#it's all fun and games until the crushing realization of the fast-approaching final goodbye sets in.
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zylphiacrowley · 15 days ago
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nightshade-minho · 5 years ago
-Blue Book- (1)
Warnings: parent death, mentions of abuse, smoking and alcohol, eventual smut.
Requested: Yes. (A loong time ago, lmao.) This was supposed to be a oneshot, but it turned out a little longer than I’d expected it to, so I decided to make it into a series.
E2L, Slow Burn, High School Au. (Half the story takes place in high school, and the other half takes place when they’re adults.)
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You knew exactly why you hated Bang Christopher Chan.
It had all started in high school. A new town, and a new school. You weren’t one of those people that would be bitter about the move- you understood that your mother’s new job meant you could no longer stay in the town you grew up in. Besides, it wasn’t like you had any friends to say goodbye to- or memories you’d miss.
Your father had left your mom when you were 9. He’d met a woman ‘that he actually loved’, whatever that meant. He moved to a new country, and started taking care of a new family. Sometimes, you bitterly hoped he would abandon them as well. Sometimes, you understood why he left. You knew that it wasn’t a good idea to force yourself to stay with someone you didn’t love...but did he have to leave you behind as well? Did he not love you?
A year later, you received the news that he’d died in an accident. You weren’t even able to attend his funeral.
For the most part though, you were actually a very optimistic individual...as optimistic as you could be, without a father and an alcoholic mother. Usually, children who grew up with a single parent tend to hold grudges, and act like the whole world was at fault. However, there must have been some sort of factory error, cause you happened to gravitate towards a world-view that hid behind rose-colored lenses.
You were buzzing with excitement on your first day. You’d never really been much of an academic-oriented student, but there was a newfound need to make your mother proud...one that arose the very first time you heard your father yell at her.
You’d bought cute stationary and school supplies, determined to be a great student and one day be able to support your mother. However, you quickly realized that none of the other students appreciated it when you eagerly answered the teacher’s questions, jotting down notes. You heard murmurs every time you raised your hand, every time a teacher complimented you on your perfect assignment. Nerd. Suck-up. Dork.
It was tiring, but you somehow managed to keep up the positive facade...until a few months later, when Chan walked into your life.
You were sat at the cafeteria table, all alone. You sipped your banana milk and hummed along to the music playing through your earphones as you continued writing in your little navy blue book. It was more of a diary, but you occasionally used it in class. Right then, you were writing a small piece of poetry that had randomly popped into your brain, tongue sticking out in concentration as the words poured out.
A few tables away, Jisung chuckled at the sight. “Does she ever go anywhere without that stupid book?”
Hyunjin scoffed. “I don’t think so. What does she even write in it?”
“I’ve seen her write in it in class. It’s probably just some school-related shit. Nerd.” Changbin said, biting into his sandwich.
Seungmin cocked his head to the side. “Um, I doubt she’d carry around something like that with her everywhere. It must be something important.”
Felix waved a hand in front of Chan’s face. The latter had been staring at you, observing the way your face was scrunched in concentration.
Minho suddenly laughed out of nowhere, causing the seven boys to look at him. “Chan, are you into the nerd?”
Chan chuckled lightly. “As if. You’re really funny these days, aren’t you?”
Minho raised an eyebrow. “Uh huh. You know what...life’s been getting a little boring these days. I have an idea.” A smirk appeared on his face. “Chan...I dare you to get that book.”
Chan squinted in disdain. “Ha...what’s in it for me?”
Minho tapped his chin for a few minutes as he pondered. “Hmm...oh, I got it! I won’t flirt with Miyoung anymore.”
Chan looked up at that. Miyoung was an extremely pretty, popular girl that he had a crush on. However, lately, she’d been expressing a little interest in Minho. He didn’t really like her back the same way Chan did, but being the fuckboy that he is, Minho flirted back quite a lot.
Chan rolled his eyes.
“Fine. In fact, I’ll go right now!” The boys hollered, cheering him on as he got out of his chair, walking up to you.
