#it's been sitting in my drafts since november oops
pbpsbff · 3 months
20 Questions (for fanfic writers)
got tagged by @fieldsofview :)) (and probably someone else. i have a draft of this from november. oops.)
1. how many works do you have on ao3? 47 as of yesterday:)
2. what's your total ao3 word count? 190,927
3. what fandoms do you write for? i've bounced around a lot of fandoms since i was like, 10, but since august 2022 i've been strictly writing for mcu spider-man (technically more leaning toward irondad, but. u know). with this in mind however, i have a couple 9-1-1 wips and am about one bad day away from writing big time rush fanfiction
4. top five fics by kudos: Peter Parker's Guide to: Texting, Twitter, and Tony Stark (2,110 kudos)
Everything's Coming Up Potatoes (439 kudos)
Is That a Potato in Your Pants, or Are You Just Happy to See Me? (422 kudos)
If You Give a Guy a Potato, He's Going to Ask You on a Date (401 kudos)
be mean to me (if you need to be mean) (331 kudos)
5. do you respond to comments?
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i try my best. i genuinely have no idea how it's gotten this bad (if i ignore your comment please don't take it personally—i forgor)
6. what is your fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? oh god i don't have anything w/ a sad ending posted LOL i'm too much of a sucker for a happy ending. (i do have mcd in my drafts tho!!!)
maybe 15. There It Is Again, That Funny Feeling? It's more of a hopeful ending, but considering the context of the story entirely, it's pretty sad.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? every single fic in the series All's Fair in Love and Potatoes. this series is my happy place amongst all the death and despair on my account
8. do you get hate on fics? besides the hate i receive from sapoteylx? no
9. do you write smut i do! it'll never see the light of day but i do!
10. craziest crossover: i hate crossovers sorry guys. on my old ao3 tho i wrote a heathers au hamilton fic and that's probably the closest i'll ever get to one (unless we're counting r&r? since it's technically twd universe?) also this one time (i was 11. keep this in mind) i read a fic that was tagged jacob sartorius/bob duncan and i think about it daily
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? i hope not???
12. have you ever had a fic translated? NO but that would be so cool. i have some regular commenters that tend to comment in spanish and i'm always wondering if it would be easier for them if i had it translated but i only speak engish. idk fic translators are gods gift to writers i fear
13. have you ever co-written a fic before? i cowrote a hamilton chatfic in 2018. next question
14. all time favorite ship? every peter parker ship ever (excluding all the minor/adult ones). big sambucky and pepperony fan too tho
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? i have this wip that's like, peter agrees to go undercover for a mission because they need info from some big bad guy and peter is obviously the least recognizable of the bunch, but he gets kidnapped and all that good stuff. idk if i'll ever get around to finish it, because it's like 9 planned chapters and that is SO ambitious for me.
also my cellist!peter au? i've been trying to write it but the words haven't come to me idk
16. what are your writing strengths? ooooo i think i'm good at realistic dialogue and character dynamics—i have spent hours of my life on fandomwiki looking at different character's quotes and watching videos of their interaction with other characters because that's something so important to me.
i think i'm good at balancing angst and humor too?? idk the walking dead really shaped my writing style because u can have a silly scene and then 2 seconds later someone is dead on the floor. hope to carry that vibe through everything i do.
17. what are your writing weaknesses? i am so bad at describing settings and character actions. i can always see the scene in my mind but on paper it turns into they are at a house. peter sits down in the chair, and is sad. and it gets to a point where i just give up on trying to fix it
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language? ough if i ever write dialogue in another language i'll be consulting someone who speaks said language (which is what i actually have done!!!! i have a fic coming out soon w a spanish title and i asked aster-argent for help:)). or doing the thing people do where they just put the text in italics and write ," he said in spanish or some shit.
idk for the most part i stay away from it (ignoring the throwaway, casada harley joke i make in my parkner series) because at the end of the day i am a white girl who learned how to count to 10 in spanish because of dora and took 3 years of german.
19. first fandom you wrote in? ok so. i was 11 and on quotev, writing a chatfic about the bands twenty one pilots, panic at the disco, my chemical romance, and fall out boy. the fic is still up and it makes me nauseous to think about
i think technically i had an ldshadowlady fic out on wattpad before that but it was a blatant ripoff of another fic so. i don't count it
20. favorite fic you've written? i think this answer changes every day, and will change when i get my next group of fics out, but as of right now—
i'll put down my roots when i'm dead i'm just so proud of it idk. first time i've ever really met a deadline and probably the most passionate i'd been about getting a fic out since r&r began? i just love the whole thing.
Is Close the Closest Star? this one is definitely a tie with the several other angst oneshots i put out around the same time, but idk something about this fic is so special to me. it's like 6 months old and i know my writing's improved since then, but i'll always go back and reread
okok last one sorry ur making me pick my favorite child. Unrotting Your Insides, Unrooting Your Limbs i am such a sucker for recovery fics sorry. i've written several fics about bulimia but this is my fav because it's just. so soft.
oh god i don't have enough writer friends uhhh @norahdevore. if u have not done this already. i am holding a gun to your head and making you do this (and anyone else reading this. please guys)
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the-al-chemist · 1 year
Unusual writer asks: BTS on the Hexley Saga!
[ellie-e-marcovitz ☺️]
Thanks for asking! 💛 Choosing just one scene from the entirety of THS is impossible, so I’m going with the prologue AND the epilogue for the sake of completeness! (They go hand in hand anyway…)
Unusual Writers Asks are Here!
Prologue - November, 1981
It started with the fireworks.
And so it begins, 5 words down, 500,000 to go. Though these are the first words of the Saga, they weren’t the first that were written; the prologue was actually the last chapter I wrote for Mystery at Hogwarts! In fact, I didn’t write this chapter until I’d written the first drafts for the first four instalments of the Saga and gone back and rewritten the whole of MaH (literally, scrapped most of it because it was rubbish and started over). Once I had done that, I felt like I needed a framing device, and so this scene was added.
“Where are you going?”
A small voice called out through the darkness. Jacob turned around, and saw the outline of a small girl sitting on the windowsill, her face illuminated by the flashes that still came from the sky outside.
Here is our first glimpse of our protagonist. This was another reason I wanted a Jacob perspective prologue, as well as setting the scene, it meant that Artemis was introduced in the story through the eyes of someone else. Having Artemis visually described for the first time in another character’s deep 3rd person narration seemed much more organic than having her describe herself that way, especially as she is a character that doesn’t take much interest in her own appearance.
Since the day she had been born the two of them had been so close that they could tell what the other was thinking.
Oop, foreshadowing.
“Will there be a Niffler in the story, or a dragon?”
More foreshadowing, this time it gets meta.
“Please don’t cry, Missy, you’re making this harder than it already is,” said Jacob, and he walked out of the house before his sister could start to cry or scream. He couldn’t change his mind now.
The front door clicked shut behind him, and he walked down the pale grey steps to the pavement outside the house. Turning back, he saw that Artemis’ little damp face was pressed against the windowpane, her breath fogging up the glass. Jacob pressed his fingers to his lips, and raised his hand to her, before he turned away and walked down Lovelace Crescent, past the terraced houses, and paused at the corner of the road.
Not so much foreshadowing as backshadowing - these are the same words Jacob says to Artemis after she finds and loses him again in PotV. Her reaction this time is different, though, showing how much she has developed in the time he was missing. The path Jacob takes through Hexley family’s house is also echoed in PotV, as Artemis takes the exact same route and pauses at the exact same places as she prepares to leave to spend the summer with the Weasleys, symbolising how she is now following in Jacob’s footsteps. She even apparates away from the same place, though she does so via side-along apparation with Bill. Again, this is deliberate, showing how Bill has started to take Jacob’s role in Artemis’ life, though whereas Jacob left Artemis behind, Bill is taking her with him.
Epilogue - December, 1999
Below the cut, bc spoilers, obv.
It was almost midnight.
As soon as I wrote the prologue, I knew exactly what I wanted for my epilogue - the whole Saga bookended by two scenes that each reflected the other. The countdown to the millennium seemed like an ideal time; 18 years after the prologue so long enough for someone to grow from an infant to an adult in the time in between, and at the end of an era with the promise of a new start. And fireworks. Artemis loves fireworks.
“Did you find your rowan tree alright?”
“How was it?”
Rowan’s birthday in my canon was placed on NYE because of this epilogue, so that she would be remembered right until the very end. I can’t remember when I decided on Artemis’ tradition of visiting the tree at sundown each year (it might have been at the same time as deciding on Rowan’s birthday, it might have come later), but the idea of her returning to a tree annually just to be with Rowan for a little while was inspired by the bench in the botanic garden on midsummer’s day in The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman (from whom I expect to receive a lawsuit any day now).
Artemis swallowed hard as she turned away from the boy who looked like Tonks and saw George Weasley setting up the fireworks by himself.
Canon compliance is tough. This hurt me.
Someone asked for the time, and Artemis’ eyes immediately went to her ankle, despite her having not worn a watch on it for years.
I couldn’t not reference the watch. Artemis has come so far and has cut ties with her family by this point, but still her heart pulls towards the history she once had.
Artemis felt a soft pressure on her right cheek, and turned to see Charlie at her side, a small smile playing on his freckled face.
“Happy New Year,” he said quietly, his eyes fixed on the darkened horizon, where more fireworks had started to appear in the distance, some sooner, some later, as other groups of wizards, witches, and Muggles waved goodbye to the previous century and ushered in the new one.
Again, I couldn’t not put this small detail in. I think the majority of my readers have at some point asked me if/when these two will ever get together, and so this little kiss on the cheek is for the Charlie/Artemis shippers. It’s friendly, but if you wanted it to hint at something more, you can read more into it (I know lots of people did). Avid fans of His Dark Materials will pick up on the fact that pattern of the prose in the second paragraph mimics that of the ending of the Amber Spyglass, which is a final nod to the the story that has inspired my writing and my soul more than any other (aside from HP, which is a given).
All alone now, Artemis watched the fireworks and listened to the crackles and whizzes and bangs that were the only noises echoing through the January night. The grass at her feet was damp, the air around her was cold and laced with the scents of pine trees and gunpowder, and her lips still tasted faintly of sloe gin. Her fingers tingled, and her toes were numb, and her pulse coursed through her veins as her heart continued to beat in her chest, reminding her how very alive she was in this moment. Not that she needed the reminder. Right now, standing on Stoatshead Hill at the start of a new year, a new century, a new millennium, she felt more alive and more free than ever.
