#it'll give me motivation
the-shrieking-shack · 2 years
Thinkin' I Had You
Pairing - Regulus Black x James Potter
Word Count - 4k words
Author's note -
Hello...This is my first time writing a one shot fic (and uploading too). I don't know if such a fic is already written before but if it is then I am extremely sorry because I was not aware and will give credits...Also as this is my first time I'm not sure if you guys will like it or not, but if you do then please share/like/reblog it so that even I get to know that the story has received some love... That's all I wanted to say..and hoping that y'all will like it...
James. The only thought Regulus had on his mind these days was James. The difference was that earlier, it would bring butterflies in his stomach but now all it brought was a sense of disgust, betrayal and memories. Memories he could never get rid of. Memories that stung and hurt like hell ! Memories of a boy...who made him realise his worth, of a boy who made him realise that he could love and be loved, of a boy who changed his life for good. But those memories did not last long and what they had slipped away into a moment in time. Dwelling on these thoughts and knowing that he won't be able to concentrate, he packed his things up and left the library, walking down the dark and lonely hallway towards the common room.
The Slytherin Common Room was a long, low underground room with rough stone walls that were intricately carved. The room had a Gothic feel to it with it's drab colours and round greenish lamps and lights hanging on the chain from the ceiling. On entering the room smell of mint, pine forest with earthy undertones and fire filled his nose. Oh ! How much he loved this smell. It felt so comforting. Not many people were awake. Just a bunch of first-years and third-years chattering. He heard them talking about some 'big game'. He was climbing the dorm stairs when it clicked him. Tomorrow was the Quidditch House Cup Finals between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. A game that he had been dreading as well as longing to watch. How could he forget that ! On reaching the dorm room, he quietly opened the door, lied in his bed and dozed off.
The morning was cool and pleasant ; perfect for a Quidditch game. The enthusiastic crowd took their seats in the stands. The stadium was filled with cheers and boos. The game began without any issue. As the game went on, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor had scored various goals. The current score was 60-50 in favour of Hufflepuff. The snitch had not yet been seen by either of the teams.
Hufflepuffs were now in possession of the quaffle, when all of a sudden, Amos and James started going for an object (possibly the snitch) that they had seen at a distance. They headed straight for the object, Amos in the lead. James dodged a bludger from one of the Hufflepuff players. Then, Amos dived as if he spotted the snitch closer to the ground. James swung around coming from the opposite direction. The two seemed as if they were going to collide with one another. At the last moment, James jumped off his broom and landed hard on the ground. He then somehow stood up (his left knee now bleeding), raised his hand high and revealed the shining snitch in hand. The score was now 210-70. "Gryffindor has won this year's Quidditch House Cup !!" the commentator announced. The stadium burst with claps and greetings. Regulus quietly stood up and left.
No matter how much he hated James, he couldn't help but smile at James' reckless nature and how he just jumped off the broom to catch the snitch. Suddenly he felt as though James called him but he just shrugged it off thinking he must've misheard it and the fact that James wouldn't even get a chance to-
"Regulus !" He heard someone call again and this time he was certain of who it was. He slowly turned around and saw James gasping for his breath.
"Hello !" James said.
"Potter, you do realise that you have a bloody knee, right ?" Regulus commented, swishing his wand and healing the wound. "Or did you just not know the healing spell ? "
"Regulus, I wanted to talk to you." James looked him in the eye.
"Well, that's a sad thing for I am swamped right now." Regulus was about to leave when James caught his hand, turned him around and pinned him against a wall. Regulus' heart was beating faster than ever. Looking at the scared look on his face, James let him loose.
"How dare you touch me, Potter ! Do not underestimate me, I have more power than you can even comprehend !" Regulus snapped.
"Well then you could've just listened to what I wanted to say !" James said snapping back.
"Okay ! Go ahead ! But this will be the last time you lie to me."
"Regulus...You know it's not like that." James said softening his tone.
But Regulus had lost it.
"It didn't have to be like that but you ruined everything ! You never cared about me, did you ? Because if you did then you would've stayed. You would've help me fix things. But it doesn't matter anymore because...You weren't mine to lose, James." Saying this he left, tears falling down his cheeks.
