#it's funny when i can see slight shifts in my style
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salsayz ¡ 1 year ago
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mhm mhm
3 notes ¡ View notes
ab4eva ¡ 1 year ago
‘The Three of Us’
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Fully co-authored with: @therealslimshakespeare
Thanks to: My incomparable co-author & sweetheart Marina, for being willing to follow this rabbit hole with me and explore this little trio! And for the gorgeous mood board and vibes, I’m obsessed. And to Ashley, for being the best damn cheerleader we could ask for. ♥️
Warnings: All the sex, 18+ only
Word count: 8k
Sometimes in Hollywood, magic happens behind the scenes - in a dark corner of Bar Lubitsch or a little poolside bungalow at the Chateau Marmont. Things that are only whispered about in certain circles or sent to Deuxmoi with the stipulation of “anon please.” The blurry flash of a hand, littered with telltale rings, on her Instagram story. The paparazzi photos of a drunken night out before the three of them disappeared into the balmy Los Angeles evening. The fandom set ablaze by rumors as they combed over every sign, every possibility, every look that they took for god’s honest truth. A myth in the making, never confirmed, never denied.
When a ballsy journalist had the gumption to ask Callum about the rumors some months down the road, he just grinned his Cheshire smile and shook his head, the slightest blush hinting at the corners of his already ruddy cheeks.
“Nah, mate, can’t believe everyfing you read in Hollywood, can ya.” A statement, no trace of question in his ice blue eyes as he licked his cherry lips and stared the journalist down, daring them to dig deeper. His heart may have started pounding a little too hard but only he knew that. Nothing belied the steely gaze he turned on the journalist - not a flex in his jaw or a slight blink or the whisper of a breath. Needless to say, that journalist had no desire to go toe-to-toe with all six feet two inches of Chelsea’s finest lad. They let the subject drop, though the air had already been sucked out of the tiny interview room. Callum noted with suppressed glee the way the journalist shifted in their seat uncomfortably, trying to regain the upper hand.
Serves ya right, ya wanker, floated through Cal’s head and it took all his energy to focus his thoughts on the next question being asked of him. Now that the taboo subject had been brought up, he couldn’t keep his mind from drifting back towards that fateful night, like the breach in a ship’s hull the memories flooded in. The soft give of her flesh beneath his fingers as he dug them into her hips, needing her closer, closer. The salty taste of Austin’s skin on his tongue as he dragged it slowly across his friend’s collarbone, the streak of wetness left behind shimmering in the moonlight. The mingled sighs and shared breaths, overpowering and heady in that dark little bungalow. That was the night he couldn’t get out of his head, no matter how hard he tried. It didn’t matter how many books he read or women he kissed or bloody hikes he took in Runyon Canyon, he was always going back to the night when everything changed.
“Didn’t I see you at the Luchino Visconti retrospective a couple nights ago? At the Academy?” The very definition of tall, dark and handsome has just walked in the room, smiling down at you and waiting expectantly for your answer. This is Callum Turner, the new client you’re working with for Masters of the Air press (alongside Austin Butler, your regular client and current boyfriend-adjacent…guy. It’s casual, you’re both keeping it casual. For now.).
“Oh! Were you there? Wasn’t it amazing?” you gush, a little flustered.
“It’s kind of rare to meet another Visconti fan. You must be one of the good ones.” He grins at you, all warmth and puppy dog eagerness. A kindred spirit, an instant connection. You would be very charmed by him, if you weren’t already attached to someone else. Who are you kidding, you’re charmed by him anyway. Talking with him comes easily, and the time flies by as you style his hair, moisturize his skin, add a bit of concealer here and there. He’s funny, sweet, intelligent. Austin has told you a bit about him, about his friend who helped him during one of the most confusing times of his life. But this - this is more than you were expecting. He’s more than you were expecting. And you’re pretty sure he’s flirting with you. When he asks you out for a drink later, you’re absolutely certain. It is with no small amount of regret that you turn him down.
The first time you noticed something akin to a spark between the man you’d casually been dating and his co-star was during press interviews for their new television series, Masters of the Air. As Austin and Callum’s groomer and makeup artist, you were allowed a seat at the back of the room, near the video monitors, ready to jump into action if one of Austin’s curls needed to be twisted back into place or if Callum’s nose got too shiny and needed a bit of powder. You glanced up from your phone to see the two of them leaned so close together their shoulders touched, just barely. You couldn’t hear what they were saying, but Callum’s mouth looked as if it might graze the shell of Austin’s ear, a smirk playing at the edges, as his dark, curly head bent conspiratorially towards his friend’s blonde one. Silly boys, you thought, smiling to yourself as you watched them. You’d seen that look on Austin’s face before…it was almost one of… adoration.
Without warning your mind flashed back to last night, Austin gazing up at you through your thighs, a look of devotion on his face, his sandy hair ruffled and his eyes slightly dazed. The very same look that he’s now turned on Callum… Nah… You laughed at yourself quietly and shook your head to clear your thoughts, silently scolding yourself. You’d been reading too many spicy novels recently and clearly your imagination was running wild. It made sense that he and Callum were close. Austin had been lost as a newborn calf without a mother after Elvis had wrapped and Masters of the Air had started filming. A brotherhood, that’s what Austin had called it. And Callum had been his right hand man. And that’s all, you were sure. Pretty sure.
Bar Lubitsch is dim and noisy, crowded with cast and crew of Masters for an impromptu celebration while so many of them are in town. Austin hasn’t been here in years, always remembered it being a good time. He wants to show you and Callum a good time, after all the hard work you three have been putting in for press the past couple of weeks. That was two hours and three drinks ago, and you watch them now from your perch at the bar and how much they feed each other’s souls, like displaced brothers, reunited after years apart. The evening is starting to shift and blur, so many drinks and people and noise and singing. You never knew Callum loved to sing so much, until he was singing karaoke at the top of his lungs and the whole bar was gathered around the little stage in the back room, jumping to the beat while he sang the most risqué lyrics right to Austin, like they were the only two people in the room:
Even when the cold comes crashing through
I'm putting all my bets on you
I hope they never understand us
I put my heart inside your palms
My home in your arms
Now we know nothing matters
Nothing matters
And you can hold me like he held her
And I will fuck you like nothing matters
You’re not sure you’ll ever be over Callum pinching Austin’s cheeks, channeling his inner Egan, and singing right at him with drunken gusto while Austin is too tipsy to remember not to bask in it and it’s probably the cutest, and hottest, thing you’ve ever seen. It’s only afterwards that you start to feel a tiny flicker of jealousy. There’s something between them, a connection that time and distance hasn’t untethered. Later, you drag Austin into one of the faded velvet booths, snuggling up to him as he pulls you into a one-armed embrace, kissing your temple with glassy eyes and a crooked smile. His heady mix of sweat and cologne mingle, along with the alcohol, and suddenly you’re lightheaded. Not to mention the fact that his soft lips have seemed to have move, with lightning speed, from your temple to your neck. You gently push him away, and he gives you a questioning look but you need to see his face when you ask him this.
“Hey…what’s going on with Callum? Because, it’s clearly something? And whatever it is, it’s ok, really it is…but…I do have eyes, Austin,” you blurt out, biting your lip. You see a dozen different emotions cross his features, like a movie playing out in real time - surprise, guilt, defensiveness, longing, acceptance. His face goes all red and he leans his head back, his tan throat open and inviting, his Adam's Apple bobbing up and down as he swallows thickly. It takes everything in you not to kiss him right this second.
“It’s…complicated. Kind of,” he sighs as he stares up at the ceiling and you can tell he doesn’t want to talk about it and that’s answer enough for you. You don’t push him further as you quietly turn his mouth to yours and make him forget anything and everyone but you.
“Come on Aus, it’ll be just like old times,” Cal goads drunkenly, placing a proprietary hand on Austin’s belly, his words laden with meaning and a hint of pleading. It’s not like he’s missed Austin or anything…not like that. Not that he’d admit anyway, hell no. Couldn’t two dudes have a consensual thing and not be weird about it? It must be liquid courage that made him suggest it aloud. That and the fact Austin keeps looking at him like he hung the damn moon.
“Swear you’ll shut up? If I say yes, will you just…chill?” Austin’s eyes are trained on you and it takes everything in him to play it cool, keep a calm head. Cal’s hand is still on Austin’s stomach and he starts to pet him, just above the belt and it makes Austin lurch in sudden need. He licks his lips, they’re suddenly parched, and swallows hard. He hears Cal snicker softly in his ear.
“Now, see, as I recall, you wouldn’t stop asking me to keep sayin’ shit last time.” Callum’s voice floats above the music, scratchy from gin and karaoke, hot breath tickling the shell of Austin’s ear. His hand moves to squeeze Austin’s neck, and if Austin didn’t know any better he’d swear it was a subconscious power move, Callum trying to literally bend Austin to his will. There’s an all too familiar twitch down Austin’s pant leg, and oh god he wishes- he thought, he was so sure, he was past that phase of responding like one of Pavlov’s dogs to Callum’s adoration and teasing.
Maybe it’s just the notion, his suggestion. That’s what’s suddenly making Austin’s blood feel hot and his eyes hazy, it’s the idea of her…and him! But mostly her, just her, and sharing her and- None of that explains the way he wants to bend to that firm hand squeezing in drunken cajoling at the base of his neck, makes him want to knock noses and yank at the stupid collar of Callum’s sweater until there’s collarbones to see and a draft under the wool. This is winter in Los Angeles, heating inside is state of the art, there’s no reason for such coziness and it’s making the man sweat and all Austin can think of from the smell is memories of an English summer, worn out and floating in his own body, biting down on Callum’s upper arm, tangy, sweaty flesh to keep an awfully strange escapade quiet.
That does it. What is he even thinking? He must’ve drank more than he realized but then, oh god, there Cal goes, throwing his hands up in defeat, shrugging his shoulders like a kid caught trying to push his luck. The arm around his shoulder is suddenly gone, and he’d give anything to have it back again. He shakes his head - he really must’ve had too much to drink. It was making him melancholy and sobering him up fast. Funny how alcohol will do that to you.
“Scouts honor, Butler, I’ll-I’ll-I’ll,” he seems to search the ceiling in drunken concentration for the correct wording most likely to open the doors to the kingdom, “I’ll be- it’ll be: HER, YOU and a um, uh mannequin. How ‘bout that, mate? Good enough for ya? You’d probably like that, wouldn’t ya? Ya little freak!” He lands a playful right hook to Austin’s jaw, hard knuckles digging into soft cheeks.
The usually inflammatory epithet of ‘freak’, coming as it does from a man begging for a threesome with himself and his girl, is nothing short of rabidly complementary. Callum’s shit-eating, triumphant grin could light up the whole damn room in this moment. He knows he’s got Austin right where he wants him and starts to count down silently in his head - three…two…
Austin finds himself grinning, a warning, measured thing but a condoning of the sentiment all the same.
“One,” Cal says out loud, his arm going back around Austin’s shoulders, squeezing so hard Austin winces a little. It’s a reflective motion then, done almost without thinking, when Austin slaps Callum’s thigh, not realizing there’s a boner bent down that trouser leg. A wounded hiss leaves Callum’s lips as he caves in on himself a little bit and Austin freezes, his face turning crimson and he feels another twitch down his own trousers.
“Steady on mate,” Callum coughs, shaking a leg, trying to discreetly readjust. “And I thought I was the eager beaver here.” Austin wants to wipe that smirk right off Callum’s smug little face but the moment their eyes meet they can’t help but start to laugh. Giggles, really, which turn into loud guffaws that has the whole bar turning to see what the commotion is about.
Your head whips around at the sound you’ve grown to know well over the past few weeks, the loud and boisterous laughter of two friends who seem forget that anyone else exists when they’re together. You spot them, huddled close as they always seem to be, and shake your head. A grin tugs at your lips and threatens to spill out the feelings fluttering around in your chest, no your stomach, no…somewhere else, lower. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t think about the two of them…together. Sometimes you’re with them, sometimes you’re not, in these little fantasies of yours. You catch yourself biting your lip and staring at them a little too longingly. You wonder what they’re saying now, both of them look flustered and awkward, just slightly. You can actually feel the tension rolling off of them in waves from where you stand across the bar.
Austin chooses that moment to look up and catch your eye. There’s a fire in his gaze that wasn’t there earlier and what is that look on his face? You’ve never seen it before…shy and almost…guilty? He looks just like a little boy who’s been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
Your eyes question him across the dim bar, an unspoken tether ties you together wherever you are, and uncertainty about the deal he’s just struck with Callum comes creeping in. What has gotten into him? He’s just agreed to share you, with another man. And not just any man, one he has a rather interesting history with. The thought of Callum touching you, kissing you, fucking you…suddenly he’s stone cold sober and beginning to regret letting Cal sway his decision. Because there sure as hell won’t be any take backs, not with Callum. He’s like a dog with a bone once he gets what he wants.
“Dude no, there’s chemical flavoring in there, that shit’s bad for you and it’ll give her irritation!” Austin looks slightly perturbed, not for the first time this evening. He sways slightly under the florecent lights of the drugstore, the constant buzzing adding to the pounding in his head.
“What if it’s not intended to go on her? Hmm? Thought of that Butler?” Callum murmurs under his breath, his eyes focused solely on the lube he’s holding, a pink blush creeping up his neck to his ears. Has a blush under drugstore fluorescents ever looked so lovely? And Austin hasn’t stopped biting that lower lip since you walked into this place. It hasn’t stopped him from grinning, though, his excitement bubbling through in little ticks and tells, the nervous turning over of the vaseline jar in his large hands.
“You haven’t even bought me dinner Cal, just straight to the flavored lube,” Austin bemoans, faking offense. “’Sides, she’s already sweet enough, aren’t you baby? I’ve had my fair share of licks,” Austin’s shoulder bumps yours as he sends you a smoldering look, his eyes flickering down your body briefly before his cheeks turn a slight rosy color you can see blooming up from his chest through his open shirt collar.
“Austin!” you hiss, slapping his arm playfully and hiding your face in his neck, embarrassed.
“Leave it to you two twig Bettie’s and we’d be down to nothin’ but socks and coconut oil,” Cal snarks, not at all inaccurately.
“I don’t remember you minding coconut oil last time,” Austin says under his breath, clearly meant for Callum’s ears only, but you manage to catch it, and your heart starts to pound at the implied meaning.
“Mmm, and it was bitter so - mojito,” Callum says decidedly, leaving no room for argument. Austin smiles at you, lifting his shoulder in a shrug and rolling his eyes heavenward. You giggle nervously, wondering for the first time just what you’re getting yourself into.
“I saw that! Listen mate, feel free to shut me up at any time. This would do nicely, ya reckon?” Callum lifts a silk sleeping mask with one, long finger and swings it around seductively, waggling his eyebrows up and down comically. You laugh and the butterflies making a home in your ribcage start to settle down again.
The whimpers emanating from between your parted lips take you by surprise and you promptly shut your mouth, unexpectedly embarrassed to be mewling so wantonly. You bite your lip as it becomes harder and harder to hold them in with every slow thrust of Austin’s velvety cock filling you, his swollen tip hitting just the right spot, and every flick of Callum’s tongue as he laves at your tender little clit with vigor. You feel Austin tense slightly beneath you as Cal swirls his tongue down to your opening to lap at where you and Austin join, sloppy and wet. A soft moan floats past your left ear, Austin’s hot breath sending a shiver through you, and it seems to invigorate Callum as he doubles down on his efforts to have his tongue cover as much surface area as possible. He chuckles and it jolts through you as your back arches, your fingers finding his dark curls and yanking him closer, demanding something you aren’t even aware of. He understands what you need even if you don’t and as his lips close around your sensitive bud you can no longer keep quiet, keening softly. You practically buck off of Austin’s lap and his arm tightens around your waist to keep you in place. The harder Callum sucks, the more Austin starts to whine - you’ve gotten so tight around him he can hardly thrust.
“Oh fuck, what’re you doing? Cal…what…” you slur as you pull at his hair, trying to dislodge him from your clit. You feel him grin against your heat as he slowly slips two fingers in you, resting them alongside Austin’s length. You hiss at the stretch and Austin starts to pick up his pace again. Your head is too hazy with pleasure to register fully what is happening as Callum gently slides another finger in next to the first two. His mouth works your clit, sucking and pulling, harder then soft again.
“More…more more more,” you beg hoarsely. You feel as if you might fly away and the only thing anchoring you to earth are these two men and their hands and their mouths on your body. Callum cocks an eyebrow at you and his eyes shift to Austin. You feel him nod, barely, and then another burning stretch as Cal slips his pinkie in next to his other fingers. It drives you insane and you feel yourself clenching and coming, harder than you can ever remember. You stop breathing for a moment, your mind going numb with rapture as you come apart at the seams.
“Oh fuck,” Austin whispers, biting your shoulder, his hand absentmindedly palming your breasts, pinching your hardened nipple. “Come on baby, I know you’ve got more, give us another one. Cal, can’t thrust with you in there…give me some room, huh?”
Callum let’s go of your clit with a wet pop and gently slides his fingers out. His nose and chin are shiny with your juices, even his eyebrows look a little damp and he’s grinning from ear to ear.
“Go on then, Butler, show us what you got.” He stands, knees popping as he does. From up here he can see your faces clearly, yours and Austin’s. He watches, rapt, as Austin nuzzles your neck, nipping at your earlobe as he speeds up his thrusts, toying with your nipples mercilessly. Your eyes flutter closed and your head drops back onto his shoulder. Callum shakes his head, dazed and pussy drunk - why was he on his knees so long?? He coulda been watching this the whole time? But he knows why- fresh, homegrown pussy. And he means to have his fill. He can’t take being on the sidelines, watching Austin move in and out of you at a punishing pace, having all the fun. One of Callum’s massive palms descends onto your clit, slapping and rubbing cruelly, back and forth, faster and faster. And then you’re gushing everywhere, all over Callum’s hand and Austin’s cock and the bed, soaking everything.
“Come on then girl, give us all you’ve got,” Cal encourages, his raspy voice driven to the point of hoarseness. He grabs his painfully hard, throbbing cock and roughly starts to slap your clit. You gasp, jerking in Austin’s arms as you fall apart again. And then Callum gets a thought, because his dick is doing most of the thinking just now, and it’s been sadly neglected thus far. He’s just had four fingers in you and now you’re literally flinging droplets with each swipe, it’s a goddamn swamp down there it’s so wet. He slows his slaps and starts to rub soft circles against your clit, stopping every once in a while to try your entrance gently, just to see. You moan breathlessly and his heart speeds up as he looks at Austin questioningly.
“I recognize that gleam in your eye, Turner…spit it out,” Austin says in a slightly strangled voice.
“Think you can take us both, angel? At the same time?” Callum directs his question to you, ignoring Austin.
You can’t take your poor abused clit getting ground on anymore, it’s just too intense, anything to give it a break. You nod your head so fast he thinks it might fly off. Your trembling little hand reaches down with disjointed begs of “Put it in baby, put it, please Cal, it’s burning.”
Your sloppy wet pussy hole visibly clenches with a tiny space of room left each time Austin digs in. Callum drunkenly wonders if they should have a medical professional on standby for this sorta shit, like it’s gotta be a crime to wedge two boys into a girl, especially when Butler’s packing like that. But your whine suggests you need it and he’d really like to not be left out. FOMO -that’s what he’ll blame when he’s driving the ambulance or else coming down from the craziest high he’s ever had with a pool of cum drying on his belly.
Austin goes still as a statue under you and drags your sweaty hair across to the other shoulder so he can really see your face and ask, “You sure? Baby, talk to me, you really wanna try?” His hand gently grips your chin, forcing you to focus on his eyes, his question.
“I’ll die if I don’t have you both,” you plead, your voice barely above a whisper, but Austin still looks concerned and slightly perturbed. Is the girl he knows even in there? But you want something, you want this and he’ll be dammed if he doesn’t give you anything you want that’s within his power to give. And if there’s one thing he loves about you it’s your love of a challenge. He bites his cheek, trying not to blow his load over your sweet determination.
“Ok ok.” Austin takes a deep, steadying breath, kissing your wet temple and gives Callum a very familiar look of admonishment and also trust in his good intentions. “Careful, man, really careful,” he instructs as Callum nods his silent assent.
“No safe words, just if somebody says stop we stop, ok?” Austin’s starting to pant, as he can feel the poofy mushroom head of Cal’s cock brushing his sack at your entrance. “Anybody who says stop,” he clarifies, half thinking he might be the first to wimp out and do it.
“Yeah, yeah, ‘course.” Cal actually looks sober as fuck except for the sheen of sweat that always seems to come with his pints and somehow the eye contact he makes lights a fire in Austin’s belly.
“I might say no,” you squeak, “I won’t mean it though, just a heads up. I’ll say stop- if I need to stop.”
“No?” Cal laughs nervously. “That might make me feel a little…bad,” he admits, still rubbing maddening circles around where Austin’s been practically cockwarming you for ages.
“Stop getting all existential and give her what she wants, man,” Austin rebuts.
“It’ll make me feel bad if she says no,” Cal blurts, running a hand through his already messy hair.
“Then I’ll do it.” Austin’s voice is rough in your ear and your nipples harden into peaks as he gently pulls out of you and pats the bed. “Tell Cal to lay his big ass self down.”
You giggle as Callum dives onto the bed, bouncing for a moment until he settles, turning over onto his back, head propped on a lazy forearm. He pats his meaty thighs and you roll your eyes but can’t deny the flip flop your stomach does at the thought of those thighs and what a nice cradle they’ll make while you’re railed within an inch of you’re life. And then you’re hovering over him, Cal kneading your hip encouragingly while running an admiring hand up and down your spine, like you’re a skittish horse in need of calming. You hesitate, momentarily unsure, but Austin nods at you reassuringly from the foot of the bed and ever the gentleman, gives you his hands to hold as you sink slowly down on Callum. Though his gentlemanly hands are gripping yours tightly, his eyes are glued to your pussy taking every inch of uncut Brit cock that he’s maybe gagged on once.
“Earth to Butler!” comes from behind you because Austin’s zoned out a little and it’s been a hot minute and you’re somewhat situated now.
“Oh, yeah, yeah, uh, ok, ok…”
Cal snickers before crunching up behind you, his chest hot against your back as he wraps his arms around you. “You feel lovely, darlin’, wanna lay back wif’ me? Don’t mind him, he’s lost it. Always goes a bit soft in the head around a pretty pussy or my cock.”
It’s a lot from this position and laying back against Callum’s chest is intense. You feel like he’s fully in your belly and it stretches your womb over him. He feels different…his isn’t as wet as Austin’s little water fountain but it throbs more noticeably, sending little shocks of pleasure through you. Cal pets your belly soothingly and spreads your pussy lips for Austin to really get a look at. You whine and squirm, realizing again the want for more. Those fingers dabbling at your entrance, threatening to push inside you once more and that’s when Austin breaks, recalling that’s what he and his cock are here for.
“Yeah, ok, ok, present and accounted for. Move your hand,” he murmurs, swiping Cal’s hand away. He thumbs at you himself for a bit, just to be sure and to watch as Cal loses his cool facade for a second when you clench tightly around him.
“Still sure about this, baby?” He asks one more time as he’s pressing at the ring and the burn has you bracing. You feel Cal’s hand move from your waist to your thigh, behind your knee, cupping it and dragging it wide, spreading you apart before you’ve even said your piece. The vote of confidence does you good and you take a deep breath, nodding once, decisively.
“Then put me in, angel,” Austin tells you, fat cockhead already snagged in but there’s a little ripple in his hard cock from the resistance of the tight space. Steeling yourself, you reach down and wrap your fingers around him, tugging him closer and slowly feeding his thickness into you alongside Cal’s, who starts thrashing his head and moaning at the drag like he’s the one getting breached.
“Good girl, good girl, please more…know you can take more.” Cal’s begging for cock by proxy and it alters your brain somehow. Austin’s too, he puts his hips into the effort and soon he’s gotten past the muscles at your command and into the threshold where you can’t manage to push him out if you tried. It makes you panic a little, but Cal is softly shushing in your ear, a distracting thumb stroking behind your knee, other freckled hand mauling a tit and begging you to take more cock so he can get friction.
“She can take it, come on, Austin,” he vouches for you, a little self promotion as you can’t even form words right now. Somewhere about six inches in your vocabulary consists of yelped little “fuck’s”and whimpering “I cant’s”.
Austin caresses your cheek, commanding you to look at him, his blue eyes focused in on yours, “That’s it baby, just a little more. You’re doing so good for us… such a good girl.”
Callum grab’s Austin’s shoulder and brings him fully deeper, which is all well and good when Austin kisses your forehead and insists raggedly, “You are doing it, baby.”
When he finally pushes in that last little bit, you lose any control you thought you had, instantly coming from the stretch and threatening to push Austin out. But he presses nothing less than his full weight on you, keeping you in place and himself snug inside next to Callum. You gasp for air and wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, clinging to him. Austin tries to remember to breathe and promptly forgets how when he makes eye contact with Callum for the first time since being balls deep.
“Are you -is that you…twitching?”
“Woulda thought you’d remember that,” Callum smirks. “Coulda sworn I recall you saying something about it jumping like a live wire in your hand?”
“Christ, well it feels different all…snuggled up next to mine,” Austin grits out, coloring slightly.