I didn’t want an “all was well” ending for Artemis. I’m all for nuclear families with 2.5 children born nicely in wedlock with the person you fell in love with as a teen, but that’s not the ending my wild child wanted or deserved. She deserved this: to have her found family around her and have the strength and confidence in them to tell them that she is happy for them to leave her for a little while, in contrast to the prologue in which she begged Jacob to stay. She deserves this moment to just be herself, without the expectations of anyone else around her - and she gets that. The pine, the marzipan/sloe gin, and the gunpowder are all the scents that one would smell in Amortentia if they loved Artemis. She is surrounded only by the very essence of herself in this moment. Everything from “the grass” in this paragraph to “the end” a few later came to me on a run and I stopped to write it all down because I couldn’t bear to forget even a word of it.
And as the last firework disappeared into the night sky, so did Artemis Hexley.
It started with the fireworks, it ended with them, too.
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heroesriseandfall · 2 years
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Okay so. Writing update, I did end up committing all the way to NaNoWriMo this year, but the breakdown of my miscellaneous mostly Batfam writing project is hilarious to me, so if you are interested in what my DC writing looked like in November, I did silly math.
The 50,500 words for my project this year was basically whatever writing of my own that I did in November and that I considered enough effort/part of a dedicated something (so not, like, text messages or whatever random thing) to “count” for the project. Most of it was various DC fanfics or casual comics analysis.
Out of the 50k words written for the goal (non-bolded percents are sections included within the percent group right before them):
52% was for my still in progress “miles apart” long fic (basically a canon divergent “what if a lonely place of dying but earlier and no Jason death and lots of early batbros + NTT and also stuff that I want to see more of from that era” fanfic)
But only 37% of my writing was the actual fanfic content.
15% was just me plotting that fanfic (canon divergent long fics take so much to plan ok) and also my in-text notes
Those notes include me wondering/asking future me editing questions such as “check Who’s Who on DCUI to see how tall Victor Stone is compared to Kory” (6’6” vs. 6’4” btw) and “should Gar really be sitting on people as an elephant, how much restraint does he need to have to not kill people??” (maybe he shouldn’t sit on non-invulnerable assassins when he weighs 2-7 tons?) and also “does Dick have a car in NTTv2?” (…I think so??? I would assume? but he seems to take a lot of taxis/fly with Kory instead??)
29% was just me rambling/writing analysis about some of the Batkids. Unsurprising but amusing that I was just rambling about them for 15k.
As part of that rambling, 13% was me figuring out a post-Crisis age timeline for Babs based on comics. Fun and necessary but sometimes agonizing because I have to cite comics I do not like...
More rambling, 10% was me analyzing comics for what pre-Robin Tim’s Batfam obsession looked like based on post-Crisis. It’s relevant to my fanfic, okay!
8% was another (TimBern) fanfic I started because I got stuck on a plot point in the long fic and needed something less plot-heavy.
4% another (WIP) fanfic mostly about Tim & Bruce. unfinished. idk where it is going.
3% writing for college assignments. RIP finals.
2% potentially finishing up a one shot about pre-Robin Jason that I don’t know what to do with (it doesn’t feel done...).
1% possibly finishing the draft of another Dick & Tim fanfic (an angst-heavy Red Robin-era canon divergence).
1% starting a Robin Jason & Dick fanfic that I’m also not sure where to go with (pls I just want them to be cute first brothers).
I must also note that during all of this I was going slightly nuts not having any current projects to write about the women in the Batfam...downside of setting my current main fic smackdab in one of the least gender-diverse era of Batfam (in between Babs retiring Batgirl & becoming Oracle, no less!). Which is how I ended up writing 6.5k of Barbara Gordon timeline. I only lasted that long because I had Donna & Kory for the New Titans parts <3 (I need to add more of them I have another short scene planned)
Anyway. I just found it fun to look at how much I wrote of what in this jumble of a project. I have done NaNoWriMo previously but it had been a while since I really committed to it, so it was fun to actually write this much again. Even if I, uh, probably neglected some schoolwork for it. oops?
None of these fanfics are ready to be posted btw, they are a mess, but progress is progress, and if I do some editing in December, maybe a few will be :)
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dove-actually · 4 years
Hello Other Dove! ^^! If you’re participating in STS, today is the beginning of Black History Month, please tell us about your Black characters and/or characters of color!
Thank you for this great q! i was actually sitting out STS today b/c of work, but  briefly popping back in to answer this Black-History-Month-relevant ask.
While most of my main cast are characters of color (more about the various races of Knight Errant here), I’ll focus on Myrhi characters for this, since all the Myrhi in the cast are black. (there are non-black people living on Myrh Island, but the Myrhi as a people are predominantly black)
The two Myrhi in the central cast are Dayoni, a knight-in-training who holds a spectacular grudge against Sarra, and Sir Justus, the royal spymaster and Sarra’s boss. They’re both originally from Myrh Island (the island that was moved closer to the continent via magic, to join w/ two other lands and form  Scania), and share some of the usual Myrhi attributes -- good knowledge of history, mastery of various languages, great sense of fashion -- but in most other ways they’re v different. Dayoni is stubborn, straightforward, action-driven, and sees everything as clear-cut right or wrong. Sir Justus thinks in more abstract shades of grey, and prefers subtle influence to the direct head-on approach. 
As for their character arcs -- Dayoni spends most of the book trying to kill Sarra in a fair duel, to “restore the honor” of all young women who want to be knights and are doubted because Sarra turned errant. her actual arc is learning to redirect some of that anger toward the sexist jerks who came up with that narrative in the first place  But also she gets in Sarra’s way at every turn.  She is a very competent fight-me emoji.
Sir Justus wants to stop the Prelate from hurting the King and destabilizing Scania, and his arc is about trying to uncover all the threads of the conspiracy and see the full picture -- all the while being at odds with Sarra, who disapproves strongly of his methods. He’s pretty confident that his strategy is correct, but might exhibit some character growth if no one’s looking ;)
thank you for the great question :)
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the-hidden-pages · 2 years
Throw Me Instead - Earth-2 Harrison Wells x Fem!Reader SMUT
Oops here comes another one, I have a thing for the Earth-2 DILF who would’ve guessed?  Happy 2022 all, and sorry if you’re waiting on an Arcane fic, this one was sitting half-finished in my drafts since early November.
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Word Count: 3000+
Synopsis: It wasn’t uncommon for you to tease. It wasn’t uncommon for Harry to rage. One day, however, the combination of your two personalities clashed.
Warnings: NSFW, Lab Sex, Wall Sex, Desk Sex, Light Exhibitionism, Angry Sex, Possessiveness, Choking, Unprotected Sex, Dirty Talk, Use of Sir/Princess
It wasn’t uncommon for you to tease. In fact, if you weren’t throwing flirtatious or sexual remarks at the team, they’d often wonder if something was wrong.
Harry took note of your antics rather quickly.
The first time he noticed it, you had hit Cisco with the line “Your hair looks great today! You mind if I pull it?” The younger man had laughed off the proposition, instead gushing with you for a few moments about the ridiculously perfect hair day he was having. Harry had wondered if you two were a couple, or perhaps dancing around the matter, before brushing it off.
The next time, it was a comment towards Caitlin, promptly after you had been injured in a meta fight. You had asked her if she was going to enjoy playing doctor with you, right before you passed out due to pain.
Next it was Iris, who had walked into the Cortex in a stunning dress and heels. She had asked you if she could borrow a necklace from you, to which you had informed her that she could do anything to you, wearing that dress.
Nearly every time a remark came out of your mouth, no one commented or looked remotely upset. Most had accepted that your flirting was how you showed your friends love and took it as such.
Nearly every time.
The first day you flirted with Harry, quite some time after he had joined the team, you were delivering an order of Big Belly Burger to the certified genius. Bag in hand and precariously balancing two milkshakes in the other, you drop most of it in front of the man.
Sipping from your shake, you look the man up and down as he continues to work, not acknowledging your existence. The moment allows you to fully take him in, appreciating the way he filled out his black t-shirt and pants, the messy hair that had clearly not been combed in some time. Then you notice something new, something he wasn’t wearing when he arrived.
“Damn, Hare,” you grin, straw between your teeth as you caught his attention. “You should keep those on. Glasses add a whole new layer of sex appeal to ya.”
You whirl around, not bothering to stay as Harry fumbles with the tool he’s holding.
After the first encounter, you had begun to flirt with him more. Harry couldn’t tell if you were doing so more with him than the others – after all, he didn’t make it a habit to “hang around” the others, as they so put it – but he could determine one thing.
He hated it.
He hated that you were flirting.
He hated that you were flirting with him the same way you did with everyone else.
Everything about you just…infuriated him.
The ease of which you communicated. How everyone seemed to like you. How you could give affection to everyone in a heartbeat. How effectively you seemed to get through to him.
You were a distraction, he told himself.
A kind, sweet, infectious distraction.
A distraction with more kindness than he had any right to, with more patience than he could ask for.
A distraction with a ridiculously beautiful smile, stunning eyes.
And your ass -
Harry shook his head at that. He couldn’t afford to be thinking like that, not with Zoom still on the loose.
You’re a distraction.
That’s all there was to it.
It wasn’t uncommon for Harry to rage. In fact, if he wasn’t throwing something across Cisco’s lab, you’d almost wonder if something were wrong.
You had taken note of the older man’s antics rather quickly.
The first time you noticed his anger, Cisco had been fleeing his lab with the exclamations of “I don’t like this one! We’re getting rid of him!” You had crept to the lab cautiously to find several items scattered on the floor, with the Earth-2 scientist clutching his head in his hands.
If your apprehension for the fake Wells hadn’t already made you wary of this doppelganger, his brisk attitude, rudeness, and anger had certainly put you off him…
Or at least it would have.
But there was something else there.
You weren’t sure if it was his intelligence, his love for his daughter, his growing love for the team, or the fact that he was simply attractive as hell, but you found yourself often being the one willing to help clean up Harry’s messes.
Being around him as often as you were led you to growing comfortable around him – as comfortable as you were with the rest of the team. Your little crush had you nervous from time to time, surely, but at the end of the day he was still a part of Team Flash, and you felt it was important that he be treated the same way that the rest of them were.
One day, however, the combination of your two personalities clashed.
All it took was an angry day, a marker being thrown at a wall full-force, and you arriving at that precise moment with two coffees.
“You know, if you wanted something else to throw against a wall, Harry, you could always throw me instead.”
The words were out of your mouth quickly, casually. Just another day of lightly harassing your hot co-worker at the office. You wouldn’t have even thought twice about what you said were it not for the way that Harry froze.
“Say that again.”
