#it's dbz art but still LOL
Drawing is genuinely the only thing in my life that can push past the giant cloud of "blah" that constitutes my feelings, the only time I can actually get in touch with feelings I normally can't put a finger on, the only thing that makes me feel alive
Genuinely believe I was put on this earth to make art
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teunip · 7 months
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Words cannot describe how foundational and impactful Akira Toriyama's art was for the little me and many, many others. Dragon Ball gave me the spark to become an artist and keep practising to become an even better one. There's so many fond memories I actually cried while drawing this.
Thank you Toriyama, for everything!
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s735 · 1 year
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furikass · 1 year
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I love this beautiful space prince and his sassiness 👌
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galexibrain · 5 months
Something that bugs me a little is the insistence that Gohan actively hates to fight period. Bc that's not true!
(This ignores everything that happened outside the original manga/the DBZ anime)
Yes, he lacks Goku's or Vegeta's laser-focus on all things martial arts, but let's be real, all half Saiyans do. Goten & Trunks sure have more passion for fighting than Gohan does but they're much more "human" about it than their dads and have other interests in their lives too.
But while Gohan originally became a fighter out of necessity and had little choice in the matter there are instances when he clearly shows that he is totally capable of enjoying himself in a fight.
For once there's obviously his fight against Cell - once he snapped his "Saiyan side" took the lead and he was enjoying himself a little too much (and ruined it, like a good Saiyan must).
But it also becomes clear in the early Buu arc. Yeah, initially he's not rly interested in the tournament and wouldn't have participated if not for Videl forcing him.
But once he was in he was in. He even got a little annoyed by Videl interrupting his training, and he did want to win. If he really hated it so much he could have entered with the plan of failing the preliminaries, or losing in the first round. But the thought never crossed his mind. I think if you'd suggested he botches it deliberately to get out of it he'd been horrified.
He was going to have fun with it! I think his most "Saiyan" trait is that he's a bit of a showman lol. He likes to be flashy! And he likes to boast! He COULD have just used a plain costume and mask to hide hid identity but nope, Great Saiyaman it is! He likes being seen and being known as a crazy strong superhero. Maybe he'd have been into pro-wrestling with their fancy costumes and showmanship
Even before things went off the rails at the tournament and Buu arc was set in motion he was ready to go. And yes his crush on Videl might have served as motivation: "haha cool she won't be disappointed if someone beats her dad! (I can date her if I beat her dad)" -> he WOULD have thrown Satan out of the ring if he'd gotten to fight him, no questions asked.
And once he, Goku & Vegeta are in Babidi's spaceship it gets even clearer: now, no one is forcing him to fight. Ofc Gohan always wanted to fight when it was necessary, even at 5yo he wouldn't stay home, he made it very clear that he was going to Namek.
But while they were going through the levels in Babidi's ship this still wasn't a serious thing. Pui Pui and Yakon were a joke for them. Vegeta was getting pissed, ok, but aside from that it was just fun and games for them, and Gohan could easily have said "nah have at it you two, I'm sitting this one out" but never once did he so much as consider NOT taking part in rock-paper-scissoring it out to decide who gets to go first.
He was eager to fight Dabra! Dabra told them to take him on 3:1 and Gohan flat out told him "no way, this is MY fight!". And if Vegeta had interfered with that fight to end it quicker I'm 100% sure Gohan would have decked him in the face and told him to fuck off. (Maybe that would have cooled Geets' mood a little lol.)
The problem isn't that Gohan hates fighting from the bottom of his heart. He doesn't. The problem is he grew up with a dad who was 100% a fighter and a mum who was 100% into education, and he didn't find a balance. He didn't even know that might be an option! He thought he'd HAVE to choose one thing, and one alone, and so he chose education.
Who could have taught him otherwise? Maaaaybe Piccolo (post-reunification with Kami), but tbh I think he didn't want to give Gohan the feeling he had to fight. I think Piccolo feels a little bad for putting 4-5yo Gohan through the wringer so much.
Like idk. Let my boy be both. Let him have Goku's legacy as well as make his own!
(I've read about Dragon Ball Online a little and tbh Gohan writing a book on ki and making it widely known? Perfect. I love it. Best idea ever. Probably the best thing that happened to DB since the original manga and Z anime ended. I am accepting this as canon 100%.)
