#it's an impressive lack of comprehension skill
mollfie · 1 year
I'm genuinely amazed by the number of people I've seen who were shocked, SHOCKED, that Ascended Astarion is a bad ending. And disappointed that he's kinda mean to you.
... have you just not been paying attention? The entire game explores the idea of how sometimes what you want is bad. Multiple characters want things that are not going to end well for them, and you can steer them toward a better path.
Does it suck that Astarion has to give up walking in the sun? Sure. But it's better than him becoming everything he hated.
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roomba-mangga · 1 month
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he was throwing boulders from his sugar glass house with this one but let's be so honest for a moment delgal never grew tf up either
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strawbeb · 1 year
normally i dont give a shit about whether someone dislikes a fictional character that i like, but the reasons some of you give aren’t even legitimate reasons, they’re your bizarre and delusional mischaracterisations combined with a complete lack of comprehension of the source text. if you’re going to write paragraphs on why a character is Bad, then at least read/watch the source material more than once.
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truly-sincerely · 4 months
How “smart” you believe someone to be depends a lot on what intellectual qualities you value, so there’s a lot of divisive opinions about how smart Gortash is. Some people think he’s a machiavellian genius, others think he’s fantasy elon musk. The evidence is just a little too scant for us to know definitively, but I find the concept of smarts to be fascinating so I’m gonna break down the evidence we do have as much as I can.
I’m gonna focus on his technical skills for now. Might do a part two later, re: social skills.
Gortash is not a particularly creative or original thinker, that’s not the yardstick by which his skills should be measured; his area of expertise lies in iteration / innovation and problem-solving. He’s an engineer more than an inventor. But is he a good engineer?
The Gondians do, in fact, deserve the lion’s share of the credit for the Steel Watch. Gortash’s role in their development was primarily in the realm of conceptualization and the acquisition of exotic/black market/fucked up materials. Zanner Toobin deserves the credit for making his concepts actually work together (see: How to Build a Watcher). We’re all pretty, reasonably skeptical of the ‘idea guy’, but Gortash arguably does deserve credit for the ‘out of the box’ thinking in bringing together Mechanical, Magical, and Psionic designs, from Gondian, Illithid, Githyanki, Necromantic, Infernal, and Netherese sources and having them actually, provably work together (tho with mixed results).
We also know the submersible was designed by Gondians. We don’t know who designed the Iron Throne lab (tho it was assembled by Sahuagin). The infernal power sources in the Steel Watchers and Karlach were most likely designed by infernal mechanics. Balthazar credits Gortash with the design of the slack-skinned head (which allows laymen to interface with preserved brains). Presumably the traps in Wyrm’s Rock were also designed by Gortash (but let’s be honest, they’re not very impressive). There’s also the malfunctioning trap in his office. The mad alhoon Blue Apex conceived of the suspended ceremorphosis concept, and it was probably the Elder Brain that implemented it. There are in-game books that point out that keeping all of the Steel Watch brains in one building is a huge oversight.
The picture painted by all of this evidence is not particularly flattering, but it’s also got just enough inconsistencies and exceptions to suggest a more complicated conclusion than that he’s an empty shirt. Here is a person who is very smart and who works incredibly hard but can never quite overcome the limitations of his background and personality; he’s entirely self-taught and he clearly has an attention disorder and unmanaged anger issues.
And that’s where I’ll need to segue into social skills (or lack thereof) in order to form a more comprehensive conclusion, but this post is already long enough.
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battlemaiden13 · 1 month
Hello, Miss! It’s me again 😁. I’m back to my routine, and after reading other fics, including some of yours, I decided to drop by here again. I read some fics out there and, frankly, I was saddened and disappointed with some that are totally incomprehensible. At first, I thought the difficulty in understanding was due to my lack of comprehension skills, but I soon realized that some authors really don’t know how to write, or maybe they have peculiar ideas (not to say horrible). I swear I’m not picky and I read everything and more, but there are some fics that are true ruins.
In some cases, the author has a good idea but doesn’t know how to develop it (when that happens, I just ignore it and move on), or they simply don’t finish the work. I’m really looking for good works and I’m happy when I find them. I congratulate other writers, some of whom aim to finish their stories, and others that, even if unfinished, are very good. But, unfortunately, few fics are really good.
Due to my desire to read more Undertale fics with MC x Sans (AU), I managed to find your other works and saw how good you are at writing and how far you can go if you keep dedicating yourself. I read all your other fics and I was impressed, because they are good, nice, fluid, with good ideas, characters with striking personalities, and they have rhythm and good transitions, which makes it easy to understand both the ideas and the writing. They warmed my heart.
I think if I had to rank them among my top favorites, it would be like this:
The MAGE Project
Rules to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse
When Life Gives You Nothing (I didn’t read them in this order)
Talking about the first one, Falling is simply perfect: the personalities of the characters are good, the story is engaging and fluid, leaving nothing behind, and it is satisfying to read. From what little I could see, the world was well developed, and I liked it a lot. I would have liked to see more. I liked the concept so much that I went looking for other similar fics and found two good ones as well: Look What Happened to My Good Intentions and Wavering Integrity. New remix.
Now, about The MAGE Project: I loved the concept; the beginning was great and the writing was excellent, always maintaining the pace. I loved Edge, but it’s a shame that Red was a bit bland. Overall, I liked it, but I think there’s a lot of potential to be explored. In fact, I would love to see this work developed until the end, whether by someone else or by yourself.
About Rules to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse: I really liked it, I found it cute at the beginning, and the skeleton brothers are fanatics, in a good way. The rhythm and flow were spot on, and their personalities were also well done. I liked it a lot. It’s a pity that the Alphys thing didn’t interest me much, but it might have been just me not paying attention. I was surprised to see that you wrote a hot scene, I wasn’t expecting that. I didn’t know you wrote that kind of scene, but it was good to read and it matched the fic. I liked it and after reading it, I went looking for another appearance, and I found Dead Serious, which is in development and is very good as well.
Now, about When Life Gives You Nothing: I found the fic a bit rough (but I can’t say much since there are few chapters). I really liked it; the beginning is cliché, but with potential. It would be interesting to see Rus in action if it weren’t in House Next Door kkkkk. I went looking for similar fics, but I didn’t find any.