“Hmm?” you pause, your coffee in hand and his halfway put down on the table nearest to you.
He turns to face you fully, and you properly take in the tense shoulders, the clenched fists, and the glint in his eyes that’s something different from his usual anger. He takes the time to take in your surprised look, and your choice of attire. By all accounts, the tights, skirt, and blouse were all perfectly professional and acceptable, but with the words that had just come out of your mouth he couldn’t help but find your choice in outfit all the more vexing.
“Say that again,” he repeats, taking a step forward.
“I would, but –“
“But what?” he interrupts, continuing to move towards you.
Out of instinct, you match his slow steps forward with equal steps backward.
“Harry, if I’ve upset you, I’m really sorry.”
“It’s not your teasing me that upsets me.”
You feel the need to clarify, still unsure of what to make of the dangerous look in his eyes.
“But you’re upset by something?”
His word is punctuated by your heel catching the wall of the lab, causing you to stumble backwards, surprised. Harry stops mere inches from you, and you realize how trapped you are.
“Harry –“
“It’s you teasing the others that I don’t like.”
You blink.
“You. Flirting with Ramon and Allen, with Snow and West, with everyone else the same way you do me. That’s my problem.”
You blink again, before a grin slowly starts to make its way on to your face.
“Harrison Wells, are you…jealous?”
“I don’t get jealous,” he snaps back quickly, to which you laugh.
“Sure, sure…” you take a sip of your coffee, which is still in your hands, as you contemplate where to go from here. “Well, would it help your not-jealousy if you knew that I’m not actually attracted to the others?”
You can see the cogs turning in the genius’ brain.
“You’re not?”
You shake your head silently, watching him piece together the implications of what you told him.
“But…are you…to me?”
You nod again, smile wider on your face. “So, what do you think, Harry? Still upset?” Leaning forward, you don’t give him a chance to respond before you speak again. “Because if you are, you’re still more than welcome to throw me –“
You’re cut off by a bruising kiss, Harrison’s hands coming up to the wall on either side of your head, fully pinning you between the wall and himself. The kiss is harsh and demanding, with Harry quickly dominating it, tongue exploring your mouth as he pleased.
Your left hand comes up to hold his bicep, the right still holding your coffee. When Harry notices this, he grabs the offending drink between you and tosses it to the side, contents audibly crashing and spilling to the ground.
“Harry –“
You’re cut off by another bruising kiss, only now both hands of yours are free to wind themselves in his unruly dark hair. The scientist’s hands find their way to your hips, lifting you slightly as he slots one of his legs in between yours. He shifts in a way that offers the slightest bit of friction against your covered clit and the action has you tilting your head back, biting your lip to stifle a moan.
“Harry, anyone could come in and see-“ you’re cut off by another moan as his lips meet your neck, one hand coming up to squeeze at your breast while his other pulls at your hip to grind you against his leg. Already it’s almost too much, already your head is swimming.
“Tell me stop and I will,” he rasps out, pulling back from your neck to meet your eyes. His normally ice blue eyes are almost completely blacked out. “But if you don’t, I’m going to fuck you against this wall, and I do not care if anyone comes in.”
Your thighs clench and your hip rolls involuntarily against him at the thought of being caught by one of the others. Harry grins slightly at the motion but doesn’t go to move.
You breathe in deeply and meet his eyes, more than willing for what’s to come.
“Fuck me then, Harry.”
At that, his mouth is on yours again, hands quickly bunching your skirt up around your hips. He takes the waistband of your leggings and behinds to push them down your legs, the process bringing the scientist to his knees in front of you.
“You look good down there, Doctor,” you breathe out, helping him kick the leggings off you, leaving you still in your skirt, blouse, and shoes.
A teasing glint enters his eyes at that, and he rises slowly, once again towering over you as you’re caged between him and the wall.
“I’ll stay down there another day, I promise you,” he speaks lowly, hand slowly trailing up your thigh. When his hand finds your core, now covered only by a thin layer of lace, he groans quietly. “Are you already that wet?”
“It doesn’t take much for you to turn me on,” you confess, and a growl escapes him. His hand pushes the lace to the side, and he quickly plunges a finger into you, being met with little resistance.
“Is that so?” he prompts, capturing your lips briefly as his finger slows its pace, teasing in and out of you gently. “Well, we know the glasses are a turn on. My anger, too, we’ll unpack that another day. What else?”
“Tell me, and I’ll give you what you want.” The finger that was teasing inside of you pulls out, sliding upward to brush over you clit.
“There’s so much,” you voice pauses slightly as his lips travel downwards, brushing over the weak spot on your neck. “Your voice, how focused you get, your stupid hair, your hands…”
“These hands?” without warning, two fingers now enter your cunt, and a whine is ripped from your throat.
In and out, scissoring, crooking just slightly to brush against a spot that had you seeing stars – it wasn’t long before you were digging your nails into the scientist’s arms, heavy pants and whimpers escaping you.
But it was your teasing that got you to this unimaginable scenario of Harry Wells fingering you in one of the labs, and it would be your teasing that pushed it further.
“What happened to fucking me against the wall? Don’t tell me I’ll have to get Cisco, Harry.”
Another growl, and suddenly you’re empty, clenching around air as familiar blue eyes glare venomously at you.
“Is that what you want? You want Ramon to come take care of you?”
His hand, still wet from being inside you, harshly grabs your jaw when you try to look away.
“Or are you just trying to get me so mad that I ruin you for anyone else?”
“Fuck, Harry – you, I need you inside –“
The man grins, stroking your cheek lightly with his thumb.
“Begging already…use your words, Princess. What do you want inside?”
You weren’t sure you could remember how to breathe.
“Your cock, Harry please I need your cock inside me.”
A breathless laugh leaves him, and you hear the zip of his jeans.
“Good girl, asking so nicely.”
His praise is the only warning you have before you feel his length, thick and heavy and so right, slowly slide into your heat.
Harry’s hand releases your jaw, and your head falls backwards into the wall, a heavy sigh leaving you both in unison as you grow accustomed to the new sensation.
Hands grip your hips softly but firmly as Harry leans his head down to rest his forehead against yours, prompting you to meet his gaze.
“Is this alright?” he questions softly, and your heart warms at the genuine care in his gaze.
“It won’t be alright if you don’t move, Harrison.”
A grin graces the scientist’s features, and his lips meet yours in a messy kiss as his hips begin slowly rolling against yours, testing the waters.
The tenderness in his actions is sweet, you think, and something you’ll certainly explore later, but after all the buildup of the previous moments, you can’t help but seek out a bit more of that roughness, that anger.
Your intentions are hinted at when you tangle your hands roughly into the man’s already messy hair, tightening your inner walls around him, and nipping at his bottom lip.
“Fuck,” he mutters, hips snapping up sharply, hands tightening enough to likely leave bruises on your hips.
“Where’d all that frustration go, Harry?” you simpered, rewarded when you feel yourself being lifted off him, only to be pulled sharply back down to meet his thrusts.
By this point you’re practically being used as a doll, Harry fucking you onto himself as your head rolls against the wall, nails digging into any part of him that you can reach, his teeth marking any part of your neck and chest that isn’t obstructed by clothing.
It all escalated so fast, too fast, and your head is swimming.
Even still, you know you’re digging deeper into the hole you had made yourself, but as Harry’s hips falter briefly, you can’t help but tease further.
“Losing it already, Doctor Wells? Poor old man, I’ll have to get Ramon to tap in.”
A shriek is pulled from you as you’re spun from your place against the wall. The whine that leaves you when Harry pulls out is cut short when you feel your face and chest pressed flush against a cold desk, the temperature change throwing you for a loop.
And the wail that ripped its way out of your chest as Harry mercilessly thrust into you from behind was hidden only by one of those wonderfully large hands reaching forward and covering your mouth.
A dark voice rasps in your ear. “Say his name again, and you won’t get to cum. I’ll finish and fill you and leave you crying for more, do you understand me?”
You nod frantically, unable to do anything but moan behind Harry’s hand as he sets a ruthless pace, the desk creaking dangerously with every thrust.
“Besides,” the hand blocking your sounds retreats, burying itself in your hair to yank back. Your rising moans begin to echo loudly throughout the lab. “We both know Ramon couldn’t get you this worked up, don’t we?”
“Harry,” the only response you manage to muster was his name, but it seems to have a desirable effect.
“Good girl,” his voice takes on a more breathless quality, and you nearly pass out when you feel his hand once again make its way to your front, this time lightly clenching around your throat. You can feel yourself throb around him at the action, which doesn’t go unnoticed.
Tightening his grasp, he pulls you up slightly and leans down to meet you, your back now pressed tightly against him, hand still choking you, his laboured breaths in your ear sending chills down your spine as he continues to thrust.
“Good girl,” he repeats, pressing a rough kiss under your ear, speaking between occasional pants. “I want you to scream my name when you cum, I want everyone in this building to know who you belong to, who got to fuck you, who got to fill you. Can you do that for me?”
“Yes sir, fuck, Harry,” your brain short-circuits moments later, the sensations overwhelming you the moment his hand that’s currently not at your neck makes its way downward, rubbing tight circles just above where your bodies meet.
A litany of moans and his name bounce through the room as your vision goes white, clenching hard as harmonizing moans finally escape the older man, your orgasm drawing his own out of him, heat pulsing through your lower regions in a moment of pure bliss.
In the wake of your symphony of moans, the room is deafeningly silent as the pair of you recover. A bubble of anxiety surfaces as you feel Harry pull out and away from you, the cold of the room quickly replacing him.
“Harry,” you spin around in some attempt to find him again, only for two hands to lightly cup your face, a soft kiss bringing you to melt in his arms once again.
When he pulls back, you’re completely dazed, gazing into his eyes completely confused by the shift between roughly fucking you to holding you as though you were glass.
“There,” he breathes softly, hands pulling you deeper into him. “What our first kiss should have been, you little tease.”
A wide grin breaks across your face, and you move to attempt to fix the absolute mess that had been made of his hair. “I’m not sorry, you’re hot when you’re angry.”
You step away, hands now trying fruitlessly to fix your rumpled shirt and skirt, hyperaware of the slick that was now dripping down your inner thigh.
“I should go clean up, but feel free to call me down if you want to throw something besides Cisco’s stuff, Harry.”
You turn to leave, but a firm hand reaches out and grabs yours, spinning you back as Harry cages you against the desk once again.      
“Oh, who said we were done, Princess?”
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heyhilana · 3 years
Tagged by the lovely @sleepwithacommunist (this has been sitting in my drafts for too long!)
