#it's about connection and rememberance
sad-girl-autism · 2 months
We've been carrying around pieces of each other, whether dead or alive, since the beginning of time, and we may very well do that until the end, and that is a beautiful thing
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lifeonmarz-blog · 4 months
“IT GIRL” natal alignments
an attractive young woman who is perceived to have both sex appeal and a personality that is especially engaging.
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Moon/Venus The emotional world is expressed in a pleasing way. You understand what a person needs without them having to communicate it with you. Very expressive with love nature your ok with expressing it to the world.
Mercury/Venus *Major Indicator* This is the most common aspect with popular attractive women. People relate to you through the way you communicate. They love to hear you talk even if it’s about basic things. Watching your social media just to see what your up too. This placement gives you a sexy rememberable voice.
Sun 10th Your personality is easier to read your view points may be more agreeable to the mass so it’s easier to create relationships. You enjoy being likable and agreeable. You know how to present yourself in a way that will get the best desired results. It may also be very easy for you to get jobs people may feel like they know you even if they don’t.
Sun/Asc loves being the center of attention and people enjoy giving you the attention. This aspect makes a person come across as very interesting with a busy life. People enjoy being around you because of your childlike bubblyness that just expresses whatever you want when you want. Others feel more confident being around you because of the confidence you exude.
Sun/pluto polarizing, magnetic and alluring is how I would describe this. Others have a curiosity about you. You may keep a lot of your thoughts and personal life to yourself and people pay attention to your life closing because they want to learn things about you. Everyone listens when you speak because you probably stay to yourself and don’t contribute in group conversations as much as others. The real appeal here comes from people not being able to have access to you.
Sun/neptune giving hope to the hopeless. You see the bright side to anything and make for a great person to share with. You listen and give the best advice you can. Your mind is very creative and others love when you share your visions with them. You can provide many creative solutions to problems.
Asc in libra you enjoy a simple life living the lap of luxury you prefer to keep a light hearted nature. You’re like a spa in human form.
Asc in Sagittarius you make the plans for your friend group because you know how to create the fun. Others love your spontaneity and ability to make friends with anyone. You have the gift of gab and it’s very charming.
Asc in Aquarius you’re really funny in a random who thinks of that kind of way. You don’t mind bluntly telling the truth and you shock others by doing that. People view you as someone that doesn’t mind sharing the information you know. You’re willing to try anything once and it’s inspiring.
Asc in Pisces you can adapt to any environment. You know how to connect with many types of people so you attract a lot of opportunities to you. The way you express your emotions has an addictive quality about it. Attracting people with your rawness in emotion or expressing emotions in a creative way. You know what to say to soften anger in others.
Moon in cancer your caring nature is easily felt. People feel at home around you. You know how to make others feel welcomed. You don’t put much pressure on others on how to behave and that allows them to drop their guard with you and just be.
Moon in Virgo reliability is a virtue you have. Reliability builds the foundation to long lasting relationships because trust is so important. You hold support to a high regard and that allows you to build sturdy relationships and that’s make people want to offer you the same support in return.
Moon in Capricorn being blunt and bout your business is what wins people over. Its refreshing to hear someone speak their mind so freely. You accomplish goals you never speak on and people are amazed when they see what you've been creating behind closed doors. This placement also gives clean girl aesthetic. Also you probably love black clothing.
Moon in Pisces Dreamy ofc, with a quirky sense of humor. You don't mind laughing at yourself so its easy for people to let their guard down around you. You look approachable and usually are. There is so many ideas in your head and people love to hear them. Your very self motivated and it rubs off on the people around you. Because you don't have ulterior motives and its easy to see in you, its very easy for you to make friends quickly.
Venus in 9th Redefining what love looks like, you may be unconventional in expressing the way you love but it cant be denied that you do love. People admire the way you can blend in with many different groups. When you travel people can wonder how you got to have certain experiences in a country you just got to.
Venus 10th You meet traditional beauty standards. Being conventionally attractive brings in attention from a mass amount of people. People love the way you dress and copy your outfits. This is the girl that is saved in a lot of Pinterest boards.
Venus in 11th Popularity comes to you easily. People see you and want to be your friend. Venus hear gives you the gift of gab. Your voice is disincentive and draws people in. You come across friendly and bubbly full of energy and fun.
Venus in 12th Mystery is how you captivate. People unconsciously try to get your love and attention. Your personal life is private and people feel like you live a interesting secret life, rather that's true or not its assumed and they want to get close to you because they see not a lot of people can. They want to know what happens in your world.
How many did you have?
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igotanidea · 5 months
Somebody's watching me : AK!Jason x reader
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Request: AK! jason hears y/n’s name from his opponent and just goes nuts like he goes home looking for her.
A/N : the requests is a little twisted, as usual, but I hope you'll still like it anon :D
It was gone.
His old life was gone.
And with it, everyone he knew before.
All that was left was revenge, hate, rage. And this unstoppable need for killing someone, destroy something, wreck havoc on every single person who did him any wrong.
Fucking Batman.
He was the Arkham Knight now.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Focused on building his position so that no one, no fucking one, would ever hold any power over him.
And if that meant keeping tabs on everyone under his watchful gaze so be it.
And if that meant putting some pressure on everyone who dared to do as much as step a toe over the line, so be it.
And disturbances?
Defnitely not something he was about to allow.
And now he was holding a gun to one of his goons head.
"What did you do?" he hissed, his voice distorted by the helmet
"Sir, I --"
"What did you do?" Jason repeated pressing the metal more into man's head.
"I-- I disobeyed--"
"You disobeyed. And do you know what happens to people who disobey me?"
"Sir, please this is--"
Jason shot in the air and the man almost fell to his feet.
"It was-"
"I'm not going to give a warning shot again"
"I was-"
"I'm gonna count to three now. One."
"There's this girl."
"Her name is Y/N."
"thr-- what?"
"She is very distant family, but --"
"Shut up!" Jason yelled, his face twisted with rage, not that anyone could see his expression hidden under the metal. "Shut the fuck up you hear me!" it took him two steps to be in front of the man, yanking him up by the collar and pinning to the wall with brutal force, half-chocking him "you ever do as much as think her name again and I'll kill you and put your head on a stick as a warning to anyone who dare have a thought of himself. YOU HEAR ME!?"
