#it’s ok. I’ll do what I can. but my heart feels heavy. idk
doctorweebmd · 2 months
palliative care is so fucking weird
i don’t know how to feel
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requiemforthepoets · 7 days
this is me trying 𖦹 OP81
PAIRINGS: oscar piastri x female!reader
SUMMARY: growing up, the only thing you know is that you need to be strong, provide, and take care of your sister. but being with oscar, it was different, he made you feel things—that it’s okay to not be fine, vulnerable, and to be taken care of.
AUTHOR’S NOTE: i have this fic finished the other day but i was debating on whether to post it or not, but here we are. it’s been a while too since i last wrote for oscar, and this is like a comfort (?) fic idk lol. also, can i just say that LANDO ON POLE FOR THE SG GP!!! 😭🧡 ok, i hope you guys will have fun reading this one. enjoy! :)
REMINDERS: this is purely fiction, the way how the character is portrayed in my story does not reflect the person that is portraying my character in real life. always separate fiction from reality, and do not repost or copy my work in any way.
WARNINGS: not proofread, typos, eldest daughter syndrome, no use of y/n, cursing, unnamed sister, named friend, and parents death
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You were sitting in the living room, surrounded by case files and legal books, trying your best to prepare for the court trial that you’ll be doing soon, but your mind was elsewhere. You can't focus on the work that you’re working on in front of you, no matter how hard you try. Your phone buzzed, and you almost didn’t answer, thinking it’s just another work call, but when you saw Blaire, your friend’s name, flash on the screen you quickly picked up, expecting a casual chat.
“Hey, Blaire, how are you?” You greeted her, trying to mask your exhaustion.
Her voice on the other end was hesitant, not the usual warm tone that you’re used to. “Hey…I really hate to bring this up, but I was wondering when you would be able to repay the five thousand dollars?”
Your stomach dropped. “Repay?” You repeated, utterly confused. “What do you mean five thousand dollars?”
The conversation between you and Blaire unraveled quickly. She explained how she had lent the money to your sister out of need, thinking it was for you or with your approval. Rage bubbled in your chest, your pulse quickened, at this point all you can see is red. You thanked her hastily, barely able to end the call before fury overtook you. Without thinking, you dialed your sister’s number, the beeps echoing in your ear like a countdown to an explosion.
“Hello?” Her voice was casual, completely unaware of the storm coming her way.
“What the actual fuck did you do?!” You yelled, not caring if it was late at night. “You borrowed five fucking thousand dollars from Blaire without asking me!? How could you?!”
There was a pause, a brief moment where you could almost feel her shrug through the phone. “Oh my god, can you relax? It’s not like you can't afford it. It’s not that big of a deal, you can just easily pay for it with how big you’re making, it’s barely a scratch on your bank account!” You couldn’t believe what you were actually hearing.
“Not a big deal? Did you spend the money already? Do you have any fucking idea how humiliating it is for me that you did this without even consulting me? You think just because I make good money, I’ll fix every mess you create?” You were seething.
“Well, yeah,” she responded with a laugh, clearly not grasping the gravity of the situation. “You’re my older sister. Isn’t it your job to take care of me, right?”
Your grip on your phone tightened. “I’ve been taking care of you your whole life! I’m working myself to the bone just to make sure you have everything you need, sending you to that fancy school that you’ve always wanted so you can have a better future, and this is how you repay me? By lying and stealing?”
The silence on the other end of the line felt heavy, but your anger has not subsided. She mumbled something that sounded like a half assed apology, but it was already too late for that. You immediately hung up and slammed the phone down on the table, heart racing, pulse pounding in your ears. Anger still swirling inside you like a storm, the words of your sister still echoing in your mind. You can just easily pay for it with how big you’re making. Her carelessness, lack of respect—it hit harder than anything you had experienced before. It wasn’t about the money, you could handle the five thousand dollars easily, but the way she completely dismissed your hard work, as if it was nothing, as if your sacrifice and years of struggle meant nothing—that was what burned deep. It hurts like fucking hell.
You sat down there on the couch, trying to calm yourself down, tears started to prick at the corners of your eyes, but you blinked them back. You didn’t cry. You cannot cry. You have always been strong your whole life—the provider, carer, and protector. That’s who you were. No one had ever taken care of you, not since your parents passed away when you were fifteen and your sister is only ten. It has always been you, alone, against the world, and now, it felt like even your sister was against you.
You didn’t hear Oscar enter the living room until his voice, soft but firm, broke through the silence. “Hey, I heard you from our room. Are you okay?”
You swallowed hard, your body automatically stiffening instinctively and continued browsing through your documents like nothing happened.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry,” you lied, though the quiver in your voice betrayed you.
Oscar walked over and sat down beside you on the couch, his hand gently resting on your shoulder. “You don’t always have to be fine,” he said quietly. “Tell me, what happened?”
You exhaled sharply, your hands trembling as you ran them through your hair. “It’s my sister,” you muttered, trying to keep your voice steady. “She borrowed money from Blaire. Five thousand dollars. Without even telling me. Now, she’s acting like it’s my job to fix it.”
“Five thousand? That’s a lot.” Oscar frowned, his brows knitting in concern.
“I know,” you said, “she doesn’t even care. She just assumes I’ll take care of it, like I always do every time she gets into stupid situations. She thinks just because I earn good money, I’m supposed to fix everything.” Your voice cracked, and before you could stop it, the tears you had been holding back for so long finally broke free. “I don’t know how much longer I can do this, Oscar. I’m always the one fixing things, I’m always the one who has to be strong.”
Oscar didn’t say anything for a moment, he just stared at you, his eyes filled with understanding. Then, without a word, he pulled you into his arms. You tensed at first, still not used to being vulnerable, but Oscar’s embrace was warm, grounding. Slowly, your body relaxed into his, and the weight of the world seemed to lift just a little as you rested your head against his chest.
“It’s not fair,” you whispered to him. “I’ve always had to be the strong one. I’m tired, Oscar. I’m so fucking tired. I don’t know how much more I can take.”
His hand gently stroked your back, his voice soft and reassuring. “I know. It’s okay to be tired. You don’t have to be strong all the time. Not with me.”
You pulled back slightly to look at him, your eyes searching his face, “I just don’t know how to let anyone help me,” you admitted, voice barely audible. “I’ve been doing this for so long, I don’t know how to not be the one in control.”
“I get that. But you don’t have to do it all alone anymore. I’m here. Let me be strong for you, too.” Oscar smiled gently, brushing a tear from your cheek with his thumb.
For a moment, you didn’t know what to say. The idea of letting someone else carry even a fraction of the weight feels completely foreign to you. But as you looked at Oscar, his eyes full of sincerity, something inside you shifted. Maybe, it’s time you let it all fall down, you didn’t have to carry everything on your shoulders all the time.
“What am I supposed to do about her?” You asked, your voice small but steady now.
Oscar sighed softly, thinking for a moment. “You have all the right to be angry and upset. Your feelings are valid,” he said. “She needs to learn that actions have consequences. But at the same time, she’s your sister. She’s young, and sometimes young people tend to make mistakes. You’ve been doing everything for so long that she probably hasn’t learned how to take responsibility for herself yet.”
You nodded, wiping your eyes. “Yeah, maybe. But I can’t just let her think she can keep doing this.”
“No,” he agreed. “But you also don’t have to do this alone. We can figure it out together.”
You looked at him, really looked at him, and for the first time in a long time, you felt like you weren’t alone. Maybe you didn’t always have to be the strong one, the provider, the protector. With Oscar by your side, you could learn how to let someone else carry the weight with you.
“Thank you,” you whispered, leaning into him once more. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Oscar smiled, pressing a soft tender kiss to your forehead. “You’ll never have to find out, I’m not going anywhere, my love.”
The next morning, you stared at the screen of your laptop, fingers moving quickly over the keys as you finished drafting the contract. The legal jargon was familiar, comforting even, but the fact that you had to use it against your own sister left a bitter taste in your mouth. The contract was firm, direct, and laid out the consequences clearly: five thousand dollars, to be repaid in installments, with interest and penalties if the deadline is missed. You hated doing it—your heart never felt so heavy—but you knew it was necessary. You had been too lenient for far too long, if she didn’t learn this now, she might never understand the true value of money and the responsibility that came with it. It was time for her to learn the hard truths you had known your entire life.
Oscar was sitting across the table, sipping his coffee, watching you in silence. “You’ve finished it?” He asked gently. You had told him last night that you need to straighten everything out, and told him your plan, in which he quickly supported you.
You nodded, eyes scanning the contract one last time before saving it. “Yeah. She’s not going to like it, but this has to be done.” You sighed, “I’ve been too lenient, too forgiving. I can’t keep cleaning up after her messes.”
“You’re doing the right thing.” He said as he reached over, placing his hand over yours. “It’s tough, but you’re teaching her a lesson she won’t forget.”
“I hope so,” you sighed, glancing out the window, the weight of responsibility pressing down on you once more. “I’ve never been one to ask for anything back, but she needs to learn that she can’t just treat me like this. I want her to be successful, but she can’t rely on me forever.”
Later that day, you booked a flight for her to Monaco, and notified her about the flight schedule. She was studying in Switzerland, and it would be a four hour flight from Switzerland to Monaco. It was time to have this conversation face-to-face. You couldn’t keep allowing her to avoid responsibility just because you were miles apart. This is a conversation that is long overdue.
A couple of days later, she arrived at your and Oscar’s shared apartment. She seemed different—more subdued, perhaps. You could tell the weight of your anger still lingered in her mind. She greeted you cautiously, her eyes flickering to Oscar, who stood nearby, his presence calm but protective.
“Sit down,” you said, pointing to the couch.
She looked at you, clearly trying to gauge your mood, but she did as she was told. You sat across from her, with Oscar by your side, and the freshly printed contract lying on the table between you. The tension in the living room was thick.
“I had already settled your debt with Blaire,” you began, your voice calm but firm. “But this conversation is not just about the money. It’s about respect, about responsibility.”
“I said I was sorry.” She crossed her arms, trying to play it cool.
“Sorry doesn’t fix this,” you snapped, your patience was already running thin, barely hanging on by a thread. “I have been providing for you because I want nothing but the best for you. But what you did was careless, and you disrespected everything I’ve done for you. You didn’t even ask me before borrowing that money, and then you just blatantly assumed I would handle it. You do this every time to me, you always get me into awkward and humiliating situations.”
She bit her lip, her attitude wavering. “I know, but you make so much—”
“That’s not the point!” You cut her off, about to lose your cool but Oscar had managed to calm you down by softly caressing your back. “Yes, I make good amount of money, but that money just doesn’t magically appear. I have worked hard, harder than you can imagine, to get to where I am. Do you want to know what’s worse? What’s worse is that you’re not even thinking about how hard it is to earn that money, how I burn myself off everyday. So I’m making you earn it back.” You slid the contract towards her.
“What’s this?” She looked down at it, then back at you, looking all confused.
“It’s an agreement,” you said. “I’ve decided to give you the five thousand dollars. Consider what you bought from that money as a gift, because I know you’ve been doing well in school, and it’s been a while since I’ve given you anything. But this will never happen again. You owe me that money, and you're going to pay it back. Every cent of it, with interest.” Her eyes widened, and she opened her mouth to protest, but you cut her off before she could even speak.
“This is not negotiable. I’m still going to support you, I’m still going to pay for your tuition, but you need to learn how hard it is to earn this kind of money. You’re going to work for it, and I'll expect proof—payslips, records—everything. If you miss a payment, there will be penalties added, and if you refuse or try to make a fool out of me, I’m not afraid to take legal action.”
“You’d sue me? Your own sister?” She stared at you in disbelief.
“Yes, I would,” you said coldly. “I don’t want to, but you’ve left me with no choice. You are already eighteen and will turn nineteen in two months, you are already capable of knowing what’s right and wrong. You need to understand that I’m not going to bail you out every time you mess up, this is your responsibility now.”
For a long moment, she didn’t say anything. Her face was a mix of shock and anger, but you could tell the gravity of the situation was already starting to sink in.
“I’m not trying to be harsh,” you said softly, leaning forward. “But I’ve been in your shoes, and I know firsthand how hard life can be. I have shielded you from that, and maybe that was my mistake. But if you’re going to succeed in this world, you need to understand that nothing is free, nothing in life is free. Everything comes with a cost.”
Oscar then leaned forward, gently placing a hand on your shoulder. “Look, we’re not doing this to hurt you,” he added, tone gentle but firm. “But this is a wake-up call. You need to understand how your sister has worked so hard, and how important it is that you start contributing. No one’s saying you have to do it alone, but you have to start doing something.”
Your sister’s eyes shifted between the two of you, and for a moment, you saw a flicker of guilt in her expression. She glanced back down at the contract, and you handed her a pen.
“Okay,” she whispered. “I’ll do it. I’ll pay you back.” Her attitude and defiance slowly faded from her face.
“Good.” You nodded, “then sign it.”
She hesitated for only a moment before scribbling her signature across the bottom of the contract. You felt a strange mixture of relief and sadness, knowing you had to be this tough, but also hoping it would be the turning point she needed.
“You can stay with us while you’re in Monaco,” you told her, “but I expect you to find a job as soon as possible. If you fail to keep up with your end of the deal, there will be consequences. Understood?”
“Understood.” She nodded, though her expression was still a mix of resentment and defeat.
You exhaled, feeling a small sense of relief wash over you. This wasn’t easy, and you hated having to be this strict with her, but it had to be done. Oscar wrapped his arm around you, his touch grounding as soon as you watched your sister head towards the guest room.
“You did the right thing,” he said quietly.
“I hope so,” you whispered, leaning into him. “I just want her to grow up.”
“Don’t worry, she will.” Oscar assured you, pressing a soft kiss to the side of your head. “With you as her sister, she doesn’t have much of a choice,”
Later that evening, the apartment finally fell quiet, dinner was definitely awkward and quiet, but with your sister already tucked away in the guest room, the weight of everything you had said and done began to settle in. You were sitting at the edge of the bed, heart heavy and mind replaying what had happened earlier over and over. The way your sister had looked at you—hurt and angry—it cut deeper that you were willing to admit.
You had always been strong, but this strength had come with a cost. Now, sitting in the stillness of the night, the reality of your actions hit you like a tidal wave. It wasn’t just the contract or the money, it was the fear—the fear that in trying to teach her a lesson, you might have pushed her too far. That in being the disciplinarian, you had damaged something that might never fully recover or heal.
Oscar entered the room quietly, sensing the shift in your mood. He sat beside you, his presence had always been comforting, but it wasn’t enough to stop the flood of emotions you had been holding back.
“Was I too harsh, Osc?” You whispered, voice barely audible.
He frowned slightly, tilting his head to look at you. “No, you weren’t. She needed to hear all of it.”