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suiginmigasuto87 · 6 months
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"Inspiration: Thank You" Way back in high school, I would joke that I was an "artist". But in truth. I couldn't draw for anything. Or so I thought. One day, in an art class, I had an assignment to draw something on a piece of paper. Then transfer that drawing on to a canvas. I chose Vegito. Because I just started watching DBZ at the time. And I thought that the beat down that he gave to Buu was the best stuff I had ever seen. Lo and behold. By the end of the assignment, and much to my amazement. I found out that I could actually paint. I managed to paint a really decent Vegito. That is where my love for art started. On that canvas. And in time, I've only gotten better. Despite everything that life has thrown at me. Despite what I still lack. I've only strived to keep going. To keep getting better. This love for art started with you, Akira Toriyama Sensei. Thank you. For not only being my inspiration to keep going. But also serving as the light of inspiration for so many others across the planet. Rest in Peace. Lord knows, you've earned it. <3 The dude on the left is the older character that I created back in high school; Quick Silver. He was the result of my finding out that I could draw. This character's existence was what helped to keep that creative ball rolling. And yes, that is "Akirabot's" robot hand in the foreground. lol. This piece will be finished. I pulled inspiration from this: https://youtube.com/shorts/37YuRcR8Jqk?si=sz3mEDAwnSaUVTiw
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lmshady · 9 months
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Why yes, I still do art on occasion, lol. So I've gotten into TCM the game and Johnny... Just Johnny. But for some reason I was compelled to draw him in the style of DBZ, so here ya go. Also shirtless variant because I hunger for his shirtless cosmetic to come out, PLEASE.
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untoldsoup · 5 months
1, 3 and 5 from the artist ask!
1. When did you start creating art?
I think like most artists I started drawing the moment I could get a hold of a pencil. I have always wanted to do comics, however. Even as a kid i drew a bunch of sonic themed comics, and then dbz comics when I got a bit older. I never really completed any big ones before, "change" is the first real big comic I consider completed. I wish I would have had the perseverance in the past to get through the hurdles and realize it's not as daunting as I thought all these years.
3. What are your favorite subjects to draw?
Always fandom stuff. I never really got into drawing original characters. The closest I get to ocs is things like gijinkas or AU characters. I have always been a big fan of gijinka stuff.
5. What piece of art are you still proud of to this day?
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this shippy dbz one mostly because of how hard drawing freeza's pose was lol
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nessguts · 5 months
Dragon Ball has a rlly hard style to replicate, that and sometimes putting characters into ones own style can be difficult, while still making them read as yknow that character but WOWOWOW I love the way u do it so much!!! Like wow that’s them!! It’s so good. That’s all ty
omg fjdkfj thank you this is ssooo sweet lol
to be fair i have been drawing dragon ball for nearly 9 years now so i’d hope by this point i’m at least somewhat good at drawing them fjskjf
i actually taught myself how to draw by drawing dragon ball stuff at a young age so i kind of feel as though dbz is baked into my style, often times when i show strangers my art one of the first things they ask is if i’m into any older animes lmaoo so maybe it’s not that i’m good at drawing dbz but instead its that its like all i know how to draw 😭
anyway, thank you so much you’re very sweet ^_^
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therealestidealist · 2 months
Ok im tired of reblogging that post lol
Listen, if someone is paid for their work and their work is recognizable enough to be properly credited (such as a dbz episode, which credits the studio and the artists), then that artist' art is being respected. They understand that while their name is not watermarked on every frame, the credit they receive is exactly where they agreed on it to be.
A freelance artist on social media is RARELY recognizable by that sheer number of people or audience. If you want to share their work, you need to make sure that they are okay with that. They do this for free, no studio to protect their rights to their work. They are giving you art to look at for free. If you want to share their art, the least you could do is ask permission and respect their answer, including the lack thereof. If someone does not answer, you should never assume its a yes.
If you can't find a way to credit them, and post it anyway, you are again assuming their answer, link or not.
