i think we started watching it when we were#already on a break LOL#so. itisnt rly a him show. so i think ill handle it better#its like allergy shots ill watch this and if i handle it ok i can try and watch That show. but also i still might not be able to#bc that one. ugh. im not getting into my stupid fucking kindating trauma thats Actually humiliating. whatever. suffice to say it was a much#bigger part of the relationship (the relationship went in phases of dumb fucking kin shit and that show was one of them)#no offense to kinnies . love u guys. i just have a very very very unstable sense of self and was pressured into acting more like characters#who were dating characters he kinned. and it like. idk ik its Sillay but it did rly mess with me like hed call me by the characters names#and stuff and Other details and idk. kinning just is not for me LOL it was honestly a big delusion for me and i will nott be returning. but#that doesnt mean im anti kinning even when it is a delusional thing like yk. Just for me it was very unhealthy and also i was pressured int#it. soo yes. sorry i got serious. shaking my fist#its so embarassing to have such tumblrcore trauma like. ok. i cant even talk abt it with therapists bc its so embarassing]#<- the kinning isnt the stuff its just like. Ok. how do i explain to a therapist in a way that isnt humiliating that i met a groomer bc i#drew fucking bmc life is strange crossover fanart on tumblr.com and then he invited me into a discord server that ruined my life.#like i cant say that. humiliating.#ANYWAYS. its show time. im just gonna start from. well ull never believe. The start#bc idr where we stopped lol...
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Yes, you absolutely can! This ended up being way longer than I first planed and I'm actually pretty proud of it :)
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Platonic yandere Doey & Reader
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★ When Doey first meets the Player, he is intrigued. It's not every day you meet someone who keeps cheating the grim reaper. As Doey spends more time with the Player, he realizes that they are different than most employes. You are nice and treat him kindly.
★ His conflicting personalities create a strange mix of curiosity and adoration inside of him. Especially after you stay to help the Safe Haven instead of working with Poppy. Plus, the Player has been through so much already. They really should take a break.
★ He goes above and beyond to make them feel comfortable and secure in their new home. He introduces them to the other toys, making sure they feel included and part of their little community. Tries to help them relax after what they have been through, also.
★Doey becomes emotionally dependent on the Player, deriving a sense of purpose and stability from their presence. The thought of losing the Player or not being able to protect them fills him with fear and anxiety, fueling his yandere tendencies.
★ All three parts of him agree on one thing, protect the Player at all costs. That means not letting them leave the Safe Haven. At least not without him. It comes from a place of genuine care, having concern for the Player's well-being.
★ He prioritizes their needs, ensuring the Player feels safe and loved. If the player were to reciprocate his care by doing things to make him feel valued, it would mean the world to him. If it's not too much, could he pretty please hold your hand? (please say yes)
★ The player's consistent care builds trust between them. That trust is very important. Never break it or you might regret it. Doey is still unstable at times, and he could still lash out at you if the wrong button is pushed.
★ Yandere Doey is very possessive, he is aware of this and tries his best not to be. He really wants to give the Player the freedom they deserve but at the same time he fears losing you to others and may become anxious if you spend too much time with another toy.
★ Those thoughts are silly, he knows it, you would never abandon him for a new friend. However, that nagging voice in his head tells him differently. It may end up with him subtly manipulating the Player. It was for friendship though so it's okay!
★ He might use guilt or even fear to keep the Player close, making them feel responsible for his emotional well-being. The thought of the Player getting hurt when he's gone fills him with all sorts of bad feelings. Ones he doesn't even want to think about.
★ By this time it's too late to go back. He is too afraid of being abandoned, if you suggest going off to finish what you started and killing the prototype he would have a panic attack.
★ His conflicting personalities are unified in their fear of the Player facing danger and he becomes visibly distressed. It's too dangerous! If you leave and never come back, what will he do? Doey may even go as far as physically putting himself between the Player and the exit if it comes down to it.
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fantasydreamland · 5 months ago
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Fun Wife
aegon targaryen x fem lannister reader
Summary: (For the sake of the story Aegon never married Helena) You’re betrothed to the new king who is not too pleased about it. He assumes you’ll turn your nose up at the way he behaves and having a wife will just be a nuisance. He quickly discovers how beautiful and fun his new wife is.
Notes: 18+ ONLY!!! Smuttt, loss of virginity, p in v, public x, getting caught, fingering, oral (f&m), masturbation (m), some fluff, spoilers maybe.
Word count: 4.3k
This is the smuttiest story I’ve written so enjoy lol
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“I do not wish to marry.” Aegon says firmly.
The small council meeting had dragged on and everyone, especially his mother, had been pushing for him to marry as soon as possible. Amongst themselves they decided on a bride as if he weren’t even there. He was the king and he should be able to choose when and whom he marries. He did not want to marry some Lannister girl he had never met. And he certainly did not want to marry so soon.
“She is an excellent match Aegon. You must marry.” Alicent insists.
“This is the best way to solidify our relationship with the Lannisters.” Another said.
“I am the king.” Aegon said stomping his foot like a child. “If I do not want to marry right now I should not have to.”
“Yes, Aegon. You are the king.” Alicent says in a calm tone. “And that is why you must marry. You need to produce strong heirs as soon as possible.”
Aegon lets out an obnoxiously loud sigh. He knew his mother was right. He would have to marry but at least he could avoid his wife if he wanted to and just visit her chambers occasionally to try for an heir. He loathed the idea of it all.
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A couple weeks later you arrive to kings landing. You were filled with excitement of your wedding, of becoming queen of the seven kingdoms. You had been warned by multiple people of Aegons depravities but it did not phase you. If anything, it made him more intriguing.
Aegon watches from a window waiting for your arrival. He did not want to greet you right away but wanted to see what you looked like. His breath catches when he sees you exit your carriage with your bright blonde hair and beaming smile. He was caught completely off guard. He had obviously hoped you would be attractive, but he never expected you to be the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
As gorgeous as you were he was still annoyed with concern that you would be uptight and judge him. He did not expect a happy marriage but he could not help but picture the beautiful bright haired children you would make together.
You finally meet at dinner. Aegon could no longer avoid you. He stood from his chair when you entered the room and walked over to greet you.
“Your grace.” You curtsy low. “It is such a pleasure to finally meet you, my king.” You smile brightly at him and hold your hand out to him.
You were even more breathtaking up close. He was surprised by how genuinely happy you seemed to meet him. Your (e/c) eyes sparkled brightly at him making him forget to respond until your eyes darted around awkwardly, your hand lingering in the air.
“Forgive me.” He clears his throat. “The pleasure is all mine, lady Lannister.” He smirks as he kisses your hand and holds eye contact. He swears he could see a flicker of fire behind your eyes.
You give a blushing smile as he lets go of your hand. Everyone begins to sit down to dinner. Alicent sat across from you while your father was beside you, and Aegon sitting on your other side at the head of the table. Alicent made most of the conversation, asking you various questions. Aegon watched you as you talked, seemingly intrigued to learn about you, but he never spoke a word or asked any questions. Alicent found it strange that her usually loud mouthed son was being so quiet.
When supper finishes everyone begins to leave to their chambers for the night.
“Aegon?” Alicent begins, “Why don’t you escort lady Lannister to her chambers.”
“Certainly.” Aegon nodded, the idea exciting him.
You simply smile and take Aegons arm as he leads you down the hall in an oddly comfortable silence, neither of you sure what to say. When you reach the door to your chambers he kisses your hand.
“Goodnight, my betrothed.” Aegon smiles.
“Goodnight, your grace.” You smile back as you curtsy. “I know this was perhaps not how you planned to be wed… but I promise to be a good wife to you, my king.”
Your words touch Aegon and the way your eyes connect you both feel an undeniable spark. He says nothing else but smiles and kisses your cheek before he leaves to his own chambers.
Aegon pleasured himself to the thought of you that night. He never expected to be so infatuated with his new bride to be but you were the definition of perfection. Now he could not wait be wed to you and bed you. The thought of what you looked like under that dress pushes him to the edge as he groans out your name.
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The day of the wedding quickly came and you were both filled with excitement. Aegon smiled ear to ear during the entire ceremony. Once you pledge your love to one another you seal the marriage with a kiss.
The moment your lips touch you instantly feel transported to another world where you are the only two people that exist. The only thing that matters in this moment is you and him. Your eyes connect in an intense gaze once your lips part. The cheer of the crowd snaps you out of your daze before Aegon leads you to the feast.
The feast was fun and lively as everyone enjoyed the food and drink. Aegon drank his fill of wine but still asked for your hand to the dance floor. Your drunken bodies pressed together as you danced, causing your heart to race.
“Your cheeks are so red.” Aegon says teasingly as he brushes your cheek with his fingers.
“Oh, yes, well… likely all the wine.” You blush, causing your cheeks to darken even more. “The wine and… you.” You say lowly.
Aegon smirks and places his fingers on your chin, turning your head to the side.
“I quite like the sight of you looking flushed, my queen.” He whispers against your ear causing goosebumps on your skin.
“My king…” You breathe, trying to remember you were not alone but in the middle of the dance floor.
“Hm?” Aegon hums against your skin and lightly kisses your neck.
His eyes meet yours and he also comes to remember how many eyes were on the both of you.
“I want to go to bed.” You say quietly.
“Oh, are you tired?” He says with a hint of disappointment in his tone.
“No.” You whisper, looking at him with fire in your eyes.
His smirk returns and he takes your hand before leading you out of the feast. You could feel your heartbeat in your throat as he led you down the halls to your shared chambers.
You enter the room filled with nerves as you approach the large canopy bed. Aegon comes up behind you and begins kissing your neck, sending shivers down your spine. He wanted to take his time with you but the wine fueled his desperate desire to have you. He had been with many women but he has never wanted anyone this badly.
He begins unlacing your wedding gown while pressing the occasional kiss to your shoulder. You just stand there, letting him have his way with you. Your breath grows heavy as he gently pulls off your gown and it falls to the floor, leaving you only in your thin shift.
You turn to face Aegon and he slowly scans your figure. His eyes linger at your chest before he meets your eyes, staring at you like you were a glass of the finest wine he was about to drink every last drop of.
Aegon pulls off his wedding clothes until he’s left in just his trousers. He captures your lips again and leads you toward the bed. He moves his lips to your neck as he slowly pulls off your shift, leaving you completely bare for him.
“My king…” You whisper as your fingers lightly pull at the hem of his pants.
“Aegon.” He mumbles against your skin.
“Aegon…” You say shyly as your eyes meet again.
“Not so fast, little one.” He moves your hand off his pants. “I need you to be ready for me first.”
You give him a questioning look as he gently pushes you back onto the bed until you’re laying flat. He climbs on top of you and grinds his covered hardness against your bare core, making you whimper. He kisses down your neck before moving down to your breasts where he takes his time licking, sucking, and rubbing your sensitive nipples as you squirm under him.
“Have you ever… touched yourself?” Aegon asks in a whisper.
You nod, feeling a bit embarrassed.
“Good.” Aegon smirks.
He kisses down your stomach and settles between your thighs. You groan with anticipation as he kisses and nips at your inner thighs. He stops to watch your face as his fingers lightly graze over your most sensitive area. You gasp as he continues to make slow circles with his fingers.
“Does that feel good, wife?” He says almost arrogantly.
You could only moan in response and he chuckles. He removes his fingers and brings them to his mouth to taste you. Your entire body lights on fire from the sight. Just as you are about to beg for more his mouth is on you. You gasp even louder as your hands find his hair. You had never felt anything like this. It was nothing compared to your own fingers. He slowly slides one finger inside you and you scrunch your eyes from the pressure.
“Does that hurt, my love?” Aegon asks, kissing your knee.
“No.” You breathe. “Don’t stop.”
He smirks and begins to move his finger in and out slowly, causing you to arch your back. He continues expertly working his tongue on you as he slips in a second finger. You yank harder onto his hair as your breath grows heavier. He groans in response and the vibrations against you bring you to the edge. You let out a long moan as you reach your peak.
Aegon strips off his pants and your eyes widen at his size. Before you have time to overthink he lines himself up at your entrance. He asks if you’re ready before slowly sliding into you. Aegon groans loudly from how tightly you clench around him. It takes all of his strength not to start fucking you hard like a common whore. You are so much more special to him, his wife, his queen, his heart.
You breathe heavily through the pain as Aegon moves slowly in and out of you. As soon as the pain begins to fade you crave more of him. You pull him closer against you and whisper for him to go faster. He speeds up slightly but the movement is still agonizingly slow for what you craved. It was agonizing for him too, to be this gentle with you until you were ready.
“Aegon…” You groan in frustration. “Please… just fuck me.”
Aegon does not hesitate before he begins pounding into you. You could tell how much he had been holding back. Moans fill the room as you both get closer to the edge. You wrap your legs around his hips forcing him deeper into you.
“Gods, you are so fucking tight.” Aegon groans in your ear.
His words spur you on and you dig your nails into his back as your second orgasm begins to creep up on you. Aegons thrusts become sloppy as he reaches his own peak. He did not want to finish before you but the feel of you was too overwhelming.
“My love, I think I’m gonna-“ He pants.
“Me too.” You moan.
Your words trigger his release as he thrusts deeply inside you and moans loudly against your neck. This draws out your own orgasm and you finish in sync as you hold him tightly to you.
He remains inside you and your eyes meet.
“I think I am in love with you, (y/n).” He whispers, brushing your golden hair from your face. He never thought he would say that to anyone.
“I think I am in love with you, Aegon.” You smile widely.
Aegon places a kiss to your nose before rolling off of you. He pulls you in close for a cuddle and wraps his arms around you. You sigh peacefully, but as you begin to doze off you feel something poking against your backside.
“I am not finished with you yet.” Aegon whispers in your ear, creating goosebumps on your skin.
