winecovered · 1 month
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 ⟢ Doe - Eyed 𓃉
One who is very sweet and affectionate! Often towards partners or those they are particularly fond of. This can be platonic or not ^_^ May be tied to deer, nature, etc!
 — For @coinfight 2024. Attack on @deerflowerz ! Hello non moot,, Not a gender, 8 points. COMPLEX FLAG SOON
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jkbabiey · 2 years
Rock Bottom | PJM
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⇢ pairing: Jimin X Reader
⇢ Genre: Idol!Jimin, angst, fluff, smut, establishedrelationship!AU, marriage! AU
⇢ Synopsis: When, in a four-year marriage, you get to the point where you question its worth, you know that’s your rock bottom. How many I’m sorry’s will you handle? How many times are too many times?
⇢ Song Rec: Rock Bottom by Hailee Steinfeld, Teach Me by Kyle Dion, Sorry by Heize, Home by Ailee and Yoon Mirae, Tide by Woodz, Pride and Prejudice by ZICO and Suran, Want You Back by 5SOS
⇢ Word Count: ~4.7K
⇢ Warnings: brat OC, anger issues in here, this is honestly a sad angsty au, workaholic Jimin, frustrated OC and frustrated Jimin, unprotected sex, Jimin doesn't care about sleep, OC may be lacking some self-respect but Jimin will fix that for her
⇢ Authors note: After a long time without writing, I'm back. I loved writing this. It was supposed to be a Jungkook one-shot like always, but then I realized that it fits Jimin's vibe so much better. So I decided to change it up :)) Really like how it turned out tho. Enjoy <3
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You loved Jimin with all your heart.
You loved him more than you had ever loved anyone else. Five years into your marriage and he still erupted the most euphoric butterflies in your stomach. A thousand of them. Everything from his voice, to the way he snored softly when he slept, to the way he looked at you... You loved him.
Your life with Jimin felt like a fairytale. Always had. You married in a botanic garden after 4 years of secret dating, with all his and your family and friends by your side. You bought a house together right after, figuring the one you had been living in until then wasn't big enough for a future family, and have been living in it together for four years now.
Tonight was the fourth anniversary of your marriage. Four years since Jimin officially became yours and you became his.
So you had asked your boss to leave work earlier today and rushed home, at 5 PM, to prepare Jimin's favorite dish. You also bought vanilla-scented candles and an extra pretty table towel on the way home. You texted Jimin a quick 'can u be home by 9?' and got a 'yup, I'll be there' back. You were sure Jimin didn't remember what today meant - but you didn't blame him and didn't even have the strength to get mad at him. He was a busy man and you knew his work required his full attention. Most of the time, you stood in second place in his priorities. And, surprisingly, after four years of dating him and another four of being married to him, you had gotten used to that.
You took a shower after the food was ready and the table set, at 7:55 PM, and put on the prettiest, sexiest lacy black lingerie you owned - the one you knew Jimin loved. You squeezed into the tightest black dress you saw after searching your walk-in closet, and the prettiest high heels. You let your hair natural and loose like you knew Jimin liked and did your make-up - red lips and a pointed eyeliner. You looked amazing.
All for Jimin.
At 9 PM you headed downstairs and sat down patiently at the dinner table, after lighting the candles. At 9:30 PM you texted Jimin a 'u coming?' and at 10 PM you still had no answer. At 11 PM, you looked out the window, searching for his black shiny car and at midnight you were blowing out the candles that were almost completely melted at this point. You headed upstairs, finally losing all hope that Jimin would still show up to have an anniversary dinner with you, his wife, because, after all, it wasn't your birthday anymore. You hadn't seen your husband at all throughout the whole day, since he had chosen to sleep in the dorms the prior night - always the busy man.
At 2 AM Jimin wasn't home yet and you weren't asleep, because you had started to worry. What if something had happened? Jimin would call if he noticed he wouldn't be able to make it home at 9, right? So at 2:20 AM, when Jimin got to his car to head home and turned on his phone, after turning it off to focus on his work, he noticed the 14 missed calls and 9 worried text messages. All from you.
At 2:35 AM you heard the bedroom door open and you sighted in relief watching Jimin coming through it, from your seating position in your bed, under the covers. You didn't say a word, noticing Jimin's late realization of the compromise he had missed - if you hadn't left the table set in the dining room, you're pretty sure he probably wouldn't be aware of it yet. You laid down, ripping your disappointed gaze from his, with your back against him.
"Baby..." you heard him mutter and closed your eyes "I'm sorry I forgot, I didn't know you had prepared dinner for us-"
"Don't talk Jimin," you interrupted, knowing there was no way that Jimin would be able to make you feel better or make himself feel better right that moment. Hot-headed Y/N wasn't cool to talk to. "Let me sleep."
Jimin didn't say a thing. You heard the ruffling of his clothes being thrown to the armchair inside your walk-in closet. His steps towards the bathroom sounded heavy and slow - tired.
You knew Jimin was tired. He had been having full days of practice, producing and recording, for the new album. You did understand how he could forget the dinner, but the fact that he did forget just reminded you how you'd never be at the top of his mind, like he was at the top of yours, all the time. And, no matter how you tried to push it to the side, it still hurt.
Jimin, on the other side of the door that separated you guys' bathroom and bedroom, couldn't feel worse for leaving you waiting after seeing the pretty dress you had worn for him thrown across the bathroom bench and your heels neatly placed on the tiled floor, next to the door. When he got back inside the bedroom, he heard the quiet sobs you were trying to hide from him, your shaking back facing his side of the bed, and your shiny hair laid out on the bed, on top of his pillow.
Jimin felt bad, but he couldn't understand why you'd be so upset over a missed dinner. He knew you had gotten dressed up and had cooked for him - but you could have dinner tomorrow or eat the food you had prepared and that he knew was delicious by lunch.
Your anniversary was the furthest thing from his mind.
"Y/N, can we talk?". When you didn't answer, he placed a gentle hand on your exposed shoulder, turning your body towards him. "I know you're not asleep, baby."
"Leave me alone," you cried, turning around abruptly to get rid of Jimin's hand, which was now rubbing your arm. Jimin's heart clenched when your eyes finally rested on his and he saw the pain behind your teary gaze.
"I'm sorry," Jimin whispered, not bothering your aggressiveness and still resting his hand on your cheek, his thumb caressing your cheekbone. "We can have lunch tomorrow, or you can put on your dress and heels and I'll take you to an expensive restaurant," he laughed lightly watching you roll your eyes at him.
"I wanted to have dinner tonight, Jimin," you whined, trying to wipe your tears away. Jimin laid down next to you, evolving your waist in his strong arms and pulling your body closer to his, now face-to-face. He kissed the tip of your nose and your tear-stained cheeks, smiling at how adorable you looked to him with pouted lips and wet lashes.
"Why's that? Tomorrow the weather is gonna be better than tonight, tonight is cold. I can take you out tomorrow and you won't be cold in that dress," he joked while your lips parted in realization. He still hadn't remembered what today had been.
You knew Jimin had forgotten what day today was. But you thought that seeing the dinner laid out on the dinner table had reminded him that tonight was your fourth anniversary. He couldn't really think you'd prepare such a fancy dinner just for fun, right? "Are you kidding me?" you asked, your gaze regaining the anger it had lost shortly. The panic was back in your husband's eyes and he didn't know what was wrong now. "Do you even know what today is?"
"Jimin, today was the 6th of April. Do you know what that means?" you asked and when Jimin's eyes wandered around the space behind you, looking for an answer, you grabbed his arm and lifted it off your waist, getting up from your bed.
Not only had Jimin forgotten your birthday, but he was also completely unaware of what the 6th of April was supposed to mean like it wasn't the day he had gotten married to you - what did that say about him? what did it say about what you meant to him? and above all that, what did it say about your relationship?
"Y/N, calm down. I'm sorry. I don-don't... I can't remember," he said, his tone getting smaller and smaller. He rubbed his temples, trying his best so that something would come to his mind. Nothing.
"Oh my god, Jimin," you laughed ironically, covering your face with both your hands, as tears started forming in your eyes once again. "You really don't know what happened on the 6th of April?"
Jimin didn't answer, looking at you with confused eyes. "Why am I not surprised?" you chortled, almost sounding mean to Jimin. "This is what always happens! You're always too busy. Too busy with work. Too busy to take care of yourself! Too busy to take care of me! Too busy to even think of me-"
"That's not true, I'm always thinking of you-"
"Oh! Is that why you missed our fucking fourth birthday dinner tonight?" you screamed, interrupting him and watching his eyes get wide and his lips part. "You are way too busy, Jimin. You don't have time for anything other than work," you whispered as he stood up from bed to stand closer to you.
"I'm s-so sorry," he whispered. "I totally forgot..."
"I know, that's the problem, Jimin! You are the love of my life and you are my priority, always."
"Y/N, please-"
"Let me talk." you raised your hand to stop him and he did just that, pressing his lips together in a straight line and resting both his hands on his hips. "What I'm saying is, I'm never gonna be your priority-"
"Y/N, you are my priority!" he couldn't help but burst that out, running a frustrated hand through his messy dark blonde hair. He sighed, looking at you as your disappointed eyes bored into his tired ones. "I work a lot. I'm rarely home. There are days we don't even see each other. But I work so that I can support a future with you. A future with kids. A future where I can keep buying your fancy dresses and taking you to expensive restaurants-"
"You could buy me the fanciest dress in the world and it wouldn't matter a thing if you still showed up at home at three in the fucking morning." you interrupted, your voice sounding even angrier than it was before. "Jimin, I couldn't care less about that shit. I didn't marry you for your money. I don't care about fancy dresses or expensive restaurants. I lived without those things before meeting you, and I can live without them now!" you exclaimed and Jimin lowered his head, looking at the floor. "I married you because I love you. You! Not your money!"
"I know that-"
"It doesn't seem like you do. When was the last time we had a meal together? When was the last time you took me out on a date? And I'm not asking you to take me to a fucking expensive restaurant, I'm asking for a stroll in the park! Or maybe a picnic! I'm just asking for you to take me to go eat fucking ice cream or some shit!" you paused, taking a deep breath as Jimin sat back in your shared bed, looking down and fidgeting with his fingers. "When was the last time you touched me? We don't even have sex anymore, for God's sake!" Jimin poked the inside of his cheek at that and let out an entertained chuckle. "Really? Is that funny to you?" You asked, angry as ever, and Jimin looked up at you.
"Can you stop yelling?" he asked with the calmest voice you'd ever heard coming from him as he stood up once again to stand right in front of you, with his face inches away from yours. "Y/N, if what you wanted was sex, you could've just said that." he spat out, anger and annoyance filling his voice tone.
Instinct spoke louder than you as you raised a hand as if about to slap him, but Jimin was faster than you, grabbing your forearm to prevent you from doing something you surely would regret later. "Don't go there," he said sternly, with a grave deep voice.
You looked at him angrier than he had ever seen you, with a clenched jaw and fisted hands. You shook your arm, letting Jimin's hand fall, and ran your fingers through your wild hair. "Fuck you," you whispered before walking out of the bedroom. You walked towards the kitchen. Not even five minutes after you left the room, heavy footsteps could be heard throughout the walls. Until you felt his presence by the kitchen door even though you had your back to him.
“Do you think I stay at work this late because I want to? Don’t you think I’d much rather be home having dinner with you by 9?” he asked, his tone angry but still calm and collected. “It’s my work! I have no choice whether I want to do it or not-“
“Jimin, leaving work earlier one day wouldn’t be the end of your career, I’m telling you,” you mocked sarcastically and could feel Jimin rolling his eyes, even without facing him.
“I’m sorry I missed dinner, but it’s not like I was out partying with the boys. I was working. I’ve been working since 7 AM. I was supposed to go sleep in the dorms so I wouldn't have to wake up even earlier tomorrow, but I still came home, because you asked me to. The last thing I need is for you to spend the night mad at me” he sighed when you finally turned around, to show him that his speech hadn't had that much of an effect. You were still mad. Very mad.
“You came home because ‘I asked you',” you mimicked, “not because you wanted to see me after not seeing me for two whole days?”
“Oh my fucking god” Jimin growled and looked up at the ceiling before running both his hands through his hair.
“And so what? You’re tired! But am I supposed to just shut up and don't be mad when you forget our marriage's fourth anniversary? I'm sorry for expressing my feelings-"
"Can't we just have dinner tomorrow?" he interrupted. The annoyance back to his voice.
"Jimin, go to sleep." You finished, leaning against the balcony behind you and looking down at the floor.
"No! What the fuck do you want me to do now? I already said I'm sorry! What do you fucking want now?!" it was his turn to yell now. The anger of expecting to come home to a warm bed and coming home to an angry wife was finally getting to him. "I come home absolutely exhausted and you still manage to keep me up and yelling, like I had the easiest day of my life! Stop being so selfish, for fuck's sake!"
You looked up at that and felt your eyes tearing up once again. You stood up straight and walked past him, towards the bedroom. You grabbed your pillow and a warm blanket. "What are you doing, Y/N? Jimin asked, and you wouldn't deny the tiredness was already showing in his voice. "Go to sleep, I'll stay on the couch."
"Stop, Y/N, please," he muttered and you turned to face him.
"Jimin, I don't want you to do anything. I get it, you were working and you're sorry. I know you're sorry. But my point is, how many times are you gonna keep saying sorry? Because I don't know for how much longer I'll be okay with being left behind for your career."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean that I don't know whether I can stay in this marriage if I keep being forgotten like this," you shrugged with teary eyes and watched Jimin tilting his head to the side while the anger in his eyes subsided. His eyes quickly got teary and he held up his hand to grab at your right arm, trying to prevent you from leaving the bedroom you two shared.
You shook your arm from his grip and turned your back on him, walking out of the bedroom and closing the door behind you.
And no, it wasn't okay with you to go to sleep angry at him. You weren't that type of couple. You worked things out before going to bed. But you knew how tired he was. He was supposed to wake up at 5:30 AM the morning after and you were supposed to wake up just an hour after him. You knew that if you kept fighting, neither of you would get any sleep. You and Jimin were two people with strong personalities and whenever you two fought over something it did not end up quickly. Besides that, you two had never fought like this. Had never had an argument that caused either of you to question the worth of your marriage. This was your rock bottom.
But you hated that you weren't sleeping in your bed, in your husband's arms. And it was impossible to fall asleep, no matter how careful you and Jimin had been to choose the most comfortable couch in the store when you bought your house. No matter the position or how many times you turned - you couldn't fall asleep.
It was 4 AM when you heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
You felt Jimin coming closer to your frame on the couch and kneeling down next to it. "You're sleeping?" he whispered and you mumbled a tiny 'no'.
"Can I sleep in here?" he asked and you made space on the couch for him to slip under the blanket with you, which he did quickly. He enveloped your waist in his strong arms and buried his face in the crook of your neck as if nothing had just happened. "Please, don't leave me," he whispered against the skin of your neck. You stayed quiet, just taking your hands to envelope his neck and pull him closer. "I don't think I can make it without you. I've been awake the past hour trying to find a way to stay less time at work and more time with you, but I can't find one. I don't think there's any way to solve this."
It was completely dark in the living room, and that just made this feel much more intimate than it was supposed to. "But I love you," he whispered again. "I love you too," you answered and felt a light kiss on your neck.
"I'm sorry for not being able to give you the life you deserve. I promise you that one day all this activity in my career will calm down and I'll be able to give you everything you deserve, but for now I can't fix anything we're going through. But we can fight for this, okay? We can keep up with my schedule and with yours. We can keep coming home to a warm bed. We can keep building a future for us both and for our future family. We can keep fighting every time there's something wrong, without really getting to solve anything. If you're up for it, I'll gladly stay up until 4 AM, if it means we can be alright in the end. But please, don't leave me. I love you. I've never loved anyone as much as I love you. And you're not behind my career. You're always at the top of my mind, but work is work. And when I'm working with the boys I can't just bail on them and let them work alone. I really hope you understand that."
And by now, you were already washed in tears. Jimin could feel your wet tears on his neck. "I'm sorry, baby," you cried and Jimin lifted his face from your neck, to look you in the eyes. Even with the almost absolute darkness of the room, he could still figure out your beautiful features.
"You have nothing to be sorry about. I understand why you'd be mad at me-"
"No, I'm sorry, I should have been more understanding, or at least wait until you were well-rested. I'm sorry for making you fight with me for like half an hour. And I'm sorry for trying to slap you, I don't know what that was..."
"I love you. I don't care how bad we fight, I still love you. I always will," he whispered as his face got closer to yours. You could feel his light breath on your lips. "And I was being a jerk when that happened so you're fine."
"I love you too," you answered as you let out a soft giggle, to which Jimin smiled. You raised your head from the pillow, to softly press your lips against Jimin's to seal your reconciliation. His pillowy lips moved softly against yours, as he put one hand on the back of your head, to deepen the kiss. You heard him moaning against your lips as his other hands moved from your waist to your ass. "You should get some rest babe," you said, pulling away from him.
"No, let me make you feel good," he whimpered as his lips were redirected at your neck, sucking your skin and leaving love bites on his way, as his hands moved towards the hem of his your t-shirt, taking it off in a heartbeat and throwing it to the floor, next to the sofa.
You moaned as he pressed his thigh to the middle of your legs, urging him to go faster. His t-shirt and sweatpants quickly joined your oversized t-shirt on the floor, and soon he was panting against you as you raised your hips to create some friction between your crotches.
Jimin reached down, palming your still-covered pussy, with his whole palm. "How are you so wet?" he asked as you moaned and slightly trusted your hips up against his hand. "How are you so hard?" you asked back, teasing him as his hard length pressed against your thigh. You heard Jimin chuckle and felt him pushing your panties to the side, and running two of his fingers through your slit.
"You have such a smart mouth don't you?" he asked ironically, shoving his, now, soaked fingers inside your mouth. Your lips, quickly wrapped around his long fingers, sucking on them. He reached down with his other hand, to plunge two fingers inside your pussy. You moaned against his hand, which he quickly retracted from your mouth, just to press his lips against yours once again. He started fingering you, making scissor motions inside of you to try and prepare you for him. "How are you always so tight?" he groaned after you pulled away from the kiss to let out a series of moans from how good his fingers felt inside of you.
"After you not fucking me for so long, I'd be surprised if I wasn't," you teased once again, chuckling and Jimin rolled his eyes in annoyance.
"You're so annoying, baby," he answered, starting to finger you faster as you threw your head back on the couch, giving him enough space to suck the skin of your neck as if he hadn't marked you enough earlier. "Do you think you're ready for me?"
"Yes, baby, please. I want you inside me, please," you mewled and Jimin moaned hearing your cries of pleasure so close to his ear, after so long.
And in a second he roughly shoved his entire length inside of you, as you both let out loud groans of pleasure. Having Jimin inside you never failed to blow your mind. Everything from his length to his girth felt overwhelming. And you loved it. Sex with Jimin felt better than with any other man you had been with before - firstly because Jimin knew what he was doing, and second because you had never been in love with someone as much as you are with Jimin.
