#it's a rly cozy vibe actually <: To Me
kuromi-hoemie · 1 year
im kinda having fun on cohost actually (⁠。⁠ノ⁠ω⁠\⁠。⁠) I'm just looking around but i like it there lol
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bestbouy · 1 year
i think i just love the idea of the different universes with their like, styles???
like how Gwen's is totally watercolor and Hobie's is all scrapbookish punk n newspaper, y'know???? and, of course, Miles and Pavitr's are both more "normal" but they still have that... you know... v i b e... they're both normal but they have elements that make it their own. Like how Pavitr's universe is mainly super warm colors?
anyways this got me thinking y'know how it's super obvious Hobie has a different universe style?? not so much for Gwen because hers is a little different, but with the whole. changing skin, the OUTLINE, it's very obvious
I think it'd be super cool if in Hobie's universe, it's kind of like the opposite for anybody who's not from it? They have their own like, radius of... their own dimension???
I'm only comparing this to Hobie's dimension, it's very obvious none of this would happen in CANON so I'm literally just spitballing. Also because Hobie is the only one with the outline and funny overlay thing, and it'd be fun to play around with the other three's possible like,,, vibe!!
Gwen would leave like, imprints of watercolor? like dabbing it on a piece of paper, leaving color that dries out back to normal over time?? it would bleed into the world around her, it might even mimic her emotions with the color!
If she was upset it would be harsh, spread more, it would come out in spiked reds and blacks?
happy would seep in a lot more subtly, and cover a lot more space, but you wouldn't realize how much room it's taking up just because it's so slow to take it up and really is only at about.. idk, 20% opacity, slowly builds up the happier she gets? it would be more visible in puddles, just like with normal watercolor (Compared to anger, which would be very in-your-face and obvious)
It would rely a lot on her emotions, methinks, the stronger they are, the more visible the color!
Miles would have a sketchy, drawing-like atmosphere to him, kind of like what you can see on the spot y'know? and, since the spot came from Miles' dimension, I think it makes sense!
It would be less noticeable, but the things he interacts with would probably turn into a slightly stylized version of itself? A cup he holds or drinks from wouldn't change DRAMATICALLY, but it might copy his look and have sketch-like lines around it. Nothing huge, but enough that you can tell what he's touched in the past few minutes/hours
Pavitr would have a similar vibe to Gwen's, but with warm colors instead! His effect wouldn't change with emotions like hers, but it would probably bleed in the same way as hers. He would leave behind trails of warm oranges and yellows wherever he goes and leaving it behind on what he touches. He wouldn't notice this, but it would be veeery obvious to Hobie or anybody from his dimension.
Actually, I think the way that we can spot Hobie because of his differences in outline/radius effect would highly apply to them in his dimension! Everybody in Hobie's world can CLEARLY tell that Gwen, Miles and Pav aren't from there, and while the common person might not recognize they're from another universe, they might get the same feeling as if you were seeing like.. a skinwalker, or something. They're human, but it doesn't feel like it.
ANYWAYS back to Pavitr
He has a warm, cozy vibe, I think unlike the others his can seep more into emotions, I think he's an empathetic person and that melts into his little area effect. if he's super happy or excited about something the people around him get a tiny bit happier too!! when he's sad (and it's rly hard to make him sad bc this boy is POSITIVE THINKER #1) his colors get a bit colder, but I don't think they would affect other people like his happy ones do, honestly just SEEING such a normally happy guy so sad would do enough to ur mood than some radius effect lol
ANYWAYS that's just a lil thought. they are silly. and this is going into my ideas folder. have a good one n remember to drink water
(I would go on but this is super long already XD)
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slytherinshua · 11 months
if you were to meet your moots irl, what kind of date/activities would you like to do with them?
@eternalgyu i want to do way too much hannie like. i want to watch kdramas and bake and blast kpop on a roadtrip and open albums together and SO SO SO MUCH OMG LIKE THERES TOO MUCH I JUST WANNA EXPERIENCE EVERY SINGLE EXPERIENCE WITH HER. but if i had to pick just one thing. id want to be on the couch under a blanket w her watching either a kdrama or like txt to do or smth kpop and we'd have snacks and we'd just be so cozy having such a good time together </3
AND OMG I ALSO NEED TO GO SHOPPING W HER BCUZ SHE NEEDS TO STYLE ME. but that's like a second priority to the first option. in a world where we had unlimited money, id be up for hours of trying on every outfit possible. and hannie would do my makeup and hair and like she'd make this potato look pretty SHE CAN DO ANYTHING YK :( anyway it'd be so fun </3
@wheeboo i wanna go to a cafe w rania and write. like we'd get bubble tea or little pastries and each have our laptops. and we'd probably get distracted by each other every couple minutes and burst into giggles BUT WE'D GET SOME STUFF DONE ON OUR FICS YK. and we'd be constantly trying to sneak glances at each others drafts to see what masterpieces we each have cooking up
@blue-jisungs I WANNA GO TO A CAT CAFE. like just play w cats and talk abt kpop w axe. we'd just be having the time of our lives petting all the little fluffy cuties </3 and afterwards we'd go to a kpop store and pick out a bunch of albums and other merch and buy them for each other.
@fairyhaos i want to sit down with yena and have a very serious discussion about all of joshua's looks. but like it has to be in person. we'd rate them all from debut until now while listening to svt songs and make a rly rly fancy powerpoint presentation about them all in order from least to best with reasoning. it would be so detailed and aesthetic bcuz we're like that <333
@mirxzii idk why i feel like i wanna go on a family history deep dive w roxie?? like maybe its cause we're both from similar backgrounds i just feel like it would be rly interesting (what if we're related actually 👀) just exploring like our family's history and everything <3 i also think celebrating hanukkah and passover would be rly fun to do w roxie :D i wanna eat yummy jewish food w her <3
@kyeomyun idk why i want to like?? bake?? w jada?? like i want to do it so badly i feel like we're both giving the warm cozy baked good vibes lmfao. we'd def listen to like ballads while we baked and hopefully we don't have a flour fight but like- it might happen. and i feel like we would slay each and everything we baked and it would just be sooooo fun
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mintraspberryst · 2 years
..........another one age up dtk au
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so yea i made one more age up dtk au cuz i can. the idea was "what if at the end of the manga plot kid just said like fuck yall guys im not gonna be a god or whatever tf you want from me and then went missing for years". and thats literally the entire thing. he just disappeared. and... became a pharmacist in a small cozy town (with a fake name ofc). idk why pharmacist that was just the first thing that came to my mind. he smokes a lot and gives off naoki urasawas monster vibes. i didnt do it on purpose but im pretty satisfied with this fact (+ "its a long way to go" and "bush" from monster ost are matching his vibe rly well too)
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him and soul (theyr both like. in their 40s. but kid looks younger cuz hes shinigami after all).
i had an idea of soul&maka suddenly visiting the town where kid lives to... fight with ehh... something evil yk... and they just. meet kid there. and basically soul just punches him in the face. cuz bro what the actual fuck. and im not sayin that he deserved it but. in some way yea. he deserved it. and then they will try their best to become friends again and learn to forgive each other (okay soul is the one whos learning to forgive someone here. kid only suffers from guilt that he hid deep inside of his soul many years ago)
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this au is shitty written but its not like i care i just like it there is something rly sweet and nostalgic about it. like kid knowing names of everyone in the town and them all liking him for his intelligent calm perconality and him selling sour candies to children (they all do love him very much cuz hes always fun to talk to and to discuss very important topics like that school sucks and so on). he is freaking immortal so i think he deserves these 30+ years of such form of therapy.
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patron-saints · 1 year
Hand over your favourite Headcanon(s) of Olivier and/or Izumi!!!
hello my friend !!! i feel like you know most of mine for them already!!! but let’s start w the basics and see where we get:
- autistic (food sensitivities, loves loopholes, takes things literally & has a hard time expressing her emotions to name a few) and masks a lot, relying on rules and societal expectations to cover for her when she’s not able to “act normal”
- trans! mtftnb, transitioned at 18, didn’t tell her family shit and they found out when she became the “first female general in amestris”, her second transition is more personal/internal, just a sense of realization in her 30s that she’s less binary than she thought (getting called “sir” is kind of nice, actually, and so is wearing suits… etc)
- buccaneer was not only her right hand but also her best friend, they met in boot camp and had almost exactly the same assignments their whole careers. he used to tease her a lot when they were alone - he’d never undermine her authority in public but he also never let her forget their history as pranksters lol
- she’s ambidextrous AND fights ambidextrously! not based on anything on the show i just think it’s fun. maximum efficiency etc.
- her uniform is VERY comfortable for her in both a literal and an autistic sense but you bet your ass she loves fashion too. she has a very like… you know that like… flavor of women’s fashion that’s like… blazers, jumpsuits, like… Formal But Still Somewhat Androgynous? that’s her vibe out of uniform. you will Never catch her in jeans and a t shirt. never worn a cozy sweater in her life. (this will change. she’s dating izumi.) she sleeps in like… a tank top and boxers probably. i think she’s also… modest isn’t quite the right word, but like, she’s particular about showing skin? so her bathing suits are like, trunks and sports bras, rather than bikinis etc.
- she’s extremely tidy and very organized and a lot of that is due to practice and training! she probably would be uncomfortable w messes anyway, but her ability to deal with them quickly and maintain her space comes from boot camp more than anything else. you know they had servants at armstrong manor. YOU KNOW.
- she’s a lesbian. always has been, always will be. there is a universe where she dated mustang and then came out immediately afterward but that is NOT. my universe. it is funny tho.
