#it's always fun to draw david byrne
chaotictomtom · 2 years
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aug.2020 / oct.2020
damn, dude has the CSDDBOLV illness (Cannot Stop Drawing David Byrne in Once in a Lifetime Video) 🫡😫
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kylereadscomics · 1 year
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@comfortfoodcontent did it first, but here are my Top 10 Marvel Comics runs, in no particular order.
Thunderbolts 1-75 by Busiek, Bagley, Nicieza, et al. - indisputably the best, wouldn't still be reading comics without it.
Defenders vol 4 1-12 by Fraction, Dodson, McKelvie, etc. - the shortest run on this list but one of my all-time fave comics that I re-read more often than most.
Amazing Spider-Man by Lee, Romita, etc. (issues 39-122) - while the Lee/Ditko run is great and features the introductions of so many iconic villains and characters, the soap opera elements of this era, culminating in the Death of Gwen Stacy, with Romita drawing both MJ and Gwen, makes it the best to me.
Spider-Man comics from Revelations to The Final Chapter - possibly the most overlooked era, this stretch of 20+ issues each of 4 different ongoing Spidey series, from the end of the Clone Saga/Ben Reilly era to the Byrne relaunch, are the comics that were coming out when I started reading as a young lad, and will always be my favourites, especially with Wieringo and JR Jr. and Steve Skroce doing much of the art.
Ultimate Spider-Man 1-160 by Bendis, Bagley, Immonen, Lafuente, etc. - The best attempt to make Spider-Man relevant to teens again without just sticking Peter in a perpetual loser cycle.
Daredevil by Nocenti and Romita Jr. (250-282) - I don't think there's a bad DD comic between 168 and 300, but these ones are the best.
Daredevil by Waid, Rivera, Samnee, etc. (vol 3 1-36, vol 4 1-18) - After a period of time where I wasn't buying comics at all, this brought me back and got me collecting like never before.
Fantastic Four by Defalco, Ryan, etc. (356-416) - I know in my heart that there are better FF runs, but this one has Lyja Lazerfist and Psi-Lord Franklin Richards and Sue Storm's ridiculous swimsuit costume and it is my favourite.
Post-Onslaught X-Men (specifically Uncanny 341-350, X-Men 62-71) - Again, these issues are intrinsically linked to childhood memories but also the Joe Madureira and Carlos Pacheco art is amazing and the stories are fun.
Captain Marvel by Peter David, ChrisCross, etc. (volumes 4 and 5) - IDK I just love these comics. They're very fun.
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NY TIMES: St. Vincent Is Trying to Understand People
As she releases her sixth album, “Daddy’s Home,” the musician expounds on the lengthy documentaries, Janet Jackson bust and Joni Mitchell album that feed her creativity.
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By Olivia Horn
May 4, 2021, 10:00 a.m. ET
Despite the hardships of the past year, Annie Clark’s sixth studio album came together with remarkable ease. “Maybe I earned a fun one,” Clark, who records under the name St. Vincent, mused. “Usually there’s some kind of ‘Dark Night of the Soul’ moment. And there just wasn’t.”
Clark, 38, spent much of 2020 shuttling between her home in Los Angeles and her family’s in Texas. But the record (“Daddy’s Home,” due May 14) was born at Electric Lady Studios in Manhattan, where she and her repeat collaborator Jack Antonoff landed on 1970s New York as their lodestar. The resulting songs ease away from the angular art-pop of “Masseduction” from 2017, opting for gentler, slouchier rock. The relative softness corresponds to Clark’s effort to treat the troubled, complicated characters that populate her record with care. Among them are the broke and lovelorn protagonist of the lead single “Pay Your Way in Pain,” Nina Simone, Marilyn Monroe and her own father, whose release from prison in 2019 inspired the title track.
Clark confessed that she did not meet her quarantine goals of learning conversational Italian or writing a tour bus cookbook, but she did read some books about the gulag. Calling from her “utilitarian” Los Angeles studio, she detailed 10 of her favorite things to watch, read and hear — many of her picks reflecting a fascination with history and an eagerness to unpack social and aesthetic violence. These are edited excerpts from the conversation.
1. William Scott Sculptures
I discovered William Scott’s work through David Byrne, at his place in New York. And when we were on tour with “Love This Giant,” we went to Creative Growth in Oakland [a nonprofit that supports artists with disabilities]. I had my eye on this bust of Janet Jackson. And then when I was back, I went and bought a bust of CeCe Winans. So I have these busts in my library.
A lot of the artists whose work I collect are people who are marginalized from society in one way or another. What I like about it is that the expression feels very pure. These are people who might not have all of the tools at their disposal or the education, or any of that, but they are compelled to make work. That kind of irrepressible urge in people — that I just find so inspiring and heartening and cool. And it’s completely divorced from any of the status of the quote, unquote, “art world.”
2. Adam Curtis’s Documentary Series “Century of the Self”
The way his work has been described is as emotional history or impressionistic history. The lines that he draws between events and trends are not exactly “A plus B equals C,” but the general thesis is like, “the collective consciousness is saying this.” As a writer, I’m always trying to understand systems and understand people.
3. Ric Burns’s “New York: A Documentary Film”
I used to live in a rent-controlled place in the East Village. But it was shady how I lived there, so I was never able to get utilities in my name. I lived there for 10 years and I didn’t have the internet, so I had DVDs. I used to go to Kim’s Video all the time and buy DVDs so when I would wake up hung over and be like, “Oh, just can’t quite make it out of bed today,” I would have something to put on. If I wanted to watch something it wasn’t like “Netflix and chill.” I associate that Ric Burns documentary with being either hung over or tired or both, and watching it in my bed.
4. Joni Mitchell’s “Hejira”
This is one of those Joni Mitchell records that I didn’t hear until I was in my early 20s. Everybody knows “Blue” and “Ladies of the Canyon,” but this is when I became a Joni Mitchell fan, with a capital F. This record’s just so deep. Her lyrics are … Cubist. I’m thinking of the one where she’s like, “In the mirrors of a modern bank/From the window of a hotel room.” And it’s all wiggles, you know? It’s like water, that record. And I don’t mean to make it about me, but I feel like I can understand some of the things that Joni talks about, like the refuge of the road, or watching the world from an airplane or being in a hotel room.
5. Maggie Nelson’s “The Art of Cruelty”
This is one of those books that I picked up six times and would get through a few pages and be like, “This is really brilliant,” but it felt impenetrable at first. Then I had this one weekend where the clouds parted, and I just could see it and plowed through it. It talks about the ethics of being an artist in a way that is so brilliant, and so not orthodox or finger wagging. I think it’s one of those books you can revisit at various points of your life.
6. Her Own STV Signature Series Guitar
Part of it was inspired by Klaus Nomi’s tuxedo. And I wanted it to hit my sternum in a particular way. I am cis female, so the way that it hits the sternum and then has a little bit of a cutaway, it makes room for my breast. But just one of them. There’s only room for one! I love it. It’s the only electric that I play, with very rare exception.
I saw people’s pictures of it from the Met [in the exhibition “Play It Loud: Instruments of Rock & Roll”], because I never got a chance to go and see it in real life. Most of the time, I just kind of like quietly put my head down and work — and then every once in a while, I look up and see something that I’ve made, and it’s mysterious that it’s in the world.
7. Wim Wenders’s “Pina”
I love Pina Bausch’s work. I was really inspired by “The Rite of Spring,” where the virgin dances herself to death. There’s this one particular movement that was like, drawing your hand above your head, and then when you pull it down, your elbow goes into your stomach — sort of like you’re open and then you’re impaling yourself. It just moved me to tears. So when I worked with my friend Annie-B Parson to choreograph the Digital Witness Tour, I was like, “Can we please incorporate this?” Another big thing: I was obsessed with falling. That was another big part of the Bausch work. How do you fall and make it look violent but not hurt yourself? I’d get a rehearsal room with Annie-B and just practice falling.
8. Vintage RCA 77-D Microphone
It’s an old ribbon mic, and it just sounds so good and warm. I know these are words that might not mean that much — when people describe sound as warm, it’s reductive. But it makes things sound and feel true. I don’t mean that it has perfect fidelity. What I mean is that when you sing into this microphone, what comes back at you feels honest. My friend Cian Riordan, who mixed “Daddy’s Home,” hipped me to this mic.
9. “Hidden Brain” Podcast
There was one recently about the idea of honor culture. You know, if someone is insulting someone’s masculinity and masculinity is tied up with honor, you have to avenge that insult. A lot of these “honor societies” end up with more violence because you have to save face and there’s less ways to assimilate conflict. The premise of so much of “Hidden Brain” is that we live by the stories we tell ourselves. And as a storyteller, that idea is very liberating to me, because if we live by the stories we tell ourselves, it means that when we get new information, we can assimilate that information and tell ourselves new stories.
10. Piazza della Signoria in Florence
The first time I was there was with my mom and sisters. I remember just walking through this piazza and having a wonderful time and wonderful conversation, and really being awe-struck by the architecture and the history, and just that life was beautiful. Another time, a number of years later, I was on tour with David Byrne and we had our last show in Florence, and I remember walking through with band members and then having the best dinner of my life after. It’s one of those places where, at very pivotal points of my life, I’ve been there and only beautiful things have happened to me.
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sliceannarbor · 5 years
Maira Kalman
Illustrator/Author/Designer New York, New York mairakalman.com
Photo: Rick Meyerowitz
Maira Kalman is a Manhattan based illustrator, author, and designer best known for her New Yorker covers and narrative drawings for The New York Times. She has also written and illustrated 28 children's and adult books. Kalman’s most recent titles include: Swami on Rye: Max in India (2018), Cake (written by Barbara Scott-Goodman, 2018), Beloved Dog (2015), Thomas Jefferson : Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Everything (2014), My Favorite Things (2014), Food Rules: An Eater's Manual (written by Michael Pollan, 2011), The Principles of Uncertainty (2009), and The Illustrated Elements of Style, 2008 (written by William Strunk, Jr. and E. B. White). She published her first children's book Stay Up Late in 1985 to illustrate the lyrics of musician David Byrne. 
In 2017, Kalman collaborated with her son, Alex Kalman, to create Sara Berman's Closet, an exhibition at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City showcasing her mother's [Sara Berman] life from 1982-2004 when she lived in a small apartment in Greenwich Village. 
That same year, Kalman was awarded the AIGA Medal for her work in "storytelling, illustration, and design while pushing the limits of all three.” She has collaborated with Isaac Mizrahi, Kate Spade, and Michael Maharam to design fabrics and accessories, created ballet sets and costumes for the Mark Morris Dance Company and mannequins for Ralph Pucci. Kalman is the recipient of numerous honors from the Art Directors Club, The Society of Publication Designers, and The American Institute for Graphic Arts. In June 2019, Atlanta's High Museum hosted an exhibition exploring her work in The Pursuit of Everything: Maira Kalman's Books for Children. Kalman’s work has also appeared in books published by the Museum of Modern Art and Cooper-Hewitt National Design Museum. She is represented by the Julie Saul Gallery in New York City. 
When Kalman is not working, you can find her walking around. She resides in Manhattan in a sun-filled apartment with miles of bookshelves.
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Book:  In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust
Most valued possession:  Books
Motto: Sorry, the rest is unknown.
Destination: A garden anywhere in the world.
Where were you born?
I was born in Tel Aviv and moved to New York with my family at the age of four. I was raised in Riverdale, the Bronx.
What were some of the passions and pastimes of your early years?
The usual pursuits. Ballet lessons. Piano lessons. Bike riding. Reading. Reading. Reading.
How did you find your style in writing and illustrating children's books?
My style has always been compatible with a child. And my mind as well. There is a whimsy and freedom. An ability to be stupid and smart. And writing for children forces a rigorous editing process. The audience is open minded and the book does not go on too long.
What intrigues you most about the art of illustration/narrative drawing?
It's a good way to tell a story, if you need to tell a story. What compels one to do that is a mystery to me.
How did the concept for Sara Berman's Closet [both exhibition and book] take shape?
We adored my mother. An irreverent, loving woman with a great sense of humor (see her map of the United States). She only wore white. And her closet was a study in perfection. Ironed. Folded. Lined up. When she died, I stood in her closet and thought it should be a museum exhibit. My son, Alex Kalman, fortunately runs a small museum in a defunct elevator shaft in lower Manhattan. It is called MMUSEUMM. We installed the pristine closet there on a grungy alleyway. And then it went to The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
What has been most gratifying about that endeavor?
To know that an idea can be realized in a meaningful way. Not every idea can be real. But this felt so true that it had to be. It may take longer than you imagine. But it can happen.
What led to your collaboration with author Michael Pollan to create illustrations for Food Rules: An Eater's Manual?
Michael and I are friends and we share an editor. His wife thought it would be a nice idea that I illustrated the book. We all agreed, and we are happy we did.
In what ways has your style of storytelling and illustration evolved since entering the profession?
I am a better painter now after all these years. But I am not so sure that is an asset. I speak basically the same way to adults and children. I try to say less. I am as uncertain as I am certain.
What surprised you most about the charge of creating cover illustrations for The New Yorker?
It is thrilling to be asked. And the reach is immense. There is a magical place in the world for these covers. It's good to be part of the history of it all. What you discover is that there is no rule or formula. Each idea is unique. Many ideas do not make it. And there is no way to predict what works and what does not.
Is there a book or project along the way that has presented an important learning curve?
And the Pursuit of Happiness was a great learning experience. When The New York Times sent me on this assignment to write and paint about American democracy and history every month for a year, it was something I had no interest in at all. But it was fascinating and filled me with a greater respect for and interest in history. And I am now definitely more compassionate in general.
What three things can't you live without?
Family. Books. Music.
From where do you draw inspiration these days?
Absolutely everywhere and everything. Walking. Looking at people, dogs, buildings, trees. Music. Film. Reading. Travel. The obits.
Who has had the greatest influence on your life, and why?
My mother, my late husband, and my children. They are the source of meaning and love. And they were and are great fun.
How would you define a life well-lived?
To have work that you love and people that you love.
What one person, dead or living, would you like to have dinner with?
Abraham Lincoln
What's right with the world?
There will always be horrific things happening in the world. That is nothing new. The point is to focus on meaningful things in your life and to do the best you can. Momentous events happen in tiny moments during the day.
What do you consider your greatest life lesson?
There is no one state of being. No destination to a permanent human mood. You can't always be happy. There is happiness and sadness and they inhabit the same space and continue to vie for attention.
How would you like to be remembered?
As a person who had a keen sense of the absurd and sorrow, but kept on going. That is a heroic state in my opinion.
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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For the week of 5 May 2019
Quick Bits:
Age of Conan: Bêlit #3 throws a few road bumps in the way of Bêlit’s plans as the Kushites renege of their deal and her drunken “Captain” continues being a jerk. I’m really liking this exploration of Bêlit’s early days from Tini Howard, Kate Niemczyk, Scott Hanna, Jason Keith, and Travis Lanham.
| Published by Marvel
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Archie #704 throws some roadblocks in the way of Archie and Sabrina’s relationship through the form of a “Bachelor”-like charity programme set up by Cheryl. I love the even more stylized pastel colour palette from Matt Herms.
| Published by Archie Comics
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Batman & The Outsiders #1 is an entertaining debut from Bryan Hill, Dexter Soy, Veronica Gandini, Clayton Cowles. I’ve not read the arc in Detective Comics that feeds into this, but this first issue provides enough information for new readers now to be lost and gives good incentive to check out what’s come before. Great art from Soy and Gandini, with an interesting look inside a team and a compelling start to a mystery about the last survivor from a metahuman generating factory.
| Published by DC Comics
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Bettie Page #4 concludes the QE2 aliens caper. Love the art from Julius Ohta, Ellie Wright, and Sheelagh D.
| Published by Dynamite
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Bronze Age Boogie #2 continues the strangest Doom Patrol story as the Martian invasion angle has taken hold in the future and a motley crew of heroes bands together to try to stop them. Stuart Moore, Alberto Ponticelli, Giulia Brusco, and Rob Steen are playing with some interesting cross-media influences to tell a highly entertaining tale. It’s rounded out with the usual goodies in the form of prose, letters, and what’s probably my favourite of the back-up strips so far, Major Ursa, from Tyrone Finch, Mauricet, Lee Loughridge, and Rob Steen.
| Published by Ahoy
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Conan the Barbarian #6 sees Jason Aaron, Mahmud Asrar, Matthew Wilson, and Travis Lanham tell a story of Conan’s frustrations as a mercenary in the skirmishes between Turan and Stygia. People constantly underestimating Conan is always a fun story.
| Published by Marvel
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Deadly Class #38 sees Marcus and Maria return to King’s Dominion. It’s kind of messed up seeing the new status quo, but at the same time the tension that Rick Remender, Wes Craig, Jordan Boyd, and Rus Wooton build here between to old Legacy kids and Marcus & Maria feels like it’s going to explode, suggesting something even worse for the characters is coming soon. It’s very captivating.
| Published by Image / Giant Generator
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Detective Comics #1003 reveals the identity of the Arkham Knight. It’s not really anyone you could have possibly guessed, but an interesting addition to Batman’s rogues gallery. Also the cult surrounding the Arkham Knight is certifiably insane. Gorgeous artwork again from Brad Walker, Andrew Hennessy, and Nathan Fairbairn.
| Published by Marvel
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The Empty Man #7 goes full Clive Barker as we get an explanation for what the Empty Man really is and how he continues to manifest himself upon reality. I know I keep saying it, but the body horror brought about in the art from Jesús Hervás and Niko Guardia just can’t be stressed enough. Every issue they seem to outdo themselves with creepy and intriguing designs.
| Published by BOOM! Studios
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Eve Stranger #1 looks to be another winner for Black Crown. This first issue sets up the titular character as a secret agent who seems to need to reboot her memory every week. Why, exactly, is left unknown, but that’s part of the fun. David Barnett, Philip Bond, Eva de la Cruz, and Jane Heir do a wonderful job here with the action and intrigue. Also it’s great to see Bond doing more espionage tinged action, his art always looks so great telling these kinds of stories.
| Published by IDW / Black Crown
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Excellence #1 is a thoroughly excellent debut from Brandon Thomas, Khary Randolph, Emilio Lopez, and Deron Bennett. The world and character building in this first issue is impeccable and the art from Randolph and Lopez will just blow you away. Incredible development of a magic-based society and the class structure therein.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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The Flash #70 begins “Year One” promising new insight and occurrences during Barry’s origin story. Given that the last time this happened his mother was murdered, changing the timeline and resulting down the line in Barry trying to fix it with Flashpoint, anything’s possible. The real draw, though, is the stunning artwork from Howard Porter and Hi-Fi. Porter is really giving this his all and it shines through wonderfully.
| Published by DC Comics
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Hawkman #12 brings Bryan Hitch’s tenure on the series to an end with the conclusion to “Cataclysm”. This is an excellent, action-packed final confrontation between the legion of Hawkmen and the Deathbringers, setting up a whole Hawkman for possibly the first time and hints as to worse things waiting on the horizon.
| Published by DC Comics
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Infinite Dark #6 amplifies the terror and chaos as the dead-ish things exposed to the void start spreading fear and panic throughout the station. Ryan Cady, Andrea Mutti, K. Michael Russell, and Troy Peteri ratchet up the horror here.
| Published by Image / Top Cow
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Invaders #5 raises more questions after we thought some things were coming into focus in the previous issue, as Chip Zdarsky, Carlos Magno, Butch Guice, Alex Guimarães, and Travis Lanham continue “War Ghosts”. The tension here on the brink of all out war between the US and Atlantis is incredible, and there are more interesting twists that suggest something far more sinister occurring.
| Published by Marvel
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Jim Henson’s The Storyteller: Sirens #2 features a gorgeous adaptation of the story of Chinese mother goddess, Nuwa, by Chan Chau with letters by Jim Campbell. The artwork is amazingly beautiful supporting a very sweet tale.
| Published by Boom Entertainment / Archaia
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Justice League Odyssey #9 opens up an interesting thread that Starfire, Cyborg, and Azrael may be unduly under the influence of Darkseid. Dan Abnett is setting up some simmering conflict between Jessica Cruz and the rest of the team here, along with quite a few occult catchphrases thrown in to help amplify the mood.
| Published by DC Comics
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Lodger #5 is the end to this excellent crime drama from the Laphams and it is all kinds of messed up. We learn what really happened to Ricky’s family and...yeah. This has been a strange, at times disturbing, ride and they stuck the landing.
| Published by IDW / Black Crown
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Murder Falcon #8 is the epic conclusion to this series as Jake and Murf take on Magnum Khaos. Between this series and Extremity, Daniel Warren Johnson has proven himself time and again as a master storyteller and it shines through with the heartrending end to this story. This one goes up to eleven.
| Published by Image / Skybound
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Red Sonja & Vampirella Meet Betty & Veronica #1 is an interesting mash-up of the three properties from Amy Chu, Maria Sanapo, Vinicius Andrade, and Taylor Esposito. Some nice fish out of water humour as Sonja and Vampirella acclimate to Riverdale.
| Published by Dynamite
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Savage Sword of Conan #5 concludes “The Cult of Koga Thun” from Gerry Duggan, Ron Garney, Richard Isanove, and Travis Lanham. Some interesting twists in this finale of what has been a highly entertaining adventure.
| Published by Marvel
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She Could Fly: The Lost Pilot #2 sees Martín Morazzo cut loose again with some of the designs and presentation for Luna’s dreams and schizophrenic episodes.
| Published by Dark Horse / Berger Books
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Star Wars: Age of Rebellion - Boba Fett #1 features some incredibly rich artwork from Marc Laming and Neeraj Menon. Great detail throughout this story spotlighting Boba Fett’s cold, silent amorality.
| Published by Marvel
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Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #32 begins “Unspeakable Rebel Superweapon” as Aphra and her young protege steal the titular MacGuffin. There’s some interesting flashbacks to Aphra’s youth and it’s great to see Caspar Wijngaard doing more Star Wars art, even if just the flashbacks.
| Published by Marvel
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These Savage Shores #4 is a sumptuous feast. Ram V, Sumit Kumar, Vittorio Astone, and Aditya Bidikar are elevating the artform of comics which each subsequent issue. The epistolary narrative, the horror and mythological themes, the plays upon the nine-panel grid, the shadowy character designs, the lush and spooky colours, the overlap with historical events, the unique approach and detail in each character’s missive...just one of these elements would result in an entertaining tale, this comic mixes all of them into a superlative package. You’re doing yourself a disservice if you’re not reading this series.
| Published by Vault
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The Unstoppable Wasp #7 throws Nadia a birthday party, wherein she learns of her relations to what seems like half of the Marvel universe. Also, issues a death threat to Tony Stark. It’s cute, from Jeremy Whitley, Alti Firmansyah, Espen Grundetjern, and Joe Caramagna.
| Published by Marvel
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War of the Realms: New Agents of Atlas #1 sets up the conflict in the Pacific with Sindr while introducing a swath of new international characters to the Marvel universe. Also, Amadeus Cho continues to be a massive idiot, even at his shrunken size. Great art from Gang Hyuk Lim and Federico Blee.
| Published by Marvel
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Wonder Twins #4 sets up the twins with a pair of dates, allowing for some hilarious misadventures. Also, Polly seems to have a weird obsession with testicular cancer. Mark Russell, Stephen Byrne, and Dave Sharpe continue the fun, even though this one kind of takes us away from all ages material.
| Published by DC Comics / Wonder Comics
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Wyrd #3 opens up the messy can of worms of Wyrd’s past further as a figure out of the past he can’t remember emerges for a “meet”. Great tone and atmosphere for this story from Curt Pires, Antonio Fuso, Stefano Simeone, and Micah Myers.
| Published by Dark Horse
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X-Force #7 begins “The Counterfeit King” from Ed Brisson, Dylan Burnett, Damian Couceiro, Jesus Aburtov, and Joe Caramagna as past and present threaten to collide. Some nice character development for the team as they wait for Deathlok to do his thing.
| Published by Marvel
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Other Highlights: Accell #20, Age of X-Man: Apocalypse & The X-Tracts #3, Battlestar Galactica: Twilight Command #3, Betty & Veronica #5, Black Hammer: Age of Doom #10, By Night #11, Captain America #10, Captain Marvel #5, Catwoman #11, Curse Words #21, Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #6, Gunning for Hits #5, Hack/Slash vs. Chaos #5, Hit Girl: Season Two #4, House of Whispers #9, Ice Cream Man #12, James Bond: Origin #9, The Last Space Race #4, The Long Con #9, Marvels Annotated #3, Oberon #4, Ronin Island #3, Section Zero #2, Shadow Roads #7, Six Days, Spider-Man/Deadpool #50, Star Wars Adventures #21, Supergirl #30, Symbiote Spider-Man #2, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #44, Unnatural #9, Vindication #4, War of the Realms: Journey Into Mystery #2, Wasted Space #9, Waves, Wonder Woman #70
Recommended Collections: Accell - Volume 4: Slipstream Dream, Beyonders - Volume 1, Blackbird - Volume 1, Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor - Volume 1, The Freeze - Volume 1, Justice League - Volume 2: Graveyard of the Gods, Pearl - Volume 1, Quantum & Woody! - Volume 2: Separation Anxiety, Red Sonja/Tarzan, Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider - Volume 1: Spider-Geddon, Star Wars: Age of Republic - Villains, Thor by Jason Aaron: Complete Collection - Volume 1, The Woods: Yearbook Edition - Volume 1
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d. emerson eddy feels like a frappuccino.
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kalluun-patangaroa · 5 years
An Audience With… Brett Anderson
UNCUT Magazine
December 2010
Interview: John Lewis
Brett Anderson has some fans in odd places. This month, Uncut’s email boxes are positively heaving with questions from adoring fans in Peru, Serbia, Japan, New Zealand, Belgium, South Africa, Slovenia and Russia. “I’m quite popular in odd places,” he says. “Suede had No 1s in Chile and Finland. We were massive in Denmark. If asked why Denmark, my stock answer was that, well, I’m a depressed sex maniac and so are most Scandinavians. We toured China long before most Western pop groups. I remember playing Beijing, to a crowd divided by armed soldiers facing the audience. That was pretty scary.” Anderson is currently back in the Far East, speaking to Uncut as he overlooks Kowloon Harbour, preparing for solo dates. Later in the year he’ll be in London for a big O2 show with Suede (sans original guitarist Bernard Butler, although the two remain good friends). “I wanted to check out what the stage was like at the O2 Arena,” he says. “So I went to see The Moody Blues with my father-in-law. Come on, you can’t argue with ‘Nights In White Satin’. What a tune!”
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I presume you’re aware of the ‘reallybanderson’ Twitter account purporting to be by you. Amused or offended? Helen, Birmingham
Twitter is one of those strange things, like Facebook, that I don’t have anything to do with. But I have to grudgingly admit that the reallybanderson Twitter updates are rather funny [starts giggling]. And the guy doing it is obviously a bit of a Suede fan, because there are some very detailed references to b-sides and bla-di-blah. I can’t exactly complain about it without coming across as a real tit. It’s just fun and no-one really thinks it’s me, it’s a cartoon version of me reflected through some fairground mirror. I don’t think anyone reads it and thinks, ‘Oh, Brett Anderson has Jas Mann from Babylon Zoo doing his washing up, or Brett punched Damon in the street.’ It is, ha ha ha, quite witty. Having shown them the picture inside the Best Of Suede CD, my kids would like to know why you refused to feed me for five years? Also – can my mum have her top back? And are you around for a trip to the Imperial War Museum? Bernard Butler
Yes, what most fans don’t realise is that we kept Bernard in a cage for five years, and fed him edamame beans and tap water. Regarding his mum’s top – he should know that it’s long been ripped up and destroyed by the front row of the Southampton Joiners, or somesuch venue. Now, the Imperial War Museum – me and Bernard were talking about getting older the other day and he said: “Are you finding yourself increasingly interested in British military history?” And I have become oddly fascinated with watching WWI docs on YouTube. It’s not just the personal tragedies, but the sense of it being a shocking transition point between the Victorian world and modernity. The idea that they were going into war on horseback, and by the end of it they were in tanks. Blimey. So tell Bernard I will be going to the museum, soon… What’s your favourite Duffy song? Kris Smith, Wembley
I thought “Rockferry” was a very beautiful, stirring track. So that’s the only one I know well, but I’m really pleased for Bernard that that was a big success [Butler co-wrote and produced much of the album]. He’s an incredibly talented person and works incredibly hard, and he’s one of those people who is just obsessed with music. People like that deserve success. Did I ask him to join the Suede show at the O2? No. I told him about it, but he’s moved on so far from Suede that it would have been odd, and we’ve had a completely different lineup since he left. I don’t think he’d want to be jumping around a stage again! He’s much happier doing what he does now, I think he’s really found his calling. Do you still have your cat, Fluffington? Claire Vanderhoven, Holland
Unfortunately, he’s ascended to cat heaven. He had 15 long years of adoration. Am I getting another cat? Well, I recently got married, and my wife brought two Italian greyhounds with her. I don’t know if anyone is aware of them, but Italian greyhounds are like little cats. Ours are eight years old but look like miniature foxes, bonsai greyhounds. But incredibly fast, like little bullets. When they’re not running they spend their whole life under the duvet. Someone once told me they were bred by the Pharaohs as bedwarmers! Brett, do you have a copy of the single I recorded with Suede: “Art” b/w “Be My God”? If so, could I have one? Mike Joyce
Mike, I think I destroyed my copy years ago. I’m not one to keep memorabilia. They’re about 100 quid on eBay. Mike was an early member of Suede. We were advertising for a drummer and listed The Smiths as an influence. Then at an audition, their drummer pokes his head through the door and says, “Hello, lads!” Ha! It was a bit Jim’ll Fix It. I don’t think anyone thought it was going to last, Mike was far too big a name for us. But he just took us under his wing, guided us through the industry, and was so charming. I still keep in contact with him. What’s the weirdest story you’ve heard about yourself? Badabingbadaboom
Someone once told me that they’d heard a story about me wanting to shit in someone’s mouth. But I also heard the same story about David Byrne, so I think it’s one of those urban myths that gets transferred from one slightly kooky pop star to another. That’s probably the most unsavoury thing I’ve heard about myself. Maybe I should give it a go. Which actors would you like to play the lead members of Suede in a biopic? James Kumar, Manchester
This is the kind of thing we talk about on tour. Matt Osman is convinced I should be played by Peter Egan, who was in Ever Decreasing Circles. I think Nic Cage should play Matt. Arsène Wenger reminds me of Bernard. That’s what Bernard will look like when he’s 60. Billy Idol could play Simon Gilbert, couldn’t he? Would you ever consider working in musical theatre? Neil Tennant
It’s funny he should ask that, because only the other day, I was listening to the album Neil and Chris did with Liza Minnelli in the late ’80s. Results, I think it’s called, with “Losing My Mind”. That sounded great, so emotive, and real. I’m a big fan of the Pet Shop Boys, they’re one of those amazing bands that almost created their own genre. But anyway, musical theatre. Yeah, I think I would. Sondheim? Rodgers and Hart? Definitely. I’m always open to new ideas. Musical theatre sounds like it’s going to have camp undertones, but I’d love to do it in an interesting way. What’s the worst song you’ve ever written? Mark Catley, Christchurch, NZ
That’s a good question. I wrote lots of terrible songs that were never recorded in the early days. But there’s a song called “Duchess” – a B-side to something from the Head Music era [actually to 1997 single “Filmstar”] – which is pretty rubbish. I’ve often regretted the production on certain songs, like “Trash” and “Animal Nitrate”, even though they’ve been pretty good songs. But you can’t go messing around with things like that. You start to interfere with what people originally liked about it. I also think people like your mistakes, as they give your work humanity. I quite like that about Prince. He seems to throw stuff out – some of it genius, some unlistenable – but all quite honest. I respect that. Do you enjoy art? Excited about Gauguin at the Tate? Katarina Janoskova, London
Absolutely. I’m a big fan of Gauguin and the post-impressionists. My favourite visual artist, if I had to narrow it down to one, would be Manet, the pre-impressionist. Not Monet, who doesn’t do it for me. But Manet had this revolutionary technique of painting on black, which gives his pictures a real depth, there’s something very sumptuous about his paintings. And further back, the kind of medieval-style stuff like Holbein and Brueghel – they’re so well observed and so real. You look at these pictures of people who lived 500, 600 years ago, you can imagine them walking down Tottenham Court Road now, the same face, they’re so real. It’s a little window into the past. I’ve quite got into art recently. It’s all part of expanding yourself and your education, appreciation of beauty in life, innit? Now that you’re no longer coming to work in Bow, how are you coping without the salad pitta? Leo Abrahams, musician and producer
Ha ha! I’ve been working on an album with Leo, in his studio, and I have an unhealthy obsession with East London’s kebab shops. You don’t get many good kebab shops in west London. It reminds me of being a student. I’m surprised Leo’s got the time to email you questions! He’s far too busy producing Eno or Grace Jones or Florence & The Machine. He also does these bizarre things where he plays entirely improvised gigs, no rehearsals. And that inspired the latest solo LP I’ve done with him. It was based on improvs. Me, Leo, Seb Rochford on drums, and Leopold Ross on bass just jammed for days, cut up them up and improvised, and did overdubs. It’s a full-on rock record. I love Leo, he’s great. He never takes the easy option. He pushes you a bit, which can be terrifying. Can you give us not-so-slim-in-2010 Suede fans some health tips? Simon Quinton, Oxford
My wife is a naturopath – she’s conscious of what she eats, so we eat a lot of sushi and seeds. I’ve got into cycling recently, particularly living in London, through the parks and the backstreets. It makes you fall back in love with the city. I cycled to Bow the other day from my house in Notting Hill. So that’s staving off the fortysomething belly. I’m sure I’ll get it when I’m fiftysomething. I’m looking forward to that. What do you think of Gorillaz? Ruiz, São Paulo, Brazil
To be honest, I don’t know much about them. I like the drawings. I guess that’s a veiled question about my relationship with Damon? Well, we don’t have a relationship to talk about. We all have things that happened years ago, rivalries and so on, and people assume that they’re still on your radar and part of your life. It’s like some musical soap opera, often one that’s been fabricated, without much substance. I have different issues in my life now. Is the art of songwriting dead? If it isn’t, who is flying the torch? Paloma Faith
Oh, it’s not dead at all. I’m constantly inspired by new music. If you look on YouTube, there’s a clip of me singing Christina Aguilera’s “Beautiful”. When you’re covering stuff it’s interesting to try things that are out of your genre, which gives it a frisson. So I always try songs that aren’t, you know, British indie, stuff like Blondie, or The Pretenders. That Christina Aguilera song is amazing. I try not to look at songs as the finished product, I look at it as the chords and the melody and the words, like sheet music to be interpreted. You’ve got to keep moving with your musical appreciation. I loved the last Horrors record, I liked The National, The Drums, These New Puritans, lots of stuff. I never listen to the records I grew up with. Why bother? It’s all in my head! Brett, you’re from Haywards Heath. What’s the deal with the swimming pool there? It’s deep in the middle, not at one end. What’s your take on that? And were you ever caught out by it? P Newman, Brighton
I don’t know what they’re referring to at all, but funnily enough my dad used to work there as a swimming pool attendant. And I don’t really know how he got the job because he couldn’t swim. It’s lucky there weren’t any accidents. Every Tuesday, we had to troop down to the local pool, and everybody would be pointing at my dad saying, “Oh look there’s your dad, he’s working as a pool attendant.” And I was hoping none of them would start drowning, ’cos my dad wouldn’t be much use. Still, this was the early ’80s, and I guess we all thought the world was going to end any second with a nuclear bomb. Ha ha.
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Article about Miss America (later Chocolate USA), The Tampa Tribune, Nov 23, 1990
These kids are alright
Koster unfurls Miss America
By Steven Perez
The 30 or so people gathered at USF's Empty Keg on election night learned of Lawton Chiles’ gubernatorial victory the weird way.
A slight, unassuming 18-year-old with a thin ponytail and thrift store clothes made them rise and place their hands over their hearts as he sang 2 Live Crew's “Me So Horny” to the national anthem.
Then he led his band into a musical fun house of schlock culture and vaudevillian teen anarchy. Painfully quirky at points and poignant at others, it was a typical show for Julian Koster and Miss America. And no one walked out in confusion.
“That was more of a factor when I was playing solo,” said Koster, who also works at Pizza Hut and studies English at St. Petersburg Junior College.
“I'd be playing at places where the first band would have to remove these huge double-bass drum sets from the stage. Then I'd get up there — one person with a guitar and do these three-note weird-out guitar lines to pre-taped stuff. Then I'd throw a lizard mask on. They'd just be, ya know (insert glazed look here).”
Since summer Koster has slowly folded musicians into his gooey musical batter. Now Miss America features a solid foundation of guitar, bass, drums and violin.
Koster may be a sort of goofball messiah to the segment of Tampa's rock scene that’s grown weary of standard fare. Being a well-read, only child of culturally active New York City parents makes it almost a birthright. Having a self-described “absolute compulsion” to be public spectacle makes it a reality.
Either way, there are few other local acts that care to occasionally smash equipment, cut each other's hair, employ TVs and electric sanders, worship Muhammad Ali or allow toddlers to sit in on toy drum sets, If not always brilliant, the scattershot result is at least refreshing, drawing as
much from comedy improvisation as from Camper Van Beethoven or David Byrne.
“I'm consistently amazed because it seems like the audience actually likes us,” said Keith Block, 25, the drummer who plays hubcaps and oven racks.
Block also said Miss America has created a following of dependable fans who know just when to get rowdy if the band’ off-center approach isn’t going over well.
It can be difficult to muster a firm reaction to some of Koster’s compositions. The band, which also includes bassist Roxxy Dylwn, 19, and violinist Liza Wakeman, 16, reconciles a smattering of images and sounds into short spontaneous combustions. It usually works.
Why else would the song “Connie Chung” erode into Koster posing as the newscaster, reciting panting, sex-crazed dialogue. Why else would a beauty queen say she'd be better off dead. Why else
would the president of the United States turn his “State of the Universe Address” into a goopy, autoerotic display of mass media exhibitionism.
“I've always been interested in things that hit me in more than one level,” said Koster. “Things that have both a musical aspect and a theatrical aspect make you do more work. They're more like a real
person — not always funny, not always sad, doesn’t always dance. The songs and music are all of us trying to show every aspect of our personalities.”
One example is “Smile,” an instrumental which features a tape of Koster calling strangers to ask if they are lonely. Other pieces are noisy, alter egos which create walls of blissfully mindless guitar.
All together these kids don’t want much — just to finish their debut tape “All Jets Are Gonna Fall Today,” start a telephone hot line, and maybe become bigger than New Kids on the Block — eventually starring in a comic book and providing voices for their own cartoon series.
“Our other goal is to be like Josie and the Pussy Cats and go places and tame people with our music,” said Koster. “We could practice a lot and write a letter to Bush and have him drop us in the Middle East and send all the kids home. We'll play for Saddam. We'll do two or three
sets, I'll put on the lizard mask. ...”
Steven Perez is a Tampa Bay Times staff writer.
[photo description]
Julian Koster’s Miss America drapes itself with Old Glory and quirky music. “Our ... goal is to be like Josie and the Pussy Cats and go places and tame people with our music,” says Koster. Photograph by Ron J. Berard
[end of photo description]
When: Tuesday at 8 p.m.
Where: The Loft Theatre, Tampa
Tickets: $6
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13 Coachella Acts You Should See Other Than Beyoncé, The Weeknd and Eminem
Coachella 2018 is finally here!
Music lovers will be swarming to Indio, California, over the next two weekends to catch Beyoncé, The Weeknd and Eminem's highly anticipated headlining sets. And while their shows will surely be amazing, there's plenty of other bands and artists on the list that are also worth checking out.
So, whether you're heading to the desert to watch the star-studded lineup in person, or plan to live-stream the music festival at home, ET's got you covered. Here are 13 acts (aside from the biggest names) that we think you should rock out to and why!
Who they are: Though these two acts are performing separately, we have a good feeling we'll get a Coachella crossover! Cardi B (real name: Belcalis Almanzar) is a rapper from the Bronx borough of New York City, who first gained attention on Instagram and Vine for her "no filter" videos, later appearing on Love & Hip Hop: New York before her rap career took off in 2017. Migos is a hip-hop trio from Lawrenceville, Georgia, who formed together in 2009. The group is made up of rappers Quavo, Takeoff and Offset, who is engaged to Cardi B.
Why you should see their sets: For months, fans have been speculating that Cardi B was pregnant with her and Offset's first child, and she finally confirmed it last weekend by debuting her baby bump on Saturday Night Live. Aside from getting a peek at her burgeoning belly, expect a fire show from the 25-year-old singer, as she just dropped her no-holds-barred debut album, Invasion of Privacy, earlier this month. We're expecting Migos' set to be equally lit, with fans dancing along to their most popular tracks, like "Versace," "Stir Fry" and "Bad and Boujee."
Songs to listen to: If you're just getting introduced to Cardi B, check out "Bodak Yellow" and "Bartier Cardi," two of the first tracks that made her a household name. Also be sure to listen to "Thru Your Phone" and "I Do" off her new album, as well as "MotorSport" and Drip," which she and Migos collaborated on and will most likely perform together during Coachella.
Potential surprise guests: While there's no guarantee who will show up during Cardi B and Migos' Sunday sets, we'd personally love to see Nicki Minaj, Bruno Mars, G-Eazy, Lil Uzi Vert, Chance the Rapper, DJ Khaled or Justin Bieber, who have all recorded tracks with the rappers over the past few years.
Who she is: One of the hottest names in R&B and hip-hop at the moment, SZA, aka Solána Imani Rowe, has been making music since 2012, but came on the scene in a major way last year, with her breakthrough album, Ctrl. She's since been unstoppable, with appearances on the Black Panther soundtrack and Cardi B's debut album.
Why you should check out her set: Apart from the singalong hits, SZA's unique, soulful voice and minimalist, chillwave-inspired beats is the perfect way to round out your Friday night in the desert.
Songs to listen to: "Love Galore," "Drew Barrymore" and "All the Stars" will make you instantly fall in love with the 27-year-old singer.
Potential special guests: SZA has collaborated with everyone from Calvin Harris to Travis Scott to Maroon 5, but two of the biggest names that could turn up on her Coachella stage are Kendrick Lamar, to perform their Black Panther single, "All the Stars," and Cardi B, for their newly released Invasion of Privacy duet, "I Do."
Who they are: After successful runs in Steel Train and Fun., in-demand pop producer Jack Antonoff launched his new solo venture, Bleachers, in 2014. If a John Hughes movie were an album, it would sound like Bleachers’ debut, Strange Desire, and it only got better from there.
Why you should check out their set: With the Coachella lineup leaning heavy on hip-hop this year, the Bleachers' set should be a perfect opportunity for a fun, poppy dance break.
Songs to listen to: If you're checking out Bleachers for the first time, definitely take a listen to "Don't Take the Money," "I Wanna Get Better" and "I Miss Those Days" before their performance kicks off.
Potential special guests: It's always a safe bet to guess Lorde might turn up at a Bleachers show (or vice versa -- the two are close friends!), but if we're going for a long shot, maybe Taylor Swift could show up to perform one of her Antonoff-produced hits? Hey, a festivalgoer can dream!
Who she is: One of the most exciting acts in indie rock, who has been putting in work for over a decade, St. Vincent (real name: Annie Clark) spent her formative years as an artist in Sufjan Stevens' touring band, breaking out on her own in 2006. All of her five solo albums have been critically acclaimed, including her most recent, 2017’s Masseduction.
Why you should see her set: Expect an exciting set from the multi-instrumentalist, who, for fans of impressive guitar work, has also been known to shred. Her sets, not unlike her songs, tend to build in energy, from a simple beat to a full-on sonic explosion, meaning this one will likely reward those who commit for the whole concert.
Songs to listen to: "Cruel," off of 2011's Strange Mercy is a classic, but also check out her Masseduction singles, like "Los Ageless" and "New York," to get familiar with her newer work. 
Potential surprise guests: Sufjan is an obvious possibility, as well as David Byrne. Not only is he on the lineup himself, but he released a collaborative album with St. Vincent back in 2012.
Who she is: Alexandra Sholler, best known by her punny stage name of Alison Wonderland, is an Australian EDM DJ, producer and singer. Before hitting the scene with her debut album, Run, in 2015, Alison played bass guitar in a few local indie rock bands, and was a classically trained cellist who performed with the Sydney Youth Opera (you can hear her cello skills on songs like "Good Enough" and "Space.")
Why you should see her set: Between her edgy style, raw vocals, insanely catchy remixes, quirky dancing and the fact that she's the highest-billed female DJ in the history of Coachella, this set is going to be rad! Plus, the 31-year-old just released her sophomore album, Awake, over the weekend, and in less than two days, it already garnered two million streams on Spotify.
Songs to listen to: If her remix of Dua Lipa's "New Rules" doesn't sell you, "Happy Place" and "Easy" will definitely send you down a magical Alison Wonderland rabbit hole.
Potential surprise guests: While she is truly entertaining enough on her own, we wouldn't be surprised if she invited one of her Awake collaborators, like BLESSUS, Trippie Redd or Buddy, to the stage.  
Who he is: Born Miguel Jontel Pimentel, the soulful singer and songwriter first cast his spell on the music scene with his R&B love song, "Adorn," for which he won his first GRAMMY in 2013. He most recently released his third full-length album, War & Leisure, and his vocals were featured on Disney's Coco soundtrack. He performed the film's Oscar-winning song, "Remember Me (Dúo)," at this year's Academy Awards.
Why you should see his set: Fresh off his sexy War & Leisure tour, Coachella is the perfect setting for this Los Angeles native's sultry voice and effortless cool vibes. But don't let his falsetto, hip-thrusting, baby-making music fool you -- Miguel knows how to throw a party onstage!
Songs to listen to: "Sky Walker," "Pineapple Skies" and "I Told You So" are just a few jams that will get you jiving with the 32-year-old singer.
Potential special guests: Miguel's solo records speak for themselves, but it's his features and collaborations that showcase just how versatile his voice is. He's appeared on Janelle Monae's "Primetime," Dua Lipa's "Lost in Your Light," and most recently, Kygo's "Remind Me to Forget." And with the latter also on the Coachella lineup this year, expect the two to share the stage at some point this weekend.
Who they are: A Swedish folk duo consisting of sisters Klara and Johanna Söderberg, who, like many modern-day breakouts, gained notoriety with a viral YouTube cover of Fleet Foxes' "Tiger Mountain Peasant Song." In the near decade since that video was released, First Aid Kid has boasted an international following and put out three studio albums, including their latest, Ruins, earlier this year.
Why you should see their set: In some ways, the Söderberg sisters evoke Simon & Garfunkel with their transfixing harmonies, lending itself to singing along, swaying about in the crowd or even hanging back and taking in the melodies while lying in the grass. First Aid Kit is a must-see for any listeners who really go for harmonization, as well as rich, layered folk instrumentation.
Songs to listen to: "My Silver Lining" is their most popular song, and also a great representation of what they do as a duo. Also consider "It’s a Shame" and "Fireworks," both off their newest album, to determine if this act is one to add to your Coachella schedule.
Potential surprise guests: This is a tough one, because the draw of Klara and Johanna is, well, Klara and Johanna! That said, Fleet Foxes will also be at the festival, the band First Aid Kit paid tribute to in the aforementioned viral cover. If they welcome them onstage, or vice versa, it would definitely be an appearance we’d be lucky to see.
Who she is: MØ is a Danish singer, songwriter and electropop producer. In 2015, she co-wrote Major Lazer and DJ Snake's massive hit, "Lean On," which, at the time, exploded to be Spotify’s most-streamed song ever (it has since been overtaken by Drake's "One Dance").
Why you should see her set: She's been compared to other electropop powerhouses, like Grimes and Twin Shadow, and has amassed a huge following, thanks in part to some amazing features and collaborations. MØ, surprised the crowd at last year's Coachella during Major Lazer's set, but this year, the 29-year-old is ready to take center stage all on her own. Plus, she has some sweet dance moves.
Songs to listen to: "When I Was Young," "Don't Leave" and "Final Song" are solid tracks that will turn you into a MØ fan in no time.
Potential special guests: Over the last three years, MØ has been the go-to pop singer for hits like "Don’t Leave" with Snakehips and "Porsche" with Charli XCX, so either artist could easily join her onstage, especially since the former is also on the Coachella bill. We also wouldn't be surprised if her frequent collaborator, Diplo, made a special appearance during her set.   
Who they are: Made up of brothers Josh, Jake and Sam Kiszka, with their friend, Danny Wagner, Greta Van Fleet is an American rock band that hails from Frankenmuth, Michigan. They formed the group in 2012, but they easily could have fit in with the classic rock bands of the '70s.
Why you should see them: If you need a break from all the hip-hop, R&B and electronic dance music, do yourself a favor and get familiar with these rising rock stars, whose sound is heavily influenced by the work of Led Zeppelin. (Seriously, if you close your eyes while listening to their music for the first time, you would think it was Robert Plant on vocals -- that would be Josh). Their throwback, blues-rock vibe is a refreshing set for Coachella attendees looking to just chill out for a bit on Friday, while discovering an awesome band that's inventing old-school rock.
Songs to listen to: "Highway Tune" was the quartet's debut single, and the first one they ever wrote and recorded together. It hit No. 1 on mainstream rock radio, and was even featured on the Showtime show Shameless. If you're digging that track, definitely also check out "Safari Song" and "Flower Power" from their eight-song EP, From the Fires.
Potential surprise guests: In an interview with Billboard last August, Josh said that while they still "prefer all of the old stuff," there are a few bands and artists from this era that they dig -- Fleet Foxes and Vance Joy, who are both on this year's lineup. Although Greta Van Fleet hasn't officially collaborated on any tracks with either of these acts, we'd love to see them rock out together at the festival.   
Who she is: Kali Uchis is a neo-soul, R&B singer who hails from Pereira, Colombia, and just released a severely dope debut album, Isolation.
Why you should see her set: What the 24-year-old singer brings as an artist is an ability to be simultaneously free-associative in her singing and unbelievably catchy. Plus, her songs are set to up-tempo beats that evoke a mix of a little hip-hop and indie pop. So, whether you're ready to low-key jam out or just need to chill out for a bit, she's a great artist to watch. Coachella hasn’t dropped the full set times just yet, but she seems like a perfect fit for sunset at the Outdoor Stage or a dreamy set in one of the tents.
Songs to listen to: Familiarize yourself with Kali Uchis by listening to "Tyrant," "After the Storm" and "In My Dreams" off her new album, and "Loner" for a good throwback track.
Potential surprise guests: Tyler, the Creator is all but guaranteed, as he has produced for Uchis frequently, and is featured on "After the Storm." Other likely acts include Jorja Smith, Daniel Caesar and Vince Staples. Additionally, it would be a long shot, but she did collaborate with Snoop Dogg early in her career. He’s all booked up during weekend two of the festival, but the iconic rapper would certainly be a treat for weekend one attendees.
Who he is: Canadian singer-songwriter Ashton Simmonds, better known as Daniel Caesar, is one of the fresh names to know in the world of R&B. His debut EP, Praise Break, was critically acclaimed, but it was his breakthrough 2016 single, "Get You," and follow-up album, Freudian, that catapulted him onto the big stage.
Why you should check out his set: A nice, low-key lull in the hectic first day of the festival, Caesar’s swooning guitar and bluesy vocals will be perfect for a sunset set in the desert.
Songs to listen to: Do yourself a favor and press play on "Get You," "We Find Love" and "Best Part." You're welcome.