After a moment or two, when breath has been regained and a few laughs shared and some semblance of sanity restored in right spaces, Cal starts to pepper every inch of your neck and cheeks in kisses. Now that he’s not so desperate he’s become utterly grateful for you, for this. The kisses turn into sloppy, wet groans in your ear as Austin begins to move and Cal’s hand is gripping your jaw, his eyes locked on Austin, your legs thrown wide over his thighs, spread to the max and he’s a perfect recliner. He throws his other arm across your chest in a loving armbar, holding you still on top of him, “So Butler can get a rhythm, baby.”
Austin looms above you both, finding his pace, measured and steady. His beautiful face is flushed full of awe and there’s a heat in his gaze you’ve never seen before. He puts his hand on Callum’s shoulder for leverage, long fingers digging into freckled flesh and Cal promptly lays a little smooch on Austin’s forearm with a cheeky grin. Austin’s eyes shift and change, become a deeper blue and an expression you can’t read flits across his face as he jabs a particularly hard thrust into you. Callum starts to whimper and squirm when he realizes Austin’s thrusts are rubbing him too well, and it's not just you who’s getting their spot hit - that spot being his foreskin being drug back and forth in maddening little drags.
“Y’all like that? Feel good?” Austin growls lowly, rhythmic thrusts pushing you and Callum deeper into the fluffy white sheets, both of your whimpers combining until you can’t tell who they belong to. Austin groans and drives in harder, his white knuckles gripping Callum’s shoulder hard, while he reserves his tenderest touch for you, rubbing his thumb back and forth across your cheek.
“You’re…enjoying this…” you manage to moan between thrusts. His face splits into a grin as he pushes all the way in, pausing for a moment to kiss you hard, all tongues and teeth and desperation.
“Oh, fuck mate, that’s so good. Oh my god,” Callum babbles. “Right there, fuck, right there. You feel so good.”
“Which one, baby girl? Me or her?” Austin smirks.
For once, Callum has no witty response except the heavy panting in your ear. He squeezes your waist harder and his fingernails indent your hip and it gives you something else to focus on while you catch your breath, a tiny escape from the mind-blowing ecstasy you feel and the slight alarm bells ringing in your head. You can feel Callum somehow expanding and growing inside of you, even bigger than he was before. Austin’s eyes go wide and a look of panic crosses his face - his perfect pink mouth forms a perfect “o”.
“Oh shit, what…why is everything so fucking tight again…what is happening,” Austin groans breathlessly, his mouth set in a determined line, teeth ground together so hard you worry momentarily he might break a tooth. He tightens his grip on Callum’s shoulder and Cal’s massive hand encircles Austin’s delicate wrist, knuckles white as he holds on for dear life.
“Faster…faster,” Cal begs, again and again. “Sorry no, mate it’s, it’s fuckin’ happenin’…oh fuck.” His head cranes forward and you can feel his belly and hips flexing beneath you as he tenses over and over, letting out a hoarse sort of howl as he comes. His warmth fills you and it shakes something loose in your head, your own stomach starting to clench as you grab a handful of Austin’s golden hair, urging him on. Callum’s hands are all over you, petting you everywhere as he starts to come down.
“S’ok I came in ya? Yeah? Good, ‘cause I did,” he whispers hoarsely with a remorseful little laugh, back to babbling to you now that Austin’s got him there. He wipes the sweaty hair from your forehead, tucking a piece of it behind your ear and kisses your neck, whispering encouraging words, “That’s it, babe, give us another one.”
Cal’s bitten off little whimpers spur you on, as his soft cock is trapped in there too, getting pummeled. He’s trying to focus on you, with little pets and murmurs of encouragement but you feel his jaw clench as he grits his teeth, taking the pounding Austin is giving the both of you.
“Got me feelin’ like a proper woman, squealin’ n’ shit, Aus.”
You feel another orgasm build and shake through you, one of the many countless times you’ve fallen apart tonight, but this one stands out. It would bring you to your knees if you were unlucky enough to be standing at this moment. You’re sure it has something to do with knowing you’re satisfying two men at once, Callum having found his release and Austin being close to his. You can tell he’s on the verge by the little signs you’ve grown to recognize over the course of your relationship. The way his forehead creases in between his brows - you’ve kissed it away a dozen times in the heat of the moment. The way his pulse beats on the side of his neck, his vein there popping out and becoming more prominent. The short little huffs of breath he inhales, in quick succession - one, two, three, bam, bam, bam, like three shots straight to your heart. It’s your turn to take care of him, the last one standing after he made sure you and Cal got yours.
“Your turn, baby,” you whisper, pulling his forehead down to meet yours, thumbing at the hollows of his cheeks as he begins to tremble and his thrusts turn sloppy. He kisses you again, sucking on your tongue before moving to latch onto your neck. Cal wraps a hand around Austin’s throat, pushing his head back and squeezing just enough for his eyes to widen and his mouth to pop open. His blue eyes darken and you think he’s going to put his mouth on you again, but he bypasses you and goes straight for Callum’s collarbone, his perfect, white teeth sinking into Callum’s lovely English skin and biting down, hard. Cal yelps but doesn’t let go of Austin’s neck, and that’s when you feel it, your belly filled with warmth again as Austin pulses and twitches inside you, a stuttered moan muffled into the crook of Callum’s shoulder. He collapses on top of you and Callum, completely and utterly spent, the three of you breathing heavily and unable to move for a few moments. You squirm a tiny bit, trying to take a deep breath with one man plastered to your front and another to your back.
Austin gets the hint and lifts himself back up on shaky arms, slipping out of you with a squelch. You gasp one final time, at the sudden loss of him, and a cold emptiness is left where he once filled you to the brim, almost to breaking. The coldness is replaced quickly by a gushing warmth spilling out of you. You feel Callum suck in a breath, his broad chest expanding beneath you, his right arm still wrapped tightly around your chest.
“Christ, it’s running down my balls,” he wheezes out, taking another shuddering breath.
Austin braces himself against the headboard and slowly disentangles himself, flopping limply beside you on the bed. He looks at you and Cal still entwined, his eyes moving from both of your faces flushed with heat, down to Callum’s arm still tightly wrapped around you, one large, meaty hand gripping your breast, his middle finger absentmindedly pressing the sensitive bud of your nipple down. Austin sucks in breath after breath, and his eyes travel lower, to your legs still splayed wide over Callum’s sturdy thighs, his softening cock still nestled deep inside you, the spend of both men slowly dripping out of you. A sudden flash of possessiveness roars through him - for you, for Callum. For the sacred thing he has with both of you. His face goes numb and his ears start to ring. But it’s gone as quickly as it appeared.
“What is it, Aus?” you whisper, stretching out a hand to him. He looks forlorn, alone on the other side of the bed, his vulnerable face a mix of emotions crashing together all at once, lost and unsure, the gravity of everything settling on his shoulders like a blanket.
“Come back to us.” Your fingertips barely reach to brush his bronzed chest, the little blonde hairs soft against your skin. “Please.”
He lets out a breath you didn’t realize he was holding and crawls back over, wrapping his arms around you both and collapsing on top of you again. You’re hilariously squished in the middle of a bear hug now, both men squeezing with all their might, a strange show of masculinity to mask true feelings.
“I can’t breathe….” you manage between giggles. Callum lets out a soft chuckle in your ear, his breath warm against your cheek as his arm shifts beneath you. He digs his fingers into Austin’s armpit and wiggles them around none too gently. Austin bucks against you and squeaks out an uncharacteristically high laugh, trying to squirm out of Cal’s grasp, but it’s too strong and Austin’s body feels like jelly just now.
“Hey! Hey hey, no fair…you know I hate… being… tickled…” Austin grunts out, trying desperately to writhe out of this strange embrace.
Bright, cheerful sunshine spills onto the hotel room floor and across the bed, where it has no right to be at this ungodly hour. It shines in unabashedly, through drapes you forgot to close properly in all of your horny desperation. A little sliver of verdant green Hollywood hills is the only signal from the outside world. In here, somewhere between sleeping and waking, in that hazy early morning dreamland, you register Austin tucked up close behind you, his knees pushing the backs of yours and his warm, heavy arm slung over your waist. This is how you wake up every morning and you scoot your bottom back, into the cradle of his hips, momentarily unaware of the pulverization of your insides. But scenes from last night play out like a clip reel inside your head almost as soon as you’re conscious. You squeeze your eyes tight, refusing to give the sun its due. You stretch your legs gingerly, wiggling your toes against Austin’s, and take stock of things. There’s the obvious ache between your legs - more of a throbbing fire, if the truth is to be told. Your nipples seem to remember the previous evening’s activities as well because they immediately harden and stand at attention. And you can’t feel them yet but you’re pretty sure you have a few bruises, too. Ah well, you think as you yawn lazily, that’s what makeup is for.
You blink one eye open (it’s so bright in here!) and the first thing you encounter is a massive arm right next to your nose, tiny, golden hairs glinting in the sunlight. The second thing you see is Cal, on his belly and sans sheets or clothes, his lush and muscular bottom swelling above the white duvet beneath him. His adorable face is pressed into the pillow next to yours, dark curls swirling across his forehead and day’s worth of stubble dots his jaw. He feels your eyes on him, he’s only been snoozing for a bit, waiting for you two to wake up. He cracks one bright, blue eye open and stares back at you a moment. He senses a rush of what he feels everytime he sees you but this time it’s magnified by endearment and gratitude. Then, his face lights up, still smushed into the pillow and a massive, squinty grin splits his face. Your heart gives a funny little leap inside your chest and you find that your fingers are caressing his cheek softly, of their own volition and you resist the urge to kiss the little freckle under his mouth. He grabs your hand and kisses your fingertips, holding them to his warm lips as he smiles. And suddenly, any worry about things being weird has evaporated, as has any possibility of him being a third wheel. He just belongs.
“Hey! Quit making goo-goo eyes at my girl.” Austin’s gravelly morning voice rumbles from behind you playfully, and quick as lightning the arm still draped around your waist reaches over and smacks Callum’s ass, hard. The slap echoes around the room and you see the pale flesh of his bottom bounce and reverberate with the force of it. Cal, and his red, pillow creased face, jolts forward, yelling and jerking in the sheets, which in turn rubs his raw cock. This causes a chain reaction of events which results in him immediately pulling a sore muscle and flopping back down on the bed, moaning and rubbing his reddening backside.
“No fair, bruv,” he groans into the pillow. “That was too fuckin’ close to my balls.”
Austin chuckles and swats your ass gently for good measure. Slowly, everyone starts to shift and stir. First there are whines about soreness and muscles. Then about how sticky it all is. Then about who’s gonna order room service - but more pressingly, who’s gonna walk to the mini bar and grab a water. And then there’s an argument about who’s voice is less hoarse to call for the food - this ends up being you, hilariously. Then there’s moaning arguments about who is intact enough to wobble to the door and tip the server. In between massive amounts of doting and fretting over you, obviously. The boys are ever attentive, fluffing your pillows and making sure you’re comfortable while they feed you omelets and sausage and pancakes until your energy is restored. Over breakfast in bed, the arguments continue about who’s more bruised up - there’s a nasty bite mark on Cal’s collarbone but the fingerprints around Austin’s neck are a fair rival. There’s a panicked and very male discussion about emergency rooms when you admit you can barely move. But you manage to convince them that a nice, hot soak in the tub would do you wonders right about now. So Austin goes to draw you a bath while Callum helps you out of bed, wrapping a protective arm around your waist, and guiding you to the bathroom.
Twenty minutes later you’re starting to feel somewhat restored and a little more like yourself. The boys take turns showering, getting ready for the screening event later today. They go about it quietly though, almost reverently, leaving you to relax in peace. You turn the hot water on again, you’ve soaked so long it’s turning tepid but you’re not ready to relinquish this luxury. You ask Austin to bring you your makeup kit, eying the marks on both of them that need covering up. First Austin, then Callum, one after the other they kneel beside the tub in only their dress pants, chest and feet still bare. There are bruises and hickies and bite marks on clavicles and necks and wrists. Poor Callum, with his delicate, reactionary British skin has what looks like beard burn over half his chest and up the side of his throat. You turn sideways in the fancy clawfoot bathtub, gingerly dabbing concealer here and there, doing the best you can to cover up any evidence of last night's revels. Austin sits patiently, a towel underneath his knees to buffer the hard tile floor, and watches you with his kind, enigmatic ocean eyes. They’re distracting, those eyes, as they watch your face, every blink and every smile.
“What is it, Aus? Something on your mind?” you finally murmur, unable to take such naked contemplation any longer.
“You’re incredible, you know that?” He smooths the hair back from your forehead, rubbing a silky piece between his fingers. “I’m so lucky.”
Callum slouches against the doorway and lets out a quiet hum. “I think you mean we’re lucky, mate. The three of us.”
The Three of Us: Brat Behavior (part 2)
The Three of Us - Masterlist
Tagging some Austin & Callum lovers I know: @jelliedonut @crazymadpassionatelove @elvisabutler @slowsweetlove @stylespresleyhearted @steph-speaks @blurredcolour @pearlparty
2K notes ¡ View notes
amethystarachnid ¡ 1 month ago
Hii! I read your "Christmas morning with Tony" and I think its so cute and funny... I appreciate the time and effort you put into writing for us. I admire your writing style. I'm a huge fan of Tony Stark.😁 Your povs are so great and heart touching.🧡 I'm new so I don't know if you accept requests but can I request for something? No force. You can only make it if you want to... If you can, please make a oneshot of Tony x Fem reader (with age gap) married couple with a cute little toddler daughter and a baby boy, a lovely family. Tony's sass and Y/N's softness. (And how Y/N feels like she is raising 3 kids including Tony) How they deal with Tony's fame and protect the kids. How Y/N feels about all of this. Some slight flirtation, fluff and fun. I'll be so happy if you can make this or if you've already made something like this, can you please suggest that? Sorry for boring you with my long text 😭 I don't even know if you'll reply but it'd be so cool if you did omg... Kudos bestie!
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ᯓ★ Pairing: Anthony “Tony” E. Stark x fem!reader
ᯓ★ Genre: fluff, romance
ᯓ★ Word count: 6.6k
ᯓ★ Summary: when you married Tony stark you knew you were leaving your privacy behind, but your kids? oh that' s a whole different story, and Tony will make sure the press knows that
ᯓ★ TW(s): little spicy scenes at the end, nothing too explicit
ᯓ★ omg i was so sure I had posted this story like a few days ago, now I open up my draft and see that it's still here? and there's another story too? omg I'm so sorry for the delay
ᯓ★ My Masterlist
ᯓ★ MARVEL Holiday Special
ᯓ★ MARVEL Multiverse - choose an AU, pair it with your favorite character and make a request!
ᯓ★ Songs & Superheroes tales - The Game (to make a request, follow the rules on the link!)
ᯓ★ MARVEL Bingo
ᯓ★ English isn’t my first language
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The sound of tiny feet racing down the hallway pulls you from sleep before the baby monitor even has a chance to crackle. You blink against the soft light filtering through the curtains, trying to shake off the lingering haze of exhaustion. It’s too early—your body knows it, but the Stark household rarely lets you sleep in past sunrise these days.
“Mommy!” Luna’s voice echoes outside the door, high-pitched and insistent.
You nudge Tony, whose warm weight is sprawled beside you. “Your turn,” you murmur, voice still thick with sleep.
“Mm-mm,” he grunts, burrowing deeper into the pillow. “I did the midnight shift.”
“That was my shift,” you remind him, though there’s no heat in your voice.
Before he can argue, the door creaks open, and Luna’s curly head pops into view. She’s clutching her stuffed bunny, her chubby cheeks flushed from sleep. “Mommy! Daddy! I awake!”
Tony groans, but he’s already rolling onto his back, cracking one eye open. “Morning, boss,” he greets her, his voice gravelly but amused.
Luna wastes no time climbing onto the bed. She doesn’t crawl to your side, though—her target is clear. She clambers onto Tony’s chest with a determination only a toddler can muster, settling there like she’s claimed her throne.
“Hi, Daddy,” she chirps, grinning down at him.
“Hi, baby girl,” he says, wrapping his hands loosely around her waist to keep her steady. “What’s up?”
She thrusts a crumpled piece of paper at him, one of her many drawings. “S’you!”
Tony takes the paper, squinting at the chaotic mix of lines and colors. “Me? No way. This is way too good to be me.”
“Daddy!” Luna giggles, but the moment of happiness flickers when a faint cry comes through the baby monitor on Tony’s nightstand.
You sit up, ready to move, but Luna’s face twists into an immediate pout. “Noooo,” she whines, grabbing Tony’s arm with surprising strength for someone her size. “Daddy stay!”
“Luna,” you say gently, reaching out to brush her curls back from her forehead, “Howard’s awake. He needs Mommy and Daddy too.”
“Nooo!” she insists, eyes welling up with tears as she clings tighter to Tony. “No baby! Daddy stay here!”
Tony shifts her so he can sit up properly, cradling her against his chest as she buries her face in his shirt. His free hand rubs her back, his voice soft but firm. “Hey, hey, none of that. Howard’s not going anywhere. You’re still my number one, okay?”
“Promise?” Her voice is muffled against him.
“Promise,” he says, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “But you gotta share me a little, Luna Bean. Teamwork, remember?”
She sniffles, her little body still tense, but she doesn’t argue further.
You glance at Tony, mouthing, I’ll get him, but he shakes his head. “Nah, I got it. You stay here with the queen of the universe.”
“Queen Luna,” you say with a smile, and she peeks out from Tony’s shirt, her pout shifting to the tiniest of grins.
Tony shifts her onto the bed beside you, leaning in to press a quick kiss to your lips before he heads toward the nursery. Luna watches him go, her expression still wary.
You wrap an arm around her, pulling her close. “What do you think, Luna? Should we make Daddy some coffee while he gets Howard?”
She considers this, then nods. “I help.”
“Of course you do,” you say, tickling her side until she giggles.
Together, you head to the kitchen, Luna’s hand tightly clutching yours.
By the time Tony comes downstairs, Howard in his arms, Luna is standing on her step stool at the counter, proudly stirring a bowl of oatmeal. “Daddy!” she shouts when she sees him, immediately abandoning her spoon to reach for him.
“Hey, Luna Bean,” Tony says, walking over with a grin. He juggles Howard expertly as Luna throws her arms around his legs. “What’s going on in here?”
“I cook!” she announces, pointing to the oatmeal like it’s a Michelin-starred masterpiece.
“You’re amazing,” he tells her, and she practically glows under his praise.
Howard squirms in his arms, letting out a little coo, and Luna’s face falls slightly. She tugs on Tony’s pant leg again. “Daddy, me up!”
Tony glances at you, then back at Luna. “Sweetheart, I’m holding Howard right now. But maybe after breakfast—”
“No! Me!” Her lower lip juts out, and you can see the storm coming before it hits.
“Luna,” you say, crouching down beside her, “Daddy can’t hold both of you at the same time. But maybe you can sit next to him while he feeds Howard, huh? You can be his helper.”
She scowls at first, but the word “helper” seems to sway her. “Helper?”
“Big helper,” Tony agrees, setting Howard into his high chair before crouching down to scoop Luna into his arms. “You can be in charge of making sure your little brother doesn’t make a huge mess. Think you’re up for it?”
She nods solemnly, her little face serious as Tony carries her to the table.
Breakfast is its usual chaotic blur. Howard smears oatmeal on his cheeks more than he eats it, Luna spends most of her time “helping” by narrating Howard’s every move, and Tony is caught somewhere between managing both kids and stealing sips of coffee whenever he can.
“Look, Mommy!” Luna calls out at one point, holding up a spoonful of oatmeal that she’s managed to guide toward Howard’s mouth. Most of it dribbles down his bib, but her excitement is infectious.
“You’re such a good big sister,” you tell her, and she beams.
Tony meets your eyes across the table, and you share a smile. It’s exhausting, yes, but these little moments—messy, loud, and chaotic—are what make it all worth it.
For now, Luna seems happy enough, basking in the attention from both of you. But you know the balancing act is far from over.
The idea of going to the park electrifies Luna, who hasn’t stopped chanting “big slide!” from the second she decided on the plan. You’re impressed by her enthusiasm but a little less thrilled by the sheer logistics of getting two kids—and one Tony Stark—out the door in one piece.
“Alright, Bean, grab your shoes,” Tony says as he crouches to tie his sneakers. Luna runs off, only to return moments later with two mismatched shoes in her hands—a sparkly sandal and a rain boot.
You stifle a laugh. “Sweetheart, those don’t match.”
“Is fashion,” Luna insists, holding them out proudly.
Tony leans down to her level, nodding solemnly. “You’re absolutely right. Who am I to argue with haute couture?” He takes the mismatched shoes and looks over his shoulder at you. “You heard the boss. Let’s roll with it.”
“She’s going to look like she dressed herself,” you tease, handing him the diaper bag as you grab Howard from his bassinet.
“She did dress herself,” Tony shoots back, tossing Luna’s bunny into the stroller. “Besides, we’ll make it work. Howard here won’t rat us out.”
Howard, nestled in your arms, lets out a little hiccup, blinking up at you with big eyes that seem to say, You’re doomed, Mom.
The park itself is only a ten-minute drive, but Tony takes longer than usual to circle the area. You know exactly why. His eyes are constantly scanning the streets for cameras or sketchy parked cars.
“Still clear,” he says finally, pulling into the parking lot.
“Relax, Tony,” you murmur. “We’ve been here a million times without any trouble.”
“Yeah, and all it takes is one overpaid idiot with a zoom lens,” he mutters, shutting off the car.
Luna, oblivious to the ongoing Stark-level security measures, kicks her feet excitedly in her car seat. “Go play! Go play!”
Tony hops out and unbuckles her first, letting her bounce to the ground with all the energy of someone who hasn’t had their soul drained by a toddler tantrum at 6 a.m.
“Alright, Bean, ground rules: you stay where Mommy and I can see you, and no wandering off to join a rogue pack of preschoolers, okay?”
“‘Kay!” Luna shouts before taking off toward the jungle gym, leaving Tony standing there with his hands on his hips.
You smirk. “She definitely got her listening skills from you.”
Tony looks at you, feigning offense. “I listen! I’m fantastic at listening. Just ask… anyone but you.”
“Sure you are,” you tease, wheeling Howard’s stroller closer to the bench nearest the playground.
Luna climbs the jungle gym with the fearless determination of a child who doesn’t yet understand the concept of gravity. She zooms down the big slide with wild abandon, screaming, “Daddy, watch!” every single time, as though he hasn’t been staring at her like she’s the most fascinating thing in the universe.
Tony, of course, eats it up. “That’s my girl! Ten out of ten, Bean! Gold medal for sliding!”
You sit nearby with Howard in your lap, who’s happily gnawing on his teething toy. The sight of Tony sprinting to catch Luna at the bottom of the slide—only for her to scramble back up and do it again—makes your chest ache in the best way.
Watching him as a dad is both endearing and exhausting. He’s fully in it, down to the goofy voices and over-the-top reactions, but sometimes it’s like raising a third child. Case in point: the way he almost topples into the sandbox trying to show Luna how to build a “Stark-grade” sandcastle.
“Careful, Tony,” you call, adjusting Howard’s sun hat. “If you break something, I’m not driving you to the ER.”
He glances over his shoulder with a grin. “You kidding? My castle-building technique is flawless.”
After about an hour, Luna runs up to you, her curls wild and cheeks flushed. “Mommy, hungry!”
You smile, brushing some sand off her shirt. “Okay, what do you want? We can eat at home—”
“McD’nald’s!” she interrupts, her eyes lighting up.
Tony perks up immediately. “McDonald’s, huh? The kid’s got taste. Can’t argue with a Happy Meal.”
You give him a look. “You’re going to use her as an excuse to eat fries, aren’t you?”
“Absolutely,” he says, already folding up the stroller.
The McDonald’s trip is pure chaos, as expected. You pull into the parking lot, and Tony insists on ordering at the counter instead of using the drive-thru.
“It’s the full experience,” he says, hoisting Luna onto his hip.
“Or it’s an unnecessary production,” you counter, adjusting Howard in his carrier.
Inside, Luna presses her nose against the glass of the Happy Meal display, pointing at the toys. “That one! I want dat one!”
“Luna, it’s random,” you explain patiently. “They give you whatever toy they have.”
“No, dat one!”
Tony leans down conspiratorially. “Here’s the deal, Bean: if they don’t give you the one you want, we’ll just buy the whole set. Problem solved.”
You gape at him. “Tony.”
“What? She’s three. Let her dream big,” he says with a shrug.
You finally settle in a booth near the window, juggling trays of food, a Happy Meal, and a baby who’s decided he absolutely doesn’t want to stay in his carrier. Luna sits between you and Tony, gleefully dipping her nuggets into ketchup while you try to convince Howard that teething on a fry is not part of his diet.
“This,” Tony says, holding up his Big Mac, “is the pinnacle of American cuisine. Stark-approved.”
“Stop corrupting the children,” you say, stealing one of his fries.
“Too late,” he replies with a grin.
Of course, nothing stays peaceful for long. You notice it first—a flicker of movement outside the window. A guy with a camera, half-hidden behind a parked car.
“Tony,” you murmur, nudging his arm.
He follows your gaze, his jaw tightening when he spots the photographer. “Unbelievable,” he mutters.
“What’s wrong?” Luna asks, looking up from her nuggets.
“Nothing, Bean,” Tony says smoothly, pulling her closer to his side. “Just some grown-ups who don’t know how to mind their own business.”
“Should we leave?” you ask quietly, glancing at the stroller.
Tony shakes his head. “Nope. We’re not running because some idiot wants a payday. Let them snap their pictures. We’ll look fabulous.”