Patience had never been your forte, and it showed when Jimin decided to stay still to let you get used to him, but you rose your hips urging him to keep going. It did burn but you liked the slight pain of having Jimin inside you. So he kept going, first slowly, but he quickly grew as impatient as you and started to pick up his pace. Until his hips were crashing against yours, with one of his hands grabbing your waist to stabilize you two. One of his forearms was supporting Jimin's body, next to your head. You reached forward to press your lips to Jimin's in a heated kiss. You two moaned and growled against each other lips, as your hips started to thrust upwards against Jimin's and soon enough you were both in a frenzy on the couch.
Jimin moved one of his hands from your waist to your cheek, softly caressing it. “Baby, are you close?” he moaned loudly. “Hum? I can’t last much longer- Ah… Baby, you feel so good around me.”
“I’m so close baby, just keep going. Please, just a little more… Please,” you moaned and Jimin stopped his movements for a couple seconds after hearing you pleading for him. He knew that he was way too close and you weren’t helping. You begging for him had always been one of his biggest weaknesses.
“Anything for you,” and just like that, his hops were back at it, full speed and thrusting with a strength you hadn’t felt before.
Jimin's and your loud moans were a clear indication of how close you both were. And when you enveloped both your arms around Jimin's thick neck and he thrust himself inside you one last time, before falling on top of you, you came together. Your insides milked him as he kept thrusting his hips softly against yours.
"I love you," you heard him sigh, breathless, against your neck.
"I love yo-"
Beep. Beep. Beep.
5:30 AM. It was Jimin's time to get up and you looked at him as he reached for his phone, on top of the coffee table. "That's my cue," he chuckled, still breathless. And you looked at him in pity.
"You didn't even get to sleep, baby."
"You gave me enough oxytocin to last the whole day. Also, it's not the first time I stay up the whole night. You try to get some sleep, you still have some time," he whispered, still trying to leave your warm embrace.
"Can't you ask the boys to meet up like an hour later or so?" you asked, tightening your arms around his neck, so he wouldn't be able to leave.
"No... Hoseok would kill me," Jimin answered, smiling at your attempt to keep him close.
"If you faint, I will kill you."
"If I faint, I will blame it on you, you sex-starved woman! Always tiring me out!" he laughed against your neck and you slapped his strong shoulder. He raised his head, pressing a soft and long kiss against your lips. "I'll go get ready. Bye baby, see you tonight."
You didn't answer, just resting your head on the soft pillow, already starting to drift off to sleep, just before hearing Jimin scream from the main door.
"Be ready at 8:30! And think where you want to go get dinner."
Jimin wasn't home at 8:30 that night.
He arrived at 10:25 PM, but as you looked into his tired and apologetic eyes, when he stepped inside your house, with flowers in one hand and a bag of KFC takeaway in the other, you knew that no matter how many times Jimin said 'i'm sorry', he'd always mean it. And that was what truly mattered because for as long as he meant it, you knew he loved you. And you loved him.
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pyramid-of-starrs · 1 year
Come sit in my office
Kinktober request: 14 Crush Jongho, thighs
Pairing: Manager Jongho x Employee afab gn! reader
Summary: On the day of Halloween when you should be out with your friends getting shit faced you're stuck at work in your slutty costume. After being sent to your managers office you find out a very interesting fact about Jongho that makes you want to explore it further. But you make an embarrassing mistake that leads you into something else.
Word Count: 2.1K
Kink: Thighs
Warning: Thigh riding, thigh fucking
Minors dni
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Halloween was usually super fun, dressing up going to parties, or fucking a random guy in a dumb little costume, but not this year. You were finally selected to be one of the few workers at your retail job in the mall to work the night shift for Halloween. Usually, you wouldn't be upset about shifts, but since the mall owner is super into Halloween every year, he would have the Mall and stores stay open till 11 pm instead of 8 pm to hand out candy to kids and help parents get last-minute costume supplies. In your 2 years working at the store you were able to dodge Halloween hell shift, the name given by all the other employees, but 3rd times the charm huh? Though it sounds easy and simple it's usually bratty and entitled kids with their rude or super-stressed parents. After begging everyone to take the shift and ending up with no luck you just bit the bullet and stayed, at least you still got to dress up, but of course this year you chose to be a slutty murdered school girl, oh well.
After hours of dealing with kids and getting judgy side eyes from parents as you folded clothes with your coworker, you heard your manager's voice through the walkie earpiece used to communicate with everyone in the store.
"Y/N, can you come see me in my office."
You sighed heavily, your coworker giggling at you and then making an "oooh" sound to tease you for possibly getting in trouble. You put the clothes in your hand down and walked to the back then stopped to knock at your manager's office.
"Come in." He shouted from the other side, you opened the door to see your lavender hair manager not wearing his usual business casual clothes but opting for a sporty look today as he was filling out papers in front of his laptop.
"You wanted to see me, Mr. Choi?"
"Ah, Y/N come in and take a seat for me." He said as he stuck his hand out to wave you to the chair propped in front of his desk.
You took a seat as your bare ass hit the cloth chair due to how short your skirt was, it made you cringe a bit because you knew the discoloration from the chair was from it not being cleaned, at least your thigh highs protected you from your thighs meeting the same fate.
"So what's up boss?" you said as you looked at him. He finally put his pen down to look over you before he responded.
"Well Y/N, I've gotten a few... let's say comments... about your choice of costume for today." He said trying to be sensitive about the matter.
"Oh yeah well this was all I had since I had plans for Halloween this year before I got scheduled." You said looking over yourself.
"Right and what are you supposed to be?" He questioned.
"A murdered school girl but like, spicy 'cause I'm an adult."  you said nonchalantly.
"Okay... and you deemed that appropriate to wear to work."
"No but I deemed it good enough to wear for tonight's shift." you said quickly. "What's wrong with it? Too much thighs and boobs showing?  Do you not like my thighs Mr. Choi?" you said teasing him, your manager was usually very conservative and you and your coworkers loved teasing him because of that.
He cleared his throat before replying. "I-I can assure you that I have no issues with your thighs Y/N I meant the par-"
"Oooh no issues with them huh? Then why call me back here? I get  you would rather die than show skin but some of us aren't afraid."
Before he could reply he stood up to reveal one of the most gorgeous things you've ever seen, his thick horse-like thighs in a pair of gym shorts.
"As you can see from my clever gym teacher costume, I too am showing thigh, I just wanted to let you know the parents had an issue... I actually don't mind your thighs." He said the last part quietly.
You marveled at his legs for a moment before he spoke again.
"J-just get back to work and stay behind the counter okay? Remember me and you are on closing duty tonight so don't leave with everyone else." He said as he sat back down and continued to work. You nodded stood up and returned to the floor.
After hours, 11 pm finally hit and you couldn't be more excited but nervous. Though you could try to finally meet back up with your friends for late-night moves all you could think about was being trapped with your hot manager and his newly discovered meaty thighs. You never knew you had a thing for muscle legs or Jongho the prude, again a name given by co-workers, until now. Everyone started to leave and you did your rounds in the store while Jongho locked up, then you two met back up to collect the money from the registers and take it to the office to count it. You sat at the chair in front of his desk again so you could count the money and he locked the office door and collected the credit card receipts to count those. Being in the locked office with him for some reason made your heart pound and even worse made your clit kind of throb as you stared at his lavender locks and his tanned skin as he stayed focused. You started to shift a bit in the chair then crossed one leg over the other to cause some friction to calm you down, you kept restarting your money count and Jongho finally noticed.
"Everything okay Y/N?" He looked up at you.
"Huh? Oh! Yeah, everything is just peachy." You smiled nervously, scared that you would be caught using your thighs to rub your tingling heat.
He examined your flushed and nervous face before speaking again. "Look I know what this is about Y/N, and I can assure you, there is nothing to be embarrassed about okay? I don't want things to be awkward here."
"Y-you do know? S-so you didn't mind?" You couldn't believe he noticed and... didn't mind it?
"Of course not Y/N, I told you I didn't have a problem with it, I actually like it." He flashed a warm smile at you.
You felt your core start to pound hearing him say he liked it, he liked watching you fall apart like this? Jongho the prude rumors debunked.
"Well, can I ask you something then?" You said shyly.
"Of course, anything." He continued to smile seeing you not as tense.
"Well since you liked it... c-can I maybe... ride your thigh?" You said still shy. Jongho looked at you with his eyebrows lifted thinking maybe he misheard your request, you two sat in pure silence looking at each other for a moment.
"I-uh-w-what are we talking about?" He said sounding like he was malfunctioning.
"Wait- What were you talking about?" You said as panic started to set in.
"I was talking about how you may have been embarrassed by your costume after our talk and I was trying to say it was okay and that I liked it." His voice was panicking too at this point.
"Oh my God I thought you noticed how turned on I was since you showed me your thighs-" Why the hell did you just admit that out loud? "Oookay gotta go- you can fire me it's cool" You started to hurry and grab your bag and headed for the door, Jongho walked from around his desk to grab your arm.
"D-do you want to do that with me for real?" He said trying to avoid eye contact and you got a glance at his red face.
You paused in front of the door, your face heating up and you turned to look at his cute little shy face.
"I mean..."
Welp, here you were sitting on your manager's thigh with your skirt off while he sat in his office chair, you were facing him and holding his strong shoulders while he held your waist. The only thing separating your core from his thigh is your thin thong, he could already feel the dampness on his bare thigh.
"Ready?" You asked him.
"Yeah... as long as you are." He said, you nodded as a reply then started to slowly rock your hips on too his thigh, the friction of your clit rubbing his strong legs was like a water hose putting out a fire, you and Jongho both looked down and watched as your hips moved at a steady pace, small breathy whimpers came out of your lips.
"You're so cute Y/N, does this feel good for you?" He looked up at you to ask, you nodded once again. Jongho moved his hands to grip your thighs where your thigh highs and your skin met, he pulled you back and forth faster, your whimpers developed into full moans while your heat started to drool more and create a trail of your slick on his thigh.
"Mr. Choi it feels so good." You said sounding out of breath. You still calling him Mr. Choi in this moment made his dick start to rise.
"What I said earlier was true Y/N, I like your thigh too." He said as his grip was tighter and his thumbs started to rub your inner thighs. You were like ice as you melted under his touch.
"When I saw you come into my office wearing that skimpy little costume It took everything in me not to lay you across my desk and lick and suck them." your hips started to move sloppily from his words, and you felt your climax rushing at you all from riding him like this but before you could come he lifted you off of him and placed you on the desk, swiping everything on the floor and laying you back.
"These thighs are so pretty I probably won't even need to fuck your pretty little pussy to cum. I can put my dick between them and fuck you just like that, would you like that?" He hovered over you as he pressed his hard dick onto your leg.
"Yes please Mr. Choi, use my thighs to cum." He didn't say a word, he swiftly removed your wet panties to reveal your oozing core. He pulled his pants and underwear down and his member sprung out, nice and thick just like everything else on his body, he brought his hand to your lips and simply said "Spit" so you did, he used your spit to lube his dick and pumped it few times before pulling you down to the edge of the desk and spreading your legs a bit to place his hard dick between your soft thighs. He kept your thigh highs on because he loved the way they squeezed you. Gripping both your thighs he closed his dick between them and started to move back and forth, your slick acted as a natural lube along with your saliva, his rod rubbing your sensitive-edged clit was already driving you crazy but the wet and sticky feeling on his hot rod made you want to combust.
"Your thighs are so warm Y/N, it feels so good I might cover them in cum." his hands gripping the back them tighter as he hissed at the sensation, you were a moaning mess and the thought of him shooting his load onto was almost your end.
"I bet you wore this outfit just for me to fuck these pretty legs, did you want me to see that bad baby, are you that hot for my attention?" He grunted out as his strokes sped up. You didn't pin Jongho the prude to be this hot sex-talking guy but fuck were you happy you found out.
"Mr. Choi please- I'm going to cum." his pace sped up even more, his dick sloppily running over your dripping wet pussy.
"Mm I am too baby Cum for me cum for Mr. Choi." he hissed back, his hips and yours bucking together, spews of curse words came from your soft lips as you came, your slick completely coating the bottom side of his dick and balls, Jongho shot his load as well, his hot cum dripping down onto you and some shooting up to your shirt. He finished his breathing came back to earth to realize he ruined your clothes and hurried to grab the tissue box that he had knocked on the floor earlier to hand to you.
"S-sorry about that, I know you said you were going to a costume party with your friends, feel free to make a last-minute outfit with anything out there and I pay for it." He said feeling genuinely bad.
"Jongho, fuck that party, we still have more work to do here."
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glove23 · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I WAS TAGGED BY @nooowestayandgetcaught THANK U ILY
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
- 158
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
- 325,837
3. What fandoms do you write for?
- any and all that I know/like!! I have the most fics in kinnporsche, hp, and grishaverse, but I write for a lot of different fandoms
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
- Meeting Your Maker (Literally)
Harry Potter, Time Travel AU, 64,543 words
- a colorful past
The Batman (2021), Jim Gordon/Bruce Wayne, 688 words
- Your Makers Meet (Figuratively)
Harry Potter, sequel to MYML, 30,726 words, incomplete
- I'm not leaving your side
Love in the Air (2022), Whump, 1,307 words
-no body, no crime
Kinnporsche: The Series (2022), MURDER, kinn kills vegas, 943 words
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yeah! I try to at least, I have a huge backlog to get through whoops. I started writing in the era of ffn where like half the experience was talking back and forth in the reviews and then pm-ing and that's how I made a lot of friends that I still have today. and without that kind of comment culture and the author replying to messages, I might not have ever started writing.
someone replied to my review very kindly and asked why I didn't have any fic, my ideas were awesome (hair flip) and that made me realize oh. I don't have to Just read, I can also write the stories
and the rest is history
but fostering that kind of community, just talking to people who love the things you love, is such a fun part of the fandom experience for me and so I'll always reply to comments (eventually. I'll always get there eventually.)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
but that being said, the answer is
into the wind (Love in the Air (2022), prapaisky, MCD/suicide
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
uhh. this one I don't actually know but imma say
love me there (His Dark Materials, lyrawill, fix-it, lyra finds will again after the events of s3)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
yeah, sometimes! 👍 don't do that
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
sometimes. not very often, it's usually M-rated if I do, but just. yeah. I don't know how to answer this
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes, many times! back in my OG ffn days, and then a few times with @nooowestayandgetcaught
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I'm gonna say percabeth but I don't think there Is a real answer to this question, bc I love so many of my ships So Hard that just thinking about them makes me cry
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
......I will finish every wip leave me alone (I WILL FINISH YMMF I PROMISE) work in PROGRESS and the progress may be slow but it's PROGRESS
16. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue I am so fucking good at dialogue, and character interaction. definitely my strengths
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
descriptions. I am too lazy to do them all out the way I want to and so I just kinda. skate by
except in guess I misjudged you (gods I loved you) that one is PACKED bc I spent 9 months on it so
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
mmm unless I know someone I can talk to and get accurate translations, I don't really do this bc I am so afraid of conjugating wrong and google translate is SHIT. but when I do I try my best
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Percy Jackson! in 2012 on ffn on an account that still exists but I will not give u the name of. 🥰🥰
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
as of rn (October 2023) it's
guess I misjudged you (gods i loved you)
Percy Jackson, Royalty AU, Arranged Marriage AU, 56,438 words
it is my BABY and I think one of the best things I've written tbh
#2 would be
if you don't like it (lie)
KinnPorsche, kimchay, MCD, 3,516 words
it's just so delightfully painful and it's the one I show to everyone I show kp bc I'm obsessed with it
ANYWAYS THATS ALL THANK YOU!!!! if you wanna do this feel free to say I tagged you 💞
@seaweedbraens @perseannabeth @karin848 @waitingondaisies (y'all don't have to do this. but ✨✨)
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j-aebumss · 1 year
Dating Jungkook [8] || Jeon Jungkook
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Author → J-aebumss 
Pairing → Shin Won & Jungkook 
Rating → PG-13 
Word count → 571
Summary → “It’s you, and it’s always been you.” 
Other chapters → Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 | Chapter 22 | Chapter 23 | Chapter 24 | Chapter 25 | Chapter 26 | Chapter 27 | Chapter 28 | Chapter 29 | Chapter 30 | 
It’s been a week since I have been stuck in this stupid hospital and I missed my senior prom. I always imagine going to senior prom with Jungkook, not stuck here in this hospital. 
The doctor walked into the room. 
“Good news, you’re getting discharged today. You can leave whenever you’re ready, and before you leave the hospital, stop by the front desk for some paperwork,” The doctor mentioned. My heart was filled with joy being able to leave this hospital. 
I shook Jungkook from his sleep. “What?” He groaned. 
“We are leaving!” I cheered, I have never been this happy about leaving a hospital. 
“Okay, let’s go then,” Jungkook said while yawning. 
Jungkook arrived at my house. 
“I will be picking you at 7:00 pm tonight. Dress charmingly,” Jungkook informed me. 
“Okay.” I smiled and exited the car. 
I entered my silent, dull, and empty house. I guess I can watch some TV to kill some time. 
6:00 pm 
I was digging in my closet for a fancy dress, but they were nowhere to be found. Aish, I don’t think I have a fancy dress, What do I do? 
After making a mess in my room, I found the perfect one? A perfect champagne sequence dress. Is this too fancy? I wonder where Jungkook is taking me? 
My phone dinged, and it was Jungkook texting me that he is outside waiting for me to come out. 
I stepped outside, and there he was standing there with his jaw dropped. Jungkook looked handsome with his suit on. “You look beautiful.” He complimented me. 
“Thank you.” I smiled. 
“Here, wear this.” Jungkook handed me a blindfold. He wants me to wear this? For what? Whatever, I put the blindfold on, and Jungkook helped me get in his car. 
“Where are we going?” I asked. 
“You will see when we get there,” Jungkook said. 
Jungkook and I got out of the car, but I still had the blindfold on. Jungkook was leading the way for me. 
“Okay, you can take off your blindfold now,” Jungkook instructed, and I took it off. 
I was shocked and amazed that Jungkook did all of this for me. There’s a huge poster that said welcome to prom Shin Won. LE and BTS were there as well. I smiled like I’m the luckiest girl alive, which I am thanks to Jungkook. I began crying. This really touched my heart. I felt a different type of happiness that I never felt before. 
Jungkook wiped my tears with his warm thumbs. “Would you like to dance with me?” Jungkook offered me his hand, and I took his hand. Jungkook leads me to the dance floor. I lunge myself at him and kiss him on the cheek. 
“It’s time for prom queen and king,” Rap Monster announced. “Shin Won and Jungkook.” Jungkook and I walked up on the stage together. 
“Thank you, guys. You made my night a special night for me,” I said as Rap Monster put the crown on my head. 