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You wake the next morning as the sunlight peers through the window. You look up to your handsome new husband peacefully asleep and press a kiss to his chest. He stirs in his sleep and you press another kiss to his stomach as an idea crosses your mind. Your clothes still laid discarded on the floor from last night. The only thing covering his now hardening manhood was a thin sheet. You gently pull the sheet down and reveal him in all his glory. You watch his face as you lightly grasp him with your hand. He quietly moans and squirms under your touch but does not wake.
You continue to watch his unconscious reactions as you place a kiss to his tip, then a lick, then a suck. Finally, you take him fully into your mouth and he groans as he finally wakes up. He looks down at you with surprise in his heavy lidded eyes. You smirk up at him as you continue to work your mouth on him. He threads his fingers through your hair and gently pushes your head further down. The gagging sounds you make quickly pushes him to the edge. You swallow his release as his fingers tighten in your hair and he groans your name.
“You are incredible.” Aegon huffs, still panting.
You giggle at him while you take a sip of wine. The sheet now hung low just barely covering him.
“I am not finished with you yet.” You wink and lean forward to kiss his lips.
Aegon cups your cheek and deepens the kiss as you move to straddle him. You grind against him through the sheet between you. You moan against his mouth when you feel that he’s already hard again.
You quickly pull the sheet down and he gasps into your mouth as your fingers wrap tightly around him. You hold intense eye contact as you slowly slide down onto his cock, watching every face and noise he makes.
You move your hips testing out this new position and Aegon groans and reaches up to grab your breasts. You grind faster along him and you both begin to moan louder. He grabs your ass to aide your movements, his fingers hold on so tightly they were sure to leave bruises.
You get closer and closer to the edge before Aegon sits up slightly and starts pounding into you. He relished at the sight of you above him. Your perfect tits bouncing as your beautiful pleasure etched face let out desperate moans for him, he had never seen a more heavenly sight.
He presses his fingers on your most sensitive spot and you cry out as you come undone for him. He fucks you through your orgasm before quickly finding his own.
You collapse onto the bed beside him, both panting heavily. Aegon turns to you with a boyish grin on his face which you could not help but find adorable.
“You are incredible.” He breathes.
“You said that.” You chuckle and brush his snowy hair from his face.
“I meant it.” He leans up and kisses you.
The kiss was meant to be quick but you pull each other closer again as your tongues dance together. Aegon pulls back with a pained expression.
“I wish I could stay here all day with you.” He says looking at you with pure adoration. “Really I do.”
“I know.” You softly kiss his lips. “But the king has important matters to attend to, I understand.”
He presses a final lingering kiss to your lips before leaving bed and getting ready for the day.
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You did not see Aegon for the rest of the day as he attended important matters. By the time he joined you in bed you were fast asleep. He slipped into the sheets quietly before pausing to admire you. The way your hair and milky skin seemed to glow in the moonlight made you look completely ethereal. He watched you as your breath lightly rose and fell. He could not believe how head over heels in love he was in a marriage he had nearly refused.
The next morning Aegon was gone again before you woke. You sigh and get dressed before going out to search for him. You hadn’t had a moment to speak for an entire a day now, and you were also missing him in other ways.
Aegon was alone in the small council room focused on a pile of parchments in front of him. His head shoots up when you knock on the open door and his firm expression quickly softens.
“My love… what are you doing here?” He puts the papers down and stands from his chair.
“I have not seen you since yesterday morning. I simply miss my husband.” You shrug as you walk over to him with a smile.
“I have missed you too wife.” He pulls you in close by the waist and you wrap your arms around his neck.
You press your lips to his and the kiss quickly becomes urgent and wanting. Aegon lifts you up onto the table and kisses you deeper as his tongue dips into your mouth. His hardness pressing against your core makes the need for him unbearable. You begin to pull at the laces of his pants.
“My love wait… we should not do that here.” Aegon murmurs against your lips but makes no attempt to stop you. “The doors are wide open.”
“I don’t care.” You respond in a raspy voice that lights a fire in him.
He kisses you again hard and begins frantically pushing up your skirts. You finish unlacing his ties and release him from his trousers. He wastes no time lining himself up to your entrance and plunges deep inside you causing you to let out a yelp.
“Shh.” Aegon smirks against your neck.
You bite your lip as he quickly pounds into you, legs dangling loosely around his hips. There was no time to ease into things when someone could walk by the open doors at any moment and catch you both in such a state. Although you did not actually want to be caught, the thrill of it made your heart race. You feel your peak coming faster than ever before.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” Aegon rasps in your ear.
“Gods, Aegon I’m-“ His words tip you over the edge, your orgasm overcoming your senses.
He quickly covers your mouth as you cry out against his hand, still alarmingly loud given the location. Your orgasm triggers his own and he grunts into your neck as he comes deep inside you. You quickly come down from the table and fix yourselves as you’re still catching your breath.
Nearly seconds after Aegon tucks himself back into his pants a member of the small council enters the room. Had they come in only a minute ago you would have been caught.
“Your grace, my queen.” They nod to you both. “I had matters to discuss with you, my king.” He glances to you, a silent way of asking you to leave.
“Yes, of course.” You say as you excuse yourself from the room.
You turn back to Aegon as you head to the door and you realize his hair is now a mess from your activities. He gives you his devilishly handsome smirk and you give a smirk back before leaving the room.
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You tossed and turned, unable to sleep. It was nearing the hour of the wolf and Aegon had still not returned to bed. You huff as you throw on a robe and go off in search of him. He was not in the small council room where he spent most late nights. You were beginning to worry until you heard his laughter echo down the hall. You followed his loud voice to the throne room where you see him sitting leisurely on the iron throne and drinking with some men.
“Ah! My beautiful wife!” He exclaims when he sees you.
The gentlemen mumble “my queen” to your arrival. You simply look at Aegon unimpressed and cross your arms.
“Uh oh gentleman.” Aegon smirks drunkenly to the other men. “It seems my wife is upset with me. You best give us some privacy.”
The men chuckle at Aegons antics before leaving you alone in the room. Aegon looks to you with a smirk still painted across his face, unphased by the stern look on yours.
“Why do you look so serious, my love?” He says teasingly.
“Do you have any idea how late it is?” You walk towards him sitting on the throne, arms still crossed in front of you.
“I am afraid I simply lost track of time, my darling.” Aegon shrugs as he takes another drink of wine.
You scoff at his response.
“Fine.” You shrug back. “I will just return to bed then… alone.”
You turn to leave the room with annoyance burning through your veins. Aegon quickly stands and grabs your hand. He pulls you to him and wraps his arms around your waist so you could not pull away, although you try briefly.
“You shall not return to bed alone, my darling.” Aegon says as he kisses your neck causing goosebumps along your skin.
“You did not seem to care for me a moment ago… while you drank and laughed with your friends.” You tried to hide the desire laced in your angry tone.
“On the contrary.” Aegon pulls back to look at you. “I was telling them all about my beautiful new queen.”
He begins to kiss your neck again and you could not help but melt into his arms.
“My bold queen.” He kisses your chin. “My kind queen.” He kisses your cheek. “My perfect wife.” Finally, he captures your lips in a passionate kiss.
You do not hesitate to kiss him back, the desire for him burning within you. He parts your lips and when you think he is about to lead you back to your chambers he swiftly picks you up and leads you over to the iron throne.
“What are you doing?” You ask in a panic as Aegon places you down on the throne and gets on his knees in front of you.
“What does it look like I am doing?” He smirks as he pushes the skirts of your robe and nightgown up to your waist.
“Aegon we cannot-“ The words die on your tongue when his tongue is on you.
He quickly gets annoyed with the crown slipping from his head so he yanks it off and places it on you. He smirks at the sight of you, legs spread in front of him, sitting on the iron throne with his crown sitting upon your head. He places a kiss to your knee before diving back into you.
Your hands bury into his white hair as he expertly licks your bundle of nerves. You try not to make too much noise but soft moans pour from your mouth. He slips his fingers inside you and you cry out too loudly before slapping your hand over your mouth.
Suddenly, a rustling of armour pulls you out of your daze and a knight appears before you. You tap on Aegons shoulder rapidly and he stops his actions and looks to the knight.
“I- Please, forgive me your graces...” The knight stammered as he averted his eyes away from where Aegon still sat on his knees in front of you.
“What are you doing here?” Aegon demands.
“Forgive me, your grace. I heard a scream and came to investigate.” The knight responds, his eyes still on the ground awkwardly.
“Well, that is understandable.” Aegons tone softens. “However, in the future if you hear screams of that nature you can assume that is just the queen.” He say arrogantly.
You playfully slap Aegon on the shoulder.
“Yes, your grace... I will not make that mistake again. Forgive me.” The man bows and rushes out of the room still keeping his eyes to the floor.
“Well that was mortifying.” You say as you go to stand, your heart still racing.
Aegon shrugs and firmly holds your hips in place. “Please excuse the minor interruption, my queen.”
He places a quick kiss to your lips before dipping his head back down again. It takes you no time to come undone as he eats you like a man starved and pumps his fingers in and out of you.
“Oh… gods!” You do not bother to hide your moans this time as you reach your peak.
Aegon does not cease his actions until you push him away from overstimulation. He looks at you with his classic boyish grin while his face glistens from your essence. You lean forward and capture his lips again, tasting yourself on his tongue. When you pull back Aegon cups your cheek and looks into your eyes deeply.
“You are the most perfect wife I could have imagined.” He places a kiss to your lips. “A fun wife.” He smirks.
You smile at him and place a kiss to his forehead. He moves to stand before lifting you up and carrying you all the way back to your chambers. You spend the entire night making love. Your heart felt so full with hope of a fun future with your new husband.
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spiderb00 · 3 months ago
Lara Raj X Reader 
Synopsis - Lara isn't your girlfriend, at least not yet. 
Genre – Fluff     Warnings – this tells the story of the past, when you and Lara didn't date (there will be part 2)  (request)
Now playing – Crazy girls, by TOOPOOR 
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From the beginning of your relationship with Lara you always knew that the Indian girl was a flaming cauldron of jealousy, damn it, even before you dated you knew that the girl was jealous from birth. Lara didn't like to share things and she sure didn't like to share you. You knew from the beginning.  
Working with music has always been your dream, you loved creating melodies, you loved playing instruments, you loved singing and mixing chords to form a song. So when you finally managed to establish yourself as a music producer, you were jumping for joy. You had worked with some Hybe artists before, Le Sserafim, NewJeans, Enhypen, Seventeen, BOYNEXTDOOR...   
You could walk through all the groups, with all the different concepts and you would still be able to filter all the essence and make an out-of-this-world production. So it was no surprise to you when you were asked to work with the newest group Hybe had released. You'd seen a few things about Katseye here and there, it was kind of impossible not to see with all the success these girls were having, they were pretty much everywhere.   
When you arrived at the studio the girls were kind, friendly and very sweet with you, they were extremely loud and funny, and that helped the environment to be comfortable and light so that you could all work. At first you didn't notice, too busy at your work to see what was going on, but after the first week, you started to notice a strange movement in the Kats' behavior.   
As soon as she saw you, Lara was impressed. You were beautiful, you were hot and after talking to you for a few minutes she also saw that you were very intelligent and passionate about music, and that attracted her a hundred times more. Although Lara tries to be quiet about it, the Kats had already noticed her strange behavior around you, and when they asked, Lara couldn't keep it, letting it all out. That day, the Kats had to spend more than half an hour listening to how hot and cute you were, and how Lara thought you were a music nerd.  
It turns out that over time, it was starting to get tiring for the Kats. Lara didn't have the courage to ask you out, she always got tangled up in her words when she was close to you. All this was very new to the Kats, who were always used to the Indian girl's endless confidence. They'll never forget the moment they encouraged Lara to ask you out for the first time, only to mess it up in less than five minutes. 
a week before
"Yn!" you heard someone shout your name as you walked to your car.
You had just finished another session in the studio with the Kats, and after saying goodbye to all the girls, you went to the parking lot to get your car.  
"Oh, Lara. Something wrong?" You asked, thinking that maybe you had forgotten some of your stuff in the studio.   
"I, uhm... I wanted to ask you something." Lara said, nervously fiddling with the jewelry she wore in her hands.   
You honestly thought the red-haired girl was pretty cute. You always saw Lara very confident in presentations and interviews, it was a little funny to see that she got nervous just looking at you.  
"I... I was wondering if... us, if we're already close to finishing the songs." Lara took a few steps back on her head. She hadn't been able to say what she wanted, and all that lack of confidence was making her frustrated.   
"Yes, it is. We just have to make a few adjustments and everything will be ready. Why? Do you have a problem?" You asked, genuinely worried about the girl in front of you.   
"What? No! I was just... I was just wondering. You know, just to have better control of our schedules." Lara said, trying to appear relaxed.   
You nodded your head, smiling slightly at the girl who was scrambled in your words.   
"Well, bye, drive carefully." Lara said, waving at you and turning her back, walking back to where the Kats were spying on all the interaction from afar.   
When Lara turned her back, she lost your knowing smile, knowing the Indian girl's intentions, but wanting to see how long it would last. And well, for the same reason Lara lost your smile, you lost the girl's face of frustration. Lara closed her eyes tightly as she turned her back to you, her head nodding in denial discreetly, for the embarrassment she had just gone through.   
After all this happened, the Kats decided to do something to get a confession from Lara. None of the girls could stand the passionate sighs and the Indian girl constantly talking about you in every corner of the house. That's when they had the brilliant idea, all the girls knew that Lara was jealous with her things, she didn't share. And even if you weren't from Lara (yet), the Kats knew that the red-haired girl would react if she saw someone wanting what was (still be) hers.   
That morning, Manon was strange with you. The curly girl was talking to you more than the others, she was constantly close to you and her touches on your arm took much longer than usual. You were even more sure that something was wrong when it was Lara's turn to enter the booth to record. Manon dragged her chair close to yours, putting her head on your shoulder, as you tried to give Lara instructions.   