Overall, you’re a great writer with great potential, and I loved your works. Now, some questions: do you plan to finish any of these works? If so, will it be after you finish House Next Door? Or will you leave them orphaned? The first two really captured my curiosity and excited me a lot. If you decide to continue, I will definitely read them, and with your experience now, I believe the stories would be even better. I would really like to know more about them.
Now, please recommend good works for me to read that are as inspiring as others? (Preferably RS romance
) Here are some works I found after reading this writer’s perfections. Please read the tags if you’re interested.
Tied Between Bones https://archiveofourown.org/works/31480823/chapters/77871650 (Similar to House Next Door, very interesting, but there’s still a lot to develop. I had a good laugh and it’s a nice read, fluid, although with some rough transitions, but quite fluid).
Similar to Falling:
Look What Happened to My Good Intentions https://archiveofourown.org/works/26851141/chapters/68641644 (I cracked up laughing with this one, simply great).
Wavering Integrity. New remix. https://archiveofourown.org/works/31346432/chapters/77511623?view_adult=true (I liked this one, it’s interesting. I’d like to see how far the character’s revolution goes, and I’d really like to see Sans’ development to see if he ‘improves’. Beware for those who don’t like +18; generally, sex scenes don’t bother me, in this one, I even laughed).
Similar to Rules to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse:
Dead Serious https://archiveofourown.org/works/57775663/chapters/147722032?view_adult=true (This one really interested me, and I liked it. I wasn’t looking for HorrorTale, but SwapFell. But I loved it. I read up to chapter 14 and was glad to see it updated to chapter 24, which made me happy. After writing this, I’ll be going there to read it. But from the chapters I’ve read, this writer knows how to write well and with great fluidity. For now, it’s very good and interests me. I recommend it, and I hope the next chapters are good too).
The Skeleton Games https://archiveofourown.org/works/8700787?view_adult=true&view_full_work=true (I’m not very far, I must be on chapter 28/34 or something like that, or less. From the first chapter until now, I’m cracking up laughing, it’s really good, but I’m a little discouraged to continue reading because the protagonist is a vampire, and I’m not very interested in the subject. But, if you want to laugh, it’s quite funny).
(I looked for something similar to The MAGE Project, but I didn’t find anything).
(Note: in general, these works are not being posted frequently, except for Dead Serious, which has been updated recently. But surely, if some of them post something, I would love to read it).
Thanks for your attention. I apologize for the long message. Feel free to ignore it if you want. I’ll go read your last two released chapters rsrs. Again, sorry for the long message. Thanks, everyone!
13 : Hello 🙂
I agree that sometimes Fics can sometimes be a hit or miss. Authors can have great ideas and not execute them well or write in a style you might not enjoy (I’m sure I fall into both of these on multiple occasions) but the beauty is we can choose what we read. I’ve read some fics where I had to give it a few goes before I really started to enjoy them. 
Thank you so much for your kind words on my writing. I can definitely see my own improvement especially with House Next Door. I’m positive multiple people have tried to read it, got annoyed, bored, or even irritated at those first few chapters and put it down so I am thankful to everyone who stuck it out with me. 
I’m glad you like Falling so much. I have a lot of fun writing it as it is more angsty. I understand it’s not everyone's thing because it is a SlaveTale fic which, understandable, can be a bit iffy in content. I have another Slavetale fic idea in mind that I would love to work on in the future. I also agree with you that the characters in Falling feel more developed than some of my other stories. 
The MAGE Project is actually the one I think is my weakest so I’m happy people enjoy it. I agree that Red is a bit pulled back here, this was due to him trying not to cause any issues for monsters but it does sort of get him to fade into the background a bit. 
Rules to survive is one I had a lot of fun planning and writing. That spicy chapter is one of the first i’ve written but I want to do more. There are two more planned in this fic alone. One with just Syrup and one with both the brothers which I know won’t be some people's cup of tea but both will be entirely skippable just like the first chapter with Berry. 
When life gives you nothing is my experimental fic. It’s meant to be darker and cliche, I was going for an old horror movie vibe with it. I chose to do this one to explore Syrup’s yandere side more and give him the spotlight without the noise of everyone else. I understand it’s not everyone's thing as it is darker. 
I plan to finish all of these works and have plans to start new ones! All current fic’s I’m writing have an ending with the expedition of House Next door which I will be writing until I die. When Life Gives you nothing is going to have approx 30 chapters, MAGE is going to have around 40, Rules to survive the Zombie apocalypse will wrap up around 30 chapters and Falling has a planned run of 40 chapters. None of these stories are going to be orphaned. I’m actually planning on finishing Rules this year during November for National writers month and hopefully getting close to finishing Falling too. 
Thanks for your recs. I’ll have to check them out. Here’s some of mine:
If you like Falling or the Mafia in House next door Try:  Roses are Red, Gunpowder is Grey It’s a newer story but I am loving every second of it
For a nice zombie Underfell romance I suggest Brace for it the story inspired Rules as did the movie Zombieland. 
Bones picked clean is a fun harem where you run into Horrortale first which is a nice little twist and it’s written well. 
Making a Monster is a fantastic Harem and kicked started my own obsession with Money. Thanks @absurdmageart 
Don’t apologise for the long message. I loved it. Thanks for your nice words and recommendations I’ll definitely have to read them 😀
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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Telepathie Talon Abraxas
Mind-to-Mind Connections in Ancient Times
Telepathy is the belief in the supernatural ability to facilitate communication between minds using unconventional sensory channels. Ancient civilizations like India, China, and Egypt have a long history of telepathic abilities. These cultures recorded instances of yogis and mystics who allegedly possessed the ability to perceive thoughts and communicate telepathically over great distances. Although modern science remains sceptical, researchers are still intrigued by telepathy and other unexplored human abilities. There is no scientific evidence that currently proves telepathy to be anything more than imagination or a brief insight into the interconnections between things. Despite this, telepathy still sparks curiosity.
Unveiling Your Inherent Telepathic Aptitude
The Role of Openness and Belief in Intuition Despite debates on telepathy, some assert experiencing meaningful intuitions or exchanges beyond known senses. Current claims suggest that the intentional development of telepathic abilities remains elusive and challenging. Some propose that receptiveness to telepathic impressions hinges on the following qualities:
Openness to possibilities beyond existing knowledge: Scientific evidence may lack, but our understanding of human potential remains limited. A mind open to growth allows one to expand comprehension.
