#it's definitely soon enough that i should start Planning o_o
chrismcshell · 2 years
coworkers arent answering my emails so im gonna look at other jobs on the clock
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Holy fuckin shit thank you so much! I’m so glad you like it (and caught the hints I threw in there when it came to Ale‘s true form) like i was legit blushing and giggling u can’t imagine
Your approval means a lot to me and I‘m absolutely loving the headcanons you and @instantpartykidrascal came up with! Those are bangers and had me cackling, especially the part about the shadows definitely thinking Graves fucks his car. bc he does
At what point does a crack au turn into a proper au? We should tread carefully O_o
Well, now we come hehe to the fun part. I‘ve never written robot smut before, so like, it could definitely be improved upon, but it exists and you will have to suffer through it lmao this picks up right after the first part, but i plan on posting all of it on ao3 if it’s more comfortable to read in one go fyi
Pls, enjoy this definitely not seriously treated crack!
Alejandro laughed, and Phillip was sure this was Alejandro, with the metallic sound and similar body language and the fire in his gaze that seemed to burn him from the inside out. "Not what you expected?" He didn’t know an answer to that, the other’s voice sounding so much richer like this. Phillip opened and closed his mouth, running his hand through his hair. His skin felt hot- was he blushing?! Why was he blushing? The alien, the car, had his car always been Alejandro? With the quiet whirr of a well-oiled machine, Alejandro moved closer, his face now inches away from the still speechless human. "Are you alright?" He sounded genuinely concerned and Phillip nodded quickly, not wanting him to worry.
"Yea, yeah uh, it’s just a bit… unexpected, y‘know. You being a car robot machine alien and all…" For fuck‘s sake, he sounded pathetic stuttering like that. He crossed his arms, but still couldn’t help the fidgeting once it started, his fingers drumming on his bicep, shifting his weight without actually removing himself from Alejandro’s orbit.
Cold metal touched his arm, effectively stilling his movement as his eyes jumped to look at the alien’s face and his heart skipped a beat. Shit. "I know it’s a lot to adjust to. Your heartbeat is quite irregular. Am I scaring you? Do you want me to leave?" If only he knew why Phillip‘s heart actually started its rampage, he‘d probably find it incredibly amusing.
Now that he thought about it, there wasn’t a reason not to tell him. He knew himself well enough to know this wouldn’t leave his mind anytime soon and being alone would make it way worse. "Please stay, I‘m just trying to not jump your bones right now."
Alejandro blinked a few times before sounding teasing when he responded. "I don’t have bones if that wasn’t obvious." Phillip groaned in annoyance.
"You know what I mean. Stop trying to distract me!" The alien chuckled and he felt his face grow even warmer at that. Watching Alejandro’s gears shift as he raised his hand to gently place it on his shoulder, he had to desperately hold himself back to not lean into it. He didn’t want to make the other uncomfortable, but seeing the restrained power with which he moved made Phillip‘s imagination go into overdrive. Just thinking about the strength with which he could ruin him made him realize a far bigger problem. Was it possible? It was pretty clear Alejandro was closer to a machine than an organism, but then again, he was able to change his appearance, able to change shape. What was stopping from taking a more… favorable shape?
"Phillip? Are you listening?" Oh no, no he wasn’t. Had the other been talking this whole time? What if he‘d said something important and Phillip hadn’t heard any of it because he was too lost in thought contemplating the technicalities of fucking the alien. Oh god, that was humiliating. He buried his face in his hands.
"I‘m sorry, you were saying?" The other‘s grip moved slowly, touching his neck. The metal felt so cool against his heated skin, it was such a relief. No, he should focus! Just then he heard Alejandro speak up again. There was a slight gravel to his voice, a rumbling quality usually only heard when he talked about a topic he had strong opinions on, when he was upset. Had Phillip upset him? Should he apologize a second time?
"You’re doing it again. Calm down, it feels like you are burning up." The human stopped himself from making a raunchy joke about that, but only just. Alejandro must’ve read his thoughts on his face though, as he grinned and winked before growing serious again. "Be honest, do you actually want this?"
Phillip had never nodded so fast in his life. Embarrassed, he slowed down and spoke up. "Yes, I want you. Please?" He wasn’t even sure what 'this' was, but he knew he wanted Alejandro, no matter if he was a handsome guy or giant robot. The thought hit him full speed. He was about to fuck a robot, or better yet, get fucked by one. Maybe he should ask, because in an amusing reversal of roles the alien seemed to have lost his speech. "So, how does this work?"
He really hoped the other knew the answer to that, because he didn’t. He had ideas, sure, but were they possible? Debatable. The whirring noise always present in the background since Alejandro had revealed himself got a bit louder before dying down again. "Hm, that is a good question. Would this work?" While voicing his question, his body seemed to shift. Despite the limited room in the garage, Phillip could watch very clearly as the other’s parts rearranged themselves to resemble something distinctly dick-shaped. Oh he would definitely need a lot of lube for that, but he could take it, even if it was the last thing he ever did.
Noticing his own staring, he quickly looked back into Alejandro’s eyes and grinned at him. He knew he must look a bit feral like this, pupils blown wide and heart rabbiting in his chest, but he couldn’t care less, especially when the fire in the other’s eyes seemed to burn brighter as well. "It‘ll do, I‘ll make sure of it. Just gotta go grab something real quick, yeah?"
He didn’t wait for an answer, eager to go grab lube from a secret stash he had just a few meters away in his hallway- for emergencies- and returned just a minute later back in the garage. As he stepped in, he got hit with the sheer size and mechanical beauty Alejandro was. Alejandro, who’s still slightly crouching, now staring directly at him with a tilt to his head. His gaze swept over Phillip’s body appreciatively. The human could feel himself blush again, as well as a heat start to pool in his stomach. It only took a few quick steps to reach the other again and he triumphantly held up the spoils of his arduous journey for him to inspect.
"Lubricant? Were you expecting this?" Alejandro sounded amused, chuckling when Phillip blushed even harder while shaking his head in denial. He hadn’t expected it, but god, he had hoped.
It was easy work getting rid of his clothing, Alejandro helping as much as he could, but still so very careful as to not hurt the human. He ended up in his lap. The alien slowly ran his hands across the other’s skin, his touch light. Phillip leaned into him, technically knowing he should expect the coolness of the metal, but still flinching lightly. He didn’t let it deter him, though and soon it was slowly warming up. It seemed to actually warm up from inside of the alien and Phillip felt powerful knowing he‘d been the one to cause such a reaction.
The more Alejandro touched Phillip, the more desperate he grew. Deciding he‘d had enough, he leaned away a bit, grabbing the lube and squeezing some of it onto his fingers. He was sure Alejandro could‘ve helped, but he wanted it to go as quickly as possible, so he settled for fingering himself open thoroughly while the other massaged his hips, whispering encouragements into his ear.
Once he deemed himself ready, he raised his gaze up at Alejandro, not having noticed he’d closed his eyes. He positioned himself, holding onto the other’s shoulder for stability, and chanced a glance downwards. Even looking at the large metal dick just inches away from where he wanted it had him biting his lip, trying not to whine. "Are you really sure?" Phillip looked back up at the other again. He knew Alejandro asked because he cared, but he was growing impatient. Leaning his forehead against the alien‘s, he tried to sound less breathless than he actually was.
"If I don’t get you inside me right now, I swear I‘ll loose my mind." He would’ve called what Alejandro did 'choking on his own spit' if he‘d been human, but in this case some of the alien‘s moving parts seemed to stutter before the quiet mechanical whirring that had become part of the background noise picked up in volume. Phillip grinned and slowly lowered himself.
He felt so full, it was ridiculous. The unforgiving metal inside of him wasn’t as cold as most other parts. He took deep breaths, slowly adjusting to the feeling of it filling him in every way possible. It felt like heaven. "Are you good?" He hummed and nodded, still adjusting.
Alejandro moved and Phillip almost screamed in ecstasy as he felt the vibrations of the machinery shoot through him, inside of him. He buried his face in the other’s chest, uncaring of its hardness, just seeking to be as close as possible.
"Move, please please please, move!" The alien answered by following his request. He desperately scrambled to hold onto Alejandro, any part of him, as the force of the thrusts felt like they shook his whole body. Any semblance of thought fled his mind, the only things he was able to concentrate on were Alejandro and the way his dick hit his prostate every single time. He soon came, screaming the other’s name.
It took a moment for him to recover any coherent thought. Distantly, he noted the slightly dried teartracks on his face and his own cum splattered all over the metal plates of Alejandro’s stomach. "Hm, sorry 'bout tha'." His speech was slurred, but luckily Alejandro understood him.
"It’s quite alright, I enjoyed myself. It’s good to know you did, too." Phillip couldn’t help but giggle.
"I very much did, holy fuck." They sat there together for another moment before he grew uncomfortable and stood up with Alejandro‘s help, wincing at how empty he felt. They cleaned up and Phillip threw on his shirt and boxers from before again, too lazy to get something new to wear.
Sitting together, the human on Alejandro’s lap with some of the couch‘s cushions for comfort, Phillip lazily traced the other’s visible circuits with his eyes. They talked a lot and cuddled as much as was possible with one party made of metal, swapping stories. Especially since Phillip now knew what Alejandro actually looked like, a lot of things he‘d told him made way more sense and he almost slapped himself for his obliviousness.