“I know,” you replied, voice trembling. “But what if I lose her because of this? What if she hates me for it?”
You felt your tears welling up again, but this time you couldn’t stop them anymore. They spilled down your cheeks, unchecked, as you finally let go of the tension and frustration you had been carrying.
“I’m not being harsh to punish her, I just want her to understand how hard life is, how much I’ve sacrificed. But what if all she sees is me being cruel?”
Oscar pulled you close, wrapping his arms around you as you broke down. You rested your head on his chest, sobs coming in waves, guilt and fear crashing over you. You had always been strong for so long—too long—and now, it felt like everything was unraveling.
“She’s my baby sister,” you choked out between sobs. “I don’t want to lose her. But I don’t know what else to do. I don’t want her to think I’m just some heartless person who only cares about money.”
Oscad held you tighter, his voice calm and steady as he spoke. “She won’t hate you. Not forever. She’s upset now, sure. But she’s young, and right now, she probably doesn’t understand why you’re doing this. But she will, trust me. One day, she’ll look back at it and realize that you did this because you love her.”
You shook your head, your chest tightening with the weight of your emotions. “I feel like I’m always the one who has to be the bad guy. I never get to be the one who’s just there for her, to support her without judgment.”
Oscar stroked your hair gently, his voice soothing. “You’ve done more for her than anyone else ever could. You’ve given her everything. You’re not the bad guy, you’re her protector, even when it means being tough on her. Yeah, maybe this will cause a rift for now, but it won’t last. She’ll come around, she’ll see that you’re doing this because you care.”
You pulled away slightly, wiping at your tear-streaked face. “What if she doesn’t?”
“She will,” Oscar said firmly. “But even if it takes time, you can’t keep beating yourself up for doing what’s right. You’re teaching her a lesson that no one else will. You’re giving her the tools to grow up, to be responsible. Sometimes, that means being tough. That’s tough love.”
You nodded, but the guilt still gnawed at you. “I just wish I didn’t have to be this person all the time. The one who fixes things, who keeps everyone in line.”
“I know. But you’re not doing this alone anymore, okay? I’m here. Whenever it feels like it’s too much, rest on me. You can always rest on me.”
You leaned into him again, his warmth easing the ache that you’re feeling inside of you. “I just hope she understands someday,” you whispered.
“She will,” Oscar said softly, kissing the top of your head. “And until then, you’ve done what you needed to do. You’ve set her on the right path, and that’s what matters.”
As the tears slowly subsided, you felt a flicker of hope, knowing that even though this was hard, it was necessary. Even if your sister doesn't see it now, you could only hope that one day, she would understand that everything you did was out of love.
The weight on your shoulders became a little lighter, knowing that Oscar was right. Even if it took time, even if there were still battles to fight, you knew you weren’t facing them alone anymore, and for the first time in what felt like forever, you allowed yourself to breathe. You had done what needed to be done. Now it was up to your sister to follow through.
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geordikisser · 3 months
angst with yumi idk necessarily about what 😭😭 maybe hc or a short fic, live laugh luv ur writing ong <3
a/n: tysm!!! i’d love 2 make yumi angst, its acc been on the back of my mind -,- .. its a little poorly done but this was a concept ive had for awhile
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distance | yumi
epilogue: the honey moon phase has just about ended, you and yumi have been butting heads recently & when the idea of him moving out with the boys come up it throws you off the rails
content contains! suggestive material, gender neutral usage, & angst
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♡ you wake up, sunlight drowning the walls of your room. you turn to see your boyfriend, sitting up on his phone. he notices you’ve woken up. “g’morning.” his flat tone rings throughout your ears. you merely grumble back a, ‘morning’ yourself. yesterday night you two had a small argument. you threw attitude at him due to the lack of effort & communication when it comes to trust between you two when it comes to going out. yumi is constantly on his computer recently and you’ve been busy as well and this has caused a few heated squabbles.
your chest remains heavy from last night as you get up and slip on some bottoms. you stretch out your back, grabbing yumis attention to your back. he let out a heavy sigh as he bites his tongue. “hey, i’ll meet you in the kitchen. we need to talk.” he calls out as you reach the master bath. you feel your heart drop, as if you flatlined where you stand. keeping your cool, you nod. “got it, babe.” you throw in a pet name to ensure you aren’t angry about last night, hoping he would catch onto it. you close the door behind you.
you feel your breathing becoming troubled as you stumble onto the bathroom floor. grabbing a hold of your chest quickly trying to calm yourself down. what if today was your last? composing yourself, you stand up and get ready for the day.
about 20 minutes later, you come downstairs refreshed. teeth brushed, face washed. yumi was standing at the counter leaning against it, his eyes meeting yours as you walked towards the counter. you sat at one of the free stools at the counter. you brush your hair back as you give him your full attention. “we need to talk about something really important to me. we spoke on this awhile ago. on the topic of me moving out.” loosing eye contact with you midway. you fell pale. “ok.” you sigh, shakily. your hands clenching eachother. “the guys really want to move to austin, texas sometime next month and i.. i plan to join them.” he admits as he meets your teary eyed gaze.
he sighs, defeated. “c’mon, don’t start crying. it’s 9am.” he hangs his head low. you furrow your brows. “blake you’re so fucking unreal.” you stand up and walk off. he looks up and realizes you’re leaving. “hello?? the fuck?” he calls out as he rushes after you, grabbing your wrist. you snap away. “stop. i can’t deal this shit with you right now, blake.” you said.
“a few arguments and now you want to move out??” your eyes filled with pain & disdain. he shakes his head. “don’t make this what it isn’t! this has been a plan for a long time, y/n. you know it has.” he exclaims practically. his frustration stealing his tone. taking you aback a bit. your tears escape your tears ducts as you begin to sob. holding yourself tightly cause you know he won’t. he snaps out of this haze he was trapped in and reaches out to you. “hey— babe. c’mon, look at me.” he tries to attempt gently. you shift away as you completely break down. “i feel impossible with you lately, blake. why don’t you even want to try for this.” you stumble a bit, blake catching you instantly. he holds the small of your back.
“i just don’t understand. why don’t you try for this, for us, for you.” you pull away from his hold. “it don’t know what i can say to you anymore.” you admit, a small weight from your chest lifting. making it easier to breathe. his eyes analyze you, the situation. he looks away, sighing. “i don’t what to do either.” he says softly. “i know i love you. i love you so fucking much that these arguments kill me. and they’re dead to you.” he puts his head in his hands. you sniff, crossing your arms. “i need space from this.” he admits. your eyes widen out of fear, where the big 5 words gonna come out?
you feel fear wash over your body and you look at him slowly. “is that why you want to move? to get space and away from me?” you accuse. “you don’t need to runaway from me to get space, blake.” you attempt to not say it before he does.
“it’s not that—“ you stop him right there. “no. no it’s whatever. you’ve truly said enough to me recently that i think we both just need to think.” you storm off and grab your keys and head to the front door. he chased after you. “y/n, i didn’t mean it like that. where are you gonna go??” he asked worryingly. “that’s a first, you genuinely care about what i’m gonna do?” you snap back, sourly.
“for once it’s not that fucking computer. it’s like i’m second rate to you.” you open the front door and slam it shut. you walk towards your car and begin to drive away to your parents house obviously.
yumi felt scared, after a long time of being fearless he felt fear. his eyes felt cold & he felt so misguided. was that not the best move? to bring that up now? better now than never he thought.
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tiredmamaissy · 2 years
Hiiiii - just wanted to say I love love love your writing 💗💗 and i have a req but idk if you’re still taking requests if you are yayy!! if not bloop 😪 Anyways you could make this multiple parts if you wanted to build on the storyline more but could you do a Neteyam or Aonung (I cant decide - both extremely beautiful in their own way) x reader. Maybe where Neteyam and y/n have always been close and like eachother but haven’t made it official or clear they want to be mates. All the other girls in the village desperately want Neteyam for themselves (obvi) and a few of them heavily flirt with him in which he is oblivious to making y/n jealous. So she plays hard to get and makes him jealous with Aonung or something. Idk but it can end in some FILTHY smut and then fluff 🤭🤭🤭 ok that’s my req. Thank you and keep up the amazing work!!!😁😁😁❤️
Eyes for You
🔞 minors, do not interact 🔞
Characters: Neteyam Sully (20) x Metkayina reader y/n (19) x Ao’nung (20)
Warnings: nsfw, heavy smut, fluff, first-time, foreplay, oral sex, rut cycle, jealous/protective Neteyam, consent king neteyam, profanity Word count: 6.5k (sorry y’all, I have a problem with overwriting.)
Authors note: I tried to write this while I was experiencing some writers block + burn out, so this honestly isn’t my best work. Regardless, I hope this is okay, anon, and enjoy <3. Also, I’m feeling really inspired to write something that is unrequested. I’ll be temporarily closing my requests to that I can work through my list of requests thus far (even the ones sent in before this post went up), to the best of my abilities :)
Tags: @jakexneytiri (first part is the bow scene you requested)
Synopsis: You and Neteyam like each other but haven’t made it official. You’re promised to Ao’nung even though you don’t like him in that way. You see Neteyam with another girl, and flirt with Ao’nung to get back at him. Neteyam intervenes and makes you his.
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Intro: There isn’t a single girl in the village of Awa’atlu that doesn’t have a strong liking towards Neteyam. This includes you. As soon as Neteyam approached the shore with his hands out in the air, he caught your eye. You came out from behind your promised mate, Ao’nung, and examined the na’vi thoroughly. His tail was thin, just like the rest of his body, and he had darker skin with golden eyes. It was a beautiful sight, and he seemed to think so too, as his face lit up immediately when he first laid eyes on you. Since then, you guys spend most of your time together, as you teach him and his siblings everything they need to know about the reef people. He has even been teaching you his ways too, riding his ikran and learning how to use a bow and arrow. In the silent moments where it’s just you two, the tension is unspoken, and off the charts.
“Hold here, tighter.” He taps your elbow and repositions your grip on the taut string.
He’s so close behind you that you can feel his soft breaths on your shoulder. Each warm, pant that blows against your skin makes your bioluminescence glow, and your ears perk up. You simply can’t deny the way he makes you feel. You glance at him quickly, catching the sight of his serious gaze. You hold the string of the bow tighter and adjust your elbow.
“I can hear your heartbeat.” He whispers next to your ear. “Relax a bit, y/n.” He slides hand down the side of your waist, fixing your stance.
“Likewise.” You whisper back, hearing his heart thumping, too.
He leans into your shoulder, his braids barely brushing against your skin, and loosens your grip on your bow. How could you relax when he’s doing this to you? Does he even know what he’s doing? You turn to look at him, searching for any hint of innocence in his eyes.
He pulls back slightly, looking deeply into your eyes. “You know, it helps if you focus on the target, y/n.” he breathes, placing the tip of his index finger under your chin, using it to turn your head towards the target. It feels like your stomach is fluttering, all from his simple touch. You swallow your spit.
He must know what he’s doing, right?
 You snap your head back to him, to see him smiling at you, glancing down at your lips. Those flutters in your stomach make their way up to your chest, quickening your heartbeat even more. His smile slowly disappears the more his heavy eyes stare at your lips, and you find yourself staring at his, too. Maybe it’s in your head, but it feels like the distance between you two is shrinking.
 You feel his breath on your cheek now, causing your gaze to drop to your feet, and then shoot back up at the target. You clear your throat and reposition your arms. His hand lets go of your waist when he fixes his stance, slightly backing away from you.
He clears his throat, too. “Erm – good.” He looks at the target. “Now, release” he whispers, tapping his finger against your elbow again.
Your arrow completely misses the target. You laugh together, making eye contact again – only to drop your smiles when you feel the tension budding in the air.
“Good try, y/n.” he smiles again, brushing your upper back.
“Thanks, but I’m pretty sure we both saw it miss the target completely.” You laugh, covering your mouth.
He faces turns serious and takes your hand off your face. “You know I don’t like it when you cover your face when you laugh.” He says, his cheeks turning a faint shade of pink.
You can’t help but smile and stare at him, feeling the warmth in your chest spread throughout your body. “We should go back before our parents get upset.” You whisper, focusing on his lips.
He focuses on your lips, too. “We should. Dad might actually skin me.”
You look down from his lips, landing your stare on his bare, muscular chest. “Well, mine’ll skin you, too if you don’t get me back before the eclipse.” You laugh, using your hands to nudge him towards his ikran.
Though his body moves, his eyes remain locked onto your face.
“...and so would Ao’nung.” You tease, knowing that he hates hearing the name.
He rolls his eyes and walks swiftly to his resting ikran. “Get on, mermaid.”
You giggle, grabbing his hand and hopping on his ikran, seating yourself in front of him. After bonding with his banshee, he takes off, soaring quickly through the air. It’s almost like what happened ten minutes ago happens all over again, with his loud, hot breath on your shoulders, and his hand brushing against your waist – holding onto his ikran.
His warm chest presses lightly against your back, as he steadies his ikran that makes a sharp turn towards the shore. Your heartbeat speeds up. It never used to feel this way – this intense. Sure, being close to him made you nervous, but never this nervous. The flutters in your stomach turn into knots, and it’s almost like he could sense it.
“You okay?” he asks quietly, leaning into your shoulder.
“Yeah. Why?” you ask breathlessly.
“Your heartbeat. It is fast again.” He states, sounding a little worried.
“Oh, that.” you gulp quietly, “I guess I’m just a little motion sick”. You lie, looking down at your hands gripping the seat beneath you.
Immediately the ikran slows down, stabilizing itself even more. His free hand slides over your waist, onto the flat of your belly, and pushes you back into him.
“I’m sorry. Just relax and breathe, you’ll feel better soon.” He whispers into your ear, brushing his cheek against your hair. “Close your eyes.”
You melt into him and allow your heavy eyes to rest. The rest of the flight home is silent and so, so comfortable, that you don’t even realize that you’ve fallen asleep. You wake up to the eclipse occurring, looking down at the glowing arms wrapped around your waist. Not only are you snuggled into his chest, but he is also leaning into you, too.  
You take a sharp breath and sit up quickly, looking around you to see exactly where you are. You’ve landed in the sand, right outside of your marui pod. You turn around to see his glowing amber eyes watching you, with a serious expression on his face, as if he were trying to restrain himself in some way.
“Hi.” You smile, trying to lighten the mood. “Sorry I fell asleep; you should’ve woken me up.”
“I did not want to disturb you. You looked...” the corners of his lips slightly curl upwards, “comfortable.” He lies, realizing it would be creepy to say that ‘you look beautiful even when you’re sleeping’.   
The sound of your father’s voice breaks the growing tension.
“Y/n. I told you to come back before eclipse!” Your father shoots Neteyam a deadly look, storming towards you. Just as you’re about to explain, Neteyam speaks up for you.