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you want to get to know better
Name/Nickname: Lana (I don't have a nickname unfortunately)
Gender: Female! Pronouns are she/her.
Star sign: Scorpio :)
Height: 5'4
Time: 6:05 pm
Birthday: November
Favorite bands: Fall Out Boy, MCR, All Time Low.
Favorite solo artists: SZA, Mac Ayres, Giveon, H.E.R.
Song stuck in your head: Slow Down - Mac Ayres (but the slowed down one.)
Last movie: Shrek (it's my comfort movie)
Last show: Criminal Minds
When did I create this blog: It's been about a year or so.
What I post: Mostly reblogs of Pedro Pascal since I rarely write but I do post fics here and there.
Last thing I googled: Robert Hayden (poet I gotta learn about)
Other blogs: Nothing else.
Do I get asks: From time to time.
Why I chose my url: Because I'm always panicking over something and well my name is just there lol.
Following: Ah I follow most of my followers back so it's high up there lol
Followers: I've just hit 400 so thank you so much for that! It really means a lot to me 💚💚💙💙
Average hours of sleep: It just varies nowadays but I would say 6?
Instruments: Ukulele and French Horn!
What I’m wearing: Just my pjs lol
Dream job: Screenwriter :)
Dream trip: Puerto Rico and Africa!
Favorite food: Burgers oops
Nationality: American
Favorite song(s): Time Flies - Drake
Last book: Oops I can't remember lol
Top 3 fictional universes I wanna live in: Definitely want to live in the Marvel universe, DC too, and I could see myself living in the Tinkerbell universe because it's a top tier one of mine.
Tagging: Hmm I don't know who to tag lol so if you see this, consider yourself tagged!
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artificialqueens · 4 years
heavy is the head (1/10) (sashea) - shadysalad
an - found this completed multichap in my drafts (!!!!!) i wrote it in about november and completely forgot about it oops😬. anyways, i’ll post a new chapter every couple of days even if no one likes it cos I just can’t bring myself to leave 10 chapters sitting here. not my best work, got to admit, but when is it ever huh? enjoy :)
“Thanks Pep, I’ll see you in a bit.” Shea waved at her maid before softly closing the door, skipping down the long corridor. It was a Sunday, which meant breakfast with her parents in the great hall. She hoped the Commander of the Royal Guard, Alexis, had done as she’d asked with regards to the stationing of certain guards.
She stood at the door to the great hall, knocking twice. Pulling her robe around her a little tighter, she pushed the door open. Her mother looked up first. “Good morning, darling, have you had a nice week?”
It took a minute for Shea to respond; her eyes fell past her mother to the pair of guards stood behind the table. Aja was there, as usual, but she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Nina had been replaced. And not with any old guard; with Sasha. Damn, Alexis was good. Shea flashed a beaming smile to the woman, who returned a small smirk of her own. “Um.. yes, thank you, mother.”
Shea swiftly made her way around the long table, dropping a kiss on each of her parent’s cheeks, seating herself at the opposite end of the table to them. Her father cleared his throat, eyes still on the plate of French pastries in front of him. “We need to discuss your coronation dress, dear. Any thoughts as to the colour?”
Shea groaned internally; everything was about her coronation these days. She locked eyes with Sasha and rolled her eyes exaggeratedly. Sasha let out a small giggle. “Not particularly. Are you sure it can’t just be black?”
“Oh, of course not, darling! Black is the colour of mourning! How about a lovely crimson, or ultramarine, perhaps?” Shea watched as Aja’s eyes disappeared into the back of her head, and wished she could get away with the same a second time. She hummed lowly in lieu of a response and sunk her knife into the croissant that had been placed before her.
“Honey, your mother and I have been thinking…” Shea whipped her head up at the sound of her father’s voice. “We think you should take some etiquette lessons before your coronation, just so you will be prepared for life as Queen and so we can do away with…” He gestured vaguely towards Shea, who had frozen with the croissant hanging out of her mouth and flakes falling into her lap. “…this.”
She was quick to deposit the croissant back on the plate and brush herself off. “Are you sure that’s necessary? I mean, I can be prim and proper, I just choose not to.”
Her mother grimaced. “Yes, we think so. Your first lesson is at 2, in the ballroom. Your instructor’s name is Trinity. Don’t forget that: Tri-ni-ty.” Her mother sounded it out as if Shea was a child, like Trinity was a difficult name to remember. Shea nodded, stuffing her face with the last of the croissant and standing from her chair. That was enough family time for the day.
Shea waved to Sasha and Aja and left the room, foregoing her usual route to the gardens and making her way to the extensive library. She usually loved spending her days in the gardens, but not when it was pouring down with Autumn rain and freezing cold. If she didn’t go in the garden, she probably wouldn’t ever see outside the palace, except from the occasional state visit. The only upside to being Queen, she supposed, was the fact that she would be leaving the palace a lot more.
The library was cosy and warm, a log fire already blazing in the hearth. Shea made her way over to her little corner, where books of all genres were still strewn around and fluffy blankets shrouded a soft velvet sofa. It was a little colder over there, but Shea would rather that than be eventually stifled by the direct heat from the fire, where the rest of the furniture was set up.
She picked up Pride and Prejudice, continuing from where she left off. As she read on, she thought of Sasha. It was the type of book she would like, all old-timey and smart. She began to lose interest, her mind wandering further and further away from the adventures of Elizabeth Bennet. After a good while only pretending to read, she decided there was no point in fooling herself. She went looking for Sasha, grabbing the book as an afterthought.
Instead of blindly searching the whole castle, Shea made a beeline to Alexis’ office. She always knew where everyone in the whole palace was at all times; that was her job. “Hey Alexis!”
Alexis looked up from the paperwork on her desk. “Sasha?”
Shea nodded shyly. “You know me too well, girl. Thanks for moving Nina, too. That bitch, I swear to the gay gods.” She gasped softly, a smirk settling itself on her lips. “Hey, since you have the power to move people, do you have the power to fire them too?”
Alexis chuckled a little, turning her attention back to the pay receipts in front of her. “Get out of here, Shea. Sasha’s down by the kitchens.”
Shea skipped out of the office and sprinted down 4 floors. She slowed to a fast walk as she descended the last flight of stairs to catch her breath, running a hand through her hair. She spotted the bald girl underneath the giant mural at the end of the corridor, and broke out into a run again. “Sashaaa!”
“Sheaaa!” Just as Shea reached her, Sasha pulled her into a hug. “What’s this?” She gestured to the book that Shea has all but forgotten she was holding.
“Oh! I was reading this and I thought you might like it, so I brought it for you to take back to your room tonight.” Sasha turned the book over in her hands a few times before placing it on the sideboard next to her, smiling widely as a thanks.
Sasha bit her lip, eyes roaming around the hallway. “So… queen lessons, huh?”
“I know. I’m not that uneloquent, am I? I mean-”
Sasha interrupted with a giggle. “Hate to be that person, but before you go any further I feel like I should point out that it’s ‘ineloquent’.”
Shea groaned exaggeratedly. “Fuck! Maybe I do need etiquette lessons. But- ugh! It’ll be so boring!”
“Yes, preparing to become one of the most powerful and most respected rulers in the world must be so tedious.” Sasha deadpanned.
“Shut up, Sash. I’m sure Alexis has you in some of them. You’ll be able to see for yourself. I just hope this Trinity girl is nice.” Shea mused.
“Yeah, I’m stationed in the ballroom today. Isn’t that where your mom said it would be?” Shea nodded thoughtfully.
“Ok, well, I have, like, half an hour? So I’ll see you in a bit.” Shea pulled Sasha in for one last hug, before setting off down the corridor. Just before she went to climb the staircase, she turned back, yelling over her shoulder, “Hope you enjoy the book!”
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pisscord · 4 years
i got tagged a while ago by @hereandqueer-eek and it’s been sitting in my draft ever since, oops. thanks v much for the tag tho!
Name: ariana
Nicknames: ari, most people call me that, i only get called ariana at school and at work
Height: 1.61m (and a half cm) which is almost exactly 5′3 so that’s neat
Languages: dutch and english, and i also speak french and german pretty well and i’m learning danish rn + i can understand frysian, but i sadly don’t speak it :/
Favorite Season: spring! it’s all nice and green and colourful and i love it very much. hay fever’s a major bitch tho, i get genuinely ill and feverish from it and it’s hell
Favorite Flower: i wouldn’t say i have a favourite flower? but i guess maybe sun flowers because they remind me of sophie so i always get happy when i see them (not to be gay on main or anything)
Favorite Scent: THE OCEAN, or the sea. just the scent of the salt and the beach and the water, especially combined with the sound of the waves. fuck i wanna be a pirate
Favorite Color: blue, tho i do enjoy yellow and purple if i’m feeling contrary because apparently purple is a very controversial colour and i love that about it
Favorite Animal: for some reason i’ve always loved foxes. also coots! i love those lil’ funky dudes
Favorite Fictional Characters: samwise gamgee, that dude. fuck yeah.
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: hot chocolate is my life juice
Average Sleep Hours: 5 hours or something, although i haven’t really been keeping track since quarantine started, cause what is time anyway?
Dog or Cat Person: cats. dogs are great, but i just really really love cats. i think it’s the lesbianism
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: one or none, although it’s not a very thick one so in winter i just pile up throw blankets, one memorable night i ended up sleeping with a total of 6. i refuse to turn on the heating in my room.
Dream Trip: one day, i want to cross the atlantic on a sailboat, maybe aim for the caribbean and vibe there for a while? but just the crossing of the atlantic is such a major milestone for any sailor
Blog Established: november 2016
Number of Followers: 196. neat.
Random Fact: i’ve accidentally set fire to a trashcan twice and once on purpose
i’m tagging me buds @softphiily and @earbuds-and-tea and @wannabemerida because vibes lads
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clevercatchphrase · 4 years
2019 year in review
So… The 2010’s are almost over. Huh. What a decade it’s been. Hard to comprehend how much has changed in 10 years. I can barely believe that I was in high school at the beginning of this decade, and now I’m a college graduate with 2 degrees who’s been working at the same job for the last 3 years. But trying to summarize the past 10 years in a single post is a good way to give myself an existential crisis, so let’s not do that! Instead, let’s just focus on 2019 because there has been more than enough shit that’s happened to me in this year to talk about.
Huh, looking back through my archives, I apparently didn’t make a tumblr post about my goals this year. I definitely had some, though. Lemme list ‘em off real quick, and then we’ll go through them point by point.