You sigh, but there’s no arguing with him when he’s like this.
Sure enough, more paparazzi show up within minutes, crowding outside the restaurant. You can hear the faint clicks of their cameras even through the glass.
Luna looks out the window, her brow furrowed. “What they doin’, Daddy?”
“They’re taking pictures, sweetheart,” you say gently.
Tony smirks. “Because they think your old man eating a Big Mac is front-page news.”
She frowns. “Dat’s silly.”
“Extremely,” Tony agrees, popping a fry into his mouth.
Despite the commotion outside, you manage to finish your meal, though you can’t help feeling a little on edge. You glance at Tony, who’s completely unbothered, making silly faces at Howard while Luna plays with her Happy Meal toy.
“You’re taking this remarkably well,” you say, folding up the wrappers.
He shrugs. “Let them have their fun. The world deserves to see me rocking dad mode. Besides, they’ll leave once they realize we’re not doing anything scandalous.”
“Define ‘scandalous,’” you mutter, eyeing the pile of ketchup-covered napkins Luna has somehow created.
Tony grins. “Relax, sweetheart. We’re good. I’ve got this.”
And as much as you want to roll your eyes at him, you can’t help but believe him—because if there’s one thing Tony Stark knows how to do, it’s handle the chaos of life with a smirk and a perfectly timed quip.
Even if it involves paparazzi documenting his three-year-old’s first Happy Meal.
The drive home from McDonald’s is a symphony of exhaustion and mild sugar highs. Luna, sitting in her car seat, is clutching her Happy Meal toy like it’s the most precious artifact in existence, while Howard is finally dozing off in his carrier, a little line of drool trailing down his chin.
“Mission accomplished,” Tony declares, steering the car with one hand while fiddling with the radio. “One kid happy, one kid asleep. I’m officially a superhero again.”
You shoot him a look, cradling Howard’s head to keep it from bobbing too much as the car bumps along. “Sure, Iron Dad. Tell that to Luna when she refuses to nap.”
At the mention of napping, Luna perks up immediately. “No nap!” she declares, her voice loud enough to make Howard stir.
Tony glances at her in the rearview mirror. “Whoa, Bean, keep it down. You’ll wake up your brother.”
“No nap!” she repeats, kicking her feet for emphasis.
You sigh, already anticipating the battle ahead. “Luna, everyone needs a little quiet time after a big day. Even Daddy.”
Tony raises an eyebrow at you. “Speak for yourself. I thrive on chaos.”
“Clearly,” you mutter, watching as Luna crosses her arms, her pout deepening.
When you get home, it’s a delicate operation to get both kids out of the car without waking Howard or setting Luna off on a full-blown tantrum. You manage to carry Howard inside, still asleep, while Tony coaxes Luna through the door with the promise of reading her favorite bedtime story—twice.
You head upstairs to settle Howard in his crib, marveling at how peaceful he looks when he’s asleep. It’s a stark contrast to the hurricane of teething pains and babbling that he usually is during the day.
By the time you come back downstairs, Tony’s on the couch, flipping through one of Luna’s storybooks while she sits cross-legged beside him, stubbornly refusing to lie down.
“Alright, Luna Bean,” he says, pretending to squint at the book like it’s the most complicated thing he’s ever read. “Once upon a time, there was a little bunny who—”
“No bunny!” Luna interrupts, pointing at the book. “Princess one!”
Tony lets out an exaggerated sigh. “Princess again? What about the bunny? The bunny’s got dreams too, you know.”
You can’t help but laugh as you join them, sitting on Luna’s other side. “Princess it is, Tony. You’ve been outvoted.”
It takes two princess stories, a glass of water, and a very firm “no” to her demand for a third book before Luna finally concedes to lying down in her toddler bed. You sit with her, rubbing her back softly as she murmurs something about her Happy Meal toy and the “big slide.”
Tony leans against the doorframe, watching you with a smile that softens the sharp edges of his usual sarcasm.
“Don’t think I didn’t see that look,” you whisper once Luna’s breathing evens out and you join him by the door.
“What look?” he whispers back, feigning innocence as you head down the stairs together.
“The one where you think you’re the luckiest man alive,” you tease, bumping your shoulder against his.
“Well, I am,” he says, not missing a beat.
Back in the living room, the house is finally quiet. Howard’s asleep upstairs, Luna’s out like a light, and the chaos of the morning has melted into the calm of the afternoon.
Tony collapses onto the couch with a groan, pulling you down beside him. “Finally. Alone time with my favorite person.”
“Aw, thanks,” you say, leaning into his side. “Though I’m not sure you’ve earned it after hyping Luna up all morning.”
“Hey, I was just fueling her creativity,” he says, draping an arm around your shoulders. “That’s good parenting, right?”
You laugh softly, resting your head against his chest. For a few blissful moments, it’s just the two of you—no demands, no tantrums, no distractions.
And then your phone buzzes.
The sharp vibration pulls you out of the moment, and you glance at the screen, frowning when you see the notification. Tony’s phone buzzes a second later, and he groans.
“Who’s bothering us now?” he mutters, grabbing his phone.
You open the notification, your heart sinking as you see the headline: “Starks Spotted at McDonald’s with Rare Family Sighting—First Photos of Their Kids!”
Your stomach twists as you click the link. Sure enough, there are the photos—taken through the window of the restaurant, clearly showing you, Tony, Luna, and even Howard in his carrier.
Tony’s jaw tightens beside you as he scrolls through the same article. “Unbelievable,” he mutters, his voice low and dangerous.
Your hand shakes as you set your phone down. “They weren’t supposed to—”
“I know,” Tony interrupts, his tone sharp. “I know, sweetheart. We were careful. Those bastards must’ve had some insane zoom lenses.”
You close your eyes, trying to steady your breathing. You and Tony had been so adamant about keeping the kids out of the public eye, wanting them to have as normal a childhood as possible. Now, their faces are plastered all over the internet for anyone to see.
“They’re just babies,” you whisper, your voice breaking.
Tony pulls you closer, his hand rubbing soothing circles on your back. “Hey, hey. We’ll handle this, okay? We always do.”
For a while, neither of you says anything. Tony’s hand never leaves your back, and you focus on the steady rhythm of his breathing to keep yourself grounded.
Finally, he breaks the silence. “I’ll call the lawyers in the morning. Get those pictures taken down. I’ll throw every cent I have at it if I have to.”
You nod, though you know it’s not that simple. The photos are already out there, circulating on social media and gossip sites.
“Do you think they’ll ever have privacy?” you ask quietly, looking up at him.
Tony’s face softens, his usual bravado giving way to something raw and vulnerable. “I’ll do everything I can to make sure they do,” he says. “They didn’t ask for this. They deserve to just be kids.”
The rest of the evening passes in a haze. You and Tony go through the motions—dinner, tidying up, checking on the kids—while the weight of the situation hangs heavy in the air.
Later, as you lie in bed together, Tony wraps an arm around you, pulling you close. “We’ll figure this out,” he murmurs, his lips brushing against your temple.
You nod, burying your face in his chest. Despite the whirlwind of emotions, there’s a small comfort in knowing that whatever happens, you’ll face it together.
The next morning, the house feels emptier without Tony’s usual presence.
It’s not that he’s never at work—he still runs a billion-dollar company, after all—but ever since Luna was born, Tony’s made it a point to work from home as often as possible. He has an entire high-tech office two floors below, but more often than not, he sets up camp at the kitchen counter or sprawls out on the living room floor with his laptop, Howard napping beside him and Luna sticking stickers on his arms.
Today, though, he had an in-person meeting that “absolutely required his presence,” which you both knew was business-speak for some rich guy wants to see Tony Stark in the flesh to feel important.
So here you are, juggling Luna’s boundless energy and Howard’s never-ending need for attention, all while attempting to get at least a little work done.
Luna sits on the floor next to the couch, meticulously lining up her stuffed animals in some kind of toddler government meeting. “Bunny sit here,” she mumbles to herself. “Bear go there.”
Howard, meanwhile, is in his bouncer, happily gurgling as he kicks his feet.
You take a sip of coffee and glance at your laptop screen. Emails. Reports. A reminder that you still have to reschedule a meeting from last week. All things you should be focusing on, but it’s hard when your three-year-old is currently reprimanding a stuffed giraffe for not listening.
“Luna, sweetheart, do you want to watch something while Mommy works?” you ask, already knowing the answer.
She gasps dramatically. “Movie!”
“Okay, okay. But something calm,” you warn.
You put on a gentle animated movie, the kind with soft colors and soothing music, hoping it’ll buy you some time. It works for a little while—Luna is curled up with her bunny, and Howard is kicking happily—but then, just as you’re about to type out an important email, the TV screen suddenly changes.
You blink. That’s not the movie. That’s… a live news broadcast.
And right in the middle of the screen is Tony.
At first, you think it’s a business-related conference, maybe something about Stark Industries’ latest project. But the second you see his expression—hard, angry, and completely pissed off—you know this isn’t about work.
He’s standing at a podium, his signature sunglasses pushed up onto his head, one hand gripping the edge of the lectern like he’s physically restraining himself from flipping the whole thing over. Cameras are flashing wildly, reporters jostling for position, but Tony’s voice cuts through the chaos as he speaks.
“Good morning, everyone. I hope you all had your coffee and enjoyed whatever invasive gossip you got paid to publish today.”
Your mouth falls open.
Luna, meanwhile, claps. “Daddy on TV!”
Howard, oblivious to the gravity of the situation, lets out a happy gurgle.
Tony continues, his voice firm. “I wasn’t planning on standing here today, but since some of you have absolutely no boundaries, I figured it was time for a little heart-to-heart. Or, as I like to call it, a public shaming.”
The reporters stir, their murmurs audible even through the broadcast.
“I get it,” Tony says, waving a hand dismissively. “I’m Tony Stark. I’ve done some questionable shit. You’ve followed me through every headline-worthy disaster, and I’ve played along. But my kids? My wife? That’s where I draw the line.”
You stare at the screen, your heart pounding. He didn’t tell you he was going to do this.
“I didn’t ask to have my daughter’s face plastered all over the internet because some idiot with a camera thought a trip to McDonald’s was breaking news,” Tony continues, his voice sharp with barely controlled anger. “She’s three years old. She doesn’t even know what privacy is yet, and now thanks to you, she has less of it than most adults.”
The camera pans to the crowd of reporters, some shifting uncomfortably under his glare.
“I’ve spent decades dealing with the press. I know how this game works. But let me make something very clear—my kids are off-limits. They’re not public figures. They didn’t sign up for this. And if I catch anyone else pulling that same stunt again, I will find out who you are, and I will make sure you regret it. Legally. Or financially. Or, I don’t know, maybe I’ll get creative.”
You can practically hear Pepper groaning somewhere in the distance.
The murmurs among the reporters grow louder, but Tony isn’t done. He leans in slightly, his expression dark. “I am not above buying out entire media companies just to fire the people responsible.”
You choke on your coffee.
Luna laughs. “Daddy funny.”
Tony exhales sharply, straightening. “So, here’s the deal. Leave my family alone. Act like human beings. And maybe, just maybe, we can all move on with our lives.”
With that, he steps back, yanks off the microphone, and walks away from the podium, ignoring the shouted questions and flashing cameras.
The news anchors are stunned into silence for a moment before they start analyzing everything he just said, but you don’t hear any of it.
Because all you can do is stare at the screen, your heart full and your hands shaking.
By the time Tony gets home, you’re already waiting for him at the front door.
He doesn’t even get a chance to say anything before you throw your arms around his neck, pulling him into a fierce hug.
“Whoa, okay,” he mutters, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Did I miss something? Did Luna start speaking fluent French while I was gone?”
You pull back just enough to look at him, your eyes shining. “You did that for us.”
Tony blinks. “Uh, yeah? Of course I did.”
You shake your head, overwhelmed. “You didn’t even tell me.”
“Well, I figured if I did, you’d tell me to calm down and ‘handle it diplomatically’ or whatever.” He smirks, but it softens as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. “I meant every word, sweetheart. They don’t get to do this to our kids.”
Your throat tightens as you cup his face. “Thank you.”
He leans in, pressing his forehead to yours. “Always.”
A loud thump interrupts the moment, followed by Luna’s voice from the living room. “Daddy home?!”
Tony grins, pulling away and turning toward the noise. “That’s my cue.”
As soon as Luna spots him, she launches herself at him, and he catches her with ease, spinning her in the air.
“Didja see me on TV, Bean?” he asks, grinning.
“Yeah! You say bad words!”
Tony gasps dramatically. “I absolutely did not. Those were strongly worded suggestions.”
Luna giggles, and you laugh, watching them with your heart full.
Howard, still in his bouncer, lets out a sleepy coo, and Tony turns toward him with a smirk. “Don’t worry, little man. Daddy defended your honor too.”
You shake your head fondly. “So what happens now?”
Tony sighs, bouncing Luna on his hip. “Now? The lawyers do their thing, the press goes nuts for a few days, and then some other scandal distracts them.”
You nod, still holding onto him. “And us?”
He smiles, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “We do what we always do—take care of our little circus. Together.”
And just like that, despite everything, the world feels a little more right again.
The house is finally quiet.
It took two bedtime stories, a glass of water, a very dramatic protest from Luna about how she wasn’t tired (even though she was literally falling asleep mid-sentence), and Howard fighting sleep like it was his mortal enemy, but at last—at last—both kids are down.
And that means you finally get a moment to yourselves.
It had been too long since you and Tony had time for just you two, without interruptions or exhaustion taking over the second your heads hit the pillow. So when Tony pulled you into him the second you closed the door to your bedroom, his hands warm and greedy against your waist, it didn’t take much for things to escalate.
It wasn’t just need—it was relief. Relief that despite everything, despite the chaos of the last twenty-four hours, you still had this. You still had him. And he still had you.
Now, you’re both sprawled across the bed, tangled in each other, skin warm and flushed, your bodies still humming from the aftershocks of finally having time to reconnect.
Tony lies back against the pillows, shirtless, only wearing his pajama pants. His arm is draped behind his head, and his other hand lazily trails over your back as you sit up, reaching for the silk pajama set you’d left on the edge of the bed.
“You know, you don’t have to put that on,” Tony murmurs, voice heavy with sleep and satisfaction.
You scoff, slipping the silk top over your arms. “I do, actually. Because unlike someone, I remember that we have a very curious three-year-old who has no concept of knocking.”
Tony groans dramatically, running a hand over his face. “Right. Luna the Unstoppable.”
You laugh softly, buttoning up the top before pulling on the matching shorts. “Exactly. And I’d rather not traumatize her for life, thank you very much.”
Tony watches you with lazy admiration, his eyes trailing over your figure. Even after all these years, the way he looks at you still makes your skin feel warm.
“You’re gorgeous, you know that?” he murmurs.
You roll your eyes fondly but can’t hide the small smile tugging at your lips. “You’re just saying that because we just had sex.”
Tony smirks, reaching for your wrist and pulling you back onto the bed beside him. “Nah, I say that all the time. You’re the one who only believes me when you’re half-naked.”
You swat his chest playfully, but before you can say anything else, his phone buzzes. Then again. Then again.
Tony groans, rolling over to grab it from the nightstand. “Ugh. If this is some corporate nonsense, I’m quitting my own company.”
But when he unlocks the screen, both of you freeze.
Because his phone is absolutely blowing up.
Notifications flood the screen—texts, missed calls, Twitter mentions, news alerts, emails. Your own phone, still on the dresser, starts buzzing too.
“What the hell…” Tony mutters, sitting up.
You grab your own phone and check the notifications. The first thing you see is a trending topic:
Your breath catches as you click on it, scrolling through the tweets.
“For once, I actually agree with Tony Stark. Paparazzi need to leave celebrity kids alone. Period.”
“Tony Stark threatening to buy entire media companies just to fire people?? Iconic behavior. A legend.”
“This shouldn’t even be up for debate. Kids deserve privacy. No matter who their parents are. #TonyStarkWasRight”
Your mouth falls open as you keep scrolling. It’s not just regular people supporting him—celebrities, influencers, and even massive companies are weighing in.
One post from a major media company stands out:
“Following recent events, we will be revising our policies on publishing unauthorized photos of celebrity children. Privacy matters. #RespectBoundaries”
You turn to Tony, eyes wide. “Tony… people agree with you.”
He blinks, still processing as he scrolls through his own feed. “Huh.”
“Huh?” you echo. “That’s all you have to say?”
Tony smirks, throwing his phone onto the bed and stretching lazily. “I mean, of course they agree with me. I’m always right.”
You swat his arm. “Tony, I’m serious! I thought this would be a mess—like, lawsuits and debates and public backlash—but people are actually supporting us.”
He chuckles, pulling you closer until you’re curled up against his side. “Sweetheart, I’ve been a PR nightmare since the ‘90s. People are just used to me stirring up trouble. The difference is, this time, I was actually right.”
You shake your head in disbelief, still scrolling through the endless support pouring in online. “I can’t believe it. Even big companies are changing their policies. You—Tony Stark—actually made people rethink media ethics.”
Tony grins smugly. “I am pretty influential.”
You snort. “Oh, please.”
But beneath the usual Stark-level ego, you can tell he’s genuinely touched. You know he didn’t do this for clout—he did it for Luna. For Howard. For you. And seeing the world actually agree with him, rather than fight back or twist his words, means more than he’ll admit.
Tony presses a kiss to your temple, his voice softer now. “I told you, sweetheart. I’ll always protect my family. No matter what.”
You nuzzle into his chest, your fingers tracing idle patterns against his skin. “I know.”
For a while, neither of you say anything, just lying there in the quiet glow of your phones still lighting up with notifications.
Then Tony sighs dramatically. “You know what this means, right?”
You glance up at him. “What?”
He smirks. “Now I definitely have to buy a media company. Just to prove a point.”
You groan, laughing as you swat his arm again. “Tony, no.”
“Tony, yes.”
“Tony, we have two kids to raise.”
“Even more reason! I need to make sure their first headlines are, like, ‘genius billionaire heir builds rocket before kindergarten’, not ‘celebrity baby caught eating crayons.’”
You can’t help but laugh, shaking your head. “You’re impossible.”
“And yet, you love me.”
You sigh dramatically, snuggling into him. “Unfortunately.”
He grins, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “Lucky me.”
Tony stretches beneath you, arms lazily folding behind his head, a cocky smirk playing on his lips. His bare chest is still warm from your body, his muscles relaxed, but there’s an undeniable glint in his eyes—the kind of look that tells you he’s not done with you yet.
“Well, well, well,” he murmurs, voice dripping with amusement. “Looks like I still got it.”
You scoff, propping yourself up on his chest, your fingers tracing over his arc reactor. “That’s what you’re focusing on right now?”
“Uh, yeah?” Tony gestures at himself. “Did you see that performance? That was vintage Stark—no enhancements, no extra tech, just pure skill.”
You roll your eyes, trying to bite back a laugh. “Oh my God, you’re ridiculous.”
“And yet,” he murmurs, flipping you onto your back with ease, hovering over you now, “you love it.”
Your breath hitches as he leans down, his mouth trailing teasingly along your jaw. His hands slide down your sides, slow, deliberate, and you know exactly where this is going.
“Tony,” you whisper, already feeling the heat rise between you again.
He grins against your skin, his voice low and full of mischief. “Round two?”
You let out a soft laugh, shaking your head, but you’re already pulling him closer. “You are insatiable.”
“Hey, I’ve got a reputation to maintain,” he murmurs, nipping at your earlobe.
You sigh, sinking into him, ready to lose yourself in him all over again—
—and then, of course, because your life is chaos, Howard wails.
Tony freezes above you, his face scrunching up in frustration. “Oh, come on!”
You groan, dropping your head back against the pillows. “Your son needs you, Mr. ‘Still Got It.’”
Tony sighs dramatically, rolling off of you and throwing an arm over his face. “Unbelievable. Betrayed by my own offspring.”
You swat at his chest, already reaching for your silk robe. “He’s six months old, Tony. He doesn’t know he just ruined your big moment.”
Tony mutters something under his breath about babies having “terrible timing,” but he sits up, running a hand through his messy hair as you go to settle Howard.
It doesn’t take long—he just needed a bottle and a little comforting. Within minutes, he’s calm again, safely back in his crib, tiny fists curling against his chest.
You tiptoe back into your room, shaking your head as you see Tony sprawled out dramatically on the bed, looking like a man who has suffered the greatest injustice.
“Really?” you tease, slipping under the sheets beside him. “You’re pouting?”
Tony huffs. “I was in the zone. I was about to give you the full experience.”
You laugh softly, nuzzling into him. “We live with a toddler and a baby, Tony. This is the full experience.”
He sighs, rubbing his face. “God, we’re never gonna be alone again, are we?”
You shake your head. “Not for, like… another eighteen years.”
Tony groans. “Fantastic.”
But despite his words, he still rolls over and pulls you against him, pressing his lips to your shoulder, his hands already wandering again.
You close your eyes, smiling, sinking into the warmth of him—
—and then the bedroom door creaks open.
Both of you go completely still.
A tiny sniffle breaks the silence.
You and Tony exchange a look.
Luna stands in the doorway, clutching her bunny, her little face scrunched up in distress.
You sit up immediately, pulling the covers up higher, your heart already melting at the sight of her. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
She sniffles again, rubbing her eyes. “Bad d’weam.”
Tony groans quietly beside you, muttering, “You have got to be kidding me.”
Luna takes a few slow steps toward the bed, her bottom lip wobbling. “Can sleep wif you?”
You’re about to say yes—because of course you are—but Tony lets out an exaggerated sigh, throwing his head back against the pillows.
“Luna, baby, listen,” he says, rubbing his temples. “You’re three now. You’re a big girl. Don’t you wanna sleep in your own room like a big kid?”
Luna frowns, considering it for about two seconds before she shakes her head. “Nope.”
Tony groans. “Figures.”
You bite back a laugh, watching him struggle. He wants to say no—he should say no—but you already know he’s not going to.
And sure enough, the second Luna takes another sniffly step closer, looking tiny in the dim glow of the nightlight, Tony’s whole demeanor softens.
“Oh, come here, you little con artist,” he mutters, sitting up and holding his arms out.
Luna immediately scrambles onto the bed, crawling straight into his lap and curling up against his chest.
You smile as Tony sighs dramatically, running a hand through her messy curls. “This is ridiculous,” he grumbles. “I used to be Iron Man. Now I’m a glorified stuffed animal.”
Luna lets out a sleepy giggle, nuzzling into him. “You soft, Daddy.”
Tony blinks, mouth opening and closing. “I—what? No! I am not soft.”
You smirk, settling back into the pillows. “Oh, you so are.”
He glares at you, but there’s no real heat behind it.
Luna yawns, already dozing off in his arms, and Tony lets out another resigned sigh. “This kid’s got me wrapped around her tiny little fingers,” he mutters.
You smile, reaching over to brush a strand of hair from his forehead. “She loves you.”
He exhales, his features softening as he looks down at the little girl nestled into his chest. “Yeah,” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to her curls. “I love her too.”
Luna shifts slightly, her tiny hands gripping Tony’s shirt as she sighs in her sleep.
You watch them for a moment, warmth spreading through your chest.
Tony catches you staring and raises an eyebrow. “What?”
You shake your head, smiling. “Nothing. Just… I love you.”
He smirks, shifting so that Luna is curled between the two of you. “Yeah, yeah. I still got it, huh?”
You roll your eyes, laughing softly. “Go to sleep, Tony.”
He grins, tucking Luna in a little closer.
And despite his earlier complaints, despite the interruptions, despite the lack of alone time—
You’ve never seen him happier.
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maybe a part 2 with them trying for another kid and make it rom-com like the end of this part?
69 notes ¡ View notes
thatlotuscookie ¡ 5 months ago
✧・゚: a/n : awww this is such a sweet request, thank you anonn. sorry for the late post, thank you for your patience <3 please enjoy!!
✧ Title: ✧ Ponytails of Comfort ✧ ✧ Characters: Dabi x Fem!Reader ✧ Genre: Fluff, Comfort, Slight Angst ✧ Rating: T ✧ Summary: After a draining mission, you come home feeling defeated. Dabi notices your mood and offers a lighthearted way to help you unwind by letting you style his hair- again. ✧ Content/Tags: Soft!Dabi, Emotional Support, Fluff, Hair Styling, HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPSS ✧ WC: 1094 words // 6.2k chars
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The mission had drained every last bit of energy you had. Not only had it been chaotic and exhausting, but it had gone entirely off-plan, leaving you scrambling to get things back under control. By the time you returned home, the frustration clung to you like a heavy weight, pushing you deeper into your thoughts.
Sighing, you kicked off your shoes and trudged into the living room. Dabi was sprawled on the couch, half-asleep, until he noticed your defeated posture. He raised a brow, his sharp gaze assessing your state with a mix of curiosity and concern.
“Rough day, huh?” he asked casually, though the way he leaned forward suggested he was genuinely interested.
You groaned, flopping down beside him and letting your head drop back against the couch. “The worst. Just… I don’t even want to talk about it,” you muttered, arms crossed over your chest as you stared up at the ceiling, willing the weight of the day to evaporate.
Dabi fell silent for a moment, and you could feel his eyes on you. He had this way of letting you be without pushing you to open up, a trait you appreciated in the moments when you needed space. But soon enough, he broke the stillness with a low, rumbling voice that stirred your attention.
“You know,” he started, a hint of teasing laced in his words, “you could always do that stupid ponytail thing to my hair again. If it’ll help you feel better.”