Jimin walked up on the stage. “Now It’s time for prom queen and king slow dance!” Jimin shouts. Jungkook hands around my waist and my hands around his neck. I laid my head on Jungkook’s shoulder. 
“Thank you, babe,” I whispered. 
“Anything for you, babygirl.” Jungkook kissed my forehead. 
When prom was over, Jungkook and I were cuddling together while watching TV. Tonight was definitely my night. 
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purplecraze · 2 years
Beauty and the Beast AU 21
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 12:07 AM
He sighed, but he had to be stronger-
"...ok" he kissed his forehead and stroked his cheek
"You too, you should rest"
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 12:10 AM
he nodded. "hm. I will....uhm...."
He took his cravat off and tied one end of it around Narancia's wrist, not too tight, before tying the other end around his own wrist with some trouble.
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 12:10 AM
He giggled "is this how are we gonna to hold hands?" He asked getting down his lap
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 12:11 AM
"in a way..... but this way I'll know it wasn't a dream."
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 12:13 AM
He smiled softly at him, grabbing his hand as long they were still in the dome
"Is not; i promise you"
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 12:21 AM
"......." he stared back, looking hopelessly longing for the other.
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 12:22 AM
Narancia looked at him and gived him another kiss on th cheek
"Ehy, a month is not that long ok? We will handle it"
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 12:30 AM
"..." he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "right... you'll be alright sleeping here?"
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 12:32 AM
"Mh?" he looked at him curious
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 12:35 AM
"you want to stay here? or you'd prefer a bed?"
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 12:38 AM
He sighed "...Sleeping here together would be dangerous right?"
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 4:08 PM
Fugo looked off, ignoring the fact that he totally fell asleep down here beside him before.
"Do you stir in your sleep?"
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 4:10 PM
"....Yeah" He looked away "and kinda kick around" he laughed awkardly
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 4:39 PM
"mmmm....yeahmetoo..." he sighed too. "I got careless before... sorry..." he untied their hands again. "I guess this won't work..."
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 4:40 PM
He sighed
"Then we will do it next month! When we get here early and so we can snuggle together"
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 4:41 PM
Fugo nodded. "seems so far away. 6 times the amount we've spend together until now."
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 4:42 PM
"Ah? A month is not made of 4 weeks? And the full moon is once at month right??"
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 4:43 PM
"Narancia, how much is 4x7?"
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 4:45 PM
He stopped and counted on his fingers "7...14...21...28! 28 days! Almost a month!"
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 4:45 PM
he nodded. "And how much is 5x6?"
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 4:46 PM
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 4:46 PM
"hm hm. how big is the difference between 28 and 30?"
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 4:47 PM
"Two-?? Why are we dong math can we go back kissing if we have time fir this??"
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 4:48 PM
"you are correct, a month is 4 weeks, and 2 days. full moon happens every 29.5 days. hence, 6 times the 5 days we've spend together until now."
But he did kiss him again. "Last one, and that's final."
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 4:50 PM
He pouted, but he kissed him back
"Nhh...Well if we cant sleep here together then i guess i prefer to sleep in a bed" he giggled
purplecraze — 09/07/2021 4:53 PM
"yeah, that makes sense. let's be off then. the sun will be rising soon...."
orange-plane-boy — 09/07/2021 4:56 PM
He nodded "yeah..." he fixed a lock of hair on Fugo's face and kissed his cheek
"Lets go then; we will find a way to stay close without touching"
purplecraze — 09/09/2021 6:16 PM
Fugo frowned, rather troubled. "Actually....I think it's better if I keep my distance for the next few days..."
orange-plane-boy — 09/09/2021 6:51 PM
"Ah..." He nodded "Its ok, i guess if the curse is stronger from tomorrow, its better for you to rest in the day then! We will catch up as soon you feel better and then maybe you could start to teach me magic!"
purplecraze — 09/09/2021 7:42 PM
"err, no, that's not quite it..." he looked off. "It's just, after today, I think it'll be all the more difficult to--.... well, to stop myself.
I think I might get withdrawal symptoms." he joked to hide his awkwardness.
orange-plane-boy — 09/09/2021 7:43 PM
"Ah-! I see!" He laughed awkardly
"Nh..we should leave the dome, but at leadt we can watch the sunrise together before going to nap mh?"
purplecraze — 09/09/2021 7:52 PM
"oh. yeah, that sounds nice~" he smiled, though it was hard to hide how he was disappointed that their time together was over for another month.
orange-plane-boy — 09/09/2021 7:59 PM
Oh trust me Nara was disapointed too, but he realized he had to be the mature one right now.
"Ehy, is not that long ok?" He grabbed his hand "cmon lets go"
purplecraze — 09/09/2021 11:36 PM
Fugo took a deep breath and nodded. he raised Narancia's hand and kissed it once more.  "you really are... very precious to me." he let go of his hand after pinching it and left the dome with heavy feet.
orange-plane-boy — 09/09/2021 11:41 PM
Narancia looked at him and sighed, he would miss it, but also felt sorry for Fugo, at least Narancia had some contact with the outside before, seeing people everyday etc Fugo on the other hand was in complete solitudine, so probabily it was way harder for him.
"...C'mon lets go the sun will rise soon!! Hehe, sun, soon~" and started to run to some more high ground to see better
purplecraze — 09/09/2021 11:48 PM
Fugo rolled his eyes at the weird wordjoke. "this way, there's a spot where you can see it well, up in the house. " and he went back inside, climbing the stairs.
orange-plane-boy — 09/09/2021 11:50 PM
"Oook!!" He chirped following him, keeping still some distance
purplecraze — 09/09/2021 11:52 PM
he took him along to the highest tower, which had access to a large balcony. "I usually go here to watch the stars at full moon."
orange-plane-boy — 09/09/2021 11:54 PM
"Ohhh so pretty!" He exclamed as a thin line of orange was starting to color the sky
purplecraze — 09/09/2021 11:55 PM
it sure was. Narancia's face in awe, that is, which was far more interesting than the sunrise.
orange-plane-boy — 09/09/2021 11:58 PM
Indeed Nara was someone that got excited over the little things.
"I havent seen the sunrise in a while"
purplecraze — 09/10/2021 2:38 PM
Fugo leaned on the railing of the balcony, staring over the horizon. "Late riser? Or any other reason?"
orange-plane-boy — 09/10/2021 2:42 PM
"Both i guess, being homeless it means you sleep when you can and at some point you fuck up your internal clock. You kinda have to sleep with one eye open or someone is gonna steal your shit or worst" he shrugged "so those times i have a bed to sleep in i rater stay there as much i can"
purplecraze — 09/10/2021 2:44 PM
"mm..." Fugo nodded. "Makes sense, yeah.... 'worse', such as?"
orange-plane-boy — 09/10/2021 2:45 PM
"Oh yknow, police finding you etc, tecnically speaking being homeless is illegal" he laughed "and people dont like to have street rats sleeping next to their houses or shops"
purplecraze — 09/10/2021 2:48 PM
He frowned, annoyed. "Because being homeless is totally a matter of free choice, not at all subject to being hit by misfortune or anything. bastards...."
Your boyfriend may or may not be planning murder with his handy dandy cursed sin hands right now.
orange-plane-boy — 09/10/2021 2:50 PM
"Tell me about it" he snorted sarcastically
"Its ok, you get used to do power naps here and there" he shrugged "also in winter at night being still for too long is not a good idea, its better to walk around anyway"
purplecraze — 09/10/2021 3:11 PM
Fugo was quiet for a little, just frowning upset. "I'm... glad you got through it all. That must have been terrible.
I..... never really considered that all the things you longed for were things I never questioned myself on having. I'm sorry.."
orange-plane-boy — 09/10/2021 3:26 PM
"Ehy no problemo, i got pretty lucky! Im not ill, im pretty strong and i still have all my libs AND fingers!" He laughed "And also you dont have to apologize-"
purplecraze — 09/10/2021 3:44 PM
"it's almost funny how opposite we are. just the number of limbs and fingers are the same, huh?'
orange-plane-boy — 09/10/2021 3:45 PM
He smirked
"Maybe is this why we get along! We have a lot  to chat about too!"
purplecraze — 09/10/2021 3:54 PM
"opposites attract, huh?" Fugo made some motion with his hand and Narancia could feel some kind of preasure on his head as if someone gave a rub through his hair. "it feels like fate that we met..."
orange-plane-boy — 09/10/2021 3:56 PM
He touched the back of his head in surpirse but then he smiled, going back to his kitty cat expression
"Maybe we are soulmates" He giggled "dunno, ive know you for so little, but we really click together well"
purplecraze — 09/10/2021 4:03 PM
Fugo nodded. "Well, I don't just kiss any guy I've known for 5 days after 3 years solitude." he made the hand motion a few times over, patting narancia's hair like that.
orange-plane-boy — 09/10/2021 4:08 PM
"Right~" He giggled
"Nhh you are gonna make me fall alseep here"
purplecraze — 09/10/2021 4:08 PM
"it's a deep fall if you tumble over the railing." but he did stop.
orange-plane-boy — 09/10/2021 4:11 PM
Narancia yawned
"Yep i see that-"
He looked at the sky, slowly turning into a light blue
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stardustsunny · 2 years
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I posted 223 times in 2022
That's 223 more posts than 2021!
95 posts created (43%)
128 posts reblogged (57%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 178 of my posts in 2022
Only 20% of my posts had no tags
#sunny.talk☁️ - 120 posts
#txt - 12 posts
#txt scenarios - 11 posts
#srb - 10 posts
#txt x reader - 8 posts
#txt imagines - 7 posts
#fic recs📨 - 6 posts
#txt drabbles - 5 posts
#txt fluff - 5 posts
#k-labels - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 93 characters
#so now i might be less active w postings but i will try to prepare something reaaallyy good!!
My Top Posts in 2022:
slow love;
words count: 781
pairing: soobin x gn!reader
genre: established relationships, fluff, just a tiinyyy bit suggestive (if you squint)
warnings: bad writing, lots of kisses, light makeout session
song rec.: tender - slow love;
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120 notes - Posted November 16, 2022
{01:43 am}
words count: 657 pairing: beomgyu x gn!reader genre: strangers to ??, fluff
song rec.: chase atlantic - moonlight
a/n: it is supposed to be shorter but idk what happened to me lmao
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See the full post
148 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
{ 08:17 pm. }
w: poorly written??
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See the full post
178 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
{ 1:15 am. }
you laid on your bed crying because of the recent fight with your parents. it's not your first one, and definitely not the last but still it hurts you everytime. suddenly you feel your phone buzzed with new message, you unlocked it and saw that it was beomgyu.
gyu♡: come outside
you:  ???
gyu♡: I'm at your front door c'mere
you didn't question him anymore and quickly grab your hoodie from the chair and put it on you. it was kinda hard but you managed to sneak out of your room silently and get out of the door.
"gyu, what the hell are you doing here at this hour?" you asked him while wrapping your arms around yourself cause you shivered from the colder temperature. "I came to see you" he smiled at you. "wait, did you cry? your eyes so red that they can light the street" he chuckled but still worried about you. you shoved his shoulder snorted at his stupid joke. "kinda...again fought with parents, nothing new" he took your hand in his and squeezed it lightly to show his support "it will be okay. do you wanna come grab some shitty burgers in that cafe at the end of the street to lighten your mood up?" you nodded and smiled at him. he always had his ways of showing you his support and make things better "thank you, gyu"
219 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
My comfort is you;
Words count: 658
Pairing: bf!beomgyu x gn!reader
Genre: fluff
a/n: the last talk x today episode with Beomgyu inspired me on writing something sweet and cute about Gyu at camping. I hope that this work won't disappoint you!! <;3
Song recommendation: Cafuné - Tek it
cr. for img. - @ filmsoftxt
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See the full post
272 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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sillypinkboy · 6 months
Call Log
Characters: Butch Pharis
Word Count: 433
Notes: Just a.... thought. What if he hadn't know that Mike was killed by Fisk? This is from his perspective - or his phone’s, I guess. Hope you like it
──────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Mike 03:30 am outgoing Aug, 19
Mike 03:32 am outgoing Aug, 19
Mike 03:35 am outgoing Aug, 19
Mike 03:36 am outgoing Aug, 19
Mike 03:41 am outgoing Aug, 19
Calling Mike…
Mike 03:43 am outgoing Aug, 19
Calling Mike…
The number you are trying to reach is unavailable, leave a message after the tone.
Mike 03:47 am outgoing Aug, 19
Mike 03:48 am outgoing Aug, 19
Mike 03:50 am outgoing Aug, 19
Mike 03:53 am outgoing Aug, 19
Leave a voicemail after the beep.
“Where are you, man? I’m sorry. Please come back. I didn’t mean what I said, I’m sorry. Please, pick up.”
Voicemail saved
Mike 04:00 am outgoing Aug, 19
Mike 04:04 am outgoing Aug, 19
Mike 04:10 am outgoing Aug, 19
Mike 04:14 am outgoing Aug, 19
Mike 04:20 am outgoing Aug, 19
Mike 04:27 am outgoing Aug, 19
Mike 04:32 am outgoing Aug, 19
Mike 04:48 am outgoing Aug, 19
Calling Mike…
Leave a voicemail after the beep
“Mike, I’m sorry. I know I messed up. Call me back”
Voicemail saved
Mike 04:52 am outgoing Aug. 19
Mike 02:11 pm outgoing Aug, 19
Calling Mike…
Leave a voicemail after the beep
“Are you doing okay? Nobody’s seen you today. Are you mad at me? I know I messed up. Please come back, we can get lunch at that sushi place you wanted to try. I’m sorry.”
Voicemail saved
Mike 02:20 pm outgoing Aug, 19
Mike 10:19 am outgoing Aug, 21
Mike 11:42 am outgoing Aug, 21
Mike 01:26 pm outgoing Aug, 21
Mike 11:58 am outgoing Aug, 27
Mike 12:04 pm outgoing Aug, 27
Mike 05:43 pm outgoing Aug, 27
Mike 07:06 pm outgoing Aug, 27
Mike 05:32 am outgoing Aug, 28
Mike 09:28 am outgoing Aug, 28
Mike 01:57 pm outgoing Aug, 28
Mike 06:11 pm outgoing Aug, 28
Mike 03:33 am outgoing Aug, 30
Mike 12:30 pm outgoing Aug, 30
Mike 09:09 pm outgoing Aug, 30
Calling Mike…
Leave a voicemail after the beep
“I’m worried. Are you okay? Did something happen to you? Nobody’s seen you around or heard from you in weeks. I miss you. Please come back. I… I miss you a lot right now. You don’t even have to call, just send me a text? I can’t do this without you here, please. Please Mike. I love you, please just tell me you're safe.”
Voicemail deleted
“Let me know if you’re still alive.”
Voicemail saved
Mike 03:29 pm outgoing Sep, 01
Calling Mike…
We're sorry you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel this is in error, please check the number dialed, and please try again.
0 notes
purplesurveys · 10 months
1. If you had to choose, whiskey or tequila? Why?:  I can think of very few things worse than the taste of whiskey, so I'll have to go with tequila even though I hardly take shots of those anymore.
2. While doing school work, do you take your time or do you try to get it done as quickly as possible?: I'm not in school anymore, but for work it depends on how much bandwidth I've got left. Sometimes I'll really strong bursts of energy while also being able to accomplish stuff quickly; but there are also days where I can't bring myself to give a fuck and I'm a little kinder.
3. When did you last wear a scrunchie?: It may have been last year. I got a scrunchie from my salon during one of the times I had my hair dyed – I was able to use it a few times but I lost it after like a couple of months.
4. If you were a writer, what would you write about most?: Essays and articles about stuff I'm into.
5. Do you sometimes yell to get your point across?:  Not really. I just try to rephrase what I say or explain the most detailed way I can in hopes that my point will be understood the second time around.
6. If you’re a girl, what symptoms do you get when you PMS?:  My emotional stability dipping is the biggest symptom, like I immediately know my period is coming when I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders for no reason. My stomach and upper legs freeze up and hurt too but that's for when the actual period starts.
7. Is there anyone at your school with a cool accent? What kind of accent is it?: I wouldn't use the word 'cool' for it tbh but my ex's accent actually particularly stood out – not just for me, but I'm guessing around the school as a whole because she had been raised to have an extremely strong American accent. I actually credit our friendship for how I talk today because before meeting her I only ever talked in Filipino.
8. What is stressing you out most right now?: Don't count on the answer changing, because it's still work. My life is perfect otherwise.
9. Are you more smart and thoughtful or understanding and kind?:  I want to say smart and thoughtful as I can be stubborn and am sometimes not able to be good at being understanding.
10. Who last asked you for a favor? What was it?:  ContinuEd from yesterday afternoon. My Grab driver last night asked if I could pay the toll fees in cash, which fortunately I had some left.
11. If you had to decide, what do you think people envy about you?:  The fact that my money goes to savings and luxuries, and that I'm not required to pay bills (but despite that fact, I still do).
12. If you want to get your crush’s attention, what do you do?: I don't have a crush but I imagine I'd try to learn more about their interests so that we'd have something to talk about. Like if they're into cars, I'd look up future expos and invite them to go with me.
13. How long have you been single or in a relationship for?:  I have been single for a little over three years.
14. Are you closer to your friends or family?:  Friends.
15. Do you know what you’re going to wear tomorrow?:  Not yet, actually. I'll think about it tomorrow.
16. Do you use white strips or anything else to whiten your teeth? No. I just brush my teeth twice a day and get my them professionally cleaned once a month and pray that they help, hahaha.
17. Are there any special events coming up? What are they?:  My friends and I might finally meet up again on Monday for our usual every-few-months Bangtan shenanigans. Next week it'll be watching the YTC concert on Prime and I hope we're also mutually set on dropping by BTS x James Jean hahaha.
18. When it comes to strangers, how trusting are you?: [TRIGGER WARNING: Violence, death] Well 3 days ago I made the wrong decision of watching dashcam footage of two people getting shot point black in the head, multiple times because apparently one shot isn't enough JESUS CHRIST; and yesterday I got catcalled by a man so I'm not gonna lie to you I'm finding people kind of shitty these days!
19. If someone insults/makes fun of you, what do you do?:  I would retaliate, but it can also always be different every time. When I got catcalled yesterday I thought I would have the inner strength to spit back, but I just reverted to my old self and felt small and froze up. And kept walking until it sank that I just got objectified.
20. What color do you think represents your personality?:  Maybe pastel purple or pink.
21. Would you rather drive on a long straight highway or windy backroads?:  A long straight highway because we have none of those here unless you're on an expressway.
23. What is the fastest you’ve ever gone in a car?: Just a little over 100 kph. I never go past 110...I feel like that is just asking for death...
24. Have you ever seen someone break their bone in real life?:  Only through video footage and very fortunately it's never been something I've had to watch through in real life.
25. If you got to choose an animal to disappear forever, what would it be? Why?:  Ants or cockroaches.
26. What are the keys of your heart?: A new job offer :3 LOL
27. Are you sometimes a control freak?: Yes I am a big one. I try to relinquish control whenever I can because I'm very self-aware of my need to calm the fuck down and because there are bigger problems in the world.
