#it's 3 am and everything feels like a conspiracy
glouris · 10 months
About some characters’ possible incarnations in previous samsaras
So Teyvat is trapped in a cycle, is constantly going through samsaras, and reincarnation really is all but confirmed now apparently. 
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A lot of people jumped to point at Childe and Parsifal, then speculate which other historical figures could also be his previous incarnations.
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Childe's case is really, really interesting, but I wanted to bring up another character that also seems to be pulled into this samsara vortex somehow - Itto. 
(This is gonna be long and have A LOT of reaches and speculations.)
Let’s look at Akuou (Touzannou) from Watatsumi Island. We don't have confirmation on which species he actually belonged to, but from what information we have on him, he would most likely be either a vishap hybrid, or an oni. He was described as “the wicked fangs and claws of the Great Serpent, the savage, demonic invader of Yashiori Island”. “‘Fangs and claws of the Serpent” makes it sound like he was a vishap, but I think him being called “demonic” is a more important characterisation here. The name ‘Akuou’ also may be a reference to the legends of Akuro'ou - “an ancient demonic warrior in the Japanese folklore who fought against the imperial court”, so again, demonic, an oni. And, well, oni also have claws and fangs, but I did have to mention that this guy could be a lizard person instead. 
If we assume that Touzannou was an oni, we can start to notice a lot of coincidences pile up. First, Touzannou’s personality seems to resemble Itto’s - he was reckless, boastful, presumptuous, but very kind. Not the brightest mind, as it’s said that “his strength was his only strength". He came up with his own fighting styles that are still passed down on Watatsumi. Itto’s fighting style is his own as well: 
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(I love Itto so much man.)
Touzannou fought the Tengu Sasayuri and was called Akuou  - “Wicked King”; Kokomi’s Everlasting Moonglows story mentions it like that: 
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Itto’s Redhorn tells a story about an “Otogi King”, who was boisterous and boastful too. And that’s where it gets weird, please walk with me. One of Itto’s passive talents is getting more wood, and if we look at how the trees are distributed on the map, the VAST majority of the Otogi trees are found on Yashiori Island.
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As already mentioned, Yashiori was invaded by Orobashi and his people 2000 years ago, and ultimately became the resting place for Akuou (Touzannou) and shrine maiden Mouun, a very important figure I’ll talk about later. 99% of Itto’s story quest also happens to take place on Yashiori.
A cornplate detail, but Itto was also at Nazuchi Beach (Yashiori Island sub-area) in his dedicated album posted on genshin’s youtube channel. The ost playing on Nazuchi Beach is called Stranded Wish, which is quite an interesting name choice for a place that suffered so much tragedy and war. 
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(This is also actually a Watatsumi ship, as mentioned by an npc we can talk to there)
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Speaking of Watatsumi, Itto’s most obvious connection to it is through Gorou, as he is his dedicated support. The less obvious connection is his similarities with Akuou, and some things involving Kokomi. Sure, his quest is only accessible after you complete Kokomi’s, and their signature artifacts in the same domain, but her involvement seems to run a bit deeper than that. 
You see, the whole thing that started it all is Akuou being mentioned in Kokomi’s donut. At first I thought it’s actually the same guy from the Redhorn, because their description was so similar, basically just ‘evil king that fights a tengu’. But it was exactly this description that made me notice some interesting pattern of interconnected characters.
2000 years ago: Akuou the Evil King, Mouun the shrine maiden and Tengu Sasayuri. 
500 year ago: Tengu Reizenbou, Asase Hibiki and Ako Domeki.
Present day: Arataki Itto, Kokomi, and Kujou Sara. 
Take a look at depictions of Asase Hibiki (left) and Mouun (right) from the TCG cards:
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Their haircuts seem to be identical, with the hair color being the only difference. Better yet, it's also similar to Kokomi's haircut. 
The oni from their respective time periods (or samsaras) are named Akuou, Ako and Arataki. Inconsequential, but interesting. 
Let’s take a look at Ako Domeki, and speculate a little (or a lot). Both Akuou and Itto had conflicts with a tengu, but Ako seemingly didn’t. But, since he’s 500 years back on the timeline, it puts him on the same time period as Tengu Reizenbou and the ‘otogi king’ from Itto’s redhorn. There is a slight chance that this ‘otogi king’ was actually Ako Domeki post Serai and Golden Apple, but there’s nothing really to prove or disprove this, apart from the fact that they both have similarities with Akuou and Itto.
Another thing that could possibly have something to do with Ako Domeki are those weird oni symbols scattered around Watatsumi. These symbols are connected to Rinzou's Treasure world quest - you look for pirate treasure, and find Rinzou’s letter where he talks about his life.
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This “outlander king” inspired Rinzou to leave Watatsumi when he grew up. And, it’s interesting that he chose an oni mask as his insignia when he left Watatsumi. If this old man was the reason for him to go into the world to seek adventure at sea and become a pirate, it would make sense for his insignia to be inspired by this old man. Which would make him an oni. 
Could this be Ako Domeki, an oni pirate, that inspired another person to become a pirate? It’s far-fetched, but again, as we don’t have any confirmation for the end of Ako Domeki story, it could have really been him. 
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Getting back to Akuou and Mouun. Mouun’s name has a very interesting possible origin: 
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Kokomi’s ‘slumbering dragon’ constellation comes to mind here. 
Mouun was friends with a great 900 year old whale called Daikengyou.
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They both were slain during the Yashiori Island invasion. But, the fact that this whale managed to live for so long almost definitely means that it was no ordinary whale - perhaps it was the same creature as the All Devouring Narwhal. 
Meanwhile Kokomi had a whale in her demo, which should definetly raise some red flags.
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Akuou was taught different rituals by Mouun and her sister Ayame, including an art of whalesong. Interestingly enough, Itto is a very good singer apparently:  
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So, in light of recent developments with whales in the main story, I don’t really think that this art of ‘whalesong’ was something connected to ordinary marine life, it’s too specific now. Given that Orobashi was actively opposing Heavenly Principles, I won’t put it past him and his followers to be involved with the likes of Surtalogi that keeps celestial whales as pets. 
Last thing, the books about Akuou and Mouun, as well as about other Watatsumi dealings (Debates on the "Viceroy of the East", A Preliminary Study of Sangonomiya Folk Belief, The Life of Mouun the Shrine Maiden, and more) are not in the book archive, but in the quest items. Must be important. 
So, let’s round things up. Akuou, Ako Domeki, Arataki Itto, all with similar sounding names, are boisterous, kind oni, that all have mentions of being called ‘kings’ (Itto’s ult is called ‘raging oni king state’), all have some ties to Yashiori Island (Ako Domeki is mentioned on a note on Nazuchi Beach, and if the Otogi King and him really were the same person, there’s Yashiori having the most otogi trees in Inazuma), all being exceptional fighters, all having ties to a notable tengu and a shrine maiden, that also have connections to characters taking on the same role from a different time periods. 
Ako Domeki is up in the air, but Akuou and Itto really do seem to be connected somehow.
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salemlunaa · 2 months
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so in my asks i have alot of people going “sai, you always go on and on and on and on about the void and different problems people may have, but you never explain what it is and how to get there”And to be honest with you, most of my posts were meant to be that way because i knew of other blogs explaining the void and my blog was just meant to be follow up posts for those who already knew about the void. Although, now i feel more confident and equipped to explain the void in its entirety.
so strap in for this long ass post because this is a gonna be THE guide (if you can’t tell i’m very excited for this post)
i just wanna say that this post is an inspiration and a remix of all those that have inspired me
1. What is the void?
so as you can see yourself and life right now is you in the physical plane (the notorious 3D) you are experiencing the world as *your name* *your lastname*, and your experience is confined by the way that you initially came into the world, being y/n y/ln . The void, originally known as the “I AM” state is when you leave that experience behind, you leave the physical world behind and become nothing and everything at the exact same time. And doing so you can create and destroy absolutely anything in your experience = your reality which is why people call their destination after the void their “dr”=“desired reality”.
2. Why the void?
This method is seen as very effective and efficient once you know how to do it right because it’s a “method” in which your subconscious mind is in full control, which means you can do absolutely anything and that’s not some conspiracy or belief, it is a fact that when entering this subconscious-based meditation state that you can do absolutely anything, which is why i said that you have the power to create and destroy anything in the physical plane, altering your experience. You can change your genetics, your family and friends, your wealth, gender, where you live and much more. You can also redesign things, like a country for you to live in, your age, your s/o’s age, your memories and just your life in general. Just one trip to the void and all that you dream of is yours.