And James stood there heartbroken, trying to hold back his tears, his body shaking with what he just heard...And he could see them, lost in a memory for what they had slipped away into a moment in time.
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colfy-wolfy · 28 days
Wanted to make something special or at least good before md episode 8 but im like so out of ideas so have some uzi doodles instead...
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Cant believe murder drones is almost joever..... i'm not very involved with the fandom but even just lurking like i have has been such the journey! Thanks Liam and Glitch for making one of the indie shows ever. I love these robo-goobers so much it's unreal.
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(While I am here: I have gotten a few comments on the little holiday post like 'posts are back' etc, and while I do appreciate the enthusiasm - the holiday post is just a One-Off Special Post, and please do not expect regular updates for the moment
As mentioned before, the next update is a Big One, and I had to rewrite and redraw a large portion of it and I got burnt out, among other irl things or just simply wanting to focus on something else for a bit
I also think bc the majority of folks wanted longer posts, my brain saw Big Task and got overwhelmed, bc I am Bean Bean the Fool - so I may just split up the Big Post into smaller posts and just post as and when they are ready - but again, please do not expect updates right at this moment
Okay that is all, thank you
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kzdigiarc · 6 months
✍️ Fic authors self rec!
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to other writers you know. Let's spread some self-love! 💛
ahhh thank u maya for sending me this!! <3
unfortunately, i don't have 5 fics posted here yet 😭but i'll do 2 drabbles that i've posted & 3 wips :p (& i'll give a little snippet of each) MDNI bc some are... suggestive
✦ desire | ot8 vampire!atz fic {snippet of ch.2}
“we apologize for having you wait so long, there were some… issues about sleeping arrangements but whenever you’re ready i’d be more than happy to show you to one of the guest rooms.” yunho says politely with his hands clasped behind his back. the whole ordeal feels like customer service and i have to stifle a laugh at the overly formal way they both speak. seonghwa glances at him out his periphery but just as quickly looks back to me and offers me a polite smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. why he's being so odd is beyond me, seeing as he was the one to bring me here and insist on me staying in the first place. his behavior causes me to hesitate, slowly closing my book and tucking it underneath my arm. yunho still stands with a gentle smile on his face but by the way his eyes flick over to seonghwa, i can tell he can sense my hesitation. i look between the two once more before huffing and pushing to my feet, running my hands over the wrinkles in my skirt. neither of the men wait for me to say anything, yunho turns to hold open the door and seonghwa bows in my direction before maneuvering out the door. i quirk a brow at the space seonghwa left before following yunho out into the hall.
✦ goosebumps | bf!yunho smut drabble {completed!}
“you okay, baby? you haven't said anything about the movie for the past 15 minutes now.” he asked, feigning concern. 
you just let out a meek hum of approval, not even really hearing what he said. yunho smirked though you couldn't see it. he let his hands trail up your thighs, playing with the ends of your (his) t-shirt. you took in a shaky breath when you felt his lips close to your ear. 
“what’s got you so quiet, kitten?” he whispered, lips now trailing down to your neck, leaving the softest kisses in their wake. 
“nothing.” you said way too fast, your voice unstable. you felt the chuckle that reverberated in his chest as his hands were now underneath the shirt you were wearing. he was only lightly touching your skin but you felt like everywhere he touched was leaving sparks of heat. how this man got you so needy for him so fast was beyond you. your eyes fluttered shut as he started to press actual kisses to your neck and shoulders, lightly sucking on the area near your ear. 
✦ untitled bbfs!yungi smut drabble {WIP; unedited}
a few minutes later, yunho heard the sounds of soft snoring coming from behind him and turned, the sight nearly causing his heart to crawl straight out his chest. there you and mingi were, sleeping so soundly on his bed. you cuddling with his pillow. yunho had to hold back from cooing out loud as he watched mingi’s head rise and fall with the movement of your breathing, the other man’s mouth hung open as he snored. in truth, the scene was nothing new. yunho had an entire folder on his phone filled with pictures of you and mingi napping together. if you came over while yunho was out teaching a dance class, it was almost guaranteed he’d come back home to see the two of you huddled up under blankets on the couch with an anime long forgotten on the TV. but never once had he seen it happen right in his own bedroom, on his own bed. it sent a tingly warmth through his chest as he thought about how nice it’d be to come home to this everyday. his two favorite people in the entire world, finding comfort in his space. 