The girl mentioned was on fire, if you were in a cartoon for sure smoke would come out of the Indian girl's ears. Lara was steaming with rage, not only because Manon was clearly hitting on you, but also because it was Manon, and she knew Lara had a crush on you. In Lara's mind, none of that made sense, and for a moment she just wanted to get out of that booth, pull you somewhere, tell you to stay away from Manon and kiss you until you begged her to let you breathe. Then, after recording her part, Lara quickly left the booth, standing next to you and Manon, with an unfriendly expression. 
"Yn, can we talk quickly in the hallway?" Lara asked, her gaze was burning your head and you for a moment wondered if you had done something wrong.  
"Hm, sure..." You said, being interrupted by Manon settling more on your shoulder.  
"Does it have to be now? I'm so comfortable." Manon said.  
The Kats were static, all looking at the scene as if they were about to watch a boxing match, who would throw the first punch? Sophia began to slightly regret the idea of making Lara jealous. But what did she expect? You should never release a hungry lion from the cage hoping that it will not attack you. 
"Yes, it has to be now." Lara said, and everyone in the room could have sworn they heard her gritting her teeth.  
"Alright, come on, no problem." You said, wanting to avoid anything that was brewing there.  
As soon as you stood up, Lara grabbed your wrist, quickly pulling you out of the room, walking a little down the huge hallway, until she found a dead end, pulling you there and pushing you against the wall.
"Do you like Manon?" Lara asked, crossing her arms and looking at you with an angry expression.  
"What?" You answered.  
"Do you like her getting on top of you and touching you all the time, Yn?"   
"I... I don't know..." 
"I, i, i, i." Lara mocked you, making you even more confused. "Do you like her, Yn? Do you want to ask her out? Do you want to date her?" Lara bombarded you with questions, making you a little overwhelmed.  
"My god, no, I don't like Manon! I don't even know why she's acting like this. I want to ask you out, but I never find the right time. I'm sorry." You said, raising your hands in surrender.  
Lara, realizing that she had gotten out of control, was paralyzed. She couldn't believe she had done such a shameful thing. Still perplexed, the Indian girl took two steps back, putting her hands to her mouth. 
"Yn, my god. I'm sorry, I don't... I didn't want to blow up on you." Lara said, running one of her hands through her hair, trying to understand everything she did. "I... I was just frustrated with everything, I was trying to ask you out for so long, that I didn't even realize how stupid I was being."   
"Alright, I just wish you hadn't thrown me against the wall so hard." You said, laughing lightly, making Lara laugh with you. "But since you've said everything you wanted, can we finally have our date?" You asked, looking down slightly to see Lara's eyes. 
"Do you still want to hang out with me after all this?" Lara asked, scratching the back of her neck nervously as she put her other hand in the back pocket of her pants, embarrassingly cute.  
"Of course! Only promise me not to crash into a car if the waitress at the restaurant decides to flirt with me." You said, laughing before Lara slapped your abdomen a little, laughing lightly.  
"Shut up."   
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This has a part two, because I received two requests from jealous Lara and I had the idea of doing them in the same "universe"
This chapter tells the past, when they were still getting to know each other, in the next one they are already dating, and we will be able to see more of Lara being jealous. :)
xoxo, spider.
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hivemuthur · 14 days ago
If you’re comfortable, can I request Viktor dating hcs where reader has adhd? If not, that’s fine!
Hi Anon! Here's your HCs!
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ViktorXADHD!Reader HeadCannons
viktorxgn!reader general, fluff and again we have Viktor setting impossible standards for real-life partners (for me, I'm the partner :v)
author’s note: I wish I was this kind of partner guys :')
word count: 0,8K
✧ Viktor notices almost immediately that your mind moves fast—sometimes faster than even his own. He finds it fascinating, the way your thoughts jump from one topic to another, connecting things he wouldn't have considered.
✧ When you start rambling about a new hyperfixation, he listens intently, chin propped in his hand, soft smile on his lips. If it's something he can research, he’ll surprise you with a fact about it later, just to see your face light up.
✧ “You know, I read something about that,” he says casually, and the way you snap to attention fills him with warmth.
✧ He isn’t bothered when you interrupt him mid-sentence; he knows it’s because you’re engaged, not because you aren’t listening. That being said, if he really needs to get a point across, he’ll gently cup your face and say, “Lásko, let me finish.”
✧ If you forget important things—appointments, meals, deadlines—he doesn’t scold you. Instead, he subtly helps. “Did you eat today?” he asks while placing an apple in your hand. “You have an appointment tomorrow morning, yes? I will set an alarm for you.”
✧ He understands how frustrating it is to want to do something but not be able to focus on it. If you’re struggling with executive dysfunction, he sits with you, offering quiet encouragement. Sometimes, just knowing he’s there makes it easier.
✧ You tend to leave things half-finished, starting a new task before completing the last. Viktor doesn't mind; he simply places a bookmark in your abandoned book, keeps your projects organised, and gently reminds you where you left off.
✧ “You were working on this earlier,” he says, nudging a notebook toward you. “Shall we finish it together?”
✧ If your hyperactivity manifests physically, he lets you fidget with his fingers, his cane, even the hem of his sleeve. He likes it—it means you feel safe enough to do so.
✧ On days when your thoughts feel like an untamed storm, Viktor grounds you. He speaks softly, rubs soothing circles into your palm, and reminds you to take deep breaths.
✧ Viktor notices when you’re upset before you even say a word. Your usual energy dims, your gaze lingers unfocused, and your hands fidget more than usual. He doesn’t press you to talk—he knows that sometimes, finding the words is the hardest part.
✧ “We have three options,” he says, brushing his fingers against yours. “We talk about it now, we do not talk about it at all, or I will check in with you again in an hour.”
✧ The relief you feel is instant. He doesn’t need you to spell out what you need; he gets it. And when you squeeze his hand in silent gratitude, he simply squeezes back.
✧ Viktor doesn’t complain about your habit of draping half your wardrobe over the back of the chair. To him, it looks chaotic—but to you, it’s a system.
✧ “Why do you not put them away?” he asks, genuinely curious.
✧ “Because they aren’t dirty, but they aren’t clean either,” you explain.
✧ He nods as if that is the most logical thing in the world. “Ah. A liminal space for clothing. Understood.” And he's never brought it up again.
✧ Keeping the house organised is a delicate balance between Viktor’s methodical nature and your tendency to misplace things.
✧ He has congratulated himself more than once for coming up with transparent food containers.
✧ It's a small gesture, but got you tearing up. “You brilliant, brilliant man,” you say, bewildered, stacking them up in the most visible spots on your kitchen shelves.
✧ At some point, Viktor realised that opened food items exist in a strange limbo in your mind—neither fresh nor expired, just schrödinger’s groceries.
✧ His solution? A red marker pen, always within reach.
✧ Every milk carton, juice bottle, or half-used sauce now has the date of opening scrawled on it in his precise handwriting.
✧ “You are absurdly efficient,” you admit, watching him carefully mark the oat milk.
✧ “Efficient?” He smirks. “No, I simply dislike the phrase ‘I don’t know if this is still good, smell it for me.’”
✧ You fall asleep best when there’s something playing in the background—a podcast, an audiobook, even a video you’ve watched a hundred times.
✧ At first, Viktor found it odd, but now? He’s grown used to it. If anything, he finds the murmur of voices comforting when you fall asleep curled into him.
✧ He even takes the time to pick something out for you if you’re too tired to choose. “I selected a lecture on quantum mechanics,” he says with a small smile. “I expect you will be asleep before the introduction is over.”
✧ He doesn’t see your ADHD as a flaw. He sees you—brilliant, creative, full of energy and passion. And he loves you for it.
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shadowmor · 1 month ago
Mc is not fluent in Japanese part 2
Idea/summary: The Mc/Reader is foreign and knows just enough Japanese to express basics ideas (almost A2 level).
Part 1
-> Hotarubi & Sinostra house
✋️Obviously, this is not canon. Just a scenario idea
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Kusanagi Haku
He already had some doubts about you being from outside Japan before interacting, but he quickly confirmed it.
"No, I'm not taking you to a clinic. Yes, to Darkwick, do you know it?"
But instead of seeing you searching on a search engine, he noticed that you typed the institution's name (incorrectly) into an online dictionary. Oh.
"No, Darkwick is an academy."
Before saying goodbye when you were taken to talk to the teachers, he briefly asked what your native language was. – You only understood the reason behind the question when he greeted you in your native language the first time you entered the Hotarubi house.
He studied some greetings (lazily) in case he saw you. If being cursed was already horrible, imagine not being able to express yourself the way you want?
Even if it wasn't much, Haku thought that by learning your language, you would feel less lonely and scared.
Besides, he noticed that his pick-up lines go in one of your ears and out the other since you don’t seem to understand unless it's in a literal sense.
"You didn't get it, did you?"
"I just didn’t understand the comparison between me and spring."
"Of course..."
Don’t be surprised if he throws a pick-up line at you in your native language —somehow, he sounds quite fluent in that aspect. (Maybe the color change on your cheeks and ears when you hear it is part of his motivation to practice more.)
Overall, Haku is a great teacher. Extremely patient with your mistakes and playfully teasing in a way that doesn’t make you feel mocked.
Oh? Speaking to me in such a casual tone... are you implying that we are actually closer than I imagined?"
Haku hates working more than necessary, let alone studying. But well, he won’t say no to a study date with you.
That is, until he realizes that you two weren’t the only ones in this study session. He looked at you strangely as you brought the Frostheim newbies.
"Maybe I misunderstood, MC. Wasn’t it just the two of us?"
"Is there a problem?"
"No, not really." It was.
He also learned to say your name correctly on the first try, just like Tohma.
Haku seems to know a mix of languages, from the most well-known to those he selected out of personal interest (yours made it onto the list).
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Subaru Kagami
Although I sometimes doubt that Subaru's external personality is completely genuine, I'll write assuming it is.
At first, he didn’t realize you were a foreigner. Like Alan, he vaguely thought you just weren’t good with words. – For a moment, he felt identified.
But doubts arose when you two started communicating directly. A few pronunciation mistakes here and there, confusing text messages, and the fact that Haku always greeted you in another language made him suspect.
"What’s wrong, Subaru?"
"If I'm wrong, please don't take it personally, maybe I misunderstood. MC, are you from another country?"
Subaru quickly joined the study group, even though he firmly stated that he wouldn’t be very helpful, but demonstrated the complete opposite.
He is a great teacher, simple and direct in explaining grammatical sentence structures or the meaning behind some kanji simbols.
Studying with him is always nice because, in the end, fresh tea and some cookies are ready for your break.
He rarely corrects you outside of study hours, and when he does, he always seems reluctant or annoyed with himself.
If he’s with you and someone misunderstands you, he’ll try to clarify the situation.
Subaru already wanted to study your language to get closer to you and make you feel more comfortable, but what really pushed him was hearing you murmur in your native tongue —he found the intonation so beautiful.
Certainly, it would be a shame if you couldn’t speak in such an expressive way.
Like Alan (again), he prefers learning directly, but to avoid being a bother, he also studies through other resources. – Haku brought some textbooks he found in the library.
He only mispronounced your name twice.
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Zenji Kotodama
The best of the best 🙌
He thought it was just a peculiar way of your speaking, but he admires that you went to another country despite not being fluent.
Although his songs may seem a bit confusing, they actually help you correct your pronunciation because he enunciates each syllable slowly.
He sometimes follows you around the academy to keep you away from trouble caused by your lack of comprehension.
"No, no, no, gal! This young man understood something else! Repeat after me so he doesn’t get confused."
He asked you to sing in your native language—he found it nice and tried to imitate it. (It sounded more like phonetic gibberish.)
Now you've been admitted to work with Haku in managing Zenji’s posts!
Congratulations, you're now responsible for adding subtitles to his video-songs in your language. The more people who understand and appreciate the meaning of his words, the better the world will be, right? He needs to touch more hearts.
Zenji is better at explaining the meanings of symbols than strict grammar, but he's still good.
"Oh, my dear. It’s not this, it’s this here. Write it again."
He pronounces your name in an overly dramatic way
He doesn’t mind if you speak to him casually (even if it’s by mistake).
When he accompanies you to the library, you just need to point at a symbol, and he will express what it means. (Maybe his metaphors confuse you, but he will try to be clearer if he notices your confusion.)
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Taiga Hoshibami
You almost got grazed by a bullet when you spoke informally to him upon entering the casino for the first time.
Interacting with Taiga is a bit unsettling —one moment, he's laughing at your funny way of speaking, and the next, he’s pressing a gun to your forehead, ordering you to speak properly.
He doesn’t correct you; he genuinely enjoys watching you mess up. Sometimes, he pretends not to understand just to see you desperately trying to replace the word you used.
You might end up being subconsciously registered in his mind as the girl who speaks funny. (Not a good thing. If your Japanese improves, he might pull out his gun again in your next conversation. Better be known as the kitten.)
He might start pointing at objects, waiting (forcing) you to say their names with your flawed pronunciation.
No, he still doesn’t remember your name. If he already struggles to remember the honor student’s title, imagine a foreign name.
Like Subaru, he heard you murmuring in your native language and immediately asked you to speak like that while using your thighs as a pillow. But don’t try saying anything funny—Taiga is extremely sharp to know when someone is making fun of him.
If someone mocks the way you speak while he's around and still remembers who you are, someone’s going to need medical attention. It should only be funny for him.
Taiga seems to know other languages; he might know yours, but I highly doubt he’ll speak it with you—unless he has a real reason to threaten you.
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Romeo Lucci
The audacity you have to speak to him so casually using his first name.
Romeo likely knows other languages, being a noble businessman that he is.
He knew you were foreign at first glance and pronounces your name correctly after hearing it once.
You were truly an annoying thing—not just because of your writing mistakes in the reports, but also because even after he explained abbreviations, you still seemed confuse.
"You are such a WOE!!"