The void doesn’t have to be pitch black you can design it anyway you like, i see alot of people in my dms and asks, saying that the pitch black scares them, but your void can look anyway you want.
personally i’m not scared but i just wanted my void to look cute so i added pink stars to the pitch black
3. How do i get to the void?
There are many ways to get into the void, you can follow a guided many meditation, you can listen to subliminals or waves, you can simply affirm, you can visualise, or you can simply do none of these and go into the void with just the intent, KNOWING that it’s apart of you. You don’t need any method to tap into the void, all you need is yourself and the intent, knowing it’s apart of you and not some magical fairyland. You can enter at anytime of day, because you’re a god and don’t need to be confined to “time”. “Time” is a malleable concept and i’ll be dammed if you guys waste your days because you only believe that you can tap in at night.
4. Problems people have with the void
3 things: wavering, laziness and putting the void on a damn pedestal
a lot of you guys fail to enter the void simply because you try to enter. all the things i have said about the void make it almost impossible to believe, a golden ticket to your dream life with one trip to the void. And because of the fact that we have been conditioned to believe that we have to work for everything we have, this just seems to good to be true. and you see the void as some magical place when it’s YOU, the void is YOU, why do you think you affirm “I Am”? well it’s because the void is literally the state of you being everything but nothing, it is not a place it is a state, hence the void STATE, the “I Am” STATE. it’s a meditative state and that’s it.
When you enter the "I AM" state, why do you affirm phrases like "I am, I am pure consciousness, I am the void, I am unattached to any reality, I am faceless and formless"? It's because these affirmations align you with your divine essence, your true God Self. However, this practice is often short-lived. You enter this state briefly, and when you don't experience any immediate changes or wake up in the same shitty reality, you begin to doubt. You think, "Why hasn't it worked? I must be doing something wrong. I'll try again tonight." This is what wavering looks like. You declare yourself to be in the "I AM" state, but when it doesn’t immediately manifest, you believe it hasn't worked and attempt to re-enter it repeatedly. This endless cycle of trying can confuse your subconscious mind. Instead of truly embodying the state, you're constantly oscillating, creating inconsistency and doubt.
the void is the easiest thing ever and it is owed to you, because it is you
you can literally enter right now and have every single thing you’ve ever wanted, with just a meditation state, the void isn’t the one with the power it’s you. The void is inside of you and it is lifeless, the only time it gains any power is when YOU step into the equation. As i once said, the void is your bitch not the other way around.
5. Unhealthy relationships
Although the void is one of the best methods i know, i would hate for anyone to accumulate an unhealthy, toxic relationship with the void. The void is as easy as breathing, i know, but it can be alot for some of us to wrap our heads around due to the way we have been conditioned to think (which hurts my heart more than you know). I see people spend months and years trying to get into the void going through an emotionally taxing experience with it. Although i tell people it doesn’t matter how much time you’ve “wasted” and not to let that discourage you because you could really enter now if you put your mind to it (no pun intended) , if you know that it has been eating you up trying for the void going around a constant cycle, please take a break or use other methods.
now with that i say go, go and redesign yourself, deconstruct yourself and create the new you, start from scratch and make your dream self, go to the void and get your dream life.
don’t try, just be 🌊💋
i really hope you loved this as much as i do, now go get your dream life -salem ᥫ᭡
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laurentidal · 19 days
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Ice Core Report ❄️ August 2024
Decided to do a little editorial check in at the end of each month. Most of you probably don't know that, while Lauren is my real first name, that my blog is actually named for a massive ice sheet that once lay over the place where I live (the Laurentide Ice Sheet). Thus, this is a report from my ice core.
#1 Story: Suggestion Box
This one was a huge surprise for me. It took off immediately, and I had not seen that coming. I'd had this image saved in my "had potential" folder for probably three weeks before I decided on how to tell the story. It went through an iteration where this was an ice skating rink, then it was a sandwich shop. I think one draft had a "five dollar footlong" joke in it. But ultimately I liked "arcade" the best.
#2 Story: Enjoy Your Stay
This was based on fun joking conversation I had with @hypno-potion and as the scaffolding we were joking about kept getting more elaborate I was like "No there is definitely something here." I'm glad you all agreed.
#3 Story: Kitty Pet Saga
I saw this picture and immediately knew what the story was going to be. Sometimes I see an image and think "There's something here if I look hard enough" and sometimes I see an image and a fully formed idea just jumps right out of it.
#4 Story: Oh My
This is a story I actually wrote quite some time ago for an old defunct website that never really got any foot traffic. I'm glad I brought it over, because it's one of my personal favorites. The only fauxcest story in the top five this month. That's one of those kinks I think I'm just going to have to accept that you guys aren't as into as I am (and I have the data to validate that claim).
#5 Story: Daughters and Suns
The only true repost from my old blog and the only part of a series in the top five this month. This series is my favorite thing I'm writing right now (though this entry isn't my favorite in the series). There's a lot more coming so I hope you're enjoying as much as I am.
Sunda Systems
We're half way through Season 1 of my Sunda Systems investigative mind control conspiracy story. Our investigator has made several contacts and visited the campus first-hand. She also might be starting to feel some effects from her various encounters, and her keen eye for detail is missing a few clues that are staring her right in the face. But I'm sure the date she's got lined up will give her some much needed relaxation.
Please please please share this story and feel free to get interactive with it! I've put some real effort into it and I've never written such a slow burn before. I'm enjoying the ride, and I've got some GOOD (I think) twists and turns coming. I think this format could be fun to play around with as an audience. Post your theories! I love seeing that folks are engaging with more than just the like button.
Update of Magics & Mesmerism
Some of you are aware that I'm working on an erotic mind control TTRPG called Magics & Mesmerism. I'm still plugging away. As we speak, I'm writing skills for the Innovator character class. As a treat, I'd like to share with you an except from the page on Hypnotic Foci:
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General Thoughts
Every story in the top five this month is a FEMALE SUB story. Noted. I tend to favor that in my writing, too, which is interesting because I think Female Over Male stories are hotter, probably because of the subversion of expectations. I'm a slut for subversion of expectations.
I think that's everything. Love you all and I'm very excited for you to see what's coming in September. One of my favorites that I wrote comes out tomorrow, and on the 13th you'll be introduced to your first Force of Nature.
Till then, keep reading, keep messaging, keep asking, and if you're feeling generous, keep donating.
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hi! love love love all of your haikaveh analyses! they're so wonderfully done and itch my brain so right. i was wondering if you had any thoughts on the recent quest featuring them ('an odd textual mystery')? hope you have a wonderful day!
hiya! firstly, thank you so much for your ask! i'm so glad you enjoy my haikaveh analyses!?? they truly live in our heads <333 secondly i am so sorry this reply is coming late!! i wasn't able to play during the first half of the event, and then i've had technical difficulties, so i've only recently finished the quest! that being said, here is part one of two of my thoughts!
firstly, i love how this event feels like a reference to kaveh’s hangout, in which alhaitham says that kaveh’s annotations, according to the ex grand conservator, are too long and hard to read, and that as a student, kaveh had the habit of scribbling in all sorts of books, which won him the nickname “the urchin of Kshahrewar” ???
we're starting off strong with kaveh canonically hiding behind a ladder out of sheer embarrassment after trying to find the book on which he inadvertently founded a conspiracy. things will just never go his way huh :(
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i thought it was interesting (and very deliberate) that when we go to where we would find kaveh, it's The House, and when the traveller and paimon believe they've heard kaveh-
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it's this guy... homosexual jumpscare next time.... and then he says this phrase (before leaving in his typical manner, which parallels his 'see ya' in his character quest, plsss he's so !?!?!?)
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after waiting again, the traveller and paimon believe theyve heard kaveh, and this time it IS kaveh... you mean they couldnt be told apart...?? really leaning into alhaitham and kaveh being innately bound by the mirror motif i think.!!
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paimon then impersonates alhaitham, to which kaveh recognises, saying that paimon doesn't sound herself - which could parallel how the kaveh comments that the traveller sounds like alhaitham in one dialogue option within his hangout, a cute detail <3
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also, kaveh clinging onto the narrative that no one knows he lives with alhaitham, and then listing a scroll of names, being all of his and alhaitham's close friends... ironically very intimate
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also it being confirmed that kaveh has low stamina, i didn't know i needed this until i was given it
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kaveh drunkenly circling a spelling error in permanent ink, thinking nothing about it but that the book is terrible, returning it, and then creating a city-wide mystery, believing it to have happened AFTER he returned the book, and frantically trying to piece together what happened is so kaveh coded, ofc it WOULD happen to him
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tighnari checking the book out when kaveh complained about it him because he thought it sounded FUNNY!! i love hibm..,m,,,
also kaveh using red ink and alhaitham using green ink... oh so the contrasting outfits aren't enough, you're also canonically using complementary colours... oh so.. huh...
tighnari immediately clocking that alhaitham joined in by adding a circle, calling it a 'game', so he knows that alhaitham is having fun doing this...? dare i say... f-flirting,,,
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tighnari saying flirting.!! HE DESERVEDLY CALLEDHAIKAVEH OUT!!! they are too much in their intricate (homoerotic) rituals.