Belief in one’s innate intuitive capacities: Even without concrete proof, recognizing and valuing intuitions that bear significance may contribute to their refinement and enhancement. Our expectations shape our perceptions and abilities.
Patience and practice: Responsible application of intuition requires consistent nurturing, exploration, patience, and practice. Genuine human development does not occur through quick fixes.
Exploring Visualization: A Technique for Amplifying Telepathic Perception
Visualization heightens connection and provides intuitive insights. Potential telepathic senses may be improved with visualization exercises. But visualization alone does not prove telepathy’s reality or attainability. It is crucial to be patient and avoid having unrealistic expectations or seeking definitive “proof” of telepathy.
To effectively practice visualization, create a serene and undisturbed setting. Close your eyes and take deep breaths to induce relaxation and mental clarity. Start the exercise by envisioning a person with whom you have a profound bond. Direct your attention towards their physical attributes, such as eye colour, vocal tone, and preferred attire. Envelop your imagination with scenes of them engaging in daily routines, interacting with you, and sharing emotional moments. While visualizing, remain receptive to any insights, words, images, or sensations that arise spontaneously. Acknowledge these experiences without exerting control or passing judgment on the impressions that materialize. Through consistent practice, you may discern intuitive or meaningful elements within your visualizations. Repeat this exercise with the same individual or explore different connections, and observe any variations in your encounters.
Other Techniques to Explore: Dreaming, Synchronicity, and
Unspoken Rapport Some individuals report experiences reminiscent of telepathy through the following practices:
Dream interpretation and sharing: Analyzing dreams involving each other and searching for correlations. However, determining genuine meaning poses challenges, and telepathy is unlikely to explain any observed connections.
Noticing meaningful coincidences or synchronicities: Identifying moments that appear strangely linked between people in a manner that carries significance, regardless of strict telepathic implications. However, discernment is crucial, as patterns can be illusory, and intuitions of meaning may be misguided.
Observing unspoken rapport and mirroring: Experiencing a profound sense of harmony with another individual with no verbal communication. While intuition is a possibility, emotional closeness is the more probable explanation. Such experiences can be compelling when genuinely felt.
Visualization, dream work and mindful awareness can enhance intimacy and insight into relationships. A rigorous evaluation is needed to distinguish “telepathy” from illusions/wishful thinking.
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bandsanitizer · 1 year
it’s the “nothing will ever happen to you” for me bc honestly my first impression of the quote was okay, if henry stays locked up in his tower, there’s so much he won’t experience, so much of life he’s being cut off from. but on the other hand i’m fully processing the quote and related to henry’s fears, it’s the idea of almost “I won’t let anything happen to you” and maybe it’s ~comprehension~ skills, but I kind of enjoy there being duality in the statement. a sense of warning that being afraid and unacting, no matter how much that choice comes from henry himself (as per his own points in his part of the dialogue), there’s going to be a lack of happiness as he actively is aware of the parts of himself being denied/hidden. but also a sense of promise, of asking for trust. that alex is so willing to stand for and fight for what he believes and jumping off metaphorical cliffs, that he’s asking henry to jump with him. to trust him and that he wouldn’t let anything happen to henry, that he has no plans to hurt him.
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bitchy-peachy · 8 months
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A little bit of my room at the physical therapy oncology room I was given. I won't take more pics yet cos I don't have permission and don't wanna overstep (but if the doc says its okay Im giving a tour for those interested in seeing a physical therapy hospital for cancer patients.)
All of the therapists are oncologists too which also impressed me. Like i talked to the head doctor that convinced me to come here and they're both physical therapists and oncologists that started the special physical therapy spa for people that have been paralyzed etc from bone cancers/tumors. Im exactly where I should be.)
So far my room is HUGE that I can easily use a wheelchair and walker without knocking into anything.
Bathroom is also huge so its a lot easier for me to do everything. I'm by myself and there's like 7 other patients so I took the risk and put stuff in the bathroom to have my hygiene products more accessible (although I don't mind sharing my stuff as long as I'm asked first tbh. If I get a roomie or anything. I helped my last roomie out so it was all good)
The only downside... is the food 😭. I think it's my diet though. I have pre diabetes cos when I was on steroids I was craving very sweet things so I was eating butterfingers, chocolate covered raisens AND nuts, bonbons, lollipops, tons of cookies well... I messed myself up that I gave myself pre-diabetes (be careful, you guys. I can't believe it was THAT easy to give myself pre-diabetes. Watch your health so you won't end with a shitty diet like me 😭)
I know they're trying to stabilize my blood sugar so I won't get full on diabetes (cos it can be stabilized. My aunt and grandpa were stabilized and are back to normal again)
But a flavorless, high fiber diet is really ugh. I'll have to suffer through it cos they know what's best and they're basing my diet on my blood work (they check EVERYTHING here. Glad I went to this hospital rather than the local one in my town. The hospital in my hometown is nowhere near this attentive to every detail and plus the social worker in my town hospital sympathized with and sneakily told me to come this hospital cos of its success rate. Heck a number of the staff are survivors themselves so I know there's a high success rate (and they call regularly to check on you so they keep track of you even if you're not hospitalized)
Anyways I waxed poetic enough. I will force myself to eat the bland food cos these people literally have helped me stand up and walk again and have shrunken most of my tumors and I'm so grateful for that although I really hated the steroids, some hold ups, i was ornery. I hate being that way but now after 2 weeks of being off the steroids and stabilizing I feel like such an epic bitch cos I was complaining for stuff that couldn't be helped.
I tend to be a looooooot more patient and laid back than that moody bitch I was displaying.
I worked for years in childcare. I got paid a lot for it too and while I was college I even had a waiting list cos some of the problematic kids only got along with me (I was good dealing with unruly hyperactive ones. Some kids i couldn't handle however, *cough* my younger brother *cough* cos i wasnt an absolute miracle worker but you get the point. By the times their parents picked them up the kids would be well fed and tired cos I wouldn't let up on entertaining them in physical activities like sports etc. Best thing for these kids is exhausting them with activities they like 🤣.