"now get the fuck out of here!" the man was violently thrown on the floor, getting up as fast as he could and rushing out the door. It was truly a miracle he lived to tell the tale, cause Arkham Knight was not known for his leniency.
But Y/N.
Someone from his past.
More than someone.
A girl, a woman, he was once in love with.
A woman, whose name he forgot in the pursuit after Batman.
Or rather - tried to forget.
She was the only one who ever got him. The only one to accept him fully, with all his flaws.
His Y/N.
His Y/N who betrayed him just like anyone else. Who forgot him. Who moved on without giving as much as a single thought to him when he was lost. Who was never looking for him.
His Y/N.
It;s been years since he heard anyone mention her. Years since he swore to never get manipulated again.
And then.
Just a few letters mixed together. Just a few sounds.
And she was right behind his eyes, just like he remembered her. Because even his dark side refused to let go of the rememberance of their time together.
Her laugh. Her smile. Her eyes and freckles from the sun, as fleeting as the summer days they were spending together. Her calmness, care and tenderness when she was patching up his woudns, tiredlessly putting on bandaids and stitches.
He didn't need that.
Just another phase of brainwashing. If not from his capturers than from his own men.
Hell no.
He was going to say no to the past life once and for all.
Hunting her down, wherever she may be.
See her for the last time.
Pour hatred in his heart, destroying all the remaining piece of useless softness and caring he carried in his soul.
Burn the last link connecting him to the past down.
She was spending the night in her old apartment. Sitting by the same desk, with the same lamp, in the same posture she ever did.
One leg half bent and folded under her ass, the other hanging loose in the air.
"You're going to end up with numbness..." he muttered to himself, watching her from the opposite rooftop.
Obviously she couldn;t hear him, but something made her raise her head and look outside the window while simultaniously changing the position.
Jason smiled despite himself.
His heart skipped a beat and sudden warmth spread in his chest.
Only for a second though, since he rememembered why he was here in the first place.
Look at her.
So fucking good.
So fucking calm and happy, while he-
traitorous bitch.
Maybe it was her plan from the very beggining. Conspiring with Batman only to get rid of him, so they could both be free of the burdening presence of a man once known as Jason Todd.
Regardless of how sweet her name may have tasted on his tongue he would rather cut it off than fall down that rabit hole again.
He was cold as ice. Brutal. Cruel. Ruthless.
And it was not going to change because he saw her.
Not in the million years.
She was the reason of his fallout. She should have stopped him from going on that stupid mission. She should have made him stay, showed him she cared enough to keep him grounded.
It was all her fault that that after being captured all he could think about was how she was going to survive without him. How her heart would break into million pieces, instead of figuring out a way to free himself.
It was all her fault that he became the Arkham Knight. Cause inhumanity was equal with survival. And survival meant living. And living meant keeping his legacy.
So yes, he hated her.
He hated her, because every single thing he did and every little thing done to him was because and thanks to her.
She was the reason of him getting on top, but also the person responsible for his failure as a person.
She was nothing.
She was everything.
And for the first time since capturing, torturing and tranformation Jason felt conflicted.
His Y/N...
Not his anymore...
When some force made her stand up and come to window all she saw was a blink of metal on the rooftop. And since she spend half of her life with vigilantes, it was easy to realise that this must have been one of them.
But the silhouette of a running man couldn;t have been Dick nor Tim nor any other hero she would recognise.
And despite herself, she felt a shiver running down her spine.
Someone was watching her.
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khristie16 · 8 months
The Fast and Forbidden
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Charles is a famous F1 driver with everything one could want: fame, fortune, and fans. But he is missing one thing. Being his new personal assistant changes everything for both of them.
— chapter 3 An unspoken connection builds up and seeing you half naked gives a top to it, right after your date with another guy
warnings: sexual tension, invading privacy (not the intention), charles is chuckling the charles out of him
I haven't seen Charles for two days. We haven't even spoken. Right after our shared time behind the piano, his brothers came to his apartment to pick him up for the squash that was apparently delayed. I snapped from my sitting position and awkwardly disappeared, resulting in forgetting about the clothes I wanted to laundry. I felt weird. Torn apart. What the hell happened there? I was still overthinking the whole scenery, me and him playing together. Me and my feelings and him and his words. What the hell was he talking about that I am his boat in whatever ocean it was. My frustration grew extremely and I was mad about everything and I did not know where it came from.
After ruminating on the sofa I had bought two days ago at this new and absolutely with nothing in apartment, I had to buy at least few decent things to it. It is not like I care about it much, I'm not gonna stay here for most of the time and I definitely don't call it home. One thing came to my conclusion. I will go on a date. I don't know how or when yet, but I need to go on a date instead of thinking about the weirdfest that is happening between the two of us. What I didn't know though was the fact that Charles ignored me on purpose. He was cursing himself for saying what he said and he didn't know why he said it. It was like that day, that moment he was someone else. He doesn't do these sweet nothings. He isn't like that. And so he ignored YN as much as he could.
On the way to Japan, the ride was quiet. Charles had his AirPods all the time and all I could do was draw some stuff in my notebook. This is actually the only time where my mind doesn't lead. I don't think and that is when I like it the most. That is when I remembered I wanted to go on a date. I decided I will install these trendy apps that are viral nowadays.
''There you have my keys, we are still in separated rooms, but still.''
He nodded in agreement of hoping that I have some common sense and I know what he implies. As I am grabbing the keys from his hands on the corridor in this fancy hotel in Japan, I don't bother to say anything to him. As I turned around to walk to my apartment he said ''I don't need you for today, you have a free time''
I took a deep breath and encouraged myself to go even faster.
Give me your name and I will give you my last name
These guys hereeee. Ugh. Now I remember why I stopped finding my 'match' on these apps. These guys are cringe asf and the only thing they care about is the color of your panties, not your name. I chuckle as I scroll some more on the sofa in the luxurious living room that I roll my eyes at. Anything that reminds me of Charles is annoying. Luxurious cars, clothes and even hotels are annoying because of him. I fumed and threw the phone next to my lying side. My vision goes blur and black as put my hands over my eyes and try to just breathe. Just when I get into the moment, I receive a notification.
It is some guy called Patrick. I looked at his profile and I have to say I was slightly amused. A nice handsome guy, who is appearing normal. I accepted his offer and in one minute I receive his message.
