#it's a bit of a struggle when i'm unhappy with every page. but! fuck it we ball
amystarrstuff · 1 year
Omg Samuel is so cute.. Can u tell me more about the comic? Where can I read it? Does he have friends? :3
(And BTW the rotating sandwich post kept crashing my app XD)
AHH NO let me delete that post lol
also the comic is technically out but i'm almost done with the latest chapter, and once i am i'll share a link here for y'all to read if you're interested :]
samuel is a major character in the comic and while he does interact with others, i wouldn't say they're friends.
he's very fun and i'm excited for y'all to see him in action :)
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datamodel-of-disaster · 11 months
Ask game time! Thanks for the tag, @filmamir!
1. Are you named after anyone?
I keep saying if I do anything noteworthy enough in my life to deserve a wikipedia page, someone has to add me to List of things named after Bernhard Riemann - Wikipedia, so... yes.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday night, and also, longer ago than I remember. Are the tears mine if the sadness isn't? It be like that sometimes.
3. Do you have kids?
No, and thank the powers that be (mostly contraception) for that!
4. What sports do you play/have played?
No real sports, unless highschool PE counts. I was a fervent and pretty skilled skier for a while but my partner is afraid of skiing and its too expensive to go on my own, so it's been years since I did it.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Not as much as you'd think. I'm a painfully sincere person much of the time.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I hate to be *that* person, but... their vibe. Fake car salesperson smiles, awkward "haha we will ignore that!" silences, confrontational high-schooler convo style... Some people just have fucky energy, idk what else to say. That said, my actual opinion of people takes a while to form -it's like a committee vote more or less.
7. What's your eye colour?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings all the way. I can watch unhappy endings if the movie is aesthetic(TM) or it's more about the art or history of the film than the narrative, but if I'm immersing myself in a story-story, the person(s) the narrative makes me root for better fucking make it to a happy end.
I'm very selective about scary movies: they need to be aesthetic, and satisfying.
9. Any talents?
... not... really? I kinda struggle with linking my qualities to "talents". I don't have many (if any) things I'm just "naturally good" at; even skill sets I'm now proud of were not something I ever had a natural aptitude for, and if I developed a skill it was 99% of the time out of necessity rather than enjoyment.
I guess I have... shockingly broad bandwidth for other people's issues. Like... interpersonal exhaustion? I don't know her, man. Mostly due to a combination of voyeuristic enjoyment of knowing and understanding things about others, my sense of empathy being almost entirely generated through fine-grained psych analysis rather than instinct, and the *very* odd given that my own personality temporarily stabilizes when exposed to interpersonal input. I'm not sure that's a talent so much as a condition, though xD
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
At the moment, mostly writing Tron fanfiction. I also draw (sometimes), paint and kitbash Warhammer 40k minis (been a while), do metalwork (I need a new welding helm T_T), do gothic and fetish modelling, thrift and collect things for my house, etcetera. I cycle through hobbies mostly. Writing is my most stable one -I dare say I keeps me sane.
12. Do you have any pets?
I have a cat! Her name is Meoi (Quenya for "Cat", in honour of Huan and terrible Feanorian naming traditions -retired Silmarillion fan here)
13. How tall are you?
1m70 but most people assume I'm a good bit taller because I'm broad-shouldered and always in 17cm platform stilettos.
14. Favourite subject in school?
Oof. Tough one. I've been out of school for a good long while. The person I was in high-school would have picked physics, followed closely by math. Leaving the following period in the middle (lalala), at uni *in the major I actually graduated from*, my favourites were Architectural Theory, Medieval Image Culture, and Visual Analysis.
15. Dream job?
Oof again. Opinions divided on this one.
I like to say my dream job needs to meet the following criteria:
- I am competent at the job and reasonably regularly get this confirmed by others
- Every day at work I know largely what is expected of me, and what is expected fully falls within my capacity to deliver.
- I have tangible, well-described tasks and goals and never have to "be proactive about finding more work" or "try to look more productive".
- I have good coworkers I get along with, at least professionally.
- No extraneous admin tasks or timesheet micromanagement.
If I'm really ambitious, I would add to that:
- I'm an expert (or just really, really good) at it.
But let's be honest, actual dream jobs Riemann over here has dreamed of having or pursuing? Interior designer/stylist, professional fetish performer/pro-domme, and Enterprise IT Architect.
You see why I stick to bullet point lists.
Tagging... @bowiesinspace @inquisitor-gayfax @clevermird @et-novum and everyone else who feels like it!
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