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tighnari using a leaf in the forest metaphor... very interesting
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cutting to cyno and sethos, cyno being bitter that sethos makes excuses to not play TCG, referencing their voice lines about the other, this is such a nice detail
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absolutely no thoughts here just pure homoerotic brainrot of knowing what style of ink and the penmanship of your life partner, along with an unnecessary specific memory of the two taking breaks from their schedules to spend time together in their secret spot in the tree in cyno's second story quest... ive not had one coherent thought since this, the writing for cynonari is so so great and lovely and everything, they deserve the best
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also, cyno wanting to solve the mystery of the book for tighnari's sake and protection. oh. (if this weren't haikaveh's fault/event then cynonari would own it... tighnari, i, too, am so tired of them.)
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and cyno canonically calling sethos bro!! another reason as to why its a crime this mini quest wasn't VOICED????
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this is part one! part two is here and focusses on the final scene with alhaitham and kaveh, my bane...
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lemon-natalia · 3 months
Nona the Ninth Reaction - John 3:20
message now reads: THE/TOWER/HAS/REACT’
with the whole using the nuke-as-leverage things are going off the rails for these guys very quickly. i know they're all 'we're not actually going to use the nuke' now, but i doubt that's gonna last for long
its less obvious given how much of these chapters are set in a world so much like the present-day vs the unfamiliar world of the Houses, but with how desperate everyone is to get off planet, things already seem pretty post-apocalyptic and on the brink already even without the later nuclear disaster that fully wipes everything out
and rich people are lying to save their own skin. why am i not surprised 
on one hand, its not like the whole ‘reasonable scientist’ approach was working, but i’m also not sure doing the complete opposite and leaning into the whole cult thing is going to work either, feels more like a ‘fuck you’ than a well-thought out plan
‘they want the magic bullet. they just want to be saved’ even so i can’t help but think that it’s going to be slightly more effective to tell people wild conspiracy theories and what they want to hear than actual science 
honestly it’s kind of strange to picture John, with his whole plain-black-and-bone-flower-crown look wearing capes and eyeliner while essentially becoming a conspiracy theorist online via internet streaming 
also interesting that John tried to come up with the word ‘phthinergy’ early on, which is very similar-sounding to the concepts of ‘thalergy’ and ‘thanergy’ that do ultimately end up being used
‘And I said, I’m a necromancer’ this book has placed a lot of focus on the variety of names for adepts and their meanings, ‘necromancer’, ‘zombie’ etc. and it feels very significant and a bit of a turning point for John to be fully embracing that for the first time 
also i googled ‘pthinergy’ because i go full conspiracy theorist mode in trying to work out the references in these books sometimes, and someone has made a whole website called ‘Join the Jult’. i’m crying this is so fucking funny 
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 months
Gale’s Top 10: Most Hated characters
1. To make this interesting, I’m going to be picking characters that aren’t intended by the writers to be hated (annoying maybe, but not hated). So Villains aren’t going to be on this list since most are often supposed to be hated.
2. I will be covering Anime, manga, cartoons, and comics
3. Only content I’ve heard of (and at least somewhat have exposure to)
4. This is a VERY personal list. And If you happen to like a character I list. If it’s below the top 5, that’s fine. But if it’s above the top 5, please seek professional help.
10. Z from All Grown Up!
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This is supposed to be a 10 year old kid. I kid you not.
When he was first introduced, I did figure it was the simple don’t judge a book by its cover story. And yea it was mid back then. But I remember watching more episodes and realizing. Z is actually really f***ing boring and the episode about not judging would have worked if they were all 14 or 15, but Z is 10! They are all 9 to 11 years old! This show was so dumb! What parent lets their kid dye their hair and get piercings at 10?! How would he even know what punk is?
I think my main problem with Z is really the fact that it shows how he doesn’t really fit in a story of 10 year olds. Which was one of the big problems with All grown up! As a show. And personally I hate being reminded of why it fails so much as I did enjoy it as a kid.
Though out of all the characters on this list. He at least isn’t a jerk.
The other reason was I am a Tommy and Kimi supporter so…. Yea. That too.
9. Ronaldo- Steven Universe
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Now I know he’s supposed to be annoying. But that’s not my problem with him. His obsession with keeping beach city weird is fine. It’s the entitlement he has.
Not the conspiracy theories, it’s him trying to insert himself into it, trying to be the main character. And it’s always causing trouble for Steven. But I really think what does it is just how selfish he is about it. He never learns, starts to consider other people’s feelings. For Steven Universe, a show that gives pretty much everyone a redemption arc, Ronaldo basically goes “nah I’m good as is.” That’s what really grinds my gears about it.
8. Chloe Carmichael from Fairly Oddparents
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Now I should stress that before her introduction. The show was already on a decline with the introduction of Poof, Foop, Sparky.
But Chloe, oh she was a different breed of ruining the show. She made it unwatchable. Like people often complain about Mary Sue characters. CHLOE is a 100% grade A Mary Sue.
She just shows up, gets partial custody of the fairies, everyone likes her, but she somehow a bit miserable so she gets to have faries? Chester is WAY more deserving.
But seriously everything around her seemed to bend to her will. And it was so bad I think they canceled the show midway through the season.
But the reason she is so low is because she was simply the last straw on the shows decline and not the root cause. And I hardly watched the season she was in to care enough.
7. Hiruzan Sarutobi - Naruto Shippuden
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Now for those of you who watched only the first part of Naruto you are probably VERY confused on why this old man is on the list.
For those of you who have watched part 2. You know EXACTLY why he is on this list.
This man’s inability to stop ANY of the awful crap that resulted in the events of the story.
-He let the Uchiha extermination happen
-He let Danzo basically do whatever he wanted
-He didn’t stop Orochimaru who ended up attacking his village years later (and resulting in his death)
-Never told Naruto about his parents, and Litterally just gave the orphan money and dipped out.
-Didn’t stop the village from ostracizing Naruto
And the list goes on.
Like for some things, I get. The uchiha were planning a Coup and it could have gotten ugly but for f***s sake he could have done a better job in negotiations! Also why would he ever trust Danzo?
The rest is on him. Konohamaru is better off having Naruto as his mentor than that old bastard.
6. Chris Thorndike - Sonic X
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I hate this f***ing kid so much.
Oh people complain that Amy is so focused on sonic. Nah man, this kid only ever thought about sonic. This kid even tried trapping Sonic in his world because he didn’t want to say goodbye.
“But he’s lonely without his parents.”
WTF you talking about. His parents see him pretty often despite their careers and both clearly love him. He also has a maid and butler that both watch over and care for him. Not to mention uncle Chuck that is watching over him. Plus he has a group of friends his own age (all of which are more interesting characters than him).
I can’t even begin to describe how much of a jerk he can be. I will say the only reason he isn’t higher is because Chris actually TRIES to be useful in the matarex arc.
5. Velma Dinkley - Velma
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Or should I say Mindy kaling wearing Velma like a skin suit.
I hate when people turn beloved characters into self inserts and this entire show was this. Now I could go on about how they ruin Velma’s character. But this, this isn’t Velma. This isn’t even Scooby doo. It’s just using its name. And that’s all I can say. I’ve only watched enough clips to justify putting this on the list. This character and the show are both awful, so at least she isn’t ruining the show. And she does die, so at least there is some satisfaction. Which is why she is only this low on the list.
4. Jared Shapiro - Powerpuff girls 2016
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I don’t care what the interviews say. No one can convince me this kid isn’t a self insert of one of the writers.
An out of nowhere love interest for the main character.
While not as bad as the case of Velma, this one is much more personal having grown up with the OG powerpuff girls. So this makes me want to gag.
He’s such a bland and weird character. It’s just so creepy. I can’t even begin to describe how creeped out this character makes me feel. It does not feel like him and blossom are the same age either. It just ain’t right.
3. Caillou from Caillou
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I happen to like kids. Kids are creative and fun little gremlins. But whenever I see Caillou, the visceral urge to punt this child is intense.
He is the WORST child character in all of fiction. If the show never existed I’m 100% sure the world would be a better place.
He is a brat that NEVER learns. He says he does but he doesn’t. He is always the exact same little turd he’s always been. The only redeeming quality about that show is that the theme can be remixed into a bop.
2. Paul Jeremiah Rabin from Amazing Spider-man
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This man is probably the most hated man in all of spider-man comics.
Zeb Wells really s*** the bed so hard when he created this guy. Making a character that basically kidnapped Mary Jane, gave her super powers, made her get into a relationship with him, and basically ruined Spider-Man’s personal life.
You want to know how bad you messed up when in the issues where spiderman was possessed by the green goblin’s evil and he wanted to kill Paul, PEOPLE WERE CHEERING.
I do not think exists a single person that Likes Paul as a character. It’s actually kind of amazing.
But he is only number 2, because the ultimate spider man run is helping us forget the TRAVESTY that is Paul.
1. Dave from Total Drama Pahkitew Island
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He was the worst part of the worst season of total drama.