When I saw your face I could not look away:)
I'm not gonna lie, it did flatter me.
Good for you you didn't:)
I'm Patrick. Not from here, as i see you are not from here either I'm YN. I'm just visiting for few days. Better to make it rememberable
I don't know what this guy was but he intrigued me and I accepted to go on a date with him. I put myself together very nicely and went on a date with him. He picked me up in a luxurious car (Charles) and greeted me with a beautiful smile. I had to give him credits for how handsome he is IRL. ''Hello you''
I have to chuckle as I make my finish line to him. ''Well nice to see you too''
I smirk at him and look him in the eyes. Brown eyes. Simple. Nothing complex. Not like Charles's eyes. *(internal grunt)*
''What's wrong?''
He asks me genuinely with frown on his face. I shrug it off with a mild smile that it is nothing, just that I am cold. He raises his eyebrows but don't comment it. Instead he opens the doors for me and I sit down, ready for the adventure of what this date will bring.
The date itself was very nice, a simple dinner with a beautiful view on the city underneath us. Patrick is very casual and calm guy, well mannered and well spoken. There was nothing wrong with him, yet, I felt shallow. I did not feel alive. I thought to it it is because of my shitty mood from earlier. More of someone specific. I checked my phone to see if I am not needed but nothing came.
''I see there is something bothering you''
I lift my gaze and look at Patrick. I give him apologetic smile and take my phone away.
''Just work''
He gives me a knowing smile but he doesn't know it is not the job itself but the person behind it. And I hate myself for letting that happen. I don't want to feel like that, especially with a decent man in front of me. We go back to our conversation and as the time goes by, I finally managed to forget about Charles.
Patrick talked to me about his life, how he started and how it lead him to be where he is now. I genuinely liked to listen to him and it was certain that his guy know what he is doing in life. He has a goal and it appears no struggle take him from it. Unlike me.
When he asks me about my life, I keep it very simple. I don't want to tell him how I lost everything I could, everything I had for the last twenty years known to my life. And there are few things that I am passionate about. one of them are chocolate desserts and so I call for one, to keep the attention from me and my 'old' life.
On our way back to a hotel I stay silent and let my mind wander wherever it wants. Patrick from time to time asked me about something but it looked like he respects my quiet time I need for myself. It is hard to talk when my body is met with so much food to process!
''I know I enjoyed it, I hope you did as well YN''
I smile at him and I cannot lie that it wasn't enjoyable. I give him a light nod with a smile.
He helps me out of the car and then we stand facing each other.
''Can I see you again?''
I look up to his warm brown eyes and melt for a second. They remind me of all those people in my life that I love so much. They are so welcoming. It makes me so vulnerable that I say yes.
I slightly chuckle and keep smiling more to myself than to him. He takes a strand of hair from my face and put it behind my ears.
I see someone familiar on the left and my eyes wander there to see Joris with some other men. My body immediately goes tense and I search for him. But he is not there. Weird.
''You know them?''
I forgot about Patrick at all and my eyes widen at his sudden presence. ''Oh, uhm, yes, they are from work.''
I go back to look at Joris who is watching me closely as well.
''Oh, I see.''
I put my focus back to Patrick and give him a smile. ''Thank you for the date, I enjoyed it.''
He just nodded and kissed my hand with a promising look of a second date.
Right after I left the place in front of the hotel building, I lost track of time and focus on outer world that I just blankly stared on the wall in front of me. As the wall split in a half and opened for me, I blinked from the intrusion and get out from the elevator. I blindly walked to my apartment and opened the doors.
Darkness. Weird, I swear I left the lamp on. As I shrug it off, on my way to the bedroom I semi half get off the dress that were suffocating me the whole time after I ate the delicious chocolate dessert. That is why I get from having a sweet tooth. As I groan with the zipper in my lower back a light hits my senses. I blink many times in order to adjust to the surrounding and when the blurry lines make a form I see Charles staring at me expressionless. I stood there like a thief caught red handed and what gets me moving is his eyes lingering on my exposed chest and stomach.
I immediately cover myself and run to my right, even though I don't know what is there.
''Oh my god, i'm sor-'' ''-I'm sorry, I'm sorry!''
As I lay my back on the wall behind me I struggle to breath as my breathing became shallow. ''I-I thought this is my appartment. I'm so sorry''
All I hear is a chuckle and I frown at the reason for him to chuckle at all! I swear this guy just pisses me off.
''It's okay. What about I give you some space and wait in the corridor?''
I hum back in approval and get back in the dress so I don't walk half naked! With a grunt and victim mindset I get out the bathroom and straight to the door where is Charles waiting. There is a hint of amusement in his eyes and small smirk forming on his lips.
''It's not funny''
He chuckles even more and make few steps to me.
''I have to admit that I am glad I gave you my keys''
I stay watching him closely, with a smirk on his face, with my mouth parted a little at his sudden words and my eyebrows lift up. When I become aware there is silence between us I shut my mouth back again and roll my shoulders back.
''It's not gonna happen again''
I said it more with a threatening undertone and reached for the knob to leave this place. His place.
All I hear on my way out is ''What a shame''
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tireditaliannsstuff · 5 months
Himaruya and flower language pt.2!
In the latest France illustrations there are three different types of flowers:
Desclaimer: This whole post is made of assumptions. If you have other ideas feel free to share them with me!
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The first two are the ones you can see in the bouquet: Carnations and forget-me-nots.
Carnations symbolize love, devotion, and fascination. Assuming their color (probably a light one) they could either mean deep and passionate love (Red), pure love and grace (white), capriciousness and unpredactibility (purple).
(I also read that they were traditionally used for funerals of loved ones in France but I'm not really sure about this).
Forget-me-nots (obviously) represent rememberance.
The third flower is the lily.
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The lily, also called fleur-de-lys, was used in the French coat of arms.
In the language of flowers lilies mean love, ardor and affection. Lilies are also one of the most commonly used flowers at funerals.
Personally, I find it very interesting how all these flowers have a connection with death/funerals. Let me know what you think about this!