28. If you’re online right now, do you have an away message up? What does it say?: We don't do that anymore lol.
29. Do you know what your GPA is?: We don't have that.
30. If you got to pick any winter sport to excel at, what would it be?:  I'm not familiar with winter sports.
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genevievemd · 2 years
The Year Between (19/22)
April 13, 2022 - The Diamond Redux
Book: Open Heart: Third Year Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Genevieve McClure) Word Count: 1524 Rating: T Category: , Extended Series: WIP, AU Series, fluff Trope(s): and there’s an anniversary, and they go on a date
Summary: ~Series: Following their engagement, Ethan and Gen navigate the year between the ring and wedding. ~ Chapter: Gen and Ethan celebrate their one year engagement anniversary.
Warnings: none
A/N: Only 3 chapters left after this, we’re getting closer to the big day. Enjoy the fluff, peanuts. 
April Part 1 ~ April Part 2 ~ TYB Masterlist
Ch. 1 ~ Ch. 2 ~ Ch. 3 ~ Ch. 4 ~ Ch. 5 ~ Ch. 6 ~ Ch. 7 ~ Ch. 8 ~ Ch 9 ~ Ch. 10 ~ Ch. 11 ~ Ch. 12 ~ Ch. 13 ~ Ch. 14 ~ Ch. 15 ~ Ch. 16 ~ Ch. 17 ~ Ch  18
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Wednesday, April 13th
3:43 PM
The elevator doors open, and that giddy feeling comes back. The same butterflies she used to get when she and Ethan first started dating. Making her giggle as she walks down the administration floor.
Today is their one year engagement anniversary, and she’s buzzing with anticipation for the night ahead. Ethan planned to give her a replica of his original proposal plan, the one that went out the window when he got down on one knee in the middle of their kitchen.
And although she loves their real proposal, and how perfect it was for them, Gen is ecstatic to see whatever over the top romance her secret husband has planned.
“Good afternoon, Dr. McClure.” Olivia plasters a fake smile once Gen makes it to Ethan’s office. “You’re up here a lot today.” 
“It’s Ethan and I’s anniversary, I’m feeling extra loving today.” 
“Oh, that’s right. He’s leaving early because you have plans.” 
“We do. Very romantic plans, because my fiancé likes to spoil me.” 
She doesn’t give Olivia a chance to respond, instead opening the door to Ethan’s office with a smile on her face. 
“Hey you.” 
“Hi.” He looks up from the papers on his desk briefly, glasses perched low on his nose. “Are you getting any work done today?” 
“Obviously. I just hate that we’re not working together today.” 
“Me, too.” Ethan looks up again once she’s at his desk, tossing his glasses down as she hops onto the dark wood. “I’d love to work on an actual case and not budget proposals.” 
“I’ll happily play patient for you.”
“Cute.” Ethan smiles, taking her hand. “Come here.” 
He pulls her off the desk and onto his lap, holding her tightly. Without a moment's hesitation, Gen wraps her arms around his neck, resting her forehead against his. 
It’s in the quiet moments like this, when they’re simply basking in their love for each other that she feels eternally grateful to have found Ethan. That she was brave enough to fall in love and find her happily ever after. Because when she’s nestled so safely in his arms, it’s hard to imagine being anywhere else. 
“I love you.” She whispers in the small space between them, eyes still closed. 
“I love you, too.” 
7:27 PM
The plan was fairly simple: in three minutes, the limo would be there to take them to the opera; in fifteen minutes Sienna and Natalie would arrive to decorate the apartment in rose petals and fake candles, and place a bottle of Gen’s favorite champagne in the fridge; in thirty minutes he and his wife would arrive at the opera, where they’ll walk to their box and she’ll be greeted with a large bouquet of white roses. And finally, in three hours, Ethan will get down on one knee – again – and re-propose to the love of his life. 
And as ridiculous as it may seem, Ethan was nervous about the entire affair. There were plenty of ways it could go wrong and he’d never forgive himself if it did. Gen deserved the world, and tonight that world included his over the top proposal.
The Ethan of two years ago would have scoffed at the idea. He and Gen were still in limbo then, balancing on the edge of forever or never. That Ethan never would have imagined proposing to her, let alone doing it again a year later on the anniversary of that proposal. 
But time had proven him wrong, pushed them off the cliff into the blissful heaven of forever. Now, he can’t imagine his life without Genevieve, without her as his wife. 
The elevator dings as they make it to the lobby of their building, Ethan silently taking her hand and leading her outside.
“Why are we going out front? The garage is the other way.” Gen stops for a second, looking at him curiously. 
“Because we’re not taking the car, my love. Come on, we’re on a tight schedule.” He takes her hand again with a laugh, leading her out the door. 
She stops again once they make it outside, her eyes lighting up like a christmas tree when she sees the large white limousine.  
“A limo? You got us a limo?”
“It was part of the proposal plan. Limo, champagne, roses.” Ethan reaches for the limousine door, smiling when she hesitates.
“We haven’t even gotten to the opera yet.” Gen takes a single step toward the car, eyes flickering between it and his face. 
“I know. Get in the car, baby.”
“Ah! I got a baby!” She smiles even brighter, squeaking with excitement. “Wow, this night keeps getting better and it just started.” 
Ethan laughs loudly as he ushers her into the limo, no longer nervous about the rest of the plan. Because he knows no matter what, she’ll look at him just as she is now. With all the love in her heart and all the happiness she feels. 
10:22 PM
She can’t help but think about what her sister had said while they were texting in the limo. How Ethan’s original plan to propose at the opera was because they were performing the same one he had taken her to during her intern year. 
It feels like a lifetime ago, that first show and their second kiss shared in this very box. When Gen had just learned of Mrs Martinez’s passing and Ethan was thinking of every reason to push her away. 
They’ve come so far in the three years since. He doesn’t hesitate to take her hand like he had that evening, doesn’t push her away when she leans in for a kiss. He loves her fully and openly, for the entire world to see without any regrets. 
Gen lifts her head off Ethan’s shoulder as the final notes of the show begin to play, watching as his eyes stay laser focused on the stage. 
She loves watching him when they attend the opera, getting to see the peace that washes over him as he gets lost in the music. It’s not unlike the calmness she sees when he comes home to her after a long day, the way the tension melts off his shoulders when he gathers her in his arms. 
It causes a flurry of emotions within her, feeling grateful that he finds solace with her and heartbroken that before her, he only had the opera to offer him peace. He’s never let anyone but her get so close, and it's something Gen treasures. Something she tries to never take for granted. 
Ethan finally takes his eyes off the stage as the curtain closes, meeting her loving gaze with one of his own. Sharing the smile they save for each other, the one that silently screams I love you. 
“Tonight was perfect.” She whispers as the crowd begins their applause, unwilling to break the spell they’re under. 
“It’s not over yet.” He takes her hand, leading her to the edge of their box. His face so calm, full of the endless amounts of love he has for her.
The love that takes her breath away, the love she’ll get to feel every day for the rest of her life.
“Why are we standing here?” Genevieve smiles up at him, ignoring the ruckus of the crowd below them.
“So I can do this.” He returns her smile before taking her other hand, bending down on one knee, just as he had in their kitchen a year ago. 
“Are you serious?”
“With you? Always.” Ethan clears his throat, smiling brighter than the spotlights that hit the stage only moments ago. 
“Genevieve Rose, the day you came into my life, was the day it truly began. I hadn’t realized it, but before you I wasn’t living. I was simply going through the motions. With you I am. With you I can picture the future, I can see the hope in tomorrow, the joy that can be found in every moment. With you I discovered what true, unconditional love is. I learned not only how to give it but how to receive it, and I can’t imagine going through the rest of my life without that love, without you. Which is why I proposed to you a year ago today, and tonight I’m asking you again. G, my love, will you marry me one month from tomorrow and continue to spend your life with me?” 
He pulls a small box from his coat pocket, opening it to reveal, not a ring, but a pair of brilliant blue topaz earrings. The color matching his eyes perfectly. 
“Ethan…” She speaks through the tears now streaming down her cheeks, taking a deep breath before joining him on the floor. 
Gen cups his face in her hands, memorizing every line on his face, caressing his cheeks with her thumbs like he so often does with her. “My answer will never change. Its yes, always yes.”
“I love you, Rookie.” 
“I love you.” 
They seal their declaration with a kiss, so similar to the one they shared a year ago. Dripping with every ounce of their love and every hope for their future. 
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A/N: Who’s ready for the wedding, raise your hand. And because I’m feeling generous, I’ll give you the names of the last three chapters. 
20: Past The Clouds 21: Dearly Beloved 22: A Happy Beginning
K, see you next time! 
also submitting this for @choicesficwriterscreations​ April Celebrations, since it’s E and G’s anniversary and he also proposed again 
(tagging separately) 
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India Lima Yankee - Chapter 18
Pairing: Rooster x Female OC
Word Count: 1994
Warnings: None
Summary: Juliette Kazansky discovers Maverick is back in town for a special training detachment, but she's more than a little blindsided when her Rooster arrives too. Having not spoken to him for almost ten years after their less than amicable break-up, Juliette can only imagine how the next few weeks are going to play out when she remains head over heels in love with him while he wants nothing to do with Juliette other than to forget her.
Or so she thinks.
Notes: Chapters in italics are flashbacks.
Chapter Songs: I Think He Knows Willow
Chapters: Chp 1 Chp 2 Chp 3 Chp 4 Chp 5 Chp 6 Chp 7 Chp 8 Chp 9 Chp 10 Chp 11 Chp 12 Chp 13 Chp 14 Chp 15 Chp 16 Chp 17 Chp 18 Chp 19 Chp 20 Chp 21 Chp 22 Chp 23
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The air in the Hard Deck became stifling from the mass of people and all the dancing and singing. Juliette excused herself from her group and struggled to move through the crowd to the outside balcony. There, the stillness of the night and the fresh air caused her drunkenness to come crashing down on her. Juliette leaned against the wall and pulled out her phone to check the time: 11 pm. How was it only 10?! She still had another two hours to go for this party, but Juliette wasn't sure she'd last that long at the rate her drinking was going.
"You okay?" Rooster asked. Juliette snapped her head up at his voice, stunned to see not only him but also that he was alone.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm good," she said, smiling sweetly at him. "I'm just very drunk."
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"Here." Rooster offered, handing her a glass of clear liquid. Juliette hesitated, wondering if she should have any more alcohol. Bradley must've recognized the thoughts running through her mind because he added, "Don't worry, it's water."
She breathed a sigh of relief and took it gratefully. "Thank you. What are you doing out here?"
Rooster rubbed the back of his neck. "Some guys were eyeing you on your way out, and I got a bad feeling about you being here by yourself, so I just came to check on you. That's all."
"Don't worry. I wasn't thinking you joined me just to hang out." The words rolled off her tongue before she could stop them. Being sober, she wouldn't have said anything more than 'thank you,' but sadly, she wasn't sober, and Juliette felt her first bad decision of the night had just occurred. Still, maybe she could salvage the conversation by diverting it toward another topic. "You doing okay after today?"
"Been better, although it's been a weird night. Hangman apologized to me for what he said earlier," Bradley said, shuffling to the railing and leaning against it across from her.
Juliette smiled knowingly. "How weird."
"You wouldn't have had anything to do that, would you?"
"Why would Hangman ever listen to anything I have to say?"
"Because you're like your dad and have a way with words that makes even the most thick-headed people listen."
"Oh, I'm nowhere close to what my dad's capable of," Juliette said, taking a sip of her drink. "Good job today, by the way."
Rooster smiled half-heartedly. "Thanks."
"I'm serious. You did well. You just need to... fly a little faster." Juliette pushed herself off the wall and joined Rooster at the railing. "Don't get in that pretty head of yours when you fly. Don't think about what needs to be done. Follow your instinct, and I think you'll get it."
"Even if I do, it won't matter. Maverick didn't want me in the Navy in the first place. He won't choose me for this mission either."
"If you're ready for it, he will."
"Do you think I'm ready?" Rooster asked quietly, shifting his body so that he faced her entirely. His deep brown eyes pierced hers, and Juliette's cheeks flushed from their intensity.
"Why does it matter what I think? I'm not the one making the decision."
"Because Maverick listens to you, and he has you there for more than just to help you with your proposal."
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"You sound very certain of that, Lieutenant," she noted, wondering if he'd overheard her conversation with Maverick today or if he genuinely knew the two of them that well still. Juliette pushed the first idea down. Rooster's earlier temper would've gotten the better of him if he had overheard them, and he would've confronted his ex and surrogate father about everything.
"You and your dad are the only ones Maverick actually listens to, so yeah, I'm pretty damn certain about it and about wanting your opinion."
Juliette mulled over what to say because she had her answer, but it wasn't what he wanted to hear. Finally, in a voice barely above a whisper, she replied, "No, I don't think you're ready. I don't think any of you are except Maverick, but he's not leading the mission. That being said, just because I believe you're not ready right now doesn't mean I believe you'll never be ready. I think you're absolutely capable of succeeding at what's required of you. You just need to trust your instinct."
"And Maverick?"
"He wants you to succeed as hard as that may be for you to believe. He's lost you once, and Maverick knows if he doesn't choose you for this mission, any chance he has of reconciling with you is gone."
"He sure didn't sound like it earlier," Rooster said bitterly, his eyes flashing with anger.
Juliette shifted her body to face him entirely. Gently, she told him, "He's scared, and you're both getting to one another. If it helps, Mav knows he shouldn't have said what he did. He also knows that if he couldn't handle fifth-generation fighters in an F-18, then none of you could either."
"Maverick could do it."
"If he was by himself, yes, but not when others' lives are on the line, especially yours. I hate to say this, but the way he's having you fly the mission is the only way to fly it with the highest chance of survival."
"And I'm not Maverick."
"Not yet, but you'll get there. Just remember to trust your instinct rather than overthink it. If you feel you can faster, go faster. If you feel you have the opportunity to take the shot-" her gaze momentarily dropped to his lips, wishing she was doing rather than thinking herself- "take it."
He took a step closer to her, his chest brushing against hers. "Are we still talking about flying?"
"I mean, I guess you could apply my words of wisdom to other areas and opportunities outside of flying," Juliette remarked, her heart thundering erratically in her chest.
"If the opportunity presents itself when the opportunity is sober, I'll take it." He brushed a piece of hair out of her face. "I don't want drunk words to be false truths."
"Since when have I ever told you drunken false truths? We both know my filter comes off when I drink."
"You've never done that, but I don't want to risk it now. I messed up with you once, Jules. I don't want to mess up again."
"We both messed up," Juliette corrected, patting his muscular chest. "We both have parts in our break up. I shouldn't have kept the secret from you, and you should've come back when you realized you still wanted to be together."
"You were sixteen, Jules. I never should've held it against you."
"You felt betrayed by the last person you thought would do such a thing. Emotions can make people do stupid things."
"My stupidity caused both of us almost ten years of pain."
Juliette shrugged. "My stupidity caused that ten years of pain to happen in the first place," she said simply, her anger from last night fully melting away at Rooster's words and his expression of pure regret etched onto his face. Still, a question lingered in her mind, one Firefly brought up earlier. "Rooster, can I ask you something?"
"When you use my callsign? Always," he replied, smirking.
"Why did you never come back? I know you said it's because your pride and ego were wounded, but I know you. I know there's more to it than just that." Rooster cast his gaze downward, seemingly unable to look her in the eye. The reaction told her Firefly's suggestion had been on point. Slipping her arms around his waist, Juliette encouraged, "Talk to me, Rooster. What is it?"
"Jules, I-"
"Found her!" Maria hollered from the entryway of the Hard Deck.
Juliette tipped her head back in annoyance. "She always did have shit timing."
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Rooster hid his grin by taking a sip of his beer. Meanwhile, Juliette turned around to face an approaching Maria, who said, "Hey, Firefly's toast. I think that last shot of vodka did her in." 
Juliette grimaced, wishing her friend didn't have such a valid reason for finding her. "All right, I'll help you round Firefly up, and then we'll get an Uber back to my place, so I can keep an eye on her tonight."
"I'll give y'all a ride back," Bradley offered. "Make sure you all get home safely."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. Come on, I'll help you get Firefly out of here." The trio made their way back into the bar, quickly finding their drunk friend singing (well, more like slurring) at the top of her lungs alongside some new, equally intoxicated friends she'd made. Phoenix was already there, attempting but failing to move Firefly from her spot. When Juliette arrived, although it took some convincing and a less than favorable promise that she banked on her friend forgetting in the morning, the group got Firefly out, if only by Rooster scooping her into his arms. Phoenix and Maria sat in the back of his Bronco with Firefly. Juliette took the passenger seat up front, keeping her body turned toward the backseat so she could keep an eye on the Bride-to-Be, who continued to sing incoherently at the top of her lungs to the radio.
"Shit!" Rooster exclaimed halfway through the ride, throwing his arm in front of Juliette when he slammed on the breaks to avoid hitting a truck that cut him off. His hand dropped to her bare thigh, sending shockwaves through her body. "Everyone okay?"
There was a chorus of 'yeses' from the girls, including Juliette, who rested her hand atop Rooster's to keep his there. She noticed the corners of his lips tugged upward ever so slightly, and his hand remained on her leg the rest of the short trip to her house, much to her pleasure. Firefly, as drunk as she was, saw Rooster's hand on Jule's leg, and she sent her friend a shit-eating grin. Juliette flipped her off.
They arrived at the house in one piece. Rooster carried Firefly inside and placed her on the couch at Juliette's instruction. Straightening up, he asked, "Are you going to be okay watching her?"
"Yeah, I'll be fine," Juliette promised, the desire to ask him to stay dangerously close from falling from her lips. Then, for better or worse, Maria spoke up, stating she'd be staying the night to help Jules with Firefly.
"Will you be at training tomorrow?" Rooster asked, kneeling to pet Raptor and Lightning, who had come bounding up to him.
"I think so. I have tomorrow off since I figured I'd be a little too hungover to function properly at work, so if I do, it might be later in the day," Juliette confessed sheepishly. 
"If not, you at least need to meet us at the Hard Deck after," Phoenix said, grabbing a small trash can and placing it next to the couch below Firefly's head. 
"I can agree to that." Juliette hugged Phoenix, then turned to Rooster for one as well. She about melted into his embrace, having forgotten how warm his body always ran compared to her cold one, how his toned, firm body melded so perfectly with her soft, curvy one. If the others hadn't been here, Jules would've pulled him to her room by his dog tags to show the aviator just how much she still loved him.
Rooster kissed her cheek, his mustache tickling her skin, and then he departed with Phoenix. Juliette shuffled to her room to shower and get ready for bed, but her mind remained wholly preoccupied with her ex, the ghosts of his lips on her cheek and his hand on her thigh lingering as a constant reminder of the effect he still had on her, of how Juliette was still truly, madly, deeply in love with him, and she wondered what the hell she was going to do about it.