He started off as a whiny less then fun version of Noah and ended up as a clingy, psychotic toad that deserved to get ripped apart by bears.
Now with previous entrees I can kind of understand if there is someone that could like the character. Maybe…
But Dave?
If you actually like Dave and the person he became, we can not be friends. I would recommend a psych evaluation.
The boy is vindictive, controlling, condescending, and overall PATHETIC! And his label was Normal. The normal boy?! Nothing about that ‘Nice guy tm’ is normal. He was a piece of garbage.
Every action he takes is in his own self interest and I don’t see a SINGLE redeeming quality about him.
We are supposed to Want him to get together with Sky?
Him dating the Communal toilet would be a disservice to the toilet.
And that’s all I got to say on that matter.
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sout999 · 2 months
adhd talk
the third truly unsung project alongside my film and dissertation was the weird amount of targeted effort i had to put into Completing Anything Big As A Neurodivergent Person Whose Brain Is A Crazy Off The Rails Train Staffed and Patronised Entirely By Multiple Exact Copies Of The Squirrel From Ice Age
which is a description like 99/100 people reading this can relate to, but i think a sentiment i see less often and therefore feel kind of stupid and stubborn and lonesome about is "adhd is innate but is also exasperated by hectic lifestyle/modern instant gratification machines so if i fix my habits around those i can cure myself forever". which is silly and wrong but also i feel abit disconnected from adhd social media culture and cant cope just relating to it (which is all it seems to be sometimes) but learning to harness or tame it to do the things that are really important to me
i felt really cringe tbh having to look up youtube videos of HARVARD STUDENT REVEALS PRO STUDY TRICK and then narrowing it down to specifically adhd-focused study videos and keeping a planner and setting aside specific time to study studying and practising anti-academic meltdown journaling techniques and reading fucking atomic habits but i really didn't want to contribute to my abhorrent academic record following me all through undergrad. in fact i wish i had done this sooner but i was not self aware enough to consider the fact
probably the best change i made was severely cutting down or being mindful of social media time, i don't backread my tl anymore and have more moments of awareness when i find myself dumbly scrolling and realize i dont want to be doing this, and then wondering what i actually Do want to be doing. i keep a book nearby to read, and have also swapped a lot of social media time to sketching-off-pinterest time. reading about the psychology behind social media apps is also super interesting, although i always feel like a paranoid wacko conspiracy theorist talking about it. stuff like how negativity and judgemental behaviour is good for engagement (and therefore ad revenue), and how if all posts on your tl were interesting you wouldn't be as addicted to social media as you are, therefore microblogging employs a slot machine/gacha system where you "roll" for posts by logging on and hope to get a good one. it's a little full on but the more i think of it as a revolting and evil machine the more incentive i have to do something else with my time ^q^
a harder thing to do was, in the late stages of the project, the real crunch time month, avoid everything that could become a huge hyperfixation, and then eventually even minor distractions or fixations. because i know if i got super obsessed with something i'd just be up posting about it or drawing fanart. i had to bar myself from persona 3 remake and elden ring dlc and all these other shiny new releases, and the mobile games i was playing... i look forward to catching up on them now. i took up reading books a lot more because unfortunately thats just not as exciting. in the last month of film work i stopped listening to music on my computer so i wouldnt get drawing or animation ideas to distract me from film work. as of writing this i havent listened to music in like 40 days guys 😱 at the same time i am the kind of person who needs background noise to work, so i have:
watched novum's four hour hereditary video essay three times
watched novum's seven hour midsomar video essay three times
watched that one five hour bojack horseman retrospective twice
listened to audiobooks of the Britney Spears biography, Jennette McCurdy biography, three Playboy Bunny biographies (i was on some sort of lady bopgraphy kick i guess), and a few fiction books
rewatched all of bojack horseman
started on House MD and got a few seasons in before i finished the project, amazingly the perfect show to look away from bc of all the medical stuff, how many lumbar punctures do you need to show like seriously
honorable mention to the learned skill of communication and being honest and picking your battles and killing your darlings which is a larger part of managing mental illness than i cared to admit but one of the hardest ones because it involved confronting things and making big painful drastic changes and then having to tell the faculty about them. sometimes i'd be stuck on a piece of animation work for weeks/months, then go back and change the underlying idea to one i'm actually passionate about, and do the animation work in one day using newly found magical hyperfocus passion power. it's crazy! but being able to be confident about taking those steps rather than keeping on with what you're "supposed" to do went a long way.
i very much look forward to listening to a music and playing some video games properly now and being pulverized like a small victorian child from the sheer amount of fun i'm having. i'd say it was all worth it and a fun experiment in channeling the magical humours of passion and boredom and i hope it will help me with future projects too. i Am super burnt out though x__ x thanks for reading and for all your support up until now!
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dwailol · 1 year
Over the Desk
ComPOUND: Round 4 of a week alone with Bucky
[f reader x Bucky] WC: 1.7k
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Summary: after round 3 your hands are still a little brush burned and you’re a little anxious about the ongoing mission. Bucky wants to treat you nice. How nice can he really be though? Especially when you’re sitting on a fucking desk!! ;)
Warnings ⚠️: mentions anxiety, smut, oral (f receiving), p in v, cream 🥧
With fresh brush burn on my hands texting is painful. I promised Wanda I would check in with her today. I had some unprovoked anxiety about a secret attack on the compound or some conspiracy plan while I’m alone here. I’m not afraid of any outside threat as much as I am about blindly destroying the building. When the flames begin, it’s almost like an out of body experience. I get focused on my opponent with no care of collateral.
The compound has entity detection systems. However, I got no notification when Bucky snuck up on me last night. While that worries me, I can’t tell anyone about Bucky and I’s situation. They might be tempted to look at the cameras…
Part of my super power maintenance is to keep a cool head and he makes it hard to do that. Our session in the training center was plenty proof. He’s still in there lifting who knows how much weight.
As I’m slowly typing my response to Wanda’s check up, she calls me. Fuck. It would be easier to text a lie than talk around it to one of the most powerful women I know. I step into an office space before answering.
“Hi dear.”
“Hey Wanda!”
“You were taking too long to respond. Is everything alright?”
“Everything is-“, Bucky walks up to stare at me through the glass door. He was shirtless and sweaty after his 3 hour long workout.
“Everything is fine. I’m just a bit tired after my training session. Need a nap.”
“Keep a cool head love. I’ll let you know once we are coming back. It looks like it might take few more days than we anticipated. Be looking for a different number because I have to ditch this burner phone.”
She hung up before the conversation could go on for too much longer. I place my phone down on the desk and give Bucky a nod of approval to come in.
“You should really use a different cellphone for calls like that. One for business and one for pleasure,” he says. He lifts me up to sit me on the desk. I look down from his intense stare. He makes me nervous sometimes.
“Y/n, I know that the nature of our relationship isn’t very roses and chocolates, but you can open up to me about your nerves whenever you feel like it. I’ve had my own struggles with snapping and coming to in a world where you’ve unknowingly hurt people even ones you care for.”
“I’ve been working on my mindfulness like Bruce thought me. I’m just afraid of being used as a weapon against my own will again.”
“No one here will make you do that. They let you stay behind for this didn’t they?”, he lifts my chin up, “You’ve got the freedom of choice now. Why you keep choosing me I’ll never know.”
“It’s because I know you get it. When you get rough with me it’s almost like practice for keeping my anxiety down. If that makes sense-“
He gives me the softest kiss he’s ever given me.
“That makes sense. I’m glad you feel comfortable with me then. No matter how intense things might get I still care for your well being.”
I grab his bare sides to pull him close. I move my hands up to his chest. He squeezes one of them softly and brings it to his face for a kiss. I move his face to mine. We press our heads together before going in for more. Our lips began to melt like butter.
He leans closer and I place my hands behind me to stabilize. The kissing starts to resemble more of mouthing. He pulls me by the hips to the edge of the desk and spreads my legs apart. He grinds himself in between my thighs. I slide back and wince from the pain of my burned hands.
His flesh hand holds me up as his cool vibranium hand massages over the rope burn. He examines the damage and red marks. His touch soothes the pain a bit. He places more gentle kisses on my palms.
“Like I said I’ll be more gentle this time.”
“You don’t have to hold back. I know how you like it.”
“I’m gonna be soft and sweet because I want to be. You deserve some soft and sweet.”
“Show me what your soft and sweet looks like then super soldier,” I gaze up at him with a subtle smile. I know there’s only so soft and sweet he can be.
Every touch from then on is a smooth glide around my body and face. The tenderness of both his hands sends chills through me. He sure was treating me like an angel. He drifts his hand to tease the inside of my thighs where I’m warm and wet.
“You like the sweet stuff too. This is all for you doll.”
He slides my shorts and panties off. He meets his face to my opening then kisses all around it. I feel myself pulse. He brings his fingers to stroke my folds before slowly inserting them. I gasp at the new feeling of gentleness. We’re usually feral by this point.