You blinked, caught off guard by his suggestion. Dabi? Offering that? For a moment, you stared at him, half-expecting him to smirk and say he was joking. But instead, he scratched the back of his neck, looking uncharacteristically shy. It was clear he meant it, and that little spark of warmth broke through your cloud of frustration.
A small smile crept onto your face as you reached for the tiny hair tie you kept nearby. “You really don’t mind?” you asked, letting a hint of disbelief show in your tone.
“Not like anyone else will see,” he grumbled, shooting you a glance that tried to maintain his usual tough-guy demeanor. “Just don’t get any funny ideas about posting this on your tiktok.”
Your grin widened, excitement bubbling inside you as you shifted closer, comb in hand. “I make no promises.”
Dabi sighed dramatically, rolling his eyes, but the corners of his mouth twitched, betraying a hint of amusement. “Just don’t take too long; I’ve got things to do.”
You chuckled softly, beginning to comb through his dark, unruly hair. The gentle rhythm of brushing helped ease the tension that had built up over the day, each stroke calming you further. He shifted slightly under your touch, allowing you to work without complaint, though you could tell he was trying to play it cool.
As you worked, you felt a strange sense of normalcy wash over you. The day’s chaos melted away with each pass of the comb, and you couldn’t help but smile at how well this simple moment was soothing your frayed nerves.
Finally, you gathered a small section of hair at the top, twisting it up and securing it with the hair tie. You took a step back to admire your handiwork and burst into laughter. Dabi, with his tiny ponytail perched atop his head, looked utterly ridiculous but also inexplicably adorable.
“Now that,” you declared, brushing his bangs back, “is a masterpiece.”
Dabi shot you a flat look, the deadpan expression battling with the faintest twitch of his lips as he tried to keep a straight face. “You’re getting way too much out of this,” he retorted, but you could hear the fondness hidden beneath his gruff tone.
“Maybe,” you admitted, still grinning from ear to ear. “But you really do look adorable.”
“Watch it,” he warned, though his voice lacked its usual edge. Instead, he softened, watching you with a mix of curiosity and something else you couldn’t quite place. “Not a word of this leaves this room.”
“Cross my heart,” you said solemnly, though the gleeful twinkle in your eyes was hard to hide.
For a moment, you both settled into a comfortable silence, Dabi’s playful grumpiness bringing you a sense of warmth. The earlier annoyance in his demeanor faded, and as you rested your head against his shoulder, the last remnants of your bad day began to slip away. Dabi shifted slightly, his arm draping around your shoulders as he pulled you a little closer, fingers tracing soft, absent patterns on your back.
“Feeling better?” he murmured, his voice low but genuine.
You nodded, leaning into him more. “Yeah… a lot better. Thanks for… well, just for letting me do this.”
Dabi grunted in response, looking away, but you caught the faintest hint of a blush creeping across his cheeks. “Yeah, yeah,” he muttered, clearing his throat. “You look like a kid on Christmas.”
You laughed softly, the sound brightening the room. “It’s just nice to have this moment with you. It helps.”
Dabi didn’t say anything more, but the tension in his posture eased, and you could feel the warmth radiating from him. He turned slightly, his hand brushing against the tiny ponytail, a hint of a smirk lingering on his lips. “If it helps you unwind, I suppose you could do it again sometime.”
You blinked, surprised by his words. Glancing up, you saw his face turned away, but the small smile lingering on his lips hinted at a shared understanding. You felt your heart flutter—Dabi, who usually kept everyone at arm’s length, was allowing you to peek through his defenses, just a little.
Unable to resist, you reached up and gently poked the tiny ponytail one last time. “You know, you’re really not so bad when you let your guard down.”
He rolled his eyes, but a genuine smile broke through, revealing the softer side of him that he often hid. “Yeah, well, don’t let it get to your head. I’m still a terrifying villain, remember?”
You leaned your head against him again, a content sigh escaping your lips. “Of course. Just a terrifying villain with cute hair.”
Dabi chuckled, and for a while, you both sat there in the quiet warmth of the room. The bad day faded into a distant memory, replaced by the simple joy of each other’s presence. The world outside might have been chaotic, but in this moment, you found solace in each other—two misfits, sharing laughter and warmth, connected by an unspoken bond that made everything else feel a little less overwhelming.
38 notes ¡ View notes
sinning5sos ¡ 2 years ago
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Requested: Sorta kinda!
Word Count: ~2,000
Smut:  ya baby. Dirty talk, exhibitionism, oral, fingering, doggy style
“Thank you everyone for coming on time to the meeting, I know that it’s a lot to ask with everyone's schedules being chaotic but I appreciate it,” The president of the company’s voice droned on and you immediately lost interest in the meeting.
“Do you think there is going to be anything interesting from this?” You whispered as you leaned over to your favorite coworker and he chuckled as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Doubt it. Rumors floating around is that they finally found a new program director but I don't see the big deal. We’ve been running it just fine lately,” He muttered, disdain evident on his face.
“Oh, stop being grumpy. Less work for us.”
“I’ll let him introduce himself. Without further ado, I welcome Mr. Calum Hood to our team as the new director.
Fuck, was he hot. You couldn’t help but admire the way he filled out his suit so well, the way his biceps looked as if they were barely contained within the fabric. He was tall, with dark curls and tan skin.
“I’m going to fuck him,” You whispered to your coworker as he was taking a sip of his coffee, and struggled to contain your laugh as 
Mr. Hood made eye contact with you, a look of disdain on his face at first until you saw his eyes raked down your body. A smile formed on his lips, and you boldly winked at him as a blush crept across his cheeks. 
You were going to have fun with him.
“I’m definitely going to fuck him.”
* *
You waited until the meeting was done before approaching him, his eyes glancing between all the people leaving the conference room.
“Hi Mr. Hood,” You said, holding your hand out then introduced yourself. He smiled as he took your hand in his, his skin warm and soft. 
“What was so funny during the meeting earlier?” He murmured, and you laughed softly as you removed your hand from his. You brushed some hair behind your ear and glanced up at him.
“I was just making some plans,” You said innocently, grinning up at him and his eyes narrowed.
“Really, because I can read lips pretty well and I saw what you said.” He said, and you smiled at him.
“So then you know I was making plans? They are definitely some fun plans. I want you to be a part of them.” You continued with the innocent facade, and he chuckled.
“Definitely. Just let me know when and where,” He murmured, taking a step closer to you, his hands now in his pockets, “And we’ll make it happen.”
* * *
“Can I request some days off?” You asked, gently knocking on his door. He waved his hand and motioned for you to come in. You shut the door behind you and closed the blinds in the massive window before turning to him.
“No, of course not,” He murmured,a  slight smile on his face as he continued working, “Do you happen to have access to the new contract?”
“Yes, but it’ll cost you,” You said, grabbing the calendar from his desk and sitting across from him. He stopped focusing on his laptop and his gaze shifted to you instead. He leaned back and crossed his arms over his chest, his small smile stretching into a grin. You started marking off the days that you wanted to request off, eager to go on vacation soon.
“A coffee tomorrow? A large coffee? A large coffee with a donut from that coffee shop with the bakery in it that you told me about last week?” 
“Ding ding ding,” you interrupted him and he chuckled, “I’ll take you up on that tomorrow morning, bright and early. And when I get in for work, not when you get in.”
He shook his head but his smile remained. 
“Deal. Where are you going on vacation?” He asked.
“Arizona, I’ve got family out there and I miss home.”
“I wouldn’t have guessed that you were from there. You seem like you belong in the city. Do you have to? I’m going to miss my fuck buddy.” He said, leaning forward over his desk and taking the calendar back from you.
“I’m sure you’ll get along just fine. It’s not for another month anyway now, so plenty of fucking from now and then.” You whispered, and he chuckled.
“I’ll fuck you on my desk, right here, right now Princess, just say the word,” He murmured in your ear, his hand dragging up your leg to the hem of your skirt and you nodded eagerly. His hand dipped under your skirt and squeezed your thigh.
“I’ve been so desperate for even a taste of you while we’re at work,” He whispered.
“I know you have, but it’s so much more fun to tease you,” You whispered back, nipping at his ear and he groaned, “Plus I like it better when you can fuck me properly, in that massive bed of yours, with those comfy sheets. You know I look so pretty tangled up in them.”
“I know, but please Princess, I’ll beg on my hands and knees right now just for a taste of that pretty pussy.”
Your cheeks flushed at his words, how naughty they were at work. Since he was introduced in that meeting nearly a month ago, the two of you have got along quite well. That very first day, he invited you over and fucked you so well, you were late to work the next morning. Since then, it’s been multiple times a week and you couldn’t deny that you have been wanting to have some fun at work too. The thrill of being caught, of anyone walking in at any given moment, was extremely hot.
“Beg for me.” You said, and at first he was a little surprised but got down on his knees as he looked up at you. You sat on the edge of his desk, spreading your legs wide and he crawled forward. He trailed kisses up your calf, to your thigh and stopped just before your core. You tangled your fingers in his curls, pulling his head back to look up at you. He licked his lips, his eyes focused on yours.
“Let me taste you, please. Let me eat out that sweet cunt of yours and make you cum on my desk. I just want you on my lips.” He murmured, and you clenched at his words. You nodded, your fingers still tangled in his hair as you lifted your hips slightly and allowed him to take off your panties.
“So fucking gorgeous, and are you already dripping Princess?”
“What can I say, I love your mouth on me.” You whispered to him and he chuckled. He laid his tongue flat against your clit, using his one hand to spread you open and the other hand to go inside of you.  You moaned out slightly, the feeling of his mouth on you and his fingers inside of you so fucking good, you had to consciously prevent your thighs closing on his head. He curled his middle finger inside of you, lightly grazing a spot and your body jerked at the motion.
“Isn’t it insane that you are the director within this company and I have you absolutely wrapped around my finger? Your face is buried in my pussy, and you’re getting hard at this, aren’t you?” You muttered, your eyes closing at the pleasure from his mouth and he pulled back to chuckle. 
“I guess I’m your whore, aren’t I?” He answered. You nodded, then guided his head back down and he got back to eating you out. You felt yourself start to drip, knowing that your orgasm was near and you threw your head back as Calum inserted another finger inside of you.
“Fuck,” You whispered, your thighs clenching against his head as he started sucking on your clit, “I’m going to cum.”
He kept his three fingers inside of you, his thumb circling your clit as he licked up the mess you were making. You bit down on your lip to not fully moan out loud as you rode your orgasm out, your body clenching as you came.
He continued to lick up your juices after your thighs finally stopped shaking, your clit extremely sensitive now. With every brush of his tongue, your body jolted slightly and he chuckled as he pulled back.
“God, I’ve been wanting to do that for a while now, one of these days I want you to sit on my face.” He murmured, pushing up off of his knees and standing between your legs. He kissed you passionately, his hands coming up to support your jaw and you bit down on his lip slightly.
“Now can I fuck you on this desk too? I’ve dreamed of having you bent over it, your hands gripping the desk, the papers all pushed to the side, me pulling your hair as I fuck you so roughly.” 
You turned around in his arms, gathered your hair and tossed it over your shoulders as you slowly bent over his desk. You lifted your ass as he lifted your skirt and pushed it up over your back.
“Fuck, Princess, just like how I envisioned it,” He muttered. You heard his zipper go down, your body tensing at the anticipation of his cock filling you. You gripped his desk as his cock pushed into you, moaning at the feeling.
“God, you fit my cock so well.” He moaned, and you smiled to yourself. Your nails dug into the wood, the only sounds are yours and Calums moans mixed in with his thighs slapping up against yours. He changed his rhythm and pushed in deeply, stilling for a second at how deeply he was inside of you.
You pushed back against him, desperate for some movement and he chuckled. He wrapped one hand in your hair, pulling it harshly and your neck bent back, your throat now exposed.
“What do you want, baby?” He asked. His other hand rubbed over your ass cheek, gently caressing the area before he lifted his palm and slapped it. He spread your cheeks apart, and you turned back to see him admiring the view.
“I want you to keep fucking me Cal, I want you to keep pushing your cock in and out of me, right here at work.” You moaned out, and he groaned at your words. He gripped your hips again, pulling out only to push back in again. His thrusts became more aggressive, going for filling you more than just fucking you and you whimpered at the sensation.
“God, your pussy feels so good. Are you going to cum for me soon?” He murmured, and you whimpered out a yes as your body was clenching, “Go ahead Princess, cum right on my cock.” 
You whimpered again, between the orgasm from before and your orgasm now, you were extremely sensitive to the pleasure. You came quickly, your body all but collapsing onto his desk and he moaned as he slowed his pace down.
“Can I cum inside of you?” He begged, and you nodded as he thrust deeply inside, his body stilling as he came. He pulled out, and spread your cheeks apart again.
“That’s so fucking hot,” He murmured, admiring the view of his cum dripping from your sweet pussy. He slapped your ass again, and you caught your breath as you laid on his desk. He inserted a finger inside of you, his cum now dripping off of his finger and he brought it to your mouth. You sucked it clean off and swallowed, then his lips met yours. 
He kissed you for a moment before excusing himself to the bathroom,
“Perks of having a private office,” He mumbled, and returned with a washcloth. He helped clean you up quickly, before helping you turn over and you were now sitting on his desk.
“So fucking beautiful,” He murmured, running his fingers through your hair and you hummed lazily, “So are you coming over to mine after work?
150 notes ¡ View notes
glassprism ¡ 8 months ago
Hi! I was wondering if you know the history of the Broadway Star Princess dress and why it’s so different to London’s version? I saw your post saying it was originally from Vegas, but didn’t Sarah Brightman also wear the Broadway version at one point?
So first, I think you might be a bit confused about the wording in my last post. I never said the Star Princess costume itself was from Vegas. I said that the specific photo of the specific Star Princess that I linked was from Vegas. That specific costume was created there and then later sent to Broadway, one of many, many other Star Princess costumes among their stock. The Vegas production opened in 2006, years after the Broadway production opened in 1988, so they certainly did not design and come up with that costume. Rather the Vegas production created their own specific variant of it (albeit one still very close to the Broadway design), and when the Vegas production closed, that costume was sent to the still-running Broadway production to be used there. I hope that clarifies!
On to the history, which might also answer the second part of your question. The first thing to note is that the Star Princess was not the original dress Christine wore in 'Masquerade'. That dress was the fondly nicknamed "Hershey's kiss" dress, which looked like this:
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Supposedly the dress was not very popular with the Christine actresses, so when the show went to Broadway, it was redesigned into the Star Princess dress we know today. That's also why you see Sarah Brightman wearing both - she wore the "Hershey's kiss" dress on the West End and the Star Princess on Broadway.
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After a few months, the West End production also adopted the Star Princess costume, and has used it to this day. Now, you did ask why the West End and Broadway versions differ. Well, in fact, in the early days the Star Princess did not differ that much at all between the two flagship productions, as you can see below - West End on the left, Broadway on the right. There's differences, sure, but they're nowhere near as striking as it is now - you have the dark blue ruffles along the chest that continue into the sleeves, rows of beading along those ruffs, light shades, nice transition from darker pink to light, very similar shape and styling of the bodice, and so on.
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So why did it change? Well, same reason every costume in every production worldwide has slight changes from each other: different costume makers, different materials, different interpretation of the design. Especially when Maria Bjornson died, I feel like the West End production started getting more experimental. Meanwhile, Broadway was more traditional, so their costumes adhered closer to the original style as the West End struck out for new avenues. So it's actually kind of funny that you ask about the history of the Broadway Star Princess, like that's the one that chose to be different, when the reality is the opposite - you should look at the history of the West End Star Princess and see what happened there.
To demonstrate, I made a little transition photoset below. The top row is West End, bottom row is Broadway, and the photos go chronologically from left to right, starting from the early 90s and ending with the West End revival and Broadway re-opening in the 2020s.
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Hopefully you can (squint and) see what I mean there. Looking at the bottom row, you can see that the Broadway production certainly makes some changes here and there, but the overall design has remained largely the same from when it began in 1988: dark blue ruffles that continue from chest to arms, silvery beading, soft shades of pink, a bell-like skirt shape.
Meanwhile in the top row, the West End production has undergone a lot of changes, but hopefully you can also see that it's not exactly a jarring shift from one to the next. Rather, it seems like they're taking each previous iteration and just making it more extreme. The previous dress was a little brighter in color? Well now we're going to make them even bolder. Arm ruffles the size of pool floaties? Well now we're going to make them the size of your head. Simplifying the bodice beading? Well now we're going to take away entire rows of them. And so on.
And hopefully what that teaches you is how changes gather and snowball over time, how a little shift can lead to another shift, and another, and another, until you look back and realize that what seemed like a minor change at the time has been magnified over the years to become a much larger one.
(Also thank you to @operafantomet and her wonderful blog of photos, many of which I took for this post.)
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guardian-of-fun-times ¡ 3 months ago
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The Daily Planet’s grand New Year’s Eve party was in full swing. The rooftop glittered with lights, the city skyline serving as the backdrop to a night of champagne, laughter, and high expectations. Everyone anticipated Lois Lane to dominate the room, as she always did, her confidence and sharp tongue cutting through any crowd like a knife. But tonight, all eyes shifted when Clark Kent and I arrived.
My arm looped through his, and his face lit up with a grin that radiated pure warmth. I stepped into the room wearing a shimmering, royal blue sequined dress that seemed to catch and reflect every flicker of light. The fabric hugged my curves perfectly, the long sleeves adding a touch of elegance while the bold color demanded attention. My long, luxurious mahogany curls cascaded down my back, catching the light just as much as my dress did, swaying with every step I took. Clark’s midnight blue suit matched mine perfectly, tailored to perfection, and his tie—simple yet refined—made him look effortlessly charming.
Conversations hushed; champagne flutes paused mid-air. Eyes trailed us as we made our way across the room, his hand resting protectively on the small of my back.
Lois Lane’s sharp gaze zeroed in on me, her Manhattan cocktail tilting dangerously in her hand. She strutted over, her burgundy dress swaying with each calculated step. Her smile was tight and forced, her tone laced with venom as she greeted us.
“Well, look who decided to dress up!” She said, her eyes flicking to my dress, then to Clark, as if daring him to explain why his attention was so thoroughly focused on me.
I didn’t miss a beat, smiling sweetly. “You know, Lois, I just couldn’t let Clark be the only one turning heads tonight. Someone has to complement his style, after all.” My voice was light, almost playful, but the edge was unmistakable.
Her smirk faltered for a fraction of a second, enough to confirm I’d hit the mark. “Well,” she said, recovering quickly, “it’s cute that you’re trying so hard. But, honey, sparkle can only take you so far.”
I leaned in slightly, lowering my voice just enough for only her to hear. “True, Lois. But substance? That’s what truly keeps people’s attention. And as you can see, Clark’s attention hasn’t wavered all night.”
Her jaw tightened, the Manhattan cocktail sloshing slightly in her hand. She opened her mouth to fire back, but her fiancé, Richard White, appeared out of nowhere. His tie was loosened, and there was a slight flush to his cheeks—clearly, he’d been enjoying the open bar.
“Lois,” he said, his voice a little too loud, “come on, babe. Leave the drama for the newsroom, huh? Let’s go grab another drink or something.”
Lois hesitated; her knuckles white as she gripped her glass. For a moment, I thought she might toss her drink onto my dress out of sheer spite. But Richard’s casual tug on her arm made her relent.
“Fine!” She complained, though not without throwing one last glare in my direction.
As they walked away, Clark leaned closer, his voice soft but amused. “That was… intense.”
I grinned up at him. “Welcome to the world of Lois Lane.”
The night continued, the champagne flowed, and I found myself at the bar sipping on yet another glass of sweet red wine. The soft buzz of alcohol wrapped around me like a warm blanket, and before I knew it, I was a little more relaxed, a little more playful. Clark joined me at the bar, his tie slightly loosened, his tall frame casually leaning against the counter.
“You know,” I said, swirling my glass lazily, “you’re looking dangerously handsome tonight. Midnight blue suits you almost too well.”
He chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. “Dangerously, huh? Should I be worried?”
I tilted my head, smirking. “Maybe. I’m not responsible for what happens when someone looks that good.”
Clark leaned in slightly, his voice just above a whisper. “Funny. I was about to say the same about you. That dress? It’s a showstopper. Hard not to notice you.”
I felt the warmth rise in my cheeks, but the wine gave me the courage to lean in closer, our banter growing softer, more intimate as the minutes ticked by. The world seemed to blur, the music and chatter fading into the background.
And then, the countdown began.
“Ten… nine…”
The room vibrated with energy, everyone raising glasses and voices in unison. Clark stood close, his gaze never leaving mine.
“Three… two…”
As the crowd erupted into cheers, Clark leaned in, his lips brushing against mine. The kiss was soft yet deliberate, his hand gently cradling my jaw. I could taste the hint of champagne on his lips, and without thinking, I gripped his tie, pulling him closer.
The world spun for a moment, and all I could focus on was him—the warmth of his lips, the way his breath mingled with mine. When we finally parted, my chest heaving slightly, I noticed Clark’s grin, as if he’d been waiting all night for that moment.
Across the room, Lois watched, her lips pressed into a thin line, her knuckles tight around the stem of her cocktail glass. The jealousy in her eyes was unmistakable, her teeth gritted as she whispered something to Richard, who merely shrugged, clearly more interested in his drink.
Clark leaned down, his voice low and warm against my ear. “Come with me, yeah?”
I blinked up at him, slightly dazed from the kiss and the wine. “Where?”
He smiled, taking my hand in his. “Somewhere that’s just ours. Let’s start this new year right.”
I didn’t hesitate. With one last glance at the glittering room and a fuming Lois, I let him lead me away, our laughter echoing down the elevator as we escaped into the night for our own private rendezvous.
The city lights twinkled outside the cab window as Clark held my hand, his thumb gently brushing over my knuckles. We didn’t speak much on the ride back to his apartment, but we didn’t need to—the air between us buzzed with anticipation, our glances saying more than words ever could.
When we reached his building, he paid the driver quickly, barely waiting for the change before helping me out of the car. The elevator ride up was quiet, the tension thick as his hand found the small of my back, guiding me closer to him. My heart raced, my mind foggy from the wine and the electric charge of the evening.
The second we reached his door, Clark fumbled with his keys, his usually steady hands betraying his impatience. When the lock finally clicked, he pushed the door open but didn’t move to step inside. Instead, he turned to me, his broad frame blocking the entrance as his eyes darkened with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.
“Can I?” He asked, his voice low and husky as he pressed me firmly against the doorframe. His hands rested on either side of me, caging me in.
My breath hitched at the hunger in his eyes, the way his gaze flickered between my lips and the soft curves of my dress. My heart pounded so loudly I was sure he could hear it. Unable to form words, I nodded.
That was all the permission he needed.
His lips crashed into mine with urgency, the kiss raw and unrelenting. His hands roamed over my body like they had a mind of their own, one sliding up my back to tangle in my hair, the other skimming down my waist to grip my hip. The heat of his touch burned through the sequined fabric, making me gasp against his lips.
I clung to him, my fingers tugging at his loosened tie, pulling him impossibly closer. He groaned softly, the sound vibrating against my lips as his kisses deepened, hungrier, more fervent. His hand on my hip slid lower, brushing over the curve of my thigh before gripping it and pulling me flush against him.
“Clark...” I breathed out his name between kisses, my voice barely above a whisper.
He pulled back just enough to look at me, his chest heaving, his blue eyes ablaze. “You have no idea how hard it’s been not to do this all night.” He murmured, his forehead resting against mine.
I smiled, my hands running up the length of his chest, feeling the strong, steady beat of his heart beneath my fingertips. “Then stop holding back.”
He growled softly at my words, lifting me effortlessly as he kicked the door shut behind us. The next thing I knew, I was in his arms, my legs wrapped around his waist as he carried me further into his apartment. The scent of him—clean, warm, and distinctly Clark—surrounded me, intoxicating in a way that made me feel dizzy.
He set me down gently on the edge of his couch, his hands never leaving my body as he hovered over me, his lips finding mine again. The city lights filtered through the windows, casting a soft glow over his features. For a moment, I pulled back, taking him in—the slightly tousled hair, the flushed cheeks, the way his glasses sat slightly askew from our earlier fervor.
“You’re beautiful." I said softly, my hands sliding up to cup his face.
He smiled, his expression softening. “Funny,” he whispered, brushing a stray curl from my face. “I was just about to say the same thing about you.”
Before I could respond, he kissed me again, slower this time, savoring the moment as his hands traced over every curve, every line of my body like he was memorizing me. Time seemed to stop as the world outside faded away, leaving just the two of us in a cocoon of warmth and desire.
Clark pulled back slightly, his lips brushing against my ear as he whispered, “Are you sure about this? About... us?”
I smiled, threading my fingers through his hair and pulling him close again. “More than sure.”
Clark stood abruptly, the heat between us reaching a fever pitch. Before I could question him, his strong arms slid under me, effortlessly lifting me off his lap. My arms instinctively wrapped around his neck as he turned and carried me towards his bedroom, his steady gaze never leaving mine.
He nudged the door open with his foot before gently kicking it shut behind him, sealing us in a world that belonged to just the two of us. The room was dimly lit, bathed in the soft glow of the city lights filtering through the curtains.
Clark laid me down gently on the bed, his movements careful, as if I were something precious and fragile. His broad frame hovered over me as he crawled onto the mattress, his lips finding mine once more. This kiss was slower, deeper, filled with a tenderness that sent shivers down my spine.
