#it's a little inaccessible but don't worry! that's on purpose :)
sunsage · 1 year
Made some notes on Monkey King's new house cause I think it's neat.
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The outside:
the house sits on its own island, separated from the bigger island (broken off more like, but he did it very carefully)
it's connected to the mainland by a magic chain so that the island doesn't float away
the house itself is on the higher part of the island and is very difficult to reach if you dont know how to climb and/or fly, though there is a path upwards that is hidden from view
the big gate at the end of that path is never locked but there is a magic seal on it that prevents everyone other than him, his monkeys, and some other monkeys (and one angel) from entering. everyone else gets blasted away when they try to open it
behind the gate there is a courtyard (see pic. 2 for reference)
and a small house (see pic. 3 for reference)
4 bedrooms, 1 bathroom (inside), 1 bathroom (outside)
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The inside:
the inside of the place is very rustic, most of the furniture looks handmade (and probably is)
not a lot of things in general, at least not in the main rooms
does have a TV and a game system
lots of plants
LOTS of monkeys in and around the house
his own bedroom has another seal that doesn't let anyone in except him (and a certain someone else as of late)
... and also Sun but that's not intentional, they just have the same magic signature
his bedroom has a LOT of sentimental junk in it. ask me about his sentimental junk
and a hammock bed
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ahmedmootaz · 8 months
got reminded from the last post that the three ghosts of Ayin's Christmas past, present and future exist so it got me wondering about what happens to them in A.I.M
do they just disappear since Ayin is a kid or do they pop up as lil kids or maybe lil baby ghosties? does X and Ayin keep them as ghost siblings?
do the moms just think the two of them have imaginary friends? or maybe think the two of them are possesed by a ghost abnormality like the Wonderlab drowned twins and need an exorcism? do the moms ever get visited by THE MOTHER OF MONSTERS (Carmen) and get childrearing lessons on how to be moms?
sorry for the many questions
Dear Anonymous,
Good question! It'd definitely add a new dynamic of sorts to young!Ayin's interactions with everyone else, especially if we consider that the De-Ager doesn't erase memories; it merely makes then inaccessible to the younger, childish selves of those de-aged. This makes me think that there are two ways I could take such a concept:
The first way is that we could simply say the A3 don't exist in Ayin's mind as a child; he's innocent, he's pure, and he hasn't seen what his older self will see that scars him for life. In that case, the simple answer would be that the influence comes out in bouts of depression where he wants to be away from everyone except for his mama (Angela), bouts of dismissive neutrality where he loses motivation from time to time without encouragement from his 'mother' and 'siblings', and even bouts of anger and kid-sized violence when he feels he's been particularly scuffed.
The second way is that the A3 still exist in his mind, but they're freaking out and running in circles as they try to realise what's occurring around them. They try contacting young!Ayin in his sleep, but he doesn't recognise them and in fact fears them a little. I think it'd definitely worry the motherly trio as they'd suspect foul play and Abnoramlities being the cause, with Angela keeping young Yinnie close by to make sure these dreams weren't harming him. I think Ayin would recognise they're trying to help him to some degree, and maybe he'd think he's special and thus withhold his dreams with the A3 from the trio of mothers to not worry them, only entrusting X with the dreams he has.
Maybe it's even the A3 who sense Carmen's presence being close, thus averting a Distorted disaster once Yinnie tells the motherly trio about it. I'm not sure Carmen would be too interested in giving child-rearing lessons when she'd be more interested in snatching him because she would definitely adore how cute a younger version of Ayin would be to her, and how malleable he could be and obedient he would be for her purposes. While Carmen would observe the de-aged Librarians with interested, I'm not sure she'd do it benevolently, all things considered...
Ah, but this was a truly fun ask! Thank you so much, Anon! I've had a ton of fun with this ask! Until next time, be well, take care, and see ya'!
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
your comments on cw warning are so true, and i’ve been thinking about the expectation for warnings in fan fictions after reading young mungo (an amazing published book containing really triggering material that, because it’s a published book, does not have any warnings).