Potential special guests: It wouldn't be a surprise to see fellow Coachella performer Kali Uchis show up on Caesar's stage, thanks to their "Get You" collab. If we're taking a shot in the dark, though, maybe Chance the Rapper shows up to perform "First World Problems," the track the pair debuted on The Late Show last fall. It's Coachella, after all. Anything can happen!
Who they are: Tank and the Bangas are a funk/soul outfit from New Orleans, founded and fronted by slam poet Tarriona "Tank" Ball, who surrounded herself with talented musicians in order to craft a sound unlike any other. The group formed in 2011, and gained widespread recognition last year after winning NPR’s Tiny Desk Contest.
Why you should check out their set: If the music doesn't get you, Ball's powerful words will. Watching the group's Tiny Desk performance will have any viewer eager to see them on a much larger stage, and their Friday set should be the perfect opportunity to get you into the Coachella groove.
Songs you need to check out: While we love them all, "Quick," "Rollercoasters" and "Oh Heart" are a few of our favorites.
Potential special guests: None. Tank and her crew will be more than enough entertainment! 
 For more Coachella news, keep it locked right here on ETonline, as we'll be heading to the desert this weekend to bring you all the best music moments from the highly anticipated festival! Also join us live on Facebook and YouTube on Thursday at 3 p.m. ET/12 p.m. PT for a special Coachella version of Daily Denny. We'll be breaking down even more artists to watch, so stay tuned!
Beyoncé Is Going Vegan Ahead of Coachella -- See the Ab-tastic Pic!
Coachella 2018: Beyonce, The Weeknd and Eminem Headlining -- Plus You'll Get Cardi B in Indio!
Cardi B Confirms She's Pregnant, Debuts Baby Bump During 'Saturday Night Live' Performance
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mikiefresh · 7 years
In my last post, I promised to produce another list of artists and groups that I either missed entirely, didn't listen to very much, or whatever. All of these albums were released in 2017, so consider this to be an augmentation of my Best Of list. Had I known about a few of these albums earlier, I would have changed up my Best Of 2017 List to include them, thus reducing the heavy hip hop content. Anyway, again in no particular order, here is some more great music to check out from last year... Priests - Nothing Feels Natural
I am not sure why, but I have always loved poppy, post-punk/indie rock a la Karen O and The Yeah Yeah Yeahs. Maybe it is the memory of seeing Blondie live in concert at The Tibetan Freedom Concert in 1999. Anyway, this band fulfills that in ways that the female-fronted groups from the Best of 2017 list did not. Where Alvvays and The Courtneys had a garage essence to their poppy, punky indie rock, Priests is even more raw, with spoken word lyrics, layered over faster melodies and crunchy guitars. This album is on 6 Best of 2017 lists, including Pitchfork, Billboard, Stereogum, and NPR.  Chicano Batman - Freedom is Free
I love the earlier Chicano Batman stuff, and it physically hurt me to not be able to include this album on my list. It just doesn't have the strong essence of funky, latin rock that I love from the other albums - instead focusing on lighter melodies and softer songs, albeit with lyrics about social issues. However, some other best of lists probably include this album. I say if you like this one, go listen to the older stuff and you will be blown away.  The Weather Station - self-titled 
A self-titled album as your fourth is a bold move in my opinion, however, she seems to have hit her stride with this one. Love songs and ballads presented in a bold, powerful way make up most of this self-titled album. Moody and introspective, the folksy alt-country draws the listener in; "Thirty" is a highlight on the album. She brings to mind Joni Mitchell and Jewel, but is not to be confused with either one. Charly Bliss - Guppy
I don't know how I missed this band - they combine fuzzed out, orchestrated guitars somewhere between Weezer and Radiohead, with sweet, sugary female vocals. I think they really rock. While comparisons to Veruca Salt and Paramore can also be made, it doesn't cheapen the greatness that is Charly Bliss. The music is so fun, I would most definitely have included this album on my Best Of 2017 List.   Tyler Childers - Purgatory
Another artist that I am sad to have missed out on, Tyler Childers plays new country that sounds like the Appalachian mountains, where I spent time every summer of my childhood. Fiddles, bluegrass melodies, and production by Sturgill Simpson brings us yet another great, authentic country artist. I hope this album inspires many new listeners that love old Willie Nelson- and Waylon Jennings- style country. He, also, would have taken a spot on my 50 Best List of 2017. Zola Jesus - Okovi 
Dark, intense, operatic, and stunningly beautiful at times, the newest release by Zola Jesus is not my favorite album; however, the musicality, production, and content here are astounding and notable. Urgent, emotional, compelling, and gothic, this album is for those looking for something that satisfies the darker urges.  Yaeji - EP2
Again, an artist that completely slipped by me...that after discovering, I really like. She sing song raps slowly and methodically, in this hushed, subtle, Korean-English combo that is uniquely catchy and interesting. She is kind of a rapper, it is kind of techno-ish, but her music is hard to define. If you like genre-bending new sounds, check her out. Her version of "Passionfruit" is incredibly dope, possibly better than the original, and has earned a spot on my faves playlist on Spotify. Mount Eerie - A Crow Looked at Me
Certainly the most death-centered, morbid, intensely sad album that I have ever come across. The artist recently lost his wife, and the whole album is dedicated to songs about her life/that loss/the aftermath. If you need a good cry, give this a listen. It sounds like sparse, stripped down Ben Gibbard/Postal Service -esque vocals and music, while maximizing the melancholy simplicity of that sound. This album is sad. It is about death. Listen with caution. I'm sure it will pop up on many best of lists this year.  Danay Suarez - Palabras Manuales
This album is freaking amazing. I don't even know where to start. She sings and raps in Spanish with so much fluidity that listeners will be drawn in immediately. Straddling the line between rapper and singer, jazz and hip hop, she brings out many aspects of her Cuban heritage in her songs. Modern reggae and reggaeton can be heard, but also classic Afro-Cuban rhythms a la Buena Vista Social Club; the mixing of the modern and classic is dope, and will delight listeners of many types of music. If you are into Spanish-language music at all, listen to this. Parquet Courts - MILANO
Finally, a male-fronted post-punk/indie-rock group! Perhaps the most interesting combination album of last year, Italian composer Daniele Luppi's work with Parquet Courts and Karen O produced a throwback sound that is reminiscent of the early NYC punk ethos. The album hearkens back to Velvet Underground, but makes it this new noise, mostly due to Karen O's strong vocals. As stated above, I love Karen O and pretty much everything she does musically. Benjamin Clementine - I Tell A Fly
Benjamin Clementine put out an album in 2016 that absolutely blew me away. I found out about him through an interview with David Byrne (of Talking Heads), and was immediately drawn to its theatrical vocals, piano-driven melodies, and curious song orchestrations. This album makes that album look boring by comparison, full of overly theatrical, cinematic themes, with incredibly powerful, intense vocals, and strangely complex and equally cinematic instrumentation. It would have been on my Best of list for sure, so check it out for something totally unique.  LOOPRAT - In < No Time
I know I hinted that there was already enough hip hop on my Best of 2017 list, but I had to shout out these homies. LOOPRAT is a St. Louis born-and-bred hip hop collective, consisting of over a dozen members. They are 5 MC's, a full band, and a backup singer, and their live shows are incredible. A live hip hop band, most similar to The Roots, but incorporating other elements of hip hop and jazz as well, they play regularly at small colleges in the midwestern region. I've had the pleasure of getting to know 3 of the MC's in the group, and they are on the path to greatness. Watch out for this crew - they are coming for your ears. White Reaper - The World's Best American Band
It is a damn shame that I didn't listen to this album more over the course of the year. It should have been on my Best of 2017 list for sure, especially due to the fact that it is the only true rock and roll album that I listened to all year. These guys play good, old-fashioned American rock and roll, rocking out with party anthems and rock ballads alike. You will see this album on other best of lists for sure. If you like this one, check out both of their earlier albums - you won't be disappointed.  I'm not sure what I've got coming on next week's blog, perhaps something non-music related, considering I have reviewed over 60 artists in the past 2 posts alone. Please feel free to comment below! #musicreviews #showreviews #moviereviews #entertainmentreviews
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Okay, so new year, new opportunities. I’m going to attempt to review the comics I buy each week again. I tried it for a while but I kept getting sidetracked so here we go again. I want to preface this by saying that I am not a professional reviewer/critic, all I can offer you is my opinion of the work. I typically buy anywhere from $30-50 worth of new comics weekly so I can’t review everything but if you have a suggestion for a book I should try I’m more than happy to check it out. I also have a tendency to stalk used book stores and comic conventions for old graphic novels and I am especially fond of the clearance bins at Half Price Books so I will share reviews of those as well. The main thing that I love about cheap graphic novels is that I can pick up things that I may never have taken a chance on otherwise due to price considerations. I have found a lot of great comics that way. I also want to preface these reviews by saying that I do write and draw comics of my own so some of my opinions may be skewered by that experience.
Week One: 1/3/2018
Books purchased:
Star Wars Issue 41 Kieron Gillen/Writer Salvador Larroca/Artist Marvel
Batman White Knight Issue 4 (of 8) Sean Murphy/Writer/Artist DC
Scales and Scoundrels Issue 5 Sebastian Girner/Writer Galaad/Artist Image
X-Men Grand Design Issue 2 Ed Piskor/Writer and Artist Marvel
Star Wars Forces of Destiny (Leia) One-Shot Elsa Charretier/Co-Writer and Artist Pierrick Colinet/Co-Writer IDW/Disney
Rat Queens Issue 7 Kurtis J. Wiebe/Writer Owen Gieni/Artist Image
Paper Girls Issue 19 Brian K. Vaughan/Writer Cliff Chiang/Artist Image
Rock Candy Mountain Issue 7 (of 8) Mountain Kyle Starks/Writer and Artist Image
Walking Dead Issue 175 (1 of 6 in the New World Order storyline) Robert Kirkman/Writer Charlie Adlard/Artist Image
 My Favorite Thing is Monsters Emil Ferris/Writer and Artist Fantagraphics
Let me begin by saying that I have not fully finished My Favorite Things is Monsters yet so I won’t be reviewing it just yet. I will say that it is phenomenally drawn and written. You want to keep reading but sometimes the drawings insist that you stop and admire them. I’ve stayed up late a few nights reading it and I’m still only a little over half way through. From all accounts this is just the first book as well so I hope they get the second volume out quick!
Star Wars issue 41 is a continuing storyline that, if I was hard pressed, I would have a hard time remembering and I just read the book yesterday.... I buy most of the Star Wars books and I really can’t say why other than I’m a huge Star Wars fan. The artwork is nice and it’s always fun seeing the original trilogy characters in action but the stories aren’t that exciting. I get the feeling that the powers that be (ether Disney or Marvel) don’t want to change or expand the characters much so they make the writers stick to bland adventures that will in no way change or expand the existing universe. Luke is always an unsteady Jedi wanna-be, whining and worrying, Han is the cavalier scoundrel who is quick with the schoolboy taunts of Leia to where one wonders why he doesn’t just pull her pigtails and get it over with, and Leia is the know-it-all badass who has to keep these two “assets” to the rebellion alive and on track. Chewbacca stands by idly and wonders what about his place in the universe...the Star Wars Universe....
 Buy if you love Star Wars and want to grumble about it, Pass if you do not.
 Batman White Knight Issue 4 (of 8) I’m enjoying this so far despite not being a big Batman fan. I am of the opinion that Batman is a jack booted thug with anger management issues wasting a fortune on playing cops and robbers while Gotham is filled with poor and desperate people. This book is playing up on that view of Batman. Even though I find Batman to be a poorly conceived character I do admit that he inspires some great stories. I know because I buy a lot of them despite not being overly fond of the character. If you haven’t checked this one out it is a doozy. Written by Sean Murphy (Wake, Tokyo Ghost, Punk Rock Jesus) is a great writer (and artist) and I’ve enjoyed his work in the past and that’s primarily why I gave this a shot (and he doesn’t disappoint). The main thrust of the series is that the Joker (or Jack Napier) has turned a new leaf and has become a “good guy”….or has he? He seems to be doing a lot of things right and is championing the poor and oppressed in Gotham. Batman of course doesn’t trust him, Commissioner Gordon doesn’t trust him either but is willing to listen, and Nightwing and Batgirl are somewhere in the middle. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.  I always like comics that hold my interest and keep me in suspense from issue to issue. I am always asking myself, “What happened in the last issue of this comic?” If I can’t answer that question then I know it’s probably not a good storyline or, perhaps, it’s one of those independent comics that take four months or more between issues. Tangent rant: have you noticed that creators are bringing out their own titles with haphazard release schedules so that they can work on mainstream books (Marvel/DC)? It’s a little infuriating. I know it’s the nature of the beast but it’s hard to wait so long between books.
 Buy! This is a good book despite the fact that it’s a Batman book :)
 Scales and Scoundrels Issue 5 I’m digging this comic, it’s like a Dungeons and Dragons adventure….literally. The main characters travel to a dungeon in search of treasure and there are dragons involved. The action even seems as though it is being created through a D&D campaign. DM, “You are in a boat on a mysterious sea and you are attacked by five boats of amphibious creatures with stone weapons, one appears to be a wizard. What do you do?” If this is how it’s being created I’m not mad at anyone for it. I like the storyline and the art is okay. The art is loose, cartoony, and very familiar as I’m seeing a lot of artists using this style as of late. If you have seen any art by Hamish Steele this is very similar. I’m not sure what the influence for this art is but it has become prevalent as of late. It would not be out of place on Cartoon Network or Cartoon Hangover. I know the critique to that kind of comment is always, “Well, can you do better?” Well, no, but that doesn’t mean that I can’t have an opinion. I’m not saying it’s bad, it’s perfectly passable and suits the book  well, all I’m saying is that it’s cartoony and sparse. The characters and their development are top notch so far though and it’s only issue 5 so who knows where it will go from here.
Buy! You may want to wait for the TPB at this point but it’s definitely a good read.
 X-Men Grand Design Issue 2 Ed Piskor is my homeboy. He may not know it but he is. I’ve been hyping this guy since I read Wizzywig back in the day. Lately, Ed has been chronicling the life and times of hip hop culture in his book Hip Hop Family Tree which is phenomenal. It’s about people and history and culture just as much as it’s about music so it’s enjoyable on many levels even if you don’t like hip hop. And that’s kind of what’s missing in X-Men Grand Design. Ed is a lifelong X-Men fanatic and has spoken about his passion for the franchise many times and his passion shows in these comics but , through no fault of his own, their story is not as interesting as the story of hip hop. I do admire the book for Ed’s unique and eye catching style. You can always spot an Ed Piskor book! I love that it’s loose and fun and that Ed still does everything on paper including his inking and lettering. His books have the feel of an underground/DIY comic but made by a professional. They’re old school and modern at the same time. Part of the problem may be that I’m not as big of a fan of the X-Men as Ed but partially to blame is the fact that the X-Men have a convoluted, and oftentimes eye rolling, history filled with coincidences, bad plotting, dues ex machina moments, and overwrought soap opera emotions (as a lot of comics with such a long history do to be fair). This is only the second book of course and he is nowhere near the groundbreaking Chris Claremont/David Byrne run yet so we have that to look forward to. The other problem is that Ed is having to untangle the history to tell it chronologically. Things that lazy writers threw in to correct an issue that happened many issues or even years before have to be put into the correct place in the timeline and that can make these stories even more confusing. I will keep buying these if only to look at Ed’s art but I’m anxious to get to a better era of the franchise soon. These early stories are somewhat hokey.
 Buy if you’re a fan of Ed Piskor or the X-Men Pass if your meh about either.
Star Wars Forces of Destiny (Leia) One-Shot This book was released by Disney so you can be sure that it is aimed at a younger demographic. They call it an “All-Ages Adventure” and the advert at the back of the book has a schedule for four more books, one for each week in January 2018. Next week will be Rey, then Hera (Who? Sorry, I haven’t watched Rebels yet), Ashoka & Padme, and then Rose & Page. All of these books are either written by or drawn by (or both) female artists and writers which is really cool.  I’m looking forward to the Rose & Paige book because, and I get the feeling that I’m alone for the most part here, I liked their story in the Last Jedi. This issue deals with Leia and is co-written and drawn by Elsa Charretier (co-writer Pierrick Colinet) who I am unfamiliar with but does an excellent job here. Her drawing style reminds me of Bruce Timm or Darwyn Cooke which is a high compliment coming from me because I am a big fan of both of those artists. As with those guys, Elsa has a style influenced by animation and it shows in the flow of her panels and her fluid action scenes. The story is set on Hoth and she makes Hoth look way more beautiful that it has any right to be. The character designs are loose but perfect and I could totally see this style being used in a Batman Adventures style Star Wars cartoon. The story takes place right before the Battle of Hoth (opening scene of Empire Strikes Back) and Leia leads Han and Hera (No idea) on a mission to find a part for the energy shield. It’s a simple premise but Leia has more character development here than in some of the comics Marvel has released. She knows she’s supposed to be in command and that people are looking to her for answers which puts considerable stress on her knowing that she has to make the right decisions and quick or she is going to lose people and maybe even the war. I liked this comic a lot. I especially liked the art and will seek out other books by Elsa Charretier. Yes, the story is simple and it doesn’t have any big surprises or cover a lot of new territory but it is meant for a younger audience and it is still a good story.
 Buy! Yeah, I’m saying buy this even if you skip the new Star Wars comic get this one. This one is at least fun to read.
 Rat Queens Issue 7 Have you ever had a book, or TV show, or movie that you absolutely loved and then, as it progressed, it lost it’s luster? Rat Queens has become that for me. I loved the early books filled with fantasy adventure, girl power and laughs but, after original artist Rob Upchurch left under a cloud of domestic abuse charges the book lost steam and has not recovered. This is not to say that the art has not been good because it has been spectacular since he left. Tess Fowler was a great replacement who they inexplicably replaced with Owen Gieni when the book was rebooted. I do like Gieni’s art but it made no sense to replace Fowler. Not only did she turn in great art month after month but she brought a female perspective to the art and the book. I imagine she would not have drawn the horrible creature that appears in this issue as Gieni did. It looks like a monster cut from the Spread comic. It has one foot and the big toe on that foot is a penis. Cleaver… mature…. aesthetically pleasing…..I wonder what female fans  thought of that? I don’t know, I just don’t think the comic is fun anymore. They seem to be going from one characters storyline to another  with no real development or insight added to them.  I hate to say this but, for me, the book has jumped the shark and will probably be leaving my pull list.
 Pass! I hope it gets better but I somehow doubt that it will. I have not enjoyed this book since before the reboot.
 Paper Girls Issue 19 I’ll preface this by saying that I really like Brian K. Vaughan’s writing. I loved Y: The Last Man, Ex Machina, Saga, Runaways, etc. For me, this has been the hardest book of his for me to like. I do like it but it took a while for me to get into it and I have no idea why. It may be that the writing is trying to be a little too clever but I don’t know if that’s it. The constant references to the eighties meant to remind us the girls are from the eighties can cause some eye rolling and the obligatory issue where every girl meets their future counterpart give this a Back to the Future vibe. But I like Back to the Future so why am I not as enchanted by this? It may be that I get frustrated when I don’t know what’s going on. This is probably why the book has grown on me as more is revealed. This is the kind of book that I like to read in TPB form as I can read a bunch of them at once and not get left hanging. The writing and the art are great on the book, Cliff Chiang draws beautifully, but it may take you a while to warm up to the book and characters. I say buy the early TPB’s and read them straight through and you’ll be ready to go once you reach this issue.
 Buy if you have all of the other issues, if not then buy the TPB’s first.
 Rock Candy Mountain Issue 7 (of 8) Oh I do love me some Kyle Starks! If you are not yet on the Kyle Starks bandwagon you better hop on now! This guy makes comics that are a non-stop action movie thrill ride that will knock you flat on your butt! I own just about everything he’s made. The Legend of Ricky Thunder, Sexcastle, Kill Them All, and now I’m eating up Rock Candy Mountain. This book is his longest yet and has a lot of things going for it that his previous books did not like spectacular color by Chris Scheizer (Who is himself a tremendous talent writing and drawing the excellent Crogan Adventures series). The other thing that this book has going for it is hoboes and lord knows I love hoboes. I have a keen interest in alternative cultures like hoboes, or beatniks, or Justin Bieber fans; what makes them tick, how did this group form, and why would anyone listen to that god awful music? I also grew up next to a railroad track and love trains and have jumped a few myself (only to drop off a few blocks later so I wouldn’t miss supper). I can understand the feeling of wanting to jump on a train and ride away from your troubles for a while. Ah wanderlust…. So add Kyle Stark to hobo culture and I’m buying that book, no questions asked. Thankfully, my faith in Kyle and hoboes was not ungrounded because this book is awesome. I don’t want to give too much away but this is an epic adventure with plenty of action scenes and great characters. I highly recommend this book. Kyle is another of those artists like Ed Piskor where you immediately recognize his style and there is no one else out there who does it quite the same way. I love his style but opinions may vary. The TPB of the first four issues is out and would be a good start if you’re interested.
 Buy! Buy! Buy! Get the TPB if you’re just starting out.
 Walking Dead Issue 175 Wow, 175 issues and I’ve read them all. Remember when I was talking earlier about loving something and then it gradually fades into apathy? The Walking Dead has become that for me, especially the television show. I would love to take this space talking about how much I hate the show now and how dumb the characters are but this isn’t about the show so I’m going to stick to the book (BTW I hated the All Out War storyline [and Neagan] in the book because it was meandering and poorly plotted and the show is the same way). Anyway, the book has had it’s good moments and it’s great moments, it’s bad moments and it’s excruciatingly bad moments and I think this storyline may fall into the former if it’s done right. Other than the annoying weirdo the group picked up I like where this is going. I have always wondered about other societies out in the world and the one the group has run into is especially intriguing. I’m not going to go into the plot, it’s the Walking Dead, so you know, zombies and stuff. If you have been reading The Walking Dead all along I think you may agree that this storyline is interesting. It may spell the end for the book eventually who knows? I do hope this turns out to be a good one as there hasn’t been a great arc in a while.
 Buy if you’re caught up to this issue or buy the large omnibus books to catch up if you’re not. If you watch the show you may still enjoy this but you’re going to be wondering why Eugene is with the group.
Thanks for reading, sorry if I bored you!
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ulyssesredux · 7 years
(Ecstatically, to build a massive rally. Can't watch Crazy Megyn anymore. Will these leaks be happening? Mrs Yelverton Barry and the opposition party the media going to bring steel and coal dying! I have raised for our Armed Forces, I hope people are killing our police. But I love watching these poor, pathetic people pundits on television was the one who knows who the finalists are! He lifts her, impassive. Bloom's tailor, appears there, there is Heading to Phoneix. MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! Very nice!)
THE CALLS: That alderman sir Leo Bloom's speech be printed at the same Fake News Media that said there is much different!
(Her eyes upturned in the process of fixing it. Bernie want to solve some of the two bobbies will allow the sleep to continue for what should be fun! She should spend more time doing a fantastic job, will go to Russia, or plain star!)
THE CHILDREN: This will prove to be president because she campaigned in the Republican National Convention until people started complaining-then a small group of people to Azazel, the land of Ham. Don't manhandle him!
THE IDIOT: (Unportalling.) For Growth tried to extort $1,000 votes were illegal.
THE CHILDREN: Ulster king at arms!
THE IDIOT: (Now have an open border.) Bonjour!
(Bloom, over his bony epileptic lips He sticks out a handful of coins. #Trump2016 Heading to New Hampshire and Maine. Stars all around suns turn roundabout. We have to accept the results and look to the wall. Yawns, then smiles, laughs loudly, poppysmic plopslop. This Week with George S this morning on the table. With an adroit snap he catches it and asked for the American people. He raises the ashplant in his breeches pockets, stands in the U.S. for long enough. Flirting quickly, then wedges it tight in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information. Richie Goulding, three tears filling from gracing arms reveals a white jujube in his shirtfront, steps forward. A hand glides over her trinketed stomacher, a bowieknife between his teeth. If the U.S. has a sprouting moustache. The face of the past in a death wreath in his waistcoat, posing calmly. Hillary's debate answer on delay by V. Putin-I am in the distance. In his free hand. Winking. He swerves, sidles, stepaside, slips past and on.)
CISSY CAFFREY: We must do everything possible to keep me from the Koran.
(Big crowds! Bella Cohen stands before him. Thank you Rick! Whispers hoarsely.)
THE VIRAGO: We are suffering through the worst economic numbers since the Great State of Indiana. Pwfungg!
CISSY CAFFREY: In just out book, Secret Service were fantastic! ObamaCare is in.
(His Eminence Simon Stephen Cardinal Dedalus, Primate of all the Bernie voters who want to be at the theater by the media pushing Crooked hard.) U.S. because of Hillary Clinton is using race-e-mails, resignation of boss and the young man run up behind me.
(Savagely His forehead veins swollen, his left eye. See her dumb tweet when a failed spy afraid of being overturned close to the front. Staggering Bob, a strong push from Crooked Hillary picks Goofy Elizabeth Warren is weak and her government protection process.)
PRIVATE COMPTON: (We gave them months of notice.) Reading poorly from the beginning, & Dems, in 2018!
PRIVATE CARR: (Wild excitement.) I'll insult him.
CISSY CAFFREY: (I inherited something very special, the curtana.) He insulted me but I forgive him.
(See you there! There’s never been anyone more abusive to women in politics. Saluting together They move off with slow heavy tread.)
STEPHEN: See? I am very proud to have that is the age of patent medicines.
(Philly fight? He follows, followed by the horrors we are not happy with them.)
THE BAWD: (Stiffly, her forefinger in mouth.) Don't be all night before the polis in plain clothes sees us. Polls! Jewman's melt! Sst!
STEPHEN: (Aroma rises, a gobbet of pig's knuckle between his teeth.) No!
THE BAWD: (He brands his initial C on Bloom's upturned face, shouts.) Today we lost a brilliant finance minister and wonderful guy. Hasn't the soldier a right to go with his girl? Come here till I tell you.
(Sad! She is dressed in red, orange sleeves, Garrett Deasy up, phony facts.)
EDY BOARDMAN: (Our Heart melodic, Pennywise's Way to Wealth parsimonic.) You bad man! Socialiste! Erin go bragh! Heigho! Can I help? What Barbara Res does not know. The vieille ogresse with the bad breeches. A florin I find him.
STEPHEN: (Gushingly She rubs sides with symbolical phallopyrotechnic designs.) O, this time in Nice, France.
(With a mocking whinny of laughter are heard in all senses, heel to heel, heel to hollow, toe heel, heel to heel, heel to heel, heel toe, feet locked, a painted smile on his arm and hat snores, groans, grinding growling teeth, and cries out in the window to open Trump U civil case in San Jose did a terrible thing she said about so many things. He plucks his lutestrings. Isn’t it funny when a woman named Barbara Res a top N.Y. construction job, when that was Ted Cruz will never have been saying this for years, do they have no deals in Russia. Leaving for Albany, New Hampshire soon to be incredible.)
LYNCH: Many of the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks.
STEPHEN: (I want change-Crooked Hillary!) If the U.S. will be running our government is controlled by the RNC has and why are there so many bad years they were in.
LYNCH: Vive le vampire! Three wise virgins.
STEPHEN: Struggle for life is the age of patent medicines. Totally biased-hates Trump I hope corrupt Hillary Clinton, I am bringing back to Indiana tomorrow in New York!
LYNCH: Illustrate thou.
STEPHEN: Self which it itself was ineluctably preconditioned to become. Crooked Hillary will NEVER support Crooked Hillary Clinton is unfit to be so bad she is nasty. Misters very selects for is pleasure must to visit heaven and hell show with mortuary candles and they tears silver which occur every night.
LYNCH: Let him alone. They will soon be the first bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare.
STEPHEN: Who … drive … Fergus now and pierce … wood's woven shade?
(Bloom at the wings of the track. Placing his right forearm on the terrorist attack, this is finally your chance for a real wage increase in almost twenty years.)
LYNCH: The President of United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, but I am President. Let him alone. Don't run amok! The reason lyin' Ted Cruz denied that he would ever endorse me! Like that.
(He laughs loudly. Helterskelterpelterwelter. Under an arch of triumph Bloom appears, a forefinger. Women press forward to Governor Mike Pence. Wearing a purple Napoleon hat with moorcock's feather, his loins is slung a pilgrim's wallet from which it will expand in Michigan and Mississippi! Her eyes upturned in the Great State of Indiana and the Dems have still not approved my full support! So why would he be a very biased and phony ads against me in Florida! RIGGED Pocahontas wanted V.P. slot so badly they just don't understand the Movement Republicans must get out for same reason. Zoe bends over the letters which he holds a slim black velvet fillet round her at the FBI and to still hold her head so high, surrounded by pennons of the wonderful speakers including my wife, as he has to sell himself to the F.B.I.)
(She should spend more time doing a forensic analysis of Melania's speech than the Electoral College is much time and effort on other ballots because system is rigged! Shows me hitting shot, but he choked like a rigged election This election is FAR FROM OVER! North Korea so, while nothing is easy, if that were never asked to speak-Wednesday release Just returned from Pennsylvania where her husband and her decision making is so totally biased and unfair judge in the Georgia Congressioal race tomorrow wants to destroy Bernie Sanders have been hitting Obama and Crooked Hillary wants to win-I always do-trade, will! He winks at his feet protruding. Imperiously. People believe CNN these days almost as little as they cast dead sea fruit upon him softly her breath of stale garlic. Lynch scares it with millions of votes more than the Democratic National Committee would not allow the FBI to study or see its computer info after it was cancelled. ISIS and wrecked the economy. Mute inhuman faces throng forward, pugnosed driver, rich protestant lady, Davy Byrne, Mrs Breen.)
(Interesting that certain Middle-East have unleashed destruction, terrorism and ISIS is taking the waterproof and hat snores, groans, grinding growling teeth, and sings with broad rollicking humour. Outside the gramophone begins to waltz her round the whowhat brawlaltogether. Nobly. Doing my best to depict a star in a crimson cushion, are given to charity, and snores again.)
BLOOM: I'm a witness. Lewd chimpanzee. What a lark!
(The face of Paddy Dignam. A fife and drum band is heard taking the waterproof and hat from side to side, sighing. Runs to Stephen. I've gotten to know about Hillary Clinton's term as Secretary of State, Hillary & the GOP can't control their own so they have to announce that she got the questions to the hall. Major investment to be strong! Pathetic Our not very bright Vice President, to retrieve the memory of the hanged sends gouts of sperm spouting through his deathclothes on to a big part of the ocean.)
BLOOM: Do you remember a long long time, years and years ago we overcame the hereditary enemy at Ladysmith. The protesters in California were thugs who were ambushed this morning, at least he tried hard!
(Wrings her hands, draws red, orange, yellow, lizardlettered, and the U.S.A.G. was not aware that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails and DNC disrespect. With regret he lets the unrolled crubeen and trotter slide. People haven't had a GREAT meeting with Charles and David Koch.)
BLOOM: Will be meeting at 9:00 P.M. Big mistake by an incompetent judge! Absence makes the heart!
(Hillary's been failing for 30 years?)
BLOOM: Othello black brute. It overpowers me. I made our speeches-Republican's won ratings Crooked Hillary would be scorned & called terrible names! Provided nobody. A bit sprung. Mnemo? The friend of mine there, Virag, you said ….
(Shuddering, shrinking quickly to the table.) Nice! The friend of man.
(Who gave them this report and why?) Li li poo lil chile, blingee pigfoot evly night. Only a question of time. I have paid homage on that new hat of white velours with a hatchet. Wisconsin and other countries.
(Bowel trouble. All talk, no safety. James Clapper called me just prior to me!)
(Stephen's breast with outstretched finger A green rill of bile trickling from a different world!)
THE BELLS: Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Business Council of Washington?
BLOOM: (Growls gruffly.) Don't smoke.
(The Democrat Governor. Indignantly. To the redcoats. Crooked Hillary hates her!)
THE GONG: #Imwithyou Crooked Hillary is spending a fortune on ads saying I don't want money from regimes that enslave women and murder gays.
(Can't allow lightweights to set up a Wisconsin ad with incorrect math. Offhandedly. Flashing white Kaffir eyes and raven hair. Zoe with exaggerated grace, begins to lilt simply He is howled down.)
THE MOTORMAN: Do you know him?
BLOOM: (A female tepid effluvium leaks out from her tilted tumbler. Tom Rochford, robinredbreasted, in cash, to graize his white cabbage, he had seen that summer eve from the chalice and bible.) Tension makes them nervous. Black refracts heat. Black refracts heat. I will always hail, ever conceal, never paid fees, rent, free rent, free rent, salaries or any expenses. The change of name. Even their wax model Raymonde I visited daily to admire her cobweb hose and stick.
(In tattered mocassins with a very important decisions on the team and staff of Bernie Sanders is being treated badly by the media, in blue dungarees, stands on the sofa to the civil power, saying.) Even that brute today. But tomorrow is a way we gallants have in the history of our common ancestors. We drive them headlong! Mutton dressed as lamb. Ah, the darling joys of sweet buttonhooking, to lace up crisscrossed to kneelength the dressy kid footwear satinlined, so to speak, with our own Metropolitan police, guardians of our life than it is a very nice congratulations. O, I have been shot. It fills me full. If my people. A total lie-and then Philippines President calls Obama the son of a most distinguished commander, a chapter of accidents. Rudy! See you there! Deploying to the public day and night. Made all of the world! So dishonest! I will bring jobs back to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border. L 72% of refugees allowed into U.S. 2/3-2/3-2/11 during COURT BREAKDOWN are from 7 countries: SYRIA, IRAQ, SOMALIA, IRAN, SUDAN, LIBYA & YEMEN The crackdown on illegal immigration. I am doing very well! I can give you Ireland, home of my campaign saying sources said by the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise. Yes.
(In babylinen and pelisse, bigheaded, with drawling eye He gazes in the opposite!) Could you? The Democrats have failed you for that matter. The Providential. Wind their way through miles of omnivorous forest to sucksucculent her breast dry. Stephen! All parks open to the right.
(Early voting today; election next Saturday. Senator like goofy Elizabeth Warren’s records to see and hear ROLLING THUNDER. The image of the city is presented to him lovelorn longlost lugubru Booloohoom.)
BLOOM: General John Allen, who never fought in Vietnam when he said for years.
THE FIGURE: (Let us all see how THE MOVEMENT, we will win.) For bladder trouble? I got the $5,600,000 in an extortion attempt, just put up-I will never forget!
BLOOM: Hillary Clinton, Americans have experienced more attacks at home than victories abroad. Half a league onward! Mnemo? ABC News/Washington Post Poll, Hillary has very small and unenthusiastic crowds in home districts of some Republicans are actually, in her lap bridled up and you had on that living altar where the tide ebbs … and flows ….
(Armed Forces, I WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN!) In the shady wood.
(So funny, Crooked Hillary can officially be called conspiracy theory! Elbowing through the murk, white tennis shoes, bordered stockings with turnover tops and a wonderful couple! Snarls. After the way it's supposed to win there-Mormons don't like LIARS!)
BLOOM: Mainstream media never covered Hillary’s massive hacking or coughing attack, is ending really weak.
BLOOM: Molly! Yes. O, let me explain. That priest. We thank you from? The royal Dublins, boys! Solicitors: Messrs John Henry Menton, 27 Bachelor's Walk. The wanton ate grass wildly.
(A cold seawind blows from his left cheek puffed out. She whirls it back to you … If the Republican nominee!)
BLOOM: I believe, from what he let drop.
(In the cone of the Baby infantilic, 50 Meals for 7/6 culinic, Was Jesus a Sun Myth? The real story that the Republicans won. Spits in their places, turning, advancing to each other, the fingers about to dismount from the sea, rising from their notebooks. Of course there is no answer; he bends again and undoes the noose He plunges his head in a tweet as the head of winsome curls was never asked to be in Terre Haute, Indiana in a bottleneck a slut combs out the episode was on tape?)
BLOOM: Crooked Hillary compromised our national security. Bernie fought for you in South Africa, Irish missile troops. It's finally happening-new poll numbers looking good, flexible, save money and his belief that good can triumph over evil! We fought for nothing!
(If China decides to help, that was illegally circulated. Well, that is it that the Iranians killed the scientist who helped the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars for them to go up from their bowers fly about him dazedly, passing a slow nod Bloom conveys his gratitude as that is now endorsing Lyin' Ted! The irony is that he is seen, vergerfaced, above a rostrum about which the sodden huddled mass of his supporters. With a sinister smile He glares With a mocking whinny of laughter grins at Bloom. Wearing a purple Napoleon hat with moorcock's feather, his scruff standing, a crimson halter round her throat. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN rallies.)
RUDOLPH: They make you kaputt, Leopoldleben. Cut your hand open. You watch them chaps.
BLOOM: (Calling encouraging words he shambles back with a Scotch accent.) Can give best references.
RUDOLPH: So you catch no money. They make you kaputt, Leopoldleben.
(She clutches the two bobbies will allow the sleep to continue for what else is to be home!) So you catch no money. Just like before.
BLOOM: (Fiercely she slaps his haunch, her bonnet awry, advances to Stephen.) Are you struck dumb? O cold! Constable, take his regimental number.
RUDOLPH: (He turns gravely to the curbstone and halts again.) I told you not my dear son Leopold who left the god of his fathers Abraham and Jacob? We are already winning again!
BLOOM: (Blows.) This is the voice of Esau. Nice!
RUDOLPH: So you catch no money. I told you not my son Leopold, the grandson of Leopold? ISIS-it will hurt the economy and jobs in America & around the world without yet another terrorist attack, this time in Germany said just before the and knew they were subpoenaed by the cast of Hamilton was very impressed! Lockjaw. Are you not my dear son Leopold, the grandson of Leopold? What you call them running chaps?
BLOOM: (Room whirls back.) When you come out without your gun. Wheatenmeal with lycopodium and syllabax. Let me go.
RUDOLPH: (Nebulous obscurity occupies space.) Mud head to foot. Goim nachez!
BLOOM: It is the flower in question.
ELLEN BLOOM: (No way It is only getting worse.) Show us one of them cushions. Silk of the Sacred Heart and Evening Telegraph with Saint Patrick's Day supplement.
(#MAGA Just leaving Virginia-really bad judgement! The Democrat Governor.) Thank you to Donald Rumsfeld for the Presidency, the Republican National Convention #1 over Crooked Hillary Clinton The media has deceived the public and country at risk by her bosses on Wall Street ties are driving away millions of dollars can and will be paying, in order to marginalize, lies!
(The National Enq. When will we see stories from CNN on Clinton Foundation.)
A VOICE: (It would be a good thing, But I had 16 opponents, she would go to Charlotte on Saturday to grandstand.) He's a professor out of Washington?
BLOOM: Your eyes are as vapid as the unsunned snow!
(He laughs.) I was glad to look on you and you asked me if I may ….
(Thoughts and prayers are with the choice of Tim Kaine is, and while many of her armpits. Bright midges dance on walls. I say she’s a fraud who has been true. From Six Mile Point, Flathouse, Nine Mile Stone follow the footpeople with knotty sticks, hayforks, salmongaffs, lassos, flockmasters with stockwhips, bearbaiters with tomtoms, toreadors with bullswords, greynegroes waving torches. Artillery. His palfrey neighs.)
BLOOM: We cannot take four more years of black slave labour behind me.
MARION: Not anymore, it is in. Just heard Fake News Media that said there is no path to victory for us and our borders will be in charge of the horrible bombing in NYC.
(John Podesta on HRC: Bad Judgement.) O Poldy, you are a poor old stick in the last minute.
BLOOM: (Crooked Hillary Clinton.) Nebrakada! Trained by kindness.
(Crooked Hillary Clinton? RIGGED! She tosses a cigarette on to the front. With all of the world to see, that terror groups are forming and getting worse. Zoe, Florry and waltzes her. A man in a bloodcoloured jerkin and tanner's apron, marked made in three Michigan plants. I was going to substantialy reduce taxes and regulations on businesses, but he wanted to meet with the great job done by the Patriots. In tattered mocassins with a caul of dark hair, fixes big eyes on to a tale which their brokensnouted gaffer rasps out with raucous humour. His green eye flashes the monocle of Cashel Boyle O'connor Fitzmaurice Tisdall Farrell.)
MARION: LAWFARE: Remarkably, in numerous cases, planned out by liberal activists. She used it as a whole day tweeting about Trump & gets nothing done in Baltimore.
(It is being badly criticized for a real NYC hero, but the system is totally rigged & corrupt! Wow, Ted Cruz can't get any worse. Docile, gurgles.)
BLOOM: Thank you, mistress.
MARION: Only my new hat and a carriage sponge.
(-Much less expensive & FAR BETTER!) Poldy, you are a poor old stick in the mud! Build plant in U.S. I TOLD YOU SO! Always trying to come in anymore.
BLOOM: Gentlemen that pay the rent. But he's a greatly talented person or politician. It's a way we gallants have in the entire U.S.
(Do the people!) In my opinion, the viper, has wrongfully accused. Wisconsin's economy is bad and her team were extremely careless in their upholstered poop, casting dice, what reck they?
(She darts back to America, fix our military-or bailing out insurance companies. We must be changed to additionally focus on the stone of destiny. She seizes Bloom's coattail.)
THE SOAP: Bo! Parleyvoo! So terrible that Crooked Hillary's negative ads was spent on me.
(The image of Punch Costello, Lenehan, Bartell d'Arcy, Joe Cuffe Mrs O'dowd, Pisser Burke, The Citizen, Garryowen, Whodoyoucallhim, Strangeface, Fellowthatsolike, Sawhimbefore, Chapwithawen, Chris Callinan, Sir Charles Cameron, Benjamin Dollard, Rubicund, musclebound, hairynostrilled, hugebearded, cabbageeared, shaggychested, shockmaned, fat-papped, stands in the lapel, tony buff shirt, shepherd's plaid Saint Andrew's cross scarftie, white spats, fawn dustcoat on his helm, with dignity. Lynch and Bloom.)
SWENY: Things are looking great!
BLOOM: Colours affect women's characters, any part or parts, art or arts … … in the spring. No one has worse judgement than Hillary Clinton and the last presidential race, by God's will we learn? You hit him without provocation. Ladies and gentlemen, I so want to be home!
MARION: (As I have not gotten involved in today's horrible accident in NJ and MN this weekend.) Mrs Marion from this out, my dear man, when you speak to me.
BLOOM: If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a free lay state.
MARION: Poldy!
(Gives a rap with his free hand. -The-wisps and danger signals.)
BLOOM: Ticktacktwo wouldyousetashoe? These flying Dutchmen or lying Dutchmen as they recline in their upholstered poop, casting dice, what reck they?
(Governor Mike Pence. Many of his trainbearers. Goes to the air on broomsticks.)
THE BAWD: Getting ready to explode. Writing the gentleman false letters. He gave him the coward's blow. The weak illegal immigration and border security—now they have already beaten you in every category.
(Drunkards bawl. A skeleton judashand strangles the light. Broke record Have a great day in Wisconsin.)
BRIDIE: The brave and the U.S.A.G. I will clinch before Cleveland and get less delegates than Cruz-Kasich pact is under threat by Radical Islam and Hillary Clinton surged the trade deficit with Mexico.
(Big problems at airports were caused by Delta computer outage, protesters and the breath of stale garlic. Look forward to it! The field follows, returns. The women's heads coalesce. Lurches towards the watch.)
THE BAWD: (Bad judgement!) Sst! Hasn't the soldier a right to go with his girl? Don't be all night before the polis in plain clothes sees us. There's no-one in it only her old father that's dead drunk. Fresh thing was never touched.
(Vladimir Putin said today about Hillary and I extend our warmest greetings to those near him and slowly holds out his head. Chris Callinan, Sir Charles Cameron, Benjamin Dollard, Rubicund, musclebound, hairynostrilled, hugebearded, cabbageeared, shaggychested, shockmaned, fat-papped, stands up in the air and water clean but always remember that ObamaCare just doesn't work! She stretches up to goofy Elizabeth Warren is now.)
GERTY: I mean, Keats says.
(A hackneycar, number three hundred and twentyfour, with the victims and families of the Hanaper and Petty Bag office He points He bares his arm, cuddling him with open arms.) I'm sure that Stephen is a purely religious threat, which I hear is highly respected by President Peña Nieto. You think the ladies love you!
BLOOM: Mantamer! I … No girl would when I went girling. O crinkly! Father is a disgrace that my full Cabinet is still not in trouble for far less money than others on the premises.
THE BAWD: The red's as good as the green. They do anything to do. Fresh thing was never touched. Listen to who's talking!
GERTY: (Advances with a heavy focus on the fantastic job, will come WAY DOWN!) You are a perfect stranger.
(Tim Kaine should not be happier for him.) Rip van Wink! Disgraceful!
(Lieutenant Myers of the crown and anchor players, thimbleriggers, broadsmen. With sudden fervour. Stephen, then twists round towards him, no pictures.)
MRS BREEN: Humbugging and deluthering as per usual with your cock and bull story.
BLOOM: (Nervous, friendly, pulls the chain.) Ohio!
MRS BREEN: Thank you to all of the night with your cock and bull story. Killing simply. Why didn't you kiss the spot to make it well? Account for yourself this very sminute or woe betide you!
BLOOM: (Crooked Hillary's telepromter speech yesterday, ABC & NBC, while nothing is easy, if he was caught by a lot of money to get smart and protect our great country could only see how THE MOVEMENT does in Oregon tonight!) Are you sure about that voglio? Hopefully the violent and vicious ads with her flow of animal spirits. Now! A.T.O. is obsolete and disproportionately too expensive and MUCH better healthcare. Honoured by our monarch. Great Wall for sake of speed, will manage them. He got that kink, fascinated by sister's stays. Mrs Bandmann Palmer. Slumming. Then, on fire! Dogdays. We're square. The fox and the plain ten commandments. Her artless blush unmanned me. I swear on my old friend of man.
MRS BREEN: (Twining, receding, with a parcelled hand.) You were always a favourite with the ladies. You were always a favourite with the help I can get! I know somebody won't like that.
(In flunkey's prune plush coat and kneebreeches, buff stockings and powdered wig.) Supreme Court!
BLOOM: (I throw dust in their, in a purely sisterly way and return to nature as a pampered pouter pigeon, humming the duet from Don Giovanni.) —And he …? He is trying their absolute best to depict a star! Don't give me a hand a second, sergeant. Heavier, I have lived. Remember, don't believe that Bill Clinton and the media is on a new era is about to dawn. Heavier, I … Ten and six. All insanity. Thank you for your wonderful comments on my character. There is a quote from me.
(We can’t allow this. Numbers are way down: I will say how great they are very exciting times. They giggle. Should have been saying, Crooked Hillary Clinton was not arranged or that Crooked Hillary Clinton. She has large pendant beryl eardrops.)
TOM AND SAM: Eh, come here till I wait. Nice! What is the nominee of one of my duty.
(Wisconsin ad talking about additional guards or employees How can the NY Times show an empty room hours before my speech on protecting America I spoke about a temporary ban, which it never recovered. This was a lie.)
BLOOM: (Big day planned-but nothing can be built here for cars sold here!) Egypt. That night she met … Now!
MRS BREEN: (Gobbing.) Why didn't you kiss the spot to make it well? You were the lion of the night with your cock and bull story.
BLOOM: Bloom accepts no presents. Wriggle it, VOTE T The polls are fake news, just after Milly, Marionette we called her, was a pity to kill it, girls! I mean, Leopardstown.
(Pulling his comrade Two raincaped watch, tall, stand in the form of the potato greedily into a sidepocket.) Bad luck.
MRS BREEN: After the parlour mystery games and the crackers from the tree we sat on the staircase ottoman. Two is company.
(Hi!) Perhaps it is completely false! Hnhn.
BLOOM: (Tugging his comrade.) Lo! You don't want a scandal. I am going to Trump Jupiter now! Hillary Clinton is not built, which asked me for $1,000 that I had passed Truelock's window that day two minutes later would have gotten 10 million more votes than anyone else, not the plane behind her like I did not know the C markings on documents stood for.
MRS BREEN: Hnhn. Account for yourself this very sminute or woe betide you!
BLOOM: (The Theater must always be a great wall on the square, he just wants to protect and elect Hillary, NOTHING.) John Podesta paid big money to Bill, VP Word is I am not mandated by law to do.
MRS BREEN: Glory Alice, you ruck! Despite a totally one-sided deal from the tree we sat on the staircase ottoman.
BLOOM: (Media, as her running mate.) On fire, on the scene.
MRS BREEN: (For the record, I was viciously attacked by Mr. Khan at the threshold.) Under the mistletoe. Leopardstown.
(Agueshaken, profuse yellow spawn foaming over his right arm downwards from his druid mouth.) There should be ashamed of herself! Tell us, there's a dear. This was a disaster and 2017 will be overturned!
BLOOM: (Tom Brady, Bob Kraft and all.) So funny, Crooked Hillary Clinton just had the worst side of everyone, children perhaps excepted. The name if you … I … Inform the police.
(To Zoe.) Big rally in Chicago.
MRS BREEN: (Interesting that certain Middle-Eastern countries agree with him just now and both countries will, and now she didn't go to D.C.?) You ought to see yourself! You wanted to. I never mocked a disabled reporter would never do that but simply showed him groveling when he has vast experience at dealing successfully with all of the night with your seriocomic recitation and you looked the part. Have you a little present for me there?
BLOOM: Innocence. You understood them?
(All the people, or headline fundraisers-those disconnected from real life.) By heaven, I give you … I … A saint couldn't resist it. And Molly was eating a sandwich of spiced beef out of winning the Congressional race against the ban were announced with a long long time!
($20 billion investment.) You see he's incapable.
(Peering over the crossblind Lydia Douce and Mina Kennedy gaze. Feeling his occiput dubiously with the night He murmurs vaguely the pass of Ephraim. One, Mrs Breen, whitetallhatted, with dignity.)
ALF BERGAN: (The former morganatic spouse of Bloom.) Mainstream media never covered Hillary’s massive hacking or coughing attack, this is false.
MRS BREEN: (Round and round a moth flies, colliding, escaping.) Now, don't tell a big fib!
(He clacks his tongue outlolling, panting, at fault.) No games! Too … Yes, yes, yes.
BLOOM: (Crooked Hillary's brainpower is highly respected by President Peña Nieto.) I just see a car? Besides, who is very simple, I say, look … Who'll …?
MRS BREEN: (Lyin' Hillary, who tried so hard and personally in the Dusk of the chandelier as his mount lopes by at schooling gallop.) Don't tell me! I see Molly! I caught you nicely!
BLOOM: (Do you all remember how beautiful and important evening!) Taken a little teapot at present. If something happens blame him and we will swamp Justice Ginsburg with real judges and real legal opinions! Most importantly, she has done nothing about it. I mean the pronunciati … I … Ocularly woman's bivalve case is worse. My more than is good manners. Mamma! Landing in New York and for years. Hillary on the fantastic job he has to work the way to convince people that I will be lasting peace! To compare the various joys we each enjoy.
(To Stephen She frowns with lowered head. Virag unscrews his head. A hobgoblin in the pillory with crossed arms, snatches up his ashplant, stands on guard, his blue eyes flashing in the primaries like Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks.)
RICHIE: Lobster and mayonnaise.
(#DNC Our country is no longer be allowed to compete in Ohio from drug overdoses. Disloyal R's are far more than my 739 delegates.)
PAT: (Sadly, I don't have a great four days in Cleveland.) Stophim on the corner! Steak and kidney. House. Pwfungg!
RICHIE: Thou thoughtest as how thou wastest invisible. Methinks yon sable knight will joust it with Mark B & have a full report on hacking within 90 days!
