#it's a six sentence sunday challenge
nellasbookplanet · 2 years
I was tagged by @mllekurtz to share a snippet of a current wip, which gives me an excellent chance to throw this scene from the Molaesmyr au of Caleb interacting with alternate Essek at you all, behold:
“I have already told you, we know each other.”
“You and… some other me.”
“And I—he told you about that.”
“Not as much as that,” Caleb admits. “We found out, me and my friends. Years ago. He has left the Dynasty since. We are—” He stops, figuring that perhaps ‘lovers’ would be too much for this Essek to hear. “Close,” he settles on. “Very close.”
“You could be lying.”
“Your favorite foods are soups and stews. You have a brother named Verin, who used to play tricks on you by putting jam in your spellbooks. You enjoy knitting.” Caleb gives a short, slightly pained laugh. “In fact, the socks I’m wearing right now are of your making.”
For a second, Essek’s gaze is drawn to Caleb’s boot clad feet. Then he scowls, seemingly at himself, and turns back to Caleb’s face.
And, because I've been sitting on this one for a while, a bonus snippet from the next chapter of the magnus archives au:
“You don’t know what I do, then?”
“I know you watch people. Give them nice, tasty little nightmares, make sure they can never move on from their pain, open the door for your god to soak it all in like a hungry sponge.” He laughs. “Boring way to go about it, if you ask me. You want to be there as it happens.”
“Mhm.” Essek nods. “What are you?”
“I—” The Traveler stops, his already large eyes growing wider.
“Turns out I can do a little more than just watch,” Essek says. “What are you?”
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mostly-marvel-musings · 2 months
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A/N: My entry for the Six sentence Sunday challenge. Hope y’all like it!
Emotion used: Lost
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Six Sentence Sunday
His ever erratic heartbeat wouldn’t calm, not when his chaotic, racing mind convinced those turmoiled, brown eyes that he wouldn’t find what he was so desperately searching for.
The house was eerily silent minus for his uneven breaths and soft sighs, missing the melodic laughs you had once brought in, shared sounds of pleasure that once echoed through the walls, or the defeated cries of pain that were indicative of the fights.
Your calming yet delightful presence that grounded him, loving gaze and tender caresses that brought peace to his disturbed soul, pillowy soft lips that soothed his worn out skin, all of which left a physical ache inside of him post your disappearance.
“Why am I still alive, FRIDAY?”
If his AI ever had a conscience, it would tell him to wake up and do the right thing, not lose himself in the self-destructive whirlpool of sleepless nights and abusive doses of coffee and alcohol he was currently in.
Tony Stark was a man lost without you.
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 8 months
Six Sentence Sunday + Last Line Challenge
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Y'all are getting a two-fer on this Sunday! Since I haven't yet been tagged, I guess I'm gonna kick things off this week with six sentences of the Henry angst fic that I'm still working through, slowly but surely:
What he doesn’t understand, despite Henry’s constant attempts at telling him in his own unique way, is that Alex is the sun. Even the darkest days are now somehow brightened by Alex’s mere presence. The warmth of his skin against Henry’s when they’re both buried beneath a weighted blanket. The molten glow of his brown eyes always seeing Henry as he is, no more or less, and loving him through all of it. It fills his veins, setting his heart on fire and burning away all semblance of tears threatening to fall before they have a chance to slide over his skin. But today, he feels every bit of the storm raging inside him.
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AND because I promised a two-fer, here's the last line I wrote for a fic that was originally a prompt by @sadlittlenerdking on Twitter that has grabbed hold of my every thought and won't let me go.
"Oh. This is about Henry, then."
Insert sussy eyes emoji here. Good luck figuring this one out, y'all!
Putting all of the tags for my lovelies behind the cut to take part in one or both of these challenges! A lot of the people on the tag list originally tagged me in the last line challenge, so obviously y'all can skip...unless you wanna go again, in which case go for it!