✦ movie night | bff!junhui smut drabble {WIP; unedited}
even though it's not a created album, the hidden album highlighted in blue text underneath your other albums catches his attention. jun imagines what you could possibly have put in there and snorts a laugh to himself. it's probably embarrassing pictures you have of yourself or the boys, or maybe inappropriate memes. he figures he's got nothing to lose and clicks the album. of course, it's locked but he knows you well enough and he's smart so figuring out the password takes him barely 2 seconds. his suspicions are confirmed as he scrolls up through the album and sees a multitude of pictures you've taken of the other boys. but as he scrolls further the pictures change… now he's looking at pictures of you, some taken in your mirror with your ambience lighting set on purple or red, some taken while you're in bed, and they're nothing scandalous maybe a little suggestive but really why do you even hide these? none of them are even that bad… junhui stops in his tracks, thumb hovering over your phone. the photos he's looking at now can't be you. there's no way. his sweet, quiet, funny, inexperienced best friend cannot possibly have taken these pictures. but as he presses one to enlargen it, he sees that it most definitely is you. you half-naked, sitting up on your knees with a pillow stuffed in between the space created by your legs and the mattress. the hem of the large tee you're wearing is in your mouth as you display the sexy set of black lace underneath. jun feels like he might die. he swipes. the next photo isn't any better. in fact, it's much worse and as he continues swiping he has an inkling that the rest of the album is like this too. raunchy, lewd photos of you in your bed or bathroom. some your tits are fully on display, some you're only in a large tee, some you're only in lingerie. and all of them make his head spin and blood rush straight to his cock. 
✦ sharing is caring | poly, bfs!gyuhao smut drabble {WIP; unedited}
“uhm… yeah i’m fine… just thinking.” you said, nerves getting to you and making you opt out of saying what was really on your mind. you knew it was silly to still be nervous around the two of them but you couldn’t help it. you could feel the energy in the tiny kitchen of your guys’ apartment shift as the tension only grew with the prolonged silence. the two knew you well enough to pick up on not only the nervous lilt in your voice but also your body language. the way you were shifting your weight, avoiding eye contact, and picking at your clothes all clear indicators that there was definitely more than you were actually saying. 
“___, you can tell us whatever’s on your mind,” you looked up at minghao as he spoke gently to you. “when have we ever judged you?” he asked, head tilting slightly. you looked away again, drawing in a dramatic breath and looking up towards the ceiling. damn him and his extremely convincing eyes.
“i was… i was thinking about the last time we were all together.” you rushed out still staring up at the ceiling, refusing to look at either of them as you finally confessed to the thoughts plaguing you. 
minghao knew exactly what you were talking about. he did the moment he picked up on how nervous you were, he just wanted you to admit it. mingyu, on the other hand, was still trying to decipher what you were (not) saying.“...what about it?”, mingyu piped up, expression resembling a confused puppy with the way his head was still tilted. he was trying to recall the last time you were all together… oh. you and minghao saw the realization hit him as his eyes flicked between the both of you. hao smirked amusedly before looking back at you. you finally made eye contact with him, bottom lip caught between your teeth.
★ note: this drabble is actually for @angelwonie (in response to an ask she sent a while ago) I PROMISE I'LL GET TO IT BAEFIE 😭
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funkytoesart · 1 year
so i've started writing a book series (prose, not webtoon/comic) and I'm probs gonna self publish (?) mainly bc i doubt there'd be a publisher or even audience interested in it but basically the premise is:
Magic. Regency Era. Enemies (?) to Lovers. But... make it gay?
aka if you're into magical Regency era shenanigans but want it to be a sapphic love story then i gots u babe
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siren-of-agony · 8 months
Badly Summarized WIPs Poll
Thank you for tagging me, @toyybox!!!
Rules: Pick a bunch of your WIPs and summarize them as badly as possible, then ask your followers to vote on which one they'd be most likely to read. Multiple/all/none options are completely optional.
I'm gonna tag @for-the-love-of-angst @dont-touch-my-soup @i-can-even-burn-salad @serickswrites
These are only WIPs in the sense that I have them in my head, I've written absolutely nothing :D also we all know that my brainrot is specifically twin flavoured so that's almost all you get.
