#it's been? almost 2 weeks since i was last at my doctor's office and was unable to see him
risaonda · 1 year
I am so fucking angry. teehee
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therapycat21 · 11 months
Oh Baby
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Requested: Yes/No
Hi, can you please do one about the Travis and Taylor rumors going around. Maybe like your Taylor’s sister dating Travis secretly for awhile now and your pregnant. And like the Taylor concert he went to he was like there with you and the football that Taylor went to she was like there with you. And it all comes out that he’s with you and not Taylor and they find out your pregnant and all and are so shocked and didn’t see it coming. Like if that makes sense 🙂
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Me and Travis have been together for a five years now and have been in a private relationship due to the past of both of our relationships. Since we decided to be private it has been nothing but amazing .We had met from mutual friends of my younger sister Taylor.
   One of her backup dancers had known Travis from meeting him at the Super Bowl where he danced for Rihanna. 
  Travis and I officially met at the Superbowl party after they won and we’ve been together. Since then we had gotten a house together, married, and had a few fur babies but now as we stare at the screen in the dim room and the nurse moving the doppler around, we finally see our baby, we’ve been coming here for six months now and looking at our baby never gets old. We still have our gender reveal to do in the next few weeks but for now, we have to wait. 
After wiping the gel off my stomach, I see Travis’s phone lighting up on the counter “Hey babe? Your phone’s going off” I tell him, the tight grasp he has on my hand is gone as he opens the phone screen, I continue to wipe the gel off and get myself together so we can leave when Travis lets a giant frustrated sigh resonate throughout the room. I look at him to see frustration masking his face “Baby what’s wrong?” I ask. He looks up from his screen before turning the phone towards me, I take the phone and start reading the news article. There have been many news articles about Travis potentially dating someone new every week at this point I'm used to it.
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I look back up at him seeing the serious look on his face. “What do you wanna do about it?” I ask him, not knowing how to go about this, he rubs his forehead “I wanna be done hiding you and the baby. I know It’s a lot to ask of you but I just want the world to know I’m with you and I’m happy” he tells me. 
I give him a once over before nodding “How about this, we don’t say anything yet, but we go out together and just do what we usually do at home, outside, and once it starts being noticed, then we’ll find a way to confirm it, is that okay?” I ask him, making up a plan so it’s easier. He smiles nodding his head at the plan “Alright, let’s do that” he gives me a chaste kiss before we leave the private room and start to head home, since this is a private doctor's office, no one knows we’re here, we get in the car and start driving home  “how about tonight? We can start by going to Taylor's concert” I suggest as we pull up to the house. I look over and see him nod his head in response “Yeah let's do that, Let's get in cause we don’t have that much time before the concert.” He tells me.
We both got ready, and we both decided to wear white. We arrive at the stadium and are escorted to where Taylor is in the back, As I see her she quickly walks over to me, pulling me into a hug being cautious of my stomach, she lets go before softly rubbing my belly “Oh my god, I feel like you were 2 months like last week and now you're almost done” she tells me before pulling me into another hug before turning to acknowledge Travis “oh my god, how are you? How’s everything?” she asks him. He hugged her back briefly before talking a bit about what was going on. 
We were interrupted as one of the managers came over to tell us it was time to head to our seats and for Taylor to get in position for the concert. We all hug one last time before Travis and I head to our family balcony seats.
     3 Hours Later
 After a few hours of enjoying Taylor’s set, I noticed some fans pointing their phones to wear Travis and I were sitting, I nudged him a bit to let him know, and I saw him look down, acknowledging them and giving some a few waves as they capture pictures of him, if only we knew what everyone would be thinking by noon tomorrow. 
After hanging with Taylor for a bit at her after party we decided to head home so I could rest after being on my feet for a long time. Me and Travis are freshly showered and lounging on the couch watching Marvel before we head to bed for the night.
     The Next Morning
The pressure on my bladder is what wakes me up from my comfortable sleep, I try to roll out of bed not even bothering to check my phone, and head to the bathroom to get ready for the morning, I can still hear Travis snoring as I hear my phone chime with a notification, I walk over to my nightstand grabbing my phone, opening it to see a crap ton of messages from Taylor and a few of mine and Travis friends. Opening the first message I see from Taylor
        “Did you see this? I don’t wanna say anything unless you want me to cause I don’t want to add any more stress on you, no one knows me and Henry are together yet but I  still need to talk to him about that, I love you please let me know, ”
   I clicked on the link she sent, seeing it's an article from ENews.
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 I kind of expected this to happen considering I don’t really like to be in the spotlight, even as Taylor’s older sister I never really strived for that, Now don’t get me wrong, almost all of Taylor’s fans know of me from over the years. 
  I went to Travis's side of the bed and gently shook him awake  “What? What's going on?” He asks groggily, I turn the phone screen and watch him as he reads the article title, he shakes his head before turning to sit up “What the hell?” is all he responds with while reading the article. He hands the phone back to me before picking up and checking his phone. I continue going through the messages from friends when I get sent another article, It is dated back to when when me, Taylor and our mom went to one of Travis’s games last week, and of course it is titled almost the same, with the public thinking they’re dating. Broken out of my thoughts, Travis slams his phone down on the nightstand, I put my phone down while walking over to him, I cradle his head into my chest, rubbing his head “I wanna be done with this” Is all he says to me.
   I continue rubbing his head before he kisses me, getting up to use the bathroom. While he is in the bathroom, I contemplate, I already know what he wants to do but I know he isn't doing it because of my hesitation with it becoming more public. I decide I’m done being scared and hiding myself. 
I pick up my phone before opening Instagram and uploading a picture we had taken recently at our maternity shoot and without a second thought I posted it. I quickly shut my phone, a little nervous to even look at it. I waddle into the bathroom where Travis is standing at the sink brushing his teeth. He looks at me in question, seeing the nervous look on my face. He quickly finishes his teeth “Are you alright?” he asks I open my phone screen and quickly turn it towards him. As he checks the post, I am filled with nerves but they quickly diminish as a giant smile breaks out on his face.
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Putting the phone down he pulls me into a tight hug as best as he can, he lets go running out of the room, I peek out, waddling over to see him opening his phone and making his own post.
After he posted the picture, he pulled me towards him with his head leveled with mine as he was sitting on the bed, He pulled me into a soft kiss “Thank you, I know how hard it was to do that” he tells me smiling softly. I chuckle rubbing the side of his beard “It was nerve-wracking no doubt but other than that, it wasn’t that hard” I reassure him. We’re both broken out of our silent bubble, simultaneously getting a notification chime, we both open our phone screens to see we were tagged in a Twitter post by Taylor Letting everyone know that she is indeed dating someone named Henry and how Travis is only and will only ever be her brother-in-law.
Travis still holding me by my waist pulls my face to him, kissing me softly, nudging his nose against mine, and softly rubbing the bump "I love you so much" he tells me softly, I smile "I love you too baby" I tell him pulling him in for another kiss.
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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
For some reason, I feel like this sucks but It's whatever, I may rewrite it but for now, here it is,,,enjoy!!
Much Love
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writingoddess1125 · 11 months
Lucky Winner to get Part 2!!
Fever pt. 2
Buggy x Femreader + Buggy Twins
Also PSA everyone Wrap it before you tap it!
Support me on Ko-Fi ☕️
Check out the rest of the Old Men series
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Buggy shouted in total joy, Jumping around the room as his body looked almost like an accordion at his odd movements- you sitting there in total shock.
You'd expected that the twins would be your first and last, not that you would accidently get pregnant again especially by the same idiot who had done it by accident the first time.
Your hands went over your face as the reality of 9 months of this set in- For Fuck sakes... You could t help but giggle and hug Buggy there in the doctors office, Both happy and in total shock by this all.
After this things moved all too quickly it seemed. Of course you two told the boys who had been both excited and apprehensive- Like most kids worried the new baby would replace them or take the father they just gained from them, which had to be explained wasn't the case and you and Buggy created a gameplan to help the biys adjust. Then came the crew, who decided to have a 3 day celebration and get absolutely shit faced- Buggy included.
Why you were indeed happy, incredibly happy infant you knew what was about to come. HORRIBLE PREGNANCY SYMPTOMS! WONDERFUL-
Your first trimester was filled with morning sickness, Poor Buggy being as kind as possible as he helped clean you up and find foods that wouldn't make you puke your guts out. The twins even doing their part to find nice teas and things that smelled nice for you to also not throw up.
During this time Buggy bought so much stuff- Most likely boosting the economy of the village single handedly as he had the nursery built in the cabin and on the ship, You and the boys having a fun few weeks decorating both areas.
By your second trimester the hormones kicked in horribly, that and cramps. However that's when something magical happened as well-
Buggy and you were laying on the bed, both of you quite exhausted. Buggy was tired from dealing with the twins all day while you were tired from the baby and fatigue that was hitting you like a fleet. Since the start of your second trimester when your baby bump had become far more noticable Buggy always has his hand somewhere on your stomach rubbing the growing bump.
"I need to find a better way of tiring them out..." Buggy grumbled, You nodding in agreement leaned against the man and truthfully you both without single damns. Buggy in some pink boxers while you leaned against his naked chest in a large shirt rolled up over your stomach and underwear.
"They are still worried- Maybe take them out sailing or something? I'm sure they would enjoy tha- Oof!" You yelp as a sudden jolt hit you, clearly aimed right under Buggys palm which make both of you jump in surprise.
"What the hell was that?" He questioned as he pulled his palm away from you quickly and looked at your stomach. You shifting and rubbing the exposed skin smiling at him.
"They kicked, ive been feeling 'em move but not kick yet. Here I'm sure they will give you another little kick" You say calmly. Buggy sitting infront of you quickly and placing his palms back on your skin, You shifting his palms to the perfect spot before another jolt ran through you and Buggy giggled like a child at this.
"Thats so weird feeling!"
His eyes sparkled at this as he sat infront of you rubbing your stomach and feeling his child move under his palm and occasionally kick. It was a truly precious moment for the both of you.
As for the final trimester... Pregnancy was never too kind to anyone- Especially you. It wasn't with the twins and it sure wasn't now-
Leaned against the counter you glared hard at Buggy- 60 damn days you're ass! Try 8 fucking months trapped in this God forsaken cabin with your mentally unstable partner, two 12 year old boys and your bladder being utterly destroyed by little feet.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" Buggy questioned feeling the heat of your glare on his skin.
"I-..." You wanted to start Biting his head off but truthfully he had done nothing, you figured you were just emotional to the max at this point and the cramping didn't help.
"...I'm in pain-" You admit with a sigh, Buggy setting down his drink and walking to you calmly as he looked you over like he could spot your pain.
"Your stomach looks different" He said calmly, You shooting him a warning look.
"No shit it looks-" Buggy shook his head to stop you, "No its lower I mean, I think it's best we call the doctor" He said calmly, A shot of embrassment going through you at this point. Buggy truly had been giving it his all and learned from the doctor. With a chick trip from the Doctor and Midwife they confirmed you were in labor and got you set up to give birth in the cabin, The twins being taken to the Big Top with Cabaji while they waited for their siblings arrival.
"How are you feeling?" Buggy asked, Gently rubbing your back as you smiled.
"Not to bad actually- I'm glad you're here with me.." You say softly as another contraction shot through you.
At first it was fine- You'd been through this before. So it should be shorter and less painful this time around- Yeah No. You went from fine to screaming in pain very very quickly. Buggy sitting next to you trying to comfort you and get you through it- However the last thing you wanted was him there..
Which landed Buggy outside the house awkwardly, his crew also seated on different patches of grass as they flinched at every cry and scream that echoed out from the house and into the silent garden outside. You had kicked out Buggy 20 minutes ago, clearly just in too much pain to handle him at the moment and the doctor recommending him to try to return in 30 minutes. Which he did.
Truthfully he handled it like a champ once back in, holding your hand despite feeling like you were crushing it into dust and wiping the sweat and tears from your eyes. After a seven exhausting painful hours a shrill cry cut through the air as you slacked onto the bed. The doctor happily placing a little girl on your chest, now tears of joy running down your cheeks.
The doctors starting to clean her up as you admired her, looking to Buggy who was also crying.
You held the little girl in your arms, seeing her pink little face she had your facial features and (Y/H/C) hair like you but a bright rounded cherry nose/cheeks and ocean blue eyes. She was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen. You saw Buggy stare in only awe as he felt tears hit his cheeks and he smiled.
"Shes.. shes.."
Your hand reached forward, Buggy thinking it was to caress his cheek or something gentle but instead you grabbed his neck in a iron grip- He squeaking in surprise as you pull him close.
"Buggy- This is the last... do you understand? Cause if the words 'I want another child' come from your lips ever again I am going to cut your dick off and throw it into the deepest part of the ocean. Do. You. Understand. Me" You said in the softest and kindest voice Buggy had ever heard, fear going through his system as he could tell you were dead serious.. maybe it was the lack of oxygen going to his brain or still the euphoria of the moment but he swore he saw literal hell flame in yours eyes.
"Clear- Crystal Clear" He wheezed, you releasing him so he could scoop up his daughter. He genuinely looked giddy at this point as he cuddled her close to his chest, you saw the anxiety just below the surface of his face as he stared at his daughter more her nose-
"Shes beautiful" You say softly staring at her from Buggy's arms.
"I won't let her go through what I did- I want her to feel special and perfect" He admitted, your eyes softening at his vulnerability as he kissed his daughters cheek.
"Im sure they will kn- Oof!- Fuck" You hissed in pain and flinched. The doctor peaked under the blanket quickly and called over the midwife who did a quick check. You wincing in pain as Buggy stared at you panicking and holding the now fussing newborn.
"(Y/N)?!" He said softly as another groan of pain left you. The midwife and doctor conversing quickly before beginning to prepare once again.
"It seems you're still in labor- Looks like another baby" He said proudly, Your eyes widening as you look at Buggy like you were prepared to kill him. The clowns face as white as snow making his face paint look dark at the realization of 2 sets of twins kicked in.
"Holy shit-"
"GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!!" You yelled as Buggy kept his daughter and rushed out quickly to show off his daughter and avoid your wrath of damning you to another set of twins.
Eventually he would return with your guys daughter and sat through another broken hand created by your labor. That night another little girl was brought in this world, the little girls being 8 hours apart and identical to her sister.
It was later decided after you had properly been cleaned up and not ready to murder Buggy their names. Buggy coming up with the names Ali and Ari respectively for his daughters.
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@alastorhazbin @yuriwk
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hiii!! Could i get a simple one shot where its specer reid x daughter(6) who had woken up with the flu in the middle of the night, and reid is just the best dad ever, if you can throw in a bed wetting scene as well, Lots of comfort i love your writting so much🤍
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Request: hiii!! Could i get a simple one shot where its specer reid x daughter(6) who had woken up with the flu in the middle of the night, and reid is just the best dad ever, if you can throw in a bed wetting scene as well, Lots of comfort i love your writting so much🤍
This idea is adorable thank you for requesting!
Third person pov...
Spencer Reid was tired, the last case had been a hard one, in Las Vagas an unsub was kidnapping little children aged 4 to 8 and pretending that they were their parents, if the kid misbehaved or did something the unsub didn't want she would kill them.
She got through 8 children both boys and girls before the last victim little 6 year old esme, she had been kidnapped from the park near the unsubs hunting ground.
She was knocked out and kept the longest, a week later she managed to escape from the house, she had told the team she escaped when the unsub was taking a nap and forgot to lock one of the windows, covered in bruises and blood the little girl was saved and the unsub captured.
On the plane ride home Spencer was anxious to see his daughter, little Esme had remind him of his 6 year old safe home Virginia, the doctor was currently on the phone with the babysitter.
He sat drumming his left hand on the table waiting for the call to go through finally when the called connected he felt less anxious. "Hello Mr Reid" she said, Spencer relaxes slightly.
"Y-yes he-hello Mrs thorn, I'm calling to let you know I will be home by 1am, we have just left Las vagas" he explains to the babysitter, Mrs Thorn had been Y/Ns babysitter ever since she was a baby.
Spencer of course has a very demanding job and it always away on case from 2 days to almost 2 weeks, depending on the Unsub, he doesn't get to see existing daughter must when he does he spends every minute with her.
Only being 6 years old the little girl is very smart like her Daddy, she understood why he left her with Mrs Thorn alot, but I didn't mean he didn't love her just that he was busy saving other people from bad guys.
"Ooh that's great news Mr Reid, little Y/N has been missing you, she will be very happy to have you home" Exclaimed Mrs Thorn, Spencer grinned.
"I've missed her too, can you put her on for me ?" He askes hope in his voice, Mrs Thorn laughed slightly. "Of course I can, here she is- N/N its Daddy" Spencer can hear Mrs thorn say.
Then the unmistakable squeal of his daughter. "Daddy!! Daddy it's you" Exclaimed Y/N the little 6 year old had been given the phone to talk to her Dad.
Spencers smile widened at the sound of his daughters voice. "Hi sweetie, it's Daddy, I'm coming home" he says hearing Y/N squeal loudly in excitement at the news.
"Yayy! Daddy's coming home, you hear that Mrs Thorn!- yes I hear N/N- oh Daddy! I got a new book from the library" Little Y/N then spent the next hour telling her Father what she did the time he was away.
Hours later the plane finally lands, Y/N had fallen asleep telling her Dad what, she did almost two hours ago, throughout the time Spencer had noticed the team watching him with smiles on their faces as he talked tk his daughter.
Soon the group of 6 were walking to the bullpen to grab their stuff. "I cannot wait to get home and sleep I'm my bed" groaned Emily, JJ and Morgan agreeing with her.
Spencer grabbed bus go bag and normal bag and was making his way to the exit. "See you guys tomorrow, late start at 9 so relax a little before coming in" called Hotch from his office.
Soon Spencer was home, Mrs Thorn had left an hour ago after Y/N fell asleep, Spencer quickly opened and locked the door behind him as he walks in.
He tiptoes as silently as possible, taking of his shoes abd walking through the apartment, he puts down his bag, he pulls out the book he bought home for Y/N.
He goes to sit on to sofa but is stopped by crying, tensing Spencer looks to his daughters room. "N/N" he runs to her room and slams open the door. "N/N? Are you okay? It's daddy" he says to the dark room, the only light source being the night light.
"Daddy!" Sobs the little H/C haired girl, the 6 year old was currently kneeling on her bed, hair sticking up, rubbing her teary eyes as she cries.
Spencer walks over to her quickly, he shush the crying girl, picking her up and hugging her rocking back and forth trying to comfort. "Shh Shh it'd okay Baby, daddy's here daddy's right here " he whispers calmly in her ear.
After a while she stops, her sobs turning into sniffles, Spencer child feel his shirt soaked with tears but he didn't care, only comforting hid daughter mattered.
"Daddy" cries Y/N, Spencer shushes her again. "It's okay Baby" as he continues rocking thr 6 year old he finally notices the wet patch on her sheets where she was laying.
He then gently pulled the red eyed girl of his shoulder and infront of him, he then looked at the wet patch on her pj's. 'Oh no' he thinks.
"It'd okay N/N, you didn't mean to" he mutters, holding his daughter in one hand he pulled all the sheets of the bed, and started to run a warm bath for Y/N.
Rubbing her back thr Agent sat on the toilet to watch thr bath, bouncing Y/N as he did. "Daddy hurt" whispers Y/N her voice horse from crying.
Spencer then turned her around. "Where does it hurt N/N?" He asks, Y/N then point to her throat and head. Spencer the checks her forehead she does feel a little warm.
"Guess you got the Flu sweetie, don't worry after a nice warm bath I'll give you some medicine okay" he says to her, Y/N jsut nods as he turns the water off and puts her in it.
15 minutes later, Y/N is dressed in clean pj's and back in her Daddy's arms, idly sucking on her thumb as she waits for her Daddy to change her bed sheets and to get her some medicine.
Soon Spencer comes back, he had some kids medicine to her to take and he had changed thr bed sheets into new ones. "Here you go sweetie" he says and gives the medicine for her to take, once she did he picked her back up again rocking back and forth.
"Feeling better baby?" He asks the sleepy 6 year old, it was almost 3am at this point. Y/N doesn't answer only nods her head falling onto her Dad shoulder thumb still in her mouth.
The man sighs quietly. "She's falling asleep again" he whispers to himself, checking the time he goes to his bedroom knowing she won't be letting go of his now, the two get under the covers.
Y/N tucked securely under his arm, Spencer kisses her forehead. "Good night baby" he mutters against her still warm head though not as warm as before. "Night Daddy" comes the sluggish voice of thr 6 year old.
Soen soon finds himself following his daughter into the land of dreams.
The end!
Hope you liked this oneshot, I definitely enjoyed writing this, as usual sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes.
Request are open!
Word count: 1308
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devilfic · 2 years
❝right place, right time❞
II. of niceties and awkward second meetings.
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parts: previously / next plot: bruce makes an offer you actually can refuse... at first.pairing: battinson!bruce wayne x gn!reader. cw: surgeon!reader, secret identities, slow burn, bruce wayne is still a masochist, bruce wayne is ALSO reckless :). words: 3.5k. edited: 2/28/24.
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After every surgery—good or not so good—when you’re rinsing off and getting patted on the back for a job well done, you elect to feel hope. And then you hurry to lock yourself in your office and try to catch your breath.
The weight of a life on your hands follows you from room to room, from work to bed, from daydreams to night terrors. Even when it’s good, it rarely ever feels good. Questions bloat your brain: what if there’s something you missed? What if, despite it all, it’s not enough? Is the blood on your hands, then? Is the life yours to save or the patient’s to endure?
There was no solid answer. All you could do was wait for full recovery and try not to let it consume you.
Maybe tonight was a night for Thai. Maybe you’d call up your old roommates and get together at your place. Maybe you could finally tell them about the night Batman broke into your house, and how you stitched up his bullet wound, and then fell asleep 20 feet away because you had to meet Bruce fucking Wayne the very next morning and God help you if you embarrassed your boss by being late. So far, the only person who’d heard about it was the old lady who lived in the apartment below you, and all she’d done is pray for you.
You’d assured her you were fine, but she’d insisted on anointing your doors and windows before you left for work. The “demon of Gotham” she’d called him, herald of vengeance. The fact that you’d saved his life meant that you’d be spared in the reckoning... or whatever little old ladies learned in Sunday school.
Whatever she believed, you had no reason to think you’d be struck by lightning twice. Batman would not be returning to your home any time soon.
The thought almost made you sad.
There was no reason for him to return. Batman probably had a team of doctors waiting to tend to him if his arsenal of weaponry was any indicator of wealth. He wasn’t just any ol’ run of the mill vigilante, that was for certain.
You were just a blip. A freak accident. A glitch in the matrix. The chance that you’d been in the right place at the right time when Batman needed you most was just that: chance. And you were no gambler, but you could bet on your license that that man would never darken your doorstep (or window sill) again.
Maybe you’d stop by the liquor store too on your way home.
You’re rounding the corner when you collide with your boss, frantic as usual.
“Oh! Finally, there you are,” he grips your upper arms like a vice, eyes frenzied as they look you over, “why do you look like that?”
You imagine he’s referencing the dew of sweat on your skin and your scrubs out of whack. “I finished an operation fifteen minutes ago.” You answer, unimpressed. “I was just heading back to my office.”
Your attempt to sidestep him—to free yourself of the shackles that were his hands—proves useless. He spins to keep you in his grip, “You can’t! Not yet.”
“Why not?”
“You have a visitor.”
You frown, “A patient? No one’s on my schedule.”
“I’d like you to make an exception for this one.” His voice drops to a whisper. He readjusts your shirt sleeves as if dressing you up, prettying you for the highest bidder, and that sets you on edge, “Just trust me.”
You almost (almost) flinch away when he pushes you to your office door—now, a looming boulder instead of a gateway to your safe haven. Before you can even ask just who is waiting for you on the other side, your boss is rushing off down the hallway to do God knows what.
As if disarming a bomb, you slowly open the door to peek inside.
It scares the both of you, clearly, if the wide-eyed look he gives you says anything.
It’s like it hasn’t been a week since you’d last seen him. Bruce Wayne is wearing what looks like the same suit he’d worn last time, tie and collar stiff, jacket open underneath his billowy coat. But he looks awkward standing in your modest little office. He looks like he’s not supposed to be here, or at least not without his right hand man and the fanfare to follow.
He keeps his hands in front of him to show you he means no harm, “Your boss said it was okay to wait here for you.”
You’re still bracing yourself against the door, trying to figure out what he could possibly be doing in your office, what he’d possibly be waiting around for you for.
You think about the last time you’d seen him, when you’d grabbed him out of nowhere and his companion (Alfred, was it?) looked like he would have no problem breaking your spine if you dared manhandle him again. Oh God, he wasn’t going to sue, was he?
You swallow, “Uh, right. Can I help you?”
Bruce straightens up. His hands fall to his sides. You search his face to predict his next move but you’re puzzled to find that he’s just as clueless as you.
You didn’t know much about Bruce Wayne, that much had been established. What little you did know was some amorphous figure of nobility, the “prince of Gotham” as the press dubbed him.
Yet, standing before you in your simple little office, Bruce Wayne feels less like nobility and more like a stranger in foreign land. He keeps his hands in front of him and you’re able to make out purple dusting his knuckles. Bruised. Not bloody. Not recently. This piques your interest.
“How long have you been a surgeon?” Is his first question.
You slink into the room and debate on shutting the door, deciding to leave it open a crack; whether it is so you can escape or for him to feel unwelcome, you’re not entirely sure. “Four years. Not including the 12 years of school and residency.”
Bruce perks up just a tad to your bewilderment. “Did you study here in Gotham?”
“I did. I considered Metropolis.”
“What changed your mind?”
“Cheaper tuition.”
“Do you like it here in Gotham?”
“I don’t mean to be rude, Mr. Wayne,” your voice comes out clipped—nervous—all the same, “I just got out of a surgery and I didn’t even know you’d be here so I haven’t got the faintest clue what you want-”
“I’m sorry.” Bruce apologizes, “I can come back another time.”