He moves his fingers as if he were calling for me to come towards him. He strokes the spot inside me that rests next to the nerves of my clit. I moan with pleasure. The sensuality of it was relaxing.
His pacing and soft licks to my pussy brings me to an orgasm. I thought that was only possible with our rough sessions.
“I want you,” I say with the purest desire in my eyes.
“Say no more angel.”
He stands up to remove his gym shorts. Just like his fingers, he slowly puts himself inside me. The feeling is heavenly for sure. I lay back on the desk as he fills me with his cock and rubs at my clit. He starts to lose himself then picks up the pace a little. I moan as he moves through me like silk.
He gives a satisfied “mmm.” He turns me horizontal on the desk so he can hop up and hover on top of me. He lifts my hips up and I wrap my legs around him.
“Tell me what you want most and I’ll do it,” he says while lightly nibbling at my ear.
“Faster,” I say with a wide mouthed gasp following. His movements lift me up. My back arches upwards towards his body with each stroke. I roll my hips with his.
“I love it when you do that. You better be careful. I don’t wanna cum too quick.”
I mindfully slow my movements. He exits out of me to kiss me all the way down to my clit. He stands back up. I think changing positions over this desk of all pieces of furniture is much needed. I roll over to put myself in a bent position.
“Bucky, I know we said soft and sweet, but I don’t want you to hold back in this position,” I give a devious smile and lip bite. He puts his cock inside me. It feels so much bigger bent over like this. He plants both hands on the desk and brings his head close to mine. I feel his length reach so deep.
“Of course angel,” just like that he pops back up. He grabs me by the hips and fucks me the way you should be fucked over a desk. I give him some loud “Oh!”s to give him the green light to really get after it. I claw my nails into the desktop.
“Touch yourself.”
He moves my hand to my clit. I can feel my next orgasm building up and I can tell it’s gonna be a big one. I start to lose my breath.
“You gonna cum for me? I wanna feel it baby. Cum for me.”
“Uh huh I’m gonna cum for you,” I’m nearly breathless. He shortens and quickens his strokes so he’s deep inside me. My hand finally gets a break. My orgasm releases all throughout my body. It felt like a never ending wave of ecstasy. The waves flow perfectly with his beat.
“Damn, angel, I can feel you still cumming on this cock. I’m well on my way.”
“Please give it to me!” I whine. I’m still going. He yells as he releases himself inside of me. He stops moving just to press into me deeper for a second. He lets out his last grunt. He twirls me around to kiss me. It was as smooth as rose petals and as sweet as chocolate.
“I should probably take a shower,” he laughs.
He’s sweatier than when he first came in that’s for sure.
“I’ll join you.”
“I’d love nothing more.”
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tom-whore-dleston · 1 year
Love Changed the Minds of Pretenders
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Pairing ▹ Bucky Barnes x gn. reader
Word Count ▹ 1k
This fic contains ▹ angst, fluff, songfic, unestablished relationship, mentions of sex, mentions of Joaquin x reader, mutual ending of relationship, light beta reading (even though there are no explicit mentions of adult themes, I do not want minors or blank blogs interacting with this fic)
Summary ▹ Do you remember | The 21st night of September?
Notes ▹ I should be asleep right now because I have work at 7am but I just had a random burst of creativity and I needed to let it out. Anyways, this is my submission for @bucks-and-noble Summer Send Off. Thank you @buckets-and-trees and @sgt-seabass for creating this challenge and refueling my love for Bucky. And a special shoutout to the book club! I am so happy I met y'all and I am beyond grateful for the bond we have created 💖 Fun fact: This is my first ever Bucky fic woop woop!! Remember to reblog and comment if you enjoyed! 😊
Prompt ▹ use a lyric [from September by Earth Wind and Fire] as direct inspiration for a theme/idea
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September 21, 2022. 10:02 pm.
The night you met Bucky Barnes. 
Of all places, you met Bucky at a bar. The same bar where your friend performed their first live show and they invited you to watch. You weren’t expecting to meet anyone that night. Your heart had been broken only a few weeks prior. 
Everyone thought: Was he a rebound? A distraction?
No. He was so much more than that. It could have been easy to feel that way fresh out of heartbreak. Even more so when outsiders were constantly questioning what you and Bucky really were. But there was clearly a reason Bucky showed up in your life after this period of hurting. 
Bucky gave you love and security. He made you feel safe when he took you to the movies, when he made love to you, when you slept peacefully in his strong arms. You always thanked him for the things he did to make you feel secure and loved. He’d reply with his typical phrase, “I’m glad I make you feel that way.” 
He welcomed you into his home, his life, and his heart after many years of keeping the door locked and the key tucked away. Waking up and stroking your face before pressing a kiss to your dry lips was something that made your love for him stronger. Then after an hour or so of getting tangled between the sheets, you both would jump in the shower, gently caressing one another with soapy hands. Breakfast with Bucky was another tender ritual that you cherished. Whether it was at 10 in the morning or 1 in the afternoon, you never skipped breakfast with him.
He challenged your negative thoughts and beliefs. You and Bucky would stay on the phone until 3 in the morning talking about the universe, aliens, and other conspiracy theories. The two of you would ponder on the purpose of your lives and the ways of the universe. One thing you both were certain about was that you wanted your lives to be fulfilling and meaningful. Your world expanded and bloomed with beauty and wonder because of him. You wanted to be better and so did he.
Bucky made you believe in love again. And you made Bucky believe in love again.
As the months passed, everything was splendid. Perfect, even. But with perfection, there’s always something lacking. Of course, you wouldn’t have seen what was lacking if it slapped you in the face.
After 10 months of dating Bucky, you finally revealed your love for him. Now, Bucky wasn’t the type to say it. Heck, he didn’t even say “I love you” to his sister unless she said it first. Yet that wasn’t a deal breaker because he expressed his love in other ways. 
“I love you, too. I know your feelings for me are strong, but I don’t know if I can give you what you want.” 
It was understandable. He did mention in the beginning that he wanted to casually date. You forgot that you wanted the same thing. Man that felt like such a long time ago. Time really does fly when you start to fall in love. And hard you fell.
You hid your disappointment by making more excuses as to why being committed to Bucky would not be in the cards. First, there was the long distance. Then, there was the uncertainty about both of your futures. For a couple that talked a lot about your ambitions, you both lacked the confidence in where you would go in life. As the list of reasons piled up, there was one that made your brain fuzzy and your heart swell.
That reason was Joaquin Torres.
You met Joaquin through your cousin. There was an instant attraction between the two of you yet neither of you pursued each other. If you had gone for Joaquin, you would not have created the world you had with Bucky. So when your feelings for Joaquin grew stronger than your feelings for Bucky, you knew you had to take action before someone got hurt. 
Contrary to your belief, no one got hurt. You were transparent with Joaquin about your status with Bucky, and he understood. When you revealed to Bucky your feelings for Joaquin, he too understood. 
“Listen, angel, I know you. You know what you want in your life and you don’t let anything get in the way of that. I do love you, but who am I to stand in the way of living the life you want. You’ve let people tell you how to live your life for so long and now it’s my turn to stop that cycle. If this is what you want, don’t let me stop you.”
You and Bucky shared beautiful memories over the 10 months of being together, but the words he said to you on August 8, 2023 will always be ingrained in your brain for the rest of your life. That night was the last time you spoke to him and saw his face, even though it was over a video call.
“I’m grateful for having you in my life,” you confessed to him, trying not to cry. You couldn’t figure out if it was because you were surprised this conversation went way better than you thought or because you were saying goodbye.
Bucky grinned, “No need to get all sappy on me, angel.” You shared a final laugh together. “Well, if you ever find yourself in the city, you know where to find me.”
Part of you wanted to make a joke about how you’d run into him at the bar where you met, but you stopped yourself. Instead, you replied:
“You got it, Buck.”
And that marked the end of you and Bucky. 
You and Bucky’s love was never meant to fail. Yet it was never meant to succeed. Perhaps it was just meant to simply exist. 
But who knows, maybe that fateful night in August was not the end. Only time could tell. That was the beauty of time and the universe. You can plan and make certain choices, but ultimately, the universe will lead you to where you’re meant to be.
Now, it’s September 21, 2023. No, Bucky is not in the picture, but your thoughts are with him. 
Do you remember? Yes, you remember. You always will.
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lover-of-mine · 5 months
Yk, something about my Eddie fell first essay, I never really went like "oh this is something that could be proven right by canon" mostly because when I wrote that I was still dealing with buddie being a distant possibility not something that's so close I can taste, but then Ryan was let out of interview jail. Then I went full conspiracy theorist. (Please note everything from here on out is a conspiracy theory that will most likely never be confirmed or denied so I'll live in it forever) I had made the post about how I think Ryan is playing Eddie as in love with Buck, the question was whether he was being told to do that or he was just playing it up as much as they allowed him to because we know Ryan supports the ship, and then Ryan said the "this goes beyond friendship and I love you to the core" thing.