“We got here before eclipse, sir. She felt sick and fell asleep. I didn’t want to wake her. I take full responsibility. I’m sorry, sir.” He bows his head at the chief warrior.
Your father shakes his head and comes to help you down his ikran. He drags you back home and you look back at Neteyam, who is waving goodbye to you, pursing his lips.
“You know I do not like you hanging out with that forest boy. You are promised to the son of Olo’eyktan, Ao’nung. Do not bring shame to this family.” Your father scolds you, resting his hand on your shoulder.
You shrug him off and walk away to the Marui pod. “You know I do not want Ao’nung, father. I don’t like him in that way.” You turn around, fuelled with anger. “Why must you force me?” you look at him through teary eyes.  
“Not another word, daughter.” He says sternly, looking you directly in the eye.
You leave and go to bed, crying yourself to sleep.
“This will be your second rut without a mate, Neteyam.” Neytiri states firmly. “Why must you refuse all the beautiful girls that offer themselves to you? I will not continue to see my son suffer.”
“Mother.” He looks at his feet. “I don’t want anyone but y/n. I thought I made this clear. I will continue to spend my ruts alone until she is ready.” Neteyam argues, shaking his head. “I don’t care how painful they become.”
“I will be speaking to your father about your betrothment with Tsireya.” She spits, getting up to find Jake.
“Mother! Please.” Neteyam snaps, standing up behind her.
“Agh!” she grabs at the air in front of his eyes, causing him to jerk his head back. “It is final.”
You disconnect your queue from your ilu and make your way back to the shore. You enjoy your early morning swims, as the water is usually still warm by this time. You see Ao’nung standing at the shore, his hands crossed over his chest, peering at you through his brows (or what would be brows, lol). Ao’nung smirks as you walk on the shore in his direction.
He makes his way over to you, extending his hands outwards, as if he were asking for a hug. “My beautiful mate. I love watching you come out of the water.”
You look down at your feet as you walk past him, trying to avoid eye contact. “Thank you, Ao’nung, but we are not mated.” You mutter.
Ao’nung shouts after you as you walk away. “Agh. I know, I know. We will be soon, my love. No need to be so short with me!”
He knows that you don’t feel the same way about him, yet he continues his feeble attempts at winning your heart daily. Your heart has already chosen Neteyam, and has no space left for Ao’nung, no matter how handsome he may be. You walk up to the grassy part of the mangroves, lifting your head up to see a sight you wish you didn’t.
Neteyam is in front of you, leaning against the large roots of the mangroves, talking to Tsireya, the Olo’eyktan’s daughter. Her beauty is stunning – absolutely breath taking. You could see that he feels this way too just from the way he gazes down at her with the biggest smile on his face. She, too, is smiling with him, brushing against his bicep with her hand.
Jealousy consumes you. The feeling is like a spear to the heart – deep and painful. The pain radiates off your chest, up to your face, reddening it as your eyes sting, pooling with tears. You stand there, frozen in time, just taking in the sight before you. Neteyam laughs, and shakes his head, as if he were telling her ‘no’ to something.
He catches a glimpse of you in his peripheral vision, and does a double take, looking directly at you. When his gaze meets yours and he realizes that your eyes are glossy from tears, his smile falls off his face. You look away, and turn around quickly, hoping that he didn’t see your tearful eyes. You walk hastily back to Ao’nung, with the image of him laughing with the prettiest girl in the village replaying in your head.
“Hey, pretty.” Ao’nung says huskily.
You force a smile on your face. “Sorry if I came off as rude a while ago. I’m not feeling great.” You lie.
He takes a few steps towards you, with concern written all over his face. “What is wrong?”
You didn’t want to tell him the truth – that you were feeling jealous about his sister of all people. “I’m just sore. The water was rough this morning.” You look up at him, meeting his blue-eyed gaze, seeing that he looks worried. “It’s just my back. I’m alright. Really.” You smile at him, thanking him silently for being so concerned.
Unbeknownst to you, Neteyam had made his way over to you the moment he laid eyes on you. He stood at the grassy area by the mangroves, watching the interaction between you and your fated mate intently. Ao’nung inches closer to your face and rests his hand on your waist.  
“Crying over a sore back? It must be bad.” He moves swiftly behind you. “You do know my mother is Tsahik, yes? She has taught me quite a bit.” He places his other hand on your upper back. “Where does it hurt the most?”
You feel uncomfortable with his touches and turn around to face him, pulling away from his advances. You see Neteyam in your peripheral vision, seething from jealousy and anger, watching the two of you closely. (side eye, lol)
Is he jealous?
The thought of you making him jealous, too, makes you feel better, as bad as it sounds. You work with the situation, flipping it to your advantage. You focus back on Ao’nung, and smile at him.
“Thank you, Ao’nung.” You rub his bicep, sending Neteyam over the edge. “But I’m really alright.”
Ao’nung arches a brow and looks down at your hand rubbing his bicep. He looks up back up at you and grins, wrapping his hand around your waist. “Took you long enough to come around, my mate.” He pulls you into him, leaning in, staring at your lips.
Its only now dawning on you what you just got yourself into. You feel uncomfortable – on edge. You feel like running away, but you’re frozen, watching him inch in closer to you. Neteyam watches you two get closer, feeling pangs of pain in his chest. He really didn’t think you would choose him, even if you guys were promised to each other. He always knew deep down that there was something between the two of you, it just wasn’t official.
But he couldn’t stop you. He would never come between you and what you want. All he can do is accept it for what it is, no matter how much anger he’s feeling. If you choose Ao’nung, then so be it. His only concern is your happiness, and for it to be your choice. He drops his gaze to his feet, not being able to stand the sight.
It feels wrong, very wrong. You didn’t want this. You didn’t want Ao’nung, you want Neteyam. You break eye contact with Ao’nung, and finally put your hands against his chest, pushing him away from you.
“Wait, Ao’nung. I’m sorry. I, I-” You stutter, turning your head to avoid his gaze and lips. “I’m still not ready, yet.” Neteyam hears this, and his ears perk up as his head snaps back to you.
“Don’t back out on me now, pretty girl.” He cups your cheek and pulls your face in his line of sight.
“Stop, Ao’nung.” You pull your face out of his hand and take a step back, as your eyes start to well up with tears again.
“Y/n. You are promised to me.” Ao’nung says sternly. “How long are you going to take? My rut is coming soon.” He pulls you back into him by your waist, causing you to fall into his chest.
Neteyam doesn’t waste another second and rushes in, braids swinging in his face, and pushes Ao’nung away from you. ���You heard what she said.” He growls, towering over Ao’nung.
You hide behind Neteyam, backing away from them both. They’re face to face, staring each other down, waiting to see who will back down first.
Two sons of Olo’eyktan challenging one another? Over me?
“Leave Neteyam. This does not concern you.” Ao’nung looks him up and down.
“No. Back. Off. Now.” he steps towards him, poking Ao’nung’s chest with his finger.
Ao’nung scoffs, shaking his head. “She is promised to me.” He steps towards him. “Mine.”
You’d never seen Neteyam this angry before. You could see the rage in his body language, he looks like an akula (shark-like animal) ready to strike.
“She is promised to nobody. She chooses who she wants.” He snarls, flashing his fangs.
Ao’nung looks behind Neteyam, directly in your eyes. He squints them, looking from you, to Neteyam, realizing that you both have feelings for each other and the ‘choice’ he speaks of is between him and Neteyam. Ao’nungs face relaxes, knowing this will just end in a fight - a fight that makes no sense. He takes a step back putting his hands in the air.
“Smart choice.” Neteyam growls. He turns around to look at you, his eyes were a deep gold, something you’ve never seen before. He shakes his head, as if he were disappointed in you and grabs you by the hand, leading you towards a hidden cave deep in the roots of the mangroves.
“What were you thinking?” He asks with his back turned to you, not being able to look you in the face.
“What were you thinking?” You shout back, still upset with him.
He turns around, walking towards you quickly, towering over you now. You look up at him, feeling small and feeble compared to his size.
“What? Don’t think I could’ve taken him?” he scoffs, shaking his head.
“I’m not talking about that, skxwang (idiot). I’m talking about you being all lovey-dovey with his sister.” You see his expression change; his gaze softens, and he pulls back. “Yeah, I saw you.” You cross your arms and turn around.
He laughs, loudly, finally understanding the entire situation. You’re both upset about the same thing.
“What’s so fucking funny?” you mumble, back still turned to him.
“We are upset about the same thing.” He slides his hand down your arm, and holds your hand, pulling you towards him.
You turn around, looking him in the eyes. “What?”
“You are jealous of Tsireya, and I am jealous of Ao’nung. What does that tell you?” he smiles, taking your other hand into his.
You roll your eyes and pull away from him. “I don’t even like Ao’nung, you know this. But Tsireya... She is the prettiest girl in the village, why wouldn’t you want her?”
“Y/n... That is not even true.” he scoffs, knowing you’re the most beautiful girl on pandora, “...and it is not what you think.” He grabs your hand again, pulling you into him. “Tsireya and I were just having a conversation.”
“Oh, yeah? A conversation... with her touching your arm like that? Come on.” You hit his hand away.
“Yes. We were making this stupid situation that we are in into a joke. My parents, they are trying to promise me to her, which is stupid because I already explained to them that I have eyes for someone else. And she – she even confessed to me that she has eyes for Lo’ak. It is really nothing like that.” He shakes his head, backing away to give you the space you want.  
Your glossy eyes peer up at him, searching for the sincerity in his eyes. “Who?” you mutter.
He looks at you, confused. “Who?”
“Who do you have eyes for?” you ask, feeling the same stabbing feeling in your heart.
“Is it not obvious, y/n?” He whispers, stepping towards you. “I only have eyes for you.” he whispers, taking your hands into his.
Hearing these words make your heart flicker in your chest. You can’t help but smile, the swell of your cheeks finally pushing a tear out of your eye.
“I only have eyes for you, too.” You whisper, sliding your hands up his arms.
You knew your father would be upset if he found out what you were about to do, but you didn’t care. Neteyam didn’t care either, it’s time to break the unspoken tension between the two of you. Neteyam leans into you, his gaze fixed on your lips. You find your body responding to him, tilting your head upwards to meet the gaze of the man in front of you.
“Can I kiss you?” Neteyam asks, wrapping his hands around your waist.
“Please.” You breathe, before feeling his lips crash into yours, reeking of desperation.
He kisses you passionately, but in an inexperienced way. His hands are all over your body, trying to touch every inch of you. He backs you up against the rocky wall, and moves his feverish kisses down your neck, to your collarbones. Your hands make their way to his chest, where they slide down to his stomach, feeling every dip of his muscular physique.
“You are so beautiful, y/n.” He mumbles in between kisses, looking up at you with dark amber eyes.
You giggle, feeling shy from his comment. “Why are your eyes different?” you ask, trying to change the topic.
He kisses the bone between your breasts, inhaling your natural scent. “What do you mean?” he mumbles into your chest.
You feel your nipples harden, and shivers run down your back. “Your eyes, they are darker than usual.”
“Oh, sorry.” He pulls back, blinking rapidly, hoping they’ll change back to their original colour. “My rut is coming in a week.” He nestles back into your chest, lingering there, waiting for your consent.
The thought of him in rut, unable to control his insatiable urges, makes your undergarments wet. You nudge his head over to your left breast, while your free hand unties the knot of your top. Both your movements are hurried, eager for each other’s touches. He takes your nipple into his mouth and sucks on it rhythmically, blowing hot breaths through his nostrils onto your breast.
“Mmnh, feels so good.” You moan softly. He bites your nipple gently. “Neteyam!” You gasp, pulling his head even closer into you.
The sound of you moaning his name makes him impatient, sucking even harder at your nipple, flicking it with the tip of his tongue. His big golden eyes stare up at you, like you’re something to be devoured. He unlatches from your nipple and kisses you again, his tongue exploring your mouth and intertwining with your tongue.
He kneads your breast with one hand and uses the other to play with the strap of your loincloth. You could feel his burning desire for you in his movements; he’s ready to take you right here. He shoves his knee between your legs, applying pressure to your cunt. You moan into his mouth and can’t resist humping at his leg.
“Shit.” He groans, applying even more pressure for you to hump at. “I like when you use me like that.”
You laugh between heavy breaths, feeling your slick wet his thigh. He notices, too. “Fuck, you’re that wet already?” he breathes, smiling with raised brows.
He kisses you again, like he can’t get enough of your touch. He kicks your legs open and lifts you up, wrapping your legs around his hips. He’s pinning you against the wall, pushing his pelvis into yours. You feel the imprint of his cock through his loincloth, pressing against your hot, wet slit. It feels so thick, and warm, bulging against you, throbbing for some attention.
The friction against your clit feels amazing, like the heat from your cunt is making its way through the rest of your body in waves. The pressure in your chest builds to the point where you must release it through loud moans, and pants. All you can do is bury your face into the crook of his neck while he pins you to the wall and bucks his hips into you.
“Neteyam... it’s so thick.” You whisper shyly, now smelling his musky scent. “...and you smell so good.”
Neteyam is too busy willing himself to be gentle with his thrusts to listen to what you’re saying. He wants to take you right here, right now – to shove his cock inside of you in one thrust and fuck you carelessly for even looking at Ao’nung.
“Why did you touch Ao’nung like that? You should only be touching me like that.” he thrusts hard against your cunt.
You can feel how stiff his cock is, rutting into your plump cunt like that, eager for some release.
“Yeah? And you should only be touching me like this.” You take his hand and press it firming against your breast.
He kneads your breast and kisses you roughly, breathing hard through his nose. All the tension that has been building since his arrival to your village is finally coming to a head. You grab his face and melt even further into his kiss, squeezing your legs that wrap around his hips, trying to push him harder against you.
He pulls away from the kiss, catching his breath. “Can I taste you here?” he pants, looking down at your sticky pelvises rubbing against each other.
“Ugh... yes, Nete.” You whimper, desperate for your mate’s touches.
He puts you down and starts kissing your neck, making his way down your chest once more. You will yourself to stand on your shaky legs, weak from holding onto him so tightly. He kisses your stomach, paying extra attention to your belly button with his tongue. The sensation is so erotic, feeling him inch his way down to your most vulnerable part. He’s breathing in deeply, trying to savour the scent of your cunt.
He kneels before you, looking up at you with big golden saucers for eyes, fiddling with the straps of your loincloth, asking you silently if he can take it off. You look down at him and nod your head, using your hand to try pull down your undergarments. As soon as he gets your consent, he buries his nose into your hips, and slides his fingers underneath the cloth, slowly pulling it down your legs.
