#it’s their last names that are a dealbreaker for me 😭
aceredshirt13 · 3 months
the Raymond Shields chat has come to the conclusion that we’ll accept some of the new first names as middle names. Sebastian Eustace Debeste. Raymond Edward Shields. There is however nothing salvageable about Verity Gavelle
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a-earthssprout · 2 years
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NAME: please call me Winnie ! 😊
PRONOUNS: she / her 🌷
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: tumblr im’s are just fine; however, my discord is always available upon request ! 😊
NAME OF MUSE(S): Ariana; prefers to go by ‘ Ari ’
EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): I … think I’m going on my 8th year of roleplaying ? 👀
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: tumblr, skype ( when it was popular—does anyone else remember those days ? 😭 ), & discord !
BEST EXPERIENCE: oh, I’ve had so many wonderful experiences on here ! but I’d say the best above them all are any of the meaningful relationships that I’ve made with a few writers 🌷 some people I’ve met on tumblr mean quite a lot to me, & they definitely feel like family ! 🌿
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: hmm … 🤔 I’m not the biggest fan of impatience, since I tend to be quite slow with my replies ( though I am grateful to say that I couldn’t tell you about a time where I’ve experienced this, so … if I ever have, it thankfully wasn’t bad enough for me to remember it 🙏 ). I guess another one is when it’s obvious that someone hasn’t read Ari’s about / my rules, but again, that’s an extremely rare occurrence 😭 you see, you all are so wonderful, so I have very few complaints 🥺 as for dealbreakers, any kind of inappropriate behavior towards Ari will earn you an instant hardblock. problematic behavior, as well, & blogs that run solely off drama—it’s just not something I appreciate seeing. lastly, an inability to respect boundaries—either mine or others—is not the sort of behavior I’m interested in keeping around. only friendly & kind company here in grandma Winnie’s house, & I promise to try my very best to be just the same ! 🍯
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: never the last, so we will keep it between the first two; I much prefer the former over the latter, since I’m most comfortable writing sweet things 🌻 however, I do want to practice more with angst & am not against adding / exploring similar elements to / in threads ... 🤔 no guarantees that I’ll be any good at it, though; I struggle to tug at that particular part of the heart, I feel 😭
PLOTS OR MEMES: any & all kinds of interaction are warmly welcome here ! 😊 I just appreciate the interest, really 🥺🍄
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: … long 😭 I’m very sorry about it, but you will almost always probably receive a long response from me—& by no means should you feel obligated to match that length ! I have no preference for what I receive. all I ask is that you give me a little something to work with ! 👍
BEST TIME TO WRITE: early morning, before the rest of the world is awake so it’s nice & quiet & when the coffee is fresh ☕
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): we have our similarities, certainly ! I think everyone has at least a few things in common with their muses 🌷 however ...  catch me dead before you catch me befriending a bug or picking up a snail 👀 dlfkjgkljgjk or frolicking outside, in general. I live in Florida, okay ? everything ' wild ‘ is built to kill, & the state bird is a mosquito 😔 I also have a terrible potty mouth, so ... lkjdlgljkg 
tagged by: I stole this from the wonderful @more-than-a-princess, who is such an inspiration & admirable writer ! my dash would not be the same without Rae on it, & her Sonia is amazing ! highly recommend 🌷 tagging: @theircurse / @spiinsparks / @weasleyandweasley​ / @xamassed / @madamhatter / @lionfated / @galaxofmuses / @champiionic / @aevisong / @scholarlyblade / @detectiveheizou / @balladccr / @librarywent / @lightcreators / @sourentropy ( whichever blog you like ! ) // @pompedia & anyone else who’d like to do this ! 😊
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