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inkykeiji · 2 months
hiii clari!!! i hope you’re having a great day, i’m working my ass off at the moment since i’m moving and as i was ripping pages and paint off my wall with a scraper some thoughts popped into my head! i constantly have your touya-nii au! and bmb au! on my mind and i REALLY wanna make an au and story like the two of those but i don’t know where to start!
i was wondering how you thought of the two of those au’s? the plot and storylines, layout, etc. and how you came up with “break my bones but act as my spine” for the bmb au?
AAAA i hope this isn’t too much trouble of an ask!!!! (also omgomgomgomg if possible can i be the 📖 anon? LUV YOU MWAHH)
hi lovie!! <3 i am actually sick in bed with a steadily climbing fever LMAO but thank you sweetpea <3 i hope your day is going swell!!
oooh that’s a really interesting question! i get a lot of my inspiration from music, actually! (which is also why 97% of my fic titles are lyrics HAHA). i love making playlists that either fit a certain mood, vibe, or idea, or playlists centred around characters. usually then i just listen to them on repeat and let my mind wander!!! so for my main touya-nii series, it’s actually all inspired by save that shit by lil peep! each title is a song lyric that relates to the content of the piece itself:
i can take you there but baby you won’t make it back: touya can take reader into this relationship, but once she’s entered into it, she’ll be fucked up for life, there’s no going back to who she was before she started fucking her stepbrother;
all she want is payback for the way i always play that shit: all reader wants is for touya to feel an ounce of the hurt SHE feels when he’s off screwing around with other people—all reader wants is him, completely and wholly and entirely to herself;
do i make you scared? baby won’t you take me back: does touya’s psychotic behaviour and extreme possessiveness scare her? will she take him back now that he’s ready and willing to be fully hers and no one else’s?
also, just the vibe of the song itself set the tone and the atmosphere for the main series!! the same happened with 16 lines, also by lil peep, which is where the lyric break my bones but act as my spine comes from! for this one, it was more the vibe of the song than anything else. that, and the fact that i personally love organized crime bosses, love love triangles, and love the classic bodyguard babysitter falls for the person they’re protecting trope.
anyway, i know they’re kind of abstract, but that’s one of the ways my ideas bloom in my head! the other thing i would suggest is study narratives you enjoy: books, movies, video games—anything with a narrative that really struck a chord with you, and figure out why you enjoyed it and what you love so much about it. i believe it is equally as important to consume art as it is to create it!! feed your brain!! i can give you a whole list of some of my inspirations for those pieces, and that still doesn’t scratch the surface! read, write, watch, play, study!
additionally, i always say creativity is a muscle; we all have it, but you have to exercise it to strengthen it. as such, i’d recommend you do some character + narrative writing exercises n warm ups! those will get the ideas flowing, and you might end up developing a story out of something you thought up during one of those exercises! you can also look into fiction prompts and see if anything sparks your interest!
also, if you’d like it, i also have a lil masterlist of my writing advice that discusses a technique we used to continuously generate ideas in my screenwriting class! <3 ahhhh i hope this helps bb, i wish you luck on your journey and i support you creating your own work one hundred million percent. please, create <3
and yes!! you can absolutely be book anon!!! welcome to the anon club sweetpea ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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lazaruscorpse · 2 months
naps are disorienting but there's only so much you can do when you're sick
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atlantablack · 1 year
i'm facing all my fears of the unknown (i've been shaking in my bones)
also on Ao3
At the end of the world, his sides still aching, and Eddie’s blood still tacky on his hands, Steve calls his mom. Leans heavily against the side of the phone booth right outside the hospital, the dial tone somehow still hanging steady in the air, and punches in a number his fingers still remember by heart.
It isn’t that his parents ever officially moved out of Hawkins. It isn’t that they’d ever looked him in the face and said, we’re never coming back. One day there’d just been a number written out in his mother’s small, cramped script on a neon yellow sticky note, hanging next to the phone. He used to call it every few months just to hear his mom say hello. Just to make sure they didn’t move somewhere else and forget to tell him.
He stopped checking at some point. Before Robin, before the party and Nancy’s slurred words. He’s not sure of the exact moment his parents faded into an entity he didn’t care to check on, but if he had to guess, he’d say it happened right around the same moment Jonathan slid his bloody palm into Steve’s and dragged him away from the monster bursting out of the wall.