I think on the harry potter fandom there’s this thing that happening where people feel entitled to having access to all fics, even if they contain triggering material. This expectation is then placed onto authors in the form of requesting detailed cw allowing readers to curate fics to avoid the most difficult to read scenes.
Or even if tags are completely correct, because people have latched onto specific characterizations of characters, some people get upset when the difficult tags apply to the characters in a way that doesn’t match their head canons (ie. remus cheating/ regulus having a negative perspective on sirius leaving/ any unhealthy relationship dynamics between wolfstar).
It’s interesting to see how this has shifted, even just by looking at the past year. Like the switch between how the CCNTUAW tag used to be used to people now assuming that it means the same as the no archive warnings apply tag is very shocking to me. Like it used to be that authors could just say “i’ve chosen not to warn, mind the tags” and that would be it. Now it seems, even if authors say that, some readers will still expect content warnings.
yup!! i agree w....everything u said i think lol.
i definitely agree that there seems to be this....weird way that a large portion of the fandom treats "accessibility" when it comes to fics. as in, some people seem to have this idea that fic writers should be trying to make their fics "accessible" (read: palatable) to the broadest possible audience. i see this in comments and questions from people who say things like "don't you think more people would read the fic if you wrote x?" "don't you think more people would enjoy it if u wrote the character x way?" "are you worried that fewer people will be interested in a fic about x?" all of which indicate that the person is assuming the primary goal/purpose of fic is to appeal to as many people as possible.
and to be fair, it's not like it's just readers thinking this way (bc there's no clear divide between readers + writers in fic spaces, etc etc.)! i've seen posts along the lines of "i really want to write x, but i'm worried people won't like it, and i want to make my fics accessible!" and it's just.....well.
i think even framing fanfiction in terms of "accessibility" is a little misleading. because people hear "accessible" and immediately associate it with disability advocacy and think oh, more accessibility = good; less accessibility = bad. but fanfiction is not a service that anyone is providing, nor is it a product, nor is it like....something that anyone needs access to. in fact, nobody is entitled to access to fanfiction in the first place. and by nature, not every fanfiction will be accessible to every person, because it isn't made for you. and if a fanfiction doesn't fit your specific tastes and isn't enjoyable for you to read, that isn't harming u, and it isn't taking anything away that ur entitled to!
but i think ur right that with the way fanfiction has sort of been turned into tiktok content, what happens is that a couple fics get really popular at a time, and a bunch of people want to read those fics so that they can participate in the hype and make their own tiktoks that get thousands of views about these popular fics. and then if they don't like the fic for whatever reason or can't read it, they feel as though they are being denied access to some sort of club that everyone else gets to be part of. and then they either decide that the way the fic is written is "problematic," because it was too dark/violent/sad and therefore inaccessible, OR they start posting "hot takes" going "everyone else loves this fic but i actually think it sucks!!" because those are the only ways they can now participate in this weird social-media fanfiction economy where people are posting about fic first and foremost because they want views on their own tiktok channel, and not necessarily because they actually want to appreciate the writers. fun!
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hacked-by-jake · 2 years
I don't know if this has been discussed before, but I just finished the game again and the moment of the surveillance cameras, there is one that doesn't work and it made me think of a little theory:
What if that camera shows an exit we didn't know about from the mine and Jake made that camera inaccessible so he wouldn't be seen? 🤔
Obviously it could just be a broken camera, but you never know with this game 😂
So actually I have to say that I definitely think one of the two theories is true and right. Either Jake did it on purpose or the camera is really just broken. I think the real reason is just a broken camera. 🥲
We can tell Jake that the entrance at the Grimrock waterfall is closed, so the hatch is closed from the inside, as Alan tells us. And then Jake thinks that he couldn’t have used this exit either way because the FBI has probably already positioned themselves there. And then, however, he says that the same applies to all other exits. We can also ask him if there’s another way out, but Jake says he doesn’t know. But then he promises us that he will find a way and we should not worry.