- (relatedly i also think she’s stone! you know the post that’s like. “i love locking my door at night. like, you’re not coming in. lmfao.” that’s her but about like. the northern wall, her emotional state, her sexuality, probably her actual door,)
- i think the fact that her and catherine are over 10 years apart in age and i think the fact of catherine being close to alex both means that olivier… kind of didn’t know how to have a relationship with her that was close and meaningful. i think catherine does admire her in some regard, but i think they just didn’t really have a chance to get to know each other and i think it would be rly cool if they did
- not really a headcanons but more of an anti-canon i simply do not think about the two middle sisters ever. to me they do not exist.
- this is already so long but i wanted to come up with new ones cuz i feel like you knew them all already shit and we still have to do izumi, but here’s one more:
- her daemon would be an amur leopard, and she didn’t fully understand why until she was 18 years old stepping off the train in north city, feeling the cold air hit her cheeks, and looked down at her daemon perfectly suited for snow, and then she was like, oh, i’m home.
- let’s be real. she’s probably also autistic. who else would expel their students just so they could have a conversation.
- izumi is also trans. what’s her agab? what’s her gender? what was her transition like? to these questions she would either say “what are you, a cop?” or “I’M A HOUSEWIFE!!!!” this is normal and good. (my gender hc for are super flexible and i like different things at different times but i know she’s not cis i know it)
- not exactly a headcanon but she was 18 and sig was 17 when they met, and she attempted human transmutation only a year later. every time i think about the fact that she was only 19 i want to CRY.
- i hc her as mixed race, mostly black & japanese but maybe a little bit of whatever flavor ethnic group white people in amestris are. also i think all izumi flashbacks should have curly hair. i think she does have curly hair, but that’s something you’d only get to see in flashbacks, because i think sig does help her with the maintenance and upkeep of her braids on a regular basis.
- clothes wise i think she’s in a weird space between comfy and formal? most of clothes are actually pretty nice looking but her ass is always in those SLIDES. like those are her fuckin shower shoes??? please. i think she does have a taste in fashion, somewhat influenced by east asian fashion (that one flashback w training the boys she had a mandarin collar shirt that was super cute?) & also that she likes to feel pretty, but i think it’s way more fuss than it’s worth to her, so she saves makeup, jewelry etc for fancy occasions only. actually idk if she EVER wears makeup but i think she does like dresses. (she probably has like. full on pjs for sleeping. and she’d wear a black one piece with a scarf tied a skirt around her waist and a huge sunhat for a beach day!!)
- also super tidy but this doesn’t come from training this comes from an inherent housewife ability she’s had since birth. it’s destiny. magic. true power. i wish i was her.
- sexuality wise i think bi is probably a safe call but i think also “what are you, a cop” applies here too, like it’s a handwavery sort of thing when it comes to gender but in terms of like… i think she’s probably ace/aro spec because. well okay let me put it this way. i don’t think olivier was in love with anyone before izumi and i don’t think izumi slept with anyone besides sig before oliver. so there’s something. going on there. for both of them.
- for a really long time i’ve headcanon’d mason as sig’s nephew but i also think it’s really funny if one day izumi says smth abt this to sig and he’s like. “i thought he was your nephew!” and she goes “my nephew? you know i don’t have any siblings!” but it doesn’t matter anyway because, he’s family
- relatedly, the elrics are also her family. i don’t think she ever says out loud like, “my sons” and i don’t think they ever call her “mom,” and i think that’s important, but i also think it’s important that they ARE her boys!! they can’t replace what she lost, and she can’t replace what they lost, but. they have each other.
- her daemon is a bear. because of course it is.
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wooahaes · 4 months
how much i'd enjoy watching a horror movie w them
context: i love horror movies. im still working my way through a lot of classics lol but literally i just love horror as a safe way to explore dark themes and spooky things. jumpscares will get me occasionally but its all good if they're earned lol i just think they're neat :)
further context: i'm just a little over 5'5" and chubby. vague teddy bear energy if u ignore the chronic resting bitch face.
s.coups: man who i feel would tell me 'if you get scared, you can hold onto my arm :)' and then would jump at every scare and be like an over-exasperated dad holding his heart. solid 6/10 tho if i do get to cuddle with him. i think we would probably make fun of each other for jumping. also i feel like cheol makes comments throughout movies which is fine w me bc same hat. if anything, i get the feeling he would probably hide behind me at some points and then question why i'm so excited when the killing starts happening lol
jeonghan: hmm honestly 7/10 i think jeonghan would have fun with it especially if it's a bad horror movie. man who i think would listen to me info dump abt behind the scenes stuff if i know it tbh. the -3 comes from the fact that i think jeonghan can also get spooked like cheol (im thinkin abt the mbti episodes where he punched a mannequin while startled) and idk if i'm gonna get jumped on if i watch a movie w jeonghan
joshua: 10/10 im like 90% sure joshua actually likes horror movies so i feel like he is a rly safe bet to watch them with. most likely to laugh during literally any movie if i get spooked. i think he'd be an especially calming presence tho esp if something gets super under my skin?? man who feels like he'd be open to just talking abt it and maybe watching something else if its too much. also idk feels like he would also crack jokes throughout.
jun: hmm honestly im unsure about jun. on one hand, i think he'd be fun, but on the other hand, i dunno how much of it is his thing?? i don't think he's a big horror dude but idk. i wanna say a solid 5/10 purely bc it depends on the day and how jun's feeling and what we're watching. i think we'd have fun tho especially if its something campier. i'd rather watch disney movies with him bc at that'd be like 10/10 experience, very fun duet partner.
hoshi: tbh both horror experiences im vaguely familiar with, soonyoung's been chill??? i feel like he'd have fun shit to say tho. 8/10 not the guy who gets scared but the guy who is probably cracking jokes. i don't think i can poke fun at him for jumping tho.
wonwoo: i don't think wonwoo gets scared easily (like shua)? so i feel like he'd be a very calming presence to have for horror movies. i wanna say 10/10 in the vein of having a chill night where we watch scary movies and probably talk about them in depth afterward which is also my jam lol (<- professional yapper)
woozi: hmm.... honestly i think it'd be a quiet experience. altho i oddly get the vibe that he'd be like wonwoo in the fact that i think we'd have a cozy discussion afterward if its something with interesting themes? so like 1/10 experience in terms of 'very quiet moving watching experience' but 9/10 discussion afterward. so... idk, 6/10? it'd be a nice vibe tho to just kinda kick back and watch a movie, maybe having occasional moments where one of us points out something cool
the8: hao gives me the vibes of someone who laughs at jump scares. might get startled, but he wouldn't be as bad as others. solid 8/10 tho, i think it'd be a fun time if he says snarky things.
mingyu: 0/10 we are not watching a scary movie together. i value not getting crushed by him when he inevitably jumps toward me to hide, also i respect that horror isn't his thing. we can watch coraline tho and he can hide his face during the scarier bits if need be lol its ok gyu i will protect u
dk: 0/10 seokmin my angel i am so sorry. i love my eardrums. disney movie time for seokmin. duet partner number 2.
vernon: both times i have seen vernon get scared hes not the kind of person who screams or jumps a ton but would probably be holding onto my arm. man who gets scared and then goes "ah. its just a movie" to himself. altho im p sure vernon's into movies a lot so like... i feel like we'd have rly fun discussion afterward? 10/10 bc fun movie discussion dude. would share snacks w him while having an hour long discussion abt themes.
seungkwan: 0/10 this man will yell i fear. disney movie duet partner number 3. that would be leagues more fun tbh like theres a scale from 'not startled at all' to 'genuinely not having a good time' and gyu, dk, and seungkwan are all toward the end of that scale for me (and id say maybe jun too?). like... if it's not their thing, then it's not their thing and there's nothing wrong w that. i would rather watch something silly n fun w them :3
dino: i fear chan will yell after a certain point but be like haha im not scared. are you scared? im not scared. you can hold onto me if ur scared tho (immediately gasps at something spooky going on in the bg of the movie) woah that was tense... anyway im not scared. solid 3/10 i'd rather watch something else with him that he'd have fun with
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why-the-heck-not · 5 months
Top 5 months and why
thank you for the ask!! <33
September: Autumn !! still the fresh kind that has some sun around. And it's usually still kind of early with stress, like October is a nice autumn month bc of halloween etc. but it always gets a bit lost on me bc things are going on. So September is when u can like actually enjoy the freshness of autumn (my fave season bc I'm basic with that)
December: things are starting to chill out again (stress-wise (usually, and only at the end of the month bc the start of the month is always yikes))!! it's winter sure so it's gloomy dark 24/7 and depressing, but the Christmas lights everywhere makes it not as depressing. Almost cozy. Only time during the long ass winter here that life doesn't suck. Also those couple days between Christmas & new years are my favorite days of the year always
October: had to put it in here anyways. Even if things are stressful the halloween & late autumn atmosphere just is so so nice
August: again, the autumn thing. but like has bittersweet vibes. But real sweet ones bc finally out of the May/June/July (I hate the heat and I get weird during summers idk (can't sleep bc the sun doesn't rly go down and the warm temperatures)). Also august is the apple season which makes me super nostalgic. It's like the whole "yay soon it's autumn <3"-feels. Makes me want to make jam
March: there's sun again and I always think that'd never happen ever again ever, so the first few sunny days feel like being alive for the first time in months, pure adrenaline could do anything and everything's going to be alright actually
A dishonorable mention bc I'm a hater at heart: fucking NOVEMBER do I need to say more
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mirisss · 11 months
HIIII I JUST READ THE FIC OMG I RLY LIKE UR WRITING U HAVE SUCH A WAY WITH WORDS FJSDNJBD like your sentences really just make me feel warm and cozy and 💕💝💕💝💞💝💗💝💞💝💞💝
yk what's funny, after reading all that i actually did not have anyone specific on my mind so i laughed at myself when i read the ending, i was just there vibing with everyone fr 😃
when requesting, i rly thought you'd go the separate fics route tbh nfbsjdbd bcs i thought it'd have been hard to write one fic with so many characters (that's why i also listed more than 4 of the prompts i liked, for if you were gonna write them separately hehe), but u made it work omg i'm envious!! i always have a hard time writing a story bcs i suck at designing characters uniquely ;-;
i loved how u wrote the characters btw they're so comfy <3 (don't ask what that means idk either 😭), and i imagined lily was lily from nmixx i love her so much!! and i love how comforting it is to read this fic like why are the boys so jsnadhamdb it makes my heart dkwjdksbkdbs like u get what i mean? i don't either but yeah :(((
NO I'M SORRY JDSBDJ BUT I MEANT LIKE the boys were so genuinely comforting to reader and it makes me wanna cry bdfsmxb i swear fics like these rly isn't good for weak-hearted ppl (aka me 🥹)
ty for fulfilling my request !!!
