#it's after dmc5 finishes or something
phantom-alpha · 4 months
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since i've been meaning to learn how to draw them, today i bring to you my DMDs - Devil May Doodles, that is
(i'm sorry. once again, it was funnier in my head)
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astrxealis · 2 years
a beautiful song >>>
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midnightkolrath · 1 year
I've brought this up before awhile back, but I think ALOT about how V, Vergil's human side, looks alot like his mother
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Then I think about Visions of V and how they dive more into Vergil's thoughts of feeling too weak to be able to save his mother and how much bitterness he has over believing that his mother saved Dante and not him
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Not to mention how VoV goes more into how V feels about Dante stealing his kill of Cavaliere Angelo (Who he actually did take on and could've finished off earlier in the story, had he not had a trauma response upon having a flash memory of being Nelo Angelo upon seeing Cavaliere flee)...and with its battery being Trish, who looks like his mother. Felt like his opportunity to make things ""right"" in his mind with it being the closest of saving his Mother as he could get.
Its why V opens up with Trish after she's saved by Dante, with revealing who he really is and asking if his pursuit in trying to make up for his actions leading up to the plot of DMC5 were right or wrong
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Its something you can pick up in the game itself, but seeing it more touched upon in VoV is great
Plus the painful irony of how much he does share with his mom in appearance. His HUMAN self.
I do wonder if he was designed abit with that in mind...I don't think its mentioned in the artbook notes, so who really knows?
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dmc-brainrot · 11 months
vergil x reader any gender wholesome cuz i don't think that man really knows what sex is even if nero is a thing
Eternally Soul Bonded
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Vergil (DMC5) x Yamato! reader
warnings: reader is a humanoid version of Yamato, reader is also a bit obssessed with Vergil (mild yandere behaviour?), cussing, a bit of angst, fluff
summary: after opening a portal two decades ago, Vergil has lost his most prized possession, his sword. What he doesn’t know is that it had been reformed as a humanoid somewhere around the world, and that it was ready to be with him again.
word count: 2.5k
a.n: I don’t know if you wanted wholesome sex or just wholesome, but this is what I cooked up. Sorry if it’s a little disappointing? I’ve had this idea brewing for a bit and there’s definitely room for expanded lore, so if you liked this, you can send me another ask so I can work more on this!
It was really cold for a while… and dark. You were used to darkness, but this was a different kind. It was lonely out here. When you came to, you weren’t yourself, and you weren’t with who you were supposed to be. You were alone.
You stood and wobbled, not used to this form… You leaned yourself against the damp walls of the alleyway you found yourself in, and noticed a puddle of water beneath your feet in which you could see your reflection. You looked… human? How was that possible?
Your mouth trembled as if you were trying to speak, but no voice came out. Your head hurt, and you could only vaguely remember two things: You were Yamato, and you belonged to Vergil, son of Sparda. Nothing else.
“It’s been 20 years, Vergil, knock it off, me and Nero already said we were sorry about what happened to the sword anyway, can’t you let it go?” Dante asked with an exasperated sigh, trying to move around the papers and documents Vergil had gathered over the years in his futile attemps at locating his sword.
“Let it go ? You’re pretty foolish if you think I’ll simply give up on the Yamato, Dante, it belongs to me  and me alone.” Vergil snapped back “And it’s solely your  fault that I don’t have it with me for the past two decades, so if you could please at least pretend you’re helping for two seconds.”
“I’m not good at pretending, brother” Dante snickered, leaning back against his chair “Besides, your sword has a connection to you, right? Just like mine? If it didn’t find you now, maybe it doesn’t want you anymore or somethin-”
Before Dante could finish his sentence, he was lifted off his chair by the collar, making the chair fall on the ground. Vergil gripped him tight and firmly, an unforgiving gaze painting his complexion.
“Don’t you dare utter another word out of that filthy mouth of yours” Vergil sneered between gritted teeth.
Dante simply smiled, before Vergil let go of him and walked away, leaving the agency and shutting the doors angrily as he left.
“Where is that ray of sunshine going to now?” Nero asked from the couch as he fiddled with his mechanical arm.
“Probably going to look for his sword in the sewers again or something, he’s completely lost it”
Vergil wasn’t a man to give up on the things he wanted, especially things that were his by right, like his sword. It didn’t matter to him if it had been two days or two decades, he was determined to recover Yamato, no matter what.
After another week of searching in the surrounding areas, going as far as to go through the entire city and the cities next to it, when he was about to turn back, he felt something.
A spark, almost.
And he knew. It was Yamato.
Frantic, almost desperate, he began to blindly follow that spark… bumping into people, getting his boots dirty, it didn’t matter. He had never felt this close to it before.
It was a rare sight to see Vergil this disheveled and unhinged, but there he was, as he stood by an alleyway, hair having come undone, clothes dirty and unkempt. And so he saw it…but his expression showed disappointment.
“…What is the meaning of this?”
What stared back at him wasn’t his sword, but a person. Unclothed, and human. You.
Despite his expression, you felt a wave of nostalgia wash over you, as well as relief. You wobbled towards him, stopping just before him to face him.
“….V….ergil?” Came out from your lips like a shaky whisper, and, as if you had spoken for the first time in your life, you touched your lips in surprise from the voice that came out of you.
Vergil on the other hand however, didn’t know what to make of this situation at all. He stared, his eyes searching for anything that could be missing… but he couldn’t ignore the sensation he felt. This… was somehow… what he had been looking for for the past 20 years.
“…This can’t be… Yamato?” Vergil finally asked in disbelief, visibly struggling to make sense of it all.
Hearing that name made your eyes widen. It felt familiar but also strangenly distant. Was that who you were? Something in you told you yes, but at the same time… it was if you weren’t just  that anymore.
In a flash, memories came forward… The moment Vergil used Yamato to open the portal 20 years ago, and what happened afterwards. How your body broke and transformed, and you were left in that voidless darkness for however long it had been. That changed you.
The information was too much for you. You felt your consciouness waver, and before you realized, you had collapsed against the man.
Once you came to, you weren’t in the alleyway anymore, you were in a bed, and clothed. Opening your eyes slowly, you could faintly hear voices from outside of the room.
“You’ve completely fucking lost it, haven’t you? Bringing in a random homeless person here and claiming that’s Yamato?”
“I wouldn’t have brought a random person if I wasn’t sure, Dante. I’m not insane. I can’t explain it, but that really is my sword. It’s… just… different.”
“Are you sure you don’t need a vision test, brother? Because I sure do not see a sword anywhere in that room.”
“I don’t know how to explain what happened, but the connection is there. I can feel it. I don’t know how or why, but when we met, it… they… recognized me. This can’t be a coincidence.”
“Oh, so let me get this straight, after relentlessly looking for Yamato for the past two decades, you suddenly ‘feel a spark’ that leads you to a dirty alleyway where you find a naked person who mutters your name, and suddenly that just explains that you found what you were looking for? Holy shit, you really did lose it.”
“You wouldn’t understand the type of connection I have to Yamato in the first place, Dante. It lead me to Nero when he took it, and it led me to it again. I just have to understand why it looks like… that.”
“You know what? Do whatever you want, Vergil but don’t get me involved in this. If the police comes knocking by about kidnapping or something, I’m not here.”
You could barely understand what they were saying… but you had a feeling they were talking about you. You sat up, looking at the loose shirt you were given… it had his scent. Your memories were fuzzy and your brain hurt, but you were relaxed… he had found you and that was all that mattered.
After a couple of minutes, Vergil had entered the room you were in, looking thoughtful and rather preocuppied. You watched as he approached you and sat at the edge of the bed next to you. For a few moments, it was silent between the two of you… until he started speaking, finally.
“…Tell me everything you remember.”
You took a moment, something within you made sure you knew that depending on the answer you gave, it’d dictate what would happen next.
“…I was… alone, for a very long time.” You began.
You told him all you remembered… the portal, the darkness, the rift. You couldn’t tell exactly that two decades had passed, but you could definitely tell you had been alone for a while. You told him moments you two had in battle, how you tried to talk to him, to give him strength, to give him more power, but that no matter what, it seemed there was a wall between you that couldn’t be broken, because at the end of the day, you were merely a tool.
You told him how you felt all those times, how you felt when you were apart, but that’s when he raised a hand to interrupt you.
“Stop.” Vergil spoke, clearly convoluted with his thoughts and feelings. “How… do you know about all that? It… doesn’t make sense.”
“…I… have always been by your side.”
“…But you’re not Yamato. I don’t even understand what you are exactly.” He spoke, staring at you.
“…I don’t have a satisfactory answer for you to explain my nature, Vergil.” You spoke rather calmly despite the situation. “…As your tool or not, I had always been capable of feeling. It’s what connected us to begin with. The thirst for power, of growing stronger… it’s what filled us.”