@adreamareads @affectionatelyrs @anchoredarchangel @anincompletelist @barbiediaz @cha-melodius @cricketnationrise @daisymae-12 @duchessdepolignaca03 @firenati0n @gayrootvegetable @getmehighonmagic @guillermosfamiliar @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @indomitable-love @indestructibleheart @inexplicablymine @junebugclaremontdiaz @kiwiana-writes @leaves-of-laurelin @leojfitz @lfg1986-2 @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @magicandarchery @msmarvelouswinchester @mulderscully @ninzied @notspecialbabe @onthewaytosomewhere @priincebutt @rockyroadkylers @ships-to-sail @songliili @sparklepocalypse @ssmtskw @stereopticons @suseagull04 @theprinceandagcd @thinkof-england @tintagel-or-cockleshells @typicalopposite @user-anakin @vanillahigh00 @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @whimsymanaged @wordsofhoneydew @zwiazdziarka
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cannibal-nightmares · 2 months
Snippet Sunday
wahhh Thank you to @mellancholy-morose for the tag and those who tagged me last week; I have been so brain-dead and scrambled up lately it's not even funny. I haven't really been writing much, but here's a snippet from "A Trick of the Light"
“Aren’t you worried about kids breaking in?” Spirit wandered into the lab through an unlocked door. Stein scoffed. “They still know who I am. You should, too.” Undoubtedly, the professor remained as resourceful and self-reliant as he had ever been. Even without sight, Spirit had witnessed him get up in a start to retrieve a book or other research material in midst of a thought, quick to make scans of it’s contents with tools and software he was swift to pick up and learn how to use. This was, of course, not without first smashing his toes into a table leg or hip checking a walkway; he grew to wear shoes in the house and had Spirit help him fix up ticking clocks at ear height in each room. Only eventually did he take more patience to responsibly use his cane or touch around obstacles, it was moreso his familiar fervency he had to relearn to live with than his actual blindness, still, his rapidly changing life had no option to pause and wait for him to adapt, it kept on whether he could keep up or not. “That’s actually what I’m here to talk to you about.”
plz participate if you would like, consider yourself tagged if youre reading this <3
rest well
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boasamishipper · 22 days
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from ch7 of my amnesia!bobby fic, No Grave Can Hold My Body Down:
“Speaking of the job,” Athena continues. “May and Harry aren’t the only ones who have been looking forward to seeing you again.” Terror kicks Bobby’s heartbeat up into the highest possible gear. “Oh my God, they’re not out there now, are they? My crew?” “No. But they’ve been asking me when they can come by.” “What did you tell them?” “That I’d ask you.” “Not now,” Bobby says desperately. “Please.” “Bobby—” “Athena, I can’t let them see me like this!” “See you how?” “The way I am now! Broken!” Athena actually recoils. Her eyes flash, and her voice drops to a fierce whisper. “Don’t you dare talk about yourself like that, Bobby Nash. You’re not broken.” “I’m not?” Bobby demands. He yanks his hand out of hers so he can gesture wildly at himself, feeling close to hysterical. “What the hell do you call this? Up until an hour ago I didn’t know my own age or, or which god I spent my whole life praying to—” “It’s better than the alternative.” “What alternative? What could be worse than this?” “You being dead!” Athena snaps. That shuts him up. For several seconds, the only sound in the room is Athena’s ragged breathing. Even his own heartbeat has gone horribly muted, like he’s hearing it from ten feet underwater. It’s not every day a man rises from the grave, the priest said, but until this exact second, Bobby hadn’t really understood that to Athena, to everyone in his life, that was exactly what they thought him to be for the last four months. Not just gone. Dead. “Listen to me,” Athena says. “I don’t care what you can’t remember right now. I don’t care if you never remember. None of that matters to me, or the kids, or your crew, or to anyone who loves you. The only thing—the only thing that matters to me, and to them, is that you’re alive. The rest is confetti. You understand me?” Bobby makes himself nod. “Okay,” Athena says. “Alright.”