One thought had him pausing mid-sentence. "Wait, you were my car. Does that mean technically I‘ve been inside you before?" Alejandro froze immediately. Phillip would bet his entire life savings if cybertronians could blush, he definitely would be. When he stayed silent, the human started laughing; ignoring the other’s annoyed stare, he gave his cheek a quick peck as an apology, still grinning. Soon they settled for the night together, content as they could be.
uh um um uhh fhjadjakjd ily 👉👈 you're very sweet thank you 🥺
also like i think let's be real here. at this point the crack au already turned into a proper au and we need to embrace that. no turning back
that said,
i love how alejandro is concerned that graves is scared/gonna kick him out/etc and meanwhile graves is literally the one lagging and overheating about to die from how horny he is rn
secret stash for emergencies huh. alejandro has every right to tease him about it. thank you for a healthy dose of alien robot smut this is just what the world needed. healed my heart
and the way they're soft and cuddly afterwards and share stories and stuff im 💙😩
ngl i was thinking about the "ur the car so I've been inside you already" joke before as well so me and graves share the same braincell on this one. i would totally say that too. go off. make your alien boyfriend flustered. i love that he managed to pull it off more than once. alejandro was not prepared for his levels of fucked up
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Walking Space Heater
Word Count: 2700+ (oneshot) 
Genre: Fluff/Hurt/Comfort
Characters: Cinder Fall, Neopolitan, Emerald Sustrai, Mercury Black
Pairing: Cinder Fall/Neopolitan
Summary: Written (late) for Day 4 of @spice-cream-week 2021, “There Was Only One Bed.”
With the heat of both her Semblance and the Maiden powers, Cinder's body is much warmer than the average person's. So long as she's still by her side, Neo intends to take full advantage of that.
This is definitely a step down from the Haven dorms. Neo’s thumbs moved lightning-fast over the keyboard of her Scroll. Don’t they have ANY concept of personal space here? 
She could say something about Roman’s excessive use of emojis. But looking at his messages, she could hear his laughter clearly in her head, and she had no problem with that.
wtm? you got stuck with a shitty roommate? I’ll come and get her for you idgaf
That elicited the breathy noises that were the closest Neo got to laughter. Truthfully, she probably wouldn’t have minded sharing a room much in and of itself. It might even have been fun to mess with Emerald and Mercury in their own space. 
But no, she’d ended up with the only one that made the hair on the back of her neck stand up.
Cinder Fall was calm, collected, and incredibly competent. Neo didn’t necessarily dislike her. She thought that they got along fairly well, in fact. But that didn’t mean that she trusted her.
Roman was content to stay in the dark about what exactly her ultimate design was beyond Beacon’s destruction, having already accepted the fact that they would be overwhelmed by it. It still gnawed at Neo, though. Thus far her only clues had been the couple private calls that Cinder had taken, and the way Haven’s headmaster cringed like a kicked puppy whenever he caught sight of her. 
Sure, the man was jumpy enough in general, but Cinder — or, more accurately, whatever force had moved Cinder to the Academies — made him cower. Even Neo’s most devilish smile couldn’t do that.
She’s...not bad. She definitely likes me more than she likes you.
Now, did that really require five laughing emojis after I can live with that lol?
Neo’s thumb hovered over the screen. For the first time in several minutes, she glanced up from where she was curled up tightly on the covers of her bed. 
Cinder was perfectly at ease on her own bed, leaning back against a stack of pillows with her Scroll open in front of her face. Still rifling through the records of all the Academy students, no doubt. Casting her great and bloody show, for which every little thing had to be perfect. It wasn’t enough that she was sending Emerald and Mercury out to run recon and collect as many relevant details about their players as possible. No, she had to study up herself for hours on end.
Neo was willing to play her own part, but it all seemed very boring to her. Certainly her interim leader could use a break. She returned her attention for one moment more to her Scroll:
I think she would be fun to play with.
Ignoring the several question marks sent in reply, Neo pocketed her Scroll and slipped off her bed. Moving soundlessly was one of the first skills she had ever had to master, and she still considered it her most important. 
Cinder was still too engrossed in her research to notice as she crept across the carpet and climbed onto the other bed. Or maybe she just didn’t care enough to acknowledge her. She certainly didn’t look surprised when Neo’s head poked through the hole between her arms and her Scroll.
“Oh,” she said, smirking, in a tone that she might use with a stray cat that had come up to her in the street. “Hello there. Looking for some entertainment?”
Neo gave her her best strawberry-ice-cream smile, and scooted closer. From the meager rations of physical contact she meted out to Emerald, she wasn’t sure how much Cinder liked being touched, so she proceeded with care, little by little. It seemed to be acceptable: she stayed very still, but allowed Neo to settle down on her chest, resting her head against her shoulder.
“Or are you just lonely?”
Neo hummed thoughtfully, letting herself relax: not all the way, but just enough. This was nicer than she had expected, she had to admit. Cinder was dressed like she had been in the first round of the Vytal Festival: sleeveless jacket, long pants, and sarashi. Neo’s cheek rested mostly on bare skin, and though of course she had seen Cinder’s Semblance before (as well as the flames that didn’t quite seem to fit with it), it was much warmer than she had thought it would feel. Softer, too, with the scents of wood smoke and spicy perfume clinging to it.
Neo rolled lazily over onto her back, looking up at Cinder’s Scroll to see what she had been so busy scrutinizing. Hm. Several pictures of that Mistrali girl from the cereal commercials, accompanied by a passage about her Semblance which had been highlighted in a few places. There was one more tab open with an acronym on it, but that was it. 
Nothing that could tell Neo anything about their situation that she hadn’t already guessed at. And what was more, absolutely nothing that could be more interesting to her temporary partner than her.
Clearly, Cinder could use a lesson on how to properly spend an evening. Dastardly planning, which seemed to be her only form of recreation, just wasn’t going to cut it. 
So Neo helpfully reached up, laid her hands over Cinder’s, and pushed the Scroll shut for her. She put her pointer finger to the outside of her nose; her new teammates might not be picking up Valerian Sign Language particularly well, but she hoped the long, exaggerated twist away from her face coupled with a dramatic sigh got the message across equally well: Cinder, I am bored to tears.
Cinder tilted her head, puzzled but smiling. She slipped her Scroll into her pocket and wrapped an arm around Neo’s waist. 
“Well, in that case, I’d be happy to give you some attention.”
Neo made as pleased a sound as she could muster up, and snuggled up to Cinder, as close as she could get. It might have been dark and cool outside, but she felt as if she were napping on a sunbeam. Rolling over to lay her head on Cinder’s chest, she could imagine that there was a powerfully burning fire inside it in place of a beating heart, whose heat was palpable, just beneath the skin. 
She tried to look more sweetly smug than actually impressed, but gods, she had never felt anything like this. 
Cinder held her tightly in both arms now, fingertips scratching lightly between her shoulder blades, and Neo nearly purred. Years of pulling back bowstrings had turned those arms wiry and oh so strong. All at once, she completely understood why Emerald was always trying to earn one of these rare hugs.
And speaking of which...
Neo wasn’t sure how long she spent in the lap of luxury, only that she felt like she might actually fall asleep in it, as toasty warm as it was. Cinder had switched from rubbing her back to stroking and playing with her hair, which, in her experience with other people, was a welcome first. But she was jolted back to full awareness when their dorm room door slammed angrily open.
Blinking, Neo lifted her head. She caught the lingering scents of jungle juice and sweat incoming, before she saw Emerald stalking inside, barely hanging onto her last scrap of patience. Mercury stumbled in after her, wearing a huge grin and mirrored shades that Neo was fairly certain did not belong to him.
Cinder smirked. “I was wondering when you two would be back. How did it go?”
Emerald forced a halfway convincing smile for her leader. “It was...interesting. Though not quite as informative as I was h—”
The smile froze on her face when she turned to look directly at Cinder, and saw Neo lounging in her lap like a spoiled cat. 
Neo smirked, and signed, Party fun? With the reputation Vytal Festival house parties had, hopefully Emerald had gotten some attention as well.
“Oh, it was great!” Mercury shrugged off his jacket and pitched it into his and Emerald’s room, littering their carpet with brownie crumbs. “We saw a lot of everybody, didn’t we, Emmy?”
While Emerald tried to take a cue from Cinder and set him on fire with her eyes, Cinder herself just closed her Scroll with a soft laugh. 
“Well, you can tell us all about it in the morning. We should all get some rest now.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“You got it, boss...”
Neo watched them slink into their room, where muffled bickering started up as soon as the door closed, but did not move until she felt a gentle pat on her thigh. 
“You too, dear. Go on.”
Though she made a show of huffing about it, Neo got up off Cinder’s bed and went back across the room. 
Her own bed felt cold and uninviting now. Catching up on the several missed texts from Roman (including but not limited to what do you mean by that lmao, hey Neo dont leave me out of the loop :), Neo tf are you doing to her O_o, NEO) did make her smile, but as she drifted off to sleep, she couldn’t help but wish that she didn’t have to return to being alone just yet.
This was not at all the solution to that problem that she had envisioned, but Neo knew very well how to deal with whatever life threw at her.
She had never been to Atlas, and while she had to roll her eyes at its decadence, she couldn’t say she hated the place. Cinder, on the other hand, never answered outright when Neo tried to ask if she had ever been here before, but every bitter hiss from her about Atlas elites that had not been asked for gave her a general idea. It had taken them a while to find a vacant apartment to squat in, especially considering that there was an entire chunk of the city that Cinder refused to even go near. 
But now here they were, and it was empty around them and quiet outside. The blackout curtains shielded them from the city lights. In pitch darkness the two of them were curled up together in the place’s one bed.
Cinder had initially balked at the idea of sharing it, insisting that Neo take an extra blanket and find somewhere else to curl up. So barky with her orders these days, and so on edge, too. Neo was beginning to wonder how she had ever thought of this woman as calm and collected.
In any case, she didn’t see what her once-again partner’s problem was. She had invited Neo into her bed with her before, hadn’t she? Maybe not to sleep, but still. And she was far from squeamish; she wouldn’t make a fuss about the scarring and empty eye socket on full display. As such, she ignored the demand, and simply undressed, got under the covers, and gestured for Cinder to join her. 
After some indignant spluttering, Cinder threw up her hands and stormed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her. She didn’t come out until Neo had turned the lights off and laid there long enough that she might reasonably have fallen asleep. Even then, she slipped in quietly, gingerly, and stuck close to the edge of the bed. 
Now, that just would not do. Atlas was much too cold for that kind of nonsense. 
Neo rolled over under the blankets, feeling just as bold as last time, but exercising even more care, Cinder being so volatile lately. She went out of her way to be heard, so it wouldn’t startle Cinder to be touched. She knew her bedmate was awake: though she lay very still, her breathing was nowhere near relaxed enough for her to be asleep. 