He’s grunting into your soft flesh, kissing your thighs and your plump pussy lips. He gently opens your trembling legs, that struggle to remain standing, and looks up at you while he uses his tongue to part your lips. The flavour of your cunt is so sweet – so enticing, that he closes his eyes to fully immerse himself in the experience of eating you out, swallowing the slick that pools in his cheeks.
Although he is inexperienced, he follows his body’s commands, lapping at the sensitive nub at the top of your slit. He feels your body jolt from pleasure, telling him that he’s just found your sweet spot. He sucks lightly at your clit, opening his mouth and licking you from your hole up to your pearl, engulfing it with his hot mouth. He uses his thumbs to spread your pussy lips apart as he makes out with your cunt, looking back up at you.
The sensation is too good, you feel like your legs are going to give out any second. Your hips thrust into his face on their own, already chasing your orgasm. Covering your mouth with your hand, you stop yourself from letting loose the loud moans that make their way up your throat. Your free hand explores the wall you lean against, trying to find something to hold on to. Neteyam notices this and takes your hand, placing it on his head. You weave your fingers through his braids and hold on tightly, as he eats your cunt hungrily.
Not being able to hold back your moans anymore, you drop your hand from your mouth and place it on his head. You let your head dip back as you let loose lengthy mewls into the air as you experience your intense climax. You look down to see Neteyam touching himself, rubbing his bulge with his hand as he laps at your sopping cunt. You want nothing more than to share your next climax with him.
“Fuck... I wanna cum with you, ‘teyam.” You moan breathlessly, legs trembling uncontrollably as you try to push away his head.
He peers up at you, gulping your juices loudly before pulling away from your throbbing cunt. He stands quickly, meeting his lips with yours, having you taste your own cum. He kisses you frantically, still touching himself.
“Mine to touch.” You slap away his hand and grab his growing bulge.
He moans at your aggressive advances. You pull down his loincloth in a hurry, to hear the slap of his cock against his belly. You look down to see his monstrous cock, oozing beads of precum out of its pink, mushroom-like head. His slick is shiny, glistening in the light that reflects against the water outside of the cave. It looks so tempting.  
“I want to taste you, too.” You announce, quickly dropping to your knees.
His warm, rock-hard cock brushes against your cheek. You take a deep breath and hold it to savour his musky scent. You release your hot breath through your nose, as you rub your closed mouth up and down against his shaft. The heat of your breath against his sensitive, throbbing cock sends his head back in frustration – he’s eager for you to take him in your mouth. You sense his desperation, and lick the tip of his cock, swirling your tongue around his cockhead. He bucks his hips suddenly, sliding his cock over your closed eye.
You let out a breathy laugh. “Want to fuck my face that badly?” You lick his cock from the base of his shaft, back up to his tip and take him into your mouth.
His cock is so thick and girthy that it stings the corners of your mouth when he thrusts inside down your mouth. He’s pressing his hands firmly against the rocky wall behind you, trying to prevent himself from ramming his entire length down your slippery throat. You suck harshly, paying attention to his swollen cockhead as you bob your head up and down.
“F-fuck.” He groans, dropping his head, feeling overstimulated “I need to be inside you.” He grips you by the hair and pulls you off his cock, standing you up. He’s panting like a maniac, backing you up against wall yet again, kissing you hungrily.
“So, fuck me, Neteyam.” You grunt into his mouth, reaching down to stroke his swollen cock.
“Shit. Spread your legs for me.” He moans into your mouth between feverish kisses.
You obey him, opening your legs as wide as you can whilst standing up. His fingers rub against your slit, coating themselves with your glossy slick. You whine against his fingers, trying to grasp them with the walls of your cunt. He rams two fingers inside you, scissoring them to stretch your hole out enough for his cock.
“Nghh, Neteyam... make me yours.” You pant, trying to grind into his fingers. “Just put it in, already” you whine, trying to replace his fingers with his cock.
“Patience, my love.” He pants, trying to be gentle with you. “It is your first time, no? You must be stretched.” He hums, inserting his third digit inside of you.
You feel like you’re losing it, you just need his cock inside of you. “Please. I need this.” You beg, gripping his member.
His hand is pressing against the wall; his wrist brushing against your neck as he looks deeply into your eyes – forehead to forehead. He searches your eyes for your bluff, to be met with your serious glare. He’s so eager to fuck you that he can’t even hold himself back anymore to stretch you out properly.
“Fuck, y/n.” he exhales, moving his hand from your slit and turning you around, pressing you roughly against the wall.
Your tail sways wildly from side to side, tickling his throbbing cock, as you look behind you at your soon-to-be mate. You see him reach for his queue, running his hand along its length before bringing it forward. Knots form in your stomach knowing that he’s about to make the bond with you. He takes his hand off your head and reaches for your queue, bringing it towards his.
He pauses, waiting for your word – for your consent.
“Yes, Neteyam. Do it.” You say through shaky breaths, feeling your slick drip down your legs from the thought of him being all yours. You knew this would upset many people close to you, but you didn’t care.
He watches closely as your tendrils wrap around each other, morphing together to form a unified connection. Your eyes bulge and dilate as you both take a sharp breath, feeling your bodies and minds sync together. He looks down at you, and you look behind you to meet his gaze, knowing his every thought – knowing exactly how badly he wants you.
You’re panting at the mere thought of him ploughing into your cunt. He presses you against the wall with his body, pushing his bulge against your slit, coating it with your thick nectar. He leans into your ear, brushing his lips against it, just taking in the feeling of his mate. You feel him grip his cock and rub the tip against your hole. You feel his restraint – his struggle to fight the urge to bury himself inside you.
Please... hurry. You pant, pushing yourself back onto him.
Say the words, y/n. Use your voice.
“Fuck me.” You moan breathlessly, feeling his hot breath against the back of your neck. “Please.” you whisper.
“Good girl.” he smiles into your shoulder, lifting one of your legs up in the air, spreading you wide enough to accommodate him.
He slides the tip in slowly, giving you time to adjust to his thickness. It feels as if you’re overly full – stuffed to the brim with Neteyam’s huge cock, and it isn’t even half way in yet. You whimper loudly, from the mixture of pain and pleasure of taking something this massive inside of you. Neteyam cups your mouth with his hand, muffling your loud, lewd noises.
“Shhh... Mawey. You don’t want your father hearing us, do you?” he growls into your neck, slipping into his hazy fog of desperation. Your whimpers quiet down into soft mewls as your cunt stretches to the sheer girth of his cock. He praises you by planting soft wet kisses on the nape of your neck.
“That’s a good girl.” He groans into your neck, inhaling your natural scent. “You are taking me so well.” He looks down at the sight of his mate taking his cock for the first time, causing him to lose his control for a split second.
“Although, I would love to have Ao’nung hear this.” He rams his entire cock inside of your cunt in one swift thrust, getting the pain over with for you.
“Agh! Neteyam!” You yelp out a long, loud scream, feeling overstimulated from the mixture of sensations happening all at once.
Hearing his name roll of your tongue in such a lewd manner causes him to fall deeper into the haze he’s under. He’s breathing heavily into your shoulder, enduring the tightness of your cunt as it clenches around his entire length, willing himself not to pump in and out of you.
“Mmn’ you okay?” he mumbles, focusing on being as gentle as he possibly can with you.
“Sst. ‘ts too big, it stings, Nete!” you panic, frantically trying to accommodate to his size.
“Shh... I’m sorry, baby.” He kisses your neck while rubbing circles into your thighs, patiently waiting for you to get comfortable. “But you have no idea how long I’ve been wanting this... wanting you.” he growls.
Flutters are felt in your stomach, yet again, making you want him even more. “Me too, Nete... I’ve wanted you from the moment I first lay eyes on you.” You say between shaky breaths. “You can move now.” You moan, feeling more pleasure than pain as you back yourself up on him.
Those were the only words he needed to hear. He begins thrusting into you with no rhythm, grinding his cockhead against the hole of your cervix. He moves his hand in front of your body, tracing the dips of your stomach as he makes his way down to your swollen clit. He rubs circles into your wet pearl as he ruts relentlessly into you.
“Oh, good Eywa. Neteyam!” a new sensation washes over you as he fucks right into your sweet spot.
“Fuck. You’re so... *thrust* fucking small... *thrust* so tiny... *thrust* and tight.” he grunts into your ear, rolling your clit between his fingers. “Shit. You’re just sucking me in.”
He’s pounding into you at this point, unable to restrain himself from his territorial urges, fuelled by the jealousy of seeing Ao’nung touch you in that way. You could feel that his climax is near, as yours is nearing too. Your leg is shaking, about to give out at any moment. He takes notice of this, and lifts your other leg, causing you to slump back into him as he fucks you suspended in the air.
He weaves his arms under your knees and around the back of your head, spreading your legs as wide as they can possibly go. He is pounding into you so hard that you can feel his balls slap against your sore clit. His movements become erratic, like he’s going to cum inside of you any second. The heat is overwhelming, like you’re about to implode from the sheer force of his thrusts.
“Fuck! ‘m gonna cum!” you cry, finally feeling the burning sensation in your chest shoot down into your pelvis. Your walls clench tightly around his cock, on the verge of pulsating.
“Oh – oh fuck.” He huffs, quickly climbing to his peak. “Moan my name. Tell me who you are really promised to.” he groans, licking the dip of your shoulder.
“Ngh... Ne-neteyam! I’m promised to you! Oh – I’m cumming!” your cunt throbs quickly as you cum to the sound of his sweaty skin slapping against yours, burying his pulsating cock deep into your cunt.
“Gooood girl. Cum all over my cock” he grunts into your ear, cumming inside of you. “Ughh... fuck.” he groans, looking down at his cock spurting its thick, heavy ropes of cum into your cunt.
He rests his head into your shoulder, desperately trying to calm down from his high. He’s panting hot breathes onto your clammy skin, already being consumed by his urges yet again. He uncontrollably bucks his hips into you, as you feel his low mewls vibrate into your shoulder. He’s whimpering from the overstimulation of his body rutting into you after just cumming.
“Y/n. You need to go.” He growls, suddenly pulling out of you and releasing your legs – causing you to fall to your knees, breaking tsaheylu. You turn your head around and look up at Neteyam to be met with reptilian-like, green eyes, peering down at you.
“Neteyam?” you pant breathlessly, already knowing what’s happening.
Your mate just went into rut.
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outivv · 2 years
Hi, can i ask for scenario/headcanons with dormleaders in which reader is feeling suicidal and just comes to them with seemingly tired/gloomy face and asks "would you take care of Grim if I'd die?" (if your request are still open and you're ok with the topic) also pls do it with comfort/fluff ending my broken heart needs it
Also sorry (and feel free too ignore me I would totally understand) if your request are closed and/or you're not ok with topic.
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Here's the pic of my cat to brighten your day.
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Synopsis: suicidal reader asks dorm leaders to take care of grim if anything happens to them
Warnings: heavy heavy talk of death/ suicide/ reader coming to any harm, if this triggers you please sit this post out, I want everyone to stay safe >:( (also this isn’t proofread but that’s less important than people’s mental/ physical safety)
Characters: dorm leaders
Pronouns for reader: gender neutral/ not mentioned
A/n: hello hello! Your cat is so adorable oh my god. Genuinely they look so fluffy and pretty :’). Also I am very very sorry that this took me so long to get to, but I hope you enjoy, and take care of yourself!!
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— Riddle —
The moment you approach him he knows somethings wrong. Riddle isn’t very good with emotions, or social cues, but even he knows somethings up.
And he absolutely panics when you say “if anything ever happens to me, make sure grim is taken care of” he doesn’t show any signs of panic, because he has to stay calm so then you’ll stay calm, and/ or won’t get overwhelmed.
“I’m sorry [name] I don’t know what you mean?” He says, looking directly into your eyes. You can see the panic rising in his face, even if he’s trying his hardest not to show it. You repeat yourself, telling him again “if I die, or get hurt, or anything. Take care of grim.” Your voice stern now. Riddle sighs, not knowing what to do in this situation, and does what he can, leading you over to a couch to talk.
Instantly sits you down to talk, whether that’s you venting, or him trying to understand the situation better, or both, doesn’t matter, because it is a discussion you will absolutely have.
I think no matter the situation riddle will keep a close eye on you. Actively seeking you out at all hours of the day, and making sure you’re taken care of. He doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you because he deeply cares about you (especially if you’re considering yourself to be MC, then he very very much admires you)
— Leona —
Instantly no. Leona’s approach to this situation isn’t great, and I will absolutely say that, but it’s then best he knows because this is a hard subject for him.
“What?” Leona snarls. “I said, if… you know, something happens, would you please take care of grim?” Your focus on the ground now. “No.” Leona said, his brows furrowed, staring at you. “Please, I just want to make sure grim is safe, and I trust you the most.” Leona sits up fully now, the bed beneath you shifting to accommodate the movement. You often have pillow talks like these, Leona always pretends to be asleep but never actually is. “Nothing is, and will never happen to you.” Leona grabs your hand, and kisses the back of it.
Kinda is the tough love/ affection type of person, aka the type to say “I will murder you if you die”, and will make sure you know that nothing will ever happen to you around him.
Tried to make a routine with you, and take care of himself, and you much better. He starts skipping class less, keeping his room clean, makes sure he’s organized, all so then you’ll start doing the same, and feel better about yourself and your environment, which then would better your mood. (Idk if this makes sense, but basically he’s trying to take care of you, and make you happier by doing small things)
— Azul —
At first is like “yeah I’ll take care of grim, he’ll be the happiest cat in the world- WAIT WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO YOU’????”
I think he’s kinda frozen when you walk in super gloomy already, let alone when you ask him to take care of grim if any harm comes to you. He does not know what to do in this scenario, and will very much just kinda blank for a minute, before turning very serious.
“[name]. Is someone threatening to harm you?” He says his attention turning to you, and away from his work, “because we will take care of them, if you wish.” His tone was sweet, but you knew his words held malice in them. “No… nothing like that I just… I don’t know” now what you were talking about hits him like a bus.
Once he really understands what you mean, he will reassure you in any way possible, that you aren’t going anywhere, except for home when Crowley find a way for that to happen.
I think that even jade and Floyd would get involved in some way to reassure, and comfort you, but azul would try to keep them out of it for the most part cause he knows how overwhelming they can be.
Azul understands what you feel, cause he’s felt it first hand, and I think he’d do his best to make you feel appreciated, and enjoy things, even if sometimes he’s a bit shy about it lmao
— Kalim —
Does understand the gravity of the situation. He realizes and notices that it’s serious, and that you’re upset by it, but doesn’t truly understand what you mean, by “if something happens to you” and what the something would be.
“[name] what do you mean?? Are you ok?? Is someone after you?? Do we need to take care of them??” Kalim asks question after question. It becomes overwhelming easily, but kalim as a whole can be overwhelming. “No no- I just…” you sigh, “if I were to die, for… whatever reason, please… take care of grim. Keep him safe.” He still doesn’t know what you mean, but he now understands how serious it is.