But still, at the end of the world, the bites on his stomach burning, he calls his mom.
He doesn’t even know if she still lives there, if she’ll answer, if she’s home, but four rings laters his mom’s airy voice says, “Hello? Betty speaking.”
He breathes in harshly, lungs aching in a way he’s come to associate with bruised ribs. Breathes out softly and, the word more air than sound, says, “Mom?”
If he’d thought on it, he’d have thought he’d need to explain, to go into detail, to tell her that something awful is happening, has happened, that he doesn’t even know what he wants her to do, he just, he’d just been standing in the hospital watching Dustin sob and Robin press her hands to her throat and Nancy stare blankly at her bloody hands and he’d needed something he couldn’t name. If he’d thought on it, he wouldn’t have called at all.
But she doesn’t ask for an explanation, not really. He says mom, his voice shaking around the word like it hasn’t since he was six years old and still convinced his mother hung the stars, and she makes a noise he’s never heard, but recognizes from the few times he’s seen Joyce fuss over Will.
“Where are you?” Is what she asks, instead of any of the other questions he has answers for.
“The hospital,” he says blankly, staring at the parking lot, the cars parked haphazardly, the diseased red light still flickering out of a crack across the street. “I’m at the hospital. I’m, we lost… it’s really bad here,” he settles on after a minute, listening to the faint background noise of her moving around a room.
“Are you hurt?” Her tone is brisk, heels clacking as she moves back and forth while she talks.
He thinks about lying. Even now, when she’s actually asking, he thinks about lying and telling her it’s fine and hanging up. He’d handled this mess at 16 and been fine. Had handled it every year after that, always younger than he is now, and he’d been fine. But he glances back toward the hospital and the grief. Thinks of Lucas still sobbing when they’d finally managed to get to the Creel house, to Erica’s shaking hands, how she’s never seemed as small as she’d been in that moment.
He’s thinking of the blood, all the fucking blood, and the way this town just keeps hemorrhaging, drowning person after person, kid after kid. Thinks too, of all the times this week he’d barely made it out alive.
“I’ll live,” he says.
It’s maybe supposed to sound like a joke but she goes very quiet, the only noise the sound of her nails tapping, click click click, in rapid succession against a table. “I’ll be there in six hours,” she says. “Steve, don’t go anywhere. Wait at the hospital.”
He laughs, only vaguely registering that the sound is too high. “Yeah, trust me, I’m not going anywhere.”
Another long pause, her heels clicking across the floor faster than before. “Six hours,” she says again, voice tight. “Go sit down, Steve.”
Dustin cries himself out somewhere around 2am, falls asleep with his head on Robin’s shoulder. Robin rests her head on Steve’s shoulder and he rests his head against hers. On his other side Nancy is picking at the skin around her fingernails and he reaches out, gently pulls her hands apart and holds on.
Lucas sits on her other side, eyes unerringly fixed on the door, waiting for the doctor to come back with news on Max. Mr. Sinclair and Ms. Henderson are sitting on the other side of the room, speaking in low tones and Steve, selfishly, wishes that Erica was still in sight as well. He knows Ms. Sinclair was right to take her home but it makes him anxious that he can’t see her anymore. That anything could happen between here and her house and he’d never know until it was too late.
“What are we going to do?” Robin whispers, twisting her hands together like she’s trying to turn the shadows into puppets she can banish.
He doesn’t answer, couldn’t even if he had one for her. It’s lucky really that they seem to have entered the lull following the battle, because he doesn’t think he’s going to be able to stand up again without passing out.
If a monster burst through the door right now, if something gave him a shot of fear fueled adrenaline, he could keep going. But the adrenaline crash, the facade of safety settling on their shoulders, the grief wrapping around his throat—
His sides feel like they’re melting, like every brush of cloth against raw skin is sandpaper instead. And it’s fine, he can wait, of course he can wait. There are still other people in the hospital who need to be seen more than him. So many people who got caught in the earthquake and are hurting. So many people who didn’t make it all because the upside down swallowed them and isn’t going to give them back.
“Steve?” Nancy murmurs, “Are you okay?” She’s squinting at him in concern when he tilts his head her way and he can’t figure out what gave him away until he sees how tightly he’s holding her hand.