I know I rambled but what I'm saying is that these kids were children others didn't want to take on cos it would take A LOT of patience to deal with their attitudes and high energy levels and I was able to handle them and not get mad (probably cos I used to be an "unruly kid" myself and I know we can change and know what we needed to simmer down)
Those steroids... I know that I bitch a lot about them... I wasnt me AT ALL with those demonic pills. This IMPATIENCE, lack of comprehension skills, like my brain and temperament switched. I mean I'm sassy by nature (to other adults) but this went BEYOND that.
So if you're taking these types of meds... and you see those changes, don't worry cos that's not you and you know it. Once you're outta it you'll realize that. I'm actually terrified now that my mind has cleared and I apologized to some people but they said they've seen it happen to most saintly of people to not be upset (which makes me feel worse 😔)
Anyways dang i talked too much ahahahaha. Wanted to give a big update about this nice new location to help me out (still impressed. Glad i let the head doctor convince me to enter the program, lol) and I'm feeling like my old self every day little by little finally.
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myimaginedcorner · 1 year
PREVIOUS RESULT: To Nainrhani's walls, the outpost where the Old Elven Kingdom had its borders.
Dread rushed ahead; before the ochre of a dim horizon withdrew behind Nainrhani’s mighty walls, your spines got pierced by needles oh so dearly known. Chills ran over your bones, their pointy legs tangling in cobwebs your tense muscles. A hundred small, vile eyes peeked at your chests; their hunger felt like myriads of teeth sunk deep into your flesh.
You didn’t know the feeling’s provenance, back then. Caged by your feeble eyes, boxed in your mortal comprehension, you were no better than your mounts, who, rearing up, refused to gallop any further. Confusion reigned over your group as nothing seemed to push the beasts to move, no bribery, no words sufficient to subdue their terror.
Laefen was first to yield. Jumping onto soil, he patted the mount’s head, unsheathing a slim dagger.
“What are you doing?” Hibiscus’ fret was met by an arched brow from the elf.
“Go scout ahead, what else?” the rogue scoffed, watching the satyr pause, embarrassed by her own suspicions.
“Alone?” asked Ashna.
“It’s his job,” Amani nodded.
You only silently observed how the man led his four-legged friend to you, handing the bridles.
“Keep her safe, will you?” with a wink, he left you straight away, expecting no answer. Not even left – rather, he disappeared: in the fresh dusk that settled in wait of dawn’s arrival, his figure flickered, lost to thin air, no trace, no footstep left behind.
“That’s useful,” hummed M, admiring the rogue’s skill. “Are all elves like that?”
“Laefen is one of the best escorts you can hire,” explained Amani to our foreign acquaintance. “His abilities are beyond exceptional, even for his age. It is assumed that, by his four hundreds, he might become the best stealth-fighter in recorded history.”
“Stealth-fighter – put simply, an assassin,” pointed out M, looking at your Leader.
“…Indeed,” the elf frowned. “But we avoid the connotations of such terminology.”
“He has a dangerous profession. In estimation, no fighters reach their second hundreds.”
“You’ve read our reports? Impressive. But that was during Dragonfall; statistics are prognosed to change.”
“The world will have to heal for that to happen.”
“It is healing.”
“Not as quick…” mumbled Hibiscus, saddened by the thought.
“What’s your point?” as Ashna intervened, you heard the cutting notes of anger in their voice, annoyance you could not describe in other words but painful to discern.
M’s paper eyes moved, meeting theirs.
“I’m only stating that it’s unrealistic to expect a rogue to become so powerful, nothing more.”
From other elves, the statement would result hostile; but M’s voice lacked emotion.
“I thought humans were known for unrealistic expectations…” with a quiet huff, Ashna’s gaze dropped, lips pursed in disillusion.
“They are,” M’s answer bore no lies.
Your gaze spotted a hand, waving at you where elven eyes blurred pictures into smeared abstracts.
“All clear,” mumbled Amani, attentive to the signal. One last attempt to move her mount, she sighed, jumping down. “We’ll walk from here.”
Your voices matched as every creature stood by each other’s side, bridles in hand, ready to follow the Team Leader. She wandered forwards first, followed by Hibiscus, whose wary eyes hopped side to side, seeking out something missing. You wondered what it was; no, that was the wrong formulation. You wondered what it was not, in these lands scarred by endless battles.
Before your eyes, laid the remains, the aftermath. Barren soil carried no fruits; no Nature’s children peeked from the shadows. Rivers dried out, craters of dust left where Life’s elixir once flowed. The sky was grey, not from the clouds, but because colours fled as the mortal plane got torn to shreds by powers unimaginable. No wind sang tales, none left to listen, the Gods of Music and of Air, dead. Freed from its masters, the world moaned, wounded and mistreated, leaden by the shattered memories of times when all worked by itself. It was the slow awakening of Life unshackled from divine powers, and yet, to you, Life seemed to be a dream remote to such a slaughtered landscape.  
Ashna neared Hibiscus, her hand ceased into theirs. Their friendly grasp caressed her with the warmth of running blood, reminding her of all the souls that managed to survive the End of Gods.
“I’m sure this will look beautiful in no time,” commented your dearest friend, appearing lively.
The satyr, despite hurting in her eyes, smiled in return.
“It will. Nature always heals.”
“Over here!!”
Laefen looked particularly agitated the closer you approached, drawing a frown upon Amani’s face in grim anticipation.
“All clear?” she asked the moment you could see all the rogue’s gracious figure.
“Oh yes, all fine,” he nodded, impish smile upon his lips.
“Then, what is it?”
“You have to see it.”
You followed him without a further word, most of you, intrigued by the statement. Elven and human curiosity took leadership over your cause, the satyr, simply strolling not so far behind. She was not interested in new discoveries, submerged in grieving for the dead.
However, once we edged a spear-like mountain someone dug deep into the breached soil, what our eyes saw was nothing we expected.
The walls of Nainrhani stood in front of us, unmoved, majestic, a blockade built by the best architects to stop the battle from destroying every settlement of the elven race. Scratched on its sturdy surface, destroyed in part over its dented crown, it had withstood all the attacks from mighty claws and laws over creation, keeping at bay both sides of the deadly dispute. A cruel stance, but one that helped the city; yet now, the sins of those dark days have laid their ghostly hands over the stone watch.