Cinder didn’t jump when she felt Neo wrap her arms around her waist, but she did go still as a statue.
“Neo,” she growled, low in her throat, “what are you doing? I’m not in the mood for—”
Neo nuzzled her bare shoulder in a way she hoped was reassuring, as she pressed up against her back. Fortunately for her, Cinder’s new arm was tightly bandaged up for the night, so she didn’t have to risk touching the awful thing. Only human skin, just as fiery warm as before. Even the wood smoke smell remained. 
As had happened so often since the Fall of Beacon, Neo caught herself writing a text to Roman in her head, wryly telling him that he was right, she shouldn’t have thought so hard about where Cinder’s flames came from, because she would never in a million years have hit on the right answer.
She gave her head a shake, and resisted the urge to glance back at the bowler hat perched neatly on a bedpost. If she started thinking too hard about that, she would never get to sleep either. There would be time, when the sun came up, to consider some more whether the woman in her arms was the key to her revenge, or its target all along. 
Right now, the darkness was peaceful and the blankets thick and soft around them, and the heat of their bodies grew more soporific every moment. Comfort was a rarity in both of their lives. They ought to savor it whenever it came their way. 
Cinder let out a long, exasperated huff, clearly not sharing the opinion. 
“Couldn’t you just hug a pillow?” she grumbled. But there was no bite in her voice. 
Neo smiled against her skin, entwining her legs with Cinder’s. Now, she would have said, were her hands not occupied, where would be the fun in that?
“...Fine. Just don’t think you’re going to make this a regular thing.”
Oh, she absolutely was, so long as they were staying in the coldest part of the world and she was in the company of a walking space heater. 
As such, Neo ignored the question and snuggled closer. She was trying her best to communicate “calm down and go to sleep” through body language alone, so to feel Cinder slowly but surely relaxing in her arms, eventually going limp, was deeply gratifying. Almost fascinating.
From nights spent in the Beacon dorm room and Mistrali inns, Neo already knew that Cinder talked in her sleep. Most of what she said was sluggish and toneless as well as nonsensical, but sometimes it was a series of fierce snaps or pained moans. It came as no surprise to Neo that when, just as she was starting to doze off herself, she was woken back up by her partner’s twitching and yelping. 
“No...don’t take...I’m...!”
Neo sighed drowsily, and tightened her embrace, humming as soothingly as she could. Her inability to speak never really bothered her, but there were times like this when it didn’t exactly help her, either. At least she could keep Cinder from thrashing around and hurting one of them: if that arm decided to act up while its host was in distress, she had zero faith in the bandages to hold those claws back.
It’s okay, she thought, hoping that somehow it would get across, just relax, you’re all right...
Nightmares never lasted forever. Neo had woken with her stomach still in free fall from enough dreams of plummeting wildly through a Grimm-infested sky to know that. Still, she hoped that her attempts at calming had helped this one pass quickly. Cinder’s mumbling devolved into moans, then to frantic whimpers, then finally to something close to the restful breathing that Neo had almost fallen asleep to before.
Neo took a deep breath of her own. She was too tired to smile, but leaned in to press a kiss to the back of Cinder’s neck, the ends of her short hair tickling her nose. To her surprise, she felt a burn scar here, too: thin and faded, but winding around her neck like garrote wire. Somehow she didn't think that Ruby had done this. But she certainly wasn't going to ask who had. They weren't going to discuss any part of this in the morning.
So she kissed her neck once more, soft and just a bit more sincere, before closing her eyes again.
Good night.
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neokad · 4 years
The Legend of Zelda - The Wind Waker! (HD Turbo Championship Edition)
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Hi everybody!
As I plan to revisit many Zelda games I haven't played in years (or at all!) in the upcoming months, I finished what used to be one of the most controversial titles in the series for the second time, and the first in four years! And to my shock considering what I've heard about this adventure over time, I fell in love with it all over again 💗
I'd actually like to start this humble review with this analogy: What surprised me the most while replaying this game, is how its overall structure and world are. I feel like the best way to describe this game is like this: A perfectly balanced mix - as all things should be - between a classic Zelda quest, and the much more revolutionary Breath of the Wild. Now, I gotta say, it may be strange to some people to compare an older title to a newer one to describe it, but I promise it'll at least somewhat make sense at the end of this review... I hope O_O
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But hey, we might as well review the plot early as usual! Well, there honestly isn't a lot to this story as usual for most Zelda games, but it is pretty solid regardless. Basically, as the ambient intro of the game teaches you, the ancient land of Hyrule got flooded by the gods, as Ganondorf tried to conquer the land with no Hero opposing him. And ever since that event, the world has been flooded with the Great Sea, only leaving many small islands and some people behind to rebuild the world. And so, many years after this happened, we find this game’s Link on his 12th birthday, wearing the “Hero of Time’’s clothes for the occasion as a longheld tradition. BUT, as this supposed happy day happens, his sister Aryll gets kidnapped by a giant flying bird to the Forsaken Fortress - as many other young girls. Naturally, Link tries to go save her with the help of Tetra - another young girl that escaped captivity thanks to her crew of pirates. With the help of her companions and their ship, Link sets out for the fortress, but as he is clearly underpowered, he gets demolished there by none other than Ganondorf, and washes up ashore, unconscious on Windfall Island, greeted by... a talking red boat! And this same boat tells him he must collect the Three Pearls of the Gods in order to gain access to the Master Sword, to finally save the kidnapped girls! This is not the whole plot of course, as I’m hiding some actual plot twists from you, the reader, buuuut I will say that while it’s not the most developed tale out there, it’s well done! But I feel like what drives this the most is certainly the art style and the characters themselves. See, I firmly believe this game has the best Link in the ENTIRE SERIES, no questions asked! He’s expressive, funny, endearing and he just looks so dang adorable! Part of his charm is definitively thanks to the situations he’s put in, but I think it’s mostly because of the game’s artstyle. IT’S BEAUTIFUL
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Yes, granted, it’s not nearly as detailed as many games you’ve probably played, but the cartoony style they chose for Wind Waker really makes the locales pop out, and made the slapstick in the game that much more endearing! Plus, some of those shots just look, well, breathtaking really.
Speaking of character expressions and slapstick, I also believe Wind Waker possesses a very memorable set of NPCs as well! Be it the employee in the battleship game with his twofaced personality, or anyone involved in the many sidequests all over the islands, I’ve built lots of memories just traveling all around the sea, reading and delivering letters, just to get to know those people more! And it turned out that a good chunk of them gave me a good time!
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Well, let’s talk about those travels, shall we? Wind Waker got (in?)famous over the years for having sailing. Lots of it. And especially in the original Gamecube version, it made travelling slow and boring to some as a result. Basically, you needed to constantly change the direction of the wind in order to travel as quickly as you could. Suffice to say, switching the wind’s directions this often got irksome pretty quickly : P Thankfully, the HD port on the Wii U does give you an optional Fast Sail in a side quest! As early as the second island in the game! Which means that those who found the sailing unbearable in the original will have a better experience ^^ But regardless, there’s a lot of sailing in this game, which is what replaces running/rolling around on the overworld. And instead of having different regions, they’re all replaced by 49 islands of different sizes and importance! And this is where my BOTW comparison will shine~ I think this game is pretty close in spirit to Breath of the Wild in some ways. Sure, unlike in that game, you’re locked to a certain sequence of items/dungeon/progression, just like a classic Zelda experience! BUT!  Wind Waker also allows you to explore 40+ non-important islands, and sailing between them in anticipation of what you might find there is suuuuch a good feeling! Plus, there’s many treasure chests to loot (both major and minor) while you’re travelling on the big blue. Due to how much you can find in your way off the main quest - while being far away from the suggested path the game wants you to do at the moment - gives this game a very open feeling despite still having a linear quest to it! And I think this element of discovery and exploration in a linear format - coupled with the great visuals and ambience the sailing offered - made this game so, so, so much fun to play <3
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But what about the gameplay and dungeons themselves? Well thankfully, they’re both quite good as well! What I like most is how much of an improvement swordplay got compared to Ocarina of Time. Not only are the enemies generally more diversified in strategies and design, Link also received many new moves to his arsenal, and those made combat so much more intense and exciting! Though it did make the game very easy overall thanks to having so many options... alongside you not taking very much damage for most of the game :P Still, the dungeons made up for this! They’re quite fun and pretty well paced, and each offer some quite nice ambience as well!  Although I will say that the late part of the game has two dungeons with pretty similar concept, which while fun in their own right, did feel a little uninspired despite them having clever puzzles :/ On a semi unrelated note, the intro sequence at the Forsaken Fortress has you playing a stealth sequence, and you coming back to it later while able to defend yourself was a high point for me!
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I do want to leave a quick note about the music, and honestly? It’s pretty great as well! Like I pointed out earlier, the dungeons create some very fitting atmosphere, but as soon as you’re outside them, many of the main islands have some very pretty, energetic music that is PERFECT for a Zelda game (especially Dragon Roost Island), and the Great Sea theme is very adventurous and grandiose, which motivates you even more to set out and explore! Though it’s somewhat strange that many smaller locations have no music at all, which makes sense to be fair, since those islands are usually pretty small from the outside ^^
Overall? I expected to only like this game, but I ended up adoring it! The Wind Waker is a marvelous journey that leaves a lot open to the player about how they approach the game, while still giving you enough of a compass to never be lost! And a competent story with charming characters and great music certainly help to make that adventure all the more memorable! Though I suggest you all should play the HD version if you can, since it has the fast sail and better looks. BUT, it also heavily tones down the infamous lategame Triforce fetch quest. (While it did not make much sense story-wise since you could just do spoiler without it before, I didn’t find it all that bad in the HD version since you can do some of it before having completed all other dungeons in the game ^^ But yes, HD or not, this is a grand adventure! Play it! 9/10
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6 notes · View notes
asks for 08/27/18
sorry about Friday.
anonymous asked:
Uh hey, been kind of busy here but wanted to check in on everyone. How are you all doing lately? - MWT
Tord: amazing!