Tags: @lgg5989@shanimallina87@polikszena@summ3rlotus@souslesyeuxde@gleasonmalfoy@icemansgirl1999@supernaturaldawning@thedarkinmansfield@lyannaforpresident@lapilark@getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth@simpofthecentury @blueeyes-blueskye @gleasonmalfoy @armyx78
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rumbelleshowdown · 2 years
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Author: Sleeve garters
Prompts: Getting a lift home. Unexpected matchmaker. “Neck tattoos, very classy.”
Group: C
They were text mates
10 February 3am Storybrooke Maine, 7pm Mornington Melbourne
R: So here it is my first smartphone text. Managed to get the flip thing you told me about. Feels almost like my normal phone. BUT It has taken me 8 hours to set it up and send this! RG
B: Well done! Just closing up, will get back to you.
B: I am so pleased you took the plunge. You can still ring me but at least we can keep the dialogue going despite the time difference and the demands of dealing with customers.  
R:  Best thing is not having to listen to your blasted hold music
B: I thought Greensleeves was an excellent choice for a pom
R:  Pfft. Actually feeling sleepy, this flip will be the death of me. Good night. RG
B: Night. PS You don’t have to sign a text I know it’s you.
R: Manners dearie. RG
11 February, 9am Storybrooke
R: Sorry about last night
12 February, 6am Melbourne, 11 February 2pm Storybrooke
B: No worries. Any time. Our deal is forever.
R: You still haven’t told me how I’m repaying you.
B: You will pay me in random acts of kindness to the residents of that town you terrorise.
R: What the hell is a random act of kindness? What is kindness even? Dearie, I have money let me pay you.
B: I don’t want your money. You are the one insisting on paying me. Those are my terms.  You did say you would give me “anything I desire”.
R: I was thinking on the lines of money, jewellery, a yacht!
B: An act of kindness is what I want, you owe me “dearie”
R: You are going to have to give me a clue.
B: Got to go, busiest time of the year, talk to you at the usual time
13 February, 1pm Storybrooke, 14 February 5am Melbourne
R:  I know you are really busy so I won’t bother you today/tonight
B: OK if you are sure. It has been crazy but I’m almost there, just doing all the last minute preparation for deliveries. Happy Valentine’s Day!
R: Not yet here dearie and never a Happy day. Enemy of love, remember.
B: Wow you are real ray of sunshine today
R: It’s raining, dark and windy, my bones ache. I get darker by the minute.
B: Promise me you will ring tonight. I will tell you how our singing Valentine deliveries goes.
R:  Ha, how could I refuse. You are a brief flicker of light in my world though.
B: I will bring Sunshine into your life if I have to cross the ocean and shove it up your arse.
R: Is this when I’m supposed to say Lol?
B: Lol
14 February, 6 pm Storybrooke, 15 February 10am Melbourne
R: I have performed my act of kindness.  I tipped the waitress at the diner double this morning.
B: No I don’t think that counts.  You can afford that, waitresses earn a pittance.  You should do that as standard. Good start though, but I think it should be something that puts you out, for the good of others. Something out of the ordinary for you. Carry someone’s shopping. Give someone a month off rent.
R: Miss French! I have a reputation to uphold. If I allow such lenience to my tenants no one will pay on time ever again.  I couldn’t possibly carry shopping with my leg and cane, I could send my assistant I suppose but they may have me committed to an asylum for the suggestion.
B: OK , so your act of kindness can be in secret.  I’ve got a great idea.  As an enemy of love your act of kindness is to act as a cupid and bring some love and joy to your little sad town.
R: You are out of your mind.
B: Valentine’s day has gone to my head! I’ve even agreed to go on a blind date. Ariel has been badgering me to try again before I become an old mad cat lady.
R: Good grief. What happened to your “all men are gross and I will only put my book down for Mr Darcy”.
B: I know I’m a hopeless case. My ambition has always been to become the Aussie version of Miss Marple.
R: Finally I have a picture of you in my head - Miss Marple with no tweed but a sundress, sun hat and shades.
B: I imagine you as a snarling crocodile, with a sexy accent of course
R: You think my accent is sexy? Crocodile is pretty spot on.
B: Anyway I expect you to use your “knowledge is power” sneakiness to work out who may need a little push to find their true love, and then set them up.
R: I’m more likely to be able to spin straw into gold
19 Feb  11pm Melbourne, 7am Storybrooke Maine
B: As predicted the blind date was a disaster
R: Back to your cats and your spinster ways then?
B: Yes on my way back to Charlotte and Emily
R: Where are you now? You’re not walking are you? It’s late.
B: Don’t panic. Ariel is giving me a lift home, since it was her stupid idea. It’s not like you can rescue me you are 10,000 miles away.
R: Never underestimate my reach dearie. So you didn’t meet up with Mr Darcy then?
B: No! His name was PETE, I knew that because it featured on a dagger tattooed on his neck
R: Neck tattoos, very classy!
B: He was also a classy conversationalist.  He had just got out of prison and was keen to tell me about some beads he had implanted in his “python”, apparently for my pleasure.
R: I’m speechless! How long did this date last?
B: Not long after that revelation, when he deliberately poured his drink in my lap so he could help me wipe it up with his used tissue.
R: That’s it I’m sending a hit man
B: Hey, you promised not to be the Storybrooke Mob Boss again. A deal is a deal!
R: Yes and our deal is forever, I haven’t forgotten
B: Almost home, text/ring me tonight (your night) if you need me xxx
R: I never break a deal Sunshine
B: Maybe I should have sampled the beads?
R: An investigation too far for Miss Marple?
20 February,  3pm Mornington Melbourne, 9am Storybrooke Maine
B: Hi Cupid any news?
R: It’s an impossible task. I’m sitting in the diner now assessing my prey.  They are all miserable.  Well there is the mayor, she is far too smug to be totally unhappy, seems to revel in everyone’s misery. Think she will only ever love herself.
B: Is that the one you call the Evil Queen?
R: Well she is called Regina.
B: Who else?
R: The grumpiest man alive, vulgar, short, bald, nasty beard, permanently hungover.
B: That would be a challenge. I bet I could make him smile.
R: Miss Marple you could make a mountain smile
B: Charmer
R: There is the nauseatingly nice school teacher who talks to everyone like they are ten and thinks we can all be cajoled with a lollipop and a sticker
B: Ooh, maybe she can make grumpy guy smile, does he like lollipops?
R: Apparently she is pining after a guy in a coma. Hopeless cases I tell you. Oh and to top it all two nuns have walked in.
B: They could pray for a miracle to wake up coma guy?
R: Hang on. The young nun fell over Grumpy’s bag and went bright red, and Grumpy actually stopped eating and apologised.
B: Did they have a moment?
B: Update?
B: Where are you?
R:Sorry had to have a snark session with the Mayor.
B: Ooh what about you and the mayor then?
R: I’d rather gouge my eyes out with a rusty fork. However I have secured the services of grumpy Leroy to paint and decorate the nunnery, at my own expense. Lets see if the nun takes the bait.
B: That’s perfect! Random act of kindness and a possible love match.
R: Never going to happen but I’m glad you approve. It is also going to really annoy the Mother Superior having Grumpy around all the time and if he manages to corrupt a few innocent nuns I will count it as a great victory over the conniving flea.
B: You really don’t like nuns do you?
R: Long story. But no.
B: Excellent work. You are paid up for January and February. You just need to get them dating next.
R: This could take a life time. Good job I’m immortal.
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swinterr · 4 years
fic rec vi ♡
this is a another new set of fic rec and i’ll probably do a compilation of genre (?) just like the first ones.
made some changes like tidying up a bit and adding summary, for those that doesn’t have any summary i’ll try my best to add my own summary (it will probably be shit tho, i ain’t making a smut summary guys, i’m not confident in my describing a fic ability but i’ll try my best. if its in italic it means i made the summary hehez )  if the summary is shit, i made it okay.
read and support the fic and authors here: the fic rec ♡
a for angst
f for fluff
s for smut
// for series or list
no title by @tyongf-nct | s
- smut blurb.
body guards and boyfriend by @pastelsicheng | f
-  sometimes the only way you can really get some alone time with your boyfriend is by making his job hard.
lipstick smears by @kopikokun | f
-  jeno never thought trying to get his makeup artist’s attention would be this hard.
[10:30] by @moonttaeil | 
- a lockdown moment.
[2:40] by @nct-jungjaehyun | f a
- cute quality fluff time with bf!jae with a dash of angst.
[11:41] by @jeongvision | f 
- family time with apples.
just like magic by @starryhyuck | f s
-  jung jaehyun’s body count is almost as high as yours. however, after yuta spreads a nasty rumor, you learn that jaehyun’s always imagined those girls to be you instead.
love to hate me by @moonctzeny | s a 
-  you and jaehyun meet as sm trainees, developing a friendship until he debuts and you decided to leave the company and pursue a solo career. when you reunite again in a music show and he acts like he barely knows you, you stubbornly begin a series of hate-brimmed sex rendez-vous. your touch-and-go relationship continues on, until a song collaboration will force you both to deal with all your repressed feelings for each other.
moving on by @ddeonghwaa | f a
- reader has been chasing jae for some time but when she moved on jae suddenly enter the picture.
sun&moon by @ppangjae | f a
-  asking jeong jaehyun to accompany you to your family’s 1-week christmas vacation as your boyfriend has its consequences. one can surely get through 1 week of pretending to be in love with an enemy, right?
snack run with a snack by @kopikokun | f 
-  on your usual movie night with the members, they assign you sudden snack collecting duty. you’re a little peeved, but at least jaehyun offers to tag along. Unfortunately for you, things really aren’t going in your favour tonight.
lover boy by @neoct-zen | f s
- bunch fics of lover boy jae and reader.
one more time, please by @haequarius | f s
-  you don’t know what you and Jungwoo are, but you are certainly weak for him.
jealous by @whiplashsan | s 
-  jungwoo is all smiles and sunshine until he gets jealous, and he just so happens to get jealous over the smallest things when it comes to you.
sugar, spice and everything not nice by @alreadyblondenow | s
-  doyoung getting your ring size wrong, unprotected sex, kitchen sex, slight fingering, wedding tragedies.
no title by @ncteaxhoe | s
- dom!doyoung, rough? i need holy water.
the little one by @ethaeriyeol | f 
-  a gift of life; female reader x husband!Doyoung; fluff, light angst, married au
exquisite taste by @weishenkonbini | s f
- smut but with a fluffy ending.
for you always by @labyrinthsofyou | f
-  in which you surprise yukhei when he forgets about your date.
6:19 by @cozykpopblurbs | f
- a cute fluff ft kun and winwin.
10:18 pm by @nctsoftarchives | f
- reader supports lucas at his superm debut stage. 
16:47 by @sichengssmile | f s 
- a fluffy smut. lucas a big boi.
missed you by @tokyobts | a f
-  after you and yukhei broke up, yukhei still has feelings for you. he reaches out to you at school and tries to get you back. at first you avoid him but later his actions manage to make your heart flutter. you’ve come to a sudden conclusion that you maybe still want him in your life.
34 + 35 by @domjaehyun | s 
- you and your husband johnny decide to take your marriage to the next step.
i couldn’t wait a little longer by @alreadyblondenow | s f a
-  you two were never together longer than two days, but the feelings, oh the feelings that you have for each other is clear as the day. it was a never-ending try of making the relationship official. johnny tried, you tried but it never happens.
what happens in korea, not stays in korea by @alreadyblondenow | f s 
-  a week vacation in korea for your sister’s wedding became even more exciting when a famous dj had a crush on you. johnny was sure that it’s love at first sight. not putting both of your careers on the line, you two had no regrets when the time comes and you finally leave.
laundry day by @immabiteyou | s
- a domestic fluffy smut.
make a wish by @sluttyten | s f a
-  you’re jungwoo’s sister, and he’s made it clear he wants you and Johnny to have nothing to do with each other. so you and johnny start fake dating to piss him off.
want it all by @sluttyten | f s 
-  you are entirely innocent to the point of being naive. johnny is not innocent, but he loves that you are because it means he can teach you everything you don’t know.
wish i was her by @softsungchan | f a 
-  you wished you were her, laying in Sungchan’s arms and feeling his warm breath on your neck, giggling about sweet nothings whispered into the starry night. You wished for it to be you, the girl he liked.
2:21 am by @the32ndbeat | f 
- sungchan being whipped, thru a text message.
14:52 by @ukiyoexo | f
- a cute haechan and reader ft the reader’s baby sister moment.
prince’s order by @nsheetee | f
-  prince haechan nurses you after you faint, and orders you to stay with him until you feel better.
sweet treat by @markresonates | s
-  haechan takes you for ice cream but all you can think about is sex with him.  when you act like a brat, eventually you end up in the bathroom. with no panties. 
clingy by @love-mi | f 
-  I’m not clingy! I just love your company and constantly want to be around you and have your full attention at all times
hyuck is always right by @luvrenjun00 | f 
- ceo!mark x reader ft baby donghyuck. a tooth-rotting fluff.
snow storm by @whereisten | f s 
- a fluffy smut whilst a snow storm.
1:59 by @smoll-tangerine | f
- reader and taeyong ft my favorite game (where i always die first) among us!
is this allowed 1 2 by @seokiie  | f s
- how were you supposed to know bts would be filming at your coffee shop today? how were you supposed to know a certain curly-haired boy would take a liking  to you?
cabin pressure | f by @jiminrings | f 
-  pilot!y/n who accidentally became famous bc of a viral post about her, best friend!jimin!, taehyung having a shy lil crush on you aND ot7 being meanies for a tad bit :((
art major!tae and biochem major!yn | f by @jiminrings | f
-  tae’s cold and probably needs a friend more than he needs a model, y/n feels this nEED to take care of him, a term of enderment then a dash of emotional constipation and a sprinkle of jealousy :D
gank mid lane by @kimtaehyunq | f s 
- gank / verb: (in a video game) use underhand means to defeat or kill (a less experienced opponent)
birthday surprise by @ephemeralkookie |
-  like every year, you prepare a little surprise for your boyfriend’s birthday, one that you’ve been preparing for days. and after a very tiring day, taehyung only wants to spend the night in your loving arms.
cookies & cream | s by @1kook | f s 
-  jungkook will watch a thousand cheesy christmas movies if it meant making you happy. (and maybe having his dick sucked.)
unholy night | s by @ephemeralkookie | f s
-  after a christmas day passed with the Jeon’s family, Jungkook decides to transform the holy night into an unholy one.
‘a short’ abstinence | s a by @seokiie | s a
-  maybe blue-balling you boyfriend (who has an insanely high sexual drive) wasn’t the best.
in which she’s done with him by @minstrivia | a
-  jungkook angst/fluff where he always pushes oc away (who confesses her feelings but was cruelly rejected) and insults her but she always comes back to take care of him when he’s drunk or picks him up from his one night stands and she finally decides to leave him alone.
bad influence by @noteguk | s 
-  in which you know jungkook is a bad influence on you, but you can’t avoid falling for him every time.
jock!jk and shy art major!yn by @jiminrings | f
-  established relationship ft. jock!jk and shy art major!y/n, y/n gets an unexpected pep talk and jungkook doubts himself, and either so much tears or so much dUST according to kook
special affair by @1oserjk | f
-  sugar daddy au except it’s just jk spoiling u thru animal crossing
fairy of shampoo by @ironicarmy | f s
-  sundays are for relaxation, house cleaning, and happiness.
abstract ft bob ross by @mimithings97 | f
-  paintbrush in one hand, joint in the other and you sitting on his dick is what jeongguk wants. and what jeongguk wants, jeongguk gets.
badboy!jungkook by @jungshookz | f 
- badboy!jungkook falls for good girl reader ft the boys and the reader’s apple. 
growing by @lesgetittkookie | f
- dad!jungkook teacher his daughter how to walk. super super cute family/domestic fluff.
quiet, baby by @bratkook | s 
- i don’t how to write a summary on smuts so imma just put this. reader and jungkook doing something in the subway.
still want that by @whatifyoulivelikethat | s
-  fucking min yoongi ex-girlfriend? a terrible idea. being hopelessly in love with her at the same time? an even worse idea. knowing he was being used and still doing it anyway? ah, Jeon Jungkook, what are you doing? part 2 of savage love.
desiderium by @jeonggukingdom | f s 
-  “we’ve been at it like rabbits, how are you still so horny?”. a newlyweds!au smut.
chapstick by @softyoongiionly | f s
- based on the time Jungkook said he needed someone to scold him so he’d remember to put lip balm on. or jungkook’s had a really long day and the only that can make it better, is seeing you. 
lover boy by @jingukk | f 
-  jungkook likes you. a lot.
unexpected confession by @sunkissedjk | f
-  you gathered up the courage to confess your feelings, but it seems everyone in school knows about it before you could even find him.
string attached by @ephemeralkookie | s
-  jungkook is what we can call your sexfriend. No strings attached, just you and him having fun and releasing the huge pressure and stress of being idols. But after spending an entire day together, you realize that maybe he’s not just your sexfriend.
no title by @himbojk | f s 
- dilf jk.
ceo!eunwoo by @m0onbean
no title by @yutopiada | f
- a cute idol!reader and eunwoo moment at a music show.
disney by @bangchan-sonyeondan | f
- a cute date with eunwoo at disney. reader likes vintage things hence using a disposable camera.
baby, it’s cold outside by @fresh-outta-jams | f 
- a cute cold christmas fluff with eunwoo ft. the boys. reader went to the boys’ place for a sweater and cocoa gift exchange.
cruel brothers by @imsarabum | f
-  jackson and jaebum have always acted as if they were your big, overprotective brothers. so when they both walk in on you and yugyeom in a very intimate position, things get a little tense!
a special night by @gyuluster | f
-  an intimate insight on the first night of choi soobin’s wedding, consisting of kitchen floors, witches and an eternity of love.
boughs & branches by @jeogiyall | f 
-  decorating the tree with boyfriend! choi soobin from txt! fluffity fluff fluff with a lot of cute fluff thrown in and a dash of christmastime fluff. 
sleepy binnie by @immabiteyou | s
-  “i’ll let you do anything if you just touch me now. “ a sleepy soobin smut.
cake by @immabiteyou | s
- reading waiting for mc soobin with the guys. a cute fluffy smut moment.
kpop oc/s
seri by @ggukkiedae
anyway, thank you again for the writers please take care and be safe!
please free to recommend your favorite fic that i haven’t feature yet.
if the links won’t work and i labelled some fics wrong please let me know and i’ll try to fix it as soon as possible!
support the fic and the writers!