You looked up, taking your earphones out when you felt his presence at the table that had been empty except for you. Confusion took over your face as Chan smiled warmly at you.
“Hi, Y/n. Whatcha doing?”
“Uh...nothing. Just...y-ya know...” You stuttered. You’d always found Chan attractive but he was one of those people who’d never really bothered to acknowledge your presence...until now.
“How are you today?” You asked, trying to recover.
“I’m fine, princess. Better now that I’m talking to you.” You blushed, avoiding his eyes. Chan’s gaze flitted to the book laid open in front of you. You followed his line of sight, quickly shutting your book.
“I find your...book interesting. Can I see?”
You shook your head. “I...I’m sorry, I just...” You couldn’t say anything else, words freezing up in your throat as you squeaked out a “Bye.”
You got up, chair scraping the floor as you grabbed your book and bag, leaving as fast as you could.
Chan sighed, looking back to the boys. He walked back to his previous seat, sighing as he plopped back down. “Well, there you go.”
Minho shook his head. “Welp, guess I’m just going to have to ask Miyoung out to the game-”
“NO! I’ll do it. Just...give me a few more days, okay?”
Hyunjin cleared his throat. “Okay...we’ll give you a week. that should be more than enough, right?”
The rest of the boys nodded in agreement as Chan threw his head back, sighing.
“You guys are so weird...” He rubbed his temples. “Fine.”
You sat on a bench, humming as you sketched the park pond. It was a bright, clear-skied day.
Meanwhile, Chan decided to cut through the park on his way to Minho’s house. But as he passed the pond, he saw you sitting on the bench, eyes widening as he remembered the bet.
Cursing, he decided to go over and talk to you. He’d been planning to talk to you tomorrow at school, but he might as well do it, since you were already here.
He approached you slowly, so as not to startle you. Hmm. You actually looked quite peaceful as your eyes ran over the ducks in the pond, smiling softly, as if you were reminiscing about something...or someone.
Chan contemplated tapping you on the shoulder, but you looked way too tranquil to disturb. After a few seconds, he cleared his throat loudly. You yelped, turning to the side and squinting at him.
“Oh...uh, hi...”
Chan smiled, before gesturing to the bench. “May I sit here?”
You nodded meekly, and he lowered himself down carefully, trying to keep a respectful distance. He noted the way your fingers protectively clutched the book tighter, sighing internally. This was going to take a while.
“Hey, calm down. I’m sorry about this morning. I was just curious.”
You avoided eye contact, staring at the pond. “It’s alright.”
“I was just wondering what you do in it. I always notice you carrying it around.”
You pondered for a moment, turning to look at him. “I...write in it, mainly. And...” You trailed off. Shaking your head, you took your backpack and shoved the book bag in. You moved to get up, but Chan’s hand shot out, grabbing your wrist and effectively stopping you. You looked down at him in confusion. He quickly let go, mumbling an apology.
“I, um...don’t leave yet, please? You seem sweet... and I’d like to get to know you more.”
You squeaked in response. Your brain was short-circuiting as you looked at the cute boy smiling softly. 
You sat back down, hesitantly smiling at him as you played with your fingers. You were a little nervous...well, a lot nervous. Chan’s smile made your knees melt.
“So...what’s your deal?”
“You’re new here, right?”
“Oh yeah, I moved here recently with my mom.”
He nodded, noting the way you avoided his eyes with a frown after the sentence left his lips.
Chan groaned to himself, wondering how he would be able to get you to trust him enough. He just needed to get that book for a day...knowing the girl, it was probably just a study book like Changbin had said before. It was just a silly bet...but Chan never lost. Besides, prom was approaching in a few months and he needed Miyoung to be his before then. He needed her to be the queen to his prom king.
He glanced at his watch. Fuck.
“Sorry, Y/n. I’ve got to go now. But I’ll see you around, yeah?” He winked at you, internally smirking at the quick blush that spread across your features. 
Hmm...an idea was blooming in his head.
This might be easier than he thought.
Chan opened the door, wincing when the smoke hit his nostrils.
Jisung looked up, setting his controller down. “Broo, finally! What took you so long?”