“Stop it.” Vergil stood, troubled. “Don’t talk as if we’re intimate, it isn’t possible we are connected in any way. What do you know about the sword? Where is Yamato?”
“…You feel it, too… don’t you?” You asked, lightly touching your own chest. “…The spark. It’s what reactivated my memories, as well.”
Silence fell in the room again. Vergil simply shut his mouth and turned away, walking out of the room and shutting the door. You stared, leaning back against the pillows and sighing, staring at the ceiling. Truth be told, if you knew of a way to go back to being his weapon, you would do it. But you didn’t understand what was happening to you either. You didn’t know why things were the way they were, but you knew the rift changed you.
You were satisfied with just being by Vergil’s side again, but clearly, that wasn’t something Vergil was happy about. You couldn’t blame him though, he wanted a sword and what he got was a person. You were of no use to him the way you were.
Was… he going to throw you away?
That thought alone made you spring up, leaving the bed and wobbling to the door, opening it. Vergil was no longer there, and you felt a rush of what could only be processed as anxiety as you wobbled through the corridors to try and find him.
You told him everything you remembered, you knew  he felt that connection as well, so he couldn’t simply throw you away, right? He couldn’t. He couldn’t. You were his, and he was yours and he just couldn’t do that to you.
“I’m afraid you were right, brother.” You heard him speak downstairs, making your eyes widen. “I think… my obssession with finding Yamato had made me sick.”
You’re filled with rage. How dare he? How dare he discard you as if you were nothing?
In a fit, you jump, and without a second’s notice, your hand is through Vergil’s stomach in a mighty stab. The man gasps.
“Vergil!” Dante exclaims, before something takes place: Vergil’s Devil Trigger is activated.
It shouldn’t have been possible.
Just as it shouldn’t be possible for his sword to look, act or even present itself as a human.
But there you were… a physical manifestation of Vergil’s sword. You were there, and you were real.
4 months have passed since then.
Nero and Dante don’t get involved with you and they had expressed a lot of disapproval once Vergil had decisively shared he’d keep you around a few months ago.
Naturally, Dante didn’t want Vergil to permanently crash in the agency’s building, especially carrying whatever you were with him, so the two of you had to go somewhere else.
A run-down apartment building in a shady part of town was all he could afford, which was not very fitting for someone of Vergil’s standards. However at this point in time, there wasn’t much to be done about it.
“…We should try it again.” Vergil spoke, seeing you on the floor, breathing heavily. “We’re close, I can feel it.”
“…I don’t know how to do it, I don’t know if I can go back to being Yamato again, Vergil.” You shakily responded, looking up at him from where you were.
“You already know you have its powers within you, I wouldn’t have kept you otherwise, you know you can do this” He exclaimed, but backed away once he looked at your face, noticing your expression.
There were small tears in your eyes, you bowed your head. He would’ve left you if you hadn’t triggered his devil form back then? It explained the relentless attempts at trying to make you unlock your potential in these past few months. You thought this was for another purpose… because he did believe you were part of him, that he was simply trying to restore the connection you two had. You understood now.
“…Why can’t you just accept me for the way things are right now?” You shakily asked. “…Back then, I was more than just your sword, I was more than just a tool, we were one.” You gripped the floorboards with your nails. “…Why can’t you see we’re connected regardless of what I am?! What do I have to do to prove it to you?!”
“…If you were truly Yamato, you would know better than to be dependant on such fickle emotional bonds. What we have is tied to our ability to grow stronger. Nothing more.”
“You’re lying!” You shouted, standing and forcefully gripping him by the collar. “…I asked you if you felt that spark I felt when we met and you refused to answer me. Each and every time I ask about our connection, about how it feels for you, you refuse to give in, refuse to let me know what you’re thinking and what’s going on in your head. I know  you feel it, and that you’ve felt it all along, so don’t make me feel ridiculous about it when I know you’re not a cold slab of stone like you’re trying so hard to seem to me and everyone around you.”
“You didn’t keep me just so you could figure out if I could go back to being a sword or not. I know you, Vergil… you just don’t want to be alone.” You whispered, before letting him go.
“…” Vergil was silent for a moment. “…You’re weak.”
“…I’m a direct reflection of your inner turmoils, Vergil. If I’m weak, then what are you?”
You could see Vergil’s lips trembling, as if he was trying to think of something to say. But no words came out, only tears. It was the first time you’ve seen Vergil cry.
You lightly approached him again, and wrapped your arms around him. He fell to his knees, and surprinsingly, hugged you back.
“…You’ve never been alone, Vergil. I had always been with you”  You whispered, making sure to hold him close.
“…I can’t endorse in these emotions. They make me weak.” Vergil stammered, struggling to contain his tears.
“…It’s just the two of us… You don’t have to be anything for anyone, much less to me. You can just be… you.” You looked back. “…Allow me to just be me, Vergil… allow things to be different.”
You sat there a while.
It would probably take a long time for Vergil to accept the new reality of things. To accept he wasn’t alone, and more importantly, that he was loved by someone.
But it didn’t matter.
You’d stay with him until he understood. You had stayed with him for a long time… and you would stay with him until the ends of time.
In this form, you could be everything Vergil needed. A friend. A partner. Someone he could have an unbreakable bond for all eternity.
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corvidcircus · 2 years
If you're still taking requests maybe how vergil and dante's s/os react to them coming back from hell eventually after the end of 5? :) I don't know how long they spend there but I know I'd go crazy if it was more than a few months... Love your writing! ❤
The Return
(post-DMC5, by roughly ten months)
Vergil's S/O-
you've been outwardly calm, and internally screaming
you were actually V's S/O
V told you about the whole situation just after he told Trish
the qliphoth was the first time you met Vergil, but he looked at you adoringly, just like V did
he softly assured you they'd be back, and leapt into the underworld within seconds of ending his bout with nero, leaving you scrambling to understand what was happening
you've been working to distract yourself from the fact that he's gone, and the fear he may not come back
you never really got to meet him, and he might be gone for good
it hurts
you hate it
the crew have noticed
you dont sleep well, you wont eat much, you're irritable and distracted
10 months later you are very close to giving up hope
youre on a job and suddenly both twins are just... there?
it throws you off balance and if it weren't for them covering you, things would've gone very poorly
you finish destroying the portal and the stragglers
you stop and actually see him for the first time
you don't remember moving, but you blink and you're across the room, crying, face shoved into his chest, clinging to him for dear life
he stiffens and then slowly returns the embrace
it takes a minute for you to get your breath back
you recognize pieces of the poet you knew, enough to gently tease him
"You're late, and in a lot of trouble," he winces apologetically
"but goddamn did I miss you."
that earns a small smile
("And I, you, my dove.")
Dante's S/O-
you're pissed, at first. mainly because before the Vergil fight you told him not to do anything ridiculously stupid.
mans had 1 job: he failed
after about 5 weeks, you start getting a little worried
the tree is mostly gone, so they must have succeeded in taking out the roots
the longer that goes by the more you think about something Nero said when he told the crew what happened
that they never said they had a plan to get back, in fact he seemed to think they may not be able to get back out of the underworld
the whole arcane research thing is not typically your go to for dealing with demons
why bother when hitting them with a sword is more effective
but without yamato, portals are hard to create, and even harder to control
you spend months running down any option you can think of to at least get to or from the demon world
it takes another 8 1/2 months to finally find something that you think might work
it doesn't
then after passing out, upset and exhausted, you startle awake at the sounds of the doors flying open
you must still be dreaming, because that looks like your devil
who's trapped in hell
cue a dante patented stupid joke to diffuse tension
you quite literally vault over the desk into his arms and just feel that hes back
*hug*"I'm so happy you're back!"
and exactly 4 seconds later
*hitting him repeatedly* "Never fucking do that again!"
Bonus Nero's Reaction-
he's super fucking pissed off
ah yes lets leave the kid (with severe familial abandonment issues) suddenly without his family
remains fairly angry when the topic of either twin is brought up
but the longer that goes by, the more anger becomes distress, and eventually resignation
concerned, but unsure how to help Vergil's S/O
very bothered by the 'empty look' when he does jobs with VS/O
confused, exasperated, but not surprised at Dante's S/O's actions
a little tiny bit scared of the non-stop manic energy DS/O is embodying
first time seeing the twins back, he has way to many emotions to deal with so defaults to anger
likely throws down with either/both
the rage burns hot and fast this time, so the fight is messy and short
basically ends in him storming off and giving them the cold shoulder until someone makes the first move
(probably nero or dante lets be honest here)
*this is the headcannon version, there may end up being fully written one shots later
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sattorntempura · 5 months
:) i would really appreciate it if you gave my oc a chance. If not, it's okay. *cries*
Hey, peeps. Lately, I've been going through this uuuuugly artblock for my main project. (This is my first post, scary, lol.. really nervous)
So, a few months back, I drew a Devil May Cry OC. The images are under the 'more' tab, but i would really appreciate it if you read this first. With this art block going on and the urge to draw something other than my main/serious project, I decided to make a small comic of my OC's childhood and how he ended up meeting the main/canon characters/crew.
