#it'll just bring unnecessary negativity
Who I want to win: Germany, Australia or Finland
Who I want to win, that I think could win: Finland
Who I low key want to win: Sweden (I just want us to host again tbh, I think I'd try to go if we did and it makes me excited. And it's a great song, it's 11 in my ranking)
Who I think will win: Sweden
Who I don't want to win: Croatia and Poland (and maybe Ukraine just because the aftermath of that would be a mess I don't want to see)
Honestly, I'd be happy with every other country winning. That's how good I think most of the songs are this year. Like, even Spain who's 29 in my ranking (and does actually have a chance to win) I'd be happy with. I still think that song is good enough to deserve to win even if it isn't my personal favorite.
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meepmop14 · 11 months
Alright, I feel as though I must make myself clear.
I don't mean to be the defender of the writers or an apologist for the show.
This season was a mess. It was rushed, messy, and frankly, extremely disappointing.
As someone who was desperately waiting for season 2, I'm just so sad. Our flag means death is one of my favourite shows, and I just felt so devasted to see S2 go so wrong in so many ways.
I mean, no charecter development for anyone other than Ed and Stede (which was also just fucked, so like whats the point), the whole crew just felt like a bunch of background characters (unlike S1 where they were actually important). There was also the problem of too many villains (why build up Ned as this super scary and feared guy, if he was just going to die in the same episode?? Why bring back nose guy?? [I genuinely forgot his name. He is that insignificant] Like literally everyone forgot about him) and just so many unnecessary people
For example, I was really looking forward to some Jim and Olu development but the show went nope here have two new characters that have nothing to do with either of them and we'll pair them up thank you (I love archie and zheng but we could've done with them not being love interests to these two characters who already had a thing going)
Stede and Ed are straight up toxic to each other and the other crew members (abandoning each other repeatedly, THEY SAID THEY WERE A WHIM AND THAT THEYD TAKE IT SLOW AND THEN JUST DIDNT DO THAT, Stede literally being the 'talk it through guy' but also shushing the crew up when they expressed discomfort or discontent with Ed coming back or Ed not caring for anyone but Stede)
The start of this season felt so wierd and honestly the characters didn't feel like themselves at all but I thought maybe it's just me and maybe it'll get better as the season progresses but nope just got worse
All that being said, I don't think the writer's meant to be discriminating against iz (intentionally) but if they did that's fucked up.
I also think the problem with having less time is very real, but at the same time, smart writers know how to work around that so fuck me I guess
I'm just so conflicted with everything because I do genuinely love this show and I feel so guilty for thinking of it as negatively as I am
AND THE END LIKE WHY WHY KILL IZZY IT MAKES NO SENSE WHATSOEVER. He deserved to be the new captain. Why take that away? Why take away his chance to live happily with the crew after he finally bonded with them? Why take away his chance of being the captain he knew he could always become?
If I ignore all the problems in OFMD S2, I did like the fluffy bits. I loved the love confessions and the marriage proposals (and the actual wedding was very sweet) and the glances and kisses and the crew having fun and the wierd lesbians and zheng and archie (god I do love them like a lot) and Con singing and the show being silly, but in the end, I was left unsatisfied
I just - I don't know, it doesn't feel like the show I fell in love with, and I hate that feeling so much
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dream-critical · 1 year
Sorry for asking you about this,
but I'm very confused on the cellbit situation. It's clear that what he has done is something horrible, but at the same time it seems like the whole brazilian community thinks, that he has changed(gone to therapy and now in a happy relationship for 5 years). Since that happened when he was 19 and now he's 26, they say it's been long enough to see that he's not an ab*ser anymore. Also people are saying the victim doesn't want this to be talked about anymore, telling people to stop speaking about things they don't know about.
As someone who hasn't experienced something like this, i don't know how such a situation must be handled.
Should Quackity remove Cellbit because of his horrible past, or should he listen to the people who say he's changed?
P.s. If what I said is in any way disrespectful, I'm very sorry. I'm just very ignorant in this topic and wanted to hear your opinion.
The victim has explicitly said that she will not stop bringing this up bc there are so many vurnerable girls going through the same things she did, even if people keep telling her it's "unnecessary". She literally said she felt silenced and like she couldn't go into detail bc no one would care.
Also would like to say that from what I've seen, only cellbits fans and current girlfriend are defending him like that.
I'd say it's a lot more complex than just saying he has changed or implying abusers can't change. Yes he can change, yeah his current girlfriend has said he never even raises his voice at her etc. But an abuser does not mistreat every single person they know. Literally every horrible person out there still has friends or family members that adore them. Technically speaking that doesn't mean shit.