“Well...I saw Y/n on the way here.”
“The nerd, Jisung.” Minho said, holding out a beer can for Chan to take.
Chan sighed as he took the can, taking a sip before sighing. “This won’t be easy. She’s very protective of that book.”
Changbin chuckled. “Sounds exciting. I’m even more curious now.”
“Um, guys...why are we even doing this? I mean...she’s just a girl who likes writing in a diary.” Felix spoke up, softly.
Minho scoffed. “Yeah well, we’re bored. And she looks like she’ll be fun to pick on. Always going Teacher this and Teacher that.” He mocked, before turning back to Chan. “So, what are you planning on doing?”
Chan settled on one of the beanbags beside Jeongin, whose full focus was fixed on the video game, fingers fiddling with the controls.
“I kinda have an idea.” Chan says, smirking. “She seems so shy whenever I talk to her, and she’s constantly blushing. I have a feeling that she likes me.”
Changbin looked up from the screen. “I mean, this is probably the first guy who’s talked to her since she moved to town.”
“Shut up, Changbin.” 
Seungmin scoffed. “Get to the point, Chan. What’s your plan?”
“I’m going to ask her out.”
(None of these gifs belong to me.)
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alpxcamin · 7 years ago
Long Awaited
Requested?: Yup ^^
Words: 3.7k
Group: Idol Producer
Member(s): Chengcheng (feat. Yuehua boys)
A/N: This one was so fun to write! Thank you for requesting this, anon. I’m so obsessed with Idol Producer, I love them so much :’) Anyway, I hope you enjoy this!
“Chengcheng, that’s disgusting...why am I even friends with you?” you ask your childhood friend.
You and Chengcheng have been friends since you were born basically. Both of your families are family friends and the two of you happened to have the same interests and passions while growing up which brought the two of you together. In fact, he was the one who convinced you to audition for Yuehua.
“What? I’m just eating,” Chengcheng rolls his eyes, spooning the icy milk and cereal into his mouth.
“Yeah, but who the hell puts ice in their cereal? Wouldn’t that just water it down?” you sigh, continuing to scroll through your phone.
“If you eat it fast enough it won’t. I’ve been eating cereal like this for years and you always just have to point it out every time, don’t you,” Chengcheng laughs a little.
“Whatever, you’re old so I’ll just let you off this time. You know, old people tend to have strange eating habits. My grandpa puts ketchup on everything,” you look up at Chengcheng who snorts and continues to much on his snack.
“Me, old? If you want old, go find Zhengting. I’m only a year older than you, don’t pretend you’re that young,” Chengcheng groans.
“Zhengting will kill me if I tell him that,” you laugh, thinking about how he had threatened you if you called him old another time.
“Whatever suits you,” Chengcheng laughs along.
The two of you settle into comfortable silence, Chengcheng eating and you mindlessly scrolling through Instagram. Your finger pauses when you settle on a selfie Quanzhe had posted. You have had a tiny crush on the boy since the day you met. You had met him when you were accepted to Yuehua. Turns out, he was also friends with Chengcheng which is quite convenient for you since you can make an excuse to visit Quanzhe often. However, you soon become close to all of Chengcheng and Quanzhe’s friends so you don’t even need an excuse anymore.
You feel Chengcheng’s gaze on you and you look up at him curiously. He shakes his head a little before turning back to his cereal. However, this time he sets the bowl down and turns to you with a serious expression.
“Hey, what happens if Quanzhe isn’t your soulmate? I know you really like him…” Chengcheng trails off.
“Oh, well...I mean I’ll just end up liking my soulmate when I’m sixteen anyway. Maybe my soulmate is Quanzhe,” you ponder.
Everyone has a soulmate, but you won’t be able to know for sure until you’re sixteen. Before you’re sixteen, you are capable of having romantic feelings for anyone. However, on your sixteenth birthday, fate forces you to only be able to love your soulmate, whether you had previously been on good terms with them or not, either over time or right away. You frown remembering that you would be turning sixteen soon. You wanted to be able to like Quanzhe a little longer. In fact, Chengcheng had turned seventeen already, but he always refused to tell you who his soulmate is.