His hands roamed over my body, tracing every curve with a reverence that made my breath hitch. I could feel his heart pounding in time with mine, the weight of his love and desire pressing down on me in the most beautiful way.
My fingers tangled in his dark hair, tugging slightly to pull him even closer. He groaned softly against my lips, the sound sending a thrill through me. His kisses trailed away from my mouth, moving to the curve of my jaw, down to my neck, where he paused to breathe me in.
“You’re incredible...” he murmured against my skin, his voice a mix of awe and adoration.
I smiled, my hands sliding up his back, feeling the taut muscles beneath his shirt. “And you’re perfect.” I whispered back, meaning every word.
Clark’s lips returned to mine, the kiss deepening with every passing moment. The world outside faded away completely—there was no Daily Planet, no party, no jealous glances from Lois. There was only him, his warmth surrounding me, his steady presence grounding me.
He pulled back slightly, his forehead resting against mine as he looked into my eyes. “Tell me if it’s too much.” he said softly, his tone filled with genuine concern.
“It’s not,” I replied, my voice steady despite the butterflies in my stomach. “I want this. I want you.”
Clark's eyes softened at my words, a gentle smile tugging at his lips. He leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to my forehead before trailing his lips down to my cheek, then to the corner of my mouth. His touch was feather-light, teasing, making me ache for more.
"You have me," he whispered against my skin. "All of me."
His hands found the zipper of my dress, slowly sliding it down. The cool air hit my skin as he peeled the fabric away, his fingers tracing every newly exposed inch. I shivered, not from cold, but from the intensity of his touch.
I reached up, my fingers fumbling with the buttons of his shirt. Clark chuckled softly, his hands leaving my body just long enough to help me. Soon, his shirt joined my dress on the floor, leaving his broad chest bare before me.
My hands roamed over his chest, marveling at the smooth, taut muscles beneath my fingertips. Clark's breath hitched as I explored, his eyes darkening with desire. He lowered himself onto me, the warmth of his skin against mine sending electricity through my body.
Our lips met again, hungry and passionate. Clark's hands slid down my sides, leaving trails of fire in their wake. He hooked his fingers under the lace of my underwear, looking at me questioningly. I nodded, lifting my hips to help him slide them off.
Now fully bare beneath him, I felt a moment of vulnerability. But the way Clark looked at me—like I was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen—chased away any insecurity. His eyes roamed over my body, drinking in every curve and line.
"You're breathtaking." He murmured, his voice husky with want.
I felt a blush creep across my cheeks at his words, but I held his gaze, drinking in the desire I saw there. My hands trailed down his chest to his belt, fumbling slightly as I unbuckled it. Clark helped me, shimmying out of his pants and boxers until we were both completely bare.
He lowered himself onto me again, the feeling of skin-on-skin electrifying. His lips found mine in a searing kiss as his hand trailed down my body, caressing and exploring. When his fingers found my center, I gasped against his mouth, arching into his touch.
Clark's movements were slow, deliberate, as if he was memorizing every reaction, every soft moan and shiver. His lips left mine to trail down my neck, across my collarbone, lower still until they replaced his fingers. I cried out softly, my hands fisting in his hair as he explored me with his mouth. Clark's tongue moved with expert precision, sending waves of pleasure coursing through my body. My back arched off the bed as he brought me closer and closer to the edge.
Just as I felt myself about to tip over, Clark pulled back, crawling up my body to capture my lips in a passionate kiss. I could taste myself on his tongue, and it only heightened my arousal.
"Clark," I breathed, my voice heavy with need. "Please..."
He nodded, understanding my unspoken request. Positioning himself between my legs, he hesitated for a moment, his eyes searching mine. "Are you sure?" He asked one last time, his voice soft and caring.
In response, I wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him closer. "I've never been more sure of anything." I whispered.
With that, Clark slowly slid his cock into my wet folds, both of us gasping at the sensation. He paused, giving me time to adjust, his forehead resting against mine as we shared the same breath. I could feel every inch of him, the stretch and fullness overwhelming in the best way possible.
"You okay?" He murmured, his voice strained with the effort of holding still.
I nodded, unable to form words. My hands roamed over his back, feeling the muscles tense under my touch. I rolled my hips experimentally, drawing a low groan from Clark.
Taking that as his cue, he began to move. His thrusts were slow at first, gentle, as if he was afraid of breaking me. But as I met each thrust with my own, urging him on with soft moans and whispered pleas, he picked up the pace.
The room filled with the sounds of our passion—skin against skin, soft moans and gasps, the rustle of sheets as we moved together. Clark's lips found mine again, swallowing my cries of pleasure as he drove deeper, harder. My nails raked down his back, urging him on.
"God, you feel amazing!" He groaned against my neck, his breath hot on my skin.
I could only whimper in response; lost in the sensations he was creating. Every thrust sent sparks of pleasure through my body, building and building until I felt like I might combust. Clark's hand slipped between us, his fingers finding that sensitive bundle of nerves, and I cried out, my back arching off the bed.
"That's it," he murmured, his voice rough with desire. "Let go for me, sweetheart."
His words, combined with the relentless rhythm of his hips and the skillful touch of his fingers, sent me over the edge. I cried out his name as waves of pleasure washed over me, my body trembling beneath him. Clark held me close, his movements never faltering as he guided me through my climax.
As I came down from my high, I opened my eyes to find Clark watching me, his gaze filled with awe and adoration. His thrusts had slowed, but I could feel the tension in his muscles, the way he was holding back.
"Your turn." I whispered, clenching around him deliberately.
Clark groaned, his head dropping to my shoulder as his hips snapped forward with renewed vigor. I wrapped my legs tighter around him, urging him on, my hands roaming over his back and tangling in his hair.
"You're perfect," I whispered, my lips brushing against his ear. "So perfect, Clark. Don't hold back."
My words seemed to ignite something within him. Clark's thrusts became more powerful, more urgent. His breathing grew ragged, hot against my neck as he buried his face there. I could feel the tension building in his body, the way his muscles coiled tighter with each movement.
I ran my hands down his back, feeling the play of muscles beneath my fingertips. My lips found his jaw, trailing kisses along it before capturing his mouth in a searing kiss. Clark groaned into my mouth, his hips stuttering slightly as he neared his peak.
"Let go," I breathed against his lips, echoing his earlier words. "I've got you."
With a final, powerful thrust, Clark came undone. He cried out my name, his body shuddering above me as Clark's body shuddered as he reached his climax, his arms tightening around me as if I was his anchor in a storm of sensation. I held him close, running my hands soothingly over his back as he rode out the waves of pleasure. His breath came in hot puffs against my neck, his heart pounding so hard I could feel it against my chest.
As the tremors subsided, Clark lifted his head to look at me. His eyes were soft, filled with a warmth that made my heart skip a beat. He brushed a stray curl from my forehead, his touch gentle.
"That was..." He began, his voice trailing off as if he couldn't find the right words.
I smiled, understanding completely. "I know." I whispered, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his lips.
Clark returned the kiss tenderly before carefully rolling off me, keeping me close as he settled onto his side. His arms wrapped around me, pulling me against his chest. I nestled into his warmth, my head tucked under his chin, our legs tangled together.
For a while, we just lay there in comfortable silence, our breathing slowly returning to normal. Clark's fingers traced lazy patterns on my back, sending pleasant shivers down my spine. I could hear the steady thump of his heartbeat, strong and reassuring.
"I've wanted this for so long." Clark murmured, breaking the silence. His voice was soft, almost reverent.
I tilted my head up to look at him, a smile playing on my lips. "Me too," I admitted. "I just never thought... I mean, with Lois always around..."
Clark shook his head, a wry smile on his face. "Lois was never the one for me. I think I always knew that, deep down. But you..." He trailed off, his eyes searching mine. "You're different. Special."
I felt a warmth bloom in my chest at his words. "You're pretty special yourself." I murmured, leaning in to press a soft kiss to his lips.
He returned the kiss, his hand coming up to cup my cheek. When we parted, he rested his forehead against mine, his thumb gently stroking my skin. "I don't want this to be just a one-time thing." He said softly, a hint of vulnerability in his voice.
"It won't be," I assured him, my hand resting over his heart. "I want this... us... to be real."
The smile that lit up Clark's face was brighter than any New Year's fireworks. He pulled me closer, pressing a tender kiss to my forehead.
"It is real," He murmured against my skin. "And I promise you, I'll do everything I can to make it last."
We lay there in comfortable silence, basking in the afterglow and the promise of what was to come. The city outside continued its New Year's celebrations, but in Clark's apartment, we had created our own private world.
As the night wore on, we talked softly, sharing stories and secrets we'd never told anyone else. Clark's fingers traced lazy patterns on my skin, sending pleasant shivers through my body. Every now and then, one of us would lean in for a kiss, unable to resist the magnetic pull between us.
Eventually, exhaustion began to creep in. I felt my eyelids growing heavy, the events of the night catching up with me. Clark noticed, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead.
"Sleep," he murmured, pulling the blankets up over us. "I'll be here when you wake up."
I nestled closer to him, my head resting on his chest. The steady rhythm of his heartbeat was soothing, lulling me towards sleep. Just before I drifted off, I heard Clark whisper softly: "Happy New Year, sweetheart."
A smile tugged at my lips as I surrendered to slumber, wrapped in Clark's warm embrace.
The next morning, I awoke to the soft glow of sunlight filtering through the curtains. For a moment, I was disoriented, the unfamiliar surroundings confusing my sleep-addled mind. But then I felt the warmth of Clark's body pressed against my back, his arm draped protectively over my waist, and the memories of the previous night came flooding back.
A smile tugged at my lips as I nestled deeper into his embrace, savoring the feeling of his steady breathing against my neck. I didn't want to move, didn't want to break this perfect moment.
But nature called, and reluctantly, I tried to extricate myself from Clark's arms without waking him. I had barely shifted when his grip tightened slightly, and he murmured sleepily, "Where do you think you're going?"
I turned in his arms to face him, my heart skipping a beat at the sight of his sleepy smile. His hair was tousled, his eyes still heavy with sleep, but he looked more handsome than ever.
"Just to the bathroom," I whispered, reaching up to brush a stray lock of hair from his forehead. "I'll be right back."
Clark's smile widened as he loosened his grip. "Promise?"
"Promise." I replied, leaning in to press a soft kiss to his lips before slipping out of bed.
I padded quietly to the bathroom, acutely aware of my nakedness. As I washed my hands, I caught sight of myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess of tangled curls, and there were faint marks on my neck and collarbone from Clark's passionate kisses. But my eyes were bright, and there was a glow about me that I couldn't quite explain.
When I returned to the bedroom, Clark was sitting up in bed, the sheets pooled around his waist. His eyes roamed appreciatively over my body as I approached, a slow smile spreading across his face.
"You're even more beautiful in the morning light." He reached out to pull me back into bed.
I laughed softly as I allowed him to tug me down, settling comfortably against his chest. "Flatterer!" I teased, tilting my head up as Clark's lips met mine in a tender kiss, his hand cupping my cheek gently. When we parted, he smiled down at me, his eyes filled with warmth.
"It's not flattery if it's true," he muttered, his thumb tracing my cheekbone. "You're stunning, inside and out."
I felt a blush creep across my cheeks at his words, still not entirely used to such open admiration from him. "You're not so bad yourself, Clark Kent," I replied, my fingers tracing lazy patterns on his chest.
We lay there for a while, trading soft kisses and gentle caresses, neither of us in any hurry to face the world outside. The events of the previous night had shifted something between us, creating a new intimacy that felt both thrilling and comfortingly right.
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shockinglyangel ¡ 1 year ago
MATURE, Warnings: Slight mention of sex
Do not get mad at me if he doesn't fit your standards of how you believe he is. (Shoutout to the person that I saw do this lmao)
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- 6'2
- Second tallest to Theodore
- Skinny but toned
- His muscles aren't that defined, but they are certainly there
- He hold himself with a lot of confidence, that's how he has so many bitches
- He's constantly doing neck workouts and stuff to make sure that his posture doesn't get messed up from constantly having to look down at people
- The first thing you notice about him is his smile
- He has very kind eyes, the type that you unintentionally melt into
- His hands are quite big in proportion (Think Adam Driver)
- He's really into Y2k muggle aesthetics, so he's constantly spiking his hair up to match the trends
- When he's not styling his hair, it's pretty long, but it's cut in a way that doesn't create a helmet on his head
- Again, really into muggle aesthetics so he enjoys wearing clothes that match whatever style they have at that time
- He owns a few leather jackets with spikes on them, he doesn't wear them often, but he really loves them
- When he's not "dressing up" he will just wear a baggy shirt and baggy jeans, he's not all too fussy about his outfits, but he does enjoy fashion
- Loves loves loves wearing shirts with the Union Jack on it lmao (a true Brit)
- Unknowingly gives people puppy eyes when talking to them, which is why he has so many girls attached to his hip
- Very funny, but genuine with his humour
- He's very attentive and intentional so when he notices someone's body language or demeanour shift when he's joking or talking about something, he's very quick to drop the conversation and move on
- He does have a tendency of taking some jokes too far, specifically when he's drunk when he doesn't notice that someone's uncomfortable
- First to apologise, but he beats himself up for it
- Very frisky with his jokes, doesn't really care who hears
- His looks give you this teddy bear vibe, but getting to know him opens a whole new can of worms
- He copes with his trauma and past wounds by joking about it
- He's not open about his own experiences
- Very loyal to those who he cares about
- Quick to seek revenge, but not the type to get blood on his clothes
- Very comfortable in his self expression
- His head is in the clouds, he's oblivious to a lot of things
- Cannot for the life of him pick up signals, if you like him, you need to tell him straight up, no subliminal messages
- Collects information on people to make sure that they only have good intentions
- Very intuitive, if he tells you he doesn't like someone, you better listen
- Enjoys his independence and freedom
- Hasn't many plans for his future
- Top student, but only when he's not sat with any of his friends
- Very honest, sees no point in lying
- He'd wait outside the bathroom for you, he wouldn't like it, but he'd do it
- He'd also use his foot to hold your stall door if it doesn't close, however he would continue to bully you about this interaction for a while
- Very observant, always knows what you need, whether it be some attention, or something physical like a gift, hug, etc
- He would take the risk of pretending to be your partner if you needed to warn other people off
- He's into the whole friends to lovers shtick, so be careful
- Complains about your gossiping to him, but truly loves it
- He would set you up with someone if you asked him to
- Would help you with homework
- Would make jokes about your trauma (only if you're ok with it)
- LOVES when you talk to him about drama
- Always checks on you to make sure you've eaten, drank etc
- He makes very lewd jokes constantly, but he wouldn't make any about you as that's your own personal lives
- Often forgets that he can't make sexual jokes about other women when he's with you
- Little spoon. He isn't going to say it, perhaps you'll fall asleep as the little spoon, but you best bet that he will be the little spoon in the end
- He likes to feel safe with you, so sleeping around you is constant
- He's clingy, but only since he has a fear of abandonment
- Constantly checks to see if you are laughing at his jokes, his eyes will be on yours before he as much breathes near another person
- Considerate, but can come off as cold at times, mainly due to minor insecurities
- Beats himself up after an argument
- Will apologise first, but this man will pace his dorm, hands pulling on his hair while he aggressively chews on his gum, he doesn't like being wrong
- Really enjoys your company, so will come and be around you any chance he gets
- Always wants to hold your hand, or have his hand on your thigh at all times
- Will stare you down when you talk to another man, he doesn't see them as competition until he make it clear to him that they are
- His insecurities stem from his abandonment issues, so try not to make him jealous, it'll just make him feel like shit
- Buys you clothes and expects you to wear them, it will be the most god awful thing that he gives you, but with those little puppy eyes, he can totally convince you to wear it for him
- He loves taking pictures of you and has an album of them, one for nice pictures, and another for the other... activities that you two take part in
- When dating and going on dates, he needs something that is stimulating enough for him to feel comfortable with the circumstance. He won't show it, but dating someone romantically makes him really nervous, so you have to do something fun and engaging for him to not lose himself in thoughts
- Pottery painting/making dates, Swimming in the black lake, Horse riding, and study dates would suit him well
- He really cares about meanings, so when he finds out that you like something, he may slightly overdo it with how much he entertains your desires
- If you like a certain food, he's going to get you so much that you can barely even think to stomach another taste of it
- If you like reading, he'll annotate your favourite book and give it to you as a gift
- Loves locket necklaces, would definitely buy you so many of pictures with you and him, or sometimes just him
- Protective, would get his hands dirty in order to keep you safe
- Rude, only if you broke off the relationship though
- Purposefully makes out with people in front of you to see how you would react
- Actively makes sure you’re aware of his sexual endeavours
- Tries to remain friends with you, but only to keep the peace
- Makes fun of your new partners “Did you see Y/n’s new bitch? They really are picking them off the street.”
- Rude to your new partners, will dish out the most snarky remarks, make jokes about your relationship, even bring up past sexual encounters the two of you had together just to make your partner jealous
- Toxic as fuck, sorry
- Dates and leads on so many other girls out of anger
- Literally doesn’t know what to do with himself
- Leaves after you're done with the sex
- Refuses to kiss you incase it's too intimate and either of you catch feelings
- Will make sexual jokes about you to his friends, he doesn't see the importance of keeping it private
- He has a reputation of being a munch
- Has a list of all the people he's been with
- Absolutely no shame, gets his hookup to stand up against a wall so he can take a headshot of them and add it to his pictorial list of hookups (The wall who came)
- He does rate them, but his class isn't so messed up that he makes it public, it's normally just kept in a note book with a name next to it and a scribbled score of 1-10
- If he's really feeling it, he'll go for multiple in one night, sometimes even together
- Doesn't take his time, he has stuff to do after (like tell the boys about it)
- Tends to get lost in the bit, sometimes does stupid things and gets injured or in trouble purely for the butt of a joke he was trying to make
- Zones out when a conversation doesn't entertain him
- Talks over people, he will randomly chime in like "oh I just remembered what happened to me this morning" when someone is talking about something important
- Oblivious to hints, so when people flirt with him, he doesn't really notice it, which can cause some drama
- Speaks before he thinks
- Jumps to conclusions
- Shuts people out when they try to dig too much into his past and childhood
- One day he can be super attentive and kind, but the next he turns completely opposite, normally after he shared too much about himself
- His parents have had his entire life planned out for him from such a young age, they dictate what lessons he takes at Hogwarts, what clubs he can get involved with, what people he can allow himself around
- His parents plan to marry him off young, they have a few suitable girls lined up for him
- He’s in the line to owning the entire Berkshire name and estate, his parents mould him into how they want him to be to ensure that he’s suitable for the job
- He has a fear of commitment because he feels like he’s running out of time, he only has 18 years to do as he please, then he has to do as his parents say for the rest of his life, so he’s scared of wasting time
- Hookups with so many people as he wants to try everything before he has to be in order
- He doesn’t express his sadness or anger when it comes to this, as his parents are too powerful and too rich, he feels as though he cannot complain
- Is an asshole to everyone out of fear not discovering every side of him
- Messes around with girls that like him for some type of power trip, it makes him feel in control of his life
- Big fear of missing out
- Doesn’t even know what he wants to be if his parents weren’t forcing his way to reputable status
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mellxncollie ¡ 7 months ago
alex you really had to go and do this again, didn't you? (which is wonderful because i cut a few gifs from this set and now i get to share them!)
well damn i wasn't planning on another ao3-style comment but nooooo, you had to go make another beautiful gifset (lmao i love both you and your gifset so much!!) literally saved this until i can fully appreciate it, i feel like a little kid wanting to open a present slowly to keep the suspense longer, like i'm trying not to look at the gifs first (impossible) because i want to give you my FRESH response. i adore colour palettes (to no one's surprise)!! so excited for the ep2 gifs!!
obsessed with the fact that you waited to look at these!
gif 1: NIKO MY BELOVEDDDD. i love love love the green-pink contrast, i feel like that is just very niko!! we see her in other colours, sure, but in my mind they're her main two. obviously the pink is the sprites (and the lesbianism of course lmao) but the colour palette just really draws attention to it which is soooo pretty. and the yellow and greens!! the way her school clothes actually look green makes the whole thing SO cohesive and satisfying. also also the different shades of pink, like if i didn't look closely i would've thought it was one shade of pink except the colour palette made me look! *heart eyes motherfucker*
the main connecting colors that make this episode cohesive were pink and yellow, with a hint of green. and it's so perfect for niko! because you're so right, niko and pink is just... meant to be :) the whole flashback/memory sequence has those pink/red floating shapes and my brain definitely edited them out the first couple times i saw the episode, so i can totally relate. only really noticed the pink when i made my first gifset of the scene (all the way back in may, holy shit i've been at this for a while)
gif 2: ohhhhhhh my god turquoise+gold my beloved!!!!! sooooo in love with this palette it's not even funny. everything is so turquoise and kinda monotone with the funky lighting, and then you just have a few gold lights to give the whole thing life ough. (also a fun callback to the ep1 cat leash, aka the conflict they're headed towards??)
love the connection to the cat leash, definitely didn't think about it but now it's all i'm thinking about!
gif 3: HI LESBIAN NIKO HI! i love how the animations reflect in her eyes omg, i wonder how they did that? the purple that's the reflection of the light on her hair :o i never noticed it!!! and the other non-pink colours, the sort of pastel-y light green and yellow is so perfect for this scene WOW, actually all of the animations seem to be all pastel-y! and the green coming from the background (window?) is SO COOL
funny you mention lesbian. because. um. i title all these gifs "palette-[keyword].gif" and the keyword for this gif?
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oooh so i also never noticed how the animations reflected in her eyes but now looking at it (and this is kind of a technical answer) it looks like the reflections in both eyes are the exact same and they don't reflect on her sclera, just her irises and pupils. i suspect that they just added the reflections as an overlay, and then masked around her irises, and it's not too hard to have those masks shift with her slight movement using keyframes for that short scene. so... probably added in post.
also the green!! i eyedropped that from the animations actually, i totally missed that it also matches the background window!
gif 4: hhhhhhhh SUCH a fun base shot but not one that i think is usually giffed? at least i haven't seen it around. it's really lovely to get those scenes like little treasures! and the greens!!! god i love a good green and these are the BEST. the monotone? *chef's kiss* (also i think i said something about it in the ep1 reaction and i know there's an aesthetic reason for it BUT it really does make the boys feel more ghostly since the only colour on them that's represented is the greenness of the forest reflecting on them. it looks amazing, basically)
funny that you mention this one as not usually giffed. because i have made soooooo many gifs of this exact shot, it's one of my ultimate favorites in the whole show actually, but i almost never publish them. i think this is the only gifset i've published with this scene. and the only other time i've used it was for the cover of the cinematography post:
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little secret: it's not actually a monotone scene at all, i totally fudged it for this set. the ground is all yellows and reds, and there's a ton of blue and magenta lighting around it too. i didn't like the blues and magentas in this shot anyways, so i adjusted them to be more green and desaturated, and then ended up changing the rest to be more monotone.
gif 5: oooooh neutrals + gold? did not expect it, but i LOVE. also very fitting for the bathroom as this sort of very mundane place. nothing supernatural's going on in here, no sirree. also also very fun camera angle! something something about the light itself being white, but the light it casts being this warm gold? also the reflection of the light in the water, never noticed that!! i know the water is for crystal to splash her face with, but it just gives off scrying vibes and i am such a big fan. they should let the gang explore more supernatural methods in s2! but i digress. (oh and crystal being much more present, the dark colour picking up in her hair as well as the tiles, and the beige and white in her rings, just like the taps! crystal is so alive)
i barely noticed this shot before making this set actually! ended up being my favorite gif in this set though. something about those neutrals and the pop of yellow and the texture of the tiles. it's all so very satisfying :) love the thought of scrying vibes!
gif 6: another green with some red this time!! lmao it's like an optical illusion, my brain refused to see the reds until i actually stopped and looked for it. so nice and autumn-y <3 again the accent colour being the most prominent example of that colour is SUCH a vibe. also. they are so teeny-tiny omg who let them out to solve cases T-T
yep this one definitely is way easier to see the colors if you zoom really far out. i can see the red better in the little icons on my desktop than i can in the full size gif. had a few iterations for this one, including a version with a more muted color palette and another with the same palette but a slightly different yellow.