“I’m fine,” he says, forcing himself to let go of her hand. He forces an awkward laugh and a weak smile. “I’m just tired and worried about Max.”
Nancy’s eyes narrow but she hums under her breath and he knows she’s going to swallow the lie. But he should have known Robin wouldn’t. Should have expected the sharp jab to his side and the pain that goes bursting through him. He almost falls off of his chair with how tightly he curls in on himself, almost throws up on Robin’s stupid, filthy shoes.
Robin and Nancy both exclaim in alarm, although what exactly Robin expected to happen he can’t imagine. Lucas startles and Dustin wakes up with a shout. Dimly, around the ocean roaring in his ears, he can hear Mr. Sinclair’s smooth voice cutting through the noise, but it’s hard to focus on much of anything when his skin feels like it’s trying to peel off of his bones.
“You fucking asshole,” he grits out , not caring if she can hear him. “I’m never giving you a ride again.”
Robin laughs, high-pitched and terrified as she grabs his right arm and hoists him up and out of the chair, Nancy doing the same on his left. “Well, sense of humor is still intact, so—”
“If you say that’s a good sign,” he says, the words coming out fainter than he’d like.
She huffs in annoyance, doing her best to steady him as Nancy mutters, thank god, at the sight of the nurses hurrying towards them. “It is a good sign,” Robin says quietly. “You being alive and talking is always a good sign because I remember the first time when you weren’t and you can’t do that to me again Steve, okay? You can’t.”
His heart clenches, twisting itself into a knot and pulling at his lungs until they ache. “I’m fine, Robin. You know me. Can’t keep me down for long.”
Her breath hitches, and as the nurses herd him into a wheelchair, he thinks he just barely hears her whisper, yeah, that’s what I’m worried about dingus.
Inspired by:
And no, I'm not good at calling Dad said I've fallen off the grid We hardly say I love you 'Cause your parent's parents never did Ohh, ohh, ooh Save me, now I'm facing All my fears of the unknown I've been shakin' in my bones Lately, I've been praying To a god I've never known I can't do this on my own
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I swear, once the new episodes come out, I'm gonna be back on my bullshit so hard
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july-19th-club · 1 year
ok i have got to get my haircut
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storybounded · 5 months
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lesbicosmos-writes · 8 months
hi!! i made a separate blog for all my fanfics and random media analysis thoughts and essays (i have a lot of them)
(main blog @lesbicosmos <3)
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astragatwo · 1 year
BTW, if you've ever said anything nice to me or left a comment on my art in any manner — whether in tags or in an ask — that I remember, and it's one of few things keeping me somewhat sane and not a dumpster fire of emotions right now. Genuinely, thank you — I don't know how to express how much it means to me.
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yoshistory · 7 months
I'll post a bit about the game idea my dream gave me ...
I won't tell anymore other than what it was like in the dream (so no thoughts and ideas I had in the waking world) BUT basically in the dream it opened on a shot of a dark cluttered hall closet with warm yellowed hallway lighting just outside it. For a second you see a tall figure walk by the doorway and past it. Overlain the scene presents the title of the game, "MY HOUSE" in script, and a song plays, the noise of the rolling of the needle evident as it picks up
The song just goes "What do you waaaaant inside my house, my house .... what do you neeeeeed inside my house, my house ...." and the vocals break off to become distant and inaudible. It sounds like old Italian opera, and deep-toned and somber
It centers on a VHS tape in the closet. At this point the dream broke into just gameplay. A lot of it revolved around the masked guy chasing you and hiding, cat & mouse, until you could find the tape.
After getting the tape in the dream, it immediately cut to the player character watching it, and revealing that watching the tape just wipes all your facial features clean off into a blank slate
Idk ... I'm thinking this all sounds very run-of-the-mill for indie horror games nowadays, with like "put in a building (read: house) where you do puzzles and get chased by Da Masked Killar where you get twist weird scary ending and a VHS tape is there ahh&h" but I was very enchanted by the opening scene the dream showed me and the song it played for me. I think if I made it as just something to create I wouldn't be bummed if it flopped it would just be like. Whell I made that one
I know it's was long but would love to hear what you think tho .. !
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dandyshucks · 7 months
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