“You never know,” Chengcheng shrugs and begins eating his cereal again.
“One, two, three, ta~”
You dance accordingly, timing yourself carefully, making sure you hadn’t skipped any beats. You stick your foot out and spin around, your arms stretched out. The music stops and you collapse to the ground, sweat pouring from your body, drenching your clothes.
“Alright, good work everyone. We’ll call it a day, but make sure to continue practicing until we meet again,” your teacher nods before leaving you and your small group.
“Thank you!” you and your groupmates all bow.
Your instructor waves goodbye, a pleased smile on her face. You know you had done well this class and the class ended in a good mood. You look over to your group mates and smile. They all smile back before announcing that they had to leave. Your small group isn’t the closest, but they are definitely considered good friends of yours. Soon, they had all piled out and you are left alone in the room.
You pack up your things after deciding to visit Chengcheng before heading back to the dorms and practicing a little. You quickly toss your towel and water bottle into your small bag and head out the door. You take out your bottle again and drank some water as you stroll down the halls.
You hear some familiar voices yelling and you turn into the corridor, finally arriving to the boys’ practice room. You peek your head in, knocking lightly on the opened door a few times. All of the boys turn around and as soon as they see you, they come rushing to you.
“Hey, y/n! How was your practice?” Justin is the first to reach you.
“It went really well. The teacher was super happy when she left,” you laugh, patting Justin’s blond hair.
“Oh, that’s great,” Zeren smiles kindly at you.
You nod, finally reaching Chengcheng. You drop your bag and open your arms, chuckling evilly. You approach him slowly and he realizes what you’re doing and backs up. He groans and tries to run away, but you leap onto him before he can run.
“Ew! You’re so gross and sweaty, get off of me!” Chengcheng screeches as you purposely rub your sweat all over him.
“Yeah, but so are you, Chengcheng. All of us are so why does it even matter?” Xinchun snorts.
“Betrayal! How could you do this to me,” Chengcheng cries out and you slowly slide off him.
“Get over it man,” Zhengting laughs, “Alright, I’m going to go eat dinner. I’m starving.”
“Oh, ge! Can we come?” Justin pipes up excitedly.
Zhengting nods, and the boys jump around, celebrating. Quanzhe turns to you and cocks his head to the side.
“You wanna come with us?” he asks cutely, causing you to blush a little.
“If you guys don’t mind,” you reply shyly.
“You’re always welcome to join us,” Zhengting turns to you.
“Thanks, but you’re paying. I didn’t bring any money with me today,” you laugh.
All eight of you head out the door, you and Quanzhe trailing behind the crowd. The two of you chatted before parting ways so you could all clean up before heading out for dinner. You happily skip into your dorm, humming quietly to yourself.
“Hey, good practice?” your roommate asks as you enter your room.
“Ah yeah, I’m going to shower and head out for dinner,” you smile, informing her.
“Nice, bring me back some food, okay?” she laughs.
“Sure thing!” you giggle before disappearing into the bathroom, a pile of clean clothes in hand.
“Finally, you actually smell okay,” Chengcheng is the first to greet you.
“You too,” you roll your eyes, “The others aren’t done yet?”
“Hey, remember all seven of us share a room. We only have one bathroom,” Chengcheng lightly smacks your head.
“I thought guys showered quickly. I guess it’s not just girls who take their time then,” you pout, rubbing your head where Chengcheng had hit.
“Yeah, nothing is quick when you live with people like them,” Chengcheng laughs.
You nod, and take out your phone, reviewing your notifications. Chengcheng follows your actions and the two of you silently lean on the wall, trying to pass some time by playing random games.
“Oh, y/n, you’re here already. Hello, Chengcheng,” a quiet voice brings you out of your trance.
“Quanzhe! What took you so long? What about the others? I’m going to die of starvation if they don’t come down soon,” Chengcheng attacks the poor boy with questions.
“Ah, ge! We have seven people and you hogged the bathroom the longest so all of us had to wait,” Quanzhe pouts.