I don’t think anyone tells him what exactly you mean, because for him ignorance is bliss, but he’ll eventually figure it out in his own, and when he does he is mad. You’ve never seen him so mad. And he’s mad, because you didn’t tell him for so long (however long he didn’t figure it out for), and he is so scared, and so upset.
I think he’s very emotional, and very physically affectionate, and very much just clingy. Which, depending on who you are could be a good or bad thing.
— Vil —
Very much can pick up on body language, and emotions, and he instantly knows what’s up when you walk towards him with a very gloomy aura around you. And instantly comforts you, cause he knows what’s up almost instantly. You quite literally didn’t even have to say anything and he just “so why are you suicidal.”
Comforts you in every way imaginable, vil knows exactly what you need, and when you need it too, he’s very very attentive already, and now that he knows somethings wrong, he’s gonna pay extra close attention.
There’s not much to vil for this one, cause I do think that he’d just know what’s up immediately, and start trying to help you in every way he can.
— Idia —
Idia is bad with basic human emotions, he definitely does not know what to do in this situation and it really makes him anxious. Not the topic itself, but the fact that he wants to do something, but doesn’t know what.
“Please take care of grim if anything happens.” You ask, your voice laced with sadness. Idia pauses his game, and turns his attention completely to you saying, “Oh… why? Is… are you ok?” Idia is already panicking, what does he do if you’re in trouble? He’s no match against some mid level boss fights, how’s he supposed to fight someone?! “Im just… I don’t know what’s gonna happen… and stuff… and if I go home then… where’s grim gonna go?” Now he gets it… he thinks.
I think Idia is kinda in the same boat as kalim, he doesn’t fully understand the gravity of the situation, until he figured out that you really were suicidal. He tries his best to give you more of his attention, and look after you a bit.
Probably has ortho check in on you a lot throughout the day, he just wants to know that you’re ok. If it makes you uncomfortable though he’ll tell ortho to stop.
— Malleus —
He’s like azul And kalim mixed?? Like he’s a little unaware, but he understands that there’s some seriousness to the situation. He instantly is like “who is it that’s threatening you. I will actually tear apart the whole world for you, child of man.”
I think you outright have to tell malleus that you are feeling suicidal, or else he’ll keep freaking out internally. And when you do tell him, he just “what.” Because he’s very very concerned :’). Will not let you leave his sight for the next three weeks. He’s so protective of you, be will do anything to make sure you’re safe.
Constantly comforts you and tells you how much he cherishes you, and he just wants to make sure you’re ok :’)
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supercorpkid · 1 month
I was going to send this as an ask too bc tumblr screwed me and put my reblog as a draft but then I saw the new pics of Katie McGrath, got distracted and forgot about it until now lol
So, ok, I need to ask (and you can say no, no problem at all) but ever since I read The Other Kryptonian I can’t stop thinking about how I just can’t fucking choose between Kara and Lena!!! You wrote it so fucking well that I can’t choose one and see the other sad. So, could you do an alternative ending where reader end up with both?
I even have this headcanon (I have a bunch of them for this story tbh) where she says she now has two hearts (bc of the device Lena made for her) and they belong to two people, so she can’t choose.
I actually have the whole thing in my mind but idk if you’d like to read it all
But as an added bonus: I also see Lena and Kara falling in love for each other and reader kinda seeing this happen but not wanting to interfere and let them do it in their own pace
The Other Kryptonian - alternative ending.
Ending with both Kara and Lena :)
Word Count: 3215.
Notes: damn it was fun revisiting this story. Hope you enjoy this!
part 1, part 2, part 3
They are all so nice. All of their friends are nice and genuinely good. It makes your guilt sit heavier on your stomach because they are heroes saving the world from people like you. Your heart is also heavy, you don’t think you can tell them many of the awful things you’ve done.
After a while talking with all of them, you spot Lena coming out of the elevator. You don’t know exactly what your face says, but Lena can read it perfectly when she comes closer and holds your free hand -the one Kara isn’t still holding.
“I’m glad you all got a chance to meet Y/N, but I think it’s time for her to rest.” Lena blinks at you, etched with support. You nod, suddenly feeling that you should rest for sure.
“You know, I was about to say that.” Alex adds, her hand makes way to your shoulder, and she squeezes lightly. “Go rest, we’ll be here when you wake up.”
Kara looks at you, query in her eyes. “You ok? I can fly you home so you can rest better.”
That’s a word you haven’t said in a while. Where would that be? The room Lex used to keep you in? Your old house in Midvale? The ship? Krypton?
“I think Kara meant her home.” Lena explains when she sees how confused you are. “But maybe you should come with me.”
It’s almost unnoticeable, but at that Kara holds your hand a little bit tighter. And Lena’s heart beats a little bit faster.
“No. I mean, what if Lex comes back for her? I have to protect her.”
“Well, she can protect herself, she is also Kryptonian. Besides, I should be around to see if the second heart is working properly.”
Alex, hearing that, takes one little step backwards, aware of something you are not. Everyone else that was watching the interaction, looked somewhere else and engaged in meaningless conversations. You look down on your hands, intertwined with both women, feeling incapable of letting go of any of them.
“If the heart stops working, I’ll fly her back here in a blink of an eye.”
“Sure, and if Lex comes back for her I’ll use the watch and you’ll be there in a blink as well, won’t you?” Lena pulls your hand slowly. “Besides, I have extra space. Your apartment would be kind of cramped. She needs to actually rest; she won’t be able to do that on your couch.”
“My couch is very comfortable.” Kara speaks out of greeted teeth. “And she would obviously sleep in the bed with me. We’ve done that many times before, right Y/N?”
You’re not sure it’s a real question when Kara gives Lena a wry smile. Everyone else in the room is clearly trying to hide their discomfort at the situation, but all breathes are stuck in their lungs after the question, and you can feel the tension wrapping around your throat as your breath also gets stuck in your lungs.
“Oh.” And all of sudden all eyes are on you. “Maybe I should stay on the med bay?” You plead at Alex with your eyes, and she agrees promptly.
“Yes! I have yet to clear her permanently.” Alex comes back closer, hands on your shoulders. “Well, come on. A little bit more of the yellow sunlight won’t hurt.”
Both let go of your hand, unable to argue with that logic. Alex helps you back into the med bay, turning the yellow lights back on.
“You know,” She starts, giving you another pillow so you can get more comfortable. If only she knew this is the most comfortable you’ve been in years. “It’s a hard choice, but one you’ll have to make.” Alex taps on your hand lightly. “I can’t hide you out here forever.”
You let out a smile at that, and she smiles back at you.
“Hey,” You call her a moment before she leaves the room. “Thank you. Lena told me you’ve helped, and I know you did the surgery too. I know I’m a wanted criminal…” You choke on your words after that. It’s true, but still not easy to admit it out loud.
Alex assures you. “It was all Lex. I can tell the difference.”
“Yeah, but you didn’t really like me before that either.” You force a smile out.
“Water under the bridge.”
And just like that, all of those times you thought about Alex and why she hated you faded away.
It’s funny, having dreams. You were never once for having different dreams every night. But this time there was no falling from the sky. No yelling for you to run and protect yourself. No begging for your safety whatsoever.
It was only blue and green. Blue sky. Green grass. Blue ocean. Green trees. Blue eyes. Green eyes. Love and love.
It’s a hard choice, but one you’ll have to make.
It's a decision between secrets, deep understanding, familiar touches, hearts that play the same symphony, and love. It’s about going back to what is known. To what was supposed to happen all along. It’s choosing blue.
It’s a decision between blunt honesty, desperate trust, touch-starved skins, strong holds on hearts, and love. It’s about taking the leap. It’s about closing the distance your body has been protesting all along. It’s choosing green.
A hard choice, indeed.
--------------- different ending starts here ---------------
You wake up to the warmth of the artificial sun on your skin. You haven't felt this good in—well, maybe ever. Now, you're free to use your powers as you wish, not at the command of others. And best of all, beside you are the two women you’ve loved most in your life.
"Baby," you hear, the voice as familiar as your own heartbeat. You open your eyes, hardly daring to believe they aren’t playing tricks on you. But there she is—Kara Danvers, standing in front of you with a hot plate of waffles, just like she used to when you were both teenagers. And right beside her is Lena Luthor, her eyes bright as she hands you a steaming mug of coffee. You think this might be the most beautiful sight you’ve ever seen.
"Can we talk to you for a little bit?" Lena asks gently.
You nod, a bit wary of revisiting the uncomfortable situation from last night. Kara places the plate on the bed, and you start eating before either of them can say another word. It’s been ten long years since you last had waffles, and you’d forgotten just how good they taste. Your mouth is full when Lena begins again.
"We talked about what happened last night." Lena pulls a chair over and sits down in front of you. Kara turns off the sunlight simulator, then joins her, sitting down in front of you.
"We don’t want that to ever happen again," Kara says, reaching for your hand. "We made you uncomfortable, and everyone around us." She takes a deep breath, clearly holding back tears. "It’s obvious that we both have feelings for you. You were the only person I’ve ever loved like this. I tried to have other relationships, but no one understands me like you. No one ever will."
"I know," you whisper, biting your lip to keep the tears at bay. "I feel the same."
"And I would give anything to have you by my side again. It would be—Rao, baby, it would be everything. We’d fly around the world, helping people like we always dreamed. And you’d finally get to explore Earth’s history. There are so many things I want you to see."
You squeeze her hand tighter. "Why are you saying this like it can’t happen?"
"It could. But I'm not going to make you choose me. I want you to be happy, and if happy is Lena, then — then I want that for you."
"And I want the same." Lena says reaching for your free hand. "I want you to have it all. You’re here, and you’re safe. And I finally have you next to me and darling, I’ll do everything I can to give back all that Lex stole from you." Lena smiles at you and you can no longer hold the tears back. "If you want to be with Kara, I'll support you no matter how I feel. I’m not going to hold you back from happiness"
"I—" There's a tennis size ball on your throat and you can't even swallow. "I can't decide. I love both of you. And I — I need the two of you equally. I've gone so long alone. I don't want that anymore."
Kara's arms are the first you feel around you, but Lena is quick to hold you too. 
"You are never going to be alone again, darling. We are all here for you."
The embrace feels like home, a place you never thought you'd find again. The warmth of Lena's arms, the steady comfort of Kara's presence—these are the things you've missed for so long. The weight of years of loneliness and fear melts away in their hold.
When you finally pull back, you see the tears in their eyes mirror your own. Kara's smile is soft, and Lena’s touch on your cheek is gentle, grounding you in this moment.
“I don’t know how this will work, or if it will at all.” you admit, voice trembling. “But I don’t want to lose either of you. I can’t.”
Kara nods, squeezing your hand. “We’ll figure it out together," she says, extending her hand to Lena. In a moment, they’re holding hands too. "All of us.”
For the first time in what feels like forever, you allow yourself to hope. Maybe this can work. Maybe you don’t have to choose. Maybe love doesn’t have to be divided like it has been all your life. Maybe the three of you can find a way to share it.
The tension that once filled the room dissipates, replaced by a sense of peace. You take a deep breath, feeling lighter than you have in years.
Lena looks at you, her eyes full of warmth. “You don’t have to rush anything, darling. We have time now. We'll figure out how to make this work for the three of us.”
Kara nods in agreement. “Yeah, there’s no need to decide everything right now. Let’s just take it one step at a time.”
You smile at both of them, feeling a sense of relief. “I’d like that.”
Kara's eyes smile, as well as the rest of her face, and she comes closer to kiss your forehead. You close your eyes to it, can't help but to. It's been years since your touch-starved skin has received any love, any proof that you are deserving of more than suffering. You can’t help the way your heart swirls with joy at this small gesture.
It's almost too long to be considered innocent. And before you even open your eyes, you feel another pair of lips, and you can't believe how well you know the difference, kissing your temple.
"I was never not thinking about you." Lena whispers in your ear, and a smile tugs at your lips, unbidden but welcome.
"I've missed you everyday since the last time I saw you." Kara whispers in your other ear, and you feel another kiss being planted on your cheek. 
And another on the other cheek. And another on the tip of your nose. Eye. Chin. Every inch of your face is showered with love and devotion, and your heart, Rao! Your heart has been beating so fast and hard, you're scared of failing you.
"We'd do anything for you." You're not sure who said that, or at least who started the sentence, but you know that by the end of it, both voices had mingled and it was your favorite sound. 
You slowly open your eyes, when you don't feel any kisses on your face for a few seconds. Kara and Lena are still so close, you can feel that you are all sharing the same breath. Eyes so close, blue and green are about to become one. Or even better, yours.
"Please," You reach for their faces, each palm on one of their cheeks. "Please," You beg again. You beg with your mouth, and with your eyes. Your love begs in silence and preaches in scream.
"Anything you want." 
Lena's lips touch yours for a brief second before they are replaced by Kara's and oh Rao, if only you knew all along this would be your future. If only you knew it was not a choice, but a balance. Not division, but unity. If only you knew you'd get what you've been searching for all your life.
"Lena," You blink at her and you can read her eyes perfectly as if you never once stopped seeing them, "I — I love you. It's you and all the things you do. You're all that I would think about."
She blinks too, starry-eyed and understanding. Face etched with love and desire. So, before you even ask her permission for it, she leans in, her lips meeting yours, her breath mingling with yours. This—this feels sacred, like something holy. And who else would hold you if not her?
It's perfect, incredible, but there is an itch on your throat, there's something more to be said. There's someone else to be touched and felt and loved. And Lena knows it too, for when she separates your lips, she gives you a nod and space so you can tell Kara what you need.
"Kara," You hold her face close to yours so you can whisper in her mouth, "Shovuhodh khuhp w rraop ehm tiv ewuhshehd im tiv aorghuhs uldifirstunia chao ukep."
Kara's eyes are full of tears because she remembers your mom teaching both of you a few sentences in Kryptonian and this is one you'd always say while looking deep inside Kara's eyes. I love you to the end of the ever-expanding universe and back.
And as an answer, she holds your face closer and kisses you like she would all those years ago. Hearts synchronizing playing the known symphony. Souls bleeding so. And who's gonna know you if not her?
This happens once every few lifetimes. You're sure. Who else can tell that they found love in two beautiful souls? In two people who care about you so deeply, they're willing to share and come together and overflow. 
When you look at their faces again, you're sure. The three of you will be able to make this work. The certainty is bone-deep within you.
But your life has never been just about good things. In fact, it rarely was. Even as your heart swells with love, threatening to burst from your chest, a voice slices through the warmth, pulling you back to a darker reality. And in a heartbeat, you find yourself thrust to the opposite end of the emotional spectrum.