I’m so happy that you enjoyed the fic!
At first, I was planning on choosing one of the boys for the reader to end up with but then I changed my mind because different readers would probably lean toward another boy so that’s why I ended up making it a “chose your own destiny” kind of ending!
You make me blush with all the compliments ☺️😳 thank you so so much for everything you said! It genuinely made my day 💕
And yes, Lily is Lily from nmixx haha I ended up choosing her thanks to the songs you sent!
Have a wonderful week and I hope to see you in my inbox soon again 🌥️!
Take care! 💕💕
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ghosttotheparty · 2 years
first of all, I hope you're doing okay (and if not I hope your situation improves imminently).
secondly, who are some of your current favourite fanartists? I've been looking around for more stranger things fanartists to follow but it could for any fandom!
who's your favourite character dynamic/pairing in stranger things to watch or write about?
what was the first fandom you were ever involved in?
what do the walls of your room look like? from your fics and overall vibe I would assume you've got loads of photos and art etc stuck up but maybe not!
what time zone are you in?
what is a fanfic trope you think is criminally under-utilised?
do you play dnd? I can't tell if I get a dnd vibe from you
do you have any niche headcanons that you've been sitting on, regardless of fandom?
anyways I hope these questions can be of some help/distraction, feel free to just choose whichever you want to answer ✨️
oh my god thank you sm (i added read more bc uhhh i tend to ramble)
okay my fav fan artists: @irlplasticlamb (genuinely obsessed i keep annoying my best friend by sending her their art on instagram just being like ‘look’ or ‘i want this to be my gender’ and the like); @obligatedart (SO fucking cool and also very gender their art is so smooth idk how else to describe it); @trashpocket (their art style is so!!! cozy!! that one piece of steve holding the stars in his hand haunts my daydreams it’s so lovely); also @leoniejulie even tho she doesn’t draw/post anymore her skam art will always hold a v special place in my heart and sometimes i scroll through just to look; and @/pasitaya on instagram bc her pjo art is just 🤌🏻 and she uses omar rudberg as a percy ref just like me <333
my fav pairing from st to write is steddie 👉👈 but i also ADORE platonic pairings like robin and steve and gareth and eddie (im also loving tommy and gareth in love me softly theyre v fun); i do wanna branch out and write more pairings— i have a ronance idea and i rly wanna write byler bc they <3 but i just haven’t gotten around to it
my first fandom was h*rry p*tter in middle school (my brother convinced me to read the first book and then promptly regretted it bc i made it my personality) but also percy jackson, which i’m still kind of involved in (im not rly up to date w everything but i do wanna catch up w the books bc i haven’t read past blood of olympus)
you’re 100% right ab my walls!! having stuff on my walls is actually a huge comfort thing for me and i started decorating literally before i even finished unpacking when i moved in (i’m still adding stuff to them lmao)
i have a few posters around the room (on my bathroom door, one of almond blossom by van gogh above my bed, and some in the corner by the radiator and window) and my bulletin board above my desk is covered w photos and art and my calendar; under that i have some post-its w poems and lyrics and quotes and stuff: next to my desk i have heartstopper leaves swirling in the corner i’m quite proud of them
the wall by my bed is covered in postcards bc i collect them (every time my friends or parents go anywhere i literally beg for postcards, pref of art and stuff but also just pictures or words they make me so happy idk why) but it also has some of my art and some pastel bunting flags across the ceiling, and i have some like silly flyers (‘sick of being asked what you’re going to do with your life? (same)’ and ‘crying over a boy? (ugh)’) that i got from an exhibition at my school on a cabinet and next to my bathroom door
i realised i didn’t know what time zone im in so i looked it up and apparently rly it’s ‘greenwich mean time’ which i’ve never heard of before but
i think in regards for fanfic tropes i just have an affinity for Heavy Angst or Horniness with the softest possible endings and I've realised i tend to just not be able to find the kind of stuff that i write in other fics??? i think i also just don't read as much fanfic as some others do so maybe that's my problem; i don't think comfort tropes are underutilized (esp in this fandom bc every needs comfort bless their hearts) but i adore any kind of comfort esp during/after heavy emotional episodes like panic attacks, grief, injuries, etc i just find the comfort so <333 (especially if it includes the comforter calling the comfortee a pet name, ESPECIALLY if its the first time they call them that it gives me butterflies)
i do not play dnd but i do have a t-shirt that says ‘yeah i’m into d&d — dehydration and dissociation’ bc i found it amusing and terribly Me (its this one)
ok i actually have a v long list of headcanons for st in my notes app that i just haven’t posted but now i’m thinking ab it
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cg-saturn · 2 years
Hi sa urn... M new here, well not rly I lurk but this is my first ask. M rly sicky (nothin bad just cold/flu so I feel rly icky.) Do you have any tips for alone babies who r sick nd involuntary regressed cause of it? Or comfort maybe? /nf I feel rly icky n cold, just wan my stuffies nd paci but can't cause I gotta sleep on th couch nd I live with family.. you don gotta answer it's okie
Ps can I be 🌌 if not already taken? -🌌
Hey lil one, I'm so so sorry to hear that you've been sick :( that's always the worst, but it sounds even worse because of your situation :(
Star and I both come from homes where privacy wasn't always possible. Star had multiple periods of homelessness growing up, resulting in a lot of time spent on couches or airmats. Unfortunately, with that came a hard time hiding regression. We've made a little list together of things that might be able to help even if you can't be fully little for privacy reasons!
First and foremost, when you're sick it's super duper important to make sure you're staying hydrated. Juice is actually really good for you when you're sick! Most fruit juice contain vitamin C, which is good for your immune system! Juice boxes are super helpful at helping little ones feel regressed, but a glass of juice can be just as effective if you don't have the ability to get boxes!
Stuffies are great cuddle buddies for kiddos of all ages! Having a lil pal to cozy up with can be super comforting when you're sick. Trust me, stuffed animals are for people of all ages! No one is going to think twice if they see someone sick and cuddling a stuffie to stay warm and cozy, no matter what your Big age is. Star and I are both in our 20s living with Star's dad and we have an abundance of stuffies spreading all the way from our room to the living room. It's totally normal for people of all ages to have stuffie friends, especially if they have sentimental value!
I have aaaaalways been a big lover of easy kid soups when I'm sick. Star loves the campbell's double noodle, and I always go for chicken and stars. Just be super careful if you're making it yourself, and give it enough time to cool off (or pop in an ice cube) so you don't burn your tongue kiddo!
If you have the ability to watch TV or movies with headphones, it can be comforting to put on a show from your childhood! Star and I love to watch Scooby-Doo together, but there are tons of shows and movies that can help you feel little even if you're sniffly.
Sometimes a warm shower or bath can really help! The steam from showers is actually really good for opening up your lungs and helping you cough up or clear out any ickies. It also can help just to get cleaned off! Sometimes when we feel yucky and sick, our bodies get yucky too, but it can really help to go wash all the yucky germs down the drain!
Make sure you're taking such good care of yourself little one, feeling yucky is never good :( Please don't hesitate to message me directly if you need any help at all, about your living situation or just being sick, I'm always here if you need someone to talk to! Sending you healing vibes and big internet hugs kiddo!
Bubba Saturn 💕
7 notes · View notes
only-lonely-lovers · 8 months
tags: masturbation, dubcon(?), caretaking, possessive language
notes: I think a lot of this one was us laying around in bed texting each other and it shows... w
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
あ:Anyways I was thinking rly hard about… uhh… I liked a lot when Avvy proposed Amane having been incepted sexuality due to Yashiro so commencing jerkoffs and being distracted and this being a new thing. Tsukasa observing this like oh……. kawaii…. something new. It can't be sad that Amane is attempting to be secretive and hide stuff even though they do absolutely everything together. Thinking about them outright sharing a bedroom and 1 bed. kinda deal.
Somehow its novel and cute to Tsukasa that Amane would be shy about something with him. Since when, you know? Amane is a shy person but there's nothing he's actually embarrassed about around Tsukasa… is full autisms and can be as rude and wordless as possible, doesn't hide his interests. So any sense of Amane sequesting into the bathroom for periods of times or, when Tsukasa runs an errand and comes back he can hear Amane shuffling quickly in the bedroom. This just makes Tsukasa get good at coming home worldessly. Presses ear to door. Oh. the sounds of jerkoff. naruhodo
Does this ritualistically. It's kind of fun. New Amane sounds just dropped and all that.
つ:It would just be cute… not offensive or saddening at all.