Come back? You assess his face once more, double checking for any sign of where this conversation is going, “Come back for what?”
For the first time since you entered the room, Bruce takes a step forward. A few, actually, ‘til he’s standing only a foot away and his whole deer-in-headlights deal is on full display. “A proposition.” Your head swims with big ideas. You’re thankful you’re still standing still. “I’d like to hire you.”
If Em could see you, she’d be laughing her head off at the look on your face. The emotions you're hit with are akin to blunt force trauma.
Bruce catches onto your distress and begins to explain, glancing away from your eyes to give you room to breathe, “Due to the nature of my job and the... events that transpired last November, I’m careful about my position in the public eye. I’ve decided to have a doctor on call, someone I can rely on in the event that something drastic happens again. It would be more menial work, but you would, of course, be greatly compensated: full benefits, triple your salary here. Nothing is out of the question.”
As the last word melts in the air, he finally locks eyes with you. Less deer-in-headlights now, more spotlight. More "I eagerly await your response".
You couldn’t even fathom the price point: triple your salary? You already made good money here, any more would be excessive. And then there’s the reality of the situation. You would be employed, solely, by Bruce Wayne. At his beck and call—perhaps moved into a nicer place within chauffeur distance of Wayne Tower—the support staff of the upper echelon.
Your mom wouldn’t bug you about moving out of Gotham ever again.
This all felt too good to be true. So good that your intuitive pendulum swung violently in warning. Bruce awaits your reply, wringing his hands before him and those glaring purple knuckles catch your attention again. How a CEO had managed those was a question you hesitated to entertain. Something else was going on here.
You knew Gotham was a corrupt city. It festered with crime in every aspect, that much the Riddler had made clear last Halloween. The late mayor, the DA, the police commissioner... and amongst his targets, Bruce Wayne had survived. Something else was definitely going on here.
“...I serve the public, Mr. Wayne. I reserve my skill for the citizens of Gotham without the... ability to seek better. I’m flattered you would consider me and I would be more than happy to point one of my talented colleagues your way in my stead. But I’m sorry, I can’t accept your offer.”
Bruce’s face falls for just a second. After all, if he were to wear his emotions on his face all the time, you doubted he’d be much of a successful businessman.
You’re thankful that he takes a step out of your personal space and doesn’t fuss, doesn’t try to shove a wad of cash at you, doesn’t throw more offers at you until you concede. “I appreciate your consideration, but that won’t be necessary. I should let you return to your work. Thank you for your time.”
You nod a little dumbly, the weight of what has just transpired starting to settle fully on you. Em would be far too angry at you to laugh, now.
With the grace of his pedigree, Bruce Wayne nods silently to you and leaves.
You notice once the muscles in your shoulders stop shaking that there’s something in your office that wasn’t there before. There, on the loveseat where Bruce Wayne had waited for you, was a business card.
You shakily approach the seat and collapse beside it, reaching out to read what adorns the back of the Wayne Enterprises logo.
Bruce Wayne CEO P: 212-XXX-XXXX
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It takes the clatter of ceramic to pull you out of your reverie.
Beside you, Em hovers, “And here I thought you weren’t a fan.”
At the puzzled look you give her, Em jerks her head toward where your eyes had been focusing, mindlessly stirring in the events of the afternoon. At some point, the TV’s channel had changed from Days of our Lives to the Gotham News. They were running a story on a charity event downtown. Bruce Wayne was shaking hands on camera, the tagline “Bruce Wayne makes dazzling appearance alongside controversial mayor”. How fitting.
“‘m not,” you grumble, pushing your lunch around in yellowed Tupperware, “just thinking.”
You glance at Em. Too little too late, your boss had clambered into your office shortly after Bruce left, pestering you about the conversation you’d had, disappointed when you’d told him you’d turned down the offer. “Imagine the press we’d get, one of our very own working for the CEO of Wayne Enterprises,” he’d argued, “you’ve got to reconsider.”
You hesitated to tell your tale again, fearful that you’d suffer the same reaction, but Em was not your boss. She would never let the topic rest. And it wasn’t like you signed an NDA, a truth that had only hit you hours after the fact, “I got a job offer today.”
Em’s eyebrows shoot up, “From West Mercy? Arkham?”
The very thought of working in Arkham Asylum had you abandoning your lunch altogether, “God, no. It was more like... on-demand. Concierge. A very rich patient wanted to hire me as their private doctor.”
“Wow... was it one of your patients?”
“No, I’ve never examined him in my life.”
“Him?” You recognized that tone of voice. A slew of questions were on the way if you didn’t elaborate fast enough.
Besides yourself and Em huddled in a corner, the break room was relatively empty. One of the ER nurses was napping, another engrossed in a game of Sudoku on their phone. You doubted they would hear even if you raised your voice above a whisper.
Quietly, because you clam up at the thought of saying his name out loud, you fish out his business card and slide it across the table to her.
It takes her but a moment to process. First a deep inhale, then her hand slaps the table (the Sudoku nurse glances up at you both and then changes his mind), then she’s gripping at your scrubs and shaking you violently in your chair, “Shut the front door! Please tell me you said yes!”
You frown, “No, I didn’t.”
“Why the hell not? I know you don’t keep up with the times in this city, but this guy is loaded!”
“I do keep up with the times. I just don’t give a rat’s ass about Bruce Wayne. A crime punishable by death, apparently.”
“But why in the world would you want to keep working here when you could be... having lunch on a terrace? Discussing lab results over Pinot Grigio? Jetting off to the Bahamas to check his vitals on vacation?”
You snort, “Exactly what I told him: I serve the public. I’d like to keep it that way.”
“Could always do both.”
You tried to imagine it, for Em’s sake. The terrace lunches, the Pinot Grigio. You imagined the nice apartment from before and the esteem that your boss was sure you could bring the hospital.
And you imagined Bruce Wayne, with a limp. With bruised knuckles. Always looking at you with those big eyes that somehow told you everything and nothing at the same time. Like an open book in a dead language. You thought about the night that Wayne Tower caught fire and the world that had been crumbling down in Gotham had started to feel truly broken. Politicians die all the time, but the uber rich? Even you had watched the sky in horror.
And now that same man had asked you—you, of all people—to be there in case there was a next time.
You thought about the Batman. Would you say yes if he asked you the exact same question?
You hadn’t considered both.
You’re unaware that Em is leaving until her chair scoots loudly across the laminate, “Think on it. Seriously. It’s the opportunity of a lifetime.” Her hand brushes your shoulder fleetingly. Then she’s leaving and you’re left to think again.
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It was a bit ironic that his next visit took place as you were perusing apartment listings.
You hadn't seen him get inside your home the first time. He’d just been there, as if he’d always been there and you just never noticed. This time, he doesn’t have the urgency to break in. He waits at your window… staring in at you. No knocking. Not even a muffled “Can I come in?”
You don’t know how he expects anyone to invite him inside their home with those kinds of manners. You set your laptop aside and walk over to the curtains, his figure becoming clearer, more menacing as eyes silently follow you. By the time you reach the window, your heart is beating at an unhealthy pace. You had been able to get that adrenaline down before. How did you manage that again?
Batman waits patiently. Your hand presses to the glass, the warmth of it leaving behind a visible print as you push up on the glass, “Don’t tell me,” his head cocks to the side as you begin, “another bullet?”
If he is suffering from a wound like the last, he doesn’t look it. He’s crouched on your fire escape with his cape billowing behind him and the light of your apartment giving off just enough of an ominous glow.
After last time, you’d sneaked some extra supplies back to your place under the paranoia that something might happen again. And, let’s be honest, no one would raise a brow at having everything you need to clean a gunshot wound in this city. You couldn’t say it was entirely just for him, though.
The silence goes on uncomfortably long. You start to wonder if he even heard you, the way he stares you down, unmoving. He resembles a stray caught stealing from a trashcan, seconds from sprinting in the opposite direction to avoid being caught.
Eventually, your heartbeat spikes again. What had he told you last time? To run if someone tried to break in? Maybe he had wanted you to sprint the second you saw a human looming on your fire escape, regardless of their vague bat shape. Was he angry? He kind of always looked angry.
“Have you noticed anyone following you?” His question causes just the briefest alarm.
Living on the not-greatest side of Gotham, you had learned how to keep your head down but your eyes everywhere. If some mugger were looking to jump you as you got out of your car, you’d know. You shake your head, palms beginning to sweat.
Batman assesses you for a bit longer. You can’t tell if he’s reading you for a lie or if his instincts are just telling him otherwise, but eventually, he accepts your answer.
And begins to leave.
“Wait,” you stutter out against your better judgement, when he’s already stood to his full height, one boot positioned on the railing to propel himself below. He looks over his shoulder at you very slowly, “how’s your... side? Wound heal okay?
He looks down to where you’d stitched him, where his armor had been mended. “It’s better.”
You sigh, relieved. “You’ve gotten it looked at, then.”
“Someone looked at it.”
His wording gives you pause. “What about your stitches? Did you get them redone?” He hesitates. “You... did get them redone, right? Better. Preferably by someone who wasn’t worried about you dying on their living room floor.” Your skin prickles when you see his guilty look. “Batman, if you’ve been fighting crime every night for the past week with the same stitches I put in you days ago-”
“I’ve been through worse.”
“So you keep saying.” You really don’t mean to grit your teeth at him, practically stomping your foot because you’d, at the very least, expected him to be a bit smart about a bullet wound.
But, then again, you were talking to a man dressed as a bat.
You crawl out onto the fire escape, chilly and biting and unforgiving as the night may be, and watch Batman turn halfway toward you. You have to resist the urge to brush your hand against his side, an act far too intimate with Kevlar in the way. You look up at him, “Don’t suppose you’d let me take another look at it?”
The first time, sure, he let you because he was close to dying. With a motto of “I’ve been through worse” at his disposal, you doubted he would let you do it again unless the circumstances were dire.
Sure enough, he moves defensively away from you. You take heart in that it seems less like he distrusts you and more like he’s got a bravado issue. Not great, but better. Easier to fix.
You think of the medical supplies in your apartment and wonder if you’ve got what it takes to coax him inside. “I thought that you might not come again. Guy like you fighting crime every night must have people on hand for stuff like this, right? You’re not just any vigilante. Couldn’t be.” His unsettling glare makes the cold seep into you just a little bit more, “You don’t. Do you?”
He doesn’t answer you. His eyes shift from yours to the cityscape. Looking for a way out, maybe.
But if he wanted to leave, he would leave. Why would he hesitate?
“I just want to look. Make sure it’s not infected. No poking or prodding, I promise.”
“It’s not. I had someone look at it.”
“A doctor?”
“Someone who knows what they’re looking at, at least?”
He looks down at you. There’s something there that he’s keeping close to his chest, too much information for a stranger (even one who’s saved his life). You wait to see what his decision will be. “You work at Gotham General.” Batman states, matter-of-factly.
“...I know you were bleeding to death when I told you, but you’ve got to keep up in this city.” You see a hint of a smile on his mouth that is just as easily written off as a scowl. “What about it?”
Again, that look.
Just as you’re certain that you’re about to break through to something, a siren goes off in the distance. Sure enough, when the both of you look to the sky, his emblem is carved out in the clouds, beckoning him down to the streets once more. Your heart sinks. You were so close.
Batman waits a beat, positioning himself on the railing again. His eyes find yours over his shoulder, cape fluttering with the promise of taking flight, “They’re lucky to have you.”
He leaves. It feels even colder when he does.
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lifeontoast · 1 year
hi hehehe so like i saw this prompt on tiktok wherein "A pediatrician has no idea that the baby comes to his office for daily check ups and like the child is theirs" he doesn't know that it's his child because the child is accompanied with by it's nanny and one day reader is the one who came becausethe nanny filed a day off :))
can u write a Carlisle for that, hc or imagine thank uuuuu!! have a great day ^^
(excuse my English, hehe.)
The Baby
Carlisle Cullen x reader
SUMMARY: one of Dr Cullen’s patients is the daughter of someone more familiar than he realises…
A/N: hello lovely anon! I am so terribly sorry that this took so long, but thanks very much for your request! Hope you enjoy :)
(By the way Y/C/N means your child’s name and they/them pronouns are used for your child)
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You had to take Y/C/N to the doctor’s today for a check-up, as you gave your nanny, Sam, the day off. She’s been working so hard recently. 
It was a Dr Cullen they would be seeing, as they normally did. The name did ring a bell somewhere, but you just couldn’t think of where from. You took Y/C/N in the car, and they were quiet all the way. Luckily. They had a dreadful tendency to be car sick a lot of the time, so you were glad they were calm today. Sam always told you that Y/C/N loved Dr Cullen, and always laughed away whenever they had an appointment with him. Finally pulling into the hospital car park, you parked and got yourself and Y/C/N out of the car. You had no trouble at reception; all the nurses knew Y/C/N too, and cooed at them as they laughed away. You smiled.
Eventually, you were called into the doctor’s office. Suddenly, you realised why the name had sounded so familiar. There, sitting at his desk was Carlisle Cullen, the man who you had once had a fling with, a few years ago. You had almost completely forgotten about it, but immediately chastised yourself for doing so. How could you ever forget him? He was such a gentleman, and looked absolutely dashing that night you first met. 
‘Carlisle?’ you asked quietly.
‘Y/N?’ he replied, looking at you inquisitively.
You just looked at each other, neither of you daring to speak first, hearing only Y/C/N’s quiet babbling. You looked away, blushing. He gave you a gentle smile and bade you sit down. You did, and he began to ask you about how Y/C/N had been. They had been fine, and you told him so. He took them to the table to examine them.
‘I must say, Ms Y/L/N, this is a very pleasant surprise. I was expecting Sam, Y/C/N’s nanny. Of course, I knew that the mother’s name was Y/N Y/L/N, but I never dreamed it would be you. It has been so long since we last spoke; It seems I have missed you, without even realising it. You did look very beautiful that night.’
Blushing, you replied. ‘Well, Carlisle, I had no idea it was you who was Y/C/N’s doctor. I have never needed to visit the hospital, thank goodness. But I agree, it is lovely to see you again. We must catch up soon.’
‘They seem very healthy, Ms Y/L/N.’ he nodded, ‘I’d love to see you again soon, that sounds perfectly delightful. Are you perhaps free this Thursday? It is my only day off this week.’ 
‘Why yes, I believe I am, Carlisle. Shall we meet at the coffee shop? How does 11 o’clock sound? And please, call me Y/N.’
‘Perfect.’ He replied with a smile, writing up Y/C/N’s notes.
Suddenly, a thought entered your mind. You had met Carlisle 3 years ago, and Y/C/N was nearly 2 and a half. He couldn’t be, could he? There was only one way to find out. You decided to ask him outright – Carlisle preferred it when people spoke their mind clearly and directly to the point.
‘Carlisle? Do you think there is any chance that you could be Y/C/N’s father?’
He dropped his pen in shock.
‘Well. How long has it been now, 3 years? And Y/C/N is nearly 2 and a half?’ he said calmly, glancing at their file. ‘I suppose there is a chance, yes. You’re correct. We could organise for Y/C/N and I to take a DNA test, then we would be absolutely sure. Yes…’
‘A DNA test?’ you asked.
‘Yes, it’s a fairly simple procedure nowadays. I can enquire about making that happen, Y/N.’
You just nodded, but deep in your heart you already knew: Carlisle was definitely the father.
Here you both were, in Carlisle’s office once more. A plain, brown envelope lay between you on the desk. You both stared at it in silence. The contents of the envelope were the answer to the question you had asked Carlisle a few weeks ago.
‘You open, it Carlisle.’ You said, finally looking up at him.
‘No Y/N. I think you should open it.’ He countered, and sighing, you knew that he was right. You took the envelope with shaking hands and tore open the top. You drew out the sheet of paper, and glanced at it briefly, before taking a second, closer look.
Carlisle was the father.
A/N: as usual, thanks so much for reading! You guys rock!
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greazyfloz · 2 years
angst 17?? with whoever you feel like it would fit with!
I Don't Want It
Angst: 17. "You're Pregnant?" "I don't want it" w/ Nolan Moyle
Warnings: kinda smut, abortion talk, sad ending.
I pace back and forth in Nolan’s bathroom waiting for a stick of plastic to seal my fate. I’ve been sick lately and realized it has been almost 2 months since my last period. I look at the timer on my phone and it says 10 seconds left. I take a deep breath before making my way over to the stick, turning it over. My heart sinks down into my stomach as the tests reveal a pink plus sign. 
I take a seat down on the tub and think ‘okay, false positive’. I take another one out of the package and dip in the cup of my pee. I sit and pull out my phone to text Nolan:
Y/n: Hey, I’m in your room. Jay let me in. When will you be home? 😊
Lover😍: Naked I hope 😉
Lover😍: I’ll be like 20 minutes
Lover😍: Don’t start without me 😉
Nolan responded quickly. 20 minutes gives me enough time to hide these things before Nolan gets home. I turn the second one over to confirm that I am pregnant. I walk back into Nolan’s room and hide the tests in my drawer in his dresser
I lay down and call my doctors office to make an appointment. I stand up and look out the window to the backyard when the receptionist answers the phone. I respond to her salutation with “Hi, it’s Y/f/n and I was just seeing if you have any appointments for anytimes this week” she answers me telling which days and times she has available when I feel some arms wrap themselves around me “Yeah, Friday at 4 is great. Thank you” I say ending the call. I turn into Nolan’s arms and he lifts me a bit, throwing me against the wall kissing me hungerly. 
“I’m glad you didn’t start without me” he smirks into my lips, “You aren’t naked though” he deepens the kiss, lifting my shirt and taking it off. 
I can’t help but think about having a bump. I don’t know how long I’ve been pregnant. I missed two periods and never noticed, I could be showing. We have sex every single day I’m sure I would have noticed by now. But I am so paranoid. I push Nolan off me worried, grabbing my shirt and putting it on quickly. Nolan stands back looking at me confused, “What’s your deal?”
“Nothing, I just don’t feel to good” I say back. Nolan comes in close.
“Let me make you feel better” he says before attaching his lips to my neck.
“No, Nolan. Stop!” he steps away
“For real, whats your deal?!” he says, “You’re acting weird”
“I’m really not feeling good, Nolan” I say and sit on the bed. Nolan walks around the bed and lays on the other side of his bed. He pulls me down and I lift my legs up on the bed and he cuddles me in his chest. 
“I’m sorry” he says pressing a kiss on my head. I didn’t even notice I was falling asleep until Nolan woke me up. 
“What Nol” I say waking
“I’m hungry” he whines
“Go eat then” I laugh at my whiny boyfriend
“Make me dinner” He says ,”I don’t want to cook”. I laugh stretching out and getting out of bed. 
“Come on then, I need a sous-chef” I laugh and Nolan follows me to the kitchen. 
After dinner I clean up the kitchen before going to wash up in the bathroom. After I wash my face and brush my teeth I lift my shirt and turn looking in the mirror. I rub my hand underneath my belly button and do notice a bump. I rub my belly with my hands upwards resting my hands underneath my breasts seeing if I could see my bump with this hand placement. The door opens revealing a laughing Nolan, “What are you doing?”. I pull my shirt down and quickly tried to think of something.
“I’m fat” I say. Nolan laughs more.
“Babe, you’re not fat. Just really bloated”
My face turns cherry red. ‘So I do look different’ I think to myself.
“Come to bed, babe” Nolan says, grabbing my hand. We lay in bed, Nolan rubbing my back as I lay inside of his arms. Suddenly I break the silence
“When do you want to have kids?” I say
“Are you setting me up for something?” Nolan laughs
“No, I just wonder if I would be a good mother” I start, “Like I know you’re going to be a great dad-”
“Woah babe, when the time comes sure” he stops me, “You are all over the place”.
“You don’t want to have a baby?” I ask
“Yeah, when I’m like 30” he laughs, “We already went over this, I’m not changing my mind. For now I’m good with doing the fun part”. He laughs but ouff. That sucks to hear. I brush it off like it didn’t though and laugh along. I peck Nolan’s lips before resuming to silence
“Babe” Nolan says a couple minutes later getting my attention
“Yes Nol”
“I’m really fucking horny” he says and he hand travels down squeezing my ass. “I really want you right now” I whines. I pull away from Nolan and look up at him. “What babe? You left me hanging earlier” he says slightly annoyed.
“I can’t tonight” I say
“But babe, I won’t see you until after my game on Friday!” He says “Just suck my dick then?”
“Fine” I say before going down on him
Thursday goes by and I didn’t see Nolan since I left that morning because he had practice and I had a project to work on, then Friday is game night but before I had an appointment. I am sitting at the doctors office waiting for the doctor so come in when I get a text from Nolan:
Lover😍: Party at my place tonight
Y/n: Okay, can’t wait
The doctor comes in and I tell him about the two tests and he asks me when my last period was, if I knew who the father was, and all the basic questions. The he took a urine and a blood sample and left the room. He came back in shortly after to confirm I am 12 weeks and 4 days. My jaw dropped “12?! That’s 3 months.” I say. The doctor confirmed that I was almost out of my first trimester. He told me some options and that I may be running out of time for some. I got up and said “Can I call you if I have any questions?”. He laughed and said I could and gave me another number as well.
I left the doctors office and went home to my apartment to put on my Michigan hoodie, jeans and white vans and headed to the game. I got to the game and sat in my normal seat beside Grano’s girlfriend. “Hey! I was wondering when you’d get here” she says
“Hey, yeah I had a doctor’s appointment and it was a little longer than I thought” I reply
“Everything okay”
“Umm, no. Not really” I say “I’m 3 months pregnant”
“No way! How long have you known?!”
“Wednesday afternoon I took a test at the boys house. Like I’m so stupid for not noticing, I did not have any symptoms until Monday then realized Wednesday that I missed like 2 of my periods” I go on
“Did you tell Nolan yet? When is the due date?”
“Not yet, and end of August” I say “Do not tell Grano please. I need to tell Nolan first” I continued
“So where did you put the tests”
“In my drawer in Nolan’s room” I say 
She asks me a dozen more questions throughout the game. The boys ended up winning 5-1 and we make our way down to the tunnel waiting for the boys. Nolan and Grano come out together. Nolan leans down giving me a kiss pulling away saying “Let’s go”. 
The house becomes packed pretty quickly. “Do you want a drink?” Nolan leans down to my ear so I can here him. 
“No, I’m okay” I say, “I’m driving Sydney home after” I lie. Grano’s girlfriend sees I’m uncomfortable and swoops in
“I’m taking your girlfriend for a second” she says to Nolan
“Get her a drink” he says
“Will do” she yells back. We enter the kitchen and she looks at me “Tought I’d remove you from that conversation”. We stay in the kitchen and chat for a bit before returning to the boys when Jay comes up to Nolan. 
“I need a condom” Jay says
“Just pull out, that’s what we do” Nolan says, I choke on the water. “Bottom left drawer, dresser” Nolan tells Jay. 
“Thanks, I owe you one” Jay says before running up to Nolan’s room. Nolan places his hands on my waist then moves them forward rubbing my stomach while wrapping his arms around me. I jump at the his hands on my stomach.
“Woah, whats up?” he asks
“Nothing, you just scared me” I say. His phone buzzes and he grabs his phone out of his pocket reading the text, he leans down giving me a kiss on the lips. “Who is that?”
“It’s just Jay. He is probably ripping my room apart looking for the rubbers” Nolan laughs. I immediately pause. Shit. Run up the stairs and into Nolan’s bedroom locking the door behind me. I find Jay inside the room with my drawer open. 
“Do not say anything! He doesn’t know yet!” I say to Jay, “I’m going to tell him just not tonight”. Jay nods and opens the door as I put the two test in the waist of my pants. Nolan walks in the room.
“What the fuck was that?” Nolan asks, “You’re being weird”.
“I thought he found personal stuff” I say walking back down stairs. Nolan follows me down the stairs back to the group of guys where Holtzy and Truss have joined in on the conversation. I was going to stick with the group and leave quietly to it didn’t look obvious that I going to hide something. But, as we are talking Nolan gets handsy, making me nervous. I buck my hips forward but Nolan grabs ahold of my waist right where the pregnancy tests were hiding and turns me around, lifting my shirt. He pulls it out of the waist of my pants and reads them. The rest of the group wide eyes looks at me then Nolan, and back and forth. Nolan looks up but not at me, like he is registering my actions from the week. He brings his hand up wipes it across his face. 
“You’re pregnant?” he finally says
“Nol, I didn’t want to tell you here. I was going to tell you but-”
“I don’t want it,” he interrupts. I blush slightly embarrassed to be doing this in front of everyone.
“Get rid of it” he interrupts again
“Nolan, I’m almost 13 weeks. It i-”
“I don’t care, get rid of it” He says
“No” I say putting my foot down. He bites the inside on his lips and nods his head.
“You’re on your own then” he says turning around leaving me there. I clench my jaw and tears begin to trickle down my face. I turn to the group.
“I’m going to go” I say to them. 
“I’ll walk you home” Holtzy says, “Gotta walk by your place anyway”
Holtzy and I leave the party and walk towards my place, he keeps looking over in a protective way. “You wanna talk about it?” he says. I shake my head. 
“Nothing to say really” I say looking down at my feet. 
“You aren’t going to listen to him are you?” he asks
“No, I graduate soon so it’s not like I will still be in school. I’m not against doing that but I just couldn’t do it” I say. 
We make it to my apartment and I give him a hug before entering. I take a deep breath before going to my bedroom and locking myself away from the world.
Part 2 Coming soon!
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heartshattering · 1 month
I'm not 100% back yet, I'm just popping my head in to vent because I'm so frustrated and it's really taking a toll on me mentally and emotionally...
So last Thursday the person I talked with at the hospital promised to get the prescription issue solved by the end of the day, and it still hasn't. It's going to be almost two weeks of this shit where I call the doctor's office and someone there tells me "We'll leave a note telling him to reauthorize the prescription and it'll be ready for you soon" and then checking with the pharmacy and finding out they still haven't received anything from him.