And if you're new to the DMC world, hello, welcome! I hope this little comic will encourage you to check out the official games, it's pretty fun!
Try to guess who I ship him with... Hey, don't look at my pfp! That's cheating!
So yeah, there's going to be some sketches/panels of this ship. Dw, nothing too explicit/graphic. It's fluff, lol. I think that's what they call it? There's going to be more information regarding the dmc - oc comic in a future post.
I know there's a lot of different opinions when shipping an oc with a canon character, so that's why I added this little 'more' tab/bar below so in case you're not interested, you can scroll away :) for those who choose to stay and continue on, thank you.
My oc's name is Ezra. He was created when a cool friend of mine invited me to RP the DMC5 storyline with them. I was kinda nervous at first since it was my first time to ever RP with someone. I got the hang of it, though! And it was fun! (The next/future post will provide more information of that if anybody is interested. Since it's kinda the reason why Ezra exists in the first place.) I am not sure if I will include the RP events in this comic, since like I've mentioned, it took place in the DMC5 storyline, and its quite a lottt. Just like the canon game. So I might draw the day (i mean the in-game time) after the Qliphoth was taken down. Or summarize the DMC5 storyline. There's still a lot of time to think about it since I'm going to start off with the background of this character, then when he becomes an adult, and then when he meets the crew.
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☝️ This is how the cover of my oc's DMC comic will look like. The title is blurred out because I am still debating whether I should change it or not. Lol, it's kinda edgy, I might keep it that way.
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☝️These right here are adult/present Ezra and a few panels of Vergil. I am still experimenting with the way I draw Vergil since I want to have him look a little closer to the game than the way he looks in manga. (Which is hard since I prefer drawing the exact style of any series official art... Because if I do it in my own version, it never looks like the character. So yes, this is a challenge.)
The drawing with Ezra's full body is supposed to be Ezra holding his scythe over his shoulder, but I gave up on finishing it since I didn't like the way his coat looked. You can even tell from the different coats he has in the other panels/images...
The image with Ezra getting food poisoning was from eating Dante's food. This idea stems from all those memes with Dante creating unidentified matter, whereas other characters like Vergil make decent food.
The first image and 3rd image are actually linked together, hehe. I wonder if any of you know the tilted towers reference? Lol
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☝️Another Vergil sketch. He is laid next to Ezra in bed. (You can see the pillow that Ezra is cuddling with peeking in that image, lol). This moment is related to Vergil's nightmares.
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☝️ The first image out of the two is one out of the 2 closest friends BEFORE the DMC5 events. I think you will really like them. They've put a huge impact on Ezra's life and are the very reason for the way/who he is today. I still don't have a design for the other friend, that's why it's not provided here.
The second image is just baby Ezra, not having a clue what the adults are talking about. The adults definitely didn't call him that...
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☝️Lastly, this is my reaction once I created this DMC OC and decided to ship him with Vergil. I have no clue why Samsung does this to my images once edited, lol.
The same friend mentioned before also had me create an OC for a game that they play, and I failed to not grow attached to this character. (What!? I created them. They're like my own children now!) I might show u guys how he looks like when I finish his design.
If you guys have any questions, feel free to hit that, uh, *checks profile*, Ask me anything button, I will try my best to respond. If I don't respond, it's because I am still a boomer to this app and don't know how to operate it. Another reason is because the answer to your question may be a spoiler.
Like I've mentioned before, information about the comic itself will be explained in the next post. I don't spam post, so don't worry about getting lost in my profile trying to look for more information. I will try to have a pinned(?) post, if this app allows me, where I can add links like the way I've seen other users on here do it.
Haha, I add lazy watermarks (even though my art ain't that worthy) because I've seen small artist get their art clapped by a-hole users without permission. This has also happened to me, but it was yeeeaaarrrsss ago. This is why I don't post much of my art nowadays. Especially with the "art" bot-stealing going around. I need to find a better way to not let it happen to my art ever again.
Thank you for taking the time to view this, I really appreciate it! If you are interested in my OC's journey in the DMC world, feel free to follow me. You might even see my art growth/process between the very start of the comic to the very end of it! I hope it gets better... lol, watch it get worse- they slowly transform into stickmen HAHA
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shuttershocky · 10 months
As an avid DMC fan, what would be your recommended play order of the games for someone looking to get the full DMC experience? Most people online seem split between starting at 3 or 1 (though most agree on skipping 2).
Most? You mean there's someone out there actually recommending you play 2? Terrifying.
If you want the DMC experience, buy the Devil May Cry HD collection (contains 1-3 Special Edition, but really it's more like 1 and 3 Special Edition) and take your pick:
Pick DMC1 if you want to see how the series started. It's not fully Devil May Cry yet and its former identity as a Resident Evil 4 prototype is still somewhat recognizable, but you'll appreciate what eventually became the foundation of modern day action games.
Pick DMC3 if you want to see Devil May Cry once it really found itself. This is the game that made Vergil his own character (beyond just being a brainwashed boss in DMC1), introduced Lady, styles, Devils Never Cry, basically all the finishing touches to Devil May Cry's identity. Do note that I recommend that you install a "style switcher" mod when you play 3. Usually you have to select a style at a statue, but the Switch version lets you swap styles on the fly like in DMC4 and 5, and this was implemented in no other versions. lol.
After you go through your first pick, you can then play the other, before moving on to 4 and 5.
DMC4 is... kinda rushed, and also came out in that odd 2008-2010ish time period where Capcom games like Resident Evil 5 were completely normal and then they'd randomly do something racist (for DMC4, a new dark-skinned character just turned out to be an old, light-skinned character in a magic disguise, which... yeah), but it did introduce Nero, as well as had the most complex ever Dante whose skill ceiling was so high (despite not having a moveset as huge as DMC5 Dante) that many hardcore players still swear by DMC4's combat system. DMC4 would also lead to the creation of DMC's "sister" game, Bayonetta.
Finally, there's DMC5, the latest game released in 2019 after a 10 year hiatus in which absolutely positively no other DMC games came out whatsoever. None. I mean it.
I recommend you play this last, since 5 is a love letter to the entire series from 1's enemies being V's summons to its reenactment of Dante vs Vergil to even making the Devil May Cry anime canon to the games by making Morrison a cast member and including a cameo from Patty. The game also sets up Nero as the main protagonist for the series going forward, and he really comes into his own in this game.
That being said, 5 is actually really good as a starting point for new players. It's got very accessible difficulties, well-balanced enemies, a robust training mode, no puzzles (you could really get stuck in those, I know I did) and even an autocombo mode that automatically makes combos for you that you can turn on and off at any time without even pausing. If you've always been intimidated by the bar for mechanical skill and by DMC's reputation for difficulty, 5 offers you good training wheels and won't compromise your DMC experience for using them. You can start here just fine and work your way backwards.
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varggies · 3 months
Okay so ya boi just speedran DMC5 and now im smitten for V but thats not the point
I'm kinda obsessed with the playstyle for V??? Idk i dont think I've really seen anything like it in games (if there are others, let me know cause i want more of it). But there's something about playing a character that's not? Super strong or skilled or anything like that? Its refreshing
And i think its good representation too! As someone with chronic fatigue and lung problems, I can't be very active in day to day life. I push myself and do my best, but it sucks, not having the strength or energy to keep up with everyone around me. And it's kind of nice, seeing that represented in a playable character
Plus its super fun, sending out your familiars to whittle down the enemies for you to finish off
I know we're likely not gonna see V again in the story after this but damn, i hope they put him in more games because he's so much fun to play
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Platform: Nintendo Switch Status: 100% finished Rating: 9/10 Recommend?: HECK YEAH! 
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My history with Metroid Dread was somehow… Complicated. I found out there is a demo for the game as soon as I got the switch in the summer of 2022. Naturally, I finally could get a taste of the Metroid franchise, so I downloaded it, tried it out… and found out this isn’t a game for me unfortunately…
But then, in the fall of 2023, OUT OF NOWHERE Metroid Dread crept into my mind, without any previous trigger, and I was like “Damn… I would love to play that game… I should try the demo out…” and I kept telling this to myself for like two weeks until I sat down, downloaded it again and fell in love with the game instantly.
And how do I rank the game after I got it, sat down and obtained 100% completion on my save? Here’s my thoughts.
As stated before, this was my first Metroid game ever.
I have no idea what is going on in the series, so starting with the fourth main entry basically, might be a bit misleading, but I felt like I was catching on to everything the game was throwing at me storywise.
The initial premise is fairly simple.