The thing is, the other user pointed out that this artist not only has a tumblr and twitter, but they linked a post that showed them explicitly asking for people not to repost their work.... which you did. A small "x" link with no context is not proper credit. Their tumblr dms are open. Getting defensive and telling strangers who reblog the post that you're going to kill yourself, and then claiming that the same people are the ones telling you to do that is just. Wildly inappropriate, and huge overreaction to a situation where you could have easily just deleted the post.
The reality is that you simply could have tried harder to get permission, you didn't, and instead of listening to the people telling you how to fix it, you told them you were going to kill yourself, and accused strangers of being ableist when, not only is your neurodivergency none of their business, but they'd tell ANYBODY reposting art without permission to stop doing that.
No one is attacking you for struggling to understand- you're being criticized for doubling down and refusing to learn and fix the problem.
You're not trying at all to be accommodating to my situation. You say the way I credited the artist was not "proper". The parameters for this are undefined. I see art credited this way all the time. I have never posted art on here before, so I did it the way I've seen it done. You accuse me of "not trying hard enough" to get permission. In truth, I did not seek permission at all because I was not aware of any sort of standard of etiquette for this. Their twitter (where I found it) does not link to their tumblr (where they ask not to share art). Some artists mention in their bios not to share their art. Some artists say share with permission. Some artists do not specify their preferences. Given the broad variety of preferences artists have regarding the sharing of their art, how am I to have awareness of some commonly understood protocol for art sharing? As I understood it, sharing without credit is bad, sharing with credit is ok unless otherwise stated by the artist. Now I'm being told you're a monster if you share art with credit or that my crediting is somehow improper (no further questions asked)
Also, I removed the post when I was linked to the artist's statement. But I have since continued to be dogpiled in my notes and asks with all sorts of accusations. My issue is that I'm not being afforded patience to understand the nuances and complexities in how to share art. Even as you answer my questions you're doing so with an attitude and you still fail to clarify vague conditions of what's considered proper etiquette when there are numerous exceptions such that I cannot meaningfully understand the distinctions. Thanks to this, I will never share any art ever again. I guess it's fine for others to do so but not me. Idk
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rhonuscorner · 6 months
Sleep deprivation and pain made me have one hell of a weird DCA-NMS-COTL crossover dream this morning and I'm still giggling about it, wtf
I don't remember much of the No Man's Sky part of the dream, but the part involving the DCA involved a survival game that had Sun as the playable character, complete with wire shenanigans and it was pretty awesome and weird (except for the part where I got Denied A Hug TvT by a Sun who was for some reason not wearing anything, don't you fucking judge me, it's dream logic 😂), and despite not really knowing anything about CotL aside from what shows up on my dash (thanks @bamsara though I'm not complaining lol), that part of the dream was also... very interesting.
I don't know how accurate it was to canon because again, my knowledge is extremely basic. I'm pretty sure Narinder getting the lamb to start a cult did not involve him beating the absolute bajeebus out of the lamb like it came straight out of a DBZ episode, but yeah, what do I know lol. Maybe it IS accurate. NO CLUE.
I do want to play this game at some point - especially after this dream - but I'm gonna resist. I don't want to lose my DCA hyperfixation anytime soon when I still have so much to write and draw, so for now I'm putting it on my wishlist and that's where it's going to stay for a good long while.
For now, I'm gonna write out the details of this dream for safekeeping so I can giggle over it later when I inevitably forget about it, pop some pain meds and hopefully finish some art today. @_@
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danphantom · 7 months
oh hey i wanna talk abt smth thats been on my mind both lately and on and off for a while in general. sorry this ended up being a hella long post lol. but i have a lot to say
so...for context, ive been in the phandom for 10 years--since 2014--though it has admittedly been on and off in terms of engagement from me. in 2017 i got into dragon ball and all but dropped danny phantom completely with a few small drawings here and there. it was only like..within the past week that i actually got back into the phandom legitimately again, actively making art and posts about it and engaging with the source material and etc
anyway, i was obsessed with dp from 2014-late 2017 (until i got into dbz). i made lots and lots of fanart, played the gba games like all the damn time (i got to where i could speedrun tue lol), rewatched the show regularly...i was even one of those fans that bought obscure merch and learned useless trivia that ive since forgotten. in 2015 a lot of you may remember that i made @doppelgangercomic, a comic about an au i had where dan got a redemption arc (albeit a bumpy one) and future vlad was there and stuff happened (go read the comic LOL). it got a LOT of love and traction! it made me really happy to see all the positivity around my work like that :) i actually got a lot of positive responses towards my work in general. i had a really great time in the phandom back then
then i changed fandoms and kinda fell out of the phandom space. after being on a hiatus from the phandom until literally a week ago, i honestly have to say ive felt like i kind of...faded into obscurity in the phandom's eyes? basically i feel like old news. people dont generally know what doppelganger is now. they may have seen my art in passing here and there but they dont know who i am anymore. i think the only place people actively still find my old danny phantom art from when i was heavily active is...deviantart lol. i get notifications from favorites literally every day there. but uh anyway--im not saying this to garner pity or tell a sob story or anything! im just expressing some thoughts and feelings ive had for a long time lol.