I've been panicking so hard... I don't actually have any withdrawal symptoms or anything, but it's the anxiety and uncertainty of not having my meds that has me feeling so nervous. When I talked to the pharmacy today, their advice was for me to call the paramedics on myself because I can't drive to the hospital but it sounds like the only way I will get this resolved is by going to the emergency department. I don't feel like I'm in an emergency situation YET but like I said my anxiety has been so fucking bad and keeping me frozen in place, I cry at night when I'm alone with my thoughts (like now). I suffer from health related phobias and my mind keeps giving me worst case scenarios where I end up in the hospital or just die, it doesn't have to be logical for my brain to believe it and convince me that it's 100% going to happen.
I just never thought I'd end up in a situation like this. I guess I was foolish and trusted doctors way too much. I'm responsible with my meds and try to stick to a low dose when I take them. I made sure to schedule the appointment early enough that I'd still have some medication left since I know there can be mix-ups and delays when it comes to prescriptions sometimes but honestly, almost 2 weeks of this already and still no help at all?
I've heard every excuse in the book, from "There must be an error with the computer system" to "There's another profile for you with a different address so maybe it ended up there" (both suggestions turned out wrong). It's so obvious how little the people who are supposed to be helping me with my health"care" actually do "care". I just feel like a piece of shit no one wants to deal with.
I hate this and I feel so fucking alone and scared... the days have just been a blur, it feels like I've just been wasting hours on bullshit phone calls and trying unsuccessfully to keep myself distracted. Everything hurts so much. I'm sorry I'm not strong enough to be off meds yet... I'm sorry I was so weak I had to be put on them to begin with and never "got over" the trauma that caused them to get prescribed to me. I just hate myself so fucking much and feel like all I do is just make myself and other people miserable with my existence.
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whatthetumblfck · 2 years
That’s My Girl
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Summary: You want nothing more than to go on missions, but being sidelined leads to disastrous consequences.
Word Count: 5810
Warnings: swearing, torture, injuries, whump, whump, whump
Content: This is another Bucky x reader whump fic. Some angst, some fluff if you look hard enough. Use of Y/N.
Please don’t claim my work as your own. Enjoy!
You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. You stiffened in your seat, your body becoming tense with anger. So, this is why they called you into a last-minute meeting.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” You shifted your gaze from the table up to where Steve and Tony were standing. You suddenly felt like a child that had been sent to the principal’s office. You were being punished. You stared at them awkwardly, almost waiting for them to break and tell you this was just a joke. But the silence continued.
Steve averted his eyes first. “Y/N, you’re still healing.  We don’t think it’s safe for you to be--.”
“The doctor cleared me for active-duty last week, Steve!” You almost felt bad for yelling, but this was completely unfair.
“I know, but we can’t ri--.”
“No, Steve! I’m going on this mission!” You said decisively, even though you knew you were losing the argument.
“I’m sorry, kid.” Tony chimed in. “But you’re benched for now. Wanda and Clint are handling this one.”
You opened your mouth to press your case, but quickly closed it. There was no changing their minds, especially Tony’s. You pushed your chair back from the table with both hands and stood abruptly.
You took a deep breath to compose yourself, wiping all emotion from your face and voice. “Fine.” You gave them each one last look before turning and walking quickly out of the meeting room.
You made your way back to your room and slammed the door shut. You can't believe they're doing this to you. You were dressed in your tactical gear, literally about to leave for the mission and then they pull this shit. You changed out of your tac suit and into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. They may be able to stop you from going on missions, but they can’t stop you from training.  You heard a gentle knock on your door. Trying to pull on your sneakers, you hobbled over to the door and opened it, surprised to see Bucky standing there, leaning against the frame with one arm. He brought his gaze from the floor and a gentle, lopsided grin appeared on his face as his eyes met yours.
“Hey…” He entered the room, eyes taking in your appearance.
“Hey. Since when do you knock?” You replied, defeat becoming apparent in your voice.
He shrugged. “How did the meeting go?”
“They’re fucking ‘benching’ me.” You were trying hard to keep your emotions in check.
“For how long?” Bucky asked.
“I don’t know. They didn’t say.” You said, starting to feel completely dejected.
Bucky stepped closer to you, brushing a few lose strands of hair out of your face. “Maybe it’s for the best. It has only been 6 weeks. This gives you a little more time to heal.”
“Bucky! I’m fine! The doctor cleared me last week!”
“Y/N, sweetheart, you took a major hit to your head—”
“I know, Bucky, but I’m fine!”
“You were unconscious for 2 days!” Bucky threw his hands in the air for emphasis.
“I can’t believe you’re taking their side on this!” Your anger started bubbling to the surface.
“I’m not taking anyone’s side.” Bucky tried to bargain. “You’re not ready yet. Just a few days ago, you barely bumped your head while we were sparring and ended up with a migraine!”
You paused, staring at him in disbelief, finally understanding. “Oh my God. You’re the one who’s benching me,” you accused.
“You’re the one who told them I’m not ready! How could you do this?! You know how much this means to me—how hard it’s been sitting on the sidelines, mission after mission! Feeling completely useless!” You were screaming now, your anger forcing tears into your eyes.
“I know going on missions means a lot to you, but your health and safety are far more important. I can’t stand the thought of something happening to you, especially because you went back into the field too soon. I love you. You mean everything to me.” Bucky reached out to take your hands in his, but you pulled away, backing away towards the door. You shook your head at him, tears now streaming down your cheeks.
“If that were true, you would believe me when I tell you that I’m fine. You would give me a chance to prove myself. You wouldn’t try to take this away from me.” You grabbed your coat and purse, turning back towards the door. You felt his hand grab your wrist as you reached for the doorknob. “Let me go, Bucky.” You demanded without looking at him.
“Where are you going?” He sighed, sounding exhausted.
“None of your damn business. Let me go.” You ripped your arm from his grasp, and he let you.
“Y/N, please don’t leave.”
You barely heard him as you slammed the door in his face.
It was getting colder, and the dry fall air nipped at the exposed skin of your face. You flipped up your collar and shoved your hands into the pockets of your coat. You had been wandering the streets of New York for a few hours now, fruitlessly trying to clear your head. Even though your anger had dimmed, you couldn’t shake the lingering feeling of your own worthlessness, and you couldn’t bring yourself to go back to the tower, to your home, and face Bucky.
As you continued to walk, you allowed your thoughts to take you to the past. Every once in a while, they liked to remind you of your insecurities; reopen old wounds and rub salt in them. It wasn’t like your parents ever abused you. You always had clean clothes and food on the table, but they weren’t the most supportive people on the planet. Nothing you ever did was good enough. It didn’t matter how hard you worked or how perfect your grades were in school; it would never be enough to earn a simple ‘good job’ and certainly not a ‘we’re proud of you’. But there were occasions when you would forget to do the dishes or sweep the floors before they got home from work, and they would call you ‘worthless’ and ‘good for nothing’. They were simple words and if they came from anyone other than your parents, you would simply let them roll off your back. But you were born and raised with the mindset of pleasing them. As you grew up and moved away from them to go to college, you slowly learned how to place value in yourself and not at the hands of others. But sometimes, no matter how hard you tried to avoid it, you couldn’t help feeling like you weren’t good enough. Worthless.
You couldn’t help feeling that same worthlessness for the past 6 weeks following your injury. You were very fortunate not to have any lasting neurological damage after taking a significant blow to the back of your head. You barely remember what happened, but apparently you were outnumbered in your section of the base and Bucky couldn’t get to you in time. You became overwhelmed in the fight, and a random HYDRA thug got the upper hand and threw you off your feet, forcing your head to collide with a cinder block.  The story is barely glorious, and the goon wasn’t even a super-soldier. When Bucky recounted the events for you, you remember thinking: if you were going to almost meet your untimely demise, you would at least want a cooler story to go along with it. He wasn’t amused.
As your thoughts circled back to Bucky, you felt anger again, and something else you now identified as betrayal. It was terrible knowing that Steve and Tony didn’t trust you to go on missions anymore, but even worse was that Bucky didn’t either. He didn’t think you were capable after the events of the last mission. How are you supposed to get past this? This is your job, your life. If you can’t do this, then what good are you for anything? You pulled out your phone to find 6 missed calls and 5 text messages, all from Bucky. Choosing to ignore them, you texted your friend instead. She had always offered her apartment to you if you needed it and she often traveled for work. This seemed like a perfect opportunity to take her up on her offer.
It was only 6:30pm, but it was already dark outside when you slid the spare key into the lock of your friend’s apartment. You were greeted with silence and the soft glow of city lights peeking through the curtains. For the first time that evening, you felt like you could take a deep breath.  You helped yourself to a glass of wine (or two) and settled in front of the TV, searching for the first thing you could find that would sufficiently keep your mind off of things.
It wasn’t quite 7:30pm when you heard an urgent knock at the door. What in the actual fuck? Your friend lives alone and is hardly ever home. Who randomly shows up like that? (Except for you, of course) Being a paranoid person by nature and profession, you stealthily moved from the couch and approached the door. You didn’t have a sidearm due to your hasty and unplanned departure from the tower earlier. You mentally cursed at yourself but proceeded to look through the peephole. Steve?
A look of clear annoyance and partial disbelief washes over your face as you open the door.
“What are you doing here, Steve?”
“We have been looking for you for hours.” He almost seems apologetic but mostly relieved.
“We?” You shift your focus to peer behind him, seeing no one else.
“Bucky and me. He’s not here. He’s checking that bar across town you like to go to.”
“How did you even know to look here?” You said, crossing your arms without spilling your wine.
Steve looks guilty now. “Well…uh…SHIELD kept records of all your contacts….”
You were confused now and narrowed your eyes at him. “I never listed this friend or location as a contact…”
“Yeah….” Steve trailed off, scratching his head, hoping you would connect the dots and he wouldn’t have to say it.
“Jesus Christ. So, what? They have agents tracking agents now? Why the fuck—how do—” You were at a loss for words and wanted nothing more than to end this conversation quickly and get back to your solitude.
“Look, Y/N, I’m sorry about earlier, but Bucky has a point. If you’re still having headaches, you should see the doctor again. It would be in your best interest if—”
“It would be in my best interest,” you began, gritting your teeth, “if you left. Tell Bucky you found me and I’m fine. Both of you can go home.”
He sighed in defeat. “Okay. Okay. Just…be safe. He just worries about you, you know; we all do. And I can’t guarantee that he won’t show up here.” He gives you a tight-lipped smile.
You moved to close the door. “Good night, Steve.”
Approximately 45 minutes later, just when you thought you were in the clear, you hear another knock on the door. This time, it was gentler. Bucky. You rise from the couch, wine glass in hand, foregoing the stealth and paranoia you employed earlier. You fling the door open, fully prepared to tell Bucky off, but you can’t. He isn’t here. Instead, you’re met with a fist flying towards your face. It happened so fast; you didn’t have time to react.
The fist angrily makes contact with your mouth, splitting your bottom lip and knocking you to the ground several feet back. The wine glass shatters on the floor, splattering its contents. You’re stunned and can’t seem to make yourself move. It feels like your mind is running in slow motion and you can’t keep up with the events happening around you. Your vision catches a large, dark figure moving towards you and, suddenly, you’re back up to speed. You spit out the blood that was pooling in your mouth and wiped your chin with the back of your hand. Glaring at the figure approaching you, you prepare to defend yourself this time. You pull up your knee, priming yourself to deliver a kick, when you feel someone else grab a fistful of your hair from behind you. What the fuck? How did I miss a second attacker? You’re jerked up by your hair until you’re barely on your feet before feeling your body being hurled across the room, your abdomen slamming into the corner of a coffee table. The pain exploding from your mid-section is making it harder for you to right yourself. You barely have time to wonder who the hell these guys are and what the hell they want before you feel the familiar sting of that fist in your hair, once again pulling you to your feet. This time he brings your face close to his. His hot breath invades your nostrils, almost making you gag. It only gets worse when he speaks.
“Fucking Avenger? My ass. This is too fucking easy.”
So, you were targeted. That was your last thought before your face struck the wall and everything went dark.
 It was 9:30pm. Bucky had debated going to the apartment to see you. He knew where you were and that you were safe. He kept telling himself that you just needed some time to calm down. But he hated not having you there with him, especially when you were upset. His resolve broke and he needed to see you.
As he approached the door to the apartment, he noticed it wasn’t completely closed, leaving a few millimeters of space before it would have clicked shut.
“Y/N?” he asked cautiously before slowly pushing the door open and peering inside.
It was dark, but the TV was still on. He stepped forward and froze when something crunched beneath his boot. Panic rose in his chest when he saw the broken remnants of your wine glass. Crouching down, his eyes scanned the floor until they landed on something much more terrifying. Blood.
“Y/N?” he tried again, praying you would answer. When you didn’t, he leapt to his feet and began frantically searching the apartment for you. You weren’t there. The only indication you were actually there was your purse and your cell phone untouched on the couch. Fuck. FUCK! His thoughts were racing. What happened? Where were you? This couldn’t have been a robbery gone wrong because everything else is untouched, including your purse and phone. You must have been a target, but for whom? And why? Who else could have possibly known you would be there? Bucky whips his head towards the kitchen when he hears paper rustling. A breeze. The window is open, and, in his panic, he hadn’t noticed. As he cautiously approached the window, he cringes as he sees more blood smeared on the windowsill. Bucky swallows hard, pushing down the bile that had risen in his throat. Suddenly, his phone rings, startling him.
“Steve…she’s gone.”
“I know. Buck…you need to get back to the tower. Now.”
“What?” How could he possibly—
“There’s something you need to see.”
 Bucky felt sick. Again. Tony pulled up a holographic view of the video, showing you in an empty room made of concrete. You sat in a chair with your hands tied behind your back. Your hair, messy and damp, hung down in front, obscuring your face. As the video played, everyone was silent. They didn’t know what to say. They couldn’t even tell if you were alive. But you had to be, right? They wouldn’t have sent a video if you weren’t. They wanted something.
Steve broke the silence. “So, what do they want? Is there anything else to the message?”
“No, that’s it. Just this video. No demands. Nothing.” Tony said, nervously tapped his fingers on the table.
“We have to find her.” Bucky finally spoke. He sounded distant, detached. His knuckles were white from clenching his fists. “Tony, can you check footage from traffic cams? Local businesses?”
“I already have FRIDAY on it,” he replied. And as if she were responding to a cue, she alerted them to her findings.
“Boss, I believe I may have found Miss Y/L/N’s location.”
They all rushed to the location FRIDAY had indicated, but you weren’t there.
 The first thing you noticed was the sound of water dripping. The steady rhythm was soothing, almost enough to lull you back to sleep, but the cold biting at your bare feet brought you all the way back to consciousness. Your eyelids were heavy as you tried to look around the unfamiliar surroundings. It was dark, but you could tell the walls were concrete and the air smelled damp and musty. It reminded you of an old dirt basement. What the hell? You struggled to remember what happened. Your head was pounding, and you couldn’t think straight, couldn’t remember…anything about how you got here. There was a metallic taste in your mouth, and you squeezed your eyes shut, fighting off a sudden swell of nausea.
The sound of footsteps brought your attention to your right. A sudden bright light assaulted your eyes, your head feeling like it was splitting open. Shadows violently danced around the room as a single light bulb was switched on, swinging back and forth over your head. It was too much. You twisted your body, fighting against the restraints that held you to the chair, and emptied the contents of your stomach onto the floor.
“It’s nice to see you’re awake, Y/N.” The foreign voice echoed in the empty room.
Your chest heaved as you tried to recover your dignity. You now noticed the pair of boots standing next to you and wondered how long they had been there. “Who the fuck are you?”
“My name isn’t important. We are one. We are everywhere. Cut off one—”
“Yeah yeah, I’ve heard this before and I don’t care. What the fuck do you want?”
Then you heard a noise cut through the air and you knew exactly what it was: the static crackling of electricity from a stun gun. Fuck. Oh fuck. You tried to maintain your bravado, but your stomach squirmed in anticipation of the pain to come.
You forced yourself to relax your facial expression. “Torture? That’s it? That’s your game plan? Because I’m going to be honest with you, it’s been done before and if you think—”
“I WANT YOU TO SUFFER! Every. Single. One of you. They’re going to watch you die. And after they’ve buried you, I’ll move on to the next. One by one until all the Avengers are dead.”
You fought back a chill and then heard a click. Turning your head, you saw a blinking red light in the corner. How long have those bastards been recording you? The door opened and three burly men entered, encompassing you, awaiting the signal to begin.
You shut your eyes and tried to steady your breathing. You were no stranger to pain. This wasn’t even the first time you’ve been tortured. You can handle this. They will find you. You can handle this. You can handle this. You can ha—
Your mantra was interrupted by a sudden burning pain in your stomach as the stun gun was jammed into your ribs. It stole your breath away as your body convulsed. It stopped only long enough for you to take a breath before it started again. This time lasting longer. Your stomach lurched at the smell of your flesh burning.  They shocked you repeatedly; you lost count how many times. The burning pain became unbearable. You could barely catch your breath and dark spots began to coat your vision like splotches of ink until they overcame you completely and the pain faded into the background.
You awoke again some time later. You couldn’t tell if it was night or day. If it had been hours or days or weeks. You honestly didn’t know. What you did know is that you were cold and tired and in pain. Why weren’t they coming for you? Did they even know you were missing? Why would they? You told them to leave you alone and now look where you are. The flashing red light in the corner caught your attention again. Could they see you now? Or would they only know what happened after they had already killed you?  Your reverie was broken by the sounds of whispers just outside the door. A shiver ran up your spine and you braced yourself as best you could when the door swung open.
The onslaught began quickly this time, with no words being exchanged. The first blow landed on your stomach, knocking the wind out of you. More blows landed on your arms, thighs, and face. Your head hung weakly. You could barely comprehend the pain and yet it was all you knew. This was different from any other torture you’ve ever endured. They didn’t want information. They didn’t want anything other than pain and suffering and death. You felt yourself slipping into unconsciousness again; you welcomed the reprieve, but suddenly there was a new pain. The sharp pain of a knife sliding under your ribs, and it made you gasp. You wanted to scream but you couldn’t. No sound would come out as you opened your mouth, the pain stole the air from your lungs.
When they felt they had sufficiently beat you into a weakened enough state, they cut the ties that bound you to the chair and you hit the ground with a sickening thud. Your hands immediately found their way to the stab wound that was already trickling blood into your shirt. You pulled your knees closer to your chest in an attempt to relieve the pain and laid your head back against the cold, hard floor. Your vision swam as you looked in the direction of your attackers. You were barely holding on as it was when you saw a large boot appear in your vision. The kicked landed on the side of your head and you were out before you even realized what had happened.
 “This doesn’t make any sense. They should have given us demands or something by now. Anything!” Steve slammed his fist onto the table. It’s been 48 hours since you were taken.
“We reviewed the traffic cam footage and flagged the vehicle we think she was taken in. FRIDAY has been scanning everything in real time. When she gets a hit, she’ll let us know,” Tony offered.
Bucky didn’t say a word as he sat leaning forward in his chair, his head in his hands. He couldn’t help but assume the worst. He knew why there weren’t any demands. They already had what they wanted. He fucked up. He never should have let you leave the tower. Hell, you would have been better off going on that mission.  
Without warning, the various screens littered around the tower flickered to life. All of them playing the same video: you, being burned and beaten. Tears gathered in Bucky’s eyes. He couldn’t stand to watch you suffer, yet he couldn’t look away. You’re still alive.
Tony didn’t miss a beat. “FRIDAY, find the source, now!”
“I’ve got it, boss. It’s coming from an abandoned business warehouse, 6 blocks from here.”
Bucky shot up from his seat with renewed hope. They weren’t able to trace the last video. Someone made a mistake. This must be it. He spared one last glance at the screen; at you, strapped to the same chair as 2 days before. He rushed out of the tower with Steve at his heels.
Bucky and Steve quietly approached the back entrance, finding a steel door with a padlock. Steve broke the lock with his shield. They’re not sure what they expected, but it certainly wasn’t this. There was nothing. It was a large empty room. It wasn’t even concrete as the video had depicted. Bucky’s heart sank. It was another dead end.
“No. No no no. She has to be here,” Bucky pleaded, his eyes desperately searching the room.
“Buck….I’m sorry.” Steve put his finger to the comm in his ear. “Tony..there’s nothing here. It’s empty.”
Keep looking. We’re still getting a signal from that location. There has to be something there.
Bucky and Steve exchanged glances before surveying the area, looking for anything out of the ordinary. They were about to give up and head back to the tower when Steve took a step that sounded unusual, hollow. He kneeled down and gently tapped the floor with his knuckles. His eyes widened.
“Psstt. Buck- c’mere,” he whispered.
They were both kneeling now to examine the floor, finding a section of musty carpet that was ruffled up in one corner. They pulled back the entire section to reveal a wooden latched door with a sliver of light leaking through the cracks.
“Tony- we found something. Have medical on standby,” Steve ordered.
Already done. Keep me posted.
Bucky was breathing fast. He wanted nothing more than to rush down there, to find you and kill anyone who stood in his path. With a pointed look, Steve grounded him, and they lifted the door. They silently dropped to the floor below, taking in the cold, damp concrete and dank odor one would expect from a moldy basement. You had to be close. He prayed he wasn’t too late.
Everything happened very quickly. They were rushed by half a dozen men armed with assault rifles but even then, the guards didn’t stand a chance against the two pissed off and determined super-soldiers. With every enemy lying on the floor, Steve ordered Bucky to find you while he searched the rest of the basement.
It was a few minutes later that Bucky came across the room you were held in. With one swift motion, he kicked down the locked door. He scanned the room. As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he spotted your form, eerily still, lying in the center of the room. He reached up and pulled the light on overhead, letting it swing as he dropped down next to you.
“Y/N? Come on, doll.” he reached down to rub his thumb across your lip where blood had dried and caked. You were cold. “Shit. Shit!” He gently moved you onto your back and this is when he saw the blood soaking into your shirt and leaving a puddle beneath you. His breath caught in his throat. With shaking hands, he put his fingers to the pulse point on your neck. When he felt a weak pulse, barely registering on his fingertips, he leaned down and held his ear close to your mouth. A soft whisper of a breath escaped your lips.
Bucky heard Steve’s footsteps approaching, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. He lifted your shirt to reveal the source of your bleeding. He pressed firmly down on the stab wound, but you didn’t even flinch. He recognized how concerning this was, how the pain from this alone should have elicited some kind of response from you, but you remained just as still as before.
“Oh God.” Steve knew you would be in bad shape, but he didn’t want to believe it would be this bad. You were so pale and still, like you were already gone. “Tony! We found her! We need EMS now!”
Already on the way, Cap. ETA 2 minutes.
Bucky scooped you up in his arms and they made their way to the surface, exiting the building to the waiting paramedics and helicopter.
 Bucky held your hand as they loaded you into the chopper and flew you to the trauma center. He heard voices around him but remained focused on you.
Looks like it missed any major vessels.
Multiple contusions across the abdomen and…these look like burns…
She’s bradycardic; give her a milligram of atropine.
Her pupils are sluggish…Prep for CT.
Sir, does she have any significant medical history?
Bucky snapped out of his daze. “Uhh…she had a head injury…. a couple months ago. But she was cleared.”
Bucky was guided to the waiting room while the trauma team worked on you. You still hadn’t regained consciousness.
Hours had passed in the waiting room. Eventually, Bucky was joined by Steve.
“Heard anything yet?”
A few moments passed before Steve spoke again. “It was an ex-SHIELD operative.”
“What?” Bucky turned his head to look at Steve.
“A couple of years ago, a mission went south. All the agents were killed. Except one, they never found the body. Turns out, he was captured and tortured by HYDRA.”
“I never heard about this.”
“I didn’t either. SHIELD must have swept it under the rug.”
“Why her?” Bucky’s voice shook with anger, his eyes red and glassy.
“Apparently, before he was captured, he sent a distress signal, but help never came. He adopted HYDRA’s ways with the intent of getting revenge on SHIELD, on us. He blames the Avengers for the deaths of his team.”
Bucky squeezed his eyes shut. “Where is he now?”
“In SHIELD’s custody.”
“Steve- WHERE is he?”
“Buck….you don’t want to do this.” Steve tried to reason with his friend.
Just then, they were approached by a physician.
“She’s stable. There was internal damage, but we were able to repair it.”
Bucky let out a shuddered sigh of relief.
“However,” the physician continued, “it appears she suffered a traumatic brain injury.”
Bucky’s eyes widened. He knew. Yet, hearing it out loud hit him even harder. “What- what does that mean?” He could feel Steve’s hand rest on his shoulder.
“We’re not sure yet. We’re still waiting for her to wake up.”
“How long will that take?” Desperation lingered in Bucky’s voice.
“We don’t know. We’re not sure if she will wake up. I’m sorry.” The doctor provided an apologetic smile and walked away.
Bucky collapsed back into the chair.
“Buck. I’m sorry.”
“I shouldn’t have let her leave the tower. I should have gone after her sooner. Fuck- I should have just let her go on that damn mission!”
“Don’t do that to yourself, man. This isn’t your fault.”  Steve tried to console him.
Bucky suddenly rose from his seat, pacing with panic. “I don’t know what to do, Steve. I don’t—” He finally broke down. His body trembled as tears streamed down his face.
“Let’s go see her.” Steve guided his friend to your room.
  Three weeks later and you were still in a coma. The doctors said if you weren’t awake by now, it was unlikely that you would ever wake up. But you were now breathing on your own. Your body had healed, and Bucky refused to give up on your mind. Another two weeks had passed, and Bucky still sat by your side, holding your hand. That evening, he sat by you, reading one of your favorite books to you when he heard you groan. He looked up at your face, seeing nothing had changed. He thought he had imagined it, but you did it again. He put the book down and brought his hand up to caress your face. Your eyes fluttered.