The facts are that he did abuse his ex, and no matter how many years ago it happened, it's always going to be sickening to watch the person that hurt you so deeply get that kind of platform bc it's very public.
I do not think that even someone that is an "ex" abuser deserves the huge platform cellbit would get by streaming on the qsmp. Does that mean I think no one ever deserves a second chance? No of course not. People can change and grow, I just think that they should do it away from their victims and this would only make it harder to avoid him for said victim.
Also if we are speaking on a technical level and not a moral one, removing cellbit from the qsmp would be a smarter move. It'll bring negative attention to the smp, it'll cause a lot of discourse etc. Just redoing that announcement post without cellbit in the picture, perhaps replaced with someone else, and a quick announcement saying he won't be part of the qsmp anymore would be better imo.
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geminitarotmagick · 3 years
Full Moon Pick a Card Reading, Blackpink Edition
On this rare form of Blue Moon, take a deep breath and choose one of these four piles. Each pile holds various messages that you need to hear at this time. But remember, this is a general reading, so take what resonates and discard whatever does not.
If you would like a personal reading from me, I open mini reading requests every Monday where I will answer your question with five cards. Please only ask one question per ask per week, and make sure to leave a name/nickname/initial by which to call you when leaving your reading request.
But if you'd like something more in depth, or have a more urgent question, I am also currently offering in depth personal readings. More info on how to request an in depth paid reading here.
With that said, choose the pile that calls to you, and find your messages under the cut.
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Decks used: Therapets, Way of the Panda Tarot, Light Seers Tarot, Wild Unknown Animal Spirits, Shine From The Inside Oracle, Barbieri Zodiac Oracle, Oracle of the Fairies, The Deck (Custom Made Blackpink Oracle Deck)
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There's some guilt that you're being called to let go of. There are situations in your past that have caused you to regret how you acted, whether it be that you didn't stand up for yourself or that you hurt someone with things that were said. These situations have been prominent in your mind recently, but it's important to understand the bigger picture here. You're called to reflect on these moments and discover what lesson you were supposed to be learning from those experiences. These things happened so that you could grow, not so that you could be stuck in guilt. Allow yourself to make peace with these situations or people in whatever way that means to you, absorb the lesson, and then release the experience.
You're being called to be kind to yourself, and be patient as life changes and evolves around you. You have strong values, and it's important to stand firm in those while also staying true to yourself and staying grounded. When you're grounded and in tune with yourself, you can move mountains, so it's important for you to really allow yourself to find that center where you can return to when things get hard. It will be much easier for you to do this when you've released the guilt and negativity that is blocking you from achieving this state of mind. Whatever situations cause you stress and anxiety when you think about them, it's time to let go of them.
Now is a good time for you to work towards setting boundaries with the people around you as well. This isn't meant to push people away from you, but it is important to establish to those around you what is ok and not ok, and for you to love yourself enough to set these limits with people. There is insecurities that you have, but remember that most people do in fact want you to let them know when things aren't ok, and the people who care about you will appreciate you doing this. Without these boundaries in place, you're kept in a place of stagnation that doesn't allow you to grow, so please realize how integral setting these boundaries really is to your growth and wellbeing.
The fear of change is normal, but it won't prevent things from shifting, so learning to embrace it is key. This stems from that patience with yourself, but it also comes from allowing yourself to live in the now and let go of the anxiety about what "could be". It's important to be honest with yourself about what is holding you back and holding you in patterns that aren't serving you. This is a great time to start working on building your self confidence and self love, but this can only be achieved after you take a hard look at yourself and honestly assess what things are helping you and what things are hindering you.
One thing that will really help you to grow with this is to celebrate your own victories. No matter how small or large they are, progress is progress, and you deserve to feel accomplished for evolving and making positive changes. Also be open to the signs around you that you're on the right track. Sometimes these signs will be big. Sometimes they'll be subtle. But know that they're always there, and they're always ready to encourage you and cheer you on.
Focus your energy on breaking free of these things holding you back, and making tough decisions. To do this, you might need to step out of your comfort zone by taking risks and doing things you consider scary, but it'll pay off. It's also important to focus on understanding not only yourself, but others, and to not let harsh emotions like anger cloud your judgment.
Lastly, your Therapets card (top middle) is provided as a source of encouragement for you. The truth is, you're far more capable than you feel.