the reason i bring this ^ up though, is because like...i know its not true? logically, i know that i DID make an impact in the fandom i loved/love so so much. i left my mark on both the fandom in an artistic sense, and also the people in the fandom, and sometimes i forget that because i get significantly less engagement on my posts than i used to. but i know that doesnt mean that people dont like my stuff anymore, or that ive been forgotten.
i actually got a message from someone today--a friend i made kinda recently who approached me bc they liked doppelganger actually. they told me that basically its surreal to them that theyre talking to me as a friend because they remember reading doppelganger when they were younger and looking up to me because of it. and it really reminded me of what i said previously--ive not been forgotten, and people still do appreciate and love what ive put out into the world (specifically about danny phantom in this case). ive made an impact on people's lives even when i dont realize it or see it physically. the message and sentiment made me feel really really good and nice and happy and honestly relieved, because the phandom and danny phantom as a media has been an extremely important and impactful part of my life ever since i got into it ten years ago. i literally changed my name to dan because of it lol. it was the reason i found stephen silver's work and went down that path of my art journey. its the reason i found so many amazing people and friends and artists and continue to do that even now. i owe a lot to danny phantom and the phandom as a whole, and i try to give back in the only ways i know how--mainly thru showing my passion through my art and posts.
anyway erm. yeah. all of this to say i wanted to thank yall--the phandom--for supporting me all this time, whether youve been with me from the beginning or if youre just joining me recently. youve been an absolute delight in my life and i know youll continue to be for a long time. :)
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pillowdrawz · 2 years
I love how powerful you let the rise turtles be. They have a very DBZ air about them in how the fights get animated. I love the idea of Leo getting summoned for that or them just generally surprising the other turtles with the things they can do.
Yeah im honestly so tired where the rise fam getting nerf on Some crossover or when some crossover the 2012 are very toxic or ooc. I just want the Rise fam to kick butt like they always do.
Like even if they don't have their mystic powers they can still fight with fish and ladders or martial arts they WHERE noobs but BECAME pros its called rise for a reason.
But then again The Fight would end very quickly lol.
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asura-zoro · 2 years
This is part two of the Lino/Hoelys-blog situation, I will provide a summary of the situation with this person and of the events that has happened in the original post. For the previous part, and for other posts about Lino (accounts from his victims and the original artists he has stolen from) please check out the #hoelys-blog tag via tumblr search bar, my blog, or in this post’s tags. I will be posting updates almost every day or every other day, depending on what I find or what people bring to me. So for the most recent information, check out my most recent reblogs (of this post). If you have information that you think is relevant please message me.
Before I begin, please do not message him, do not harass him! Lino is an art thief and scammer that alters art and sells it, it seems he has been doing this since November 2022. In his previous blogs, he would post stolen art and present it as his, and would even post commission posts with stolen and altered art. Lino also goes and messages people asking for them to commission him, often using emotional manipulation tactics to drive his scams. He will also try to get you to upgrade your commission and will also charge you more than once on different paypal accounts (because “the payment didn’t go through”). Oh, and Lino is not afraid to beg you for money- he has begged several people to buy him some shoes (expensive ones).
Do not talk to someone who does not have examples of their artwork on their page, or if the artwork that has been posted has drastic changes in art style, or if they message you asking if you want to commission them. It is most likely a scam, and I highly suggest you reverse image search to find the original source. Lino caters to multiple fandoms, not just One Piece, DBZ, and Naruto. I’m also pretty sure, despite me blocking every account of his that I’m aware of, that he is watching my posts about him.