"..." Just from your expression, he knew you didn’t understand.
"Waste Of Effort!!"
Yet, there was that same blank look—how the hell did you not get it, even when he patiently explained?
If he knows your language, he might make a slight effort to communicate about necessary matters using it — like Kaito’s routine or about a mission
His corrections always come through frustrated sighs or yelling.
Yet, he somehow always returns your reports corrected, helping you understand what symbols you got wrong.
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Ritsu Shinjo
He possibly knows other idioms —a lawyer must be aware of their client’s needs in any circumstance! How would he defend someone without understanding what they’re saying?
He still has your audio response to his question about you being a foreigner (why).
If he has time, he will join your study group. However, he already corrects you in any communication you two have.
Ritsu corrects you directly, pointing out the mistake and the solution. He doesn’t really care about how he’s explaining things or whether you feel embarrassed—similar to Jin in that aspect. Why are you embarrassed? He’s helping you.
As his business partner, your communication must be clear, objective, and efficient.
So, if he doesn’t know your language, he will find ways to learn it. You found it amusing that, just because you’re his associate, he spends nights studying your language. (And he doesn’t understand why that surprised you.)
Despite his "lawyer-like" demeanor, Ritsu is very helpful. He gathers books for you, ranging from basic to advanced Japanese.
He mispronounced your name a few times (maybe three in total).
Sorry, maybe i did wrote too much. Please forgive me for any grammar mistakes TT
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worriedvision · 2 months ago
"...You kidnapped who?" - Neuvillette
Gender neutral reader, reader is Neuvillette's spouse. Because of some strange miscommunication, the treasure hoarders believe they are Kamisato Ayatos partner. I was planning on writing it as crack but it didn't turn out that way, happy ending at the end though.
"Tell us your husband's plans with the visions that have yet to be claimed." A treasure hoarded huffs, pacing back and forth in an attempt to soothe himself before going straight to harming you.
As a Fontainian person, your attire was very obviously not fitting of someone from Inazuma. In all honesty, you don't even know what happened to get you in this position. You weren't in Fontaine, but you didn't fully buy you were on land at all. You feel yourself swaying back and forth with a steady wave pattern, yet there didn't seem to be any boxes or barrels here with you. Just a solitary chair the treasure hoarder was sitting in at first, only to get knocked over in a childish fit when you genuinely didn't know who this Kamisato man was. You had heard vaguely of him, yes, however your work really did not concern knowing of these people. That was more Neuvillette's side of things, your husband, but he made sure to put a boundary in place where neither of you would talk about your work together.
"You got that stupid ring on your hand - which we have now got- uhhh wait, no it's not that one..." The treasure hoarder trails off, bitting his nails before shouting out a plethora of swear words before storming out.
When the door opened in his stomping out, you could see it was the morning - at least you could maybe figure out where you were if you weren't out at sea in the middle of archons knows where. You hear the treasure hoarder crying to his boss about the fact this was his first interrogation, and you can't help but laugh quietly at the absurdity of his comments before someone else enters the room.
"Sorry about that, but we'll have to keep a close eye on you." The treasure hoarder smiles, eyes closing as he does so before slowly opening his eyes. When he makes eye contact with you - clearly more aware of your attire - he opens the door to yell a 'you sure this Fontainian bitch is the one we're looking for?' Before closing the door again.
"Now, tell me the truth and you won't lose that finger of yours. Got it?" He tilts his head.
Hoo boy, straight to violence like the other one? This was going to be a difficult one to get out of. Knowing your husband's protective nature, he would likely be contacting people in Liyue and Sumeru to look for you before looking into things himself. Of course, he can't stop working but every moment he does get he chance he looks for clues.
Meanwhile, Kamisato Ayatos reaction was first laughter - what made this person think he had a partner, let alone a spouse? He would be dousing his partner with very obvious affections, to make sure people know his partner and not to mess with them. That laughter quickly washes away, and he just so happens to know Kazuha is currently in Inazuma - Beidou is likely there as well, so he immediately contacts them with his concern. It was a note to say you would be lost at sea in 24 hours if they didn't get details on the unclaimed visions from the vision hunt decree. Thankfully, the crew are more than happy to go out in search for you.
You were honest with your answer, and the consequences of not knowing the details the man was looking for, he starts to grab your hand, both hands shaking as he tries to squeeze your hand hard enough to break the finger. You look at the man in confusion, and his face is growing red - either from fury or embarrassment - before he settles for giving your hand as hard a squeeze as possible. He lets go,still not grabbing the ring off your finger leading to you sitting on your hand to protect yourself. The ropes around your body are digging in, sure, but you were able to move around a bit.
"Get me the anchor, boys. This one's not gonna sing." The man tells, you panicking when you realise he's going to throw you overboard. You stand up to try and run around the room, somehow successfully doing to as the man doesn't know how to cut a corner or even trip you.
You eventually get tackled by a team of three treasure hoarders, and they begin to pin you down as they start to tie a very poor knot between you and the anchor - admittedly, the anchor was heavy and it would drag you down. You realise you don't know where you are, and whatever these people wanted you couldn't provide. Realising the sudden threat, and you having no way out, you begin to cry and plead with your captors.
"Should've given us the information on the visions." One of the treasure hoarders tuts. After tying the knot, they've started to carry you outside, only to find out several concerning things.
On one side, there is a Fatuus boat, filled with several scary and smart looking Fatui agents. On the other side is Beidous ship, with a set of very angry sailors.
But worse of all?
Their boss has only now seen your face. He goes pale.
"That's Neuvillette's spouse, you muppets!"
That Fatuus boat just so happened to be in the area when they hear a bunch of ruckus, and decide to look in case this was concerning their group. Both sides of the ship get boarded, and it doesn't take long for the treasure hoarders to get arrested and taken in the Fatui ship to Liyue, and Beidou carries you onto her ship after freeing you. You cry out of relief, everyone staying silent as the medic got your hand sorted.
The next day, you stay at the Kamisato Estate for safety, where you meet Ayatos sister - and the two of you immediately become friends. You tell her about Fontainian fashion, and she tells you about Inazuma fashion before she gasps, asking her brother if you could get a fan from him. He chuckles, agreeing before returning to communication with the Fatui agent who had a briefing for him.
Clearly, the treasure hoarders were tried in Fontaine at your husbands request, and they are asking for a plea deal. Ayato disagrees with the idea, giving the letter to the agent for the deal to be denied with adequate proof that there were plans for you to die if you didn't offer information - which you were close to.
"_, I'm here to escort you back to Fontaine. Monsieur Neuvillette has been extremely worried." The Fatui agent explains, you are more than happy to get up.
"Not so fast. My dear sister and I want to gift you an apology gift for the misidentification that led to this." Ayato states, walking into a room before emerging with several items. A fan, a bottle of Inazuman water and a box of Inazuman delicacies. "I heard your husband likes his water, so I thought this would suffice."
"Thank you, Milord." You bow, graciously accepting the gifts. "Please feel free to visit Fontaine."
Upon returning home, you enter your husbands office. You can see he's passed out, so you place the gifts down on a nearby side table before lightly touching him on the shoulder. He shoots up, clearly working himself sick out of fear you were missing or worse.
"My Dear, you're safe." He sighs out of relief, before looking at your hand. "...Who did that?"
"...One of the treasure hoarders. He wanted information I couldn't provide. Something about the use of the visions not collected?"
"The unclaimed visions since the vision hunt decree has been lifted?" Neuvillette sighs, holding your hand delicately before slightly tracing the bruised skin. "They could have asked a representative in Inazuma, and would have gotten an answer that way." He sighs.
You look out the window, sensing your husband is upset as the rain has started up again.
"Please, I need you." Neuvillette let's out, croaking at the end before you sit on his lap as he holds you tightly against him, as if he was fearing you weren't real and the real you was still missing.
"...The visions that were unclaimed are being archived. It's a part of Inazuman history that cannot be sold." He explains, yawning as he nuzzles into you.
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gendercomsumer · 1 year ago
hiii ^^ I would like some headcanons for riddle, malleus, vil and rook with a fem mc that accidentally ends up making them laugh (because what she says or does is very random xd maybe an example would be like jennifer lawrence sjjs she is very funny ) well that's all, thanks and take care <3
Riddle, Malleus, Vil, and Rook with an S/O who can make them laugh with the most random things
A/N: Hello to you too Anon! I know this has been in my inbox for gods knows how long- But thank you still for sending this in! I hope this is to your liking! I actually did watch some Jennifer Lawrence videos for inspiration and I have to agree the comedic timing she has is perfect!! I also used some google translate in Rooks part so it may not be accurate ^^;
Characters: Riddle, Malleus, Vil, and Rook
Warnings: Cursing to a mild degree, playful mention of stalking in Rooks (I love him I swear!!!), lightly proof read
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle is a bit difficult to get a good genuine laugh out of, at least in my opinion.
Like sure you have a small chuckle when he finds something amusing, but i feel like it'd be a bit of a challenge to get a good genuine laugh out of.
Then you came in, saying the strangest things at the most unrelated times!
And Ace and Deuce find this absolutely hilarious
You'll say the most out of pocket shit with the straightest face and somehow half the people around you start to laugh some others breaking out in giggles
Ace and Deuce have definitely talked about this 'talent' of yours, at least in their words.
You had said some of these strange comments around Riddle and he found them strange a bit endearing as well
I'd think the time you got a good laugh out of him was when you had come with him to take care of some of the hedgehogs
The two of you were sitting in the grass some of the hedgehogs were playing while a few had decided that climbing on the two of you was a good way to pass the time
One had wandered up onto your head and almost fell off but luckily you were able to save the little guy before he fully hit the ground
After Riddle worriedly checked the little guy over you while looking over his shoulder at the small animal said:
"Well at least we know this one has no self preservation"
Unwillingly, or maybe subconsciously, a small laugh makes it's way through Riddles chest to his lips.
Well, now maybe he saw what those two were blabbering on about
Your little comments were always appreciated with Riddle
Even if they didn't cause him to laugh they did brighten his mood at least somewhat
"Yes, this one does tend to be a bit of a handful. Reminds me of a certain rose I know"
He teased before you two fell back into the pattern of caring for the small animals
More chuckles and comments to come no doubt
Malleus Draconia
At first Malleus didn't understand why the rest of Diasomnia found your remarks so comical
Yes his child of man did tend to bring a certain warmth where ever she walked
But he didn't see this as an excuse for the amount of laughter you cause people around you
Most of the remarks you make will fly over his head
I'm sorry but he seems like the kind of guy to not get the joke until you explain it to him-
Now the Thorn Prince does share a few chuckles with those around him when he finds something amusing, similar to Riddle
But it's even more difficult to get a laugh out of him considering he doesn't get a lot of the play on words type of jokes
but something abrupt and slightly out of context?
I feel like that would get some sort of laugh out of him
One day you were talking with Malleus about some of the things you did in your old world
The topic of amusement parks came up and you started listing the rides you used to go on as a child
Roller coasters, bumper cars, lazy rides where you could relax, until you blanked on the name of a ride
It was frustrating considering it was probably something simple and you would remember it after their conversation, but you wanted to keep the ball rolling
Malleus mean while was partly enjoying seeing how frustrated you got over a simple word
You really were a strange thing weren't you Child of man?
"I'm sorry Mal- I know what I'm thinking of! It's on the tip of my tongue- It's like one of those horse tornado things!"
Horse.. tornado..?
Now that got Malleus attention
he understood the other rides you described, favoring the lazy rides
but what ever this horse tornado was... it sounded.. strange, yet curious at the same time
Malleus let out a small puff of air before he started chuckling under his breath
You truly were a strange one weren't you child of man, just like the world you came from
Malleus pressed a kiss to your forehead letting out one more chuckle before speaking
"Truly fascinating, maybe one day you could bring me to one of these 'horse tornados' you have me interested"
Sure jokes your fly over his head, but he would tease you some what for your small skips in memory
Vil Schoenheit
Now Vil, having acted in a lot of movies, (If I'm correct) Would have probably had a few good laughs in that line of work
Weather that be on set or behind the cameras
But he doesn't often let out a good laugh in public, it's not really part of the proper image he'd want to put out there
As for behind closed doors or with close friends he's definitely willing to have a laugh
And who better to bring a smile to his face than his lovely sweet potato?
Though one good moment always stuck out to him that caused him to have one of the most genuine laughs in awhile
The two of you were getting ready to go out to a fancy restaurant, courtesy of Vil of course, hair, makeup, shoes things like that
While Vil was sitting at his vanity working on his eyes when you came out of the bathroom in a stunning dress hand picked by Vil
It brought out all your best features while still being enough coverage to where it wasn't uncomfortable to wear into a public area
The two of you made idle conversation as you sat on a near by chair to slip on a matching set of heels for the dress
As you stood up in the heels to work on your own makeup you lost your balance thanks to the new height the heels provided
Although Vil was quick to catch you making sure you came no where near the floor he still was concerned
"Oh sweet potato are you alright? What happened?"
Yes looking back on it the question seemed dumb but he was concerned
but you just let out a giggle while regaining your balance before saying:
"Well I'm not sure what happened, but I remember wanting to yell 'fuck' as my last words before I embarrassed myself"
Vil took a moment while looking at you
then a chuckle escaped his lips which soon turned into the two of you sharing a small laugh
Now Vil doesn't know why he laughs at your antics, in hindsight they're just normal phrases
But maybe it's the delivery?
Or the way you smile at him?
What ever it may be it always causes a smile to grace his lips or a chuckle to be drawn from him
Sure Vil maybe all about preserving beauty and making sure he looks flawless
But if he happens to get a few smile lines because of your antics, he will never hold it against you
"Well my darling, I'm glad to hear you're alright. It would be a shame if you or your lovely dress got roughed up before we left. Now come, you still want to do your makeup don't you? Allow me to help"
Rook Hunt
Now Rook has plenty of laughs in his life
Weather that be from stalking some poor soul or a genuine laugh among friends
Rook out of the four is probably the easiest to get a laugh from
He's a joyful guy wanting to see all nature and the world has to offer! Can you blame him?