Matt: yeah! also, hi mayhem!
Tom: *chuckles* those two are just riding high cause the red army finally took Poland… well that’s why tord is happy i don’t know about matt.
Matt: i’m happy cause tord is happy!
(i only respond to asks on weekdays, mod angel and mod demon respond on weekdays and Saturday. no one really responds on Sunday. -mod x)
anonymous asked:
Congrats on taking Poland. -MWT
Tord: finally! *spinning in his chair*
Matt: *happy bat noises*
Tom: thank you.
anonymous asked:
So you guys are just celebrating for now? Or did the 'Finally took over Poland' party happen already? - MWT
Tom: the “party” was low key and stupidly formal. this one is just drawing it out as long as he can.
Tord: can you really blame me?! it took almost a month! and we finally did it!
Tom: *sigh* so how have things been for you mayhem?
anonymous asked:
Well, I can understand why he wants to draw out the party. He worked long and hard on taking over that place. As for me, I've mostly been updating my research and took on a small case involving a mind reader that was scamming people into thinking she could predict the future for large amounts of money. She didn't go too far with me and just quickly apologized and ran when I tried to call her out. Kept scratching at her arms and had a weird look in her eye too. - MWT
Tom: … you ran into a mind reader… *holding back laughter*
Matt: so your case went well then! good!
Tord: *not even trying to hide his laughter at the mind reader’s misfortune*
(these boys are assholes for laughing at someone’s pain and suffering… but the mind reader probably deserved it)
anonymous asked:
It was an easy case, though I don't get why she acted so off after I confronted her. Maybe she was just sick? Also don't get why that's so funny to you two. - MWT
Tom: *still trying to keep himself from laughing* that is probably for the best.
Matt: *makes an “i don’t know” noise*
Tord: *laughing harder*
anonymous asked:
So what country's next on your list to take over? -MWT
Tord: we’re thinking either Germany or Ukraine.
Tom: he can’t decide which people would care less about.
Tord: we don’t want any major powers after us.
spooncryptid asked:
Hewwo!! How have you boys been??
Tord: good!
spooncryptid asked:
That’s good!! I heard you got Poland?
Tom: yes we did.
Tord: *celebratory shout*
spooncryptid asked:
//jumps at the shout// oh! Well That’s great! I told ya you’d get em!!
Tord: i guess you did didn’t you? well thanks.
anonymous asked:
Ukraine and Germany might both get a lot of attention. If Russia's annexed any part of Ukraine in your world at least. And Germany is kind of in the UN isn't it? And a lot of people are aware of it. Maybe go for the smaller ones that aren't as well known? - MWT
Tord: of course, we would use much more subtle methods for either of them.
Tom: we could go for Denmark…
Tord: … maybe…
spooncryptid asked:
Don’t mention it, so is anything going on today other than celebrating??
Tom: not really. today is mostly a recoup day.
Matt: any soldiers that don’t need to stay in Poland are being recalled to spend time with their families an relax.
anonymous asked:
Definitely, don't want to make it obvious until you're able to handle the rest of the world coming after you. Now I'm really curious about what other beings are in your army? - MWT
Tom: i don’t pry.
Matt: i don’t think about it.
Tord: i don’t know and don’t particularly care. if they want me to know then i won’t bother with it.
anonymous asked:
That makes sense. Let them come to you when they feel comfortable. Took years for my roommates to admit two of them weren't even human and the third practiced magic. - MWT
Tord: what my soldiers are or are not is none of my business.
Tom: most of the army doesn’t know supernatural creatures even exist.
Matt: they think we were science experiments!
spooncryptid asked:
That sounds nice!! Are you guys doing anything to celebrate?
Tord: nah. we already had that boring dinner with the generals.
Matt: we’re just gonna relax and spend time together.
anonymous asked:
that sounds fun! how about celebratory cake (★^O^★)-shy anon
Matt: We don’t really plan on doing anything, but cake sounds great!!!
anonymous asked:
Huh, well I guess it would be hard to know who would react well and who would react badly to the existence of other beings. My roommates at least know I'm more interested in learning about other beings through actually asking and observing, with permission of course. I mean, I've befriended a Selkie because I punched out some drunk jerk trying to steal the poor girl's seal skin. You don't know who's gonna take advantage of an innocent being like that. - MWT
Tom: selkie are generally rather timid! how’d you manage to get her to stay after you gave it back?
anonymous asked:
I think she was too busy processing that a human actually willingly helped her. And I might have started on about how some idiots just don't respect others and how wrong it is to steal a selkie's skin. And how it should be the selkie's choice if someone actually does get to have their skin, even if that answer will always be no. Cussing out the guy in Norwegian might have helped too. She was actually from Norway and was happy to meet someone that spoke the language too. - MWT
Tom: *chuckling* yeah that would do it.
Matt: was she pretty?
Tord: … have we met a selkie?
Tom: even if we had it would have been none of our business.
anonymous asked:
She was pretty, but not really my type. We're still friends, and chat whenever's she in town. I think she finds it funny I mostly ask her about the other beings she's met and not her own species. - MWT
Matt: … wouldn’t it be rude to only talk about her species when you hang out?
Tom: … well, you have excellent manners.
anonymous asked:
I honestly never asked her questions about her species. Though she did mention that Selkies and Leviathans tend to get along when in the same areas. So that was pretty cool. Apparently, Leviathans help catch them their preferred prey in exchange for chasing shrimp out into the open and getting hard to reach food for them. - MWT
Tom: …
Matt: …
Tord: … that also explains a bit…
anonymous asked:
so... how about the cake?! ٩( 'ω' )و-shy anon
Matt: CAKE!
Tom: … alright.
anonymous asked:
red velvet? vanilla? coconut is good too! what kind is your favourite (о´∀`о)-shy anon
Tom: were not really picky.
Matt: cake is cake.
Tord: am i the only one with any preference? i say chocolate!
anonymous asked:
Explains what? Why she likes me? I guess someone would appreciate a researcher not constantly bugging you about your own species. - MWT
Tom: *sigh*
Matt: that too.
Tord: … it probably isn’t the same in your universe anyway.
anonymous asked:
What isn't the same? Something wrong other me? - MWT
Tord: … well being around certain supernatural beings, at least in this universe, sometimes allows some unusual traits to “rub off on” the mundane… like how i’m way more durable them any human should be.
anonymous asked:
That does sound like a difference between our world. I'm pretty sure most of why I'm still alive is just pure luck honestly. I still get hurt easily like any other human, even though I'm pretty sure the Tom here is extremely durable. Same with another of my roommates. Never rubbed off on me. - MWT
Tord: i said certain traits. your tom isn’t the same as my tom, and doesn’t have the exact same traits to transfer, but perhaps that uncanny valley affect comes from all the interaction with the supernatural you have.
anonymous asked:
I never really started encountering the supernatural until College honestly, I've had it since I was in primary school though. But I don't think I've picked up any traits other than an unusual amount of luck, but the Matt here might have cast some kind of spell to boost mine so I don't get myself killed. - MWT
Tord: what if it happened when you were a baby? the transitive traits never really go away, they don’t even really fade. how do you really know?
anonymous asked:
True. I was adopted so there's a chance something happened before then that caused that. If traits can rub off on people here. - MWT
Tord: right! if it is the same.
anonymous asked:
what do you mean “rub off”? could you shapeshift if you stuck around tom long enough? (O_O)-shy anon
Tord: of course not! specific traits! not everything under the sun!
Tom: but it would be funny to watch if he did just randomly shape shift into some thing. i can just imagine the panic.
anonymous asked:
Looks like it’s time for world war 3!
Tord: i’d hope not!
anon-hive-mind asked:
with the attention you seem to be... “attracting” we’d expect there to be another world war soon
Tom: what attention? no one even knows there’s a war unless they are a part of it!
Tord: the general populous thinks the red army was defeated a long time ago.
anonymous asked:
what kind of “specific traits”? (*´꒳`*)-shy anon
Tom: for creatures like me it’s generally things like durability, strength, or sensory abilities.
anon-hive-mind asked:
well, for starters, you can’t takover a country without people knowing about it! unless of course... the battle is upon /different fronts/
Tord: of course you can! you just need to make it look like you didn’t win and change literally nothing in the government!
Tom: the change comes later when the media has died down.
anonymous asked:
oh! that sounds cool! b...but i already have sensory issues (>人<;) (should i stay away?) -shy anon
Tom: you don’t really need to worry about it. you’d need uninterrupted proximity of at least a few days.
anonymous asked:
Still, it would be fascinating if certain traits in beings could rub off on others. The durability could actually help a lot of anyone who might be more fragile than others even. Whether or not they're human. Unless traits only pass to humans. - MWT
Tord: unfortunately it is only to the mundane. meaning only humans and animals.
anonymous asked:
Well, that sucks and seems a little unfair. -MWT
Tom: in this universe the mundane are kinda like blank slates where the supernatural are full. the mundane can be etched and written on to the moon and back but the supernatural don’t have any room left.
anonymous asked:
I guess that makes sense. Kind of wonder what kind of traits the more unusual beings could pass on to human. - MWT
Tom: the most extreme trait I’ve ever seen transferred would be electricity resistance. that guy got hit with lightning seven times in one night and didn’t even flinch.
anonymous asked:
That is awesome, kind of jealous of that guy. - MWT
Tom: don’t be. he can’t leave his house any more for fear of being mobbed by people who want to interview him.
anonymous asked:
Okay, that part sucks, but not having to worry about being struck by lighting is still something to be jealous of. - MWT
Tord: i’m glad i don’t have to worry about that either. *gestures to his robotic arm* this thing acts as a battery that absorbs any electric current i may intercept.
anonymous asked:
Smart idea for that arm. Maybe I should build something similar for myself. - MWT
Tord: … you want to cut off your own arm?!
Tom: DON’T!!
Matt: *distressed squeaking*
anonymous asked:
I didn't mean a robot arm! I mean like something I could wear. - MWT
Tord: oh thank god.