“You all have something that belongs to me,” Lex’s voice cuts through the air, icy and cruel. Panic surges through your body, locking the breath in your lungs as your eyes widen in fear.
“Stay here,” Kara instructs, rising to her feet immediately. But Lena senses the shift in the atmosphere and follows her instinct, standing up as well. You’re left behind in the med bay, though you can see and hear everything unfold with alarming clarity.
“I’m sorry, sis," Lex sneers. "But I won’t share my pet with you. I thought I made that perfectly clear. Now hand it back, or suffer the consequences.”
A kryptonite gun gleams menacingly in his hand, and it’s pointed straight at Kara’s head. No. No. You will not let this happen. Lex will not hurt anyone else because of you, nor will he use you as a weapon against the people you love. Without a second thought, you speed into the room, positioning yourself in front of Kara and Lena, shielding them from the man who’s tormented you for so long.
“Lex,” you say, your voice steady despite the storm raging within.
“Oh, there she is. Come on, alien," he taunts, brandishing a remote control in front of you. But you hold your ground, eyes fixed on his face.
“You can’t hurt me," you declare with quiet resolve.
Lex scoffs, then presses the button meant to flood your body with kryptonite. But nothing happens. His face contorts in disbelief, fury simmering beneath the surface. He doesn't wear his frustration for long, though, as he snarls through clenched teeth, “I can always hurt you.”
You glance back at Kara and Lena, and in that moment, you know his threat is hollow. No matter what Lex does, no matter how much kryptonite he throws at you or how far his malice reaches, these two women would lay down their lives for you—just as you would for them.
“Are you sure you want to do that?” you warn, gesturing to those standing around you. “You’ve managed to piss off two Kryptonians, one Martian, one Coluan, one human-Naltorian, one badass agent, and your genius sister. Do you really think that a kryptonite gun will save you now that you’ve run out of people to fight your battles for you?”
It’s not the victory you’ve fantasized about for years, nor the vengeance you once craved. It doesn’t come close to the justice he deserves for all the horrors he’s unleashed. But to watch Lex Luthor stand down, to see the realization dawn on him that he no longer holds any power over you feels more liberating than anything you could have imagined.
“Don’t come near us again,” you say, your voice filled with the steel of conviction. “You know the terrible things I’ve done for you, and what I’m capable of doing to you now.” It’s an empty threat, but he doesn’t know that.
“Aliens,” he spits, disgusted, before opening a portal and vanishing from the Tower.
Lena's house is huge, but lacks character. Kara is happy to change that by moving things from her flat. Slowly, the space begins to fill with her colorful additions—bright pillows, whimsical lamps, and blue throw blankets that add a pop of warmth to the cool, neutral tones.
Lena’s massive bed, once so wide and cold, feels smaller now. Cozier. Especially with you sandwiched between the two of them, pillows surrounding you like a fortress.
Routine comes easily. What started as one-on-one moments with each of them gradually blossoms into a shared rhythm, a natural flow in which all three of you find comfort, passion, and peace in each other’s arms. Their love for you is steadfast, unwavering, and it only deepens with time. Just as your love for them grows stronger, you also witness the quiet affection they nurture for each other getting less hinted and more obvious. You’re grateful that you get to see it unfold, to experience it up close.
It turns out, you do have a home. It may have taken you long to figure it out, but now you know. Home, for you, is not a place—it’s the people who complete you. Kara is your Krypton—your origin, your understanding, your soulmate. Lena is your Earth—your deep-rooted connection, your forged and enduring love.
And together, it feels just like home.
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i have an idea for a q x reader (specifically the one from the next generation cuz idk) but i have absolutely no writing pizzazz so id thought you’d like to hear about it:
ok so reader (can be she/her or gender neutral whatever ur comfy w/) works on the enterprise and she was betrothed to a guy when she was born. he’s a bit of a jerk, she doesn’t rlly wanna marry him BUT in grooms society a betrothal is a binding vow so the crew on the enterprise can’t interfere with it as it’s their way of life (cuz i THIIIINK that goes against the prime directive im not too sure tho). so anyways she/they is feeling a little bit down so she decideds to pray to *any* god out there to help her (i think you know where this is going accidental summoning of god trope here we go). SOOO unfortunately she summons Q. Q says “i’ll help you, but you need to get married to me instead because ever since i was turned into a human i’ve wanted to know what that’s like and fortunately ur in the right place at the right time girlfriend”. reader says yes cuz again groom is a jerk. their relationship develops (and obviously everybody on the enterprise and their mothers are VRRY mad, picard even more so).
if the reader ever does develop actual feelings for him and turn it into a fluffy fic or if she is totally disinterested and it can be a lil angsty twinge that’s for you to decide. SORRY if this is too many details and doesn’t rlly leave room for creativity i tried to keep it as barebones as possible. again if you wanna write this that’s totally up to you and i 100% respect it if you don’t but if you do see this and it catches ur interest then im glad i asked. love ur stuff 🫶
I do.
Q x fem!reader (3rd POV) Words: 3.1K Warnings: Arranged marriage, marriage of convinience A/N: Thanks again for the request @franlovesyouu and I am so sorry again, that it took so long. I changed a bit, I hope that's okay. Hope you still enjoy it :) P.S. the fiancé became a bit of an asshole. Sorry for that
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His hand lay on her back and travelled up and down. She felt sick and had to turn to the side as the mere sight of him was too much for her. From the corner of her eye, she could see that Worf and Will, among others, were sitting at one of the tables nearby, watching her tensely. She tried to give them an encouraging smile, but she already knew it would be useless. There was nothing encouraging about the situation.
Just then, she could feel Esua's hand move from her back to her waist and pull her towards her. "Hey. Eyes on me sweetie." His breath reeked of alcohol and she squeezed her eyes shut as tightly as she could to stifle the tears that suddenly welled up, but before she did, she could see Worf sit up straighter and was held back by a grim-looking Will. "Hey!"
His fingers gripped her chin firmly and he turned her face almost brutally towards him.
Reluctantly, she opened her eyes and looked at him, still fighting back the tears. He grinned smugly. "' That's good." She managed a growl and yanked her head out of his grasp. "Don't. I told you I don't like it." His fingers tightened around her chin again, this time with more pressure, and she was sure she'd bruise. "You are my wife. You have to obey me, whether you like it or not."
Her heart grew heavy and at the same time she felt like she was going to throw up. She tore herself away again and stood up this time to get some space between herself and him.
"I'm not your wife yet," she hissed softly so as not to draw attention to her, but she couldn't stop the tears from welling up in her eyes. "Which means you have nothing to dictate to me."
She turned on the spot and stormed towards the door. Will stood up, concern clearly visible, but she just shook her head. She just wanted to be alone
At that moment, she was glad that she could have mapped out the layout of the ship in her sleep, as her vision was obscured by a veil of tears that allowed her to make out nothing more than outlines. She only allowed the tears to flow freely when the doors to her quarters closed behind her and she was in the private safety of herself.
A sob escaped her, clawing at the back of her throat, and she pressed a hand over her mouth to stifle the sound. Even if the walls were soundproofed, there was that small part of her that refused to shed tears over this man. She wouldn't give him that satisfaction.
"God," she gasped, running her hands vigorously over her face in the hope of getting a hold of herself without much success. "Pull yourself together. You're strong, not fussy, you shouldn't be sitting here crying."
But no matter how hard she tried to keep it together, she couldn't and eventually the first hot tears began to roll down her cheeks. As soon as the liquid wet her skin, there was no escape in sight and as much as she tried to fight it, she couldn't help but collapse on her sofa, sobbing.
She should have been more composed and in control of herself by now. After all, she knew it would come to this since she was a little girl. The Drakthar, her people, were a fairly traditional people, as the humans liked to call them, and betrothals of children for political and social benefits were not uncommon and more importantly: binding. There were very few reasons why a betrothal could be broken off and Esau, as obnoxious as he was, was no fool and had taken meticulous care to ensure that none of these cases would occur.
And she had actually come to terms with it by now. However, now that the wedding date was only a few months away and the time when the bride and groom were supposed to be together began, the whole thing seemed so much more realistic and threatening.
She knew that crying wouldn't help her either. She would have to marry Esau and spend her life by his side.
Not even the Enterprise could help her, as it was already clear that he would live here with her.
There was no escape. And yet she caught herself as it escaped her lips. "Please, someone, help," she pleaded, but knew it was useless. No one would be able to help her. No one.
At some point, she must have fallen asleep, exhausted and weeping, because she woke up as a flash of light coursed through her quarters. Sleepy and a little disorientated, she looked around and it wasn't long before her eyes fell on the tall, brunette man in the captain's uniform, who was looking at her with a raised eyebrow and a mischievous smirk on his lips. She had never seen him before, let alone met him in person, but it was no secret who was standing in front of her.
"Wrong quarters Q," she muttered, more resigned than angry and annoyed, which was probably how she should feel. "The captain's quarters are on a different deck."
Q, however, contrary to her expectations, did not move more than a step towards her. "No, no, my dear lieutenant, I'm definitely in the right place."
She frowned, but didn't have enough energy to actively argue with him. "Q, please. I'm really not in the mood for any games."
Q clicked his tongue admonishingly and stepped a little closer to her. "So ungrateful. Even though I've generously agreed to help you out." These words caught her attention and she straightened up a little on the sofa, confusion clear on her tear-streaked face. "To help out? How so?"
The grin had returned to his face and he seemed to take her question as an invitation to come closer. "I've heard your dilemma, with this ... creature you're supposed to marry because of your parents' wishes. Truly awful, no taste this man, just his choice of clothes seems even more boring than you mortals normally wear."
She didn't interrupt him, no matter how much she wanted to argue with him. She was desperate and if he actually had a way to help her, she would take it, no matter how impossible it seemed.
"But don't despair, for I have heard your plea!" Q spread his arms out as if he were standing in front of a huge crowd and giving a speech that would be followed by thunderous applause. She didn't clap, but simply raised a brow.
"Please don't get me wrong, I don't want to underestimate you or anything, but how are you going to help me? Breaking a Dratharkian engagement is next to impossible." Q smiled and leaned forward so that his face hovered directly in front of hers, allowing her to see the twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "But not completely." He snapped his fingers and a scroll appeared in his hand with a small flash of light.
In a loud voice, as if he were standing in an open courtyard, he proclaimed, "A betrothal between the son and daughter of Drothrak is to be cancelled only if the son has betrayed the daughter; if the family of one harms the family of the other; if the daughter of Drothrak is claimed by divinity; or if the son of Drothrak is unable to provide a life for the daughter."
He rolled up the scroll again and it disappeared in another flash of light as he looked at it expectantly.
But she was only the more confused and devoted than before. "I know the rules, Q. And trust me when I say that none of them apply to me. Esau has not deceived me, at least not demonstrably, or cannot provide for me, nor do our families have a feud that can prevent this marriage. There is no way out." She pulled her knees to her chest.
Q, however, sighed heavily and dramatically and shook his head. "And here I thought I'd caught an intelligent mortal." He leaned further forward so that their faces were inches apart as she glared angrily at him. "What about the fourth exception?"
She snorted and turned her head away so she no longer had to stare into his irritating eyes. "Oh of course, how could I forget, silly me. Let me just call our neighbouring god and see if he can 'claim' me. Of course, how could I not think of that."
She expected a snippy comment from Q, but he remained silent, which irritated her even more. Although it was the first time she had met the omnipotent man, she knew from stories that he rarely remained silent. When she turned back to him, however, he only looked at her expectantly, somewhat amused, she thought, and seemed to be waiting for her to come to the conclusion he had already reached.
With a furrowed brow, she looked at him in turn and thought hard, mentally going over the things he had told her and the things she knew, and suddenly everything seemed to click into place. She widened her eyes and looked at him in surprise. "Oh."
"There you go!" Q straightened up and spread his arms. Out of nowhere, fanfares sounded and confetti fell to the floor like an awards ceremony. "The penny has dropped."
She was still a little behind, a little overwhelmed by the revelation. "You want to claim me?" Q grimaced slightly. "Claiming is such an outdated term. Very toxically masculine, don't you think? No, no, my dear. I'm offering you marriage."
The situation seemed to be slipping away from her more by the second. "You want to marry me?" Her voice got a little too high for her taste towards the end. "So my solution to escaping a marriage is to enter into another one?"
Q clicked his tongue again. "Well, I certainly hope that my presence is a lot more pleasant than that deadbeat's." She didn't even try to answer. "But why? What benefit could you possibly gain from it?" "Can't you just settle for me trying to help you?" Q was beginning to look a little annoyed and massaged the bridge of his nose, but she withstood his piercing gaze.
"You're offering to marry me. If you know our laws so well, you should know that a marriage like this cannot be dissolved. Never. So forgive me if I would like to know your motives before I bind myself to you for the rest of my life." Q stared at her for a few moments, as if contemplating whether it was worth it, before sighing devotedly and waving his hand dismissively in the air. "I've become curious." She raised her eyebrow in disbelief. "Curious? About marriage?"
He just snorted. "Don't sound so surprised. I was mortal myself. Admittedly not for long and it was an experience I would have liked to avoid, but there were definitely aspects that piqued my interest. And one of them is marriage."
His gaze slid to the porthole and his eyes flickered back and forth, as if trying to burn each passing star into his memory. "The idea that you choose one person to spend every moment of the rest of your life with... It's a strange thought, but an interesting one."
"Q," she muttered warningly. "If I agree to this, you'll be the one. This is not a game. I won't force you to spend time with me or anything like that, but I won't be allowed to have any other kind of relationship. So you need to be clear about what it means and be sure you're serious."
He looked at her and for the first time she truly felt that the man in front of her was eons old and had seen unimaginable things, just from the way his eyes looked in the dim light. " I am more than aware of the fact." She nodded slowly and exhaled shakily. She had to be insane, completely insane. Then again... What choice did she have? Q tilted his head. "I take it you'll accept the offer?"
A bittersweet smile settled on her lips. "I do."
"This is irresponsible! A disgrace!" Her mother's voice rang shrill and sharp in her ears, but she couldn't help but smile slightly herself. They were sitting in the captain's office and for the last ten minutes she had been listening to her mother and Esau's mother ranting in turn. Esau himself was sitting next to her, devastated.
Opposite her sat the captain and Will, both with serious faces, although she thought she saw the hint of a slight smile on Will's lips. "How dare you?" "Hasn't been particularly hard," she returned, which didn't make either woman particularly happy. "You've brought shame on both our families," Lytal, the mother of her ex-fiancé, screeched. "Esau was supposed to be your husband! You had obligations!"
"Ladies," said Picard, who had risen from his chair. His face was one of practised neutrality, but she could see the little sparkle in his eyes as his gaze flitted over to her for a brief moment. "I don't think this is going to get us anywhere. What's done is done."
