#it's a rarepair baby just say yes
nebulein · 2 years
"So," Sharpy says, hand on Jonny's thigh, just those couple centimeters too high.
Jonny takes another sip of whiskey, lets the liquid sit in his mouth until the flavor of smoke coats the back of it, wood chips and pears filling his nostrils. Good stuff for good friends. "So."
Sharpy's smile gains an edge, dangerous and pleased. He always did like the game. And unlike Seabs, whose voice is always tinny over the facetime connection, Sharpy is real and here, a warm weight against Jonny's side.
It's late, Jonny's tired. His bones ache in that way that makes him feel old beyond his years, the times when he could absorb a hit and not even feel it later long behind him. These days the tiredness clings to him like a shroud, like a thick fog he has to wade through, too easy to lose himself in it. It's only October.
Sharpy's hand tightens on Jonny's leg. "For old times' sake?"
Jonny's knees pop when he stands, just another reminder that they aren't twenty anymore. But Sharpy's hair is still thick and his eyes still muster Jonny with the same mix of challenge and promise, like they did back then, when Sharpy staying after dinner wasn't a rare occurrence yet.
"You know the way," Jonny says, clapping Sharpy on the back, lets his hand linger a second longer than strictly necessary. "Or are you old enough to have forgotten it?"
"I'll show you old," Sharpy mutters, mock-affronted, but Jonny's answering laugh is real. It earns him a glance over Sharpy's shoulder, a split-second appraisal, eyes fond but voice exasperated as he shakes his head. "Just for that I'm putting you on your knees, boy."
It's baseless threats, easy banter, Jonny's knees definitely not made for that anymore, but something pulls tight in Jonny's gut nonetheless, a first spark of arousal. "Promises, promises."
"Don't worry, Jon." Sharpy turns around, quick enough that Jonny almost barrels into him. Sharpy's chest is right there. Jonny resists the temptation to rest his hands on it. "We'll find a better use for your mouth than all this talk."
The heat in Jonny's stomach ratchets up a notch, Sharpy close enough that Jonny can smell his aftershave, see the small cut where he must've nicked himself with the razor this morning.
"I can definitely think of one."
There's lines on Sharpy's face that didn't use to be there, both of them with a couple more scars and aches and grey hairs than the last time they did this, but Sharpy's gasp when Jonny slots their mouths together--that first sharp intake of breath like he didn't think Jonny would take him up on his dare, like he's surprised anew every time that Jonny wants this for real--that's old and familiar.
One of them will remember the way to Jonny's bedroom sooner or later, but Jonny's in no particular rush to get there. They may be old, but they've got time.
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autisticandroids · 1 month
rarepair fic recs
slipping in my rarepair recs within hopefully like an hour of the deadline. for @spnficrecfest. i'm basically taking rarepairs to mean "anything but The Big Two" so like. if you wanna quibble with calling, say, megstiel a rarepair, that's the definition i'm using.
i actually have a bunch of other rarepair fics on my other lists: casjimmy, samlucifer, sastiel, samruby, and annamary here. crowstiel, deancaslisa, deancasmeg, daphne/emmanuel, and cas/rachel here. draowley here. dagonkelly here. raphael/naomi, deanpala, deancassie, sastiel, mary/naomi, megjo, and rowena/ofc here. samlucifer here. and megstiel on i think literally every list i've made so far. i'd also like to point you in the direction of a dark femslash reclist i made earlier this year.
anyway, rarepair fics in order of wordcount:
i could be kindly by anti_ela, .5k
deanalastair. well, it's exactly what you think.
the replacement by ravenspear, .5k
meg/nick (yes lucifer's vessel nick). meg won't kiss him until his mouth is cold enough.
buy you a round by nevcoleil, .5k
deanhenriksen. they meet again after jus in bello.
vessel by transgenderism, 1k
deancasmeg in season seven. and Gender.
wherever they roam (the sum of our influences) (orphaned work), 1k
deancasmeg. dean and meg met in hell. dean and cas met there too. all three meet again, topside.
aching everywhere by discoxena, 1k, chose not to warn
sammegjo. a seduction, rather than what we see in canon, and that makes it worse in the end.
another perfect moment (that doesn't feel like mine) by lesbiansailor, 1k, chose not to warn
alex jones/krissy chambers. munchausen's by proxy in a wayward sisters setting.
last call by angelszn, 2k
cassie/cisfem dean, in season three. one last phone call.
the pain in the end is all in your memory by filthyfealty, 2k
crowley/transfem dean. an exploration of what it's like to be a demon, and a girl, and dean winchester.
always sere, never blooming by smilla, 2k
deanvictor, after a hunt.
baby steps by angelszn, 2k
missouri/cisfem sam. sam has brain damage, so dean takes her to the only other psychic they know for help. i'm kind of obsessed with sam's characterization in this one, not gonna lie.
and the devil makes four by vaguesurprise, 2k
destiel, crowstiel, meanstiel, oh my! cas likes demons.
new religion (bring you to your knees) by electricskeptic, 2k
megstiel. meg realizes just how faithless cas is in season six.
the wrong game with the wrong chips by a_diamond, 3k
endverse cas/risa. they talk about being dean's discard pile.
the thing about glass slippers by krisomniac, 5k
deanhenriksen. dean allows himself to be temporarily transformed into a woman in order to go undercover and seduce henriksen. she likes it.
end of days (orphaned work), 5k
megstiel and deancasmeg in a pacific rim au.
one night by reapertownusa, 7k
deanhenriksen. a last encounter, three weeks before the deadline.
proxy by bleedingink, 8k
samcasmeg. three people in two bodies, and enough tension to cut with a knife.
grace by nerdylittleangelenthusiast, 13k, violence and mcd
crowstiel. a season twelve mpreg story. cas is on the run with kelly, and crowley is so sweet on him. abandoned but i would rec it anyway.
masters by twisted_slinky, 15k, noncon and violence warnings
deanmeg and megstiel. a story about meg from season three to season seven, as recounted by the demon herself. remember when meg said "i apprenticed under alastair in hell, just like your brother, so dean, can i make crowley do whatever i want?"
the passenger by hansbekhart, 34k, violence and mcd warnings
deanhenriksen. victor survives jus in bello, but just barely. when he's back on his feet again, he goes to meet the winchesters.
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slitheringghost · 4 months
I think you may have turned me into a rabid Lilypad shipper. Do you have any fic recs? 😻😻
I'm so glad, they are The Best ship and deserve all the love. I've recced most of these before and there aren't that many because it's such a rarepair, but here you go:
a meeting of the minds by @slashmarks (Sirius/Lily, 3.6k, E)
Sixth year, surrounded by political chaos and grieving the loss of her best friend, Lily says yes when Sirius asks her out.
"And I remember you wear green when you're out of uniform a lot, and most Gryffindors don't, so I thought that might be your pillow case from home." "You remember what I wear?" Lily said. "I always notice," Sirius said, and blushed. Lily suspected this of being a line but he'd pulled it off well. - Would it be so bad, really, she thought, hazy with arousal, if he got her pregnant? --if she had him not just for a few weeks, but for the rest of their lives? --if he stayed?
we're already in the aftermath by slashmarks (Sirius/Remus/Lily, 15.8k, T)
Lily's plan to defeat Voldemort forever and leave her and Harry safe succeeds - and leaves her struggling with guilt over James's death even as she has no one left but James's best friends. In the meantime, the Ministry carries on as usual. The war is dead, long live the war: they're losing the peace instead.