Tom: *rapid breathing*
Matt: *sigh*
anonymous asked:
What made you think I wanted to cut off my arm? I said something like, not exactly that. I like having two arms and two of my roommates would beat me to a bloody pulp if I did take off my arm. - MWT
Tord: we weren’t the smartest teenagers…
Matt: he cut off this own ear when we were fourteen.
Tord: yes and i am ashamed to this day. thank you so much for bringing it up…
Tom: to be fair i did reattach it for you.
anonymous asked:
Other kids hurt me enough that I never tried stuff like that. And WHY did you even think cutting off your ear was a good idea? - MWT
Tord: …
Tom: he wanted t- *tord is covering his mouth*
Matt: to replace it with a robot ear.
Tord: *groan*
Tom: *removes tord’s hands* he wanted to see if his sensory software would work. he knew i could put the ear back.
anonymous asked:
That was kind of a dumb reason. The organs you hear with are further in the skull, removing the ear itself won't get rid of hearing on that side of the head. - MWT
Tord: i was better at mechanics then i was anatomy okay!
Tom: he’d also been awake for six days perfecting the code.
anonymous asked:
Staying days at a time does not help with getting work done. I at least try to sleep a couple hours at night or if I'm doing an all-night investigation, I'll sleep a few hours during the day. And that's on top of inventing to earn a living. -MWT
Tord: i was a stupid teenager! LET IT GO ALREADY!
Tom: …
Matt: … does someone need a nap?
Tord: no. i’m calm now. i am not a child matt…
anonymous asked:
Well I guess spending nights coding is better than all the fights I got in back when I was a teen. - MWT
Tom: … were you ever really the instigator of those?
anonymous asked:
Sometimes. Though honestly, it was mostly me lashing out at even a bit of namecalling or defending myself. - MWT
Tom: …
Tord: kids can be assholes.
Matt: they were wrong. no matter what they said about you, they were wrong.
anonymous asked:
I know they're wrong, my roommates like to remind when what a panic attack happens. Bullying can still lead to some nasty mental scars though. -MWT
Tom: …
Tord: …
Matt: *upset bat noises*
anonymous asked:
Don't worry, with my roommates around I've been kind of getting over all that. They're there to remind me I'm human and not whatever those brats thought I was. - MWT
Tom: good…
anonymous asked:
Still won't ever go to a class reunion though, else I might try to fist fight all my old bullies. - MWT
they are trying really hard not to encourage such behavior… but they really want to!
anonymous asked:
Still, got a better life now than back then. Roommates that don't think I'm possessed because of bullies, I somehow befriended the leader of a cult/hivemind that collects information, and I'm doing two things I love. Pretty sure none of those brats from school are in careers they enjoy. - MWT
Tom: … you know how you have that uncanny valley thing going on for everyone but me? yeah, every time you mention this information guy i get that feeling… you sure you can trust him?
anonymous asked:
3301's a good guy, I give him copy of my notes for the book I've got, and his group helps out with finding out what's behind a crime. They're trying to protect nonhumans from being discovered too. - MWT
Tom: doesn’t have to be a bad guy… just be careful around him okay… if he has info in the creatures who’s to say he doesn’t have info on you.
anonymous asked:
He's got the same info as me. We've all been trying to solve this mystery in-case another case like mine comes up. - MWT
Tom: … my best friend betrayed me… he broke me down until i was nothing, and he did so with information i thought i could trust him with… i don’t want the same things to happen to you…
Matt: *distressed bat noises*
anonymous asked:
I can understand your worry, but don't worry, I never gave him personal information. Just what you'd know if you had a coworker you kind of get along with. - MWT
Tom: …
Matt: …
Tord: i don’t think they’re gonna stop worrying unless they meet him.
anonymous asked:
I could ask him to talk with you the next time I meet up with him. - MWT
Tord: you could try.
anonymous asked:
Though a warning, he's some kind of Cicada creature that's lived for thousands of years. He does hide under a cloak though. - MWT
Tom: oh!
anonymous asked:
He's kind of creepy looking but he's got a good heart. Always does his best to help out the younger being in the town. - MWT
Tom: oh…
Tord: your friend has just won his favor.
Matt: does he know anything about hybrids?
anonymous asked:
I'll have to ask him about Hybrids the next time I see him. Only hybrid I know is the cambion I live with. - MWT
Matt: good, maybe certain hybrids have a name!
Tom: knowing what to call myself would be nice…
anonymous asked:
Did any of you go through an emo phase? And if so, do the others tease you about it still?
Tord: … you’re not gonna believe this… matt.
Tom: we don’t mock him about it cause he still had better fashion sense then either of us.
spooncryptid asked:
I’m always happy to share my girls!
thank you spoon. it was not too long by the way.
-mod x
spooncryptid asked:
Dyou wanna know a random fact about Eva I didn’t include? (Cuz it’s noncanon and somewhat meta)
… i’m intrigued…
-mod x
spooncryptid asked:
She’s the Oc that I was thinking turned me(??) into a cat gremlin
… she’s dead meat…
-Mod x
spooncryptid asked:
Aww :3c glad to see you care about me
oh sweetheart it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with matty! tord too but mostly matt.
-mod x
spooncryptid asked:
Woa, it’s so nice to have friends that’ll commit murder for me <3
murder is the least they will do…
-mod x
spooncryptid asked:
Mmm, I’m honestly scared to ask
tord is a military leader and tom is the child of a wrath demon… do you really even need to?
-mod x
spooncryptid asked:
True... it’s scary imagining that that easily could’ve happened to me though
tom and tord have immeasurable amounts of patience.
-mod x
spooncryptid asked:
Mm, so I just would’ve ended up dead
if i hadn’t warned you off… or if you had sent one more ask before spilling the whole unwilling transformation thing yes.
-mod x
spooncryptid asked:
Thank goodness god x is on my side
god x? a little too much there, tone it down a bit okay.
-MOD x (not god)
spooncryptid asked:
I mean... ok
… i made the story yes but once the characters were set i don’t control their actions so to speak… it’s hard to explain. tord will be tord whether i want him to be or not.
-mod x
spooncryptid asked:
I suppose
i’m just the middle man at this point…
-mod x
spooncryptid asked:
So you’re demigod x?
… oracle x… maybe.
-mod x
spooncryptid asked:
Ooo, mystical
… you’re not gonna let this go are you?
-mod x
anonymous asked:
A war I bound to happen wether you want it to or not. What can you expect when trying to take over the fucking world?
Tord: well duh! we’re just trying to put it off as long as we can.
anonymous asked:
I’m sure there are much stronger forces than some militia in Norway. I’d be careful if I were you...
Tord: you act as if i don’t know that.
anonymous asked:
Just saying. Watch your back, Red leader.
… this is my world anon… i don’t tolerate bullies. if you’ve read the blog you should know these boys are paranoid as it is. if you wanna go down this road you better do it off anon or with a signature, or these questions won’t be seen. if you’re brave enough to make these claims then you’re brave enough to use a name.
-mod x
anonymous asked:
Okay, jeez. Just trying to have a bit of fun. I’ll be on my way then, enjoy your world.
… you don’t have to go. the boys are messed up and i don’t enjoy torturing them. an anonymous voice in the distance saying they need to worry would be too far but if they had a single source it would be… tolerable. you can keep going, just make sure they can connect the words to an individual or you’re gonna actually break them. (like full on mentally break them… no one wants to see that.)
-mod x
endragoneel asked:
today has been ... a long day! so, how’re y’all doing?
Tord: tired.
Tom: same.
Matt: fluffy.
(if you were wondering about me too… okay -mod x)
anonymous asked:
Ha, nah. I’d rather just leave. A perfect world, your world, just seems a bit boring.
… you think my world is perfect?! HA! you just happened to hit one of the very few buttons that would interfere with the plot. you can’t break them… yet. but that doesn’t make them perfect.
endragoneel asked:
(glad you’re doing ok <3) need some rest boys? oh man that’s a mood... but i have homework... i read somewhere about a cake! y’all ever get to that? maybe you can make it together!
Matt: no… shy anon disappeared…
Tord: unfortunately we aren’t the kind of tired you can really rest with.
Tom: maybe another time.
endragoneel asked:
i didn’t mean anything like that!!! i’m just tired too aa - but anyway, congrats on taking poland!
Tord: *attempted cheer*
Tom: that was pathetic…
Tord: oh bite me.
Matt: *bites him*
endragoneel asked:
maybe this was a bad time to come haha— MATT DONT DO THAT!!
Tord: he’s fine, not even using teeth.
Tom: sometimes sucking makes him feel better. he really wanted that cake.
endragoneel asked:
go make the cake anyway! i’m sure it’ll be fine if you save some for shy anon : D
Tord: noooo, i don’t wanna.
Tom: oh stop whining, i’ll do it.
Tord and Matt: wooo.
endragoneel asked:
yay! cake it is~
Matt: cake!
endragoneel asked:
what kind are you making?
Tom: tord said chocolate so… that.
anonymous asked:
??? this confuses me so much.
-mod x
endragoneel asked:
nice~ got a special ingredient?
Tom: … not really, it’s just cake.
endragoneel asked:
eh my mum does when she makes cake! it’s the best~ matt seems excited!
Tom: my mom didn’t make food… she tried to make me eat the souls of the damned…
endragoneel asked:
... well then,
Tom: what do you expect from a wrath demon?
endragoneel asked:
i never... thought of it? although i have wondered what souls taste like...
Tom: it can very. usually depends on the color.
endragoneel asked:
how could you tell colour? could you tell mine? !!O:
Tom: color is representative of sin… are you sure you want to know?
endragoneel asked:
maybe not... but i’m very intrigued actaully... more yes than no? or maybe we should focus on the cake insteadb
Tom: … yellow.
endragoneel asked:
... what sin?
Tom: you won’t understand… gluttony.
endragoneel asked:
aye ... i can actually see it strangely... i’ve over stepped my boundaries here i think...