"It's not valid," her mother hissed and she let out an annoyed sigh. "Mother, I've already explained it to you several times: Q and I followed the traditional rites. We are legally married according to Drothraki and Federation law. You can't undo it, when will you finally understand!" "You were betrothed to Esau, that's binding!" "I obeyed the law, Lytal." She was getting tired of it all. She had already repeated herself at least four times. "It is written in the law of our people that a betrothal can be cancelled if the bride is claimed by a god. That's what happened."
Lytal was fuming, so much so that she was sure the woman was about to burst a vein. "This is nothing more than a loophole, something added for the sake of etiquette-"
"And still part of the law!" Her mother gasped. "You apologise for your behaviour right now!" She exhaled slowly and squeezed out a forced smile before turning to Picard, to everyone's surprise. "My mother is right. I apologise for all the inconvenience I've caused you. I realise that I have caused some problems, but I hope you can understand my motives, sir."
She could see how hard it was for Picard not to smile. Will had completely given up, the smug grin clearly visible on his face. Her mum didn't think of it as funny.
"You ungrateful child!" She stormed towards her, her hand raised, but she didn't get far. A flash of light travelled across the room and suddenly Q stood between them, his eyebrow raised in warning, his expression one of amused annoyance. "Ladies, I think that's enough." There was something threatening in his tone.
"If any of you lay a hand on her, you'll have a problem with me, and believe me-" there was an almost dangerous glint in his eyes "- no one wants that." Both her mother and Lytal recoiled, frightened and the protest stifled in their throats, while Esau watched him sceptically from the corner. Picard, for his part, cleared his throat. "Q, I think that's enough."
However, he only snorted and just stepped far enough to the side for her to see him, but close enough to be able to step between them again in an emergency. "My own mother-in-law wanted to go after her daughter. My wife! As amusing as the whole thing has been so far, I would be neglecting my marital duties if I didn't intervene."
His gaze hardened as he looked back at the two women and Esau. "She is now under my protection. Any harm done to her will be dealt with in... creative ways." It truly amused her how quickly the colour drained from the three's faces the longer Q stared at them.
Will cleared his throat this time and stood up too, so that everyone present was now standing. "Let's face it: it can't be changed. The necessary documents have been submitted to prove that the marriage between her and Q was concluded months ago and is legitimate. However they managed that."
She had to suppress a grin, whereas Q presented his openly. It certainly had its advantages when space and time were no longer obstacles. "We should concentrate on what the lieutenant desires and what she wants."
He turned to her. "Lieutenant, did this marriage take place according to your wishes? You were not forced?" She nodded. "Yes, sir, it was all with my consent." "There you have it." Q raised his arms as if to say 'I told you so'. "Problem solved." Picard and Will exchanged a few glances before he turned to the two mothers. "As Commander Riker said, there's nothing we can do legally. And since the lieutenant is satisfied, we're not going to intervene. So we have no choice but to accept the whole thing and put it behind us."
Her mother turned red in the face again and seemed to want to say something, as did Lytal, but both were held back by Esau. "Leave it," he muttered, pulling them towards the door. "It's not worth it."
Q eyed her with a smug smile. "Smart decision, little mortal." He gave Q a scathing look, which wasn't particularly intimidating, before the door closed behind them and she exhaled in relief. With a somewhat exhausted smile, she turned to Picard. "Forgive me again, Captain." He just nodded. "Dismissed." She could still see Will's grin before she and Q disappeared in a flash of light and emerged in her quarters, where she dropped onto the sofa with a frustrated sound. Q followed quietly and settled down on the cushion. "You held yourself well. For a mortal."
It sounded derogatory, but she had learnt to read his mood over the last few months. He was impressed and pleased, at least a little. She turned her head slightly so that she could see him and noticed him twirling the ring on his hand, lost in thought, before he quickly withdrew his hand.
"Thank you Q. For stepping in." He just shrugged his shoulders, but she could see how pleased he was with the praise. "I would be a terrible husband if I didn't defend my wife's honour and health. I've learnt that much, after all."
She smiled. Although their relationship was not exactly a romantic one, she had grown fond of the god. And who knew what might come of it?
Don't know if you still wanna be tagged since I've been gone for a bit, but still did it just to be sure.
@bigblissandlove1 @akamitrani
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belovedluc · 2 years
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Experimenting, one could say
Albedo x diluc x fem bodied reader
Notes:this is a minor writing smut so if your uncomfortable leave now and block me, thank you
Warnings:3 some, fem reader,major size difference, bedroom ‘experiments,’ albedo gives you and diluc a potion, crying, teasing, I kinda censored cervix,little overstimulation, lmk if I missed any !!
This is super long I’m sorry! You can skip half this story
Also the paragraphs get shorter and shorter
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Diluc stood close to your side in albedos little lab in a hole of dragon spine, if you turned around you’d see the rib cage of his lost brother. It was so cold, the fire wasn’t warming you up, so you scooted closer to Diluc bumping into his arm.
The small bump grabbed his attention from the blonde and he turned to look at you, seeing your trembling state he peeled off his heavy coat and placed it on your shoulders, Diluc was even nice enough to pull the opening together to hide your body. He chuckled at you, a deep, gruff chuckle that had Albedo turning to look at him to see what amused the rough man.
A few shuffling noises where heart behind Diluc, you both turned to albedo who was already walking in your direction holding two glass containers (idk what their called) they look fuzzy and were a hazy pink color and kinda pretty. Albedo handed one to you and one to Diluc, “here, drink these please, it’s my latest experiment and I still need to test it before I can confirm what it does,” he explained cooly.
“To confirm what it does?’ Is this even safe to drink? What is this liquid exactly?” Diluc questioned his voice getting firm, you held the bottle in you hands close to your mouth, it felt warm, just as warm as Diluc’s coat. “It’s not harmful to either of you I promise, I’ve even tried it on myself but, I can’t study myself very well can I? Y/n doesn’t have to take it, technically only one person has to.” Albedo crossed his arms and closed his eyes in explaining that this potion was not to harm any of you, yet you not Diluc knew what it did..
“Fine, Y/n, don’t drink this, I’ll do it for the sake of all three of us,” the man glared at albedo for a second and brought the bottle to his lips as well and before he could even take a sip, you spoke up to his previous words, “It’s ok, I’d like to taste it myself actually,” Both men looked a little surprised at that, Albedo just shrugged and nodded while Diluc was a little more hesitant to you drinking the pinkish liquid. You glanced up at Diluc as a silent ‘lets drink it together,’ red and e/c looked at the bottle and before both guests threw their heads back to down the pink liquid it a swift fast motion.
“It didn’t taste bad..” Diluc mumbled, “I don’t feel anything,” you looked up at Diluc then at Albedo as he spoke to the both of you, “of course not, it’s going to take a few minutes to settle in, just wait patiently and do tell me if you start to feel anything,” He smirked. “Any symptoms we should look out for?” Diluc asked grabbing the bottle from you and handing them to albedo who took them to the back of lab, “hmm, you might start to feel your body temperature rising and some hot flashes but I assure you they won’t last long.”
The hot flashes were making you sweat, your sweater starting to stick to your skin and your pants becoming uncomfortably warm against your legs, turning your head to look at Diluc you see him shedding some of his layers to get away from the heat. Turning your attention back to your own body you start to peel off your own layers, paying attention to what to leave on and what to take off. The heat still followed even with the loss of clothes the warmth still spread throughout your body,
“A-albedo it’s to hot…” The blonde turned his head slightly to you both to see that Diluc was desperately fanning the both of you with some unimportant documents. A small smirk crossed his face quickly, “if your uncomfortable with the heat and are comfortable enough to shed all of your clothes be free to do so, don’t worry about the cold.” “What? Are you insane?” Diluc sternly asked fanning the papers harshly, “Diluc I’m not sure about you but these are coming off, turn around for me,” a surprised looked flashed on the red heads face and a small blush decorated on his cheeks, he kept silent and turned his back to you.Hesitantly the last of your clothing fell to the snowy ground, a cool chill went up your spine and soothing some the overbearing warmth of your body, your body was flushed from head to toe. When Diluc took a peek over his shoulder to you he nearly gasped, instead he handed you the fan, “Y/n take this, I’ll undress as well, don’t look..” gently taking the fan from his hand and turned you back to him as well fanning the paper to keep you both cool as he undressed himself.
Albedo turned completely to you both and walked over to you pulling his left glove off with his teeth, and gently placing it on your sweaty forehead. Diluc stared for a moment before walking over and standing behind you. Then the blonde smirked again and pulled you from the chair and flush against his clothes body, his rough clothing making it seem more hot. “Al-Albedo to hot-“ “Where?” e/c looked up to bright blue ones, “What your feeling isn’t exactly heat, it’s more of a warmth..” “So you gave us asphrodics?” (idk how to spell it)
“Precisely,” his grip tightened for a moment before he lifted and wrapped your weak legs around his waist, walking over to his desk her took one arm to slide everything off, paper scattering and tubes shattering. He gently placed you on the desk and spread out your legs, “Well Diluc, hope you don’t mind that’ll be conducting some experiments, hand me that clip board,” he pointed over to a shelf with a clip board and several pieces of paped clipped to it. The muscular man grabbed the clip board and went through some of the paper, “Is this going to hurt her? Does she even have your permission?” Diluc questioned keeping the clip board out of Albedos reach when he went to grab it, both men looked to you, your e/c glazed over, you pretty looked out of it and no body hasn’t even touched you. Pathetic.
“Y/n are you with what’s about to happen? You can say no,” Diluc said sternly leaning over you and pointing at the clipboard with his pointer finger tapping hardly against it. You nodded and Diluc almost looked offended, his head turned to albedo who was trying to push him out of the way to grab the clipboard, when he was successful he set next to and stood in between your bare legs. “Y/n if you feel overwhelmed let us know, we’ll use colors ok?” When he saw you nod he continued to explain, “green is to keep going, yellow is to slow down or take a break, red is stop.”
Pulling his remaining glove off he slid to fingers against your slit, collecting what you didn’t even know was there. His slim fingers played with the sensitive bundle of nerves and pinched down it on lightly eliciting a sharp squeal from you. Diluc walked over to the back of the desk where you head was situated, he caressed your sweaty face and moved the hair that stuck to your forehead and even whispering praises to you. Albedo scribbled some notes on his paper when his fingers began to slid further into your heat and even slipping inside you. “Ah- albedo!”
He quickened his pace with his fingers, your moans growing louder and louder. Diluc held your head in his hands and kissed your forehead every so often as his way of praise. S/c trembled as their climax started to reach its peak, your hands went to grab at Albedos wrist to try to get him to ease the climax gently, unfortunately for you Albedo only sped up after he felt your walls twitch and was basically begging to make you completely fall apart on his fingers.
Your body shook as your climax hit you like a truck, Diluc held your head gently with one hand and the other holding your hand. “Well that’s the start of my experiment, still feeling hot Y/n?” Diluc placed the back of his hand to your forehead then to your cheeks, “It’s gone down a lot actually, but what about me? And she’s still burning.” “Y/n what’s your color?” Albedo asked rubbing up and down your thigh, “g-green..” you mumbled. “Alright, well Diluc your up, oh and here’s some lube,” Diluc grabbed the lube and read through it thoroughly to make sure it’s not another scam by the alchemist.
The red head walked around the desk and positioned himself in between your legs, rough hands pulling you close to his abdomen and smiled lightly when he felt you wrap your shaky legs around his waist. “She’s all prepped for you, do what you please I need to study the human body anyways and how certain things can make a person react,” albedo stated scribbling some notes and flipping pages then looking at Diluc confused, “well?” “Oh Uhm, Y/n are you ok with this can I start?” You only nodded reaching out for his hand, “I need a verbal answer baby..” he grabbed both of your hands and squeezed them reassuringly.
“Ready?” “Yes” Diluc lined himself up at your entrance and started to slowly push in and paused every so often to let you adjust to his size. Once he was all the way in he rubbed your bundle of nerves in slow easy circles to make some room for him and to ease the pressure. You withered beneath him when Diluc started to move in and out of slowly but deep, “D-Diluc ah!” His groans and slight whines filled the lab along with your moans and whimpers, and of course Albedos pen scribbling on the documents.
You could feel his curious stare at your face, watching your expressions and watched as his eyes trailed down to were you and Diluc were connected, “Think you can go faster Diluc, she can handle more, she has a vision for a reason after all…” Albedo trailed off with a smug look on his face. Diluc picked up his pace, his thrusts became harsher and needier. The sound of skin slapping matched with your loud moans as Diluc got rougher.
The alchemist tilted his head as if he was solving a math problem, maybe the problem was that this wasn’t enough? “Diluc lean over her, pull her legs over your shoulder, try to go as deep as possible,” with a nod he cooperated immediately as he pulled both your legs over his shoulders and leaned over you, “Ah! Ah! D-Diluc please!” He brought your hand to his lips kissing over your knuckles when he felt you twitch when he hit your g-spot. “That’s it baby.. good g-girl, your taking me so well..” He groaned and angled his hips to reach deeper, dear archons he never noticed how small you look compared to him, how tiny your hands are in his own calloused ones. You are such an Angel, good thing he got to you first before someone else in mondstat managed to.
“Diluc! Diluc I’m- I’m close!” He felt you tighten around and he squeezed your hips to keep you still, “N-Not yet my love, can you hol-hold it for me baby?” Your eyes glazed over with tears and few slipped but you managed to nod, you wanted to be his good girl after all right? Diluc pounded away at your small cunt kissing your cerv’x roughly, then he felt that twitch, he was getting close as well. “Y/n my love, let’s come to-together yea? Wanna me make me proud, baby? Cum, you can do it..!” “Ah! Yes! Like that! C-Close!”
After a few rough thrusts Diluc stilled his hips deep inside as he painted your tight walls white, you loaned out in pleasure, your own climax shaking you to the core, you were so dumbed down to just whines and whimpers as diluc gave a few lasts thrusts, lightly overstimulating you before pulling out. “Good girl.. your such a good girl, Y/n, took me so well,” he leaned down to cup your cheeks and kiss you all over you face making you smile and lean into his touch.
“Do you happen to have a rag at all Albedo?” The blonde perked up at his name and went to search for a rag around the lab. While waiting Diluc smothered you in love and helped you sit up on the desk so he could hold you better, when Albedo returned with a wet rag and handed it to Diluc he smiled at you. “Great job Y/n, I got all the I needed if not more, maybe you could help me another time with out the drug, by yourself,” he smiled when Diluc glared at him. The red head tenderly wiped at your inner thighs and softly at your cunt, and dabbed around your face to clean you of the previous sweat.