Loyal, industrious Sirius. Lily didn't deserve him, but she wasn't going to turn his service down. Anyway it wouldn't be helping him if she did; Sirius had been born and raised to serve an ideal, had only managed to substitute it out and not break that programming, and wouldn't have the faintest idea what to do with himself with the war over if she wasn't willing to substitute.
flickering light in an endless night by @gracelesslady23 (Sirius/James/Lily, Pre-Relationship, 4.5k, M)
Harry Potter is dead, taking Voldemort with him. While the rest of their world celebrates, Lily, James and Sirius struggle with their grief.
“Stop playing with him, Sirius.” She was surprised by how clipped her tone was, when she felt only moments away from falling apart. Sirius’ vicious expression fell as he turned back to her, contrite and obedient once more. It struck again her how wrong that expression looked on Sirius’ proud, aristocratic features.
Unwanted Reflections by zeldadestry (Sirius/Lily, Sirius & Lily & Regulus, 1.2k)
Lily is married to Sirius instead of James.
“I’m just as good as you in a duel, and you know it. It’s safer if we go together.” She knows what he’s going to say next, so she pre-empts him. “Don’t you dare mention the baby.” Horrible as it might sound, the baby, although it’s alive inside her, still feels like a far off possibility. Sirius is already here, already hers, and the intensity of her concern for the baby is nothing compared to the fear of losing him.
I'll never leave if you keep your eyes on me by camichats (Sirius/Lily, Sirius & James, 5.3k, T)
Sirius is falling for Lily, but he knows that it can never happen. She's not just James's ex-girlfriend, she's his ex-wife. There are rules about this sort of thing, no matter how great Sirius and Lily get on.
Lily raised her eyebrows at him. "Sirius, are you in love?" "Are you going to answer the question or not?" "I didn't do anything. He's not interested, and it's nice to be interested in someone again. After falling out of love with James, I was sort of worried that I didn't have it in me anymore. Now answer my question. Are you in love?"
The Kind of World Where We Belong by @shaggydogstail (Sirius/Lily, 21k, E)
A teen elopement to defy the new Decree for the Protection of Wizarding Purity seemed like a great prank at the Ministry’s expense. As time goes on, though, both Sirius and Lily might well have reason to wonder if the joke’s really on them.
‘I… you what?’ Lily flushed a little redder and mumbled a vague, ‘You heard me.’ As proposals go, it wasn’t the grandest or the most romantic.  Sirius kept staring at Lily like she was a Quaffle short of a Quidditch match, and Lily wondered, not for the first time, if this wasn’t the stupidest idea she’d ever had.  She must’ve been desperate to think this was a good idea. 
Fics I haven't read yet but I know will be good
defector of a kind by slashmarks (Sirius/Lily, Lily & Marlene, Sirius & Orion, 7.8k, T)
Lily encounters Orion Black at a Christmas party, settles one miscommunication, and sets herself, Sirius, and the Black family on a very different path.
the deception of the thrush by slashmarks (Sirius/Bellatrix, Sirius/Lily, Bellatrix/Voldemort, 12.7k, E)
Over eight years after Sirius Black stayed Secret Keeper and an unvanquished Voldemort took the Ministry late in 1981, James has left the country to draw the search for the prophecy child away. Meanwhile, Sirius struggles to balance helping his other best friend, trapped under a Fidelius Charm, and his cousin, trapped in the Dark Lord's bed. But Lily and Harry can only survive in hiding for so long.
Scandalous by @annabtg (Sirius/Lily, James/Lily, 4.9k, M)
Sirius Black attends Lucius Malfoy and Narcissa Black's wedding, with a controversial choice of a plus-one and the explicit intention of stirring up drama.
If anyone has any more recs feel free to add on!
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mercurygray · 3 months
🎬 for Marion because I MISS HER!!!!
who the fandom ships them with: ...is the law on my side if I say everyone? Seriously, she shares scenes with all the principals, it's not a huge stretch. The age gap discourse is very strong though. Red/Marion is a bit of a rarepair. Is the law still on my side if i say she has milf energy?
why the fandom loves them: ...please see my note about milf energy. There are a lot of baby gays that would let her do unprintable things.
why the fandom hates them: AGE GAP DISCOURSE. also she was a homewrecker, ffffs.
what the cast relationship would be like: Marion went and did super secret stuff after the war, so she's not super excited to talk about any of this. They actually had to change her name in the show because she didn't quite say yes to being included, so there's this whole online 'who was she really???' research thing going on. And it's a little awkward - okay, it's really awkward - for Harding's family.
what was their audition scene: Marion is counseling an unnamed airman. Different members of the cast remember reading the scene and depending on who you ask, it's Gale, Rosie, or Bucky that she's talking to.
dependent upon the fandom, who they’d be on a press tour/at comic con with: Her actress and the guy playing Harding have the absolute best chemistry. They're everywhere. it's great. People just love them.
[if they were canon askbox meme!]
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sin-cognito · 4 months
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Rarepair New Year 2024 ch24: Sans/Dream, Royal AU
Wordcount: 3262
"and then i said, 'but lady tori, i cannot go to the ball! i have… nobody to go with!'"
"and then i said, 'but lady tori, i cannot go to the ball! i have… nobody to go with!'"
Dream erupts in laughter, slamming his hands disgracefully on the table. The tea cups shake but they don't fall, thankfully. He wouldn't hear the end of it if he was to tell his brother he broke another tea set.
Sans chuckles to his own joke next to him, but maybe he's more amused by Dream's antics than his pun. Making the ever polite and well-mannered Dream break into dishonorable cackles is his favorite past time when the two Princes spend time together.
They were born only a couple months apart and spent their entire childhood together under the care of the same wet nurse, along with Dream's twin older brother, Nightmare. While Nightmare and Sans never really clicked, the opposite can be said about Dream and Sans, who managed to stay good friends all throughout their teenage years, and into early adulthood. The birth of Sans' little brother Papyrus didn't even affect their relationship, as a toddler Sans would just enroll an infant Dream to read bedtime stories to his new baby brother.
Dream holds as much affection for Papyrus as he does for his own twin, but Sans has an even more special place in his SOUL than the both of them. Saying that Sans is his childhood friend feels so weightless in comparison to how dear he is to Dream. He adores Sans, not only because he's the nicest and funniest and smartest and most interesting monster he knows, but because more than anything, Sans is the only monster who can make Dream forget that they're royalty.
Dream doesn't hate his status and in fact, he strives to be the best Prince his kingdom has ever had. But it would be a lie to say that sometimes he isn't a little bit envious of how his brother's subjects are free. Free to do what they want without a whole court to criticize and judge them, free to eat however they want and how much they want, free to give everything up, go away and start new somewhere else, somewhere nobody knows them.
Dream wishes for that sometimes, even though he knows it's nothing but a wild and silly fantasy, just a passing thought. Well, Sans manages to make him feel like he's more than just the heir apparent to his kingdom, and it's nice. Dream can be himself with Sans.
Unfortunately, all good time must come to an end, which in this case takes the form of one of Nightmare's valet who informs Dream that his brother has requested his presence in the royal office. Dream sighs in disappointment, he wasn't done with his tea party for two with his childhood friend.
"don't make such a face, dream," Sans reassures him with a smile, "i'll still be here after nightmare's done with you."
Dream shoots him an amused look.
"You are just going to nap, aren't you?"
"i am absolutely going to nap," Sans confirms as he snuggles into the chair, closing his eyesockets and pretending to snore.
Dream chuckles about it all the way to Nightmare's office. Sans is so silly!