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ghostofashina · 1 month
I think it's ironic we know about Messmer's flames more than what we know of him, there is little to no focus about his inner feelings, what conflicts he might have or what he thought of other characters. Because as much as i love the idea that Messmer befriended an alburniac, that's add another depth to his character but i think Rellana would be enough to establish a connection between Caria and Messmer without messing the timeline so much. I don't dislike fromsoft storytelling but i feel they did fumble this time because even most of the npcs are so one-dimensional; Leda has no depth beside being insanely obsessed with Miquella and making her whole personality about him, Romina story feels shallow, what's the point of the rot in her lore? Why she is even a main boss? I feel we really didn't learn any much of the story of the dlc, and the little we learnt greatly contradict the established lore in the base game.
It feels truly odd. Because he seemed to be... very charismatic besides his grumpy look? Like, the DLC shows us how many people followed Messmer with free will and how they held him high. Despite the rebellion of his soldiers, you have Rellana, Gaius, even Radahn to show us he was not a hateful person (ofc ignoring his crimes and stuff). So it would be really interesting to see this charismatic dear friend in contrast to the resentful and bitter man we find, but unfortunately we don't have access to this, because Messmer serves only one purpose and they don't tell you any more than "he was a loyal hound".
I too believe Rellana was enough bridge to connect Messmer and the Carian Royal Family, and I think it would've made the timeline less messy. Gaius being there and being an albinauric makes everything more confusing. And he feels so out of place. Unlike Rellana, he feels like a field boss transformed into a rememberance boss, since if you don't go there, his existence makes no difference.
This time I also feel they dropped the ball :/ I know their lores was always vague, Bloodborne is one of my favorite games, but even Bloodborne being so dense and vague, it's not this mess. And unlike Bloodborne, Elden Ring had a established story through GRRM's mythos and help. And I doubt George would go the same path they chose.
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naomi-the-red · 2 months
Earth is a Shardworld and TRON proves it.
<<Spoilers for all published Cosmere works and the TRON Films>>
Good evening fellow Radiants, Mistborn, and other Comerenauts. There has been plenty of discussion surrounding many long standing questions in the Comere. What is the intent of the 16th shard? Is Earth in the Cosmere? Why hasn’t Scadrial developed computers yet?
Well the answers to all of those questions are revealed to us in Disney’s TRON (1982), which I believe was ghostwritten by Brandon Sanderson (1975)
In TRON, Kevin Flynn, after provoking the MCP, becomes trapped in the Cognitive Realm of Earth, called 'The Grid', and has to partner with cognitive shadows, called Programs, to defeat the main villain, called the Master Control Program (basically if the Stormfather decided to go Lord Ruler on the Spren after the Recreance).
Kevin, alongside programs Tron and Yori, use their differing knowledge of the magic system to stop the MCP from taking control of the Grid, a land of Programs that represent various functions within the physical world. Ring a Kharbranthian bell? Here’s a hint, replace the Grid with Shadesmar, MCP with Odium, and Kevin, Tron, and Yori with Kaladin, Adolin, and Shallan.
What’s interesting though is this world’s magic system, called Programming, creates these Programs in a much more direct and intentional way than how a Seon or Spren is created. It's sort of a cross between AonDor and Awakening, where you use an interface to write Command words that directly shape Investiture, which they call "Power", into a being called a Program.
Programs are keyed to the Identity of the User that created them and take on their appearance, as well as develop an Identity Disc, a device that contains the Intent of the Program and Identity of the User. I think these Identity Discs are the real reason that TRON will be revealed as part of the Cosmere as they open up so many issues we have when it comes to Identity. If one can key their identity onto a spren or fabrial, it's likely to have profound effects on future investiture technology.
Additionally, years later, in the events of TRON: Legacy, it's revealed that a group of people have mysteriously emerged in the cognitive realm. I believe these 'ISOs' are actually the Iriali and potentially IRE combined into one faction. If it's not a simple error of poor adaptation of the source material, this could be why the ISOs are not blonde and have a more personal connection with Investiture.
Now that Disney has started filming TRON: Ares and Sanderson has mysteriously stopped talking about that 'Mistborn' screenplay, I think it'll be revealed soon that Sanderson not only wrote TRON: Ares, but that TRON: Ares will actually be the first Mistborn Era 3 entry and will follow the plot of the Scadrains discovering Earth and trying to weaponize the Grid against Roshar.
Some Points:
Many might think that this sounds like Invention, but I think the shardic intent here is 'History' or 'Memory'. Most of the magic system at it's core, very subtly works to continously preserve data, like the Identity Discs and typical operations of the various Prorams, such as the MCP going rogue after aquiring significant amounts of data. If we consider shardic intents to be aspects of god divorced from divinity (or absolute divinity. There's a WoB on this.), then it stands to reason there's one shard dedicated to rememberence, and we know the last shard is trying very hard to survive but doesn't have 'survival' as an intention. A Historian Shard could definitely fit the bill.
MCP is corrupted Investiture, that's why it's red, but Clu is an avatar of Autonomy, which is why his faction is orange-red. Clu's entire idea is basically the same as Telsin, except probably lacking in nuclear armaments. Probably.
The device that takes the Flynns on and off the Grid is not a shardpool but a very sophisticated fabrial hooked to a shardpool. I think there's one major difference; the fabrial kills you and turns you into a cognitive shadow (Hence why Kevin could live on the Grid for ages without sustenance beyond investiture)
Daft Punk is canonically Hoid.
I have no idea why I wrote this.
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my-star-war-sblog · 11 months
I CAN'T be the only one that thinks the way lightsabers look when the Jedi swing them through the air looks really beautiful, so hear me out.
Lightsaber dances.
It's a century old tradition in the Jedi order, and a popular hobby for the younger members of the order.
The dances involve either moving your lightsaber in specific ways to make forms and visual tricks with the saber. The movements themselves are based off (if they aren't already) acctual fighting techniques.
The tradition has multible functions. For one, it's orcourse the fun factor for everyone. The Jedi doing the dance and the people watching them. Lightsaber dances are also often used to teach the younglings the basics of lightsaber fighting in a fun and active way. And even for older Jedi it still serves as a nice and light training in terms of concentration and swift movement since you gotta be aware of your blade at all times inorder to produce the best visuals.
If you do them with a partner they serve as great exercise for getting intune with the other since broth parties have to look after the other and themselves to not bumb into eachother or mess up the steps as they perform.