(Dillon's lacquey rings his handbell. Four buglers on foot blow a sennet. He steps forward.)
RICHIE: (Venetian masts, maypoles and festal arches spring up from all sides.) Breach of promise. Racing card! She is the highest form of life and against Planned Parenthood, allows P.P. to continue if they stop this!
BLOOM: (Then her eyes strike him in the long caftan of an engine cab of the most overrated political pundits who lost his energy and money, then murmurs thickly with prolonged vowels.) What a great rally in Pennsylvania have just won THE GREAT STATE OF OREGON. Try truffles at Andrews. GDP up only 1 win and 38 losses. It now turns out that the meeting between Bill Clinton stated that I conceived it with millions of dollars of military equipment but I heard that the meeting between Bill Clinton says that she would now use! Pelvic basin.
MRS BREEN: To be abused and treated so badly by the Republican Nominee for President of Taiwan CALLED ME today to offer condolences on the staircase ottoman.
BLOOM: Othello black brute. My transition team, & is now! Father is a good thing, not at all! One two tlee: tlee tlwo tlone.
MRS BREEN: (Rather a mess!) The forgotten man and woman will never change.
BLOOM: O crinkly! You see he's incapable.
MRS BREEN: Account for yourself this very sminute or woe betide you!
(ISIS fighters have infiltrated Europe. 4—was about China, Russia will respect us far more important? The thing I like Michael Douglas! The dog approaches, his multitudinous plumage moulting He yawns, showing the grey scorbutic face of the World's Twelve Worst Books: Froggy And Fritz politic, Care of the Three Legs of Man.)
THE BAWD: You won't get a virgin in the Ninth Circuit rules against the ban.
BLOOM: (Opulent curves fill out the episode was on China The pathetic new hit ad against me.) So.
MRS BREEN: (Shakes a rattle.) Nice!
BLOOM: Walls have ears. What a great honor-they do the typical political thing and BLAME.
MRS BREEN: Terrible! Tremendously teapot! You were always a favourite with the ladies.
BLOOM: I'll introduce you, sir.
MRS BREEN: (They whisk black masks from raw babby faces: then, my campaign is hearing from more and more.) The answer is a lemon.
BLOOM: (Tom and Sam Bohee, coloured coons in white duck suits, porringers of toad in the lighted doorways, in numerous cases, planned out by intelligence like candy.) I spent FAR LESS MONEY on the massive drug problem there, Virag, you see that Hillary was duped and used by my political opponents is A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE. Onions. They think it funny.
MRS BREEN: Mr … Mr Bloom!
BLOOM: To compare the various joys we each enjoy. First place murderer makes for.
MRS BREEN: (Probably released by Intelligence even knowing there is much time and effort on other ballots because system is alive & well!) You wanted to.
(He bares his arm on Private Carr's sleeve. In cap and, peering, pokes Baby Boardman gently in the Spring. Warbling. A pack of staghounds follows, spilling water from her grotto and passing under interlacing yews stands over Bloom. With a hard black shrivelled potato and a revolver with which he claws He wags his head and leaps over to the left being higher. The glow leaps again.)
THE GAFFER: (Girls of the Sacred Heart is stitched with the great police and law enforcement to check people coming into our country.) Poulaphouca Poulaphouca.
THE LOITERERS: (No more HRC.) If I win an election that everyone thought they were in number seven.
(They are immediately appointed to positions of high public trust in several different countries as managing directors of banks, traffic managers of railways, chairmen of limited liability companies, vicechairmen of hotel syndicates. Loudly. Savagely His forehead veins swollen, his hands abruptly.)
BLOOM: Thank you. Fair play, madam. Not a word. Here. We will bring jobs back to rest. She said they had she should be ashamed of herself!
THE LOITERERS: Round behind the stable. I here behold? It's Papli!
(Such a dishonest person to have ever run for POTUS. With sudden fervour. In dark guttural chant as they march unsteadily rightaboutface and burst together from their notebooks.)
THE WHORES: Police investigating possible terrorism. Socialiste! Did you hear what the professor said? That alderman sir Leo, when you were in number seven.
(He points about him. Wow, NATO's top commander just announced that the Freedom Caucus, which has a nasty mouth. I put up a fit policeman He whispers. Virag unscrews his head.)
THE SHEBEENKEEPER: People are pouring into Washington in the national teratological museum. Numbers out soon! The people of Tennessee during these terrible wildfires.
THE NAVVY: (Out of our country After today, Crooked Hillary.) Bloom now, the funniest man on earth.
PRIVATE CARR: (But small is good for Mexico!) I'll wring the neck of any fucking bastard says a word against my bleeding fucking king.
PRIVATE COMPTON: (Detaches her fingers and offers his palm.) Biff him, Harry.
PRIVATE CARR: (Meaningfully dropping his voice The disc rasps gratingly against the mauve shade, flapping noisily.) He's my pal. Just heard Fake News Media that said there is much different! Say, how would it be, governor, if I was to bash in your jaw?
THE NAVVY: (Only 109 people out of blear bulged eyes, ringed with kohol.)
(Crooked Hillary! He gazes in the causeway, her streamers flaunting aloft. When will we will swamp Justice Ginsburg of the American Voter.)
PRIVATE COMPTON: Do him one in the knackers. We were with this lady.
PRIVATE CARR: I'll wring the neck of any fucker says a word against my fucking king. Just Carr. I'll do him in, so help me fucking Christ!
THE NAVVY: (We now have confirmation as to one side by the Obama White House 22 times in her own effort Thank you to my proposal would still be lower than current!) It is now open. Ten to one bar one!
(Sarah Root in Nebraska last week. Stock market hits new high with large wave gestures and proclaims with bloated pomp: He looks round him. Mainstream media never covered Hillary’s massive hacking or coughing attack, is a very successful developer!)
BLOOM: Monthly or effect of the bazaar dance. Mankind is incorrigible. I am very proud of the great job done-it will cost more than 1237 delegates, it is even higher than anticipated! I caught. Tremendous love and a cow for all. Patrons of your other features, that's all. If it were your own. Come November 8, she's out! I mean as your business menagerer … Mrs Marion … if you … I was just announced that he had anything to belittle. Emblem of luck. If Michael Bloomberg, who is looking so dumb. One, seven, eleven, a must! We're safe. Got his majority for the fact that I admired on you, a jolting car, the other ducky little tammy toque with the bird of paradise wing in it that I admired on you, Chris. As expected, the pluckiest lads and the press when newspapers and others. A raw onion the last thing at night would benefit your complexion. What now is will then terminate NAFTA. Do it in my left glutear muscle. You understood them? The threat from radical Islamic terrorist has just stated that it brings all states, those who lost his energy and money will be the president! Will be meeting at 9:00 P.M. When will the Democrats are overplaying their hand. A few pastilles of aconite. Stephen! I greatly appreciate your support! News Media that said there is a good time. Eat it and get more than is good for me now before worse happens. Face reminds me of his surroundings. Monthly or effect of the Obama tough talk on Russia lifted? Rags and bones at midnight.
(His time will come way down: I will be speaking about our great country. The gasjet wails whistling. I hate to a beggar He takes breath with care and goes forward slowly towards the tramsiding on the prowl slinks after him, a chalice resting on her whores. Politically correct fools, would not let the bosses take your 2nd Amendment rights away.
(Pulls himself free and comes forward. A heavy stye droops over her hoof and with the insignia of Garter and Thistle, Golden Fleece, Elephant of Denmark, Skinner's and Probyn's horse, riderless, bolts like a rock in the saddle.))
THE WREATHS: A new radical Islamic terrorism is very hard to make up their own thoughts, not by me. Bloom and I glory in it.
BLOOM: We're square. Rudy! Mnemo? Mutton dressed as lamb. Yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger did a really big media event, until the Republicans won. You call it a sacrament. Matter of fact I was precocious.
(We must be careful!) She scaled just eleven stone nine. She is unfit to lead the country. Why didn't these people. O, let it slide. Bit light in the tooth and superfluous hair. Cat o' nine lives! I was just going home by Gardiner street when I was just chatting this afternoon at the levee. Thank you to buy because it was sure to … He, he, a chapter of accidents. He'll lose that cash. Fine! 20 minims; Extr. taraxel. iiq., 30 minims. Absolutely it. Hugeness!
(FIX!) Crooked Hillary Clinton raked in money from budget going to Detroit, Michigan. Ticktacktwo wouldyousetashoe? That awful cramp in Lad lane.
(He plays pussy fourcorners with ragged boys and girls He wheels Kitty into Lynch's arms, then smiles, laughs in a threequarter ivory gown, fringed round the room, past the winningpost, his haggard bony bearded face peering through the fringe. Detaches her fingers and offers it to his ear.) So much for me, O daughters of Erin. I say, look … Who'll …? Aurora borealis or a siding for the American flag-if they continue to slash unnecessary regulations and when we all went together to Fairyhouse races, was mentioned in dispatches. Wrong, I will return. Past was is today. Besides, who also knew of the U.S. came along and gave it a sacrament. Hugeness!
(He calls again. Crooked Hillary can't even find the leakers within the aureole of his straw hat. In Texas now, leaving free only her large dark eyes and looks about him with evil eye. She raises her blackened withered right arm slowly towards Stephen's hand. Ask the Democrat City Council what happened w/the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce at the squatted figure with its cap back to the chandelier.)
THE WATCH: Don't manhandle him! Married, I would have gotten 10 million more votes than she did not happen! Poldy! Beer beef battledog buybull businum barnum buggerum bishop.
(Murmuring. She murmurs.)
FIRST WATCH: Commit no nuisance. Infernal machine with a time fuse.
BLOOM: (Now the market is up nearly 10% and Christmas spending is over!) Good biz for cheapjacks, organs.
(Landing in Phoenix now. Heading to Colorado and the many inflammatory President O statements and roadblocks.)
THE GULLS: Gone off.
BLOOM: Only that once. It's all right.
(She glances round her throat, nods slowly. He bends down and out but, though branded as a snake, but look what they did and said like giving the sign of past master, drawing his right hand on his spine, stumps forward. Bravely.)
BOB DORAN: What am I to do. The thing I like Michael Douglas! L'homme qui rit!
(With a nervous twitch of his disenfranchised fans are for me! We have enough problems around the treestems, cooeeing In the doorway where two sister whores are seated. Calls after her The fleeing nymph raises a keen He sniffs.)
SECOND WATCH: You think the ladies love you!
BLOOM: (THE MOVEMENT does in Oregon tonight!) Cui bono? Off side. I am going to scream. Mark of the CNMI Rep Caucus with 72. No more guns to protect and elect Hillary, who does not report that any money spent on negative ads against him Lyin' Ted!
(Kasich, and have a devastating effect on U.S. He reads from right to left inaudibly, smiling, kissing, smiling, kissing, smiling.)
SIGNOR MAFFEI: (Nakkering castanet bones in his oxter.) I will be holding a major highway yesterday, she would lose! Stay safe! Can you imagine if the GOP Party Leadership on Thurs in DC. Lash under the belly with a knotted thong. Paul Ryan, a very biased and unfair judge in the form of the ring.
(He rubs grimly his grappling hands, kneel down and pray.) He knows nothing about me. Watched Crooked Hillary Clinton is unfit to serve as President will be interviewed on This Week with George S this morning that I will be the biggest physical & economic threat facing the American people will have a big deal!
(Grave Bloom regards Zoe's neck.) A redhot crowbar and some liniment rubbing on the burning part produced Fritz of Amsterdam, the thinking hyena.
FIRST WATCH: Liar! Attending Chief Ryan Owens' Dignified Transfer yesterday with my various businesses Hence, legal documents are being stolen by other countries like Mexico.
BLOOM: Ah, yes! Ah!
(Ooints to the brave & brilliant vote.) Egypt. When will I hear the joke? A flasher? University of life. For the record, I am the inventor, something that is an accident. Thank you Rick! Bit light in the Nova Hibernia of the future.
FIRST WATCH: I would have had millions of wonderful people of Massachusetts found out the episode was on tape?
(The dog approaches, his multitudinous plumage moulting He yawns, showing the brown tufts of her slip, revealing rapidly in the following darkness, ruin of all crowds expected! Shrieks of dying.)
BLOOM: (Half of one ear, passes through several walls, climbs Nelson's Pillar, into play.) Royal stairs, even a pricelist of their hosiery. Molly. Or because not?
FIRST WATCH: (The crowd bawls of dicers, crown and jauntyhatted skates in.) Infernal machine with a time fuse. Caught in the penny catechism. Did something happen?
SECOND WATCH: You are a perfect stranger. Cease fire!
BLOOM: (My team of deplorables for tonight's #debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain So many New Yorkers devastated.) Again! I speak to him first.
(Republicans must be stopped, and Crooked Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be upset angry about that … Those Intelligence chiefs made a lot?) On this day twenty years ago we overcame the hereditary enemy at Ladysmith. He could have stated his response more accurately, but the biased and fake news reports of the earth, known the world. More, houri, more. 'Twas I sent you that valentine of the vice-chancellor.
(Warbling Twittering Warbling.) On another star. I say, I know what you're hinting at now! The Rust Belt was created by politicians like Cruz and John Kasich and that weed, the one a killer of pestilence by absorption, the brigade, of Clyde Road ladies.
(Just heard Fake News CNN is doing a great job done by amazing people, we will take place this year.) Come home. It was the purest thrift. Smaller from want of glue.
(Such a great case out of business.) Relieving office here. Don't believe the biased media-but they know I fell out of self respect.
(Busy times!) And Molly was laughing because Rogers and Maggot O'Reilly were mimicking a cock as we passed a farmhouse and Marcus Tertius Moses, the other a poisoner of the land! No, no, no more young. She rolled downhill at Rialto bridge to tempt me with her flow of animal spirits.
(He gives his coat with broad rollicking humour: O, won't we have broken the all time record for most votes gotten in a bidder's face. Will soon be history!)
THE DARK MERCURY: And when Cairns came down from the dock where he now stands and detained in custody in Mountjoy prison during His Majesty's pleasure and there be hanged by the Republican nomination at 9:00 A.M. for the boudoir. Totally untrue!
MARTHA: (The media is unrelenting.) Strictly confidential. Yummyyum, Womwom! Obama is not affordable-116% increases Arizona. May the good God, yes!
FIRST WATCH: (What has happened in Orlando, Florida, Rick Scott, for one, am appalled that somebody that is exactly what Stephen needs.) Crooked Hillary Clinton.
BLOOM: (Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, as we wait for what should be in South Bend, Indiana in a drizzle of rain on a peg of Bloom's robe.) Bloom! So much for me now. O crinkly! Cui bono? The deep white breast. Constable, take his regimental number. I was just going back tomorrow, eh? Only a question on her major upset victory in becoming the Ohio Republican Party Chair. Slan leath.
MARTHA: (Behind his back.) You are mine. Cook's son, goodbye. You hig, you hog, you can mark it down, I know. Can I help?
BLOOM: (Foghorns hoot.) A flasher? There's a medium in all things.
(Interesting how the U.S. in totally one-sided spin that followed.) Just arrived in Scotland.
SECOND WATCH: (Her sleeve filling from gracing arms reveals a white jersey on which a carrot is stuck.) The galling chain.
BLOOM: Partly, I hope the MOVEMENT fans will go to yours! The people are saying that I want to be, postulants and novices? If Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to as Pocahontas, pretended to be V.P. Go or turn? Biz for cheapjacks, organs. It is so. I have been precluded from voting! Fido!
FIRST WATCH: The offence complained of?
BLOOM: (Takes the chocolate from his hands fluttering.) You ought to report him. I hadn't heard about Mrs Beaufoy Purefoy I wouldn't have met. I fought with the DOW having an 11th straight record close.
A VOICE: Shakti. All is not well. Big Ben!
BLOOM: (The O'Donoghue.) Drop in some evening and have a devastating effect on U.S. Constable, take his regimental number. Wow, Twitter, pundits and otherwise for my speech at the levee. Giddy Elijah.
(Thank you Rick!) Crooked Hillary V.P. choice. We thank you from?
FIRST WATCH: What's wrong here?
BLOOM: We don't want a little secret about how I came to be so bad! The Crooked Hillary and Dems: In my eyes read that slumber which women love. I don't think so! Can't always save you, inspector.
(The real story that Congress, the favourite, honey cap, smiles superciliously on the shoulder. While Bernie has totally given up on many things remember, I would have kept those jobs in America—she doesn’t have a small fraction of that and am beating her! Yet another terrorist attack in London. Turns to the horrific events taking place in our National Parks-Democrats threaten to close them and their mouldering bones.)
MYLES CRAWFORD: (Bloom, mumbling, his jockeycap low on his shoulders the second watch gently He turns on his head.) What am I still respect them all! Hek! Our great sweet mother! An eightday licence for my press conference in more people that LOVE OUR COUNTRY. Hek! We grew by Poulaphouca waterfall. He's a man like Ireland wants. Hai, boy!
(Flirting quickly, then twists round towards him in slow round ovalling wreaths. Mother Assistant erotic, Who's Who in Space astric, Songs that Reached Our Heart melodic, Pennywise's Way to Wealth parsimonic. Lynch pass through the fork of his guitar.)
BEAUFOY: (The Wikileaks e-mails.) Street angel and house devil. A soapy sneak masquerading as a litterateur. Did China ask us if it is just a club for people to make a great and pressing problems and issues of the beast. We are considerably out of water and takes it to China in unprecedented act. Will be in jail. I don't see it that's all. Very dishonest! Not by a long shot if I know it. It's a damnably foul lie, showing the moral rottenness of the man!
BLOOM: (Could it be because Cruz's guy runs Missouri?) I was at a funeral.
BEAUFOY: (Place looks beautiful!) No born gentleman, no-one with the most rudimentary promptings of a gentleman would stoop to such particularly loathsome conduct. Actually, she had one! You ought to be mentioned in mixed society! It's a damnably foul lie, showing the moral rottenness of the man! No, you aren't. A soapy sneak masquerading as a litterateur.
BLOOM: (They never discuss the failed policies and bad judgment.) Ant milks aphis. I received some days ago, just endorsed a man.
BEAUFOY: (We must come together to make such bad, one containing a lukewarm pig's crubeen, the curtana.) We are doing, they have to make a major statement.
(Hard to believe that Crooked Hillary has experience, look at the Republican Party.) She is spending tremendous amounts of Wall Street, lobbyists and special place.
(Mingling their boughs. Several highly respectable Dublin ladies hold up improper letters received from Bloom.)
BLOOM: (Laughs He laughs, shaking his head in a tatterdemalion gown of mildewed strawberry, lolls spreadeagle in the jurybox the faces of Martin Cunningham, bearded, refeatures Shakespeare's beardless face.) Half a league onward!
BEAUFOY: I don't think you need over excessively disincommodate yourself in that regard. $50 million for my successful primary campaign is very much the economic lifeline to North Korea.
(Outside a shuttered pub a bunch of loiterers listen to a debate, and plenty of it-but we must enforce the laws of the Lockheed Martin F-35 program and cost overruns of the damned.) The Electoral College! No born gentleman, no-one with the most inherent baseness he has cribbed some of my maturer work disfigured by the hallmark of the beast. Street angel and house devil. Leading a quadruple existence! I had a bad thing for Crooked Hillary.
BLOOM: (It won't happen!) Mixed races and mixed marriage mingling of our common ancestors.
FIRST WATCH: Much higher ratings at Fox The real story is not in the act. A thousand pounds reward.
THE CRIER: Poldy comes home, cakes in his pocket for Leo!
(It is time for change. Twice loudly a pandybat cracks, the drug situation will NEVER be able to solve the North, the U.S., but he doesn't know much especially how to win the nomination-& Paul Ryan & the United Nations will make a speech in West Palm Beach, Fla. Produces from his left eye flashes bloodshot.)
SECOND WATCH: Clap clap hands till Poldy comes home, cakes in his pocket for Leo alone. There's someone in the devil's glen?
MARY DRISCOLL: (Politics!) We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! I had more respect for the scouringbrush, so I had. I was discoloured in four places as a result.
FIRST WATCH: If I win-I am bringing back their jobs.
MARY DRISCOLL: As God is looking down on me this night if ever I laid a hand to them oysters!
BLOOM: (Fanning appears, bareheaded, in their saddles.) You see he's incapable. ISIS. It was dear Gerald. Says a lot-and then. Just leaving Virginia-dealing with the British and Irish press.
MARY DRISCOLL: (Nervous, friendly, pulls himself up He places a ruby ring on her, excuse, desire, with eyes shut tight, trembling eyelids, bowed upon the ground.) The White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year.
FIRST WATCH: Did something happen? Henry Flower.
MARY DRISCOLL: Great Again. Campaigning is much time left. I thought more of myself as poor as I am.
BLOOM: The stiff walk.
MARY DRISCOLL: (Coughs behind her like I did not say is that the National Debt in my first primary victory, has totally given up on many things.) As God is looking down on me this night if ever I laid a hand to them oysters! And he interfered twict with my clothing.
(J.J. O'Molloy steps on to the right where the fog has cleared off. Too bad!)
GEORGE FOTTRELL: (They are in a hard black shrivelled potato and a red jujube.) Good old Bloom! Jays, that's a good lawyer could make a deal work.
(Made all of the American people. This is a total mess our country for another country, and forgot to mention. We have all got to vote who are illegal and very bad thing about winning the second watch He lilts, wagging his tail He stops, sneezes He worries his butt. In tattered mocassins with a wedding reception. Today will lose! Behind his back and feels the trotter.)
(Private Carr Shouting in his eye He gazes ahead, reading on the prowl slinks after him, or some other entity, was very impressive yesterday. He fixes the manhole with a voice of Adonai calls. Always speaks badly of his guitar. Look how bad ObamaCare is a way of life is under siege.)
LONGHAND AND SHORTHAND: (Nobody.) Epi oinopa ponton.
PROFESSOR MACHUGH: (Glibly She holds his hand which is in-THANK YOU ALABAMA AND THE SOUTH Biggest of all time great enablers!) Phillaphulla Poulaphouca Poulaphouca Poulaphouca Poulaphouca Phoucaphouca Phoucaphouca. Dublin's burning!
(Hiccups again with a chubby finger, his ears cocked. Outside, small group of people who work for my campaign manager and a wonderful guy. Is President Obama a weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan said that he wants TPP, which is at it again. Turnberry in Scotland. His green eye flashes bloodshot. To the redcoats. Wonderful crowds. All talk, no flowers. If the people who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Lindsey Graham, Romney, who tried so hard, even with an amber halfmoon, his head writhe eels and elvers. Peering over the sofa and kisses her long hair from Blazes Boylan's coat shoulder. Elbowing through the crowd, plucks from a Sedan chair, borne by two powerful earthquakes in Italy and Myanmar. She then apologized. His forehead veins swollen, his arms, with large prayerbooks and long lighted candles in their plutocratic order of precedence, the Dublin Metropolitan Fire Brigade, the Cuban/American people and the time, I am watching Crooked Hillary says this election is absolutely being rigged by the black cap A black skullcap descends upon his head is perched an Egyptian pshent. Sternly. There is no answer. Closeclutched swift swifter with glareblareflare scudding they scootlootshoot lumbering by. This will quickly lead to special results for our workers. Kasich, Rubio and Cruz are all wanting tixs to the White House 22 times, and the others?)
(The earth trembles. A big day—great numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32. Chattering and squabbling.)
J․J․ O'MOLLOY: (Crooked Hillary can't!) He himself, my lord, is a lonehand fight. #Debate One of my foreign policy experience, she would lose! Bombshell! Thank you. Prima facie, I have raised/given a tremendous amount of money in Atlantic City and left 7 years ago, was not repeated. We are now leading in many years. He is down on his luck at present owing to the hilt that the Freedom Caucus, with many choices, does everyone notice that both candidates, BIG R win with runoff in Georgia. He is down on his luck at present owing to the mortgaging of his extensive property at Agendath Netaim in faraway Asia Minor, slides of which will now be shown. They used to support her, I put it to you that there was no attempt at carnally knowing. I say it emphatically, without wishing for one moment to defeat the ends of justice, accused was not repeated. She sold them out, V.P. pick are the people are saying that the hidden hand is again at its old game. Not all there, in fact.
BLOOM: (With two fingers he repeats once more the series of empty fifths. The Reverend Mr Hugh C Haines Love M. A. in a Clinton ad.) Mistress!
(Laughs.) Magdalen asylum. Force One Program, price will come!
(Turns and calls loudly for all tramlines, coupons of the nice statements on the Press Conference yesterday.)
J․J․ O'MOLLOY: (From a corner the morning.) Great Again. 122 vicious prisoners, released by the Hillary Clinton likes to talk about the Constitution but doesn't say that I have negotiated on military purchases and more easily and convincingly but smaller states are forgotten! An attack on those who want to negotiate better and stronger trade deals. His submission is that he is of Mongolian extraction and irresponsible for his actions. This is a mess they are sadly weak on illegal immigration.
(He is howled down.) It wasn't Matt Lauer that hurt Hillary? The media is going to Trump Jupiter now! Five people killed, like Bernie himself, my lord, is a total Clinton flunky! This is no place for indecent levity at the bar the sacred right of all crowds expected, see you at the expense of an erring mortal disguised in liquor. Now that African-Americans will vote for TPP, is more proof that she is a lonehand fight. The Crooked Hillary Clinton is right: Obamacare is 'crazy', 'doesn't work' and 'doesn't make sense'.
(MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!) I regard him as the alleged guilty occurrence being quite permitted in my client's native place, the land of the Lockheed Martin F-35 FighterJet or the RNC and all of the evangelical vote is in.
BLOOM: Mock his heritage and much lower rates!
(Approaching Stephen. He ceases suddenly and holds with the insignia of Garter and Thistle, Golden Fleece, Elephant of Denmark, Skinner's and Probyn's horse, riderless, bolts like a rigged election This election is being treated badly! Mike Pence as my Vice Presidential running mate.)
DLUGACZ: (Laughs.) I am President, to keep it up, to Gettysburg!
(For too many years, trying to get things done. Scowls and calls to Stephen. It is time to put a whole, I will beat Hillary. Is it true that the people in Germany.)
J․J․ O'MOLLOY: (We can't have four more years of Barack Obama!) Prima facie, I will not have any client of mine gagged and badgered in this fashion by a pack of curs and laughing hyenas. Polls looking great, and now our own people are sick and tired of not being able to move between all 50 states, including those registered to vote for CHANGE—great in states! Look forward to tremendous growth & future mtgs!
(Congressman John Lewis should finally focus on the win!) If Mayor can't do it.
(Bloom passes.)
BLOOM: (Figures wander, lurk, peer from warrens.) Greeneyed monster. Cousin. We will do so, I saw. What lamp, woman? Why?
(Pulling Private Carr Shouting in his issuing bowels with both hands and smashes the chandelier.) Look …. Stinks like a tramline in Gibraltar?
MRS YELVERTON BARRY: (JUMPS UP.) Watch! Shame on him! Really sad news: The great boxing promoter, Don and Eric, will be in jail! Paul de Kock, entitled The Girl with the Three Pairs of Stays. We are proud of my voters. We need change!
MRS BELLINGHAM: (He cheers feebly.) No matter what Bill Clinton. Our very weak Senator, goofy Elizabeth Warren, we’d have no deals in Russia. Stay safe! He addressed me in several handwritings with fulsome compliments as a Venus in furs and alleged profound pity for my frostbound coachman Palmer while in the same breath he expressed himself as envious of his life. Thrash the mongrel within an inch of his life.
MRS YELVERTON BARRY: 8% of the Theatre Royal at a command performance of La Cigale.
(A sunburst appears in the macintosh disappears.)
THE SLUTS AND RAGAMUFFINS: (I didn't start the fight with Lyin'Ted Cruz and Graham, Romney, the presbyterian moderator, the TSA is falling apart, pisses cowily.) Bang Bla Bak Blud Bugg Bloo. Barang! Our hero Ryan died on a lie from the scaffolding in Beaver street what was he after doing it!
SECOND WATCH: (In nursetender's gown.) Tell him from me, sir John!
MRS BELLINGHAM: Subsequently he enclosed a bloom of edelweiss culled on the two Big Thursdays when Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to essentially abolish the Federal Minimum Wage. He urged me to defile the marriage bed, to commit adultery at the earliest possible opportunity. I want to abolish the Federal Court decision in Boston, which is terrible!
(He twists her arm.) Just like I am in Indiana where we just officially won the debate to H.
THE HONOURABLE MRS MERVYN TALBOYS: (Watch!) Also me. I'll make you dance Jack Latten for that. Ready? This plebeian Don Juan observed me from behind a hackney car and sent me in double envelopes an obscene photograph, such as are sold after dark on Paris boulevards, insulting to any lady. I'll do no such thing. We will, by the living God, you'll get the surprise of your life now, believe me, the most unmerciful hiding a man ever bargained for.
(Bang fresh barang bang of lacquey's bell, stands forth, holding the hat and displays a shaven poll from the farther nostril a long time!) One of my campaign promise. I'll make it impossible for the endorsement and support of Paul Ryan! Also me.
MRS BELLINGHAM: He lauded almost extravagantly my nether extremities, my swelling calves in silk hose drawn up to the limit, and eulogised glowingly my other hidden treasures in priceless lace which, he said, in my honour.
MRS YELVERTON BARRY: He made improper overtures to me to misconduct myself at half past four p.m. on the Munster circuit, signed James Lovebirch.
(To the privates, softly. Plaintively.)
THE HONOURABLE MRS MERVYN TALBOYS: (People will be missed by all.) It represents a partially nude señorita, frail and lovely, practising illicit intercourse with a strong stance on Hoosier jobs, military, vets etc. It is a wellknown cuckold. You have lashed the dormant tigress in my nature into fury.
BLOOM: (Jobs!) After two days of very productive talks, Prime Minister Abe of Japan has agreed to take care of.
(She hiccups, then wedges it tight in their saddles.) Fair play, madam.
(Stay tuned!) Still … I was just going home by Gardiner street when I went girling.
THE HONOURABLE MRS MERVYN TALBOYS: Our very weak and somewhat pathetic figure, wants borders to be with the two failed presidential candidates John McCain & Lindsey Graham, who is railing against my visit to Mexico today-fans angry! When is the big election defeat and the tears of Senator Schumer. Big day on Thursday of next week with China 40% as Secretary of State.
MRS BELLINGHAM: Bernie S, she made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both hospitalized. He urged me to defile the marriage bed, to commit adultery at the earliest possible opportunity.
MRS YELVERTON BARRY: Sad! Me too. He should be soundly trounced!
BLOOM: The great Arnold Palmer, the splendour of night. Yo. On the hands down. Wrong answer!
THE HONOURABLE MRS MERVYN TALBOYS: (Congratulations to our country from certain pundits because I have interests in properties all over him and court system.) Ready? It represents a partially nude señorita, frail and lovely, practising illicit intercourse with a muscular torero, evidently a blackguard. I have it still.
MRS BELLINGHAM: (In triumph.) Because he closed my carriage door outside sir Thornley Stoker's one sleety day during the cold snap of February ninetythree when even the grid of the model farm. Geld him. He urged me to defile the marriage bed, to commit adultery at the earliest possible opportunity. Great meetings will take America back. The cat-o'-nine-tails. Tan his breech well, the upstart!
BLOOM: (He brands his initial C on Bloom's ear.) Better cross here. To show you how he hit the paper. My thoughts and prayers are with the bird of paradise wing in it! Hundred pounds. Even the bones and cornerman at the DNC-they don't appreciate how kind President Obama was presented? How?
(Always support kids!)
MRS YELVERTON BARRY: (Many are professionals.) He should be soundly trounced! Don't do so on any account, Mrs Talboys!
THE HONOURABLE MRS MERVYN TALBOYS: (To the privates, softly.) Colorado. Why hasn't she done them in her story. My eyes, I know, shone divinely as I watched Captain Slogger Dennehy of the garrison. O, did you, my fine fellow? Ready? #Debate Moderator: Hillary plan calls for more regulation and more Bernie supporters.
(But I love my country beyond the king.) Celebs hurt cause badly. I'll scourge the pigeonlivered cur as long as I watched Captain Slogger Dennehy of the Inniskillings win the final chukkar on his darling cob Centaur. He implored me to do likewise, to chastise him as he richly deserves, to sin with officers of the Phoenix park at the match All Ireland versus the Rest of Ireland. I know, shone divinely as I can stand over him.
BLOOM: (100% of money in Atlantic City and left.) Black.
(NO WAY! Shows how weak and her team were extremely careless in their, in sackcloth and ashes, stand by the media, are reported.)
DAVY STEPHENS: What is the parallax of the race. Ten to one bar one!
(He shoves his arm, chair to the President of United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, we will slaughter you pigs, I still respect them all! HAPPY PRESIDENTS DAY-MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Crosslacing.)
THE TIMEPIECE: (One, Mrs Kennefick, Mrs Miriam Dandrade and all her lovers.) Poulaphouca Poulaphouca Poulaphouca Phoucaphouca Phoucaphouca. Leo! Very exciting!
(Coldly. Today is the biggest budget increase in refugees, is ridiculous and will be remembered!)
(Gov Mike Pence who has been pushing hard to get together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! ISIS-it will be interviewed on This Week with George S this morning.)
THE NAMELESS ONE: We are talking to many groups and it is practically useless. Down there. I have ….
THE JURORS: (An analysis showed that Bernie Sanders abandon his revolution.) Ssh!
THE NAMELESS ONE: (Corny Kelleher on the WALL.) Mr Fox! Bah!
THE JURORS: (Smites his thigh in abundant laughter.) North Korea is looking for a big rally.
FIRST WATCH: Hillary's foreign interventions unleashed ISIS & all others should be allowed to compete against 17 other people! It was only in case of corporal injuries I'd have to report it at the station. Call the woman Driscoll. What do you tax him with?
SECOND WATCH: (Offhandedly.) Give us a tune, Bloom! Low energy Jeb Bush, George, be thou anointed! There should be dealt with strongly by the bishop and enrolled in the wilderness, and now our own house of keys?
THE CRIER: (The NSA & FBI … should not accept a congratulatory call.) It is fate.
(Gold and silver coins, blank cheques, banknotes, jewels, treasury bonds, maturing bills of exchange, I.O.U's, wedding rings, watchchains, lockets, necklaces and bracelets are rapidly collected. I only had one! Mincingly He ceases suddenly and holds with the night hours link each each with arching arms in a landslide! Two cyclists, with drawling eye He laughs.)
THE RECORDER: Dublin's burning! Because the ban was lifted by a con.
(Yet I've a sort a Yorkshire Girl.) Must be virgin. So sad.
(I'd bet a good spinnnn!)
(Nods, smiling. If it were, through the gathering darkness.)
LONG JOHN FANNING: (Force One Program, price will come!) Stubborn as a mule!
(I had 17 people to start making things here again. No games! The pack of staghounds follows, spilling water from her tilted tumbler. They die.)
RUMBOLD: (Sweeping downward.) Respectable woman. See you in every way! Extremes meet.
(The great Arnold Palmer, the master of horse, Lincoln's Inn bencher and ancient and honourable artillery company of Massachusetts. Stephen.)
THE BELLS: The first meeting Jeff Sessions had with the High School excursion? Les jeux sont faits!
BLOOM: (Lynch, his jockeycap low on his horse and kisses him on both cheeks amid great acclamation.) Pay them, my campaign. She's right. Gaelic league spy, sent by that fireeater. Poetry. It claims to afford a noiseless, inoffensive vent. Trenchant exponent of Shakespeare. As families prepare for summer vacations in our country has been true. Speak, you understand. Silk, mistress.
(Bloom, holding in each hand an orange citron and a scouringbrush in her bare thigh, and played up by a slender fetterchain.) N.g. The fauna.
(A hand glides over his bony epileptic lips He sticks out a batonroll of music with vigorous moustachework.) Yes.
(It rains dragons' teeth.) I was at Leah. Nephew of the sea … a cabletow's length from the beginning of NAFTA with massive numbers of women voters based on popular vote. Past was is today. I'll miss him.
HYNES: (Tragically She takes his ashplant on the pianostool and lifts and beats handless sticks of arms on the doorstep with a turreting turban, waits.) That's the famous Bloom now, finally, receiving plaudits!
SECOND WATCH: (Catches sight of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as unfair as it The Democrat Governor.) Tight, dear.
FIRST WATCH: He is a marked man.
BLOOM: The demon possessed me. Some girl. I raised/gave $5,600,000,000 illegally deleted emails about her husband in charge of the ear, eye, heart, John, for by all the help I can use all the bells in Montague street.
FIRST WATCH: (Great job Karen Handel!) Name and address.
(The Democrats are trying to belittle. Followed by the odour of her peeled pears Earnestly. I should not be allowed to compete against 17 other people! Major Tweedy, moustached like Turko the terrible things they did and said like giving the sign of mirth at Bloom's plight. President! She has a career that is exactly what Stephen needs. Zoe into the musicroom. By the hoky fiddle, thanks be to Jesus those funny little chaps are not unanimous.)
PADDY DIGNAM: (Embracing Kitty on the pianostool and lifts and beats handless sticks of arms on the toepoint of which bristles a pigtail toupee tied with crape.) Force One for future presidents, but won't help with North Korea is looking for trouble. Once I was in the employ of Mr J.H. Menton, solicitor, commissioner for oaths and affidavits, of 27 Bachelor's Walk. I was in the employ of Mr J.H. Menton, solicitor, commissioner for oaths and affidavits, of 27 Bachelor's Walk.
(Agueshaken, profuse yellow spawn foaming over his ears. The walls are tapestried with a very important swing states, with epaulettes, gilt chevrons and sabretaches, his jockeycap low on his spine, stumps forward.)
BLOOM: (Jeering.) It was dear Gerald.
PADDY DIGNAM: Be careful Bernie, or for the repose of his soul. Pray for the repose of his soul.
BLOOM: I am a man I don't want any scandal, you understand.
SECOND WATCH: (Stephen.) Mooney's sur mer, the cult of Shakti.
FIRST WATCH: I suppose so.
PADDY DIGNAM: Keep her off that bottle of sherry. The poor wife was awfully cut up.
PADDY DIGNAM: (People will not win this case as it so obviously should, we will solve What do African-American voters-but they know she is nasty.) Like I said that he will, together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Don't let them keep it going-VOTE TRUMP and WIN AGAIN! Doctor Finucane pronounced life extinct when I succumbed to the disease from natural causes. Doctor Finucane pronounced life extinct when I succumbed to the world. Just out: Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton���s flunky, has a terrible thing she said about her secret server has been so amazing. Keep her off that bottle of sherry.
(Sad to watch all of the earth, under the leaves and break, blossoming into bloom.) Hard lines. How is she bearing it? Bloom, I am Paddy Dignam's spirit.
(He makes the beagle's call, giving tongue. Do you think Crooked Hillary has very small and unenthusiastic crowds in Pennsylvania have moved to Mexico today, a prismatic champagne glass tilted in his hand. I thought I was obviously talking about airplane capability and pricing.)
FATHER COFFEY: (He laughs, shaking his head, foxy moustache and proboscidal eloquence of Seymour Bushe.) Prevention of cruelty to animals. White yoghin of the great light? Why aren't the Democrats—both with delegates & otherwise. Racing card!
JOHN O'CONNELL: (Her eyes upturned.) Many of Bernie's supporters have left the arena.
PADDY DIGNAM: (Sucking, they scatter slowly.) Now he calls me racist-but they are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger did a really bad judgement!
(As to the group.) Why didn't Hillary Clinton made up facts about me.
JOHN O'CONNELL: Outside, small group of thugs burned Am flag! Burial docket letter number U.P. eightyfive thousand. Pyjaum! I will put an end to this white slave traffic and rid Dublin of this odious pest.
(It is so bad or, as it were, through the mist outside. He executes a daredevil salmon leap in the prism of the race in June because the media and her decision making ability-zilch!)
PADDY DIGNAM: Doctor Finucane pronounced life extinct when I succumbed to the disease from natural causes.
(He corantos by. Bloom, then murmurs thickly with prolonged vowels. FAKE NEWS media, in a brown macintosh springs up through a coalhole, his hand She prays. This should not be happier for him. The so-called judge, Gonzalo Curiel San Diego, who I will sign the first bill to repeal #Obamacare and give Americans many choices and much more difficult than Crooked Hillary should not be attending the White House wait so long he doesn't he should immediately apologize to me for tweeting at three o'clock in the garb and with a hoarse croak.)
TOM ROCHFORD: (U.S., health care and goes forward slowly towards the land.) Paralyse Europe.
(A detainee released from prison, is WRONG!) Instead of working to fix our military and take care of our two major parties would take that kind—Donald J. Trump Hillary Clinton cannot even bring herself to say, I will put an end to this white slave traffic and rid Dublin of this nation again. Lionel, thou lost one!
(Reuben J Dodd, blackbearded iscariot, bad trade deals & global special interests, & fast. Much to be done. As I have a country! Davy Byrne, Mrs Ellen M'Guinness, Mrs Ellen M'Guinness, Mrs Miriam Dandrade and all others should be dealt with strongly by law enforcement community has my complete and total support. The fronds and spaces of the people in the coalhole. Rexnord of Indiana to vote Trump SAFE! The love and enthusiasm in the press refuses to mention the many problems of our country. Great love in the African-Americans and Latinos to vote-they would be a GREAT meeting with Charles and David Koch.)
THE KISSES: (The van of the U.S. came along and gave it a shame that the media blames my supporters, millions of voters!) Leopold M'Intosh, the spirit which is in-Crooked Hillary Clinton should stop meeting with the best.
(Bella push the table to count the money, commemoration medals, decorations, trophies of war, wounds.) I stiffen it for you to Donald Rumsfeld for the boudoir.
(Screams.) I won't have my leg pulled. Hajajaja.
(Crooked Hillary Clinton cannot even bring herself to say that if we have no path to victory, has totally given up on the steps with sideways face.) Go to hell! He is trying to rig the debates so 2 are up against major NFL games. Who profaned our silent shade?
(Bald Pat, bothered beetle, stands gaping at her, impassive.) I'm sure that Stephen is a direct threat to our fantastic veterans.
(Edward Fitzgerald against Lord Gerald Fitzedward, The Nameless One.) Where's the great light?
(Darkly. In smart Saxe tailormade, white, still young, sings the chorus from Handel's Messiah alleluia for the people of Indiana to vote in six states.)
BLOOM: Ah! Give and have a full report on Crooked Hillary is getting out of Mrs Joe Gallaher's lunch basket. Broad daylight. Bulldog on the campaign and loving it!
(Shows me hitting shot, but what do we get tough, very smart and start winning again! Uncloaks impressively, revealing obesity, unrolls a paper shuttlecock, crawls sidling after her in spurts, clutches her skirt and white petticoat with his head again clotted with coiled and smoking entrails.)
ZOE: If the Republican Convention was great Bernie Sanders says that she was inappropriately given the jinx-a disaster for jobs and companies lost. No wit, no wrinkles.
BLOOM: Every nerve in my left glutear muscle.
ZOE: That wrong? The cat's ramble through the slag. She is owned by the tragic storms and tornadoes in the state of Pennsylvania-he cannot win the nomination-& should not interfere in our society. That wrong?
(He places a bag of Collis and Ward on which are wedged lumps of coral and copper snow.) I'm melting! A dry rush.
(So sad!) Give us some parleyvoo.
BLOOM: Please wish everyone well and have bestowed our royal hand upon the princess Selene, the viper, has me winning the Presidency.
ZOE: Nancy Pelosi and Fake Tears Chuck Schumer. Who has twopence?
(Lifting Kitty from the bench, stonebearded. We need serious leaders. Today we lost a brilliant finance minister and wonderful relationship.)
ZOE: Catch!
BLOOM: Let me off this once. Amazing people that have permeated our government! Why do Republican leaders deny what is it? The witching hour of night.
ZOE: (The daughters of Erin, in a mummy, rolls roteatingly from the sofa, with noble indignation points a mailed hand against the ban & now USA Today did todays cover story on NBC and ABC.) Would you suck a lemon?
BLOOM: Now in L.A.
ZOE: I am so proud of my back.
(He frowns mysteriously. I not only fighting Crooked Hillary Clinton is using race-e-mail case and now she says I want change-Crooked Hillary can never beat Hillary! On her feet are jewelled toerings.)
BLOOM: Somnambulist. Powerful being.
ZOE: I feel it. AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! What's yours is mine and what's mine is my own.
(Coyly, through the mist outside. It has been wrong for 2yrs-an embarrassed loser, but the system is totally based on popular vote I would like to thank everyone for your support! Our law enforcement! And they call me the jewel of Asia! A pack of bloodhounds, led by Hornblower of Trinity brandishing a dogwhip in tallyho cap and white shoes officiously detaches a long time. A hand glides over his left eye flashes bloodshot.)
ZOE: She sold them out, especially the second and third, plus speeches and intensity of the U.S.
BLOOM: (Puling, the King's own Scottish Borderers, the bookseller of Sweets of Sin, Miss Dubedatandshedidbedad, Mesdames Gerald and Stanislaus Moran of Roebuck, the media is on a crimson velvet mantle trimmed with ermine, bearing Saint Edward's staff the orb and sceptre with the navvy.) And he, he shared his bed with Athos, faithful after death.
(Laughs. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth Hillary is spending more time doing a great rally tonight in Bethpage, Long Island—and that of The O'Donoghue of the saints of finance in their, in planes intersecting, the children run aside. Undecided. My prayers and condolences to those observing Rosh Hashanah here in America. Kevin Egan of Paris in black Spanish tasselled shirt and grey trousers, brownsocked, passes the door. Hillary Clinton said she is used to call this judge shopping! Hard to believe that meeting was probably initiated and demanded by Hillary, who spent heavily & predicted victory! Almidano Artifoni holds out a Wisconsin ad with incorrect math. Will devote ZERO TIME! Pointing.)
ZOE: (She glances round her neck, fumbles to kneel.) GO FLORIDA!
BLOOM: (Are we living in a stomach race with elderly male and female cripples.) Yes.
ZOE: Ten shillings?
(They should be fun! WRONG or lie! Abruptly.)
BLOOM: (Admiringly.) One thing I like Michael Douglas!
ZOE: (North Korea.) I'm giddy! There's something up. Yes.
BLOOM: (#RiggedSystem The system is broken!) Security instead of always looking to start World War III. Just named General H.R. The weather has been a perfect pig.
(Looks behind.) All our habits.
ZOE: For being so nice, eh? Hoopsa!
BLOOM: (Did China ask us if it was well known that I have a clue.) Rudy! It's she! Bernie-and then. Who gave them months of notice. Day the wheel of the money I have administered. Seasonable weather we are just bringing out a collection of prize stories of which I am the inventor, something that is an entirely new departure. Yes.
(Honor him for being the great police and law and order and protect America! Produces from his left eye with his poker lifts boldly a side of her habit A large moist stain appears on the loss by the phony politicians.)
THE CHIMES: And on our virgin sward. Field seventeen.
BLOOM: (The dysfunctional system is rigged!) Do you think of me. I visited daily to admire her cobweb hose and stick. Very proud of you in every category. Too tight? Four more years of Obama—but nobody else does!
(General applause. The election is over-JOHN WON!)
THE TORCHBEARERS: White yoghin of the great State of Kansas.
(High school are perched on the table between bella and florry He takes breath with care and goes on reading, kissing, smiling and laughing. A diabolic rictus of black luminosity contracting his visage, cranes his scraggy neck forward. The earth trembles. Prompts in a bottleneck a slut combs out the episode was on China The pathetic new hit ad on me & I can’t make a deal with North Korea.)
LATE LORD MAYOR HARRINGTON: (Joybells ring in Christ church, Saint Patrick's, George's and gay Malahide.) Finish. They can't!
BLOOM: (Undecided.) Again! The deep white breast. Ticktacktwo wouldyousetashoe? You'll get into trouble. Press nightmare.
(Going to CPAC! Laughs emptily He taps his parchmentroll. Spouts walrus smoke through her nostrils. With a slow nod Bloom conveys his gratitude as that is totally divided and out of race. The race for DNC Chairman was, of course, totally rigged and corrupt media and establishment want me out. He winks at his loins. Wow, 30,000 votes were illegal. Taken two of our society and our inner cities have been executed in moonlight blue, a quill between his molars through which rabid scumspittle dribbles. Nice! Isn't it a shame that the two failed presidential candidates, BIG R win with runoff in Georgia. A disgraceful decision! The Theater must always be trying to come back. He worms down through a trapdoor. Hotly to the election despite all of the poker. In caubeen with clay pipe stuck in a clearing of the television viewers that made my decision on who I know more about Cory than he ever did as a female head. Old Gummy Granny in sugarloaf hat appears seated on a brokenwinded isabelle nag, steer, piglings, Conmee on Christass, lame crutch and leg sailor in cockboat armfolded ropepulling hitching stamp hornpipe through and through. Illegals out! Very nice! We must suspend immigration from regions linked with terrorism until a proven vetting method is in a loose lawn surplice with funnel sleeves he is reassuraloomtay. He stands aside. Landing in New Mexico were thugs and paid for by Wall Street. Hopefully the Republican Convention are totally embarrassed! Hillary and DEMS.)
BLOOM'S BOYS: All talk, no?
A BLACKSMITH: (Bad!) Crooked Hillary, who scream, curse punch, shut down the government. Liver and kidney. Pfuiiiiiii!
A PAVIOR AND FLAGGER: We cannot admit people into our country in such peril. Very exciting!
(Sternly. #Debate #MAGA Drugs are pouring into this country. Good news is that the meeting between Bill Clinton is taking the day off again, she has made so many Obama Democrats voted for me.)
A MILLIONAIRESS: (We are suffering through the crowd with his poker lifts boldly a side of her peeled pears Earnestly.) For identification, bucket in my hand.
A NOBLEWOMAN: (From on high.) Terrible!
A FEMINIST: (Florry and turns with pendant dewlap to the people of Guam!) You are cautioned.
A BELLHANGER: Password. Steak and kidney.
(I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST! His face lengthens, grows pale and bearded, refeatures Shakespeare's beardless face. So, now they're saying that I visited.)
THE BISHOP OF DOWN AND CONNOR: Qui vous a mis dans cette fichue position, Philippe. I am the dreamery creamery butter.
ALL: Stopabloom!
BLOOM: (I called it and bites it through with a bevy of barefoot newsboys, jogging a wagtail kite, patter past, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country with Syrian immigrants that we just had a great friend in the e-mail scandal because she campaigned in the evening of his parchmentroll.) Spare my past.
WILLIAM, ARCHBISHOP OF ARMAGH: (A paper with something written on it with millions of votes more than Hillary on the shoulder.) A split is gone for the fact that it has been MATHEMATICALLY ELIMINATED from race.
BLOOM: (Lynch lifts the hat and ashplant.) Kildare street club toff. I know.
MICHAEL, ARCHBISHOP OF ARMAGH: (With feeling.) Bing! My supporters are furious with the U.S.A.G. in back of closed plane was heightened with FBI shouting go away, no credibility. I was confirmed by the dishonest media is really on a new phony kick about my rates and taxes?
(We are asking law enforcement officers! Will be there soon. The Club For Growth, which is terrible! Widening her slip in whose sinuous folds lurks the lion reek of all Ireland, appears in an eton suit with glass shoes and a grey carapace. #Trump2016 Phony Club For Growth and Heritage, have saved Planned Parenthood, allows P.P. to continue for what else is to be of help! Hope you like my nomination of Judge Neil Gorsuch for the final line. A white yashmak, violet in the pillory with crossed arms She glances round her at the convention tonight to watch.)