あ:I think Tsukasa is perceptive enough to quickly deduce who and what is prompting this. And is perfectly calm and ready for Amane explaining Yashiro-san wants to visit. Hmm yes… let me meet her…
つ:amane having a new feeling that he is embarrassed offffff
あ:Ah the more i wrote… the more this was really just a perfect sunshine-amatsuka fusion… But that was kind of cozy feeling to get to imagine
つ:It seems like a nice cozy place to beeeee no challenges. Some spice as tsukasa knows magics and nene is some new Magic’s user And amane just a nerd between these
あ:This really is a tsukasa who goes to get groceries and is like 🎵🎶 about it monitors my boy with spells
つ:Give me the little list of nuts and bolts🔩 you need
あ:I think its so. sedates you puts you into bed. when you need it.
つ:An equivalent of koku joudai if amane is super stressed before a tourney it’s like❤️ sleep
あ:Yes. oh dont worry sweetie. i learnt it all for you
つ:I’ll sing that song you like so much (It is a spell)
あ:So… Yashiro does come over. And the vibes are weird. She is like all thotted up but has to have this emotion like ah… tsukasa-kun. (doesnt resent you BUT. idk how to think about the thing you did last year or w/e) but Tsukasa is just pleasant. I'm bringing you guys tea. its cool.
At some point leaves them alone for a bit and monitors via magic. Oh i look into my crystal ball yk whatever. And I think Amane is like… very shut down and overwhelmed by the, pheromones, and the way he hasn't been actually feeling better over time. He's really perplexed by wanting to spend time with Yashiro, the urge itself is enigmatic and conflicting with his skills. aversions. but here he is allowing it. But i was cumrotted so yk It's as extreme as being ROCK HARD when she is right next to you and talking to you and wordlessly staring at the space between your feet and deathgripping legs. Nene sees this and is like ',' [brain falls out head]
but this Nene having more confidence and sluttiness is funn i think her stupid braindead thirst (the way she is like. a girl can have multiple guys as a treat ❤ during the event) means she just tries to be like ah… Amane-kun
… how are you feeling… [touches his chest] is this-? Good… are you having… fun? Do you. Like this…?
つ:Poor Amane’s life was so easy before
あ:Hand lowers… she strokes over his belly.
But this makes. Amane have a panic attack and run into the bathroom and close the door harshly. fwmp. and Tsukasa is like kyaa. oh… Amane!!! the way you definitely do want this… but run away from it!! So interesting. [didnt intervene when he could] You deserve to be bothered a little i think. awwwwww….
Returns into the scene. Nene isnt like made of steel she IS. embarrassed. face hot. apologetic, sorry Amane-kun went… I think he… I…
つ:Nene is a human being!!
あ:but Tsukasa is like ahh daijoubu daijoubu its fine Nene-chan. Ohhh he gets like that. ^^ You stay here. one sec… Peeks in. heyyy my shawnster…
He is comically like. Shivering and hiding behind a toilet like a scared cat. Standing up though. boner visible. Tsukasa is like [closes eyes and inhales.]
(duhh my notes.. one sec. im gonna just look)
"Is something the matter, Amane?"
As always, it takes Amane time to deliberate and reply, but you're never frustrated with him. You relish in getting to watch his fretful eyes tilt downward, his nervous hands clasp and squirm. You couldn't fathom rushing him. You wait patiently. Amane holds his arms and and waits quietly – you rush into them, clutch him close, and close your eyes as he nuzzles your shoulder.
"… I… want… to have sex," Amane finally breathes. He clutches you tighter. "With… Yashiro-san."
"Ah, I see, I see. That's very new and interesting, Amane. I'm happy you told me." You nod in understanding, genuinely proud at Amane for finally being able to say it. "If you ask me, I think Nene-chan would be more than happy to."
"I don't want to be alone though. I want you there."
You take a deep, deep breath.
"Mhm." his hair brushes your cheek as he nods.
It's been a while since you've felt so humbled to be included with something of Amane's. You were used to doing everything for him, with him, but you would have been understanding if he pursued this girl without you. But dear sweet Amane wanted you, even here. You sway, side to side, nuzzling against him. Amane's hips jitter as you do – oh! … still excited… You stroke his back.
"Of course, Amane. You tell me anything you want me to do. Where to be, where to touch… I can even move Nene-chan for you, get her ready… anything."
Kshfhd its all like. accepts everything very immediately sure i will get you to fuck her. ohhhh i get to be there? yes.
つ:Walks out the bathroom holding hands
あ:Both of you acting like space aliens admittedly. there's not really any sense of deliberating on… emotional closeness… Amane is just crystalizing that he wants this thing and Tsukasa is like , and so, it shall be
No proper anything… I'll get your dick wet sweetie…
つ:It’s like… does amane try to explain or tsukasa. It’s cute either way. Amane like. Yashiro-san. I’m sorry, I know it’s weird. So I get it if you don’t. Want to. Do anything. But. If we d. If we do. If we do anything I. I want. Tsu… kasa…. With…. Us…. or else. I’ll. Rrun away. Again and. Again
(Tsukasa wiggling fingers at nene and looking a little apologetic) Feeling on cloud 9 though
あ:I think as Amane speaks, he sometimes gets so shut down he actually just needs to dictate to Tsukasa what comes next. soo like… step 1 is actually walking out together and telling Tsukasa the living room area is scary and it needs to be in the bedroom. comfort space. and with like nearby stuffies or something excessive like that. pls… and so Tsukasa is like ohmm Nene-chan this way, let's talk more in the bedroom ^^ and she's like o. kay.
つ:Thats so like. Fear Ok The want for the dick I hope tsukasa doesn’t turn me inside out
あ:It's fear inducing. also you walk into their room and see its 1 bed. and this is definitely the 1 bedroom in this dorm actually. ok Like whatever
つ:Yashiro quietly says naruhodo
あ:But itd be cute if then Amane could be like im. do wanna. i do wanna. Do it
つ:Amane voice: but there’s something wrong with me
あ:I need help Tsukasa, really laying it on. I'm just here for moral support. Rubs his shoulders
つ:Yashiro: ah… I could… I mean if it’s just help I know what I’m — amane: nnnnnnnn (tugs tsukasa) Tsukasa: ^^ …my help is needed. Sorry, nene-chan. I won’t do anything if you don’t agree. (… unless amane asks me too lol❤️)
つ:Think of me as… a security blanket! That’s all!
Yashiro looking at two boys on the bed. Brain begins to melt Tsukasa like mmm… well… you’re already like this…. (Guides amane to lean back to show off tent more lol)
あ:It's a lot like. To submit to. But I think she'd genuinely feel too awkward to bow out in a way. As overwhelming as it is. Oh Amane-kun is so sweet. His… beseeching gaze. His. cock is right there also. To leave him so snubbed. When you do want it.
Tsukasa is intimidating but in a sultry way. like shahgdgdfhgI did imagine it being very much like. presents Unzips his pants. Releases from boxers
つ:He is clutching tsukasas arms like hiding behind one a lil Skrunky…. Let the scent waft to nene lol
Tsukasa also gets to be like. Eyes widen a little AH ITS STRONG LOL I’m always getting the after breeze left in the bedroom Oh the source is much more potent… HAS THE RESOLVE OF A DEMON TO NOT GO CRAZY
あ:The cute thing is Tsukasa himself experiencing stuff for first time gets vertigo for a second. OH keep it together
つ:Linger hands near him for longer than he intended… it’s so warm. Smiles at nene
(… I will hurt amane a little) Nene-chan… don’t you think it looks nice…..? Ah…. And this scent in the air~
あ:Like heuugjvjfh!!!!
つ:WHAT THE FUCK!!!! Dhdududkdjdhdhdj
あ:Coughs Ah…….. s.. souuu….
つ:Amane like dndjdjd tsukasa—!!
あ:You need Tsukasa here to be like why don't you come closer… dont be shy Come see… it's nicer up close
つ:Despite all her bravado, is shy and slow up close It’d be different if she was alone…
But being watched… she’s suddenly aware amane is very delicate, isn’t he…
あ:Perhaps Tsukasa nerfs her in a way that puts her on Amane's level
つ:Always thought of him as a mundane amount of shy… but… … he’s actually very unusual…
あ:Forced to contemplate the boy
つ:Does he really need something like this….? Tsukasa-kun…. Do you. Uhm. Do you always… help .p. Ah
Like this? …. No…. This is both our first time seeing this, nene-chan
あ:A fun question for a girl to be made to ask herself.
… I was thinking about Tsukasa being as excessive though as. like pulling back foreskin to show off (edited)
つ:Mm a good time to pull it back …. And (TRYING NOT TO BREATHE HEAVILY) Amane’s first time feeling, (pulls….) this…. Nene shuddering. Jesus Lights popping in eyes
あ:Fweeeewww… its hot in here. the humidty is spiking. your pussy is on fire etc.
つ:Delicately places for fingers along shaft…. Nene does. Simply crosses over tsukasas to the head….
あ:Amane whimpers… It's genuinely a lot… I think he is not used to being touched by other people. let alone in this context. Your body is like a liiittle fearful of something unfamiliar. But girl hand… lovely to feel, atop it all. but it's so good it's alarming. (jitters.) I sorry. amane. but the Tsukasa commentary track is like oh he liked that. keep goinggg
つ:Fluster nene and amane both…. I imagine tsukasa is the icebreaker always chatting during
あ:Yeah i think its kind of an instinct keep a dialogue going to fill in space. he is used to little or no response.
つ:Girl’s hands are soft, aren’t they, amane? Hehe…. Gently leaves cock to pet his hair and rub his knuckles
あ:maybe ask Nene if its HER first time… (bc Amane would like that…!)
つ:She’d get so WHY PUT ME ON BLAST But just mentally Take a SECOND.
あ:He is GOING to put you on blast.
つ:Squinch brows… Wiggle mouth….