He knocks on the door and is let inside.
"Hello brother," he greets the King with a low bow. "You asked for me?"
"Ah Dream, yes." Nightmare waves at the sofa next to his desk without even glancing up. "I have found you a suitor, you're to marry him in one month."
A ball of dread drops down Dream's spine. A suitor? A marriage? In one month?
It takes him a couple minutes to find his voice, and he has to clear his throat before he can react to the news.
"A-a suitor? For me? What- who? Why so suddenly?"
Nightmare rolls his eyelights, like Dream is just a toddler throwing a tantrum. "It is not sudden, I am giving you a month. And I've been more than lenient with you, we both know you've reached the age to marry already. A few years ago actually," he adds with a cold glare at Dream that makes the younger sibling shake in his seat.
"B-but, so have you, brother. Am I not right?" Dream tries. He doesn't want to upset his brother by implying things, but he never thought Nightmare would pick him a fiancé before himself, and since he hadn't heard anything about the King planning to marry anyone… He just assumed… "Why is it that I have to marry now? Shouldn't you, the King, pick someone to reign by your side before you find me a fiancé?"
This time Nightmare stops writing whatever important missive he was focusing on, and he sits back to look at Dream in the eyelights. Dream tenses, his SOUL beating oh so loud in his ribcage.
"Dream. As a King, it is my duty to provide an heir to my Kingdom, but you and I know very well that my magic is not capable of giving life to a healthy child. Not anymore. But you, you are still ripe with healthy, powerful magic, and you are young. You will be able to provide me with as many heirs as I will deem it necessary. You wouldn't refuse your barren brother this, would you? Not when it's for the sake of the Kingdom, right?"
Dream swallows dry. He knew that his twin's magic was no longer healthy enough for some of his kingly duties, but he had no idea Nightmare would work out such a roundabout solution to this particular issue. He understands that as the little brother to the King, it's now his own duty to provide an heir, but it doesn't mean that he's happy to be promised to someone he doesn't know for the sake of giving Nightmare a child. He is not a breeding hen.
Still, he understands that the Kingdom cannot go without an heir, and being the King, Nightmare is de facto the one with the power to pick Dream's future husband.
"I wouldn't," he ends up whispering defeatedly, his shoulders sagging.
"Good." Nightmare stands up and makes his way to the couch, sitting next to Dream. "Your future husband is Lord Asgore, from the islands of Newhome." Dream gasps and is about to protest but Nightmare doesn't let him get a single word in as he lifts a hand. "I know, he's old and bitter and bad company, but I've been trying to get him to sign a peace treaty for years now, and the only thing I could bargain with was you. He likes pretty and young, and you're just to his tastes. Listen to me, Dream. All you have to do is bear me an heir, and then you can wait for him to pass away or fall in love with him for all I care. Just give me a child."
Dream feels dizzy. Nightmare can't possibly be serious. To be told he's going to marry and be sent away in a month is one thing, but to hear that his fiancé is none other than Asgore? Lord of Newhome, yeah, right! Tyrant of a barbaric people, more like! Dream isn't going to last a year in the islands of Newhome.
But what other choice does Dream have? It's not like he can say no to his brother, knowing his condition, and he most definitely cannot tell no to the King. This isn't just a brotherly request, this is an order from his ruler. Dream has to abide.
Even though he'd rather just throw himself into the northern sea on his way to the Newhome islands.
"Fine," he murmurs. "I will marry Lord Asgore."
Nightmare stares at him for a moment, probably waiting for Dream to rebel, but when nothing happens, he pats Dream's shoulder once before going back to his desk. He resumes his work while Dream weakly stands up and makes his way to the door.
"I'll visit you, brother. In the Newhome islands," Nightmare says before Dream slams the door shut behind him.
He's hyper aware of the many eyes of servants and members of the court around him, so even though he feels like he's choking on air, Dream does his best to walk normally on his way back to the gardens. He needs to see Sans, immediately. He needs to tell him what horrible fate awaits him, he needs to cry into Sans' arms because it's probably the last time they'll see each other.
There couldn't be a worse fiancé for Dream than Lord Asgore. Not only because of the tyrant's infamously violent character or disgraceful appearance, but because his territory is so very far away from Dream's home, and even farther from Sans' Kingdom that Dream knows he'll be stuck there all his life. He'll never be able to visit his best friend ever again. Not to mention that Asgore has been on the verge of declaring war to Undertale, Sans' Kingdom, ever since he had a feud with Sans' father, King Gaster. It happened years ago, before Dream was even born, and the situation between the two nations has been tense ever since. So Dream doesn't think his presence will change anything, and he already knows that Asgore will forbid him to even write letters to Sans, let alone visit him.
As he gets closer and closer to the garden where Sans is waiting for him, Dream walks faster and faster, until he's actively running. It's not proper for the Prince, but at least that way people he passes by might not notice the tears streaming down his face.
When he arrives in the garden, he throws himself at Sans' chest and sobs into his shirt. The ruffles tickle his wet cheeks.
"dream? whoa, what's going on there! did i sleep through the apocalypse or something?" Sans questions as he wraps his arms around Dream, patting his back to calm him down, with no success.
It takes Dream at least half an hour to get his sobbing under control enough to tell Sans about his sudden engagement to the Lord of Newhome. Sans is helpless in getting Dream to stop crying, so not knowing what to do, he takes the Prince back to his chamber, where Dream collapses at the foot of his bed, crying into the sheets.
He doesn't stop until his eyesockets hurt and no more tears are falling, and by that time it's already dark outside and he's missed dinner. He does not care, he has no appetite anyway. He only peeks out of his room the next morning, wondering where Sans might have gone to. He remembers Sans holding his hand last night, rubbing his back comfortingly while whispering things to him, but at some point he must've retired for the night without Dream noticing, too busy as he was to pour his SOUL out on the now ruined sheets.
Dream finds his twin and asks about Sans.
"He left yesterday evening," Nightmare replies matter-of-factly. "He told me he had some urgent business back in Undertale and I got a carriage ready for him."
Dream collapses on the floor upon hearing the news. His best friend just… left? In the middle of the night? While Dream was dealing with the worst news of his life?
Dream feels his SOUL break into a million pieces all over again.
The next week or two go by in a blur. Dream doesn't leave his room, and he barely eats. He's not consciously trying to sabotage Nightmare's plan by getting himself sick before the wedding, but it'd be a lie if he said he wouldn't be glad if that was the case. He prays to whatever divinity that might be willing to listen to his plea, begging for something, anything to happen before that fateful day is here.
Two weeks after Nightmare broke the news to Dream about his engagement, the Gods seem to answer to Dream's prayers, as a carriage arrives at the castle, one that Dream is more than familiar with. As soon as he sees the deep blue and purple flags raised up all around the royal carriage from his bedroom window, Dream sprints to the front courtyard to welcome his beloved friend.
"Sans!" He cries out when the Prince is out of the carriage, throwing himself unceremoniously into Sans' arms. At this point, Dream doesn't care if he's not acting properly. What's the worse than can happen to him when he's already engaged to Lord Asgore? "Sans, I'm so happy to see you. Please, please stay by my side until the wedding, I don't think I will have the strength to do this without you."
"shh, dream, it's okay, take a deep breath," Sans coos softly, before delicately unwrapping Dream from him. "my father is here to speak to your brother, is nightmare around?"
Only then does Dream notices King Gaster standing politely a couple steps back from Sans, and Dream scrambles to give him a respectful low bow.
"Your Majesty, I'm terribly sorry for this untoward sight," he shakily says, but Gaster chuckles good naturedly.
