#it’s rendoc they’re just like that idk
dmwrites · 2 years
He didn’t need it.
That’s what he kept telling himself.
Doc strode the length of the perimeter several times over each day, firmly arguing with himself that he was a simple redstoner and tomato dad now, he did not need that in his life.
It became harder to resist when he received a letter in the mail. Well, he didn’t own a mailbox, so Bdubs came to the perimeter with the letter, addressed to Doc in dramatic, loopy handwriting. The letter was a statement of the new kingdom of the server, and the rules Doc would have to follow under Ren the King. Doc knew of Ren’s new position already- he liked to keep an eye on such things.
“Absolutely not.” Doc said promptly, ripping up the letter in Bdubs’ face. “I’d rather die then live by another man’s rules. The perimeter will be an independent state.”
“King Ren won’t be happy about this.” Bdubs warned him. “He’ll request a meeting with you.”
“Let him come. He can’t take me.” Doc said, grinning and flexing his abs. His rational brain then took over, and he stopped flexing. “Gah! What am I saying? No, I have sworn off homoerotic enemies this season. No. I do not wish to talk to Ren.”
“Sorry, did I just hear that right?” Bdubs asked incredulously, with a huge grin on his face. “Did you just say that if you go talk to Ren, you two will instantly fall into a homoerotic rivalry? Could you just simply not do that?”
Doc sighed. “Bdubs, think of who you’re talking about.”
“You two and your intricate rituals!” Bdubs said, laughing. “Alright, I’ll just tell the king you’re seceding. Have fun with your… tomatoes, I guess.”
And life was fine, for a time. Doc occasionally heard about life under the king from the hermits who came by to look at the perimeter. Scar, his closest neighbor, took particular pleasure in sniping him under “the king’s orders”. But Ren did not come by for many weeks.
Until, of course, he did. It was a blustery day, and Doc had seen the glimmering shape long before it touched down in front of him.
“It’s been too long.”
Doc opened his mouth to give a sneering reply, but remembered his promise and sighed. “Yep. Nice to see you, Ren. Nice crown.”
“You may think you have escaped my attention, but believe me, I’ve thought about you and your big hole often.” Ren sneered. “You will be under my rule, DocM.”
Doc sighed again, gritting his teeth. He looked at the motivational note he kept in his labcoat pocket for these very occasions.
“Don’t start a rivalry.”
“No, I’m just an independent state, thanks though.” Doc muttered.
“Hey, dude, are you okay?” Ren dropped the kingly act at once, putting a hand on Doc’s shoulder. “You haven’t made a single dick joke yet, I’m really worried about you.”
“Ah, well, to be honest with you Ren, as you are my best friend, I have sworn off any and all homoerotic rivalries this season.”
Ren put a hand over his mouth. “You’re so brave for that.”
“It’s been really hard.” Doc said gravely, nodding.
“I mean, I can leave if you want me to.” Ren said. “I support you no matter what, DocM my bestest friend.”
Doc looked at the motivational paper, then up at Ren. “You know what? Screw it! What am I without rivalries? I am nothing! So, no, Ren, I will never be under you and your rule! I will make you kneel before me, Ren the Dog!”
Ren grinned happily, resuming his kingly stature. “Oh DocM, you’ll rue the day you messed with me!” He took off, but not before giving Doc a big hug and a wink. Doc watched him go, grinning, and dashed off to start planning how he was going to properly rival the hell out of Ren.
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socks-pawn · 2 years
Given the rendoc rival thing happening rn, idk which I enjoy more: spoiled dog being put in his place, or roaring beast being tamed
On one hand: ren is power hungry, and pushing everyone too far, there’s a line in the sand and he crossed it. And there’s only one person who can properly put the king in his place and teach him a lesson.
Perhaps it’s an event of itself. Remind the king his power comes from the people. He is only king because the hermits want him to be. Social contract and all that… so, why not let the Hermits decide when ren gets to finish.
Ren, naked on the floor in his own throne room, clawing desperately on the stone floor, barely making sense and he begs. Doc has already came inside him, impulse on his face, grian and gem down his throat, etc. And when the hermits need a break, a toy is rocked in and out of ren.
He doesn’t know how long he’s like that, but it feels like forever.
I’m sure there’s one point when whoever is behind ren at that point, probably doc, since he’s in charge here, grabs him by the hair, and forces him to look at his audience. His cheeks are soaked, crown having fallen off hours ago, lips bruised. He hiccups around a wail as Doc nails his prostate again, and doc tells him if he wants to finish, he’s gotta convince the hermits. And so ren starts babbling, begging, in between the broken noises of getting railed. And gem just giggles at his efforts and calls him cute, grian scoffs and rolls his eyes, and impulse coos and says he can go one more round.
And ren is helpless. A mutt like him is probably collared and leased. Left to desperately rut at the stone floor for any kind of stimulation to his dick, as if it’ll do anything against the metal cock cage. But instincts and desperation are all he has now.