And last but not least, they also serve as a sort of rememberance and honoring ritual. Jedi incorporate and mimic fighting stances and attacks of those they either wish to honor or remember into dances and perform them for those they made them for.
Since usually it takes a lot of concentration to do these dances it's a way of saying "look, I did all this because I deeply respect you. And I also build in movements like yours to show that I pay attention to you and care about you."
Some lineages even have their own dances, each generation adding their own move to it. Each Jedi takes pride in being able to show the history of their lineage. It also serves as a connection between the generations at the temple.
Each padawan learning their lineage dance and adding to it can say that he made this with Jedi long before them and will have made it with Jedi long after them too.
Then when the war starts and Jedi start to form close bonds with the clones, it's only natural they add them in the dances.
Ofcourse there are no lightsaber stances or techniques the Jedi can mimic to put into their dances. So they do their best to mimic the movements of clones when their fire or advance.
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The L.M. Montgomery Literary Society posted this lovely photo of the three boys LMM dedicated Rainbow Valley to. It caused me to wonder who they were and what connection they had to Maud. I wrote a little bit of what I discovered below in honor of Veteran's Day/Rememberance Day. It seems they were members of the church her husband Ewan pastored in Zephyr. Maud and Ewan gave a going away dinner for the young men of their congregation and she wrote that her heart ached as she looked around the table at the young men they had come to know well.
Robert Brookes was the oldest of the three, at 32. Before leaving Canada, he left his farm to the care of his sister and her husband, and left documentation willing most of the land to them, as if he knew he would not return. Maud was close with him and his sister as they were close in age to her in a congregation of mostly young people or elderly. He took furlough to England, like Jims' father did. His sister wrote him there that she had a new baby daughter and he was thrilled to hear about his niece, writing "I want you to take good care of that little girl. I’m willing to go back and do my duty to the end, then when I come back she’ll be great company for me.” He returned to the front and was killed in the Third Battle of Ypres, reportedly while helping a wounded man to safety. He was quoted in local newspapers for his brave words, (link)and for how cheerfully he had given up his successful farm and went to defend his country. He was very close to his sister and wrote her many letters, similar to Walter and Rilla's relationship. His sister was understandably devastated. Maud remained close friends with her and supported her through this.
Maud ran an aid society and sent care packages to each soldier from Ewan's church. She was greatly incensed to receive a letter from a friend calling the war a "commercial" one. As a result of this she doubled down on her efforts to check on "the boys" and their families, becoming closest to these three.
Goldwin Lapp was just 22 when he was killed, and his parents bought a plaque at church "sacred to his memory" which Maud would later take inspiration from for Walter's plaque in Rilla.
Morley was a teacher who trained as a pilot, perhaps the inspiration for Shirley's flying. He was 23 when killed. His death was noted by LMM in her diary. Here is an article about that.
Most interesting of all, a member of the 116th battalion, mostly made up of Zephyr men, reported hearing a "bugler calling him" for years before the war and even wrote a poem about it. Perhaps this was inspiration for Walter's poem and premonition.
Sorry for the long post! I just found the tie-ins to Rilla and Rainbow Valley fascinating and wanted to share for anyone else interested. This website was a great source.
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holdbeast · 10 months
Still trying to piece together my Jing Yuan + Garden of Recollection conspiracy theory.
Facts to far:
Mara is a mental illness that strikes when a person has so many negative memories that they are no longer able to feel positive emotion or think rationally. In those cursed by The Abundance, it is eventually accompanied by physical mutations.
Mara usually afflicts immortals at around the 800-year mark, which is why the Vidyadhara life cycle causes them to reincarnate at about that time.
JY is preternaturally mentally stable for an immortals. He’s at an age where Mara has usually already taken normal people, and he’s far from a normal person - he’s got >800 years of military trauma under his belt. If I recall correctly, they say that he’s by far the longest-surviving Xianzhou General.
JY allegedly killed his master, Jingliu, after she fell into Mara. But we know that’s not true. Jingliu survived and somehow regained a measure of lucidity. How??
We in fact know very little about JY’s personal life and history, outside his relationships to other established characters. We know that he recalls his old friends, but we don’t actually know the details of his involvement in the sedition.
JY once had a pet lion. This is confirmed by both his assistant and his son. But he doesn’t seem to remember that connection?
The story of JY and his pet lion has a very sad ending.
JY is raising Yanqing, a child of unknown origin who just-so happens to have magical ice powers. We have no idea where or how JY acquired this kid and Yanqing doesn’t seem to know who his parents were. Yanqing’s color scheme the exact same as March 7th’s, suggesting that, like her, he may have been placed in sixth-phased ice after interference by the Garden of Recollection. Yanqing would have been a small child at the time so he wouldn’t be aware of this.
We know that JY is an Emanator because he says as much to Luocha. The obvious conclusion is that he is an Emanator of The Hunt, but he never actually says that, and there’s no law saying people on the Laofu have to be aligned that way. Fu Xuan got her blessing from The Erudition.
So I mean. What are the odds that JY did some sort of deal with The Rememberance to keep himself together and/or help Jingliu? He might not be an Emanator of The Rememberance, but it’s not completely off the table.
I’m just saying. A whole lot of things about JY would be explained if he can edit memories to prevent Mara, or the Garden of Recollection is doing it for him.
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racefortheironthrone · 6 months
In A Guildsman Goes Forth to War, what can you tell us about fae society? I'm assuming they're monarchies, feudal or absolute? Do they bear any resemblance to Celtic society? Do they practice slavery? What of their gender dynamics? Etc
Great question!
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So there's a lot that I'm not going to share with you, because the fae/Fair Folk/etc. are supposed to be a mysterious people who live in their own realm that connects to the human world via thin places in the forests and underhill and deep in the mountains or underground rivers, and humanity doesn't particularly understand them very well despite centuries of intermarriage, as the fae are both very cryptic and contradictory in the information they've shared with their Gentry kin.
As far as humans have been able to glean, the Fae do organize themselves into Courts that seem close enough to European feudal systems that the leading families of Europe can do business with them when it comes to dynastic marriage alliances and diplomatic relations.