Cards Pulled: Reverse Four of Cups, Reverse Strength, Fire, Air, Celebration, Nature's Signs, Elk, Reverse Death, Reverse Queen of Wands, Hope Not, Tune Into Your Inner Peace, "The truth is, you're far more capable than you feel."
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You're being called to evaluate the situations you're in and the people you're surrounding yourself with, and to walk away from the people and situations that are no longer serving you. You have so much worth that you don't even realize because these things are weighing you down and blocking you from even realizing it. It might hurt at the moment to remove yourself from these things and people, but there are so many better things on the horizon for you, so long as you clear your energy to allow it to flow to you.
You've allowed yourself to be swayed by others opinions of you, and in doing so have allowed your own desires to be ignored. It's time for you to take your power back, and focus again on what it is that you want out of your life. It's also important to surround yourself with positive friends, and people who will encourage you following your dreams and doing things that make you happy. Take the time to focus on yourself and your own self care, and remember that it doesn't make you selfish to think about yourself. With these new friends, make sure to balance between giving to them and not burning yourself out so that this can be a more positive experience for both of you, and commit to keeping it that way.
This is a wonderful time to break out of the auto pilot mode you've put yourself into, and to put an end to that cycle. To put an end to that though, you need to be able to deal with past traumas you've been through in your life and make peace with them. This won't be easy to do, but it's necessary work to be able to move forward positively. You'll see so many blessings coming into your life when you choose to do the inner work and choose joy in the future. Make sure to have gratitude for all the things that come your way as well, as showing gratitude will make way for more positivity to continue to flow in. Let go of the past, allow yourself to trust the people in your present, set your boundaries, and allow all of that to bring to you situations that are more positive and divine.
There might even be desires of yours that you've kept hidden for so long that you don't even remember that you wanted it. Allow yourself to tap back into these desires that have remained hidden, and know that you can achieve them if you truly set your mind to it. You might not be perfect at it on the first try, but that's ok. As long as you go into it with an open mind and pure intentions, things will work out for your highest good. and work out the way they're supposed to. This is a great time for you to set goals and think about the things you want to accomplish, and allow your emotions to guide you towards setting goals that align with your dreams. Also allow yourself to listen to your intuition and that inner voice in your head. If you're drawn towards something, and it won't cause you any harm, then go for it.
Lastly, your Therapets card (top middle) is provided as a source of encouragement for you. You're not going to succeed at everything you do, and that's okay.
Cards pulled: Reverse Knight of Pentacles, Ten of Swords, Saturn, Moon, Lost and Found, Pure Intentions, Starfish, Nine of Cups, Reverse Nine of Wands, See U Later, Commit to Self Care Rituals, "You're not going to succeed at everything you try, and that's okay."
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It's so important for you to remember that you don't need to have everything figured out all the time. Life isn't as serious as you're making it out to be right now, and you're just causing yourself unnecessary stress. Allow yourself to actually live life, not just worry about life. Your past is holding you down right now. It's important for you to do some inner child work so that you can rise from the ashes of your past and move forward. This is a great time to let go of the baggage that's weighing you down, and let yourself move forward feeling lighter.
It's time for you to let go of these burdens, and allow yourself to rest and relax. This is a time for deep healing, if you allow yourself to do the work and feel the feelings. Doing that will help you to get realigned with yourself and find the emotional release that you've been needing.
You're confined to your comfort zone right now, but growth exists outside of it. So push yourself to try new things, have new experiences and think new thoughts. It's okay to start small, but remember you can't grow if you stay in the same place, so keep moving forward and keep pushing yourself.
You might be called to help others during this time as well, and you might find healing though helping others to find their healing. It'll help you to find your own self worth and remember just how special you are as well. You're not paying attention to your inner voice right now, and it's time to listen to it and think about what it is that you want, and allow your intuition to guide you.
Be receptive to the world around you, and allow it to inspire you to heal. There is hope on the horizon for you. You just need to allow it to find its way to you. Find the bright side of your situation, and hold onto that glimmer of light, and allow it to grow into a bigger and bigger light. You have the ability to change a negative situation into a positive one if you hold onto the light.
Allow yourself to feel the joy that feels most authentic to you. It's important to focus on what feels most authentic to yourself, but be patient with yourself as you do this. Keep the hope and the faith that you will find yourself, even if it takes more time than you'd initially like for it to.
Lastly, your Therapets card (top middle) is provided as a source of encouragement for you. You are going to get through this just fine.
Cards pulled: The Star, Eight of Cups, Jupiter, Sagittarius, Inspiration, Hope, Phoenix, Four of Pentacles, Reverse High Priestess, Forever Young, Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Try Something New, "You are going to get through this just fine."