You look over at Chengcheng, “Wow, is that why your hair is still a little damp? Even my hair is all dried.”
“Shut up, you two,” Chengcheng groans, placing a hand over his face.
“Why’d you rush out anyway. You were taking such a long time in the bathroom apparently,” you press on.
“Well,” Chengcheng seems a little hesitant, “You just sent me a text that you were already done and I have to beat you so I just rushed out.”
“Ge, you’re so weird,” Quanzhe teases the older.
“Well, one point for me,” you giggle.
Soon, the rest of the boys had finally arrived and the eight of you set off to find a suitable place to eat. The eight of you waddled around for a while before settling for In-N-Out (not sponsored lmao).
Zhengting and Zeren shooes the rest of you away, asking you to find a seat as they ordered. You nodded and managed to find two tables near each other. You and the others combine the two small tables into a longer one so that all eight of you can fit.
You sit down next to Quanzhe and Chengcheng decided to sit on the other side of you. As the Wenjun, Justin, Xinchun, and Quanzhe all left to get some paper, you turn to Chengcheng who remains by your side.
“Why are we eating something so unhealthy after practicing for so long? Isn’t that like bad or something?” you ask, head resting on your hand.
“I don’t know, but fries man,” Chengcheng laughs.
“Yes, fries are the best,” you lick your lips, “but you ruin them by dipping them into your milkshake.”
“What? It’s good,” Chengcheng defends.
“See, you and your weird old people eating habits. I’m always the one that has to share the milkshake with you,” you complain.
“Oh shut up. You can’t even taste the difference,” Chengcheng snorts, ignoring your whining.
“Stop bickering. The food is here,” Zeren surprises the two of you from behind with your orders.
Finally, everyone is sitting down and you thank Zhengting for paying before digging in. You happily munch as you listen in to what the boys are chatting about. Through your peripheral vision, you see Chengcheng’s hand reaching out for the milkshake the two of you are sharing. Your hands immediately latch onto his wrist, preventing him from opening the lid.
“No, please. Don’t you dare dip that fry in,” you glare at him, your voice unwavering.
“Try me,” Chengcheng playfully glares back.
You quickly drop your burger and snatch the milkshake away from him, shoving the cold cup into Quanzhe’s free hands. He squeals at the coldness and you apologize quickly before turning back to Chengcheng.
“Try me,” you mock him.
“Fine, whatever,” Chengcheng pouts, popping the plain fry into his mouth.
“You two are so weird,” Wenjun shakes his head and continues to eat.
After finishing a quick dinner, the eight of you scuttle back to the dorm building before separating to your own ways. However, Chengcheng sticks with you. He usually walks you back to your room if it’s late, even if there is no one around.
“Seriously, I can’t share any more milkshakes with you anymore,” you sigh.
“This again? Come on,” Chengcheng sniffs.
“You know, we indirectly kiss each other everytime we use the same straw,” the words mindlessly spill out of your mouth.
“You just realized?” Chengcheng laughs, “We’ve probably ‘kissed’ like ten thousand times already.”
“Ew, I kissed you so many times. I’m going to share straws with Quanzhe more often now,” you laugh.
“You’re nasty. Maybe on your birthday, I’ll allow it. I refuse to let you ruin my baby,” Chengcheng shakes his head.
“Since when did Quanzhe become your baby? I thought Zhengting was his mom,” you counter.
“Speaking of birthdays, what do you want this year?” Chengcheng completely ignores your previous statement.
“I don’t know. Just give me whatever...I just kind of want to ask Quanzhe out on my birthday, whether he turns out to be my soulmate or not,” you shrug.
“You’re just saying that,” an unrecognizable emotion clear in Chengcheng’s voice.
“I mean, I won’t like him anymore then, right? So why shouldn’t I just confess that I used to like him?” you stop walking and cross your arms over your chest.
“I guess I can’t stop you, but...what if your soulmate doesn’t like it?” Chengcheng stops walking as well.
“Well, I’ll see if I can even find him in the first place,” you mumble, digging in your pockets for your keys.