Samus is called on an isolated planet called ZDR, where she needs to investigate a race of mimic creatures known as X. Naturally, things go south fairly quickly. We are captured by some boss creature, beaten to a pulp and stripped of all upgrades and we start our journey on ZDR as the most barebones version of Samus Aran.
The story unfolds slowly and very atmospherically I’d say, but the pacing is well spaced throughout the game. Everything builds up to the final reveal and like… I am sorry, I have to put a
notice here… But I was blown by it! If anyone would tell me something is able to put out a similar plot twist to the first Bioshock and succeed in it, in 2021, I wouldn’t believe it! My brother told me that similarly to DMC5, a lot of the plot of Dread was guessed by the community even before the game was released, but IDC. I was still blown by it.
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Before Dread I played only bits of Hollow Knight and Blasphemous in terms of other Metroidvanias.
Gameplay-wise, Metroid Dread is one of the most satisfying games I ever played. Samus controls amazingly well. As you unlock the different skills to traverse the map, even the boss fights become much more fun. Out-jumping Chozo Soldiers was a deliberate fun.
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The movement through ZDR, through jumps, space-jumps, morph-balling and slides is amazing, it’s swift and very responsive.
Only gripe I have is with the shinespark puzzles.
That shit made me sweat bricks. I literally was going through a phase when I wanted to grab the whole switch and toss it out of the window.
As for combat, you basically have a shoot, a missile, and a bomb and they improve through upgrades throughout the game so they deal more damage, can have bursts, piercing powers etc.
Its fun that you always have something that keeps you in the “ooooh, something new and shiny :3” mindset. 
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As for locations, the map is divided into 8 mini-maps that you will be running between.
What will aid you on your travels are certain fast travel points, be it some train, elevator, or teleporters. You are unlocking shortcuts and reaching new parts of the maps like this all throughout the game. So the fact you reach a new minimap doesn’t mean you will get to explore its entirety in one go.
And that’s what makes it fresh the whole time. You don't spend so much time in one place that you would get bored by it.
And you also reach some very pretty scenic views later in the game.
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But to be honest… The train locations were always my most favorite :3
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Metroid Dread has around 30 bosses. That’s even counting E.M.M.I’s and the final boss. I think there was only one which I really had problems with, which was the Experiment no Z-57.
I have no idea how much time I spent on that bitch, but I was ripping out my hair during the process.
I couldn’t for the love of god learn its patterns. And it’s in a part of the game where the progress through him is mandatory. You basically HAVE TO get through this roadblock, or go F yourself.
Other than that? E.M.M.I’s will probably be one of my most favorite and most hated encounters in gaming, period.
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Their indestructibility makes them deadly predators and a regular threat. It kind of reminded me of the Tyrants from the Resident Evil series.
But I felt much more dread from having to outrun these f*ckers.
The fact that if they catch you, you are done for makes them much more scary. And when you then have to obtain the Omega blaster to kill them finally, and still have to first blow off their shield with the gatling gun and only then kill them with a beam that needs to be charged while those huge robots slowly approach you?
I was sweating more than during any of the soulsborne bosses.
But they can also be annoying.
Many times when I couldn’t outrun them, or I was hiding on the ceiling with my camouflage on and they still catched me, I Exploded into angry mode.
The cherry on top then is the final boss, Raven Beak. My sorry ass was pretty much indented into the floor by him. I had to retreat and go level up a bit by obtaining more health and firepower as I reached his second phase out of rockets and was pretty much fucked at that point.
Once I obtained my 100% on the whole map, I came back and wiped the floor with him. And I had so much fun learning to outrun all his attacks and properly get my revenge on him.
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Also, a small thing I was giggling at the whole time was that I was imagining how he beat me over few cycles, to his amusement and then Samus just didn’t return, and he put up some tracking device and was watching in fear how she collects every single upgrade there is for her, before finally reaching the bossroom with the attitude of a mother that comes to your room after you unwantedly slammed the door shut after your argument.
And she delivered equally devastating beating of Raven Beak’s ass :> 
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This unfortunately isn’t a field where I could talk about much in most of my reviews, period.
I very rarely notice sound design or soundtracks during my playthroughs. I can only say that the sound design of weapons and soldiers is amazing here.
It’s a Nintendo game so brace yourself for not a lot of Voice acting, and when there is some, it’s in a made up language.
The voice acting in the made up language sounds amazing tho. I didn’t mind it there.
As for soundtracks… Each track that is designated to a boss or a place perfectly captures the essence of the place. It either makes you chill out, or sweat bricks, depending on the place you are at and the time you are there at.
One track in particular stands out tho and Iove every second of it. And that’s the Theme of Samus Aran. It’s so damn epic. I can't help but love it. It gives you the feeling you WILL deal with someone who is undeniably badass. And TBH?
That delivers. 
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Which brings me to my next point. I can FINALLY properly SIMP over Samus in this part of the review, so brace yourselves. 
*Deep breath*
WHY DID NO ONE EVER TELL ME, THAT SAMUS ARAN IS LIKE THE SINGLE ONE MOST BADASS PERSON IN VIDEOGAME HISTORY??? I mean it. I instantly fell in love with her through the very stoic but in-depth body language that they gave her. Every emotion of hers is so well portrayed, given that the most you see of her are her eyes. Most of the times during the cutscenes where she is about to finish some boss, she just silently walks around it, charging her cannon and I absolutely love every single second of it. I am pretty much the epitome of the Scared Cacadou meme! 
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(Just a side note I didn’t know where to put it. I absolutely love how they were able to portray her having fear in her eyes. The Fact this is a fairly stylised game, with restricted amount of animation in it, and they still were able to show this emotion so well, shows just how much care was put into this game)
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If ANYONE would try to tell me that Doomslayer is her son, I’d FUCKIN BELIEVE THAT! He just one day was like “One day I will be as badass as mommy! :3” and he delivered. And when I brushed over this theme, yes...
Samus Aran is a mommy.
100%. Both in the “Step on me mommy” kinda way and the way where if Nintendo would make her tell you during the gameplay, that you played for too long and you should turn it off or it will have consequences, you WILL turn the game off and go to bed like a good boy... even if it would be just 2PM!
During one of the finish animations, I even compared her to the mother that asks you how was your day at school, and during you telling her that it was fairly calm, she just waits with the wooden spoon in her hand, because she already got the call from the school that you broke a door on the toilets, headshot your classmate with a wet sponge and during the class ignited the classroom plant, and she’s just waiting for you to stop talking so she can wreck your bratty ass. 
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She just radiates authority. To be fair, she radiates so much power and authority that you basically feel like you have to be worthy of seeing her nudes on the infamous R34…
That might, or might not be part of the reason why I 100% completed the game…
To gain mommy’s approval…
Might, or might not. Maybe it was just so much fun to play. 
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Metroid Dread is an absolutely masterful game that was a fresh surprise.
I enjoyed my time with the game, stormed through it in like 3-4 days and it probably is a game that will stay with me for the rest of days. It’s one of those that you just remember having fun with. Even though I wasn’t a fan of the white armor Samus has in this title in the first place, it kinda grew on me.
And if I would get a nickel every time a well known design got white elements embedded into itself and I didnt like it at first, but then it grew onto me, I would have two nickels.
Which Isn’t much, but it’s weird that it happened twice. The second time was with Insomniac’s Spider-Man. 
So, would I recommend the game?
Yes. I give it 9/10.
The performance on Switch is phenomenal. The story was captivating and the gameplay here just shines. It has been a long time since I played a game that was just so much fun to chew through. If you are a proud owner of Nintendo Switch, this for sure is a gem that shouldn’t go under your radar… 
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polarisbibliotheque · 2 years
when do u think youll be done with the we shall never surrender project??
Hi, dear! That's a great question, thanks for sending it in!
To be quite honest with you all: I don't know.
There's a few reasons for that, so bear with me a little, please "^^
1 - I'm on a sudden art mentoring program with a friend who offered it to me freely.
I've been unemployed and ill for quite a while and a 'friend' of mine literally scammed me and stole all the money I had left, so I'm officially broke. That's been stealing my nights of sleep, because I'm trying to figure something out to make some money and at least pay my credit card every month.
When I mentioned with my mentor I might try to get in the art industry, she was over the moon and took me in for training free of charge and help me as she can so I can get a job. That being said, I'm focusing 1000% on that - hence why I disappear for so long: in less than a month, I've finished 600+ drawings.
Yes, I'm crazy. But this is the only shot I've got after a long period of distress and not knowing what to do. I'm giving it all to it.
2 - I decided to use this mentoring time to improve my art and apply it to the requests of the Shall Never Surrender Project!
I always thought I could do better with the requests - I don't want to deliver something bad and half assed. This last month, I feel like I improved so much, I wanted to wait a little bit to deliver something with a better quality!