"It's alright, dear. Please take me to your brother, I have a proposition for him."
The three royal skeletons make their way to the diplomatic salon, and Nightmare joins them soo after.
"King Gaster, Prince Sans, I had not been made aware you were to visit us today," he points out after greeting their guests.
"And I apologize for inviting ourselves like this," Gaster replies with a curt nod. "I was surprised that my son rushed home so quickly when he was supposed to stay longer with Prince Dream, and then surprised again when he talked about going back the very next morning! He pleaded with me and I have accepted his request, so now I come here to ask for you to reconsider Dream's engagement to Lord Asgore."
Dream's brows shoot up in surprise. So that was why Sans had left so quickly two weeks ago? To ask King Gaster for his help in breaking his engagement with Lord Asgore?
But this matter doesn't concern Undertale or its King, so what can King Gaster even do about it?
That is the exact thought that crosses Nightmare's mind, as he asks, "and why would I rescind my word to Lord Asgore for you, King Gaster? I don't believe who my brother marries has anything to do with you or your Kingdom, if you'll allow me to speak freely."
"Maybe not yet," King Gaster replies before turning to his son. "Sans."
"yes father. your majesty nightmare," Sans begins, and it is so bizarre to hear him speak so royally. Dream can't believe this really is his friend. "i would like you to consider the idea of giving me your brother's hand. i wish to marry dream."
Dream gasps and immediately slaps a hand over his mouth, as he's at risk to make much less dignified sounds. He feels tears prickle at his eyesockets, but those are very far from the ones he's been shedding for the past two weeks when thinking of Asgore and the wedding. No, these new tears come straight from his SOUL, which is beating so fast that Dream feels dizzy.
Oblivious to Dream's internal melt down, Nightmare hums with a frown on his face.
"Why would I give you Dream when he's already promised to a good party? What would this union bring to my Kingdom, when we already have a flourishing trade and an ancestral peace that I don't see falling apart any time soon?"
Oh, Dream wants to retort back to his brother that Asgore is far from being a good party, but he feels Sans' hand slip in his and squeeze, so he remains silent while Sans speaks.
"dream told me that the main reason for you promising him to asgore is so that he can give you an heir, is it not? if that is your main goal, think of the opportunity for this child to be an heir to not only your kingdom, but to undertale as well. one day my father will pass away, may this day be upon us more than decades from now, and i will rule over undertale. then i shall pass away myself and give the reins to my own child. wouldn't it make more sense for you to pick such a destiny for your heir?"
Dream feels himself blush at Sans' words, while Nightmare squints.
"Do you not have fragile health like I do? I remember you getting sick quite a lot when we were younger," Nightmare points out, but it seems that Sans already has an answer ready.
"i was weak and sickly in my youth, it is true. but just as you got to overcome that terrible disease, i myself am much healthier than when i was a child. and i can assure you that i am more than capable of producing a child."
"Oh my stars," Dream squeaks.
Sans doesn't pay him any mind and he simply continues.
"what does your majesty say? maybe asking dream for his opinion on the matter will help convince you, my friend."
Dream inwardly winces at Sans' choice of words. Calling Nightmare a friend is a double-edged sword, as it can set the King off and make him close up like a clam, or on the contrary get him to relax and let his guard down. Dream hopes with everything he has that it's the later. If Nightmare can leave himself open, even from just the thinnest breach, Dream might be able to squeeze himself inside and persuade his twin.
After a minute of silence, Nightmare turns to Dream.
"I suppose you'd rather marry your friend here than Lord Asgore?" He asks, his stare calculating.
Dream must not make any faux pas.
"I will do what is best for the Kingdom, and to give it a healthy heir," he swears solemnly, staring back at his brother with determination in his SOUL. He cannot avert his eyelights.
The seconds are atrociously slow while Nightmare mulls the proposition over. Finally he sighs and Dream knows they've just won.
"Fine. Go ahead and marry Prince Sans," he says almost nonchalantly while Dream breaks down in happy tears, Sans hugging him tightly. "I'll deal with Lord Asgore. My guess is that he won't be pleased with the news."
"Let me assure you that you will have the full support of the Kingdom of Undertale, should Lord Asgore behave poorly upon hearing the news," King Gaster pipes up, holding his hand out for Nightmare to shake.
"One more thing though," Nightmare says, catching Dream's and Sans' attention. "I want an heir, and fast. I have much to teach them so they can rule the Kingdom when I retire, so Dream, Sans, I'm giving you one year and not another day to bear me a child. If by this date next year I don't have a babybones in my castle, I will personally escort Lord Asgore into Dream's chamber and stand guard as he does the deed."
Dream gulps and nods rapidly. He's pretty sure Nightmare isn't being serious about staying to watch during the creation of the child, but he wouldn't exactly put it past him to be true to his word.
"don't worry about this, your majesty," Sans replies with a grin as he wraps an arm around Dream's waist, pulling him close. "i'll make sure we get to it as soon as we're excused from the wedding celebrations."
Dream's face blushes a deep yellow.
Oh la la.
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Shuichi, Kokichi & Kyoko
[in a silly convo about Kokichi]
Kai: detectives want him
Checkers: kyoko [skull emoji] detectives want him (behind bars)
Sini: Kyoko is sus of him “Yeah, she wants me….In jail”
Kai: Kyoko also finds him quite cute but in platonic way. she's like "yes, cute ittle guy, not going to touch that with a ten foot pole tho"
Fast: He's like a stray cat to her
Checkers: “Shuichi is dating him? Well, good for them. Still not going near him”
Kai: that's his boyfriend's senpai, they've agreed on a respectable truce due to both frequently being in close proximity to Shuichi i imagine Shuichi and Kyoko share a lab if we imagine HPA aus have labs mixed in. Kokichi likes hanging out with Shuichi while he works in the lab, but has agreed with Kyoko that when she comes in to work as well, Kokichi either needs to quiet down or leave
Sini: “Annoying? Yes. But I can’t go anywhere with Shuichi without him tagging along. I trust him enough” She’s like, “Damn, he quiets down just to stay with him? He must really like him….” He’ll leave if Shuichi needs time to himself
Kai: yee or of they're discussing a highly classifyed case
Checkers: He’s there to make sure Shuichi doesn’t overdose on coffee
Kai: also funfact: i like to imagine in hpa aus that Kyoko's tallent is slightly different. kinda in the same vein as how some talents are really broad topics and then there's someone with a more specific version of that topic- i think while Shuichi is the ult detective (broad topic), Kyoko is the ult homicde investigator (specific version)
Sini: YES Cause honestly, that’s how UTDP and DRS make it sound like I’m pretty sure that’s basically canon
Kai: Shuichi has a wider variety of cases he can do, but isn't as good at any specific one as Kyoko is at homicide investigation he sees her as his senpai cause she's so insanely good at that one speficic and very difficult type of case, and she has to remind him that he can do several case types she's never even touched before in her life she wouldn't even know where to begin with half of the case types he can do
Me: I mean, looks at Naegi purely physically he do be kind of her type shorter than her? check baby face? check all wrapped up (multiple layers/baggy clothes)? check silly looking creature? check actually smart? check she would not be able to stand him for long, but like, all I'm saying is she would hit it once to get it out of her system /j?(maybe)
Sini: Oh no….He’s like if Makoto was a unhinged clown- She sees Shuichi’s vision I’m sorry, she is not tapping that- She’s not going that far Unless you mean she’d actually hit him lmao
Me: it is unlikely, yeah, prolly ooc for her to just go for it like that they're both too closed off for something like that, but I was having a silly moment
[this is me, waving a flag "I'm interested in cross-game rarepairs", hello]
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fistfuloflightning · 4 months
If you ever have the sudden urge totlk about Kushina/Fugaku, please do <3
(Totally unrelated to me reading your fic and finding a new rare pair. Honest. /lh)
Why yes I do love talking about my rarepairs!! *chin on hands* I’m so glad you asked! Also, sorry for the incredibly late reply!! 