“Oh my God. Y/N? Can you hear me, baby?” He smiled for the first time in weeks.
You opened your eyes and blinked slowly several times, trying to focus.
“Y/N? Can you look at me, sweetheart?”
Your eyes immediately shifted to Bucky.
“That’s it, baby! Oh my God.” He was overwhelmed with joy. He laughed, actually laughed.
“Bucky?” Your voice was weak, words slurred. You hadn’t spoken in weeks.
“You’re okay, baby. You’re okay.”
The following day, you began physical therapy. It was exhausting, but you felt yourself getting stronger and making progress as the weeks passed.
Bucky never mentioned what happened and you never brought it up. He was so consumed with your recovery; you couldn’t find the right time to say anything about it. Until one day, your feelings just slipped out.
“I’m sorry,” you uttered, after a particularly difficult therapy session.
Bucky was genuinely confused. “For what, doll?”
“You were right. I wasn’t ready to go on missions. I’m sorry I got so mad at you. I never should have left that day.” Tears gathered in your eyes. “If I hadn’t been so damn stubborn, you wouldn’t have to waste your time with..with this!” You motioned at your weaker form.
Bucky kneeled down in front of you, wiping your tears with his thumbs.
“Sweetheart, no. This isn’t your fault. I should have talked to you about my concerns, instead of going over your head about it.”
“I just hate feeling worthless and look where I am. Steve will never let me go on another mission again.” You clenched your fists and shook your head, frustrated that you got yourself in this situation once more.
“Hey, hey. You’re okay. We’ll get through this. We always do.” Bucky embraced you, rubbing circles on your back.  “You’ll go on missions again. In fact, I think Steve is planning to personally accompany you on every single mission from here on out.”
You giggled and rolled your eyes. “Between you and Steve, I won’t have to lift a finger,” you teased.
“Nope,” Bucky grinned proudly.
Your playful smile quickly faded as cynical thoughts intruded on your pleasant moment. Now they really don’t trust me. Won’t even let me go on missions without them. But Bucky seemed to read your mind.
“Don’t worry, doll. You’ll be doing solo missions in no time. We know you’re more than capable.”
“Yeah?” you asked, with hopeful eyes.
“Of course! You kick more ass than the rest of us. But I am curious about one thing…” Bucky baited with a smirk.
“What’s that?” you asked cautiously.
“How the hell did those thugs get the jump on you?” Bucky asked, his expression incredulous.
You closed your eyes and sighed. “They knocked on the door,” you admitted as quietly as possible.
“They what?!” He was almost laughing.
“I thought it was you,” you said more loudly, almost accusingly. “I was going to tell you off.”
Bucky shook his head, a wide smile plastered on his face as he attempted to stifle more laughter. Seeing Bucky like this ignited a fire in you. You wanted to wipe that stupid grin off his face, but the joy he was emanating overtook you. Two can play this game and you liked playing this game with Bucky.
“Don’t worry, Buck. Next time I think I’m opening a door to you, I’ll take the ‘punch first, tell you off later’ approach.” Your eat-shit grin was now wider than Bucky’s.
He burst out with laughter, and you joined him.
“That’s my girl.”
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softsnzstuff · 1 year
Fever Pitch
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Fandom: Stranger Things; Doctors Office AU
Word Count: 10k
Summary: Doctor!Eddie gets super sick, but refuses to admit that doctors can get sick too. Eddie spends half the week grumpy and annoyed until he finally breaks in the most whumpy way.
CW: Flashback mentions of domestic abuse // gunshot wounds, minor mess
Monday, April 3rd
“Hey! Earth to Eddie??”
Eddie blinks himself back to reality and realizes he’s been staring at his mug of black coffee for a few minutes.
“Sorry what?”
Steve shakes his head and laughs, “I asked if you’re almost ready to go? It’s 6:58.”
“Yeah!” Eddie grabs his travel mug from the cabinet and empties the contents of his coffee mug into it, dropping the mug in the sink, “Good to go. Sorry, just a little spacey this morning I guess…”
Steve grabs the car keys off the hook and opens the front door, still chuckling, “I can see that.”
Usually the drive to work is filled with banter, but today Eddie is tired in a way he almost can’t explain. His ears feel weird too and he can’t quite place it.
Steve parks the car in their usual spot and they both get out. The bell chimes above them as they enter through the back door.
“Good mooooorning!” Comes a voice down the hall. Robin.
“Morning Robin!” They call out in unison.
Eddie heads to his office, slumping into his chair and turning the computer on, while Steve makes his way towards his station where Nancy is waiting and Robin is hanging out.
The dirty blonde is sitting on Steve’s desk, kicking her feet talking to Nancy. Steve approaches his childhood best friend and jokingly waves the air at her. “Shoo! Off my desk.”
She playfully sticks her tongue out at him and hops off. “I just opened the front. First patient isn’t until 7:45 I think?”
Steve nods in acknowledgement as he logs onto his own computer, eyes not breaking from the screen.
“That’ll be good. Give Eddie a minute. He’s being kinda weird and quiet today.”
Nancy and Robin exchange a brief look of worry.
“You talking about me in here?” Eddie wanders in.
“Just shit talking you behind your back, obviously.” Robin teases.
Eddie breaks character and laughs, playfully punching her arm. “Well don’t let me interrupt. Needed a new pen. My favorite one just ran out of ink.”
Steve opens his backpack and pulls out a fresh pen, holding it over his head for Eddie to take. The older man grabs it, slightly disappointed that it’s ballpoint and not gel. Trivial, sure, but a small detail that makes his morning that much more irritating.
He disappears back towards his office as Robin speaks up.
“Well I guess I should get to work too. I’m sure our first patient will be here soon.”
She heads up to the front of the office and sits at her desk previewing the schedule for the day. All things considered, it’s actually pretty light for a Monday. Billy is off today and tomorrow, so it’s just Eddie and Nancy.
The front door bell chimes and Robin looks up to lock eyes with Mr.Gilmore (Mickey, please).
“Hey Mr.G! How are you?” She asks in her bubbly voice.
“Oh just fine, sweetheart. Checking in for 7:45. I think my wife is coming in later.”
The man starts to scribble his name on the check in sheet while Robin skims the schedule.
“Would ya look at that! She is coming in at 2:30.” Robin smiled, “You know the drill then, Mickey. Steve will be out to get you in just a second okay?”
He nods and takes his seat in the waiting room. The doorbell rings again as Robin stands up.
“Good Morning Mrs.Harris. Go ahead and get yourself signed in. There’s no copay today. Give me one second and I’ll tell Steve you’re here too.” She grabs both charts, Mickey’s on top since his appointment is first.
“First two for you, Steve-o.” She says, handing off the charts to her friend.
He runs a hand through his hair as he looks over them. “Yeah alright. Let me bring Mickey back and into a room and then I’ll come back for Gina.”
“Well your labs look fantastic, Mickey. Great improvement since the last time. If everything’s working for you I think we’ll keep your meds at the same dosage and follow up in a few months?”
“Sounds great, Doctor Munson.” The man reaches out and gives Eddie a handshake before standing up to head out.
“Go ahead and go up to the front. Robin will check you out shortly.”
Eddie could hear muffled talking in the room next door. Nancy was probably in there with Gina.
“Hey Steve can you bring this to Robin?” He holds out Mickey’s chart with his scribbled notes on it.
Steve gives Eddie a once over, but agrees, taking the chart and heading back to the front. Eddie, on the other hand, went back to his office and uncapped his travel mug of coffee, sipping generously. Why wasn’t the caffeine waking him up like it usually did??
As he swallowed, he finally was able to pinpoint the weird feeling in his ears. It was a sticky sort of pain deep inside that sometimes happened when- his throat was sore.
Shit. A sore throat was truly the last thing he needed. Maybe it would get better as the day went on if he tried to talk less?
A few hours passed by, and instead of getting better, Eddie only felt worse. The twinge in his throat was more of a dull ache now, and worst of all, his throat was scratchy in a way that made him want to gag.
As soon as he was done with the last patient before lunch, he beelined for the break room to make himself some more coffee.
The Keurig spurted and hissed as it produced a small latte in his travel mug.
“Babe you’re having more coffee? You’re gonna be up all night.” Steve came up behind him and squeezed his shoulder.
“What are you, my mom??” Eddie snipped.
“Geez, I’m just asking. What’s up with you today??” Steve tried to hide the fact that he was a little hurt.
“Nothing’s up with me, Steve. Just getting coffee because I’m tired.” The older man grumbled and walked back towards his office and shut the door behind him.
“What was that all about?” Nancy asked as she and Robin joined too, pulling their lunches out of the fridge.
“Hell if I know. Apparently the man just wants to be fueled with caffeine.” Steve rolled his eyes and sat down with his salad, “So how was your guys’ weekends?”
Its 2:15 now. Lunch has been over for a while. He’s seen a few more patients already and his coffee is now gone. He wants more but Steve is right - he’d be lucky if he gets to sleep tonight as is.
There’s a knock on his open door that gets his attention. It’s Robin and the iPad.
“Hey Doc, can you sign this for me?” She asks, holding out the iPad for him to take.
“Have I ever NOT signed it for you??” He asks in a tone way grumpier than he’d expected.
Shit why did he say that.
“No… sorry, I just didn’t want to assume…”
“You’re fine Birdie, I’m sorry. I’m just… in a mood today apparently.”
He signs for the meds and hands it back to her.
Robin shrugs, “It happens. Mrs.Gilmore is here early by the way. Steves probably coming through with her chart soon.”
Eddie sighs as he stands up. If he could just finish the last four patients he could go home.
Steve’s humming to himself in the kitchen as he cooks the pasta. Spaghetti with brown butter and tomato basil sauce is a recent favorite of his and he took it upon himself too cook for the two of them tonight
His phone buzzes. A text from Robin.
What’s cookin, good lookin?
He rolled his eyes. Since he started cooking new dishes, she’d been requesting photos of his food. He sent a pic back of the pasta in the pot of water.
Nothing fancy… yet. Spaghetti with tomato basil and brown butter sauce.
🤤Eddie’s the luckiest guy I swear.
Steve looks over his shoulder. After confirming Eddie was still in the shower, he types back.
Eh… he’s still kinda prickly. I think he’s getting sick or something.
Doctors don’t get sick, remember Steve?? 😤
Steve chuckles to himself. By now, everyone at Hawkins Medical is familiar with Eddie Munson and his ‘Doctors Don’t Get Sick’ one man show. He’s about to say something witty back when the bathroom door opens and small amounts of steam billow out.
One sec - he just got out of the shower…
Eddie pads over to the table, rubbing at his eyes with the heel of his hand.
“Just in time!” Steve offers a smile as he drains the pasta. “Spaghetti just finished. Pot of brown butter on the left. Tomato basil on the right. Pick your poison.”
Steve’s already plating his own dinner, when Eddie coughs into his shoulder, following behind with the smallest scoop of pasta and a tiny bit of sauce.
“That’s all you’re gonna eat?” Steve asks after Eddie takes a small bite.
“M’not hungry.” Eddie lies, but Steve doesn’t miss the way he winces when he took a sip of water.
“Are you okay?”
“Fine.” Eddie insists, “I’m not hungry.”
He goes to clear his throat but it catches, making him cough painfully into his fist. Eddie tries to blink back the pain, each cough scraping the back of his throat.
“Does your throat hurt?”
Eddie pushes away from the table, “I said I’m fucking fine Steve.”
“Hey, watch the attitude. I’m just asking!”
“Whatever.” Eddie grumbles, setting his plate by the sink, “I’m going to bed.”
He storms off to the bedroom, door closing behind him. Steve rolls his eyes and reaches for his phone again, sending a text to Robin.
Definitely sick. He just screamed at me for asking if his throat hurt 🙄
Steve threw his phone down after sending the text and finished his pasta by himself.
Tuesday, April 4th
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
The joint alarm for 6:15am pierces through the fog in Eddie’s brain. Apart from the blaring alarm, the first thing he notices is that his throat hurts. BAD. It’s now a scratchy ache that burns when he swallows.
Steve turns the alarm off and groans, rolling out of bed to brush his teeth. Eddie takes the opportunity to lay there a little bit longer, squeezing his eyes shut. His head aches at the front of his forehead and all he wants to do is go back to sleep.
“You want coffee too Eds?” Steve asks on his way from their bathroom to the kitchen.
The older man tries to speak but coughs instead. He clears his throat and groans, “Yes please.”
“Coming right up.” Steve turns around, frowning at the sound of his partner.
While Steve starts their coffees, Eddie drags himself out of bed and heads to the bathroom too. He pees, washes his hands, and then brushes his teeth. He stops for a moment to stare at himself in the mirror. He looks run down for sure, paler than normal and rings forming under his eyes. After rinsing his mouth out, he tames the hair a little and then grabs a few tissues to blow his nose.
He huffs a sigh when it does nothing to relieve the congestion that’s settled in his sinuses.
“For fucks sake…” he grumbles.
He turns off the bathroom light and goes to get dressed. His favorite black jeans and tee shirt will do. They’re just going to be under his doctors coat anyways.
He’s sniffling and scrubbing at his nose as he walks into the kitchen where Steve is sitting at the table, finishing a prepackaged muffin and sipping his coffee.
“Morning babe.” Steve says and kisses Eddie on the cheek, “Shit it’s 6:40 already?? Let me get dressed really quick!”
“Morning.” Eddie hums, dumping his coffee into the travel mug. He takes a small sip, coughing again.
Steve reappears just a few minutes later, hair done and in his scrubs.
“Okay! Ready?”
Eddie nods, “Mm hmm.”
Steve grabs his bag and heads out the door towards the car, Eddie trudging sluggishly behind him.
When the boys arrive at the office, they both head back towards the nurses station to greet the girls. Steve drops his backpack at his desk and turns the computer on.
“Hey Robin!” He calls out.
“Morning guys!” Robin bounds around the corner but stops abruptly, “Oof Eddie you don’t look so hot. Are you okay?”
She asks, having forgotten the warning text from Steve late last night.
“You flatter me.” He says, voice dripping with sarcasm. “I’m fine.”
Nancy walks in just as Eddie starts coughing again. She places a gentle hand on his back as she walks past him to her desk.
“Awe poor thing, you sound awful. Are you getting sick?”
Steve and Robin look up at her like deer in headlights, signaling to her immediately that that was the wrong thing to say.
Eddie rolls his eyes, swallowing back his unwarranted anger, “I don’t get sick.”
He turns on his heels and heads to his office, coughing into a closed fist on the way.
“I’m sorry.” Nancy starts, “I forgot…”
Steve waves his hands dismissively, “Don’t be sorry Nance. He’s just grumpy because he doesn’t feel well.”
All three of them exchanged different variations of the same eyebrows-raised glance that screamed ‘not this again’.
“Well I’m going to go let people in now. The Anderson’s were outside at 7:05.” Robin headed up front to unlock the doors.
Her pastel pink scrubs were light and joyful. She usually stuck to the darker colors but today she felt like brightening up the mood a little.
“Good Morning, Anderson’s!!” She greeted as she opened the door, “Enter my humble abode!”
The two of them laughed and stood up from the bench they were waiting on outside. They were in their early 70’s and were some of Robin’s favorites.
“Well you look absolutely vibrant in those scrubs. How are you doing today, Darling?” Mrs.Anderson asked as she signed both of them in on the clipboard.
Robin jogged around the back to meet her at the desk window.
“Thank you! Pretty good! Pretty good! I see you guys are here forrrrr,” she clicked around on the computer, “Back to back wellness checks?”
“That’s correct!” Mrs.Anderson chimes.
“Well good news then! Insurance covers 100% of the wellness exams, so there’s no copay. Let me tell Steve you guys are here.”
She takes both charts and runs them back to Steve, leaning down when she hands them off.
“They’re back to back wellness exams, so hopefully Eddie can just chill with them for the next hour and a half?”
Steve nods. Wellness checks were pretty easy and straight forward to do. Eddie would definitely be grateful he wasn’t having to do any procedures this morning.
The brunette gets up and calls them both back. They walk with him to Exam 2. Robin chuckles as they walk by, Mr.Anderson telling Steve, “Stevie boy, I have to show you this new magic trick I learned from my son in law. You brought my cards right Debbie?”
Mrs.Anderson patted him on the back, “I always bring your cards, Arthur…”
“Anderson’s are in 2 whenever you’re ready.” Steve said gently, leaning in Eddie’s doorframe.
The man in question was hunched over his desk blowing his nose again.
“Be there in a seco’d…” he said from behind the tissues.
Steve just nodded.
Almost an hour and forty five minutes later, Eddie came out of their exam room, eyes wide with annoyance, the rings under his eyes even more prominent than before. He dropped the charts on Robin’s desk.
“Mrs.Anderson is fine. Mr.Anderson needs a follow up in a month for his blood pressure.” He rasped.
“Sheesh Doc, you sound rougher than earlier.” She opened one of the drawers by her feet and pulled out a fresh bottle of water, offering it to him.
“M’fine just…” he cleared his throat, “Just a lot of talking.” He took the water bottle from her and sipped from it briefly before heading back to his office to type in his appointment notes.
“Everything okay?” Steve stopped him in the hallway. “You look…stressed.”
“Yeah he just. Kept doing magic tricks.” Eddie complained.
Normally he was all for Mr.Anderson’s funny antics, but today he was too drained to entertain anything, especially repetitive card tricks.
“Sorry.” Steve started, “Your next appointment isn’t for half an hour. Take a second to chill in silence or something maybe?”
“I know how to use my free time, Steve.”
Steve threw his hands up in defeat. “Yup! You’re absolutely right. What was I thinking?”
By the time lunch had rolled around, Eddie was done. Done with work. Done with talking to people. Done with feeling like shit. He had his head resting in folded arms at his desk, swallowing past the knives in his throat.
Robin clocked the limp figure as she walked past his office on the way to the break room. She turned to face Steve and Nancy and whispered, “Is he okay?”
Eddie cleared his throat, scaring them all. Robin had thought he was asleep.
“He lives!” She joked.
Eddie lifted his head, trying to stare daggers with his glazed eyes, “Would you all quit asking if I’m okay?? I’m fucking fine alright?”
“Yeah Eddie, you totally look and sound fine.” Steve murmured.
“What was that, Harrington??” He raised an eyebrow at the three figures standing in the hallway.
“Nothing! Jesus, I said you’re fine.”
Steve grumbled his way to the break room, Nancy and Robin following suit. The three of them sat down, Steve running a hand through his hair, clearly stressed. Robin popped her Dino nuggets in the microwave and then sat next to Steve, rubbing a hand on his back.
“I’m sorry. He’s being such a dick.” Steve whispered.
“It’s okay Steve. Don’t stress.” Nancy said, shrugging as she ate one of her carrots.
The friends sat in relative silence for a moment until a trio of harsh sneezes sounded from Eddie’s office.
“N’Gshuuh! Eh’TZiew! H- h’EKSHTew!”
Robin opened her mouth out of habit to say ‘bless you Doctor Rockstar’, but Steve clamped a hand over her mouth and shook his head.
“Don’t say it.”
Robin nodded, thankful Steve stopped her in time. They could all agree that today was not the day for that.
Steve sighed and pinched the bridge if his nose, “Fuck. He’s sneezing now. He’s just going to get so much more annoyed and pissy…”
Nancy rested a hand on Steve’s shoulder. “He’s a grown up Steve. Just let it run it’s course. He’ll be fine again in no time.”
Steve should have known better than that. He should know by now that when Eddie got sick, it almost always got worse before it got better. And now, just like clockwork, that’s what was happening.
The rest of the work afternoon was filled with tense silence punctuated by sneezing and coughing from Eddie’s office.
By the time they were closing up for the day, Eddie’s nose was tinged pink and he was exhausted. He leaned heavily against the wall by Steve’s desk.
“Are you alm’bost ready to go home? M’by head is killing m’be.” He asked in a weak but frustrated tone.
Steve looked up and his heart immediately dropped. Eddie looked awful. “Yeah, sorry let me just turn the computer off…”
Steve awkwardly scrambled to shut down the desktop computer and shovel a few things into his backpack.
“I’b gonna go wait in thehhh the car- H’iKTschEW! Eht’CHuhew! T’SZIEW!”
He steepled into his hands as he walked towards the back exit. Steve could faintly register an “ughh fuck” before a thick sniffle on his way out.
The younger man scooped up his backpack and jogged out after Eddie, jumping in the car not too long after he had. The car was silent except for watery sniffles from Eddie every now and again.
He figured Eddie was spaced out, too lost in a sick induced brain fog, but music seemed like it would ease the tension. Steve reached for the radio button and turned it up just a little bit. After a fifteen minute drive in the setting sun, he parked the car in their spot and made the short walk to their apartment.
“I’m gonna take a shower…” Eddie mumbled once they got inside, already dragging himself towards the bathroom.
“Guess I’ll make dinner then.” Steve said sassily to himself as the bathroom door shut and the shower water turned on.
When Eddie stepped out of the bathroom after twenty minutes or so, he’d disappeared into their bedroom to change and probably text some friends quickly.
Steve took it upon himself to take a quick shower, afterwards sitting on the sofa and watching reruns of How I Met Your Mother.
Eddie emerged from the bedroom in pajama pants, thick socks, and a T-shirt, cradling a box of tissues.
“I love this episode.” He flopped down on the other end of the couch and pulled one of their blankets over his legs.
It’s only a few minutes into the Blitz episode when Eddie frantically grabs a tissue and clamps it over his mouth, inhaling dramatically.
“ii’KTCH! H’esSHiew! H’MPTsch!!”
“Bless you!”
“Tha’gks…” Eddie groans, gurgling into the already damp tissue before tossing it aside and pulling a new one to blow again.
“On seco’d thought… I thi’gk I’b gonna go to bed.”
“Okay. Goodnight.” Steve wants to add that he hopes Eddie feels better, but refrains, keeping it to himself and his reruns.
Wednesday, April 5th
The alarm only beeps once before Steve turns it off, slipping out of bed quietly to start getting ready. Eddie’s congested snores ring out in a way that Steve just knows his throats going to be raw when he wakes up.
After throwing his scrubs on, he makes himself and Eddie some coffee. He’s on his way back to the bedroom, double fisting mugs, when he runs into Eddie, standing in the doorway.
“Steve! It’s 6:30 why didn’t you wake me up???”
Steve’s taken aback by the heat in Eddie’s voice. “I was just making you coffee. I thought you could use the extra sleep. Was about to wake you up just now.”
“You don’t get to decide if I need sleep. I’ll have to take the coffee to-go now. There’s no time.” he turned around and stormed off to the bedroom to get dressed.
Steve huffed a sigh and went to empty the mugs contents into his partner’s travel cup.
Eddie felt absolutely wrecked. He didn’t know it was possible for him to wake up feeling worse than he did last night, and yet. Here he was with full body aches, a sinus headache, and chills. His entire body hurt and his skin was overly sensitive to everything.
He opted for scrub bottoms - the closest thing to sweatpants he could get away with - and a hoodie underneath his doctors coat. He coughed as he got dressed, the tight congestion in his chest slowly loosening.
Steve sat in the living room waiting for Eddie. Being sick had really slowed him down and it was now 6:53. They were behind schedule, usually leaving before 6:50am.
They both hopped in the car, music playing faintly as Steve drove them to work. The older of the two kept stifling chesty coughs with his mouth closed - clearly his lungs were more awake than he was.
As they pulled into the parking lot for Hawkins Medical, Eddie snapped forward into his elbow.
“Eh’GSHiew! snff h’eKTCH! H’eiTSCH!!” The sneezes were harsh and desperate, followed by another productive cough that made Steve wince.
“You sound a lot worse Eddie…” Steve commented hesitantly.
“Drop it, Steve.” He quipped, which would have been a lot more threatening if he wasn’t so god damn congested.
Steve went silent as they both got out of the car. Eddie paused for a minute. With one hand on the hood to steady him, he snapped at the waist sneezing again towards the ground. Steve shook his head and made his way into the clinic, leaving his boyfriend to clean himself up.
“Did Eddie finally stay home?” Robin started, a little too excited.
Steve signaled at her to stop talking as the back door bell chimed followed by some coughing.
Noticing the girls’ concerned looks, Steve quickly hissed, “Just leave it.”
“Hey Eddie.” Nancy said sympathetically as the man walked in looking worse for wear.
“Hi N’dance.”
The back door bell chimed again. Fuck. Billy. The man walked in (late as usual) and dumped his stuff at his desk. He offered a simple “Hey.” before he caught sight of Eddie coughing into another tissue.
“Are you sick Munson? Stay away from me.”
Everyone in the clinic knew Eddie was being pissy the last couple days. Everyone except Billy, who was off Monday and Tuesday. Steve bit his lip, preparing for whatever outburst was about to come from Eddie.
“You shouldn’t have to worry about that since I was going to tell you to fuck off anyways, Hargrove!” Eddie clapped back.
“Eddie!” Steve scolded.
“Hey hey hey! Everyone stop.” Robin stood up in between Eddie and Billy, but Billy just laughed.
“Would you look at that? Munson’s got some fire in him after all. I respect it.”
Nancy, Robin and Steve exchanged looks of confusion before Robin finally stepped back, knowing Billy wasn’t going to escalate the situation.
“But seriously. Don’t fucking get me sick.” Billy pointed at Eddie on the way back towards his desk.
“How about. I go open the doors and we all take a breather? Would that be fine??” Robin asks, exasperated, slowly backing away to open the clinic for business.
Robin pulls her phone out of her back pocket and sends a quick update text to Chrissy. The two had been talking a lot more since they started flirting and so Chrissy was very well aware of the situation.
Jesus Chris, Eddie just almost fought Billy in the nurses station. Told him to fuck off and everything.
Chrissy’s reply was almost immediate:
In any other circumstance that would be the highlight of my week. Poor Eddie, he must really be feeling sick if he’s that confrontational.
The strawberry blonde had known Eddie longer than Robin had known Steve, so she certainly knew all of his quirks. Apparently this was one of them.