3 - My health sometimes kicks me down and so I need to choose carefully what I have energy to do.
As you guys know, I'm trying to recover from an illness and I have a chronic illness as well. I don't eat much and that means sometimes I don't have enough energy to get up from my bed.
There are days I start being productive at 3 p.m - I spend all the morning lying down, gathering energy to tank the day and taking a few naps. There are other days, I can't even bring myself to eat 'cause I feel like I'm going to pass out midway to the kitchen.
Think Vergil dragging his ass out of Hell and crumbling apart at the beginning of DMC5. That's it, literally, I'm not being dramatic.
I have to prioritize what I can do during my days, then. Usually, I prioritize my mentoring, then helping my mom with chores and running errands and then, by night, I'm already very tired. If there's any energy left, I try to write - for the blog here or the book I'm trying to write - and then work on the Shall Never Surrender Project.
It's slow. Very slow. But it's going.
4 - Nevertheless, I want to finish the requests of the Project before starting comissions.
Like I said, I'm broke. And, as you might have seen, I opened commissions to help a friend of my mom who is in a worse situation than mine and really needs some help.
I want to finish the Project requests before any commissions start coming in, because I do feel guilty for making you guys wait so long. I thought I could deal with requests of full, coloured and polished artworks quickly, but I can't.
That was a foolish overestimation of my part and I am sorry.
Even then, people don't commish me a lot. I had a few commissions some years ago, but I gotta tell ya, it's VERY rare for me to get something. Even then, I need to try. For this friend of my mom and for me, eventually.
If I'm not wrong, there are 3 requests for me to finish. I'm working on them in the order people have requested, and honestly, I hope to finish them soon.
I'm really sorry for taking so long, but life sometimes runs over us and we are caught like a deer on headlights.
I know this might feel like a sassy response, but it isn't. I'm really happy you asked and I can explain a few things/give you guys some idea of what's going on and apologize for taking so long :)
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lipglossanon · 7 months
hey gloss! i recently got into DMC by playing DMC5 (lowkey thanks to u since i seen you reblogging some DMC stuff and i think you answered a ask or two about dante? idk i might be wrong) and GIRL I FELL HARD FOR DANTE HARD😭 legit i just got the game yesterday (at the time of writing this) and im on mission 15, so im almost done! i’ve never done this with a game before it usually takes me a week or two to finish a game like DMC
but anyways, back to why i’m here! would you ever write for dante or any DMC characters for that matter? i’d LOVE to see you write for them and if you did i’d definitely be here for it lil extra question: what’s your favorite DMC game? okay i’ll get out of your hair now
anyways remember to drink water and eat something if u haven’t, and have a great day, bye!! -🩵
Howdy 🩵 anon!! 👋
Ahhhhh 🙈 that’s so awesome!! I’m really stoked for you!!! 🤩 and I did answer some asks about Dante ages ago 😉
Oh holy smokes you are nearly finished! 😯 Dante is so easy to fall for too 😌 after playing dmc1 Dante was number one in my heart and then dmc3 happened along and Dante’s hot moody brother became my fave 🤭 I honestly love all the dmc characters though 😆
And I’ve thought about it!! I’d love to but I’m nervous they’d be OOC and I’d cringe at myself 🫣 I feel like Dante would be the easiest cause he’s so relatable lol maybe Nero 🤔
Thank you for this ask 🩵 anon! I love RE don’t get me wrong but Devil May Cry usurps it by tenfold 🤭
And I hope you have a great day as well!! 💜
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spinningbuster98 · 1 year
Ok so small but disappointing update: I'll put my DMC5 playthrough on hold for some time
It's not the game's fault, I'm just not feeling it now. Hack n' slash games take a lot of effort to play well, especially on such high difficulties, and I guess playing DMC5 right after DMC4 sort of burned me out
I will finish it one day...just not now
Maybe I'll play something else in the meantime...
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m00nz-writes · 1 year
Die Pod - Blackened Angel chap. 10
Summary: After getting in trouble with Principal Hicks for accidentally breaking a window, Alyssa gets after school detention. Little does she know, there's a weed problem.
A/N: This is the last chapter of Blackened Angel I will be posting on tumblr. Uploading Blackened Angel to AO3 and Tumblr has become a little stressful for me, so after this every chapter will be AO3 exclusive. I will try to upload more side stories for not only Blackened Angel (such as a retelling of DMC4 + DMC5, both of which will be told from a child Alyssa's POV) but also other things I write. I will be taking a hiatus from uploading content here for now so I can focus on finishing the first act of Blackened Angel.
Alyssa screamed in anger as Mr. Taliver practically forced her into the office. She stumbled a little and turned to face him, snarling at him almost animalistically as he walked away.
"I didn't break the fucking window on purpose!" she screamed, storming out of the office as she yelled after the teacher. She screamed and stormed over to the chairs as Benny and Ethan stared at her in shock.
"Why am I not surprised that you broke something?" Benny muttered before she hit him in the face with her backpack. He screamed in surprise before he grabbed her bag and tried to pull it away from her. "Stop attacking me!"
"Stop being a mega-jerk!" she yelled, pulling the bag and ripping him out of his seat as they both struggled for the bag.
"You're such a bitch!" he snapped before she pulled the bag away from him.
"Say that again. I dare you." she growled as he got in her face and was about to repeat it before Ethan got between them.
"Can you please not kill each other?" he looked between them as Lyss growled. Benny finally backed off and sat down next to the only other person in the office, while Alyssa sat with Ethan, clutching her bag to her chest. "What happened?" he asked while Lyss looked over at him and rolled her eyes.
"Taylor pissed me off again. He threw a book at me, so I threw it back at him. I was aiming for his desk or the wall, but it went straight through the fucking window and now Mr. Taliver thinks I'm an 'unruly' student…" she explained before leaning against the seer and sighing.
"You broke a window." Benny commented as she looked at him and was about to hit him again with her bag before Ethan took the bag from her and placed it next to his chair.
"Why are you two here?" she asked, ignoring Benny's failed attempts to flirt with the girl next to him.
"Benny convinced me to rewire the PA system and the ghost alarm blew out a few windows." Ethan muttered and Lyss' eyebrows raised. Principal Hicks called out to the girl in the last chair as the trio looked over at her. Alyssa's eyes widened as Benny tried to pull one of the earbuds out of her ear, but what appeared to be vines pulled back and she just replaced the earbud like it was nothing. Alyssa got up from her chair as she gently took her hand and led her to the office and returned to her seat.
"That girl was a total butter ears…" Benny muttered as Lyss and Ethan looked over at him in confusion. "I liked everything about her… but her ears."
"Wow. How are you still dateless?" Ethan joked before Alyssa snorted and shook her head.
"Don't laugh!" Benny whined before he and Ethan were called back. Alyssa quickly kissed Ethan on the cheek as she sat back in her chair and sighed, awaiting her punishment. She watched the girl leave the office, her eyebrows furrowed as she watched her go about her day as if in a trance, unaware of her surroundings and focused on whatever was in her headphones.
When the boys left the office, Alyssa was called back and stood up. She chewed nervously on her lower lip as she walked into the office and sat down in front of Principal Hicks. He stared at her with a clearly irritated expression as she slumped in her chair and clutched her bag tighter.
"You're always breaking things in school, Miss. Redgrave." he said simply while Alyssa nodded awkwardly.
"Well… as you know, Principal Hicks, my father is the legendary devil hunter Dante Sparda… and much like him, I have his extreme strength." she explained awkwardly, feeling uncomfortable actually talking about her father's profession and heritage. "I don't want to break anything, I'm just struggling with my abilities right now."
"I understand the predicament you are in, but that is no excuse for damaging school property. You threw a book through a window."
"Taylor Matthews threw it at my head!" she exclaimed before calming down and sighing. "I understand that you have to punish me…but please don't suspend me. I beg you…"
"I'm not going to suspend you, Alyssa. However, you will have after school detention for the rest of the week." he said firmly before she sighed and relaxed.
"Alright." she mumbled before he waved her off. She got up from the chair and quickly left the office, pulling out her phone as she made her way to her next class. She frowned as she scrolled through her timeline and saw that everyone was going crazy over the new project Single Tear was working on. She turned off her phone and rolled her eyes, scoffing at the idea of the band. She got picked on for listening to bands like Black Veil Brides and Pierce the Veil, but at least they didn't cry about how hard it was to be famous.
Lyss paused when she saw Rory wearing a Single Tear shirt, a small grimace coming to her face as she stared at him. She walked over to him and leaned against the lockers as he smiled at her. She looked at the shirt for a moment before her eyes rested on his face and she raised an eyebrow.
"Have you heard the new Single Tear album?" Rory asked with a big smile as she laughed and shook her head.
"No, I prefer to listen to music from people with taste." she said bluntly and his eyebrows furrowed.