1)      Pay off all my student loans 2)      Finish some song comics 3)      Make art for my Redbubble account 4)      Finish the first rough draft/script of a game I wanted to make 5)      Practice ASL 6)      Sew some stuffed animals 7)      Finish some fan fictions 8)      Work on Ghost Switch 9)      AMVs 10)   Do some original writing 11)   Make illustrations for my fan fictions
Okay, first off, the student loans. I was actually SO CLOSE to successfully completing this one bUT THEN MY CAR HAD TO BE A WHINEY PISS BABY AND HAVE ITS ALTERNATOR DIE ON ME WHILE I WAS ON THE HIGHWAY AND THEN A BLOW OUT THREE WEEKS LATER.
GOD, if I had to summarize this year in two words, for me it would be “Car troubles”. I swear I spent more on auto repair in the first third of this year than I ever have just freakin’ OWNING a car. All four of my tires had to be replaced, my alternator failed and my car literally just SHUT OFF while I was driving, and I was barely able to coast into a gas station. Both my front breaks and rear breaks were worn down the metal and I only learned this when my car was barely able to stop after I had to slam the petal down full force!  I went in for an oil change, and they found some problems and then I didn’t get my car back for three days! I don’t even like owning a car! I hate driving! I hate my country’s refusal to provide universal, free public transportation! I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS!
Oh-kay… number 2. Finish some song comics. I didn’t finish any. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t work on them. I have made tiny progress, but that’s certainly better than no progress. One of these song comics I hope to be realizes is going to be a collab with one of my friends. It’ll be a long-time coming as it’s pretty low priority for the both of us, but if anyone else out there was disappointed with KH3’s ending, we’re gonna have ya’ covered… With SONG!
3. Make some redbubble art. I actually did this one! Not in the way I expected, but I added (technically) 3 new designs to my redbubble in the middle of the year. If you like butterflies and dragons, I got some product for you~!
Number 4, finish a script for a game I want to make. I… thought about this. I thought about this a lot, but I never put pen to paper, so… oops. It almost happened! I debated making this my main writing project for NaNoWriMo this year, but ended up having more inspiration for another story. Maybe next year? (god, I hope not. I don’t want to wait a full year just to write something)
Number 5, practice ASL. I just straight up didn’t do this and I only have myself to blame. Still keepin’ up that Danish Duolingo streak, though. 4 years going strong and not a day missed yet.
Number 6, sew some stuffed animals. Again, another one I just straight up didn’t do, but I have an excuse of trying to save money while my car crashed and burned in every other sense except literal this year. Hopefully 2020 will be different. I’ll definitely be able to pay off this last loan within the first half of 2020, and then I can start saving for whatever I want to buy.
Finish some fan fictions was number 7, and I did this! Well, I only finished, 1, but it was a story I’ve been working on for over 3 years, and it came out to over 200 THOUSAND words long, which is the longest thing I’ve ever written, and I’m quite proud of myself. Now that the big story is out of the way, and I’ve gotten into a good rhythm of working on Ghost Switch, maybe I can squeeze in some short writing sessions more frequently. (either that, or just wait for my car to break down again and then go on a writing spree in a pepboys. The lord and the fan fic discord know that’s solely why I finished my other fic this year)
Speaking of Ghost Switch, working on it was a goal this year too, and I did that! I kept it up all year and took a vacation in November and it was wonderful. While the major plot points have been in place since before I started drawing, I still need to script each arc beyond Snowdin, but hey, by the time we get there, it’ll be 2022 so I got time. (Note, don’t do this, kids. Script your stories and comics thoroughly before publishing. The road I’m on is paved with misery and pain and it will only end in tears unless I change lanes soon)
Number 9, amvs. Do people make AMVs anymore? Idk… the last one I made was... Jesus, 5 years ago? (it was a gravity falls/fall out boy crossover, if you were curious) I’ve been wanting to do 2 more for just as long, but in order for me to do that, I’d have to spend time re-watching the shows to find the footage, and then actually edit them together, and I just don’t…. feel like it. Maybe someday, but not any day soon.
10; do some original writing. I did this! For nanowrimo! I wrote the first draft of some original fiction I’ve been planning for a year or two now and it completely sucks! But it’s on paper now and I’m happy. Will I revise and edit it? Sure, but not for a while. I want to let it sit and forget about it and look at it with new eyes months from now so I can be sure I can make it better when time comes to rewrite.
11, make illustrations for my fan fics. Now that You Monster is done, I want to go back and add pictures to it. I didn’t do any this year, but I did keep a list of scenes I wanted to draw, so I have plenty of ideas to do as warm up sketches next year~ I kinda want to stream them~
So, that was 11 goals, and I successfully fulfilled 4 of them! That’s! Not a very good ratio… QmQ So, goals for 2020. Some I’m gonna keep from this year, some I’m gonna drop and some I’m gonna add. In short I would like to,
1)      Finish paying off that last student loan 2)      Put more stuff on my redbubble 3)      Illustrate my own fan fics 4)      Sew at least one stuffed animal 5)      Make an enamel pin 6)      Read one new book a month 7)      Write one page a day/Complete at least one new fan fic 8)      Learn Python or C# for the game I want to make 9)      Finish fully scripting Ghost Switch 10)   Boost my patreon
Most of these I think are pretty self-explanitory, but I’ll go into detail just a bit because I’m on a roll and typing my thoughts helps me feel less alone in the middle of the night when you’re super tired and you know you should probably go to sleep, but the toddler in you is throwing a tantrum and doesn’t wanna go to sleep just yet, but you can’t fight the progression of time either way.
Number 1- I should be able to reach this goal by the end of March. End of June at the absolute latest. Once that goal is met, my secret new year’s resolution will be unlocked as well!
Number 2- I want to put more art of my OCs on redbubble. These OCs are tied to the game I want to make. There’s already some art of them up there, but I want at least one piece for each character.
Number 3- Mostly for You Monster. Embrace the cardinal rule of fan fic and apply it to fan art. If you want to read about see art about certain ideas, scenarios, or what-ifs, you gotta make it yourself.
Number 4- I have 3 potential ideas to sew. One is definitely leagues easier than the other two and will probably be chosen if/when I have the time and materials.
Number 5- This year I got really, REALLY into the idea of making enamel pins. Unfortunately it’s a pretty big investment (like, $350 to make 100 pins you  might not even sell). If this happens, it’ll probably be towards the end of the year, and if I get enough interest. I’m currently torn between making an original enamel pin and one based off Undertale. We’ll just have to see where this goes.
Number 6- Back in 2018 when I paid off one of my many student loans, I rewarded myself by spending over 200 dollars in used books. All these books had a theme; they were focused on dragons because I have a problem. I have not yet read a single one of these books I have bought, and I would like to fix that. I have, like, 20 unread dragon books, and even if I only read 12 out of 20, I would consider that an amazing accomplishment and money well spent.
Number 7- I currently have about 8 different WIPs I could work on. (well, I don’t know if I can even call them wips. More like, a general idea and a title written down.) I want to build good writing habits, and if I can write just 200 words a day, hell, even 200 words a week and just one of my 8 stories done, I would consider this goal met.
Number 8- I’m torn between making my game in unity or ren’py. I know jack shit about both. Ren’py is more user friendly, but unity will allow me more customization. (Lol, can you guess what kind of game I want to make yet?)
Number  9- I really just want the full story to be done and written incase anything goes horribly terribly wrong in my life and I find myself unable to continue making ghost switch in comic form. Then at least I can finish the story by other means, you know?
Number 10- It always surprises me every month when I get that patreon email saying I got paid. Sure, I don’t even make double digits on it, but it still awes me enough to know that people out there like my work enough to throw me a tip. I can’t thank my patrons enough for supporting me and I hope to one day be in such a good place I can update my comic/song comics/writing frequently enough without need for goals or milestones. But until that magical day arrives, money is always a great incentive for anything, I suppose. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Cheesus crust what a year. This year started off great! Back in late January Kingdom Hearts 3 FINALLY released, and let me tell you a little story. Back in the summer of 2006 I was a 13 year old middle schooler with no way of making money other than by doing house hold chores at a rate of 25 cents a task. A few weeks ago, I had a sleep over at a friend’s house and they let me play this weird game called “Kingdom Hearts” and god, I was instantly hooked on it. That summer, I did over 800 chores, enough to earn myself 200$ and buy myself a playstation 2 (just in time for the ps3 to come out, gg me) The only games I had for the ps2 were KH1, 2, Re:CoM and Okami, and I beat them all… except Okami. Miffed that the PS3 wouldn’t allow for backwards compatibility, little 13-year-old me made a promise. I looked myself in the mirror and said “I will not buy the next playstation console until KH3 comes out, AND BOY that was probably a good choice for me to make with my level of gaming. I’m even less of a casual gamer than the average casual gamer, but I have been waiting 13 years for this piece of closure, and I even told my friends and family that “the day Kingdom Hearts 3 comes out is the day I will buy a playstation 4”. My dad apparently thought this was the funniest shit, because he literally took the day off from work that Friday to drive me on base to get the game and console (he thought it would be less crowded than a regular walmart, I suppose). I paid $400 on a ps4 pro while he bought me the game. Again, I have an impecible sense of timing seeing as the PS5 is now right on the horrizion, but just like before, I’m not buying a new console until the next KH game is released. See you in 2045, sony~. While I was at the gamestop on base, I also picked up Okami HD and The Last Guardian. For all of February and even early March, I took my time playing through KH3. And…! It was the best disappointment I’ve ever played. After a month away from gaming, I started The Last Guardian and finished it in a couple weeks. I love trico and would die for him, but trying to get 100% completion on that game is udder insanity. Okami, HD, however… again after a month break after finishing TLG, I started replaying Okami. I think I had only managed to get about halfway through the game before I just… stopped playing it on my ps2 version. I am currently SO CLOSE to getting a 100% on the ps4 version. In fact, I’ve beaten the game. I only (techinically) need 2 more trophies to be done; 1st, escape the water dragon without being eaten, 2nd, I need to beat that dumb stupid race with Kai, in order to get the last bead on my rosary, as well as the top dog trophy. I hate her so much. I hate this race so much. It’s awful and bad.