However, he may have lied here. Either because he suspects that FBI has access to MC’s phone and could see it if Jake tells us where another exit is. And that’s why he lied so nobody would see it.
But it could also be that Jake, either on the computer or in the room where all the stuff from Michael Hanson’s house was, might have found a plan that shows another exit. Normally such mines and so always have an exit that is shown on no plans and so on. Maybe Richy knew this and wrote down the way. Maybe Jake found it by chance and could use it. However, there would probably be no camera he could make on or off. I think. 🤔
So I think Jake didn’t activate the camera for some reason. I mean, the image rushes and even if it is gray, there is an image. This means that the camera is connected and not the cables are broken or the like. Otherwise, the image would probably not be displayed at all, at least I think so. xD I don’t know, there are many possibilities, but I’d like to believe that Jake did this on purpose because it feels good to know that we almost saw him. Just like when he sends us the picture from the mine, I will definitely keep that as headcanon.🤭
Maybe we will find out later in the next game what it’s all about. I really hope so. 🤭
Actually, I still had another theory in my head but I honestly forgot it absolutely and therefore I leave it for now. And I think I’m leaving out some possibilities right now but episode 10 is too long ago and I just don’t remember everything that happened. 😂
I just hope Jake did it on purpose and he made it out of the mine. 🥲❤️
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vivaciouscynner · 1 year
Welcome to tumblr
Introductions: You'll notice very quickly that tumblr has a very different vibe than most social media sites. One of the biggest differences is that no one here is really aiming to be popular or have a ton of followers.
This isn't to say you won't be super popular. That can still happen. But, unlike other sites, there's no algorithm to fight here. And honestly, there's a lot more respect at tumblr than anywhere else.
{Can't believe I said that, but when other sites dig themselves into an abyss... well, you get the idea}
Rules: Honestly, there's not really any other than:
if you intend to be garbage, do it lovingly.
If you intend to be loving, don't miss.
If you want to be fun, go loud.
if you want to be a mess, love yourself first
Do know that if you attempt useless discourse for the purpose of just causing a fight, you'll likely see this quickly fail. Tumblr is a lot LESS reactionary. And because of this, you'll be promptly ignored and freely blocked.
But also, rest assured, people generally have higher critical thinking skills here. You will not have to wrap a statement with an overwhelming, over-explained, disclosure that you didn't mean something else (especially unrelated). Example:
I like pancakes Oh, so you hate waffles?
You don't, generally, have to worry about that too much here. And if you spot it, just block it 👍
About: Do whatever you want that makes you happy. The only real way to get any form of engagement is through the tagging system. Also note, that it's a form of communication. See tagging section below.
Tumblr has a lot of benefits, one being, you are not shown any posts unless you want to see them. There's no forced "for-you" page, there IS a "for you" page, but it's not forced, and honestly, it's actually kind of good.
IF YOU'RE NEW: It's really important that, BEFORE you follow anyone, you must have AT LEAST, BARE MINIMUM, somewhere on your blog, something that says, "bear with me, I'm new, I'm not a bot, I'll have posts and reblogs soon".
::Context:: Tumblr users have recently been getting a lot of bot follows. And they're pretty easy to pick out. So easy, that if you even somewhat look like one, you'll be blocked and reported immediately. So here's what NOT to look like:
The blog is EMPTY - no posts or reblogs
The title is "Untitled"
The user avatar is the DEFAULT avatar OR a random woman (please just choose some cartoon character or something)
The Likes and Follows page are inaccessible (this is generally fine but if you hit the other bullet points, then this immediately tells us you're a bot. Seriously, if I see default icon or human face/body follow me, there's a 99% chance they're a bot.)
So please, to avoid getting blocked by possibly your favorite artists/writers/interests/whathaveyou, please do the opposite of the bulleted list there.
Basics: ::Tagging:: Unlike other sites, we don't dump the tags in the body of the post. Instead, at the very bottom - the footer, basically - there is a spot to add tags. Tags are converted to tumblr quick-links that navigate to similar posts with the same tag. As mentioned before, the tags are also used as a form of communication, usually after-thoughts or punchlines to a joke. They are also a good way to let the person you reblogged a post from know your thoughts without adding to the thread of posts.