Then enters you who some how can't help but leave Rook giggling when ever you do something!
You put your tie on wrong? Oh silly Trickster aren't you just the sweetest thing!
Then comes your words which to Rook is a whole new ball park
Rook tends to hold onto every word meant for him, weather that be written or spoken out loud
His darling Tricksters words are so elegant and so sweet how could he not treasure everyone!
What really gets him chuckling and laughing is the moments when your words aren't as sweet and graceful
Cut to one day when you and Rook were in the fields often used for flying class
Rook had a desire to teach you archery so he happened to drag you along with a quiver and bow to some targets set by his hand
After the first few moments of Rook teaching you how to properly hold and aim the bow and making sure your arm guard was secure (He wouldn't want his darling trickster to get rope burn!) He let you shoot
All was going well as you hit targets in an... acceptable way
But all that seemed to end when a large gust of wind sent your best shot yet off course and into the ground
And just as Rook was about to offer some encouragement to keep going and try once more
some colorful language came from you to say the least
"Wind!? Really!?! Could you not wait two fucking minuets!! Nooooo! You just had to thro my best shot off course you-!"
Now don't get Rook wrong he hold the sweet words you two share close to his heart
But there was just something about you yelling at the wind of all things that caused him to start laughing
As he laid on the grass of the field eyes closed as he laughed
Oh? It seems your colorful language is directed towards him now? Even better!
"Trickster- reine de mon coeur! Please I believe- I believe you have shared plenty enough words with the wind today!"
A/N: This is actually the first time I've taken a good look at the name of Malleus' dorm. Dia = Dragon. Somnia = Sleep
Diasomnia = Dragon of sleep
just a ting i found silly :)
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paperw0rmz · 10 months ago
unpopular opinion, i miss nymphet. coquette is just hyper fem marie antoinette when nympet was dirty girls who struggle with poverty and trying to be like the "cool" girls. its mad strange how we gentrified nymphette.
"oh but it was problematic :( " you act like no aesthetic is. Yes obviously some made it sexual, but it truly was not that fucking bad as someone who was chronically on tumblr during that era. It wasnt hypersexual like yall think it was.
It was genuinely just poor girls who finally felt like they had a voice of being gross and living in shitty public housing not being able to take a shower most days and bathing in a creek. It was getting your big brothers hand-me-down shoes and painting them pink and adding ribbons. It was a reclamation of being a girl in a society that sexualizes you. You know. Like the title. Of that one book. That was about sexualizing a young girl. It was ownership of the word and tearing down masculinity to accommodate feminine desire.
But of course people misunderstood it and assumed nymphet was sexual in nature and therefore began to shit on it because they didnt bother to ask what the story behind it was.
Again YES there was SOME of it, but goth culture gets it was more than nymphette ever fucking did and yet you know why nymphette was shitted on? Because it revolved around women. It was made by girls for girls.
Coquette is just "preppy" now. Girls are buying 400 dollar Hilary Clinton outfits and just pairing it with shien sunglasses. Thats not coquette if you actually just want to rename nymphet. Go to good will, get jeans a size too big, get a ribbon or scarf to use as a belt, color in your shoe laces to be pink, get cheap shitty sunglasses from the gas station and use nail polish to make it cute.
NOT TO MENTION racism has gotten worse when it was rebranded to coquette. Like Yes it has happened before, but people now who are coquette are so bold to say black people cant be it EVEN THO they fit into it more than any rich white girl can.
TLDR: nymphet wasnt bad, it was the men and people who didnt like it that was bad and tore it down not understanding that low income girls needed a space too.
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razrbladekiss · 6 months ago
GUILTY AS SIN? | Joel Miller
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SUMMARY: your dad’s ex-best-friend explains just why your old-man no longer associates with the man whose blood once ran through his veins.
PAIRING: dads(ex)best friend!joel miller x afab!reader. joel is in his fifties, reader is early twenties.
WORD COUNT: no idea i raw-dogged this on tumblr dot com.
WARNINGS: MINORS DNI, 18+ WORK BELOW THE CUT. kinda established friendship between reader and joel, despite not seeing one another for a few years. insinuated NSFW, nothing strictly dirty. just wordy shit.
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He’s a lot grayer than you remember. Broader, too. He looks positively stacked beneath the faded red flannel he’s donning today. For an old-ish man, Joel looks good.
Too good.
Much, much too good for a man who has the audacity—the absolute temerity—to show his face in this town after all that he said about, and did to your father.
Apparently—though, you’ve never been too sure how true the tale of brotherly betrayal had been—Joel had broken the “sacred” pact between himself and your father, when you had moved out of state four years ago, and neither spoke a word to the other since.
Joel left Point Pleasant and took with him his shame for whatever it was that he’d done. But now he’s back—to the dismay of your father—and you’ve just so happened to cross paths with him.
And though you don’t understand—or care to learn about—just what happened between the two who’d been friends since childhood, you respect your old man and his desire to keep you from Joel.
That was, until today.
When you bumbled through town—hunting for a padlock to secure the gate in your backyard that keeps blowing open with the fucking wind—you didn’t think you’d come face to face with him.
You’d waltzed into the hardware store on St. John’s Road, roaming the aisles—feeling uncomfortable in the mundane—for the biggest, brassiest lock you could find and when you got your hands on it, a familiar—though not entirely expected—voice filled the space between you and the monotony of being back home.
He showed himself and you all but shit yourself. You hadn’t expected to see Joel God damn Miller in your town, but you did. And it knocked you for six.
The two of you made small talk for a few minutes—mindful of who could’ve been around—before Joel was inviting you out for drinks later that evening. And being the sweet—slightly intrigued as to what happened between him and your father—soul you are, you said “yes.”
And that’s how you wound up in this position.
Joel sits opposite to you, puttering with the beer mat between his pointer finger and thumb. He flashes you a smile whenever you speak, and you’re filled with a strange sense of warmth in his presence. Nostalgia, perhaps.
“And college was a drag.” You say honestly. “I dropped out after the second semester, but I didn’t tell my parents.”
He laughs in disbelief, not for one second thinking that your father would’ve let that slide.
“What’d dad say?” Joel cringes when he realizes the way he’s spoken about your old man, remembering that they were no longer on friendly terms. “Sorry, Mike.”
Tight lipped, you smile.
“I didn’t tell him for six months. Mom knew, but she never told him.” Breezing past that hiccup, you tell him. “But when he did find out, he kicked my ass. Didn’t speak to me for a year. Didn’t want me back at home for Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, my Birthday. Didn’t want nothin’ to do with me, ‘til I re-enrolled.”
“And did you?”
You shake your head. “No, sir. I moved to Atlanta, instead. Got a job in marketing, worked my way up to a senior position, met a great guy and got engaged, built the best life I possibly could’ve.”
Proud of you—genuinely pleased—Joel smiles. “So what brings you back here?”
The wine glass in your hand is suddenly bone-dry, empty of it’s once fruity contents. You laugh wryly. “Got fired. Fiancé cheated on me with the CEO of my company. Lost my house in the split. So I came back here last summer.. taken me ‘til now to be able to move outta dad’s place.”
“Oh, sweetheart..” He sense that you don’t want his sympathy, but he can’t help it. “How did d—Mike take it?”
Again, you laugh.
“Badly. Didn’t speak to me for a while.” You smile tight-lipped. “Common theme, that. Dad not speaking to me.”
Joel whirls his whiskey around its tumbler, refusing eye contact. “I know how that feels. Been four years since he last said a word to me, and I kick myself for that everyday.”
It’s sad. Meditative. Almost makes you want to keep your nose out.
“Yeah,” you put down your glass. “What happened there, then? ‘Cus nobody seems to tell me jack-shit here, anymore.”
Usually, Joel would say something along the lines of “darlin’, it’s best you don’t know,” or “none ‘a your damn business.” But he supposes that it is your business—what with it being your father.
And the fact that you’re the fucking reason for your dad wanting to murder Joel, and use his guts as drapes.
“Well.” He begins—feeling his chest constrict and heart pound wildly inside of its ribcage. Joel takes a deep, drawn out breath, and a swig of his liquor for some well-needed fucking courage.
But it doesn’t work.
He’s a trembling mess, now.
“Alright, you needa know…this ain’t somethin’ I’m proud of.”
You blink at him, feeling crimson bleed into your cheeks while simultaneously knowing that all color is draining from your face.
“And I’ve been on my own for years. Since Sarah’s mother died—“
“Joel.” You say, warningly. “Spit it out.”
He swallows thickly the residual bile on the tip of his tongue. Joel didn’t think he’d ever be in this position. Least of all today.
“Your father and I, we got drunk at a yacht party one night.” He begins. “Some hot-shot at his company invited us and I wasn’t gunna go, ‘til Mike convinced me.”
You can tell he’s trying to drag it out, and so you stare at him pointedly.
Joel clears his throat, continuing. “Anyway. We got hammered, told one another some shit and shared a few heart-to-hearts. And then I crossed a boundary that—darlin’—I know I never should’ve crossed.”
“Go on..” Apprehensive, you say.
He rubs his lips together, sending you a very apologetic gaze.
“I told your father that I had a crush on you.” Finally he admits, and your heart falls out of your fucking cunt. “Now—this ain’t somethin’ I ever wanted to act on—“
“You had a crush on me?” He nods, ignoring the venom in your tone. “Joel! That’s fucking—that’s—“
You can’t find it in yourself to be disgusted with him. In fact, you’re quite flattered, actually. Because for as long as you can remember, Joel Miller was desired by every single woman that he’d ever known, and yourself would’ve been included in that.
Despite being the father of one of your closest childhood friends, you often fantasized about what it’d be like to screw around with Joel. Because he was so handsome—so rough and rugged—and he made you squirm whenever he put a friendly hand to your shoulder or hugged you at a family event.
You’re completely dumbfounded, actually.
He says your name as you’re lost in your lascivious thoughts, hastily plummeting you back to reality.
“I’m sorry—“
“Don’t be.” Completely unfazed, now, you say. “My dad’s a drama queen. I should’ve known it’d be something stupid that split the two of you up.”
He stares blankly at you, brows fused together.
“If I’m being honest, Joel, I’ve wanted to fuck you for years.” Candid, you tell him. “So I guess that now you and my dad hate one another, I have nothing to feel bad about.”
“What the f—I mean—thanks? But, sweetheart, this is wrong.” He reasons. “Your father ground me into the sidewalk when he found out, and I can’t imagine what he’ll do to me if he finds out you’re sayin’ all these things—“
You wave, completely detached from reality. “Aw, fuck him. Never cared much for him, anyways. Was always tryna control my life.”
Joel actually can’t believe what he’s hearing. It’s like some strange music to his ears, but it feels so wrong.
“And, y’know what? He can’t control me now.” You say matter of fact before you’re hopping off your bar stool, and shifting to stand in front of Joel. “I’d love to hear his thoughts on this.”
In a moment of completely blind, unadultered passion, you fuse your lips to Joel’s. His left hand comes up to take purchase on the skin of your neck while the right lands on your waist. He moans, pushing his tongue into your mouth.
You laud the sweetness of Honey on his tongue, and drink the lustrous flavor of him. He’s so steamy. So beautiful, for an older man.
And now that you’re back in the same town, then who knows what’ll happen?
He hums against your lips, holding tightly your skin.
“Take me home with you.”
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parkerslatte · 9 months ago
Incompatible | Part Two
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Eris Vanserra x Fem!Archeron!Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: none.
Summary: Y/N receives word from the Inner Circle that she is to spend a few months in the Autumn Court. Azriel helps her pack and brings her to the High Lord of Autumn.
A Court of Thorns and Roses Masterlist
Part One | Part Two |
Three days later, Y/N sat in the River House, peacefully enjoying her afternoon. The past three days had given Y/N a sense of peace. Her family and Inner Circle did not crowd her as much as they used to, mostly leaving Y/N alone to her own devices. The only member who graced her presence was Nyx and Y/N couldn’t be happier. The small child napped beside her as she flipped the page of her book, her mind only half paying attention to it. 
The past seventy two hours had been strange for Y/N, she would constantly find her mind drifting to a certain High Lord. His copper hair, his amber eyes, his impeccable clothing. Everything about him caught Y/N’s eye the moment he saw him. But most of all it was his personality. The way his demeanour changed the moment they were alone. The genuine care and concern he had for her made Y/N smile into her book. No matter how the Inner Circle said that Eris was only being kind for his own gain, Y/N knew that his affections were truthful, she felt it.
Three days. He said that in three days time he would find a way to get her out of the house but nothing had happened yet. Perhaps it was just wishful thinking on Y/N’s part. She was only human and Eris was the High Lord of Autumn. Realistically she wouldn’t blame him if he were only playing into her fantasy. But there was still that small glimmer of hope– knowing– that he would show up. 
As Y/N turned the page of her book, the peaceful atmosphere in the room immediately disappeared as Rhys entered the room followed by everyone else. Nyx immediately woke up crying. Rhys and Feyre rushed to his side uttering soft apologies. 
“I can take him to his room,” Azriel offered. 
Rhys nodded and allowed Azriel to pick him up. His shadows swarmed around the small boy in a comforting manner. Azriel swiftly left the room before closing the door behind him. 
“What’s going on?” Y/N asked, eyes darting around the room. 
“A letter came through today from Eris,” Rhys said. 
Y/N perked up. “What did it say?”
“I cannot go into detail but it demands that you spend a few months in the Autumn Court,” Rhys explained.
“Really?” Y/N got to her feet, trying to keep the excitement out of her voice. 
Feyre nodded. “But we came to ask if you really wanted to go.”
Y/N frowned. “Why?”
“While Beron was High Lord, the Autumn Court was not a safe space for most, everything the upper class fae did was for power. It has not been too long since Eris killed his father and took over so I do not know how much it has changed,” Rhys explained. 