That being said, status and power in Faerie society don't seem to be based in land as they are among humans. (In the interests of full disclosure, I'm borrowing some ideas here from the Feywild in D&D.) As far as people have been able to glean from correspondence and diplomatic and cultural interactions, titles are based on elements of nature (the Duke of Hoarfrost, the Viscount of Watermeadows) or from emotions (the Lady of Wistful Rememberance, the Prince of Sorrow), or from ideas and beliefs (the Duchess of the Dark Side of the Moon claims to have once been a handmaiden to the goddess Selene).
Quite a few scholars of geography and history from the leading universities have theories and taxonomies about how Faerie society is organized, but they're all second-hand and can offer only partial explanations and there's absolutely no consensus about what's going on. It does not help that the rare diplomatic missions or marriage parties that go to Faerie from the human world rather than in the other direction tend to report memory issues, such that much of what is recorded owes more to dream logic than accurate observation. Needless to say, this has been a rich vein of material for poets, playwrights, and painters only, and intensely frustrating for academics and statesmen.
Faerie culture is highly localized in accordance with regional folklore and mythology, although scholars disagree whether human folklore is a record of pre-historical encounters with Faerie, or whether the Fae pattern themselves after the human cultures they interact with.
So for example, the Fae of Éire, Alba, Anglia, and northern Gallia seem to correspond to Gaelic and Brythonic literature, Arthuriana, and the Matters of Britain and France. In the Sacrum Imperium and the Danelaw, however, the dominant Fae cultures are distinctively Germanic and Scandinavian - whether that's the Rheintöchter of the Rhineland and Palatinate, or the dvergr who predominate in Bavaria and the Hapsburg lands or the trollkind and various álfar in the land of the Northmen. In much of southern Europe around the Mediterranean, one is much more likely to encounter Faerie peoples recognizable to students of Greek and Roman mythology: many Gentry from the Lega or the western half of the Rhōmaîoi-Rashidun Federation claim descent from oreads, naiads, nereids, satyrs and other bloodlines.
Human scholars are particularly confused by the fact that all of these different peoples all call one another "cousin," no matter whether they belong to the more humanoid elfkind or the distinctly non-human trollfolk or even the potentially fictional or extinct dragons.
Class and Slavery
As already suggested, Faerie society seems to have some sort of a hierarchy, but it does not seem to be one based in the inheritance of land passed down from generation to generation. Rather, as far as humans can tell, status seems to be associated with proximity to or control of or possession of or identification with magical power from various sources.
What does seem to be the case is that those with more power can command those with less, and Faerie embassies ubiquitously feature both vips with titles and what appear to their servants, but there is no consistency on which kinds of fae serve and which rule. Human visitors and diplomats are very unsure whether this consistutes a caste system or clientilism, because the Fae themselves speak in rather vague terms about "obligations" and "debts" and "true names."
Again, humans have a rather hard time understanding Faerie gender norms - and are rather unsure whether various Fae kinds have genders and how many they have. What is known is that, among what passes for royalty and nobility in Faerieland, there is a tendency for the female to be announced first - correspondence often arrives in the form of "Queen Titania and King Oberon" or "The Baroness and Baron"- which suggests a slight tendency to the matriarchal, but that is mere supposition. Human cultural conservatives both within and without the Church do grumble about the "immodest" and "amazonian" habits of Faerie women when they comport themselves in their visits to human society or in their Gentry marriages, but they make sure to do so under their breath.
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nightfury18 · 11 days
A new OC! Meet Blackshock!
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You know what? It took me SEVERAL MONTHS to finish the disign. It was so fkg difficult (I'm not used to draw robots) that I almost gave up on the idea. I'm pretty sure that I will never do the same oc's card in digital, so I will publish the sketch (with finished disign though). I didn't add colors cus there's almost everything black except for the faceplate, the optics and some frame details. All thanks to mtmte and lost light comics, I finally got enough inspiration.
Some additions to page:
Blackshock is brutal and ruthless decepticon, but still has sorta pride. She isn't like the most of her collegues, she doesn't kill just for fun. Nothing personal, just the orders
Blackshock transforms into the small cybertronian jet
She upgraded her initial frame and got more armour to appear atleast a bit bigger and ofc for defence
She uses metal whip (keeped under chestplates, near to Spark Chamber) and machine gun (attached between wings in bipedal mode) as weapons, but still can fight with bare servos
Another weapon and userful tool are connecting cables. Blackshock uses them to get the information from the opponent (like mnemosurgeons, but less delicately and with more dangerously for other's processor) or any device. They can be keeped completely in her helm, but she preferes others to see it and to look more threatening. In fact outside the helmet the wires can have the length of her hight
Also has rockets in her pedes, but they can be used only in jet-mode just to fly
Her decepticon insigna is on her shoulder plate
To the lore
Now Blackshock is decepticon's executor, walking poligraph and scout. Initially was sent to DJD, but after some months demanded Megatron to get her back to the base. Usually she executed captured autobots, traitors and just examined the suspicious collegues. And every session was under Megatron's supervision. Blackshock took and reported about ordes only from and to Megatron. Sorta personal watchdog, and he had the reason to keep an eye (optic) on her.
She doesn't remember (Megatron does though), in past she worked in public security sphere (kinda police officer) with her twin-sister and Conjunx Endura. But the office was under attack, everyone had died there, except for Monochrome. She was transported to the Institute (correct if i'm wrong, I read the comic in another language🙏🏻) and supposed to become another bot, more suitable for Senate (and supposed to have a fate like Senator Shockwave). But during exctraction of memory block she suddenly woke up and had to fight for her dear life to escape. After panic had stopped, Monochrome found out the lack of any memory, but she was spotted by bunch of decepticons and presented to Megatron (who actually recalled her and her abilities).
So, thats why she became a decepticon and changed her name. Now she uses her cables to find any piece of information about past-self cus Senate had deleted every piece of documents about her existence. She rememberes her experience in Institute, so is affraid now of anyone who can have an access to her helmet and memories (and covers this fear by agression). Also due to processor damage Blackshock is kinda mentally sick, so she has panick attacks and mental breakdowns and can't indifference her own emotions from time to time, which makes her more unpredictable for teammates and opponents. But mostly she is playful, flirty and threatening at the same time, likes to take risks and test opponent's patience and will to live. Also finds cute that she can be underestimated by others cus she still has small frame and hight.
Hope it wasn't too long, I tried to write all this shortly, "me" and "shortly" aren't in the same universe, so... Well, yeah, longposts.