::Likes:: "Likes" work a little differently than most sites. This acts as a bookmark, basically. It's also what tumblr uses to curate the "For You" page should you choose to use it. It does absolutely NOTHING to spread information other than you told the poster that you, indeed, liked their post - which is good!
::Reblogs:: It's pretty straight forward and acts like you think it would. It's essentially a retweet (if coming from twitter) or a retoot (if from Mastodon). Reblogs help spread the blog post. The post will show up on your follower's dash (the main timeline, if you will) as well as on your blog site (your yourusername.tumblr.com or tumblr.com/yourusername) Reblogs and tagging, help "spread the word" and allows more viewers to see the post.
::Chat/Replies:: In a blog post you can leave a comment and each one can be replied to. These replies are actually a lot LESS intrusive than twitter. They're also a lot less noticeable. Usually only the original poster will "notice" them unless you @ someone's handle (or click the triple dot and reply to the user which adds the @ automatically)
The separate, standalone chat function that tumblr has is like a private direct message. You can even start group chats like you would is most places.
::Asks:: You can set your blog to accept Anonymous or Non-Anonymous asks where they can simply shoot you a question or comment in your inbox. Do what you're comfortable with, but you'll more likely to get asks if you allow anonymity.
Final Thoughts: You really can't "screw up" here because this IS the place to screw up. This site is like that meme where it's, 🎶 "Thanks for checking in, I'm still a piece of garbage" 🎶
I think the biggest issue people have when coming here from another platform (namely bird app) is that there's a mission or competition to survive. And, that's just not what it's like here.
Take your shoes off, sit on the couch, relax.
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nelielombrelune · 3 years
Eldarya A New Era episode 11 - opinion
I googled translate my opinion on the french forum. Sorry but I don't have the energy to do more.
What can I say. That it was boring ? Certainly. That the content of this episode was close to nothing ? Absolutely. That paying 3200 maanas to read the guardienne's empty monologues and listening to Mathieu explain the traffic lights is pure and simple theft ? Without a doubt. Beemoov, I think you have lost your way. When you look at the homepage, Eldarya is said a romance game in a fantasy world. But the more time passes the more we despair of seeing romance, and now you are taking us to Earth. THIS IS NOT WHAT WE ARE EXPECTING FROM YOU. We're starting this episode on a huge cliffhanger : someone remembers the guardienne !
Vague explanations from the butler, we are waiting for a big revelation about Erika's father but let's not be fooled, this one will cost you the modest sum of 5000 maanas and maybe you will have an answer in the next episode (although 'after having assiduously played The Origins, we know your script pirouettes and your tricked "answers").
Guardy is once again as clever as a potato, which will lead to the landing of the Men In Black at the end of the episode.
After noting the few side effects of the Mnemosyne potion (not a word about the fact that it was Valkyon who made my guardian drink it and that she now finds herself with Lance as a crush, it would have been tasty that we have a little allusion to this episode anyway) , then robbed the family safe, we find ourselves doing Erika's favorite activity : wander.
Luckily it allowed us to have the one and only poor 5 lines with our crush. Finally for me with the one who took on the appearance of Lance but who we still don't know who he is because he's certainly not the Lance we were expecting. Here he is walking hand in hand with guardienne, a blissful smile clinging to his lips. Soon he will take her on an organized tour to Venice.
Once again Beemoov, you have lost your way.
Players who have chosen Lance's path have done so for the thrill ! For the I love you/me neither flirt, for his sarcastic remarks, his cynicism, not for having a big cute marshmallow who's worried about what it means to have shared a kiss !
Lance is supposed to be the 10th power Castiel of Eldarya ! The taciturn, inaccessible guy, a bit of a trophy that we have rowed to conquer (so not in 6 episodes of total ignorance) and of who we are the only one to whom he opens up ! The impulsive guy who slams you against a door as soon as the others look away !