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onthewaytosomewhere · 8 months
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ok so i got some tags already and i luv that - yay!! thank you ever so much @typicalopposite and @hgejfmw-hgejhsf for the tags ❤️
didn't even bother counting cuz well i truly fail at keeping it to six or seven anyway lol
so i started my hey sweetheart fic on Friday and well that was the only thing i worked on so far this weekend i think so that's what we're getting lol - the boys finally came to a consensus on something more so have a few sentences from that
under the cut in case you're like me and always seem to open tumblr in public on something that is not necessarily public friendly lol
“Why must it be one or the other?” Henry’s mouth moves across Alex’s chest, and he feels the smile on Henry’s lips as they work at Alex’s nipple before working towards his collarbone. Henry’s lips and teeth nip at Alex’s skin, his tongue soothing the sting left behind. Alex feels Henry’s hand sliding across his stomach, leaving goosebumps across his skin as it moves back and forth, forming unpredictable patterns. Alex shivers as Henry mouths at his neck. “How is it you’ve gone from barely able to stay upright in the shower to,” Alex palms at Henry’s ass, pulling him closer so their filling cocks glide across each other, “seducing me with your wicked ways.” Alex feels Henry chuckle against his neck; the huff of air across his skin alighting sparks down his spine. “Well, this doesn’t require me to be vertical; horizontal is much easier.” Henry licks Alex’s neck, and Alex feels the drag of his tongue along the stubble on his neck; it draws a sigh from deep within him. “Besides, it’s a well-established fact that you are the one with wicked ways here. It just so happens I have missed those wicked ways of yours and know that the best way to get myself the sleep I need is to have you fuck me into the mattress. I have sorely missed you and need you, Alex. Please don’t make me beg, but if I must, I will.”
so now i get to do some tagging ❤️
no pressure tags going out to: @anincompletelist, @bitbybitwrites, @duchessdepolignaca03, @england-would-fall, @firenati0n, @inexplicablymine, @magicandarchery, @priincebutt, @suseagull04 and i guess an open tag incase i missed someone who wants to put something up ❤️
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sexynetra · 7 months
I wanted to have a Drabble done to post but I have been sleeping for basically the last 2 days straight so here’s more dame and Tia :)
“I can get you some lunch, if that would help. I was already gonna get something for myself. Maybe we can eat together if you have the time to spare,” Tia offered hopefully. Dame pursed her lips to hide her smile.
“Oh, would you really do that for me? What an angel you are, you know just what I need.” Dame leaned over to kiss her cheeks, relishing the way Tia’s breath stuttered at the contact.
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Six Sentence Sunday! Post approximately six sentences from something I'm working on:
“Very well. A room for two, please,” she amended in a more amicable tone. The door opened and Hiccup strode through, dusting his hands. He must have cleaned out the stables for their horses and raked some hay for them. “For my comrade and I,” she explained, jerking her head towards him. “We only have the one bed,” the innkeeper apologized, almost cringing. “B-But it is the finest we ‘ave, an you get yer own bathing room.” Astrid sighed.
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lou-is-lurking · 1 year
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continuing the 'lou be mean to otabek challenge' with a snippet from what must be otayuri mafia au wip no 4 or 5* at this point but who's counting:
It was familar enough to evoke memories he'd rather not dwell on, but they came anyway: Of how Victor had waved him over to join them at their table that fateful night, after Otabek had DJ'd his first set at a club he wasn't actually old enough to be at. Of how he'd accepted the drink Victor had shoved into his hand. And the next. And the one after that.
Victor, with his heart-shaped smile and eyes like glaciers. Victor, with hands of steel and a taste for pretty Asian boys.
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mmfan1 · 1 year
@kehlana-wolhamonao3 and @autumnrose11, thank you so much for tagging me for the six sentences of Sunday challenge. So here is a Tuesday contribution.
This is a random idea. Mary and Matthew have not yet met, it’s 1922, Mary is a recent widow with a son, who is the heir to Downton. Matthew is a widower, having lost his wife to the Spanish Flu, shortly after their wedding 3 years ago.
Matthew did not know what he was doing at this London club. He was not known for frequenting any social establishments since the war and the death of his lovely sweet Lavinia. He had buried himself in his work and when Reggie Swire, his father in law and partner in Swire and Crawley, passed and left him all his worldly goods, which turned out to be quite the fortune, he further enveloped himself in the Firm and now managing his vast wealth. He was in the process of setting up a foundation to memorialize both Lavinia and Reggie, but he had not quite selected which charities would benefit from Reggie’s fortune.