(Later mb will add an emotions set)
(I started to write fanfic about this whole thing, rip me🤦🏻‍♀️)
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majosullivan · 1 month
Works in Progress and Writing Ideas
At the moment, I have a bunch of different writing ideas that have been building up in my notes. Some are new, some are older, but they are piling up and I want to make an attempt to get through them. Problem is: I haven’t been the best at consistently working through them and need an additional source of motivation to help me get through them. As a result, I’ve decided to make a post listing all my ideas, since from my experiences, putting something solid out there can help me lightly bully myself into working since ‘you have already put it out there that you’re working on these, you’re going to feel real stupid for you don’t do anything’. Mostly importantly, I would love to hear people’s ideas and thoughts, both since I have been stuck on certain points, so hearing some outside thoughts would be beneficial , and being able to talk with people and possibly answer some questions people are curious about would also help with motivation.
So, feel free to talk about or add on anything you’d like! Whether it’s in replies, reblogs or my asks, I don’t mind
Castle Swimmer Ideas
-Theory post on the season 3 finale (currently in the works)
-Siren and Mono having a talk about relationships after Siren inadvertently finds out that Mono has a big old crush on Galoo
-Monoloo, with Galoo thinking back to a conversation she had with Shoal where Susca was brought up
-Playing around with Susca and Shoal’s potential dynamic before they got married because they make me feel things
-Mono, Neth and an exploration of their relationship with Mucku and each other after Labbu’s attack
-Vampire/Supernatural au that has been plaguing my brain for far too long
-Hades (game) au that has also been plaguing my brain for a while
Nevermore Ideas
-Reeking Rememberance (Working title)
Featuring: A main focus on two characters, some exploration into the experiences the Nevermore students must be going through with their missing memories and how well they’re coping with it all
(I am currently in the middle of working on this one. As a result, I won’t be going into the characters involved. This is so when I hopefully finish it (and it doesn’t end up stuck in WIP jail), it can be a surprise)
-Exploration with Duke and his use of names, both with names connected to himself, and more centrally to this work, his continuous use nicknames for everyone. It’s all fun and games for him until the man he’s been calling ‘Mon minou’ playfully calls him Fortunato a singular (1) time, and while external he’s mostly holding face, the same can’t be said internally because ohhhh this fucker is GONE
-Interpretation of what happened with Berenice and Eulalie before they met the others (spoiler alert: the sapphics will be sapphicing a little)
-Analysis into Annabel and her similarities with the misfits (main focus on similarities with Duke and Pluto) along with a possible series of one shots where I could have fun with those dynamics
-The time between Lenore’s and Annabel’s first meeting to Annabel having to leave from Annabel’s perspective, using inspiration from Absence by Rio Romeo
-Exploring the dynamic between Annabel and Ada, with Ada asking Annabel about her engagement
-Misfit polycule shenanigans in a modern au, with a focus on Lenore as she slowly discovers the relationships that have literally been right in front of her
-Life is Strange au that I’ve been slowly trying to cook up
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dailycharacteroption · 3 months
Hybrid Class Review: Shaman part 4
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(art by sarahfinnigan on DeviantArt)
Now that we’ve touched on the basics and the archetypes, it’s time to take a deeper look at the spirits themselves. Now, obviously I’m not going to go over every spirit in it’s totality, that’s what the entries about spirits throughout the rest of the blog are for, but I’ll go over them in broad strokes.
Such spirits originally shared names with the core set of mysteries available to oracles, but they have since branched out in their own ways, revealing spirits with no equivalent in the oracle class.
Several spirits are elemental in nature, ruling over one of the elements or an offshoot of them, such as Flame, Frost, Stone, Waves, Wind, and Wood. (no metal though. Might be good for a homebrew for the patreon, hmmm..)
Others deal with similar natural things, but not directly elements, such as Heavens, Life, Mammoth, and Nature, reflecting the cosmos, life itself, and of course, specific beast types like megafauna.
A few others deal with things that are a greater part of the cosmos, but perhaps seem unnatural or otherworldly to most mortals, such as the deathly spirits of Bones, or the completely otherworldly Dark Tapestry spirits.
Still more are different in that they are the spirits of things associated with mortal civilization. Guardians spirits of Ancestors or Tribe, furiously wild spirits of Battle, scholarly spirits of Lore, and even spirits of community identity like those of the Slums.
But what exactly are spirits in this context? The vibe of the shaman class seems to be that the spirits they call upon are the invisible sentiences of every object and concept in the universe. Everything from nature to death to instances of specific elements to even things like social constructs like ancestral legacies and the act of learning and storing information. These are the entities that you contact when you commune with nature or speak with stones using the appropriate spells and so on.
As such, some spirits may be incredibly old, ranging from a spirit of a specific tree that has existed for decades to the spirit of the forest itself which has persisted for millenia. Meanwhile, some spirits may be fairly young, such as the spirit of a newly constructed building.
Of course, not every spirit exists within their element all the time. Fire spirits may only constantly persist in areas of volcanic activity, but may exist in a dormant form within every flammable substance and life form, or perhaps wander bodiless in search of something about to burn. Meanwhile, Bone spirits linger everywhere, waiting to quietly observe death and the process of decay, but also of rememberance.
On that note, we have to consider that the behavior of spirits is likely also influenced by the collective unconscious. Consider that bone and ancestor spirits likely did not exist until mortals began to mourn the dead and honor their ancestors, and lore spirits likely only existed in the realms of the gods before mortals began accumulating knowledge. Such things might also explain quirks of personality found in specific spirits as well. A spirit of waves associated with violent storms may be very different than one representing the relatively calm waters around a coral reef, for example.
There’s also the chance that such spirits might be connected to more powerful beings in the great beyond as well. Consider the elemental spirits and how they may be connected to actual elementals and the like, for example, while dark tapestry spirits may be linked to malign intelligences from between the stars. How exactly these spirits relate to such entities may vary, with some being one in the same with outsiders or entities, while others may merely be aspects, and others still may be completely unrelated but exist in the same parts of both the material plane and greater cosmos.
From a roleplay perspective, also consider how a spirit bonded to the shaman will act compared to those they merely contact temporarily as they wander. A primary spirit may have a more personal relationship with their shaman and learn from them of mortal ways, while a wandering one may struggle to understand things outside of their narrow focus, for example.