Ugh. Yeah. He sounds terrible. Gotta work now. Text you later. Xx
Today was unfortunately one of the busier days. The silver lining was that it was filled with familiar faces. As Robin pocketed her phone, a red haired girl who was about 21 came skating in through the doors.
“No skating in the clinic Max! I’m sorry I don’t make the rules.” Robin said.
“Sorry.” She chuckled signing herself in. Her other arm was wrapped in an ace bandage.
“Steve will come get ya soon, just. Hang tight okay?” Robin teased.
The girl nodded. When Robin came back, Steve was just behind her. He opened the door to the waiting room.
“Hey Max, come on back.”
“Hey Steve!” She clocked her older (step)brother, Billy, in the nurses station as she walked back with Steve, “Hey Dickwad!”
“Grow up Maxine!” He yelled back, flipping her the bird.
She smirked and threw two birds up in response as she followed Steve into exam room 1.
Steve stifled a laugh once the door was closed. “Authentic sibling love…”
“Step sibling. Am I wrong??” Max asked, grinning.
“I mean. He did look up when you said dickwad.” Steve laughed, hooking her up to the blood pressure cuff and slipping the thermometer in her mouth.
Steve typed a few notes in the computer until the cuff deflated. He took the thermometer out from her mouth and looked at the numbers on the BP machine. He typed some more in the computer before heading out.
“Blood pressure is normal considering you live with Billy.” Steve commented, “Eddie will be in to see you soon!”
“No rush!” She called after him. Might as well make herself comfortable. She lay back on the crinkly paper, bending her knees, feet on the table.
She stayed like this for a few minutes before a couple rough sneezes from outside the door startled her.
There was a knock on the door before it opened, Eddie stepping inside.
“Bless you.” She said, slowly sitting up, “Jesus you look like shit.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, washing his hands. “Thank you so much for the compliment. You have such a way with words.”
“Ha ha.” She teased.
“You been icing that sprain?”
“Wrapping it?”
Eddie squinted his eyes and glanced at the skateboard in the corner. “You been staying off your board?”
Max paused. Caught. “No… but I haven’t fallen on the wrist! Promise!”
“We’ll see about that. Give it here.”
Max holds her arm out. Eddie sniffles wetly as he unwraps the ace bandage.
“So are you sick or something?” She breaks the silence.
He looks up at her eyebrow raised. “You must be confused. I’m pretty sure you’re the patient in this room.”
Max matched his energy pretty quickly. “Really? Hmm I just thought because you come in here sneezing and looking all sickly…”
“Sickly?!” Eddie scoffed as best he could before turning and coughing into his elbow.
Max watched the display and just shrugged.
“Listen you shouldn’t call me sickly when your skating career lies in the hands of my doctors note.”
Now that the bandage was off she flexed her hand and rotated the wrist a few times.
“Feel okay?” He asked.
“Yeah. Feels good.” She nodded and Eddie opened the drawer behind him and pulled out a box.
He tore it open and held it up. “This. Is your new brace. Wear this for a week and you should be good to go. But no crazy skate tricks!!”
“Whatever you say, Doc.” She hopped off the table and grabbed her board. “Hope you stop being sickly soon.”
“Very funny.” He said sarcastically as she made her way to check out with Robin.
Now that she’d left, Eddie felt his entire demeanor drop. The happy Doctor facade. He put it on for his patients, but he felt like absolute garbage.
he grabbed a few tissues from the box on the exam room counter and blew his nose. He paused as the act sent a tickly buzzing through his nose and his eyes fluttered shut.
“H’eiSHuhew! E’kSHT!”
He grabbed a couple more tissues and blew his nose again before binning them and washing his hands. He was in for a long day.
Mrs.Henderson is the last patient before lunch. Usually everyone loves the Hendersons - especially Dustin. However, today Mrs.Henderson came in alone, just her and her hypochondria.
“Hi Robin dear, I really need to see Doctor Munson, it’s urgent. I don’t mean to alarm you but I think I have smallpox.”
Robin stared wide eyed. This was a new one, even for her. “Okay ummm let me just get Steve and we’ll see you in just a second okay?”
Robin took the chart and headed back to Steve. “She thinks she’s got smallpox this time.”
Steve sighed. “Gimme the chart.”
The brunette took a breath and then called her back to Exam 3. “Hey Mrs.Henderson. What brings you in?”
“Didn’t Robin tell you? I think I have smallpox. It showed up a few days ago. Look!”
She points to her ankles, where he locks eyes with the most obvious flea bites he ever did see. Eddie’s gonna love this…
“Alright. Let me get Doctor Munson okay?”
Steve finds Eddie hunched over in his office, face buried in his hoodie sleeves.
“N’xxTCH! ii’xtCHU! H’tchiYUE!”
“Bless you times three!” He announces himself.
Eddie wipes his nose on the sleeve of his jacket and very briefly gives Steve a puppy dog look. “What now?”
“Mrs.Henderson is here. She’s got flea bites on the ankles…”
“And she thinks its….?” Eddie starts.
“Of course she does. Can’t you give her to Billy this time?” He almost whines.
Steve frowned, “She asked for you.
“Ughhh okay fine.” Eddie stands up, clearly at the end of his rope, and takes the chart from Steve, marching into the exam room.
“Oh good Doctor Munson! I need you to look at my legs. I have smallpox-”
“Mrs.Henderson. It’s not smallpox. I can assure you that much.” Eddie says, looking at her legs, “Don’t you have a cat?”
“Dusty brought me another one so now I have two actually. Mittens and Buttercup-”
“They’re flea bites Mrs.Henderson.” Eddie tries to stay calm.
“But I read online that smallpox can cause itchy bumps…”
“So do fleas.” Eddie stated.
“But Google said-”
“Mrs.Henderson. Do you have any other smallpox symptoms? Scabs? Stomachaches?” He cut her off.
She shakes her head and stares at him as he continues, “Do you have a fever?”
“… no.”
“Well I do.” Eddie starts, “and I don’t know how else to prove it to you, but those are flea bites. I’ll give you an antihistamine cream for the itching. And I can recommend a really good vet for your cats.”
He scribbles out a prescription on his pad while she seems to consider. She now seemed less paranoid and more sympathetic.
“Okay. That would be lovely. Thank you.”
“Perfect.” Eddie sighed and gave her his best fake smile before leaving the room. He passed the chart off to Steve and then went to his office to sit down.
As soon as the front doors were locked for lunch, Robin hit up Steve’s desk. “Wanna do a coffee run with me?”
“Yeah sure. Now?”
Robin nodded. “Yes sir I need caffeine.”
Steve grabbed his car keys and the pair left. Thankfully there was a great coffee shop just down the road. They acquired three iced lattes for the two of them and Nancy. Billy always brought his own Red Bull, and Steve picked up some hot tea with lemon for Eddie.
They were back at the office in damn near record time - only 15 minutes out of the office. Nancy was eating in the break room. Eddie was in there too now, resting his head in his folded arms on the table again.
“We come with coffee!” Robin announced, handing one of the iced drinks over to Nancy.
“Thank you!!” She pleaded.
Eddie sat up and started that god awful coughing again. He was so pale with a bright flush over his cheeks. His nose was pink and damp and his cough was definitely not getting any better.
Steve came up behind him and rubbed his back, not liking the heat coming through, even past the thick sweatshirt layers.
“Hey, you feel really warm, Eds. Maybe you should see a doctor.” Steve said, concerned.
“For fucks sake Steven! I don’t need a doctor okay?!? I am a doctor!!”
The outburst startled everyone, especially with the amount of heat behind Eddie’s voice.
“Jesus Christ Eddie I’m just trying to help. Here! I brought you tea!” Steve aggressively puts the paper cup in front of Eddie.
The older man looks at the cup and then looks at Steve as he pushes it across the table away from him.
Robin looked at Steve and then immediately looked away. She knew that look. Steve was pissed. He was absolutely seething.
“You wanna sit here and be fucking miserable?? Fine. Be miserable, I don’t care.” Steve stormed out of the room swearing under his breath. “Fuck!”
Nancy and Robin stand there awkwardly before Robin decides to break the ice.
“We’re gonna give you some space Eddie.” The two of them took their lunch and coffee and went to go sit with Steve at his desk.
As soon as everyone left the room, Eddie reached for the paper cup of tea and sipped on it greedily. He did want the tea. It helped with some of the congestion and especially helped with the chills. He wasn’t sure how, but Steve always knew just what he needed.
The rest of the day was tense to say the least. After yelling at Steve, he could tell Steve was angry and hurt and wasn’t going to talk about it. So Eddie just kept pouting until they got back to the apartment.
After a shower, he decided he’d just go lie down and give his body a break. He was fucking freezing but his face felt too hot and all the while, he was slipping into fever dreams he didn’t want to be in.
He was back in Med school, doing practice rounds at the hospital. He hated the reputation he had here. Not only was he the oldest in his group because he kept failing classes, but because it’s a small town, everyone knew about his history. About his dad.
Imagine first day of school jitters when everyone knows your dad beats you and your mom when you come home. Not exactly a golden ticket to the popular crowd, that’s for sure.
Everyone knew his family couldn’t afford med school either. So they knew he was a bartender on the side to help pay bills.
“Trailer trash Eddie thinks he’s going to be a doctor!” He could hear people teasing.
Stupid how cruel even adults can be when they wanted to.
“Help me Eddie.”
He knows that voice. He hasn’t heard it in years. Why does he know that voice???
He follows it down the corridor, but it only gets more desperate.
“Please Eddie! Please help me! Why won’t you help me??!”
He’s running. Flying down the stairs until he reaches the double doors labeled morgue. He stops in his tracks and pushes the doors open slowly. The screaming dies down and one of the bodies on the table sits up.
It’s his mom. She has bruises on her body and face, a massive gash in her bottom lip.
He runs over to her. He’s not too much taller than her when she’s sitting up on the autopsy table.
“Mom…” he hasn’t seen her since he was 8.
He cups her cold cheek with his hand and stares into her eyes, on the verge of tears. Suddenly he feels something warm roll down his hand. He looks and sees blood dripping down the side of her head and onto his arm. It’s coming from the gunshot wound from his father. Her husband.
“Oh my god!” He gasps, falling backwards and crawling across the floor.
He’d only been 8 when his father killed her and Eddie found her. Only 8 when he had to testify in open court and out his father away.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry.” He sobs squeezing his eyes shut and willing her away from him.
It’s silent all around him for a minute and he opens his eyes. She’s not on the table anymore. She’s limp, being held bridal style by …his dad.
“Get up!” He shouts.
Eddie is frozen. He can’t move.
“I said get up!!” His dad commands.
All of a sudden he’s 8 years old again, scared of his dad. He scrambles to his feet while his dad looks him in the eye and drops his moms body to the floor.
“Do you know what you are?” He asks Eddie, jamming his finger into Eddie’s chest, “You’re a fucking liability. You’re nothing. You will always be nothing. You couldn’t save her. How do you expect to save your patients, huh? Certainly not by taking a sick day, that’s for fucking sure.”
Eddie starts crying quietly. “Wayne!! Uncle Wayne help me please!”
He calls into the void but there’s nothing. Just him, his dead mom, and his demons.
It’s close to 11pm when Steve turns off the tv and heads to their bedroom to go to sleep. He brushes his teeth quietly, so not to wake Eddie, and then crawls into bed next to his partner.
A small whimper makes Steve look over. Eddie’s asleep, but his brown is furrowed. He looks panicked and keeps making small whimpering noises.
Instinctively, Steve reaches out and runs a hand through Eddie’s hair. The older man almost immediately calms down a little. Steve pauses, resting the back of his fingers on Eddie’s forehead and then his cheek.
The poor guy is absolutely throwing off heat waves. Steve keeps running gentle fingers through Eddie’s hair until the whimpers are replaced by the usual congested snores. After Eddie’s settled again, Steve finally lays down and turns off the bedside lamp.
Thursday, April 6th
Steve groans to himself as he finally turns off the alarm that he’s already snoozed twice. Its 6:35 and he’s barely gotten six hours of sleep. He kept waking up in the middle of the night either to check on Eddie or because he was too hot from sleeping next to Eddie.
He peels himself out of bed, surprised to see Eddie wasn’t there. Some harsh coughing echoing from the kitchen answered that question, though.
Steve pulls on his scrubs and heads to the bathroom, not wasting any time. He added some mousse and spray to his hair, giving it a once over before brushing his teeth and washing his face. He put on his watch and checked the time. 6:48 - time to go.
Grabbing his bag, he heads into the kitchen where Eddie is sitting at the table. He’s in his scrub bottoms and hoodie again, with a thin blanket draped around his shoulders. He’s got dark circles under his eyes and his nose is red and raw from blowing it so much.
“You were up early.” Steve commented, grabbing the car keys and opening the front door.
“Couldn’t sleep.” Eddie coughed, as he exited the apartment.
“Wait. Eddie. You’ve still got the blanket.” Steve points out.
The long haired man waves a hand dismissively. “I’m taking it with me.”
With that, he gets into the passenger seat of the car and leans back, blanket still wrapped around his shoulders, letting his eyes droop. His lips are parted slightly so he can breathe, a small detail that Steve picks up on as soon as he starts the car up.
They pull onto the main road when Eddie starts fidgeting, rifling through the glove compartment.
“What are you-? Oh..” Steve knows this look. Eddie’s pre-sneeze look.
His eyes are fluttering shut and his nostrils are flaring. He’s been sniffling the last couple minutes too so he’s assuming Eddie thinks it’s going to be messy.
“Hold on, hold on!” Steve has one hand on the wheel and one hand trying to grab at the middle console, but he’s also trying to drive the car.
Eddie buckles forward, using both his hands to pull the corner of his blanket up to cover.
“H’issh! NxxTCH! Eh’GSHT! snfsnff ii’KSHT’iew!”
“Bless you! Jesus…”
Steve grimaces at how sick and contagious those sneezes sounded. There’s no way the blanket escaped unscathed. He opens the middle console and pulls a handful of napkins, holding them out to Eddie.
The older man grabs at them and quickly holds them over his nose, pausing for a second, “heh-ISHHuu!”
The raspy sneeze turns into a desperate nose blow. Eddie drops the soaked napkin by his feet and grabs another to gurgle into. After he cleaned himself up, he grabs the last napkin and scrubs at his blanket.
“That can’t be sanitary…” Steve whispers to himself.
Eddie just coughs and leans his head against the cool window of the car until they park in the lot for Hawkins Medical.
The boys walk in where Robin is once again chatting with Nancy before opening.
“Hey guys-” Robin starts.
Steve stares at her wide eyed, mentally telling her not to even address the sorry state of Eddie. The doctor follows in behind Steve, pulling the blanket closer to him.
“N’dancy do you have any m’bore tissues?”
“Yeah Eddie, sure.” She opens the cabinet under the sink behind her and pulls out a fresh box and hands it to him.
“Tha’gks.” He sulks off to his office and Nancy gives Steve a look.
She leans in close and hisses, “You are not letting him see patients like that.”
Steve shrugged and held up his hands in defeat. “I don’t know what you want me to do about Nancy. I’ve been yelled at so many times this week. My hands are tied.”
Nancy and Robin both felt bad. Steve was in a really tough position, wanting to help but also not wanting to start any fights with Eddie. Billy walked in and pointed towards the back office.
“You letting patient zero stay here today??”
For once in his life, Billy was not only right, but valid in his concern. Eddie definitely shouldn’t be here right now.
“He won’t listen to me so I guess yeah. Yeah he is.”
Billy rolled his eyes. The clinic would be opening soon. The first patient was for Billy and then Nancy. Eddie’s first patient wasn't until 9:30.
The first part of the morning went smooth, leaving Eddie to drink his coffee and work on notes in his office. But by the time his first patient showed up, everyone was walking on eggshells.
“Morning Jessica!” Robin grinned.
Jessica was one of the regular patients in her late 30’s who was always friendly with the staff. Her and her girlfriend, Beck, were two of the funniest people around.
“Hey girl! How you doing?” Jessica asked.
“Hanging in there this week.” Robin leaned in close and brought her voice down to a whisper, “Doctor E’s sick and refuses to admit it.”
Jessica mouths the knowing “ahhhhh” as she nods. “I know the type. Doctors make the worst patients though, am I right?”
Robin nodded profusely. “Looks like you had a credit from the last appointment so no copay today. Go ahead and have a seat. I’ll have Steve get you soon.”
She grabs Jessica’s chart and marches it back to Steve. “Our favorite is here for her new med follow up.”
“Perfect! I’ll bring this to sick boy.” Steve types something into his computer and then stands up to let Jessica into an exam room.
Eddie looks dead on his feet when Steve brings in Jessica’s chart.
“First one for you Eds.” He says as nonchalantly as he can.
“Yup. I got it.” Eddie stands, but has to steady himself, closing his eyes to let the wave of dizziness pass.
Abandoning his blanket momentarily, he grabs the chart and heads into the exam room.
“Hey Jessica. You’ll have to excuse this-” he gestures to his entire demeanor, “I’m not feeling the best.”
“Understatement of the year, I suppose.” Jessica teased. “Sorry you’re not feeling well!”
Eddie sits down on the chair across the room, already too tired to stand. “So last time you were here we started you on 25mg of Zoloft. That was about three months ago. How are you feeling now?”
“Honestly? Best I’ve felt in a long time.” Jessica smiles.
“Any weird side effects? Mood swings? Any more bad thoughts?”
She thinks for a second but responds matter of factly, “Nope! Feels great.”
“Then I think I’d like to keep you on 25mg for now, but if anything changes you come back and we can reassess okay?”
“Bing, bang, boom! That was quick and easy.” She exclaims, grabbing her cross shoulder bag. “See you in a few months I guess!”
Eddie nodded, “See you then! Robin will get you all checked out.”
When he thought she couldn’t see him anymore, his face fell and he rubbed at his temple. Jessica made her way back to the front window.
“He’s worse than I thought.” She whispered to Robin, “He thought I couldn’t see but he looks really out of it and run down. Needs a pick me up or something.”
Those words echoed in Robins head as she signed Jessica out. He needs a pick me up.
If there was one thing Robin was good at it was humor. Once Jessica was gone, Robin made her way back towards Eddie’s office but saw him in the hallway.
“Hey Eddie! I have a joke for you. How do you tell if a vampire is sick?”
She paused briefly before answering her own joke, “By how much he’s coffin!!”
Eddie stared at her with annoyed eyes before he shouted, “Seriously Robin?? What are you comparing me to a Vampire now?? Stop trying to be funny and go back to work.”
Thank god he stormed off to his office because Robin was too shocked to move or speak. That stung. She’d never been yelled at by Eddie before. Before she knew it, Steve had a hand on her shoulder saying, “I’m so sorry Robs, ignore him.”
Her best friend kept speed walking into Eddie’s office and shut the door behind him so he could yell at his boyfriend in private.
“What the fuck Eddie??? You cannot speak to Robin like that, especially when she’s trying to cheer you up. You owe her an apology.”
Eddie just glares at his desk.
“Did you hear me Eddie?? Fucking apologize. Either get your shit together or go home. Jesus Christ…”
Steve is the one to storm out this time, slamming the door behind him. Nancy and Billy definitely heard, but opted to keep to themselves. Probably for the better anyways.
Robin was scribbling numbers on her insurance verification sheet for tomorrow. This was probably her least favorite part of the day, running numbers and making calls to the obscure insurance companies to ask about it.
Her concentration was broken when there was a small burst of wind as someone sat on the chair next to her.
“Hey Birdie.”
It was Eddie. Still wrapped in his blanket. But this time he looked apologetic and sad.
“I should NOT have yelled at you like that. The joke was funny and you just wanted to make me laugh.”
She slowly looked up and met his eyes. They were glazed and teary.
“I’m really really sorry Robin. I didn’t mean to. I just.” His voice wavered, “I just feel so sick!”
Two silent tears rolled down his cheeks. Robin’s heart broke and she immediately pulled him into a sitting hug, holding his head to her shoulder (and shielding him from any patients that might walk in.)
Steve walked up holding papers to copy but stopped dead in his tracks. Robin looked up at Steve, shooting him a look that screamed, “SOS he broke” as she held him.
Steve set the papers down and rushed over, kneeling in front of Robin and Eddie. He rubbed Eddie’s forearm.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Look at me.”
Eddie slowly turns to look at Steve, his face wet with tears and a thin layer of sweat. His nose is running from crying. Robin brushes some strands of hair out of his face with one hand and grabs the tissue box and sets it on her lap with the other.
“I feel bad.” He sobs, “I yelled at everyone and I wish I didn’t and I just feel so sihhh hhh -sick- h’iKSHT!”
Robin bites her lip in disgust as she rubs her friends back. Steve grabs a few tissues and wipes away the strings of mess from Eddie’s nose. He runs a hand through Eddie’s hair and then rests his palm on his forehead.
“You’re burning up Eds. I’m gonna go grab the thermometer.”
“Should we like…put him in an exam room or something Steve? I can sit with him until lunch and you can take him home…”
“Uhhh yeah fuck okay. That’s a good idea.”
Robin helps Eddie up and they walk over to Exam room 1 since the bed is against the wall.
“Just. Lay down for a second Eddie.” Robin is flustered. She doesn’t usually spend much time in the actual exam rooms.
He lays down, resting his head on the small pillow, and she pulls his blanket over his shoulders. He’s still sniffling from crying, his cheeks are flushed bright red.
Steve comes in with his little vitals cart, pulling the thermometer from its spot next to the blood pressure cuff.
“Open up Eds.” Steve slips the device under his tongue and waits for the reading. “102.4° Eddie. No wonder you feel so bad.”
Robin’s already going through the cabinets in the exam room until she finds what she’s looking for. She’s seen Eddie use it on some of the Peds patients before.
She opens the box and takes out a gel fever patch, peeling off the adhesive and gently sticking it to Eddie’s forehead. He whimpers slightly at how good it feels.
“Oh my god Robin those are for children.” Steve can’t help but laugh a little.
“A fever is a fever, Steve.”
She has a point.
“You sure you’re okay watching him?” He asks.
“Yeah I mean as long as you check people in and out. It’s only an hour or so. Just turn the lights off on your way out.”
Steve nods, flicking the light off and closing the door. He’s already sending texts to Chrissy asking if she can cover him tomorrow.
Despite it only being an hour, give or take, Steve is super anxious wanting to take Eddie home and get him to bed. As soon as the last patient was out the door, Steve was already locking up for lunch and making his way back to Exam 1.
“Hey buddy.” Steve gently rubs Eddie’s shoulder after turning on the light.
Lunch hour started and Steve had come to relieve Robin of her babysitting duties. Eddie slowly blinked himself awake.
“Hey Stevie…”
“How’re you feeling?” Robin stands up from the chair next to the exam room bed, stretching her legs.
Eddie groans and rubs at his nose, sniffing, “Really really sick actually…”
“You ready to go home?” Steve asks, petting his hair.
“Yeah. I am.” Eddie sits up and touches his forehead, “What is this??”
“It’s a fever patch, dummy. Don’t touch it!” Robin playfully slaps his hand away.
She helps Eddie to his feet and he notices Steve’s already got his backpack and the car keys.
“Are you… staying home with me? Steve you don’t have to…”
“Yes I do. And Chrissy’s gonna cover for me tomorrow too. Especially if you’re finally dropping the ‘doctors don’t get sick’ act and will let me help you.”
“If some soup and the good tissues are involved I’ll gladly accept that offer.”
They make their way out into the hallway and stop outside the break room where Robin just joined Nancy.
“I’m sorry for being a dick this week Nancy.”
“It’s okay Eddie, just get some rest!” Nancy’s mom-friend tone was coming out.
Steve nodded at them and gently shoveled Eddie out the back door into their car. The drive back to their apartment was still about fifteen minutes, but it felt so much faster.
“I’m thinking maybe a shower for you and then bed.” Steve looks over from behind the wheel.
Eddie coughed into his elbow. “I was thinking the same thing.”
When they parked and got out of the car, Steve was expecting Eddie to beeline for the shower like he had the past couple of days, but instead, he gives Steve the biggest hug.
“I’m sorry I’ve been so mean.” Eddie mumbles into Steve’s chest. “I’ll do whatever you say, I’m just tired of feeling like shit.”
Steve softens and leans into the hug. “It’s okay Eddie. I just want you to feel better. Why don’t you go shower and get in bed and I’ll bring you some tea?”
Steve had started the tea when he heard Eddie get out of the shower. He didn’t want to start it early and risk it getting cold.
He let the water boil in the electric kettle, letting the tea steep after it had stopped bubbling. He stirred in a bit of honey for good measure and walked it over to the bedroom.
“Eddie, you decent?” He called gently.
When no response came, he toed open the slightly ajar door. Eddie was passed out, face down in his favorite black sweats and a waffle knit shirt. He snored softly, face buried in the bedsheets.
Steve set the tea down on the bedside table and draped a clean quilt over him, taking the dirty one to the wash. He closed the door quietly behind him and made his way to the kitchen to make himself some lunch.
His phone buzzed as a text from Robin came through.
How’s he doing?
He typed out a quick response.
Hey Robs. He’s out cold in bed already…
That was quick 🤣
Record time, I think.
Steve laughed to himself while he reheated leftover pasta. He didn’t know how long he’d have to entertain himself, but Eddie definitely needed some rest.
Friday, April 7th
Steve slowly pulls himself from sleep, vaguely aware of the wet sneezes sounding next to him.
“K’tschIEW! snrkk sorry I didn’t m’bean to wake you up. Tried to stifle them but… they were too strong.”
“S’okay. Bless you.” Steve props himself up on his elbows and reaches over to feel Eddie’s forehead while he blows his nose. “Feeling any better?”
“Yeah, but still feel like I got hit by a bus.” He tossed the tissues to the side and leans back against the pillows propping him up, “Can’t breathe through m’by n’dose.”
“I’m sorry babe. I’ll look around for the humidifier later and see if that helps.”