695 notes · View notes
uswntxfootball · 4 years
purely by accident (leah williamson x uswnt!reader)
Tumblr media
everything was going to plan until you made the mistake of wearing her shorts to practice.
word count: 2044 ish
rated F for fluff, S for stupidity, and M for messy as fuck.
it was open training today in tokyo, and you fucked up.
you fucked up.
the olympics were set to begin next week, and you fucked up.
so flashback to last night.
with some thorough bribing, you finally coaxed jordan to crash with beth for the night, promising and swearing not to defile her bed while she was gone.  
you glanced down at the defender in your lap, her attention solely focused on the show playing in front.
the show was leah’s pick and it didn’t particularly interest you, as you were more focused on the sight before you.
both of you were in bed, leah’s head in your lap, your right laid gently over her side, and leah’s hand was playing with your fingers absentmindedly.
the girl in front of you let out a laugh at something that played on the screen, the sound making your heart skip a beat.
upon hearing your silence, she looked up at you.
leah’s cheeks flushed when she saw you already staring down at her, a loving smile stretched across your face.
“what is it?”
you lean down to kiss her.
“nothing. just my girlfriend is really cute is all.”
leah rolled her eyes but met you half way, pressing a tender kiss to your lips.
she turned back to the show and slipped her fingers between yours shyly, an action that caused butterflies and wholeass rhinos to have a disco party inside of you.
it was only a few minutes later when leah spoke again.
“you’re acting weird.”
you quirk an eyebrow at that.
“me? how so?”
“you’re staring at me like you really love me or something.”
you let out a snort.
“congrats baby it only took a year and a half for you to figure out.”
leah giggled, and you grinned, leaning down to give her a kiss on the cheek.
you couldn’t help but let out a sigh at how good it felt, having your girlfriend in your arms after not seeing each other for a month.
given the hectic schedule of the olympics, you both wanted to spend as much alone time together as possible.
you both knew that coming out in the midst of big events was a terrible idea, with first the world cup and the olympics following suit.
it wasn’t that you were ashamed of it, it was just that the media could be a lot at times.
and so could your teammates.
the two of you had met during the world cup, leah taking a particular liking to you after seeing you in the semi final match when england played the us.
she then had missed the chance to talk to you, but lucky for her, the next year, following suit with many of your other teammates, you signed internationally, landing a spot as a midfielder for arsenal.
trainings and games brought you closer together, and feelings developed, with both of you realizing quickly that they weren’t platonic.
but it still took an embarrassingly long amount of time.
and jordan couldn’t stand the two of you.
neither could rose, with leah and you both complaining to them, respectively.
even after quarantining with the defender (and jordan) and spending every second of the day with her, it was almost the end of the fixture when you finally mustered up enough courage to ask her out, only for her to beat you to it.
jordan can’t tell if this was better or worse.
on one hand she no longer had to witness the idiocy and obliviousness for days on end, no longer had to hear the desperate pining from both sides, and no longer had to deal with leah having a mental breakdown overanalyzing every text you sent her.
on the other hand, she now had to deal with the sickening cuteness of the two of you, and had unfortunately caught the two of you going at it in the arsenal locker room after practice, before practice, in the shower, and basically everywhere in the house.
rose was in a similar state, though being overseas, she was spared the worst of it.
the two of you had parted ways when national team duty called, leah staying in england and you flying back to the states.
and here, in tokyo, you were together again, and you couldn’t be happier.
it was 11 pm now, the lights were off ,the defender fast asleep and snuggled close into your chest, your arms wrapped around her.
you had the vague thought of getting up to set an alarm for your training tomorrow, but any attempts to get up were squashed by your girlfriend, who at any movement only held onto you tighter.
your heart melted at the sight, but your rational thought knew this was a bad idea.
worst case is that you miss practice.
best case is that you somehow wake up on time naturally.
unfortunately it ended up being worse than that.
you were jolted awake by your phone ringing.
the girl next to you let go of your waist and mumbled sleepily:
“turn it off.”
you stood up and saw rose’s contact name flash and you picked up the phone groggily.
“uh hello? what do you want?”
you glance at the clock and the panic sets in.
7:23 am.
oh. fuck.
you mutter a “shit” into the receiver before hanging up, glancing over at leah who was fast asleep.
brushing your teeth and putting your hair up quickly, you went around the room grabbing your jersey, jacket, shorts and cleats as you prepared to leave.
but before you left, you leaned over quickly and gave your girlfriend a light kiss on the forehead before rushing out the door.
you sprinted across the street to where the building where the us teams were staying, making it onto the bus quickly and collapsing on the seat next to rose, hoping no one saw where you had came from.
luckily for you most of the team was chatting and preoccupied, except christen who noticed and gave you weird look when you stepped onto the bus.
sam gave you a weird look too when she finished talking to mal.
“when did you come in? why are you still in your pjs? do you even have your kit and training things?”
you decided that saying you overslept was the best excuse.
you could tell sam didn’t quite believe that.
“well why didn’t rose wake you then?”
rose cut in and saved you when she said with a shrug:
“it was a prank. i turned off her alarms and thought it would be funny.”
that was slightly more believable, as the younger kids played pranks on each other all the time, so sam let up her questioning.
you turned around on the bus, quickly pulling on your jersey, shorts and socks, all the while hearing a wolf whistle from kelley upon seeing you changing.  
you flipped her off when you finished.
“so where were you-oh,” rose’s eyes widening.
you scrunched your eyebrows in confusion.
rose let out a laugh and pointed to your collarbone.
you looked down and cursed.
there they were in all their glory, two hickies, bright as day.
“fuck this is an open training too.”
you were freaking out.
but thank god for rose.
rose thought about it for a minute before suggesting:
“well it’s kind of cold out today, you can keep your jacket on for the whole training and no one will see.”
“what would i do without you?”
“i dunno die probably.”
arriving at the pitch, you hoped that your hyper-vigilant fans wouldn’t notice anything.
you did make sure to take some pictures with fans on your walk there though.
you noticed walking to the locker room that christen kept giving you weird looks, but you just brushed it off and got your mind set for training.
the open part of practice went well and without issue, except for the odd looks occasionally thrown your way by some of the veteran players.
when closed practice began a little bit later, you asked christen about it.
“why do you all keep giving me weird looks? do i have something on my face?”
christen shook her head, and upon seeing that there was no one around she whispered:
“i’m pretty sure it’s because you have a lionesses crest on your shorts.”
you looked down and gasped.
she was right.
in your haste this morning you had unknowingly grabbed leah’s shorts instead of your own.
in your defense, with the the english and us home kit both being white and both of you being #14, it was an honest mistake.
but still.
so much for keeping it a secret.
christen opened her mouth to say something else, but upon seeing your face decided against it.
besides the one hiccup, the rest of practice went smoothly, and you were on your way back to the locker room when you were stopped by sonnett.
“do you play for england now or something?”
“it was an accident.” you said, shushing her.
all the way back into the locker room emily teased you, so much so that your face couldn’t have been any redder in your life.
you changed as quick as you can, trying to get out of the locker room as fast as you can.
walking out, you stopped abruptly upon seeing your girlfriend in the stands.
“leah? what are you doing here?”
your girlfriend, who looked radiant as always, said with a smile:
“well i was originally going to come bring you your shorts baby.”
“oh you found out about that?” you said sheepishly, a blush crawling up your neck.
leah shook her head and laughed.
“i woke up to us trending on twitter so yeah. did the girls tease you about it?”
you pouted a little nodding a yes, and leah just laughed, cupping your cheek with one hand and smoothing back your flyaways with the other.
at this point some of the chaos crew came out of the locker room looking for you, and upon seeing you and leah, they stood back and watched with wide eyes.
they watched you giggle at something leah said, lindsey making sure to keep a hand firmly closed around emily’s mouth to keep her from speaking.
some of the vets came out to see what the holdup was for, and upon seeing you, they stood back as well.
sam whispered quietly:
“are they flirting?”
“i think?” lindsey whispered back.
“it sure looks like it..”
christen shook her head.
the gears clicked into place in christen’s mind quickly, first with the hotel this morning, then with the shorts, and now this.
“i think they’re dating.”
emily’s eyes bugged out of her head and she finally ripped lindsey’s hand off.
“they’re WHAT??!”
this caused you and leah to turn, cheeks flushing when you see the majority of the team there, watching.
then they all started screaming at once.
“come introduce us to your girlfriend y/n!”
“hi leah!”
you turned back to leah as the rest of the team quarreled.
“well since they’ve seen us already, let’s formally introduce you to the team.”
you stuck your hand out and said:
“come on. i’ll catch you.”
leah let out a laugh and took your hand, jumping down from the stands.
meeting the team wasn’t as bad as it could have been, partially because vlatko called sonnett away, but at the end you were both glad you had done it.
leah intertwined her fingers with yours as you walked across the field to the bus.
“i do have to admit my shorts look good on you.”
you looked at her and winked.
“maybe i’ll wear them on purpose next time.”
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genevievemd · 3 years
The Year Between (18/?)
March 10, 2022 - In Sickness and In Health
Book: Open Heart: Third Year Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Genevieve McClure) Word Count: 3244 Rating: T Category: , Extended Series: WIP, AU Series, fluff Trope(s): 
Summary: ~Series: Following their engagement, Ethan and Gen navigate the year between the ring and wedding. ~ Chapter: Gen and Ethan attend their first session of couples therapy. 
Warnings: none
A/N: *insert Mushu “I Live” gif*.... hey.... We’re back. It’s been a hot minute. My bad. Huge shout out to @lucy-268​ for helping me finish this, I love you forever. 
March Part 1 ~ TYB Masterlist
Ch. 1 ~ Ch. 2 ~ Ch. 3 ~ Ch. 4 ~ Ch. 5 ~ Ch. 6 ~ Ch. 7 ~ Ch. 8 ~ Ch 9 ~ Ch. 10 ~ Ch. 11 ~ Ch. 12 ~ Ch. 13 ~ Ch. 14 ~ Ch. 15 ~ Ch. 16 ~ Ch. 17
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Thursday, March 10th
7:30 PM
Her foot taps anxiously against the carpeted floor, the reception area of their new therapist’s office seeming too welcoming and homey. As if it’s offering a false sense of security before delivering devastating news. 
Genevieve bites her lip as she looks around again, nervously picking at the side of her nails. 
“Take a breath.” Ethan places one hand on her bouncing leg, still looking through emails on his phone. 
“I’m nervous.” 
“I know.” He pockets his phone before turning to look at her, the faintest smile gracing his face. 
“What if she tells us that we’re doomed?” 
“We’re not doomed, G.” Ethan takes her hand, squeezing it tightly. “It was a bump in the road, not a roadblock.” 
“What if she doesn’t think so?”
“Then we find a new therapist.” He leans over to take her other hand, twisting in his seat to face her fully. “Aside from death, and infidelity – which I know would never happen – there is nothing in this world that can keep me from you or tear us apart. And I’m not even certain death can do that, it tried once and failed.” 
“Yeah.” She nods, taking a deep breath as Ethan tucks a piece of hair behind her ear. 
“The only thing that she’s going to tell us, are ways to ensure what transpired last month, never happens again.” 
He is right, and deep down, she knows that. Gen has been in therapy on and off for years, since she was fourteen and discovered her father’s affair, by now she should have the routine memorized. Therapy is nothing more than a safe and neutral place to talk about whatever problems you’re facing and learn to overcome them. 
“Ethan and Genevieve?” The therapist’s office door swings open, an older woman appearing with a folder in her hand. 
“Ready?” Ethan stands, offering her his hand. 
She takes it without hesitation, clinging onto him as they walk into Dr. Hill’s office.
It’s just as welcoming as the waiting room, soft lighting and large pillows on an oversized couch. Fresh flowers and candles on the small coffee table between the patient couch and the doctor’s chair. The desk in the corner, an organized mess of folders and papers. 
Dr. Hill sits in her leather chair, pulling the pencil from atop her ear, glasses perched low on her nose. “So what brings you two in today?” 
Gen looks nervously at Ethan as they sit down, reaching for his hand. Her subconscious already clinging to her life raft, her safe place. He sees her unspoken cry for help and turns to their doctor, reading to take the lead until she’s more comfortable. 
“We hit a rough patch, recently, which ended with our worst fight to date, and we thought it would be prudent to seek some help in figuring out what happened and ways to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Especially because we’re getting legally married in two months.”
“What do you mean ‘legally’?” Dr Hill raises an eyebrow, looking at them curiously from over her glasses.” 
“We secretly eloped in Paris last August, so to us, we’ve been married for about seven months, but no one else knows.”
“I see.” Dr. Hill writes something down on the legal pad in her lap, then looks up with a smile. “Before we dive into anything, I like to have my couples do a quick exercise together. Turn and look at each other.” 
They do as instructed, Ethan’s calming ocean blue eyes looking at her as though she’s the center of his universe, and Gen can only hope that he sees the same expression staring back at him. 
“Genevieve, I want you to tell me the first three things you feel when you look at Ethan. Don’t think, just say the first three that come to mind.” 
“Loved, safe, and happy.” 
Ethan takes her hand, his smile growing at her words. 
“Ethan, now you do the same.” 
“Love, fulfillment, security.” He doesn’t take his eyes off her, his thumb stroking the back of her hand. 
“Look at that, almost the exact same answers.” Dr. Hill scribbles something down again, then looks up, clasping her hands together in her lap. “Now, tell me about this rough patch and how we got there.” 
Still taking the lead, Ethan quickly dives into their history - the complicated and sometimes treacherous love story that started four years ago. Genevieve stays silent through most of the beginning, only adding simple nods and one word answers until she feels comfortable. And once she does, the flood gates open. Offering the elder doctor every thought and self doubt she’s had, all her fears and hesitations, until they get to the part of the story they’re in now. 
Genevieve’s spiral, the distance and the worries she had over telling Ethan what she had been feeling. 
“And why were you afraid to tell him?” Dr. Hill smiles reassuringly, flipping back a page full of notes to start a new one. 
“Because…” Gen takes a shuddering breath, letting go of Ethan’s hand. “All my life, anytime I felt anything in a way that wasn’t ‘normal’ or I’d fixate on a thought, I was told I was stupid and wrong, or dramatic. Mostly by the men in my life: my dad, my brother sometimes, even boyfriends. My ex — not the bad one, the one between him and Ethan — I tried to explain why I couldn’t sleep with him yet and that the way he spoke to me sometimes made me feel unsafe, and he basically dismissed it all and told me I was stupid and making a fuss.” 
“I see, and so that had made you afraid to voice those thoughts with your partner. But has Ethan ever dismissed you like that?” 
“No. But this was also the first time I was fixating on something this badly or it wasn’t a normal reaction and…” Gen looks down at the candle on the table, watching the small flame flicker, as she tries to find her words. A way to express the small bit of anger and disappointment she’s held onto since February. 
“G, I’d never dismiss you like that. How you’re feeling, what you’re feeling, is important to me.” He’s quick to take her hand again, like he’s trying to keep her steady.
But there is no way to be balanced and secure when tiptoeing through a potential minefield. She learned that a decade ago, the delicate dance one must do to keep things copacetic. To keep the peace and not disrupt the rhythm. 
And she’s always been too clumsy to stay on her feet.
“That’s great and I know that, but you did. The night of our fight.” She takes a breath, blinking rapidly as the tears begin to form. Her heart beating rapidly as she barrels through, avoiding Ethan’s eyes the best she can. “I told you how I was feeling and you said ‘you’re hysterical’ and that I was being ridiculous. And then didn’t try to understand. And I know, I know, my anxiety can be over the top and that I was off the rails, but…” 
“No, don’t dismiss yourself, Genevieve.” Dr Hill interrupts, leaning forward in her chair. “Your feelings are valid, even if they are driven by your anxiety. It is okay to feel that way, and it is okay to be angry with him. Just as he had every right to be angry at you for insinuating he was thinking of stepping out on you.” 
“G, I’ve said it already, but I am sorry for dismissing you like I did. For not seeing that you were struggling, it’s my job as your husband and I failed.” Ethan’s the one to break their connection this time, hands clasped in his lap and head hanging in shame. “She kept saying, since her ex died and then her grandfather — she kept saying to me, ‘I don’t want to lose you’ or ‘Please don’t leave.’ And I just brushed it off as nothing serious, just her grief talking… I should have realized that was something she was actually worried about.” 
“Is it, Genevieve? Are you afraid he’ll leave if you aren’t, as you said, better?” 
“Sometimes. I can usually talk myself out of that thought or he’ll unknowingly do something that reminds me he won’t. But then sometimes I can’t.” 
“When?” Both Ethan and Dr Hill speak at the same, both eyes on her in an instant. 
“No. Talk to her. I’m merely here to guide and offer wisdom. This is a safe place for you both, talk to her.” 
“When we’re apart. For a long time. Like the last month or so, you were so busy and canceling plans and I tried so hard to tell myself nothing was wrong because I knew it. I knew we were okay and that you just wanted to be the best chief you can be. But then you didn’t come home until late and I was already asleep and then you’d leave before I was up. And we just weren’t ever together. And I need that, I need you.” 
“Baby, you have me. Always.” Ethan speaks as though there has never been a statement more true. As if he’s belonged to her since that first day. 
And maybe he has. They’ve both said their lives began when they met, that every dark cloud was blown away when their eyes met in that waiting room. When they kissed under the Miami moonlight. 
When they made the promise to be open and honest with each other, to stay no matter the struggle.
Genevieve takes a breath, feeling ashamed for not only having kept her darkest secrets from her husband, but also for the thoughts that created them. 
“I know. But when we’re not together and I don’t feel that closeness with you, it’s really easy for the monster in my head to take over and convince me otherwise. Like when the hospital was shutting down, and we lost our momentum and never discussed trying to stay together, I kept thinking you changed your mind. That it was the end of us.” 
“But it wasn’t, was it?” Dr Hill smiles again, knowingly. 
“No. He asked me on a real date the minute we knew the hospital was going to be fine and I didn’t have to transfer residencies.” 
“And you’ve been together since?” 
“Yeah. Every day since.” 
“And did you ever talk about why you avoided that conversation?” 
“We did.” Ethan interjects. “The night of our first date. I told her that I had wanted her to focus on the best opportunities for her career, and not let me be a distraction from that. And that I’d have simply followed wherever she got accepted to.” 
“So even then, you knew she was the one.”
“Yes. I’ve always known. I think that’s part of the reason why I ran off and tried to put distance between us in the beginning, because I knew in my heart she was the love of my life and that thought was terrifying. But now…“ 
“But now?” 
Ethan turns to Gen, taking her hands in his. “Genevieve, you are everything to me. I’m not afraid of that anymore, and I haven’t been since the night I almost lost you. There is no one else and there will never be anyone else for me. You are my heart. I will never change my mind, do you understand? No matter how busy I am, or how distant I may seem, or if you’re going through a rough patch. I’m in this, G, for the long haul, until the day I die. The only thing I’m afraid of now, is losing you.” 
“Me, too.” 
Dr Hill taps her pen against the notepad still sitting in her lap, head tilted as she studies them. After what feels like an eternity, she finally speaks. “A lot of what I’m getting from the two of you is a difference in attachment style.” 
“I don’t know what that means. Like love language?” Gen instinctively squeezes Ethan’s hand, chest tight as she awaits what she’s certain in impending doom.