I'm waiting to see where the roads of the other crushes are going but for me the only thing that saves this moment is Leiftan's reaction (finally something is happening) which for me makes sense since it was my CDC in TO (which I had to resign myself to left seeing how much you had also massacred it in ANE). It's sad to see how much better the players know your characters than you.
There follows a dialogue whose only purpose is to make us spit our maanas on the fact that Nevra has 2 votes since he is the leader of this expedition O how perfectly prepared etc... So not only is it useless, it's long but it's also terribly annoying that you persist in making us fools with your food-maana dialogues. ONCE AGAIN GIVE US CONTENT!
And NOT explanations about the traffic lights, ok we understood the gap that separates Eldarya from the Earth with the laborious explanations about the electricity (why does Lance still not manage to pronounce this word THIS GUY TALKS FLUENTLY ANCIENT GREEK FOR FUCK'S SAKE) or the internet you're not going to repeat "X for Dummies Explained by the Biggest Dummies You've Ever Met" to every object they come across either. It's long, it's useless, it's redundant, in short, it's terribly annoying. (I'll do the content thing again or did you understand?) The discussion with Huang Chu was quite lively, I liked that the guard nuanced the fact that she had not forgiven Lance, but that sounded too much like a justification for rushing their relationship without having taken the time to build it. Efforts were there but failed.
Then they go eat a burger, great. I'm really happy to play a ROMANCE FANTASY game. The tension felt by guardienne is rather well brought. I liked the rise of stress that - for once - I found believable. I also liked Nevra's attitude which I had the impression of finding the real Nevra unlike in previous episodes. A dark (but not just because he's fucking half the city of Eel) Nevra, calculating, cold-blooded but also caring about the group. The group illustration is probably quite pretty BUT:
- It brings nothing. Ok they are sitting at a table. Great. Once again I am delighted to play an Otome game to have this. Why didn't you choose to show only the crush, to show us the way he looks at Erika ? Of course if there had been a real date it would have been easier to find a relevant illustration...
- What is this style ? Why do all the illustrations seem to have been made by different people ? Where is the COHERENCE in the character-design? I already talked about it in my opinion on episode 10 but here it's almost even worse ! I don't recognize Leiftan on this illustration, why did you make him an anime character ? He looks like he's 12 !! Same criticism for the 2nd illustration at the media library, we do not recognize Mathieu, Nevra seems so flat !
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What's going on, your illustrators are on a strike?
Yet the backgrounds are neat, the coherence of the style is respected ! When I see some players are paying real money to get such sloppy illustrations it hurts my heart. I hope you will take the time to redraw the illustrations respecting the design of each character. I think we talked too much about Mathieu and it pisses me off because I don't like this character. So ok we understood that something was going on but we alked more about him than my crush, it's frustrating. The research in the media library, hi Captain Obvious we thought that the 1st Google link would take us straight to the off page of a secret organization that carries out abuses in another world LOL.
No comment.
And then this stupid girl who boasts in front of the golgoth where does it come from ? The girl behaves like a mop 95% of the time but right now Madame is the big head EXCEPT THAT, you decerebrate slug, to make irony you have to have A BRAIN. (The "you're from my father" "I mean Erika's father"? *facepalm*)
Please euthanize her.
Big discomfort when we kiss Lance in front of everyone including that poor Leiftan, it hurts my heart so much I hate you for making me do this to him.
I hope -omg if only you knew how much I hope- that he will reveal himself soon, otherwise it's the worst character scuttling in the history of failed characters.
In conclusion: a long, boring, uninteresting and useless episode which cost 3200 maanas to bring guardienne to speak to her father, which could have been done at the 5th line of the episode \o/
Above all, don't change anything.
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narcisismomaterno · 3 years
how to deal with a narcissistic mother?
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(painting not mine)
some techniques can be used to "deal" with your narcissistic mother. however, first of all, it is necessary to emphasize that:
you don't have to deal with her, you need to deal with yourself.