Chengcheng sighs, watching you quietly as you unlock the door. You mutter a goodnight before slipping through the crack you had opened. Chengcheng lets out a quiet ‘goodnight’ just as you shut the door, leaving him to walk back to his own room alone.
The next two days, you and Chengcheng had talked a little less than usual. You grumble to yourself as you practice.You blast the music and try to focus on the choreography, but it wasn’t working. You always wondered why Chengcheng was so invested in this soulmate thing. To be honest, you weren’t really that interested. In fact, you barely believe that soulmates exist.
Tomorrow is your birthday and you suppose you would just find out then. You groan as you miss the beat and kick yourself before tripping over your own feet. You fall to the ground with a loud ‘thud’. You crawl over to your phone and stop the music. You use the wall to help you get up, rubbing your ankle a little, trying to get rid of the pain.
“Y/n? Are you okay?” a familiar voice calls out to you.
You spin around, only to meet Chengcheng. Half of his body is in the room and a concerned expression plastered on his face. You nod a little, still holding your ankle. You hop over to him on one foot, but he meets you in the middle and helps you to the chair.
“What are you doing here?” you ask, pulling down your socks to see if your ankle had become swollen or not.
“I was just walking by and I saw you fall,” Chengcheng pulls your hand away and he tosses your shoe off, then stripping off your socks.
“Oh,” is all you are able to let out.
Your eyes drift from his face to your foot. The toe is bleeding a little and your ankle is indeed swollen. You frown at the thought of not being able to dance for a while. You let out a small sigh, your toes curling in pain.
“Stay here, I’ll get an ice pack and some bandages,” Chengcheng props your foot onto the chair he had just been sitting in a couple of seconds ago.
You nod and Chengcheng leaves the room, door wide open. After a few minutes you see a head pop in and to your surprise, it’s Quanzhe. You immediately blush, trying to hide your minorly injured foot.
“Q-Quanzhe, what brings you here?” you stutter.
“Chengcheng told me you got hurt so I just wanted to see if you’re okay,” Quanzhe gives you a small smile.
He drags a chair next to yours and sits down. He examines your foot a little before placing a hand on your shoulder. You feel your heartbeat quicken and you hope that your cheeks haven’t turned red yet. Quanzhe pats your shoulder lightly a few times.
“It doesn't look too bad. Hopefully, it’ll get better quickly,” he nods.
“Yeah, hopefully,” you mumble, turning away a little, hoping to hide your now obvious blush.
“Hey, I’m back. Oh, Quanzhe, I thought you were still practicing?” Chengcheng barges into the room, an ice pack, and bandages in hand.
“I was just about to leave,” Quanzhe shrugs, getting up, “Come back soon, Zhengting wants to start on the new part.”
“Okay, it won’t take long,” Chengcheng shuffles in.
Quanzhe shuts the door lightly behind him. Chengcheng plops down into the chair Quanzhe had just been sitting in. He takes your foot onto his lap and places the ice pack on your ankle. You flex your feet a little, trying to adjust to the coldness.
“Oof, that’s cold,” you shudder a little.
“No duh, idiot. It’s an ice pack,” Chengcheng lets out a small chuckle.
“I know that,” you pout, wiggling your toes a little as Chengcheng wraps up the injury.
“Okay, done. It’s just a little sprain so you should be fine, but don’t dance tomorrow,” Chengcheng nods, collecting the extra bandage.
“Well, to be honest, I wasn’t planning on doing anything tomorrow,” you say.
“Yeah? Good, I have to go back before Zhengting starts nagging,” Chengcheng chuckles.
“Alright, see you tomorrow then,” you nod.
However, Chengcheng doesn’t leave. He stands up and pulls your arm up, bringing you up. He smoothly slides himself under your arm and steadies you by slipping an arm around your waist. You are a little shocked and look at him curiously.
“How else are you going to get back to your room later?” Chengcheng laughs.
“Shoot, you’re right. Well damn, thanks man,” you giggle, reaching for your things before hobbling out with Chengcheng.