"Single Tear has taste, Lyss. I'd go so far as to say they have more taste than BVB, MCR and P!ATD combined!" he exclaimed as her eyes widened and she laughed in disbelief.
"I can't believe I'm friends with you." she joked, playfully shoving him as he laughed. "I don't know how you like them! All they do is cry about being famous and hot. It's embarrassing." she giggled as she crossed her arms.
"It's so much deeper than that. They're cool and famous, I'm a vampire. No one really gets us." Rory replied, snorting and shaking her head.
"You know what? Rock on, you weird little man." she teased, playfully ruffling his hair before continuing on her way.
Alyssa stumbled as Taylor shoved her, knocking her to the ground as she grimaced slightly at the impact. She looked back at him and fought the urge to fight back, reminding herself that she wasn't supposed to fight humans unless they posed a serious threat. As annoying as he was, Taylor was no real threat to her. Taylor was about to punch her when JJ grabbed his wrist and slammed him into the lockers, lifting him up by his letterman jacket.
"You need to back off, man." JJ snapped, glaring at his teammate.
"Let go of me Richards!" Taylor yelled as Alyssa picked herself up and brushed herself off.
"You're really pissing me off. Are you seriously going to risk your only chance at a scholarship because you're an absolute bitch?" JJ commented before dropping Taylor. The blonde hit the floor before JJ approached Lyss and put a hand on her back. He led her down the hall as she sighed and fixed her hair properly, looking up at her much taller counterpart.
"Thanks for that.."
"You need to start standing up for yourself." JJ said as she sighed and crossed her arms.
"I'm trying! But every time I do, I either lash out or break something. I don't want to hurt him."
"Yeah, but if you just let him push you around, he'll think it's okay to bully you." JJ crossed his arms, mirroring her as they stared at each other.
"I understand you're trying to help, but I can take care of myself." she said as JJ sighed and let his arms fall to his sides.
"I just hate to see you get pushed around by an asshole like Taylor." he shrugged as she frowned slightly and tilted her head.
"His bullying doesn't keep me up at night, Jamie." she assured him, placing her hands on his arms as she gave him a small smile. He gave her a small nod before she continued on her way, heading down the hallway to get to her next class before she caught sight of Ethan. She made her way over to him and grabbed his arm, walking beside him as he looked down at her.
They didn't have a label for what they were yet, but they both knew what they were to each other and that was all that mattered. Calling Ethan her "boyfriend" felt so official and she wasn't sure if she was ready for that. She was just happy to be with him in a more intimate way and she knew he felt the same way.
Benny joined them on their way while complaining about the girl he'd tried to talk to. Alyssa didn't pay much attention to him, more worried about the fact that she had to go to detention soon. They stopped when they saw Rory approaching and Alyssa smiled a little at him.
"Erica and I totally like the same band!" he said excitedly as Alyssa snorted and rolled her eyes.
"Single Tear? Aren't all those songs about how hard it is to be them?" Ethan asked, looking at the vampire quizzically as he nodded.
"Yeah. They totally speak to me." Rory commented while Alyssa shook her head and quickly kissed Ethan on the cheek.
"I have to go. Detention and all." she said as he nodded and gave her a smile. She pulled away from him and punched Rory playfully on the arm as she walked past and down the hall to the classroom that would be her prison cell for the next few hours.
Alyssa stopped when she noticed how… strange the computer lab looked, peeking inside and scowling as she looked around at the sickly green lights and the girl she'd seen in the office earlier. She hurried over to her, dropping her bag as she carefully examined the girl's skin, her eyebrows knitting together as she inspected the weeds growing out of her face. She leaned closer to check her skin more closely before she felt something wrap around her ankle. She gasped and looked down to see some wires wrapped around her before she pulled her leg away and tried to inspect it further, only to have more wires try to grab her.
She stumbled away and fell back onto her ass, scrambling away as the wires came closer. She managed to stop the wires with her telekinesis, forcing them away from her before grabbing her bag and quickly leaving the lab. Stumbling over herself as she hurried down the hallway, she pulled out her phone and called Nico.
"Devil May Cry!" Nico said as cheerfully as ever, clearly on the road from the sounds of it.
"Nico, there's some serious shit going on at the computer lab. How soon can you get here?"
Alyssa stayed in the classroom for a while, nervously watching the clock. Nico said that she and Nero were on a mission out of town, which meant that it would take her some time to get to the school. It also meant that she'd be bringing Nero with her, which meant extra muscle. Lyss looked at Mrs. Marquez, who had been assigned after-school detention and noticed that she was fast asleep. The few other students there had also fallen asleep, so Alyssa took the opportunity to carefully sneak out and look around the halls. Her heart sank when she saw that the lights in the halls had turned the same sickly green, and her nerves got the better of her as she looked around, as if something was going to jump out at her.
"There you are!" Nico said excitedly as she and Nero approached her. She turned to face them and calmed down when she realized that it was really them. "Does your school always look like this?"
"No. This is a first." Alyssa admitted before quickly moving to Nero's side and grabbing his jacket. He kept one hand on his weapon just in case something posed a threat, though he left his sword in the van because it was much easier for him to hide the gun.
"You're here too?" Benny called as he and Ethan quickly joined the group.
"Something's wrong with the wires." Ethan explained nervously, looking at Nico as she nodded and listened intently. "Somehow plant matter has mixed with the wires…"
"Really? That's pretty interestin'!" Nico said before Nero nudged her lightly. "Terrible, I mean. Really, really terrible." she corrected, rolling her eyes and adjusting her glasses before quickly walking to the computer lab. She entered without a problem and looked around in awe, more amazed at what had happened than scared. The others followed close behind as Nero scowled and pulled away from Alyssa, heading over to the girl who was still at the desk.
"Oh my God…" he muttered as Nico joined him and she stared in amazement.
"Holy shit! The plant infection has spread to her body!"
"Nicoletta!" Alyssa hissed as the gunsmith looked at her and nodded, concentrating on the task at hand. She knelt down and looked more closely at the wires, picking one up before grabbing a penknife and cutting it so she could better see what was happening. She squinted as she studied the inside of the cord, not noticing the other half trying to wrap around her arm. Nero stomped on it and held it down as Alyssa looked around and frowned, hugging herself as Ethan called Sarah.
"You never said anything about these things moving." Nero shouted at the seer as Nico stood up and readjusted her glasses.
"That's impossible. Like Ethan said, these wires are mixed in with the plants…it's like somethin' outta horror movie." she commented, looking at Alyssa. "I need to do more testin' before I make any real conclusions about this." she added, pulling her bag off her shoulder and kneeling down again so she could get some decent samples. She stood and examined the girl before carefully removing a piece of one of the sprouts and quickly left the room to return to the lab in her RV when Benny returned with some weed killer.
"I don't think that's a good idea." Nero said as Benny walked over and looked at him skeptically.
"Do you have a better plan?" he asked before the hunter glared at him.
"How about we wait for Nico to come back with some information before you possibly hurt this girl?"
"I'm with Nero on this one." Ethan admitted as he put a hand on the girl's shoulder, his eyes turning white as he had a vision. Alyssa quickly walked over and put a hand on his arm as he looked at the others.
"What did you see?" Benny asked as Ethan looked back at the girl and frowned a little.
"I saw a tree. It was… angry."
"How could you tell? Was it choking squirrels?" Benny asked before Alyssa punched his arm, making him yelp.
"Hey!" Nero snapped, grabbing her arm and pulling her to his side. She stumbled a little into his side as she grabbed his arm and held on to him, still glaring at Benny.
"Aw man. I was hoping you'd have fixed this by now." Rory said as he entered the lab, seemingly unfazed by the way everything looked. "This didn't screw up my download, did it?" he asked, walking over to the computer he had been using.
"Maybe we should look up your angry tree." Benny suggested and Ethan nodded before panicking a bit.
"Not here. Something tells me it's not a good idea to touch these computers." he said, turning to slap Rory's arm while Alyssa nodded and screamed in surprise as another wire tried to wrap around her leg. She practically jumped into Nero's arms as he rolled his eyes, but held her anyway. Benny tried to use his laptop, only to find it wasn't working, while Ethan looked at the others. "We'll do it from my place."
"What about her?" Benny looked at the girl who still lay seemingly dead on the table as Nero shook his head.
"We're not moving her until we know what's going on." he said before turning and leaving the lab with Alyssa still in his arms.
"I still have detention." she jumped out of his arms before he grabbed her.
"This is more important than detention, Alyssa."
"Dude, I'm already going to get in more trouble if Mrs. Marquez finds out I left the classroom." she pulled her arm away and headed for the classroom as the boys walked out and followed Nero. The hunter sighed and shook his head, looking back at Benny and Ethan before rolling his eyes and walking out with the boys close behind.