Over the wall, as if asleep, a dragon’s skeleton had found it last repose. Long claws, burned by flames otherworldly and arcane, slashed by the winds as they cut clouds and ripped stars off the sky; big bones, able to support the body of a giant; wings able to render an entire city sunless, if such a beast was to roam the skies again. But, over everything, a skull that still reflected knowledge, of voids that, lacking eyes, looked into one, aware of things a parent would not notice.
“Look at it…” exhaled Laefen, heard by no one. All froze, every soul, sentient and beast alike, paralysed by the magnificence of a transcendent creature. Lonely, it was regal. Feeble, it forced you to your knees. Dead, it remained so vividly present, you could have sworn their stare sank deeper into yours.
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pitchcatalyst · 1 year
Crafting the Perfect Pitch Deck: Key Elements for Success
Introduction: The Power of First Impressions
In the ever-evolving world of entrepreneurship, every decision, every step, and every presentation can make or break your startup's future. Among these, the pitch deck often stands as the most potent tool in an entrepreneur's arsenal. This document is the culmination of countless sleepless nights, tireless research, and the distilled essence of a startup's vision.
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The Resounding Impact of a Pitch Deck
While an idea can spark interest, a pitch deck turns that spark into a roaring flame. It's more than just a presentation; it's your story, your dream, and the potential trajectory of your company laid out for investors to see. Its weight is undeniable. In the world of startups, it is this tool that often determines whether you secure the funds necessary to propel your venture to new heights or return to the drawing board.
Anatomy of an Outstanding Pitch Deck
Clear Value Proposition: Before delving into the depths of your solution, lay out the problem in stark clarity. Dive into statistical data, employ real-life scenarios, and juxtapose this against the current solutions in the market. This provides a context that makes your offering's uniqueness shine brighter.
Market Opportunity: The global market is vast and diverse. Within this expanse, identify your niche. Shed light on the demographics, buying behaviors, and potential gaps that your product or service is tailored to address. Demonstrating a clear understanding of market dynamics positions your startup as a formidable player.
Product Overview: Delve deeper into the intricacies of your product or service. Discuss the research behind it, the challenges faced during development, and how feedback was incorporated to refine it. Such a comprehensive overview showcases commitment and adaptability.
Traction: Beyond showcasing successes, highlight the journey. Discuss the challenges faced, the feedback loops implemented, and how the product or service evolved based on user interaction. This offers investors a transparent view of your startup's adaptability and resilience.
Revenue Model: Financial sustainability is at the core of any venture. Detail out not only the current revenue streams but potential avenues for diversification. This could include potential licensing deals, franchising, or even pivoting to new markets.
Marketing and Sales Strategy: The digital landscape offers myriad avenues for brand outreach. Detail out your strategies, the rationale behind choosing specific channels, and potential collaborations that could amplify your reach. Highlight past campaigns, their impact, and learnings derived.
The Team: Every individual in your team brings a unique set of skills and experiences. Showcase their journeys, their passion, and how their combined expertise creates a formidable force driving the startup forward.
Ask: Clearly outline what you seek. Beyond just funds, perhaps you're looking for strategic partnerships, mentorship, or access to specific markets. Being clear and transparent about your needs resonates with potential investors.
Gleaning Insights from Legendary Pitch Decks
Successful startups like Airbnb, Uber, and Dropbox have left behind blueprints in the form of their pitch decks. Dissecting these can offer invaluable insights. Highlight what made their presentations stand out, the balance of data and narrative, and how they positioned themselves in a competitive market.
Pitch Deck Pitfalls to Avoid
Every entrepreneur should be aware of potential pitfalls when crafting their pitch deck. Overloading with data, a lack of clear focus, or failing to address potential investor concerns can be detrimental. Highlighting and addressing these can further bolster your deck's effectiveness.
Refinement through Feedback: Iterating Your Pitch Deck
One of the most overlooked aspects of creating an effective pitch deck is the iteration process. Startups, especially those in their infancy, can benefit enormously from soliciting feedback.
Peer Review: Before presenting in front of potential investors, seek feedback from trusted peers, mentors, and advisors within the startup ecosystem. Their insights, often derived from personal experiences, can shed light on potential pitfalls or gaps in your presentation that you might've missed.
Audience Perspective: At times, being deeply entrenched in your startup can lead to a tunnel-vision perspective. This is why presenting your pitch deck to a neutral audience can be invaluable. They can provide fresh perspectives, ask questions that you might not have anticipated, and highlight areas where clarity is needed.
Continuous Refinement: The entrepreneurial world is ever-evolving. As your startup grows and pivots, ensure your pitch deck evolves in tandem. Whether it's updated market statistics, new milestones achieved, or shifts in strategy, ensure your pitch deck is a living document, reflective of your startup's current status and future trajectory.
The Art of Storytelling in Your Pitch Deck
While data and metrics form the backbone of your pitch deck, the art of storytelling weaves these elements into a compelling narrative.
Emotional Resonance: People, including seasoned investors, are moved by stories. The story of why you started, the challenges faced, the eureka moments, and the hurdles overcome can humanize your startup, making it more relatable and memorable.
Customer Testimonials: Incorporate stories from early adopters of your product or service. These real-world testimonials serve as powerful endorsements, illustrating the tangible impact your startup has on its users.
Visual Narratives: The adage, "a picture is worth a thousand words," rings true, especially in pitch decks. Use visuals—graphs, infographics, images—to break the monotony of text and drive home key points more effectively.
Supplementary Materials: Beyond the Pitch Deck
While the pitch deck is the centerpiece, always be prepared with supplementary materials to bolster your presentation.
Detailed Reports: Be ready with more in-depth reports on market research, product testing results, and financial projections. Interested investors may request these for a deeper dive.
Product Demos: If feasible, offer a live demo of your product or service. Witnessing your product in action can further enhance its appeal and showcase its efficacy.
FAQs: Prepare a list of frequently asked questions (with answers) based on prior presentations and interactions. This can expedite follow-up discussions and address common queries upfront.
Conclusion: Mastery in Pitch Deck Crafting - A Journey, Not a Destination
The journey of creating the ultimate pitch deck is perpetual. As the entrepreneurial landscape shifts, so too should your approach to presenting your vision. Mastering this art is a continuous endeavor, blending intuition with feedback, storytelling with data, and passion with pragmatism. As you venture forth, let your pitch deck be not just a reflection of where your startup stands, but a beacon illuminating its boundless potential.