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this was anther shot i didn't ever really pay attention to until making this set, but it's sooo cool. definitely love the autumn vibes and the scale!! yes!!! they look so small!!
gif 7: PIIIIIIIIIIIINK (god i love a good monotone) plus the (weird) perception we have of pink as this innocent colour vs this horror that niko's going through?? the good sauce man! also i love how the pink shifts until the middle colour basically fades against the background, that's really fun
oh yeah this one is really interesting because of that color shift. i initially made the palette eyedropping from one of the first frames but when i played the whole gif, they looked out of place by the final frames. ended up pulling colors from vastly different frames across the gif to get more balance.
gif 8: sprites sprites sprites! lmao i love them, they're terrible but at least they're funny about it <3 the colours?? obviously the greens, the gold in the coins and litty's dress, the white in their hats and clothing (and litty's highlights, damn girl), but that blue?? iconic. i probably wouldn't have seen it if not for the colour palette omgggg
i was actually thinking of you when i made this one and picked that blue. reminded me a bunch of the palette gif on the tube from episode one and the blue in the lights. i was having a hard time picking out a fifth color for this and was deciding between a few but ultimately picked the blue (probably subconciously for you).
overall: i didn't expect you to be able to surpass the ep1 colour palettes but i should never have doubted, oh my godddd olly!!!! just. WOW. loved all the nikos! loved the bright colours! loved the monotones! loved the greens! loved the pinks! loved the golds! (honestly it might be faster to mention everything i don't love, which is..... nothing) THANK YOU FOR GIFTING US MERELY MORTALS WITH YOUR DIVINE GIFSETS <3
to be totally honest, i wasn't sure if this series would work for the rest of the episodes. episode one has such a cohesive look in a way the others don't, and does way more things with lighting and colors than the rest. so i was anticipating the rest of the episodes to be more of a challenge. it ended up being a bit more difficult to find shots, but not nearly as hard as i expected! loveee that you picked up on the green/pink/gold colors here, which make so much sense thematically (niko=pink, green/gold=dandelions)
i ended up cutting four gifs for this set. the first two since they didn't totally fit the green/yellow/pink colors that i think make this set work
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and with these next two, the first was cut because i already had 3 forest scenes. the second because i didn't love how the colors cover up esther's face
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thanks a bunch for doing this alex!!! i adore hearing your thoughts on these and the little bits of meta you drop are such brainworms. going to be thinking about the connotations of pink as well as crystal and water scrying for a while <3
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Dead Boy Detectives (2024) 1.02 — The Case of the Dandelion Shrine (insp)
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myakkun ¡ 3 years ago
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“ji, babe, what did you want me to order for lunch?”
it’s silent for a moment on the other end of the couch as you wait for your boyfriend to answer. when you don’t receive one, you look over and snap your fingers.
“hey, shuji! hello?”
his head whips up to you from his phone, eyes a little wide, gleaming in a way that looks suspiciously guilty—like when he gets caught leaving the chips bag open on the counter or when he uses your good towels to wipe the blood off his knuckles.
you don’t like it.
“hm? what’d you say, baby?” he asks, smiling at you as he leans over the cushion separating you both, easy grin on his lips.
but you don’t miss the way that when he shifts he tilts his phone screen in the opposite direction, faces it away from you. or the way his cheek morphs a little as he bites it—a nervous habit of his. or how his eyes flick down before meeting yours again like he needed to make sure you didn’t see anything.
“i asked what you wanted me to order for lunch,” you repeat, brows furrowing. “what’re you looking at?”
“nothing,” he responds instantly, furrowing his brows at you like you just asked some crazy question. “can we get pizza?”
you stare at him for a moment, biting your tongue, because maybe you are just being crazy. so you nod, return the kiss that hanma presses to your lips before he settles back into the couch.
“sweet,” he hums, then is instantly back to his phone.
you try to forget about it, focus on scrolling through your own phone or watching the shitty soap opera flickering on tv. because he’s probably just texting one of his friends, watching some funny video. he probably didn’t even mean to shield his phone from you.
but then there’s a knock on the apartment door, the pizza you ordered, so you go to get it. you tip the delivery guy, take the pizza from him and make your way back towards the living room. and as soon as you start to approach the couch, hanma is pressing his phone to his chest.
hiding the screen.
your feet freeze, your fingers grip tighter onto the pizza box in your hands as you stand behind your boyfriend. it’s obvious, the way he’s waiting for you to pass before he pulls his phone back again, like he’s scared you’ll see something.
never had you wanted to be the one to accuse him of such things. you love him, you trust him, so surely he couldn’t possibly..
“why’re you hiding your screen?” you laugh as you say it, try to keep your question lighthearted so as not to sound so accusatory.
“what?” shuji asks, looking over his shoulder at you. “i’m not. c’mon, i’m hungry.”
there’s a slight tremble in your hands, an ache that starts to settle into your chest, a twisting in your stomach. and for some reason your feet just won’t move.
“then lemme see, ji.” the shakiness in your voice makes you want to curse yourself. and you can see it—the flicker of panic that flashes over hanma’s face at your words. so you toss the pizza onto the couch and lean forward to grab his phone out of his hands before he even thinks to stop you.
it’s silent, the both of you frozen as soon as you turn your attention to the screen.
“oh my god,” you breathe out, lifting a hand up to your mouth.
the disbelief in your tone echoes throughout the room. shuji turns his back to you, resting his elbows on his knees and dropping his face into his hands. your heart is hammering within your chest as you look up and see his shoulders all slumped, caving in on himself.
“shuji, these are.. wow,” and finally, your feet break free from where they’re glued to the floor and you’re flinging yourself over the back of the couch to attack your boyfriend.
with kisses.
anywhere you can place them.
“ji, are these for me? are you looking at these for me?” your gaze keeps flicking from the phone screen to your boyfriend as you wait for an answer.
there, on the screen, are rings. wedding rings, in multiple shapes and styles and colors and little hearts on the ones that shuji apparently likes more than others.
“not anymore,” he groans, throwing his head back on the couch. a pout etches into his lips as he crosses his arms over his chest, glaring over at you. “you ruined it.”
“no, no, i’m sorry,” you beam, dropping his phone onto the cushions and swinging a leg over to settle yourself into his lap. your hands reach up to cup his face, trembling for a whole new reason now. “i’ll act surprised.”
“nuh uh,��� shuji hums, shaking his head the best he can in your grasp. “i have to break up with you now.”
“nooo,” you whine, leaning forward to peck his lips once, twice, three times. “you can’t, you wanna marry me.”
the teasing way you say it, although he absolutely hates it, makes a smile break out across his face. his arm wraps around your waist, tugging you as close to him as possible, flush against him as he steals your breath away with a sweet kiss.
“i hate you,” he mumbles into your mouth, forehead resting against yours. “i can’t believe you ruined it. i’m going to get you back when you’re least expecting it.”
“oh yeah?” you chuckle, fingers sifting through his hair. “what’s the plan? gonna poison this pizza we’re about to eat?”
“pffft, no. that’s stupid,” shuji scoffs back, rolling his eyes. his hands rub up and down your sides, leaving a warmth in their wake that makes you want to wrap yourself in it.
“i’m gonna wait till we get married for that. you know, so i get all your money when you croak.”
your laughs mix as you share the air between the two of you, morphing into a sound that makes your chest swell. you peck his lips again, because you just can’t help it.
“aw, there’s my smart little murderer,” you coo, pinching his cheek and yanking your hand back as he tries to bite it away. “make sure you tell them my ass was phat at the funeral.”
“are you kidding? i’ll have a whole powerpoint presentation dedicated to it.”
and as the night fades, sharing pizza on your ratted couch in your rundown apartment snuggled up into your boyfriend’s side, you can’t help but keep looking down at your hand mindlessly. because now that you know, your finger feels just a little bit empty.
and you can’t wait for that to change.
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reblogs appreciated !
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xxxsweetdreamzxxx ¡ 4 years ago
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warnings/tags: dom!Jaehyun sub!reader, fanfic, smut; cursing, hook up, fingering, cunninilingus, unprotected sex, cream pie
summary: a chance meeting while shopping for bathing suits turns your summer vacation a little hotter
word count: 4.4k (help)
this was interesting to write as the beginning and ending are based off of separate dreams this time, so hopefully I was able to link them in a way that made sense. please enjoy!!
"How does this look?" You asked your friend Jamie, holding a skimpy neon bikini set to your body. 
It was the first full day of your annual summer beach trip with your bestie, and you'd arrived in the seaside town you always traveled to late last night. After eating a mediocre breakfast provided by your hotel, the two of you had headed to a nearby mall to buy new swimsuits. She'd had luck finding one relatively quickly. But the reason you were still there, on the second story of a large department store several hours later, was because you had yet to. 
She made a face. "No offence, but it's not really your style..."
Sighing, you put it back on the rack. "I know."
Rounding the stand that contained the bikini you'd just put back, you briefly glanced over at the neighboring section, which had swim trunks. Movement had caught your eye, caused by three guys walking through. You barely even paid attention to them at first glance, but the one in the back caught your eye, and you did a double take. 
At this second glance, you saw they were all young, probably close to your age, and very attractive. 'Are they models?' You wondered. But again, it was the one behind the first two that really made you look on in awe. He had muted fluffy purple hair that covered his forehead, and dark eyes that shone like diamonds even from this distance. His soft features and perfect skin made you wonder if he was an angel. His thin white shirt hugged what was probably toned muscle underneath. When the taller of his two friends said something funny, he smiled and oh my God, he had the cutest dimples. 
At that moment, he shifted his eyes up and saw you standing there, staring. Like a deer caught in headlights you froze, embarrassed as fuck you'd been caught. But his smile only widened, and he gave you a slight nod in greeting. 
Ripping your gaze away, you acted like nothing had happened and tried to return to shopping. 
"Oh wow y/n, you saw those guys right?" Jamie exclaimed, following you. "Now that's what I'd call eye can-"
You interrupted her, face flushed, by holding up a pale blue gingham bikini. "What about this?"
Before she could answer, her eyes focused on something behind you, mouth falling open slightly. A deep voice then responded to your question. "I think it looks cute."
You whipped around, only to come face to face with the man you couldn't keep from staring at. Your eyes widened and you gulped, startled. Up close, he was simply breathtaking. Literally; you felt your breathing become strained as your heart pounded in your chest. 
"Th- Thank you, um..?" You stuttered before taking a deep breath.
"Jaehyun." He answered. 
"Ah, Jaehyun." Damn, even his name was cute. You gave him a shaky smile. "So I should get it?"
"Definitely." He encouraged. He then looked to Jamie, who'd been speechlessly watching the exchange. "What do you think?"
Turning around, you waited to see her response. After looking between the two of you for a couple of seconds, she grinned and gave a thumbs up. You weren't sure if she was approving of the bathing suit or... 
"Hey, what are you guys doing the rest of today?" Jaehyun asked. 
"Oh, not much." You replied quickly, not planning to elaborate. 
"We'll just be at the beach!" Jamie said louder and at the same time, speaking over you. "Wanna come with?"
You gave her a look, trying to shut her up. She looked back at you as if to say 'what?'
He smiled. "Sure. Let me ask the boys if it's okay with them."
He beckoned the two of them over, who didn't hesitate to comply. Jamie introduced you and her to the group, as you were still majorly distracted by the million thoughts running through your head. The tallest of the three then introduced himself as Johnny, a friendly guy with a round face and sculpted arms that were on full display thanks to the tank he wore. The other was Mark, who shyly said hi to you and Jamie. He had a boyish and youthful aura about him that made you immediately assume he was the youngest. They both readily agreed to head to the beach. 
Still not fully registering what had just happened, you walked to the check out in a near trance and bought your swimsuits. Then you exited the mall, and made your way to the parking lot. Jaehyun went to get his car while the rest of you waited at Jamie's. When he pulled up, the guys got in. After quickly entering her car with her, Jamie pulled out of the parking lot and followed them as they lead the way to the beach.
"Y/n, you okay?" She asked, taking her eyes off the road for a split second to glance at your face. Your prolonged silence had prompted her to speak.
You removed yourself from your racing thoughts. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just surprised."
She grinned. "Well, today's not gonna be boring, that's for sure. It'll be a lot more eventful than if we'd hung out at the beach by ourselves."
You nodded in agreement. You knew there wasn't much harm in doing this - there would be plenty of people on the beach around you - they couldn't try anything. And besides, you didn't even get those vibes from them. That wasn't what made you uneasy. It was the thought of spending a day at the beach with such attractive guys that made the tips of your ears turn pink and your heart rate increase. You just prayed you wouldn't say or do something utterly embarrassing. 
Jamie drove into the public beach parking behind their car, parking a few spaces away from them. Exiting the car, you and her first made your way to the bathrooms to change. This beach was well maintained, a stone walkway lead to them and then continued on and up to a wide bridge that arched over the barrier dunes and then down onto the sand. Palm trees provided shade, which was made good use of as it seemed wherever a tree cast a shadow there was a cool bench to sit. 
Locking yourself into a stall in the women's bathroom, you undressed and then pulled on your brand new swimsuit. Thankfully, despite not being able to try it on in the store, it fit extremely well. The gingham pattern, pale blue color, and small ruffles on the waistband and straps made you conclude this was the cutest bikini you'd ever seen. Exiting the stall, you briefly peered into the mirror above the sinks to pull your hair into two low pigtails. 
Turning back around, you found Jamie standing there in her new suit, smiling at you. 
"Ready y/n?" She asked. 
You took a breath before replying. "Yep."
Arm in arm, you walked out to meet the boys, who'd already changed and were standing there waiting, beach bags in hand. Johnny got excited as he spotted you both and practically ran towards beach, Mark trying to keep up with him. Jaehyun looked unbothered as he stayed behind to walk at a normal pace with you. By the time you'd crossed over the sand dunes and strolled onto the beach, Mark and Johnny had already found a good place a little ways away to set up. They'd brought two large towels, big enough for multiple people to sit on, and had spread them out over the sand.
Jaehyun sat down on one, then patted the ground next to him, motioning for you to sit next to him. After a few seconds of contemplation you complied, folding your legs to the side as you still kept a couple feet of distance from him. Jamie sat down with Johnny and Mark on the other towel. 
For the next hour or so, the five of you talked about various topics in an effort to learn more about each other. Gradually, you loosened up as you got used to their company. Johnny and Mark were college friends of Jaehyun's, who'd came into town a few days before you to visit him where he now lived on the coast. Funnily enough, the two boys were staying in the same hotel as you and Jamie while they did so - it was the closest to Jaehyun's apartment.
Noon came and went, and the air continued to heat up around you until it was unbearable. You looked out at the ocean water longingly,  but didn't want to leave by yourself, and the others seemed to be having such a great time...
Glancing over at you, Jaehyun made a suggestion. "Who's up for the water?" 
Despite your assumptions, the agreement was unanimous. As one, you all rose and ran towards the rolling sea, chasing each other. Diving into the waves, you ran out until the water was up to your waist. Johnny swam out farther than any of you, while Jamie and Mark stayed in slightly shallower water. 
You heard the sound of someone sloshing around in the water directly behind you. Spinning around, you were met with his chest - his white shirt was now wet and you could see some of the muscles through it - as your eyes widened and you looked up into Jae's eyes. He smiled down at your face, less than a foot away, dimples on full display. 
"Hi." He said in a way that made your heart melt. Then: "Feel better?" 
"Y- yeah, it was really hot before." Your words betrayed your body - being in the water wasn't cooling you off at all anymore. 
You stood there for a few awkward moments in silence, not knowing what to say. 
"Um-" You began. 
"Woah y/n look out!" He cut you off, sudden panic on his face as he closed the small distance between the two of you.
Suddenly, a large wave crashed into your back. It pushed you straight into the only thing that would keep you standing - his body. Instinctively, you gripped onto his shirt tightly so you didn't fall, tugging it towards you. He didn't hesitate to wrap his strong arms around your waist to steady you. Only after the wave had passed did you realize what you'd done, quickly releasing the fabric from your hands. But he didn't let go. 
"Are you okay?" He asked, worry in his tone.
You nodded, heart pounding loudly in your ears. However, you were shaking slightly. 
He began leading you back towards the shore, not convinced. Stumbling onto the hot sand, he guided you back to the towels, sitting you down once you got there. Getting a smaller towel, he wrapped it around you so you could dry off, then he sat down next to you. 
You looked at him, embarrassed. "You can go back if you want, I'll be fine here."
"No, I'm good." He leaned back a bit. "I'm not much of a swimmer anyways."
He then lifted his arm and ran his fingers through his damp hair, brushing it back off his forehead. You gulped, incredibly bothered by the motion. 
He looked at you with a slight smirk. "Thirsty?"
"Yeah." You replied. 
Smirk widening, he handed you an unopened water bottle. You drank, trying desperately to calm down. 
Jamie ran up to you, Mark following close behind. "Y/n are you okay?" She asked, confused and concerned. "What happened?"
You explained without including the details that made you blush when you thought of them. She sat on the towel next to you, deciding not to go back out. Mark followed suit and shortly after Johnny joined you again when he realized everyone was out of the water.
After a bit, you began to get hungry and got up to try and find some food. Luckily, there was a food truck nearby with some cheap lunch. Returning to the towels, you ate in relative silence as the sun moved slowly west overhead. The rest of the afternoon was spent walking, playing with a frisbee, and sunbathing. You noticed Jaehyun seemed to be keeping you within a few feet of him the entire time, never leaving you alone or with the others. Even when you went back out with Jamie into the shallow water, he followed - even though he tried to appear like he wasn't. 
            .•°•. ♡ .•°•. ♡ .•°•. ♡ .•°•.
Once the sun went down, everything was packed up and taken back to the cars. You threw back on your shorts from earlier before heading to a nearby bar, open to the sea and cool night air. It was already crowded with many tourists, and once you entered you quickly lost sight of the others,  later catching a glimpse of Jamie talking to Johnny off to the side with a drink in hand. 
Seeing the bar, you made your way over to it by yourself and sat on one of the barstools. You beckoned the bartender over to order your drink. 
"What can I get for you?" She asked, polishing a glass. 
"A margarita please." you answered.
She then looked at the seat next to you. "And you sir?"
"A margarita for me too, thanks." A familiar voice answered. 
You turned around in your seat to face Jaehyun, blinking at him.
He smiled and nodded in greeting, those adorable dimples reappearing on the corners of his mouth. Feeling your face heat up, you quickly turned to look at the bartender as she made your identical drinks. 
You cleared your throat a little. "So... you like margaritas too?"
He chuckled softly at your attempt to break the awkwardness. "Truthfully, I've never tried one. Thought tonight was good first time."
You could feel his eyes on you, boring into your soul in an attempt to get your attention. When you couldn't take it any longer and tilted your head to look at him, his eyes immediately met yours. A slight smirk spread across his lips.
When your drinks were served, he was the first to take a sip, eyes not leaving you for a millisecond. You drank and shifted in your seat, fully aware of how he was checking you out as his eyes began to roam. You wondered if maybe you should've put on a shirt over your bikini top to cover yourself better. But that thought was quickly dismissed as a new one took its place. You liked it - the way his attention was focused on no one but you. There were plenty of other hot girls there that night,  but he paid them no mind. 
The hours drifted by as those around you melted away and it felt like you and Jae were the only two in the entire world. The music and voices of patrons were only a buzz in the distant background as you focused on his soft words. You found you enjoyed each others company - he made you comfortable with the idea of spending as much time in it as possible. 
When the clock struck ten, you could feel the beginnings of fatigue creeping into your mind. An incoming text made his phone buzz. He checked it, relaying the message to you after briefly lifting up his eyebrows in surprise.
"Your friend's heading back to the hotel with Johnny and Mark, she's driving them there."
"Oh!" You replied in surprise, glancing around the bar but finding them already gone. You knew what was probably going to happen to Jamie, but you didn't voice it. 
He looked at you for about a minute before speaking again, slowly. "Do you.. wanna come to my place?"
You met his eyes again, heart and mind racing at his invitation. The implications of his question didn't slip by you, they were fully realized. Still, it didn't take you long to make up your mind - in fact, you'd already made it before he'd asked. 
"Yes." You replied. 
He smiled wide and grabbed your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. You quickly slid off your barstool and exited the bar, making for the car. You giggled as he pulled you along. The moon shone down on you from high overhead, lighting the way. Once reaching the car, he opened the passenger door for you and you hopped inside as he then closed it and rounded the car to his seat. Getting in, he started the car and drove out onto the road towards his apartment. 
Your mind raced as you made the silent drive to his apartment, listening to the low sounds of the radio coming through the speakers. It only took a few minutes before he was parking, getting out, and coming around to help you out of the car. Grasping your hand tightly again, he lead you into the building. The lobby of his apartment had only dim lights on at this time to illuminate the room. No one was around. Jaehyun took a left after guiding you through the main doors. 
"This way." He practically whispered, taking you into the elevator. 
He hit the three and the doors closed, leaving you alone in the small space with him for a few moments. He didn't waste any time in turning you around to face him, closing the gap between you. Locking his lips with yours in a heated first kiss, he backed you up into the elevator wall, driving you up it slightly with his strong arms. You instinctively wrapped your limbs around his body to steady yourself and kissed him back. You could taste both him and the drink he'd had at the bar - the mixture was heavenly. 
A ding signified your arrival at his floor, forcing you to part. Thankfully for the both of you, his door wasn't too far away. Pulling you down the hall quickly, Jae stopped at his door and took out his keys, fumbling with them for a few seconds as he tried to rush. When the door was unlocked, he pushed it open, letting you both walk through before harshly closing it again. 
For the few seconds it took for him to throw the keys on a small table next to the door you glanced around the dark apartment. Through a cracked door to your left you could make out a bathroom. A small kitchen stretched across most of the right wall from the door, a long bar separating it from the rest of the room. In this main room was both his living area and bedroom. His bed was pushed up against the farthest wall, which was taken up entirely by two giant windows. The moonlight shone through them, illuminating a balcony on the other side that looked out into the night and the street below, where palm trees waved back and forth in a light breeze. 
The sudden grip of his large hand on your waist from behind made you jump. He spun you around, and gave you that soul piercing stare that made all your self-control fade away. You leaned in this time, seeing a smirk spread across his face right before you closed your eyes. As soon as your lips brushed against his again, he picked up were you'd left off, kissing you relentlessly and leaving you breathless. Slowly, he backed you up further into the apartment until the backs of your legs bumped up against the edge of the bed as you struggled to bring air to your lungs. 
He lifted you just enough to clear the mattress and sit you down on top of it. Climbing onto it himself, he gently laid you down onto the sheets underneath him. He kept himself up with his knees, one on each side of you as he started to move his plush lips down to your neck. He proceeded to mark you, painting several dark spots onto your skin that would surely be there the next day. 
"Ah, Jae." You moaned out for the first time, when the tenseness that had been building between your legs became too much to stay silent.
He paused. "What is it princess?" 
"I need..." You began, heating up at the petname.
"Yes?" He asked patiently, waiting for your commanding words. He smiled down at you, raising a hand to your cheek to stroke it soothingly. 
"You." You finished, meeting his gaze. "I need you."
He smiled wider. "Sure thing."
Removing his hand from your face, he moved it down to the waistband of your shorts. Unbuttoning them with both hands, he slipped them off and down your ankles with ease. Placing his strong hand on your upper thigh, he spread it away from the other and began moving his fingers closer to your heat. Shivering at his touch, you sunk deeper into the bedsheets. He let his fingertips get to the edge of your bikini bottoms, but stopped there, teasing you. 
"Hey-" You breathed, scolding him when you realized what he was doing.
He looked down at you, hair messily splayed around your head as your chest rose and fell beneath him. Your skin was beginning to glisten with perspiration, your eyelashes fluttering slightly every time you blinked your half-closed eyes. "Hm?"
You took a moment to respond. "Touch me Jae."
He smiled a dark smile as he brushed your bikini bottoms to the side. The first touch of his fingertips against your slick clit had you lifting your hips up off the bed, curses falling from your lips. He forced them back down, pinning you to the bed with his body. He quickly resumed his actions, running his fingers back and forth over your folds as you moaned at the pleasure. He then suddenly inserted a finger into your dripping core. 
"Ah-" You gasped in surprise as he continued, using his thumb to trace circles across your clit. It was all too much for you to handle. He watched as you gradually lost control beneath him, writhing about in pleasure. The dangerous combination of things he was doing to you quickly brought your first high like a rising wave that crashed into the beach before it. 
You didn't have time to warn him before your walls clamped down on his finger and your juices spilled out onto his hand, sheets, and down your legs. He let you ride out your orgasm and calm all the way down before removing his finger and sitting up, licking every last bit of you from his fingers. You peered down the bed at him, watching in fascination as he lapped it up like a man starved.
"Shit, you taste good." He complimented, making your face feel flushed. 
When his hand was clean, he bent down and stuck his head between your legs. A second later, you felt the flick of his tongue on your inner thigh. He left a trail of wet kisses up it, making his way back up to your heat. Without warning, you felt his lips brush against your folds as he proceeded to use his tongue to clean you up as best he could. His hot breath against your pussy made you squirm and draw your legs up closer to your chest. Once satisfied he sat up again, licking the last of you from his lips. 
He then repositioned himself above you. Removing his swim trunks, his hard member sprung free and stood erect, precum trickling from its pink tip. Slipping a couple of fingers into the waistband of your bikini bottoms, he pulled then down your legs, leaving them with your shorts at your ankles. Lining up with your entrance, he held himself up with his strong arms, caging you in. You looked up at him, his faded purple hair messy across his face. He gave you a reassuring smile - dimples and all - before pushing into you with ease and rolling his hips down onto yours. Matching the pace he set, you pulled his face back down to yours to kiss him again, softer this time. He complied, kissing you deeper and slower as he pushed further into you with each thrust.
When he bottomed out, he speed up the movement of his hips, gripping yours to bring them closer to his. The lewd sounds of sex filled the apartment, combined with both of your increasingly loud moans.
"Jae." You moaned out, breaking your kisses. You felt the tenseness building in your abdomen again. 
He groaned as you felt him twitch inside you. "Fuck, you sound so hot saying my name like that."
He then hit your g-spot with the tip of his cock, pushing you over the edge. You came undone all at once, flexing your walls around him, gasping for air. Seconds later, hot strings of his cum shot through you, spilling out onto the bed along with your own. Riding out your orgasms simultaneously, your heavy breathing gradually quieted until he pulled out and sat up on the bed beside you. Watching him slide off the edge and stand up, your eyes followed him as he made his way to the bathroom entrance, ducking in for a second and returning with a towel.
Climbing back onto the bed, he leaned over you and gently cleaned you up with the towel, being extra careful around your sore clit. When most of it was wiped up, he discarded the towel onto the floor and laid down next to you. You rolled onto your side to look at him in the moonlight.