Think about how girls should maintain mystique… but… sees little amane all. Small and shy and. Urhgg
あ:Amane peers an eyeball at peeky
つ:Y. Yeah. It’s. My first time. With anyone. Doing anything. Like. This
あ:His.. eyes lid. shudders Tsukasa gets to be like hueheueu yayy he likie… Oh! … Amane likes that.
つ:Tsukasa kind of mentally like ah thank god nene if you had nonvirgin hands….! Knows what Amane wants and wishes for him to have it all
あ:That would be too sad. i would. maybe have to erase that from Amane's memories. 💔
つ:The real option In reality I will fix this if you fuck up I will never put my amane at risk….
あ:Nene this far into the experience does have to be thinking 💭 this doesnt quite feel like… he is JUST a security blanket
つ:She is ignoring feeling a nonzero amount about it For NOW
I think nene has the power to start jerking him off….
あ:Yus i did think she would pick up the ball. Tsukasa presents but Nene does not leave anyone hanging Genuine lust takes over. the boy is warmmmm and so boy.
つ:You get a nice rhythm going…. Tsukasa keeps his hands busy here and there
Fixes hair, flattens some wrinkles in shirt, does the usual preening to make amane feel it’s not so different Something new, and stuff familiar
Enables amane to get comfortable a bit… subconsciously can relax more… less tense ball and more… bumping into hand
あ:Make it as easy for him as possible, ease him into it. Doesn't have to be as tucked away. steals glances at Yashiro and what she is doing. Mhmhnhn…. it is… nice. It's better than. jerking off.
つ:Tugs at tsukasa and mutters at him shakily. Tsukasa stifles. Shuddering feeling the heat of his face so near and what he’s asking…. Which is just for him to please thank nene… Like tell her she’s doing good
あ:Yes your majesty hhhhh
つ:just shy like nnoooo she’s doing me a ffffavorr
Nene-Chan (WAS STARING AT COCK FORGOT TSUKASA WAS THERE FLINCHES) Amane wants to thank you…. it’s very nice, how you’re willing to help…. You really do want to do this, don’t you? It’s fun for you, isn’t it? Amane isn’t being selfish…. This is actually (can’t control voice getting heavy finally) very generous of him, right? To let you do this.
あ:Oh the room just feels like it keeps getting hotter
つ:Amane staring. Not what he asked you to say…
あ:Overwhelmed to hear Tsukasa implicate that, oh i think his little brain is like. noo. that's not what i saidjfhfhg… like gets caught up in a technicality. why would Tsukasa say something different though he is here to help me… [CANNOT. SPEAK THO.] But also why does this make my cock shudder a little
つ:Don’t you feel…. Lucky…?
Nene who has been broken a bit: h. HAI!!!! I AM— LUCKY!!! JERKS FAST
Tsukasa watching. Ooouuuu Likes what he sees in you….
あ:This is where its fun. like. the noncon potential Just a touch actually Despite everything
つ:Yosh Ah…. Nene-Chan really understands❤️ Holds Amane more firmly….
あ:Amane genuinely so like, not ready for feeling this, gasps. F-fast!! ssscary. trying to inch away. but i think it just reads the same as his bumps into hand Tries to tug Tsukasa like a lifeline
つ:Touches forehead toooooo for a second Inhales your exhale quietly mmmm
あ:Sigh. the…. kind of choking sounds… made when the sensations get scary. lots of choking vocalizations like breaking off. mgh - gh -- hhgh- nhh
つ:So interesting….
あ:Cock is evil though it works against you. it does want to push up. i think sometimes cock wants shove, while hips and body want FLEE… you get these broken little jitters
つ:Tsukasa suddenly reaches forward and grabs nene’s shirt front. Drags her body forward
That’s not all you came here for And that’s not all amane needs you to do
Her hand lets go in the shock…. A nice momentum bounce of cock in the open air
あ:Nice cinematography.
Amane who doesnt know about anything beyond what is happening in this immediate moment. no idea where we're going. his brains are already melted out his ears… just continuously tugs Tsukasa’s sweater, waiting to be understood
つ:Just before Amane can whine for the lack of contact, or move, tsukasa swaddles cock in his free hand as if he’s coddling it Like keep it warm while they work this out
つ:I don’t think Amane’s first time should be finishing in your hand, don’t you agree? Don’t you want something more special? Of course you do! DRAGS ONTO HIS CHEST
He’s been finishing into his own hand so much, nene-Chan! Thinking about this!
Amane wants to “do it”. Of course! So badly.
あ:Dizzying to hear… disorienting, for both Amane and Nene. This way that Tsukasa can suddenly feel omnipotent You know everything…
つ:Yashiro very dizzy, yes… dumbly nodding and panting loudly… plants a palm on his chest Well, she was well prepared…. No panties
あ:A girl wants what she wants…
つ:As she gets a hand between her legs… tsukasa observes. holds Amane ready… A situation of nene lowering over while tsukasas hand gradually recedes
あ:It is all for this... Tsukasa assisting in the line up and all. Watching it happen...
つ:Enjoying each second… amane is dying. But I’d like it to be that warm PUSSY GOOD SHOVES
つ:Activate sleeper cell
あ:Hehhe yes … actually part of the. cumrot was the thought that while deep into this Amane would actually become insatiable. like he has no self control!!!! cant!!!!!! its actually like oh god dont STOP ffffucks like a cylinder
つ:Yossshhh autistic grip SITS UPRIGHT Make Yashiro shriek
あ:Mmm delightfully scary. pivot
つ:Tsukasas propeller hat spins
あ:Shahshdhh. HELLO handsome the emotion Tsukasa experiences
つ:makes tsukasa very very excited childlike
あ:Amane amane amannnyyeeehh
つ:Yashiro processes that— not a tsukasa she has ever seen Giggling kicking around Really nuzzling into his hair….
あ:You're doing so good!! Amane!!!! breathless
つ:She’s being. Jostled sf hard. Bed is shaking
あ:Holding on for dear life. rghgjfh trapped in this crazy room it feels like
つ:Would love Amane to manage to pivot to pushing her backwards on the bed and hammering Brain is only composed of. AND IWANT HARDERR
あ:I wanted the sex Everyone was patient for me now im ready wanted to FUCK you i understand now
つ:Understand how fuck works It’s all too clear
It is the wacky shack as tsukasa is just like dhdudjdbdhdjdndjdj hehehehehehehehe Lehhlleheleehll I’ll make you guys dinner after thisdss
NENE-CHAN GOOD GIRL!! PETS HER TOO She’s drooling. Delirious can’t see
あ:Its like ah. the beautiful parallel in how Amane is like any other TL of Amane in that. he functionally is going to treat you the same, like, piece of meat, hes not SOCIAL he doesnt have manners.
つ:It’s just shy though. Not even polite really It’s disarming but says nothing of his selflessness
あ:nnnno. just shy. he's not. respectful I do think Tsukasa completes the energy by being so mmm yes yes yes ohhh look at him go its a faaaaaast car Love you baybbieeeee
つ:You feel the most degraded in a funny way Yashiro finally feeling like. This novelty. But she’s such a slut this AU she loves the sensation Come to this dorm to get manhandled by twins
あ:She is the pussy in the room Finally… what a girl has been seeking
つ:dragged over cock and instructed what to do. It’s her own awakening
Thought she was— a forward, sortof dominating type Idealistically imagined herself that way. But it’s not what she wants In her heart this is, perfect… shoved and pushed
あ:Even assuming her preference for Amane-kun came packaged with wanting to mess with a shy feeble boy yk
つ:Your crazy girl Schtick
あ:So endeared was she. but like. experiencing him rail her. makes her go oh. Its sfffff hot… if he is like this. about me
つ:If that’s what’s inside amane-kun….
あ:Amane-kun who can barely look up from his fiddling… his projects…
つ:Ah a nice situation of tsukasa and Yashiro calling his name in an easy back and forth Tsukasa kickstarts it being himself Yashiro follows the addictive lead
あ:Ahh kawaii kawaii… It seems like it feels good to do
つ:Amane scrambling about
あ:The incentive is feeling his cock respond inside her. fweee….
つ:Ahhhh the chorus
あ:it feels good to be a girl in a moment like this
つ:Epic feelings I think the nut moment is scary Like grabs so so hard Congeals in his virgin pea brain🧠IT CAN GO INSIDE
あ:I WANT IT i do think its a real jfc… amane… digs nails in… trying to hold you down so hard It must go in and stay in
つ:Gotta unload I think Tsukasa is beyond sane helping he’s like on his back arms wrapped around Amane somewhere flopped kicking around
あ:Its cute. he is a fairly responsible composed boy in the grand scheme of things. made excited by Amane's own liberation uuouuuuu i love you
Amane is so cool!!! Amane is sooo capable… Amane is soo special!
つ:Amane does everything amaasziiiinnggfgly
あ:[pants] Amane should get everything he wants
つ:All this and then once he finishes it’s like. WHEEZE and tsukasa has to be like— AHHH RUNS OUT OF BED TRIPS FALLS ON FACE GETS YOU GETS INHALER
あ:kdfjhfdh my boy fuck whens the last time he drank water
つ:puts it in Amane’s mouth RUNS GETS WATER!!! Yashiro is blearily watching laid out
あ:Yashiro witnissing this. in a delirium like….❔
つ:You want like a kinda fussy Amane here honestly Like mmmmmn… squints
あ:lmaoo yes… like .. ugh.. TOO HOT … rips sweater off makes pissy sounds
つ:tsukasa helping When it gets stuck
あ:Throws it on the ground
つ:Fully removes Amane’s belt Knowing he disprefers it but wanted to look nice for this date Yashiro is still watching. What am I seeing
あ:What the…
つ:Amane, I can start a bath…. You got pretty sweaty, right?