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From Fear to Confidence: Improve Your Presentation Skills with Expert Writing Guidance.
Effective presentation skills are essential in various professional and personal settings. However, many individuals struggle with fear, anxiety, and lack of confidence when it comes to presenting their ideas to an audience. Whether it's a business presentation, a public speaking engagement, or an academic seminar, being able to communicate your message clearly and confidently is crucial. This article aims to provide you with expert writing guidance to help you transform your presentation skills from fear to confidence, enabling you to captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression.
Understand Your Audience: One of the fundamental aspects of delivering a successful presentation is understanding your audience. Before you start crafting your content, take time to research and analyze the needs, interests, and expectations of your listeners. Tailor your message and delivery style accordingly to engage your audience effectively. By understanding who you are speaking to, you can adjust your language, tone, and examples to resonate with them, resulting in a more impactful presentation.
Plan and Structure Your Presentation: A well-organized presentation provides a clear roadmap for both the presenter and the audience. Begin by outlining the main points you want to cover, and then develop a logical flow that allows your ideas to unfold seamlessly. Start with a captivating introduction that grabs attention, followed by a structured body that presents your key points in a coherent manner. Finally, wrap up with a concise and memorable conclusion that reinforces your main message. This structure will help you stay focused and enable your audience to follow your presentation effortlessly.
Craft Compelling Content: The content of your presentation is the foundation upon which your delivery rests. To ensure your message is engaging and impactful, consider these guidelines: a) Clear and Concise Language: Use simple, jargon-free language to convey your ideas effectively. Avoid overloading your presentation with unnecessary technical terms or complex language that might confuse your audience. b) Engaging Visuals: Utilize appropriate visual aids such as slides, graphs, images, or videos to enhance your message. Visuals can help reinforce key points, create interest, and improve overall comprehension. c) Compelling Stories and Examples: Incorporate relevant stories, anecdotes, or real-life examples to make your content relatable and memorable. People tend to connect with stories, so weaving them into your presentation can capture attention and make your message more impactful.
Practice, Practice, Practice: Confidence in presenting comes with practice. Rehearse your presentation multiple times, focusing on both your content delivery and body language. Pay attention to your pace, tone, and gestures, aiming for a natural and confident delivery. Practice in front of a mirror, record yourself, or even gather a small audience of trusted friends or colleagues for feedback. The more you practice, the more comfortable and confident you will become.
Embrace Nervousness and Manage Anxiety: It's natural to experience some nerves before a presentation, but learning to manage anxiety can significantly improve your confidence. Practice deep breathing techniques, visualize success, and remind yourself of your preparation and expertise. Additionally, start with smaller speaking engagements or present in front of supportive audiences to gradually build your confidence.
Mastering presentation skills takes time and effort, but with the right guidance, you can transform your fear into confidence. By understanding your audience, planning your presentation effectively, crafting compelling content, and practicing diligently, you can deliver impactful presentations that leave a lasting impression. Embrace the opportunities to present, and with each experience, you'll continue to grow and improve your presentation skills. Remember, confidence is a skill that can be learned, and you have the potential to become an exceptional presenter.
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djo · 2 years
Someone help it’s 7:30am I just opened my eyes and my reading comprehension skills are lacking, so out of the list of honorees 8 will be in a spread/more content as a man of the year? And then one will be declared the man of the year?
correct, except i’m under the impression that the roster isn’t broken down any further than the 8 cover stars that are to be chosen
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cooganbegs-blog · 2 years
After six weeks in my new role, today I shed the first tears. It took every once of willpower not to burst into tears in front of my direct report! I hate that I’m not adding value, I hate that I still don’t have the depth of knowledge I need to actually do anything.
Am aware that it was a day of back to back Zoom meeting which slowly but surely eroded what confidence I had!
Meeting 1 - CTO. Daily catchup to go over the mountain of work that I am accountable for this quarter. I’m trying to be honest but my default it to reassure that I can deliver, and deliver I will, whether it kills me or not.
Meeting 2 - Head of Marketing plus all the other worker bees who are working to deliver her priority (myself included). She proceeded to ask the worker bees what the GTM strategy should be ie. how should we segment our customers and who should we be targeting. WTF? I started getting flashbacks to BK, asking for people to deliver what they should be delivering to do their jobs. I can’t deliver a Migration Plan until I have the GTM strategy. Another promotion without skills and experience??
Meeting 3 - CTO plus Senior Product Manager from Aus P+. He’s been in his role the same time as I have and already he has an amazing grasp of his product. Th longer he talked and more I listened the more inadequate I felt as Head of Product, I know nothing, I have so much to learn. When will I be of value.
Meeting 4 - Lead Engineers, CTO, my direct report - a workshop to work on the tactical, nitty gritty of how how we do sprint management. WTF do I know about this???? But having seen the shitshow, the lack of delivery proposed we need to put some process in place, so set up the workshop and it just got bogged in details and weeds. We’re quibbling about the deck chairs when the fucking ship is sinking. Well, it’s not that bad but in terms of where we need to be focusing and how far we have to go to transform into a Product Lead company, we are a thousand light years away. It ended in a big muddle …. then straight into …
Meeting 5 - My direct report - me and my great product ideas, fuck what can I possibly add to someone who knows the product inside out and back to front, has been there five years and is the go-to for all things product. She walked me through all the work and in doing so firmly put the lid on my enthusiastic thinking. Faaarrrrrrrkkkkk, god I just wanted to cry.
So, I swing between enthusiasm at the challenge and the work ahead, then I slump …. What makes me think my way is the right way? Now I’m reticent to show my vision for how I see things. I’m hesitant to show the changes that I want to implement. I doubt that I have the capacity and ability to deliver and to help make positive changes to the company.
Is it just ego and the title? I’m beginning to think asking for this was a bad idea. I don’t know how to influence people, I don’t have the skills or the patience to help transform a company. How would I even know if what I’m proposing is a positive change.
I know part of it is wanting to impress and to show I’m smart and intelligent and that they took a good bet when they hired me. And I know that cudgelling my poor brain into comprehension in just six weeks is not realistic. But when has reality ever stopped my fevered brain from setting unnaturally high benchmarks and then punishing myself if I don’t reach them.
I’m scared to show I'm frustrated, uncertain and overwhelmed.