Okay. So. Fugashina. I haven’t actually had to put down my thoughts about this ship beyond fic ideas before, so be forewarned that some of this is just brainmush and might not make sense.
I’ve mentioned this a couple other times, but I’ve long held the headcanon that the Uzumaki and the Uchiha are linked, through their sealing abilities (actual seals vs the sharingan which I would argue acts as a seal on the mind) but also as narrative foils. And that trickles down to their members. We already got the Naruto/Sasuke dynamic in canon, along with some teeny bits of Kushina and Obito also as foils (outcasts desperate to prove themselves to the place/people that regard them as Other).
Kushina is a fantastic character, strong and determined and so very underutilized. Admittedly, it is mostly Minato’s story but Kushina just gets swept under the rug. And while I lovelovelove Minato’s character, there’s a power imbalance in the relationship between the two of them that I don’t particularly like, (probably why I ship both Minato and Kushina with people that are not each other lol). They each deserve to have an equal partnership (and if that means writing fanfic, then fine damnit). Kushina doesn’t deserve to be that wife who wields power over her helpless husband; Minato deserves to be more than just a malewife after we got glimpses of what he could be. Kushina just feels like wasted potential (admittedly we only see her in domestic scenes in the anime, and mayyyyybe some fights scenes in the movies I think if I’m remembering correctly) and I think that’s just sad. It’s like… watching Padme, once the queen of an entire planet and then a senator in the galactic senate, spend most of RotS barefoot and pregnant. Idk I just think it’s wasted potential and it’s stupid and I want to make it better.
I already said I like the Uchiha and Uzumaki as foils, and the one who seems to beat balance her out personality-wise is Fugaku: he’s another case wasted potential (not as bad as Kushina, but still). I like having someone more serious and a little older than her to balance her immaturity and whimsical nature, someone who has the physical and mental stamina to keep up with her, and abilities that compliment hers. I think there are a lot more thoughts about those qualities but I’m exhausted rn. BUT. All this to say Fugaku seems to fit perfectly with her personality and her abilities and has the mental resilience to keep up. He doesn’t strike me as someone who would put her on a pedestal (like Minato did) and instead would challenge her and force her to think instead of behaving recklessly. In canon he’s stern (discipline-wise)with his children—I can see him taking the same approach with Kushina pre-relationship because he can see the potential and will try to help it grow the best way he knows.
She probably likes him for the fact that he doesn’t care she’s an outlier in the village—he likes competence and assertiveness and she’s got that in spades. He treats her as a person and a contributing member of the village—treating her like she has value beyond being a jinchuuriki (which I’m pretty sure was kinda hush hush at that point in canon but idc shhh). 
I just want mutual respect and a balanced relationship and symbolism with an Uchiha/Uzumaki union. A kind of closure to these two once great clans.
…And their babies would be hella cute ☺️ 
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yaralulu · 1 month
Thank you for tagging me @the-darkestminds @zenkindoflove <33
1. How many works do you have on AO3? Veryyy new to all this so 4 rn !!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
24,076 (like i said im still a baby to all this )
3. What fandoms do you write for? ACOTAR
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Dressing Room Dilemma 
A Ghost We Both Know
Just A Tug
Want By Proxy
5. Do you respond to comments? Definitely!! Comments are such a serotonin boost and I love responding to people and thanking them for commenting because it genuinely means the world to me.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? A Ghost We Both Know has a very angsty ending. I’ve had a few people even ask for a second chapter but I fear the angst is the end of it.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I’d say Just A Tug has a very fluffy ending.
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes. I’m very new to it and quite frankly I have no idea what I’m doing and it sometimes feel like torture but I can’t stop writing it LOL. I’m learning as I go on so every time I write something I’m basically experimenting but I do feel most comfortable writing queer smut.
9. Do you write crossovers? No. Not something I read or write.
10. Have you ever had a fic translated? No
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No but sounds very fun.
12. What is your all-time favorite ship? If we’re talking ACOTAR it’s Tamcien 🤭🤭
13. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I have this very unhinged tamcien/elucien cheating fic that’s just dialogue in a document somewhere and it’s never seeing the light of day.
14. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue!! Most of my fics stem from random dialogue scenes I’ve made up in my head and I think I do a good job writing realistic fun dialogue. I think I’m fairly good at writing the overall scenes too—speech tags and tones,character expressions,introspection between all that. I like my dialogue scenes to be very detailed.
15. What are your writing weaknesses?  Still very new to writing so to me everything 😅? But mainly descriptions of sceneries and surroundings. It’s such a specific skill to be able to capture surroundings into words and articulate it well and make it sound beautiful and I’m just not there yet.
16. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? The idea of using google translate and someone noticing its all so off is just a big no to me. I do however speak arabic so 👀👀
17. First fandom you wrote for? ACOTAR
18. Favorite fic you’ve written? Surprisingly my most recent luzriel fic. I really struggled with writing it bc I was going through probably the most stressful weeks of my life but I somehow finished it and it was exactly what I imagined?? I had such a vivid image of what it looked like and I feel like I conveyed that really well. 
It’s also such a rarepair and there’s no scenes of them even remotely interacting so I had to build their dynamic from the ground up. It was a challenge to write a character like Azriel who I don’t really read too many fics about and is also so enigmatic in the books. I had to do so much research on that man like I was out here searching what he smells like. I know him too well now.
Ok i’m done talking.
Pretty much everyone has already done this but if you haven’t, pretend I tagged you 🙏!!
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peachpety · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged 230943 years ago by @schmem14 [x] @vukovich [x] @mintawasalreadytaken [x]
check out fics from these lovely, brilliant, fantastic, stellar, amazing [*insert lady gaga meme here*] writers:
schmem14 [some truly wonderful & witty rarepair gems y'all] vukovich [off-the wall, peculiar delivered in amazing prose] mintaminta [insightful angst/dead dove & hot kinky smut]
tagging @mystickitten42 @citrusses @kittycargo @lumosatnight @xanthippe74 @rockingrobin69 @stavromulabetaaa @bubble-gumhead @porcelainheart3 @roseharpermaxwell @curlyy-hair-dont-care
me, myself & i
How many works do you have on AO3?
76 + 1 in anon, to be revealed soon!
What's your total AO3 wordcount?
What fandoms do you write for?
HP, with emphasis on Drarry.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Come as You Are (3.8k) Sun Stroke (3.8k) Laundry Day (2.7k) 10 Easy Steps (1.8k) It's Called Fashion, Potter (2.1k)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
listen. yes. i try. and i am so far behind atm. honestly, i get the most wonderful comments from lovely readers. and i want them to know how appreciative i am that they took time to read(!) and let me know their thoughts(!!). even if it's just an emoji(!!!). i don't care, i love it.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
if you read me, you know...i do not write angst. i have one (1) fic where i stepped out of my lane and wrote angst-lite. it's not even really angst, but more moody atmospheric. and interestingly enough, the most purple i've prosed. my beta was like, peach, what? the weed which strings the hangman's bag
What is a fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
pfft, all my fics have the happiest endings.