He said he talked to someone about what it meant for Eddie to do that, because he didn't understand it at first, and then that's the conclusion he reached. But the thing is, that line "I love you to the core" specifically means so much in the context of the season, to say I love you to Buck like that in season 4 is so MONUMENTAL, that I wanna believe one of the writers straight up told him "yo this is a love confession" and explained it to him like that, and he has been playing Eddie with that line in mind ever since, and that's why he had that locked and loaded for the interview. Because, like, I, in my most normal day, am out here arguing they casted Ryan with a plan, even more considering the way Eddie was written for Ryan, they could very much have told him "look, play with the chemistry you and Oliver have, if the audience likes with might amp it up, if we're lucky we might go there someday" because you have moments in season 2, but season 2 is still very low stakes, but then when I think about the the season 3 of it all, the there's nobody in this world I trust with my son more than you, the lawsuit, and well of it all and the way they put Ryan in pr jail after Eddie begins, an episode that would retroactively be HUGE for buddie but it's pretty big for them anyway, I'm like 🤔 because we all saw Ryan talking about buddie this past month, the guy CANT SHUT UP, and if he was told something during season 3 or 4 along the line of "play it up, we are gonna fight to make this happen", putting him in pr jail would make sense, because they can't risk him saying something if they're not sure they can deliver, because how fast they dealt with Buck being bi while in a new network makes me convinced someone on fox was blocking it and nothing will convince me otherwise. But now they can, so they let Ryan run free. Because you can make a VERY strong argument that Eddie is aware of something during season 5 and 6, season 6 most of all, but you can very much make season 5 queer coded and have Eddie be like "oh I can't ignore how I feel about him anymore", because Ryan also said something about Eddie's breakdown and how that's what allowed Eddie to let Buck "know who Eddie truly is" which is interesting with the way Eddie is constructed, because if Buck is inside the last wall Eddie had up, what's actually stopping Eddie to see he's in love with Buck by the end of the season? Which would make season 6 as a pining season for Eddie make sense. Down to the way the cemetery seems to be pulling these very specific reactions from Eddie that are the same reactions we saw him have in breakups and flights with Shannon. But also things like Eddie's reaction to the lightning being something we never saw from Eddie before AND the way Oliver talked about a scene of Eddie losing his composure during in another life, not during in a flash that we didn't get to see most likely because they completely rearranged 6b because they thought they were gonna get cancelled, so they wouldn't be able to deliver what they had in mind. But now they have nothing but time, season 8 is already confirmed, and by the looks of it abc was like "go for it" with buddie in a way that fox never was, so they finally got to tell Ryan "we're doing it, go crazy" and now we are here. They could prove me right today. About Eddie not about Ryan knowing and some secret plan being in place forever. I don't think it's gonna happen. I seriously don't think it's gonna happen. I'd be more surprised to be proved right than wrong here. But the conspiracy theory is a possibility that felt very real for a second there during promo season lol
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spinnysocks · 6 months
incorrect lion guard as snapcube quotes
if you haven't watched snapcube then i'm sorry if this is really out of context LMAO but that's kinda the point :)
Makucha: See ya, cheetah!
Fuli: Huh? He's faster than Fuli. He's faster than Fuli. What?
Janja, annoyed: What is it this time Ushari?
Ushari: Janja, you found my You're A Bitch Degree!
Janja, after one of Scar's meetings: ...Something just happened.
Nduli: When was the last time you washed your paws? I haven't washed mine in four days. I've also been eating rocks-
Tamka: Rocks?! Nuh uh uh, that's not food!
Nduli: What about grass-
*Butterfly lands on Tamka's nose* Tamka: This is food Nduli!
Nduli: It's beautiful, I love your new hat! I'm gonna name him.. Mwamba!
*Butterfly starts flying away*
Tamka: You scared it away! :(
Nduli: Bye Mwamba! :)
Tamka: Bye Mwamba..
Janja: Hey, you know what this place looks like? Looks like the Pridelands! *starts singing Tonight We Strike*
Janja, to the skinks: Are you in on this conspiracy to?!
Shupavu: Everything is a conspiracy, haven't you ever seen the Circle of Life?
Janja: Wh-What?!
*waiting for Scar's meeting*
Reirei: Are we just doing this now? A bunch of assholes standing in a line? Congratulations!
Janja: Ah fuck, she got us there guys. Well.............
Ushari, while Janja's Clan are hysterically laughing: Alright, I think we need to figure out what we're going to do about this-
Kenge: It's not important that we lost! Look at who's responsible! *points at Janja*
Janja, pointing up: I'll point at you also.
Kenge: I'm not the sky, hyena.
Janja: We're doing Nne's plan? We're all agreeing that Nne came up with this right?
Cheezi: Yeah... 2, 3, 4, 5, 6- Here we go! :D
Janja to Reirei: Sorry that sounded like I wanted to kill you, I didn't mean that. *whispering to everyone else* I do wanna kill her don't fucking tell- I don't wanna kill you, don't worry! I wanna kill her so fucking bad! I didn't say anything to them just now. You know what I said! I-I gotta go, uh, think about some stuff!-
*Battle for the Pridelands in a nutshell*
Scar: Heyyyyy~ What's uppppp?~ It's meeeeeeeee~
Kion: STOP! >:(
Scar: I don't know how to impress upon you that you cannot defeat me.
The Guard: Kion!
Scar: Oh, your friends are here!
The Guard: We're here to help you!
Scar: It's really cute that you're going to defeat me with the power of friendship and all, but then again I am Scar from the Lion King, so-
Kion: You didn't let me finish, Scar!
Scar: Mhm, go ahead.
Kion: I have-
Scar: Yes, yes, yes, yes. I don't care. I do not care! You don't understand. I came back here to destroy the Pridelands. This means nothing to me! Alright? You mean nothing to me! You and your little friends are fucking annoying! This is why I stayed down in lion hell. This is why I punish Pridelanders. I'm the good guy! Do you not realise? I am the good guy here! I am the true King of the Pridelands! Mufasa goes up and he plays with all his little friends like "Oh look, are you watching over the Pridelands?" Yeah, whatever. Fuck everybody.
Kion: Ah!
Scar: I get to kill people! I get to command my army all day! It's great, give me the Pridelands! You don't get it. You watch your stupid little privileges. Fuck you. Idiot.
*The Guard yells*
Scar: Go to hell! *makes the volcano erupt* Look, I can do this! Anytime I want! This is nothing to me! You are nothing to me! I hate you! I HATE YOU! THIS IS MY BIG FUCKING VOLCANO!
Bunga: Oh my god, he's fucking losing it entirely!
Chungu & Cheezi: All around me are familiar faces, work out places, worn out places- IS THAT WHAT A HOUSE LOOKS LIKE? Oh my stars! This place is amazing! Where am I, the Pridelands?...... Worn out places~ (thanks to @devilsrecreation for that one 😭)
feel free to reblog with additions, there's too many quotes to put in here </3
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My reaction to episode 3 of season 2 of Criminal Minds Evolution
Spoilers under the cut
"Are you okay?" Emily does that man LOOK okay?????
A deepfake porn site??? that's the big secret???? is anyone else a little disappointed???
Also there's no way voit could have said all that in such little time???
Luke: a secret will fracture the team and voit knows that and told me on purpose Emily: don't play his game then. just keep it a secret. Me: .... Huh?
Is... is this going to be the Ultimate Jemily Moment???? Is there some weird fake Jemily porn on this site which is why Emily is SO adamant JJ never find out and worried Luke looked???? If that is the case, Jemily fans I am so sorry
them managing to give Penelope a cat-related opening quote is honestly HILARIOUS
Oh, THIS is where Emily's wack-o neighbor comes in. Ofc. He was a conspiracy theorist after all
Bailey mention 😭😭😭
Oh so "that was fire" is about literal fire 🤣🤣
"Can I drink lighter fluid instead?" Babygirl you are so dramatic i love you. but please keep this energy toward tyler PLEASE
and we're back on the jet!!!
Luke looks physically uncomfortable keeping this a secret from JJ
I find it hard to believe Emily didn't know JJ already knew considering how close they used to be
This jj/luke friendship is SO important to me
Luke is babysitting 🤣🤣🤣
Luke is so awkward around those girls 😂😂😂
Sydney has a point...
I think Luke just wanted to watch anything BUT anime 🤣🤣🤣 otherwise he'll get upset
Fellow Girl Dad Luke truthers how we doing with this scene?? him teaching them to play soccer???
Luke is so smiley!!!! Like @lklvz said to me, his Adam Rodriguez is slipping out. he's such a dad!!!