Eddie nodded, while Steve grabbed the thermometer off the table by the bed and pressed the ON button. He hands it to Eddie, who slips it under his tongue.
They wait for a minute until it beeps. Eddie leans forward and Steve takes the device to check the reading.
“What’s the damage n’durse Steve?”
“100.3°. Explains why you feel so crummy. A lot lower than yesterday though.” Steve kisses the top of Eddie’s head before getting out of bed to get dressed.
Eddie slumps down, closing his eyes again. He only intended to rest them for a minute, but soon enough he’s right back asleep.
Steve’s in the kitchen heating up some soup for Eddie when there’s a knock on the door. He turns the heat down to low and goes to open it.
“Hey Robin what’re you doing here?”
She smiles and holds up a paper bag, “Thought I’d drop by on my lunch break to drop off bagel sandwiches for you.”
“That’s so nice!” Steve stepped aside, “Come on in.”
“How’s Eddie doing?” She asks.
“Well…” Steve points to the living room where there’s a figure hunched over a small humidifier with a towel over their head. “His fever’s down but he’s super congested still. I have him doing humidifier treatment while I make him some soup.
“How very domestic of you.” She smirks, making her way over to the covered figure.
“Hey Eds! Brought you some bagels! Feel any better?”
He flips the towel over his head so it’s resting on his back. His face is looks clammy from the steam.
“Thanks Robin.” He turns away to cough and then teeters his hand back and forth. “Eh. Been better. Still feel like shit.”
Almost on cue, his eyes flutter closed and he turns to the side, leaning into the crook of his elbow.
“M’ptSHew! G’isSHuhew! H’ekTSCH!”
“Bless you!! I gotta get back to the clinic, but feel better, yeah? Lord of rest this weekend.” Robin ruffles his hair and heads back to the front door where Steve is waiting.
Eddie gives a tired thumbs up from behind his tissues before throwing the towel back over his head.
“Guess you finally got him to drop the act?”
Steve sighs, “Yeah. Fucking finally. Doctors do get sick after all.”
The two of them chuckle to themselves, certain Eddie couldn’t hear their teasing over the hiss of the humidifier.
“Thanks for the bagels.” Steve gives Robin a hug on her way out. “See you Monday?”
She walks backwards out the door, shooting finger guns at him. “You know it Steve-o!”
Steve smiled at the ground as he closed the front door, turning the stove back up to a boil. He was so thankful for friends like Robin. And thankful his boyfriend was finally letting him take care of him.
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kallie-den · 1 year
A Commanding Weakness Ch. 2
The ship's doctor investigates what's been going on with Captain Vasser - but when her about the captain start coming to life, will she be able to resist Wasp's trap?
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There was something weird going on with Captain Vasser.
That was the starting point Doctor Yuzuko Hiraga kept coming back to, as she anxiously reviewed her notes whilst waiting for the captain to come and visit her in the Inyx’s medbay. It wasn’t a lot to go on, frustratingly, but it was a conviction that had been growing within her ever since she’d caught sight of Captain Vasser leaving the holodeck a week before. She’d tried to dismiss the feeling a hundred times, but she just couldn’t. Deep down, she knew it.
There was something weird going on with Captain Vasser.
She had seemed so unlike herself when Dr. Hiraga had seen her that day, overstaying on her holo-rec time. For one, the captain she knew would never, ever lose track of time. She was far too strict, especially with herself. And for another, Captain Vasser wouldn’t be caught dead looking so messy and disheveled. Even that could have been dismissed as a rare, momentary lapse, but what truly bothered Dr. Hiraga was how she had seemed so oblivious to it. It was as if she'd been in some kind of strange daze.
It wasn’t normal and it wasn’t right. As the ship’s doctor, Dr. Hiraga needed to get to the bottom of it - but discreetly. The last thing she wanted was to publicly undermine Captain Vasser.
And so, she had privately asked Captain Vasser to attend a medical appointment in the hopes that she could get a feel for what was wrong.
Dr. Hiraga adjusted her thick-rimmed glasses one more time, and then tried to sit still behind her desk and look like she had been in the middle of something unimportant.
With a muted, familiar hiss, the medbay’s doors slid open, and through them walked Captain Yvonne Vasser, looking as formidable as ever in her neat, perfectly-tailored uniform.
“Doctor,” the captain said, favoring Dr. Hiraga with a small smile. “Let’s make this quick, shall we?”
“Of course, captain.”
Dr. Hiraga beckoned for Captain Vasser to take a seat. Seeing her like this, it was all but impossible to imagine her as anything other than an invulnerable pillar of dignity and professionalism. Her hair was, as usual, in a stern ponytail, and her gaze betrayed no hint of the nerves and anxiety Dr. Hiraga was used to seeing in her patients.
It was almost enough to make her doubt herself. Nothing was ever wrong with Captain Vasser, right? Simply being in her presence was a comfort. Dr. Hiraga knew that some of the Inyx’s crew were afraid of her. They thought of her as a haughty, terrifyingly-perfect, disciplinarian robot of a captain. But to Dr. Hiraga, Captain Vasser was simply perfect.
“So,” Captain Vasser began, “what’s this all about?”
Dr. Hiraga adjusted her glasses nervously. “I’ve decided to set up some appointments with the senior crew. We all know it’s been a long tour out here on the rim, chasing after Wasp. There’s a lot of pressure on officers like Lieutenant Kuznetzov and Chief Carter to not let standards slip. I thought it might be helpful to discuss mental health and wellness in a professional context.”
“That’s very diligent, doctor,” Captain Vasser commented approvingly.
“T-thank you.” Dr. Hiraga’s heart skipped a beat, and she silently prayed that she wasn’t blushing. “So, um, I thought: where better to start than the captain?”
“How thoughtful.” Captain Vasser laughed politely. “But I’m afraid I don’t think we’ll have much to talk about.”
When Captain Vasser laughed like that, her whole face lit up. Her eyes sparkled. To Dr. Hiraga, it was a rare, precious moment, like catching a sunset. Captain Vasser never let her guard down around her subordinates, but with a doctor, in a private setting, it was a little different. It made Dr. Hiraga feel blessed, and she had to pause to bask in the moment.
The feeling it gave her, though, was also an uncomfortable reminder of why she felt so conflicted about what she was doing.
Dr. Hiraga had a massive crush on Captain Vasser.
It was embarrassing. Mortifying. Completely and totally unprofessional. What kind of doctor developed feelings for someone under her care? Worse, the captain of her ship! There were a hundred reasons nothing would ever come of it even if Captain Vasser returned her affections - which would have been nothing short of a miracle, Dr. Hiraga was sure. She was just a boring doctor. How would she ever catch the eye of a woman like Captain Vasser?
Her feelings made navigating situations like these difficult, to say the least. It was difficult to act like a professional when simply being in Captain Vasser’s presence reduced the doctor to a blushing schoolgirl. She was thirty-four, for goodness’ sake! She needed to pull herself together.
And, more pointedly, it made her seriously worried about her professional judgment when she was considering prying into Captain Vasser’s personal affairs.
“Doctor?” Captain Vasser ventured.
Dr. Hiraga started nervously when she realized she’d been zoning out. She tried to cover her blush by adjusting her glasses. “Yes! Um… well, that is, I wanted to ask… have you been feeling alright recently?”
Captain Vasser smiled politely at her. “Yes, of course.”
“Nothing on your mind?” Dr. Hiraga prompted hopefully. “Nothing’s bothering you? Nothing you’d care to get off your chest?”
Captain Vasser shook her head. “I’m perfectly fine, doctor.”
Dr. Hiraga paused for a moment to judge her next move. It was very tempting to just let the whole thing go, but she knew her curiosity would keep eating at her.
“Captain, please don’t take this the wrong way,” she began hesitantly, “but I happened to notice that you’ve been spending an awful lot of time in the holodeck recently. That’s your right, of course. It’s your ship. But… it’s unusual for you. And sometimes, when I see crew members doing this, it can be an indication of serious stress. Of trying to get away from reality.”
Dr. Hiraga couldn’t bear to continue. She just hoped the captain wasn’t too angry at her. Mercifully, though, Captain Vasser just cocked an eyebrow, amused.
“Been checking the holodeck logs, have we, doctor?” she asked.
Dr. Hiraga blushed. “W-well, in this instance, it’s simply part of my job. I didn’t mean to-“
“It’s quite alright.” Captain Vasser held up a hand. “There’s no harm in seeing who’s using the holodeck. It’s not as though you can see what they’re doing with it. And I understand your intentions. Doctor, any ship would be lucky to have a medical officer with your level of care and attention.”
Dr. Hiraga’s blush deepened, although her joy at being complimented by the captain was undercut by her guilt at how dishonest she was being.
“In my case, though, it’s nothing to worry about,” Captain Vasser continued. “I’ve just been sinking my teeth into a little project lately. I thought it would be wise to pick up a hobby, especially since it’s been so long since our last encounter with the hacker we’re chasing. Wouldn’t you agree?”
“O-oh, right,” Doctor Hiraga replied. “Y-yes, of course. Very, um, healthy.”
She felt like a fool. A new hobby? That made perfect sense. It was obvious, really. She’d probably been worrying about nothing.
“So, will there be anything else?” Captain Vasser asked.
“No, I don’t think so.” Dr. Hiraga tried to put on a brave face and maintain her professional demeanor, smiling as the two of them stood. “I just wanted to check in, that’s all. Although please remember: my door is always open, captain.”
“Thank you, doctor,” Captain Vasser replied warmly, before leaving medbay to return to her duties.
Dr. Hiraga sighed as she sank back down into her chair. What was she going to do now?
Hours later, at the end of her duty shift, Captain Vasser was still playing on Dr. Hiraga’s mind. At first, her explanation seemed to clear everything up, but now the doctor wasn’t so sure. A new hobby didn’t explain why she’d looked so disheveled and acted so strangely that day she’d seen the captain leaving the holodeck. It was such a small thing, but Dr. Hiraga couldn’t quite let it go. Her gut was telling her something. There had to be an explanation. A reason. There had to be.
It was still tormenting her when, just as she was leaving medbay, the communicator she wore on her chest started to beep.
She tapped the badge at once, fully alert. “This is the doctor. Is there a medical emergency?”
“No, doctor, don’t worry.” The sound of the captain’s voice sent a chill down Dr. Hiraga’s spine. “I know you’ve just come off duty, and I was actually hoping you might be able to do me a small favor. In a… personal capacity.”
Dr. Hiraga’s heart skipped a beat. “O-of course!”
“Wonderful,” Captain Vasser said over the communicator. “Then, could you please come to the holodeck? I’d like to show you what I’ve been working on.”
“Oh! Um. Yes, absolutely.” Another heartbeat skipped. “I’ll be right there.”
“Thank you.” The captain closed the channel.
Dr. Hiraga couldn’t believe what had just happened. A personal invitation? From the captain? It was like a dream come true. And from the sounds of it, all her questions were about to be answered.
But that wasn’t truly what was getting her secret hopes up. Rather, it was the way Captain Vasser’s voice had been filled with a kind of breathy, intimate urgency Dr. Hiraga had never heard before.
It had sounded, in a word, like flirting.
Dr. Hiraga couldn’t quite bring herself to believe it. But it did put a little frisk in her step as she headed over to the nearest turbolift as quickly as she could.
As the turbolift carried her through the Inyx and toward the holodeck, Dr. Hiraga took a moment to inspect her reflection in one of the metal walls. She wanted to look good for the captain, even if it was nothing more than a friendly invitation. Unfortunately, the long duty shift had taken its toll. Dr. Hiraga was tired, and looked it. Her point of pride was her long, silky hair, which she always wore up in a fetching crown braid, but by now more than a few hairs were coming loose, and there was no time to do anything more than try to tuck them away out of sight. People said her big eyes, the color of chocolate, were pretty, but they said that about everyone. Dr. Hiraga wished she had time to run back to her quarters and put on a little makeup, but it wouldn’t do to keep the captain waiting.
The sound of the turbolift door opening made the doctor jump, and she blushed even though nobody was there. That was a relief. It wouldn’t do for the crew to see her preening like that. Dr. Hiraga hurried out of the lift and walked over to the holodeck.
She presented herself to the door, but it appeared to be locked. After taking one last moment to adjust her glasses and muster her courage, she tapped her badge. “Captain? I’m here.”
There was no reply, but the door slid open.
As Dr. Hiraga walked into the holodeck and crossed the threshold of the holographic projection playing within, she heard the door close and lock behind her. That was unusual, but Dr. Hiraga was immediately and completely distracted by the situation she found herself in.
It was a perfect recreation of the captain’s quarters.
It had to be. It was clearly still the Inyx, and on a ship like that only the captain would have quarters as spacious as these. There was something disorienting about walking into a holodeck and finding yourself in just another part of the starship, but even more surprising than that was the mood.
The lights were dim and warm. There was some low, swinging music playing from hidden speakers. The bed was prominent, and its freshly-made sheets were scattered with rose petals.
There was no mistaking it. This was romantic.
Dr. Hiraga immediately started panicking.
“Welcome, doctor,” said Captain Vasser. “Thank you for coming.”
She was emerging from the bathroom, and the way she looked made Dr. Hiraga’s jaw drop. Captain Vasser’s hair was down, which Dr. Hiraga had never seen before. It made her look shockingly casual. She was out of her uniform too, which was another first. Even better, she was wearing a very long gown wrapped tight around her body, all the way up to her neck. Dr. Hiraga couldn’t tell if she was wearing anything underneath, and the garment looked tantalizingly easy to unravel.
Dr. Hiraga’s cheeks started to burn. This was a fantasy come to life, but it made her feel as anxious as it did elated. This was exactly a fantasy come to life. A specific fantasy, one that Dr. Hiraga had played out in her mind’s eye again and again. But that was impossible.
“C-captain,” Dr. Hiraga replied awkwardly, struggling to keep calm. “Um…what can I do for you? Is it something medical?”
She couldn’t assume anything, no matter how obvious it seemed. The last thing the doctor wanted was to make a fool of herself.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Captain Vasser replied playfully. “Can’t you guess?”
Dr. Hiraga’s cheeks were burning. “I-I’m afraid not.”
Captain Vasser laughed. “Let’s not beat around the bush. You and I - we have a connection, don’t we?”
The doctor’s eyes went wide. She knew that line. She knew it because she’d programmed it herself. Months ago, in a moment of absolute shame and unbearable yearning, she’d started working on a holodeck scenario that would have allowed her to play out some of her fantasies with the captain. She’d never gone through with it, of course. It had felt far too disrespectful to Captain Vasser. But she’d never quite gotten around to deleting the half-completed files either.
But this Captain Vasser wasn’t a hologram. The scenario wasn’t functional. It had never been finished. This was real.
Dr. Hiraga struggled to find the words to respond as she fought to wrap her mind around that. “W-well, um, yes, I mean, I’ve always felt we work well together, speaking as two professionals, and-“
“Oh, doctor.” Captain Vasser cut her off with a low chuckle. “I’m not talking about anything professional, I can assure you.”
Another line from her holodeck scenario. That had to mean something, but Dr. Hiraga was too flustered to figure out what.
“Then…” she ventured nervously, unable to keep the hope out of her voice.
Captain Vasser took a few slow, swaying steps toward her. “You know, doctor, I’ve always admired you.”
“I’ve always admired you too,” Dr. Hiraga replied hopelessly. “I mean you’re so… just… wow.”
“Thank you,” Captain Vasser purred. Hearing her purr like that was unbelievable. “And so are you. In fact, I just can’t hold myself back any longer.”
That was another line from her holodeck scenario, but Dr. Hiraga was so caught up in the fantasy, she barely noticed. “You can’t?”
Captain Vasser nodded, and moved closer. “You’re lovely, doctor.”
Dr. Hiraga couldn’t keep the dumb grin from her face. “I… oh my goodness, just hearing you say that is….”
Captain Vasser stepped closer still - close enough that she could reach up and stroke her fingertips along the doctor’s burning cheek. The warmth of her touch was further confirmation. This was real, even if it was still a virtual mirror of what Dr. Hiraga had half-programmed into the holodeck.
“Do you feel the same way about me?” the captain asked.
“Yes!” Dr. Hiraga blurted out. “God yes. You’re… captain, you’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever known. And… I can’t believe how beautiful you look.”
“Thank you.” Captain Vasser grinned. She took hold of Dr. Hiraga’s arm and started to guide her, gently but commandingly, over to her bed. “Then, what are we waiting for?”
Dr. Hiraga let out a nervous giggle. Her head was spinning. “W-wait! Um… not that I don’t want to, but… isn’t this… a little fast?”
That was half of what she was thinking. The other half was all about her fantasies. The ones she had tentatively added into her holodeck scenario before chickening out. The secret, shameful fetishistic ones she’d never shared with anyone else. Dr. Hiraga couldn’t help but glance down at Captain Vasser’s body, hidden under her long gown. Was she wearing anything underneath? It was impossible to tell.
“Are you really going to tell me you don’t want this?” Captain Vasser replied, an undiminishable smile on her face. Despite her protest, Dr. Hiraga couldn’t help moving with her toward the bed.
“I do!” Dr. Hiraga insisted. “I do, I promise. M-more than anything. But… aren’t there rules about this? Fraternization, chain of command, acceptable power dynamics…”
“I’m the captain,” Captain Vasser said firmly. “The Inyx is my ship. I make the rules. I’ll take care of it all. Whatever it takes.”
Hearing that was like a drug. Whatever her reservations, Dr. Hiraga couldn’t help but lose herself to the moment. She didn’t resist as Captain Vasser guided her to sit down on the edge of her bed.
The captain remained standing directly in front of her. It was a flustering reminder of their considerable height difference. Up close, Captain Vasser’s body was even more stunning. She had aged gracefully into her thirties, and it was obvious that she kept herself in ferociously good shape.
Again, Dr. Hiraga’s thoughts drifted to sinful places. Was the captain naked beneath her gown? That would have been a dream, and yet the doctor couldn’t help but wish for something else instead.
“Doctor,” Captain Vasser said. Her voice commanded the doctor’s attention effortlessly, but it was different from the voice she used when she was giving orders from the bridge. It was secret. Intimate. “Do you want me?”
Dr. Hiraga knew that if she said ‘yes’, there would be no turning back. She wanted that more than anything in the world. And yet the old adage rang in her ears: if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. The captain wasn’t acting normally. Perhaps she hadn’t been for weeks. If something was truly wrong with her, as Dr. Hiraga had been suspecting, it wouldn’t be right to take advantage.
“It’s not that I don’t want to,” she replied regretfully. “I promise, with all my heart, that I do. But… I want to do this properly. Let’s take it a little slower, OK?”
She braced herself for the worst. For anger. For rejection. What Dr. Hiraga wasn’t ready for, though, was for Captain Vasser to simply reach down, untie the belt of her gown, and shrug it off from her shoulders.
Dr. Hiraga gasped when she saw what the captain had on underneath.
From her neck all the way down to her ankles and her wrists, Captain Vasser was wearing a black bodysuit. It was perfectly skintight; it hugged her mature curves close and left absolutely nothing to the imagination. There was no mistaking its eroticism. Seeing anyone like that would have made Dr. Hiraga stare; seeing the captain, of all people, like that had her completely dumbstruck.
But it wasn’t the form of the bodysuit that truly made the doctor’s mouth water, and drove every last thought out of her head. It was the material. The bodysuit was made of black, shiny rubber, polished to such a mirror sheen that it reflected each one of the holodeck’s dim lights in bright shapes that contoured perfectly to the curves of Captain Vasser’s body. Dr. Hiraga had seen bodysuits like this before - in fantasy and pornography, if not reality - and she recognized it immediately.
It was latex.
Dr. Hiraga’s love of latex was her deepest secret. Her greatest fetish. She’d never told anyone about it. Exploring kinks was difficult for someone in her profession - a starship doctor, working for the Alliance - and she had always struggled to imagine how to articulate her feelings. Compared to the kinds of fantasies that other people had, fetishizing a simple clothing material seemed strange. Abstract, almost.
But that didn’t stop her craving for it from being all-consuming.
“Do you like it, doctor?” Captain Vasser asked, a strange smile on her face. “I can see that you do.”
Dr. Hiraga nodded dumbly. She could scarcely believe this. Did the captain, her crush, of all people, secretly share her kink? That was too much. It was impossible. And yet…
Captain Vasser leaned closer. “Would you like to touch it?” she whispered.
Dr. Hiraga’s nodding turned furious. She needed to, desperately.
Captain Vasser stretched out her arm, offering it to the breathless doctor.
Hand trembling, Dr. Hiraga reached out and touched the captain’s latex-coated forearm. Immediately, she gasped. That first little touch was like a baptism. The rubber was impossibly, alluringly smooth, and the way it flexed, just slightly, under pressure, wrapping the light around her fingertip in a golden halo, was mesmerizing. Dr. Hiraga was in awe. It was even better than she’d always dreamed.
But the best part of all was that it was real. You couldn’t do this with hardlight holograms. They couldn’t quite get the texture just right. Dr. Hiraga knew. She’d tried, when she’d attempted to program something just like this into her secret, shameful little holodeck fantasy involving the captain.
And now, all of that was coming true.
“Oh my god,” Dr. Hiraga breathed. “I can’t believe… it’s so…”
“Why stop there?” Captain Vasser’s voice was breathy and low, her commanding tones made into a cougar’s purr. “I’m all yours.”
She stepped even closer, so close she was practically straddling Dr. Hiraga’s lap. The captain reached down and took hold of the stunned doctor’s wrists and guided them onto her body - one to her chest, perilously close to her breasts, the other around to cup her ass.
Dr. Hiraga didn’t resist. She didn’t protest. She was beyond that. She wasn’t thinking about medical propriety, or professionalism, or Alliance military regulations about fraternization. She was just thinking about her captain’s body, and how it looked wrapped in this amazing, shiny rubber. Every touch was freshly intoxicating, and left her needing more.
Her fingers moved. She found herself touching, reaching, groping. She couldn’t help it. The way the latex felt as it moved beneath her fingertips was ecstasy. Dr. Hiraga wanted nothing more than to keep going. To keep touching. To keep admiring Captain Vasser like this. To lose herself in the moment forever.
Worries about what was real and how this was possible were the furthest things from her mind. If this was a dream, she decided, she simply wanted to go on dreaming forever.
“Mmmff,” Captain Vasser purred, as Dr. Hiraga explored her latex-clad body. “This feels amazing, doctor. You have no idea. I’m so glad I can share this with you.”
“M-me… t-too…” Dr. Hiraga whimpered. Her whole body was on fire. She couldn’t control herself. She was overwhelmed.
Captain Vasser stood over her, legs slightly apart, back arched as she presented herself obscenely for Dr. Hiraga's attention. The doctor couldn’t look away. In the low, intimate light, even the slightest move Captain Vasser made as she breathed or adjusted her position made shimmers race across the surface of her bodysuit. It was the most beautiful thing Dr. Hiraga had ever seen. The woman she admired most, in the fetish gear that drove her crazy. She couldn’t imagine a better model for her adored latex.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Captain Vasser murmured, as if to herself. “Sometimes I feel like I could stare at it for hours.”
Dr. Hiraga nodded in agreement, spellbound.
“It does something wonderful to me,” Captain Vasser confessed, in a low, soothing voice. “It’s like my mind goes blank. Like I can’t think. Like I don’t want to think.”
“Yeah…” Dr. Hiraga breathed. It was exactly like that.
"It’s such a relief, for women like us,” Captain Vasser mused. “We lead such stressful lives, don’t we? We’re both responsible for so many people, here on the Inyx. There are no days off for us. Not really. And that makes anything that can help us to switch off our minds even more blissful.”
Dr. Hiraga nodded. She’d never quite thought about it like that, but now that her captain was saying it, it made perfect sense. This was blissful.
“Just look at it, in the light,” Captain Vasser went on. “Look at the latex. Look at how it reflects the light when I move.” She flexed her arm, demonstrating. “Every time, it’s like a new pattern. A new work of art. Couldn’t you just lose yourself to it?”
“Mhm,” Dr. Hiraga murmured. Speaking seemed like it would take too much effort. The doctor was completely, singularly focused on the latex Captain Vasser was wearing.
“And the sensation,” Captain Vasser went on, “that’s even better, isn’t it? Even more blissful. Even more relaxing. Keep touching, doctor. I want you to touch me.”
Dr. Hiraga was obeying her without even thinking about it. She fell into a rhythm, moving her hands back and forth, up and down, along Captain Vasser’s body.
“Yes, just like that,” Captain Vasser said approvingly. Her approval felt like a warm glow. “Focus, doctor. Focus on how it feels under your fingertips. So smooth. So sleek. Isn’t there something incredibly relaxing about just touching it?”
“Y… yeah…” Dr. Hiraga sighed. There really was. Losing herself to the sensation was effortless.
“That’s right.” Captain Vasser nodded. “No need to think. No need to speak. Only touch. Only feel. Only relax.”
Now that she was so completely focused, every part of Dr. Hiraga’s body was starting to feel heavy and limp. It didn’t bother her. It barely registered. She was totally relaxed.
“Let your breathing get nice and slow for me,” Captain Vasser urged. Her voice was so soothing and so authoritative. Listening to her was effortless. “It’ll help you to relax. You want that, don’t you, doctor? To relax?”
Dr. Hiraga just nodded slowly.
“Then listen to me,” Captain Vasser told her. “I’ll guide you. Breathing slowly. Sinking. Relaxing. Allowing my latex to lull you into a nice, deep, relaxed state. You’re already so close. I promise you, it’s going to feel wondrous.”
Dr. Hiraga felt a little like she was falling asleep. Her vision was starting to blur and telescope, and everything was starting to fade. Everything except for her captain’s words. Those were as vivid as ever, and she couldn’t help but obey.
“I think you’re ready, doctor,” Captain Vasser whispered. “I’m sure you know what a trance is. On my count of three, you’re going to slip into a trance for me. Are you ready?”