And finally, finally, the group takes pity on him and doc unlocks the cage. It takes a handful of orgasms to calm ren down fully, and by the end, he can barely keep his eyes open. But he’ll be damned if he forgets who has the real power ever again.
(The bath and gentle kisses and massage he gets afterwards help remind him too)
On the other hand!! The Rens royal court showing up to the perimeter. Doc has consistently refused to recognize the crown and their authority, and it’s time to wrangle him.
He doesn’t go down easy, but between cleo and scar, they manage to get him tied up. And then ren decides they’re gonna have a “nice chat.” The entire time ren gives his big speech officially declaring the perimeter under the ownership of the crown, yada yada, he runs his hands over docs sensitive horns.
At the end, doc is gritting his teeth to keep from making a noise, and ren looks down at him and says “now, are you going to yield the easy way, or the hard way,” and when doc bares his teeth it’s pretty clear which one is about to happen
They decide to do it right there, in docs home, since, bdubs reasons, it’ll be way more impressive that ren tamed the beast than just captured him! From there they make quick work tying doc to his own bed, and then adding chains just to be safe. And then the teasing really begins… Hands on docs nipples, nails caressing his horns, kitty licks on his dick, teeth on his thighs. He cannot physically lean into every touch, but his body sure wants to. His resolve is strong though.
What tips him over, is when one of them, god knows which one, finds the off switch for his eye. The switching of it makes him thrash for just a moment, but then one of them laughs. A moment later, his other eye is covered by some kind of cloth. He cannot see at all, and it’s such a strange sensation. Or rather, depravation.
No longer can be prepare for any of their touches, and it’s not long after that, one particularly rough bite on his neck makes him keens. All movement pauses, and he whimpers, and fuck he knows they’re all snickering and grinning. But without his sight he cannot brace for the way they all immediately continue at double speed. And half caught up in the moment, half vindictively, he doesn’t warn them before he finishes. There’s a soft gasp from one of them, he doesn’t even try to identify who.
When he manages to come fully back to reality, there’s someone nudging at his entrance. He distantly remembers fingers there only a bit ago. At this point, it’s all hazy and he doesn’t care much. The slide inside is easy, and he’s so full, his dick twitches. Now he knows the chuckle above him is ren. Even more so when he feels the brief caress of fur as sharp canines sink into his neck. And then his hips start up, and doc desperately tugs at the chains. He wants to touch, to hold, it’s driving him insane.
And he gets right to the brink. He’s so close. And ren stops, and demands he ask his king for permission. Perhaps a couple hours ago, doc would’ve spat at him. But now, all he does is swallow his ego and begin to beg quietly. His voice is rough, raspy, but he can feel ren twitch inside him anyway. And when he finishes talking? Ren begins to move again, and the praise begins. And oh, Oh.
(The next couple hours are a haze of gentle hands, whispered praises, and lots of cuddling)
Holy shit, thank you ‘nonnie for these two amazing scenarios. Fucking *chef kiss* gonna be thinking bout these all day ….. alfjfaksdasgkgkaafsl
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mythicalbeans · 2 years
// hermit shipping - royal au (rendoc, scardubs)
idk i have this idea in my head about rendoc and scardubs.
we all know that ren had become the king of the hc server, and doc’s against this whole authority on the server thing, which could be a great concept for a friends to enemies to lovers trope.
we have humble beginnings; ren starting up his pumpkin pie shop, giving doc some whenever. and doc letting ren in on the diamonds at the world eater (earlier days). they talk, they’re good friends etc etc, but guess what, ofc they have pent up feelings for each other and OFC they think it isn’t reciprocated.
and how does ren become king exactly in this au? exactly what actually happened in the server lol
during ren’s coronation tho, like in the actual server, doc isn’t there but when he came back and found out about the situation, he feels betrayed cause he’s jealous of bdubs and frankly enough infuriated cause they talked about agreeing that some form authority in the server wasn’t going to be any good.
and what’s a good au without the background relationship? (that everyone seems to be more fond of)
we have *commoner* scar over here being against at first with the whole king thing and whatnot, but seeing how he could benefit from the royal quests, he keeps his mouth shut to avoid getting locked up in the dungeons. AND with the addition of bdubs’s feelings for scar, mr. gtw over here uses this to his advantage, agreeing to fake date bdubs in hopes of getting his rank higher (or even just be on the king’s good side after he was basically banished when the king first made his royal decree at the monolith) and get back his diamonds that he lost. but over time, the more frequent scar has spent time with bdubs, surprise surprise, he develops feelings for the king’s right hand man. but eventually yknow, we have to have some angst so bdubs finds out that scar only agreed to date him in the first place was to get royal benefits etc etc. so scar tries to get ahold of bdubs for the next few days, but obv bdubs is avoiding him (probably purposely busying himself to have an excue to not talk to scar) but eventually scar does get ahold of him and confessions and tears happen blah blah and they get their happy ending :)))
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