Brian Garrity what's up my guyyy
They changed Brian's ex-wife's name???? In "Saturday" it was Patricia and now it's Sheila
Me, the second i hear the camera click: ohhhhhhhhhh shit
I need this couple to survive. They're probably not going to but oh my god she's pregnant i need them to survive
Penelope giving herself a script for a difficult phone call is such a mood
Tyler what the FUCK, man
wtf was that scene???
aaaand he cloned his cell phone TYLER FUCKING STOP
tyler texting penelope nooo
Oh Holly.... when i saw her pulling at her sleeves i though that was what was happening. Oh my heart is breaking for this poor girl.
oh i am SOBBING
yay they saved the couple!!!!
Not Tara calling Rossi old 🤣🤣🤣
"Pilates, upper-body work, a little help from SWAT" these visuals are hilarious
Tara you are so pretty when you smile
Luke definitely didn't tell JJ everything. i can TELL by his face there is more he wants to say to her
Oh my GOD poor JJ
Tyler Green if you show up at Penelope's house while she is stress-baking I'm gonna scream
And adding to the list of Luke/Tyler similarities, this pose Tyler is making against the door is the same pose Luke made against the frame of the elevator when he and Penelope had their first on-screen interaction
Go OFF Penelope
Tyler is obsessed with Penelope being the black queen. Luke just... wants her to be herself. I feel an essay coming on
Brian's about to get himself fucking shot
JJ sweetie NO don't look i PROMISE you don't want to see
shaking cam slowly drawing away from JJ's face as she sees what's on screen.... three cheers for our director! I love Adam episodes. Although this is the first one with no garvez which makes me sad
aaaand now Emily's under arrest. perfect.
Brian you FUCKER
we are 3/3 so far for Emily saying "fuck" in an episode 🤣
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seeminglydark · 4 months
1. would caro and john be into the tv show, the x-files? would they buy tapes of the episodes and talk about their own conspiracies and guess about the outcomes of the episodes.
2. also your comic has help peak my interest for the supernatural and conspiracy theories. what are some stories or theories that you’ve learned about that you have found the most interesting? and were you a believer before starting your comics or has your interest grown as you’ve continued with your comics.
3.lastly, i’m trying to buy more secondhand items and become the diy punk that i’ve aspired to be since high school (too afraid since i was a closeted trans man and living with an unaccepting family), any tips?
i, like john, try to stay away from modern tech as much as i can. i’m able to stay off my phone for the most part and rarely use my computer but i’ve been looking around and audiobooks on cassette are kinda expensive around me so i like to narrate book as i read them in paperback. i was wondering if canonically john uses resources such as the library and what his favorite books and movies are. i love horror and am just now getting into sci-fi and i love watching movies on my vcr + tv combo and i sometimes use a blu-ray player for more rare or expensive (at least in vhs format) movies.
sorry for the long winded paragraph, i’m unfortunately unable to escape my strict household (despite being an adult) until i find a job and am able to save every cent. i also tend to isolate myself so i have no friends to help me out. sorry to vent to you about this but i just wanted to end this by saying your comic and characters inspire me and give me hope that i’ll be okay once i’m free.
YES. John is obsessed with x-files. every once in a while you can see he has the iconic 'i want to believe' poster in his younger years on his walls. He still has it as an adult. both caro and john like watching those together, they also enjoy the twilight zone, charmed, Buffy (they they agree the corny movie from '92 is the best) and those old Bruce Campbell shows noones heard of, re: Brisco County Jr. I think as kids they theorize, and as adults they talk about everything everyone gets wrong, now that they know how these things really work. John can always guess WhoDunnit.
Ive always been interested in the idea of the supernatural. im a big skeptic though, ill be honest there, even though ive had many 'experiences' myself. i kinda like the idea of the unbelievable. definitely making the comics has peaked my interest in things i wasn't too keenly aware of before, like cryptids. im fascinated by the concept of Missing 411, and missing people who reappear somewhere else, but Liminal Spaces hold my heart specifically. ive always been keenly aware of the off feeling in those places before i even knew what that meant. i love scouring the internet for images of things like abandoned hotels that give me a weird kind of uneasy, most of the things people tag as Liminal aren't really that, so its a scavenger hunt to find something that fits my idea of it. coming up with the lore of my stories has been an adventure. my interest has definitely grown, more in places and phenomenon than in ghosts specifically.
there are so mnay things you can do to diy punk stuff, in my opinion thats the best and most rewarding way. it sounds to me that you need to start small and slow for your safety, so let me reassure you right here anon, that punk is a set of ideals, and not just fashion. youre still punk no matter what youre wearing. a jacket or vest is always a good place to start, you can literally buy ANYTHING at the thift store that strikes your fancy. this is a canvas you will be adding too for as long as its yours. once you have your canvas, its time to create, and there is literally no wrong way to do this. you can use paint markers, embroidery, bleach, ect. dont have money for spikes and studs? you can use soda can tabs and bend them, metal lighter caps, hell even staples and safety pins always look cool. you can make your own badges by bending metal soda or beer caps around a soda tab with a safety pin through it and then paint whatever you want on the cap. dental floss is what you usually see when punks have the white stitching on their pants and jackets, its durable and doesn't break, since crust and gutter punks need tough clothes that last. if you're worried about your family, i would personalize it first in small secret ways that are just for you, such as a message beneath your collar as seen here on my friends jacket. and here, and here! he hides patches on the inside as well! Im including a pic of john hiding a patch on caros varsity jacket as well. i will post my jackets one day, my camera is broken but i figured id share his since he hides things more than i do!
John absolutely uses the library, its a fantastic resource for SO many things, depending on where you're located. He would also probably use a digital reader later, because many of them you can get library cards on and borrow books that way. he is not a strong reader so he mostly reads books that may be under his age level, like goosebumps, but who cares, do what you enjoy. movie wise hes very obsessed with cosmic horror (hence the UFO tattoo) his favorites are Alien, The Thing, Killer Klowns from Outer Space and the Blob from the 80s. both he and Caro love the original Evil Dead franchise, horror comedy like American Werewolf in London, lost boys, etc.
Thank you, Anon, for the long winded paragraph. You asked some really fun questions for me to answer, i love nothing more than to talk about my characters, it was a really nice little break from editing a new podcast episode. I am so so sorry about your situation, and i am sending you all the best and all the love and strength that you can come out of this free and on the other side and live as yourself. If my comics and characters stories can provide a tiny bit of hope that its going to be ok, than ive succeeded at what i set out to do. wishing you all the best. and look into your library, they may have resources to help you with this as well.
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figureofdismay · 16 days
i keep thinking about the lines from Vince Gilligan's Drive script, the antisemitic conspiracy theorist with the pressurized head demands to know if Mulder is Jewish and if Mulder is a Jewish name, and Mulder says, "Yes, I am, and no it's not," plus there's the fact that he was buried unembalmed, which made his resurrection possible in DeadAlive, plus DD's statement that he'd decided Mulder was Jewish and to play him that way unless told to do otherwise, so despite the mess that was the Kaddish script and other culturally Christian Mulder moments, I do think there was a conscious positioning of the Mulder character as Jewish Adjacent. But they did that without any real cultural research or thought to the implications of keeping him tied up with alien conspiracy plots and eugenics, though at least he was on the 'fighting it' side. And also early 90s internet fringe conspiracy theorists weren't the radical right wing fasch of the last 10 years, I do get the sense that they were radical left instead -- that doesn't necessarily leave out the antisemitism part, though, is the thing. And I suppose i should feel grateful that CC made Mulder's son a fish mutant and not a lizard mutant and yet it's not a particularly reassuring distinction :/
The fact that they got 3/4rs of the way there in the writing but never once had Jewish Adjacent Mulder talk about the mental toll of sorting the wheat from the chaff, finding genuine abduction survivor and alien leads in amongst the mountains of antisemetic conspiracy bullshit on message boards or how he doesn't really ever know which contacts are going to meet him and decide he's the enemy because he 'looks Jewish'... it's both a missed opportunity and speaks to a lot of ignorance. It makes me pretty crazy. There are a lot of half gestures towards Mulder's Jewish background and then a lot of ugly coincidences and unfortunate implications because no one really thought about what that would mean in the context of The X-File's genre content and recurring themes.
Like, i don't think he's culturally exactly anything, caught in the middle and mostly without. It's a story familiar to me and my mother because my grandmother was also a young Jewish woman who made a hasty love match (ie she got pregnant) with a WASPy goy from a rich industrialist family who held the purse strings, so keeping his mother happy was everything -- which was true even after my grandparents divorced, because of complicated inheritance reasons. She assimilated and let my mother and her siblings be raised as christmas and passover celebrating 'nothing in particular' kids, who went to shul when visiting her parents and kept shabbos sometimes with the neighbors, but still broadly steeped in cultural christianity and outside the community, because it was the 50s and 60s and she was a divorced mother in an upper middle class area who had to be careful to keep social doors open to all of them. I figure Teena and Mulder had a pretty similar situation in the 60s and 70s, with the added complication of accidentally marrying into an actual WASPy conspiracy hub who could have you disposed of for speaking out of turn.