Alyssa had somehow managed to fall asleep in the classroom. When she woke up, she realized that she only had five minutes of detention left and everyone else in the room was asleep. She frowned a little as she pushed herself out of her seat and made her way to Mrs. Marquez's desk, her eyes widening as she realized she'd been infected as well. Plants were growing out of her face and mouth and she looked like she was completely gone. The students were the same way, which only frightened Alyssa more as she hurriedly grabbed her bag and stumbled out of the classroom, slamming into the floor in her panic. Lyss screamed as wires wrapped around her ankles and she struggled against them as they pulled her down the hall.
She grabbed a corner and held on, managing to break free before allowing one of her arms to transform so she could properly defend herself without a weapon. She managed to rip through a couple of wires before another wrapped around her throat and she yelped, stumbling around as she tried desperately to get it off. She screamed as a gunshot rang out and the wire fell off her, turning to see Nero running over to her.
"Are you okay?" he asked worriedly as she nodded nervously. The gang followed Nico as she shot down more wires with far more enthusiasm than anyone else, finding the experience far more enjoyable.
"I could make amazin' weapons with these materials!" she exclaimed, picking up more wires to harvest whatever was in them and shoving them into her bag. Lyss grimaced as Nero glared at the gunsmith.
"Nico! Lives are at stake here!" he snapped as she waved her hand dismissively.
"Loosen your jockstrap." she snapped back before the group entered the lab. Alyssa's heart sank as she saw Rory being used as a vessel for whatever was after them. She immediately tried to get to him to free him, only to have a mixture of wires and branches wrap around her and practically throw her aside. She screamed as she slammed into a wall, pushing herself up and looking at the others.
Nero and Nico shot down anything that came near, while Sarah and Benny tried to help them. Ethan was working on something on his laptop when Benny approached the strange cage Rory was in, wrapped up in much the same way Alyssa had been. She ran over and pulled him free of the branches and wires, pulling him back towards Nico and Nero. He panicked a little as Ethan finally infected the systems with a virus, causing everything to stop. Nero rushed to catch Rory before he hit the ground, seemingly dazed as he began to recover from what had just happened. Benny got out of Alyssa's arms as she stood up and brushed herself off, looking over at Ethan and wrapping her arms around him. He returned the hug and held her as she rested her head on his shoulder and sighed in relief.
Alyssa chuckled as she watched the boys work on cleaning up the mess on their own. She had been removed from the equation since Principle Hicks thought she'd been in detention the entire time, which worked to her benefit. Nonetheless, Alyssa got up from the ground and aided the boys in cleaning up the mess despite not techincally being a part of the problem, placing more branches in the wheelbarrow as Ethan smiled a little at her.
"Thanks." he muttered before she press a soft kiss to his cheek and smiled back at him. "So is Nico working on a new weapon or something?"
"Yeah. She said she had enough to make everyone in the agency at least one weapon." she explained with a small shrug, picking up more branches. "She's gonna make me a new gun, which I'm pretty excited about." she smiled at him before she looked at Rory attempting to stand up to Erica. Alyssa gave him a thumbs up as he smiled pridefully before crumbling when Erica played her cards and snatched the CD away. Lyss snorted and shook her head, leaning against the wheelbarrow.
"Well.. you almost stood up to her this time." Ethan commented as Rory watched Erica walk away with Sarah.
"Baby steps boys… baby steps." he muttered while Alyssa chuckled, looking at Ethan.
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elena-fishr · 2 years
for gaming asks: 6, 18, 42, 54, 75 :)
Thank you:D
6. An underrated game from the last few years?
I'm only going to answer with games I've personally played (and I mostly play popular franchises so there's not going to be anything groundbreaking here lol) A plague Tale: Innocence and Super Lucky's Tale are tied for my pick! Lucky's Tale is really fun and I don't see a lot of ppl talk about it, I'm thinking it's because it looks so cartoony but it is really great, trust.
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18. Worst game you've played?
Gotta go deep in the archives for this.... hmmumm DMC2 sadly... it feels genuinely unfinished and inferior in every way to everything else in the franchise which was a huge let down because the Devil May Cry series is peak gaming aside from this one
42. A game you will never forget (in a bad OR a good way)
Uncharted 4 A Thief's freaking End I can quote this game from beginning to end and this was the first Uncharted game I had to wait for so the hype leadup was momentous. I can even remember my thoughts and feelings on my first playthrough and relive them on current playthroughs. Everything in the gameplay was such a perfected upgrade from the ps3 era. The game played so fluid, and it really got me appreciating how simple but addictive it all was. The climbing also felt incredible and I loved how Nate looked, I remember being nervous for his 'PS4 version' cuz I was so used to PS3 nate lol
Shoutout to DMC5 I can also quote that game from start to finish and that action style of gameplay opened a whole new world to me, especially with Dante's styles
54. A sequel you really want?
Capcom gonna own me for this one.... Devil May Cry 6..... DMC is my crack I don't even know what more they could do, I just know I need more lol
Resident Evil 9 too, but that is a sequel I know will come out so I'm just waiting lol I just want it and to know the direction they're going to take it now the crusty Winters are done
Past me would say Uncharted too but in the current state of things... I just want them to leave Uncharted as is, they gave it a great ending and I'd like them to commit to it. It was already hard enough to live through a movie being released lol (the ONLY exception would be if Amy Hennig wanted to something more of course because like Uncharted is her's idc what anyone says)
75. Do you focus on main storyline/quest or do sidequests first?
It REALLY depends.... if I'm into the story I'm going after the main story obv BUT I tend to dislike open world games so 9 times out of 10 I could give a damn about the story and just do whatever is close to me and move on lol
ty anon I appreciate you for asking :)
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dmc-brainrot · 1 year
The Devil in my Eyes (part 3)
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Dante (DMC5) x reader
warnings: young! reader (late 20s), slow burn (there's nsfw in this one though), virgin! reader, human! reader,  gender neutral! reader (no pronouns are used), size difference, smut (minors DNI), fingering, unprotected sex, cumming on body
summary: Dante comforts you after your emotional outburst in a way you didn't expect to enjoy so much
word count: 2.5k
chapter 1 | chapter 2
>> AO3 version
a.n: I'm very very embarrassed to share this, I never wrote sex scenes before and I'm also sick, so if you see the tenses changing from past to present please forgive me I have a fever and couldn't sleep so I finished writing this.
(requests open)
You didn’t know what exactly came over you but both your lips were touching. Something stupid Dante said, a silly laugh shared between the two of you, and then... a kiss. You and Dante kissed for a good while, it wasn’t rough or strange, it was... sweet and gentle and it made you feel different. Once you pulled away from one another, you simply stared at him with what could be interpreted as a surprised expression.  Dante looked back with a smile.
“I-“ You began, but your tongue seemed to be stuck in the back of your throat. You didn’t know who kissed first, if it was you, or him, or maybe both at the same time. You didn’t know what to say, if you should apologize, or play along, or just stay quiet... regardless, you ended up staying quiet like an idiot.
“I think we both know what we want right now” Dante spoke before you had the chance to. “Don’t think too hard about it, okay?”
"Dante-" You tried to object, but it was fruitless. He was kissing you again and you couldn't resist his lips against yours. You were so nervous. What was going to happen? Were you two seriously doing this?
Dante kissed you a bit more passionately this time, his hands finding their way around your waist and slowly but surely pressing you down against the couch you two were in. You could feel the weight of his body against yours and you struggled to figure out what to do with your hands. You eventually settled into holding the back of his head, as he maintained your kiss for a while longer.
Once he pulled away again, your cheeks were flushed red and you stared at him with an indescribable expression. A mixture of desire, fear, insecurity, anxiety, you couldn't tell. Once more, he seemed to take note of it, and smiled.
"If you want to stop, you can tell me" He spoke.
"I-" Words failed you. Did you? Part of you wanted this to happen, while another was afraid of what'd happen afterwards. Would things be different? "....I want this." You finally said, albeit soft and weakly.
That was enough for him. He leaned back and took off his shirt, tossing it aside and exposing his figure. Your mind couldn't help but go back to the vision you had of him the night before, when he was laying on his bed in full display. Your cheeks warmed up at the thought.
"I'll take off yours now, okay?" Dante asked, and you nodded slowly, before feeling his large hands reach down and remove your shirt, tossing it aside as well. You could feel his gaze on you and on your body and there was nothing but pure amusement in his face as he took in your figure. You couldn't help but feel shy.
Next thing you know, he's leaned down on top of you, feeling your skin and using his hands to grope you gently, going to your sides and rubbing them softly, making you gasp. You squirmed a little under his touch, not because you wanted him to stop, but because the sensations were almost overwhelming to you.
Dante let soft kisses against your skin, your chest, your stomach, until he reached the rim of your pants, making you shudder in reflex. Once he got there however, he leaned away and sat up, holding you by the hips now and spreading your legs a little, fitting you underneath him.