Tom: it’s fine. not many people have the soul-sight and even fewer know what each color means. i don’t blame you for being curious.
endragoneel asked:
to be fair, i have played undertale one too many times to be curious of the actual definition of a ‘soul’—
Tom: a soul is the core parts of a being from which all other parts grow. without a soul the being is nothing more then an empty shell.
anonymous asked:
YAY! you and matt are making cake (*´꒳`*) -shy anon
Tom: just me thank you.
(tom is mad you abandoned them earlier after you mentioned cake)
anonymous asked:
lmao i think it’s about time i get serious when i come here. what exactly is a wrath demon?
Tom: a demon… that consumes wrath… kinda self explanatory…
anonymous asked:
oh no... i didn’t mean to abandon you! (*´-`) will you accept an apology? -shy anon, i bow to say sorry
Tom: … fine. just don’t do it again.
anonymous asked:
i can decorate the cake for you! ( ´∀`)-shy anon
Tom: go for it, less work for me.
anonymous asked:
what should it look like? (⌒▽⌒)☆-shy anon
Tom: i don’t care. it’s just gonna get eaten anyway. just do something “pretty” so matt’s happy.
anonymous asked:
would a poland flag be festive? (*^ω^*)-shy anon, who needs to go to bed >~<
Tom: huh, it’d make tord happy.
anonymous asked:
lmao what demon are you then?
Tom: i’m not a demon.
(it is literally 2 in the morning here… i’ll answer more tomorrow -mod x)
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igglemouse · 7 years
Tons of Replies!
@theplumboblife - @eowijnssims - @feme-rebelle - @storybooksimblr - @tinwhistletoo - @mysimsloveaffair - @quiddity-jones
I'm on Hector's side here, the kids need to be prepared for the world! And yes, they sure have some... interesting... positions! XD
XD yes, at least their kids will be able to say they have interesting parents!
marquis-de-bechdel replied to your photoset “Monday   My brother calls, learned about the baby, is upset about it....”
Tradition shamdition, who waits until marriage these days anyway?
I know! Hardly any of my sims do at least lol.
eowijnssims replied to your photoset “Monday   Araceli: I don’t mind spoiling her! She’s a princess, she...”
that last picture rofl
I couldn’t resist taking that one!
feme-rebelle replied to your photoset “Monday   It is hard to believe this little adorable girl came out of...”
this sim is just too gorgeous omg
I know T_T I sory of wish I made her as a character for my other story now lol
storybooksimblr replied to your photo “Wednesday   This is one way to start off a morning, he came home...”
Oh damn get it girl
These two can’t get enough of each other!
storybooksimblr replied to your photoset “Sunday   Luis: Araceli, that whole thing was a mistake. You know that...”
Good riddance to louis!
Yeah, although I do think they would have had lovely children!
tinwhistletoo replied to your photoset “Saturday   Look who it is! Henry, grown up! Looks like he takes plenty...”
Ooh! He's a cutie!!
Yeah! I fear that he will look a lot like Ben for some reason lol
mysimsloveaffair replied to your photoset “Friday  It doesn’t matter in the end does it? I don’t think I’ll ever...”
All caught up! I don't know how I got so behind. I'm enjoying your posts very much and I like how you cover a lot of different households. Nice work!!
Thank you so much! Yeah, 5 households now! I know it seems like a lot, but ipt is fun for me to go back and fourth between them all.
mysimsloveaffair replied to your photoset “Saturday   I can’t continue to stress about something that hasn’t...”
I love the heart/triple x borders that warns us of what's coming next - lol
XD I just want to be fair to my readers and give them fair warning!
mysimsloveaffair replied to your photoset “Wednesday   Yeah! I’m going to love every second I get to spend with...”
How did you get rid of the sparkles that show up when you play with toddlers?
I did not :( I just caught the picture at the perfect time.
mysimsloveaffair replied to your photoset “Wednesday   Happy birthday Telah! Isn’t she the cutest little girl...”
What a sweetie!!
I’ve already aged her up to see how she looks (because if I don’t do this I go crazy) and she looks amazing! The only in game born sim that looked as great as she did was my other Sim Carlotta! Maybe I should get Ramona back with Korey to get more babies lol.
mysimsloveaffair replied to your photoset “Wednesday   I’m not too worried about things, these pictures are great...”
I hope her brother never sees these!! He's gonna have a fit!
He would disown her I think lol.
mysimsloveaffair replied to your photoset “Monday   Araceli: Well, I approve. She seems like a nice girl. not...”
Her brother is blunt...dang =/
Sometimes blunt is good, at least you know how they feel about you lol.
mysimsloveaffair replied to your photoset “Sunday   I tried to contact Korey again…yep…no response. Again. I...”
Dang...what a asshole =( There's someone better out there Ramona!
Definitely! If she wasn’t so busy working she’d find him, at least I hope!
quiddity-jones replied to your photoset “Friday   Remember that girl I met? Summer McIntosh? Yeah, a little...”
Don’t we all have that one friend that is a pornstar?!
feme-rebelle replied to your photoset “Friday   Hector: You know, it may be hard to get you to that red...”
Hector just don't want you there.
XD I had planned on having her be there but I couldn’t get the pictures right. So, I had to make up some reason for it pretty much lol. But red carpet pictures is something I want to do with these two!
marquis-de-bechdel replied to your photoset “Thursday   You know, we are to be wed soon but not much is settled....”
Nice to see them looking actually in love!
XD yes, this household is a bit crazy...this branch of the family is actually really crazy lol...
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furederiko · 7 years
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1st post for the month of August 2017! And it's the 'Clash of the Reds'. Yes, a belated write up for Kyuranger episode 24!!!
NOTE: This recap-view is for the episode that aired on Sunday, August 6th, 2017 07:30 JST. It was initially meant to be published last week, just a few days after it was broadcasted (precisely on August 8th). Unfortunately, the plan got sort of derailed. Long story short... the social media detox that was only planned to last for a week, got unexpectedly extended for another because I was bedridden afterwards. So yeah, hence the long delay. But not to worry, recap-view for episode 25 will arrive very soon to make up for that!
- Assuming the show will be 48-49 episodes in total, that means it's officially around its halfway point. Yes, eventhough things are already feeling so heavy and serious, we still have HALF a season to go from here! NOTE: If it's 48 episodes in total, that means this episode marks the end of the first half. If it's 49, then the next one (episode 25) serves that purpose. - We should know by now that Kyuranger isn't the type of show that likes to drag plot points. This episode is just another solid proof of that. Just three episodes in, and Tsurugi's facade of bravado has been peeled away, revealing a more sentimental true personality. Interestingly, we also get to see him struggling with memories of the past. I wonder if it's in a way, implying that Tsurugi is suffering from a... war PTSD? O_O. In order to get to the bottom of this, he needs to know 'the truth'. Thus, he sends out Spada and Raptor on an important mission. Which of course, also serves as the show's usual excuse for characters to be absent from the episode. Not that I'm complaining... - But the two aren't the only ones who need to be... benched out. This episode is clearly a double focus for the Reds, as they try... or rather, 'forced' to work out their differences. Hence... it doesn't even take long for everyone else (sans Commander Xiao, who stayed on the Rebellion) to get literally swallowed by our MotW, Malistrate Gabbler! IMHO, this right hand of Tecchu is a scary MotW that should really have had higher rank in the Shogunate. Why? With his ability alone, he actually succeeds in taking down SEVEN Kyurangers all at once! WOW, right? - Anyways, eventhough he doesn't approve Tsurugi as Kyuranger at first, Lucky begins to... sense there's something 'wrong' with Tsurugi. Commander Xiao wisely helps him realize, that the 'legendary hero' tends to act the complete opposite to his words. Proof? Tsurugi's boasting about immortality, eventhough he had already lost that ability before his cold-sleep. And hearing a holographic projection of Don Armage making fun of his fallen comrades, causes him to lose his composure. Symbolizing that inspite of his words that dismissed them as 'expendables', he actually CARED for them. Also, he's telling the Kyurangers to be his shield, yet he's the one who does that to protect Lucky! Oh the irony... - Speaking of being a 'shield', the show introduces a new character in this episode: Kuervo (VA: Daisuke Namikawa, who previously voiced Engine Speedor in Go-Onger). He's one of Legendary 88 Warriors that represented the Corvus Constellation System, their strategic advisor, and also a personal close friend to Tsurugi. He was the one whom Tsurugi refered to as 'sacrificed his life for him', during the battle against Don Armage in the past. Thus obviously, he's the one responsible for leaving behind a deep 'scar of friendship' in Tsurugi's heart. Fun Trivia: The word 'Cuervo' is actually the Spanish word for 'Raven/Crow'. And yes, in case you're unaware, Corvus is the Crow Constellation! So as always, TOEI isn't even trying to be subtle when it comes to names. LOL. - Intriguingly, assuming Kuervo's truly dead, then that means there's only one sole candidate who might end up becoming the new Don Armage: Olion (whom you can see using a sword and a mostly white outfit in the flashback scene). Remember my theory that proposes Olion as the Darth Vader of the show? This reveal just adds that notion. Then again, we never really witness Kuervo's body (just like Scorpio) as well, so anything's still possible here. Beside, we also know how that much-hated Jedi eventually became Vader? Meaning we can't rule out anyone yet, because the rule of death is pretty much flexible in science-fiction. - Lucky challenges Tsurugi to share his story (get it? his-story? XD), even if just to put them both on the same page. Instead, that makes him understand the reason behind his stand-off-ish demeanor: Tsurugi simply doesn't want to sacrifice any more comrades in battle. Aaaaaw... T_T. That's why he wants to deal with Gabbler and Tecchu alone. So yeah, someone's definitely having a lone survivor syndrome! Tsurugi even proves that point, by taking Lucky's Leo Kyu Globe as hostage, to prevent him from joining the fight. Fun fact: I just realized. True to his 'Soldier' namesake, Tsurugi is acting like a drill-sergeant. Showing all tough and mighty bravado on the front, but secretly tries to protect his comrades. He even has his share of warfare PTSD. That's a really good angle right there. - Due to the duration, of course said twist doesn't last long. Tsurugi gets into a fickle due to his previous wounds, and Xiao and Lucky arrive to save the day. The younger Red then proposes a new 'system' to Tsurugi's face: "If the current saviors... and the old savior work together... We... can create a new legend!". So yeah, ignoring the fact that it might have arrived a tad too quickly (I WAS expecting more resistance and stubborness)... the 'Rivalry of the Reds' has been resolved. It shouldn't come off as too surprising though, as Draco Commander says it best... "Say what they will, these two get along pretty well.". Indeed, they ARE actually two of a kind. Probably the reason why they're both Red, right? LOL. - While Draco Commander