His skin had a visible sheen to it and his hair was a fucking mess - it stuck partially to his damp skin. But that only made his perfectly sculpted features more beautiful. You felt him wrap his arm around your naked waist, holding you to his body. Brushing a loose strand of hair away from your face, he spoke for the first time in minutes.
"Let's do this again tomorrow."
In your fucked out state, you couldn't respond with much else than an excited nod as you snuggled up to him. He gently kissed your swollen lips, happy. 
Brushing your nose with his, he whispered: "Night y/n." 
You replied by kissing him back, closing your eyes, and drifting off to sleep in his arms. 
342 notes ¡ View notes
thana-topsy ¡ 2 years ago
2 things: 1. ever since ive stumbled upon your ao3, no other, and i literally mean *no other* author even comes close to scratching the same itch. the way you portray every single character you write is honestly just so brilliantly done!! same goes for your art. pretty men & mer as far as the eye can see omfg 2. what voices do you imagine for your ocs? for example i myself could imagine nilandur to be voiced by keith silverstein :3 (AND I LOVE NIL SO MUCH I WISH HE WAS IN THE GAME)
KIND ANON, thank you so much for your words! Apologies for taking so long to reply!
Ahhhh the Voice Claim question. Y'know, it's funny, a lot of my characters have very distinct voices in my head, but it's been so difficult to find appropriate VCs for any of them. Except for Aerik -- he just sounds like Chris Pine in my head alskfja. Specifically Captain Kirk style Chris Pine, with a dash of Jack Frost. (I cannot describe the noise I made when the new DND movie trailer came out and I saw that the man would be playing a fucking bard.)
But as for Nilandur, I actually settled on Paul Bettany for his voice claim, and more recently, specifically his role in Master and Commander (which, I only saw this movie for the first time a couple of months ago, and I was just blown away by how very ~Nilandur~ Bettany's character is in this role - mannerisms, speech pattern, morals, etc. The clip I linked is pretty quiet, but I think it does a good job of showing his speech pattern. Also CW!!: click off before 1:45 unless you wanna see a guy getting flogged lol).
Harukar and Aiden also both have very distinct voices in my head, but I have yet to find good Voice Claims for them. Harukar sounds very similar to Nazir in terms of depth and timbre, but with a slight British-Arabic accent. Aiden is somewhat similar to Nilandur, but more nasally, a bit quicker in his speech patterns, and shifts in-and-out of a more high-born accent vs something considered lower class.
I'll continue to ramble if I don't cut myself off there. Thanks for such a fun question and such a high compliment!
11 notes ¡ View notes
timextoxhajima ¡ 4 years ago
Boundary [Dana’s 700 Special]
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Track: Fever - Enhypen / TiO - Zayn / Close - Nick Jonas, Tove Lo
➣ Member: my og bias owo
➣ Genre: idol! ju x stylist! [fem] reader
➣ Warnings: swear words and if you squint, some smut
➣ Word Count: i’m like 100% sure it’ll be as long as accelerate [i was wrong it’s nowhere near but whatever]
➣ A/N: Thank you for 700 followers. You are all nothing but amazing ♡
➣ Taglist: @taesty-wander-lust​ @tbzzhoe​ @suzy-rainbow​ 
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He’s going to be the absolute death of me.
The thought is loud in your head, and you were almost sure you would’ve blurted it out had the filming studio been empty. Breaking Dawn was blasting from the speakers behind the MV director, experimenting with some strange angles that you’ve never seen any other MV director try with the group before. 
If you thought Reveal was dangerous, this might be worse.
“Okay! Let’s do that hook into the chorus first and we’ll see how that angle goes!”
“Breaking Dawn, I see-”
“Cut! Juyeon-” The director snorts while staring at the monitor from the camera. “That was great but um, we’ll need to rate the video if we release this one.”
Never mind. It is worse.
“Yah, Juyeon!”
“Ahh... seriously?”
“You already have enough screen time, why are you so greedy?!”
The members crowd around Juyeon and shove him playfully as the director films that part from the monitor, and brings his cellphone over to the group to see. You can barely hear the music from the phone, given how far you were standing from the filming area. 
The group of 11 burst into loud yells and frustrated groans, with Younghoon and Chanhee giving their iconic ‘OoO’ faces to Juyeon. The main man chuckles, embarrassed, and shakes his head while waving it off.
“I didn’t intend to make it so suggestive, sorry!”
“It’s alright, that was great, really!” The director assures him. “It’s just that we can’t release that without rating the MV, and you guys don’t really have that kind of reputation yet so, we won’t do that for you guys now. But anyways, can we get a 10 minute break and we’ll pick up where we left off?”
The boys celebrate in unison, Eric immediately rushing off for the washroom, some members going to the staff to ask for their phones, others going for the monitor to check their progress and the remaining approaching their stylists for appearance maintenance.
So, when Juyeon approaches you with that sly-mixed-with-shame smile, you can’t help but to shake your head at him. 
“Really? He asks you to go all out and you look like you want to eat the camera,” Pulling open your little kit, you set it on the table next to you. You pull out the comb and hairspray and start adjusting his hair again - all that dancing’s pushed some strands out of its rightful position.
“Aw, so you agree that I looked good enough?”
“What?” The pitch is higher than expected, but you hope your feigned annoyance camouflages the pinch of jealousy. “Please! The director said it’ll be rated!”
Juyeon laughs, standing with his feet a little more apart than natural for you to have easier access to his hair. 
“Well, you’re the one who did my hair and makeup. If it’s anybody to blame, wouldn’t it be you?” 
His words halt the sharp end of your comb in his hair, and you poke it into his scalp for good measure while puffing out your cheeks. He chuckles it off. 
“Excuse you, sir, Cre.Ker gave me a color palette and a set of reference pics. Ever since they cracked the code with you with Reveal, they just won’t stop with this genre of style on you.”
“I mean... I definitely prefer my current style over what they did to me in Boy.”
The memory cooks up a bunch of images in your head, and you fail to stop the giggle that runs off your tongue when you return the comb to the kit. 
“Aw, come on, that was cute,” Picking up a brow pencil, you fill in the tiny fade-out. “You were, what? 19? No reason for you to look as raunchy as you do now.”
“It’s a pity you only met me just before I become ‘raunchy’.”
“Why? I mean, ‘Juyeon’s not a good boy’ though. Raunchy’s closer to that than what you did pre-Reveal.”
“I meant it!” Juyeon widens his eyes and his brows shift up his forehead just as the tip of the brow pencil lifts off his skin. “I’m happy Cre.Ker’s letting us show what we want to.”
“And I’m happy for you too,” You finish up on his foundation where it’s starting to wear off. “But one day, you’re gonna cross a line and break some hearts.”
Juyeon smiles as you cap on all your equipment and close your kit. Resting one hand on your hip, you quickly give his hair one last poke before he resumes his normal standing position.
“What if I only want to break specific hearts though?”
A frown befalls your face and you forge an ugly look by crooking your lips. “What? Was that an attempt to flirt? Please stop,” Waving him off, you turn and pick up your kit, walking away on your heels as Juyeon tails you.
He’s just practising flirting on me at this point. Best friends and best friends for what? Get MY heart broken? PLEASE.
“Flirt with Kevin if you want, he’ll give you better advice,” You turn to the film area and sure enough, Kevin was busy twerking into the camera and Changmin’s just face palming himself. 
“Oi Kevin! Stahb it!” You yell across the space and Changmin points to you, turning to yell at Kevin.
“Yah, even y/n’s telling you to stop!”
Chuckling, you turn into the dressing room as another hair stylist finishes with Sangyeon in the mirror. 
“Hello sir, you look kinda tired today, are you resting well?”
“Don’t get me started. Schedule’s packed into June,” Sangyeon subtly shakes his head, but his stylist holds his cheeks and shifts his face back to face the mirror.
“Sangyeon, please face the mirror. It’s not my fault if your hair gets messed up again,” The hair stylist grins as he picks up the hairspray.
“Sorry,” Sangyeon blinks at him and purses his lips. Juyeon crashes into the two seater-sofa in the corner of the dressing room and groans tiresomely, resting his head on the top surface of the headrest. 
“Well, you should get some rest before Kingdom kicks in,” You place the kit on the dressing table and sit down in the two-seater next to Juyeon. “It’s not going to be an easy fight, y’know.”
“Right! You used to be ATEEZ’s hairstylist!” Sangyeon’s eyes widen and you can see him struggling not to turn to you directly instead of trying to find you in the strangest angle of the reflection in the mirror. 
“Yeah. Those guys are intense, and I mean intense! Six out of eight are known for performance skills and the other two... one produces 99% of their tracks and the other belts out notes even I can’t reach.”
“You sound like you were sent from KQ to intimidate us-” Sunwoo struts in and waves an annoying finger in your face.
“I’m not-” Swatting his finger away, Juyeon leans forward and pulls Sunwoo’s hand. “I’m just saying for good measure- it’s not going to be easy. Stray Kids is also going to be great competition, not to mention iKON and-”
“AhHH, we get it!” Sunwoo shushes you, swinging his hand with Juyeon’s.
“No matter the outcome, you all need to know that you guys were stellar last year. I was new then, but it was absolutely stunning to watch you guys work and put so much effort into your performances.”
“Oh my God, yeah, you could not shut up about the Danger performance,” Sangyeon cooes, letting his stylist finally finishes and shifts to pack the hair equipment. 
“I’ll bet it’s cause your best friend over here got the most screen time,” Sunwoo perks up a mischievous brow and smirks at you.
Juyeon’s eyes widen and stares at the youngest, “I didn’t get the most screen time.”
“If not you then who?” Sangyeon butts in as he stands.
“Uh... Changmin?”
Sunwoo and Sangyeon go quiet. 
“Yah, you had a good amount of screen time too!” Sangyeon turns and blurts out at Sunwoo, playfully shoving him. 
“Y’all are being loud in here,” Kevin’s head pops out from beyond the door frame, one of his stylists tagging behind him and struggling to pat down his clothes. 
“No, tell me if Sunwoo had more screentime than Changmin in Danger from last year,” Sangyeon wraps an arm around Sunwoo and slowly walks him out. 
“What? I don’t know, Changmin had the opening and the dance break...”
Sangyeon’s hairstylist follows closely, and by instinct, he shuts the door behind him, leaving you with Juyeon in the dressing room. It’s humid, from all the lights turned on in the room, and the leather seat wasn’t the most comfortable thing to sit on.
Turning to Juyeon, his eyes are gently shut, and frankly, he looked like he was about to fall asleep. The backrest of the sofa sinks when you lean back, mimicking his position.
“You have like four minutes left so don’t even think of falling asleep.”
“I’m not sleeping,” He offers a tiny smile on his lips, eyes still shut. 
“Sure, you’re not.”
“Wake me up when the director needs me.”
“You wish,” The leather under your legs squeak when you push yourself off, but he sticks out an arm at your stomach and pushes you back down. Judging by the miniscule smirk on his face, he’s just messing with you. “What do you think you’re doing? I have a job to do and you have a music video to film.”
He remains quiet. Someone shouts at Eric outside.
“You’re being fucking weird today, sir,” You lift a hand and grab his arm to move it away, but he swiftly wraps his fingers around your wrist and yanks you forward instead. 
Using your palms to keep the distance between your faces, you’re hovering above him now, breath on his upper lip. The sweat’s begun to collect in the lines of your palms, stuck to the arm rest by his side and the cushion he’s leaning on. 
Your vision immediately darts to his face upon the bold move, and he’s got that slight smile prancing on his lips when he’s thinking of a joke or something funny and doesn’t want to say it. It’s been a good year of being Juyeon’s best friend (apart from the members), so you’ve definitely grown to know how to read him by his actions.
You sigh, rolling your eyes and removing your legs from next to his thighs.
And then he cuts you off by holding you in position with his arm around his waist, challenging your knees to hold you up - because if they buckled, you’ll land right on top of him. 
“What the Hell do you think you’re doing?” 
Knock knock
“y/n, are you done with Juyeon’s hair? Filming’s resuming!”
There’s an awkward tension between you and Juyeon now, with his eyes wide open and staring into yours, arm still around your waist. But having his nose just inches away from yours and his breath breathing down on your philtrum feels so surreal. It feels like it’s a dream that you’ve failed to pull yourself out from.
He parts his lips, then purses them, and sighs through his nose. 
“Yeah, she’s done! I’ll be out in like, two seconds!”
Your gaze finds his and you’re panicking when he’s moving again. Within two seconds, you’re flat on your back on the length of the couch - and this time, he’s holding himself above you.
“What the- I-”
“We’ll continue this later back at the company, I promise,” Then he rounds your cheek and presses a kiss into your cheekbone instead.
He pulls back, offering you his kind smile and a ruffle into your hair for good measure. Nothing in your body is working when you hear him shuffle for the door, and it clicks shut behind him, with Breaking Dawn already blasting in the filming space.
Sucking in a deep breath, you don’t realise how hard your heart is thumping in your head until you hear your own shaky exhale. You don’t know where to look, you can still feel his grip on your waist and his breath on your upper lip, and everything’s just a mess right now.
What the Hell just happened?
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“Eric - Dior Shirt Size M...” You mumble under your breath, fingers gripping the pen to the clipboard so hard, your writing would probably leave a mark in the sheet under. 
“I think this is the last luggage!” Younghoon’s stylist drags the black case in, lining it up with the last unopened one. “Need help?”
“Yeah, just open the luggage for me and separate Sangyeon’s clothes from Jacob’s, but otherwise I can handle it on my own.”
She nods, laying it down and unzipping it for the clothes to spew out. “How’s working here? It’s been over a year, right?”
“Mhm,” You glance at her, obviously tired. “It’s alright, but thanks to your advice since last year, I don’t think it could’ve been better.”
With a kind smile, she looks up at you, placing Sangyeon’s pants over his stack. “You’re experienced from ATEEZ, so it wouldn’t have been that hard anyway.”
She stands, resting her hands on her hips as you walk over, squatting to check Sangyeon and Jacob’s clothes. 
“So... what’s going on with you and Juyeon?”
I’d like to know too.
“Huh?” You look up at her, head tilted to the side with a sneaky cocked brow. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, please- All the stylists here know you and Juyeon are like- hanky panky nowadays. Pretty sure the boys know too, or at least have some idea.”
A cackle runs your throat dry as you graduate your attention to Jacob’s clothes. “Is that what they’re calling it? ‘Hanky-panky’? Cute.”
“Do you know why they’re still in a meeting this late?”
“No, why would I bother? As long as I don’t lose my job, it’s none of my concern.”
“They’re in meeting to be informed that their dating ban has been lifted.”
Your grip around the pen tightens, but halts abruptly. 
“Ah...” She sighs, contemplated with herself. “Cat got your tongue? Or should I say... Juyeon got your-”
Interrupted by the practise room door being pushed open, both of your attentions immediately flit to the new commotion. 
“Oh, Juyeon! Meeting’s over?”
“Yeah,” He turns and closes the door behind him. His hair was still waxed up from the day’s schedule, makeup still on but fading. Clothes snug around his shoulders with his belt tight around his hips. Those stupid jeans never did you any good since day 1. “Sangyeon said he left a ring in one of the luggages so he sent me to come get it while he counsels Kevin for twerking.”
“y/n’s just going through Sangyeon’s wardrobe, so she might find something,” Your colleague’s begun to take small, insignificant steps towards the door, and your anxiety begins to increase with every inch she places between the two of you.
“Which is why I’m here,” He stuffs his hands into his back pockets.
“Right, right,” Now, she’s already got her hand on the door knob, glancing past him and at you with wide, glistening eyes. “I gotta go check your wardrobe for tomorrow so... I’mma go now, and uh... security comes by around 12am. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
“What-” You blurt out, receiving a sharp, surprised look from Juyeon.
“Bye! Bye Juyeon!”
“Bye,” He waves. 
“No, wait-” 
And so, the door clicks shut behind her, and her shadow behind the translucent material disappears down the corridor. 
The whir of the air-conditioner in the practice room fills all the awkward openings in the room, but all you can hear is the rapid thunk of your heart in your brain - as if that was even possible. 
“About earlier today-”
“Give me a moment while I look for Sangyeon’s ring. What does it look like?” Standing up too fast, your vision goes white and a second of dizziness throws you off your balance.
So, of course, Juyeon rushes over and holds you by your waist before your ankles or knees give way. The incessant blinking makes you wish you could actually pass out right now, because your weight’s in his arms and you can’t bring yourself to look him in the eye.
“Iron deficiency much?” The corner of his lips curl up into his cheek before releasing you. “Do you need to sit down?”
Clearing your throat, you turn away first. “No, I-”
“Good, because I have some points to make and you’re gonna stop running away from them like you’re doing now.”
The change in tone runs chills down your spine and goosebumps erupt all over your skin - thank god you were wearing a blazer, safe from his observation. 
“How have you tolerated it so much?” He folds his arms across his chest, tilting his head innocently but his eyes say otherwise. It’s always his eyes that tell a whole different story from the person he’s known to be. 
“Y’know, being around me but you’re so calm and collected and I just...” He shakes his head, and to your dismay, takes a step forward - which drives you backwards. “How?”
His voice is too sing-songy. It’s too calm and collected for you because you’re about to barf up your dinner, which was a good 4 hours ago now. There’s nothing left in your stomach to barf up. 
He takes another intimidating step and you wince at your inability to look him in the eye.
Another step back. 
“Like, I know we’re friends but my God-” Shaking his head, he sinks his teeth into his bottom lip.
Another step forward. Another backward.
“It’s upsetting that I can look ‘raunchy’ and it doesn’t seem to do anything to you... But seeing you the way you are every other day makes me want to- just-”
Another step forward. 
One more one back.
And your breath halts.
Your back hits the wall, the rear of your skull lined with the pillar. 
Oh, no.
Gritting your teeth so tight, your jaw starts to ache and your temples are throbbing. 
“I’m not seeing things, right?” A flicker of curiosity sparkles in his eyes when you muster up the courage to look at him - only to regret it instantly. “It’s not in my head that you feel the same way I do, right?”
“I... Don’t know what you’re talking about- You’re an idol... and I’m- I’m just your stylist and I-”
“‘Just my stylist’?” The comment forces his brows into a slight frown, before he lifts his hand and covers the bottom half of his face with his palm. “Rethink what you just said.”
Sucking in a deep breath, your chest wells with a horrid mix of desire and self-discipline. Those two don’t go well together. 
“We can talk about this some other day,” You choose to say, dragging your body along the pillar in a bid to shift out from the wall-Juyeon sandwich like a fool. He lifts his arm and presses his palm into the pillar behind you, caging your poor, poor soul in this fateful corner of his stupid practice room.
“Juyeon, we need... boundaries in this industry. One scandal and it’ll destroy your career.”
“Boundaries?” He buckles his elbows, shrinking the gap between your noses. “Boundaries are for idols who still have a dating ban.”
Breathing down your nose, he’s too close for comfort. You can smell his cologne, the scent of his hair wax and see the bumps on his cheek under the faint layer of makeup. You don’t realise you’re trembling until he tilts his head ever so slightly, free hand reaching up to your chin to steady your face.
“Stop running from me,” Shaking his head painstakingly subtly, he whispers into your lips. “You were mine from the start and you know that.”
The adrenaline rush through your nerves sets off fireworks all over you when he slots his body against yours, lips fitted with yours like puzzle pieces; against the wall, with his palms on your cheeks. There was no care or consideration with how much strength he was channeling into this kiss - it feels so pent-up, so frustrated. Without warning, your body resigns as you circle your arms around his shoulders.
Gripping the rim of his collar in your hands, his hands drop to your waist and holds you closer, if it were even possible. A million thoughts race through your head - and at the same time, none. This moment was something you didn’t even know you needed. 
Juyeon’s hands roam the small of your back as he keeps you against the wall, relaxing into the kiss and sighing into it instead. 
This bliss comes in the form of him. Him who provides you all the sinful wants deep down inside you. 
But this bliss doesn’t last, for the practice room door swings open violently and tears Juyeon off you.
“I told you to find my ring, not hook up with your crush!”
466 notes ¡ View notes
doctorstethoscope ¡ 4 years ago
Moment || Aaron Hotchner x gn Reader
A/N: hiiii besties expanding on a lil prompt from the weekend due to popular demand! Thank you to @the-modernmary for  helping me with it!! If u liked this teeny bit of angst u will love her fics!!
just a little note for those of you who read The Right: I am going on vacation this coming Saturday-Wednesday. I will have the chapters queued to post for y’all, but I will not be able to respond to taglist requests or update the masterlist until I come back! Still let me know what you think about the chapters though, they’re some good ones! ok onto this fic.
contains: slight cursing, alcohol consumption
wc: 1.7k
You take a deep breath as you walk out of Strauss’s office, taking exactly one beat to regain your composure before hastily making your way over to Hotch’s office, letting yourself in without knocking. 
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me,” you said by way of greeting as you crossed his office and settled into one of the chairs across from his desk.
“Tell you what?” Hotch asks, looking up from his paperwork with confusion knit across his brow. 
“That Strauss was going to harangue me the second I walked into the building this morning. I seriously didn’t even make it past security before she nabbed me.” You told him, disgruntled. 
“I didn’t know. What did she want?” Aaron asks, and you look up and see that he’s telling the truth-- he really didn’t know. 
“Oh… I assumed she would have cleared it with you before she asked me.” You said, your boisterous energy deflating the longer you sat in the chair. 
“Is she pulling you for undercover work? She always does that, and she never asks if we have anything coming up or what your consult workload is--” 
“No, Hotch. She’s, uh, she’s not pulling me for undercover work.”
“What is it?” 
“She said the director tapped me to lead the field office in Vegas.” You confessed, looking up and seeing the air leave Aaron’s chest. 
“Wow.” Aaron says, blinking. 
“Yeah,” you agreed. 
“And you’re going to take it?” He asked. 
“I told her that I needed some time to think about it.” You answer him.
“What’s there to think about?” He wonders. 
There’s a moment where you think you might actually roll your eyes at him. There’s a moment where you consider begging him to give you a reason to stay. There’s a moment where you consider crossing the desk and depositing yourself in his lap, kissing him with the weight of all of the feelings that had you wanting to stay. 
But, after a moment, you realize that none of that’s happening. He’s sitting across from you, looking at you like you’d be the biggest fool in the world not to take advantage of this opportunity, and maybe he was right. Maybe you would spend the rest of your life wanting him one-sidedly, wondering what good you could have done for the world if you had simply accepted that he’d never love you back. 
“Nothing,” you answered, after a moment. “There’s absolutely nothing to think about at all.”
Aaron’s barely even distracted when you swing his door open and plop yourself into one of his chairs first thing in the morning. He’s used to it, by now. He may have been a less-than-willing participant in your friendship at the beginning of your relationship, but now he was glad to call you someone he was close to. His closest friend, really. 
His ears perk up when you mention Strauss. “Is she pulling you for undercover work?’ He starts to rant, already planning the tirade he’s going to deliver to Erin when he notices your demeanor change. You’re… shy, all of a sudden. You’ve never hidden from him before. He doesn’t like it. 
“She said the director tapped me for the field director position in Vegas,�� You revealed. The sentence hit him like a punch in the gut.
“Wow,” is all he can manage to get out, fighting the way his throat threatens to close up. “And you’re going to take it?” He asks, although he knows the answer will break his heart. 
“I told her I needed some time to think about it.”
“What’s there to think about?’ He asked, allowing himself to hope for a moment that you’ll make some grand confession, to imagine for a moment that you might possibly feel the same way he does, to believe for a moment that he’s worthy of your love. But he’s not.
“Nothing. There’s absolutely nothing to think about at all,” you tell him, standing up and leaving with a forced casualness. 
Aaron had been married long enough to know that that tone and those words together mean the exact opposite of what they are supposed to mean-- but he was still confused. What could possibly make you stay? And how could he find it before you left? 
The following days between you and Aaron had been chilly, to say the least. You didn’t bounce ideas off of each other on cases like you normally would. You came to the opposite conclusions at every turn. You were out of sync, and everyone felt it. So when the case wrapped up on a Friday afternoon, you were more than happy to rush home to a bottle of wine, a pint of ice cream, your moving boxes and some trashy reality television.
You’d given up on packing after about an hour. Your heart just wasn’t in it. So instead, you lounged in your pajamas, sipping at your wine in the hopes that it would guide you to your first full night of sleep since you’d spoken with Strauss. You’re just about to head to bed when there’s a knock at your door. You swing it open, revealing Aaron, holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a bottle of champagne in the other. 
“I was an asshole.” He offers. “Am I interrupting anything, or?”
“Just packing,” you say, wanting to twist the knife a little bit even if it wasn’t truthful. Aaron is undeterred, and steps inside anyways. 
“I didn’t want you to leave with us still in the middle of the fight. You can be as mad as you want in the morning, but have a glass of champagne with me?” He asks, with those big brown eyes you could never refuse. 
“Fine,” you sighed, still easily won over by him, even when you were heartbroken and mad. 
“Here, you open it. Congratulations,” he tells you, handing over the bottle. You start picking at the foil, and he speaks up in the silence. “Things are going to be different without you, you know. I like that our team is structured the way it is… as a team, but you know, in a lot of ways, it was nice to have a partner in you.”
“You know, come to think of it, I’m not sure if I even have cups. They might be packed away,” you say, still picking at the foil and decidedly not looking Aaron in the eye. He chuckles a little at your comment.
 “I don’t know what I’m going to do when you’re gone. I mean, who else can rein in Derek, or get to see me the big picture, or talk Emily off the ledge when I’m sure she’s about to go rogue?’ 