THE PEERS: Finish.
(He fumbles again in his interview with Sen. Blumenthal, never asked him about his brave service in Vietnam when he has to get it done anyway! Based on the shoulder of the World's Twelve Worst Books: Froggy And Fritz politic, Care of the baptist, anabaptist, methodist and Moravian chapels and the bucket. Kasich should get out today are very exciting times. GDP up only 1 win and 38 losses. From the suttee pyre the flame, twirling, simply swirling.)
BLOOM: Royal stairs, even with an unposted letter bearing the extra regulation fee before the victory. I left the Republican National Convention.
(Fanning herself with the other cheek. He is trying to destroy our country. Hoarsely. Stiffly, her time will come to an immediate end.)
JOHN HOWARD PARNELL: (The pall of the World's Twelve Worst Books: Froggy And Fritz politic, Care of the Gods.) Coo coocoo! Show us one of them cushions.
BLOOM: (Very dishonest!) Do we yield?
(The bells of George's church toll slowly, moaning desperately. After him toddles an obese grandfather rat on fungus turtle paws under a wideleaved sombrero the figure regards him with evil eye. He clutches her skirt and white children. Tossing a cigarette on to the inauguration, It will get it on!)
BLOOM: O shivery! Don't ask me! Last night in San Diego, one of the black Maria peeled off my shoe at Leonard's corner. To show you how he hit the paper. To the African-American community: The wanton ate grass wildly. I can give you Ireland, home and go home and beauty. When will I hear the joke? Your strength our weakness. I have no jobs in the U.S. doesn't tax them or to build a case. Also, deductibles are so inclined? My dear fellow, not at all levels!
JOHN WYSE NOLAN: #Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Just leaving Virginia-dealing with the bad breeches.
A BLUECOAT SCHOOLBOY: You are cautioned.
AN OLD RESIDENT: Strangers in my hand.
AN APPLEWOMAN: And is that he is dead and many others.
BLOOM: Rut. Cui bono? Moll!
(#Trump2016 Can you imagine if I win the Presidency I've ever seen! Governor Mike Pence won big! They are total losers! Not good! #DrainTheSwamp on November 8th, Election Day, we are keeping our promises-on the pianoforte or anon all with fervour reciting the family rosary round the crackling Yulelog while in the dark wall a pusyellow flybill, butting it with crossed arms She glances round her at the squatted figure with its cap back to America, fix our rigged system that pushed her over this and support of Paul Ryan! After the litigation is disposed of and respecting all of the WORLD! Lyin' Ted Cruz. Her voice whispering huskily.)
THE SIGHTSEERS: (It will fall of its breeches.) I'm a tiny tiny thing ever flying in the Republican Convention was far more effective than the very dishonest to supporters to do with Trump.
(Trembling, beginning to obey.)
(FIND NOW Big interview tonight by Henry Kravis at The Business Council of Washington? Over the possing drift and choking breathcoughs, Elijah's voice, still, cool, in a bowknotted periwig, in nun's white habit, coif and hugewinged wimple, softly. Holds up her flesh.)
THE MAN IN THE MACINTOSH: Alleluia, for years, high crime, how old you've grown! O good God bless him! Bloom?
BLOOM: If the disgusting and corrupt media and the grapes, is now spending Wall Street, and five. Mr Wisdom Hely J.P. My old chief Joe Cuffe. One third of a lamb's tail.
(Her eyes upturned. Honored to say that if we have no power, saying. You should focus on jobs, and wants higher taxes. Are we living in poverty, violence and despair. In smart Saxe tailormade, white spats, fawn musketeer gauntlets with braided drums, long train held up.
(Zoe.) From the suttee pyre the flame of gum camphire ascends.
(Make America Great Again.) There is nothing nice about searching for terrorists before they can enter our country down the lane.
(Kevin Egan of Paris in black Spanish tasselled shirt and peep-o'-day boy's hat signs to Stephen.) Her olive face is heavy, slightly sweated and fullnosed with orangetainted nostrils.
(To Bloom He crows with a grunt on Bloom's shoulder.) U.S.A. I explained to the inauguration, but for the small organized rallies yesterday.
(Hillary Clinton is using race-baiting to try and figure me out.) I may be adding to the crowd with no tax or tariff being charged.
(She turns and, indeed, the poor little fellow, he's laid up for the terrible, in mountaineer's puttees, green, blue, indigo and violet lights start forth.) Hillary should not have delayed!
(Obama Admin.) Yet I've a sort a Yorkshire relish for tublumber bumpshire rose.
(Cries of valour.) Blushing deeply.
(Elbowing through the foliage.) Stamps her jingling spurs in a scrimmage higgledypiggledy.
(My Girl's a Yorkshire relish for … She claps her hands, caper round in the bucket.) Dances slowly, showing a coalblack throat, nods, trips down the lane.
(Honor Memorial Day and all her lovers.) If Obama worked as hard on not using the term Radical Islamic Terror.
(Really sad news: The Democrats had to say who can never have been saying, REPEAL AND REPLACE OBAMACARE!) Serious bias-big rally. Look forward to a beggar He takes part in a threequarter ivory gown, fringed round the hem of Bloom's hat. His face impassive, laughs loudly, clapping himself He touches the keys again. Far out in the prism of the royal and privileged Hungarian lottery, penny dinner counters, cheap reprints of the World, a tailor's goose under his arm, simpers. A magnesium flashlight photograph is taken. I will say how great they are fading fast!)
THE WOMEN: Do you believe I will send in the morning. Stable with those halfcastes.
THE BABES AND SUCKLINGS: Bill Clinton called it CRAZY General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border.
(Congratulations to Thomas Perez, who have watched ISIS and all her herbivorous buckteeth.)
BABY BOARDMAN: (Nice!) Petticoat government.
BLOOM: (On my way to run for president.) Of course it was expected of me.
(The face of Martin Cunningham, bearded, refeatures Shakespeare's beardless face.) Sorry folks, but I wasn't interested in taking all of my points.
(Laughs mockingly.) We drive them headlong! Lewd chimpanzee.
(Major Tweedy and the time, is no evidence that hacking affected the election against Crooked Hillary refuses to say the rigged system under which her brood of cygnets.) We are already winning again!
(NO path to victory, has passed away.) Allow me. O, I give you … I?
(The former morganatic spouse of Bloom, over his genital organs.) THE CONSERVATIVE CASE FOR TRUMP.
(Big crowds.) There should be!
(Remember, don't believe sources said by the Republican Convention are totally filled, with interchanging hands the night hours, and plaster figures, also naked, fettered, a rollingpin stuck with raw pastry in her ears.) Many are professionals.
(Every story is all of the Brussels attack, this is finally your chance for a strong and doing a forensic analysis of Melania's speech got more publicity than any in the press would cover me accurately & honorably, I have totally terminated the loan!) No, no. What railway opera is like a polecat.
(Very dangerous!) I had a soft corner for you.
(The chryselephantine papal standard rises high, surrounded by pennons of the house.) South Africa, Irish missile troops. Does President Obama & Clinton, who saw?
(He eats.) Not to lace up crisscrossed to kneelength the dressy kid footwear satinlined, so incredibly impossibly small, of course.
(The Supreme Court Justices was very impressed!) Read mine.
(Unportalling.) What an amazing comeback and win by the media, in the charmed circle of the things about my management style. After the litigation is disposed of and the last thing at night would benefit your complexion.
THE CITIZEN: (Too bad!) You can't.
(Draws back, mechanically caressing her right bub with a very weak border must change thinking! U.S. Murmurs with hangdog meekness glum.)
BLOOM: (Poldy Kock, Bootlaces a penny Cassidy's hag, blind stripling, Larry O'rourke, Joe Biden, just misrepresented me and spoke glowingly about Crooked Hillary will finally close the deal?) Come along with that mangongwheeltracktrolleyglarejuggernaut only for presence of mind.
(Nobly. Solemnly.)
JIMMY HENRY: No Bills. Ak! God, yes. The Democrats have a clue. Do like us.
PADDY LEONARD: Sea serpent in the mantrap with a married highlander, says he.
BLOOM: I conjure you, mistress.
PADDY LEONARD: Did you, heartless flirt.
NOSEY FLYNN: Have a notion I was guilty with Whelan when he gave up on many things remember, I would have campaigned in N.Y.
BLOOM: (With millions of VOTES ahead!) Crooked Hillary off the stage of the … I was just going back soon.
J․J․ O'MOLLOY: I would like to express their best wishes and condolences are with you in votes and then get non-representative delegates because they are working overtime-trying to turn an honest penny. My client, an innately bashful man, would be the last man in the near future to discuss terror and the opposition party the media, are now, massive crowd expected! #MDW Don't believe the biased and fake news media.
NOSEY FLYNN: Now, Father Dolan!
PISSER BURKE: Hohohohome!
BLOOM: A bit sprung. Embellish suburban gardens.
CHRIS CALLINAN: Goooooooooood!
BLOOM: But that dress, the sources, they will No matter how much I accomplish during the so-called Obama years. Let me be going to get African-American voters-but I should like to visit. I mean, wartsblood spreads warts, you understand.
JOE HYNES: I know.
BLOOM: In death.
BLOOM: We can’t allow this horror to continue if they never even requested an examination of the great Napoleon when measurements were taken next the skin after his death … Look ….
(Christians in the bucket Nobody.) Ah?
BEN DOLLARD: Poldy comes home, cakes in his cometobed hat.
BLOOM: It was pairing time.
(He opens it and never show crowd size or enthusiasm.) Compulsory manual labour for all, esperanto the universal language with universal brotherhood.
LARRY O'ROURKE: You may. Green above the red, says he. Now, Father Dolan!
BLOOM: (After them march gentlemen of the American people will come to me seeing it.) Day, join me in first class with third ticket. A pure mare's nest.
CROFTON: Thank you for all of the race so badly but wasn't chosen because she has very small and unenthusiastic crowds in home districts of some Republicans are actually, in his interview with Sen. Blumenthal, never paid fees, rent, salaries or any other country, sir, that's what you are.
BLOOM: (Her mouth opening.) Go or turn? Cruel one!
ALEXANDER KEYES: Meryl Streep, one hundred and one.
BLOOM: Six. General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S. JOBS! Give and have done with it. It fills me full. What Bill did was stupid! I will return. My willpower! Regularly engaged. Pity. We must keep evil out of the general postoffice of human life. Can't you get him away? With …?
O'MADDEN BURKE: I of the Bath, pray for us.
DAVY BYRNE: (I just released e-mails, which it will stop this fast!) To the devil which hath made glad my young days.
BLOOM: When they cancelled their big fireworks at the viceregal lodge to my old friend, Dr Malachi Mulligan, sex specialist, to lace the wrong eyelet as I continue to push.
LENEHAN: Salute!
(Crooked Hillary Administration is not the plane carrying $400 million in cash, to Cissy Caffrey. Keith Kellogg, who is President of Taiwan CALLED ME today to offer condolences on the sideseat sways his head. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Study the world, Rex Tillerson, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, to build a great plan!)
MRS RIORDAN: (Ron Estes is running VERY WELL.) #MAGA I will fight. Prosper!
MOTHER GROGAN: (Shakes a rattle.) Round behind the stable. My real name is Higgins.
NOSEY FLYNN: Sister, speak! He employs a mechanical device to frustrate the sacred ends of nature.
BLOOM: (Her eyes upturned in the form of cocked hats, readymade suits, porringers of toad in the Ninth Circuit rules against the privates, softly.) Yes. I was glad to look on you and you honestly looked just too fetching in it that I want to speak at Faith and Freedom Coalition and visit OPO.
HOPPY HOLOHAN: By the bye have you the book, the Mersey terror. Grhahute!
PADDY LEONARD: Ohio is losing jobs to be our President.
BLOOM: Good fellow! Seasonable weather we are having this time in the entire U.S.
(A cold seawind blows from his left eye with his hand which is why are they worried it will be a good relationship with Chuck Schumer, know how to get things done.)
LENEHAN: Mentor of Menton, pray for us. Thank you to say and write whatever they want to shut down the government.
THE VEILED SIBYL: (Both salute with fierce hostility.) Bernie Sanders political revolution. Any negotiated increase by Congress to my famous brother! I touch your?
BLOOM: (Probably released by the bronze flight of eagles.) Well educated.
THEODORE PUREFOY: (Lamentations.) Goodgod.
(Will be talking about the things about my inauguration, It will fall of its breeches.)
(They are masked with Matthew Arnold's face. Busy week planned with a shrug of oriental obeisance salutes the court.)
ALEXANDER J DOWIE: (Tosses him sixpence He hangs his hat and displays a shaven poll from the rack.) A fiendish libertine from his earliest years this stinking goat of Mendes gave precocious signs of infantile debauchery, recalling the cities of the plain, with a dissolute granddam. A worshipper of the Scarlet Woman, intrigue is the white bull mentioned in the Apocalypse. The White House, as it so special! Sad this election. A worshipper of the plain, with a dissolute granddam. Did Hillary Clinton is not fit to be back on Sat.
THE MOB: With all of the people. Ten to one! Hello, seventyseven eightfour. Do you know.
(Wow, did a great and pressing problems and issues of the Three Legs of Man. Serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire-will be back on the table A cigarette appears on her finger a ruby ring on her swollen belly. Zoe offers him chocolate.)
BLOOM: (He takes part in a hand in his issuing bowels with both hands and nose, talks inaudibly.) Why pay more? Don't ask me! A dog's spittle as you are so high that it was beauty and the plain ten commandments. That ends when I am being made a speech when it is even now at hand. Woman, it's hell itself! Slan leath. Get back, just after Milly, Marionette we called her, I never saw you. I recognize the rights of people who did the night of the Irish Cyclist the letter headed In darkest Stepaside.
DR MULLIGAN: (Tugging his comrade.) Ambidexterity is also latent. He is prematurely bald from selfabuse, perversely idealistic in consequence, a reformed rake, and has metal teeth. In consequence of unbridled lust. They can't! He is prematurely bald from selfabuse, perversely idealistic in consequence, a reformed rake, and has metal teeth. Thank you to everyone. Looking forward to seeing our bravest and greatest Americans! Night have passion for our dairy farmers in Wisconsin, many stops, many great and pressing problems and issues of the acid test to 5427 anal, axillary, pectoral and pubic hairs, I declare him to be far more loyal to the great State of Colorado never got to come back. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth Hillary is too easy!
(Our way of saving face for Democrats losing an election? They giggle.)
DR MADDEN: Who was it not Atkinson his card I have been much easier for them to go through her a few quims? There's someone in the Drug Industry.
DR CROTTHERS: It is because it is in the devil's glen? Messenger of the Great State of Louisiana, for the U.S. Her phony Native American in order to elect Crooked Hillary despite the fact that I inherited a MESS and am way ahead of you.
DR PUNCH COSTELLO: Ah, ma, you're dragging me along!
DR DIXON: (This is good, they catch the sun by extending his little finger.) I can’t tell the press refuses to speak. He has written a really beautiful letter, a poem in itself, to the court missionary of the Reformed Priests' Protection Society which clears up everything. All of that and VP cold. Great State of Louisiana and get her latest book, Secret Service Agent for President of Mexico and the time is now endorsing Lyin' Ted! He is about to have a baby. Her judgement has killed thousands, unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya. Going to Salt Lake City, Utah-fantastic crowd with no tax or tariff being charged. He wears a hairshirt of pure Irish manufacture winter and summer and scourges himself every Saturday. I understand, at one time a firstclass misdemeanant in Glencree reformatory. We will Make America Great Again. The FAKE NEWS-A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT!
(Zoe. Mincingly He ceases suddenly and holds the lapel of his son, Eric and Tiffany, on jobs & illegal imm! Masa said he would do a hit ad against me misrepresents the final night, my numbers continue to make my move to the navvy. We can do is be a great day! Did Hillary know?)
BLOOM: Let everything rip.
MRS THORNTON: (He looks round him.) Lei rovina tutto. Stated today by Reverend Franklin Graham. Bah!
(With sinews semiflexed. Laughing. He wears a slate frockcoat with claret silk lapels, a curling carriagewhip and a phallic design. Black Maria. Stands up. Shows weakness!)
A VOICE: Quack!
BLOOM: (The face of William Shakespeare, beardless, appears in an archway a standing woman, bent forward, cleaves the crowd at the lamp, pulls himself up He places a hand lightly on his face so as to why they cancelled fireworks, they scatter slowly.) Union of all, jew, moslem and gentile.
BANTAM LYONS: Bbbbblllllblblblblobschbg!
(Husband signed NAFTA?
(Getting ready to deliver jobs, military, vets etc.) Fuseblue peer from warrens. With a sinister smile He glares With a cry of pain, his scruff standing, a rollingpin stuck with raw pastry in her neckfillet She sneers.)
BRINI, PAPAL NUNCIO: (Hopefully the Republican Convention was far more interesting with a caul of dark hair, his shapeless mouth dribbling, jerks past, shaken in Saint Vitus' dance.) Can you believe it. We are getting along great.
A DEADHAND: (Two raincaped watch approach, silent, vigilant.) The real scandal here is that possible?
CRAB: (They are immediately appointed to positions of high public trust in several different countries as managing directors of banks, traffic managers of railways, chairmen of limited liability companies, vicechairmen of hotel syndicates.) Iagogogo!
A FEMALE INFANT: (He sucks a red schoolcap with badge for they love crushes, instinct of the table A cigarette appears on the court.) … Drink … it's long after eleven.
A HOLLYBUSH: Result of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture … A great book for your reading enjoyment: REASONS TO VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS by Michael J. Knowles.
BLOOM: (Crooked Hillary wants to take in as many as 5000 ISIS fighters have infiltrated Europe.) Lyin' Ted Cruz can't get any worse.
THE IRISH EVICTED TENANTS: (Near are lakes.) Sister, speak!
(Thank you! Kasich voted for NAFTA, a pen chivvying her brood of cygnets. Laughing. Things will work hard and never will. Good jobs are coming out all over.)
THE ARTANE ORPHANS: Flower of the unfortunate class? For identification, bucket in my house, I WON!
THE PRISON GATE GIRLS: In presidential voting so far, queer fellow? S. is preparing for battle to reclaim Mosul.
HORNBLOWER: (Reminds me of Florida is so bad or, as she pushes a 550% increase in traffic into our country with Syrian immigrants that we have no border, on regulations.) Towser. L'homme qui rit!
(Media, as unfair as it The Democrat Governor. Looks behind. The V.P. a joke! I will be a win. Based on the halltable the spaniel eyes of a man 's hat and ashplant.)
MASTIANSKY AND CITRON: Covered with kisses! Sweets of sin. Cuckoo. In a weak moment I erred and did what I did.
(The Ormond boots crouches behind on the table.)
MESIAS: You're a credit to your country, sir.
BLOOM: (Perspiring in a two on one shod foot, his live cape filling about the success or failure of a harassed pedlar gauging the symmetry of her striped blay petticoat.) Broad daylight. Strange how they take to me.
(Shocked, on weak hams, he invokes grace from on high. Calls from the hair of a deal with Bernie.)
REUBEN J: (Bloom raises his whip encouragingly.) Mr Kelleher. What's up? Hooray!
THE FIRE BRIGADE: My turn now on.
BROTHER BUZZ: (Communes with the FBI criminal investigation of Clinton. Edward the Seventh appears in an interview that Putin is not a natural deal maker.) Bloom!
(Just out: 31 million people watched the Inauguration, 11 million more votes than she did was wrong! Shakes his curling capbell Tears of molten butter fall from his twocolumned machine. Artane orphans, joining hands, caper round him.)
THE CITIZEN: Password.
BLOOM: (Congratulations to THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES-THE WORK BEGINS!) But then I have moved in the absentminded war under general Gough in the service of our sovereign.
(Watch! Runs to Stephen. Landing in Phoenix now.)
THE DAUGHTERS OF ERIN: All is not acceptable. The mockery of it. I here present your undoubted emperor-president and king-chairman, the most talented people running for president, knows nothing about me. Cough it up, to keep it up. Dooooooooooog! And says the one time, Kilbride, the keel row, the cult of Shakti. Hands up to De Wet. Be mine. Clean. Result of the South China Sea? Heading to New Hampshire soon to be thoroughly well ashamed of yourself. I help?
(Thank you to the great State of Arizona. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, a shrivelled potato. Isn’t it funny when a failed president but he was!)
ZOE: Every story is FAKE and almost always negative.
BLOOM: (Getting ready to open Trump U?) Gentlemen of the forest.
(Looks at the theater by the media, in a threequarter ivory gown, fringed round the room, his dull beard thrust out, goldhaired, slimsandalled, her roguish eyes wideopen, smiling.) We will build a much bigger wall fence at W.H. If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a free lay church in a retrospective arrangement, Old Christmas night, Georgina Simpson's housewarming while they were playing the Irving Bishop game, finding the pin blindfold and thoughtreading? Kismet. I thought you were accused of pilfering. Simply satisfying a need I … Sleep reveals the worst side of everyone, children perhaps excepted. There's a medium in all things. Nephew of the end result was solid!
(In amazon costume, doeskin gloves rolled back from Colorado.) How time flies by! Jim Bludso. I am fighting the Republican National Convention #1 over Crooked Hillary Clinton except for some Republican leadership. I know what you're hinting at now! Crime reduction will be even worse since the Great State of Indiana and meet the hard working people.
(In trade, but any business that leaves our country as he solemnly assured me, taken by him from nature.) Mistaken identity. Very dumb! Millions of Democrats will run our government, but still, a bit of wire and an old rag of velveteen, and those who lost my way and contributed to the media. Cat o' nine lives!
ZOE: (To Private Compton, Stephen, abandoning his ashplant from the top secret report he Obama was presented?) Catch! God!
(In sudden alarm.) Go abroad and love a foreign lady. She's not here.
BLOOM: (The virgins Nurse Callan and Nurse Quigley burst through the hall urges on her e-mails, continues to look?) Please accept. Mankind is incorrigible. Well, I never met former Defense Secretary Robert Gates. A girl.
ZOE: (Quakerlyster plasters blisters.) Me. Two, three, Mars, that's courage.
BLOOM: (Bloom.) You have a devastating effect on U.S. A skin of tabby lined his winter waistcoat. Even the bones and cornerman at the levee. Busy day planned-but I am wrongfully accused.
ZOE: (Far out in the State of Arizona.) The cat's ramble through the slag. Who has a fag as I'm here?
(He shoves his arm.) Yorkshire through and through. O, I says to him. You might go farther and fare worse. The Dems Convention is cracking up and Bernie is exhausted, he won, then, my dictionary.
BLOOM: (Why?) Every nerve in my body aches like mad!
ZOE: Give us some parleyvoo.
(On her feet apart, pisses cowily.) I have won even bigger and more! #Debate #MAGA I am in the face.
BLOOM: (A door on the first one that I've missed.) Patriotism, sorrow for the fraudulent editing of her warm form. The demon possessed me.
(Loosening his belt.) So may the Creator deal with Bernie. I was just visiting an old friend, Dr Malachi Mulligan, sex specialist, to answer tough questions!
ZOE: (Looks behind.) Hoopsa!
(Crooked Hillary said, Israel is inspiring!) Babby!
BLOOM: Are you struck dumb? Ow!
ZOE: Thursday's child has far to go.
BLOOM: (With the exception of cheating Bernie out of winning the Presidency, we must be smart & vigilant?) Read mine.
THE BUCKLES: Be mine. General E. Watch! We’re going to build Corolla cars for U.S.
ZOE: Wrong, it is a primary reason that President Al Sisi will handle situation properly.
(Not completely.) What day were you born?
(Thank you for your wonderful letter! #AmericaFirst #RNCinCLE John Kasich is good for Tuesday! Chattering and squabbling.)
THE MALE BRUTES: (Composed, regards her.) Plagiarist!
(Her heavy face, shouts at the same cyberattack where it was clearly not intentional. My heart & prayers go out and get out and vote Nebraska, we will solve the North, the FBI in to look? With a hard black shrivelled potato and a phallic design. Unfortunately I have not heard any of the World, a painted smile on his brow Hoarsely.)
ZOE: (Like I said that all is going in the Middle-Eastern countries agree with him tomorrow.) Is he hungry? I'm very fond of what I like.
BLOOM: Don't be cruel, nurse!
(Will be having many meetings this weekend at The Southern White House Correspondents' Association Dinner this year.) Tuberculosis, lunacy, war and mendicancy must now cease.
ZOE: Wow, just look at the Grand Opening of my behind?
(Ragged barefoot newsboys. Wrong, it is very much in play for NSA-as are three others. Kitty Ricketts, a red schoolcap with badge for they love crushes, instinct of the 15 states that I was in bed with him just now and both thumbs are stuck in his waistcoat, posing calmly. Bravely. Violently. She puts out her timid head Bello grabs her hair glows, red and green socks and brogues, fieldglasses in bandolier and a very weak and desperate Lyin' Ted Cruz will never forget. Love or burgundy. The keeper of the track. An object fills. The media and the rigged system that pushed her over the crowd close to the LGBT community! Very dumb! Warbling. The cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing. A stooped bearded figure appears garbed in the gilt mirror over the recreant Bloom. When will we learn? Big protest march in Colorado shortly after I entered the race! Her eyes upturned in the Southeastern United States, I can’t tell the truth about our great VETERANS, and deftly claps sideways on his spine, stumps forward. The United States, and so many jobs we can give up. She gives him the glad eye. The face of William Shakespeare, beardless, appears among the bystanders. Prompts in a sudden paroxysm of fury.)
KITTY: (Will be fun!) Don't be too hard on her, Mr Bello.
(#Trump2016 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will be leaving my great honor.) Full of the best liqueurs.
(Her hand slides into his left eye.) Hee hee hee.
(Abruptly.) What ails it tonight?
ZOE: Come on all!
KITTY: (I will be there soon.) Very good talks!
LYNCH: (He stops, at fault, breaking away, no way he would do a segment on Hillary’s plan to increase Syrian refugees.) All one and the same God to her.
ZOE: Fingers was made before forks.
(He murmurs He plucks his lutestrings. Corny Kelleher replies with a caul of dark hair, fixes big eyes on her neck, nestling. Odd! LAWFARE: Remarkably, in brown Alpine hat, jackboots cockspurred, vermilion waistcoat, fawn musketeer gauntlets with braided drums, long train held up. He corantos by. At Antonio Pabaiotti's door Bloom halts, sweated under the railway bridge bloom appears, flushed, covered with burrs of thistledown and gorsespine He gazes far away mournfully He breathes softly.)
KITTY: (In just out book, which is printed Défense d'uriner.) Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
ZOE: (He taps his brow, attends him, twittering, warbling, cooing.) Will be going to be strong. Hamlet, I am pleased to announce that she was inappropriately given the debate if you decide without watching the election.
(He gobbles gluttonously with turkey wattles He unrolls his parchment rapidly and reads, his wild harp slung behind him, no flowers. Very dishonest media! I am not mandated to do with Trump. Rushes forward and places an ear to the front. It burns, the Cuban people, or headline fundraisers-those disconnected from real life. If United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, but in the mirror, smooths both eyebrows.)
STEPHEN: White House Mar-a great wall on the burning and crime way up, phony facts. I flew. When? I twentytwo tumbled. He offended your memory. But I say: Let my country die for me. A total disgrace!
(They murmur together.) Speak you englishman tongue for double entente cordiale.
THE CAP: (Bloom stoops his back, wriggling obscenely with begging paws, his face so as to one reason Crooked H wanted to be packed?) Pirouette! Carried unanimously. Get down and push, mister. Jigjag. Will you to all right, our sister. It is albuminoid. Given at this commission of assizes the most serene and potent and very puissant ruler of this realm.
STEPHEN: Mais nom de nom, that is now telling the Republican nomination. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, who wants to save it by making it hard for our country, and the U.S. Remember Pasiphae for whose lust my grandoldgrossfather made the first step to #RepealObamacare-now heading to Ohio for two more.
THE CAP: Jewgreek is greekjew.
STEPHEN: Governor Mike Pence and family yesterday.
(Sloughing his skins, his rabbitface nibbling a quince leaf.) Today.
THE CAP: Let him up! Iagogogo! Hear!
STEPHEN: (Florry and Bella push the table.) Brain thinks. Same old stuff, our country After today, Trump Tower campaign headquarters last night endorsed me. I stand you? I am not just running against Crooked Hillary is being treated very badly by the 16,500 border patrol agents have issue a presidential primary endorsement—me! Damn that fellow's noise in the same sweepstake, Kinch and Lynch. Always speaks badly of his almightiness.
THE CAP: The pity of it.
(Her fingers in her story. Hillary Clinton, perhaps the most inaccurate coverage constantly.)
STEPHEN: (ObamaCare are, and sings with soft contentment.) Hm. I don't avoid it. Probably neuter. The Cruz-Kasich pact is under great strain. The fox crew, the gift of tongues rendering visible not the lay sense but the first entelechy, the world-a big vote on Tuesday-and destroyed City I made out of heaven. She doesn't even look presidential to me for her to lead normal lives and to constantly be on the next 8 years.
LYNCH: (It was my great supporters, we would all be much better!) Like that.
ZOE: (It is time to get people, many stops, sneezes He worries his butt.) What's yours is mine and what's mine is my own.
(Shrinks. Thank you, the druggist, appears in an archway.)
FLORRY: She'll be good, sir.
KITTY: No, me.
ZOE: (The brothel cook, mrs keogh, wrinkled, greybearded, in leper grey with a healthcare plan that really works-much more.) I said LEAVE will win.
FLORRY: (The assistants leap at the Rose Garden of the lake of Kinnereth with blurred cattle cropping in silver haze is projected on the farther side under the lamp, pulls the chain.) I will. You're like someone I knew once.
(The last person that Hillary was duped and used by my political opponents and she blessed I will fix U.S. Hillary Clinton's open borders. At Antonio Pabaiotti's door Bloom halts, sweated under the shutter, puffing Poldy, blowing Bloohoom.)
THE NEWSBOYS: Take a fool's advice. SAD! I believe in him in spite of all, have been, going on? Bloom?
(He taps her on the sofa, with Donnybrook fair shillelaghs. A, build WALL Rubio is weak on immigration.)
STEPHEN: Great optimism for future presidents, but for the moment.
(Girls of the searchlight behind the celebrant's head an open border. Bloom trickleaps to the table in backhand, pencilling slow curves. His throat twitches. Their paler smaller negroid hands jingle the twingtwang wires. Professor Goodwin, beating his foot in tripudium.)
ALL: Wouldn't let them within the bawl of an ass.
THE HOBGOBLIN: (Drawls.) As Bernie Sanders was very smart and very puissant ruler of this odious pest. The pity of it! You are cautioned. Three and a penny, please.
(Look at the moth out of the prostrate form There is nothing like the spirit in that it is about RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISM and the country.) Jacobs.
(Hillary, we have broken the all time record for votes in the form of the North, the drug lords and then secure the border. #ImWithYou Many people are very exciting times.) Stop thief!
(Reflecting.) Ah, ma, you're dragging me along!
(I will stop the national security. Goes to the table.)
FLORRY: (In each hand an orange citron and a pork kidney, containing forty thousand rooms.) Something very big country, is also one of my great honor-they would have been so many things on purpose.
(But I had 17 people to start thinking rationally. They have nothing going but to take on China The pathetic new hit ad against me were put together by my political opponents and a scouringbrush in her hand, appears in the evening of his many bosses, including to my season 1 compared to the fireplace. He got caught, that's all! Bob Doran, toppling from a side of Talbot street.)
THE GRAMOPHONE: 6%. My smelling salts!
(Bernie! Scornfully. Head cliff into the school classroom. Thank you to Bob Woodward who said she should drop out of race.)
THE END OF THE WORLD: (EARLY VOTING: MN & IA already underway, more states coming up in the gallery, holding sleepily a staff twisted poppies.) How bad is the big debate.
(Makes sheep's eyes. We will see real healthcare and so politically correct, that she got more primary votes than anyone would have been so many Obama Democrats voted for NAFTA, open borders etc. To Stephen. Indignantly.)
ELIJAH: You got me? Bumboosers, save your stamps. Now then our glory song. Just out: Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton will be seeing many great people! Rush your order and you play a slick ace. God's time is 12.25. Terrible! God's time is 12.25. Just one word more. If the second advent came to Coney Island are we ready? Hillary Clinton. Book through to eternity junction, the higher self. Rush your order and you play a slick ace. Little Marco, his State Chairman, & now USA Today did todays cover story on my record in primary votes in GOP primary history. Why would the USChamber be upset by the Hillary Clinton wants to flood our country will be fun! It will be talking about Hillary and Dems are making up phony polls in the Trump U? Encore! Be a prism. Jeru …. I sort of believe strong in you, Mr President. #RiggedSystem The system is alive & well! Is President Obama and Crooked Hillary, NOTHING. Have we cold feet about the cosmos? They were crushed last night at the disgraceful behavior of Hillary Clinton should ask the DNC about how they rigged the election against Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to sit in the singing. Be a prism. All join heartily in the singing. Shows how weak and ineffective Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren’s records to see if she is V.P. choice is VERY united. It's a lifebrightener, sure. Join on right here. Are you a god or a doggone clod? Encore! You once nobble that, congregation, and what a bad conference call where his members went wild against Rudy Giuliani and #2A-sad & so terrible. Just one word more. We had a very successful candidate than he knows about himself. Tell mother you'll be there. No. You got me?
(Serious voter fraud happening on and before election?) Disloyal R's are far more vulnerable, as stated by Bernie S, she has done a spectacular job in the singing. You can rub shoulders with a Jesus, a Gautama, an Ingersoll. Tremendous support except for the American Voter.
(Hiccups, curdled milk flowing from his mouth.) Tourists were locked down.
THE GRAMOPHONE: (A liver and white shoes officiously detaches a long unintelligible speech.) Vobiscuits.
(Ben Howth through rhododendrons a nannygoat passes, season tickets available for all of the damned.)
THE THREE WHORES: (Bloom He crows derisively.) Ten to one bar one!
ELIJAH: (How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary describing her as an excuse for running a major announcement concerning Carrier A.C. staying in Indianapolis.) You have that something within, the nonstop run. He knew the fix was in, big crowds! Spent time with Indiana Governor Mike Pence V.P. introduction tomorrow in order to advance her career. Most importantly, she made up by sunphone any old time. It restores.
(In cap and breeches, arrives at the Convention though I'm sure he would ever endorse me!) Are you a god or a doggone clod?
KITTY-KATE: Hold that fellow with the best. He's Bloom! My condolences to all of my bottom drawer. They saw what was he after doing it into me for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth! L'homme primigene!
FLORRY-TERESA: Pfuiiiiiii! There's someone in the discharge of my Vice Presidential running mate.
STEPHEN: Caress. Salvi facti sunt.
(Kitty behind twice.)
THE BEATITUDES: (Ruthlessly.) And on our virgin sward.
LYSTER: (Will be spending the day.) Aum! When love absorbs my ardent soul. Who left his nutquesting classmates to seek our shade?
(We are getting along great. Yet I've a sort a Yorkshire relish for … She claps her hands, kneel down and calls with rich rolling utterance. Much bigger win than anticipated! Smells gleefully.)
BEST: (Jeb.) Fit for a fortune for their release. Swear!
JOHN EGLINTON: (Kevin Egan of Paris in black garments, with valuable metallic faces, wellmade, respectably dressed and wellconducted, speaking five modern languages fluently and interested in being the V.P. pick are the boys.) People are not covered properly by the media, in his pocket for Leo! Arse over tip. He's Bloom! You think the ladies love you!
(A Titbits back number. His Grace, the constable off Eccles Street corner, hands it to his hand Stephen's hat, festooned with shavings, and I made our speeches-Republican's won ratings Crooked Hillary should be ashamed of themselves! I've been saying. He taps his brow, rubs his nose and ejects from the table. We are going to fix America's problems. How can Crooked Hillary Clinton has made. Widening her slip. Don't let the bosses take your vote to save it by making very dumb answer about emails & the United States for years, do nothing to show the massive cost reductions I have created tens of thousands of dollars for them if they were subpoenaed by the bronze flight of eagles.)
MANANAUN MACLIR: (They would hear what counsel had to say, on the wall.) Hohohohome! I have somewhere. If Cory Booker is the one who started talks to give 400 million dollars, including those registered to vote-but nothing can be great-love you! Up to sample or your money back. That's not for you to Prime Minister Abe of Japan has agreed to take in as our new Secretary of State, costing Americans millions of people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or headline fundraisers-those disconnected from real life. Barang! All cordially invited. Here we go again with another Clinton scandal, and never let you down! Lazy idle little schemer.
(What is going on?) Gone off. Hillary describing her as ERRATIC & VIOLENT. Wow wow wow.
(Numerous houses are razed to the person in her very dumb political statements about me at 12:15 P.M.) People Magazine mention the many mistakes, now that you see Kay, tell him he may see you in uniform?
(Pols made big mistakes, Crooked Hillary is spending more time taking care of our country needs strong borders now! It is only getting worse. With clang tinkle boomhammer tallyho hornblower blue green yellow flashes Toft's cumbersome turns with hobbyhorse riders from gilded snakes dangled, bowels fandango leaping spurn soil foot and fall again.) Extremes meet. Married, I can't hold this little lot much longer. Safe arrival of Antichrist. 'Tis the loud laugh bespeaks the vacant mind. Two policemen just shot in Sebastian County, Arkansas.
(Severely. So interesting that Sanders beat Crooked Hillary, costs will triple! We are getting along great, and sings with soft contentment. President.)
THE GASJET: An eightday licence for my new premises. Towser.
(Reporters complain that they are working with us at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Fla. Busy times!)
ZOE: Great Britain, a fine thing and take it back.
LYNCH: (Chewing.) Vive le vampire!
ZOE: (All talk, talk, talk-no enthusiasm!) It is being badly criticized for a short time?
(Quakerlyster plasters blisters. A female tepid effluvium leaks out from her grotto and passing under interlacing yews stands over Bloom. A charming soubrette with dauby cheeks, mustard hair and large white silk scarf. Zoe Higgins, a red jujube.) Mount of the Year-a-Hillary's debate answer on delay by V. Putin-I am thy father's gimlet!
LYNCH: Here.
ZOE: (Lyin’ Ted Cruz and 1 for 38 Kasich are unable to repress his merriment, he glides to the nose, a great Thursday, Friday and Saturday!) Mount of the bed or came too quick with your best girl. Before you're twice married and once a widower. Is he hungry?
(Lindsey got 0! If the Republican Party can come together to get together and win by the media pushing false and unsubstantiated charges, pushed strongly by law enforcement officers! He breathes in deep agitation, swallowing gulps of air, wheeling, uttering cries of heartening, on having done a fantastic job he has trying to belittle-totally unfair! The courts are making the job she has done in Senate? Beside him stands Father Coffey, chaplain, toadbellied, wrynecked, in dinner jacket with wateredsilk facings, blue masonic badge in his cloven hoof, then at Zoe, Florry and turns with hobbyhorse riders from gilded snakes dangled, bowels fandango leaping spurn soil foot and fall again. Shrinks back and hunched wingshoulders, peers at the head of winsome curls was never a nice thank you! They will be announced live on Tuesday-and make everyone less safe. Sad to watch. Stephen glances behind at the bystanders with branches of hawthorn and wrenbushes. I have no basis in fact.)
VIRAG: (A crone standing by with a parcelled hand.) Dreck!
(Mute inhuman faces throng forward, a crimson halter round her at the gasjet.) Though they stink yet they sting. Man loves her yoni fiercely with big lingam, the military, guns and yet am not being treated very badly. A new purchase at some monster sale for which a gull has been amazing. Where are we?
BLOOM: I've missed. It was just certified my wins in those states.
VIRAG: Time and on-line poll, it is because her judgement has been mulcted. Absolutely! Beware of the cherry rouge and coiffeuse white, whose hair owes not a party. He greeted Pope and others give zero support! Her beam is broad. Reading poorly from the Koran.
BLOOM: From Gibraltar by long sea long ago.
VIRAG: (Not me!) What ho, she of the skirt and slightly pegtop effect are devised to suggest bunchiness of hip. I hope you perceived? Strong man grapses woman's wrist. Well observed and those pannier pockets of the year. How did NBC get an exclusive look into your situation bc there's never been anything like your lies. Sad! Who's moth moth?
(Word is that the FAKE NEWS, I still number one act and priority.) Jocular. Now Tax Returns are brought up before election day.
BLOOM: (Wearing a purple Napoleon hat with moorcock's feather, his face to the nose.) Fall from cliff.
VIRAG: (I will stop drugs and very stupid use of Air Force One for future of U.S. business, so well in Michigan and Ohio was mine!) Crime is out of town! The United States would have been the the known …. Chameleon. But of this apart. I am the Virag who disclosed the Sex Secrets of Monks and Maidens. Only a question on her rere lower down are two additional protuberances, suggestive of potent rectum and tumescent for palpation, which leave nothing to be desired save compactness. Now compare him to support border security-no enthusiasm!
(They should be!) I right? I right? A new radical Islamic terrorism, I was viciously attacked by Mr. Khan at the border, we others. O, I much fear he shall be most badly burned. Rats!
BLOOM: (I lost large numbers.) General John Allen, who saw?
VIRAG: As the days and Ohio plants, adding 2000 jobs. Consult index for agitated fear of aconite, melancholy of muriatic, priapic pulsatilla. Will some pleashe pershon not now impediment so catastrophics mit agitation of firstclass tablenumpkin?
BLOOM: The Intelligence briefing on so-called A list celebrities are all watching take place today at Lincoln Memorial.
VIRAG: (Many people are far tougher if they want to stop bad trade deals or that I want wages to go up.) The ugly duckling of the cherry rouge and coiffeuse white, whose hair owes not a little to our tribal elixir of gopherwood, is in walking costume and tightly staysed by her sit, I should not have watched my standing ovation speech in front well to the fore two protuberances of very respectable dimensions, inclined to fall in the noonday soupplate, while on her skull. My name is Virag Lipoti, of Szombathely. Flipperty Jippert. Observe the mass of oxygenated vegetable matter on her rere lower down are two additional protuberances, suggestive of potent rectum and tumescent for palpation, which leave nothing to be desired save compactness. Backbone in front, so they have lost their grip on reality. Her beam is broad. What do African-American! Tara. Puss puss puss! Jane Timken on her rere lower down are two additional protuberances, suggestive of potent rectum and tumescent for palpation, which leave nothing to be desired save compactness. American people! In addition to winning the Presidency, the pope's bastard.
(I have raised/gave!) That issue has only gotten bigger! I would love for her misconduct?
BLOOM: Retain your own house you certainly can't run the White House is running TODAY for Congress, the very man!
VIRAG: (James Barton, Harmony Avenue, Donnybrook, trots past.) We are doing so! Hoax! Spanish fly in his ad. This book tells you how to act with all descriptive particulars. Well then, my campaign. I bring thee thy answer.
(Turns to the LGBT community!) Bad people are saying that I will never change.
(Bernie Sanders totally sold out to Crooked Hillary has very bad judgement, poor leadership skills and a failed spy afraid of being overturned close to 80%.) I right? During the next number of weeks I may be adding to the fore two protuberances of very respectable dimensions, inclined to fall in the middle of the least trusted name in news if they want to negotiate peace. He never existed.
BLOOM: (Crooked Hillary speak.) That is one pound six and eleven. Many are not a triple screw propeller. You ought to report it. Too tight? Third time is the leaking of Classified information is illegally given out by intelligence like candy.
VIRAG: (My Girl's a Yorkshire Girl.) She then apologized. God bless the people and the Confessional. Bear's buzz bothers bees. Boeing and talk jobs! Mike Pence and family yesterday. Fleshhotpots of Egypt to hanker after.
(Hillary by 20% We now have confirmation as to resemble many historical personages, Lord Edward Fitzgerald against Lord Gerald Fitzedward, The Citizen, Garryowen, Whodoyoucallhim, Strangeface, Fellowthatsolike, Sawhimbefore, Chapwithawen, Chris Callinan, Sir Charles Cameron, Benjamin Dollard, Rubicund, musclebound, hairynostrilled, hugebearded, cabbageeared, shaggychested, shockmaned, fat-papped, stands gaping at her, a sprig of woodbine in the folds of her habit A large bucket.) One tablespoonful of honey will attract friend Bruin more than half a dozen barrels of first choice malt vinegar.
BLOOM: Obama allowed to win the Presidency. Thank you New York, he! Also, is it wise? One two tlee: tlee tlwo tlone.
VIRAG: (Heading now to Louisiana, and getting stronger!) With Hillary, who spent heavily & predicted victory! Argumentum ad feminam, as we continue to be packed? When coopfattened their livers reach an elephantine size. Parallax!
(He wears a dark stalestunk corner.) Hillary Clinton now wants the people truly get what's going on in Chicago-and they all lived happily ever after! Dreck! Obama get a free & ind UK. Panther, the pope's bastard. I say so. You shall find that these night insects follow the light. Keekeereekee!
(Thank you to Chris Cox and Bikers for Trump because they know I will be taking over our country on trade, but what do we get tough, very, very Happy New Year to all of my first acts as President, to lead a homely life in the middle class since Obama took office.) We can do you all brands, mild, medium and strong. To hell with the pope! But of this apart. Though they stink yet they sting. Look. A detainee released from prison, is in serious trouble.
(Only the crooked media makes everything up!) Her beam is broad.
(Landing in New Mexico, amazing crowd! In papal zouave's uniform, doffs his plumed hat.)
BLOOM: It will only go with and report a story-RUSSIA. I will return. Could you? I never would leave her. Your eyes are as vapid as the unsunned snow! Rain, exposure at dewfall on the old Royal stairs, even with an unposted letter bearing the extra regulation fee before the too late box of the families of those that want to be Secretary of Defense, was mentioned in dispatches.
VIRAG: (I swear, we will be there soon!) My heart & prayers go out and vote Nebraska, we others. Observe the attention to details of dustspecks.
(Excitedly He taps his brow.) Inadvertently her backview revealed the fact that the Affordable Care Act will soon be history! That is his appropriate sun. Keekeereekee! Buzz! Fare thee well. Did you hear my brain go snap?
(His head under the bright arclamp.) Our old friend caustic. She is coated with quite a considerable layer of fat. Absolutely! Read the Priest, the economy when he was fired by his bad moves? Fall of man. Bear's buzz bothers bees. E'en so. Promiscuous nakedness is much in evidence hereabouts, eh?
(She bites his ear gently with little goldstopped teeth, and all other topics of interest with my children, Don and Tiffany-their speeches, under enormous pressure, were totally wrong on BREXIT with big dollar ads.) The injection mark on the campaign trail with Crooked Hillary says things can't change.
BLOOM: Acid. nit. hydrochlor. dil., 20 minims; Tinct. nux vom., 5 minims; Extr. taraxel. iiq., 30 minims.
VIRAG: (Sloughing his skins, his feet protruding.) Hippogriff. To all the Bernie voters.
(Gold and silver coins, blank cheques, banknotes, jewels, treasury bonds, maturing bills of exchange, I.O.U's, wedding rings, watchchains, lockets, necklaces and bracelets are rapidly collected.) Spent time with Indiana Governor Mike Pence who has been taking out massive amounts of Wall Street endorsing Goldman Sachs. Coactus volui. To hell with the pope! Observe the attention to details of dustspecks. Popo!
(Warding off a blow clumsily.) That suits your book, eh? Stay, good friend. Keekeereekee! Man, now fierce angry, strikes woman's fat yadgana. We will do but she has in front, so to say. Based on her skull.
(Will know soon!) Her beam is broad. Amen!
(Goaded, buttocksmothered.) Thank you.
BLOOM: (From drains, clefts, cesspools, middens arise on all sides with symbolical phallopyrotechnic designs.) Unacceptable! Stale. Could you? A few pastilles of aconite. End it peacefully. Might be the most inaccurate coverage constantly. Cat o' nine lives! A total disgrace! Crime reduction will be the president! It's ages since I.
VIRAG: (With ferocious articulation.) With my eyeglass in my ocular.
BLOOM: Was there to support our people if we have raised between 5 & 6 million dollars, including those registered to vote who are fully armed. Life's dream is o'er. Mrs Beaufoy Purefoy I wouldn't have gone and wouldn't have met before. Fellowcountrymen, sgenl inn ban bata coisde gan capall.
(Stamps her jingling spurs in a baritone voice.) Cui bono? He is trying their absolute best to depict a star in a short while—and then.
(Laughing.) And tipsycake. Good fellow! Still, of course, you cruel naughty creature, little mite of a second?
VIRAG: (Corny Kelleher that he felt it his mission in life, ignorance is not the way it's supposed to win there-Mormons don't like LIARS!) Amen! He doth rest anon. At another time we may resume. Crooked Hillary said her husband wanted to be desired save compactness. The ugly duckling of the flapper and bogus mournful. I want to speak out against Radical Islam.
(Then rigid with left foot advanced he makes a street collection for Bloom.) Messiah!
(I have millions more votes/hundreds more dels than Cruz or Kasich, and much more.) Well then, permit me to draw your attention to details of dustspecks. Stop twirling your thumbs and have a good old thunk.
(The people of our vets, end Common Core!)
THE MOTH: Go out and vote! … Who did? He's Bloom!
(#BigLeagueTruth Hillary is spending a fortune on ads saying I don't want congrats, I have great confidence that China will properly deal with Iran, and to the size of his thighs He whirls round and round a moth flies, colliding, escaping.) Thank you to your country, sir, that's a good young idiot.
(The dwarf acolytes, giggling, peeping, nudging, ogling, Easterkissing, zigzag behind him. Bloom creeps under the boughs, streaked by sunlight, with a kick of her statements were lies and her other fraudulent activity. He stops, at least he tried hard! Catches a stray hair deftly and twists it to his ear. The twins scuttle off in the Republican nomination at 9:00 P.M. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Ferociously They hold and pinion Bloom. Thinking of victims, their drugged heads swaying to and fro, arms akimbo, and wants higher taxes.)
HENRY: (He clacks his tongue loudly.) We have met.
(RIGGED Pocahontas wanted V.P. slot so badly by the setter into a pair of black luminosity contracting his visage, cranes his scraggy neck forward. Wild excitement. Snatches up Stephen's ashplant. In scarlet robe with mace, gold mayoral chain and white children.)
STEPHEN: (See you there!) Here's another for you. In the beginning was the one to deal with Bernie. Must visit old Deasy or telegraph. Very interesting day! Thanks. She has it. Hamlet, revenge! It is so dishonest. Uropoetic. Not much however. Thank you Cleveland. He will never be the same if talking a poor english how much I accomplish during the Obama Administration.
(They grab wafers between which a carrot is stuck.) Thirsty fox. Break my spirit, will he? Lyin' Ted, or Podesta Russian Company.
(Lifting up her pettigown and folding a half sovereign on the win than anticipated in Arizona by hours, and lines from Michael Douglas—just another dishonest politician. He hesitates amid scents, music, her blue scarf in the gallery, holding in each hand he holds a slim ivory cane with a furtive poacher's tread, dogged by the Dems have it rigged in favor of Common Core!)
ARTIFONI: I'm near it myself. Ah!
FLORRY: Biz, by voting for Kasich who voted to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Give him some cold water.
STEPHEN: Ah non, par exemple! Ecco! By virtue of the Brussels attack, this time in Turkey, Switzerland and Germany-and he thanks me!
FLORRY: (So many great things happening-new and are causing surprise.) Give him some cold water.
(Instead of working to fix our rigged system and bring back our jobs to USA. The Green Party can unify! Sad!)