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This is a very successful time for you, so remember to celebrate your wins. It doesn't matter how big or small they are. Allow yourself to revel in the feelings of success or satisfaction, because acknowledging those feelings will allow more of it to flow to you.
You might be finding yourself at a crossroads in life, and you might be trying to rationalize which path you should take. Drown out all the noise, and allow your intuition to guide you. If you really take the time to stop and listen, you'll find that you know what choice you should make already. Don't judge yourself for being unsure tho, and don't judge yourself for wanting to make a decision that others might not consider to be the "right" one. Those people are not you. You have to do what's right for you, and show yourself love and patience for having the courage to make that choice. Others opinions of what you choose to do does not matter.
You're a very caring person, and you wear your heart on your sleeve sometimes, and there's no shame in that. Allow that to be a strength and not a weakness, and let that propel you into manifesting the things you desire. You're moving towards even more success, so don't doubt yourself.
This is a time for creativity for you, so allow those ideas to flow through you and to you. You'll be opened up to new paths and new relationships with this, so allow the abundance to flow to you, and allow yourself to take this path with empathy, both towards yourself and towards the people who come into your life. Don't allow yourself to get overwhelmed and get cold. Your heart is your greatest asset. Allow it to stay open, despite what might happen.
Use nature to help you find your center during this time, and use it as a way to find peace when things get stressful. There's a lot of positive change coming to your life. Don't fear it. Embrace it, and embrace all of your wonderful manifestations. But if you find yourself feeling out of balance, allow yourself to take a walk or take a break in nature to help yourself get grounded again.
This is a great time to work on what you consider your own personal freedom. Big change is coming to you, and you're allowed to change as a person as well. Allow your self confidence to build as these changes come your way, and assess what things feel right to you as things shift. Once again, it's important to be patient with yourself, but it's also important to remember that you do have control of some things. Issues surrounding your personal identity and how you express yourself might come up during this time, so allow yourself to work through that and to give yourself the time you need to find what's right for you and to heal what isn't.
Lastly, your Therapets card (top middle) is provided as a source of encouragement for you. You're not going to succeed at everything you do, and that's okay.
Cards pulled: Knight of Cups, Eight of Wands, Sun, Uranus, Manifestation, Go Outside, Tarantula, The Empress, Ace of Cups, How You Like That, Stop Judging and Start Loving, "You need to give yourself time to heal, no matter how long that ends up being."
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gunpowderpenguin · 6 years
Honestly at this point I'm starting to wish Overwatch would stop putting out new characters.
Not because I dislike their characters though. Like, I admit, I'm not impressed with the latest character, Ashe. She feels unnecessary right now. Her aesthetic overlaps with McCree too much. She doesn't fulfill any kind of diversity (although I think she might have been intended to be albino, which could have been neat... But if that's the case they missed the mark) and her kit also seems to have too much overlap with other characters, not really bringing anything new to the table so much as repackaging stuff. (save for her cool ult).
But oh my God, I'm so sick of the fanbase hating every single decision blizzard makes and picking everything apart they do like vultures. Yeah, they found be doing better, I'm not saying people should just be satisfied with what they're given, or that they aren't allowed to dislike things blizzard does, but God, it's everything. It's like people fell in love with Overwatch at some point, but started idealizing it. Creating their own version of it in their head, and they get mad when blizzard didn't read their mind and bring their specific vision to life.
Every time a hero comes out, every single time, even when the fanbase likes a character, the fans STILL find things to get angry about the character, while they simultaneously praise it. I'm so exhausted by this cycle of every few months just being inundated by the overwatch shit storm.
Everytime a new hero is coming out I get excited, and it's just a cycle of "yes, new hero coming out, maybe it'll bring me back in! OH I LIKE THIS HERO, I MAY ACTUALLY JUMP BACK IN! Oh... I... Guess I should feel like shit for liking the hero..." and by the end of it I end up not being able to fully enjoy any of the new reveals. Ever. I'm literally never allowed to enjoy the game because people constantly want to go out of their way to tear it apart at every turn, and it feels like I'm a bad guy for not wanting to do the same.
I want more diversity. I want a native American character. I want more omnics. I want women that are allowed to be just as varied as men in body shape. I get the desire for it. I want the same thing. But I just don't get why the fanbase seems to actively go out of their way to find the negative of every single hero release, every single time. It's never JUST critiquing the bad stuff, it's turning the bad stuff into the whole thing. Every time.
Shit I don't even know if this wall of text makes any sense. I'm just rambling.
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