"Do you want to move somewhere more comfortable?" Dante asked in a quiet tone, you could feel the hair on your body stand up by the way he sounded.
"Please...?" You asked softly, and again, it was as if everything you said was an order Dante was more than happy to fulfill.
He picked you up and carried you upstairs to his room, opening the door with his foot and entering.
His room wasn't anything impressive, it looked just like yours except with a TV and some trash around tucked away in the corners. He placed you on the bed gently and didn't waste time getting on top of you and kissing your neck. A small sound escaped your throat as he kept going, his scruffy beard rubbing against your skin as his lips marked your skin.
You weren't this kind of person. You never did this with anyone, and even your ex of 2 years got fed up with your attitude. So why him? Why were you willing to do this with a man you've only met a few days ago?
Despite the attention you were receiving on your body, your mind wandered and made you feel guilty. Did this make you a slut? Nobody would know about it...but deep down you kind of felt like one.
Dante pulled away, using one of his hands to turn your face towards him.
"What's wrong?" He asked, making you look back.
"N-Nothing's wrong." You respond shakily.
"You're tensing up... " Dante spoke, one of his hands caressing the side of your leg up and down. "Nervous?"
"I'll take it easy, okay?" Dante reassured, kissing your forehead, but before he leaned back, you wrapped your arms around his neck a little.
"....Do you think I'm a slut?" Your voice came out like a whisper, but made Dante stay in place.
"...Why would I think that?" He looked back at you with his icy blue gaze, hands now resting beside you on the pillow.
"...Because we've known each other for only a couple of days and... we're already doing this" You sheepishly responded, looking to the side before meeting his gaze again.
"...Ah... I see." Dante pulled away, sitting up so he could look at you better. "Do you feel bad for your first time being like this? Is that it?"
"N-No! I mean... well, I never pictured it'd go like this before, but... I don't know"
"...It's fine, do you wanna stop?"
It was almost humiliating how open minded and relaxed Dante seemed about everything that ever happened. You practically living there, your tantrum, the fact you suck at absolutely everything, your lack of experience, and even this... Did he not get bothered?
You looked back at him and bit your lip. You were always like this... so insecure, so unsure of things, unable to take the initiative and simply letting things happen, letting people get to you and not the other way around. You were sick of it.
You weren't a child anymore, you were a free person, no strings attached, and Dante was right here to make you forget about everything at least for one night.
"No." Escaped your lips. "I want you, Dante."
Dante smiled, showing his teeth, and you could see his sharp canines poking out from his lips. He leaned down again and with a swift movement removed your pants, tossing them aside along with your shoes and your socks, leaving you just in your underwear.
There was a visible size difference between you two. He was massive, not only in size but in muscle as well. You felt small underneath him, but it felt thrilling as well.
He kept on loving your body, groping and rubbing some sensitive spots throughout you with his hands, while using his lips to plant kisses across your skin. Every time his lips and warm breath reached the rim of your underwear you felt a shiver going down your spine, making your back arch softly.
You could feel your body warming up at the sensation he was spreading throughout your skin, and soon, his lips met yours again. You felt his weight against you and how firmly his hands held you by the hips, and you wrapped your arms around him again to pull him closer.
Your kisses were more passionate now, despite you being a little sloppy he didn't seem to mind. He opened his mouth and waited for your permission to go further, which you allowed to happen, your tongues swirling together as small sounds escaped you.
You were getting really hot and bothered with all of this attention, and you could feel Dante was getting rather excited as well. He bucked his hips and grinded against you, and you could feel his cock rub against you through the fabric of his pants. The feeling was exhilarating, and you couldn't help but shudder at the thought.
After some sloppy tongue kisses, he pulled away to breathe, and your gaze wandered automatically to the bulge that had formed in his pants. You felt absolutely dirty doing this, and the sight only made it worse. But you couldn't tell if you were regretting agreeing to this, or if you were excited to do something you've never done before.
He unzipped his pants and removed them with some difficulty. He seemed almost impatient to get them off of him. You giggled a little as you watched him struggle, and you could swear you could see him blushing a little, a smile coming to his face.
"Don't laugh, hold on" Dante smiled, finally able to remove his pants and also his underwear, exposing his form fully to you now.
Your cheeks were also dusted red upon the sight. You wondered thousands of things, but you were too shy to share your concerns out loud.
"Alright, now for the fun part~" He smirked, leaning down and removing your underwear at a slow and teasing pace, sliding it down your legs before tossing it aside as well. He could see you were already pretty excited.
He took out some lube from the nightstand beside you and put a little bit on his fingers, rubbing them against your entrance before pushing one finger in.
The sensation made you arch your back almost instantly, and your breath got stuck in your throat. You felt his finger move and your eyes could barely stay open. You don't even notice when he sticks another finger in and begins to move.
He notices your expression and can't help but stroke himself as well with his free hand, continuing to work his fingers in you for a few moments longer before removing them. 
You try to recompose yourself but before you could even breathe, the tip of his cock was already rubbing against you. You closed your eyes tight, expecting something that never came. You opened one of your eyes and look up at him.
"You look so scared... can I really do this?" Dante smiled, holding you by the legs and lifting them up until they reached your shoulders.
"Don't apologise. If you wanna tap out at any time, just tell me to stop"
You nod... just by the position you're now in you feel like quitting. This was so embarrassing, he could probably see all of you from where he was sitting. God. You cover your face with both hands but feel Dante kiss against them.
"I want to see your face" he whispered in a raspy tone against your hands, making you shudder and slowly uncover it. He's right in front of you and you can feel him rub against you.
"D-Dante-" You whimper, and see him smile, before thrusting himself inside.
Your vision whitened almost instantly, once more your breath feels stuck in your throat and your whole body tenses up. There's a burning and stinging sensation spreading throughout your body originating from your lower region.
He didn't move, watching the range of expressions and whimpers you were showcasing to him as you adapted to the current situation.
You could feel Dante slowly pull out, inserting himself inside you once more, this time a bit gentler, making the pain  be slightly subdued by the friction. You could also hear him whisper against your ear 'relax, it's okay' over and over and kissing away any tears that developed in your eyes.
"Let me know when I can move" Dante whispered, gently rubbing your thighs as he still held you up.
"O-Okay...." You whimper, small tears still filling your eyes.
You try to control your breathing and relax... it takes a while but you eventually give Dante a nod for him to move.
The feeling that comes afterwards is ultimately euphoric. He leans himself closer to you, your legs resting against his shoulders. He holds your hands and intertwines your fingers together, pressing them both against the pillows, and with this action you feel him slipping further inside your body.
You moan, as if completely forgetting this had been painful a second ago. He holds you down the bed firmly, as if you could slip away at any second, and thrusts inside you. His hips move and with every thrust a new sound escapes your lips, which seems to only excite him more.
The only sounds in the room are both of your moans and the sound of him thrusting himself into you, but you're so overwhelmed by the pleasure you don't hear anything really. Your eyes are barely open and you notice his expression... He seemed to be trying to keep himself together. You wonder why, but you also didn't care that much. He's biting his lower lip and you can see red tinting his lip where he's biting it. There are deep groans that escape his throat that make him sound like an animal, trying to keep himself tamed.
You didn't know how to properly process this but there was something building up inside your lower stomach that made the situation even more euphoric.
Dante could feel your body tensing up occasionally based on his thrusts, your insides squeezing him and it was getting harder and harder to keep things at an easy pace for you. You noticed this as he began to quicken up the pace and tried to reach deeper inside you. You tried telling him to slow down but you were overtaken by the feeling of him inside you.
His groans got more animalistic with time, and he could feel himself growing closer to his end. You could feel it too, and you couldn't even make any more sounds at this point as he reached a spot that felt way too nice. His thrusts get slower and deeper as he is reaching his climax, and you're a whimpering mess underneath him as you reach yours.
With some final thrusts, you feel him pull out and a whimper escaping you as he does, not used to the sensation. You opened your eyes afterwards to see him stroking himself, and soon enough climaxing over your lower stomach.
You were breathing deeply as he lowered you from him and laid next to you, catching his breath as well. You have no words, you can only try to gather your thoughts as you feel lightheaded and a bit nauseous.
"Dante..." You managed to whisper, looking back at him with a weak and tired gaze.
"Just relax...I'll clean you up in a bit" He reassured you, caressing your hair and kissing your forehead.
For someone who said previously he only did casual hookups he was being awfully caring... You wondered if there was something more to him that he wasn't telling you...
Before you could ask anything however, you felt your eyelids grow heavy, and you succumbed to sleep.
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kalinann · 3 years
nothing quite like the emotional intimacy of entrusting the weapon which embodies your family’s legacy to one of the few people you’ve come to consider a friend
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