I just... again it's the half way there implications, partly intentional, partly accidental because it's apparent that no one educated themselves on these themes beyond the surface familiar Scifi-Horror tropes. Actually getting there all the way and digging into it, or trying even 25% more to avoid the pitfalls around Mulder and Teena would have added a lot to the show. And would maybe even have insulated CC against (some of) the plot bungles in the Revival. Very frustrating all around.
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watcher0033 · 10 months
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I beg of you.
Pure awesomeness for 10 episodes.
Main Character is GIF above and she will awaken every sapphic bone in your body. She’s certainly awaken mine and I’m bloody asexual.
Rebecca Ferguson is so hot as Juliette in this even when she’s being an asshole. I’m like I can completely understand darling lemme lay down my life for u. Yall the pull of her is sooo 😚 my beloved feral alley cat
Actually I think this is a very carnal love letter to all ITs and engineers out there with how attractive every casted Mechanics are lmao
It’s a murder mystery with red level type of fascist regime conspiracy and the pacing is managed so fucking well you’ll never get bored and may at times cursed out loud of pure annoyance when the intro show itself and maybe break your phone just to hit the skip button immediately
It’s so good you’ll keep gasping like a toddler like you just watched the twists the first time though said twists has been already established few episodes ago and a constant cloudy backdrop to every interaction/conversation/literally every fucking scenes
Me: Oh my god. We’ve established this already. Please inform the other characters WE’RE RUNNING OUT OF TIME. Go, GO GO
Characters, being informed:
Also, Me: *gasps with them*
The tension is so fucking good. You will not tear your eyes away.
All the adrenaline of excitement and frustrations with the fucking questions that keep piling up and cry-inducing cliffhangers are all fucking worth it because the payoffs are literally everything. I am madly hyperfixating. This is love.
Official summary: *crying because it barely eclipses the sheer fucking genius of this show but also cant think of something better because it feels like trying to wiggle in a tiny room surrounded by electric fences. Electric fences being spoilers*
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Give it a shot it’s so worth it. I just clicked on it on a whim just to play it in the background while working. And now here I am at midnight rambling like Im high.
Best scifi shows of the fucking year. 👏🏼 Maybe one of the best scifi shows ever. It certainly is in my top 3.
Say it with me: TRUTH BEFORE ORDER.
tw‼️ CLEAN 💀
That ending. That ending. That fucking ending. SEASON 2 COME OUT.
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ladykailitha · 2 years
In the Midnight Hour Part 3
And here we come to the REAL reason I started this AU.
Part 1 Part 2
Steve picked Robin up to take her to school. And she was chattering away like she always did.
“Like it’s hilarious,” Robbin was saying. “Andy and Chase, not having the energy to do anything. They’ve apparently been benched twice because they can barely stand let alone dribble a ball.”
Steve hummed. “Anyone else on the team that’s been lethargic?”
Robin thought for a moment. “Not on the basketball team. There were a couple other jocks that had that long and drawn out look, but they’re better off, I guess. Able to function and shit, but like pale.”
Steve raised an eyebrow. “Sounds like a vampire or some such shit.”
“Ewww,” she crowed. “Are there vampires in DnD? Could this be an Upside Down thing?”
Steve chewed on his lips. “I don’t know, Robs. I’m not well versed in this shit. I’d the hitter not the planner.”
“I’ll talk to the dweebs at lunch,” Robin sighed. “See what their thoughts are on this.”
Steve nodded.
“What are you doing today?” she asked as he pulled up the school.
“I have the day off so I thought I’d visit Wayne again,” Steve murmured.
Robin’s shoulders sagged. “You don’t have to keep doing this. He’s a grown man, he can take care of himself.”
Steve chewed on his lip. “It helps...me.”
Her eyes softened. “I’m sorry. I know it’s hard for you to lose anyone, even if you didn’t get a chance to know him.”
Steve just nodded.
She patted his shoulder and then left for school.
He drove straight to the Motel 6 and pulled into the parking lot. Thanks to Eddie being a part of the “team” or party or whatever the government had deigned to give Wayne Munson the ‘pay off’ or whatever to keep his mouth shut about the Upside Down.
So he was living in a motel until he could get a bank to look at him to buy a house.
Steve walked up to room six and knocked.
Wayne opened the door. “Back again, Harrington?”
Steve smiled. “Maybe I just like your company.”
Wayne scoffed. “No one likes my company these days. Well except you and that Henderson kid.”
“Dustin’s been by?” Steve asked, looking down at his feet.
“He still not talking to you?” Wayne asked softly.
Steve shook his head. “Thinks it should have been me instead of Eddie. I thought I share.”
“Survivors’ guilt is a hell of thing,” Wayne agreed.
“You were in the Vietnam war, right?” Steve asked, sitting down on the one chair in the room.
“The government always were sick sons of bitches,” Wayne said gruffly.
Steve scoffed. “Tell me about it.”
Wayne frowned. “And what would you know about that?”
Steve looked around. “You think this room is bugged?”
Wayne’s eyebrows shot up. He hadn’t pegged Steve for a conspiracy nut, but then this wasn’t the normal teenage boy, either.
“No,” he replied. “I sweep for bugs every time I come back.”
It was Steve’s turn to look surprised. “Now, why would you do that, sir?”
“Why don’t you tell me what you know,” Wayne said, sitting on the bed and facing him, “and I’ll tell you what I know.”
So Steve did. He told him everything. From the beginning with Will all the way to the end with Eddie’s death and the return of Vecna.
“Shit,” Wayne said. “Had I known it was Henry Creel, I would grabbed my shot gun and helped hunt down the bastard.”
“You knew Henry Creel, sir?”
“I’m only a year older than that sick son of a bitch,” Wayne said. “I have my accent because I kept it. I want to remind every single one of those bastards that I am not here by choice.”
Steve frowned. “I’m not sure what you mean.”
“I was the wrong kind of powered,” Wayne said. “Can’t do much with an empath.”
“What’s an empath?”
“An empath is someone who can feel other people’s emotions. I can immediately tell what mood someone is in no matter how good they are at masking it,” Wayne explained. “Can’t weaponize feeling things. They tried to get me use it feel out foreign heads of state. Are they nervous, happy, angry? The problem was that they could be mad about their toast being burnt that morning and not angry at being at the meeting. So I was dumped in a town that hated people who were different.”
“What was your number?” Steve asked.
Wayne shook his head. “Different project. I had a name, not a number. I was the precursor to whatever shit they got Henry involved in. And your friend, too.”
“What about your parents, your brother?” Steve asked. “Didn’t your family care what happened to you?”
Wayne shrugged. “My parents were happy to take the money the government gave them to keep their mouths shut and my brother was their golden child. I grew up in the care system here and got a job right out high school.”
Steve winced. “Is that why you offered to take Eddie, because you didn’t want him in the system?”
Wayne smiled. “I don’t know why your friends think you’re the dumb one, you seem pretty quick to me.”
“When it comes to people, sure,” Steve said with a small smile. “Not when it comes to everything else.”
Wayne smiled back. “I think you and I are the same, thinking with our hearts and not our heads.”
Steve straightened up and grinned. “I don’t have powers, though.”
Wayne just shook his head. “You’re here about Eddie, aren’t you?”
“I know Dustin told you he died,” Steve said.
“But he’s not dead,” Wayne said. “I can still feel him.”
Steve’s jaw dropped. “Come again?”
“I’m real close to Eddie,” Wayne explained. “I can feel his emotions better than anyone. When Dustin came and said he died. He wasn’t wrong. Not then.”
Steve closed his eyes and lower lip shook. “I think Vecna‒Henry brought him back as a vampire or something similar.”
Wayne nodded. “He’s not quite right, my Eddie. When he was brought back I mean, not before.”
“He’s been visiting me,” Steve admitted shyly.
“How long?”
“A few weeks,” Steve said softly. “I was having nightmares and hallucinations before this and thought he was one of them.
Wayne nodded. “What made you decide he might be the real deal?”
Steve threw his head back and groaned. “This is so embarrassing.”
“I’m waiting,” Wayne said playfully.
“His hair.”
“You want to run that past me one more time?” Wayne asked.
“I’ve been able to ‘touch’ my hallucinations before,” he said put air quotes around touch. “But this was different. I’d never touched his hair prior to his death so I should have no frame of reference for what it should feel like.”
Wayne nodded. “Ah. I gotcha. You expected it to feel a certain way and when you touched it, it didn’t feel that way.”
“Exactly!” Steve said, snapping his fingers. “And that’s why I’m here. You needed to be the first to know that Eddie was back. And that there might be a chance to bring him home.”
Wayne nodded, tears filling up his eyes. “You’re a good man, Steve Harrington.”
Steve shook his head. “I’m really not. But if it was the other way round, I’d be pissed if no one told me there was a chance to save him.”
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11  Part 12  Part 13
Tag List: @thequeenrainacorn @savory-babby @chaoticlovingdreamer @grtwdsmwhr @renaissan-vvitch @panicatthediaz @swimmingbirdrunningrock
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