あ:Grunts Its unflattering like ugh yeah
つ:I’ll go start it. Bows to nene. Leaves room She’s like wtf am I…. Seeing…. I do not understand the dynamic here actually
あ:I want Nene to spend like 24 hrs rly having bits and pieces load in for her You thought you understood but its like. [remembers this thing and this other detail and ???]
gonna later be like. wait. tsukasa being all…. we're lucky… and… amane should have whatever he wants… what I thought Amane was just a lonely boy but. IDK anymore do lonely people get dinner made for them ? Tsukasa has put on rice immediately
So funny for Amane to be so into routine and being taken care of he doesnt. offer yashiro much. at the end of this. like i need my bath… shuffles off
You know is like. Thank you I liked it
つ:Ah it’s funny. Yeah.
あ:Rubs mouth.
つ:She’s like. I did. T-too. You— you were impressive.
あ:Really [shuff shuff…]
つ:I didn’t think it’d … be like that
つ:Tsukasa though I do think would… like to usher her out Im sorry my boy has a timer
あ:Sorry darling
つ:He needs his routines again…. very cordial
あ:Baby simply needs his juice
つ:Nene-Chan❤️ Thank you for being so understanding. You’re a brave girl! That was so fun. Amane really surprised us, didn’t he…? He’s…. Incredible.
(Amane in the bg tugging his socks off) Like nyeh….
あ:stupid socks…
つ:Can’t get these jeans off fast enough
あ:That water better be ready for me
つ:The shitty afterglow Fsr true for amane
あ:Smells self. ugh Too much smells
つ:Kind of an annoyed voice… tsukasaaa…. It’s like whip cracks in brain WELL! ILL CALL YOU SOON NENE-CHAN, OKAY? I’ll get your number from Amane!
あ:Until then. Bye bye
つ:We’ll talk soon, ok? Byeeeeeeee
あ:nene like. will we i guess we will.
つ:Amane has literally never answered his phone for her
あ:He doesnt do that.
つ:It’s an emergencies thing really Nene walking home feeling many things. Much to think about. Feeling good though.
あ:Well. it was weird. but it wasnt bad.
つ:So strange.
あ:Ummm its complicated. Aha.
つ:…. What on earth will tsukasa and amane do now H-he said he never did that to him before….
あ:Is their relationship going to… change…? …. did it… change… did i see it change?
Somehow its truly more challenging than if Tsukasa has always been jerking off Amane. why now
つ:I do like to think it’ll be normal up until Amane gets a boner again in the night and his brain is like. Wait Bodies
あ:I can get
つ:Can be used for goods and services
あ:I can make Yes… i did. imagine a follow up. which is later like tugs. wordlessly. drags your face down
tsukasa part 2. oh…… are you sure….. … this is funnily enough perhaps the 1 amane that would be like. theres no reason to not ask Tsukasa. as the guy who already takes care of every single one of my needs
Cannot resist the simplicity of Tsukasa taking care of a chubby in the middle of the night sorta deal dont. wanna jerkoff anymore. is the thing. it doesnt feel as good. and rly didnt like having to evade Tsukasa for a sense of privacy. … but now there's no reason to…
As always I think there's just a different vibe. To Amane wordlessly grabbing Tsukasa’s face and rubbing cock over cheeks, pushing against lips. mnnn… dont have to overthink it… shoves… and Tsukasa is just like despite everything humbled , bc again, not assuming it actually has anything to do w him and already geared to think it was just a matter of being useful as an assistant
つ:Pleasaaaant… a silent graciousness
I also like humping tsukasa in the day… and tsukasa like aaaaa dials nene while this is happening Nene-chaaaaaaaan how about another date? Amane misses you….
あ:kawaii. yeah humping could become such a thing… very easy to do the feeling is like. ouhhmmm… im his binkie rn. he is becoming, incessant ❤ fun. but like. HELP! lol.
つ:Tsukasa for this is like mmm I wonder how long this will go on…. Will he get burnt out on it? Satiated? Okay and accepting if after a week he calms down with him…
But I think it just gets. Worse The more often it can just be like ughhhgh Puts hand on
あ:Not even needing to say anything
つ:COMES back from ROBOT SHOW throws BACKPACK on the ground grumbling STOMPs autistically to bedroom Drops pants
あ:counting the seconds. until you Its like mmghfh… suddenly too autistic for my autisms. like the tourneys ar elike. fucking annoyinggg gbdhfhf
つ:Being so like emotional tho at the show like. I miss tsukasa so much…. I wish he was here and not busy at his schooling… it’s so much easier with him
It’s so hard… (comes home and behaves uhgratefully despite this) The weight of the backpack and the journey home eroded him
あ:Get less grateful by the second. as you approach the door i WANT MY SLAW.
つ:I have to calm DOWN!!!
あ:opens the front door. moans. Tsukasaaaaa (edited) drops my shit kicks off my shoes
つ:Skitters. Another result of this situation is this tsukasa losing grace and returning to some regression
あ:Youre really shaking his pea around in there really bring out the. amane amane!!!! mode
つ:Slides into room
あ:The seamlessness of fullbody hugs and wraps legs around. and then gets leaned onto a surface
あ:Indeed it does just get. worse. for a while i think its a real. like. legs and spine getting fucked up. situation losing hours
つ:Ah novel to see. Tsukasa truly losing his grace in this AU
つ:Nene is like. It’s a little like. …. Living with amane seems like. …. I’m not ready Yet For that
あ:It seems. a bit dangerous chotto abunai yo…
つ:But I will be… some day
あ:Its like a prospective future
つ:Dating is what it is, for now
あ:but. intimidating. I. if he would really fuck me. all day . ah You know its like. becomes collected at the thought. BUT…. FOR NOW. WAITS.
つ:One loves to have a future to dream about Tsukasa walks into a door
あ:I think he has 0 graces fingering like it is. a lobotomizes you situation
つ:These fine motor skills
あ:Like jesus its actually more brutal if he fingers Lances you
つ:It will be much worse. Give nene my multiple day long stabbing pain that nothing can make you forget or ignore
あ:Serious business
つ:I think she’s a bit more of a pansy than me though No offense nene
あ:She's cute like that It's a lot to ask of a normal girl
つ:It’s good to make a girl suffer, too
あ:Yes Truly suffering for this boy
つ:The extreme masochism is for Tsukasa
あ:Souls are divided in this way
つ:But Nene can appreciate it like a loyal gf of an abusive boyfriend The Pride
あ:It's like a medal she gets to display on the wall of her mind later I really will. Let Amane. Do things to me. heep. but i love the thought of like. willfully deciding you must let tsukasa bear the burdens im normal i am trying to study
つ:Some of that energy. Must be burnt off
あ:The girl talk is as stimulating as ever under these conditions Its fun though i like to think Nene has to be a little bit like. drools. hearing about Amane needing an hour long blowjob
つ:I think this situation cumrots nene I think it’s going to get heinous
There will come a day Nene is laying in bed and she finally congeals TWINCEST IS HOT!!!! OKAY!!! FINE I CANT IGNORE IT FOREVER DO THEY WANT ME TO FIND ITHOT?
but I think the final form is tsukasa noticing and it’s surprise part 2 like awe What first amane likes me here…. Now nene thinks I am a sexy element?
あ:What the h*ck… Even a frog in a well like me…
Wants to watch ME blow amane…. But it’s inviting the devil into your house he’s going to send you videos out of nowhere or something
あ:you think to yourself that you're nothing special woof That is a problem
つ:Catch on to nene’s fetishistic interest and be like titling them deranged things like ❤️do you think I’m a good little brother?
If nene understands she kickstarted Amane's sexuality then this would feel like such a corruption like her sick desires lead them all heor What did I bring out in these BOYS…
つ:Did I ruin a pair of siblings
あ:They were just normal…. er… well… sort of normal siblings before. They werent fucking all week at least. jesus
i kind of both like the thought of Tsukasa covertly filming but also clearly prompting Amane to hold camera suddenly in the middle of something
つ:He’s got Hims spells fuckin invisible floating camera dgaf But it s also funny to just do it some time despite this capability to utterly hide it
あ:Yes doing both. www. just cuz its fun to see Amane's reaction I think hes like umgh…. ……… but i do want it Frustrated and feeling owned
つ:Adjusts the camera like a nerd
あ:Oh fiddling. fussing about angles.
つ:Really enjoys watching through camera
あ:but its moe. like something Amane does that Tsukasa wouldn't think to or account for is reach down and even direct Tsukasa's face this way and that… entranced.. Slows pace…
つ:Get weirder about touching cock on
あ:I think you can rly get a sense for how used to handling Tsukasa he is, like… the sheer ease of reaching and pulling, directing with harsh or more delicate touch. Tugs hair. pulls at skin around corner of eyes to make you look
The element where Amane definitely. isnt thinking abt this being sent to anyone I think it makes him look like an absolute madman
つ:Moving like alien The free spirited in his natural habitat I think eventually tsukasa can do weird shit alone with Amane like subject him to some spell but only after he’s so. Spoiled and cumbrained that he gives in to some temptation
あ:Liberated at last..
Tsukasa is willing to fux with Amane a BIT as it is. but i think something earnest for his own enjoyment with Just Amane takes a higher power level Thats so directed and not wanton for the lulz yk
つ:A lot of being cum slave for a month
あ:Has been comed on and in for so long its like.