Flash forward to December! Earlier this month I was at Barnes and Noble, buying myself a planner for 2020. I exit the store and notice that there’s a gamestop across the street. For shits and giggles I go inside to look at their game selection, and I find KH 1.5 and 2.5. Now, my PS2 died a few years back (it just won’t read my discs anymore, I don’t know why) and I haven’t been able to replay any of my other kingdom hearts games since. If you had seen me the day I finished kingdom hearts 3, after the ending credits rolled, you would have heard me say “Man…. I wish I could play kingdom hearts 2 again”. AND NOW I CAN, ALONG WITH BBS which I had never even played yet, but knew the story of. I’ve restarted playing kh1, and I was so happy to hear that familiar music when I booted the game up for the first time. While at the game stop, I also picked up Rime and Tearaway, two games that had looked interesting to me. At the time of writing, I’ve finished Rime and am 25% done with tearaway. Rime was…. An interesting experience. I learned about it through Jacksepticeye’s channel a couple years back and thought the art style was enticing. For a super casual gamer like me, I found the puzzles just the right level of challenging and exploring was a blast! The music gave me VERY strong Princes Mononoke vibes, but the overall story left something to be desired. Overall I had fun, and enjoyed completing this game to 100%. Now for tearaway. Can I just say this game is super fucking adorable? I know the original was on the ps vita and the gameplay there was arguably more diverse and imaginative, but this game is just so fucking cute I don’t care?? ALSO, this game’s sound track is ABSOLUTELY incredible and I’ve only heard the first fourth of it! Listen to The Orchards, Pig Riding, and Gibbet Hill Pilgrimage for a taste of their wonderful beats and fantastic use of string and woodwinds! God, I’m so excited to get some more games in 2020. I’m proud to say I currently own more ps4 games than I ever did with my ps2 (and now the majority AREN’T Kingdom Hearts titles!), and I’m still hoping to play Journey, The Witness, and Abzu before everything becomes ps5.
What else happened to me this year. Oh, I went to a doctor for, like, the first time in seven years. I also had my blood drawn for the first time ever, and the nurse said the most disturbing thing to me while she did it. Now, whenever I get shots, I refuse to look. I did that here. So she thought it would be appropriate to say to me “Can you feel your blood leaving your body?” Lady… You can clearly see I am uncomfortable with what is happening here. Why, of all the things you could say, did you choose to say that. Unfortunately, while my doctor is nice, she keeps wanting to run tests on me, that I just cannot afford with my current salary, and my monthly insurance is about to go up to 200$ a month, so I’ve cancelled my next appointment with them, and don’t plan to go back until it’s absolutely necessary. Capitalism is fun, guys. Preventative healthcare is for wusses.
I started going to a chiropractor on a monthly basis. Story time- I don’t know when it started, but sometime late last November I began to notice that I had a headache that just... wasn’t... going away? And each day it was starting to get a little worse. It made it hard for me to find a comfortable position to sleep, it made it hard for me to be in bright areas or move fast. So I said to myself “Okay, if this headache persist through the month of december, then something is proooobably wrong and I should go see someone about it. And hoo-boy were thing wrong with me. By the time this January rolled around, I couldn’t even stay on my feet for more than a few hours without it physically hurting to just BREATHE. So I started going to this chain called The Joint (A+ name, I know). THey aksed me “How are you doing?” I said “I’m in pain” and they said “We can help fix that!”. I’ve only been to a chiropractor once before in my life a few years back after my freshmen year of college because I began to notice my hips weren’t able to support me? LIke, I would lie on my back, and I couldn’t push my hips up when my feet were flat on the floor. I also couldn’t climb anything steep, because my legs just couldn’t push me up if my knee had to bend more than 90 degrees when I lifted my leg up. (Turned out both my hips were apparently out of place). This time only one of my hips were out of place (which they fixed. they said one of my legs was an inch “longer” than the other because I had been leaning all my weight on one leg when I stand). But two of my ribs were apparently “Stuck” which was why it was hurting for me to just breathe, and one of my shoulders was missaligned too, causing one of my trap muscles to constantly be streched, which was pulling on my skull, and causing the headache. Anyway, after they popped all my bones back into place, I still felt terrible, but by god, that night was the first time in weeks I was able to sleep without a migrane. A chiropractor can’t magically heal your arthritis, or fibro, but I definately think they have merit to keeping your posture good and helping your body with things like circulation. 10 outa 10, would recomend. It’s all the fun of getting your neck snapped without the dying!
Earlier this month I got together with two of my friends and we baked Christmas cookies. It was a lot of fun, as well as a great learning experience. A member of my family has a gluten allergy, so we used rice flour for most of the cookies. We learned this is a bad idea! The cookies will just fall apart! A few member’s in one of the friend’s family have nut allergies. Other friend and I knew this and were careful to avoid cookie recipes with nuts, bUT THEN COMPLETELY FORGOT THAT ALMOND MILK AND ALMOND EXTRACT COUNT AS NUT. IN FACT, ALMOND EXTRACT IS PURE CONCENTRATED NUT JUICE AND WE FELT SO BAD FOR ALMOST ACCIDENTALLY POISONING THE FAMILY.
Earlier this year me and these same friends took a field trip to Hobby Lobby and just dicked around the store for a couple of hours. It was super fun, 11 outa 10, would recommend, a great date idea for your artsy S.O.
Back in May I went to a wedding for the first time in my life. (well, not true, but the first one I could remember) we left at 5am, drove 5 hours to get there, hung out at a zoo and spent the night in a la quinta before the wedding day. I slept on the bathroom floor because my mom was snoring too loud in the main room and keeping me awake, and the rest of the day was just spent me trying to keep myself together because I was pissed off and tired.
Other than all of that, nothing really major happened to me this year. I guess one more thing I’ve tried to do this year is started the process of breaking certain internet addictions so I can use my free time for more personal projects. Seriously, I found myself watching way too much youtube and following blogs that didn’t even make me happy. I had a personal intervention with myself where I sat down and asked myself, “why do you watch these videos and youtubers? Why do you follow these blogs? Do you really enjoy their content? Do you really care? If you stopped watching/following them, would you even notice?” After critically thinking it over, I’ve found myself unfollowing several channels and blogs and suddenly I feel so much happier. I thought I would miss it, but I realized I didn’t really care if I saw their content or not. I wasn’t missing much. And now I feel like I have more time to draw, read and write. If you think you spend too much time consuming and not enough time creating, I suggest you try and de-clutter your internet habits as well. It’s done wonders to un-fuck my headspace.
And… well, that about sums up my year. How are your holidays going? Anything fun, exciting, dramatic happen to you this year? I hope your new year is warm and safe! Good night, everybody!
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trenchcoatkitten · 4 years
So I’ve been reading Temperature of the Heart, and you’ve mentioned how you have the whole thing written already. Can you describe what that’s like? What’s your writing process? How long does it take for you to write everything start to finish? Do you plan it all out or just kind of wing it? How long do you sit in an idea before you start?? Sorry about all the questions, I’m just so curious >_
bro!!! are you sure i will scream about writing for days omg
first of all THANK YOU its so freaking cool that you came to ask your questions and that you like my writing, im still sort of getting used to my writing not just being garbage that i read in the dark at 2am and never share with anybody, and i am always excited to answer questions waaaah 
my process is pretty weird, it’s kind of all over the place? I’m kind of a halfway planner halfway pantser. I have an idea and usually make some disjointed notes about character and the main idea, in my phone or maybe on a google doc, and then a pinterest board maybe? Something to get excited about, a visualization. I ALWAYS tell myself im going to make an outline first and then i ALWAYS just jump right into writing because I’m too excited/impatient to wait. give me words on a page. give me dialogue. 
Usually when I’m a little bit into the project, when i know that I’m not going to abandon it to the depths off where my WIPs go to die (rip like literally over 300 individual and unique works, this is NOT an exaggeration, you should see my document bank its gross) Ill say “ok fuck you sami its time to actually know where you’re going” and I’ll sit down and make the grossest outline you have EVER seen. like im talking, my outlines are littered with memes, me yelling at myself, actual stuff thats going to end up in the final project, and just general random garbage? its so gross. Ive literally only showed one of my outlines to one person ever (hi akira!) bc im super self conscious of them and hate the way that i write them. making an outline usually sucks up an entire day of writing. they’re pages and pages because some parts will be INCREDIBLY specific and other parts will be so vague you dont even know
From there, when im done with my garbage outline, (after going back through what I’ve written and fixing the shit that was just me going off like a psycho) I usually start writing in earnest. I’ll highlight the parts of the outline that I’ve done and I’ll go back and check it often to make sure im following through on my plans and the character arcs and such, making sure that everything ties in and such. This section is me like. every day getting home from work or whatever and sitting down at the computer and not moving until 2am, this is the section where i forget to eat and I dont sleep enough and i forget to drink water or take my vitamins and I do word sprints with myself and have days where I write 10 thousand words in one sitting. (very not healthy and also terrible i do NOT recommend) this is the section where I’ll handwrite anything i can in the back of classes and at rehearsals because im pouring out words.
during this section I go back and edit ENDLESSLY. i cannot write something and just let it be. I go back to the section I wrote the night before, I go back to the section I just wrote, i go back to the very beginning. I generally dont have to do 1st 2nd 3rd draft this way, but it is much more time consuming as Im just writing. i dont know if i reccommend this its a MESS
THeN once i finish writing the whole thing, i sit down and reread/edit the whole thing once through. this makes sure i have good flow, the paragraphs go together well, the prose feels right to me, timelines make sense. during this time i make ENDLESS paper notes with calendars, section notes, additions, drabbles, thoughts about my own shit. i have notebooks full of just garbage. im not kidding. full notebooks. 
Once I finish that read/edit through I’m usually happy. only once something is completely finished will I consider posting. I go back too much, I add shit, I can’t let go of shit, not until it’s done. While I’m posting - I go through the chapter I’m going to post with a fine tooth comb, try to catch any tiny little mistake, add words here and there, but never change anything large if I can help it. Then i format it on Ao3 (this is literal hell, fuck the HTML editor it wants me to die) and then post it. Deciding to post a chapter to actually hitting ‘post’ usually takes me 1-4 hours, depending on the length, the difficulty of formatting, and how many goddamn links i wanna put in the chapter notes cause im the worst~ (insert jean ralphio voice) 
LISTEN im probably super extra but I’ve been writing since I was in sixth grade (thats twelve years! time is an enigma and i hate it!) and so I have a bit of practice, i have a bit of experience and while I’m not the best me that I can be, I KNOW myself, and this is just what works best for me. 
As for timing - it depends on the length of the project and how motivated I am. It took me about a month to write Royal (~50k), just a little over a month to write All Might’s All Night Shop Stop (~75k), and just about two months to write Temperature of the Heart (~115k). I try to post every few days, because as a person I hate waiting and I don’t want to do that to my readers! 