“It’s going to be okay,” you tell him, setting the bottle on the counter, still unopened. Aaron heaves a sigh. 
“You should stay.” He says, after a moment. 
“What?” You say, blinking, because surely you must be drunk or dreaming or something else. 
“You should stay here. You don’t have to take the job in Vegas.” 
“Haha, very funny,” you joked, bringing your attention back to the bottle to avoid looking him in the eye. 
“I’m serious. Listen, I know I said there was nothing to think about, but I changed my mind.” 
“Oh, did you? And what if I haven’t changed mine?” You asked, getting angry now. 
Not able to hold back for another second, he takes your face in both of his hands and kisses you. “Just, think about that before you board a plane. Okay?” He says, and before you can even speak, you hear the door swing shut behind him. 
Damn you, Hotchner. 
You don’t sleep a wink.  When 8am finally rolls around, you pull yourself out of bed and get dressed, heading over to Aaron’s. As you buckle your seatbelt, you realize that you know you have to go over there but you have no clue what it is you even want to say to him. You hope you’ll figure it out without sounding completely insane as you knock on Aaron’s door, and he swings it open, still in his sweatpants and incredibly surprised to find you on his doorstep.
“I’m even more mad at you right now than I was last night,” you tell him by way of greeting.
“That’s understandable. I haven’t been very fair to you,” he agrees, and the fact that he’s being so reasonable only makes you angrier. You slip past him and step inside the apartment. 
“I don’t get it. You couldn’t just let me move on, start a new life and forget about the torch I’ve been burning for my boss the entire time I’ve worked here? You had to have the last word, even if I was leaving forever.” 
“No,” Aaron says, and you bite your tongue, trying to allow him a moment to respond even if you weren’t feeling all that gracious. “No, I couldn’t let you move on thinking the torch you were carrying ws unrequited.”
You’re struck by his words. “What are you trying to say?” 
“I’m sorry, it doesn’t matter. It’s a great opportunity for you in Vegas. I’m happy for you, and you shouldn’t let this--” 
“Hotch, what are you trying to say?”
“Just that I’m proud of you, and I know that you’ll do excellent work, and--”
“I don’t understand what you’re trying to hide from me.” You call him out, and he looks at you for a moment. This time, you don’t break his glance. 
“I’m not trying to hide. I’m just too late.” He tells you, looking down at the floor. 
“Tell me, Hotchner. Tell me, please.” You beg of him, shifting to try to get him to look you in the eye.
“I love you, and I figured it out too late.” 
You draw in a sharp breath, and he’s sure he’s ruined any vestiges of friendship that still existed between the two of you in this moment, and that you’ll board your plane to Las Vegas and he’ll become a creepy old boss that you never think about again. He takes a moment to look at you, a moment to mourn what might have been, a moment to remember the way your laugh made him smile while the memories were still fresh. He takes a moment, and then you speak up.
“No,” you correct him. “You figured it out just in time.”
tagging: @choppa-style @wanniiieeee @zheezs14 @torykjamie @maureen4y
@ssavanessa22 @isthatme-thatsme @g-l-pierce @ssahotchie @infinite-tides
 @itsmytimetoodream @averyhotchner @msmarvelsmain @hotforhotchner11 @hotchinkevlar
hi besties I tried to tag everyone who said they wanted to be on my regular hotch list and a few of y’all who regularly interact with the right but if i made a mistake/u want to be removed u can lmk I will not be offended!!!
180 notes ¡ View notes
nights-legacy ¡ 4 years ago
Funny Way of Showing It - Shinsou x Sister! Reader Pt. 1
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Main Masterlist MHA Masterlist
+You are the sister of Hitoshi Shinso. You are the same age and were both adopted by Aizawa and Yamada as a young children. Everyone knows how Hitoshi wanted to be in the hero course but instead you got in. You have a force field quirk that can be both used defensively and offensively. He says he's proud of you but why then is he pulling away from you?
I jumped in excitement after my letter of acceptance finished. I got into UA. Class 1-A even! I ran out of my room to Hitoshi’s. I knocked on the door lightly, not sure if he had finished his yet. I heard a humph inside before someone approached the door. I recognized the humph as a bad one. I set my head on the door frame as he opened the door.
“Hi.” I said. He nodded before turning back into his room. He plopped down on his bed. I sat down Indian style next to him. “So…did you get in?”
“Yeah.” He said solemnly. I cocked my head to the side. He glanced at me before sighing. “I got in but I got into General Studies, that’s it.” He said while closing his eyes. I saw an irritated look pass over his face before it went neutral. “How about you?”
“Yeah, I got in too.” I shrugged and looked away. I pursed my lips, feeling bad now. I know how bad he wanted to be in the hero course. I didn’t really care where I ended up. In reality, I was just trying to support Hitoshi.
“What class?” I heard him shift. He sat up, propped his knees up, and propped his arms on his knees. He looked at me expectantly. I sighed and straightened my back.
“Class 1-A.” I said biting my lip. I didn’t want to look at him but I did anyway. He was looking down with a slight upset look in his face. “I’m sorry Hitoshi. I know how much you wanted…” He held his hand to stop me. I snapped my mouth shut.
“It’s alright, sis.” He said. He set his hand down on mine. “I may be disappointed in placement but that doesn’t mean I can’t be in the hero course one day.” He smiled. I nodded before he pulled me into a bear hug.
“Ah!” I yelled and giggled.
“I am so proud of you though!” He said enthusiastically. “You didn’t even think you would get in let alone the top hero class. See, I told you your quirk is worth more than a shield.”
“Yeah, you were right.” I rolled my eyes and pushed him off by elbowing him. He groaned and let go. I looked over at him, he seemed happy but I knew that this would bother him more than he would let on. A few chuckles from the door caught our attention. We looked to see our dads standing there.
“Congrats you two.” Dadzawa said. He had a soft smile on his face. PapaMic was nearly jumping in place.
“Did you two know?”
“Weeellll…” Papa started. “We knew that you two got in but we didn’t know your placements until your letters were delivered.”
“Just in case loud mouth here couldn’t keep his mouth shut.” Dad threw his thumb over his shoulder. We laughed as Papa looked at him in annoyance. “Also, just because you are now my student, doesn’t mean I’m going to be easy on you young lady/man.”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” I said hopping up. “Just please, all I ask is don’t expel the entirety of the class like that one time. That would suck.”
“Crap. Yeah please don’t do that again. I mean I wouldn’t be able to deal with them being all mopey.” Hitoshi laughed, pointing at me.
“Hey!” I exclaimed offended before pouncing on him. I wrestled with him, ignoring the bounds of laughter behind us. The wrestling went on for a bit but ended up with me pinned by Hitoshi sitting on my back. “Fine I give up.”
“Wimp.” He said. I rolled my eyes before hitting him with a small force field. He flew off my back and I got up and bolted. “Hey! No force fields in the house!”
~Time Skip~
The weeks leading up to class starting were nerve racking. Preparations, the little paperwork, and other things. All that, along with Hitoshi being distant and quiet now and then. Well, more than his normal quiet behavior. The day classes started was the worst yet. We left for school but he hadn’t said one word to me. He wouldn’t even look at me straight.
“Have a good day, Toshi.” I said as we made it in the doors. He nodded and walked off without a word. I sighed and walked to my classroom. I took a breath and walked into the classroom. At least half the class was already here.
“Heyo!” A couple of others waved to me. I shyly waved back. I sat down and kept to myself. The last few showed up and stood in the door. A familiar yellow sleeping bag caught my attention. I rolled my eyes at his antics as the students at the door got spooked. I sighed and got up when he said we are going to do quirk testing.
“What about orientation?” I chuckled when Dad gave out an annoyed sigh. The day went on and I made a few friends. I stayed away from the loud, explosive blonde that had been the subject of the news a while back. The red head Kirishima was really nice and Yayorozo was pretty cool too. I groaned, rubbing the back of my neck as I waited in the classroom for my dad’s to finish.
“So how was your first day kiddo?” Papa came in the door with Dad in tow.
“Exhausting.” I said giving dad a look. He just shrugged. “But no one was expelled. So that was good. I am curious though. What made you not expel that Midoriya kid? Everyone thinks it was just a ploy to make everyone do their best but I know different. So what was that?”
“I saw potential in the kid. Nothing more. See how long he lasts.” He said. Papa and I shared a look.
“Uh huh. Sure.” I said. I got a side, stink eye. I laughed before Papa spoke up.
“So have you talked to Hitoshi today?” I looked at him before looking at the surface of my desk. I shook my head sighing. “What has gotten into that boy? You two barely go a day without talking.” I just shrugged, staring out the window.
The next couple of days passed the same. Hitoshi and I would go to school together, silently. I would wish him a good day and I would either get nod or a wave in response. He did not speak to me much out of necessity at home either. I sighed as I pushed around my breakfast on my plate. I looked up as Hitoshi washed his dishes.
“So how’s school been on you?”
“It’s only been two days.” He said blankly. I flinched. “But how was hero training on you?” He looked over his shoulder at me. “I heard a couple of guys in your class really got into it.”
“Ye-yeah. They did. Apparently they were childhood friends that’s turned into a rivalry or something. It really hyped the rest of us up for our turns.” I said. He hummed and turned back. I bit my lip. I went to say something else but he spoke again.
“Must be nice.” He set the dishes down hard in the drainer. I flinched again. He wiped off his hands and walked towards the front door. “I’m heading out first, see ya later, sis.”
“By…” The front door slammed. I sighed before scraping the remnants of my breakfast and washing my dishes and leaving. I walked to the train station and made it to school. Dad announced we were going to the USJ. The whole class was excited. The day was going to be great. At least that’s what we thought.
“Y/N.” I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up through my haze to see Papa. I had gotten hit pretty hard by some of the villains. Some were able to outsmart me and get around my shields. I was holding my side where I just knew I had a couple of broken ribs.
“Papa.” I whimpered as I tried to move.
“Don’t move too much.” He knelt down. He moved my hair and held my face, checking me over.
“Dad, he…” He shushed me. Someone called him and he looked over his shoulder. I felt myself getting more dizzy. I heard him speak with someone. I collapsed into his lap.
“Y/N!” I heard him yell before I blacked out. I woke up sometime later in Recovery Girl’s office. I groaned as I pushed myself up. I heard the curtain being pulled back.
“Oh good. You’re awake.” Papa said.
“Yes but what about Dad?” He smiled but sighed. He sat down on the edge of the bed.
“He’s holding. He’s beat up pretty bad but he’s strong. You know that.” He brushed hair out of my face. “You dad will be okay.” I nodded. Recovery Girl cleared me and we went home. We walked in the door and Hitoshi shot up from the couch.
“Thank god your back.” He said in relief. I felt emotionally and physically drained so I just walked past him to my room, giving him a small ‘yeah’. “Y/N…” I walked into my room, let my bag drop, and carefully changed clothes before climbing into bed. I heard my door open. “Y/N.”
“I’m fine, Hitoshi.” He heard him pause before he moved forward. I felt him place a hand on my shoulder.
“Are you sure? I mean, you went up against a whole fleet of villains. Real villains. Normally, hero students wouldn’t even see that until…”
“I know. Wouldn’t see that until further into the course. I know Hitoshi.” I sat up. I looked at him. I could see worry laced in his eyes. “I’m fine. I mean I gotta get used to this right? The bad guys, the danger…” I looked down at my hands. “You’re more cut out for this than I am.”
“Y/N…you are cut out for this. I believe in you.” He said grabbing my hand. I looked at it before up at him.
“You have a funny way of showing it, Hitoshi.” I deadpanned before pulling my hand from his and turning over with my back to him. I could almost feel the surprise rolling off of him. “Goodnight, Hitoshi.”
“I, um, goodnight.” He left my room without another word.
@spicy-therapist-mom @dxnaii-rxse
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graykageyama ¡ 4 years ago
do you get déjà vu, when I’m with you?
SYNOPSIS: you’re the new girl in his life, but he treats you the way he treated his ex. does he remember his ex when he’s with you?
PAIRING: Kuroo x Reader
GENRE(S): angst to fluff
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Waiting outside the building, you decided to check the notifications from the recent post you had posted: pictures from your anniversary date with Kuroo. But when you opened the application, your eyes focus on a shared post from your boyfriend’s ex. It is a memory from 2 years ago where your boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend had reshared into the feed. Your finger hovers over the screen as you contemplated checking out the comments of the previous post, but curiosity got the better of you.
“Really thought you guys were a match made in heaven.”
“Look how happy he is around you! Ughhh he was such a lucky dude!”
“Omg!! He can’t keep his eyes off you”
“Girl you better keep him wrapped on your finger, çause he’s a keeper!”
“I hope my future boyfriend would stare at me the way he does to you”
The first photo looks basic enough, a typical couple’s photo in a photo booth with your boyfriend’s arm wrapped around hers as she gave her brightest smile while holding a peace sign. But your tedious eyes scanned through the second photo as you took in how your boyfriend lovingly stared at his ex’s side profile, possibly thinking how lucky he is to have such a gorgeous girl standing right beside him. His ex standing underneath his secured hold over her shoulders as she closed her eyes, and poked her tongue out in a childish manner. The third photo once again showed her boyfriend staring at his ex, but with closer distance than it did. His half-lidded eyes matched his soft smile as he leaned closer to his ex’s cheek. The girl, oblivious to her then-boyfriend’s antics, made another childish expression of rolling her eyes while pouting her lips to a duck face expression. But the fourth photo caps off how sweet and romantic this couple could be. With your boyfriend pressing his lips to his ex’s cheeks, nothing could compare to how adorable it looked as it matched his ex’s surprised expression.
The original caption, as corny it may be, brings a slight tinge in your heart.
“I’m yours always, my downtown man. My rooster face.”
Your breath hitches as you notice how familiar the photo’s background and layout are. It did not help when the new caption of the shared post stated, “Brought an ex here at Tempo, and he loved it. 10/10 would still recommend!”   You suddenly remember your first-anniversary date with him.
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“Come on, kitten. We’re gonna be late for our reservation.” Your boyfriend called out to you from the living room. “It’s already a quarter to 7 o’clock.”
“Alright, I’m coming!” You shut the bedroom door as you walked down the hallway. “Oh, wait I forgot my purse. One second!” You rushed to the table to grab your things, while failing to notice the loving stare from your boyfriend. As you approached him, you saw the corners of his lips quirk up and his eyes shifting to a teasing look. “So that’s why it took you ages to dress up. You look stunning, kitten.” Kuroo reached out to put his arm over your shoulder as he placed a chaste kiss on your temple. 
“Oh, shut up. And you say that you already fixed your hair.” You giggled as you both stepped out of your apartment. You shivered when the cold wind hit your exposed skin. Kuroo notices this as he takes off his coat, and puts it over your shoulders. He’s such a gentleman, I’m so lucky to have him, you thought. His coat hugs your frame as it reaches your knees. 
 He opened your car door and motioned you to get in. “But you look amazing too, love. Any chicken would fall in love with you too,” you chuckled, proud of your little teases. His eyes furrowed as he closes the door, but smiles as he walks over to his side. 
“HAAA, you say that but we all know you love this rooster face.” He replied in a childish tone, as he pouted. 
You looked over to him, and smiled. “Yeah, unfortunately, I do. A rooster face stole my heart.” 
“By the way, you look so cute wearing my clothes, kitten,” he chuckled. He started the engine and drove to the restaurant. 
You both arrived in a vintage-themed restaurant named Tempo. It was beautiful. It felt like you really were thrown back to the 1900s. It was an Italian restaurant, and you knew that they served the amazing pasta here. You both enjoyed your time together during dinner as Kuroo’s eyes briefly looked over to where a vintage-style photo booth was located. He looked at you with a smile, “You wanna give it a try?” You nodded as he led you to the booth. 
He chose to have 2 sets of photos, one for each other to keep. With both of your fun and teasing personalities, it was honestly chaotic. 
You tackled him with your arm over his shoulders as you both gave your widest smiles. 
Another photo as he pinched your face to a duck face as you placed a peace sign over his head. 
One where you both jokingly glared at each other. 
And ending the first round with both of your side profiles pressed against the side of the other, faces squished together.
You glanced at him briefly before the second round of photos began, and you noticed Kuroo’s playful and evil glance. The countdown began… 3...2...1… when you suddenly felt fingers at your side, tickling you mercilessly which sent you to fit of laughter. *click* You turned to grip the cheeks of your boyfriend as you forced him to stare at your “I’m not pleased at you” look. *click* But your boyfriend was not afraid to the slightest, rather he placed his hand to your chin and stared lovingly to your eyes. *click* You felt him leaned closer and pulled your face towards him as he placed a soft kiss against your lips. *click* You heard the photo booth processing both photos as you playfully slapped his arm, “you’re so mean, I must have looked awful.” He grabbed the photo strips, and immediately handed you one. “Here’s yours, let me keep this one please?” He gave you the first photostrip. 
“Hmph fineee, but may I please see the other one? I probably look like a fool.” You sighed as you rubbed your temples. 
“Nahhh. You might get mad and tear it up, kitten. Won’t risk it.” He teased and winked at you as he placed the photostrip iside his wallet. You pouted as he pinched your cheek. “Let’s go home, yeah?” You nodded as you both approached his car. 
The drive home was silent, but was interrupted when Billy Joel’s “Uptown Girl” played. Your eyes staring at the passing buildings as you belted out the verse. Before singing out the chorus,  Kuroo called your attention, “hey kitten.”. You looked over to him and raised your brow. With his left hand on the wheel, he grabbed your hands with the other and rubbed your knuckles. He looked over at you through the corners of his eyes and said, “ask me what I not trade for anything, like anything in this world.” 
You looked at him with questioning eyes, “umm, okay. What would you never want to trade for anything in this world, like even for 100 million bucks?” 
He smiled, “it would be the ability to make you smile. There is nothing more priceless than your smile and laughter, kitten.” Kuroo glanced at you for a moment as he continued to rub your knuckles. “ I will always choose you, now and every day of our future. Happy anniversary, kitten. I love you.” 
Your heart pounded as you squeezed his hands. “Happy anniversary, Rooster Face. I love you too.” 
Photo strips. Uptown Girl. Billy Joel. Romantic vintage restaurant. True gentleman. 
Today was amazing, Tetsu. Thank you for making me feel so special. 
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It isn’t the first time his ex did that though. She loves to reshare memories of them whenever you post a sweet moment of you together. 
When Kuroo gave you your favorite flowers, hand-picked tulips, his ex would post the 2 dozen bouquet of roses Kuroo had given her.
When Kuroo brought you out to stargaze with him at the park, his ex posted a photo of them having a picnic together at the park. 
When you and Kuroo posted a funny selfie, fries sticking out your upper lip which made you both look like elephants, his ex posted a status update, “Looks like my joke made you laugh, too.” 
You continue to think over the times she did it. Were you really just Kuroo’s rebound? Was he doing these things because it reminded him of her? Was he really reusing his old moves on her to me?
Your thoughts are cut off as you glanced over to who called you. “Hey, kitten. I’m sorry for making you wait. Let’s go home?” You reply with a nod as Kuroo hugs and leads you to his car. The drive home is quiet, but it is not the usual comfortable silence you both shared. You feel uneasy, and Kuroo could feel it - taking a mental note to ask you later about it. 
Both of you arrived home, with you still ignoring him. It’s not like you choose to ignore him, you are just really not in the best mood to face him. You changed into your loungewear, then went to the kitchen to prepare some dinner for the both of you. Kuroo took a shower, and then you both had dinner together after. She’s really lost in her thoughts. Kuroo thought. After washing up the dishes, Kuroo grabbed your hand. 
“Hey, kitten. You seem off today. What happened?” You looked away as you replied, “I’m fine, Tetsu.” 
“You really think I’d believe you? Come on, kitten. I promised you I’d make you smile everyday for me.” He gives you a nudge, but gets no response. “You know you can also tease me, kitten. If it makes you feel better, go call me your rooster face.”
With a sharp intake of breath, you said. “Do you get déjà vu, when I’m with you?”
Kuroo, shocked by your words, replies, “wait, what? What do you mean, kitten? Deja vu from what?” 
“When you took me to the restaurant on our first-anniversary date, who introduced that to you? Why do you like photo booths so much?” Your eyes pierces Kuroo’s as you question him. “ Why do you take me out to the places you’ve been with her? Why do you keep on blasting Uptown Girl when we’re together?  Why did you bring me to the park when you went there already with her? Why did you bring me to a place she introduced you to on our anniversary date? Why do you treat me so much like the way you treated her?” You rocked yourself from side to side as you hugged your frame. “I thought it was special you know? I thought I was special, and that only we had those moments. I thought it was our thing.” You grip your shirt as you look down on your knees. “I feel so reused. When we do those things, does it remind you of her? Is that why you’re treating me that way too?”
“No, what? Why are you suddenly comparing yourself to E/N? What’s wrong? She’s an ex Y/N, there’s nothing to compare between you and --” 
“I’m jealous, okay? I’m so scared that you only dated me since we’re both so similar. Rhyming names, we almost look alike to be honest, but she’s prettier than me! I saw how she keeps on trying to reach out to you..” 
“There’s nothing to be jealous of, Y/N. I’m even igno---”
“Do you miss her?” 
Kuroo shakes his head as he tries to reach for you. You eventually gave in to the comfort of his chest as he hugs you tightly, rubbing the back of your head as he spoke. “Yes it’s true. I did take you to the same place where E/N had introduced me to. Yes, it’s also true that we loved listening to Billy Joel. Yes, it’s also true that I treat you the way I have treated her before. But no, it is not because I miss her. I don’t love her anymore, I don’t even see her as a friend nor do I care about her anymore. I broke up with her because I don’t see her as someone I would still want to be with in the future. I knew to myself that I will not be choosing her everyday for the rest of my life. ” He paused as he took a deep breath. You felt him hug you tighter.
“I think E/N made me a better man for you. Based  on my experience, I continue to do these small antics for you because I know it’s what you deserve. If I did not have E/N as my girlfriend before, I don’t think I would be treating you the way you deserved to be treated. Heck, I had no idea how to be a proper boyfriend for you. ” Kuroo broke the hug as he cupped your face in his hands. He wiped away your tears as he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. “And no, I do not see her when I look at you. I see someone so much more who deserves more than what I can offer, but I won’t be the guy who gives up on his girl just because he knows his girl deserves better. I want to become the better guy for you.” 
One hand gripped your waist as the other cups your face, forcing you to look at him. “About my decisions on taking you to these places, let me explain myself. I knew you loved to watch the stars in the mountains, and name out the constellations - even though I probably did not understand half of what you were saying.” Both of you giggled. “I chose to bring you to the park since I know it was the best place to stargaze and honestly it was the only spot in the city which can pass as a hill to be honest. City have no damn tress around, you know?” You laughed at his attempt to make you smile. “It’s true that I gave E/N 2 dozens of roses but I chose to give you your favorite flowers, tulips. But I haven’t told you how I got them for you. Ever since the day you told me it was your favorite, I planted some and took care of it as it grew. And to add to that, my dear kitten, I’m growing another batch soon so that I can see your beautiful smile once again when you receive them.” He smiles as he pinches your nose. “And for the anniversary dinner, I know you loved Italian, kitten. Your eyes literally sparkled when the food came. I also knew that you were a sucker for old-style photography, which is why I thought you would love to keep a photostrip for ourselves too” 
“You looked like you were head over heels for her in your photo though.” You pouted as you showed him the post. Kuroo’s eyes furrowed, but he took out his wallet and showed you the photostrip he had kept. “Tell me, kitten, which photo do I look the happiest in?” Staring at the set of photos, you blush at the photo of you being kissed by your boyfriend, and you can’t help but admire how candid it all looked. 
“What about the elephant joke? The one with the fries? She said she was the one who came up with it.” 
“HAAAAA? How dare she take credit from my joke? I was the one who made it! I used the trick to also serve as my vampire fangs when I was young. I can’t believe she would take credit for it.” He grumbled. 
You let out small sobs as you felt him hug you again and rested his head against your shoulder. “ I’m sorry I questioned your intentions Tetsu. I just got so fed up with her blowing up my feed with both of your memories every time I post a new one of ours.”
Kuroo looks at you, deadpanned. “You know, kitten, there is a thing called blocking someone right? You’re just too nice, and it won’t benefit you at all if you keep on seeing her posts if it bothers you. And it’s not good for us to be concerned about our past relationships.” He grabs your hands and places it on his lips as he gives it a sweet kiss. “But even though you should not be jealous of her, and you have nothing to be jealous about, I will not get tired reassuring you that you are the only one for me. Although it may look like I'm bringing you to places where we had been to, trust me, that I was thinking about you all the time. I always considered what you would love best, kitten. As promised, I will always choose to make you smile everyday.”  He places another tender kiss on your lips. He asks as he shifts your hair away from your face, “Why don’t I make it up to you? Do you want to go on a  date with me to the zoo next weekend?” Teasing, he adds,” I promise that I didn’t bring E/N there. ”
You laugh as you give an excited nod. Diving into his chest to give him a bear-crushing hug, you said. “Thank you Tetsu, for making me feel so special.”
“You deserve it kitten ‘cause you are my special girl. And the only one I would want to make memories with. I’ll always choose you.” 
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A/N: I got really inspired with Olivia’s new song, but I really wanted to know how the new girl would feel. It sucks to be replaced but I also think it would suck to know you’re just the rebound or your partner only loves you because you remind them so much of their ex. 
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