distracts Tecchu, the duo works together to free the other Kyurangers. Good timing, because they are all (including the mechanical ones like Balance and Champ, the joke's on them) almost on the verge of having all their life energy drained! With none of them being fit enough to join the fight (thus preventing any of the mecha sans Gigant Phoenix to be used), it's up to the Reds to handle the giant battle as well. Taking down Gabbler is easy, but what can they do when Tecchu decides to tag along? That's when a miracle occurs. Or in the words of Tsurugi, "It's about to be truly legendary!". - Yes, the other 10 Change Kyu Globes (including those of Spada's and Raptor's... who are busy tinkering around with a lever-like contraption) join the battle in their own free will! They boost the power of Leo Voyager and Phoenix Voyager, thus forming... the 12 Kyu Globes combination, Kyutamajin. Gotta admit, it's a rousing and exciting sequence. As for the robot itself, when I first saw the catalogue picture, I thought the new combo looked weird and odd. But now that I've known the concept and seen it in action, saying I've warmed up to it would be a huge understatement. Because I'm actually DIGGING this combination! Sure, some parts still looks a bit awkward (like the giant ball on top of the head), but this is a smart design, that unites all 12 heroes in one mecha without overdoing it. And this is coming from a guy who actually liked those messy-complicated clusterfuck formation in Go-Onger and last year's Zyuohger. LOL. In a way, it's a solid mecha. - The problem is, only the two Reds are using Kyutamajin! And knowing how the internet works, this has surely rubbed some fans in the wrong way. Of course, since this episode aired two weeks ago (once again, this recap-view is a week late), everyone should know by now that there's a logical reason to why only Leo Red and Phoenix Soldier are sharing the control of this mecha: because the others are being saved for episode 25! LOL. Then again, it's not like the Reds aren't hinting about it throughout this episode. I mean, they ARE repeatedly asking the tune of, "Can we really move it with just the two of us?". They're not even being subtle about it. I guess impatient fans wouldn't be able to see these hints past their complains, huh? LOL. NOTE: Kyutamajin isn't even using its ultimate finisher in this episode. "Kyutamajin! Meteor Booster!" is a just a secondary attack that only manages to take down Gabbler. Don't forget, Tecchu is still at large! - Tsurugi officially joins the team, as proven by his Kyuranger License. Yep, the one that Kotarou delivered for the team at the start of the episode. Something that even Xiao hasn't owned before (hence why he 'forgot' all about it, huh? LOL). It's nice to see all 12 onboard the same ship, right? Hold on, the question here is... what about Spada and Raptor? - Turns out, they are in Planet Tocky of the Horologium System, in search of the Horologium Kyu Globe. Why? Because Tsurugi wants to use it... to travel back in time, and see with his very own eyes, what really 'happened' to Don Armage. Yep, time travel is the show's next big arc! And this discussion comes at the right time, because Spada and Raptor pop up on the communication screen with a 'distress call'. Why? Because something is going on in the Planet that can't be handled by only the two of them... A few additional notes before I wrap this up: - Bandai Japan released a Special "Henshin Series" episode after this episode was aired. And it was.... hillarious as always! I thought the company was going to release one after every episode (they should, tbh), so it was a bit of a bummer when the series stopped four months ago in episode 6 (following Mr. Pega's short-lived debuted). The fact that the previous extra members (Xiao and Kotarou) haven't had their time in the spotlight yet, also added to the disappointment. So obviously, the arrival of this special episode was more than just a pleasant surprise. That's right, because all extra members get their chance to show off! Interestingly, this video didn't include Phoenix Soldier's henshin pose. Does this mean we'll be getting another one in the future? Especially with that rumored new transformation gadget? Here's hoping... - More movie scenes can be seen in the opening, as well as the new trailer that debuted after the episode. There were two standouts from them. First, Leo Red is using Herakles Kyu Globe in the movie, to somehow deal with the Kerberos one. Second, there are obvious scenes hinting that Commander Xiao is killed in the movie. Remember, this is Japan and their habit of spoiling things in advance. Eventhough the movie is doing really good! Then again, should we really believe that Xiao is dead? I seriously doubt it. Just look at what happened to the Kamen Rider Ghost's summer movie last year... LOL. - Haruka Tateishi (Amu of last year's Zyuohger) is giving an exclusive on-location tour for Kyuranger's G-Rosso action show. Go ahead and see it, it's all kinds of fun. Makes you eager to see her character returning to meet the Kyurangers in the upcoming Versus Movie, right?
Overall: Tsurugi's 4-part debut arc has come to a close. Thanks to the show's swift pacing, it didn't take long for the legendary soldier to get grounded and humbled down. Even his signature arrogance has already been taken down more than a notch, revealing a more painful and broken nature. I love how he and Lucky seems to exhibit contrasting personality from one another, while in actuality, they are still the same color. Yes, the conflict between them got resolved a little too quickly for my taste. Then again, it also proved my point that they are basically two of a kind. And in a way, Tsurugi was welcomed to the team in an organic manner, so I'm not complaining. Overall, a great albeit imperfect episode, with a stunning but equally imperfect debut for a new mecha combination. But that's because the next episode will be... something else! You'll see... Next week: Prepare for tissue, because Kotarou is giving us all the feels! PS: Expect the recap-view for Episode 25... in just a few hours from now! ;D
Episode 24 Score: 8 out of 10
Visit THIS LINK to view a continuously updated listing of the Kyutama / Kyu Globes. Last Updated: August 15th, 2017 - Version 2.10. (WARNING: It might contain spoilers for future episodes)
All images are screencaptured from the series, provided by the FanSubber Over-Time. "Uchu Sentai Kyuranger" is produced by TOEI, and airs every Sunday on TV-Asahi. Credits and copyrights belong to their respective owners.
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akiharashizuka · 7 years
Yu-Gi-Oh VRAINS episode 3 thoughts
(I feel like this screenshot isn’t the most representative one, but it can’t be helped since the title shows up there)
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First Contact
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I expected that Knight to not give any information, however I didn’t think he would just try to blow up both himself and Playmaker. And he had no second thoughts about it. I know it’s a virtual reality, but Ignis said that you suffer mental damage. I doubt he wasn’t aware of that. This scene made me question if he’s really human or something else.
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Oh, wow. 
Ok, the Knight was terrified when Ignis “ate” him, so I guess he is human, but was mentally prepared for exploding. 
Hmm I guess the person is safe, but the account got permanently erased or something. It’s just my speculation.
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Pfff xD I could have sworn this would happen. 
However, I didn’t expect Blue Angel to challenge him as well. I understand why Gō did that, since he likes standing out and Playmaker stole the spotlight, but I don’t really get why Aoi as well.
The exit was great though xD
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So Revolver has the “3 things” speech pattern. The difference is that he just stated that they are going to find out Playmaker’s identity soon and started enunciating the reasons. Yūsaku says beforehand that there are 3 reasons why *insert statement here*
And his reasons make so much sense. I’m impressed he could notice so much and put things together in a short amount of time. Ok, I know Yūsaku had been challenging the Knight of Hanoi for a while, but I assume it hasn’t been that long since he started. Plus, he just got his hands on Ignis, which is the organization’s goal. So, they had no reason to pay that much attention to him (only keep their guard up).
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Ugh...What’s this? Link VRAINS avatars? They can create stuff like this too? o_O
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I think they are avatars, since a few weird looking reporters are shown, followed by these two. Ok...they probably look even weirder.
The frog-like one yelled at the pigeon not to use his real name, so that probably settles it. And they are clearly in Link VRAINS. So, people can be really creative with their avatars.
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Some even got so far to create fake avatars that look like Playmaker O_O
The one that posed like a bodybuilder cracked me xD
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Decode Talker seems to be materializing by itself. I have to agree with Kusanagi: Data Storm might be really incredible.
Too bad Ignis can’t give more info. So, along with most of his body, he also lost plenty of memories. That’s a bit sad. He was on the run for so long, but might have forgotten why.
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Aww, now I feel sorry for him.
I bet he was trying to protest and tell them that he actually has a name, but couldn’t since Kusanagi turned the sound off. 
Hmm, so the subs went with “Eye”, for the spelling of his nickname. I would have chosen “I” (the letter), since Yūsaku said it comes from A.I. And the pronunciation is the same for the word “eye”, that’s why Kusanagi thought it was a good name. The wiki uses “Ai”, which works too, but it’s more of a feminine name. Doesn’t really matter though, since either one is fine and I’ll still call him Ignis anyway.
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It looks like more people want to try the Data Storm and Speed Duels. Who can blame them? It’s something new that seems fun and exciting.
However, the in-game security (?) doesn’t agree and goes as far as suspending their accounts (well, that was more for ignoring the warning). Hmm, so SOL Technology doesn’t want more people to use the Data Storm, I guess.
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Speaking of which, we get more of the higher-ups speaking this time. I checked the ending credits and they are indeed (code)named Rook and Knight. Hopefully the others will be added soon enough. 
As for Akira’s plan for catching Playmaker, it sounds rather simple, but I guess it’s the most effective one.
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Talking business while waiting for the traffic light to turn green. Sure xD
Some info about Ema was revealed to be an information hunter and doesn’t really take sides. Which I think it’s interesting. However, here she is kinda being employed by Akira to investigate Playmaker. Hmm, I guess his plan is more complex then. It’s not only to allure him in a battle with Hanoi and capture him, but also gather information.
One thing that I noticed is that they are being rather casual. Well, not that much for Akira since he’s always serious, but he called her by her first name, without any honorifics. And Ema just tells him straight (sort of) that he is willing to use anything to have his way, including her.