つ:It would have to be studying some stuff time and reading a spell and lingering for a long time
あ:Hair messier, clothes all fucked up. twiddles my wand in my hand. a treat for me. maybe
つ:But ah with failsafes in place… I just like the idea of manually stripping away the inhibitions with a spell to parse the raw most urge
But it should just be getting insanely violent And rambling like a maniac
あ:Functionally makes like that botion that Hakubo gives to Aoi
つ:The autism ruins Amane for talking much at all but override the stoppers…. Nyaaa. A temporary version of that But you just get a very ah. YOU BELONG TO ME!!!!
あ:your body my property. ohhh it pours out… The entitled heart…
How unfathomably special, at the center of this all. Quiet little Amane, doted on and tended to. Feeling, not just, gratitude, but a sense of divine entitlement. Reference your history… YOU'VE BEEN MINE FROM THE START
つ:Expoooose the entitlement!!! That he is obligated….
あ:I'm going to make sure you never leave me
Oh sigh… i think for Amane there's almost so many feelings and thoughts unsaid it leaps out of him messily, daisy-chained thoughts
I'm, I'm tired of going places alone I can't do it. I WONT anymore Why should I?? Why do you let me Tsukasa!!
つ:LOOKING DEVASTATED I— I won’t! Then! I’ll — can go everywhere with you…. Feeling out of breath to hear and seeeeee
あ:In a straddled sort of pose… Amane could bear weight heavily, hands on sternum
Eugghh but it could b so insane… grabbing something to use as makeshift rope… tying Tsukasa's arms. or forming a noose around neck
つ:ah at some point it has to be like FREEZES TIME SHUDDERS AND WAILS ON THE FLOOR FOR A MINUTE
Ok. Time to reverse the effects I’ve learned What I wanted to
あ:I. asked for it
つ:I just wanted to know if Amane… really wanted me… here With everything changing…. if he’d run out the door or… Whatever he wanted… I just wished to know Whatever came out…! Whether it was simple or complex or about me or not
あ:A sense of obligation almost you know…? Enough time passed and you wanted to know what Amane was thinking… about any of this
admittedly Tsukasa would be like. Nevermind. if nene doesnt think she is ready for something. i need to know if Amane is coping with… not having something
Could I be doing more for you… But then its like. a. i. suppose. the answer was yes
つ:Was failing my boy Tsukasa simply wants to please him… To the utmost
あ:I arrange your tater tots in a little galaxy just to make you happy
つ:As his pleasures have been escalating… but have somewhat platuead… needed to know if force was needed It’s so like so help me I would subject nene to any spell
あ:if roachie could really ask you what you wanted there's no Tsukasa ready to be so specifically wanted… its like… how… why… It came out so… unlike anything ever before
つ:Demanding more… wanting no separation I will make it so…. kisses head of frozen in place amane
あ:This has to be such a. sleeps you. cleans up. puts you to bed is somber pets my guy
つ:Contemplates steps patiently
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jellys1su · 2 years
started watching cobra kai today.
its got a very comftorable mid 2000s disney/nickelodeon live action show vibe going on that i appreciate
not too intense and milquetoast even in its plot points (so far) but not to the point of being boring. opposite of boring even. engaging. rly does feel like one of those classic cozy sitcoms but a bit edgier and with stuff actually happening. i saw like 2 eps so im not making any overarching descriptions im just saying i like it so far.
im obsessed with washed up old bastard trope. its gospel to me. giving severe LISA. just a shitty past his prime ex martial artist who is not so subtly politically bankrupt in the same way that one uncle you dont like is, repeating onto his pupils the same ill lessons his own mentor taught to him when he was young. that cycle of violence kind of deal.
i mean its pretty obv theyre setting him up to grow given how shit he is to begin with, and im very ready and happy to see that happen.
and i like how we are following the "bully antagonist" from the og series of movies too. morally dubious protagonists are my favorite. just incredible to watch really.
i did not see the original set of movies. maybe the first but it was when i was very young, i think they may be probably mediocre but ill probably go back for them piecemeal as i watch cobra kai and hopefully theyll be good. i do like martial arts. at least conceptually. i dont actually watch boxing or any kind of sport at all . i do enjoy watching what i have seen of combat sports though in videos ive seen throughout the years
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domjaehyun · 2 years
doing the asks thingy :)
are you in schooling or working? if school, whats your major? if working, what do you do? do you enjoy it?
what would you describe your personal aesthetic as?
do you find yourself enjoying alone time or getting lonely quickly?
alr thats all !!
omg thank u :’)
i am currently in neither but applying / looking into both!! school i have no clue what i wanna major in really (yes i do. it’s prob gonna be computer science w an english minor) and working i have even less of an idea 😭😭😭 rn im just looking at local jobs in my neighborhood which is code for customer service . which i abhor. so pray for me
omg i def don’t think i have an aesthetic i usually go for comfy casual vibes? i wear a lot of dark clothing 🤔🤔🤔 but i wouldn’t say that’s my aesthetic i actually prefer pastels and stuff jdjfdjkd SO THIS IS HARD if cozy casual is an aesthetic then i choose that!!
omg i loooooove alone time. but my love language is quality time which doesn’t really go w the whole alone time thing JDJFJDJD but i used to get lonely rly easily but now i def love a good moment to myself !!
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yandere-sins · 3 years
I see that ur request is open, u don't have to do mine (I just rly wanna see how this gonna turn out 🤡)
But may i request a yandere farmer x fem reader
(I'm not rly into any fandom so you can just pick any or Rhys is fine too 👀)
My jam, and you know what? I owe everyone named Alex something, so let me create this wonderful buff farmer!yandere named Alex who I don’t kill off this time, I promise. Enjoy!
I uh, did hint at my ideas for yandere farmers with Milo from Pokémon before so yeah. Let’s go over that again, shall we? I’ll give a warning for pet play for those unfamiliar.
Rated Lime
»»———————— ♡ ————————««   
It’s still early in the morning when you hear the jarring sound of the barn door opening. For a moment, you hope that all you experienced for the last few days had been a dream, but your body still aches from sleeping on the cold ground, revealing the heavy truth. You can hear the chipper, “Good morning, ladies!” as the cows start to moo in response, the unbearable smell of fecal and urine drifting towards you with the fresh air coming in from outside.
It’s time to get up, scream, do something! But you blink a few times, your swollen eyes barely opening after you cried yourself to sleep last night, and you look at the iron cuffs around your wrists. Why even trying? you ask yourself, immediately discarding the thought and pushing yourself from the floor. No, it’s too early to give up. You can’t let yourself down like this yet.
“And good morning, Sunshine.” The voice next to you makes you flinch as you look up into the chestnut eyes of your captor. He tips his cap, smiling. You’re disgusted by his presence alone, but a sweet smell comes your way. Leaning over the wooden barriers he put up as your ‘pen’, Alex holds a plate in his hands, pancakes stacking up on top of it with blueberries rolling off of them. The food is still warm, steam visibly rising from them in the colder morning air.
He looks at you expectantly when you don’t make a move, only trying to hide the saliva building in your mouth. You haven’t had a homemade breakfast in a long time, much less proper food in the last few days. There is no telling if your body can still stomach something as delicious as pancakes, but you prefer it so much more than the weird grain mix he also feeds to the cows and would shove down your throat. “Thought you might be hungry, Babe,” he smiles as he sees the desire in your eyes, his own gaze never straying from you, taking in every last flinch and move of yours.
In a way, you are like a wild animal to him, that much he told you. He restricted your movements with chains, fed you like cattle, and treated you like a dog, cooing and using the carrot and stick method to handle you. It’s disgusting, but by now, you at least feel as dirty as one. Using the fork he brought along, Alex cuts off a piece from the breakfast, eating from it first, his eyes staring into yours as he does it. Did he do it to show he didn’t poison it? Does he want to claim this plate of pancakes for himself? But why would he bring it to you in the first place if that’s the case?
Still chewing, he puts the fork down, pulling another pancake piece off the plate with his bare fingers, and holds it out to you. He was eager to lessen the distance between you and him from day one, but his dirty methods made you want to spit in his face. Stomach growling, you are at a loss of what to do. If you let him feed you like a dog, there was no way he’d keep it at that, but perhaps this was your only chance on receiving actual, human food he’d give you if you refuse him.
Your chains rattle as you scoot closer, refusing to play the captured animal and crawl on all fours. Every muscle of yours is sore and hurt from the cold, but there is no other way, the chains around your wrists and ankles keeping you down with their weight. Instead, you stretch your neck as far as possible, your back tensing up in response until your mouth is under his fingers and the piece of pancake hanging from them. But Alex doesn’t just let the food go, watching you with an excited grin as you carefully put the piece between your teeth. Only then does he let go, and you are able to claim the sweet sensation on your tongue as yours.
Eager, Alex holds out another piece, and you take it without even swallowing the first one completely. Something in you completely set out as your brain is satisfied with sugary sweet and fluffy pancakes melting in your mouth, their warmth going through your whole body. You are hooked on the rush of food, you don’t notice your tongue lapping up the syrup on his fingers with the next piece of pancake until it’s too late. But Alex notices, his lips immediately turning into a disgusting grin of self-satisfaction, and he reaches for your face, fingers curling under your chin and thumb rubbing over your cheek.
Immediately, you shy away, disgusted by his touch and disappointed in yourself that you didn’t see it coming. In the reflection of his wide-open, maniacally staring eyes, you can see how dirty and disgusting you are after living like a barn animal for days, and that is precisely how Alex sees you. An animal that he just touched for the first time. Who came to him of their own free will. To him, it is progress. To you, despair.
“Come,” he entices, luring you with more pancakes, but you feign disinterest. “Don’t be scared now. I know you like it.”
The pancakes? Yes. Him? Not at all.
“You need to eat to get big and strong, you know?”
“I’m not a baby animal,” you hiss back, putting on the meanest glare you can muster.