Lino is like a cockroach... The sheer amount of times he has created new blogs, renamed blogs... is just astounding. Here is a list of all of his known blogs:
@Hoelys-blog ->@Reikantopeni ->@sparklyeagle1 -> @starstrucksandwichpainter [Gone]
@Kawaiibasementsublime [Still up]
@Pashnaengnami [Gone]
@lino1017 [Gone]
@iwilldrawanythingforyou [Still up]
@happyconnoisseurdestiny [Possible blog of Lino’s, new]
@dutifullysparklyheart [New]
He also has a twitter: https://twitter[.]com/dajs64027553 (remove the brackets when you use the URL) I do not use Twitter, so I am not sure how bad the situation is over there.
If Lino does scam you, please screenshot EVERYTHING, and be sure to report him on every platform you have talked to him on, and block him (he likes to harass people and online stalk his victims). On tumblr, we can report him for phishing (and artists can report him for stealing their work), you can also report him on paypal or other money sending app/sites (please get your money back). Please contact the original artists so that they can be made aware and can take action against Lino. You can send the artist(s) the posts that I make about this situation. For those who have been scammed and/or gotten their work stolen- if you need his full name and list of known email addresses, please contact me.
Before most of his accounts got deleted, Lino posted on pashnaengnami that “I am going to delete Tumblr :(” and changed his pfp and banner to cartoon open wounds lol. Then he made his new accounts and a few hours later most of his blogs were gone.
Oh, if you make a report on Lino and Staff has touched base with you, please let me know! We can make a report support group, and keep each other updated and verify information. 
 This is the end of my summary, anything below this will be updates!
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eirian · 1 year
oc spotlight: patoto (mainverse)
ok so this oc is super special to me. he was my VERY FIRST dbz oc, and he was literally made as my player character for my first dnd game as well.
he was originally a half saiyan from a town called chickemhold (thats still his village name canonically) and he carried around a little chicken backpack that had velcro on it and this was actually a plotpoint in the dnd game LOL
here's his very first original design ref for the campaign
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and then his updated ref for later in the campaign
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compared to his current look (i need to update his official ref tho, these colors are innacurate and the art style leaves something to be desired for me LOL)
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he marked the beginning of my dbz interest and also my dnd interest, and he also marked the beginning of the mirrorsverse! when i first made him i had no idea that he would spark an entire multiverse of stories and characters that would develop into a whole comic series! its really amazing :D
as for why i love his character...he's just so. hes so good. like, he's strong and he's a saiyan and he could literally kill you but he doesnt have that kind of heart. he wouldnt hurt a fly unless it threatened his friends or family (as will be shown in chapter 7). his first time going super saiyan was when his favorite chicken got injured by some thugs. he wants to get stronger like any saiyan would of course, he craves greater strength and loves to battle, but he's just so kind and happy all the time as well. he wants to make friends and allies and he loves his moms so so much.
he has a tendency to get overexcited and overenthusiastic, and he also tends to see the world in black and white rather than shades of gray, but he's still a good boy. he was also my first canonically autistic character!
he just feels like a great protagonist to me because he's headstrong and willing to fight for his loved ones but he's also kind and gentle and loving. i love him sooooo much and im so happy i made him and im so happy people also love him <3
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furipasart · 4 months
I just remembered you and your art exists and how my very first fandom experience was browsing DBZ art and admiring yours for hours lol. Hope this doesn't sound creepy ;w; I lied and made a profile when I was young for deviantart so I could leave comments on people's art lol. I'm devastated tho, many artists have deleted their artwork or just straight up deactivated their account. At least I still got your art to admire. You fueled the fire for my first anime crush. Broly x3 your ocs are still cool too
Aww! I am so happy you like my work, as old as the DA one might be lol. I did op out when the whole AI thing first came around on it, but I had stopped posting there for a good while before. So I just use DA now as a sort of archive for my older works. But it always makes me happy having people come to me saying how they were long time fans of my works still today. Makes me feel like my work is seen, ya know? Glad you enjoy my current works too! Thank you so much and I hope you have a good day!
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