All said, I hope that was an enlightening look at spirits. Tomorrow, we’ll see about wrapping things up with the final thoughts on the class!
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avocado-kaii · 3 months
My quick rumble about Elden Ring SotE ending... Just beat the final boss and god was I disappointed. Killing Radahn the second time was boring and anticlimactic, why oh why didn't they just put Godwyn instead. I cannot for the life of me understand obsession Fromsoft has with Radahn to the point where his inclusion actively ruins his character and both Malenia and Miquella.
Miquella was the most hyped character they ever had for the dlc and I was expecting someone cunning and interesting, him having a similar role to Ranni. I was expecting to learn more about his connection to Godwyn, the eclipse, creation of Haligtree, warding against outer gods etc. But what did we get? In the first boss cutscene he talks about Radahn being his consort, in the second he proclaims Radahn as his consort, in the memory we get a flashback of him asking Radahn to be his consort (ffs). And guess what? In the boss rememberance once again it is spoken how much he wanted Radahn to be his consort since their childhood. Like I got it the first time, Fromsoft! Like all the potential and huge amount of lore was reduced to "consort big bro" which came out of fucking nowhere. And then he just dies with Radahn, no final words, no nothing. Ugh.
Loved the dlc, loved Marika's lore, absolutely loved Messmer and Rellana boss fights, but ending and overall Miquella plot left a bad taste in my mouth.
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lacunasbalustrade · 10 months
notes whilst writing this insufferable idol lyric docs fic
mon. 4. dec.
<the movie director’s/ designated writer for friendgroup’s thought process>
voracious jewellery collector tries to rob cute jewellery shop owner of their rings and force them to bend the knee: villainous ohohoho (jk lol)
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thus the K-pop 白痴 (knows zero about K-pop) attempts to write a fic about lyric docs- what can I say I love nothing better than a challenge (borderline masochistic suspicions)
line break because this is going to be long u have been warned. this is gonna be a journal for me ignoring the fact that tumblr itself is a journal
someone is going to know my suffering at stumbling headfirst into this world of idols. likely Kyoya. but i may change my mind
where the hell are those screenshots where mio and i discussed this. if you can’t tell already I’m one of those ridiculous ppl who needs the whole guidebook of encyclopaedic references to write.
went back the entire six months worth of conversations and finally found it, cringing at my every message like my dear God intended
I’m keeping all the lyric doc tabs open so I can read whilst i write
okay not Kyoya he’s into this too much
Rouga you’re my everything you’re my soul you’re just as dead as i am about this ‘what if we just go with disaster’
don’t get me wrong I’m enjoying this I’m just the kind of person to complain about everything and bitch all the way through only to appear with a shiny smile at the end of it
that is to say i like the steep learning curve but i also like to keep myself aware of how much I’m doing so i get to laugh at myself when i say ‘no problems’ later on
what do you call that character type
nvm back to writing
we’re starting this with a voiceover because i say so. draft here “future card buddyfight is a game that connects to parallel universes and allows monsters and humans to become buddies. in the wake of global events that have shattered his reputation, Gaen Kyoya decides to restart his cult by starting an (apparently) harmless idol management agency. By traveling to other worlds on a universal tour, will his newly formed idol groups be able to compete with the local talent? Will Gaen Kyoya be able to regain his reputation as a heartthrob? Most importantly, will the press-ganged idols ever get to play Buddyfight again? an earth-shattering screech is heard from the Gaen Tower. “Daddy always told me I’d be a star!”
Gaen Kyoya gives Shido Magoroku a strained smile. He’s in it to win it whatever the game. It’s too late to back out now, although he absolutely regrets - regrets, not deserves this.
rouga is doing the voiceover. this is disaster, the world tour movie. we’re gonna keep that secret till the end of the fic. (publishes this draft instantly and fails to keep any secret) whatever movies are announced anyway and it’s more fun to hype this up.
tasuku is not in an idol group as far as i have surmised from a quick scan- over. so he’s just going to show up to every performance and laugh at them. bro finally got to catch a break (and a good laugh)
ah. I’m publishing this draft later. Should i just delete number 15 for my reputation?
if you couldn’t tell already I’m writing this as i go so this thought process is in chronological order
i already know I’m never going to read this again this guidebook to the movie director’s thought process comes at the cost of my dignity
who am i kidding i have no such thing called dignity (meow)
this is my reference draft so I’m going to drop the cropped screenshots here for ease of rememberance
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note: is polery a thing??? anyways
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oh my gosh. mio u really changed two names because i liked certain options better. i love you.
I’ve become softer because now I find the options for band names I like are different (reverie, paradoxus, wishing star and hikari to tomo ni) which really makes me want to break down.
I am in a better place, a quieter place, and it shows. (charting my own growth like a parent checking their child’s height against markings on the wall)
22. there are basically two bands from first season can i really stretch the whole fic out and really make it seem like it ended with just that
23. who am I kidding I’ll be lucky if i can even stretch the fic out my highest amount of words so far is 3000 I haven’t even finished my long fic for Tasuku yet (hellooooo, my dearest procrastination)
24. in conclusion let’s just run with it. i wanna have it out in time for mio’s bday i have like a month and a day.
25. Tasuku is in the idol list. my memory be like sand flowing away with the tide
26. anyways
27. how’s that’s supposed to work
28. like i believe i could spout some nonsense about Kyoya. bribing everyone. because what good are riches except for yknow bribing people to become idols.
29. what ifff he saved a record of disaster’s ridiculous meetings and said with a straight face and smile as usual - “we’ll all sink on this ship, my friends”
30. basically blackmail. hmmm
31. i will find out when i start writing! (conclusion)
32. at first i was going to read fics to find out more about the idol industry but all the fics are au fics so that’s a bust
33. instead i am waving to chat gpt so if there’s any inaccuracy go blame Elon Musk like we do for everything under the sun
34. did Elon Musk even make chat gpt
35. I don’t care anymore that’s not relevant
work in progress for obvious reasons. will update this stupid post.
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the relevant tags: note to self
also a line to your friend that kinda hit me when I was browsing by the posts to find those relevant tags:
“it’s now kinda buried under 200+ songs in my playlist, but when it plays, I never skip it.”
(italics at my own risk)
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