“But ultimately it is your choice whether you wish to go,” Cassian piped up. 
Y/N frowned. “Why does it sound like you are all trying to scare me away from going?”
“We’re not doing that,” Rhys said. “We are just warning you about what you may encounter. Life was difficult for fae living in the Autumn Court, for a human, it may prove to be more dangerous.”
“I’m sure that if I were in any danger, Eris would help me,” Y/N said. “And even if he wasn’t there to help me, I am sure I would be able to help myself. Despite what most of you may think, I can handle myself. I did any and all jobs on my farm for six years until you all took me from it.”
No one responded.
“I am going to the Autumn Court,” Y/N said her tone was final. “When do I leave?”
“Azriel will take you after you have packed a bag,” Feyre said. 
Y/N nodded. “I will go and pack my things.”
Before anyone had the chance to respond, Y/N left the room. As soon as the door closed, chatter resumed in the room in hushed whispers. Y/N rolled her eyes before walking down the hall to her room. 
“So you decided to go,” Azriel said, appearing from the shadows. 
“Yes,” Y/N replied without looking at him. 
“And there’s nothing I can do to convince you not to go?” Azriel asked. 
“No,” Y/N said, opening the door to her room. 
Azriel huffed out a laugh. “I wasn’t going to convince you to stay.”
Y/N finally looked at him. “You might be the only one. Everyone was trying to scare me into not going.”
“I know that you are going to shoot me down immediately but just listen to what I am going to say,” Azriel said. 
Y/N sighed. “Go on.”
“They are just trying to protect you,” Azriel said and Y/N groaned. “I know that our methods have been stupid.”
“That’s putting it lightly,” Y/N mumbled, sitting down on her bed. 
“But,” Azriel emphasised, “it was only done to make sure nothing happens to you. Everyone here loves you, Y/N. We just want what’s best for you and if that includes going to the Autumn Court, I will accept it.”
Y/N eyes him carefully. “What is up with you being accepting of this? The last time I checked you hated Eris.”
Azriel chuckled and sat down on the bed next to Y/N. “I don’t hate him. I don’t think I can after all of his explanations for any previous actions after he became High Lord. I only dislike him.”
“Aww,” Y/N teased. “You’re making new friends.”
Azriel glared at her. “He is not my friend but I…trust him more than I did a few years ago.”
“Why?” Y/N asked.
“Since becoming High Lord, Rhys made me send my spies to see how Eris was acting at High Lord. He wanted to know if he would simply double cross us after we helped him kill his father. It is not my place to tell you what I found out but the way he acted was different to how I ever saw him,” Azriel explained.
“How long were you spying on him for?” Y/N asked.
“Not long,” Azriel answered. “A few weeks at most but in those few weeks I noticed him dismissing many members of his court, all of which lived and enforced Beron’s rule. I only spied on him once more after that.”
“When was that?”
“Three days ago, after he left our meeting,” Azriel said. “He took a liking to you and I just wanted to know if it was genuine or not. Rhys didn’t ask me to do it so don’t mention it to him.”
Y/N felt her heart beat faster. “And was it genuine?”
Azriel offered her a tight smile. “It was genuine.”
A smile bloomed across Y/N’s face. “Really?”
Azriel nodded and looked away from Y/N to the bag sat by her bed. 
“Why did you want to know if it was genuine?” Y/N asked.
Azriel shrugged. “You’re my friend, if something was amiss with his affections, I didn’t want him to lead you on.”
Y/N smiled. “Thank you, Az. Honestly, since I’ve been here you have been the only one keeping me sane.”
Azriel smiled though it seemed forced. “No problem.”
Y/N looked away from Azriel and to her bag. “Will you help me pack? I think it would be more fun with a friend here.”
This time when Azriel smiled, it was genuine and he stood to his feet. “Of course.”
It didn’t take long until Y/N’s things were packed into her bag. She didn’t have too many things since her things were spread out across the places she spent time in. The last thing she packed was a small sketch Feyre did of her when the two were eighteen and thirteen. Y/N smiled at it before she closed her bag. 
“I’m ready to go now,” Y/N said, turning to Azriel. 
“Do you want to say goodbye to everyone?” Azriel asked. 
Y/N sighed. “I suppose I should. Shouldn’t I?”
“Even if you don’t want to say goodbye to Rhys, at least say goodbye to Feyre and Nesta,” Azriel suggested. 
Y/N sighed before agreeing. She picked up her bag and together she and Azriel walked through the house.
“I’ll miss you,” Azriel said. 
Y/N looked at him, surprised. “Wow, I’m surprised that the big bad shadowsinger can admit he will miss me.”
Azriel laughed. “Ease up on the alliteration.” 
Y/N chuckled along with him before Azriel cleared his throat. “I am being serious though. I will miss you. With everyone spending time with their own families recently, I’ve been spending a lot of my time with you and you have become a good friend, one of the best actually.”
Y/N stopped in her tracks and turned to Azriel. “Thank you, Az. That means a lot to me. These past few years have been a lot and you have helped keep me from throwing myself down ten thousand steps.”
Azriel smiled, looking away. “I can hear everyone in the foyer.”
Y/N gave his bicep a small squeeze before the two continued to walk. As they entered the foyer, all eyes fell upon Y/N. 
“You packed quickly,” Rhys said.
“Azriel helped,” Y/N answered. “I have just come to say goodbye.”
One by one, Y/N bid everyone a goodbye, spending more time with her sisters, before moving to stand next to Azriel. “I will see you all in a few months.”
Feyre smiled at her and gave her a small wave. “Make sure to write to us. Nyx will be confused about where you have gone.”
Y/N nodded and turned to Azriel. “Let’s go.”
Azriel held out his hand and Y/N took it. Shadows surrounded them and Y/N was encased in darkness. 
The moment the shadows vanished they revealed the beautiful scenery of the Autumn Court and Y/N couldn’t help but let out a gasp. The sun streamed through the trees and cast shadows upon the cobblestone path leading to a small village in the distance. 
“This is the Autumn Court?” Y/N asked Azriel.
“Yes,” Azriel answered. “I will admit it looks more…welcoming.”
“Of course it does,” a new voice spoke up. A voice that sent shivers down Y/N’s spine. 
Y/N turned to the source of the voice and smiled. Eris stood in the centre of the path. He was dressed a lot more casually since the last time she had seen him. The sleeves of his white shirt were rolled up to his elbows, displaying his forearms to the world. He looked even more beautiful than he did when she had seen him three days ago. 
“I have taken up…replacing any negative voices in my court that want to still abide by my fathers rules,” Eris explained. “My court is no longer the place you remember, shadowsinger.”
Y/N dropped Azriel’s hand upon seeing Eris, missing the way Azriel’s face dropped. 
“Eris,” Y/N said, stepping forward. “I must say you look dashing.”
A smirk fell upon Eris’s face. “My dear, you are already starting with flirtations. I was not expecting this so quickly.”
Y/N smiled bright. “I’m full of surprises.”
Eris took one more step forward, his gaze never leaving Y/N’s for a moment. “I bet you are.”
Azriel cleared his throat, interrupting Y/N and Eris. Eris looked at Azriel, a hint of annoyance on his face. “I didn’t realise you were still here, shadowsinger.”
“I want to say goodbye to my friend before you whisk her away,” Azriel said, his voice holding none of the warmth she had gotten used to over the many months of his company.
Y/N turned to Azriel and smiled. “Believe it or not but I will miss you too, Azriel.”
Azriel’s smile was small as Y/N took a step towards him. She leaned up and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. “I’ll be okay, Az.” 
Azriel circled his arms around her waist. “I know, I just want you to–”
“I swear if you say be safe,” Y/N warned.
“–have fun,” Azriel finished. 
Y/N pulled away from the hug. “That response was better than I thought.”
Azriel dipped his head. “I will see you soon, Y/N.”
Y/N took a step back from him, unconsciously stepping closer to Eris. “See you soon, Az.”
Eris smiled at Y/N before he turned his gaze to Azriel. “You are free to return to your court, shadowsinger.”
With a final parting goodbye, Azriel disappeared into his shadows and he was gone. 
The moment he was gone, Y/N immediately felt relief. A large weight lifted off her shoulders that she did not realise was there. For the first time in years, Y/N did not feel the prying eyes from the Inner Circle upon her. For the first time in years she felt free. 
“Are you okay?” Eris asked, the wind lightly blowing the copper waves out of place. 
Y/N smiled brightly at him. “I think I have never felt this good in a while.”
Eris smiled back at her and offered her his arm. “Well, let us drop your things off at the cottage and I shall show you around my court.”
Y/N linked her arm with his. “I would like that very much.” 
Eris picked up Y/N’s bag and carried it in his other hand. “It is about an hour walk away, if you wish me to winnow us there it is no problem.”
“No, I wish to walk,” Y/N said. “The beauty of this court is incredible.”
“Not as beautiful as the woman standing in front of me,” Eris said, a cheeky grin on his face. 
Y/N laughed. “Well, has the handsome man on my arm looked in a mirror? Because his beauty outshines everything around him.”
If it were even possible, a faint blush dusted across Eris’s cheeks. “You flatter me, Y/N.”
Y/N smiled. “It’s not flattery if it's true.”
Eris looked at her and smiled. “That’s true.”
Y/N laughed but that laugh slowly faded away. “I’m sorry for calling you a man. I know that is not what you are. A ‘male’ is the correct word, isn’t it?”
The smile faded from Eris’s face. “Y/N you can call me whatever you wish. I am a male, that is true but I am a man in your eyes, just as you call yourself a woman, not a female. You are not fae, I’m not going to force you to use the way the fae speak around me.”
“Are you sure?” Y/N asked. “After all, I am in the land of the fae, I don’t wish to be disrespectful.”
“Y/N, believe me when I tell you that you are in no way being disrespectful,” Eris replied.
Y/N smiled at him and they continued to walk down the cobblestone path. 
“I hope you don’t mind the dust on the surfaces,” Ers said as he unlocked the door to the cottage. “I changed the bedding and cleaned the best I could. Alas, duties kept me away from making this a perfect welcome for you.” 
“It is already perfect, Eris,” Y/N said, looking at the cottage before her. It was beyond beautiful with flowers growing up the trellis and falling over the doorway. 
The door unlocked and Eris picked Y/N’s bag back up and gestured her to step inside. As Y/N did, her eyes lit up. 
“It reminds me of the cottage on my farm,” Y/N said quietly. 
“We have similar decor taste’s then,” Eris said, closing the door. 
As Y/N looked at Eris and his relaxed form she found herself drifting closer to him. She wanted to touch him, she needed to feel his skin on hers. Despite these feelings, Y/N restrained herself and stepped further into the cottage. Everything was slightly dated and a little mismatched but it was perfect to Y/N. Her own cottage was the same way. 
“I used to come here to escape my father,” Eris said. “Everything in here consists of things I have collected over the many years I have been alive.”
“And how long is that?” Y/N questioned.
Eris placed his hand on his chest in mock offence. “Y/N, are you asking me my age?”
“Yes,” Y/N said. “Honestly I am a little confused by how the fae age. Are you immortal or do you just age very slowly?”
“Technically we are immortal and age slowly but the ageing process sometimes depends on the fae themselves. I have known others my age who look hundreds of years older, to put it in your case, decades older,” Eris explained. “I myself am five-hundred and thirty three.”
“You don’t look a day over five hundred and thirty two,” Y/N teased. “Since I so unkindly asked your age, I myself am twenty-eight, twenty-nine next month.”
“Well that is an excuse for a small celebration,” Eris said. 
“There is no need,” Y/N said. “I haven’t celebrated my birthday in many years.”
Eris hummed. “Well I suppose just this once, Y/N, that I will go against what you say because since you are in my cout, I will make sure you get the best damn celebration I can plan on such short notice.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “There isn’t a chance you will simply forget about it?”
That smirk that Y/N had begun to love was plastered on his face. “Not a chance.”
“Then make sure it is the best damn celebration you have to offer,” Y/N said. 
“I plan on just that,” Eris said.
Over the course of their conversation, Y/N had failed to realise how they had slowly inched closer together. If either she or Eris took only one step forward, their chests would be touching. She could feel the warmth radiating from him and she basked in it. If only he would wrap his arms around her body and pull her close–
Y/N stopped the thoughts swarming through her head. She had never felt this deeply for someone before and she didn’t understand why she was beginning to now. Y/N cleared her throat and took a reluctant step back. 
“If I am going to be here for a few months, I should start by unpacking my things,” Y/N said, picking up her bag. 
Eris seemed to snap out of a daze as he slowly followed Y/N’s movements with his eyes. “Do you wish for any help?”
“I’ll be okay,” Y/N said. “Though is there anything you don’t want me to move or touch? It is your cottage after all.”
“No, do whatever you wish. I am rarely here these days,” Eris said, looking at his beloved cottage. “Though I regret to say that I must return to the Forest House, I still have duties to attend to for the following days. I have left food in the cupboards for you, I will return with more tomorrow.”
“When will you be back?” Y/N questioned. “I only ask because I want to explore a little more and I doubt it is not safe for me to be wandering around without an escort.”
“There are a few things that need my attention for the following days but after that I am all yours for the next few months. All my paperwork will be split between my trusted court officials,” Eris explained. “There are wards surrounding the property up until the wicker fence, so you can go outside if you wish to. I won’t confine you inside for the next couple of days.”
Y/N nodded. “Thank you, Eris. Not just for allowing me my freedom, but for making sure I feel welcome and not like a caged animal.”
“There is no need to thank me,” Eris said. “I hope you enjoy it here.”
“I already am.”
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@talesofadragon @impossibelle @the-sweet-psycho @lilah-asteria @acourtofbatboydreams
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ataleofcrowns · 4 months ago
Chapter Progress [NOV/06]
Hey all, it's been a while since I've written one of these 🍂
I've been posting regular previews on my Patreon, but a proper update was long overdue! As a refresher, my last update was this one, and I've got lots more to update you on now that I'm further along!