As for the ‘how long do i sit on an idea before writing it’ it really depends. Some things I will receive inspiration or a sliver of an idea and start writing it in the next ten minutes, even if I have to stop working on something I’m already working on, because that was Brain Has Decided. Sometimes I will consider an idea for like. months before actually doing it. I’ve had the idea for FBoW (the newest thing im working on oops? have i told anybody about this NO cause that will make it REAL) since before I started Royal, which was like. Last november. But I just couldnt quite do it for some reason, and it wasn’t pressing. My brain is super broken, and a lot of times I get sick over ideas. I can’t sleep or eat until I’ve written, and I will repeat phrases to myself until i can get them out of my head by writing them down. (Sometimes this is something nice or poetic - “The golden hour lights up the whole world, wiggling its fingers into every nook and cranny, lighting up two people lounging on a bench-swing, someone leaned onto porch stairs with a mug of tea, the space between those walking down a dirt road, a couple of dogs laid out on the deck.” and other times its literally “Ranch Fiddlesticks.” I’m not kidding. i have a note in my phone that says ranch fiddlesticks because I was actually going to Die if i didnt write it down.)
I do wish my brain didn’t do this - but I guess it makes some fun art, doesn’t it? 
WOW OKAY THIS WAS SO LONG im so sorry jesus christ. SOrry i will ALWAYS go off about my process and what it’s like to write. Writing is so so important to me, I LOVE it with every tiny atom of my weak, alcohol-infused, overworked heart. Despite how scary it is sometimes I am very glad to be sharing my work with the world, seeing peoples’ reactions and hearing things about my words, hearing how this little picture in my mind has gone into yours. 
okay jfc im done now im so sorry. thank you again and again and again, a thousand times over, for reading my work and enjoying the worlds that i enjoy building. It makes me feel like I’m worth it. It makes me feel like I’m doing something good. 
ily :’)
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em-dashes · 5 years
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Hello! Interesting thing, kind of unrelated, but I had a dream someone not only plagiarized but also published my book (in 2018, no less) DESPITE the fact even I myself hadn’t finished writing it. Dream-me was contemplating reading the published book to find out how this writing thief decided to go about all my plot holes, and then the dream ended :^/
On to the update! Hello again. Here’s what I’ve done since the last update:
> Cleaned up my “doots” file so everything’s in chronological order (”doots” is my “oh I thought of a cool line to write but I haven’t gotten to that part yet” file. It’s 19 pages long right now)
> Wrote things (exact amount: unclear)
YEAH yeah I know the point of Nano is to keep track of how much you write, but I’m working in the same doc that I was already writing in before Nano started, and I’m also working on other things in two other documents, and I didn’t want to do the math every day, so I’m just going to add up the approximate word count at the end of November. (Incidentally, if you’re my buddy on the Nano website and haven’t seen my word count go up since like, day 2, this is why. Oops.)
Here are some excerpts from APHELION! Also i’m going to start using fancy paragraph dividers now because @ditzysworld​ ‘s updates are pretty as Heck and I want in on the aesthetics, dammit.
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Chapter 8: Cay
He woke up knowing he’d had a bad dream, but remembered none of it except the feeling of dread. He took a quavering breath and sat up, letting the cool air wash away the buzzing heat on his skin.
“I’m okay,” he whispered to himself, and closed his eyes, running his hands over his forearms. His heart was beating too fast. “I’m okay.”
“Bad dream?”
He managed not to wince. He hadn’t noticed Jack sitting in the pilot seat, nursing a hot drink and watching him with furrowed brows. Cay took a moment, made sure his voice wouldn’t waver, and said, “I’m fine.”
Jack didn’t press, but he got up and said, “I’ll get you some water.”
He left the room. Cay tugged his sleeves over his hands and wiped his eyes before Jack returned with a cup in hand. Cay wrapped his fingers around the cup and clung to its heat, reminding himself that he was here, in the cockpit they called a bedroom, in the shuttle they called home, and he was far, far away from Hazeldunst Valley. He was here, and he was safe.
Jack sat beside him on the mattress, and Cay shifted so they were shoulder to shoulder. In the beginning, when Cay woke much more violently from his dreams, Jack would hold him, quietly comforting him until he stopped crying, until he stopped shaking. In the beginning, Jack would also ask what Cay dreamed about, tried to get him to talk about it, but now, all he said was, “You’re okay?”
“Yeah,” said Cay. He took a small sip of hot water and rested his head on Jack’s shoulder. “I’m okay.”
Chapter 9: Shelby
(context: Shelby and her partner Jes are war zone gleaners, but in spaaace)
“Holy shit.”
Bee tilted her head toward Jesca’s voice, though of course, Jes was too far to be seen. Jes was rummaging somewhere in the front half of the ship, while Bee dug through what was once the cargo bay.
“What?” she asked.
“The entire console’s intact,” came Jes’s tinny, crackly voice through the comm. She laughed, the sound broken up by the shoddy connection. Somehow Bee found that endearing. “Oh man, you better come up here and help me.”
“On it.”
Bee grabbed the nearest railing and, with a slight push, sailed up the corridor. That was the best part about space--no gravity, no walking. Though of course, no gravity was also the worst part, especially when it came to using the washroom. Their ship was too small to install a gravity core, and Bee had been bugging Jes about getting a bigger ship, but they didn’t have enough money. Yet.
Bee caught a door frame and pulled herself through it, finally floating into the cockpit. Jes had her legs hooked around the pilot’s chair so she wouldn’t drift off while prying apart the panels of the console.
“Knock knock,” said Bee as she settled in beside Jes. She looked startling in the harsh light of space--her already deep-set eyes were made deeper, her cheekbones looked razor-sharp, and her dark brown eyes shone gold.
“Hey,” said Jes without looking away from her work. “Help me with the other side of the console.”
“Yes, sir.” Bee grabbed the power drill from her belt and got to work. She couldn’t hear the whirring of the drill, but she could feel the rumble up her arm, and the low hum of it vibrating in her hand. She got one rivet loose and let it float off while she moved on to the next.
“What’s it like down there?” Jes asked.
“Gravity core’s wrecked,” said Bee. “Most of the cargo is blown out, but I think”--the rivet caught in the panel, and Bee impatiently pried it loose with her hand-- “I saw the medical bay as I was coming up, and it looks untouched.” Untouched, except there’s a body floating in it, she thought but didn’t say. It would be a fun surprise for Jes.
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Aaaaaaand that’s all the excerpts I’m sharing for now! I’m also spontaneously developing a podcast script, and I wrote a quick draft of the first episode (severely underwritten and very shallow, but SHH). I don’t know how to explain the premise except
> the main character is me (as in, not just played by me, but like, actually me)
> “If the zombie apocalypse happened while I was at school, what would I do?” (the answer is: bad decisions)
Et c’est tout pour le moment mes amis!
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startofamoment · 5 years
to all the WIPs i’ve loved before
rules: post your favorite parts of 3-5 fics that have been sitting abandoned in your drafts for ages. (for extra shame, throw in when you last worked on each thing.) tag 5 other writers to reflect on their life choices. 
a pen pals au of sorts in which jake and amy share a desk and communicate via post-it notes (last edited: december 2017)
Amy is going to murder her deskmate.
The literal trash heap that greeted her last Monday was one thing, the sticky orange soda stain from last month was another thing, but this – this blatant disregard of property and boundaries and the sanctity of office supplies – is the Last Straw.
Spread out across her entire desk is a good fourth of the Post-it notes from the brand new assorted set she got from her brother Tony. They’re all arranged to look like various Star Wars icons, and a few of them are filled in with marker for apparent color correction. It’s horrifying.
Grumbling, she begins taking apart Post-It Yoda, keeping the salvageable pieces in a stack and throwing out the rest. When she’s cleared her entire table, she grabs her favorite pen and a fresh sheet then writes:
Hi, Please refrain from wasting my Post-its in the future. Thank you. - Det. Amy Santiago
She stares at it for a moment and decides, since this is probably the only passive aggressive note she’s going to write her deskmate, she might as well add:
PS: I would appreciate it if you would leave our desk clean at the end of your weekend shifts.
After checking it over once more, she places it in the center of her desk, ready to be read the following Saturday.
a dianetti cake shop au in which rosa owns and runs a store called arlo’s (last edited: june 2017)
Gina takes a moment to look over some of the cakes on display before clearing her throat and leaning over the counter. “’Scuse me, can you help me get a custom cake order started?”
“Sure.” The baker wipes her hands on a dish towel before grabbing a small notebook and pen from one of her pockets. “What’s the occasion?”
“Some old geezer’s leaving our precinct to enjoy retired life, or something like that.”
“Retirement party? Cool. Tell me about this guy.”
“Oh, sweetie, I don’t know or care about him. I’m just here cause my boss told me to order a cake.”
A smirk forms on the baker’s lips. “Ha. Do you wanna just do a standard cake order then? I usually do the custom cakes for more personalized, special events.”
“That’s probably smart. Which one of your standard cakes say: ‘Congrats on being old and rich enough to never work another day in your life, but sorry you’re almost dead’?”
She snickers. “I don’t know about that first part, but how ‘bout an angel food cake as a ‘hope you go to heaven when you die’ sort of thing?”
Gina grins and fishes through her purse for her wallet. “Oh, you should know my expectations on this cake are out of this world high. I’m only here because Yelp told me you’re the Beyonce of baking.” (Actually, she’s here because at least three reviews claimed the baker-slash-owner was “terrifying” and “gorgeous.” – They were right, on both accounts.)
a sequel to i could listen to you all day // the “after ever after” story in which jake and amy navigate their first year together as soulmates (last edited: march 2017)
Jake’s phone buzzed on his desk, breaking him out of his happy daydream. He picked it up and opened a new message from Gina.
“god, quit making heart eyes at the new girl!! your conscience would be v disappointed, kiddo.”
Gina, who had been watching him like a hawk from her desk, expected him to get all flustered and to text or yell back something overly defensive. She raised a single eyebrow when his face instead broke into a goofy grin and he straight up giggled.
Across from him, Amy looked up from her case files. “What’s so funny?”
He shook his head and mumbled something about memes and the internet.
She rolled her eyes, but the corners of her lips curled up into a smile. After he redirected his attention to his computer screen, her expression morphed into the same openly adoring look he had on his face the entire morning.
And then it all clicked.
If Gina had stopped to think about it, she would have recognized the new disappointment she felt in both herself (for taking this long to put two and two together) and her childhood best friend (for not keeping her in the loop). As she had not stopped to process anything, she instead yelled across the bullpen: “OH MY GOD. JAKE AND AMY ARE SOULMATES!”
All work stopped, and everyone fell silent. For a good minute, all that could be heard was the faint snoring from Captain McGintley’s office.