Do you get hate on fics?
nope. i did get hate on a supportive/love comment i left on a friend's fic once. that's, like, 7th circle of hell troll behavior to be hating on a comment.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
i do write smut, yes. my smut has been described as [insert various descriptors like "inferno", "blazing", "scorching", and lots of🔥] hot paired with soft/romantic/sweet. i.e. fluffy smut. smuff.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
nope. the closest i've come is inserting HP characters into a magical version of The Breakfast Club.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i'm aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
not that i'm aware of, but i do have a blanket statement in my AO3 profile that allows it, so who knows?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
What's your all-time favorite ship?
drarry, easily.
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
i have a fic inspired by a movie and idk if i'll ever get it written. I COULD mention my xmas advent fic from 2020 but i'm determined to finish it this year. DETERMINED. 🦔
What are your writing strengths?
i'm good at characterizations & writing banter. and i'm good at writing lean.
What are your writing weaknesses?
recently, i've had the immense pleasure of listening to my fics read aloud in published podfics. and let me say, this is a brilliant way to spot weaknesses. and while my banter may be good, sometimes i maybe inject too much action into my conversations. it disrupts the flow. also, long, plotty fics ellude me. i'm a pantser/gardner style writer and plotting/outlining makes me hyperventilate.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
yes, if used sparingly, and in such a way that i (as an english only speaker) can intuit what is being said. and also if translations are provided as a footnote. i've got a french-speaking Draco in my Dron fics [1] [2], where he lapses in the heat of passion.
First fandom you wrote for?
drarry, baby.
Favorite fic you've written?
if i may, i have two: Deadheading the Odd Dahlia, inspired by the incredible art of @beyondtheclose Birds Behaving Badly (my longest drarry to date! 10k!)
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fumifooms · 8 months
Hi I adored your chilchuck/marcille fanfic, "grind me down sweetly", that was so lovely!! i ate it up with like no hesitation! i was wondering if you were considering writing more of them? thank you so much for all your work and thank you for sharing it with us!
First of all thank you so so much!! Every nice word and kudos mean the world to me, and for rarepairs they're all the more cherished 💖 And yes anon, I absolutely do plan on making more for them! As much as I can manage, a library's worth if possible. They're my absolute Dungeon Meshi OTP and Dunmeshi’s been my obsession for like 10 months now, I'm a huge shipper & I love making fancontent and yeahh it's not stopping anytime soon. Though I am a slow writer... And I really should get around to finishing my older non-dunmeshi wips too 😫
I’ve talked about marchil fanfic prompts/wips a couple times on here, and very recently even about a sequel to Grind Me Down Sweetly actually! The fic’s a lot about having a familiar routine with someone and sort of growing used to that, to knowing someone like that and with sharing his days and his living space with someone again, about growing open to the idea that maybe just maybe he and Marcille could have something in the first place. And it’s kept pretty platonic due to that and whatnot, but I recently thought that, since the arc of him becoming more aware and open to the relationship got done in GMDS, doing a sequel where we actually see the relationship grow more romantic would be cute!! Warming up to the romantic nature of their relationship like settling down into a cozy couch. And this time rather than coffee it’ll be centered around what all the best cafes have… Cats!
Gonna summarize the concepts of some of my marchil fic wips under the cut, if you’d rather go in blind when they… Eventually get written, then you can just stop here and safely be assured that I am 100% planning on writing more for them! Oh, btw I also take prompts and requests, though I can’t promise anything.
Alright so GMDS sequel: I think in canon both Marcille and Chilchuck have a special dynamic with Izutsumi, where they care after her, not unlike Senshi but with more feelings attached. With her traveling around, I feel like every once in a while they’d talk about her, dealing with the worry and the uncertainty. Marcille is like "My fragile baby bird out into the world… She needs to at least live to be 100 years old 😭" while Chil knows how it’s like and just trusts her to be alright, like with Puckpatti. And so!! Every time she sees a stray cat while strolling out her heart pangs… There are many strays in Chilchuck’s neighborhood, and with her pushing for it they start leaving some food out for them. At one point she sees one standing out in the rain all pitifully in front of Chil’s shop and she invites it in (to Chilchuck’s despair), and from then on it’s still a stray but it has a home to go back to… Until Marcille officially adopts it. And it can showcase Marcille and Chil’s growing relationship alongside that metaphorically, where she sorta moves in and they grow more boldly affectionate, and it’s like… Domesticating love… 😌 Man didn’t want a cat, a cat daughter nor a new lover, but they took a liking to him and were stubborn about getting close to him and now there they all are. I like to say that post-canon despite Chil living alone in his shop he gets a second family of clingy asses, and this is exactly what I mean. Vibe wise I’d like it to have that cozy energy of spending a slow afternoon at a nice quiet cafe on a rainy day, but we’ll see how I manage it! It’s not the highest on my writing priorities currently though.
Other marchil fic ideas I’ve talked about are… Following them on that time pre-canon where they went to shop for a pouch together would be cute. I have a long post talking about them being sick and caring for each other would be like and that’d make a fun whump fic too. He gets sick and she dotes on him, she indulges herself and kisses him anyways, and then of course he passes it on to her right as he gets better so then it’s her turn getting taken care of hehe.
This one’s more convoluted, so either Marcille invites him to a fancy social event at the castle as her plus-one (aka emotional support) maybe already dating maybe on the verge of confessing, OR they’re already dating and then Marcille’s mom visits them and it’s very sweet and maybe marriage talks happens~, but in both cases Chilchuck is going through SO much stress. Just Chilchuck’s heart being on the absolute edge of giving out, going through the five stages of grief over the banquet not having his favorite kind of alcohol and Marcille not letting him be an ornamental plant in the corner of the room and doing the bare minimum. Or having to engage with her mom and seeming worthy of being her lover as his shit is only barely pulled together after they hurry to ready his house to host her as a guest. And I have a bunch of wips where I tackle them properly doing a confession or a proposal… I was planning on making a comic about it even. Here’s a lil taste of them talking about getting into a relationship together~
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And you know what, here are some new exclusive ones I hadn’t shared yet that I’d really like to get around to making
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In the meantime if you want I have a ton of analysis and headcanon posts about marchil on this blog, and fanarts here, and @fumiku is my fanfic blog with updates + for fanfic related asks (which rarely gets used rip).
I have non-marchil dunmeshi fanfics I want to prioritize too, but idk idk I’ll see what I end up getting around to… I like having a new vision to offer with each fic, so I tend to prioritize fics that take a new angle for the same ship or tackle different characters and themes, so I can see myself pushing myself to do other stuff before falling back into my marchil comfort zone.
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8, 15, 36, & 39 for Hakoda/Piandao?
ah yes my absolute rarest of rarepairs <3 gonna go modern au-ish generally bc it makes more sense
8. What happens if one of them gets sick?
both of them are pretty bad at admitting they're not doing well. piandao's slightly better because he's older and has had to make peace with it more (after all, he canonically admits that sokka has advantages against "an older opponent") but when he was young he was very sensitive to being perceived as weak and old habits die hard. meanwhile hakoda's always all "gotta pull it together for the sake of my kids/crew" and brushes everything off with jokes.
fortunately, they're both fatherly guys who take care of people and can see through the other's mask. they give each other mildly hypocritical advice about going easy on yourself and help out with various household tasks, it's all very sweet.
also, they both dad-sneeze. it's kind of embarrassing for such a cool guy like piandao but hakoda is delighted by it
15. Do they always say 'i love you' before leaving?
i'd say no, because i think in any universe they're a bit hesitant to label what they feel as love. like i usually imagine it happening in a world where bakoda and pianjeong are also happening and those are the longer-term deeper relationships. like, i think they would probably grow to love each other, but they're not so vocal about it.