I've struggled a lot with this chapter and have been trying to wrangle it into shape as best I can, and I'm happy (and relieved) to say that I can finally give you an estimated release date: you can expect CH12 to be uploaded in December this year.
I won't be putting a specific date on it yet, since it could be anywhere from early December to late December depending on how much progress I make in November, but I'll let you know! Now, onto specifics.
The Main Plot
I'm currently balancing out LI specific content in the main plot! Regardless of what you chose in regards to Kham and the peri trader, players will be spending some time with D and X to make up for their absence in CH10 at the beginning of this chapter, and I've really missed writing their dynamic with each other as well as the Crown.
I genuinely can't decide which branch is my favorite. Meeting with Kham directly gives so much juicy verbal sparring and tension between not only her and the Crown but her and D and X as well. But meeting directly with the peri trader let me dig more into the worldbuilding, explore the city a bit, and have some more lighthearted shenanigans with D and X too.
I'll add some previews here for both routes that I've also already shared for people on the Patreon. Here's a little excerpt for people meeting with Kham:
“There is one thing I have been wondering, princess,” you say as you stare back into her eyes, watching the way the orange orbs of light flicker like flames. “When you first arrived here, you were accompanied by a retinue of guards. Whatever happened to them?” Kham does not raise her brows at you, exactly, but something similar to the motion as the wood above her eyes arches upwards with a stiff creaking sound. “They are not merely my guards, they are my servants first and foremost. Naturally, they run errands for me.” “What kinds of errands?” “Surely you do not think I would fetch all I require by myself?” She appears amused by the line of questioning rather than offended. “They trade with the peri merchants in your city on my behalf. Although, calling it trade is perhaps not accurate, as I hold the right to lay claim on their supplies whenever I please. They are representatives of my mother, after all.” You consider the explanation, but nothing about it seems notable or inconsistent so far. “So you have never dealt with this peri trader I wish to meet with yourself?” “Of course not.” She smiles, her wooden mouth briefly pressing together. “That would be beneath me.” “A shame,” $xname muses casually from beside you, contrasting the sharp look in their eyes. “We had hoped you might have some insight to share.” “As much insight as you are willing to offer me regarding this flower you seek,” Kham returns, her smile still in place. “The blue siren, yes? A rather strange fixation…” You feel the urge to tense, but withhold yourself from it by taking a slow, relaxed breath. All the rigorous physical training you have underwent over the course of the past month is already showing its benefits: you feel more aware and in control over your body, able to maintain your composure. A necessary skill when dealing with someone like Kham, as conversing with her feels like a dance of sorts. The two of you are watching each other’s steps, waiting for the other to slip.
And here's the excerpt for if you choose to meet with the peri trader:
You manage to make it through the marketplace, finally arriving at a large building with an open front, wrapping around the corner of the street. Tables and shelves are lined with various flowers and plants, perused by a few passing customers. This appears to be the peri trader’s shop, signaled by the sign at the front that reads Eshkar’s Garden. Eshkar being the name of the peri trader in question. Most of the flora on display you recognize, if not by the labeled names then by sight alone, but several look entirely new to you. Pale white flowers whose hanging bulbs pulse with light when a customer brushes against its leaves; bleeding vines wrapped around a miniature roofed trellis atop a tall table, its crimson flowers slowly dripping down pink juice caught by bowls below; a tall flower with only two black petals, large and pointed, that nearly startle you when they snap together several times in sharp, cracking sounds, almost as if the flower were clapping. IF CROWN IS INTELLIGENT Momentarily forgetting about your intended purpose in being here, you approach the clapping flower with curiosity, wondering what set it off. Sure enough, you see dead and decomposing flies of various sorts collected at the center of its bulb as you lean over to peer inside, taking care to avoid leaning in too close lest your nose get caught between the aggressive petals. Does it catch and eat small insects? How fascinating. You glance at the labeling of the flower, its name fittingly given as ‘black ovation’. IF CROWN IS INTUITIVE Eyes drawn by the visual spectacle of the white flowers, you find yourself wandering over to its shelf, glancing at the labeling that reads ‘stardrops’. The bulbs look ordinary at first glance, but sure enough, when you reach out to touch its petals, the flower begins to glow like you saw before. A ring of light travels up its stem, through the petals to the very ends, where it erupts into tiny little golden sparks. Hence the name, you suppose. Unable to stop yourself, you touch the flower again, mesmerized by the light show, until you notice a shop attendee frowning at you from nearby. Feeling scolded, you quickly pull your hand away and offer an apologetic smile.
Lots of fun going on in both routes! I don't envy you for having to make this choice lol.
Aside from this big branch, the main plot will converge for everyone again in the latter half of the chapter, where the Crown gets do to some more typical Crown things: hearing public petitions! They'll contain 2 smaller scenes where your character will hear out some citizen concerns, which will let you rack up reputation points with either the public or the nobility, and 1 major scene that affects a future plot point.
Not gonna spoil these since I've already talked so much about everything else regarding this chapter, so this will have to remain a surprise ✨
The Romances and Friendships
While the start of the chapter is X and D focused, if you have a specific (platonic) LI you want to spend more time with as buddies and perhaps get a little relationship advice, you'll have that opportunity at the start of CH12! I've had to write 12 variations in total for each friendship scene, which was a lot of work, but completely worth it.
Some LI routes also have big additional differences depending on if you have a low or high romance (such as A and R), while it matters a little bit less for the others for the time being (such as D and X). So if you screwed up on D or X's romances and have a low status, you're mostly in the clear from immediate consequences… for now.
Here's a little excerpt, taken from a playthrough of a Crown who has a high romance with A and chooses R's friendship scene:
Something like mischief gleams in $rname’s eyes as $rthey looks at you. “I’ve noticed you and $aname seem especially close nowadays.” You shift a little on the couch, averting your gaze to avoid $rname’s eyes as you strike a casual tone. “Do we?” “Mhm.” When you do glance over at $rname, you find $rthem studying $rtheir nails, and you begin to relax as you think it was just an idle remark. Until $rthey adds, “All the hand-holding underneath the table is endearing, I must admit. Especially since the two of you seem to think you’re being subtle about it.” IF CROWN IS RESERVED Heat flushes up your neck at being seen through so easily, remembering breakfast earlier that morning where $aname’s fingers hooked around yours beneath the table. “We were just… we’re not…” $rname looks up from $rtheir nails to grin at you. “There’s no need to look so embarrassed! I’m happy for you. The two of you seem well-suited for each other.” Trying to move past your flustered state, you clear your throat. “You think so?” “I’ve never seen $aname so at ease as when you’re around,” $rname considers, eyes narrowing with teasing and fondness both. “You look more unburdened with $athem near, as well.” IF CROWN IS FLIRTATIOUS You almost laugh at the remark and give it away completely, only managing to keep it in at the last moment and grinning back at $rname instead. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” $rname looks up from $rtheir nails with a sly smile. “No? What a shame. I was going to say how well-suited the two of you are for each other.” That catches your attention, your playfulness easing into something more sincere. “Really?” “I’ve never seen $aname so at ease as when you’re around,” $rname considers, eyes narrowing with teasing and fondness both. “You look more unburdened with $athem near, as well.”
This scene aside, CH12 will also contain another dedicated romance scene with your LI, dealing with some of the fallout from last chapter whether good or bad. If your romance is high, you'll be coasting- except maybe for D romancers, who are in Pining Hell either way haha.
If your romance is low, though, prepare for some delicious angst 🙏🏼
That's all I've got for now! Thank you all so much for your patience and support as always, especially for how long I've been making you all wait. You're the best 💖
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spookyscarydemonbabe · 9 months ago
Worst Case Scenario
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Summary- Gareth wants the chance to talk to you so badly, but seeing how you react to other guys approaching you only makes him more and more nervous…
Genre- Fluff
Warnings- None c:
Tag List- @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @munsonology @aidansloth @esme-viridian @morganwrites12672
(tag list is always open, please let me know if you’d like to be added 💋)
Word Count- 3.7k
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“Just go up and ask!” Jeff urged Gareth as the four of them sat at a table a few rows in front of you at the library.
“I can’t!” Gareth whispered, “What if she says no?”
“What if she says yes?” Grant said, trying to push Gareth into finally being able to ask you out.
It had been months since he gained this little crush on you, and it was growing to the point of agony for him. Sneaking glances at you from across the classroom, tripping himself up in the halls from watching you walk past, and your sweet demeanor definitely wasn’t helping much.
You were so smart, so kind, and though you had barely spoken to one another aside from an occasional ‘hi’ in the halls he could tell that you were someone genuine. But seeing all the other guys get rejected day after day didn’t make him feel any better about his crush on you.
He’d seen guys approach you in class, in the halls, during lunch. At least one guy a week had the balls to ask you out on a date, and though you had always appreciated their offers, you turned down every single one. And Gareth knew he would probably just be another one of those guys you rejected.
“Stop overthinking it.” Eddie said, “If she says yes, good. If she says no, then you have your answer. Simple as that.”
Gareth knew Eddie was right. He shouldn’t pry you with things like this, and he knew that if he got another rejection he could take it well. Sure, it may hurt at first, but he’s been through it before and he can do it again. He was about to stand up and finally do it, but he stopped as he watched one of the seniors approach your table.
The boys kept themselves quiet, trying their best to hear the interaction that was about to take place. And it seemed like a few of the boys at the tables around you were doing the same thing.
Daniel McNeal was a senior, decently attractive, smart, and was quite gifted when it came to managing a schedule filled with work, school, sports, and a handful of extracurriculars to really spice up his college applications. Gareth knew now he wouldn’t stand a chance after him.
He and the boys sat back and carefully watched your interaction.
As Daniel approached your table, your head tilted up from your notebook and gave him a polite smile as he looked down to you, moving your attention quickly back into your notes.
“Hey.” He said with a smile, getting your attention once more.
You looked up once again and gave him another smile,
“You’re (y/n), right?”
“Yep.” You’re went back to scribbling down a few points from your textbook, “That’s me. Why?”
“You know, i always saw glances of you in the halls,” He helped himself to the seat across from you at your table, “I just never expected you to be this pretty up close.”
You kept a kind smile on your face and let out a slow sigh, knowing exactly what was about to play out. It’s happened too many times before. You set your pencil down onto your notebook and closed it, folding your arms over it and looking up to him,
“Go on.” What you were saying would normally sound so shallow, and yet there was something about the way you said it that made it sound so syrupy sweet. No matter how humiliated all those rejected boys felt beforehand, you never made them feel bad for asking.
Daniel shot you a strange look,
“What do you mean?”
“Ask me out. I assume that’s what you came over here to talk to me about, but if it’s not then i apologize. I think i’ve been in this situation so many times things like this just come natural to me.” You giggled, making him smile.
“Pretty and smart. You’re the whole package, aren’t you?”
“I suppose so.” You shrugged.
Daniel leaned forward into the table, talking softly to you with a cocky smile on his face, thinking he’s already got you wrapped around his finger,
“Well, what do you say? You, me, saturday night, i was thinking the drive in but if that’s not your style i’d be happy to take you to dinner.”
“No thanks.” You smiled still, pulling your arms away from over your notebook before opening it back up and moving your attention back to your textbook.
Daniel gave you another confused look,
“What do you mean ‘no’?”
“I mean ‘no’ as in, ‘no, i don’t want to go out with you’. But i appreciate the offer!”
Your sweet demeanor was confusing given your answer, and Daniel was at a loss for words. He had never been rejected by a girl before, and he certainly didn’t expect you to be the first to do it. He figured with his good looks and charm he would be the one to finally break your streak of rejections, but you proved him wrong.
He watched as you happily went back to your notes, and leaned across the table to get a bit closer to you, talking in a whisper,
“Did i do something wrong?” He asked with a nervous chuckle.
“No.” You looked up to him from your notes, “It’s nothing you did. I’m not denying that you’re an attractive guy, and you seem very nice, but i’m just not interested.” You flashed him a smile and looked down back to your notes, scribbling away and leaving Daniel confused as he sat across from you.
After a few moments of silence, Daniel stood up from the chair across from you, and as he stepped away from the table you gave him one last smile before moving back to your notes. The boys were sat at their table, slack jawed after watching that scene unfold in front of them and the handful of other students sat at the tables around you.
“So she’s never going to say yes to me.” Gareth shrugged, giving up any attempts he had thought of to try and get your attention, but after watching you reject yet another guy he had no intentions of letting himself risk getting rejected.
“Stop being a pussy!” Jeff whispered through his teeth.
“Enough with that!” Gareth whispered back, quickly glancing back at you once more, watching as you continued on with your note taking, looking so peaceful as you did so, “I’ll ask… I just don’t know if i should do it now.”
“Fine then, that means she’s up for grabs.” Eddie shrugged as he sat back in his seat.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that you can’t get all pissy if some other guy asks her out and she says yes. Just rip the bandaid off and do it!”
Gareth put his head in his hands and sighed, knowing that Eddie was right,
“You’re right. Fuck it.”
Gareth took one last deep breath and glanced over his shoulder at you, deeply focused on your textbook, tapping the eraser at the end of your pencil on the pages of your notebook. It was now or never.
Without another word he stood up and slowly stepped toward your table, his palms already feeling damp just from taking a few steps closer to you. He kept his breathing slow, the constant reminder in the back of his head telling himself that the worst thing that could come of this would be you saying ‘no’. Rejection wouldn’t be anything new for him, so why did it feel so different with you.
When you glanced up and met his gaze with a little smile his heart stopped, along with his feet.
You quickly looked him over, a smile still on your lips as you noticed he stopped before you,
“Hi?” You said with a little giggle.
“Hi.” Gareth said as he snapped out of his little trance, still doing his best to stay calm. But you could see that he was still a bit nervous.