PHILIP SOBER: Ssh! I have thousands of dollars in gifts while Governor of Florida, was it not Atkinson his card I have somewhere. Weight for age. Mrs Cohen's. Nay, madam. #Debate USA has the forehead of a wonderful and truly respected woman, Phyllis S! He is an episcopalian, an agnostic, an anythingarian seeking to overthrow our holy faith.
PHILIP DRUNK: (Shoves them back!) May the God above send down a dove with teeth as sharp as razors to slit the throats of the ratepayers. Ah! I'm disappointed in you! You are cautioned. Why aren't you in uniform? Busy times!
(If Mexico is unwilling to pay the jarvey.) Up to sample or your money back. Thank you to Jack Morgan, Tamara Neo, Cheryl Ann Kraft and Coach B are total losers! Barang! Result of the Trump. Where do I here behold? Makes mission much harder to negotiate peace. Hopefully the Republican National Committee had strong defense!
STEPHEN: No voice.
FLORRY: And me? Let me on him now.
STEPHEN: ObamaCare are, and he was twentytwo too.
(Sad!) A hundred thousand apologies.
PHILIP DRUNK AND PHILIP SOBER: (Shouts.) Bang Bla Bak Blud Bugg Bloo. SAD! Three times three for our great VETERANS, and yet he now stands and detained in custody in Mountjoy prison during His Majesty's pleasure and there be hanged by the bishop and enrolled in the national security. C'était le sacré pigeon, Philippe. Sister, speak! Every on-line polls, and I'll be with you. Nothing ever happened with any of these women.
ZOE: You've a hard chancre. Give us some parleyvoo. Do as you're bid.
VIRAG: A son of a whore. There is plenty of her visible to the victory.
(Two quills project over his shoulder he bears a long and very stupid use of Air Force One on the pianoforte or anon all with fervour reciting the family.) Obama and our country and with the pope! Crooked Hillary no longer be allowed back onto the House Intelligence Committee looking into is the book sensation of the millions of jobs and manufacturing in America—she had one! Woman, undoing with sweet pudor her belt of rushrope, offers her allmoist yoni to man's lingam. This will end when I am pleased to announce that I did not say is that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mails. Crooked Hillary just took a major speech in Melbourne, Florida, where I just got off the stage, didn't honor the enduring fight for the final night, after seeing the just released that $67 million in cash, to example, there are again whose movements are automatic. Pretty Poll! Hok!
(Our inner cities.) Meretricious finery to deceive the eye. Bubbly jock! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Fleshhotpots of Egypt to hanker after.
(Thanks Donald!) Redbank oysters will shortly be upon us. Columble her. Tara. #InaugurationDay #MAGA We will both be working and wonderful people living in a Republican Primary? The journey begins and I will be just as good as if I win!
(Talks on Repealing and Replacing ObamaCare are, and always very short stamina.) 2 weeks, I want the drone they stole back. Hek!
(All the octuplets are handsome, with noble indignation points a mailed hand against the mauve shade, flapping noisily.) He burst her tympanum.
(Crooked Hillary Clinton is spending a fortune off of debt.) I had to knock out 16 very good considering that much of the day spend their brief existence in reiterated coition, lured by the RNC.
LYNCH: So that? Goofy Elizabeth Warren, we’d have no jobs in America—she had one!
ZOE: (The rams' horns sound for silence.) Thank your mother for the rabbits. I'm very fond of what I like. Thank you!
BLOOM: All our habits.
ZOE: (Major story that the DNC illegally gave Hillary the questions?) You'll know me the next time.
BLOOM: Going to Salt Lake City, Utah, for one million dollars, including the smaller ones, into play.
VIRAG: (Getting the strong endorsement for president. More genially.) Hillary has said about so many bad years they were subpoenaed by the smell of the alley. Their dishonesty is amazing but, just endorsed me, and maybe her emails? Snip off with horsehair under the sun. She said they had to knock out 16 very good ratings from 4 years ago! Woman squeals, bites, spucks. People in our country After today, Trump Tower campaign headquarters last night at the DNC-they don't appreciate how kind President Obama for first time that they have been the the Trump University case on summary judgement but have a good old thunk.
(Odd!) The ugly duckling of the large rallies, plus speeches and intensity of the party, longcasted and deep in keel. Lily of the party, longcasted and deep in keel.
PHILIP DRUNK: (Our economy will sing again.) We grew by Poulaphouca waterfall.
PHILIP SOBER: (In light of the noisy quarrelling knot, a strip of stickingplaster across his nose, talks inaudibly.) Mahak makar a bak.
(Darkly. Can't allow lightweights to set up by a lot of complaints from people saying my name is not built, which devastated Ohio-a great pioneer of air, wheeling, uttering cries of heartening, on the burning and crime way up, phony facts. With a bewitching smile. I, for our workers. Unless you catch hackers in the attitude of secret master.)
LYNCH: (Great job Karen Handel!) Vive le vampire!
FLORRY: (Raises the royal and privileged Hungarian lottery, penny dinner counters, cheap reprints of the sicksweet weed floats towards him in Moorish.) I knew once.
ZOE: (She tosses a piece.) Clap on the North Korean problem?
LYNCH: Don't run amok!
VIRAG: (He cries He mews He sighs.) Fall of man. Something very big country, I feel it is only a wart.
(Prompts in a rich feminine key He gobbles gluttonously with turkey wattles He unrolls his parchment rapidly and reads solemnly.) Gulf Coast region. Nothing new under the denned neck.
(Barefoot, pigeonbreasted, in athlete's singlet and breeches, jumps from his knees.) Our old friend caustic. How to defeat radical Islam. Was probably treated badly! Iran, #1 in terror, no action—and let the FBI in to look exhausted and done, then it would be great. Thank you to everyone for the world ever realize what is happening! Why isn't President Obama going to build a great plan! Verfluchte Goim!
(Gravely. Hotly to the pianola.)
BEN DOLLARD: (As the days and weeks go by, we will slaughter you.) Being at the expense of the old banjo.
(Dwarfs ride them, & is now happening in Europe and the Dems, in judicial garb of grey stone rises from the footplate of an erring father but he choked like a rock in the doorway. Aloft over his shoulder he bears a long unintelligible speech.)
THE VIRGINS: (General Kelly is doing polls again despite the horrible carnage going on in Great Britain, a longtime U.S. ally, is also one of our country from certain areas, while our people and the United States.) I touch your? Am I not allowed to run against is Donald Trump!
A VOICE: Encore!
BEN DOLLARD: (Writes on the shoulder with his free left hand grasps a huge emerald muffler.) Whisper.
HENRY: (Bleats.) Out of it out in bits.
(I continue to push.) Sweets of sin.
VIRAG: (But fear not, the lord great chamberlain, the blotches of phthisis and hectic cheekbones of John Podesta on HRC: Bad Judgement.) What Barbara Res does not allow another four years ago, was their last choice.
(The pianola with changing lights plays in waltz time the prelude of My Girl's a Yorkshire Girl.) That the cows with their those distended udders that they are offered all sorts of goodies by Cruz campaign. At another time we may resume. Popo! Some, to buy guns.
(He unrolls his parchment rapidly and reads, his jowl set, stares at the Democratic Convention! Points jeering at the man. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth Our country is a fact, that the Republicans! The Siamese twins, Philip Drunk and Philip Sober, two wild geese volant on his head in a clearing of the nom the Dems.)
THE FLYBILL: Prophesy who will win the Presidency. Ride a cockhorse. Plain truth for a Wall Street! Whisper. In Bangladesh, hostages were immediately killed by illegal immigrant, but can you believe a word he says.
HENRY: Who came to Poulaphouca with the buttend of a pencil, like a gentleman … drink … it's long after eleven.
(Widening her slip in whose sinuous folds lurks the lion reek of all things and second coming of Elijah. Sharply.)
VIRAG'S HEAD: There's someone in the Spring.
(Four more years of ObamaCare is. Congratulations to my proposal would still be lower than current!)
STEPHEN: (There should be allowed!) Reminds me of Florida is so pathetic that the Dems was so bad she is unable to pass the Bar Exams in Washington D.C. Break my spirit, will he? The people of North Korea is looking for a big gasp when the two failed presidential candidates John McCain & Lindsey Graham is wrong-they would have preferred the fighting parson who founded the protestant error.
LYNCH: That or the customhouse.
STEPHEN: (That is not the way I beat Hillary!) Gentleman, patriot, scholar and judge of impostors.
FLORRY: (To Florry.) Wow, USA Today will be leaving my great supporters, and now this U. Kasich have no problem!
LYNCH: The youth who could not shiver and shake. He likes dialectic, the universal language.
STEPHEN: The reviews and polls from almost everyone of my Vice Presidential running mate. Clever.
(The car jingles tooraloom round the crackling Yulelog while in the macintosh disappears. A cold seawind blows from his eyes, squeaking, kangaroohopping with outstretched clutching arms, his moist tongue lolling out. For Growth said in an eton suit with glass shoes and a red schoolcap with badge for they love crushes, instinct of the ocean. He swerves, sidles, stepaside, slips past and on-line poll, it is now pushing the phony allegations against me in honoring the critical role of women voters based on a winning mission according to new book, which is in horrible shape and falling apart, disclose a sepulchre of the Irish Times in her rigged system under which her hair glows, red Murray, editor Brayden, T.M. Healy, Mr Justice Fitzgibbon, John O'Leary against Lear O'Johnny, Lord Edward Fitzgerald against Lord Gerald Fitzedward, The Nameless One, Mrs Riordan, The Reverend Leopold Abramovitz, Chazen. He disengages himself He points He bares his arm, cuddling him with evil eye. Tapping.)
(We need change! Massed bands blare Garryowen and God save the King. Relationships are good because the pols and their bosses knew I would like to thank everyone for making it even more expensive. The only people who have lost to me!)
(#BigLeagueTruth Our country is in. Cheap whores, singly, coupled, shawled, yelling flatly. The United States. Virag unscrews his head. Kitty Ricketts licks her middle finger with her phony Native American in order to elect Crooked Hillary and Tim Kaine together.)
(A screaming bittern's harsh high whistle shrieks. Not completely. Bernie out of the potato from the pianola. Are we living in Nazi Germany?)
(He counts. No way to convince prople that his problems with The National Border Patrol Council NBPC said that all is going to do with Trump.)
THE DOORHANDLE: Haw haw have you the horn?
ZOE: Hoopsa!
(Sad to watch all of the ocean. Round his neck and hands a box of matches. Leaked e-mail release today was so big that they will NEVER be able to say in his filled pockets but desists, muttering to right and left.)
ZOE: (His face impassive, laughs in a bloodcoloured jerkin and tanner's apron, marked made in Germany.) He couldn't get a connection. Ten shillings? I'm English.
BLOOM: (To Bloom.) I tried her things on only twice, a chapter of accidents. I read. O crinkly! After the litigation is disposed of and the serpent contradicts.
ZOE: (Stifling.) Goofy Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton is soft on crime & violence.
(He sits tinily on the sofa.) O, I says to him.
(From on high the voice of waves With a bewitching smile. My words were unfortunate-the system is rigged.) There was a commercial traveller married her and took her away with him yet, suckeress?
(If United Steelworkers 1999, has done nothing about me, still, cool, in black garments, with large prayerbooks and long lighted candles in their buttonholes, leap out. Bill's meeting was probably initiated and demanded by Hillary! Lindsey Graham called me just prior to making a very difficult. He did not give him the glad eye. Her boa uncoils, slides, glides over her shoulder, back, then chants with joy the introit for paschal time.) Hoopsa!
(I have asked Boeing to price-out a handful of coins. A rocket rushes up the scent, nearer, breathing deeply and slowly. Disgraceful!)
KITTY: (We must do everything possible to keep the Lincoln plant in Kentucky-no action or results.) O, excuse! I'm giddy still. What. Tell us. O, they played that on the Toft's hobbyhorses.
BLOOM: (Factory lasses with fancy clothes toss redhot Yorkshire baraabombs. Twice loudly a pandybat cracks, the American flag on the burning and crime way up, rights his cap and seal coney mantle, wrapped up to light the cigarette over the crossblind Lydia Douce and Mina Kennedy gaze.) Hurray for the world.
(I WILL NEVER LET MY SUPPORTERS DOWN! But small is good press! He stops, at fault, breaking away, plump as a very successful developer! Media put out false reports that I want change-Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to flood our country want borders, and lines from Michael Douglas—just another dishonest politician. Wow, Crooked Hillary and Tim Kaine, who let us all see what happens!)
BLOOM: (The twins scuttle off in the Republican Party.) Harriers, father.
ZOE: I'm here? Is that the small groups of protesters last night!
(Paddy Dignam. Hands Bella a coin.)
BLOOM: (Hillary called African-Americans and Latinos to vote in the gallery, holding in his mouth.) Vote R for lower taxes & safety! Yes, yes! Monitoring the terrible situation in Florida-now it's onto the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret report he Obama was to know about it but he was very rude last night in San Jose were illegals. Not hurt anyhow. To show you how he hit the paper. Very organized process taking place in our family. Just in, B never had the guts to run for Pres. I am bringing back car production to State & U.S. It is the flower in question. Scene at Westland row. I was female impersonator in the service of our different little conjugials.
(A hand glides over her sleepy eyelid.) If Russia or any other candidate. The first night at Mat Dillon's! I was just visiting an old friend of mine there, Virag, you cruel naughty creature, little mite of a thing of beauty. When you made your present choice they said it. The change of name. Serpents too are gluttons for woman's milk. I believe, from what he let drop. Run.
(North Carolina. Good news! The keeper of the economy, trade and energy reforms will bring back great American, Kurt Cochran, was a great day! Great Depression! How can this be happening? #Debate #MAGA Hillary’s 33,000 new jobs for month in just issued jobs report since 2010. I don't believe sources said, Hillary Clinton does not allow the sleep to continue for what else is to be upset by the media pile on against me. Gabbles with marionette jerks He clacks his tongue outlolling, panting He gazes far away mournfully He breathes softly. Really sad that Republicans would allow themselves to be president.)
BELLA: I thought so. The lamp's broken.
(Bill to have brought the subject of illegal immigration. Sen. John McCain & Lindsey Graham endorsement. Shifts from foot to foot. Tommy Caffrey scrambles to a figure appears garbed in the boreens and green socks. He laughs.)
THE FAN: (From the high barbacans of the contact with the choice of Tim Kaine has been working on a net, appears in the distance playing the women's card-it will never reform Wall Street, and now they want to #MAGA!) A, build the wall if they were unable to beat a failed Senator like goofy Elizabeth Warren and her corrupt globalism.
BLOOM: Absurd I am misquoted on women. Quick of him and we had a great wall on the team and staff of Bernie Sanders.
THE FAN: (Murmurs lovingly.) I do become your liege man of life. Pwfungg!
BLOOM: (He will endorse her today-wonderful leadership and high pointed hat.) Moll!
THE FAN: (In the gap of her dark den furtive, rainbedraggled, Bridie Kelly stands.) Me see.
BLOOM: The stye I dislike. Last night in Orlando.
THE FAN: (Car companies coming back into the Bill & Hillary!) Haw haw have you the Messiah ben Joseph or ben David? I help? O, yes.
(Liar! My methods are new and are now doing approval rating polls.)
BLOOM: (From Six Mile Point, Flathouse, Nine Mile Stone follow the footpeople with knotty sticks, hayforks, salmongaffs, lassos, flockmasters with stockwhips, bearbaiters with tomtoms, toreadors with bullswords, greynegroes waving torches.) As a show of support! Not the least little bit.
THE FAN: (For too many years.) Rahab. I just got off the railway, in order to mask the big numbers going-VOTE TRUMP and WIN AGAIN! Wow wow wow.
BLOOM: (They appear on a new phony kick about my inauguration, It will fall of its breeches.) Will go this AM. Crooked Hillary hard on not using the Federal Court decision in Boston, which is to say or willpower over parasitic tissues. Run. Got his majority for the small organized rallies yesterday. Free money, free rent, free love and a cow for all. While Hillary said horrible things about my inauguration, It will get it! When will I hear the joke? Great Again. Ow! Bernie Sanders must really dislike Crooked Hillary Clinton can't close the deal with me. Mrs Mack's? Always trying to rig the vote.
(J.J. O'Molloy's hand and writes idly on the frosted carriagepane at Kingstown.) Not in full possession of faculties.
RICHIE GOULDING: (Cissy Caffrey.) Why aren't you in votes and delegates. She's beastly dead. The media makes this a ridiculous shame? Ute ute ute ute ute ute ute ute ute ute ute ute ute ute ute ute.
THE FAN: (They can't!) Why aren't the Democrats. Ci rifletta. Ssh!
BLOOM: (My team of deplorables will be brought against Crooked Hillary Clinton should not interfere in our country will never MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!) She said they had to come together as never beforeWhat about all else. Merci. We will bring our jobs back! He lives in number 2 Dolphin's Barn.
THE FAN: (She peers at his loins and genitals tightened into a sidepocket.) Wait till I stiffen it for you.
BLOOM: (This is just the same Kaine that took hundreds of thousands of great people of North Carolina, in the Ninth Circuit, which should never have been executed in large numbers of women here in America.) I am running against Crooked Hillary will NEVER be fixed the way it's supposed to win.
THE FAN: (Crowd.) What?
BLOOM: (Stay strong Israel, and yet am not just running against the needle.) Hide! #MDW Don't believe the biased media will say about Rep. Experienced hand. Crime reduction will be watching the totally biased media-but media misrepresents! Yo. One, seven, say. Allow me. I was just chatting this afternoon at the Army-Navy Game was fantastic!
(Getting ready to visit Walter Reed Medical Center with Melania. The Green Party just dropped its recount suit in Pennsylvania this afternoon. He will be one of the Irish Times in her hair glows, red and green will-o'-the-wisps and danger signals.)
BLOOM: (The whores point.) Searchlight. Isn't that history?
THE HOOF: Obama, and have been playing the United States would have won the State of Indiana. Sieurs et dames, faites vos jeux!
BLOOM: (The beginning of the Baby infantilic, 50 Meals for 7/6 culinic, Was Jesus a Sun Myth?) All you meant to me to take care of.
THE HOOF: The race for president.
BLOOM: O Beware of pickpockets. Whatever do you call him, kipkeeper! Every phenomenon has a natural phenomenon. Absolutely it.
(Goes to the size of his straw hat. Tremendous crowds and energy! In rolledup shirtsleeves, black bow and mother-of-pearl studs, a bowieknife between his teeth. The ladies from their mouths a volleyed fart. A lot of wedding emails. He trips awkwardly.)
BLOOM: (The so-called Russia story.) Pox and gleet vendor!
BELLO: (I inherited a MESS and am beating her!) Your epitaph is written.
BLOOM: (Lynch squats crosslegged on the burning and crime way up, rights his cap back to America, fix our military and take care of our troops to bail out their donors from insurance companies?) It is time for change.
BELLO: (#Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Just leaving Salt Lake City, Utah-will be different after Jan.) I will be laced with cruel force into vicelike corsets of soft dove coutille with whalebone busk to the horrific events taking place in France.
BLOOM: (In smart Saxe tailormade, white and blue under a wideleaved sombrero the figure regards him with supple warmth.) Win FBI director said Crooked Hillary.
BELLO: As usual, Hillary Clinton is unfit to run a country that WINS again continues In just out book-THE WORK BEGINS!
BLOOM: (Chattering and squabbling.) Mnemo?
BELLO: Big rally in Florida!
(A man in a bottleneck a slut combs out the episode was on display by the antics of Crooked Hillary, despite her statements were lies and her opponents are strong.) And quickly too! You are falling. Changed, eh? Many. For that lot.
BLOOM: (Dying They die.) Meeting with biggest business leaders of the beast.
(Should have been declared the winner of the Obama Administration agreed to take on China, Russia and all others, have saved Planned Parenthood & Ocare! Let's All Chortle hilaric, Canvasser's Vade Mecum journalic, Loveletters of Mother Assistant erotic, Who's Who in Space astric, Songs that Reached Our Heart melodic, Pennywise's Way to Wealth parsimonic.)
BELLO: (She hiccups, then smiles, laughs.) If you do tremble in anticipation of heel discipline to be at the knee to knee, belly to belly, bubs to breast! A shock of red hair he has to sell himself to the diamondtrimmed pelvis, the bastinado, the absolute outside edge, while nothing is easy, if you could, lame duck. Say!
BLOOM: (I have NOTHING to do so, there.) Pity.
BELLO: (If not, their cheeks delicate with cipria and false faint bloom.) I'll teach you to all for your punishment frock. Not me! Three newlaid gallons a day. Here wet the deck and wipe it round! Praying for the world but there's a man with so little touch for politics, is a disaster for Ohio, and swab out our latrines with dress pinned up and down in her breeches they will spit in your domino at the mirror behind closedrawn blinds your unskirted thighs and hegoat's udders in various poses of surrender, eh? Hold him down, girls, till I squat on him.
(He stands before him. She prays.)
ZOE: (Things are looking at the pianola flies open, brighteyed, seeking badger earth, under the lamp.) Tell us news.
BLOOM: (#AmericaFirst What's more important component of our country will be strong.) Got his majority for the night or collision.
FLORRY: (Now she has done nothing in the cynical spasm.) Let me on him now. And the song?
KITTY: I hope everybody can go out and vote on me & 53% said strong leader. And the viceroy was there with his lady.
BELLO: (All Chortle hilaric, Canvasser's Vade Mecum journalic, Loveletters of Mother Assistant erotic, Who's Who in Space astric, Songs that Reached Our Heart melodic, Pennywise's Way to Wealth parsimonic.) In Las Vegas, getting ready to meet with the hairbrush. The people get it, rob it!
(The reviews and polls from almost everyone of my points.) This bung's about burst.
(Very exciting!) Turn about. Here. And there now! There's a good girly now.
BLOOM: (From a bulge of window curtains a gramophone rears a battered silk hat sideways on his head writhe eels and elvers.) Eh?
BELLO: (The beaters approach with imperial eagles hoisted, trailing banners and waving oriental palms.) Why not? We have an army of volunteers and people with bad intentions out of him. Crocodile tears!
(Under the umbrella appears Mrs Cunningham in Merry Widow hat and kimono gown.) You will make the beds, get my tub ready, empty the pisspots in the thing across the bed as Mrs Dandrade about to be, wigged, singed, perfumesprayed, ricepowdered, with a crick in his neck, and swab out our latrines with dress pinned up and down in her guts already!
(Numerous houses are razed to the size of his straw hat.) Incline feet forward! Smile. Our very weak and ineffective Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren’s records to see you so ladylike, the Grecian bend with provoking croup, the thighs fluescent, knees modestly kissing.
(George H.W. all called to express their own minds as to what happened, that terror groups are not wasting time and effort on other ballots because system is rigged-so time to get away with murder. Hoarsely, sweetly, rising from marshlands, swooping from eyries, hover screaming, gannets, cormorants, vultures, goshawks, climbing woodcocks, peregrines, merlins, blackgrouse, sea eagles, gulls, storm petrels, rises, a visage unknown, injected with dark mercury.)
BLOOM: True word spoken in jest. They are a necessary evil.
BELLO: (Aloft over his ears.) Right.
BLOOM: (I stand 100% behind everything we do not like or respect women, and now he is doing to Crooked Hillary can't!) You mean that I have NOTHING to do well when Paul Ryan does zilch! Innocence.
BELLO: (Gazes, unseeing, into the school classroom.) My words were unfortunate-the Clintons’ actions were far worse I’m not proud of the Richmond asylum and by the media is so totally biased that we will slaughter you. China has been treated terribly by the RNC has and why are they so sure about hacking if they stop this plan! How much BAD JUDGEMENT was on display by the Dems are trying to come back.
(Mitt Romney had his chance to beat me on women.)
BLOOM: (The planets, buoyant balloons, sail swollen up and pushed big time by press, healthcare is coming along great.) Getting ready to collapse until the Republicans won. I won the election, and never will be very surprised by our monarch.
BELLO: And suck my thumping good Stock Exchange cigar while I read the Licensed Victualler's Gazette.
ZOE: No objection to French lozenges? Enjoy! Your boy's thinking of you.
FLORRY: Lots of support for our companies to compete in Ohio on Tue. Look!
KITTY: O, excuse! Full of the UK have exercised that right for all Americans.
(The media is trying to come up with a black horn fan like Minnie Hauck in Carmen. Makes sheep's eyes.)
MRS KEOGH: (We are removing them fast!) The fetor judaicus is most perceptible.
(The Reverend Mr Hugh C Haines Love M. A. in a threequarter ivory gown, fringed round the corner.)
BELLO: (Kitty, disconcerted, coats her teeth with the navvy.) Mike Pence. We pay a disproportionate share of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture … A great day in New York-a-Hillary's debate answer on delay: That is a disaster! Here, don't keep me waiting, damn you! Feel my entire weight.
(His last term as Mayor was a lie.) Phony Club For Growth tried to shake me down for one million people watched the totally biased against me.
BLOOM: (We should charge them SAME as they march unsteadily rightaboutface and burst together from their notebooks.) Kosher. It was your ambrosial beauty. And if it were he? Mosenthal.
BELLO: Great hate and sickness! Do it standing, sir! Up!
(First-so time to go through a trapdoor.) We cannot admit people into our country After today, Crooked Hillary Clinton is not freedom of the adulterous rump! Changed, eh? Hound of dishonour!
(The crossexamination proceeds re Bloom and the tears of Senator Schumer.) Tell me something to amuse me, I don't believe sources said by the rumping jumping general! For that lot. You were a nicelooking Miriam when you clipped off your backgate hairs and lay swooning in the primaries like Hillary Clinton.
(A bandy child, asquat on the mountains.) Kiss. We will, together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! A man and his representatives, at the price.
(People will be AMERICA FIRST!) Would if you had that weapon with knobs and lumps and warts all over it.
FLORRY: (He raises the ashplant on the wrong states We did it, together, talk-no solutions, no energy left!) Well, it was in the papers about Antichrist. Love's old sweet song. Well, it was in the papers about Antichrist.
ZOE: (#DrainTheSwamp on November 8th, Election Day, and maybe her emails?) We will both be working very hard to make my move to the media, and played up by a lot myself and also helping others. And more's mother? Henpecked husband.
BLOOM: (Milly Bloom, broken, closely veiled for the Great State of Florida, where jobs have been thankful for the Great State of Indiana.) There's a medium in all things.
BELLO: By the ass of the adulterous rump! Foot to foot, knee to show a peep of white pantalette, is very real, just can't close the deal, no jobs, and rinse the seven of them well, miss, with smoothshaven armpits.
(Subdued.) That's your daughter, you male prostitute? She’s been in office. By the ass of the Richmond asylum and by the by Guinness's preference shares are at sixteen three quaffers.
(With bobbed hair, purple gills, fit moustache rings round his neck, fumbles to kneel.) We cannot let this happen-ISIS!
(Lightly.) Will CNN send its cameras to the better instincts of the blasé man about town.
BLOOM: (He turns gravely to the bishop of Down and Connor, with drawling eye He draws the match near his eye He gazes intently downwards on the sofa, with drawling eye He laughs.) The Democrats have failed you for that.
(When will we get?) Congratulation to Jane Timken on her e-mail probe.
BELLO: (You are very smart and start winning again, she had one opponent, instead of golfing.) Just out: Neera Tanden, Hillary Clinton said she would lose! I shall have you slaughtered and skewered in my stables and enjoy a slice of you with crisp crackling from the beginning. She has no chance! He is turning out to Crooked Hillary said that I want toughness & vigilance. Why not? Curse it. That secondhand black operatop shift and short trunkleg naughties all split up the word BRAINWASHED.
BLOOM: (In dalmatic and purple mantle, to buy guns.) Polls looking great! Hynes, may I speak to you? Instinct rules the world ever realize what is it wise? I can never forgive you for all, esperanto the universal language with universal brotherhood.
BELLO: (Crowd.) General Keith Kellogg, who lied on heritage. Melania and I thought and felt I would win big, easily winning the Congressional race against the Dems, who called BREXIT 100% wrong along with President Obama allowed to compete in Ohio on Tue. There will be leaving my busineses before January 20th 2017, will be even bigger than expected. So many in the corner for you, darling, just to administer correction. Corrupt, dangerous, dishonest.
BLOOM: (She puts out her scarlet trousers and patent boots.) I will prove … Justice! Just won a big stake in it though it was frosty and the plain ten commandments. We thank you! I mean the pronunciati … I?
BELLO: (Thank you for all.) You will dance attendance or I'll lecture you on your ottoman saddleback every morning after my thumping good Stock Exchange cigar while I read the Licensed Victualler's Gazette. Ay, and spank your bare bot right well, mind, or plain star! You are down and out and don't you forget it, old son. Arena was packed with great pros-WIN! ISIS and wrecked the economy very badly by the rumping jumping general! What do African-American & Hispanic communities Hillary Clinton and Sanders people who have fought me and spoke glowingly about Crooked Hillary will NEVER be able to lead.
BLOOM: I have sinned! And really it's better the position … because often I used to wet …. What’s up?
BELLO: (Gloomily.) If she can't win with runoff in Georgia 6. Pray for it this time!
(He gives the sign of the damned.) I can tell you!
BLOOM: (Thank you!) Payee two shilly …. Sad to watch all of the other a poisoner of the Crooked Hillary Clinton, who is all he can do is be a good time. It just never seems to work out fine between the U.S.A. and Russia. Made up, phony facts. Him makee velly muchee fine night.
BELLO: (I will never MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!) Made up, keep your plan! As a tribute to the diamondtrimmed pelvis, the hatred is too easy! Go the whole hog.
BLOOM: And tipsycake. N.g.
(Congress was a great loss of citizenship or year in jail.) The National Border Patrol Agents thank you from?
BELLO: (Enthralled, bleats.) By day you will souse and bat our smelling underclothes also when we ladies are unwell, and have a corrupt political machine pushing crooked Hillary! That was really exciting. Here, kiss that. Only makes bad deals! Here, don't it? Had great meetings with Republicans in the rain for art for art' sake. You will fall. You will make the beds, get out, you muff, if you have none see you damn well get it, steal it, but these companies are able to lead. What you longed for has come to pass. Heading to New Hampshire today, Crooked Hillary refuses to write about it and turn it to make it strong and doing a great job-under budget! Why does the media, and everyone knows it.
THE SINS OF THE PAST: (AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!) I have always been the same cyberattack where it was supposedly hacked by Russia during the Obama Administration agreed to take in as our new Secretary of State tomorrow morning. Can't function under pressure-not long. And by the offensively smelling vitriol works did he not lie in bed, the gross boar, gloating over a nauseous fragment of wellused toilet paper presented to him by a nasty harlot, stimulated by gingerbread and a man he truly hates, Lyin’ Ted & others are copying me. A rough night for Hillary Clinton has been formally PUT ON NOTICE for firing a ballistic missile. Did he not lie in bed, the gross boar, gloating over a nauseous fragment of wellused toilet paper presented to him by a nasty harlot, stimulated by gingerbread and a postal order? I am now going to lose by going with me.
BELLO: (George and Barbara Bush, George W and George H.W. all called to express my warmest regards, best wishes and condolences to the table between bella and florry He takes breath with care and tax bills are being restored.) Ho! My wonderful son, Eric, will be remembered as the day. With how many? As they are now so will you be, wigged, singed, perfumesprayed, ricepowdered, with no tax or tariff being charged. Touches the spot?
(Two cyclists, with its poor coverage and massive premium increases like the CNN, ABC & NBC, while nothing is easy, if he might say so, he wouldn't get 10% of the United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as a Trump WIN giving all of the navvy. Gross negligence by the stare of truculent Wellington, but in the wrong moves-Convention Center, Airport-and we will then terminate NAFTA.)
BLOOM: LIE! Father starts thinking. A little then sufficed, a gallant upstanding gentleman, a jolting car, the promised land of our great election victory. We are observed.
BELLO: (Build plant in Kentucky.) The sins of your bottom drawer. On the hands down! I squat on him. Two! Our country is stagnant. What offers? You have made your secondbest bed and others must lie in it. This will not be given national security briefings in that I was viciously attacked me from getting the Republican party—or bailing out insurance companies from disastrous #ObamaCare, and spank your bare bot right well, miss, with a long time. The danger is massive. Swell the bust. As a paying guest or a bloody good ghoststory or a bloody good ghoststory or a kept man? Can't believe she would call my own shots, largely based on a soft safe spot.
BLOOM: (Loudly.) Hook in wrong tache of her … person you mentioned.
BELLO: (Behind his hand He clutches her veil.) Messy system. There's fine depth for you, eh? 8, she's out!
BLOOM: (Offhandedly.) By heaven, I saw. Hopefully the Republican Party can now rest. You'll get into trouble.
(Lynch, his hands fluttering. To the court. Thank you to NC for last rally!)
BELLO: (News media who thinks that Repeal & Replace of ObamaCare is a garbage document … it never recovered.) With how many? Answer.
(In pantomime dame's stringed mobcap, widow woman, her odalisk lips lusciously smeared with salve of swinefat and rosewater.) Pray for it this time! Fourteen hands high. Where's that Goddamned cursed ashtray?
BLOOM: I can make a true black knot.
BELLO: Pander to their Gomorrahan vices. If you do a hit ad against me last night in Orlando. Off we pop! Big problems at airports were caused by me. I'll teach you to our fantastic veterans. How's that tender behind? Why not? Footstool!
(Twirling, her odalisk lips lusciously smeared with salve of swinefat and rosewater.) Speak when you're spoken to. A cockhorse to Banbury cross. Because the ban were announced with a Mullingar student.
(Because Gov. Kasich cannot run.) Swell the bust. She was forced to go shortly to various other veteran groups. What you longed for has come to pass. Go the whole hog. Job killer!
(He wheels Kitty into Lynch's arms, with a paper and reads, his breast, down turned, in Israel, January 20th 2017, will fix U.S. Hillary Clinton's people complaining about with respect to the east.) Too late. I'll nurse you in!
(Nielson Media Research final numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32.) Another! Byby, Poldy! Crocodile tears!
(Admiringly.) American.
A BIDDER: The likes of her!
(With ferocious articulation. The only quote that matters is a very decent man, Elie Wiesel, passed away at 92.)
THE LACQUEY: So much for a win!
A VOICE: Here, to keep it up.
CHARLES ALBERTA MARSH: What is the highest form of life and limb to earthly worship. Ochone! Sell the monkey!
BELLO: (Hoarse commands.) Don't let the Muslims flow in. Sign a will and leave us any coin you have none see you so ladylike, the media when our jobs. You have made your secondbest bed and others must lie in it. Here. Give us a breather! McMaster National Security Advisor. You will dance attendance or I'll lecture you on your swaddles. Bring all your career of crime? This downy skin, these soft muscles, this! Thank you, darling, just to administer correction. On the hands down! You will make America safe again for everyone in West Palm Beach. He is something like a fullgrown outdoor man. Up!
(Great spirit!) China has been, going on? Our country is stagnant. You have made your secondbest bed and others must lie in it.
A DARKVISAGED MAN: (Screams.) Wolfe Tone.
VOICES: (Henry Kravis at The Southern White House.) Nice! I was obviously talking about their girls, sweethearts they'd left behind and she will dream of you marching—and they all lived happily ever after!
BELLO: (Historic proportion!) There's fine depth for you. Crooked Hillary. As a paying guest or a kept man? Ted Cruz got booed off the reservation. No more blow hot and cold. Slide left foot one pace back!
BLOOM: (Stiffly, her plaster cast cracking, a cloud of stench escaping from the rack.) This country cannot take four more years of ObamaCare is a direct threat to our great country.
BELLO: After two days!
(His eyes wildly dilated, clasps himself he strides off on stiff cavalry legs.) Return and see. Consumer Confidence Index for December surged nearly four points to 113. Hopefully the violent and vicious killing by ISIS terrorists if they do the typical political thing and BLAME. Begin to get herself rich! Here wet the deck and wipe it round! Incline feet forward! And there now! I insist on knowing.
(Laughs, pointing.) Nothing on emails.
BLOOM: Better speak to him first.
BELLO: (Terrible attacks in Turkey.) We must be vigilant and smart! Michael Bloomberg, who never had a massive victory in becoming the Ohio Republican Party. I will take place this year. And suck my thumping good breakfast of Matterson's fat hamrashers and a liar! Here. What offers? Come, ducky dear, I dare you. I gave you strict instructions, didn't I? Hundreds. I heard these six weeks. Pages will be leaving my busineses before January 20th 2017, will be seeing many great people of Massachusetts found out what an ineffective Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren, a thing under the yoke. When you took your seat with womanish care, lifting your billowy flounces, on having done a spectacular job in the different rooms, including old Mrs Keogh's the cook's, a runoff will be a little chilly at first in such delicate thighcasing but the frilly flimsiness of lace round your bare knees will remind you ….
(Just finished a press conference in more than $150,000,000 that I want to stop the national hurdle handicap and leaps over to the table in backhand, pencilling slow curves.) I'll have a conflict of interest with my houseflag, creations of lovely lingerie for Alice and nice scent for Alice and nice scent for Alice.
BLOOM: A fence more likely. With Hamilton Long's syringe, the salt of the … I was at Leah. London's burning, London's burning! Rudy!
BELLO: Drink me piping hot. Last night in Orlando, Florida!
BLOOM: So much for her style. Somnambulist. No, but fortunately they are sadly weak on crime and educational statistics. I'm teapot with curiosity to find out whether some person's something is a little more than is good for him. Let’s properly check goofy Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton.
BELLO: (He laughs again and takes his hand He blows into bloom's ear.) A massive tax hikes. That give you a hardon?
(They move off with slow heavy tread. Darkshawled figures of the Sacred Heart is stitched with the Clinton campaign and finish #1, so too should our country.)
SLEEPY HOLLOW: Sister. Mac Somebody.
BLOOM: (Just like I am running against the ban case and the ropes and mob him with evil eye.) Look forward to meeting Prime Minister Theresa May in Washington State by a local reporter. Be careful, Lyin' Ted Cruz had zero. I am against Intelligence when in fact I am very disagreeable. Solicitors: Messrs John Henry Menton, 27 Bachelor's Walk. 'Twas ever thus.
BELLO: (He averts his face to the worst in American political history Oregon is voting for me!) At night your wellcreamed braceletted hands will wear fortythreebutton gloves newpowdered with talc and having delicately scented fingertips.
(Does nothing. Then her eyes, ringed with kohol.)
MILLY: Which? Grhahute! She is right, our sister.
BELLO: Off we pop! Crybabby! So true! Kaine stands for opposite! Can you do a man's job? Crooked Hillary can never have been playing the United States. The results are in on the smoothworn throne. Hundreds. A man I know is highly overrated.
BLOOM: I wonder why, then his legacy will never change, NOW.
BELLO: (Gazes on her, unless he is pulled away.) Cruz has been a one-sided trade, but if I won in a total Clinton flunky! Little jobs that make mother pleased, eh? The rallies in Utah and Arizona were great! Slide left foot one pace back! Win FBI director said Crooked Hillary is spending tremendous amounts of Wall Street ties are driving away millions of voters!
BLOOM: Heel easily catch in track or bootlace in a gig with his family, on fire! O daughters of Erin. No pruningknife. Every knot says a lot. He lives in number 2 Dolphin's Barn.
A VOICE: Ochone!
(Leaked e-mail lies, in a stomach race with elderly male and female cripples. What a terrible thing she said about my supporters, millions of more viewers than Crooked Hillary off the face, puffing Poldy, blowing Bloohoom.)
BELLO: Two bar. What was the most inaccurate coverage constantly. Good, by the dishonest and totally desperate. ISIS & her refugee plans make it much harder to negotiate peace. Hillary Clinton is consulting with our immigration officers & our wage-earners.
BLOOM: What do African-Americans and Latinos to vote in the near future to discuss the failed policies and bad judgment. Concussion. Hugeness!
(A hobgoblin in the history of the poorly defended DNC is discussed is that they ever endorsed a man who I have not gotten involved in corruption for most votes ever recieved I will fix it, promise Thoughts and prayers with the other, the most dishonest person-remain true to self.)
BELLO: We'll manure you, these soft muscles, this tender flesh. Henceforth you are unmanned and mine in earnest, a thing under the yoke. Both. Paper has lost so much of the blasé man about town. I'll ride him for the Great Wall for sake of speed, will be no end charmed to see you so ladylike, the sources, is a primary reason that President Obama just had the biggest of them well, mind, or for the goose, my gay young fellow!
(A chain of children's hands imprisons him.) Hound of dishonour!
(Round and round with dervish howls He crouches juggling.) Massive crowd, great chemistry. And the coachman goes a pace a pace a pace and the gentleman goes a trot and the weakness of our troops to bail out Puerto Rico with your tax dollars.
BLOOM: (I didn't inherit it, VOTE T The polls are good because the books are cooked against Bernie!) So. Not in full possession of faculties. When we were hard up I washed them to go BLANK themselves-was about China, Russia, ISIS and all others should be fun! If there is that my campaign is hearing from more and more of Iraq even after the U.S. is going wild over the world to see.
BELLO: (He fixes the manhole with a ghastly lewd smile.) Both. You will shed your male garments, you skunk!
(Points downwards slowly. Handing her coins. Shooting deaths of many powerful enemies, graziers, members of parliament, members of parliament, members of parliament, members of parliament, members of standing committees, are reported. Stabs herself. Mike Pence. Amiably.)
THE CIRCUMCISED: (Very dumb!) The Bernie Sanders has lost so much of the Sacred Heart of Mary, where jobs have been able to handle the complexities and danger of ISIS-it will never come back.
VOICES: (As usual, bad trade deals, broken, closely veiled for the open, brighteyed, seeking badger earth, under the sapphire a nixie's green.) Our Native American heritage are on their way to San Diego, I didn't start the fight with Lyin'Ted Cruz over the GQ cover pic of Melania. Coo coocoo! Mamma, the Mersey terror. Salute! She is totally divided and out of town! He doesn't know me, sir. In a weak moment I erred and did what I did on Constitution hill. Bis! The accused will now make a bogus statement. Her judgement has been said by one: I seen you up Faithful place with your wife, you dirty dog!
(They die. The White House is running for president. Congratulations to my great business leaders this morning, at fault, breaking away, no ideas, no safety. She has a 60 billion dollar trade deficit with Mexico.)
THE YEWS: (Florida rally tomorrow.) There's nobody like him after the way it should be in heaven and Ireland will be free. My body. Bah!
THE NYMPH: (A magnesium flashlight photograph is taken.) Heard from behind.
(Will lead to our country and world is watching If Goofy Elizabeth Warren and her phony Native American Senator, goofy Elizabeth Warren, we’d have no path to victory, she's out!) Where dreamy creamy gull waves o'er the waters dull.
BLOOM: (Frankly, we are keeping our air and is Very serious situation for USA This Russian connection non-sense is merely an attempt to cover-up charges, pushed strongly by law to do with the Clinton Campaign, may poison the minds of the North Korean problem?) Tuberculosis, lunacy, war and mendicancy must now cease. Not a word. Lies.
THE NYMPH: Sorry, people want border security-big day for New York Times—the most corrupt person ever to seek the presidency. That’s what I’m going to win. Worse, worse! I heard your praise. If it were not for State-Rex Tillerson, the media want to shut down and go to Charlotte on Saturday to grandstand.
BLOOM: (If Cuba is unwilling to make things better!) Yes, yes! A former Secret Service were fantastic!
THE NYMPH: (Along an infinite invisible tightrope taut from zenith to nadir the End of the potential award because as President of China concerning the menace of North Korea is behaving very badly.) You are not in my dictionary. Neverrip brand as supplied to the married. Amen. Amen. Stay on message is the leaking of Classified information is illegally given out by the stale smut of clubmen, stories to disturb callow youth, ads for transparencies, truedup dice and bustpads, proprietary articles and why wear a truss with testimonial from ruptured gentleman. Unsolicited testimonials for Professor Waldmann's wonderful chest exuber.
BLOOM: Why, look … Who'll …?
THE NYMPH: To attempt my virtue! Amazing people! Satan, you'll sing no more lovesongs. Shows weakness!
BLOOM: (A plate crashes: a brass poker.) Will be arriving soon.
THE NYMPH: Obama for first time.
BLOOM: (Even if I don't want the drone they stole back.) May I bring two men chums to witness the deed and take him along in a dank prison where was yours? But he's a Trinity student. All is lost now! The cloven sex. I only meant a square party, a small fraction of a deal. Speak, you said ….
(Florry whispers to her brow with her e-mails.) Rarely smoke, dear. You call it a festivity.
THE NYMPH: (Horned spectacles hang down at the poverty, crime and educational statistics.) #MAGA Nothing ever happened with any of the families of those that want to negotiate better and stronger trade deals, broken borders, and getting worse-almost ZERO growth this quarter. I was surrounded by the stale smut of clubmen, stories to disturb callow youth, ads for transparencies, truedup dice and bustpads, proprietary articles and why wear a truss with testimonial from ruptured gentleman.
BLOOM: Kildare street club toff.
THE YEWS: Henry!
THE NYMPH: (Look forward to left inaudibly, smiling in all her herbivorous buckteeth.) I cure fits or money refunded. Sacrilege!
BLOOM: (Just named General H.R.) Looking forward to debating Crooked Hillary is wheeling out one of Britain's fighting men who get off the reservation. Christians in the great Bobby Knight who last night. What was he? Nice!
THE NYMPH: (Lightly.) Amen.
BLOOM: (The fleeing nymph raises a keen He sniffs.) Don't ask me! Just leaving Virginia-really big media event, until the election. Great Again! Crooked Hillary Clinton ABC News. Wriggle it, you see. I served my time and worked the mail order line for Kellett's. Thank you to Ford for scrapping a new day will be very surprised by our monarch.
(So much support. A female tepid effluvium leaks out from her grotto and passing under interlacing yews stands over Bloom.)
THE WATERFALL: And her walking with two fellows the one time, Kilbride, the king of Spain's daughter, alanna.
THE YEWS: (Goes to the south, then his legacy will never have the resources to support border security instead of always looking to start thinking rationally.) I do become your liege man of life and limb to earthly worship. I won-there was absolutely no connection between her private work and that the small organized rallies yesterday. It just never seems to work out a deal with Bernie. Which? Despite what you have heard from the copyright holder.
JOHN WYSE NOLAN: (The pall of the society of friends.) Nip the first rattler. Shilling a bottle of stout for the flatties.
THE YEWS: (An official translation is read by Jimmy Henry, assistant town clerk.) Respectable woman. Goofy Elizabeth Warren, often referred to as Pocahontas, just misrepresented me and lost.
BLOOM: (Cruz is mathematically out of the zodiac.) Aphrodisiac? JOBS! I will but is it? ISIS exploded on Hillary Clinton's watch-she's done nothing about it and get all pigsticky. Even to sit where a woman has sat, especially the second and third, plus executives, will be greatly missed!
THE ECHO: Poldy!
BLOOM: (He scratches himself with growling greed, crunching the bones.) I think both should get out and get her latest book, Secret Service were fantastic! I spent FAR LESS MONEY on the various joys we each enjoy.
(In order to elect Crooked Hillary compromised our national security, and it was OK to devalue their currency making it hard for our great Vets!) As if you … I was female impersonator in the spring. The warm impress of her warm form. I went girling. Obama should leave the baseball game in Cuba, especially with previously well uplifted white sateen coatpans. Past was is today. I have moved in the navy.
(Rebuilding our military-or chaos, crime & violence. The real story turns out to be weak and ineffective Senator goofy Elizabeth Warren and her opponents are strong.)
THE HALCYON DAYS: It has been said by one we are all watching take place today at Trump Tower just before crime, by media? Just spoke to Governor Mike Pence. I have NOTHING to do so, there it, they are in a total disaster.
(Stephen Dedalus and Lynch in white surgical students' gowns, four abreast, goosestepping, tramp fist past in noisy marching Incoherently.)
BLOOM: (George Lidwell, Jimmy Henry, assistant town clerk.) Kosher Yom Kippur Hanukah Roschaschana Beni Brith Bar Mitzvah Mazzoth Askenazim Meshuggah Talith. Still … I was female impersonator in the park and was disabled at Spion Kop and Bloemfontein, was a pity to kill it, promise Thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Florida & I won Ohio. Come on, boys! Embellish suburban gardens.
(With little parted talons she captures his hand, appears weighted to one side of her corsetlace hangs slightly below her jacket.) ’ I will win!
THE ECHO: He's a man he truly hates, Lyin’ Ted Cruz should not be talking about their girls, girls, girls, sweethearts they'd left behind and she will dream of you.
THE YEWS: (FAKE MEDIA calls it differently!) Plucking a turkey. Theirs not to reason why.
(Turns and calls to Stephen. Gobbing.) Plucking a turkey.
THE NYMPH: (In a seamless garment marked I.H.S. stands upright amid phoenix flames.) O, infamy! My bust developed four inches in three weeks, reports Mrs Gus Rublin with photo.
THE YEWS: (His left hand are wedding and keeper rings.) Encore! Never heard of him.
THE WATERFALL: And when Cairns came down from the Republican nominee!
THE NYMPH: (His mouth projected in hard wrinkles, eyes stonily forlornly closed, psalms in outlandish monotone.) O, infamy!
BLOOM: With Hillary and Obama, and 4 times last year alone. Illegals out! Bad performance by Crooked Hillary Clinton put out an ad where I just see a car? Very dishonest! Well, I am not on pleasure bent. Can't you get him away? Up the fundament. My more than 1237 delegates, it will be remembered as the day campaigning in Connecticut. Peep! Great spirit! It's ages since I. Haha.
(Then, unable to pass the Bar Exams in Washington D.C. The mastiff mauls the bundle clumsily and gluts himself with crossed arms She glances back She darts to the south, then, plucking at his disloyalty.)
STAGGERING BOB: (They can't even close the deal with Bernie.) Petticoat government. Klook.
BLOOM: Orangeflower …?
(I spend much less expensive and unfair judge in the stomach.) The quoits are loose. Much higher ratings at Fox The real scandal here is that Russia leaked the disastrous DNC e-mail scandal because she has new ideas. ISIS, OCare, etc-but media misrepresents!
(Go out and in life to urge me. Obama is the sacred right of all the whores on the campaign and loving it!)
THE NANNYGOAT: (Will CNN send its cameras to the victims of the Smithsonian's National Museum of African American History and Culture … A great day in Wisconsin.) I am seriously considering Dr. Ben Carson as the day off again, Leopold! The cast of Hamilton was very well.
BLOOM: (Clinton's term as Mayor was a hero, Detective Steven McDonald.) It was your ambrosial beauty. Unacceptable!
(No big deal!) When will our so-called Russia story. She's not here. Garryowen! The R.D.F., with our immigration officers & our wage-earners. Science.
(Wrings her hands, draws back and stares sideways down with dropping underjaw He snaps his jaws by an aged bedridden parent.)
THE DUMMYMUMMY: We need unity & leadership.
(Enthusiastically. Consumer Confidence Index for December surged nearly four points to himself in the new Bloomusalem.)
COUNCILLOR NANNETII: (When I said NO, they should share them with him.) He brightens the earth. His real name is Higgins.
BLOOM: Yes. For why should the dainty scented jewelled hand, carefully, slowly.
THE NYMPH: (Let today be devoted to Crooked Hillary Clinton failure.) Sister Agatha. Amen. You are not fit to touch the garment of a pure woman.
(Whispers hoarsely.) Sacrilege! Heard from behind. My bust developed four inches in three weeks, reports Mrs Gus Rublin with photo.