“Happy birthday to you~” you are awakened by your roommate’s loud singing.
“Ah, thanks. I almost forgot,” you giggle, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
“Well get ready because Zhengting just told me he’s going to be coming with the boys soon,” your roommate hums, clapping her hands.
“Got it, got it,” you laugh, “Oh, are you going somewhere?”
“Yeah, I’m going on a date with my boyfriend and then going to buy a cake for you,” she smiles, heading for the door.
You nod and wave goodbye and as she leaves, you hurry to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Your ankle feels much better since Chengcheng had iced it down. However, your toes still hurt so you can only limp your way around your room.
Suddenly, someone is pounding at your door and you already know who it is. You laugh, shaking your head and wobble over to the door to let Zhengting and the others in. They all scream ‘happy birthday’ at you before attacking you with a massive group hug.
You are finally able to squirm out and you let them in. They piled in one by one, taking off their shoes and placing them neatly to the side. You limp over to the dining table where the boys have gathered and set down a small cake.
“Once again, happy birthday! We made it this morning so don’t blame us if it tastes bad. We were in a hurry,” Justin points to the sloppily decorated cake.
“You guys, you didn’t have to,” you giggle, admiring each one of your friends.
When your eyes landed on Chengcheng, he seemed to shy away a bit and you find it absolutely endearing and adorable. You feel a slight fluttering feeling before you tear your eyes away from him and onto Xinchun.
You hadn’t realized how much time had passed as you celebrated your birthday with the boys. Soon, they left one by one, wishing you another ‘happy birthday’ before they set out to go back to do whatever they had to do. The only one left is Chengcheng. He slumps into the couch next to you after washing up his dish.
“So, you haven’t asked Quanzhe out yet,” Chengcheng laughs.
“Yeah, but suddenly I don’t want to,” you shrug, looking at him.
“Really? That’s new,” Chengcheng looks back at you, his voice trailing off.
The two of you stare at each other and for some reason, you can’t tear your eyes away from him. He begins leaning in a little closer and you feel your heartbeat rising, blood flowing to your face. You swallow harshly when you realize how close the two of you are.
Before you can decide to pull away or not, you instinctively lean right into Chengcheng, your lips crashing onto his. The two of you share a loving kiss before Chengcheng pulls away, laughing loudly. You shove him away, covering your blushing face.
“I’ve been waiting for that for a whole year,” Chengcheng wipes a tear away.
“You knew! You didn’t tell me,” you whine.
Chengcheng is your soulmate and he had known since his sixteenth birthday. Now it makes sense as to why he always refused to tell you.
“I didn’t and did you know how hard it was for me to watch you gush over Quanzhe? It even took you awhile this morning and I was getting worried,” Chengcheng pouts, pulling you into a tight hug.
“Oh, goodness, I’m sorry,” you bury yourself into his chest, wrapping your arms around him, returning the hug.
“No need to apologize. It took me a while to realize it too,” Chengcheng chuckles, patting your head, “But did you really like Quanzhe that much?”
“Uh, maybe? To be honest, I used to like you in like fifth grade or something,” you awkwardly admit.
“Oh, spicy. Well, now you like me again. I’m surprised you didn’t notice since the boys were always slipping up,” Chengcheng rubs the nape of his neck, a little embarrassed.
“The boys knew, but I didn’t? Wait, then did Quanzhe know that I--”
“No, I didn’t tell him about your crush,” Chengcheng chuckles at your shocked expression.
“Well good, he doesn’t need to know anymore,” you huff.
“We’ll see. It can be a story to tell at our wedding,” Chengcheng teases.
“Wedding? Are you for real?” you blush, yelling a little too loudly.
“I’m just kidding~” Chengcheng giggles, ruffling your hair.
“Ugh, get off of me,” you playfully roll your eyes.
Just as you pry his hand off your head, Chengcheng leans in for another kiss. It takes you by surprise, but kiss him back, blushing heavily. He pulls away and giggles at your flustered expression.
“I’ve been waiting for so long to do that.”
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~Admin Liz ♡
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