So what was he doing here? Matthew had come with several of the solicitors from his law firm to celebrate the closing of a profitable deal they had brokered. These new clubs were all the rage and he had felt obliged to indulge his staff who had worked so hard. As his employees danced to the sounds of the new jazz band from America, Matthew, sitting at a table nursing one of those new cocktails, noticed a group over at the next table. Several women and men ranging from 20’s to perhaps even 50’s dressed for the evening, though no two appeared to be a couple.
Only one of the women wore a wedding band. And that was a pity. She was beautiful, perhaps the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She looked nothing like his Lavinia, but she was intriguing. Dark brown tresses, elegantly worn up, very aristocratic! When she stood, he could see that she had a sleek beautiful figure. And then she looked at him and he saw the most beautiful brown eyes he had ever seen. He locked eyes with her, the most magnificent women he had ever seen, but quickly looked away. The feeling was too powerful, too intense, he had never felt anything like it before.
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mostly-marvel-musings · 2 months
🌸 Six Sentence Sundays 🌸
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A/N: Attention my fellow writers!! Here’s a little something for ya. Hosting a Six sentence Sunday (my mutuals should know how much I love a good alliteration! Lol)
Come participate, call all your friends who may be interested? If not, I’d always appreciate a signal boost :)
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You can base your drabbles on these emotions —
However, if you feel you want to work on other emotions that may be synonymous with these? Please feel free to use them.
Some guidelines -
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Tagging a few lovely people whose work I admire & would love to see what they come up with! You can keep adding people here if you think they’d want to participate. The more the merrier!
@darklydeliciousdesires @vikwrites @nicoline1998enilocin @stark-ironman @bellarkeselection @letsby @thorfics @just-dreaming-marvel @xoxoviva @lokisgoodgirl @larcenywrites @chickensarentcheap
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tiredassmage · 1 year
Whadda heck are words? What’s dialogue? I’m struggling. Leo’s poor decisions on Nar Shadaa continue to be unraveled by our non-local agent adksfnlsaf
This is doing numbers on me emotionally and also cause good stars above how do people flirt I’ve suddenly never seen a romance in my life Tyr go easy on me dude (Cipher Nine kisses you and diagnoses you with Emotions, Would You Like to Talk About Them? more at 11?)
When he returns to the room, Leo’s curled up with one of the pillows, a hand twining idly in a long lock of dark hair with unfocused dark eyes settled somewhere along the wall.
Tyr props a shoulder in the doorway and flashes a grin. “Miss me?”
Leo blinks, brought back into the present before he smiles and tosses his hair back over his shoulder. “You stayed.”
Tyr bluffs a light huff of laughter. “‘Course I did, gorgeous,” he teases as he saunters over. “Y’don’t find goods like this just anywhere, right?” He momentarily caresses Leo’s ass before he falls back into bed with him, Leo rolling onto his back to let Tyr straddle him again.
Tyr brushes his hair back from his eyes. “Hey,” he says softly, “Wha’s a matter? Somethin’ on your mind?”
Leo shakes his head, but his gaze remains elusive. Tyr works fingers gently through his hair for a few more moments, carefully teasing out knots he comes across. Leo’s fingers tangle in his shirt at his sides, twisting slowly a few times until the fabric is pulled more taught across his back.
Tyr stops and looks back down at him. “If you’re uncomfortable, just say the word,” he says. “You owe me nothing, Captain.”
Leo’s head shakes again. “It’s… It’s not…”
Tyr’s hands settle on either side of his head, just enough to brace himself. “Drinks catchin’ up with you, handsome?”
Leo’s nose screws up in a mild frown that pulls a faint breath of a chuckle out of Tyr. He settles beside the smuggler, resting against one arm. “D’you wanna talk?”
Leo’s frown wavers for a moment as he shuffles to face him. “Awfully uh… awfully accommodation’ for a man I picked up at a cantina.”