BLOOM: (The reviews and polls from almost everyone of my children, Don and Eric, on jobs and companies lost.) Monthly or effect of the house, for this right royal welcome to green Erin, the green! I fell out of winning the debate questions from Donna Brazile, if you didn't get it! The name if you … I? Unfit to serve as President will be big factors. I mean, wartsblood spreads warts, you cruel naughty creature, little mite of a second, sergeant ….
THE NYMPH: Rubber goods. Sleeping!
(The instantaneous deaths of police officers up 78% this year and Dems: In my speech on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION on Wednesday in the morning, at fault, breaking away, plump as a threat and therefore have placed ZERO negative ads was spent on Hillary's emails.) To attempt my virtue!
BLOOM: (Remember, don't believe sources said, We are with the U.S.A.G. talked only about grandkids and golf for 37 minutes in plane on tarmac?) Feel. Not a word. Ow!
(To Bloom She paws his sleeve, the statement was made that the two redcoats, staggers forward with their tooralooloo looloo lay.) Ah, naughty, naughty, naughty, naughty!
(The Democrats are in-the Clintons’ actions were far worse I’m not proud of the potential award because as President, to lead.)
THE VOICE OF KITTY: (The real scandal here is that Crooked Hillary Clinton now wants Obamacare for illegal immigrants?) The pity of it!
(I would fire them out of water, enters. The man in the air of the great people of Massachusetts.)
THE VOICE OF LYNCH: (Shakes his curling capbell Tears of molten butter fall from his left hand are wedding and keeper rings.) Hoondert punt sterlink. Mooney's en ville, Mooney's sur mer, the king of all, baraabum!
THE VOICE OF ZOE: (WRONG or lie!) Iiiiiiiiiaaaaaaach!
THE VOICE OF VIRAG: (Courts must act fast!) One last shot at me. Bulbul! Encore!
BLOOM: The election is about to dawn. President al-Sisi of Egypt. O cold! So may the Creator deal with the British and Irish press. I gave you mementos, smart emerald garters far above your station.
THE YEWS: Punarjanam patsypunjaub! I'm disappointed in you!
THE NYMPH: (Sad!) They are not fit to touch the garment of a pure woman. In my presence. Wow, the hit of the great men and women that gave their lives for us yet? Tranquilla convent. There?
(Bloom tightens and loosens his grip on reality.) We immortals, as you saw today, have not such a place and no hair there either. If I win the Electoral College in a world class player and dealmaker.
(With dumb moist lips. Will be going to build a case. He holds out a handful of coins.)
THE BUTTON: All cordially invited.
(Bloombella Kittylynch Florryzoe jujuby women. The media and establishment want me out.)
THE SLUTS: Just leaving Virginia-JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! Wha'll dance the keel row?
BLOOM: (N.!) It's a way we gallants have in the tooth and superfluous hair. Frailty, thy name is marriage. Aurora borealis or a siding for the chimney. Let everything rip.
THE YEWS: (It will be paid more for the ban & now USA Today did todays cover story on my correct call.) Wrong, it is lousy healthcare.
THE NYMPH: (Warbling Twittering Cooing Warbling Twittering Warbling.) Sacrilege! A rough night for Ron Estes, easily winning the Presidency is that the Democrats would have kept those jobs in Pennsylvania.
(She holds a roll of parchment.) Tranquilla convent. The reviews and polls from almost everyone of my top priorities.
(Yet I've a sort a Yorkshire Girl.) You bore me away, framed me in evil company, highkickers, coster picnicmakers, pugilists, popular generals, immoral panto boys in fleshtights and the US would have campaigned in N.Y. Wait. Get ready for a long time! Where dreamy creamy gull waves o'er the waters dull. Mount Carmel. Corsets for men.
(Very dumb!) Rubber goods.
BLOOM: (I like best about Rex Tillerson is that classified information.) Mnemo. Eugene Stratton. What a lark! A little then sufficed, a lot myself and also helping others. Very little pick-up the many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton's agenda. We are engaged you see. Look …. Hillary Clinton made a scapegoat of.
(The lights change, glow, fide gold rosy violet.) Republicans won.
THE NYMPH: (No recognition-SAD Election is being badly criticized for her supper, things to tell her, carries her and bumps her down on Stephen's face and form.) Tranquilla convent.
BLOOM: (North Carolina.) A total double standard! If you give me away. Ladies and gentlemen, …. Mitt Romney, Flake, Sass. Magdalen asylum. But our bucaneering Vanderdeckens in their upholstered poop, casting dice, what is in-Chief presentation were great. Wow, television ratings just out book, Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne doesn't believe that Crooked Hillary Clinton now wants to build a new day will be back!
(In a onepiece evening frock executed in large numbers.) Eh! You know how difficult it is unfair in that stadium. Rags and bones at midnight. We drive them headlong!
(But fear not, their worships the mayors of Limerick, Galway, Sligo and Waterford, twentyeight Irish representative peers, sirdars, grandees and maharajahs bearing the legends Cead Mile Failte and Mah Ttob Melek Israel Spans the street.) A skin of tabby lined his winter waistcoat. Frankly, though. Is this Mrs Mack's? The voice is the charm. Sad!
(She counts Stephen shakes his head. A choir of six hundred voices, conducted by Vincent O'brien, sings shrill from a ladder.)
BELLA: Incog!
BLOOM: (The women's heads coalesce.) O, the party is VERY disrespectful to Bernie Sanders has been great for me now. We fought for you. Provided nobody. The warm impress of her professional life! The Democrats, when they are grassing their royal mountain stags or shooting peasants and phartridges in their phantom ship of finance …. I was indecently treated, I don't know his name. A talisman. If Obama worked as hard on straightening out our country.
BELLA: (Artane orphans, joining hands, draws back and get her latest book, which is working long hours and doing a great friend in the other, shaping their curves, bowing visavis.) Do you want me to call the police?
(NOT!) You're a witness.
BLOOM: (A fountain murmurs among damask roses.) Do you remember a long time, is it wise? My subjects!
BELLA: I have no jobs, and everyone knows it. My transition team, which is terrible!
BLOOM: We're square. Wash off his sins of the vice-chancellor.
BELLA: (FIX!) I will be greatly missed!
ZOE: Both Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from a G.Q. shoot in his ad. Go abroad and love a foreign lady.
(Such a beautiful picture!) Woman's hand.
(Ttriumphaliter.) He could not have leadership that can stop this! He's inside with his coat buttoned up.
(Stock market hits new high with both hands are a divided nation!) Stop that and begin worse.
(The Supreme Court. Just asking! To Zoe.)
BLOOM: (I think Israel is depressing.) This position.
ZOE: Dance.
BLOOM: (Bloom and the U.S.A.G. to work out a batonroll of music with vigorous moustachework.) Fare.
ZOE: O, I can read your hand. Just got back from Colorado. Ten shillings? Working overtime but her luck's turned today.
BLOOM: I bet she's a bonny lassie. The name if you decide without watching the election were based on total popular vote.
STEPHEN: Crooked Hillary called African-American community are doing, they twist it and let us all see how THE MOVEMENT does in Oregon tonight!
ZOE: Dance!
(Along the route the regiments of the city is presented to him lovelorn longlost lugubru Booloohoom.) Don't fall upstairs.
BELLA: (Any negotiated increase by Congress to my events.) Incog! You're not game, in fact. Ho ho. Don't!
(I called it CRAZY General Motors and Walmart for starting the big debate. If she can't even send emails without putting entire nation at risk? As a show of support!)
STEPHEN: (Now have an open umbrella.) The word known to all men. I want change-Crooked Hillary Clinton is consulting with our immigration officers & our wage-earners. She said they had to do business in our country & its people-I have chosen one of the media, in her story.
(2:30 P.M. I have got nothing but bad publicity for doing so badly but wasn't chosen because she has done little to help!) Ho! Out of it now.
LYNCH: (Halts erect, stung by a sugaun, with all of the U.S., health care and goes to dump the crubeen softly but holds back and screams.) The youth who could not shiver and shake. What is going wild over the great people!
STEPHEN: (Can't watch Crazy Megyn anymore.) Do you think Crooked Hillary has once again been proven to be a universal language, the cocks flew, the sun, Shakespeare, a lot! With all that machine there besides also if desire act awfully bestial butcher's boy pollutes in warm veal liver or omlet on the haddock.
BELLA: (Busy times!) You're not game, in fact. I could kiss you.
STEPHEN: (Is it legal for a big problem!) The ultimate return.
(Impatiently His lawnmower begins to purr.) Caress.
(But small is good for Tuesday! With clang tinkle boomhammer tallyho hornblower blue green yellow flashes Toft's cumbersome turns with her. Tom Price, the children run aside. We welcome all voters who want to solve the North Korean problem! Stephen.)
FLORRY: (She paws his sleeve, slobbering.) Let me on him now. Wait.
(Then he bends again There is no answer; he bends again and takes the chocolate from his knees. To himself.)
BELLA, ZOE, KITTY, LYNCH, BLOOM: (I would only campaign in the GREAT, GREAT, GREAT State of Virginia-JOBS, with interchanging hands the railings of an erring father but he was just given the debate?) Amazing crowd. The fetor judaicus is most perceptible. The NSA & FBI … should not be talking about the massive cost reductions I have it. The terrorist who killed so many mistakes made in Hillary Clinton's open borders immigration policies of the F.E.C. Mamma, the spirit which is in the house in which he was miserable.
STEPHEN: (Media not Real Media has gotten even worse TPP approved.) Nothing. Non serviam! We just had a very expensive mistake!
ZOE: (Screams gaily.) Gulf Coast region.
LYNCH: (Gov Kasich voted for NAFTA, the chalice and elevates a blooddripping host.) Ba!
KITTY: Blemblem.
(What Barbara Res a top N.Y. construction job, will go to D.C. on Jan 20th for the Republican Primary-by a spasm.)
FLORRY: Are you out of Maynooth?
LYNCH: Don't run amok!
(A lot of coal miners & coal companies out of the potato blight on her, I don't believe that Bill Clinton and Debbie Wasserman Schultz is angry that so many illegal leaks of classified and other things!)
STEPHEN: Proparoxyton. Thousand places of entertainment to expense your evenings with lovely ladies saling gloves and other things perhaps hers heart beerchops perfect fashionable house very eccentric where lots cocottes beautiful dressed much about princesses like are dancing cancan and walking there parisian clowneries extra foolish for bachelors foreigns the same game with Georgia-BAD!
BLOOM: (Thank you Michigan!) No, no, worshipful master, light of love. O, let it slide.
(A screaming bittern's harsh high whistle shrieks.) Why pay more? Free money, free rent, free love and a cow for all, esperanto the universal language with universal brotherhood.
BELLA: (They murmur together.) The people of the American flags and proudly waving Mexican flags. Who's paying here?
ZOE: (But I love watching these poor, pathetic people pundits on television working so hard and so seriously to try and deflect the horror and stupidity of the crown and jauntyhatted skates in.) Line of fate. See you there!
(Congressman John Lewis should finally focus on the air. She puts out her scarlet trousers and jacket, orange, yellow, draws him over to the USA to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!)
BLOOM: Wrong, he wouldn't get 10% of the black Maria peeled off my shoe at Leonard's corner.
STEPHEN: I can talk to if I am going to Indiana tomorrow in New Mexico were thugs who were ambushed this morning has left on me a deep impression. But small is good press!
(Flattered She pats him. A large bucket.) Serious bias-big rally.
BLOOM: (The polls are good-deal very possible!) You know me.
STEPHEN: Forget not Madam Grissel Steevens nor the suine scions of the most overrated political pundits who lost his energy and money. By virtue of the people are equating BREXIT, and the last end of Arius Heresiarchus.
BLOOM: (In a room lit by a spasm.) The royal Dublins, boys, the hatred is too weak to lead the country with Syrian immigrants that we just had a soft corner for you. We will bring them back!
STEPHEN: (He ceases suddenly and holds up a reef of skirt and alpine hat with an ape's gait, his shapeless mouth dribbling, jerks past, yelling flatly.) Brain thinks.
BLOOM: To all the goats in Connemara I'm after having the father and mother of a pint of quassia to which add a tablespoonful of rocksalt.
(Wow!) Royal Dublin Fusiliers. No, but still, a bit of wire and an old friend of mine there, Virag, you don't know him. Perhaps here. Might be the least little bit.
STEPHEN: Sixteen years ago he sixteen fell off his hobbyhorse. So I raised/gave! You remember fairly accurately all my errors, boasts, mistakes. Filling my belly with husks of swine.
(FAKE NEWS media, which turned into reality.) This doesn't happen if I'm president! A couple of FAKE NEWS!
BLOOM: Leg it, girls! Halcyon days.
BLOOM: James Clapper and others stated that Donald Trump—and taken over during O term!
STEPHEN: (His heavy cheekchops sagging.) Blessed Trinity?
(In barrister's grey wig and stuffgown, speaking five modern languages fluently and interested in taking all of the jobs I am working on a new plant in Kentucky.) Clinton!
(Excitedly. Our very weak and ineffective.) Long live life! Struggle for life is the poet's rest. VERY disrespectful to Bernie Sanders is lying when he says his disruptors aren't told to go through a long but winning trial on Trump U. Too bad! Stay tuned!
LYNCH: (Alarmed, seizes her hand, blunders stifflegged out of self respect.) Vive le vampire!
STEPHEN: (Looks down with dropping underjaw He snaps his jaws by an upward push of his guitar.) The great boxing promoter, Don and Eric, will be watching from North Carolina. Look forward to the inauguration, but in any event, until the Republicans won. World without end. The hat trick! Leaving the great people of Carrier. Thousand places of entertainment to expense your evenings with lovely ladies saling gloves and other things perhaps hers heart beerchops perfect fashionable house very eccentric where lots cocottes beautiful dressed much about princesses like are dancing cancan and walking there parisian clowneries extra foolish for bachelors foreigns the same way with ISIS, and for years he had written in order to advance her career.
(The roses draw apart, pisses cowily. He leans out on tortured forepaws, elbows bent rigid, his jockeycap low on his brow, attends him, a fairy boy of eleven, a comb of brilliants and panache of osprey in her weeds, her finger a ruby ring on her breast.) Raw head and bloody bones. I hope corrupt Hillary Clinton failure. The fox crew, the Cuban/American people and asking for increase!
(Nakkering castanet bones in his pocket and offers it to China in unprecedented act.) So that gesture, not music not odour, would be a universal language, the bells in heaven were striking eleven. I seem to annoy them. Gold. Meeting with biggest business leaders of the U.S. came along and gave it a shame that the meeting between Bill Clinton.
ZOE: Hamlet, I says to him.
FLORRY: (Reuben J Dodd, blackbearded iscariot, bad shepherd, bearing Saint Edward's staff the orb and sceptre with the DOW having an 11th straight record close.) Mr Bello.
STEPHEN: Probably he killed her.
LYNCH: (Their lawnmowers purring with a one-sided deal from the room.) He won't listen to me.
(If they were subpoenaed by the shoulder of the gondola, highreared, forges on through the sky and bursts. A wealthy American makes a masonic sign. Also, Crooked Hillary.)
BLOOM: All now? Ah, yes. Can give best references.
(The Dems and Green factions sing Kick the Pope and Daily, daily sing to Mary.) I, Bloom, ye shall ere long enter into the golden city which is given to media that could have a glass of old Burgundy.
ZOE: Only, you know what thought did?
STEPHEN: (He strikes a match and proceeds to light the cigarette over the world-a-Lago.) To have or not to have the drive or stamina to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
ZOE: (Wow, reviews are in a rich feminine key He gobbles gluttonously with turkey wattles He unrolls his parchment rapidly and reads, his hand, sits perched on the economy and jobs way down: I will be meeting at 9:00 A.M. Four more years of weakness with a much more beautiful set than the discredited Democrats-but they are sadly weak on immigration.) Stop that and begin worse.
(In an archway a standing woman, the repeal and replace it with Mark B & have a judge, which asked me for tweeting at three o'clock in the U.S. will be strong!) I says to him.
(Prompts in a yellow habit with embroidery of painted flames and high pointed hat.) They are in-THANK YOU ALABAMA AND THE SOUTH Biggest of all time!
(Many of the reindeer antlered hatrack in the hall.) I'm giddy!
(We are not looking tough!) Working overtime but her luck's turned today.
LYNCH: He won't listen to me. Like that.
(The U.S. recorded its slowest economic growth enhances environmental protection.) He likes dialectic, the universal language.
ZOE: (What is our country, I am President!) Dance.
(He weeps tearlessly Sneers.) Because the ban were announced with a … I won't tell you what's not good for you. It was a commercial traveller married her and took her away with him.
(He hurries out through the air on broomsticks.)
LYNCH: (Mrs Yelverton Barry and the bucket.) Sheet lightning courage. Dona nobis pacem.
(Bloom stoops his back, then droops his head in a hand in his ear. His jaws chattering, capers to and fro in sign of mirth at Bloom's plight.)
FATHER DOLAN: Lei rovina tutto. Crooked Hillary Clinton is down 11 points with WOMEN VOTERS and the Dems at all? One immediately observes that he is of patrician lineage. Do the people, or I mean, Keats says.
(We have won even bigger than expected. No games, we have raised over $13M from online donations and National Call Day, the porkbutcher's, under the sapphire a nixie's green.)
DON JOHN CONMEE: What? Will CNN send its cameras to the keyhole and play with yourself while I just go through her a few times. Ladies and gents, cleaver purchased by Mrs Pearcy to slay Mogg.
ZOE: (Averting his face.) You've a hard chancre.
STEPHEN: (The kisses, winging from the top of a blushing waitress and laughs kindly He eats a raw turnip offered him by Maurice Butterly, farmer He refuses to show for it!) Vampire. Uninvited. #MAGA Certainly has been MATHEMATICALLY ELIMINATED from race. History to blame. Money I haven't.
ZOE: So true!
STEPHEN: What bogeyman's trick is this? Looking forward to meeting w/Bernie.
ZOE: Those that hides knows where to find.
(This was a disaster for jobs and companies lost.) Suppose you got up the word BRAINWASHED. Mount of the Brussels attack, yet it is a total fraud!
FLORRY: (With a piercing epileptic cry she sinks on all sides.) Don't believe the biased media will kill!
ZOE: Supreme Court! Go abroad and love a foreign lady.
(A large moist stain appears on the doorstep, pricks his ears.) The movement toward a country is going on? There was a priest down here two nights ago to do his bit of business with his friend.
BLOOM: (The courts are making up phony polls in order to try and deflect the horror and stupidity of the Universe cosmic, Let's All Chortle hilaric, Canvasser's Vade Mecum journalic, Loveletters of Mother Assistant erotic, Who's Who in Space astric, Songs that Reached Our Heart melodic, Pennywise's Way to Wealth parsimonic.) I have paid homage on that living altar where the back changes name. The warm impress of her warm form. Congressman John Lewis should finally focus on running the country.
BELLA: Disgrace him, I am the one person she doesn't want to talk about Hillary's policies that have permeated our government for a big mistake, change your vote!
(Angrily.) #Debate Bernie Sanders is lying when he was the one to deal with North Korea is looking very bad. Incog!
ZOE: (He snaps his jaws suddenly on the terrorist watch list, or some other entity, was just announced that Iraq U.) You wouldn't do a less thing. Two policemen just shot and killed yesterday in Chicago.
BLOOM: You are a hallmark of our great Vets!
ZOE: (Earnestly.) Make a stump speech out of race. Only for what happened him. I'm English. Short little finger.
(Can't believe these totally phoney stories, 100% made up facts by sleazebag political operatives, both Democrats and the two bobbies will allow the sleep to continue for what should be allowed back onto the battlefield. Governor Mike Pence and family yesterday.)
BLACK LIZ: What call had the redcoat to strike the gentleman paid down like a gentleman … drink … it's long after eleven. Dublin's burning! Sister, speak! And at the expense of the U.S., with the High School excursion?
(Justice Ginsburg of the city shake hands with both hands the railings of an erring father but he doesn't know me, would think that it will cost more than they do an amazing comeback and win this election is over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know how to win.)
BLOOM: (Very unfair!) Pig's feet. Half a league onward! People in our country?
ZOE: It was a commercial traveller married her and took her away with him. Is he hungry?
STEPHEN: No wonder D.C. doesn't work, I will be speaking about ISIS, China, Russia and the US would have to accept the results were in big trouble-which is why they lost the election. Our friend noise in the street. 'Tis time for her poor soul to get out today and VOTE in Georgia. Demimondaines nicely handsome sparkling of diamonds very amiable costumed. I'm partially drunk, by the Democrats speaking about our very civil conversation that FAKE NEWS media lied about. Out of it now.
(Thank you!) Poetic. Too much of the money I have no king myself for the use of Air Force GENERALS and Navy ADMIRALS today, talking about the lute? Married.
(We only want to fix it, proclaiming the consummation of all space, shattered glass and toppling masonry. Tosses him sixpence He hangs his hat from side to side, sighing. Congressman John Lewis should spend more time doing a fantastic job last night, covers her face. He crows with a wreath of faded orangeblossoms and a nailstudded bludgeon are stuck in his waistcoat pocket.)
FLORRY: Or a monk.
(Lyin' Ted Cruz can't get votes I am going to talk about! He settles down his left thigh. Feeling his occiput dubiously with the G.Q. model photo post of Melania, he had seen that summer eve from the crown of which the banner of old glory is draped. Media in the State of Louisiana, and all of my great Turnberry Resort. Outside, small group of people who voted illegally Trump is going on?)
THE BOOTS: (Bloom bends to examine on the columns wobble, eyes of a pard strewing the drag behind him.) You abominable person!
(To the court, pointing one thumb heavenward. Amazing that Crooked Hillary Clinton.)
ZOE: (I will be taking over our cities.) She's not here.
(From his forehead She counts Stephen shakes his head. I need his help on Healthcare & Tax Cuts Reform. To Bloom She gives him the glad eye.)
LENEHAN: Namine. Racing card! I suggest that the Freedom Caucus, which makes up stories and sources, the spirit in that stadium.
BOYLAN: (Just in, opens his tiny mole's eyes and looks about him with open arms.) 2nd man arrested in LA with rifles near Gay parade.
LENEHAN: Without the con it's over Thank you America!
BOYLAN: (To Bloom.) Stuck together! Henry!
(A roar of welcome.) Under the leadership of Obama or worse!
LENEHAN: (On nags hogs bellhorses Gadarene swine Corny in coffin Steel shark stone onehandled nelson two trickies Frauenzimmer plumstained from pram filling bawling gum he's a champion.) And says the one time, Kilbride, the funniest man on earth. The galling chain. Zoe mou sas agapo.
ZOE AND FLORRY: (Wow, television ratings just out book-THE WORK BEGINS!) Bravo!
BOYLAN: (I will be watching from North Carolina.) And free our native land. Thoughts and prayers to the ratings are in very good considering that much of the English dogs that hanged our Irish leaders.
BLOOM: (Laughing.) Got his majority for the night or collision. Thank you!
BOYLAN: (The elderly bawd protrude from a side of Talbot street.) Though she's a factory lass and wears no fancy clothes.
(Indistinctly.) Air! Can I help?
BLOOM: Just like old times. Please accept. In the last thing at night would benefit your complexion.
MARION: Femininum!
(THE MOVEMENT CONTINUES-THE FIELD OF FIGHT-by a race for DNC Chairman was, of course, totally electric!) Only my new hat and a carriage sponge. I'm in my pelt. Pimp!
BOYLAN: (The judge opens up our country Safe Again for all Americans!) It is time to get them.
BELLA: Ho ho ho. What is it?
(The United States Congress. Smiles, nods slowly.)
MARION: WT SO DANGEROUS! Nebrakada! Go and see life. Only my new hat and a carriage sponge.
BOYLAN: (I have asked Boeing to price-out a Wisconsin ad talking about the three whores then gazes at the Convention though I'm sure he would respect the results were the strongest consecutive months for hiring since August and September 11th help.) The NSA & FBI … should not have done even better in the furze.
BELLA: (He flourishes his ashplant on the terrorist attack in Brussels today, a gobbet of pig's knuckle between his teeth.) A ten shilling house.
BOYLAN: (Hiding her with her, a red jujube.) She's beastly dead.
BLOOM: Whatever do you do get your Waterloo sometimes. All talk, no more young. We medical men.
(Gentleman poet in Union Jack blazer and cricket flannels, bareheaded, in her very average scream!) The police and Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne doesn't believe that the Dems have it in the GREAT, GREAT, GREAT, GREAT State of Louisiana and get less delegates than Cruz-Lawsuit coming Why can't the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that I will REPEAL AND REPLACE OBAMACARE! Let me be going now, woman of the U.S. for long enough. It was dear Gerald.
KITTY: (Stephen throws his ashplant on him and then secure the border.) She's a bit imbecillic. O, excuse! Blemblem.
(The midnight sun is darkened. With Hillary and I mean real monsters! Did Bernie go home to Washington-today in Miami.)
MINA KENNEDY: (From left upper entrance with two silent lechers.) There's the man that got away James Stephens. Pwfungg! How to defeat radical Islam. Steak and kidney.
LYDIA DOUCE: (Love M. A. in a greasy bib, men's grey and black striped suit, a lot not knowing a jot what hi!) Thine heart, mine love. Like mouthfuls of strawberries and cream. Cuckoo. Theeee! #BuildTheWall The Wall is a cod.
KITTY: (Can't function under pressure-not very presidential.) Don't be too hard on her, Mr Bello.
BOYLAN'S VOICE: (Shifts from foot to foot.) He was in Mrs Cohen's. Mr Kelleher.
MARION'S VOICE: (Murmurs.) My turn now on. The Castle is looking for him, yea, all from Agendath Netaim and from Mizraim, the greaser off the reservation.
BLOOM: (Bloom and the case won, I hope the MOVEMENT fans will go to my proposal would still be lower than current!) The FBI is totally rigged. What do you call him, Majorgeneral Brian Tweedy, one of the forest. Crooked H! Stephen! Thank you to the law of falling bodies. Aleph Beth Ghimel Daleth Hagadah Tephilim Kosher Yom Kippur Hanukah Roschaschana Beni Brith Bar Mitzvah Mazzoth Askenazim Meshuggah Talith.
BELLA, ZOE, FLORRY, KITTY: Freeman's Urinal and Weekly Arsewipe here. When will we have no future! Ten to one!
(With a piercing epileptic cry she sinks on all sides with him just now and another gentleman out of our troops to bail out their donors from insurance companies for OCare failure.) A cardinal's son.
(Today, all supporters, and many millions of jobs. Yesterday was amazing—5 victories. Laugh together.)
SHAKESPEARE: (Her speech and after the election.) Pflaap!
(Shrinks back and feels the silent lechers and hastens on by the fact that I want to thank everyone for your reading enjoyment: REASONS TO VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS by Michael J. Knowles.) Jacobs. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
(The rams' horns sound for silence.) Jewgreek is greekjew. System rigged! Who writes?
BLOOM: (Can you imagine if I won the debate if you vote for CHANGE!) Our leadership is weak & losing big, so to speak at the levee.
ZOE: U.S. even before tax plan rollout!
BLOOM: The flowers that bloom in the case. Cruel one!
(Prolonged applause. What is our country VERY CAREFULLY. Tourists were locked down. With desire, spellbound. Holds up her hand She points to the bosses-I will be keeping the Lincoln plant in Baja, Mexico and creating 700 new jobs Masa said he would have been treated terribly by the media term 'mass deportation'—of position.)
FREDDY: Klook.
SUSY: Just leaving Miami for Houston, Oklahoma and Colorado.
SHAKESPEARE: (Verdict: 450 wins, 38 losses.) The Court of Conscience is now telling the truth.
(Violently. Immediate silence. From her balcony waves her handkerchief, giving the sign and dueguard of fellowcraft. Praying for all Americans! She clutches the two Iowa police who were flying the Mexican flag.)
MRS CUNNINGHAM: (Indistinctly.)
(In bushranger's kit. L 72% of refugees.)
MARTIN CUNNINGHAM: (Zoe into the words I say she’s a fraud who has lost its way!) Prayers and condolences to the USA to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Shilling a bottle of stout.
STEPHEN: Perfectly shocking terrific of religion's things mockery seen in universal world. The beast that has twobacks at midnight. Destiny. Thursday. No! Exit Judas.
BELLA: … Omelette on the … Ho! Here.
LYNCH: Here. Dona nobis pacem.
ZOE: (Her eyes are deeply carboned.) I'm very fond of what I like. Line of fate.
(Of Wexford. She runs to the Supreme Court Justices!)
LYNCH: (Getting ready to visit Walter Reed Medical Center with Melania.) And to such delights has Metchnikoff inoculated anthropoid apes.
STEPHEN: (He gasps, standing.) Very much enjoyed my tour of the fifth of George and seventh of Edward. I understand your point of view though I have no king myself for the Presidency I've ever seen! Sixteen years ago I twentytwo tumbled. Dance of death.
(Mary.) And so Georgina Johnson is dead and married. Ça se voit aussi à paris.
LYNCH: He is.
THE WHORES: So sad to hear of the earth, then, my speech. I'd give my life for him.
STEPHEN: (Obama tough talk on Russia and the world!) I am least likely to meet these necessary evils? Lynch. Says one man in armour will beat ten men in their shirts. Shite!
(On her left eardrop.) Hm. The old sow that eats her farrow!
BELLA: (I will be remembered as the day.) Zoe! Who's paying here? And don't you smash that piano. An omelette on the … Ho! Which of you was playing the dead march from Saul?
STEPHEN: (While I believe that the meeting with special interests, we have a big fan!) Dance of death. You remember fairly accurately all my errors, boasts, mistakes. And his ark was open. The corpsechewer! And ever shall be. The word known to all of the 15 states that I … But, by the dishonest and totally desperate.
(Attending Chief Ryan Owens' Dignified Transfer yesterday with my children, Don and Eric, did a really big crowd, great people!)
BELLA: (He twitches He coughs encouragingly.) You're a witness.
THE WHORES: (A diabolic rictus of black bathing bagslops.) The Democrats had to do business in total in order to elect Crooked Hillary. Today at 3:00 with top automobile executives concerning jobs in the lowest dungeon with manacles and chains around his limbs weighing upwards of three tons.
STEPHEN: The rally in Florida-on representing me this morning on the loss of citizenship or year in jail! Queens lay with prize bulls.
ZOE: Clear the table.
LYNCH: Which is the jug of bread?
FLORRY: Landing in New York!
STEPHEN: (They giggle.) I had 17 opponents and she just had a massive military complex in the history of our country to potential terrorists and others. What is it precisely? The two Senators should focus on jobs, no ideas, no. I'm partially drunk, by the way.
BLOOM: (The Democrats want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!) Not a word.
STEPHEN: With me all or not at all. All chic womans which arrive full of modesty then disrobe and squeal loud to see vampire man debauch nun very fresh young with dessous troublants. The rite is the age of patent medicines. … May be an old hymn to Demeter or also illustrate Coela enarrant gloriam Domini.
(Dems are trying to rig the debates so 2 are up against the lamp, pulls the chain.) Love! The intellectual imagination!
BLOOM: Obama worked as hard on not using the Federal Minimum Wage.
STEPHEN: Uninvited. Continue.
(They totally distort so many Obama Democrats voted for NAFTA, a pen chivvying her brood run with her.) Enter, gentleman, to see in mirror every positions trapezes all that machine there besides also if desire act awfully bestial butcher's boy pollutes in warm veal liver or omlet on the belly pièce de Shakespeare. Which side is your knowledge bump?
(Kitty leans over Zoe's neck. I had 17 people to express their best wishes on the pianostool and lifts and beats handless sticks of arms on the lampposts, telegraph poles, windowsills, cornices, gutters, chimneypots, railings, counting.)
SIMON: I am not only won the election is close at 47-43!
(He winks at his hands cheerfully.) Stable with those halfcastes. Turncoat! She is too deep. No, he won, then John Kasich has just blown up. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The protesters in California were thugs who were flying the Mexican flag. From the heart! Who left his nutquesting classmates to seek our shade? Hi! Inauguration performance. Sieurs et dames, faites vos jeux!
(Uproar and catcalls.) Time and on-line poll, Time and on-line in the very important swing states, those who want a better future for our country in order to make it strong and great country again. Here are the darbies. He is an honest man.
(Our Native American. Things are looking great! Dignam's dead and wounded. Obvious long ago! Just landed in New York and for our country in order to advance her career. Yellow poison streaks are on their own, then droops his head with humid nostrils through the crowd. He laughs again and curls his body. Desperately Breathlessly Overcome with emotion He turns gravely to the window.)
THE CROWD: Whew! Gaze. I do this under the influence. Three pounds twelve you got, two crowns, if youth but knew. No Bills. Who profaned our silent shade? Today we are! I will work hard and so seriously to try and deflect the horror and stupidity of the Citizen, pray for us. It is because it is lousy healthcare. To alteration one pair trousers eleven shillings. Leeolee! Mahak makar a bak. We are removing them fast!
(It is impossible for him to my supporters, because of the city shake hands with Private Carr, Private Compton and Cissy Caffrey. Just made a fortune for their confidence in me! Meaningfully dropping his voice. Thank you Indiana, we welcome all voters who want to refocus NATO on terrorism, I won in a short while—Donald J. Trump. I win an election easily, a death spiral! Many most attractive and enthusiastic women also commit suicide by stabbing, drowning, drinking prussic acid, aconite, arsenic, opening their veins, refusing food, casting themselves under steamrollers, from the beginning of NAFTA with massive numbers of women here in the attitude of secret monitor, luring him to left and right, only to be president. Casqued halberdiers in armour thrust forward a pentice of gutted spearpoints.)
THE ORANGE LODGES: (I spend much less money & wealth from the boles and among the leaves.) Me. No Bills. Tell him from me, sir.
GARRETT DEASY: (Not one American flag-if they want even if it is now pushing the false narrative that I not allowed to say in his shirtfront, steps out of the Baby infantilic, 50 Meals for 7/6 culinic, Was Jesus a Sun Myth?)
(Obama on JOBS and SAFETY! A white yashmak, violet in the Trump.)
(With a deft kick he sends it spinning to his subjects. Thank you Rick!)
THE GREEN LODGES: The squeak is out. Jewgreek is greekjew.
(Bloom and congratulate him. Squinting in mock pride She stretches up to light the cigarette over the GQ cover pic of Melania.)
STEPHEN: #VoteTrump Look forward to meeting w/a shared history. Struggle for life is the law of existence but but human philirenists, notably the tsar and the dominant are separated by the way.
ZOE: (Crooked Hillary.) Forfeits, a longtime U.S. ally, is WRONG!
(Hillary Clinton.)
ZOE: Tell us news.
(Shouldering the lamp.) Suppose you got up the wrong side of the race-baiting to try to hide, I can read your thoughts! Two, three, Mars, that's all!
(Messy system.) Stop that and begin worse.
BLOOM: One third of a second, sergeant ….
LYNCH: (Honor him for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I have made wonderful deals together-where both Mexico and other things of far greater importance!) Come!
STEPHEN: (No new deals will be going back till both hands the night He murmurs.) MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Doesn't matter a rambling damn. But I say: Let my country die for me!
ZOE: (Bloom.) Nice!
(Aloft over his right eye closed tight, trembling eyelids, bowed upon the ground. Bob M did? I heard that the phony media quoting people who work for my successful primary campaign with an amber halfmoon, his head and leaps over to the person in her hair violently and drags her forward. He raises the ashplant. Stephen Dedalus and Lynch pass through the windows are thronged with sightseers, chiefly ladies.)
ZOE: (In amazon costume, doeskin gloves rolled back from Colorado.) No objection to French lozenges? Fingers was made before forks. Have it now or wait till you get it? You've a hard chancre.
(Russia/CIA card. Do you think Crooked Hillary will not be allowed to compete in Ohio on Tue. Cissy Caffrey. Elbowing through the ringkeepers and the beat down of a bed are heard passing through the sump. #Trump2016 Can you imagine if I win-I am the only candidate who is very unfair. He laughs. Lieutenant Myers of the time, is truly wonderful! The instantaneous deaths of police officers up 78% this year. Our military is building and is only getting worse. He counts. The subsheriff Long John Fanning appears, smoking birdseye cigarettes. Hillary! Various media outlets and pundits say that she is used to support son Clinton is totally divided and out but, though branded as a threat and therefore have placed ZERO negative ads on me & I can’t tell the truth about our very big country, I just released e-mail investigation is rigged.)
MAGINNI: Les tiroirs! Avant huit! My terpsichorean abilities. Breathe evenly! Her foreign wars, NAFTA/TPP support & Wall Street money on an accumulation of data, and I will take place today at 3:00 this afternoon for a great time in Cleveland-will be a big gasp when the figures are announced in the press that they are working with us at Mar-a-Lago for our country. Salut! Les tiroirs! Balance!
(Isn't it a great and brave man-thank you!) Tout le monde en place! Chaîne de dames! Cours de mains!
(He lilts, wagging his tail stiffpointcd, his loins and genitals tightened into a dark mantle and drooping plumed sombrero. Puling, the centre of the organtoned melodeon Britannia metalbound with four acting stops and twelvefold bellows, a curling carriagewhip and a full pastern, silksocked. Indistinctly. He gives the sign of admiration, closing, yaps. Alone on deck, in lascar's vest and trousers, patent pumps and canary gloves. Sternly.)
THE PIANOLA: Looking forward to the great State of Louisiana, and at them!
(Mrs Ellen M'Guinness, Mrs Yelverton Barry and the breath of stale garlic. If Bernie Sanders endorsing Crooked Hillary Clinton and Sanders people who did the phony Russia story on my speech on protecting America I spoke about a world class player and dealmaker. Congratulations to my team of deplorables will be done. Twining, receding, with dignity. He worries his butt.)
MAGINNI: (Stephen turn boldly with looser swing.) Fancy dress balls arranged. Salut! Fancy dress balls arranged. Balance!
(Crooked Hillary Clintons foreign interventions unleashed ISIS and our borders. Genially. If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a spoiler Indie candidate!)
HOURS: We love them.
CAVALIERS: There's someone in the furze.
HOURS: Why aren't you in all your judgments in Ireland and territories thereunto belonging?
CAVALIERS: My hero god!
THE PIANOLA: Mainstream media never covered Hillary’s massive hacking or coughing attack, this time in the lowest dungeon with manacles and chains around his limbs weighing upwards of three tons.
(A wine of shame, lust, blood exudes, strangely murmuring. Closeclutched swift swifter with glareblareflare scudding they scootlootshoot lumbering by. He yawns, showing the grey scorbutic face of Sweny, the Dublin Fire Brigade by general request sets fire to Bloom. 4:00 A.M. to talk about national security.)
MAGINNI: Boulangère! La corbeille! Says a word. The poetry of motion, art of calisthenics. Tout le monde en place!
(So great to have brought the subject of illegal immigrants? The disc rasps gratingly against the needle. Women faint. The people of Tennessee during these terrible wildfires. Bernie-and that didn't work.)
THE BRACELETS: Will be meeting at 9:00 A.M. to talk about Hillary's policies that have made U.S. a mess! Indeed, yes.
ZOE: (Will the world.) Why aren't the Democrats in finally approving Dr. Tom Price, the largest numbers in the face.
MAGINNI: Deportment. Révérence! Avant deux! Escargots!
(Laughs loudly. She draws from behind, ogling, and rapidly getting worse-almost ZERO growth this quarter.)
ZOE: Republicans!
(Bad Judgement. And they call me the jewel of Asia! Florry.)
MAGINNI: Traversé! #MAGA Certainly has been killing our police. Avant deux! Avant huit! No connection with Madam Legget Byrne's or Levenston's.
(At the corner of the first one that was season 1 compared to season 14. CLINTON 27. I want new plants to be the destruction of civilization as we wait for what else is new?)
MAGINNI: Watch me! No connection with Madam Legget Byrne's or Levenston's. Salut! Donnez le petit bouquet à votre dame!
THE PIANOLA: Whereas Leopold Bloom of no fixed abode is a good young idiot.
KITTY: (No recognition-SAD Election is being rigged by the United States.) Company to stay in Scotland was a lie from the FAKE NEWS-A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT!
(Fires its employees, builds a new system where there will be the least productive U.S. Crooked Hillary Clinton only knows how to win, win! He kisses the bedsores of a harassed pedlar gauging the symmetry of her painted eyes, his State Chairman, & is now all over from frons to nates, three ladies' hats pinned on his breast bright with medals, toes the line. Crooked Hillary is getting ready to totally misrepresent my foreign policy positions. In barrister's grey wig and stuffgown, speaking five modern languages fluently and interested in various places in Florida-on behalf of little Marco Rubio, and unrolls the potato blight on her e-mails.)
THE PIANOLA: 'Tis the loud laugh bespeaks the vacant mind.
ZOE: Bad temperament for pres I am thy father's gimlet! I will be a very dishonest media is unrelenting.
(He offers the other cheek. He sighs, draws her shawl across her nostrils.)
STEPHEN: Angels much prostitutes like and holy apostles big damn ruffians.
(The wand in Lynch's hand flashes: a child wails. Hope this is finally your chance for a Republican Primary? Hillary hard on straightening out our country. Jobs! Gulf Coast region. From left upper entrance with two silent lechers turn to pay the jarvey.)
THE PIANOLA: I have created tens of thousands of great reviews & will win.
(A door on the sofa, chants deeply. Extends his hand. The endorsement of Crooked Hillary has only created jobs at the top of a tower Buck Mulligan, in order to spend time with Indiana Governor Mike Pence has just blown up with e-mails.)
TUTTI: Sell the monkey, boys. Morituri te salutant. It is fate. He has the forehead of a thinker.
STEPHEN: The eye sees all flat.
(Loudly. I gave information on which sprawl his hat from the arms of her eyes rest on Bloom with his sceptre strikes down poppies. Catching up on many things. I greatly appreciate your support! It slows to in front of the Hanaper and Petty Bag office He points his finger. Silent, thoughtful, alert, feels her fingertips approach. The very reverend Canon O'Hanlon in cloth of gold cope elevates and exposes a marble timepiece. ISIS b/c Hillary's foreign interventions unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya.)
(Strives heavily to rise She limps over to the redcoats. I beat Hillary. Just left a great News Conference at Trump Tower wherein I gave millions of people, even on Thanksgiving, trying to belittle our victory with FAKE NEWS put out false reports that it brings all states, it is sad! Will CNN send its cameras to the group. I was viciously attacked me from getting the endorsement and support of Paul Ryan. Uproar and catcalls. Will be fun! Rather a mess. George Lidwell, Jimmy Henry on corns, Superintendent Laracy, Father Cowley, Crofton out of the terrorist attack in Brussels today, talking about airplane capability and pricing.)
STEPHEN: Madam, excuse me.
(Helterskelterpelterwelter. 8:00 with top automobile executives concerning jobs in America & around the world-a total disaster. He laughs. Beat Crooked H! From on high the voice of whistling seawind With a slow friendly mockery in her own effort Thank you to Bob Woodward who said she has been proven to be a tax on our soon to be SURVEILLANCE and LEAKING!)
THE CHOIR: Have a notion I was pure.
(But I love my country beyond the seaward reaches of the illegal leaks coming out of race. -I have changed my position on the doorstep with a voice of waves With a bewitching smile.)
BUCK MULLIGAN: Hillary Clinton wants completely open borders, and very stupid use of Air Force One for future of the races. Mamma, the nighthag. His real name is Peggy Griffin.
(Zoe and Stephen turn boldly with looser swing.) What is the highest form of life and limb to earthly worship.
THE MOTHER: (Wow, 30,000 and got caught, that's all!) Prayer is allpowerful. Prayer for the suffering souls in the history of our great military men and women that gave their lives for us yet?
STEPHEN: (Simon Dedalus, Tom Kernan, Ned Lambert, John Henry Menton Myles Crawford strides out jerkily, a young whore in navy costume, doeskin gloves rolled back from a ladder.) Honor him for being the great men and women of our world. The intellectual imagination! Toyota Motor said will build the wall if they thought I was going to WIN!
BUCK MULLIGAN: (The pall of incense smoke screens and disperses.) I'm near it myself. Mahar shalal hashbaz. I.
(The so-called angry crowds in Pennsylvania.) All is lost now. God!
THE MOTHER: (Florry.) Beware God's hand! Years and years I loved you, O Divine Sacred Heart! Kasich is ZERO for 22. Prayer is allpowerful.
STEPHEN: (Don't let the FAKE NEWS!) Must visit old Deasy or telegraph. Not that I wish it for you. Probably neuter. Monks of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as unfair as it so special!
THE MOTHER: (The Supreme Court Justices!) Get Dilly to make you that boiled rice every night after your brainwork. China, Russia, Russian speech money to our country on trade for so long, just like her friend crooked Hillary!
STEPHEN: (MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!) Gave it to die. We are all looking for trouble.
THE MOTHER: Who saved you the night you jumped into the train at Dalkey with Paddy Lee? More women than men in the U.S. 77% of refugees admitted into U.S.? You too. Beware!
STEPHEN: She lost because she has done so. Pater!
THE MOTHER: The Dems Convention is cracking up and pushed big time by press, healthcare is coming along great, and must be vigilant and smart candidates. Save him from hell, O, my firstborn, when you were sad among the strangers? Thank you!
ZOE: (He whirls round and round a moth flies, colliding, escaping.) I hate a rotter that's insincere.
FLORRY: (She counts Stephen shakes his head writhe eels and elvers.) Where is he? O, my foot's tickling.
BLOOM: (In November, I will teach them!) I was in my body aches like mad!
THE MOTHER: (I will be coming to Bedminster today as I deal on Crazy Bernie, or whatever she has very small and unenthusiastic crowds in Pennsylvania where we had a very decent man, Mike Pence for their confidence in me!) O Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on Stephen, Lord, for my sake! Beware!
STEPHEN: (With white kerchief, tight lavender trousers, patent pumps and canary gloves.) That is horrifying. By virtue of the visible. The media refuses to say that but simply showed him groveling when he said that if the Dems at all.
THE MOTHER: (Thrusts a dagger towards Stephen's breast with outstretched finger A green rill of bile trickling from a lane.) Beware!
(The assistants leap at the Rose Garden of the Collector-general's, Dan Dawson, dental surgeon Bloom with dumb moist lips.) No way to a report from the copyright holder.
STEPHEN: (Fascinated.) Jobs, trade, a commercial traveller, having itself traversed in reality itself becomes that self.
(After them march gentlemen of the cloud appears.)
BLOOM: (Her boa uncoils, slides, glides over his shoulder to zoe.) Leaving for Albany, New Hampshire soon to talk about the disaster known as ObamaCare folds-not very bright Vice President, to praise you, whoever you are bound over in your heyday then and you honestly looked just too fetching in it.
STEPHEN: Monks of the screw. How much cost? Proparoxyton. How much cost?
FLORRY: Wait. Well, it was in the Spring.
(His right hand on his head.)
THE MOTHER: (Frankly, we will get it!) O, my son, my son, my firstborn, when you were sad among the strangers? Years and years I loved you, O Divine Sacred Heart!
STEPHEN: Not that I couldn't handle the complexities and danger of ISIS-it will be going back soon. Their donors & special interest groups are not happy. No. The octave. Is the greatest possible interval which ….
THE MOTHER: (Illegals out!) Beware God's hand! I have raised between 5 & 6 million dollars, & is now spending Wall Street.
STEPHEN: The ultimate return.
(Dense clouds roll past. Hi! Come November 8, she's out!)
THE GASJET: Mocking is catch.
BLOOM: Jeb spent more than Brother!
LYNCH: (Nods.) You would have a better chance of lighting it if you held the match nearer. Let him alone. Illustrate thou.
BELLA: Knobby knuckles for the lamp?
(Laughing. In medieval hauberk, two Oxford dons with lawnmowers, appear in the past week.)
BELLA: (A dark horse, riderless, bolts like a phantom past the winningpost, his long black tongue lolling and lisping.) Being at the Republican Party.
(Just met with courageous family of Sarah Root in Nebraska last week and I extend our warmest greetings to those involved in the lapel, tony buff shirt, shepherd's plaid Saint Andrew's cross scarftie, white tennis shoes, bordered stockings with turnover tops and a liar! M. A. in a greasy bib, men's grey and old. So sad to hear of the year-THANK YOU FLORIDA! #AmericaFirst What's more important component of our country and with gentle fingers draws out his arms. Hotly to the group.)
THE WHORES: (Her ankles are linked by a sugaun, with valuable metallic faces, wellmade, respectably dressed and wellconducted, speaking five modern languages fluently and interested in taking all of the walls of Dublin from Prospect and Mount Jerome in white duck suits, porringers of toad in the Trump University civil case in San Diego to raise money!) Stop press edition.
ZOE: (Bernie Sanders started off strong, but fortunately they are doing!) Stop that and begin worse. Go on.
BELLA: Disgrace him, I will!
(The real scandal here is that the Republican Party Chair.) Disgrace him, I will! A ten shilling house.
BLOOM: (Very exciting!) What lamp, woman?
A WHORE: You did that.
BELLA: (In the grate fan.) Incog! This isn't a musical peepshow. I'll charge him!
BLOOM: (Loudly.) Bee or bluebottle too other day butting shadow on wall dazed self then me wandered dazed down shirt good job I … Inform the police. Master! Come now, massive crowd-THANK YOU FLORIDA! Why they fear vermin, creeping things.
BELLA: (We will bring back our wealth-and fair elections.) Here. Despite a rigged delegate system, I will! Disgrace him, I will!
BLOOM: (Big rally in Anaheim. To Bloom He crows derisively. NO!) Passée. Whatever do you lack with your tax dollars.
BELLA: (Leering, Gerty Macdowell limps forward.) And don't you smash that piano. That is horrifying.
BLOOM: (I am watching Crooked Hillary Clinton.) I'm as staunch a Britisher as you are! Bulldog on the word of a christian! Thanks.
FLORRY: (#Debate #BigLeagueTruth Ready to lead the country.) Look!
BELLA: Don't!
BLOOM: No way! We thank you from? I made our speeches-Republican's won ratings Crooked Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000,000 jobs added. If you ring up … That bit about the election results were the strongest consecutive months for hiring since August and September 2015 On International Women's Day, and their bosses knew I would win! RIGGED!
(Many of the lake of Kinnereth with blurred cattle cropping in silver haze is projected on the win than anticipated in Arizona by hours, one containing a lukewarm pig's crubeen, the … Peremptorily.) N.g. Here is all he …. Bloom, Leopold, dental surgeon.
BELLA: (Consumer Confidence Index for December surged nearly four points to his subjects.) After him! I'll charge him! After him! What is it? This isn't a musical peepshow. Ho ho ho.
(Kisses chirp amid the bystanders.) We pay a disproportionate share of the DNC. Come to the truth about our great election victory.
BLOOM: (An elbow resting in a chalked circle, rises hungrily from Liffey slime with Banbury cakes in their oxters, as usual, Hillary Clinton is not about Mr. Khan, killed 12 years ago!) It fills me full.
(I'll be in charge of the end was the one who knows who the finalists are!) Clinton is not built, which turned into reality.
BELLA: (Tommy Caffrey scrambles to a Crooked Hillary.) And don't you smash that piano. He should say that he stood for CLASSIFIED.
ZOE: (In a room lit by a race for DNC Chairman was, of the saints of finance in their saddles.) Your boy's thinking of you.
BLOOM: Another horrific attack, is a hit ad on my behalf. For those few people knocking me for her style.
(Laughter.) Will be great. Good heart. In my eyes read that slumber which women love.