Dr. Hiraga nodded again. She wasn’t thinking.
“Three,” Captain Vasser counted. “Two. One. And… zero. Sink for me, doctor.”
As soon as she counted ‘zero’, the doctor went slack. She felt like a puppet whose strings had just been cut. She felt nothing.
Captain Vasser fell silent as she watched the hypnotized doctor. Then, a few moments later, across the holographic room, the air started to ripple. After a moment more, the ripple resolved itself into a figure: a hardlight hologram of a short woman in punk clothing, with dyed, vivid green, side-shaven hair and an unbelievably smug, shit-eating grin.
It was Wasp. The vandal-hacker the Inyx was supposed to be in pursuit of.
“Wow,” she remarked. “That was fucking hot.”
At her appearance, Captain Vasser started swaying not so differently from how the hypnotized Dr. Hiraga was swaying. Wasp noticed that at once.
“Hey, captain,” she said, grin impossibly wide. “At attention, babe.”
Captain Vasser immediately snapped to attention, her spine perfectly stiff and upright. All the emotion drained from her face, and she turned towards Wasp and offered the hacker a crisp, military salute.
Wasp laughed. “Fuck. I never get tired of making her do that.”
Something flickered in Dr. Hiraga’s eyes as she watched Wasp defile her beloved captain’s dignity. Deep down she was struggling to rouse herself, but she had fallen so very far.
Wasp seemed to notice Dr. Hiraga’s faint comprehension. She waltzed over to the doctor and struck a theatrical pose.
“Surprised?” she asked. “I’m sure you know who I am. Let me give you the cliff notes: I’ve been in your ship’s systems for a while, and in your captain’s head for just as long. I exploited all her naughty little fantasies about hypnosis and domination - exactly like she just did to you.”
Dr. Hiraga whimpered and twitched. She still couldn’t think or rouse her heavy limbs.
“She’s a lot more shameless about them than you,” Wasp commented. “Made whole libraries of her wet dreams right here on the holodeck. You couldn’t bring yourself to finish one single scenario. Good taste, though! Latex? That’s fun. And the captain? She really is a dish, isn’t she? When she told me you were onto us, I just had to go for it.”
Wasp licked her lips as she glanced thoughtfully between her victims.
“I hope getting to have a little fun with her was as good as you’d imagined,” she added. “And, who knows? Maybe I’ll let you two have some more fun together. I’m sure Vasser here will be nice and eager.”
At that, Dr. Hiraga stirred. Something about Wasp’s words offended her. Captain Vasser would never be eager. Not her. This was all Wasp, forcing her. Captain Vasser had always looked after her crew fiercely.
“Nnhgg…” she managed, her tongue drooling out of her mouth. “Nnnottt…”
“Awwww, wow!” Wasp simply giggled at her predicament. “So loyal! You really are down bad for her. I’d hoped so. Those old, buried, half-finished holodeck files of yours made it clear that you have such a high opinion of your captain.” She bent at the hips, putting her face menacingly close to the doctor’s. “But I’ve got bad news for you, doc: she really was very, very eager.”
Wasp waltzed around behind Captain Vasser, still frozen like a statue in her saluting pose. Under the guidance of Wasp’s hands, though, she spread her legs and did nothing to resist as Wasp carefully unzipped the front of her latex bodysuit between her thighs. And when Wasp’s hand plunged underneath the rubber and started molesting her, the captain shuddered with unmistakable pleasure.
Dr. Hiraga went completely still. The sight of the criminal they were hunting groping the captain she adored was ghoulish. But, despite herself, she was still mercilessly aroused. She couldn’t help it. She couldn’t stop admiring the latex.
Wasp gave herself a few long moments to enjoy the experience, before pulling away and holding up her hand for Dr. Hiraga to inspect.
Her fingertips were dripping wet. Captain Vasser was unbelievably turned on from what she’d just done to her ship’s doctor.
Dr. Hiraga let out a low, pitiful moan.
“I guess I’m the only one around here who knows what Captain Vasser is really like,” Wasp giggled. “See, she’s not just a girl with a wild side. She’s a real freak. It goes all the way to her bones. For her, the more twisted the better. I should know; I’ve perused all her favorites. And let me tell you: being hypnotized and forced to betray someone who trusts her? That does it for our girl like nothing else.”
Dr. Hiraga wanted to deny it, but even if she’d been able to muster the words, they would have sounded hollow. Captain Vasser’s wetness spoke for itself. So did the telltale blush of arousal in her cheeks.
The doctor was sure that, on some level, Captain Vasser hated what was happening. But on another, she clearly loved it.
“You’re almost as much of a freak, though,” Wasp monologued to the helpless doctor. “Just a little more repressed. But like I said, good taste. Once I had her synthesize her new latex, I couldn’t get over it. Fuck, who knew the straight-laced cap would look so good?”
She started groping Captain Vasser all over, her hands gripping and tugging and squeezing as she roamed over the captain’s body. The way Wasp groped her was nothing like Dr. Hiraga’s slow, careful, reverent touch. Glee glinted in the hacker’s eyes as she mauled Captain Vasser's tits and slapped her ass, all while the hypnotized captain responded with nothing more than a blush and a faint whimper. The level of control Wasp wielded over her was terrifying, and it was clear she absolutely loved getting to show it off for an audience.
“Don’t worry,” Wasp jeered, catching the faint look in Dr. Hiraga’s blank eyes. “She’s enjoying herself! Aren’t you, babe?”
Captain Vasser didn’t reply.
“Aw, c’mon.” Wasp feigned a pout and giggled. “Trust me, I can tell she’s practically creaming herself. Hey, captain! Show the doc how much fun you’re having. Smile for us. Nice and bright. That’s an order.”
Dr. Hiraga failed to suppress a rush of arousal as she watched Captain Vasser’s entire face light up in a broad, bright grin. The expression was so obviously artificial as to be ghoulish, and the way it didn’t reach her blank, entranced eyes made the captain look almost goofy. But nonetheless, especially with the way she was blushing, it gave her the look of someone caught in a moment of eager, stupid, mind-breaking pleasure.
Given what she was wearing, Dr. Hiraga couldn’t help but find the spectacle incredibly, unbearably hot.
“Perfect!” Wasp drawled. She slipped her hand back into the unzipped portion of Captain Vasser’s bodysuit and pushed two of her hardlight fingertips into the captain’s cunt. “Hey, let’s finish the look. Cap, throw up a double peace sign. I know you know what that is. That’s an order.”
Captain Vasser shuddered and moaned faintly as Wasp thrust inside her, but she nonetheless obeyed, lifting both of her hands up and forming a V-shape with her fingertips. Then, when Wasp added another finger, she gasped and her tongue lolled out of her mouth.
In that pose, with that expression on her face, wearing skin-tight latex, she no longer looked anything like the proud, dignified starship captain Dr. Hiraga had always known. Captain Vasser looked defiled. She looked pornographic. She looked like a twisted wet dream come to life.
And it was Dr. Hiraga’s wet dream.
She didn’t want to be, but she was unbelievably horny. She couldn’t tell if her latex fetish was just that strong, or if the hypnosis was simply clouding her mind beyond all sense - or, worse, if some part of her actually liked seeing Captain Vasser this way. Whatever the reason, all she could do was hope Wasp didn’t bother to check how wet she was under her uniform.
Wasp was clearly feeling none of the dread or guilt that haunted Dr. Hiraga. Her eyes were alight with a manic thrill as she played with the two older, military women like they were nothing more than dolls. Her wicked grin just kept widening and widening, and her whole body throbbed with enraptured arousal. There was no hint of remorse or restraint. As Dr. Hiraga fought, still, to rouse herself, a horrifying realization started to dawn on her.
Wasp was here, in the Inyx’s systems. She had control over Captain Vasser - and now her, the ship’s doctor. The kind of damage a person like her could do from this position was unthinkable.
“W-what…” Dr. Hiraga murmured. “What… are y-you going… to do… t-to us?”
Wasp looked at her and giggled - and then shrugged, which was somehow the worst part. “Doc, I have absolutely no idea! I’m not really a grand planner. More of an improvisational type. But now that you mention it…”
She reached out and stroked a fingertip along Dr. Hiraga’s cheek. The doctor shivered, but she was still too deeply hypnotized to pull away.
“Just imagining all the things I can do with the Inyx’s trusted doctor under my control,” Wasp whispered, “gets me so - fucking - hot.”
Dr. Hiraga shivered.
“I w-won’t…” she tried to protest. “You c-can’t… ma-“
“Oh, shhh.” Wasp pressed a finger to the doctor’s lips. That was all it took to topple her crumbling willpower. “Don’t worry, babe. You won’t have a choice. Captain Vasser? At ease. Let’s finish this.”
She stepped back. A little life and feeling returned to Captain Vasser’s face and she dropped her hands, but she didn’t quite stop grinning, and she seemed completely oblivious to the way she was dripping her own wetness down her thighs.
“Nice and relaxed, doctor,” Captain Vasser murmured in that soothing voice of hers, as if nothing had happened. Dr. Hiraga couldn’t tell if she even knew Wasp was there. “Keep looking at me. At my latex. Look at the way the light shimmers. Breathe nice and deep.”
Dr. Hiraga couldn’t help but listen, and within moments she was once again completely mesmerized. There was nothing she could do but let her eyes lose focus from staring at the gorgeous rubber, as her conscious mind and free will finally slipped into the darkness.
I would like to express my gratitude for the generosity of all those who  support me on Patreon, and to give a special thanks to the following  patrons in particular for their exceptional support:
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mirkwoodshewolf · 2 years
Guardian angel; Matt Murdock x teen daughter reader
*Author’s note*
Okay this little idea randomly popped into my head over the weekend so I decided to post it up here and see what you all think. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we NEED MORE DAREDAD FICS!!! Seriously this man DESERVES happiness *ted talk over*
Now the way I picture this fic is like PRE S.1 like just before the events of the first episode of the series. The early days of Matt being daredevil or in this case the Man in the Mask aka the Devil of Hell’s kitchen. 
Warnings: fluff, some angst, teen pregnancy (protection was used but remember kids wrap it before you tap it), some chaotic religious aspects shown but not acted upon, 
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I knew I couldn’t hide this forever.  It was only a matter of time before he got too suspicious or worse found out about me and Austin’s…..I took a heavy breath as I bounced my leg anxiously and rubbed my hands over my face.
I heard my phone rang and across the screen was my favorite picture of Austin playing his acoustic guitar and my name for him flashed across the screen, “The King” with three heart emojis and a king emoji.  He was asking for a Facetime which I accepted.
“Hi baby.”
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“There’s my best girl.” I blushed as I ducked down.
“You know what that nickname does to me.”
“And I’ll still say it an infinite amount of times just to see you get flustered every time.”
Austin Callahan, probably one of the cutest boys at St. Maria’s Catholic School.  Captain of the swim team and the basketball team, honor student, and the nicest guy in the world who loves listening to Elvis music as well as all the oldies rock and roll? Could there be any other dream guy?
Not only that but we had been friends since we started our High school year until just last year at homecoming, he admitted to having feelings for me as he gave me a handmade rose he made from one of the napkins (I still have it to this day in my pencil cup on my desk at home).  From there our romance began to shine.
Of course being in a relationship, there was no hiding it from my dad.  Well when your dad is a lawyer like Matthew Murdock of “Nelson & Murdock” obviously you can’t hide anything from him.  Believe me I’ve tried in the past and he finds out every time.
Which is why I’ve taken up residence at my all-time bff Maddie’s place.  It’s not much (Hell’s kitchen never is) but it’s home, nevertheless.  The reason why I’m sleeping over at my friend’s house almost indefinitely is because—I’m pregnant.  Yep, 17 years old and I’m pregnant just short of a month and a half.
Past couple of weeks I’ve been getting really sick, like even just the smell of Hell’s kitchen’s smog is enough to make me puke my guts out.  I also began to realize that I hadn’t gotten my period yet.  So one day after school with Maddie at my side, we went to the local doctor’s office, told them about my symptoms and my late period and after some blood work and a pregnancy test, I came back positive.
Austin was the first person to tell and he was shocked at first but he took me by the hands, looked me in the eye and swore to me that he wasn’t gonna leave me like his daddy did him and his mama.  I was at least thankful to God above that I had the support of my friends and Austin, but the biggest hurdle was yet to come. My dad.
My dad is not just a Man of the Law, he’s also a Man of God. Not like holy religious that he beat the script of every verse of the Bible into me, or told me everyone is a sinner and everyone is going to Hell should they not repent (thank God).  But he did raise me to be a good Catholic girl ever since my mom died of cancer when I was only 2 years old.
He told me to always be aware of my surroundings, know the temptations, and don’t let anyone take advantage of you.  And just like that I gave into temptation and now I paid the price (before you say it YES we did use protection).
“How you feeling sweetheart? You ducked out of Chemistry class pretty quick.”
“I’d rather not relive that. I tried so hard to keep it in but that crap that Hilary was wearing as perfume became too much. I mean really there’s a reason why you don’t put on perfume in a classroom especially in a chemistry class. Can’t perfume catch fire or something?”
“Some can. But that scent she claimed she bought from Paris, she’d be a human candle if she got one knick of a Bunsen burner.” I laughed and said.
“Maddie gave me the homework for that class, god I still don’t get how you can understand all that stuff.”
“It’s not that hard really. I mean, we found good chemistry right?” I rolled my eyes and told him.
“That has literally got to be the worst cheesy pickup line I’ve ever heard.”
“Can’t blame me if I’m crazy positive about you.”
“Stop!” I whined as he laughed.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I swear I’m done now.” He said through his adorable laughter.  “So you at Maddie’s again?”
“Yep. Thankfully my dad seems to buy into the fact that we’re doing a project together for history class and I just keep falling asleep here.”
“Wait but didn’t you guys finish that project last week?”
“Yeah but my dad don’t need to know that.”
“Babe. How long are you gonna hide your pregnancy from him?”
“I was thinking….maybe by the time our kid’s out of high school?” he raised his brow at me. “Okay, okay fine! I’ll…..I’ll tell him tomorrow after school. Will—will you be there with me?”
“Anything to take the tension off. It took two to tango after all. Plus I met your dad before, I know he’ll be okay with this.”
“I just….” I trailed off looking down at the ground sadly.
“What? What is it (Y/n)?”
“What if he doesn’t?”
“No, no Austin just—just listen for a second. Sure my dad’s cool, he’s a kickass upcoming lawyer. He’s not embarrassing, he’s not overbearing when it comes to us being Catholic, but what if he doesn’t want me anymore? Teenage pregnancies are frowned upon and as soon as I start really showing the signs, those hens are gonna cluck.”
“Then let them cluck. It’s not any of their business. This is about us, about you. Our child. Yes we’re still kids and yeah we’re still in school just about to get into adulthood, this is our life. If you still want to have this baby, I’m in. But if you change your mind down the line, I’ll support that too. Because we’re in this together baby girl.”
“How did I ever get so lucky to get you as my boyfriend?”
“Believe me, if anyone’s lucky it’s me. How I ever managed to convince you to be my girlfriend is a miracle that only the good Lord knows.” I smiled and said to him.
“Goodnight king.”
“G’night pretty mama.” He couldn’t help but say in his best Elvis impression.  I smiled and kissed my hand before blowing him a kiss and he did the same for me before winking at me and we ended the facetime call.
“I swear the way you two talk to each other makes me want to puke out butterflies and rainbows.” Maddie’s voice said.  I turned and she came in with some tomato soup, saltine crackers and pickles.
Another strange thing during my pregnancy is that every now and then I’m getting these cravings for the weirdest shit.  Like just the other day, I had sliced orange slices as a side dish for my mashed potatoes and everyone knows how much I loathe oranges (even the smell of them has made me gagged for years).  And yet I needed them, or I guess the baby needed them.
“Well that is if your strange food combos don’t make me first. You know how I’ve hated even looking at pickles.”
“I know I’m sorry. But you’re the best for getting some for me.” I said as I took a sliced pickle and put it between two crackers and ate it like a sandwich.  Maddie gagged and turned away as she turned on her tv and switched it to MTV to see our favorite show Ridiculousness was on.
“Ohhh I love this one with Sage. The Jeremy category makes me die everytime!” I exclaimed.
“I know right! But you also can’t beat when Ryan Sheckler came on the show and the animal stalkers category. That cat one still makes me think it was a weeping angel.”
“Right!? I swear all cats are the weeping angels familiars. I don’t care what any whovian says prove me wrong.” I said after slurping up my soup.
“So were you like for real about not telling your dad about the baby?” I dropped my spoon back into the bowl and set the tray aside.
“I thought you said you’d work on your snooping in on other people’s phone calls?”
“I did but when it’s a call this serious about my future godchild, I should have some say in it. And Austin’s right, you gotta tell your dad.”
“I know I should but…..do you remember what happened when Katelyn first came out as bisexual. Her parents completely disowned her and now she’s living with her cousin MJ in Queens. I got no other family to go to, what if my dad isn’t cool with…..I mean yeah I’ll have Austin and you but—”
“I get it. Really I do. I’ve seen how close you and your dad are, hell I’d trade my dad for yours any day.” I playfully shoved her.
“Your dad’s sweet.”
“Yeah sweet like a fly buzzing around me every second. Constantly in my business, wanting to look through my phone, I swear he’s the definition of a helicopter parent.” I looked down as I placed my hands over my lower abdomen where the baby was slowly growing.  “Hey,” Maddie wrapped an arm around me and I looked up at her, “Your dad loves you. He’s not like those crazy parents we’ve seen that come to preach about the Lord’s will or the End of the world. He won’t give up on you, I can just feel it.”
“I hope your right Maddie. I really hope so.” I looked at the clock and saw that it was just after 10:30pm.  “I’m getting kinda sleepy, think I’ll turn in for the night.”
“Yeah I’m gonna head to bed myself. Night (n/n).”
“Night Mads.” We hugged each other and she went across the hall into her room while I snuggled into my bed in her sister’s room (she had left for college in LA so it’s been used as a guestroom) and tried to get some sleep.
Time ticked by and while I was asleep and my eyes were shut, my brain was just buzzing with so many thoughts, fear and anxiety.  I got up from the bed and opened up the window that was near the fire escape and decided I needed some fresh air.
The cold autumn night wind blew over my thin pajama bottoms.  I almost wish I had grabbed a hoodie or her sister’s old fleece blanket before scaling up onto the roof.  I sat along the edge and just stared out into the city as I listened to the sounds of the sirens that passed by, the occasional stray dog barking or people shouting at each other.
“A bit cold to be up here by yourself.” A voice said behind me. I jumped out of my skin and was surprised to see the latest vigilante that had been rumored to be running around Hell’s kitchen.
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Unlike the Avengers, this man is said to be brutal against his enemies.  Unleashing his untamable wrath on the scum of Hell’s Kitchen but he never kills them (if you ask me from some of stories I hear, I’m surprised they aren’t dead).
The upper half of his face was covered with a black mask with no holes for his eyes.  Seriously how is he able to see through that material? His whole attire was black with a skin-tight black shirt showing off every bit of muscle on his upperbody, thick black pants and black combat boots.
“Coming from the guy wearing a skin-tight t-shirt.”
“You’ve got a quick wit.”
“Smart-mouth Murdock some of the kids call me at school. That’s why I’m co-Captain of the debate team.”
“Co-captain? I would assume you’d be captain.”
“Well there’s always someone clever than you, not to say he isn’t a good captain but he can be an asshole at times.” He turned to me. If I could see under the mask, I’d assume he’d be judging me for my foul language.  “Pardon my French.”
“I’ve heard worse. Mind if I sit?”
“I’d assume you’d be out there knocking out bad guys. You know kicking ass and taking names.” He let out a scoffed chuckle.
“I prefer not to take names. That’s one difference between the Avengers and me. I would prefer my name to not be publicly known. Not for my sake but for the people around me.”
“I get that.” I replied softly.  “I mean look at Captain America. He shouldn’t even bother with a mask cause everyone knows his name. And don’t get me started on Stark’s public announcement, “I am Iron-man”. No wonder why those aliens came for us if the heroes are publicly announcing to the world ‘hey we’re the big and strong Avengers and you can’t do anything about it’. And next thing you know BAM! Aliens are flying in kamikaze style and nearly blowing us all to hell.”
“A bit cynical for one so young.”
“Sorry. I get snippy and cynical when I’m anxious or stressed.”
“And why’s that?”
“I—” I trailed off.  He slowly scooted closer to me and said to me in a soft assuring manner.
“If you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine. But I’ve been told I’m a pretty good listener. Plus with the mask you won’t get any judgmental looks from me.” I picked at my nails as well as stroking my lower abdomen with my pinkie and ring fingers.
“The whole aspect of catholic guilt it—it’s eating me alive.”
“Catholic guilt?”
“You don’t want to hear this. This is just dumb teenage drama that all adults try to pin us with even when we’re going through some really hard and tough shit. It’s not always just teenage drama we have our own problems that you folks don’t seem to get and—” I went on a ramble until I felt him ground me by placed a hand on top of my shoulder.
“Hold on now, take a deep breath.” I turned to him and even through his black mask, I could almost feel the gentleness of his eyes as he had his body fully turned to me, giving me his full attention.  I slowly but sharply breathed in through my nose before exhaling shakily.
I did this a couple more times until they became deep, steady breaths.
“There we go. I could hear your heart racing erratically and you were on the verge of a panic attack.”
“You—can you really hear a person’s heartbeat? Or are you just messing with me?”
“It’s a long story but I have enhanced senses that allows me to hear better than most.”
“Wow. That is both dope and freaky at the same time.”
“I apologize if it’s invasive. I don’t mean to do it on purpose.”
“Call me crazy but I believe you.” A slight smile came at the corner of his lips.
“So shall we get back to that spill on catholic guilt?” I bowed my head.
“I was kinda hoping you’d forget about that.”
“I don’t mean to push. But I just feel like you want to talk to someone about this. Someone who isn’t a friend.”
“It’s……my dad.”
“Your dad? Wait he—he doesn’t hurt you, does he?”
“No nothing like that. He’s the best. I swear he’s like my best friend, well after Maddie but still he’s sweet, he’s caring, he’s compassionate. He raised me all by himself for so long that I—I’m afraid he won’t be with me anymore.”
“I’m sorry. I mean eventually we all have to die at some point in our lives. But I’m sure that won’t be for a long, long time for your dad. Unless he’s—”
“I’m not talking about losing him to old age or cancer. I’m talking about that he’ll never speak to me again!” I snapped.
God this pregnancy already has got me so antsy that even the slightest thing in my already stressed out mind, can make me explode. He froze in his spot and it looked like his body was tense at my sudden outburst.
“Jesus Christ,” I muttered burying my face into my hands.  “The truth is I—I found out just a week ago, that I’m…..I’m a month and a half pregnant with my boyfriend’s baby.”
If I could see under his mask, I’d bet his eyes are bulging out from underneath the satin material.
“Yeah. Pregnant at 17. Go ahead and make assumptions, call me names.”
“You’re sitting next to a guy who goes around wearing a skin-tight shirt and a mask that beats up bad guys late at night. As far as I’m concerned, I am the last person who should be judging you.” He adjusted in his spot as he asked me, “Does the father know?” I nodded.
“Yeah. He was the first person to find out after my best friend. And he’s been nothing but supportive. Even though we’re just about to graduate high school, he’s willing to help out with anything.”
“It’s just you’re afraid to tell your own father about your pregnancy.”
“Don’t get me wrong he’s a great guy. Like I said never once raised a hand to me, was fair in his punishments when I needed them. And he’s not like those so called ‘preachers of God’ that you see out in the streets proclaiming the Lord’s Will and the End of the world. But—he always told me to be careful especially around boys.”
“Were you careful?”
“Yes! Austin had the condoms and everything! But it still happens you know.”
“No I know. I remember my days in health class.” I shook my head shamefully.
“I just…..it’s always just been me and my dad. My whole life he’s always been there for me. Whenever life got tough, no matter how busy he was, he always took the time to check up on me. Even if it’s just a quick hug or a peck on the nose before calling me his ‘guardian angel’. What if—what if he hates me? Or decides I’m not his sweet guardian angel anymore but a shameful harlot of Lucifer?”
Tears stung behind my lashes and I harshly tried to wipe them away but that caused them to start falling down my face.  I curled myself inward before choking out.
“I need him now more than ever but I—I feel like he won’t be there for me this time. That when I reach my hand out for him, he’ll turn me aside and I’ll be drowning in the unknown world of parenthood. The guilt, the anxiety, forcing us to drift further and further apart from one another until I…..” I sniffled and wiped more tears as well as my nose with my sleeve. “I feel so alone.”
I felt his hand gently stroke down my hair before it moved down to my back, his gloved hand rubbing soothing circles on my back.
“He won’t abandon you. I promise.”
“You can’t promise that.”
“Yes I can.”
“How?” I choked out as I looked up to him.  I saw as his jaw tensed up before he said.
“Because…because I have a daughter.” I looked at him surprised. Of course, superheroes and vigilantes can have their own lives they don’t have to be full-time superheroes 24/7.
But who would’ve thought that the Man in the Mask aka the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen was a parent.
“You’re a……”
“She’s just around your age. And she means—the world to me. I would want her to be able to come to me for anything, to not be afraid to speak to me. But if she ever did feel the same fear you are now, then I’ve failed as a father.”
“No I—I’m sure you didn’t. It would have nothing to do with your parenting skills, it’s just…..I’ve had friends who had parents just as loving as my dad is. But when they admit to something that goes against their religious code, they disown them or try to repent their sins.”
“But you said your father isn’t like those types of people, right?” I nodded.  “I won’t lie. He will be shocked at the news, but give him time to process things and he might just surprise you for what he has to say.”
“I know I should tell him. I can’t hide at Maddie’s forever. But there’s still a lingering voice in my head telling me that when I do tell him, it’ll be the last time I ever see him. I’d give anything to shut that voice up.”