“Almost. It’s the way you attach yourself to your partner, and the relationship. For example, the reason you both reacted the way you did was because of that difference. Genevieve, your anxiety plays a big part in your attachment to Ethan. You need a constant reminder that his feelings haven’t changed. Whether that is by words or action, and when the distance between the two of you began, you lost that. Which is why you fixated on the idea that he no longer loved you, even though we all know that you knew in your head that it hadn’t changed. While Ethan is the opposite, he pushes people away until he realizes they won’t leave. And once he knows that and has accepted it, he is confident in that knowledge. He knows he’s in love with you, he knows you’re his wife and nothing could ever change that. He knows that you will be by his side no matter what. So he was able to put your relationship on the back burner, focus on his new position, and still feel that confidence in what you have.” 
“So what do we do? I don’t want to ever go through something like that again.” Gen looks away from their therapist, looking down at her hands. Smiling as Ethan lets her trace the lines in his palms with her fingers. Letting her take whatever comfort she can from him. 
“Knowing now what the other needs will help. Gen, when you feel that way or have that thought and you can’t talk yourself out of it, you go to him, immediately, and say ‘I’m having this thought or feeling and I need reassurance.’ And Ethan —“ 
“Will happily and patiently reassure you, like I should have. And I promise, G, that if you tell me when you’re feeling out of sorts, we will either address it immediately, or we will set a specific time to discuss it.”
“Precisely, and he’ll work on not putting your relationship in the back and completely out of focus. But also… you’ve been through a lot, Genevieve, in the last 6 or 7 months, and there have been a lot of changes happening in rapid succession, and that is playing a huge part in your anxiety being as high as it’s been. Grief takes a long time to fully heal, you’re still healing. From your ex, your grandfather, and I’d argue even the post traumatic stress you had from the bio weapon attack. Be patient with yourself, the same way you are with others.” 
“She has moments…” He shakes his head, realizing his mistake and turning to face Gen, “You’ve had moments in the last few months, where you’re so confident in yourself and in us, and it was amazing to see that side of you again. I want you to always feel that way.”
“I mean I am, I do. Most of the time.” 
“Here’s what we’re going to do,” Dr Hill closes her notepad and tosses it onto the table. “The two of you are going to use the tools you learned today for the next month, and then I want you to come back after that month is over and we can talk again about how things went.” 
“We’re not doomed?” 
Dr Hill laughs, “No, Gen, you are not doomed. Honestly, the fact that you two came in and saw that you needed assistance, shows how much you love each other. And how much you both want your marriage to work and thrive. You two have a very strong foundation that you’ve built, which leaves me with no doubts that you two will have a happy and unbreakable marriage.” 
“That's all I want.” Ethan brings their still joined hands to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of her hand. 
“Me, too.” 
“See, you were on the same page. Just on opposite ends. Now, get out of here, schedule another appointment for a month and then take each other on a date. Spend some time just being with each other. No phones, no outside influences, just be together.”
“Doctor's orders?” Ethan raises an eyebrow, smiling. 
“Yes. Though I suspect you two don’t need a prescription for that. I can already tell you enjoying being alone together.” 
“We do.” Gen smiles proudly, rising from the couch. 
“Alright you crazy kids, get out of here.” 
“Thank you, Dr Hill.” Ethan stands, reaching over to shake her hand. 
“You’re welcome, I’ll see you next month.” 
Ethan wraps his arm around her as the exit the office, both feeling a weight lift off their shoulders. 
“So, what would you like to do on our date, love?” 
“We’re near the diner, can we get food to go and then watch a movie at home? Our quiet, lowkey dates like that are my favorite.”
“Mine, as well. Let’s do it.” 
8:37 PM
The bell above the door of the diner jingles and as they enter. The oddly comforting smell of fried food filling the air. They haven’t been here in almost a year, not since the last time they attended the opera. 
It had become a tradition, over the years, to come to sixties themed diner after every show. Sit in the back booth, order the same meal, and enjoy just a little more time together as Ethan and Genevieve. 
“Look who the cat dragged in.” Pauline, their usual waitress, smiles from behind the counter. “I haven’t seen you two in almost a year.” 
“We’ve been busy.” Ethan leads Gen to the counter, one hand placed delicately at the small of her back. 
“I know. I follow you guys on pictagram.” The waitress smirks, then holds out her hand, and expectant expression on her face. “Let me see that ring.” 
Gen beams, lifting her hand to show her engagement ring.
“Oh, my my my, Ethan, you did well. That’s a quite a rock.” 
“She deserves the best.” 
“Can’t argue with that.” Pauline smiles again, “So, I’m assuming it’s the usual? Two burgers, two milkshakes and poutine?” 
“Yes, but make it to go, please.” Ethan hands her his card, as he and Gen settle into the worn bar stools. 
“You go it. Give me fifteen.” 
“Thank you.” He puts the card back in his wallet, before looking over at Genevieve. Her eyes still trained on her diamond ring, lips turned up in a whimsical smile. “What’s that face for?”
“I haven’t gotten to show it off like that in a while, you know cause it’s almost been a year since we got engaged and everyone we know knows. It was kinda fun to flaunt it, you know?” 
“Speaking of a year, you know it’s also been almost a year since we’ve gone to the opera and come here after?” 
“I do. We should rectify that.” Ethan leans over and kisses her sweetly. “How about, for our engagement anniversary next month, we go to the opera? We can recreate my original proposal plan.” 
Gen smiles at the idea. While she loves their proposal, a small part of her has always wanted to experience Ethan’s original plan. The one where he was going to pop the question in their private box as the curtain closed. 
She takes his face in her hands, thumbs caressing his cheeks. “I would love that.”
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A/N: again, I apologize that it took me like ten years to get back to this beast, but we’re here now and I thank you for being patient. 
Also.... I am both sad and happy to tell you that there are only 4 chapters left to this baby. That’s right, I said 4. And all of them are fluffy AF. One for April, and three for May. 
Also also... I am currently without a laptop, both my macbook and my back up Dell are currently broken, so I “stole” my mom’s to finish this chapter. With that being said, I don’t know when I will be able to get the rest of March’s edits out. Hopefully soon, but I can’t make any promises. So, sorry for that. If it’s going to be awhile before I can do the edits, I may finish the series in fic form first, aka the last four chapters, and come back to the edits once I have my computers back and working. 
Either way, I’ll let y’all know before I do anything. 
K, that’s it. Love you all. 
(Tagging Separately) 
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
Into The Night (2)
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Pairing: Kai x Reader 
Warnings: Unprotected Smut, Angst, 
Word Count: 6.9k 
A/N: I'm sorry!!
As the rain pours down, it soaks you but you have a hard time finding the urge to care. You watch the staircase from in front of your car, waiting for the man you love, the man you hoped loved you enough to come chase after you. You desperately wanted him to tell you that you were enough for him and that he had enough of the business that was taking so much from him. 
But he never came. 
A part of you must have known he wouldn't give it up, not for you. It wasn't as though you were anything special anyway. You were you, and he was a god, someone who deserved more than just you. 
You closed your eyes and for a moment imagined what it would have been like had he chased you. Kai running down the stairs, into the rain to take you in his arms and tell you how much he loved you and needed you, that you were first, that you were enough. 
But instead, you got into your car soaked and cried hard while driving to your apartment. Maybe he didn't love you as much as you thought he did. Maybe you truly weren't enough for him. 
Day by day, you stared at your phone, reading the last text he had sent you before you left. It was the last time he had typed out the words you wished you could hear from his lips right now, even if you don't deserve them.
"I love you." 
You can still hear the faint whispers of him saying the words in your head, but as time goes on the whispers get quieter and quieter, slowly fading away. 
Every week something changed, for the better, and you noticed yourself becoming yourself again. You stopped agonizing over the fact that he hadn't texted you, then you stopped caring that he hadn't called you. If he had been the man you thought he was, he would have reached out, maybe tried to explain himself. But he didn't, so maybe he wasn't the man for you. 
A month had gone by and you started going to coffee shops with your friends, finally getting out of the house. 
Six months had gone by and you were washing your hair and doing your makeup, feeling like yourself again. 
A year later, you were thriving. You had a great group of friends, you were putting yourself out there with guys and you had just been promoted at work, which tonight, this wonderful Friday, you were celebrating with your group of friends at a new club in the city. 
"I will be there soon." You laugh into the speaker, looking out the window of the cab to see where you were. "Promise, like two minutes away." You tell Moonbyul, pressing the end call button. 
The cab driver pulls up to the club and you see Moonbyul, Wheein and Solar waiting outside for you. 
"Fucking finally." Moonbyul groans, pulling you in for a hug. The others join in, congratulating you on your promotion. 
"Come." Wheein squeals. "I got us the best table." She finishes, pulling you inside the club. 
You walk in and it's jam-packed with people. You squeeze her arm as you navigate through the massive amounts of bodies, finally settling at a table with your three best friends. 
"First." Solar pauses. "Shots." She smiles as four shots are delivered to your table. 
"That was cool." You laugh. 
The four of you down your shots. 
"Next," Wheein says. "More shots." Another round is placed on your table, one in front of each of you. 
The four of you take your shots again. 
Half an hour later, you had already done four shots and had two drinks, and to say you were feeling it would be an understatement. 
"I'm going.." hiccup. "To the bathroom." You giggle, ungracefully sliding from your chair and stumbling your way to the bathroom. You close your eyes for a split second as you walk past the bar, trying to ease the spinning when you bump into a hard chest. 
You open your eyes and look up, immediately thinking your eyes are playing tricks on you. You blink a few times before stumbling back, shaking your head slightly and looking back up at the man.. the man you once loved. 
"Kai?" You whispered. 
"Ayn.." he says. "It's good to see you." 
"Yeah.. um, you too." You say, unsure of really what to say. There were a few things you had planned to say to him had you ever actually run into him but you truly never thought that situation would arise. 
"How have you been?" You ask. 
Not what you wanted to say. 
"Good, good." He smiles that radiant smile that just melts your heart. "I quit the business." He says. 
Your heart drops. 
"When?" You ask, a little confused. 
"About nine months ago." He answers. 
You scoff. 
"So three months after you let me run out because you were never going to give it up?" You ask. You can feel the anger rising inside of you. 
"I.. well, Hwasa helped me realize." He says. Seconds later a gorgeous woman slides her manicured hand over his shoulder as he wraps his arm around her waist. 
You look at Kai confused, and heartbroken all over again. 
"Hi, I'm Hwasa, Kai's fiancee." She purrs, holding out her hand with a big diamond ring on the right finger. 
"Fiancee?" You breathe. "I tried.. for you.. and I wasn't good enough.. but you knew her for three months and she got you to quit and propose? What the fuck was I? Did you even love me?" You yell. 
"Ayn.. let's not do this here.." Kai says, looking uncomfortable. 
"No, I'm not doing anything... I’m...I can't breathe." You cry, turning around to stumble from the crowded building. You burst through the door, the cool outside air hitting you hard as you gasp for breath. 
Kai, the man you loved was now with someone else, someone who seemed worthy of him, not to mention he left.. he left the business behind. The one that you weren't good enough for him to leave. You weren't good enough to fight for apparently. 
With your feet dragging, you walk the long-distance home, ignoring the buzzing of your cellphone as you try to keep the tears from falling. You lost. 
The next morning you woke up, feeling as though a train had smashed into your life - oh wait, it did. You recall the events of last night and how your heart was shattered for a second time by the same man, in less than a year. You grab your phone, looking at the time, 11:34 am. Before you set your phone down, it buzzes an incoming message. You open your messages and your heart drops as you immediately recognize the phone number. 
[11:35 am] 17362592474: I'm sorry about that. Can we talk? 
It took all you had in you to not call him and scream at him. He's sorry about that, he's sorry? For what exactly? The fact that he didn't come after you, or the fact that he got engaged so quickly after leaving you shattered and a shell of the person you were before. 
You threw your phone to the corner of your room. You couldn't deal with this today. So instead of answering him back, you went about your Saturday. You went for a jog but you never did stop thinking about the woman, Hwasa who was so perfect and seemed so perfect for him. They were a gorgeous couple, one of those couples who should be featured in all the magazines. You didn't compare to her, clearly. 
That night you stayed in, ignoring the ringing of your phone that still sat in the corner of your room and instead binge-watched the saddest kdramas you could find and cried, while also stuffing your face. 
You woke up Sunday feeling terribly bloated, with an even worse headache but none of that compared to how your heart felt. As much as you didn't want to admit it, as much as this would absolutely fuck with all the progress you made in the last you, you still loved him. Seeing him Friday night confirmed that, you would still forgive him if you had the chance. 
Now you spent the rest of your Sunday agonizing over a decision you needed to make. 
Text him back, or ignore it? 
Monday morning you sat at your desk, chewing on your fingernail as you stared at the message on your phone that you had read almost a thousand times over. 
Can we talk? 
Sure, you wanted to talk, you had a lot of things you wanted to say to him. You grabbed your phone, typing the message before throwing it on your desk and trying to focus on some work. 
[10:12 am] You: Sure. Let's talk. 6 pm, my place. I'd rather this not be public. *Address*  
[10:14 am] 17362592474: See you then, Ayn. 
You roll your eyes at his reply. Boy, was he going to get an ear full. 
You paced in front of your door, checking your phone every 3 seconds. Time was moving so slowly as you waited for Kai to show up. You ran lines through your head, planning out exactly what you were going to say to him. You were ready and prepared to go off. 
You checked your phone again. 
5:59 pm 
You stood in front of your door and took a deep breath before opening it. You almost gasped at the sight of him. He looked so good, but seriously, he had the audacity to look that good and show up here? What the fuck. 
"Hi, Ayn." He smiles. "Are you going to let me in?" He asks. 
"Oh." You say, coming out of your trance. You open the door wider, allowing him to come in before closing the door behind you. 
 "Nice place." He says, looking around. You lean against the door, your arms crossed as you try to remember the first thing you wanted to say. 
"Thanks." You whisper. 
That wasn't it. 
"Hwasa and I are on a break." He begins. "Look, I'm really sor.." he started to say before you cut him off. 
"Don't." You yell, raising your hands to your ears. "I don't want to hear that you're sorry." You spit. "Sorry doesn't make up the fact that you didn’t chase me. Sorry doesn't make up for the fact that you met someone 3 months after you let me walk out of your life like I was nothing, and then you got engaged! You really are.." you say before now he cut you off, this time with his lips. 
You hadn't even noticed him walking towards you until his lips were pressed against yours. Your eyes are still wide open as you realize what's happening. You place your hands on his shoulders, pushing him away. You're shocked as you gently touch your lips before raising your hand and slapping him. 
You look at him, up and down before grabbing his collar and pulling him back to you, latching your lips onto his. He wraps his arms around you pulling you in close. He backs up, pushing you against your door as he hikes up your skirt, his knee pressed in between your legs. You break the kiss and his lips travel to your neck, your hands now in between the two of you, unbuckling his belt. He shimmies his pants down, along with his boxers, his cock springing free. 
Kai places his hands behind your legs, picking you up and pressing you against the door once again. He lines up his cock before pushing himself into you with a gasp as his head rests in the crook of your neck. Your hands-on his shoulders as he thrusts himself into you, making you moan loudly. 
"Fuck." He grunts, his fingertips digging into the back of your legs as he fucks you. Your hand moves to his hair, running your fingers through his locks as he hits all the right spots, your clit being rubbed perfectly. 
You can feel his hot breath on your neck, his lips pressing a kiss as you cry out, loudly. 
"Just like that." You moan as your orgasm builds. "Don't stop." You cry, your fingers gripping tightly onto his hair. 
"Cum for me, please." He begs, you wrap your arms around his neck as your orgasm flows through your body, making you scream. 
Kai thrusts faster as he chases his high, spilling himself into you. "Oh god." He moans as he thrusts lightly, coming down from his high. 
You're both still for a moment, Kai still inside you as you both breathe heavily. "Shit." He whispers, pulling out. "That was a mistake." He says, pulling up his pants and buckling his belt back up. 
"What?" You ask, tears now brimming in your eyes. 
"No, that's not what I meant." He tries to assure you. "I meant the timing was a mistake, not you, never you." He says. 
"No, I get it. I wasn't good enough for you then, why would I be good enough for you now." You spit. "Get out." 
"Ayn.. please. It's not what I meant. I miss you!" He pleads. 
"Get out now!" You cry. The tears roll down your cheeks as he looks at you with such despair, to just listen to him. You don't care. You were a mistake. 
You storm towards your window, pushing it open as you struggle to catch your breath. How could you be so stupid as to let him fuck you, let him back into your life like that? 
This was a mistake 
I miss you.
Did he though? Did he miss you? 
You let out a loud and frustrated grunt as you swiftly moved around your apartment, rage cleaning. How could you let him come up here and taint your fresh, drama and Kai free space? Bad Ayn. 
Heading for your cabinets, you reach for your favourite cleaner, the one that smells like happiness to you and you begin your work. You scrub your door, cleaning away the sweat, the reminder that you let him fuck you against your door. You wash your floors, making sure to clean where he stood extra hard. 
When you were finally satisfied with your house and the cleanliness and freshness of your place, you went to take care of yourself, spending an absurd amount of time in the shower. You used different soaps especially on your neck, you washed your hair a few times and your fingers, trying desperately to get the smell of him off of you, trying to get the feeling of being called a mistake off of you. 
After your shower, you sat in your robe, in a chair in the living room, your finger hovering over the cold button on your cell phone. You needed to call Jisoo and tell her about this but you were slightly nervous about her reaction. You closed your eyes and pressed the call button and took a few deep breaths as you listened to the sound of the phone ringing. 
"Heeelloooooo." She answers in a singing voice. 
"I did a thing." You whisper into the phone. 
"A thing? Ooh, what kind of thing?" She asks. 
"A bad thing." You reply. 
"Do tell." She says excitedly. 
"I accidentally..slept with Kai." You whisper. 
She says nothing. 
"I'm sorry. WHAT?" She gasps. "Kai? As in, you just got over Kai? That Kai?" 
"That Kai, yes." You whisper. 
"Giiiiiirl." She screams. "So you're back together? I always loved the two of you together." 
"He has a fiancee." You whisper. 
"I'm sorry again, WHAT?" She says. "And you still fucked him?" 
"Well, he said they're on a break." You nervously laugh. 
"Shit girl. How do you feel?" She asks. 
"He said it was a mistake. The timing was a mistake but all I heard was I'm a mistake." You answer. 
"What'd you do?" 
"Kicked him out." You laugh. 
"Yas best friend, you go best friend." She laughs. "But in all seriousness, are you okay?" 
"I don't know." You respond. "I still love him, and I know I could forgive him but I don't know if I should. He broke me, and it took a long time to fix that and then he's got this new girl, and shit.. what do I do, Ji?" You sigh. 
"This is something you have to figure out for yourself. I can’t be the one to tell you what to do, as much as I would like to, this is you." She responds. 