. GRAY ROCK METHOD - since the narcissist is a person who seeks excessive admiration from others and, in the case of mothers, they see in their daughter a threat to that "admiration", a threat to their self-esteem, the more she observes (or is allowed to observe) your achievements, your minimum steps and happiness, the more she will be driven to seek narcissistic supply from you, ruining your source of happiness, for not being able to see you happy.
therefore, the gray rock method is born here as a possibility to diminish, even if little, those situations in which the narcissist will be feel threatened by you. It is important to remember that the method does not aim to cure the narcissist, to prevent her from being toxic, even because it is impossible for someone to change the personality of someone who has no desire to change. this method is only intended to minimize potential situations that are harmful to your mental and emotional health, giving you more peace of mind.
how to apply the gray rock method?
- basically, it consists of remaining neutral and without emotion when faced with a toxic, manipulative person.
EVEN IF THE NARCISIST IMPACTS YOU, DO NOT ALLOW HER TO KNOW THIS. STAY NEUTRAL IN FRONT OF HER (even taking into account that her greatest desire is to obtain pleasure by reducing her self-esteem and her mood).
BECOME SOMEONE INACCESSIBLE FOR THE NARCISIST MOTHER. be monotonous, show little of your life to her.
DO NOT EXAGGERATE: without extremes, either of flattery, forcing yourself to be gentle, being excessively kind, or being extremely rude. act like a stone talking to her. you can't show emotions with her (note: it is important to focus on that word "her", because one thing you should also avoid is trying to act the same way with other people in your life, even more if you start to feel satisfaction in be so detached from her. remember: look for balance, don't be extreme, don't act in an excessive way with those who didn't give cause to receive it from you).
things you can start to DENY your narcissistic mother and that will help you to practice the gray rock method:
this does not mean not saying anything at all to your mother, because even though this is ideal, we know the negative implications that this can have, even more so in the presence of a father or other facilitating person. then, talk (little) but without emotion, keeping yourself really neutral, without emotional involvement, with detachment, looking indifferent. the narcissist's mind will be exactly confused by not understanding why she is not managing to affect you emotionally. the narcissist wants he your emotions, and since she wants it, she also wants you to expose yourself emotionally by paying attention to her, talking to her. if you behave indifferently, she will tend to feel lost, as if she is losing her source of narcissistic supply.
in the words of the psychologist Skylar:
"When contact with a person is consistently unsatisfactory, without intense emotional reactions, your mind is reprogrammed to expect boredom instead of drama."
what we seek with this method is to reduce the narcissist's interest in you. can this be done at all times? no. does that mean that if she comes back to you to impact you, you’re doing everything wrong? no. because as I said above, the purpose of the method is not to cure or make narcissistic traits disappear, something that is not within our reach, but to use a strategy in order to, in some moments, reduce the possibility of her wanting impact you negatively.
"People do not have the power to hurt you; even if you are denigrated, beaten or insulted, the decision to consider whether what is happening is an insult or not is yours and yours alone."
As a personal experience, I briefly recount here that in some moments of practicing this method, I get the result of a mother who stays for days without even looking for me to do what she always did when I put myself more at her disposal, without noticing. she, who becomes bored and is led to believe that I have nothing interesting to give to her ego at that moment, starts to give her attention to several other things and people: things that I feel that give a great narcissistic supply to her: gossip programs showing the problems and failures of famous people, movies and series full of tragedies, reality shows, gossip and bad news constantly. consuming it not in a worried, reflective and minimally empathic way, but as if it were fun. so, even for a while, she takes the focus off me.
this method tends to be one of the most effective and most relevant for helping a victim out of a cycle of abuse and dependence. however, not all people are able to apply it, which is completely understandable, considering that we are facing a dynamic relationship that naturally involves living under the same roof for many years.
zero contact consists of not looking for the person in any way and completely counting on any possibility of making contact with her. as the word already leads us to deduce, zero contact is an attempt to avoid the person in all ways.
how to apply it?
and so on.
i hope it was helpful!
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