Tyr offers him a softer smile before he reaches out and traces a finger softly down Leo’s nose. “Troubles are a credit a piece, Captain,” he says. “Sometimes cheaper. They ain’t so easy to solve, though.”
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Snippet Someday
Have a little snippet from my upcoming @zouisfics fic for the zouisfest! Louis is just a little bit drunk. I'm not sure if I've been tagged by anyone except @jacaranda-bloom and @larryyouknow to post a snippet, but in case I have been, here it is. I guess it also sort of doubles for my last line (even though I'm still writing), and I was tagged in that by a few people. So @alwaysxlarrie @beardyboyzx @allwaswell16 @chai-hat-tea and @haztobegood here is also my last line!
It is fun. It’s so much fun that Louis is a lot more drunk than he can remember being in recent times. So much fun that Liam needs to help him up the stairs to his apartment. Which he does, because Liam is an excellent human being. He even helps Louis undo his shoelaces, and Louis can only look at the way he’s kneeled at his feet and scrunch his face because he loves this boy.
He’s pretty sure he loves Zayn too. Once he’d downed his first beer, once he’d relaxed enough and forgot all silly notions of being a third wheel, he’d been so fun. 
“Tonight was so great,” Louis slurs, his hands in Liam’s hair to steady himself when Liam lifts one of his legs up to pull off his shoe. “You’re great. Zayn’s great too, isn’t he?”
Liam chuckles. “Careful with the hair, Lou, you’re about to pull it out.” He says sensibly. Why is Liam so sensible, even so many beers in? And shots. Louis is pretty sure there had been shots at some point. 
“Bet you’d look great bald,” Louis murmurs, biting down on a giggle because Liam is his beautiful best friend but he’s not sure that’s entirely true. Though, he had rocked that buzzcut a few years back. “Buzzcut is a funny word,” he says nonsensically. “Buzzzzz. It sounds like you got your hair done by little bee landscapers.”
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sixpennydame · 2 years
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Here are the first six sentences from chapter 3 of The Better Man:
Levi is going to save you.
He’d always promised you that, knowing he was too weak to protect or take care of you. It’s hard to know in The Underground how many years have passed, but he’s older now, and stronger. And he’s tired of seeing you beaten and bruised.
In the darkness, Levi quietly opens his door to sneak across the room. It only takes him a few seconds to sense that Kenny is sitting in the dark waiting for him.
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nadare-writer · 2 years
Six Sentence Sunday- Outlast Phantom AU
“You were a patient at the asylum?” Suddenly, the joy Eddie got from scaring him took on a whole new meaning. Waylon wondered why he had been committed in the first place.
“I was, yes,” Eddie replied, his words firm as if it was important Waylon knew that was a former state of being. “You wouldn’t believe the things they used to get away with in that hellhole.”
Old-school medical treatments had been something of a horror show by themselves, Waylon willing to give Eddie the benefit of the doubt on the subject. “Was it the fire that, uh, ended you?”
Eddie chuckled. “You are just full of questions, aren’t you?” He walked right through Waylon, sending a shiver down his spine at the sudden cold sensation that ran from his head to his toes. “You might say it was a contributing factor.”
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scrumpylikesthings · 1 year
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I had intended to do this 24 Hour Novel Writing Day, but I uh. . . didn't. I had wanted to put some words into book 4 of Weird Shit and only managed 1K before going back to Meat Cute edits. Here's David being super gay:
David greedily downed the rest of the water and side-eyed his partner. A patchwork of tattoos were on full display, each with their own meaning and most with their own function. Painfully visible tan lines denoted where a t-shirt, shorts, and shoes all sat, like a paper doll; fish belly white skin arresting where the sun had kissed it a melanoma bronze. The half dead jean shorts looked like they might have fit properly 20 lbs ago, kept around out of sentiment or denial.
Micah spat the nothing in his mouth and grinned, wide enough to show off the gap just a few teeth off center.
“Ta-da!” he said, wiggling the month old toothbrush.
“Congrats. You achieved the bare minimum,” David said. “Maybe next time you’ll actually use toothpaste.”
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