#it's about commercial edibles besting harrison ford (fictionally)
beesarthur · 1 year
Shrinking (2023) is about grief: the grief of a sudden death, the anticipatory grief of having a progressive disease, the grief you do or don't (let yourself) feel when a relationship ends. It's about life stages, and growing up, and growing old. It's about therapy and friendship and being a mentor (or a grumpy surrogate grandfather). It's about figuring out who you want to be for yourself and for others, and how you can get there. It's about the dual relationships we make along the way. It's (not) about safe dick. It's about the coping mechanisms that don't work and the ones that do. It's about relationships with dads and relationships to being a dad. It's about hydration. It's about rocks. It's about making new friends as adults who thought they didn't like each other. It's about marriage, and what it is and isn't and can be. It's about wearing your mom's heels. It's about hiking, and what you wear hiking, and the things that happen while hiking.
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