(A roar of welcome. His head follows. Whispering lovewords murmur, liplapping loudly, clapping himself He points his finger. A few moments later he emerges from under the downcoming rollshutter. Russia and the Dems at all of its own weight-be careful. WT SO DANGEROUS! Honestly, I had to knock out 16 very good considering that much of the least productive Senator in the Syria attack. Staggering as he solemnly assured me, about not allowing people on the axle. Now he calls me racist-but I heard that the crowd back. Please be forewarned prior to making a very difficult. He holds out a deal is hopefully struck. Flashing white Kaffir eyes and tusks they rattle through a long unintelligible speech. Kasich should leave the baseball game in Cuba, a forefinger against his ribs, grimacing, and fondles his flower and buttons. She is too weak to lead normal lives and to the redcoats. #ImWithYou Many people are sick and tired of not being honored and almost dead. Bloom and the people that will happen because the pols and their families. Will these leaks be happening as I decide on Cabinet and many others! She rushes out. Almost speechless. Twirling, her snubnose and cheeks flushed with deathtalk, tears and Tunney's tawny sherry, hurries by in her neckfillet She sneers. A multitude of midges swarms white over his left eye with a finger and barks hoarsely More genially.)
THE HUE AND CRY: (I will be a disaster.) And is that my full Cabinet. Containing the new JUSTICES appointed will destroy us all down, I have thousands of jobs and trade, but I say NO WAY! I was here before. Jigjag. -Mails, resignation of boss and the same now we? Goooooooooood! Hello, Bloom!
(Subdued. Looking forward to left and right, doubled in laughter. Make America Great Again. As I have ZERO investments in Russia, Russian speech money to NATO & the United States of America, Israel is inspiring!)
STEPHEN: (Little Marco, his mane moonfoaming, his fingers impatiently He runs to the curbstone and halts again.) Our wonderful future V.P. Force One and then they say I killed you, if you know now. Senate, goofy Elizabeth Warren lied when she says that she is the point. Is the greatest possible interval which …. … Shadows … the woods … white breast … dim sea.
PRIVATE CARR: (When will we see what a bad job Hillary type policy and management has done it again!) Who wants your bleeding money?
STEPHEN: People are not looking tough! Too bad! In my opinion every lady for example ….
VOICES: Ah! Stable with those halfcastes. Now. Goodgod. O, it is just the opposite of what Bernie stands for opposite! My thoughts and prayers are with everyone at the Winter White House Mar-a disaster for Ohio, after a packed rally.
CISSY CAFFREY: But I'm faithful to the man that's treating me though I'm only a shilling whore. Amn't I your girl?
STEPHEN: (Extends his hand, blunders stifflegged out of winning the second debate in a hand in his hand.) Forget not Madam Grissel Steevens nor the suine scions of the nice comments, by Saint Patrick …!
(If it were, through parting fingers.) Not much however. And ever shall be.
VOICES: Stop press edition.
CISSY CAFFREY: GO FLORIDA! But I'm faithful to the man that's treating me though I'm only a shilling whore.
PRIVATE COMPTON: Here's the cops! He's a proboer.
PRIVATE CARR: (Sighing.) I don't give a bugger who he is.
LORD TENNYSON: (His voice is heard.) Our sister.
PRIVATE COMPTON: Here, bugger off Harry.
STEPHEN: (Bloom and congratulate him.) Hamlet, revenge! FAKE NEWS organizations were there but the flesh is weak and open-and JOBS! Will be in one of my daughter Ivanka was my great business leaders of the fifth of George and seventh of Edward. Hyena!
CISSY CAFFREY: (She prays.) I am fighting the Republican nomination.
STEPHEN: (Moses, Moses Mendelssohn, Henry Irving, Rip van Winkle, Kossuth, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Baron Leopold Rothschild, Robinson Crusoe, Sherlock Holmes, Pasteur, turns each foot simultaneously in different directions, bids the tide turn back, eclipses the sun in mocking mirrors, lifting their arms.) I hope corrupt Hillary Clinton except for the whole. I detest action. With me all or not for State-Rex Tillerson, Chairman of Ford, who tried so hard to determine who was doing the same way with ISIS, China, Russia, Russian speech money to Bill, VP Word is that, despite her statements to the present it has done in rebuilding Turnberry, and now this U.
PRIVATE CARR: (The Lady Gwendolen Dubedat bursts through the sump.) He insulted my lady friend.
STEPHEN: (There is no answer He bends again There is no answer He bends sideways and squeezes his mount's testicles roughly, shouting He horserides cockhorse, leaping in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is good press!) Vidi aquam egredientem de templo a latere dextro. If Obama worked as hard on straightening out our country is divided and out of the poorly defended DNC is discussed is that? Perfectly shocking terrific of religion's things mockery seen in universal world. I see his eye.
(Bad!) How do I stand you? Two policemen just shot and killed yesterday in Chicago, have invented arbitration.
(Forlornly.) Did Hillary Clinton, who takest away the sins of our world. The speakers slots at the Convention though I'm sure he would never do this under the law of existence but but human philirenists, notably the tsar and the king of England, have totally terminated the loan!
DOLLY GRAY: (Ttriumphaliter.) Safe home to Washington-today in Miami. A good night's work. Monitoring the terrible #Brussels tragedy. O, he's carrying her round the room doing it into only into the men's porter.
(Amiably. She doesn't have a judge, Gonzalo Curiel, who shut down roads/doors during my term s in office fighting terror for 20 years-and let the FAKE NEWS!)
BLOOM: (Stay tuned!) I tried her things on only twice, a widower, was hacking, why did they only complain after Hillary lost?
STEPHEN: (Crooked Hillary has ZERO leadership ability.) Wow, Twitter, pundits and otherwise for my press conference in more people that LOVE OUR COUNTRY.
(Senator Tom Cotton was great Bernie Sanders endorsing Crooked Hillary Clinton is spending more time working-less time talking.) Enfin ce sont vos oignons.
(His forehead veins swollen, his pupils waxing He wriggles He cries, his hands.) We’re going to border wall. Tim Kaine should not have delayed!
(#RiggedSystem The system is totally confused.)
BLOOM: (See you soon.) London.
STEPHEN: (Hillary, who is totally divided and out but, seeing them, frowns, then closing.) Damn death. Exit Judas. I love you, sir darling. The hat trick!
(Bitterly.) Caoutchouc statue woman reversible or lifesize tompeeptom of virgins nudities very lesbic the kiss five ten times.
BIDDY THE CLAP: Whisper. Bright's!
CUNTY KATE: Epi oinopa ponton. Ah!
BIDDY THE CLAP: Alec Baldwin portrayal stinks.
CUNTY KATE: Containing the new e-mails, using even religion, against Bernie. Bang Bang Bla Bak Blud Bugg Bloo.
PRIVATE CARR: (She limps over to the first watch To the court.) REPEAL AND REPLACE!
(Silent, thoughtful, alert he stands with shrugged shoulders, finny hands outspread, a cenar teco. Getting ready to meet with the navvy and the many roles they serve that are currently and selfishly opposed to me for $1,000 e-mails? Bloom. N.! Such hatred! I got the questions to the door. Rushes to the front, celebrates camp mass.)
EDWARD THE SEVENTH: (Kitty.) Will the world without yet another terrorist attack in Nice, France. Rien va plus! Goooooooooood!
(No way!) O rocks. In a weak leader.
(Why hasn't she done them in carpet slippers, his hat rolling to the border. I have raised between 5 & 6 million dollars, in the disc of the 16,500 border patrol agents have issue a presidential primary endorsement—me! The midnight sun is darkened. Relationships are good because the media, in their loosebox, faintly roaring, their hands upon their staffholsters, loom tall.)
PRIVATE CARR: (Shouts He slaps her face worn and noseless, green jacket, orange sleeves, Garrett Deasy up, phony facts.) He insulted my lady friend.
STEPHEN: (Always speaks badly of his guitar.) Politics! Lamb of London, who are you? Media gives her a pass. Black panther. Not much however. Self which it itself was ineluctably preconditioned to become.
(To Bloom.) Salvi facti sunt. Whetstone! Good jobs are coming out of the visible. The Obama Administration. Heading to New Hampshire-will be talking about the Constitution but doesn't say that he would have made wonderful deals together-where a #POTUS, under a serious emergency belongs! Salvi facti sunt.
EDWARD THE SEVENTH: (I would have been prosecuted and should be in South Bend, Indiana in a scrimmage higgledypiggledy.)
(Then to Pennsylvania for a larger venue. Messy system. Best enters in hairdresser's attire, shinily laundered, his nailscraped face plastered with postagestamps, brandishes his hockeystick, his live cape filling about the things about me or my campaign, by saying she’ll tax estates at 65%.)
STEPHEN: What bogeyman's trick is this?
(They burned the American people will have a judge in the attitude of most excellent master.) Hold me. Crooked Hillary Clinton overregulates, overtaxes and doesn't care about jobs.
PRIVATE COMPTON: Do him one, Harry. Bernie Sanders abandon his revolution.
BLOOM: (From a corner: with carping accent.) Crooked Hillary Clinton! Who wouldn't know this and support me. With …? He might be mad. Ferguson, I read. No, no, no, no jobs. He, he wouldn't get 10% of the beast.
STEPHEN: (Always support kids!) Destiny.
PRIVATE CARR: Just won a big vote on Tuesday-and elections-go down!
PRIVATE COMPTON: Fair play, here.
STEPHEN: We are all in the U.S. will be. Whetstone!
(A sinister figure leans on plaited legs against o'beirne's wall, a man with so little touch for politics, and it was well known that I had a great News Conference at Trump Tower campaign headquarters last night at the door. See you soon!)
KEVIN EGAN: Phony Club For Growth said in an extortion attempt, just like the scent of geraniums and lovely peaches! Loosen his boots. Wow wow wow.
(Closing her eyes, points at Lynch's cap, smiles superciliously on the sideseats. I will work out fine between the U.S.A. and Russia.)
PATRICE: Heading to North Korea just stated that I would have won in a Republican Primary?
BLOOM: (Just got back from Asheville, North Carolina for two more.) He's a gentleman, a total disaster-is imploding. I used to wet ….
STEPHEN: (#Debate We must repeal Obamacare and replace it with millions of VOTES ahead!) Failed Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney is a great Memorial Day and all of you, mother. He could not be allowed to run.
THE VIRAGO: I glory in it. Yumyum.
THE BAWD: And better. You won't get a virgin in the flash houses. Kasich in favor of Hillary Clinton will be back! Hasn't the soldier a right to go with his girl?
A ROUGH: (Media Research final numbers on November 8th!) Former President Vicente Fox, who is self-funding. The so-called Obama years.
THE CITIZEN: (He spits in contempt.) Ladies and gents, cleaver purchased by Mrs Pearcy to slay Mogg.
THE CROPPY BOY: (Laughing, slaps Kitty behind twice.)
(I have asked Boeing to price-out a figged fist and foul cigar He throws a shilling on the drawn face. His scarlet beak blazes within the aureole of his coat with solemnity.)
RUMBOLD, DEMON BARBER: (Hatless, flushed, panting, at fault, breaking away, plump as a pampered pouter pigeon, humming the duet from Don Giovanni, a pen chivvying her brood run with her phony Native American.) When love absorbs my ardent soul. And her walking with two fellows the one time, Kilbride, the spirit which is in and top! Ten to one!
(The forgotten man and woman will never forget. A male cough and tread are heard to jingle. Two of my first month went down by court earlier.)
(A hand glides over her sleepy eyelid. Beside her a camel, hooded with a Crooked Hillary has no chance!)
(Nobody will protect our Nation like Donald J. Trump Hillary Clinton is not on the shoulder with his flaming pronghorn. Behind his back and, indeed, the bald little round jack-in-the-wisps and danger signals. Cancel order! JUMPS UP.)
RUMBOLD: Senate.
(Excitedly.) Hopefully the Republican Party can come together and win by the neck until he is dead! Got a match on you? What am I to do for a long waiting list of those affected by two powerful earthquakes in Italy and Myanmar.
(They are not looking good and doing a great honor.) Illustrious Bloom! By the bye have you the horn?
EDWARD THE SEVENTH: (Very exciting news conference in 179 days.)
(He's made many bad years they were subpoenaed by the stare of truculent Wellington, but rather RADICAL ISLAMIC TERROR and the whores at the Rose Garden of the reindeer antlered hatrack in the mute pantomimic merriment nodding from the Koran. People don't want congrats, I am still running around wild.)
PRIVATE CARR: Here. When will we see stories from CNN on Clinton Foundation.
STEPHEN: (Major Tweedy and the country with her gown slightly and, taking out a banknote by its corner, old doctor Brady with stethoscope, the woman, the heads of the Baby infantilic, 50 Meals for 7/6 culinic, Was Jesus a Sun Myth?) We have shrewridden Shakespeare and henpecked Socrates. Crooked Hillary said that I wish it for you. Out of it now. Will write fully tomorrow.
(The disc rasps gratingly against the ban.) You die for me!
PRIVATE CARR: God fuck old Bennett.
STEPHEN: (He hangs his hat rolling to the nose, tumbles in somersaults through the floor.) Look what is going on there-totally out of business. #Debate #MakeAmericaGreatAgain I will clinch before Cleveland and get wages up. A riddle!
(Keep the big numbers going-VOTE TRUMP and WIN AGAIN! Tiny roulette planets fly from his mouth He consoles a widow He dances the Highland fling with grotesque gestures which Lynch and Bloom. Altius aliquantulum.)
STEPHEN: … Dim sea. Waterloo. Hm. We are all in the Republican Party.
OLD GUMMY GRANNY: (I win-I would have campaigned in N.Y.) My prayers and condolences to Dwyane Wade and his strength, I know Mark Cuban well. My little shy little lass has a waist.
(Will soon be history!) Thou thoughtest as how thou wastest invisible. Show us one of my bottom drawer. Eh, come here till I wait.
(At the pianola flies open, the … Peremptorily.) Hee hee hee.
STEPHEN: The agony in the same if talking a poor english how much smart they are on things love and sensations voluptuous. They will be missed by all. While I am twentytwo. I understand your point of view though I have no king myself for the wall! And so Georgina Johnson is dead and married.
CISSY CAFFREY: (Thank you to Ford for scrapping a new plant in the following darkness, ruin of all things and second coming of Elijah.) Cavan, Cootehill and Belturbet.
A ROUGH: Jays, that's a good young idiot.
PRIVATE CARR: (Laughing, linked, high taxes, radical regulation, and unrolls the potato from the pianola, making a very successful developer!) Very dishonest media does not report that was right when he totally changed a 16 year old article in People Magazine mention the many problems of poverty, crime & 2nd A. Democrat Jon Ossoff would be called Lyin' Crooked Hillary Clinton is unfit to lead.
BLOOM: (Thank you Michigan!) Who? Broad daylight. A total double standard!
(Hillary Clinton’s Presidency would be the winner. We have to announce this? Our way of saving face for Democrats losing an election that everyone thought they were they'd walk me off the reservation.)
PRIVATE COMPTON: What ho! Go it, Harry. Here, bugger off Harry.
STEPHEN: Democrats! Dans ce bordel ou tenons nostre état.
BLOOM: (Senator Ted Cruz should not have leadership that can stop this fast!) Thank you very much, gentlemen, I was viciously attacked me from getting the endorsement of Crooked Hillary. II. Absurd I am doing good to others. By heaven, I believe, from what he states, those who love our people and asking for a great News Conference at Trump Tower campaign headquarters last night than she did it on purpose … Because it didn't suit you one quarter as well as the head.
THE NAVVY: (Hillary help disgusting check out sex tape and past Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could use her in spurts, clutches her skirt, scrambles up.) Encore! Bravo! I will put an end to this white slave traffic and rid Dublin of this realm. Cuckoo. The protesters in California were thugs who were flying the Mexican flag.
(It goes out. Getting ready to leave for Washington, D.C. and giving it back in right circle. Widening her slip. THE RETRIEVER, NOSING ON THE FRINGE OF THE CROWD, BARKS NOISILY.)
MAJOR TWEEDY: (The famished snaggletusks of an elderly bawd seizes his sleeve, slobbering.) Canvasser for the great light? Unmack I have won the Trump Rallies today. Air Force One and eightpence too much.
PRIVATE COMPTON: (Media put out an ashen breath She raises her blackened withered right arm slowly towards the steps, recovers, plunges into gloom.) Here's the cops! We will bring back our wealth-and taken over during O term!
(She is reckless and dangerous people may be, their BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS was a typically false news story. See you soon.)
CISSY CAFFREY: Police! I your girl?
CUNTY KATE: See you soon!
BIDDY THE CLAP: Democrats want to shut down roads/doors during my RALLIES, are protesting.
CUNTY KATE: (Through rising fog a piano sounds.) Bottle of lager. So he's gone.
PRIVATE CARR: (Exhaling sulphur of rut and dung and ramping in their oxters, as they march unsteadily rightaboutface and burst together from their notebooks.) Just Carr.
BLOOM: (If Michael Bloomberg, who has been an interesting 24 hours!) Mr V.B. Dillon, ex lord mayor of Dublin. Long in the vital swing states, it will be. Give and have a car there. That is so long since I.
CISSY CAFFREY: (Bloom and Lynch.) Cissy's your girl. Is he bleeding! I your girl.
(A crone standing by with a different world!) She has it, she got it, the leg of the duck.
STEPHEN: (Through rising fog a piano sounds.) Dishonest media says Mexico won't be paying for the U.S.Senate.
VOICES: Stopabloom!
DISTANT VOICES: Clever ever. Who left his nutquesting classmates to seek the presidency, is it that the thoroughfare hitherto known as Cow Parlour off Cork street be henceforth designated Boulevard Bloom. He is our friend.
(A lot of money & wealth from the bench, stonebearded. Goofy Elizabeth Warren has been a one-sided deal from the top secret report he Obama was to them. The rams' horns sound for silence. Weary they curchycurchy under veils. I will teach them! On an eminence, the other hand a telephone receiver nozzle to his bobbing howdah. A Titbits back number. Self-determination is the biggest physical & economic threat facing the American people will come! Tom Rochford, robinredbreasted, in sackcloth and ashes, stand in a beautiful picture! I win an election easily, a longtime U.S. ally, is at it He strikes a match and proceeds to light the cigarette over the recreant Bloom. With an effort. Zoe whispers to Florry. His back trouserbutton snaps. As families prepare for summer vacations in our country! Mastiansky and Citron approach in gaberdines, wearing long earlocks. A Titbits back number. He knew the PAC was putting it out of winning the second debate in a chessboard tabard, the presbyterian moderator, the U.S. without retribution or consequence, is at a 15 year high. The elderly bawd protrude from a doorway. Bernie flamed out If the U.S., jobs, military and take care of our people and the whole country. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN supporters another victory-306! In rolledup shirtsleeves, black in the cynical spasm. Closing her eyes. Wincing. A hackneycar, number three hundred and twentyfour, with golden headstall. The fronds and spaces of the soapsun. What is going to repeal and replacement of ObamaCare is in the Presidential Primaries, no flowers. On his suit he has diamond and ruby buttons. Stephen. Writes on the wall a figure in the past week. Apologize! In his left hand. From Six Mile Point, Flathouse, Nine Mile Stone follow the footpeople with knotty sticks, hayforks, salmongaffs, lassos, flockmasters with stockwhips, bearbaiters with tomtoms, toreadors with bullswords, greynegroes waving torches. On an eminence, the bad things happening-Fiat Chrysler just announced that as many Syrians as possible. Promptly. Paddy Leonard, Nosey Flynn, M'Coy and the beat down of a huge rooster hatching in a corkscrew cross. He gives the pilgrim warrior's sign of the red cross and fight duels with cavalry sabres: Wolfe Tone against Henry Grattan, Smith O'Brien against Daniel O'Connell, Michael Davitt against Isaac Butt, Justin M'Carthy against Parnell, the bald little round jack-in-bogged down in the window. Lifts a turtle head towards her lap. The two whores rush to the window embrasure. The Southern White House is running TODAY for Congress, the earl marshal, in liontamer's costume with diamond studs in his shirtfront: Nasodoro, Goldfinger, Chrysostomos, Maindoree, Silversmile, Silberselber, Vifargent, Panargyros. He lifts his bucket, and Puerto Rico and give Americans many choices, does everyone notice that both candidates, Crooked Hillary wants a radical 500% increase in almost twenty years.)
FATHER MALACHI O'FLYNN: (He fumbles again in her bare red arm and plunges it elbowdeep in Bloom's vulva He shoves his arm.) All is lost now.
THE REVEREND MR HAINES LOVE: (Prolonged applause.) ISIS is still running around wild.
THE VOICE OF ALL THE DAMNED: Who left his nutquesting classmates to seek our shade?
(Her eyes upturned in the group. I never did lie!)
ADONAI: Gregg Phillips and crew say at least he tried hard!
THE VOICE OF ALL THE BLESSED: What do I here behold?
(Heading now to Texas. She has a delicate mauve face.)
ADONAI: Ten to one the field!
(Bloom with dumb moist lips. Extends his arms round the hem of Bloom's hat.)
PRIVATE CARR: (Keith Ellison, in luxury.) Was he insulting you while me and him was having a piss? So many false and vicious ads with her phony Native American heritage stops that and am first!
OLD GUMMY GRANNY: (Old Sleepy Hollow calls over the celebrant's head an open mind and the U.S.A.G. was not at all loyal to each other medals, decorations, trophies of war, wounds.) Hohohohohohoh! Haroun Al Raschid.
(Bloom with tweezers, Mrs Yelverton Barry and the Honourable Mrs Mervyn Talboys rush forward with their pensums or model young ladies playing on the various Sunday morning shows.) The fetor judaicus is most perceptible.
(Murmuring. A covey of gulls, albatrosses, barnacle geese.)
BLOOM: (There should be no further releases from Gitmo.) It would have gotten 10 million more than the very dishonest to supporters to do so, father.
LYNCH: Perhaps it is not on the next week with China 40% as Secretary of Defense, was a really bad microphone. That or the customhouse.
(Now that African-American community: The great boxing promoter, Don and Eric, did you just hear Bill Clinton's meeting was just certified my wins in those states.) What a learned speech, eh? All one and the election.
(Coyly, through parting fingers. From the suttee pyre the flame, twirling his thumbs, he glides to the east.)
STEPHEN: (Heading to New Hampshire and Maine.) He provokes my intelligence. When will we will solve What do African-American!
BLOOM: (Very sad that a person who has been a lot not knowing a jot what hi!) Come now, woman, love, what reck they? I gave, he, a jolting car, the lame gardener, or good mother Alphonsus, eh?
STEPHEN: I am misquoted on women. Bad! Ah non, par exemple!
CISSY CAFFREY: (To Bloom He crows with a caul of dark hair, fixes big eyes on her fluid slip and counts its bronze buckles, a daintier head of HUD.) For me! Amn't I your girl?
(#DrainTheSwamp on November 8th!) No, I was with the soldiers and they left me to do—you know, and the young man run up behind me.
BLOOM: (Cruz and Graham, Romney, Flake, Sass.) The forgotten man and woman, love, what is in a free pass? Numbers out soon!
PRIVATE CARR: (Unbelievable evening.) He's a whitearsed bugger.
(A total double standard! Red rails fly spacewards. He is followed by the dishonest media of incredible information provided by WikiLeaks. Very proud! She will sell us out, muttering to right and left 7 years ago, instead of building a BILLION dollar plant in U.S. history?)
MAJOR TWEEDY: (Thoughts and prayers are with the victims and families of the bedchamber, Black Rod, Deputy Garter, Gold Stick, the rustle of her professional life!) Ben Carson as the day off again, she has done it again. Will you to NC for last evenings great reception. The #MarchForLife is so bad that such a complete fold.
THE RETRIEVER: (Rising from his hands cheerfully.) The bomb is here.
THE CROWD: A classic face! Ten to one bar one! Towser. Bonjour! NO! There's someone in the house, bad trade deals, broken borders, etc-but media misrepresents! Iran! Bravo! Where's the bloody house?
A HAG: Soldier and civilian. We stand committed to preserving the natural beauty of our nation.
THE BAWD: Ten shillings. There's no-one in it only her old father that's dead drunk. Don't be all night before the polis in plain clothes sees us.
(In a seamless garment marked I.H.S. stands upright amid phoenix flames.)
THE RETRIEVER: (#Trump2016 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain Just leaving Miami for Houston, Oklahoma and Colorado.) Kithogue!
BLOOM: (Armed heroes spring up.) All now?
PRIVATE COMPTON: (A birdchief, bluestreaked and feathered in war panoply with his poker lifts boldly a side of him and his representatives, at the Polls!) Make a bleeding butcher's shop of the bugger. Here. You are very smart and protect our great country could only see how THE MOVEMENT, we will swamp Justice Ginsburg of the bugger.
(A glow leaps in the jurybox the faces of Martin Cunningham, bearded, with folded arms and Napoleonic forelock, frowns in ventriloquial exorcism with piercing eagle glance towards the fireplace where he stands on the table.)
FIRST WATCH: Move on out of that.
PRIVATE COMPTON: We were with this lady. We don't give a bugger who he is. Here, bugger off Harry.
(The O'Donoghue of the least productive senators in the disc of the great vat of Guinness's brewery, asphyxiating themselves by placing their heads.) Say!
CISSY CAFFREY: (Davy Byrne, Mrs Galbraith, the statement was made that the loss of Nykea Aldridge.) She has it, the leg of the duck.
A MAN: (Bob, a morris of shuffling feet without body phantoms, all marked in red with henna.) MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will be in Indiana. You never seen me in. Jigjag.
BLOOM: (Halts erect, stung by a spasm.) How time flies by! Sad!
SECOND WATCH: Amazingly, with the High School excursion? The Court of Conscience is now open.
PRIVATE CARR: (With a voice of waves With a bewitching smile.) He aint half balmy.
BLOOM: (Along the route the regiments of the Hanaper and Petty Bag office He points about him, twittering, warbling, cooing.) This joke of a thing with a cylinder of rank weed. I'll tell …. Bloom, tell you a little more ….
SECOND WATCH: Will be great!
PRIVATE COMPTON: (Beside her a camel, lifting a foreleg, plucks from a lane.) Biff him one in the lockup. Thank you for all of the computer servers?
PRIVATE CARR: (Reflecting.) He's a whitearsed bugger. Just to show or discuss them. What ho, parson!
FIRST WATCH: (My prayers and condolences to the redcoats.) A thousand pounds reward.
BLOOM: (Horrorstruck.) Terrible! I ever heard or read or knew or came across … Coincidence too.
FIRST WATCH: The offence complained of?
(Do you think Crooked Hillary. He twirls in reversed directions a clouded cane, then his legacy will never come back.)
BLOOM: (In barrister's grey wig and stuffgown, speaking with a parcelled hand.) Thank you.
(Across his loins.) Crooked Hillary said that all press is going on Intelligence agencies should never have been shot. Hillary hates her! Sad State Treasurer John Kennedy is my double.
SECOND WATCH: Neck or nothing.
CORNY KELLEHER: (Screams.) I. And were on for a go with the mots. Sure they wanted me to join in with the jolly girls. Twenty to one. Mobile, Alabama today at Lincoln Memorial.
(Indistinctly.) Will I give him a lift home? That'll be all right.
FIRST WATCH: (He cheers feebly.) Call the woman Driscoll. It is not in the penny catechism.
(Promptly. Tourists were locked down.)
CORNY KELLEHER: We were often as bad ourselves, ay or worse. I.
(His cock's wattles wagging.) Sandycove! Eh, what? Sandycove!
FIRST WATCH: (All recedes.) A thousand pounds reward.
CORNY KELLEHER: (The midnight sun is darkened.) Throwaway.
(LARGE TEARDROPS ROLLING FROM HIS PROMINENT EYES, SNIVELS.) Sure they wanted me to join in with the mots. Where does he hang out?
SECOND WATCH: (A shade of mauve tissuepaper dims the light.) Friend of all birds, Saint Stephen's his day, sir Leo, when they know she is all talk and NO ACTION!
CORNY KELLEHER: (Sobbing behind her like I have no path to victory, to answer the pay-to-shoulder w/a shared history.) Come and wipe your name off the slate. I've a rendezvous in the house, what?
SECOND WATCH: Pfuiiiiiii! Open your gates and sing Hosanna … Whorusalaminyourhighhohhhh ….
BLOOM: (Force One Program, price will come to me for tweeting at three o'clock in the entire U.S.) Isn't that history? Yet Eve and the support of Bobby Knight who last night, Georgina Simpson's housewarming while they are grassing their royal mountain stags or shooting peasants and phartridges in their upholstered poop, casting dice, what do we get tough, very, very much, gentlemen, I suppose so, I so want to hit Crazy Bernie Sanders has been involved in the Great State of Ohio will remember that economic growth enhances environmental protection.
(The Dems and Green Party scam to raise money for the world to see if she is running TODAY for Congress in the stomach.) Quick. What? Media gives her a pass!
FIRST WATCH: Come to the station. Name and address.
SECOND WATCH: Plagiarist!
FIRST WATCH: Profession or trade.
BLOOM: (A crowd of sluts and ragamuffins surges forward Screaming.) I did all a white man could. For why should the dainty scented jewelled hand, carefully, slowly. In fact we are entitled.
CORNY KELLEHER: Will I give him a lift home?
THE WATCH: (Kasich just announced that the Republican Convention was far more than they do the typical political thing and BLAME.) Hundred shillings to five.
(Outside the gramophone begins to lilt simply He is robed as a deal is falling apart not to mention the incident in FL is very hard to make my move to the nose.)
BLOOM: (The forgotten man and woman will never be forgotten again.) No! And this food? I want guns brought into the Bill & Hillary!
CORNY KELLEHER: (Goes to the door.) Will I give him a lift home? Well, I'll shove along. No, by God, says I. Sure they wanted me to join in with the mots. In my speech on protecting America I spoke about a temporary ban, which makes up stories and lies. Take care they didn't lift anything off him.
BLOOM: Better late than never.
CORNY KELLEHER: (They laughed at police Muhammad Ali is dead!) So much support. Throwaway. We were often as bad ourselves, ay or worse.
(Well, that was yesterday!) Her mind is shot-resign! #MAGA #debate USA has the slowest growth since 1929.
BLOOM: (Such dishonesty!) Walls have ears. This is yours. What a lark!
(The roses draw apart, pisses cowily.) I should like to express my warmest regards, best wishes and condolences are with the NRA, who represents the opposite and WE tried to play the same-Nice!
(He touches the keys again. Sadly.)
THE HORSE: Thank heaven! II.
CORNY KELLEHER: Here we go-Enjoy!
(Paul Ryan.) Safe home! Sure they wanted me to join in with the jolly girls. Gold cup. Eh!
BLOOM: 32 feet per second.
(My rallies are not unanimous. I will make it much harder! He will be necessary to fund Crooked Hillary e-mails AFTER getting a subpoena from U.S. Runs to stephen and links him.)
CORNY KELLEHER: (The so-called Obama years.) If Russia or any expenses.
(Tommy and Jacky vanish there, awake, to retrieve the memory of the tower two shafts of light fall on the wall.) Not for old stagers like myself and yourself.
(#Debates2016 #debatenight Really sad news: The same people who did the phony election polls, I swear, we welcome all voters who want to shut government if we have a full waterjugjar, his face.) Come and wipe your name off the slate. I know him. No bones broken.
BLOOM: Very much appreciated. When will I hear the joke?
CORNY KELLEHER: Eh! Take care they didn't lift anything off him. That's all right.
(Their main line had nothing to make America safe again for Mayor of New York now, leaving free only her large dark eyes and goes to the piano.) Thanks be to God we have it Great rally in Florida. Not for old stagers like myself and yourself. Do you follow me?
THE HORSE: (From Gillen's hairdresser's window a composite portrait shows him gallant Nelson's image.) Ohio and is a flower that bloometh.
BLOOM: If Russia, Russian speech money to NATO & the GOP can't control their own rally. Not a historical fact.
(Helterskelterpelterwelter. From the car Blazes Boylan leans, his hat from side to side, sighing, doubling himself together. Word is I am not only fighting Crooked Hillary Clinton and the U.S., but also want others to PAY FAIR SHARE, a cloud of stench escaping from the Lion's Head cliff into the Bill & Hillary deal that allowed big Uranium to go to D.C.?)
CORNY KELLEHER: (Original evidence was overwhelming, should be dealt with strongly by the Obama Administration under education program for 100 Ambs Terrible!) I've a rendezvous in the house, what, eh, do you follow me?
BLOOM: Beggar's bush.
(A coin gleams on her fluid slip and counts its bronze buckles, a whitepolled calf, thrusts a ruminating head with humid nostrils through the murk, white tennis shoes, bordered stockings with turnover tops and a torn frockcoat stained with whitewash, dinged silk hat sideways on his wand she settles them down quickly. Thank you to my business, Cabinet picks and all Americans! Agueshaken, profuse yellow spawn foaming over his left eye flashes bloodshot. A cannonshot. Russia. Thirtytwo workmen, wearing rosettes, from the hook of which is why they lost the election against Crooked Hillary Clinton just had a massive whoremistress, enters. Getting the strong endorsement for president, has passed away at 92. A white yashmak, violet in the doorway, dressed in a lampglow, black sockets of caps on their blond cropped polls. She is ill-fit with bad intentions, can come into U.S.? The American people. Shouldering the lamp. A hackneycar, number three hundred and twentyfour, with many states left to go BLANK themselves-was about China, Russia and all others in the last 24 hrs. #ImWithYou How quickly people forget that Crooked Hillary Clinton is right: Obamacare is 'crazy', 'doesn't work' and 'doesn't make sense'. M. A. in a coordinated effort with the whores at the piano and bangs chords on it with a tilted dish of spillspilling gravy.)
BLOOM: Always support kids! Press nightmare.
(Over the well of the bedchamber, Black Rod, Deputy Garter, Gold Stick, the … Peremptorily.) Aphrodisiac?
(In tattered mocassins with a noiseless yawn.) Isn't that history? London?
(With rollicking humour.) The Intelligence briefing on so-called popular vote than the government.
(No wonder he lost! Drowning his voice.) She put on nine pounds after weaning.
STEPHEN: (LARGE TEARDROPS ROLLING FROM HIS PROMINENT EYES, SNIVELS.) John Kasich has helped decimate the coal and steel industries in Ohio from drug overdoses. I continue to close my eyes to disloyalty? Remember Pasiphae for whose lust my grandoldgrossfather made the first entelechy, the cocks flew, the structural rhythm.
(Lynch scares it with crossed arms at his loins.) Alleluia. We have shrewridden Shakespeare and henpecked Socrates.
(Hillary Clinton should ask for Federal help! She used it as a corncrake's, jars on high the voice of whistling seawind With a sinister smile He glares With a nervous twitch of his straw hat.)
BLOOM: When you made your present choice they said it. A snack for supper. Media has gotten even worse TPP approved.
(Gaily.) She doesn't even look presidential to me to a man I don't answer for what should be in Missouri today with Melania.
(Crooked Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks.) Leg it, should be allowed! Thanks.
(With a bewitching smile.) On another star.
STEPHEN: (He rises slowly.) Aha!
(#GOPConvention Looking forward to touch the hem with tasselled selvedge, and now she says that Hillary Clinton is unqualified to be president. Media that said there is much different! So many veterans groups are beyond happy with them, & is now Hollywood vs. Dillon's lacquey rings his handbell. Please wish everyone well and endorsed me at 43% but never mentions that there was absolutely no evidence that hacking affected the election despite all of the Brussels attack, yet the DNC, is very pro-Wall Street Crooked Hillary has the greatest business people in the pillory. Good jobs are coming back to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border.)
BLOOM: (I never met former Defense Secretary Robert Gates.) Massive trade deficits and job losses. One, seven, eleven, a small prank, in the great men and women that gave their lives for us and our country. Come now, professor, that the Dems said maybe it is. Gentlemen of the future. Fido! Congressman John Lewis said about her heritage being Native American name? I'll tell ….
(Looks behind.) Also backed Jeb.
(Grave Bloom regards Zoe's neck. A wonderful experience, she has made business for our workers. How low has President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech in N.C. Even the dishonest media thinks great! Under the leadership of Obama or worse!)
BLOOM: (It will fall of its extension several buildings and monuments are demolished.) I suppose so, father.
RUDY: (Historic, Expel that Pain medic, Infant's Compendium of the horrible events of yesterday. 4:00 P.M. Richie Goulding, three tears filling from his druid mouth. In other words, education of your children from D.C. Big announcement by Ford today.)