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rajiasacademy1 · 1 day
Mastering UPSC Mains Answer Writing: The Key to Success with Raj IAS Academy
Preparing for the UPSC Civil Services Examination is a journey filled with challenges, determination, and strategic preparation. While the preliminary stage tests your grasp over facts and concepts, the UPSC Mains is a more significant test of your analytical ability, depth of knowledge, and, most importantly, your answer-writing skills. At Raj IAS Academy, we believe that mastering UPSC Mains Answer Writing is the key to unlocking your success in this highly competitive exam.
In this blog, we will delve into why UPSC Mains Answer Writing plays a pivotal role in scoring high marks, common mistakes to avoid, and how Raj IAS Academy’s specialized training can help you master this art.
Why is UPSC Mains Answer Writing Crucial?
The UPSC Mains Examination is designed to assess your ability to critically analyze issues, articulate your thoughts, and present solutions in a structured manner. You might have all the knowledge in the world, but if you cannot express it effectively within the given word limit and time frame, your chances of scoring high diminish. Here’s why UPSC Mains Answer Writing is so crucial:
Time Management: The UPSC Mains exam is a race against time. You are required to write multiple answers within a strict time frame. Proper answer writing practice allows you to balance time between thinking, structuring, and writing your answers.
Structured Presentation: It’s not just about what you know but how well you can present it. A structured, logical, and well-organized answer makes it easier for the examiner to grasp your points, which in turn increases your chances of scoring higher.
Clarity of Thought: The UPSC Mains tests your ability to think clearly and present arguments logically. Answer writing helps you develop clarity in your thoughts and ensures you stay on topic.
Value Addition: Answer writing practice allows you to enhance your answers by incorporating additional insights, diagrams, and examples that make your responses stand out from the crowd.
Common Mistakes in UPSC Mains Answer Writing
Despite thorough preparation, aspirants often falter in UPSC Mains Answer Writing due to common mistakes. Recognizing these mistakes is the first step toward rectifying them.
Lack of Structure: An unstructured answer is often chaotic and difficult for the examiner to follow. Many aspirants fail to divide their answers into a proper introduction, body, and conclusion, leading to loss of marks.
Ignoring the Question’s Demand: UPSC questions are specific, and each word in the question is carefully crafted. Not addressing the core demand of the question can result in a vague answer that fails to impress the examiner.
Overwriting or Underwriting: Exceeding the word limit or falling short can both be problematic. Exceeding the limit may result in time wastage, while underwriting suggests a lack of depth in your understanding.
Repetition of Ideas: Some aspirants tend to repeat the same point in different ways to fill the word count, which is not only redundant but also detrimental to your score.
Lack of Balance Between Content and Presentation: While content is king, its presentation is equally important. Many students focus on dumping information without paying attention to how well it is organized and articulated.
How Raj IAS Academy Helps You Master UPSC Mains Answer Writing
At Raj IAS Academy, we have developed a specialized UPSC Mains Answer Writing program tailored to meet the needs of every aspirant. Here’s how we guide you toward success:
1. Comprehensive Writing Practice
Our academy emphasizes consistent practice through regular mock tests, sectional tests, and full-length tests specifically designed for UPSC Mains Answer Writing. We ensure that every student gets ample opportunities to practice writing answers under exam conditions, improving their speed, accuracy, and presentation skills.
2. Detailed Feedback and Evaluation
Writing answers is just one part of the process. At Raj IAS Academy, we offer detailed, personalized feedback on every answer you write. Our expert faculty members provide insights into where you can improve—be it content, structure, language, or the inclusion of additional value points like examples and diagrams.
3. Workshops on Structuring Answers
We conduct regular workshops on how to structure answers effectively. These workshops focus on the key components of a good answer—introduction, main body, conclusion, and the use of subheadings, bullet points, and flowcharts. Learning to break down a complex question into simple, understandable parts is a skill that will set you apart in the UPSC Mains.
4. Incorporating Current Affairs
Answer writing is not just about reproducing static information. Our experienced faculty trains you to integrate current affairs, real-life examples, and recent government policies into your answers, which gives them a dynamic and contemporary edge.
5. Time Management Strategies
One of the most important aspects of UPSC Mains Answer Writing is time management. Through timed mock tests and strategies to prioritize questions, we help you learn how to balance between quality and quantity, ensuring you complete all the questions within the given time.
6. Peer Review and Group Discussions
In addition to faculty feedback, we also encourage peer review sessions and group discussions among students. This collaborative learning environment allows aspirants to critique each other’s answers, learn from others’ mistakes, and share strategies for improvement.
Mastering UPSC Mains Answer Writing is an art that takes time, patience, and consistent effort. It is not just about what you write but also how effectively you can communicate your thoughts in a structured and time-bound manner. At Raj IAS Academy, we are committed to helping you develop this skill through guided practice, expert feedback, and strategic training.
Remember, the UPSC Mains is not merely a test of knowledge but of expression. With the right guidance and preparation, you can master the art of UPSC Mains Answer Writing and pave your way to success. Join Raj IAS Academy today and take the first step toward realizing your dream of becoming a civil servant.
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folksdigital · 2 days
How to Choose the Right Graphic Designer in Victoria, BC?
Are you struggling to find the perfect graphic designer in Victoria BC? Whether you're a small business owner, a startup founder, or someone looking to refresh your brand, the process of choosing the right designer can feel overwhelming. There are plenty of options out there, and selecting the wrong one can lead to frustration, delays, and even wasted money. We understand how vital it is to find the right fit, which is why we're here to guide you through the process.
In today's digital world, your brand's visual identity is more critical than ever. First impressions matter, and often, it's the quality of your design that sets you apart from your competitors. But with so many graphic design Victoria services available, how do you determine which designer can bring your vision to life while keeping your project on budget?
Common Challenges When Looking for a Graphic Designer
One of the biggest challenges when hiring a graphic designer is communication. Many people assume that simply explaining their needs will be enough. But without clear communication, misunderstandings can arise. This can result in a design that doesn’t align with your brand or your expectations. It’s important to find a designer who listens to you, understands your goals, and communicates effectively throughout the project.
Not all graphic designers have the same style or level of expertise. A designer might be skilled in one area but lack experience in others, leading to inconsistent results. You need to find someone who can consistently deliver high-quality designs that resonate with your target audience.