“You sure act like one,” Alex reminds you tauntingly, his smile unfading but his expression less amused than it had been before. “Licking at my fingers, coming to me for food. Don’t you think that’s what a good pet does? You’ve been holed up in your corner for too long. You should be more grateful for my efforts, just like the cows.”
Gnawing at your lip, your eyes fall from his to the pancake slowly growing cold. Only now do you realize he has been feeding you with these fingers of his without your knowledge if they were dirty or clean. Being a farmer, you never know where he puts them before approaching you, and you grow more disgusted for having fallen into this trap he had laid out for you.
Suddenly, for the first time, you hear him sigh. Even when he scratched his head and wondered what to do with you before, he never once had sighed. Somehow, it makes you shudder, a bad feeling spreading in your stomach as he hangs his head, shaking it.
“I’m not asking much, you know. Here’s the deal.” His eyes are ice-cold as he looks up again, and Alex roughly throws the piece of pancake to the floor right in front of you. It no longer looks appetizing, but you are more afraid of the man before you than the wasted food. “Eat it,” he orders commandingly, fitting this whole scenario he imagines you two to play in.
“Ew, no--” you want to protest, furrowing your brows when he interrupts you harshly by throwing the whole plate, including the pancakes, to the ground inside your pen. “In less than an hour, your whole fucking pen will be swarmed by ants. But I’ve got something better for you.”
Pointing to the piece of food before you, Alex repeats, “Eat it,” and this time, you don’t dare to respond. “Eat, and you can come inside with me.”
At this, your ears perk up, eyes widening. “I-Inside?” you ask, doubting that he meant what he said. “Yeah. I prepared a nice box for you in the house, warm and cozy. Clean water and a hot shower included, but I need to know that you are willing to listen to me, you understand?”
Body trembling, you sit there like a deer in the headlights. This is too good to be true, and you fear how high the price is that you’d have to pay if agreed. Listening to him can’t possibly be the only thing he’d want once you were inside, but you watch as the first few flies come over from the cows, wanting to get a piece of the delicious breakfast wasted on the ground. You’d have no peace if you stayed here - never.
Your hand reaches out but just as quickly pulls back. “What will we do inside?” you squeak, unable to control your anxious stuttering. Now that Alex’s lips curl back into a smile, you see his sinister side for the first time. He is leaning casually onto the barricade, but his whole demeanor changed into something horrifying, something that gives you the vibes of a sick and twisted person more than ever. “Don’t ask, just decide. Eat and come inside with me, or stay here between cows, piss, and shit. Maybe you can be useful for milk production?”
The pure horror of thinking about what that fate would entail makes you go weak, and in less than a few seconds, you had gobbled up the piece of pancake, stuffing it into your mouth. Immediately you feel the recoil of your body after doing something so disgusting, but you hold back from spitting it out, already having come so far. “Good girl,” he praises you in a belittling tone like you’d use for pets and children. Opening up your pen by unlocking the many locks he had put on for safety, Alex doesn’t mind the food on the ground, neither slipping on it and breaking his neck like you hoped for, nor having shards of the plate go through his boots.
“Give me your hand,” he asks, holding his own out until you slowly lift yours into his. The chains are way too heavy, but the fear keeps you working even though your wrists are open wounds from the chafing cuffs. “Good,” he keeps praising, repeating the progress for your other hand. “You’re learning so quickly, look at you. Attagirl!”
You don’t dare to rub your bleeding wrists as they are finally free, but a giant boulder falls from your heart as you feel relief set in. “Damn, you do need a good bath, though,” Alex mutters as he sits down beside you, proceeding to uncuff your ankles. You feel a sense of shame, not being able to smell yourself anymore but not wanting to imagine it either.
Finally, you are free of all restrains, but before you can try doing anything funny, Alex picks you up in his arms, his broad chest in front of your face and the smell of aftershave and sweat filling your nose. You didn’t know that was how he smelled. After all, he brought you here unconscious, and when you woke up, you were already in this shitty pen, cuffed and gagged for the first two days.
“Feeling good?” he asks you as he notices how quiet you’ve gotten, not much left of your spiteful self that would scream and curse at him before. You nod slowly, not looking up. Looking at him from close-up might cause you to puke after all, and you’ve worked too hard to get to this point. Alex gives you a rough, scolding shake, and you instinctively grip onto his shirt. “Tell me.”
“Yes...” you mumble, hoping that will be enough to satisfy him, and Alex gives you another sigh before shrugging lightly and adjusting you in his arms. “That’s something we can work on,” he promises you for another time, and you keep your head low as he carries you outside.
It’s been way too long that you saw the morning dew on the grass, fog covering the fields in the distance, and the sun only starting to fully rise above you. It makes you look up in awe, unknowingly being observed by a curious pair of eyes from above. Being outside again almost makes the trouble worth it, and you are able to find happiness in this small victory.
But you have yet to grasp the consequences of your decision. Even if it looked great in the image you had in your mind, you aren’t aware of the state of the house inside, what was waiting for you behind the pretty facade of a farmer’s home. The demands he has of you that Alex had yet to reveal and how eager he was to train his adorable little darling. Make you just as dependant and obsessed with him as his animals were, while you’d share their place at the end of the bed for a long time.
And you didn’t even know about the collar yet.
»»———————— ♡ ————————««  
A/N: Oh god, I haven’t written anything in the present tense for a loooong time. I hope it was readable! Sorry in advance if I messed up occasionally, I tried to get everything sorted out properly... >_< Still, a very enjoyable write and I hope the read as well!
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bunycube · 2 years
Hello!! i just saw your answers :') sorry it took some time!
aaaa i keep hearing lots of good stuff about Lamento but I'd have to find somewhere to download it tho I'm bad at installing games like that ,_, i did it for re:connect and it was a pain and took forever to figure out lol
i haven't played slow damage either! but i heard about the english release which is nice 👀
i only played TnC, sweet pool and dmmd .. it's funny because i never heard of any of those games before the beginning of this year :') i also prefer Sweet pool to TnC , just the whole general vibe i don't really know how to explain why tho x)
while i do love Tetsuo, Youji is alright too but for unknow reasons Zenya has stolen my heart :"))) and it's funny because i was expecting Makoto to be maybe the only "sweet" ending or something LOL it ended up being the most unhinged lmao i would have liked more than 1 ending option with Zenya and Makoto too ~
as for TnC Nano is my absolute favorite! i was also suprised with Motomi when i did his route i really fell in love with it too
currently listening to the sweet pool OST on repeat :')
rambled a lil so putting my answer under the cut!
OH HI HI HIIIII dony even worry abt it! man lamento is a pain to download i could only figure it out after looking at a youtube tutorial u have to dl all this extra stuff for it too its 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 but it was worth it for me!!! such a beautiful game, tho its so long.
hehe i only got to know abt the other chiral games late in last year...b4 that i only knew dmmd 😭 tho im glad i found out its been keepint me going since then nsbfdbsb
oh same same same i cant rly explain what i love so much abt sweet pools overall setting and atmosphere its so quiet and kinda peaceful but also a lil ominous? it always feels like smth bad is goinf to happen, which it does. i guess...but yeah theres always that feeling of "something is happening" in the air even in ordinary scenes, and it feels kinda nostalgic..the setting..idk. i love the lgihting and stuff in it too and the muted colours hmm yes.
ill be honest i didnt like tetsuo for a rlyyy long time. i still feel he has a bit of a cardboard box personality but he has his moments, and i dont hate him or anything..youji is very close 2 me tho im very fond of him.hes liek a friend to me, idk why tho..and same!!!! zenya is ky fav char i liked him from his first appearance!!&$^@ he seemed like such an entertaining n interesting personality?#,%,# and thd mroe i got to know abt him the more itneresting hsi char got..
ik zenya has done many bad things and it disgusted me also, but overall i still thought he was pretty well written n hes definitelyyy my favourite chsr hes jsut so interestimg i could write a whole analysis on him i think..i should..tho i never want zenya n youji to interact they should be kept entire cities apart imo in fact zenya himself should jsut move away farrr away drom his dad and all thid bs i think.
plsss there r no sweet endings in sweet pool 😭😭😭😭 tho just for my own happiness i like to imagien a universe where youji n makoto actually get to rebuild their relationship post hospital scene, anf they all hang out like they had planned...CRIES....
hmm abt tnc id say rin is my fav i loveeee his personality his design (NOT HIS POST TIME SKIP DESIGN THAT OUTFIT IS UGLYYYY) !! i liked nano in routes that werent his, but his route left such a bad taste in my mouth i cant bring myself to enjoy him anymore 😢 he still looks very comfy cozy tho, which i appreciate! i knew id love motomi from the start bc hes a dilf character (which is My Type) and i heard hes really kind n sweet so i lovedddd him! i love akira also <3 and i unfortunstely kinda like gunji too im sorry im SORRYYYY HES TERRIBLE HE WAS JEUT RLY ENTERTAINING tho his ending was obv painful to sit through. im sorry !!!&#^$ and i lvoe akiractoo so much more than i expected? hes a good kid <33
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rsmrymnt-tea · 3 years
lia- sometimes i just sit and randomly think "oh btw do ppl realize that stn is actually rly hot"
sdfdjf He’s so hot like >.< but I know his flavor isn’t for everyone… more food for us, then
Though tbh… He’s kinda more cute to me than he’s hot? He doesn’t really have too much of a smolder and more of a cozy fireplace vibe y’know? I honestly don’t think he’s as suave as people make him out to be. He’s a hopeless romantic and he can be smooth with a way with words when he wants to (like isn’t it interesting how he’s gone from not having the words to convey how he feels to busting out poems he’s found/written for MC?) but he’s also like… still a bit clumsy and unsure with love sometimes, like you get the feeling he’s still trying his best. Very cute.
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