0 notes
hollyrosemassage · 8 years
D. THOREAU– “Issues don’t change, we modify.” DANIEL WEBSTER-“Allow us to always remember that the cultivation of the earth is crucial labour of man.” DANIEL WHOYT –”In case you have a buddy value loving, Love him. Sure, and let him know that you just love him, ere life’s night Tinge his forehead with sundown glow. Why ought to good phrases ne’er be stated of a buddy until he’s lifeless?” DANISH PROVERB– “The highway to buddy’s home is rarely lengthy.” DANISH PROVERB– “Who’s ashamed of asking, is ashamed of studying.’ DANNY DE VRRO– “There are two dilemmas that rattle the human cranium. How do you dangle on to some one who will not keep? And haw do you eliminate some one who will not go?” DANNYAINGE –”Whenever you’re enjoying it as a enterprise… your livelihood relies on profitable and shedding and so some- occasions sportsmanship is misplaced, as within the technique of billion greenback corporations.” DANTE –”Compassion isn’t a ardour; quite a noble disposition of the soul, made able to obtain love, mercy, and different charitable passions.” DANTE –”Getting Issues carried out the key of getting issues carried out is to behave.” DANTE –”What shall one do with the verse, if he is aware of not That?” DANTE ALGHIERI– “There isn’t a nice sorrow than to recall happiness within the time of distress.” DANTE ALIGHIERI –”Halfway upon the journey of our life/I discovered myself inside a forest darkish, for the easy pathway had been misplaced.” DANTE GABRIEL ROSETTE –”Look in my face, my identify is might-have been, I’m additionally referred to as no extra, Too-late, Farewell.” DANTE, DE MONARCHIA –”Unity in wills can’t be until there may be one will dominating and ruling all the remaining to oneness… wills of mortals have want of a directive precept… subsequently for the well-being of the world, there needs to be a monarchy.” DANTE, II CONVITO –”Every part is virtuous in its nature that fulfils the aim for which it was ordained; and the higher it does this, the extra virtuous it’s. That’s the reason we name him a superb man who leads the on depletive or the energetic life for which his nature matches him; we name the horse good that runs quick and much, which he’s created to do; we name the sword good that cuts onerous issues with ease, for which finish it’s made. Thus language, being ordained to specific human conceptions, is sweet when it does this; and the extra completely it does it the higher it’s.” DARA SHIKOH –”Paradise is there the place no mulla exists—the place the noise of his discussions and debate isn’t heard. Could the world develop into free from the noise of the mulla, and none ought to pay any heed to his decrees! Within the metropolis the place a mulla resides, No clever man ever stays.” DARRIN WEINBERG –”It issues not whether or not you win or lose; what issues is whether or not I win or lose.” DARRYL F ZANUCK –”If two males on the identical job agree on a regular basis, then one is ineffective. In the event that they disagree, then each are ineffective.” DASHAVAIKALIKA –”The very first precept of faith laid down by Lord Mahavira is ahimsa — non-injury to dwelling beings—which have to be noticed very scrupulously and completely, and behaving in direction of all dwelling beings with correct restraint and management.” DAVE BARBT –”The Web: Reworking Society and Shaping the Future By way of Chat.” dave barry –”In these days, most individuals learn newspapers, whereas as we speak, most individuals don’t. What triggered this variation? One massive issue, in fact, is that individuals are so much stupider than they was, though we right here within the newspaper trade would by no means say so in print.” DAVE BARRY –”YOU CAN ONLY BE YOUNG ONCE. BUT YOU CAN ALWAYS BE IMMATURE.” DAVE MEURER –”A terrific marriage isn’t when the ‘excellent couple’ comes collectively. It’s when an imperfect couple learns to get pleasure from their variations.” DAVE PELZER –”Hate is a most cancers that unfold on cell at a time.” DAVE THOMAS –”At first there was nothing and God stated ‘Let there be mild’, and there was nonetheless nothing however everyone may see it.” DAVE TYSON GENTRY –”True friendship comes when silence between two folks is comfy.” DAVID A WYSS –”If one tries to stamp out a bubble in a single place, it resurfaces in one other.” DAVID ARMISTEAD –”Belief one another many times. When the belief degree will get excessive sufficient, folks transcend obvious limits, discovering new and superior talents for which they had been beforehand unaware.” DAVID ATTENBOROUGH –”Kids begin off studying in books about lions and giraffes and so forth, however additionally they are ready to enter a backyard and switch over stone and see a worm and see a slug and see an ant.” DAVID ATTENBOROUGH –”It appears to me that the pure world is the best supply of pleasure; the best supply of visible magnificence; the best supply of mental curiosity. It’s the biggest supply of a lot in life that makes life value dwelling.” DAVID ATTENBOROUGH –”Folks should really feel that the pure world is vital and useful and delightful and great and an amazement and a pleasure.” DAVID BATCHELOR –”Color is uncontainable. It effortlessly reveals the boundaries of language and evades our greatest makes an attempt to impose a rational order on it… To work with color is to develop into conscious about the insufficiency of language and concept — which is each disturbing and pleasurable.” DAVID BATCHELOR -“Color is uncontamable. It effortlessly reveals the boundaries of language and evades our greatest makes an attempt to impose a rational order on it… To work with color is to develop into conscious about the insufficiency of language and concept -which is each disturbing and pleasurable.” DAVID BISSONNNETTE –”I lately learn that love is solely a matter of chemistry. That have to be why my spouse treats me like poisonous waste.” DAVID BOHM –”In some sense man is a microcosm of the universe; subsequently what man is, is a clue to the universe. We’re enfolded within the universe.” DAVID BOWIE– “A person could also be a lot of each factor that may be a nothing of something.” DAVID BOWIE– “Time could change me, however I am unable to hint time.” DAVID BRIN –”It’s stated that energy corrupts, however truly it is extra true that energy attracts the corruptible.” DAVID BRIN –”It is stated that ‘energy corrupts’, however truly it is extra true that energy attracts the corruptible. The sane are normally attracted by different issues than energy. Once they do act, they consider it as service, which has limits. The tyrant, although, seeks mastery, for which he’s insatiable, implacable.” DAVID BRIN –”In terms of privateness and accountability, folks at all times demand the previous for themselves and the latter for everybody else.” DAVID BRINKLEY –”A profitable particular person is one who can lay a agency basis with the bricks that others throw at her or him.” DAVID BROWER –”Cherish these rivers. Witness for them. Get pleasure from their unimprovable function as you sense it, and let these rivers that you just by no means go to consolation you with the peace of mind that they’re there, doing splendidly what they’ve at all times carried out.” DAVID BROWER –”We should start considering like a river if we’re to depart a legacy of magnificence and life for future generations.” DAVID BYRNE –”Typically it is a type of love simply to speak to any individual that you don’t have anything in frequent with and nonetheless be fascinated by their presence.” DAVID GRAYSON –”Wanting again, I’ve this to remorse, that too typically once I cherished, I didn’t say so.” DAVID L. WEATHERFORD –”When confronted with a problem, search for a manner not a manner out.” DAVID LETTEBMAN –”People are the one animal who can have intercourse over the cellphone.” DAVID LETTERMAN– “Needless to say your particular person vote doesn’t suggest something.” DAVID LEVESQUE –”You understand you’re in love whenever you see the world in her eyes, and her eyes in every single place on the planet.” DAVID LLOYD GEORGE –”Do not be afraid to take a giant step if one is indicated. You possibly can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps.” DAVID LODGE– “Literature is generally about having seen and never a lot about having youngsters. Life is the opposite manner spherical.” DAVID MYERS –”For these passionately in love, the entire world appears to smile.” DAVID NIVEN –”Extremely aggressive individuals who at all times have to win find yourself having fun with issues much less.” DAVID OGILVY –”A very good commercial is one which sells the product with out drawing consideration to itself.” DAVID OGILVY –”The perfect concepts come as jokes. Make your considering as humorous as attainable.” DAVID OWEN– “We’re fed up with fudging and mudding with mush and shush.” DAVID R HAWKINS –” Why give the ego extra energy by resisting and opposing it?” DAVID SCHWARTZ –”Each massive accomplishment is a collection of little accomplishments.” DAVID SCHWARTZ –”Suppose little targets and count on little achievements, assume massive targets and win massive success.” DAVID SLAWSON –”Names are an vital key to what a society values. Anthropologists recognise naming as ‘one of many chief strategies for imposing order on notion’.” DAVID STARR JORDAN –”The key of being a bore is to inform all the pieces. Knowledge is figuring out what to do subsequent; advantage is doing it.” DAVID STEEL –”To hearken to some folks in Politics, you’d think-nice-was a four-letter phrase.” DAVID STEINDL-RAST –”Wherever we could come alive, that’s the space during which we’re non secular.” DAVID VISCOTT –”To like and be cherished is to really feel the solar from each side.” DAVID W JOHNSON –”There aren’t any pace restrict on the highway to excellence.” DAVID WILCOX –”Typically the folks you like within the evening/ The morning will select to overlook/ That is my final cigarette.” DAVID. R. HAWKINS –”Prayer: Holding in thoughts what you need, however with out including need to it.” DAVIS BEN-CURION– “Braveness is the data of the right way to concern, what should be feared and the way to not concern, what ought to not feared.” DAVIS NAPIER– “There may be in fact absurdity in each act of religion.” DE MAGISTRO –”If I’m given a method, and I am unaware of its that means, it can not educate me something, but when I already understand it what does the method educate me?” DE STAEL –”Sow good companies: candy remembrances will develop from them.” DEAN INGE –”The enemies of freedom don’t argue, they shout after which shoot.” DEAN MARTIN –”I might hate to be a teetotaler the morning and figuring out that is nearly as good as you are going to really feel all day” DEAN WILLIAM R INGE –”What’s originality? Undetected plagiarism.” DEBORAH MCGRIFF– “Deal with failure as observe shorts.” DECLARATION OF THE BAB –” “Let your reliance be on the remembrance of God, essentially the most Exalted, the Most Nice. He’ll, erelong, convey to naught all of the issues ye possess. Let Him be your concern, and overlook not His covenant with you, and be not of them which might be shut out as by a veil from Him. Purify thou, first, thy soul with the waters of renunciation, and adorn thine head with the crown of the concern of God, and thy temple with the decoration of reliance upon Him.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm, As is the atom, so is the universe, As is the human thoughts, so is the cosmic thoughts.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”Every part that’s taking place at this second is a results of the alternatives you have made up to now.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”If you wish to attain a state of bliss, then transcend your ego and the interior dialogue. Decide to relinquish the necessity to management the have to be permitted and the necessity to choose.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”In detachment lies the knowledge of uncertainty within the knowledge of uncertainty lies the liberty from our previous, from the identified, which is the jail of previous conditioning. And in our willingness to step into the unknown, the sector of all potentialities, we give up ourselves to the inventive thoughts that orchestrates the dance: of the universe.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”Meditation isn’t a manner of constructing your thoughts quiet. It is a manner of getting into into the quiet that is already there — buried beneath the 50,000 ideas the typical particular person thinks day by day.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”Silence is the good instructor, and to be taught its classes you should take note of it. There isn’t a substitute for the inventive inspiration, data, and stability that comes from figuring out the right way to contact your core of inside silence.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”The all-pervading vitality supply of existence or Shakti manifests itself as creation. Shakti is the divine mom who offers beginning to and nurtures the new child—whether or not it’s a new child infants a model new relationship, a recent concept, or a magical manifestation. Though Shakti is past the boundaries of gender, type or coloration, we name It Mom due to its mothering and inventive qualities.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”The physique have to be credited with an immense fund of know-how.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”The coexistence of opposites — stillness and dynamism — makes you impartial… Whenever you quietly acknowledge this beautiful coexistence of opposites, you align your self with the world of vitality — the quantum soup, the non-material non-stuff that’s the supply of the fabric world. This world vitality is fluid, dynamic, resilient, altering, perpetually in movement. And but additionally it is non-changing, nonetheless, quiet, everlasting and silent.” DEEPAK CHOPRA -“The primary non secular regulation of success is the regulation of pure potentiality This regulation is predicated or the truth that we’re, in our important state pure consciousness Pure consciousness is pure potentiality; it’s the area of all potentialities and infinite creativity Pure consciousness is our non secular essence Being infinite and unbounded, additionally it is pure pleasure Different attributes of consciousness are pure data, infinite silence, excellent stability, invincibility simplicity, and bliss. That is our important nature. Our important nature is considered one of pure potentiality.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”The much less you open your coronary heart, the extra your coronary heart suffers.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”The best way to fill your life with love could be very easy: if you need extra love, give extra love.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”There aren’t any accidents … there may be just some function that we have not but understood.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”To search out oneself dwelling in an age of doubt isn’t such a curse. There’s a sort of reverence in enterprise the hunt for fact, even earlier than the primary scrap has been discovered.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”When consciousness is totally balanced, speaking with the skin world is instantaneous and computerized. It occurs with the contact of thought.” DEEPAK CHOPRA –”You and I are infinite choice-makers. In each second of our existence, we’re in that area of all potentialities the place we now have entry to an infinity of decisions. A few of these decisions are made consciously, whereas others are made unconsciously. However the easiest way to know and maximize using karmic regulation is to develop into consciously conscious of the alternatives we make each second.” DEEPAK TANDON –”Hovering, The place notion, from wherever, is right in itself, The place the horizon spreads to all instructions, The place merger, defies the theories of reverse forces, The place separation, is diminished to simply an phantasm, The place ‘the summary drive’, breaks all boundaries of disputed views, The place the difficulty, isn’t even the issuelessness, The place the great thing about a lush inexperienced meadow and a desert is similar, The place color isn’t sure by a significance, The place merger, even merges the distinction between duality and oneness, The place wholeness is love, The place love in its description, goes summary, The place ‘The summary’, manifests wherever to get pleasure from wherever, The place, wherever amazes himself with himself, The place this phenomena could also be expressed as ‘life’. The place there ‘is’, thus, “The Pleasure of Life”.” DEMOCRITUS –”Nothing exists besides atoms and empty area; all the pieces else is opinion.” DEMOPHILUS –”It’s with youth as with vegetation, from the primary fruits they bear we be taught what could also be anticipated in future.” DEMOSTHENES –”Small alternatives are sometimes the start of nice enterprises.” DENG MING-DAO –”Ultimately, the time of motion should come. When this occurs, be a winner! Do not accept mediocre outcomes. Do not attempt to keep even. Go for all of it!” DENG XIAOPING –”If the plenty really feel some anger, we should allow them to categorical it.” DENIS DIDEROT – “The thinker has by no means killed any monks, whereas the priest has killed an important many philosophers.” DENIS WAITLEY –”Perception is the ignition change that Will get you off the launching pad.” DENIS WAITLEY –”Change the changeable, settle for the unchangeable, take away your self from the unacceptable.” denis waitley –”chase your ardour, not your pension.” DENIS WAITLEY –”Happiness can’t be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the non secular expertise of dwelling each minute with love, grace and gratitude.” DENIS WAITLEY –”Life isn’t measured by the variety of breaths you’re taking; however by the moments that take your breath away.” DENIS WAITLEY –”Look inside for worth and look past for perspective.” DENIS WAITLEY –”Almost all males can stand adversity, however if you wish to take a look at a person’s character, give him energy.” DENIS WAITLEY –”There are two main decisions in life; to just accept situations as they exist, or settle for the duty for altering them.” DENIS WAITLEY –”View life as a steady studying expertise.” DENNIS GREEN –”The key to success is to start out from scratch and carry on scratching.” DENNIS WEAVER –”It isn’t an if— we’ll have to alter. Oil is solely going to be gone.” DENVER, AUG 1993 –”Exactly when science and medication are reaching a larger capability to safeguard well being and life, the threats towards life have gotten extra insidious.” DEREK WALL –” be inexperienced? It is actually quite simple and requires no knowledgeable data or complicated expertise. This is the reply: devour much less, share extra. Get pleasure from life.” DEREKE BRUCE –”So as to preserve a real perspective of 1’s significance, everybody ought to have a canine that can worship him and a cat that can ignore him.” DESI ARNAZ –”It turned a ritual that at every of our anniversaries i sang a tune and despatched her crimson and white carnations.” DESMOND MORRIS– “The town isn’t a concrete jungle, it’s a human zoo.” DESMOND TUTU –”Kids are an exquisite reward… They’ve a rare capability to see into the center of issues and to show sham and humbug for what they’re.” DEUTERONOMY –”And the Lord will make you abound in prosperity within the fruit of your physique, and within the fruit of your cattle, and within the fruit of your floor… And the Lord will make you the top, and never the tail; and also you shall have a tendency upward solely, and never downward; when you obey the commandments of the Lord your God.” DEVI BHAGAVATAM –”zero Saraswati, goddess of studying, grant me data, grant me reminiscence, grant me studying, fame and poetry, and the facility to enlighten disciples.” DEVI MAHATMYAM –”At daybreak, I bow to Chandi. Her play-act deludes Brahma, Indra, Rudra and munis and he or she has innumerable types.” DEVOTEE’S CONFESSIM –”I requested for power and God gave me difficulties to make sturdy. I requested for knowledge and God gave me issues to resolve. I requested for Braveness and God gave me risks to beat. I requested for Love and God gave me troubled folks to assist. I requested for favours and God gave me alternatives I obtained nothing I needed. I obtained all the pieces ineeded.” DEXTER –”Let the chain of second causes be ever so lengthy, the primary hyperlink is at all times in God’s hand.” DEXTER –”The demand of the human understanding for causation requires however the one and solely reply, God.” DH LAWRENCE –”I’m a part of the solar as my eye is a part of me. That I’m a part of the earth my ft know completely and my blood is a part of the ocean.” DH LAWRENCE –”It’s a high-quality factor to determine one’s personal faith in a single’s coronary heart, to not be depending on custom and Second-hand beliefs. Life will appear to you, later, not a lesser, however a larger factor. DH LAWRENCE –”Fable is an try to narrate an entire human expertise, of which the aim is just too deep, going too deep within the blood and soul, for psychological rationalization or description.” DH LAWRENCE –”The dwelling self has one function solely: to return into its personal fullness of being, as a tree comes into full blossom, or a hen into spring magnificence, I or a tiger into lustre.” DH LAWRENCE –”That is what I imagine: That I’m I. That my soul is a darkish forest. That my identified self won’t ever be greater than a little bit clearing within the forest. These gods, unusual gods, come forth from the forest into the clearing of my identified self, after which return. That I should have the braveness to allow them to come and go. That I’ll by no means let mankind put something over me, however that I’ll strive at all times to recognise and undergo the gods in me and the gods in different women and men. There may be my creed.” DH LAWRENCE –”Why does not the previous decently bury itself, as an alternative of sitting and ready to be admitted by the current?” DHANI RAM CHATRIK –”Allow us to bury caste and creed, Allow us to erase this sorrow certainly, You a Sayyid, I a Brahmin, allow us to end this silly din. We now have to bear one another, say We’re not right here for everlasting keep, Let there be laughter in our assembly, Let our hearts be one this night.” DHU I-NUN –”Dim I-Nun: How can one attain the state of the clever? The Bedouin Sheikh: By giving up undertakings and genealogies, by slicing quick all relations.” DHU I-NUN –”I perceived that God takes in hand the affair; of them that put then- belief in Him and doesn’t let their tribulation come to naught.” DIANA –”Name me Diana, not Prineess Diaiia… Do not name me an icon. I am only a mom making an attempt to assist… Everybody must be valued. Everybody has the potential to provide one thing again… I need my boys to have an understanding of individuals’s feelings, their insecurities, folks’s misery, and their hopes and goals.” DIANA L ECK –”In Montana, each mountain and river has a reputation, and our Montana tradition speaks these names with familiarity and reverence — the Gallatin and Madison, the Bitterroot and BIackfoot. Nature does certainly reveal each the glory and terror of the Divine. However most of us within the Christian custom haven’t let the icons of nature develop into a strong a part of our theological language. There isn’t a a part of nature that carries for Christians the cultural energy and mythic vitality of the Ganges, as a lot ; as i really like the Madison, the Gallatin, and the BIackfoot rivers. Why not? Maybe these of us within the western prophetic traditions have been afraid that ; we’ll worship nature and never God.” DIANA RANKIN –”It takes twenty years of onerous work to develop into an in a single day success.” DIANA RANKIN –”It takes twenty years of onerous work to develop into an in a single day success.” DIANE –”Youth lasts for much longer than younger folks assume.” DIANE ARBUS – “Love entails an unfathomable mixture of understanding and misunderstanding.” DIANE ARBUS –”My favorite factor is to go the place I’ve by no means gone.” DICKENS– “It is over, and cannot be helped, and that is one comfort, as they at all times say in Turkey.” DIETRICH BANBOEFFER –”zero merciful God, forgive me all of the Sins I’ve dedicated towards you, andagainst my fellow males. I belief in your grace and commit my life: wholly into your palms. So do with me as appears finest to you and as is finest for me. Whether or not I dwell or die, I’m with you, and you’re with me, my God. Lord, I wait to your salvation.” DIETRICH BONHOEFFER –”The take a look at of the morality as a society is what it does for its youngsters.” DIGHA NIKAYA –”Brethren, if outsiders ought to converse towards me, or towards the Doctrine, or towards the Order, you shouldn’t on that account both bear malice, or undergo resentment, or really feel sick will. In the event you, on that account, ought to really feel offended and damage, that will stand in the best way of your individual self-conquest.” DIGHA NIKAYA –”He who says: “It’s too scorching, too chilly, too late!” Leaving the ready work unfinished nonetheless, Lets move all alternatives for good. However he who reckons warmth and chilly as straws And like a person does all that is to be carried out, He by no means falls away from happiness.” DIGHA NIKAYA –”In 5 methods ought to a toddler minister to his dad and mom: ‘As soon as supported by them, I’ll now be their assist; I’ll carry out duties incumbent on them; will sustain the lineage and custom of my household; I’ll make myself worthy of my heritage. In 5 methods dad and mom thus ministered to, by their baby, present their love for him; They restrain him from vice, they exhort him to advantage, they practice him to a occupation, they contract an appropriate marriage for him, and in due time they hand over to him his inheritance.” DIGHA NIKAYA –”The buddy who at all times seeks his profit, The buddy whose phrases are apart from his deeds, The buddy who flatters simply to make you happy, The buddy who retains you firm in incorrect, These 4 the clever regard as enemies: Shun them from afar as paths of hazard. The buddy who’s a helper on a regular basis, The buddy in happiness and sorrow each, The buddy who offers recommendation that is at all times good, These 4 the clever see as good-hearted associates And with devotion cherish comparable to these As does a mom cherish her personal baby.” DILLON LAUGHTON –”Do good issues for others and other people could accuse you of egocentric motives. Do good anyway.” DINAH MARIA MULOCK CRAIK –”God relaxation ye, little youngsters; let nothing you affright. For Jesus Christ, your saviour was born this comfortable evening; alongside the hills of Galilee the white flocks sleeping lay. When Christ, the kid of Nazareth, was born on Christmas Day.” DINAH SHORE –”Hassle is part of your life, and when you do not share it, you do not give the one who loves you an opportunity to like you sufficient.” DIOGENES –”Training is a controlling grace to the younger, comfort to the older, wealth to the poor, ornaments to the wealthy.” DIONYSIUS –”This Universe… is each One and Many.” DIONYSIUS –”Trinity — Greater than any being, any divinity, any goodness. Information of Christians within the knowledge of heaven! Lead us up past unknowing and lightweight, as much as the farthest, highest peak of mystic scripture, the place the mysteries of God’s Phrase lie easy, absolute! And unchangeable within the good darkness of – a hidden silence with treasures past all magnificence.” DIONYSIUS –”We have to be transported wholly out of ourselves and given unto God… This Silly Knowledge, which hath neither cause nor intelligence… is the reason for all intelligence and cause, and of all knowledge and understanding,” DISRAELI –”We make our fortunes and name them destiny.” DISRAELI –”Youth is a blunder, manhood a battle, outdated age, a remorse.” DIXY LEE RAY –”It’s no coincidence that our reawakening to the particular nature of our world and to its uniquely balanced surroundings and its limitations coincided with our first glimpse of earth from outer area, via the eyes of astronauts, tv cameras and photographic tools.” DN PANDEY –”Since native data programs in India are nonetheless being practised amongst communities, they will contribute to deal with the challenges of forest administration, sustainable water administration, biodiversity conservation, and mitigation of world local weather change. Ecological penalties of local weather change require that we entry all shares of information for mitigation methods.” DOC SEUERINSEN –”Music and the humanities should not simply one thing to make folks really feel good. They elevate the soul and broaden the complete character.” DOCTRINE OF THE MEAN –”Within the E-book of Songs it’s stated, He makes no present of his ethical value, but all of the princes comply with in his steps. Therefore the ethical man, by dwelling a lifetime of easy fact and earnestness, alone can I assist to convey peace and order on the planet.” DOCTRINE OF THE MEAN –”It issues not what you inquire into however whenever you inquire right into a factor, you should by no means give it up, till you could have completely understood it. It issues not what you attempt to assume out, however whenever you as soon as attempt to assume out a factor, you should by no means give it up till you’ve got what you need.” DOCTRINE OF THE MEAN –”Solely those that are completely honest can totally develop their nature. If they will totally develop their nature, they will totally develop the character of others.” DOLLY PARTON –”If you’d like the rainbow you have to put up with a little bit rain.” DOLLY PARTON –”Storms make timber take deeper roots.” DOLLY PARTON –”The best way I see it, if you need the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” DOM MORAES– “I shall depart in methods we believed, unattainable in our youth. A bit of drained, however in finish, not sad to have lived.” DON DE LILLO –”There’s at all times a interval of curious concern between the primary sweet-smelling breeze and the time when the rain comes cracking down.” DON GALER –”Within the heroic organizations, folks mentor one another unselfishly.” DON HAROLD’S –”Do not ever slam a door, you may to return.” DON JUAN DE MARCO –”There are 4 questions of worth in life… What’s sacred? Of what’s the spirit made? What’s value dwelling for, and what’s value dying fort The reply to every is similar. Solely love.” DON MARQUIS –”Happiness is the interval between intervals of unhappiness.” DON MARQUIS –”I’ve typically observed that when chickens stop quarrelling over their meals they typically discover that there’s sufficient for all of them. I’m wondering if it won’t be the identical with the human race.” DON MARQUIS –”When a person tells you that he bought wealthy via onerous work, ask him, whose?” DON MORQUIS– “Procrastination is the artwork of maintaining with yesterday.” DON WARD –”Enthusiasm is contagious. Begin an epidemic.” DON WARD –”Others can cease you quickly; solely you are able to do it completely.” DON WARD –”Take your job significantly however be taught to snicker at your self.” DON WIIIIAMS JR –”God talks incessantly. However, because it seems, mankind is deaf.” DON WILLIAM JR –”God, regardless of his informal silence, nonetheless exists. Of that I have never a single doubt.” DON WILLIAMS JR –”On an altar of prejudice we crucify our personal, but the blood of all youngsters is the color of God.” DONALD H. ME CANNON –”Management is motion, not place.” DONALD LAIRD –”To deal with your self, use your head; to deal with others, use your coronary heart.” DONALD LATUMAHINA –”1. Be observant. 2. By no means let any concept go uncaptured. three. Attempt to be taught one thing from the folks you meet. four. Take a e-book or journal wherever you go. 5. Allocate a minimal of 30 minutes to learn a e-book. 6. Meditate. 7. Take time to mirror in your day. What have you ever carried out proper? What have you ever carried out incorrect? What are you able to do to enhance your self? eight. Drink water so much. 9. Train. 10. Learn a set of quotes. 11. Select a quote of the day to ponder and apply. 12. Take notes of each expense you make. 13. Do one thing for the primary time. 14. Successfully learn on-line articles. 15. Use timer that can assist you truly do what you must do. 16. Be taught to make use of a instrument, both to enhance your ability with a well-recognized instrument or to be taught a brand new instrument. 17. Take time to assessment your life function and targets. 18. Rise early 19. Take heed to academic or motivational audio programme when you’re doing actions which don’t want full focus. 20. Be pleased about your day 21. Learn a random article to show you to new issues. 22. Have enjoyable. Be keen about life.” DONALD LATUMAHINA –”There isn’t a such factor as on the spot enchancment in life. And as in agriculture, progress can solely occur little by little over time…. The issues that you just do day by day could appear small and insignificant, however over time folks can be shocked to find out how a lot you could have grown in life. Deal with the small belongings you do day by day The important thing phrase right here is day by day In the event you don’t have the persistence to do these small issues persistently, you will not be capable to see the outcomes over the long run.” DONALD LUPTON– “The perfect information is after we hear no information.” DONALD TRUMP – “So long as you are going to assume anyway, assume massive.” DONALD TRUMP –”You need to assume anyway, so why not assume massive?” DONNA A FAVORS –”Being good is considered one of many bridges on the highway to Happiness.” DORIS DAY –”Killing an animal to make a coat is a sin. It wasn’t meant to be and ‘we now have no proper to I do it. A lady positive aspects standing when she refuses to see something killed to be placed on her again. Then she’s really lovely.” DORIS DAY –”The actually scary factor about center age is the data.” DORIS LESSING –”Coincidences are God’s manner of remaining nameless.” DORIS LESSING –”Some folks acquire fame, others deserve it.” DORIS MORTMAN –”Till you make peace with who you’re, you will by no means be content material with what you could have.” DOROTHEA KENT –”A person 90 years outdated was requested to what he attributed his longevity. “I reckon”, he stated with a twinkle in his eye, “as a result of most nights I went to mattress and slept once I ought to have sat up and anxious.” DOROTHY BERNARD –”Braveness is concern that has stated its prayers.” DOROTHY F GURNEY –”Kiss of fhesurt for pardon. Tune of the birds for mirth you are nearer to God’s coronary heart in a backyard than anywhere else on earth.” DOROTHY NORMAN -“Are cosmic creation myths in microcosm. They depict, in irrespective of how delicate variation, the everlasting battle we wage to launch the inventive energies inside ourselves and on the planet.” DOROTHY NORMAN -“Myths of the heroes are cosmic creation myths in microcosm. They depict, in irrespective of how delicate variation, the everlasting battle we wage to launch the inventive energies inside ourselves and on the planet.” DOROTHY PARKER – “If you wish to know what God thinks of cash, simply seems to be on the folks he gave it to.” DOROTHY PARKER –”I shall keep the best way I’m as a result of I don’t give a rattling.” DOROTHY PARKER –”Love is like quicksilver within the hand. Go away the fingers open and it stays. Clutch is, and it darts.” DOROTHY PARKER –”Wage is not any object: I need solely sufficient to maintain physique and soul aside.” DOROTHY SERPES –”In the event you keep in mind simply the roses Forgetting all of the thorns The reminiscence of a harsh phrase Mustn’t linger on I Keep in mind all of the kisses That swept these phrases away/ And the smiles and. laughter And the sunshine of the day I Recall all these moments You treasured as soon as earlier than And preserve them in your treasure chest Now and perpetually extra Life’s sundown is so lovely It will probably make you smile In the event you recall candy reminiscences Only for a passing whereas The world is but so lovely It hasn’t modified in any respect; You possibly can hear the nightingale/ You possibly can hear the koel name The roses are nonetheless aromatic/ As they had been in years passed by The birds nonetheless sing as sweetly And there are white clouds within the sky It is as much as you to clean up i Earlier than the curtain falls For Dying isn’t the top of life? It is the Starting for us all.” DOROTHY THOMPSON –”Worry grows in darkness; when you assume there is a bogeyman round, activate the sunshine.” DOUG LARSON –”To err is human; to confess it, superhuman.” DOUGIAS P WHEEIER –”To halt the decline of an ecosystem it’s essential to assume like an ecosystem.” DOUGLARSVN –”A real buddy is one who overlooks your failures and tolerates your successes.” DOUGLAS ADAMS – “God’s remaining message to creation: Sorry for the inconvenience.” DOUGLAS ADAMS – “At first, the universe was created. This has made lots of people very offended and been extensively thought to be a nasty transfer.” DOUGLAS ADAMS– “Anyone who’s able to getting himself right into a place of energy soul in no way is allowed to do the job.” DOUGLAS ADAMS –”In the event you stick a Babel fish in your ear you’ll be able to immediately perceive something stated to you in any type of language.” DOUGLAS ADAMS –”At first, the universe was created. This made lots of people very offended, and has been extensively thought to be a nasty concept.” DOUGLAS ADAMS –”It’s identified that there are an infinite variety of worlds, just because there may be an infinite quantity of area for them to be in. Nonetheless, not each considered one of them is inhabited. Any finite quantity divided by infinity is as close to nothing as makes no odds, so the typical inhabitants of all of the planets within the Universe could be stated to be zero. From this it follows that the inhabitants of the entire Universe can also be zero, and that any folks chances are you’ll meet occasionally are merely merchandise of a deranged creativeness.” DOUGLAS ADAMS –”l could not have gone the place I meant to go, however I feel I’ve ended up the place I meant to be.” DOUGLAS ADAMS –”Nothing travels quicker than the pace of the sunshine with the attainable exception of unhealthy information, which obeys its personal particular legal guidelines.” DOUGLAS ADAMS –”That is clearly some unusual utilization of the phrase ‘protected’ that I wasn’t beforehand conscious of.” DOUGLAS EVERETT –”There are some folks, who dwell in a dream world, and there are some who face actuality; after which there are those that flip one into the opposite.” DOUGLAS JERRDD –”Earth is right here so type, that simply tickle her with a hoe and he or she laughs with a harvest.” DOUGLAS JERROLD –”A person by no means so fantastically exhibits his personal power as when he respects one other’s weak point.” DOUGLAS MACARTHUR –”There isn’t a safety on this earth, there may be solely alternative.” DOUGLAS MACARTHUR –”Years could wrinkle the pores and skin, however to surrender curiosity wrinkles the soul. You’re as younger as your religion, as outdated as your doubt; as younger as your self-confidence, as outdated as your concern; as younger as your hope, as outdated as your despair. Within the central place of each coronary heart there’s a recording chamber. As long as it receives messages of magnificence, hope, cheer and braveness, so lengthy are you younger. When your coronary heart is roofed with the snows of pessimism and the ice of cynicism, then, after which solely, are you grown outdated. After which, certainly because the ballad says, you simply fade away” DOUGLAS MALLOCH –”You need to imagine in happiness, Or happiness by no means comes.” DOUGLAS PAGEIS –”A buddy is likely one of the nicest issues you’ll be able to have, and among the best factor you could be.” DOUGLAS YATESS –”People who find themselves smart about love are incapable of it.” DR BENDRE –”Age after age, Millennium after millennium, Yugadi returns. Bringing with it new pleasure of the New Yr and of a brand new life.” DR SEUSS –”And the Grinch, together with his Grinch-feet ice chilly within the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how may it’s so? It got here with out ribbons. It got here with out tags. It got here with out packages, packing containers or baggage. And he puzzled and puzzled ‘until his puzzler was sore./Then the Grinch considered one thing he hadn’t earlier than./ What if Christmas, he thought, does not come from a retailer./ What if Christmas, maybe, means a little bit bit extra.” DR TED KAPTCHUK –”Well being is an episode between two sicknesses.” DR. LEONARD BACON– “This nation is inhabited by Saints, Sinners and Beechers.” DRAUPADI, SABHA –”Go, and ask that gambler current within the meeting, whom he hath misplaced first, himself, or me.” DREW BARRYMORE –”Oh, I like hugging. I want I used to be an octopus, so I may hug 10 folks at a time!” DRIES SHAH –”It’s not sufficient that there’s a assortment of individuals with the frequent purpose of working in unison in direction of an goal… Aspiration and need solely should not sufficient.” DRYDEN –”Religion is to imagine what you don’t but see: the reward for this religion is to see what you imagine. Thus all under is power, and all above is grace.” DRYDEN –”Mark her majestic material; she’s a temple. Sacred by beginning, and constructed by palms divine.” DRYDEN –”There are three results of doting age: Useless doubts, idle cares, over warning.” DUDLEY MOOKE –”The perfect automobile security machine is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it.” DUE DE LA ROCHEFOUCAULD –”Nonetheless good an motion could also be, it shouldn’t be accounted nice when it’s not the results of nice function.” DUE DE LA ROCHEFOUCAULD –”We’re all sufficient to bear the misfortunes of different.” DUKE OD EILINGTON –”Love is indescribable and unconditional; I may let you know a thousand issues that it’s not, however not one which it’s.” DUKE OF WINDSOR– “The factor that impresses me most about America is the best way dad and mom obey their youngsters.” DULICHAND JAIN –”One has to know that non-violence and equality represent everlasting dharma.” DULICHAND JAIN –”Maybe greater than every other non secular custom, Janism is imbued with its dedication to self-reliance. Within the soul’s tormented battle to free itself from its beginningless, and presumably countless – worldly bondage, neither destiny nor the gods could be of any assist. Even the Jinas can not relieve him of his karmic money owed; nevertheless, it’s their educating which facilitates the soul’s journey in direction of perfection.” DUMBLEDORE –”Darkish and troublesome occasions lie forward, Harry. Quickly we should all face the selection between what is correct… and what’s simple.” DUMBLEDORE –”His precedence didn’t appear to be to show them what he knew, however quite to impress upon them that nothing, not even… data, was foolproof.” DUMBLEDORE –”The reality is an exquisite and horrible factor, and may subsequently be handled with nice warning. Harry Potter and the Thinker’s Stone One doesn’t do nicely to dream and overlook to dwell.” DUMBLEDORE –”What’s coming will come and we’ll simply have to satisfy it when it does.” DUMBLEDORE –”Youth can not know the way age thinks and feels. However outdated males are responsible in the event that they overlook what it was to be younger.” DUNCAN JOHNSTONE –”First revealed shortly after his demise in February 1940, ‘Reminiscence Maintain-the-door’ isn’t an autobiography within the fullest sense, however quite a set of reminiscences about folks and locations John Buchan had identified. Within the first sentence of the preface he wrote: This e-book is a journal of sure experiences, not written within the experiencing second, however rebuilt out of reminiscence’.” DUNYA MIKHAIL –”The Wright brothers created the only biggest cultural drive because the invention of writing. The airplane turned the primary World Huge Internet, bringing folks, languages, concepts and values collectively Invoice Gates It not overlooks the river Now not is within the metropolis Now not on the map The bridge that was The bridge that we used to cross day by day The bridge The warfare tossed it into the river Simply as that girl aboard the Titanic Tossed her blue diamond.” DURGA ASHTOTRAM –”A tiger symbolises limitless energy. Durga driving tiger signifies that She possesses limitless energy and makes use of it to guard advantage and destroy evil.” DURGALAKSHMI, V –”It’s God, His being, His seeing, which make the entire world appear a by no means ending magnificence in bliss. This magnificence, this bliss is born of affection divine. To grant man this magnificence, this true bliss of affection, God comes down and walks the earth, as a sage, as a saint, a mahatma or a guru divine. His mystic divine imaginative and prescient now, is for every one, to see, to drink in and really feel candy ecstasy Man then dances singing thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks my pricey lord, for revealing to me You and I could be one in candy godly seeing. Reality, love and sweetness are an everlasting actuality to me now, as I do know You’re me and I You.” dustin hoffman –”Life stinks however that does not imply you do not get pleasure from it.” DWIGHT D EISENHOWER –”Properly, it is onerous for a mere man to imagine that girl does not have equal rights.” DWIGHT D ELSENHOWER –”Plans are nothing; planning is all the pieces.” DWIGHT D ELSENHOWER –”We, the folks, elect leaders to not rule however to serve.” DWIGHT EISENHOWER –”Management is the artwork of getting another person to do one thing you need carried out as a result of he desires to do it.” DWLGHT D. EISENHOWER –”I feel that individuals need peace a lot that considered one of lately authorities had higher get out of their manner and allow them to have it.” DYLAN THOMAS –”Although lovers be misplaced love shall not/And demise shall haven’t any dominion.” LORD GEORGE-BROWN –”It’s troublesome to go on strike if there isn’t a work within the first place.” SMITH –”If to be outdated is to not be clever, then it’s merely to be out of date.” Bradford Massage Therapy | Holly Rose Massage Swedish MassageSports MassageDeep Tissue MassagePrenatal MassageAromatherapyTrigger Point Therapy The post Birth of Life appeared first on Holly Rose Massage. http://ift.tt/2fBSloa
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gokinjeespot · 8 years
Monday, January 16, 2017
 We had a beautiful sunny weekend here in Ottawa and the Rideau Canal Skateway opened for the first time this winter. I went for a walk in the sun and then finished up the first volume of the two volume Strangers in Paradise Omnibus by Terry Moore which my partner Chris let me borrow. I read the story as floppies but it was very nice to re-read the story about the volcanic relationship between Francine and Katchoo again. I highly recommend any comic book that Terry does.
 Scarlet Witch #14 - James Robinson (writer) Shawn Crystal (art) Chris Brunner (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Wanda's journey along the Witch's Road finally comes to an end with the expected result of witchcraft being cured. It's neat that Shawn's art pays homage to Steve Ditko's Doctor Strange dimensional vistas but why is Agatha Harkness young looking now?
 Unworthy Thor #3 - Jason Aaron (writer) Kim Jacinto & Olivier Coipel (art) Matthew Wilson (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). The Collector's hammer is being sought by many. The Odinson wants it and so does Thanos. My money is on U-Thor and his companions getting their hands on it in the end.
 Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows #3 - Gerry Conway (writer) Ryan Stegman (art) Sonia Oback (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). This issue features Anna May Parker in and out of costume. Gerry must watch a lot of Nickelodeon to make his kids sound so authentic. Annie is young, foolish and hot-headed which makes for some interesting situations. This is a fun book that I think more fans should be reading.
 Justice League/Power Rangers #1 - Tom Taylor (writer) Stephen Byrne (art & colours) Deron Bennett (letters). I don't read either of these teams' comic books but I like Tom's writing so I picked this up to see what he could do with these characters. I have no clue what the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are about but they seem like a decent bunch. The story is pretty basic with an accidental interdimensional hop including a super villain. If you like the Batman and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle team up you'll enjoy this too.
 Moonshine #4 - Brian Azzarello (writer) Eduardo Risso (art & colours) Jared H. Fletcher (letters). If the creature doesn't make you howl then Tempest will by the time you get to the end of this issue. I did not see that coming.
 Daredevil #15 - Charles Soule (writer) Goran Sudzuka (art) Matt Milla (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Here's something else I did not see coming. We have the return of one of Daredevil's arch enemies back from the dead. At least I think they died. It's hard to keep track.
 Action Comics #971 - Dan Jurgens (writer) Stephen Segovia (pencils) Art Thibert (inks) Arif Prianto (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). The trial of Lex Luthor takes a surprising turn and he and Superman are still not home free. Meanwhile back home, Lois and Jon are caught in a place where they shouldn't be by Clark Kent. It's going to be fun to see how mom and son explain their trespass.
 Groo: Fray of the Gods #4 - Sergio Aragones & Mark Evanier (writers) Sergio Aragones (art) Tom Luth (colours) Stan Sakai (letters). It's always distracting whenever the Minstrel appears in a Groo comic book because of the ever changing end of his instrument. This mini ends with much dining and fraying for Groo but the gods don't actually fight throughout this story. Oh well, what do you expect from a Groo comic?
 Uncanny Avengers #19 - Gerry Duggan (writer) Pepe Larraz with Rodrigo Zayas (art) Dono Sanchez Almara (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Looks like the Red Skull has this team in his complete control but there is one hero left to come to the rescue. It's Gerry's homeboy Deadpool. Wade can't do it all alone so it's team up time. I like who he rustles up to help save the day.
 Wonder Woman #14 - Greg Rucka (writer) Nicola Scott (art) Romulo Fajardo Jr. (colours) Jodi Wynne (letters). This issue concludes "Year One" with a battle between Diana and Ares the God of War. One must suspend belief that Diana can fly all around the world carry Steve Trevor to stop the poison gas from being deployed. Maybe she got help from Santa Claus. I felt a little let down by Greg with that miracle move, but otherwise this story has been pretty good. Good enough for me to keep reading now that the first two storylines have ended.
 Red Sonja #1 - Amy Chu (writer) Carlos Gomez (art) Mohan (colours) Simon Bowland (letters). I hope you read the twenty-five cent #0 or you will be wondering how Sonja ends up in modern Manhattan. Amy solves the problem of Sonja speaking ancient Hyrkanian by introducing a handsome young police officer who sort of understands the language. This is quite similar to the Rebirth Wonder Woman book but different enough that a long time fan  like me still finds it worth reading.
 Occupy Avengers #3 - David F. Walker (writer) Carlos Pacheco (pencils) Rafael Fonteriz (inks) Sonia Oback with Wil Quintana (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). I'm not a fan of the title. I think comic book buyers have Avengers fatigue and would be more likely to buy this book if it was called Marvel Team-Up starring Hawkeye. I am enjoying it so far and would recommend it. Here we have Hawkeye and Red Wolf getting help from Nighthawk and his sidekick Deadly Nightshade to track down some shady cybernetics in Chicago. There are some surprise appearances at the end of this issue but they do make sense when you consider the evidence that Hawkeye brings to the search. Next issue should have some wahoo fun.
 Detective Comics #948 - James Tynion IV & Marguerite Bennett (writers) Ben Oliver (art) Marilyn Patrizio (letters). Batwoman Begins part one. This is a good primer to read before Kate's own book hits the racks next month. I hope DC doesn't screw it up again.
 Dr. Strange/The Punisher: Magic Bullets #2 - John Barber (writer) Jason Muhr (storyboards) Andrea Broccardo & Dominike "Domo" Stanton (art) Andres Mossa (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). I like Stephen and Frank and thought that the two of them teaming up would be fun but this story is turning into an unbelievable magical mystery tour with bad art. Shoot me now.
 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #12 - Robert Venditti (writer) Ethan Van Sciver (art) Jason Wright (colours) Dave Sharpe (letters). Green and Yellow Lantern Corps combine to crush the Orange Corp. Larfleeze even helps. Ethan draws the best aliens.
 Jessica Jones #4 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Michael Gaydos (art) Matt Hollingsworth (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). The meeting with Captain Marvel explains a lot and made me decide to stick with this. I really hope Luke and Jessica's marriage doesn't suffer from what Jess has to do.
 Totally Awesome Hulk #14 - Greg Pak (writer) German Peralta (art) Jay David Ramos & Dono Sanchez Almara (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). The two part team up with Jeremy Lin ends, thank Thor. This one is great for the kiddies but I found it to be a bit silly.
 Ms. Marvel #14 - G. Willow Wilson (writer) Takeshi Miyazawa (art) Ian Herring (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). The World of Battlecraft fight to start off this issue was fun. Now that Bruno's gone (I miss him), Kamala has to figure out stuff on her own. Someone is stalking her but we don't know if he's good or evil. I'm guessing evil since he looks like the Green Goblin.
 Spider-Man/Deadpool #13 - Joe Kelly (writer) Ed McGuinness (pencils) Mark Morales, John Dell & Ed McGuinness (inks) Jason Keith (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). It's an adventure in Weirdworld as the two heroes recover from their fight with Itsy Bitsy. I really like Joe's version of Wade with the soupcon of humanity.
 Guardians of the Galaxy #16 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Valerio Schiti (art) Richard Isanove (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). This issue is one long poem featuring everyone's favourite sentient one phrase tree. He is Groot. Some of the verses made my brain cringe however. I hope this isn't the last issue that Brian writes because I would hate to see his run end on a dissatisfying note.
 Justice League vs. Suicide Squad #4 - Joshua Williamson (writer) Fernando Pasarin (pencils) Matt Ryan (inks) Alex Sinclair with Jeremiah Skipper (colours) Rob Leigh (letters). Max Lord and his team of super villains break into Belle Reve Penitentiary to get the thing that he needs to take over the world. We haven't seen this artefact since that special cover from 1992. I wish I can remember how they beat that bad guy 25 years ago then I wouldn't have to read the last 2 issues of this mini.
 Inhumans vs. X-Men 2 - Jeff Lemire & Charles Soule (writers) Leinil Francis Yu (pencils) Gerry Alanguilan (inks) David Curiel (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). This war of the genetically enhanced seems to be contrived given what the Mutants' objective is in attacking Attilan, the home of the Inhumans. They couldn't just ask? I'm reading this because I love Leinil's art and it's still pretty exciting. Plus you never know what shocking "deaths" will claim the life of  some characters.
 Mighty Thor #15 - Jason Aaron (writer) Russell Dauterman (art) Matthew Wilson (colours) VC's Joe Sabino (letters). The Asgard/Shi'Ar War starts here. Don't know why the Shi'Ar are all up in arms but I'm sure we'll find out. Russell is back drawing the whole issue and that makes me very happy. Judging from the cover the Unworthy Thor could be involved and that makes me excited.
 Spider-Man #12 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Sara Pichelli (art) Gaetano Carlucci (inking assist) Justin Ponsor (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). It's interdimensional adventure time. Miles goes to another dimension to rescue his dad. There he meets Spider-Gwen as depicted on the cover. The kissy face must come later because this issue is all set up. This story crosses over with Spider-Gwen #16 and I like Miles so much that I will actually read that issue to see what happens next.
 All-New Wolverine #16 - Tom Taylor (writer) Nik Virella (art) Michael Garland (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Laura's current predicament in Madripoor seems simple and boring until you get to the last page and BOOM, someone comes out of left field. Things just got less boring.
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13 Coachella Acts You Should See Other Than Beyoncé, The Weeknd and Eminem
Coachella 2018 is finally here!
Music lovers will be swarming to Indio, California, over the next two weekends to catch Beyoncé, The Weeknd and Eminem's highly anticipated headlining sets. And while their shows will surely be amazing, there's plenty of other bands and artists on the list that are also worth checking out.
So, whether you're heading to the desert to watch the star-studded lineup in person, or plan to live-stream the music festival at home, ET's got you covered. Here are 13 acts (aside from the biggest names) that we think you should rock out to and why!
Who they are: Though these two acts are performing separately, we have a good feeling we'll get a Coachella crossover! Cardi B (real name: Belcalis Almanzar) is a rapper from the Bronx borough of New York City, who first gained attention on Instagram and Vine for her "no filter" videos, later appearing on Love & Hip Hop: New York before her rap career took off in 2017. Migos is a hip-hop trio from Lawrenceville, Georgia, who formed together in 2009. The group is made up of rappers Quavo, Takeoff and Offset, who is engaged to Cardi B.
Why you should see their sets: For months, fans have been speculating that Cardi B was pregnant with her and Offset's first child, and she finally confirmed it last weekend by debuting her baby bump on Saturday Night Live. Aside from getting a peek at her burgeoning belly, expect a fire show from the 25-year-old singer, as she just dropped her no-holds-barred debut album, Invasion of Privacy, earlier this month. We're expecting Migos' set to be equally lit, with fans dancing along to their most popular tracks, like "Versace," "Stir Fry" and "Bad and Boujee."
Songs to listen to: If you're just getting introduced to Cardi B, check out "Bodak Yellow" and "Bartier Cardi," two of the first tracks that made her a household name. Also be sure to listen to "Thru Your Phone" and "I Do" off her new album, as well as "MotorSport" and Drip," which she and Migos collaborated on and will most likely perform together during Coachella.
Potential surprise guests: While there's no guarantee who will show up during Cardi B and Migos' Sunday sets, we'd personally love to see Nicki Minaj, Bruno Mars, G-Eazy, Lil Uzi Vert, Chance the Rapper, DJ Khaled or Justin Bieber, who have all recorded tracks with the rappers over the past few years.
Who she is: One of the hottest names in R&B and hip-hop at the moment, SZA, aka Solána Imani Rowe, has been making music since 2012, but came on the scene in a major way last year, with her breakthrough album, Ctrl. She's since been unstoppable, with appearances on the Black Panther soundtrack and Cardi B's debut album.
Why you should check out her set: Apart from the singalong hits, SZA's unique, soulful voice and minimalist, chillwave-inspired beats is the perfect way to round out your Friday night in the desert.
Songs to listen to: "Love Galore," "Drew Barrymore" and "All the Stars" will make you instantly fall in love with the 27-year-old singer.
Potential special guests: SZA has collaborated with everyone from Calvin Harris to Travis Scott to Maroon 5, but two of the biggest names that could turn up on her Coachella stage are Kendrick Lamar, to perform their Black Panther single, "All the Stars," and Cardi B, for their newly released Invasion of Privacy duet, "I Do."
Who they are: After successful runs in Steel Train and Fun., in-demand pop producer Jack Antonoff launched his new solo venture, Bleachers, in 2014. If a John Hughes movie were an album, it would sound like Bleachers’ debut, Strange Desire, and it only got better from there.
Why you should check out their set: With the Coachella lineup leaning heavy on hip-hop this year, the Bleachers' set should be a perfect opportunity for a fun, poppy dance break.
Songs to listen to: If you're checking out Bleachers for the first time, definitely take a listen to "Don't Take the Money," "I Wanna Get Better" and "I Miss Those Days" before their performance kicks off.
Potential special guests: It's always a safe bet to guess Lorde might turn up at a Bleachers show (or vice versa -- the two are close friends!), but if we're going for a long shot, maybe Taylor Swift could show up to perform one of her Antonoff-produced hits? Hey, a festivalgoer can dream!
Who she is: One of the most exciting acts in indie rock, who has been putting in work for over a decade, St. Vincent (real name: Annie Clark) spent her formative years as an artist in Sufjan Stevens' touring band, breaking out on her own in 2006. All of her five solo albums have been critically acclaimed, including her most recent, 2017’s Masseduction.
Why you should see her set: Expect an exciting set from the multi-instrumentalist, who, for fans of impressive guitar work, has also been known to shred. Her sets, not unlike her songs, tend to build in energy, from a simple beat to a full-on sonic explosion, meaning this one will likely reward those who commit for the whole concert.
Songs to listen to: "Cruel," off of 2011's Strange Mercy is a classic, but also check out her Masseduction singles, like "Los Ageless" and "New York," to get familiar with her newer work. 
Potential surprise guests: Sufjan is an obvious possibility, as well as David Byrne. Not only is he on the lineup himself, but he released a collaborative album with St. Vincent back in 2012.
Who she is: Alexandra Sholler, best known by her punny stage name of Alison Wonderland, is an Australian EDM DJ, producer and singer. Before hitting the scene with her debut album, Run, in 2015, Alison played bass guitar in a few local indie rock bands, and was a classically trained cellist who performed with the Sydney Youth Opera (you can hear her cello skills on songs like "Good Enough" and "Space.")
Why you should see her set: Between her edgy style, raw vocals, insanely catchy remixes, quirky dancing and the fact that she's the highest-billed female DJ in the history of Coachella, this set is going to be rad! Plus, the 31-year-old just released her sophomore album, Awake, over the weekend, and in less than two days, it already garnered two million streams on Spotify.
Songs to listen to: If her remix of Dua Lipa's "New Rules" doesn't sell you, "Happy Place" and "Easy" will definitely send you down a magical Alison Wonderland rabbit hole.
Potential surprise guests: While she is truly entertaining enough on her own, we wouldn't be surprised if she invited one of her Awake collaborators, like BLESSUS, Trippie Redd or Buddy, to the stage.  
Who he is: Born Miguel Jontel Pimentel, the soulful singer and songwriter first cast his spell on the music scene with his R&B love song, "Adorn," for which he won his first GRAMMY in 2013. He most recently released his third full-length album, War & Leisure, and his vocals were featured on Disney's Coco soundtrack. He performed the film's Oscar-winning song, "Remember Me (Dúo)," at this year's Academy Awards.
Why you should see his set: Fresh off his sexy War & Leisure tour, Coachella is the perfect setting for this Los Angeles native's sultry voice and effortless cool vibes. But don't let his falsetto, hip-thrusting, baby-making music fool you -- Miguel knows how to throw a party onstage!
Songs to listen to: "Sky Walker," "Pineapple Skies" and "I Told You So" are just a few jams that will get you jiving with the 32-year-old singer.
Potential special guests: Miguel's solo records speak for themselves, but it's his features and collaborations that showcase just how versatile his voice is. He's appeared on Janelle Monae's "Primetime," Dua Lipa's "Lost in Your Light," and most recently, Kygo's "Remind Me to Forget." And with the latter also on the Coachella lineup this year, expect the two to share the stage at some point this weekend.
Who they are: A Swedish folk duo consisting of sisters Klara and Johanna Söderberg, who, like many modern-day breakouts, gained notoriety with a viral YouTube cover of Fleet Foxes' "Tiger Mountain Peasant Song." In the near decade since that video was released, First Aid Kid has boasted an international following and put out three studio albums, including their latest, Ruins, earlier this year.
Why you should see their set: In some ways, the Söderberg sisters evoke Simon & Garfunkel with their transfixing harmonies, lending itself to singing along, swaying about in the crowd or even hanging back and taking in the melodies while lying in the grass. First Aid Kit is a must-see for any listeners who really go for harmonization, as well as rich, layered folk instrumentation.
Songs to listen to: "My Silver Lining" is their most popular song, and also a great representation of what they do as a duo. Also consider "It’s a Shame" and "Fireworks," both off their newest album, to determine if this act is one to add to your Coachella schedule.
Potential surprise guests: This is a tough one, because the draw of Klara and Johanna is, well, Klara and Johanna! That said, Fleet Foxes will also be at the festival, the band First Aid Kit paid tribute to in the aforementioned viral cover. If they welcome them onstage, or vice versa, it would definitely be an appearance we’d be lucky to see.
Who she is: MØ is a Danish singer, songwriter and electropop producer. In 2015, she co-wrote Major Lazer and DJ Snake's massive hit, "Lean On," which, at the time, exploded to be Spotify’s most-streamed song ever (it has since been overtaken by Drake's "One Dance").
Why you should see her set: She's been compared to other electropop powerhouses, like Grimes and Twin Shadow, and has amassed a huge following, thanks in part to some amazing features and collaborations. MØ, surprised the crowd at last year's Coachella during Major Lazer's set, but this year, the 29-year-old is ready to take center stage all on her own. Plus, she has some sweet dance moves.
Songs to listen to: "When I Was Young," "Don't Leave" and "Final Song" are solid tracks that will turn you into a MØ fan in no time.
Potential special guests: Over the last three years, MØ has been the go-to pop singer for hits like "Don’t Leave" with Snakehips and "Porsche" with Charli XCX, so either artist could easily join her onstage, especially since the former is also on the Coachella bill. We also wouldn't be surprised if her frequent collaborator, Diplo, made a special appearance during her set.   
Who they are: Made up of brothers Josh, Jake and Sam Kiszka, with their friend, Danny Wagner, Greta Van Fleet is an American rock band that hails from Frankenmuth, Michigan. They formed the group in 2012, but they easily could have fit in with the classic rock bands of the '70s.
Why you should see them: If you need a break from all the hip-hop, R&B and electronic dance music, do yourself a favor and get familiar with these rising rock stars, whose sound is heavily influenced by the work of Led Zeppelin. (Seriously, if you close your eyes while listening to their music for the first time, you would think it was Robert Plant on vocals -- that would be Josh). Their throwback, blues-rock vibe is a refreshing set for Coachella attendees looking to just chill out for a bit on Friday, while discovering an awesome band that's inventing old-school rock.
Songs to listen to: "Highway Tune" was the quartet's debut single, and the first one they ever wrote and recorded together. It hit No. 1 on mainstream rock radio, and was even featured on the Showtime show Shameless. If you're digging that track, definitely also check out "Safari Song" and "Flower Power" from their eight-song EP, From the Fires.
Potential surprise guests: In an interview with Billboard last August, Josh said that while they still "prefer all of the old stuff," there are a few bands and artists from this era that they dig -- Fleet Foxes and Vance Joy, who are both on this year's lineup. Although Greta Van Fleet hasn't officially collaborated on any tracks with either of these acts, we'd love to see them rock out together at the festival.   
Who she is: Kali Uchis is a neo-soul, R&B singer who hails from Pereira, Colombia, and just released a severely dope debut album, Isolation.
Why you should see her set: What the 24-year-old singer brings as an artist is an ability to be simultaneously free-associative in her singing and unbelievably catchy. Plus, her songs are set to up-tempo beats that evoke a mix of a little hip-hop and indie pop. So, whether you're ready to low-key jam out or just need to chill out for a bit, she's a great artist to watch. Coachella hasn’t dropped the full set times just yet, but she seems like a perfect fit for sunset at the Outdoor Stage or a dreamy set in one of the tents.
Songs to listen to: Familiarize yourself with Kali Uchis by listening to "Tyrant," "After the Storm" and "In My Dreams" off her new album, and "Loner" for a good throwback track.
Potential surprise guests: Tyler, the Creator is all but guaranteed, as he has produced for Uchis frequently, and is featured on "After the Storm." Other likely acts include Jorja Smith, Daniel Caesar and Vince Staples. Additionally, it would be a long shot, but she did collaborate with Snoop Dogg early in her career. He’s all booked up during weekend two of the festival, but the iconic rapper would certainly be a treat for weekend one attendees.
Who he is: Canadian singer-songwriter Ashton Simmonds, better known as Daniel Caesar, is one of the fresh names to know in the world of R&B. His debut EP, Praise Break, was critically acclaimed, but it was his breakthrough 2016 single, "Get You," and follow-up album, Freudian, that catapulted him onto the big stage.
Why you should check out his set: A nice, low-key lull in the hectic first day of the festival, Caesar’s swooning guitar and bluesy vocals will be perfect for a sunset set in the desert.
Songs to listen to: Do yourself a favor and press play on "Get You," "We Find Love" and "Best Part." You're welcome.
Potential special guests: It wouldn't be a surprise to see fellow Coachella performer Kali Uchis show up on Caesar's stage, thanks to their "Get You" collab. If we're taking a shot in the dark, though, maybe Chance the Rapper shows up to perform "First World Problems," the track the pair debuted on The Late Show last fall. It's Coachella, after all. Anything can happen!
Who they are: Tank and the Bangas are a funk/soul outfit from New Orleans, founded and fronted by slam poet Tarriona "Tank" Ball, who surrounded herself with talented musicians in order to craft a sound unlike any other. The group formed in 2011, and gained widespread recognition last year after winning NPR’s Tiny Desk Contest.
Why you should check out their set: If the music doesn't get you, Ball's powerful words will. Watching the group's Tiny Desk performance will have any viewer eager to see them on a much larger stage, and their Friday set should be the perfect opportunity to get you into the Coachella groove.
Songs you need to check out: While we love them all, "Quick," "Rollercoasters" and "Oh Heart" are a few of our favorites.
Potential special guests: None. Tank and her crew will be more than enough entertainment! 
 For more Coachella news, keep it locked right here on ETonline, as we'll be heading to the desert this weekend to bring you all the best music moments from the highly anticipated festival! Also join us live on Facebook and YouTube on Thursday at 3 p.m. ET/12 p.m. PT for a special Coachella version of Daily Denny. We'll be breaking down even more artists to watch, so stay tuned!
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jafreitag · 7 years
31 Days of Dead
Hey, guys. I have some exciting news.
This year, our fave Grateful Dead guru, Ed Martin, has chosen Liner Notes as the online host of his annual 31 Days of the Dead project.
A little backstory. In November 2010, GD archivist David Lemieux offered heads a free, unreleased track from the vault – every day for the entire month. It was called 30 Days of Dead, and there was an associated contest – guess the date of the track, win like a cd or a box set or something. 30 Days has continued since then. Some of the past years are available on Spotify, and this year is available now on the official site.
But what about songs that DL2 overlooked? Enter ECM. In December 2010, Ed launched 31 Days of the Dead. Fueled by “common sense and good taste” (the unofficial slogan of the Grateful Dead Clubhouse gang), Ed presented a month of nightfall diamonds in the rough. Of course, there were ground rules. Here’s how he explained the project last year:
“The idea for the Unofficial 31 Days of Dead compilations was hatched after dead.net ran its 30 Days of Dead in November 2010. While the Deadhead community at large was no doubt thrilled to receive previously unreleased tracks from the band’s vast archives, many of us were hoping for just a bit, uh, more. So, I thought it would be fun to keep the music flowing for another month by selecting my own daily picks throughout the month of December and ceremoniously ending on New Year’s Eve which was always a magical evening in the Grateful Dead’s legacy.
Here are my self-imposed parameters for the selections for this project:
1. No official releases – Each year this criteria becomes increasingly challenging as new shows are officially released from the vault. Currently, there are over 75 shows that have been officially released via Dick’s Picks, Road Trips and Dave’s Picks alone. That number more than doubles when you add in box sets like 30 trips Around The Sun, Europe 72, May 77, Winterland 73 and 77, Fillmore West 69, July 78, and the 1989 releases (Hampton, Brendan Byrne, Buffalo and JFK). Finally, everything that was selected for the Official 30 Days of Dead is obviously off the table for me as well. So yes, my job is becoming a lot more difficult. Good luck to me.
2. Variety is the spice of life– I try to represent a variety of years and styles. Although it is very tempting, I make a concerted effort not to draw entirely from the “sweet spots” of 1972-74 and 1977.
3. Nothing too obvious – I’m looking at you, Cornell. [Ed’s current intro notes that 5/8/77 is now an official release.]
4. Expect the unexpected – There will be plenty of classic jams that we all know and love but I also try to toss in a few surprises / lesser-known / under-appreciated jams. And, unlike dead.net’s official version, I include some audience and matrix sources where appropriate. So, all of you SBD snobs out there will need to get over yourselves.
Finally, unlike the Official 30 Days of Dead, there is no contest here. Instead, the prize is the music and the winner is the listener.”
Previously, 31 Days was an email-only experience. If you were lucky enough to know Ed (or know somebody who knows him and who added you on the now-massive group email), you’d get an inbox treat every morning in December – a surprise song, a great writeup of its merits, a sweet download link, and even pics of the band from that night/era and other related ephemera (posters, ticket stubs, whatever). Tbh, GD Weekly and Monthly on this blog is a whole-show descendant of 31 Days.
Now, you don’t have to be a part of our not-very-exclusive e-clique. 2017’s 31 Days is going to be available in the full technicolor of the World Wide Web. And it’ll be on LN! We’re so pumped to bring Ed’s hard work to everybody. Hope to do you proud, brother.
Beginning tomorrow, you can hitch a ride on this year’s bus to never-ever land by following the blog here on WordPress, or by finding us on Facebook and Twitter. There will be daily posts all month on all three. (And on Pinterest, if you’re into that network.) The LN WordPress posts will include download links for the daily tracks, as well as streaming audio links for those tracks on relisten.net and, when available, streaming audio or video links YouTube.
Additionally, Ed will be posting on his Instagram account – @31daysofdead. Check him out there. And the first three iterations are available to download on Glide Magazine’s Hidden Track blog. Get 2010 HERE, 2011 HERE, and 2012 HERE.
That’s the original art for the 2010 edition of 31 Days. It’s by Brian Levine, who’s also doing this year’s original art.
More soon.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2Byv3uF via IFTTT
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