"Thanks, Ji." You say before hanging up the phone. She was right, you had a lot of thinking to do but also, you really need to talk to Kai. 
Kai sat on his couch with his head thrown back as he replayed this evening's events through his head, over and over again. He will admit, he shouldn't have kissed you but it couldn't help it. He really had missed you. He stared at your lips as you yelled at him and he thought about kissing you, then bam, he was doing it and he didn't want it to stop, but then you slapped him and kissed him back and everything escalated from there. 
He lets out a loud groan as he thinks about his life and where he was now, he felt like he was going insane. Everything was so fucked up, and in all honesty, it was his fault. Had he just gone after you, none of this would have happened. You would be here, laying in his arms, and you both would be happy but instead, you're broken and it's his fault and he's still in love with you. 
Kai thinks back to that day, the one when he let you get away and fuck does he ever wish he could have a redo of that day. The amount of shame he felt for what he did was indescribable. 
"Either you want it, or you don't. So let me know." You finished before walking away, and Kai stood there. He couldn't move as you closed the door behind you. He was hurt, angry and ashamed. You were so much more important than his business and he wanted to tell you that, but his pride wouldn't let him. He wanted you to be more understanding of his job and realize that it was just that, a job. So he waited. 
He waited for you to return, he waited for a text, a phone call, something - anything but it never came. He thought maybe you needed time but as the weeks went by he slowly began to realize that you had left him and it hurt. It had been too long now, he couldn't crawl back so maybe you would. If he was lucky, you would be the one to reach out to him. 
One night he had gone to a restaurant - alone. He ordered a glass of wine, and his meal and sat in silence as he watched the happy couples smile and laugh. He wanted that, with you. As he was lost in thought someone tripped beside him, dropping a purse. He knelt down to help and when he looked at the woman, he was shocked, she was breathtaking but nothing compared to you. 
Maybe that's what he needed, a distraction, someone to help him get over you. She smiled at him and he smiled back. "Thank you for your help." She says. 
"No problem. Are you okay?" He asks, seeing the tears in her eyes.
"Terrible date." She sniffles. 
"Would you like to join me…" he pauses. 
"Hwasa." She smiles. 
"Would you like to join me Hwasa?" He asks.  
"I would love to.." she pauses. 
"Yes, Kai, I would love to " 
A few months later he was looking at the engagement ring he had bought, that was supposed to be for you and Hwasa had caught him, immediately screaming yes and crying. She was so happy. So he slid the ring on her finger and decided to keep it to himself. A few weeks later, he handed the business over to Baekhyun, not because Hwasa had convinced him like she thought but because he worried she would try to take it over. 
Kai was a little in over his head with her, especially when he couldn't stop thinking about you but he just couldn't bring himself to end it with Hwasa. He felt guilty, it had been too long now, maybe he was stuck. Maybe this is what he deserved, his karma for not chasing you. 
A few days later, you glanced at the clock as you finished your paperwork, it was 9 pm. You let out a big yawn, stretching out your arms. There was a faint knock at your door, so you finished your stretch as you walked over to see who was here so late. You looked through the peephole and saw Kai standing there swaying. Your heart was in your stomach, you most definitely weren't prepared for this. 
With a shaky hand, you turned the doorknob and opened the door slightly. "What are you doing here?" You ask, looking both ways down the hallway. 
"I fucking miss you," Kai yells. "Please let me in." He begs. 
You can hear your neighbours beginning to get annoyed, so you opened the door fully and grabbed Kai by his shirt to drag him in.
"You can't just show up here like this." You say, crossing your arms. "You're engaged." You finish, those last few words felt so bitter coming out of your mouth. 
"I'm not… I'm not engaged." Kai says, walking closer to you. He pulls you in, just holding you but your arms are still crossed. "Please.. hold me back." He whispers. 
As a tear rolls down your cheek, you uncross your arms holding onto him tightly. The two of you stand there for a moment, you take in his smell, remembering what he used to smell like. It's the same, but whiskey added tonight. 
"Come." You whisper, letting go of him, and pulling him towards your shower. You run the hot water as he stands there. "There are towels in here." You say pointing to the cabinet. "I'll have some clothes for you when you're done." You finish, leaving the bathroom to let him do his thing. 
He's not in there for very long. A few minutes later you look up to see him standing there with his towel wrapped around his waist with water dripping from his hair. You bite your lip at the sight of him, taking a deep breath and remembering you can't. You can't do that. 
"Here." You whisper, handing him some old clothes of his that you never got rid of. You felt a little ashamed to have kept them this long but it was something you could get over.  You turn around as he drops his towel, you can hear him sigh as he slides on his clothes  
"Done." He says, his voice low and shaky. 
"You need to sleep this off." You say, opening your bed covers. Kai crawls in, scooting over for you. 
"Please?" He asks, patting the open space beside him. 
"I can't." You whisper. "I'll be on the couch." You finish, walking away and turning out the lights as you make your way to the couch. 
Kai wakes up startled. He sits up in bed, confused about where he is, he looks over at the clock, it reads 4:49 am and then he remembers. He came to your house, you hugged him back, put him in the shower and tucked him in. You were so good. 
Kai crawls out of bed, feeling his way out of your room and making his way to the living room. 
He walks in and sees you curled up on the couch, a small piece of your hair covering your face. He smiles at how peaceful and happy you look in your sleep. He misses watching you sleep at night, just looking at you and feeling so unbelievably grateful that you were his. Kai bends down, scooping you up in his arms and bringing you to your bed. He places you down, covering your shivering body as he crawls in beside you, making sure to leave space between you two. He wished he could wrap his arm around you and fall asleep with his face buried in the crook of your neck, but instead he fell back asleep with his face buried in your pillow and tears rolling down his cheeks. 
That morning you wake up, feeling extra warm. You stretch out your back, pushing out your ass and you're met with something hard pushed up against you. Your eyes shoot open as you feel a hand sliding over your stomach, pulling you in closer. You shouldn't be doing this but fuck, you missed him, you missed this and everything that came with it. 
A few minutes couldn't hurt. So you snuggled back into him, relishing in the feeling of being held by him again, his strong arms wrapped around you, making you feel like the safest person in the world. Your personality made a bit of a flip and you began scooting your ass back a little more, lightly grinding yourself on his cock. 
"Mhmm." He groans, pushing himself against your ass harder. "Goodmorning." He says, his voice husky and quiet. 
"Goodmorning." You whisper. 
"Can I.. just." He pauses, pushing himself into you further. You weren't sure what came over you, maybe it was the trance that you always seem to be in around him but you opened your legs, giving Kai the invitation to enter. 
He lets out a loud groan as he moves to pull his sweats and boxers down, his cock ready as it drips precum. You open your legs a little more, letting him move your panties to the side before he slides himself inside you, stretching out your pussy.
"Fuck." You whimper as he slides in and out of you slowly, making you crave more. He pulls up your shirt, exposing your bare breasts before cupping one, twiddling your nipple between his fingers. 
You reach your hand down between your legs, pressing down on your throbbing clit before gently rubbing as Kai continues to thrust inside of you. His face is pressed into your neck, nipping gently as his hot breath flows over you. 
"I've missed you." He breathes. "Your scent, your face, your body, your pussy, everything about you." He groans. Kai continues to fuck you, his hand leaving your breast to move up, wrapping around your neck. He lightly squeezes, making you moan loudly as your orgasm builds. 
"I missed you." You cry out, rubbing yourself faster, needing your release. 
Kai's hand around your neck tightens as you both cum, your body squirming as he fills you up. You both lay there, breathing, taking a moment. He releases your neck but instead of moving away from you, holds you closely for a few minutes. 
Kai springs out of bed a few minutes later, pulling on a shirt before finding his shoes. "Shit." He panics. 
"What are you doing?" You ask, very confused. 
"I have to go to work. I'm already late." He chuckles. "I will text you." He says, kissing you gently on the cheek before running out the door, leaving you standing there with his cum dripping down your leg. 
"Rude." You scoff, making your way to shower. Before you get in you text Jisoo, asking her to lunch because now, you have more news. 
She texts back immediately confirming and telling you she can't wait. 
"Again!?" Jisoo yells, throwing her hands up in the air while you hide behind your hands. "You slept with him, again." She sighs. 
"It was a.." you begin. 
"I will cut you if you say it was a mistake." Jisoo threatens. "Look, you guys need to chat about what the fuck is happening because you have me confused." 
"You're confused? I'm also confused." You sigh, taking a sip of your drink. 
"Excuse me." You hear from beside you. You look up and see a very handsome man standing in front of your table. "I'm sorry to bother you, but I just thought you were stunning and wanted to give you my number. If you are interested in a date, call me, if not at least I know I gave it a shot." He smiles, placing a napkin in front of you before walking away. 
You and Jisoo laugh as you slip the note into your purse. Considering how things were going with Kai, you didn't think you would need it. You finished your lunch with Jisoo and said goodbye before you went on a stroll and headed back to your apartment. You thought about your morning with Kai and smiled like an idiot as you skipped down the sidewalk, feeling like you were on top of the world. 
As you neared your apartment, you decided to stop and grab an iced coffee, maybe even a cookie from your favourite shop until suddenly you weren't very thirsty anymore, but instead, your heart sunk as your throat dried up. You looked in the window of the coffee shop and saw Kai sitting there with Hwasa, his hand in hers as they laughed. 
You pulled out your phone and dialled his number. You watched as he checked to see who was calling and then put his phone down, ignoring the call. 
With your heart hurting, you continued to walk to your apartment. You decided you were done being played by him and reached in your purse, digging for the napkin the stranger had given you earlier. If Kai wanted to play games with you, fuck with your feelings for him, well then you could do the same, and make him hurt more. 
The minute you got home you sat at your kitchen table, dialling the number the man had given you. 
"Hello?" He answers. 
"Hi." You say. "I realized that I never got your name." You smile. 
"I'm sorry." He laughs. "I don't usually do that so I was a little nervous. My name is Taemin." He tells you. For some reason his name made you smile widely. 
"Nice to meet you, Taemin. My name is Ayn." You say. 
"Well Ayn, would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow night?" He asks. 
"I would love to." You answer, without a second thought. Kai was pushed so far to the back of your mind, you didn't even feel guilty about saying yes to Taemin, Kai could have Hwasa. 
"7 pm, Jungsik Seoul. Is it okay if we meet there?" He asks. 
"Yes, that sounds perfect. See you tomorrow." You say, hanging up after he says goodbye. 
You were truly excited, maybe this means you and Kai weren't meant for each other. Setting your phone on the table, you walk away, trying to decide what you wanted to have for dinner tonight when your phone rang again. You made the mistake of answering it without even looking at who was calling, you were just trying to be happy. 
"Hello?" You answer, a little tune in your voice. 
"Hi, beautiful." You hear on the other end. 
"Kai?" You ask.
"Yes, baby, you and me, tomorrow night. Can we talk please?" He asks. 
"No." You spit. "I saw you with Hwasa at the coffee shop this afternoon. You were smiling while holding her hand. So much for a break. I really continue to surprise myself at how many times I'll let you fuck with my heart." 
"Ayn." He says but you don't stop. 
"I have a date tomorrow night." You say. "He's taking me to Jungsik Seoul. So I'm busy, bye." You finish, hanging up the phone. You toss your phone onto your couch, heading to the bathroom and slamming the door behind you, your mood now completely ruined. 
You stood outside the restaurant in your red flowy dress and heels as you waited for Taemin to show up. You checked your phone again and it was only 6:57pm, so it's not like he was late, you were just a naturally early person. 
"Hey." You hear from behind you. You turn around and see Taemin walking up to you, in his suit that fit him perfectly, his hair laid out in a perfect way to shape his face, his plump lips spread into a smile. 
"Hi." You smile. 
"Have you been waiting long?" He asks, pulling the door open for you. 
"Just a few minutes." You say, walking into the restaurant. "Not long at all." 
"Reservation for Lee Taemin." He tells the man at the front who then takes you to your seats. 
As the two of you look over the menu, the conversation is flowing and you can't control your laughter. You were having an amazing time with Taemin, but your heart wasn't fully in it. You took a sip of your wine as Taemin looked past you, slightly confused. 
"Hey man." He says, standing up. 
"What the hell are you doing?" You hear from behind you. It's Kai. 
"I'm on a date man," Taemin says, pointing to you. 
"With Ayn." Kai snaps. 
"Like.. the Ayn?" Taemin asks, looking between you both. 
"Yeah." Kai answers.
"Bro, I'm sorry, I didn't know," Taemin says, putting his hands up to surrender. 
"You don't get to do this." You spit, standing up from the table. "You don't get to waltz in here and pull this shit." 
"He's a friend, Ayn. He knows about everything and how bad I've wanted you back." Kai tries to explain. 
"Oh, I'm sure you wanted me back so bad." You scoff. "That's why you were getting all cozy with Hwasa yesterday right? That was wanting me back, right?" You yell, crying again. "I'm tired of you lying to me about her. Either you're done with her or you're not." You finish in a whisper. 
"I am done. Look, Ayn, it's not what you think at all. Please, please let me explain." He begs. 
You look around the restaurant at all the people watching you and your drama. "Fine." You whisper, sitting down slowly into your seat. 
"Do you mind?" Kai asks Taemin, pointing to his seat. 
"Get your girl, man." Taemin smiles, walking out of the restaurant, leaving you both to talk. 
"I'm just going to go to the bathroom." You sniffle, earning a smile from Kai. 
You walk to the bathroom, with the plans of fixing up your makeup, trying to make yourself look somewhat presentable again. But you never had expected to see Hwasa standing in the bathroom, leaning against the wall as if she was waiting for you.
"Awh." She fake pouts. "Poor little Ayn. Are you upset that you're trying to ruin someone else's relationship?" She asks. 
You ignore her. 
Hwasa laughs. "Do you think you've won because he's sitting out there wanting to talk to you? Sweetie, he walked out on you once, what makes you think he won't do it again?" She smiles. "If I were you, I'd be so insecure because I'm not giving up my man." She spits, walking out of the bathroom. 
Fuck your makeup, you storm right out of the bathroom and head for the table you share with Kai. "Are you done with her?" You ask, slamming your hands on the table. 
"W-what?" He asks. "Yes, I don't want her." 
"Then you should probably let her know because she just told me in the bathroom that she's not giving you up." You tell him. 
Kai stands up, looking around the restaurant. "Hwasa." He calls out. 
She smiles widely as she walks towards the table. "Hi, baby." She purrs, sliding her arm onto his shoulder. 
Kai pushes her off. "Look, I told you yesterday over coffee, I'm done. I don't want you." Kai growls. 
"Are you forgetting our little arrangement?" Hwasa scoffs. "I can pull out my money and you'll be ruined." She threatens. 
"You'll have your money back tomorrow, first thing. You're not hanging this over my head anymore, Hwasa." Kai spits, pointing to her face. "Get it through your thick skull, it's always been her." He finishes, walking towards you, taking  your hand and pulling you from the restaurant, leaving Hwasa standing there, looking like a fool. 
It had now been a year of you and Kai being back together and they have been the best year of your life. After that night at the restaurant, you and Kai sat down and had a very long talk about everything, clearing the air, no more secrets. Slowly as the days went on, you began to trust him more and more, which led to you slowly dating again. 
After a few months you didn't want to do the slow thing anymore. You wanted him fully. You had no doubts about your relationship, and you didn't want to wait to give yourself fully to him. Kai had your heart in his hands, and you knew he would never do anything to break it again. 
"You're lying." Kai whispers, staring at Hwasa with wide eyes. "You can't.. it's not mine." Kai says. 
"The Night of the hotel with the papers. That wasn't Ayn you were with. It was me." She tells you. 
Kai closes his eyes, flashing back to that night four months ago. 
"I miss you." You pout into the phone, making Kai chuckle on the other end. 
"I miss you too, baby." He groans. "I'm going to kill Baekhyun for this." 
"You can't kill him. He needs his best friend. Make sure you're safe tonight. I have something exciting to tell you when you get home in the morning." You smile, looking over at the positive pregnancy test sitting on the kitchen table. 
"Okay baby, they're calling me, so I will see you in the morning. I love you." He sighs. 
"I love you more." You whisper before hanging up the phone. 
"Sorry about that." Kai says, putting his phone in his pocket. 
"No worries." Hwasa answers, sliding papers towards him. "These are the transfer of ownership papers." She says, pouring a glass on whiskey for Kai. 
"This is all you called me here for? To give me papers?" He asks. 
"Yes." Hwasa answers. "Actually, I do have a question." She says.
Kai takes the glass drinking the shot before Hwasa fills it up again. 
"Why Ayn?" She asks. "What is so special about her?" 
Kai chuckles as he drinks another shot, and another one. "She was the first one to think of me as more than just a dick." Kai answers. "She saw i was worth more than being just a good fuck." 
Hwasa nods her head as she pours Kai another shot, his body beginning to feel warm. 
"I think you're more than just your dick." Hwasa whispers, pushing the shit towards him, leaning in closely to Kai. 
He takes a breath, smelling the air. It smells like you, he can smell your perfume. "Ayn." He smiles. His world spins slightly as he takes the shot. He looks up and he swears he sees you sitting across from him. 
"Lets go to bed." He hears. A woman helps him up, taking him up to a hotel room and laying him in the bed. 
"Ayn, my sweet baby. I like your dress." He smiles as he squints his eyes, watching the dress fall to the floor. 
"I want you." He hears a whisper, making him groan. 
"Oh baby, I want you too." Kai groans, unblocking his belt. 
He watches as his cock is pulled out. He closes his eyes as a mouth wraps around his tip, teasing him with a tongue before sucking hard, bobbing up and down as his cock gets sucked. 
"Fuck." He huffs, his hands reaching up and grabbing a chunk of hair, holding the head steady as he thrusts himself up, his cock sliding down the throat. 
"Ride my cock." He whimpers. 
His eyes are still closed as he feels a body climb up the bed, hovering over him before sitting on his cock. "Oh god." He hears moaned from above. He places his hands on hips, helping rock back and forth. 
"You always feel so good around my cock." He whines, his fingertips digging into the thighs on top of him. 
"Cum." He demands, his teeth clenched together. He listens to the sweet sound of moans from above him, as fingertips dig into his chest. 
It doesn't take long for Kai to cum, filling up the warm pussy that surrounds his cock. 
"Fuck, I love you." He sighs before falling asleep. 
In the morning Kai wakes up startled and confused. He remembers drinking with Hwasa, but he must have drank too much. He looks over and sees Hwasa sleeping in the other bed in the room, both of them still fully clothed. He went home that morning and told you about the wild sex dream he had about you, and you told him you were pregnant. 
Kai walks in the door of your shared apartment and sees you standing there, with two tiny baby onesies, one with blue writing and one with pink. 
"It's twins babe." You cry. "A boy and a girl!" 
Kai walks towards you, dropping to his knees, sobbing with his head down.
"I'm so sorry Ayn, I fucked up." He whispers. "Hwasa's pregnant and it's mine." 
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