36. What are their vices?
i don't think either of them have the stereotypical drugs/alcohol/gambling vices. hakoda strikes as a "drink a beer while fishing" kinda guy and piandao as a "nice glass of wine with dinner" guy. pretty moderate.
(also, the alcoholic native thing is a pretty harmful stereotype, so i'd be careful when depicting water tribe characters drinking.)
honestly i'm not sure they have vices in the sense of mildly immoral indulgent bad habits. so to make this answer interesting i'm going to answer a minor character flaw:
for hakoda, it's recklessness, especially when he was younger. he has aang's "i'm gonna ride that animal" type of thing. he's gotten better about it, but there's still that streak in him
piandao's is pride. he's just like, a little bit of a snob who thinks he's better than people. mostly this is just hard-earned and deserved confidence but he can come off kind of arrogant at times
39. Who would rescue an injured animal and nurse it back to health? What would the other think?
oh 110% hakoda. he's literally canonically an animal lover. but i also just said that post-canon pianjeong is essentially the equivalent of piandao adopting a stray cat, so it's not like there's zero of that tendency in him. i also think hakoda would have enough wildlife knowledge not to pick something up that humans shouldn't be messing with and that would be reassuring for piandao, practical man that he is. like sure baby hakoda wanted to adopt and ride every dangerous animal but he's grown out of that (mostly). they'd be great pet dads just as they are great human dads.
ask game
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nebulein · 2 years
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Just a dilf and his babygirl
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squibstress · 10 months
HP Rec Fest -- Day 9
Prompt 8: A rarepair fic @hprecfest
The Art of Preservation
Pairing: Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank/Minerva McGonagall
Creator: yletylyf
Rating: K/G
Word Count: 2,000
Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank agrees to help rebuild after the war. She's happy to do so, actually. She just wishes she could do it in a place other than that occupied by her old flame, Minerva McGonagall.
Why You Should Read It:
I have @kellychambliss to thank for turning me on to the joys of Minerva/Wilhelmina, which are on abundant display here.
This fic is such a great portrait of the aftermath of a relationship gone wrong–painful, beautiful, and just plain awkward at moments. And then the denouement... so lovely.
This Wilhelmina is wonderful–all the ambivalence is delicious. So brave with the dangerous creatures, and so not when it comes to facing Minerva.
Love Is a Battlefield
Pairing: Dudley/Firenze
Creator: @lash_larue
Rating: M/R
Word Count: 11,575
Dudley Dursley is not a common man, he has his preferences and his principles, and he lives by the rules, always. The rules, however, are his own.
Why You Should Check It Out:
Boxing as foreplay! Dudley redeemed! Believable human/centaur relations that stay true to the canon depictions of centaurs! Yes, the author managed it all and more in this wonderful story.
Safe as Houses
Characters: Dedalus Diggle, Dudley Dursley, Hestia Jones, Mundungus Fletcher, Petunia Dursley (née Evans), Vernon Dursley
Pairing: Hestia/Mundungus
Creator: wwmrsweasleydo
Rating: T/PG-13
Word Count: 7,000
Summary: As if it wasn't bad enough babysitting ill-tempered Muggles, now Diggle's turned up with someone Hestia finds most unpleasant.
Why You Should Check It Out:
"Safe As Houses" has some of my favorite elements: missing moments from canon (what happens to the Dursleys after they leave Privet Drive), nicely filled out portraits of intriguing characters we only meet briefly in canon (Hestia, Dedalus, Mundungus), and surprising but believable developments in the relationshps between some of the characters.
Sunlight in the Garden
Pairing: Alice Longbottom/Pomona Sprout
Creator: lyras
Rating: M/R
Warning: References to the emotional fallout of the attack on the Longbottoms; references to memory loss
Word Count: 4,300
Pomona hasn't seen Neville since he was a baby, but the moment he steps into her greenhouse, the past begins chasing her down.
Why You Should Check It Out:
"Sunlight in the Garden" is a deeply shaded fic featuring Pomona/Alice Longbottom, with lots of bittersweetness and a finish that made me sigh in delight. I espeically love the Pomona here—she's loyal (of course) and fierce in her own quiet way. I defy you not to love her.
The Vultures of Love
Pairings: Argus/Irma, Minerva/Severus
Creator: dueltastic
Rating: T/PG-13
Word Count: 13,000
No author summary given, but fic pairs Minerva/Severus and Argus/Irma, and shows some of Severus' interactions with his mother.
Why You Should Check It Out:
What can I say? It's perfect Minerva/Severus, as far as I'm concerned: tenderness wrapped in the unsentimental, competetive, often snide package these two make. It features a Severus who grows from uncertain young man to confident lover and a Minerva who is recognizably older, more mature, but with a touch of human insecurity. It also features a Filch who is gloriously realized as a character with all his warts intact (like Severus) but also a few surprises. We also get to meet Eileen Prince and get a hint about where Severus got some of his good and bad qualities. A nifty little twist wraps this fic up in a pretty wonderful package.
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sheikahwarriork · 1 month
Yuzu, if you're ever bored, I have a challenge for you.
Here is the biggest ship tier list to date: https://tiermaker.com/create/all-fe3h-student-ships-16315058 , it contains nearly EVERY combinaison between the playable cast. Your mission would be to make this tierlist, but:
- you have to rank EVERY ship and you're not allowed to say "you don't see it".
Or, if it's too long
- you have to rank EVERY Dimitri ship and you're not allowed to say "you don't see it".
You're allowed to make as many tier as you want, but you have to consider each ship as seriously as you can. Yes, you will have to consider a scenario where Dimitri and Lorenz have feeling for each other. You cannot back down.
( Okay, you do actually have an exception for underage or uncomfortable age gap ship. And if Dimileth is really too OTP to rank Dimitri on ship without his beloved, feel free to pick another character ( I personally recommend Hubert, Rhea or Lorenz ) )
you become friend with someone AND THEN THEY give you the most difficult quest ever..... truly evil u_u
anyway, i actually had fun :'3 since the ships were SO MANY, i made different list for each house, plus a dimitri focused and a byleth focused. no repetions, i just followed the ships as they come in that site.
notes: no, for some characters i dont have a fav OTP; yes, for some character the OTP is not the same OTP for the other character. i also put a "dont care enough to have an opinion" bc really i couldnt find an opinion for some T_T
anyway, enjoy! :3 (for anyone who's reading: mind that there could be some ships negativity, so remember it's just me and my personal opinions!)
black eagles:
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note: i now have a new fav rarepair. edelgard/dedue. you did irreparable damage to my brain
blue lions:
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dimitri bonus:
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golden deers + ashen wolves (simply because i still had space):
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church of seiros:
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note: many of the church staff ships that are in the "dont care enough" are more actually "kinda cursed bc minor with grown up adult", but i realized my mistake too late, when the tier list was almost done. and I PERSONALLY WAS already done with that hellsite T__T
note 2: cyril is baby and i love him with baby lysithea only
note 3: my fav flayn ship is actually with f!shez; in general i think they should have allowed her to be a lesbian. i love flayn<3
note 4: i hate every romantic seteth ships but i love his supports with bernadetta and IF ONLY their ending was platonic it would ended up in the OTP section for both of them.
and finally, byleth!! i used f!byleth portraits but i have the same ship-related thoughts for both gender, so using the m!byleth portraits too would have been useless repetitions :']
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note: i S supported edelgard, dorothea and mercedes with f!byleth
note 2: the sothis romantic S support is the worst thing in the entire game oh my god (IS make platonic endings challenge failed)
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the-starry-seas · 2 months
Heyyy~ For the ask game: B D E J R X with the choosen ship of yours <3
mwah <3 also this ask game has made me realise that I don't actually know what rarepairs are in my fandoms LOL but this one is for Han and Lando!