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Wait...Gō’s home is some deposit-like building? Decorated with a wrestling ring, training equipment and a TV O_O That looks like a unique place to live. 
His obsession for popularity is kinda getting on my nerves. Though, from the info revealed, there has to be more to it. And it’s starting to show some signs of that, since the manager (I initially thought he was the butler) pointed out that Gō is a hard-worker and doesn’t duel for money.
About Akira wanting to ask him to duel Playmaker, guess that was obvious, considering what he told Ema. Hmm, I didn’t think he will explain the situation to them (sure, without giving any vital info). But I liked how Gō turned the offer down xD
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Akira definitely has data on Gō’s background. The big hint is what the manager said about him looking like he knew everything and being ready to threaten them. 
Before he left, Akira pointed out the hand-made belt. This is just a guess, but it looks like it was made by a child (or maybe more). It has to be related to why Gō worked so hard to become a popular duelist and why he wants to protect that fame. 
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Another peculiar thing regarding Yūsaku is that he managed to decipher something about Ignis’ program, while Kusanagi had to idea what to do. 
And that something is no other than the memory of Revolver destroying the Cyberse. It gets even better when the system starting acting up and Revolver’s face shows up. So he can sense Ignis as well.
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At first I was a bit confused, since clearly they weren’t in Link VRAINS, but the city looked digitized, then Revolver passed by on his dragon. I must say, the moment was intense.
When Kusanagi showed up, I realized that it was a vision, most likely from the virtual reality and only Yūsaku could see it. It most likely has to do with sensing Ignis and how he instinctively knew about Speed Duels.
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Should I worry that Yūsaku smiled when he said that Ignis will disappear if he tears apart his program?
Well, Ignis does reveal stuff...And as I expected, he doesn’t remember why he is being chased...And not even why he escaped in the first place. I’m surprised that Ignis didn’t give up on running away. That memory must have left quite an impact on him.
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That must be Dr. Kogami. His name was revealed in the cast list for this episode. Hmm, nothing really interesting here, just that they are planning something and, of course, a Revolver is willing to challenge Playmaker.
Then, that strange sound started playing and Revolver was in a hurry to leave. Now that’s curious.
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So that’s Revolver’s real form. Sure, it’s shadowed (for now), but the silhouette looks different than his avatar.
You know, it kind of reminds me of the image shown last week with (supposedly) Kusanagi’s brother. However, that doesn’t make much sense. At this point at least.
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It’s gotten more tragic all of a sudden...So that person is his father and Revolver only wants to make his wish come true...I have no idea what happened, but I’m already sympathizing with him. And I’m glad it’s that way. 
I love how VRAINS already gives us hints that the characters are more than what they seem.
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That mark must be important. I have no idea right now what it could be, but I’ll make sure to keep it in mind.
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This may sound trivial, but why are there so few students O_O The classroom is huge, but there can only be seen 15 students...Is the class so boring that most of them would rather skip? Or they just want to hang out in Link VRAINS?
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Either way, I’m glad this was brought up. I’ve been trying to find the origin behind the Knights of Hanoi. I mean, Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam, but I highly doubt they took it from here. I had read a little about the city, but couldn’t find any connection (at least at that time). Another possible name origin is the puzzle game, Tower of Hanoi. Again, I couldn’t seem to find a solid connection, but since the teacher is explaining this very puzzle, this might be it.
Just to give a brief explanation, the creator of this puzzle took inspiration from a legend which takes place in an Indian temple. Then, why “Hanoi” you might ask. The only explanation I found is that the temple in the legend may be located anywhere, including Hanoi. I’m not satisfied with this, but oh well (I should probably search for other sources...). The legend says that in the temple, there is a room with 3 posts, surrounded by disks. The priests, commanded by an ancient prophecy, have to move the disks, following some rules (I'm assuming these are the rules of the game itself). The priests have been doing that for a while and, when the puzzle is completed, the world will end (it’s kinda forced, but this might connect to revolver wanting to destroy the Cyberse)
Now, for the rules. As seen in the image, the disks have different sizes. They can only be moved on top of a bigger disk. Also, only one can be moved at a time. And you can only move the uppermost disk on the stack.
Not sure if all this info will be useful in the future, but I couldn’t help myself when I saw the teacher explaining the Tower of Hanoi. And the scene moved on to something else, so yeah...
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Shima just being a fanboy again. I wonder what Yūsaku thinks in this kind of situations xD
Hmm, so he left Ignis watch over his house...That doesn’t sound like a very good idea.
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Ok, first off, what kind of house is that? The walls are cracked and overall it looks like it could be abandoned. Hmm, I guess the rent is cheap.
Luckily, there is that little robot who keeps it clean. I wonder where did Yūsaku get that. Did he build it? Either way, it seems it (or should I use “she”?) is called Roboppy.
And 3rd, Ignis looked so suspicious there. Then he convinces Roboppy to become his underling. I kinda have a bad feeling about this xD It’s not only about him getting free, but also if Ignis keeps his promise and modifies Roboppy, it’s gonna be troublesome. Then again, he might not do that.
On a side note,  I chuckled at “idiot is a prohibited word”.
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This has to be a different person than the guy Yūsaku dueled. I might be spoiling it, but the summary already revealed that Gō disguises as a Knight of Hanoi and duels Playmaker. Plus, we’ve seen Gō logging in right before this. And if you compare the vices, you’ll notice that they are the same.
Of course, Yūsaku leaves immediately. I guess it’s a good thing he sits next to Shima who checks Link VRAINS regularly. 
Next episode we get more stuff about Gō, which should be interesting. He most likely contacted Akira and went on with his offer. Also, when Yūsaku gets home, he might have a surprise...not a pleasant one though. 
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cole-r-lynn · 7 years
Monday Night RAW 2017.04.10
So, I went into this “Superstar Shakeup” with a few hopes, but mostly planning to quit RAW for several months. I can’t handle VInce, I can’t handle the mis-handling of Roman, and I get enough Seth updates from twitter to keep me happy.
Some of the changes might have changed my mind, but honestly, it was the strength of the promos that got me. The storytelling is why I’m here. I just hope there’s more to come.
Beneath the cut is some stream-of-consciousness rambling as I watched RAW.
1) Opening promo from Miz!Cena was amazing. and then Dean. Fucking genius Dean. His promo was literally EVERYTHING I love about wrestling. I am a little annoyed that Dean is definitely being a mid-card player right now. Which is very frustrating, when he really has the right to be in the main title picture. On the other hand it keeps him from burning out, and from annoying the universe the way Roman does. So.
2) Seth's. Fucking. Promo. He is so good. Holy shit. I am possibly biased. The gold pants are growing on me. Also his face.Yeah, I'm definitely biased.(Definitely starting the build-up for the Shield bullshit they are inevitably planning though. Just the way he phrased things feels like they have a plan. Please, god, all I ask is that Seth has a redeption story line that is actually worth something. Let him work to prove himself to Dean, even if it never turns back into trust.)
3) KO is the greatest talker they have. I can't wait to see what happens next with him. I think feuding with AJ on SDL could be great for both of them. I have a lot of feelings about the blindness of switching the US and IC titles when it was bad writing and booking that made the US title worthless and stronger story that made the IC title feel valuable and exciting, not which show they were on.
4) I am simultaneously super happy to see Nia put over like this and really depressed that it has to be Charlotte's losses that put her there. Charlotte is amazing and deserves better. I do care abut seeing the shake-out of the Women’s division moves, I just don’t know how to interpret the moves or predict where we’re headed.
5) I am glad to see Jinder getting matches. I am glad to see Finn back. That elbow looked awful and I legit hope he is ok.
6) BRAY~~~~~~ I am double-triple mad that this move is probably why they fucked the Mania ending for him. I love the idea of him trying to get inside Finn's head though. I just desperately want the Wyatt family to matter and be a powerhouse that people /fear/ and I worry that RAW-creative doesn’t have it in them to execute.
7) Yay for Sami. Good on him. I liked this match and I love the idea of him moving to SDL to get some respect from
8) Dear god. Roman. Why are they keeping you a face, Roman? (I mean, honestly, other than so he and Dean can be on the same busses now. >.> Which I guess is a real reason.) God, Braun throws Roman around like a rag doll. He makes Ro look tiny. Jesus.Also.... when you said crates I thought.... like fluffy boxes or something. Not like.... road cases. Hell.I had to giggle when Ro's shoulders were too wide and they coudln't get the straps out from under him on the stretcher though. ALSO - FUCK THIS CROWD. "Thank you Strowman" and "Roman sucks" and then "You Deserve it" when Roman is on a fucking STRETCHER? That's pretty harsh. I was so pleased with how responsive they were through the evening but..... o_o What is wrong with people? And finally: you know Roman had to help counterbalance the truck to help Braun flip it but.... christ on a pogo stick. That was kinda cool.
9) I still have zero fucks to give about the Hardys. I.... want to? But give me a story here. Seth came back last year and told me who he was in one promo. Thirty seconds. They have not given the Hardys that much and I cannot find it in myself to care.Sheamus and Cesaro are great though. I love seeing them work together properly. I popped bigger for them than almost anything else at Mania, and I had not expected that.
10) I have never been more excited to hear music hit than Alexa's interrupting Sasha. Cockblocking the heel-turn is actually really clever. And never been more disappointed than to hear Mickie's. I mean, maybe the opposite. I actually love Alexa and I'm not sure about the rest of this division right now. Also, what does that leave on SDL? The Mickie feud is my least favorite work of Alexa’s plotlines, so that moving to Raw? We’ll see.
(Aside: a) Honestly, I feel like putting all this shakeup stuff so close to mania with all these new people coming in has been a huge disservice to these wrestlers. We don't get to know who they are or why we should care and that frustrates me. b) At least they aren't muting the crowds when they boo/cheer/chant whatever. That seems new-ish. c) In the massive posters of all the superstars, they very unsubtly edited Dean in between Seth and Roman on the RAW side. >.> 100% this is happening and it will be too soon.)
11) I had no doubt the match would be awesome, but damn, Dean and Kevin know how to put on a show.
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