“Gina,” Rosa half-snarled, half-whispered. “You can’t just say that.”
“Oops, my b. Y’all know I have no conscience now so…” She giggled, winked at the leather-clad detective, and went back to her game of Kwazy Cupcakes.
Jake let out an awkward laugh. “Well, uh, that was -”
Out of nowhere, Charles appeared right in front of their desks. “Is it true, Jakey? Was Amy the voice in your head all this time?”
“I -” He glanced at Amy for help.
She bit her lip and shrugged.
This wasn’t at all how he envisioned making the announcement, but there was no use denying it. Still looking straight at her, his face softened into a smile. “Yeah… We’re soulmates.”
Charles squealed loudly. “You said the S word! Does that mean it’s official?” He gasped. “Have you said ‘I love you’? Have you met each other’s parents? When’s the wedding? What are you naming your first child?”
pretty much a crack fic inspired by the media’s post-olympics obsession with tessa and scott // my spin on a vm au bc i still refuse to write jake and amy as ice dancers (last edited: may 2018)
Like many of the other bizarre situations he’s found himself in, this all started with Gina. Over the last year or so, she’d been posting random photos and videos of all of them at the precinct. (“I’m devoting my energy to my new project, Ginazon,” she’d declared to the entire bullpen. “It’s a one-stop online portal for my legions of followers. I’m just giving the people what they want!”) Given that this was Gina of all people, Jake wasn’t at all surprised to find out that each post garnered hundreds of likes, but he’d never bothered to venture into the comments section. He’d never known about the apparent niche following that had formed, the group of fans – for lack of a better word – waiting with bated breath for him and Amy to get together.
Charles had only spurred them on, what with all the various Easter eggs on his culinary blog. (“This place has everything,” he’d written once. “My co-workers Jake and Amy even gave it their stamp of approval after they’d shared a quick lunch there before a long stakeout. Make sure to ask for the winter salsa; it’s wonderful!”) He’d sworn that none of it was intentional and that he would never do anything to sell them out, but everything he’d written had still been catalogued and analyzed by the pseudo-experts of the fandom. At this point, Jake’s main regret is not reading Charles’ weekly email blasts.
Their downfall – or rise to viral glory – came when someone from the so-called G-Hive happened to be in just the right place at just the right time, catching their (second) completely-platonic, spur-of-the-moment, done-in-the-name-of-justice kiss on camera. By the next morning, “Undercover Cops Lock Lips Before Locking Up Wanted Criminal” had been viewed on YouTube over a million times.
With everything about the entire situation already being so weird, they’d decided to just ignore their newfound fame in the same way they’d pretended the kisses never happened. (“We’re a great team. We work great together. Nothing should mess that up,” he’d said, repeating nearly his exact words from the night before.)
Evidently, there was no escaping this though. A formal press conference was set up, which wasn’t too out of the ordinary for cases that caught the general public’s attention, except they’d ended up having to say more about their dating lives than the investigation or arrest. He can still feel his heart lurching in his chest at the first relationship-related question, still hear Amy loudly stammering out some vague answer about being “very professional.”
a smutty soulmate au in which jake and amy unknowingly share dreams every now and then (last edited: november 2017)
At this moment in time, Amy Santiago is undeniably, incomparably, drop dead gorgeous.
More specifically: she’s in the hot red dress Kylie convinced her to buy on their last post-trivia night celebratory shopping spree; she’s wearing a matching killer shade of lipstick picked out by her fashion-forward, shockingly sexual 13-year-old niece; and she’s got her hair swept into that one elegant yet fun side ponytail that caught her eye in a magazine a few weeks back.
Normally, she’d be proud of herself for managing to pull off such a look, except–
It’s been a good several hours since she tossed her dress into the hamper, wiped the makeup off her face, and tugged the elastic tie from her hair. She’d buried her head into her pillow and wheeze-cried herself to sleep shortly after changing into her pajamas, so overwhelmed with shame and disappointment over the night’s party-gone-wrong.
The thick haze shrouding her current surroundings tells her she’s in another one of her soulmate’s dreams, which helps a tiny bit in explaining her current appearance but really opens up more questions than answers.
tagging: @santiagoswagger​ @three-drink-amy​ @do-me-decimalsystem​ @arnie-santiago​ @sergeant-santiago
for the record, this was inspired by @disruptedvice​ and @elsaclack​’s responses [x,x] to the writing meme!! i thought it was super clever of them to feature little snippets from various works and felt this would be a good way to give unfinished/abandoned fics some love! 
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NaNoWriMo 2018: DAY TEN
Tracking: #sas does nanowrimo again, #sense8 hogwarts au
Date: Saturday, November 10th.
Daily Word Count: 2,933
Total Word Count: 17,744
Stuff that Happened: Slept for way too long and thus wasted all morning and a bit of my afternoon (oops!), but was I Inspired to finish Wolfgang’s section and start Riley’s. I have been sitting on these scenes for WAY too long. I have IDEAS. And apparently way too many feels.
Strategy: Cold Turkey Writer, tried just going for 15 minutes because starting is always the hardest part. Next thing I know, hyperfocus kicked in, and now I have... all of THIS. Whoo!
Goal: Double-up tomorrow to finish the other two sorting scenes (Nomi’s and Lito’s). Shouldn’t be as long as these two, since we have to follow Wolfgang from the Hogsmeade Station allllll the way to his sorting, and Nomi and Lito would just be picking up wherever we left off with Riles.
Rough Draft Sneak Peek: Chapter 3, Sections 1 and 2, Wolfgang’s POV and Riley’s POV
“Oh my Ganesha!” Kala turned back with a look of marvel on her face. “This is incredible!”
Steiner scoffed and looked at Wolfgang, probably expecting him to roll his eyes in agreement. Wolfgang remained stone-faced. “Never seen anything so grande, have you?” Steiner asked snidely. “Not where you’re from.”
Wolfgang considered saying something to Kala’s defense, silence be damned, but she shot Steiner a hard glare that made the words die in his throat. “I’d tell you about where I’m from, but I don’t see the need to explain myself to someone who can’t see past their own prejudice. So you can make assumptions about my past all you want. I’m going to shut you out and enjoy the view of the castle.”
Wolfgang recovered from his shock long enough to give Kala a look of apology. She nodded before turning back to look at the castle again. If no other boats were around, Wolfgang might have shoved Steiner into the lake and let him take his chances with the Giant Squid. The last thing Wolfgang wanted to do was be seen hanging around Steiner, but living in his uncle’s house for the past year had made him unwittingly associated with the Bogdanows, even as he tried his best to avoid that name.
I would like to be in Hufflepuff, if that’s okay, she thought.
It is always okay to have a choice, Riley.
Then… can I?
You would do well in Hufflepuff, yes, the hat confirmed. 
Riley would have cried right then and there if she still could. Thank you.
It is not me you should thank. You are the one who became the Riley you are today, the one befitting the Hufflepuff name.
She was glad the hat considered her a good fit for the house. Mama would be proud of her.
She would, the hat told her. But it is more important for you to make yourself proud. And I am certain you are capable of that.
Riley squirmed in her seat. She didn’t know how. 
It is like you said, the hat reminded her. The best part about being a Hufflepuff is the house’s acceptance of all students. But acceptance does not stop at how you perceive others. Accepting yourself is just as important.
Maybe I shouldn’t be a Hufflepuff, Riley thought. She didn’t think she could ever accept what she did on the day Magnus died, and what she didn’t do.
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queer-k-aesthetics · 7 years
Get To Know Me Tag
Rules: answer the 20 questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
I was tagged by @hahahakpop! ( and then had this just sitting in my drafts oops)
Nickname: Levi I guess if that counts as a nickname
Gender: Rad Trans Dad
Starsign: Arieeesss
Height: 166cm/5′5 ish
Time right now: 7:12pm (EST)
Last thing I googled: kimi no na wa, I saw a post about it and wanted to know what it’s about
Favourite bands: (unsurprisingly all kpop) bts, got7, monsta x, seventeen, sf9, madtown, victon, etc.
Favourite solo artists: jay park (honestly all of aomg), nicki minaj, zitao, luhan, kris wu, amber
Song stuck in your head: Russian Roulette - Red Velvet (I’m not even that much of a red velvet fan...)
Last movie I watched: Uhhhhhhhhhhh I haven’t watched any movies in a while but I rewatched The Way He Looks not too long ago
Last TV show I watched: The Walking Dead
When did you create your blog: This one was made November 2016 but I’ve been on tumblr since 2011 or so?
What kind of stuff do you post: Here is lgbt+ kpop stuff, and lgbt+ positivity in general, there’s more extra junk on my personal than on here tbh
When did your blog reach its peak: idk if it has yet? I haven’t posted a lot of original content yet tbh, my mlm yoongi moodboard has been fairly successful tho
Do you have any other blogs: yeee, i’m an organization junky so I have my personal blog, this one, and 4 other sideblogs for dif reasons
Do you get asks regularly: not regularly, no
Why you chose your URL: well I wanted to make lgbt+ related kpop moodboards/aesthetics and I came up with queer-k-aesthetics after trying some different things that were taken
Following: 572 (hlp meh)
Posts: 88 (I need to get better at this ._.”)
Hogwarts house: I’ve been Gryffindor like most of my life but a while back I redid the Pottermore test and am a Slytherin now
Pokemon Team: (Ive never played pokemon go because my phone is too old to download the app so) Instinct
Favourite colours: I like grey (and white+black), pale pink/blush, and gold the most
Average hours of sleep: usually 3-10 I guess, it varies
Lucky numbers: 8, 88, 888, ...
Favourite characters: michonne from the walking dead is so fucking cool i love her
What are you wearing right now: black VA beach hoodie, red basketball shorts, white baseball cap that says “YOUTH”
How many blankets do you sleep with: I like 1 big comforter/blanket
Dream job: Dancer/choreographer/performer/whatev (also I’ve considered youtube or smth)
Dream trip: Definitely South Korea, I’d love to just travel all around Korea, mainly Seoul and Busan tho. It’d also be cool if I could take my dad so he can visit where he came from!
I tag (only if y’all want!): @asexualidols, @eatboo, @bisexual-idols, @kpoppocmoodboards, @haechansbitch, @sf9-babies, @mlm-moodboard, @youngjaes-husband, @pcysbf, @softmlm, @bttmsuga, @squishystims​, @prettymlm, @svtjuns, @crushs, @softsnuper, @hanbit, @sf9memes, @sxungcheol, @queer-kpop-imagines, @lifeanddeathsscenarios
I’m really bad at tagging people on these types of things omg
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