“If you’d like, I could have a word or two with that nagging voice in your head.” That brought probably the first real laugh out of me ever since finding out about my pregnancy.
“I hope those words aren’t with your fists.” He softly laughed.
“No, I mean a real talk. I’d tell it, ‘Alright you negative worm. Stop filling this poor girl’s head with scenarios that aren’t true. Go make like a tree and get out of here!’”
“It’s leaf. It’s make like a tree and leaf.”
“Right that’s it.” I shook my head as I kept laughing.
“You know, you’re not what I’d thought you’d be like.”
“Mean and scary?” I nodded. “Oh to most I’m terrifying but—I have a soft spot for those that are lost. Don’t tell anybody though. Can’t have the scum of Hell’s kitchen thinking I’m too much of a softie.”
“Your secret’s safe with me.”
“As is yours. Now you promise me you’ll tell your father in the morning?”
“Yes. First thing after school.”
“Good.” He said patting my knee.  “It’s late, you should get some sleep. You’re not just sleeping for yourself anymore now.” I rubbed my lower abdomen.  As he walked away and stood along the edge of the roof I told him.
“Thank you.” He turned to face me and gave me a soft nod before leaping off the roof and he disappeared into the night.  I scaled back down the fire escape and re-entered Maddie’s sister’s room and got back into bed.
As promised after school I stood by mine and dad’s apartment and took a deep breath in before exhaling.
“You sure you don’t need me to go in with you anymore baby? You know I don’t mind.” Austin told me.
“No sweetie, I—I need to talk to my dad about this alone.”
“Okay. If he shows leniency, give me a call later?” I nodded. He leaned forward and we kissed each other before he continued on his way home.  I took another deep breath and entered the apartment and headed for the elevator.
Once the elevator dinged on our floor, I walked down the hallway until I reached the apartment room.  Taking out my key I took another deep breath in and muttered.
“Okay, he won’t get mad. He won’t get mad. Just—tell him the truth. He’ll understand. He’s cool, he’s my dad and he loves me.” I placed the key into the lock, turned it to the left and heard the click and opened it up.
“Uh-huh, yeah. Alright yeah we can make it. Yes of course, thank you. Yes and have a good afternoon to you too, bye.” I heard my dad’s voice say as I walked through the front hallway until I got to the spacious (as spacious as a New York apartment in Hell’s kitchen can be).  “Well look whose returned. Finish your project already?”
“Dad I—I gotta tell you something.” I came right out with it.
“Okay, and what would that be?”
“Can we sit down on the couch?” he nodded before walking from the kitchen to the living room as we both sat on the couch.  
“Is everything okay? Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?” he asked as he reached his hands out to cup my face.  I took his hands and held them between us.
“I’m fine dad. Physically I am.”
“And what about emotionally?” he asked concerningly.
“Dad, I…..I lied to you. I wasn’t at Maddie’s for a project.”
“You-you—you lied to me? Then where were y—you weren’t at Austin’s were you? (Y/n) we’ve talked about this you’re not old enough to sleepover at a boy’s……”
“Dad I wasn’t at Austin’s either. I was at Maddie’s just not for a project.”
“Okay then I’m lost. (Y/n) sweetheart you’re starting to scare me. Whatever it is you can tell me, you know that right?” he asked as he scooted himself as close as he could get to me and wrapped his arm around me.
“Dad I—the reason why I was at Maddie’s was because I……I’m—” come on just say it.  I swallowed a large lump in my throat and felt my leg beginning to bounce anxiously. “Promise you won’t get mad.”
“Go on.”
“You didn’t promise.”
“That’ll depend on what news I’ll be hearing. If it’s something illegal you know I won’t be happy.”
“Not really illegal. God I don’t know why I can’t just say it! Why can’t I tell you that I’m a month and a half pregnant!? I—” my mouth stopped as I realized how I had said it.  I looked at my dad anxiously and saw how he just sat there flabbergasted.
“Y-you-you’re…..” he leaned back against the couch and just sat there limp like a ragdoll.
“Daddy? Are you—okay?”
“Just….need to process this.”
“Okay.” I muttered as I fiddled with my uniform skirt.  We sat there in silence for a few minutes before he finally spoke out.
“Is it Austin’s?”
“Yeah. I swear dad we used protection but it—” he held out his hand telling me he didn’t need to hear anything else.  Oh shit this is it. He’s gonna flip his lid, he’s pissed now. Way beyond pissed!
“And you’re sure you’re really pregnant? How did you even get an appointment and why wasn’t I notified?”
“Maddie has an aunt. Her aunt Claire performed the test and she was sworn to secrecy to not notify you.” He rubbed his hands against his face as he let out a deep sigh, his leg bouncing rapidly.  Whether in anger or anxiety I couldn’t tell.
“Baby girl, why-why wouldn’t you tell me when you first found out? Why did you go through all of this trouble to lie to me about it?” my heart ached with guilt as tears began forming in my eyes.
“I’m sorry daddy. I—I was scared. Scared that you’d disown me or kick me out with no remorse or hesitation. Everytime I wanted to tell you, my brain kept showing me all the possibilities of you never wanting me to be in your life ever again. That you’d hate me or never say you had a daughter.”
I couldn’t look at him anymore so I closed myself into the edge of the couch and sniffled as I wiped my tears away.  I felt dad’s hand gingerly stroke down my hair before coming down to lift my chin up.
I noticed how he had taken his red shades off and placed them on the table.  Very rarely does he ever take them off, even around me but when he does, it’s always because he wants to connect with me (even though he’s blind).  His unfocused gaze was staring in my general direction as he said to me.
“I’m not mad at you.”
“Y-you’re not?”
“No. I’m—taken by surprise don’t get me wrong. But it takes more than you getting pregnant at 17 for me to ever, ever, ever, think about disowning you or telling you you’re no longer my child.”
“Really?” I whispered.
“Yes.” He said giving me a nod.  “So don’t ever go thinking like that again, okay?” my lip trembled as I nodded. “Okay?”
“Yeah.” I choked out.
“Okay.” I immediately hugged him as tightly as I could as I buried my face into his shoulder.  His arms immediately wrapped around me as he chuckled softly.
“Oh daddy I’m so sorry I hid this from you!” I wept.
“I know you are angel. It’s okay now, it’s okay.”
“It’s just….I love you so much and I thought you’d—”
“Hey none of that now. There will be no more talk about the paranoid ‘what if’s’ in this apartment. There will never come a time when I tell you to get out of my life or that you aren’t my daughter anymore.” He said as he had me look up at him and he wiped away my tears.  “You’re the most important person to me angel, and nothing will ever change that.”
I buried my face into my dad’s shoulder again and hugged him once again.
“I love you daddy.”
“And I love you my little guardian angel. I love you so, so much. And nothing will ever change that.” He said giving me a reassuring squeeze before kissing my forehead as many times as he possibly could.
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itspdameronthings · 1 year
Soulmate(Benny Miller)
Summary: Here is part 2 in my soulmate series. All i can say Benny recalls a beautiful memory.There is a surprise !
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On a given day Benny usually is home relaxing from a hard day. Up in his shared room with his beautiful soulmate, his Dixie. Person who gets him. Knows what others don't see in public. His sweet personality shines through. Smile that lights up a room. Others see the serious side.  Goal oriented to complete a task. He has scars from his time in the Army. Things he wants to forget.  Thank God for his Dixie. She knows what to do.  Hold him close. Never let him go.  His rock. Today, he is in a reading mood. Pulls out an old journal.  Her journal he reads from time to time.  Does this to remember how they got to this point. Find a particular passage he was looking for. Gets comfortable by sitting in her favorite chair. 
Here I am in my safe place writing to ease my mind. Seems like the only thing I can do to take my mind off what's going on in the world. Not to mention the pain in my ankle.  Clumsy me tripped on a pair of shoes.  In a hurry as usual. Tried to be brave. Withstands the pain! Lost cause! Crying till I see Benny in the doorway. Rushing over to see what happened.  Carried me to my messy bed. Remember what we learned from our health class last week about first aid. Went to get an ice pack. Along with some meds. Also he elevated my foot. Pulls me so close to him. At that moment.  Feel something different in my gut. Something I never felt before.  Love. Not the kind from my family, but how can I explain it! Never felt like this before.  Heart pounding right now.  Hope Benny doesn't know that.  Closed my eyes as I heard the voice of Will yelling," Are you doing up here?! Gonna be late for school! Oh shit what happened?!" Benny tells him about what happened.  Anger subsides.  Goes home to tell his parents about me. After that Will stays with me for a while.  Till he gets up telling Benny to stay . He already missed two classes. Can't miss chemistry.  There is an important experiment he can't miss. He would tell the attendance officer that I got hurt. Benny is out with the flu. A very good excuse. After he left . Went to sleep. 
Woke up sometime later. The Sound of snoring fills my ears. So deep. Yet soothing. Sure I cuddle with him plenty of times.  That is when we were young.  Now? Almost an adult? Shit! Am I falling in love with my best friend? Answer? Yes I Am. Think I have been since.. Don't know the exact moment.  Think it was after a hellish school day. Benny missed practice to stay with me. Went to our favorite spot by the lake. So peaceful.  Thanked him for bringing me here. At that moment.. thought I imagined it.  Benny kissed me! It was amazing! So sweet! Weak in the knees. At that moment.  Finally realized.  Benny James Miller is my soulmate.  Hope he feels the same way. 
Closed the journal to the sound of her footsteps on the hardwood floor.  Her sweet scent feels the room. She comes over to sit on his lap. Head rests on his shoulder, " Need some cuddles with my Benny bear.  I'm so tired. Can't stay awake any longer. Need your scent around me. " Kissed the top of her head. Pull her close to him, " I'll do anything ya want. Be here when ya wake. Like I have always been . By your side.  Nothin has changed. Okay, one thing has changed. Found another part of our heart. Whom we never thought in a million years it would be.." Sound of a deep voice filled the room to interrupt Benny's thoughts. Santiago Garcia.  Who thought him and Dixie would be in a Poly relationship.  Feels so right. Santi kneels down, " Poor baby girl. Looks like she had a hard day.  How about we all snuggle on the bed?" Benny tried to get up. Dixie stirs," Is daddy here? Miss him." Santi chuckles as Benny passes her to him. Snuggling against him, " I'm here little one. Daddy's here. Time to put our doctor to bed hmm?. Want that?" Nodding as she pulls him close," Careful.  Worry about your knees. " Santi looks at her smiling," I'll be careful . " Benny prepares the bed. Placed her in the middle of the bed.  Santi lay  on the left,and Benny on the other. Snuggling against Benny's chest while Santi rubs her neck," We got you baby girl.  Let the stress of the day go. Sleep.  We will be here when you wake." Benny looks at Santi ," Ya know? Never thought.. all those years ago you had those kinds of feelings for me,and Dixie.  Never told us what started that kind of journey." Santi reached for Benny's hand. Gave it a squeeze," I'll tell you. As a bedtime story for later." 
NOTE: I had been sitting on this idea for a while now. At first I wasn't gonna include Santi in it. I thought the first draft should be deleted. Glad I did. I'm happy with this one. I know it's short. Just getting my writing groove back. This year I have lost my passion for writing. Sorry about that.  Hope to write more. 💚💚
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rosethornewrites · 1 year
I was finally diagnosed with Hidradenitis suppurativa last year. This was despite the fact that I suspected I had it for several years before based on research I did because I knew what was happening wasn’t normal. I’d been suffering from it to various degrees since I was a teenager.
Hidradenitis suppurativa is characterized by tunneling cysts, which leaves tracks on the skin, that will move to various locations in the body via the tunneling. Of course, the tunneling is painful and leaves voids that can become terribly infected. Often these cysts are in the groin and armpits.
Despite this, when I told my GP my suspicions, she told me it might help to lose weight and then disregarded it. She never referred me to a dermatologist.
HS is considered a hormone-influenced autoimmune condition.
This was after a large abscess had formed on my arm spontaneously and required FIVE ROUNDS of heavy-duty antibiotics to finally go away.
To say this upset me was an understatement.
I’m not the only one in my family with HS. My mom has it, and for a while was regularly having cysts removed by a plastic surgeon, including one that was the size of a baseball, but flattened out across a huge area. She didn’t know it was a specific condition until I told her.
But she did know I had a problem, which typically occurred as painful cysts in my underarms. Constant, to the point where I couldn’t wear deodorant if it had any form of antiperspirant because that would start it and make it worse.
So one year, for Christmas, she asked me if I would like my underarm sweat glands to be basically lasered to death, which her plastic surgeon thought would help solve the problem. The price tag was about $5000 but my mom was willing to spend that to try to help me not be miserable.
And so in the early 2010s, that was my Christmas gift. Took a train to the city, accompanied by a friend, had breakfast at a nice restaurant, as eating before was recommended, and went to the office.
They shoot you up with local anesthetic, and then these suction devices are attached to your entire armpit and the laser treatment begins. I’m not sure how long the procedure was, but it was very painful and I’m glad my friend went with me.
I went home and to sleep with ice packs taped to my underarms, healed up in a few days, and haven’t had nearly the problems I used to. But I went to that extent trying to treat the problem, and the only doctor who could offer me a solution was a plastic surgeon—which means I will never judge anyone going to one ever.
Eventually, last year, I decided to look into sterilization surgery, and so was referred to a gynecologist, who was perhaps the best doctor I’ve had in my life. I was low-key worried some of the pain was from something like endometriosis.
On sight, she told me “I think you have this condition, Hidradenitis suppurativa.” I told her I mentioned I thought I had it to my doctor, and what she’d said about losing weight. The gynecologist snorted derisively and said “Yeah, no. It’s almost entirely hormonal, so we’re going to get you on hormonal birth control to start treating it, and I’m referring you to a dermatologist.”
Dermatologist took one look at me and said “Yeah, that looks like stage 2 HS, for sure.” I still don’t know what stage 2 is or how many stages HS has. Once the worst of the infection cleared up, she put me on antibiotics that she hoped would help clear it up. They worked, but not entirely, simply shrinking them to be less painful, and they stopped tunneling.
We were working on getting me on Humira when I left my job and moved home.
Then my childhood doctor decided he wouldn’t give me a prescription for the antibiotics, saying “I would probably prescribe something different.” And then not doing so, despite acknowledging the diagnosis.
Within a week, I had tunneling abscesses, and it’s been a horrid struggle since. Needless to say, I’m not going back to that doctor and have an initial appointment with a new one next week.
But this struggle is horrific and depressing, and it’s added to my already chronic pain from fibromyalgia (which my mom also has), and I just wish doctors would fucking LISTEN.
Before my mom met her plastic surgeon, she was performing self-surgery at home because her condition was ignored by doctors. She didn’t even have any idea that she had HS until I found it researching and eventually got a diagnosis.
It’s absolute hell to get decent healthcare, even if you have the money to seek it, in the US. It’s especially hard if you are BIPOC, have a uterus, and/or have a higher BMI.
Since my diagnosis, I’ve been open about the condition and have actually helped several people who were able to get dermatology referrals based on finally learning they might have a condition that’s treatable. If I can provide that help through my openness and through writing this post, I will.
I’m 40 years old and have been struggling with this since I was 13 or so, and only received an official diagnosis last year. My mom is 67 and only learned through me last year what she’s been struggling with her whole life—and she rarely gets them anymore because she’s post-menopausal, but at least she has a name for it.
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val-victory · 1 month
"Lieutenant sense to doctor schkrinkel"
The Call interrupted a rather boring day at the Doctors Office, not a Single Patient for today. Doc Schkrinkel was using the Time to recalibrate the Medical Tricorders, after rearranging the Plushie Wall of course.
The Plush Wall was one of Schkrinkels biggest Prides. As a Doctor specializing in Child Healthcare he made sure that no Patient would ever have to come to his Office scared. They could just take a plushy Friend from the Wall and they'd stay with them until the Visit was over...
Oh right the Call. Schkrinkel pressed his Combadge that was set to vibrate.
"uhm Schkrinkel here, what is it?"
"Can you come to corridor H-12? We have an emergency. Also what took you so long?"
"sorry, I was lost in Thought... I'll send the Team out."
"No, not the team, its not a medical emergency. But we need you. Oh and bring fromp."
Fromp, the living Minccino Plush, hopped onto Schkrinkels shoulders upon hearing his Name on the Intercom.
Schkrinkel took his Emergency Medical Kit, since its always better to be over-prepared than to be underprepared, and entered the Elevator.
"sense, can you like tell me what this is about? Don't tell me this is a Surprise Birthday Party. 1. It's not my Birthday, and 2. I hate Surprises."
"I wouldn't waste time on that. To get to the point: A student has locked themselves into one of the escape pods. They refuse to talk with any of us Security Personnel. They said they would only talk to you, or Fromp..."
"oh no, that sounds very serious. why did they do that and can the Escape Pod be activated?"
"Not unless the ship goes into condition red. or if they find the emergency override. but on why they did it, i don't know for sure, but they seemed pretty upset."
The Elevator stopped and the Door opened, Lieutenant Sense and his Security Team had been waiting in front of it.
"You're here, goo-"
Sense interrupts himself, which startled the Sableye on his Shoulder.
"Since when do you have twintails with purple tips? why didn't you tell me earlier? i mean we don't see eachother often nowadays you could maybe give me like regular updates on your hair or something?"
"sense, not now. please. this is serious. I've only had this Haircut since last week. just tell me where the Kid is."
"Oh right, over here. pod 3."
Schkrinkel looked through the Bullseye window. A child with Hair that resembled a Cutifly, no older than 12 was sitting on the Floor, crying. it was one of Schkrinkels Patients, Plemp. They were easily overwhelmed by Stimuli and frequented the Doctors office to get help with their Headaches. They probably knew all of Schkrinkels plushies by Name now.
"Hi... Plemp. I'm here now. you can tell me what happened."
They looked up to the Window, upon seeing a familiar Face they stopped crying but their sadness wasn't gone.
"Make the yellow guys go away. I only talk to You."
Schkrinkel motions to the Security Team that they should take a few steps back until they are out of View.
"Yellow guys??? what are they on about? this uniform is gold."
"its okay, they went away... it would be much easier to talk if you opened the door, everything sounds kind of muffled."
The child understands Schkrinkels request and opens the Door for him. He enters and closes the door behind him.
"sit down next to me and tell me what happened."
"i-... they... i... .... We aren't going home aren't we?"
Fromp walks up to Plemp and sits in their Lap while being hugged.
"you won't get in Trouble for this, you can go Home if you want."
"No... i mean. Earth."
Scheisse. Why wasn't Schkrinkel told that this was about the Santa Protocol. Did Plemp really not say a single Thing or was Sense distracted by something stupid.
"that is... rather complicated... may i ask why you think that?"
"When... when they told us about stars... and the... and how to tell where we are... and then i looked where we are but we are so far away from home..."
Plemps almost incoherent story made them sob again. They crawled onto Schkrinkels lap and used his Apron as a Tissue to blow their Nose with.
"It's okay... let it out... I must say i'm impressed. you are alot smarter than the other Students... to figure this out at such a young Age. impressive..."
Plemp wasn't receptive to the Compliments, they just cried more.
"I'll tell you something, when i found out i was heartbroken. i couldn't believe it. to never see Earth again... but then i found out what Earth really was pollution, natural disasters, the depopulation of the Pokémon... i am kind of glad that we are leaving it behind."
"But... but we can't live here forever... this ship... its not a planet."
"Plemp, but this Ship wasn't made to be our Home forever, we are headed towards an Exoplanet. which will be our new Earth. a new Home for Humanity."
Schkrinkel started typing on the Console, trying to find an Astronomical Map that would show their Target. The Map opened and showed the remaining Time until
"but... but... but thats so far away."
"well for me it is. by the Time we reach it i will be 105, but for you, its earlier, you might be able to see it before your Hairs turn gray."
Plemps squeezed Fromp even tighter.
"i don't wanna talk anymore... but please stay."
"okay... i can stay... i'll give you time to accept it."
Schkrinkel stayed with Plemp for 2 Hours, the soothing mechanical sounds of the Ship eventually made Plemp fall asleep. It must have been an exhausting Day for them.
The Door of the Escape Pod was opened again and Schkrinkel carried Plemp outside.
"Sense, i don't think i can do this anymore. why are we lying to the Kids. why build up this fake narrative?"
"Bro, if you have a problem talk to the captain. i didn't make this up."
"maybe during the next Field Officer Conference, but first i have to bring this little fly to their Bed. I'll let them keep Fromp for the Day, or at least until they calm down."
The little Fly was brought to Bed. it might still take weeks until they properly accept their Situation, but in that Time, they can be glad that they have Friends like Schkrinkel and Fromp.
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nokingsonlyfooles · 2 months
Stupid Doctors. Stupid Eyes.
So, did two doctors in one day. Two separate issues, remarkably similar difficulty in communicating and getting healthcare. Part of it MUST be the autism, but that CAN'T be all.
Doctor #1 was following up on a previous phone appointment. I had asked for an in-person appointment to lay out my case, told him I had almost a clean sweep of hypothyroid symptoms, told him I need a doctor who can handle my thyroid and "female hormones" (no other polite way to say, Can you handle all my hormones or not, you are a hormone doctor) because they interact with each other and if I have to keep ping-ponging back and forth between two doctors to work on this, I will not get adequate care. He started to ask about what estrogen I'd been on before during that appointment, but he backed off and tried to get me to see another gynecologist when I mentioned Canada kept running out of the patches I'd been prescribed. I tried to reiterate that if I have to square my treatment up between two doctors, I may die, but he said I might prefer an "expert."
I heard "you can use this other doctor if you're more comfortable with them," which I wouldn't have been, so I ran off and got a referral that would OK him to handle the estrogen and progesterone. He meant, "Under no circumstances will I handle that for you, even though I could. It's too complicated for me."
This became clear over the course of a five minute phone appointment, which I only accepted because it was the soonest one available. I thought he'd follow up in the office. And, although he wanted more blood work, I reminded him he told me the numbers were unreliable and he would need to address the symptoms, and he agreed with me, he just wanted the numbers too. Yesterday, numbers in hand, he told me my thyroid levels looked too high, so he was decreasing my dose, and I could have another blood test in three months. Bye. No discussion of unaddressed symptoms that don't look ANYTHING like hyperthyroid.
Did he get the referral? Could he address my "female" hormones? Well, he'd told my family doctor to refer me to that gynecologist! WHAT family doctor? That's not my family doctor anymore, he was fucking with my thyroid treatment that YOU prescribed me, among other very bad things, AND I LEFT HIM. I swear, I told the guy that LAST TIME.
OK. So I need a new endocrinologist who will actually handle all of my hormones, and I need to do all the research and find this person for myself, then ask the clinic to refer me to them. I could've started on this weeks ago if the fucker had just expressed himself in clear language. I TRIED to tell him as many ways that I could, "If you can't do that for me, I NEED ANOTHER DOCTOR," but he didn't hear that.
Doctor #2 was the surgeon who "fixed" my eyes so I can't maintain focus or acuity. I had a fight with the tech, and then with him, trying to explain the difference between, "I can read this, even though it's blurry, because I can guess what the letters are based on their basic shapes and the other letters in the line," and "You can read that just fine!" I tried to verbalize my struggles and this confused them. "Stop trying to focus on the letters, just read them." DON'T FOCUS ON THE LETTERS, JUST READ THEM???
They also had difficulty understanding the nature of the visual distortions. "Is this better or worse?" "My eyes get tired and stop focusing. It's not consistent." "But is it better or worse?" "I've been focusing on details for multiple letters now, and my eyes are refusing to stay in focus. I don't know." "Your prescription isn't consistent." *a pause, while my verbal ability crashes and I try to reset* "Wh-Why would it be?"
The doctor didn't know what binocular vision dysfunction was. Last time I saw him, I swear, the nurse asked what it was, and he explained it to her. It was brief and light on the details, but he did. Now he doesn't know what it is. He forgot since last year?
Also, I should not call the thing where a faint double of the image or text appears above or below it "double vision." "Double vision" is some other specific thing, not seeing two things, one of which is fainter. It's confusing for them when I call that "double vision." Cool. That makes very little sense to me and makes it even harder for me to keep talking. Thanks.
Anyway, they put me in front of a couple machines to take images and this time, FINALLY, I coughed up numbers that say something is wrong. My lenses are supposed to let light through at a "10." The left one is at a "9," which the doctor thinks is "not bad" and then he never addresses the blurriness in that eye again. Because the right one is at ".89". There's a decimal in there. It's less than one. This is severe. I must have a cataract.
But I only had the surgery because they thought my lenses looked fine and I wouldn't have cataracts for a decade or more! All of a sudden I have a cataract? "Well, let's dilate your eye and have a look!"
No cataract. He can't see anything. Yet he is holding an image with a number that says YES cataract.
Well, okay, I can read, so my vision isn't that bad (Oh, dear god) but let's give it a month, come back and see if the machine says the invisible cataract has progressed any. If it's still there and still invisible, you can have a referral to a cataract specialist. Oh, this has gone on so long, all the techs are at lunch. Well, they'll call you to make an appointment when they get back.
They still haven't called me, I guess they've been at lunch since yesterday.
I want my money back. I really, really do. If I have early-onset cataracts they missed, I did not have the information I needed to consent to that surgery. I don't think it's going to happen, though. Cataract surgery would be covered, if I just got a regular lens. But if I'm letting them cut into my eyeball and risk more pain and severe dry eye after all I've been through, I want a better lens - if that would work for me. God alone knows how I'll find a doctor whose opinion I trust to ask about that.
I still have no idea why the left eye is blurry and THEY CAN'T SEE ANY CATARACTS. This doctor is painfully nonchalant about having no idea WTF is going on. Hey, the surgery was a success! I can read! According to him! I don't have the endurance to draw or the speed to drive, but that's cool. No big deal.
Bleh. This is probably poorly-worded, with typos, but this is what's going on with me. This is what I'm trying to accomplish while still telling stories and enjoying life as the world falls apart. I'm a little tired and distracted, that's all.
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