Deadlines are crucial in business, especially if you're launching a new product or rebranding. A delay in your design can lead to missed opportunities, frustration, and even financial losses. Choosing a reliable graphic designer Victoria BC with a proven track record of meeting deadlines is critical to the success of your project.
What to Look for in a Graphic Designer
When you begin your search for the right designer, it’s essential to consider more than just their portfolio. While a designer’s previous work gives you insight into their style and abilities, there are other factors to keep in mind:
1. Experience and Expertise
A well-rounded designer should have experience in various areas, such as logo design, website graphics, print materials, and social media assets. When reviewing their portfolio, look for projects similar to yours. For example, if you need a logo, check out the designer’s previous logo work. If you’re looking for website graphics, ensure they have examples of web design in their portfolio.
At Folks Digital, we pride ourselves on offering a comprehensive range of graphic design in Victoria BC services. Our team has experience working with a wide array of clients, and we tailor our designs to meet your unique needs.
2. Understanding of Your Brand
A great designer doesn’t just create aesthetically pleasing visuals—they capture the essence of your brand. When you talk to a designer, pay attention to whether they ask questions about your business, your goals, and your target audience. The more they understand your brand’s identity, the better they’ll be able to craft designs that truly represent you.
Here at Folks Digital, we always take the time to understand your brand’s personality before starting any project. This helps ensure that the designs we create not only look great but also resonate with your audience and achieve your business objectives.
3. Flexibility and Adaptability
Graphic design trends change quickly, and the ability to stay current is essential. A skilled designer can adapt to different styles, ensuring that your brand stays modern and relevant. Whether you want something minimalist, bold, or more traditional, make sure the designer you choose can deliver a wide range of design styles.
At Folks Digital, we stay up to date with the latest design trends, and we can adapt our approach to fit your needs, ensuring your brand always looks fresh and professional.
4. Clear Communication and Collaboration
Good design is a collaborative process. Look for a designer who values your input and keeps you involved throughout the project. They should be able to explain their design choices and incorporate your feedback seamlessly. Effective communication ensures that the final result is a design you’ll love and be proud to share.
Our team at Folks Digital excels in client communication, making sure you’re kept in the loop every step of the way. We prioritize your vision and offer guidance where needed, making the design process smooth and enjoyable.
5. Attention to Detail
A design might look great at first glance, but the devil is in the details. A top-notch graphic designer in Victoria BC will consider every aspect of the design, from the use of colour and typography to the overall composition. These small details can make a big difference in how your brand is perceived.
At Folks Digital, we sweat the small stuff because we know that attention to detail is what takes a design from good to great. Every element of your design will be carefully crafted to ensure it meets the highest standards.
Benefits of Working with Folks Digital
When you work with Folks Digital, you're not just hiring a graphic designer—you’re gaining a partner dedicated to your success. We offer a full range of graphic design Victoria BC services, and we take a personalized approach to every project. From logos and branding to digital and print design, we cover it all, ensuring consistency across every touchpoint of your brand.
Our clients appreciate our ability to balance creativity with professionalism, providing designs that are not only visually appealing but also aligned with their business goals. With Folks Digital, you can expect clear communication, on-time delivery, and designs that reflect the unique essence of your brand.
How to Get Started
The process of choosing the right graphic designer doesn’t have to be daunting. By following these guidelines and working with a team like Folks Digital, you’ll be well on your way to finding the perfect designer to elevate your brand. We make the design process straightforward, and our team is always here to provide guidance and support, ensuring your satisfaction with the final result.
Remember, your brand’s visual identity is one of your most valuable assets. Don’t leave it to chance—partner with a team that understands your vision and can help bring it to life.
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Young Drivers: Stay Alert to Five Deadly Dangers
Driving at a young age offers a thrilling sense of freedom and independence. However, without proper knowledge and training, this newfound liberty can lead to serious consequences. Driving carries significant responsibility, and road accidents are a leading cause of injuries and fatalities, particularly among young drivers. Let’s explore the common factors contributing to road accidents and how the  best Driving Academy in Irving helps young drivers prioritize safety.
1. Speeding
Exceeding speed limits is illegal and one of the major contributors to traffic accidents. Young drivers often feel the urge to speed, sometimes driven by a desire to impress peers or a lack of awareness regarding the dangers involved. Driving at high speeds can result in a loss of control and reduces a driver’s ability to react swiftly to potential hazards, increasing the severity of collisions. To mitigate these risks, young drivers should strictly adhere to speed limits. At Irving Driving Academy, we emphasize the importance of safe driving practices and the dangers of speeding.
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2. Alcohol and Drugs
Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs creates hazardous situations that can lead to serious accidents. Young adults may engage in risky behavior, often influenced by peer pressure or a false sense of invincibility. To prevent such dangerous scenarios, it is crucial for young drivers to follow safety guidelines, such as opting for rideshare services after drinking. This simple choice can help avoid the risks associated with driving under the influence.
3. Distractions
In today’s tech-savvy world, distractions are a major threat for drivers of all ages. Young drivers frequently engage with mobile devices while behind the wheel, diverting their attention from the road. This behavior significantly increases the risk of accidents. To prioritize safety, young drivers should put their mobile devices away and focus solely on driving.
4. Fatigue
Fatigue can severely impair a driver's ability to concentrate, respond quickly, and make sound decisions. Young drivers, especially students, are particularly vulnerable to driving while fatigued. It’s important for these drivers to recognize the signs of fatigue—such as yawning, drooping eyelids, or drifting out of lanes. If they experience any of these symptoms, they should stop and rest before continuing their journey.
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5. Not Wearing Seat Belts
Failing to wear a seat belt is a dangerous choice with potentially severe consequences. Young drivers often feel pressured by peers or believe they are invincible, leading them to neglect this crucial safety measure. Seat belts are essential for protecting lives, preventing passengers from being thrown within the vehicle during an accident. Young drivers must ensure that both they and their passengers are securely fastened before starting any trip.
As young drivers embark on their journey toward independence, prioritizing road safety is essential. Following safe driving practices is key to ensuring a secure driving experience. Consider enrolling in a reputable driving academy like DFW Driving School in Irving, where you can receive comprehensive driving lessons and develop the skills necessary for safe driving. They will also assist you in passing your driving test efficiently. Contact them today to join the Driving Academy and prepare for your driving test with confidence!
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