“Your name’s Gareth, right?” You asked him as he stood before you, holding back a little giggle as he nodded, still standing before you. “Do you want to sit down?” You asked him, motioning your pencil to the chair across from you.
“Yeah,” He laughed to himself, clearing his throat and pulling out the chair across from you, “thanks.”
You kept a sweet smile on your lips as you went back to your notes, Gareth watching you happily scribble along the pale blue lines in your notebook. He couldn’t just sit across from you in silence.
“What class is that for?” He asked as he tried to glance into the textbook you were writing from.
“History.” You set your pencil down onto your notebook and closed it, your arms crossed over the notebook as you looked at Gareth with bright eyes, “I’ve never been that great at History so i always like to study up on it a bit more.”
“Makes sense,” Gareth smiled and shrugged, “I’m the same way with Algebra, i just can’t get that stuff down.”
You giggled as you saw him smile, and you noticed a little bit of pink on his cheeks as he heard it. It was quite cute.
“So what brought you over here to me? Aren’t you sitting over there with your friends?” You asked him, making him blush deeper with embarrassment, not knowing you had noticed he and the guys had been sitting there.
“I was.” He started, clearing his throat and doing his best to not make direct eye contact. He knew that would only make him blush worse.
“But, i saw you were sitting alone and thought maybe you’d like some company? I know you’re probably studying or something but I’m pretty good at history, i’d be glad to help if you need any.”
“You know, now that you mentioned it,” You smiled, sliding the textbook you were reading from over between the two of you, “I am having a little trouble remembering some of these dates, do you think you can help me?”
Gareth looked up with bright eyes, a smirk tugging at his lips,
“Yeah!” He quickly hushed himself, clearing his throat as he remembered you were sitting in the library, “Which ones did you need help with?”
“Um, the ones on…” You sat up slightly flipping a few pages back to find the timeline, “this page. I don’t know why, i just can’t seem to get all these dates correctly, i think because everything happened so quickly in World War 1 that i can’t seem to remember which event happened on which day.”
Gareth nodded as you explained your trouble to him, but he tended up once more as he saw you shift in your seat.
“Here, i think it’ll be easier if i came over there.”
You slid the book over to him and stood up from your chair, walking around behind him and sitting in the seat next to his. You could still see a little pink on his cheeks as you smiled to him, moving your chair a bit closer to his.
The boys tried to keep their glances over at the two of you hidden, but as soon as they saw you move closer to Gareth they couldn’t help but stare.
“She got closer to him…” Jeff whispered.
“No, i can see that, but why?” Grant whispered back.
“I can’t tell what they’re talking about,” Eddie started, watching the two of you from across the room, seeing your eyes light up a little as Gareth was pointing out something on the pages of the textbook you’d been reading from, “I mean it looks like they’re just talking about school stuff but who knows…”
They saw a few giggles from you and a nervous laugh from Gareth and only got more excited for him. Giggles were always a good sign.
“You really make all this seem so easy.” You said to Gareth as you looked up from the textbook.
“Really? I don’t know, i guess this stuff always just made sense to me.” He flashed a smile as he looked to you too, and he has finally felt himself comfortable enough to ask you what he’d been dying to ask all this time.
Unfortunately he didn’t plan for the bell to ring as soon as he parted his lips to speak.
“I should get to class,” You said apologetically, carefully shutting the text book in front of you, standing up from your chair, “I want to make sure all that stuff stays fresh in my brain for this quiz. Thanks again for your help,” You placed your hand onto his forearm and gave it a little squeeze, “i really do appreciate it. Now i know exactly who to come to when i’m having a little trouble with history.”
Gareth couldn’t help but smile as he stood with you, mustering out a quiet, “No Problem, anytime.” As he saw you walk to the other side of the table and pack up your backpack.
He glanced back at the guys, who were urging him to grow a pair and ask, not even noticing that you had stepped around him to make your way to your class.
“(y/n).” He said suddenly, even catching himself off guard as you turned back to him.
“Yeah?” You asked, a sweet smile on your lips as you took a few steps back towards him.
“Um…” He cleared his throat, not sure how to start as his eyes darted all over the room, “You don’t have to say yes if you don’t want to, but i think you’re a really interesting person, and if you weren’t doing anything this weekend i wanted to know if maybe you’d like to do something with me?”
“You mean like a date?”
He felt a blush rise to his cheeks again as he nodded.
“I’d love to!”
His eyes went wide, and he could tell that the other students around you turned in shock.
Out of everyone that had asked to take you out in school you had never taken anyone up on their offer, no matter who was asking or where they were taking you. Just to see that Gareth was the one who had somehow gotten you to say yes was a shock to everyone around you, including himself. This would no doubt be the gossip that ran through all the cliques at school for the next week.
“Really?” He asked quietly, still in shock.
You giggled and nodded,
“Really. It sounds like fun! Here,” You reached into your bag, grabbing a piece of stray paper and a pen from the side pocket, scribbling your name and number down onto it for him with a little heart in the corner, “call me later tonight and we’ll plan something.”
He was speechless.
He stood there for a moment, looking down at the little piece of paper in his hands, and he was hoping to god that this wasn’t just some joke. He snapped from his trance as he felt a hand slap down onto his shoulder, and as he looked up he saw the guys in front of him, wide eyed and just as shocked as he was.
“Is that her number?” Jeff asked him, snatching the piece of paper from Gareths hands as he continued watching you slowly step away.
“It is!” Grant exclaimed as he saw your handwriting, “Damn, i think this is the only time i’ve heard of her giving anyone her number, let alone say ‘yes’ to a date with anyone.”
“Yeah, and that ‘anyone’ is you!” Eddie smiled and patted him on the shoulder, “Good for you bud.”
Gareth felt like he should’ve been basking in his glory. He was the only guy that had ever gotten further than just a conversation and then a rejection with you. Out of every other guy that had tried their chance with you, soccer and basketball players, some of the smartest guys in school, even the class president tried his hand at you at one point or another and yet you chose him. He needed to know why.
Without saying a word to the guys he pushed past them, following behind you to try and catch you before you had made it to your next class. Thank god he could see your hair swaying behind you in the halls. He picked up his pace, dodging past the other students making their way to their classes before finally catching up and giving you a quick tap on the arm. You turned to him with a smile and a confused look,
“Hey, is everything ok?”
“Why did you say yes?” Gareth asked quickly as he tried to catch his breath, his nerves had left him entirely and were replaced with confusion.
“What do you mean?” You asked, quickly moving yourselves against the lockers to keep out of the way of the traffic of the other students.
“I’ve seen guys come up to you and ask you out countless times, not once have you ever said yes to any of them. But you said yes to me when i asked you.”
“I did.” You confirmed for him with a giggle, “So what’s all the confusion about?”
“I just…” He sighed and looked at the tile floor between the two of you, trying hard to not let himself get embarrassed and red faced again, “I’ve seen the kind of guys that have approached you before. You know, the smart guys and the popular guys, people that actually seem to mean something to the other people that go to this school. Im a nobody…”
Your lips curled into a sweet smile once again and you placed your hand to his cheek, gently guiding his eyes back to look into yours,
“You’re not a nobody. Just because you’re not super smart or popular doesn’t mean you’re a nobody. I think you’re a really cool person actually.”
Gareths eyes lit up and a small smile was brought to his lips.
“I think you’re very sweet, and you’re smart, and funny, and i think compared to most of the other guys that’ve asked me out you’re the one with the most personality.”
You shared a chuckle with him and saw a light pink on his cheeks once again as he tried to look away.
“You really want to know why i said yes?”
Gareth nodded slowly.
You giggled again and did your best to hide your own blush,
“Because you were nervous to talk to me. All the other guys had this arrogance to them, and i know the only reason most of them asked me was so they could add on another thing to their list of trophies. They asked me just because they wanted to see if i would actually say yes, but you asked me because you liked me. i could tell that you liked me.”
The other students had started to disappear from the halls into their classes, leaving the two of you almost entirely alone.
“Really?” He asked you quietly, “I thought girls didn’t like guys that got nervous like that.”
Another quick giggle left your lips,
“Well, i like guys that get nervous around me.” You leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss to his cheek, “Remember to call me later, ok? And tell your friends i said ‘hi’.” You motioned behind him and started to step away, and as Gareth turned he could see the guys standing slack jawed behind him.
He turned back but saw that you had already began your walk to class, giving him a little wave as you entered your classroom.
The boys quickly caught up to Gareth and did their best to walk through the halls to get to their own classes, but what they just witnessed would be on their minds for the rest of the day.
“What was that?” Grant asked him as they made their way down the opposite end of the hall, “Did she just kiss you?”
“On the cheek.” Gareth shrugged.
“So she did?” Jeff smiled, “Do you know what this means for you?”
“No?…” He thought to himself for a moment, “Should i?”
“It means that you hold more power than any other guy here. You not only got (y/n) to go out with you but you also got her number-“
“Oh yeah,” Gareth remembered leaving before grabbing that little slip of paper they took from him, “which one of you still has that?”
Grant reached into his jacket pocket and handed it over to Gareth,
“We didn’t copy it down or anything, this is all yours. We wouldn’t want to ruin your chances or anything.”
“Thanks.” Gareth looked down at the little scribble of your name and number on the little piece of paper in his hands, “And i didn’t make her do anything.” He said to Jeff, “I guess things just worked out right and she decided to say yes.”
“Well, how do you feel? You just got the most sought after girl in school to go out with you, you don’t seem too excited about it.” Eddie asked him with a chuckle.
“Good!” Gareth said with a big smile on his face, “Trust me, i’m over the moon about this, it just feels… strange? But i don’t know if that’s the right word.”
The class bell rung through the halls, and the boys said their quick goodbyes before running off to their classes.
“Tell us how it goes later!” Grant said as he ran down the opposite end of the hall.
“Don’t fuck this up!” Jeff laughed as he quickly stepped down the hall.
“Good job Romeo, but he’s right, don’t fuck this up.” Eddie gave him one last pat on the shoulder before slowly moving down the hall, and as Gareth watched the guys slowly disappear down the halls, he took one last look at the piece of paper in his hand.
He smiled to himself as he neatly folded the paper and carefully slipped it into his pocket, strolling slowly towards his classroom.
He didn’t care if he was late or not. Knowing that him just being him was enough for you to like him made him feel like nothing else that day could drag him down.
He couldn’t wait to get home.
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senualothbrok · 8 months ago
Mmmmm Gale just waking up, sleepy but also warm and disheveled, delighted and hungry... yes, please.
Yessss @theletteraesc! Absolutely love it when you slip into my ask box! <3 <3 <3
Today is fully a work day but I am so brainrotted by Gale that I genuinely cannot function as a human being with gainful employment.
What perfect timing for your ask as I have been totally unable to move on from @calolily's breathtaking rendition of the view you wake up to the morning after your first night in Waterdeep. (Thank you so much @calolily for this gift.)
Remember that drabble tennis match we had about waking up to Gale (and appreciating his grey hairs and laughter lines)? Ugh, I need this. Someone build a virtual simulation of this please so I can go and live in it.
Here's what happened in my brain as a result of your ask, anyway...
You feel the brush of hair against your eyelids first, the faint scent of sea air and scrolls. There is a gentle surge of warmth against your cheek, his breath like the ripple of a bath. In the haze of sleep you shift, savouring the anchor of his arm around your waist, your face nestled between the bristles of his jawline and the dark softness of the pillow beneath. Your leg tangles into the downy heat of his own, settling into the stillness of half-slumber.
Dimly, you can hear the song of seagulls, hurried voices, bustling footsteps on the docks. You can feel the orange glow of sunlight behind your eyelids, tugging at wakefulness. But neither of you move. You could lie like this forever, wrapped up in each other.
When he begins to grizzle, you open your eyes reluctantly. You breathe deeply, drinking from the well of his musk, the fragrance formed from the exertion of love and the unforgettable notes of Gale - sandalwood and sweat and firewood, book dust and leather. You can never get enough of his smell. You feel the tickle of his nose against your neck as he inhales sharply, rhythmically, and you know that he is doing the same - drawing from the well of you, the heady scent of home. His eyes remain closed as he pulls you closer, his lashes thick and matted with the mist of sleep. His thigh moves up to drape over your hip, and you feel the heat of his core like a bonfire, crackling and comforting.
You smile and huff a little as your fingers weave through the mess of his waves. Little tangled bunches gather around his crown and ears, and in this moment, there is nothing more endearing than the sight of him tousled and dishevelled, fully at peace, fully himself.
You laugh as his sleep-calloused lips graze your flurrying hand, a trail of languid kisses down your forearm. His eyes flutter into slow focus, his features glowing in a grin when they meet yours.
"Your hair is ridiculous." Your voice is still strained from your activities the night before. He wrinkles his nose as you work through a particularly stubborn knot. "We need to do something about this."
He hums. His low rasp rumbles through you. "On the contrary, I rather think this mess is a source of pride."
In the glimmer of morning sunlight, Gale's grey hairs shine like polished silver. You yourself feel strangely proud to be able to touch them like this, anytime you want.
He blows out a breath as his fringe falls over his face. You brush the loose strands out of his eyes, tucking them behind his ear.
"Of course." He gives his characteristic half smirk, that tantalising invitation. "It's a testament to how much we enjoyed ourselves. The disarray of one's locks is a sure and certain sign of the degree of one's passion."
You titter. Sometimes, Gale says the most absurd things. Your whimsical, silly man.
"In fact," he muses, his lithe fingers running through the tresses that fall over your shoulders, "Your hair looks remarkably unruffled. Not a strand out of place, not a tangle in sight."
His leg bears down against your back, drawing you nearer. You feel a hard twitch against your inner thigh, a spasm within your centre.
"Oh," you answer, suddenly understanding his whimsy perfectly. "That won't do."
"No." He tuts, his hand moving between you, his hot mouth seeking yours. "But we can rectify that."
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