B - What's your favorite thing about this ship?
They simply annoy the ever-living fuck out of each other constantly. Like you can absolutely see them arguing with each other as foreplay, My Cousin Vinny style. They're both that 'scoundrel with a heart of gold' sort of type of character and I simpy love that in a ship.
Also they have history! Such history! And I love when you can have an 'old friend' dynamic like Magneto and Prof X. Also I really need Han to know that Lando's full name is *checks notes* Landonis Balthazar Calrissian. Who did that.
Bickering like an old married couple, constantly tricking each other, the custody arguments over the Falcon are legendary, they bring up so many past misbehaviours to one-up each other, but at the end of the day... they're stealing from each others' hotel rooms and leaving a note signed with a "be better next time <3", and I love that for them.
D- Is this ship an OTP or do you also multiship these characters with other people? If the latter, is it your favorite of the multiships? Why or why not?
I don't ship Lando with anyone else. But alas Han/Lando cannot beat Han/Leia... I simply love Leia too much.
E - Do you have any favorite headcanons for this ship?
Whenever they hook up, they steal the Falcon from each other. It's just an expected thing at this point.
Lando is a snacker and keeps getting crumbs in the bed and Han is ready to stab him every time because food! goes! in! the! kitchen!
They have matching tattoos. Yes they were drunk. No neither of them have ever looked into getting it removed. (They're tramp stamps of the Falcon.)
Lando always brings champagne to their hookups even if he doesn't have any notice. It lowkey annoys Han because where does he even get it from???
They always go to the same hotel and never have use the same name or credit card. The desk staff is all well aware of what's happening and think they're funny.
Han showed up with a beard once and Lando reflexively shot at him.
Han likes flipping poker chips in the air when he's bored. It drives Lando nuts because Han uses the metal chips that are shiny and catch Lando's eye and distract him.
Once they accidentally set a hotel room on fire by knocking over a table with candles on it. They both say the other did it on purpose.
They always go halves on dinner/date costs while snarking at each other the whole time about freeloading and handouts and sugar daddies. They've confused so many waiters.
J - What kind of dynamic(s) does this ship have or do you imagine it would have (friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, slow burn, mutual pining, A fell first B fell harder, etc.)?
Oh this is absolutely enemies to lovers LOL Plus some slow burn, I think... they're snarky and eyefucking but they don't realise it's what they're doing for... a while. Everyone else does, it's fine, and are so deeply annoyed with them. They're both the kind of people who flirt with everyone so it's a while before they realise they're serious about each other and not just angling for a one night stand like they would be with anyone else.
R - Are there any songs you associate with this ship?
Ooh! Yes! For more general vibes, I looove Always Gold by Radical Face. And they said you were the crooked kind / And that you'd never have no worth / But you were always gold to me
Devil's Backbone by The Civil Wars - Don't care if he's guilty, don't care if he's not / He's good and he's bad and he's all that I've got
Baby by Bishop Briggs - My baby's misunderstood / How could something so bad look so damn good / Yeah he's still my baby / Yeah he's fuckin' crazy but he's still my baby
After the whole 'sold Han out to Vader' thing, you have the sad love song called Never Love An Anchor. With this heart of mine that's guilty, not remorseful / There is love that doesn't have a place to rest
Minefields by Faouzia & John Legend - Maybe I'm just a fool / I still belong with you / Anywhere you, anywhere you are / These minefields that I walk through / What I risk to be close to you
Also, while not a song, there's a poem with the line: I do not want to see him go up in flames the way all heroes end up martyrs. And hm. Yeah.
X - What are their primary love languages and how do they prefer to express their love for each other?
Is 'annoying each other' a love language? Acts of disservice, perhaps? Jokes aside I think they share gift-giving and words of affirmation and neither of them will admit it. They have an inordinate amount of trinkets, however. Mutual praise kink, woo!
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spoiledleaff · 1 year
45 and 37.
Not to rarepair but perhaps sunshine/rain? UwU <3
harpie, please!! i love a good rarepair, hello?? ugh, eating this prompt up and swallowing it whole, haha!! :Dc This one got a little sweet on me!
explicit ✿ mtf she/her sunshine + intersex they/them rain ✿ wc ; 535. terms here include cock and dick for sunny and a little bit of everything for rain, haha!
"Is this okay, rainbow?"
Sunshine looks nervous - fucking radiant with how the moonlight accentuates her curves and the thin layer of sweat glistening over her dark skin - but nervous nonetheless. Her manicured claws look so dangerous with how they're prickling into the meat of Rain's thighs. Her fluffy tail is swirling anxious circles behind her, and Rain vaguely wishes they could bite the appendage. Huh. Cuteness aggression?
"Yes-" They barely manage to grit out, all of their braincells currently devoted to feeling how Sunshine's fat fucking knot is spearing through the tight ring of Rain's cunt. They're so wet - so fucking wet that with every twitch of Sunny's dick, it sounds like a fucking slip 'n slide down there - but even their legendary water ghoul slick isn't enough to make this effort go smoothly. They've been limply stroking their cock in an effort to take their mind off the burn, but Rain can feel their erection waning and it makes them want to just reach down and shove the rest of the multi ghoul's knot inside their hole.
(They tried. Once before actually. But Sunny was quick to smack their hands away and say, 'we do this my way or we don't do this at all', and Rain was helpless to do much else than just lay back and try to relax.)
"Are you sure?" Sunshine winces, and Rain almost feels bad for her. "You're so fucking tight, Rainy. Which, I mean, normally feels fucking amazing. But-"
"It burns." Rain blurts out, their fist tightening around the head of their swollen cock.
Sunshine coos something, clicks soothingly at the way Rain's cringing. Her claws turn docile as the palms of her hands press soft circles into the jut of Rain's hips. She leans down, the weight of her breasts and the gentle heat of her vessel reminding Rain of a weighted blanket. Their hands abandon their cock, instead opting to loop around Sunny's neck with a vice grip.
The multi ghoul shifts her hips a certain way, and Rain sobs quietly feeling her knot slip out of their cunt entirely.
"Please don't pull out all the way," Rain whispers in the space between the sun and the moon, "I don't want to feel empty."
But I'm scared to feel so full.
"Of course, rainbow." Sunshine purrs, butting her horns against Rain's with a silly grin. "We can try again a little later? Or, I can always just get you off like this, and we can always try again later, you know?"
"I don't know what I want to do." Rain admits quietly, his gills fluttering with shame.
"That's okay too, Rainy!" Sunshine giggles softly, teasingly kissing the very tip of Rain's nose.
"..." Rain's breath hitches at the seemingly simple gesture, and they can feel the way their cock jumps in renewed interest. "Do it again?"
"Do what again, baby?"
"Kiss me?"
"Oh!" Sunshine chitters, looking much to delighted over such a silly request. "Oh course, rainbow! I'll take any excuse I can get to kiss this handsome face!"
And Rain can feel the way their pussy drools around Sunshine's cock, a low moan slipping past their lips as Sunshine dives in for a proper kiss.
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