“I-I’m actually kind of cold now..” you mumbled embarrassed not looking up from you position on the desk, “Here, you can use this for now, I’ll warm up your clothes for you,” Diluc offered as he slipped his pants and dress shirt back handing you his coat. You gladly took it and pulled around your shoulders, it was warm, so warm, like Diluc himself was hugging you.
“Thank you again for lending me a hand with this experiment… I know that it definitely wasn’t what you expected, I’ll be more clear next time,” “Next time?” You shuddered, “It was so hot I felt like I was Sumeru!” Albedo a chuckled at you and adjusted the coat around your shoulders. “I owe you one, Y/n” he smiled warmly and kissed the top of your head.
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This was so embarrassing long I deeply apologize
Fic smuts are not my speciality I’m still learning
Even tho I got off topic all lot I hope you enjoyed this at least! Ty for reading 🎉
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thisdreamplace · 8 months
hi is anon who writes too much haha! Hru💗
I want to share some experiences I’ve been having and a question
just really letting go and being.
life is really Beautiful when you just be
one extreme subconscious belief i guess I had was “everytime when good things happen. Bad things always do” I used to really spiral over this. I was so afraid. But then I asked myself “ can I let go of this and know all is okay? that god is on my side, that everything will be ok”. I was crying one night fearing “what if everything is terrible and will never be ok “ I allowed it but the something just came into awareness “what if I can trust god. what if I can trust and let go” and I did, I still felt like a crying mess and so very saddened. but I had a sense of trust , my heart was filled with love.
(I’ll speak in 3rd person but ) anon also had a huge fear or want. to being mysterious like… not telling anyone how they felt lalala or even feeling embarrassed about telling how they felt about something like they where right or wrong or how they inferior if they where nice lala. When I realized that was also conditioned, not my burden to bear I cried in relief, knowing just this was never something I needed to let go off. I’m ok haha
I feel like also one thing is we conditioned our self to others behaviors and what we determine as us (the false self) like example I realized my specific negative thoughts where a pattern. I asked myself “ do I really think this way? or am I conditioned too?” “Is this really me?”, my fears and thoughts and wants and needs are all just what I’ve always thought I needed to have, haha living a life without any of those is sure scary but… not a bad! More like a new unknown understanding! Like knowing there’s no meaning behind it , like the thought itself being a conditioned thing, idk it feels just nice , I can leave it be , beacuse it doesn’t mean anything.
The key is no longer allowing it to have meaning for you. - thisdreamplace
now I live my days having fun :) or even just being or enjoying all knowing I’m not bound to anything. it’s nice even when the hard times happen , still need to work on that tho 🐭
my question is.
when circumstances or even a overwhelming situation , or even badly reacting to something and you regret it. How do you deal with it, I always surrender to god and know everything will be ok. But I’m wondering if you have advice haha, like what are some things you do to regulate and help in times like this. sometimes moving on (letting go ) of everything feels a bit terrifying , even how do you stop seeing things as a bad moment? sometimes the heart feels so full and the head feels so firey
hope to talk soon again I miss your posts dream 🌌thank you for everything once again
-anon who talks too much 🍩
hewwo <3 i hope youre doing well!! sorry its taken me some time to finally write back !!
i love all of this ! feeling everything out, while simultaneously allowing yourself to feel that possibilities can be different. i love reading messages from yall, because they always spark deeper understandings in myself as well. it's a really beautiful cycle between us
hmm i think to answer your question, i usually don't try to make something seem other than how i feel it is. instead i accept it all in that moment, or at least try to anyway. it's not always easy of course. but through acceptance you have a lot less resistance toward an issue, and like that it can easily be transformed. so its not always about making ourselves drop it, sure its nice if we can. but if not, its okay to be there in that moment too. allowing it to be what it is, and moving on when the emotions arent as heavy.
anyway <3 thanks so much for reaching out again !! :') and awwwe thank you. i havent had much inspo lately, life has been really busy but ofc, whenever inspiration strikes, you'll see another post by me !!
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munsonology · 1 year
idk why or how but i’m thinking about detective!noir!Eddie interrogating noir!Reader while railing her against this stone wall and she’s not allowed to cum until she gives up this certain piece of info that she’s afraid to say, because she’s afraid she’ll get knocked off for snitching. But ofc she has nothing to worry about because det. Munson would do anything for that little dame.
the plans I have for detective munson and toots are WILD!!!!
She’s the femme fatale who’s husband mysteriously vanished, she doesn’t seem to care if he’s dead or alive. He can feel the attraction growing between them. Eddie tries to downplay the heat between them, but she knows when a man wants her, they all want her.
“I know you want to fuck me detective,” she says in the alley behind the police station. “Or are you not man enough.”
Eddie’s eyes darken. “Watch it.”
She laughs and it sickens him how the throaty chuckle goes straight to his cock. “I’ll fuck you better than that little priss I saw you with last night. Does she get wet?”
“Shut up.”
She reaches for his hand and slides it up the skirt of her dress. His fingers touch the garters on her thighs, lace stockings graze against his skin. He can feel wetness on her thighs. “That’s all for you, detective. I know she’s not taking care of you, not how I would.”
“I said knock it off!”
“Would she take it up the ass like I do?”
Eddie snaps in a rage. He reaches for her neck, his grip tightening around her throat. Her plush lips rise in a smirk. “Life your god damn dress,” he says darkly.
“Make me. Detective.”
He pains her around and shoves her face first against the brick wall. He lifts her dress, ripping her flimsy panties in the process. She lets out a gasp when his palm takes her by the neck again.
“You going to let me fuck you up the ass?”
“Yes detective! Please!”
Eddie takes her wetness from her sweet cunt to her puckered hole. He feels her tense as his cock pushes in. His hips thrust violently against her. “Yes! Yes! Fuck me, detective!”
Eddie’s fingers play with her clit. He pinches the hard bud between his fingers before slipping two inside her cunt.
“You tell me what I want to know and I’ll let you cum,” he says in her ear. She pushes back against him, his heavy sack beating against her.
“I can’t! He’ll kill me if I do.”
“I won’t say.”
“Then you won’t cum.”
“That’s not fair!”
“Quiet down! You want the whole station to run outside, see you getting fucked like a bitch in heat? Life’s not fair Toots.”
Eddie keeps fucking her, taking her to the brink of orgasm then pulling back. The ground underneath them is wet from her slick dripping down her legs. “What was that you said about getting wet? Look like you pissed yourself,” he chuckles. “Are you a pissy girl?”
“My pissy girl? Huh, you wanna cum or you wanna piss?”
“Anything! I’ll do anything, please just let me cum Eddie!”
“Info first toots!”
“Ok! Ok! I’ll tell you…but I want protection.”
Eddie leans into her neck. Their skin covered in sweat. “I’ll kill anyone who puts a hand on you,” he says.
“Even my husband?” She asks quietly.
His ears perk up. So the bastard was alive. “Even your husband, toots.”
He kisses her collarbone, lips lingering to feel the pulse of her heart. “Cross my heart.”
“Hope to die?”
Omg they’re so toxic I love them 😭😭
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Good Girl, Memphis~
( MDNI )
CW: smut, some degradation, feminization, hints of dumbification/bimboification, talk of breeding, penetrating Memphis, anal
Other info: gender-neutral reader, can be read as reader having a cock or strap, dom reader
Ok ngl y’all I’m. Feeling a little embarrassed about this one; idk if it turned out well.
Memphis pouts a little, hands twitching in his lap and tugging at his skirt while you do his makeup. You’re just taking sooooo loooooong, longer than you need to. But he knows better than to say so, or to try and touch himself— even though he’s achingly hard, tenting the cute little skirt you’d picked for him earlier.
Finally, you step back, and spin his chair around to face the mirror. Memphis opens his eyes, heavy with falsies and mascara, to see his reflection. You were right— he looks so pretty. So pretty, all for you. He preens at the compliments you give him, shivering a little when you wrap your arms around him from behind and kiss his ear.
“Such a pretty girl,” you sigh, smiling at the way his cute little cat ear twitches from your breath on it. “Are you ready for your reward, for being so patient?”
Memphis’ ears perk up immediately, and he nods so hard he almost headbutts you. You release your hold on him and watch with satisfaction as Memphis immediately jumps in bed to position himself ass up, tail flicking excitedly under his skirt. You take a minute to admire him like that before moving closer.
You flip his skirt up to admire his ass even more. He looks delicious in his tight little panties, pulled even tighter by the hard-on straining the front of them. You run your hands over his ass, relishing in the way he pushes back into your touch, and the way he jerks and gasps when you slap the swell of his ass. He fights down a moan at the sting as you trace over the reddening skin.
You can’t help but laugh at how reactive he is. Memphis huffs at the sound, ears and tail flicking irritably.
“Would you hurry up already?” He growls, impatience finally boiling over.
“Okay, okay,” you giggle, leaning in to press a kiss to the tender flesh. He’d been patient for much longer than ever before, so you’d give him just a little lenience now.
You slide his panties down just a little and are pleasantly surprised to see his asshole already stretched by a plug. A pretty, glass plug with a pink heart-shaped base. One that you’d picked for him, but weren’t sure he’d use.
“Awwww, Memphis,” you coo, massaging his ass cheeks, “how thoughtful! Look at you, preparing your own pussy for me to use.”
Memphis buries his head in the pillows, face burning. You trace his stretched rim with your fingertips, admiring the way he twitches around the plug. You begin to test the plug, tugging and pushing on it. Memphis has to bite the pillows to keep his whines quiet.
You sigh happily, pulling and pushing the plug in harder and faster, enjoying the way his hips rock into the feeling, moving to lube yourself with your other hand. “You’re so cute, Memphis~! Such a pretty girl. Your pussy all pink and wet for me. Look at you, drooling and leaking all over the sheets. So precious, so needy~!”
Memphis raises his head just enough to let out a whine of “Please…!”
“Please what, Memphis?” You pull the plug out roughly, watching his hole gape and flutter without the toy, and twitch harder when you rub yourself between his cheeks. “I know your brain is leaking out of your ears, you stupid little bimbo, but you need to remember your manners~!”
“Please fuck me! I’ll be good, I’ll be good, please-!” Memphis’ claws begin to tear into the sheets, hips rocking back desperately.
“There you go, that’s my good girl~” you croon, sliding all the way in one hard thrust just the way you know he likes. Memphis nearly wails, collapsing into the pillows beneath him.
You set a hard, fast pace, making sure to tell Memphis how pretty he looks, fucked stupid on your cock. He really is, lipgloss smeared and mascara running, unable to think of anything except you inside him. His keening moans spit you on.
“Pretty, pretty girl,” you groan. You reach around, stroking his cock hard through the panties still caught around it, “Can’t wait to fill you up, Memphis, gonna— gonna make you a mommy, gonna—“
You cut yourself off with a groan as Memphis clenches down hard, body spasming as he cums with cries of your name, begging you to please fill him up, please—
And then you’re cumming too, biting down into Memphis’ shoulder. The two of you collapse onto the bed, struggling to catch your breath.
As soon as you regain some semblance of awareness, you begin to kiss and lick softly at the harsh bite you’d left. Memphis’ softening cock, still trapped in your hand under the both of you, twitches from the attention.
“Did you mean it?” He slurs, shivering through the aftershocks still racing across his body. “D’you really wanna… make me a mommy?”
“Yes.” You press a kiss to the back of his neck.
Memphis purrs, satisfied at your answer, tail rubbing against your side.
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smallturtlebomb · 16 days
.ᐟ 𐰁 𝗓 ᶻmasterpost timeeeeeᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
/\_/\ (\ __ /) A__A
( ˶•o•˶) ( •ω• ) ( •⤙• )
ଘ(ა🍱) (ა🍙૮)。 (🍜٩ )੭
✰ sup im lee/stb but u can call me whatever you’d like. And welcome to the disaster team, nice to have ya ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ i am a minor so pls, do not be weird to me. i go by any pronouns but id prefer if you’d use they/them on me, thx
✰ i really, and i mean REALLY love tmnt & monkey wrench at the moment but i also like splatoon, dunmeshi, tf2, murder drones, class of 09, gravity falls, and a lot more…
✰ go ahead and feel free to ask questions abt me or my ocs. i rlly like yapping so it would be great if u did that _(^_^)_
✰ askbox/art requests: open!!! i would love to draw for you guys!
✰ status: semi-active. i won’t post original stuff that often anymore due to school so plz be patient with content.
✰ here r some of my rp accounts:
@c0m1c-c0llecter (odyn from tmnt: tlr)
@n0-1sc0ttp1lgr1mfan (ml my tmnt oc)
@s3a-sc3n3-k1ng (akira my tmnt oc)
@s0ur-fl0wer (mina my tmnt oc)
@th30r1z3r (rae my tmnt oc)
@gradient-orange (my version of tmnt mikey)
@wing-wave (wingnut from tmntmm/tottmnt)
✰ some of my au’s:
splat wrench: mw boys + other characters r in splatoon
turtle wrench: rottmnt boys get transported to the mw universe
new generation: rottmnt fan kid’s r in the bad future and they go thru some stuff
✰ websitez:
pronouns page
✰ writing stuff:
ml’s backstory
how the mad dogz met tlnd
turtlewrench plot
✰ main tagz:
✰ old tagz mention
✰ au tagz:
#turtle wrench
#splat wrench
✰ mutuals, mutuals, MUTUALS!!!:
#myc the bat🦇 ( @in3fin , pookie bear ^_^ )
#karkat♋️ ( @garfunkopop , the creature… )
#turtletempura🍤 ( @tempurafied , older sibling >_< )
+ idk who else to add (mutuals if u wanna be added, lmk!)
!!boundaries, bfyi, and dni!!
✰ i do oc x canon & f/o content. i will sort of avoid other ships with these characters (im not mad at u for shipping the character I like with another, im just trying to protect my sensitive heart)
✰ im sort of sensitive so clarify things 4 me plz so i do not overthink ^_^
✰ im ok with u dming me, just state ur purpose and there will be a 50/50 percent chance I’ll respond
✰ for art requests, i will draw anything EXECPT NSFW. remember i am a MINOR and I don’t draw stuff like that
✰ idk if I’ll start commissions soon since I’m pretty busy at the moment
✰ I will accept art trades! I like doing them :p
✰ you can use my art as a pfp/banner (credit isn’t forced, but appreciated)
✰ do not repost my art and/or claim it as ur own on other platforms. I find it very disrespectful since I took my time making it
✰ do not copy/edit my art
✰ ok time for dni:
tcest/incest, proshippers, lgbtq+ phobia, pedos, zoos, ableist, racism, sexism, heavy nsfw, weird fetishes. all of this makes me very uncomfortable. if you interact with me in any way, i will block you.
✰ in rottmnt, i do not like casey jr x turtles, kendra x turtles, cassandra x turtles, and april x turtles. I ship april with sunita & cassandra, I ship jr with my oc, and kendra is my wife. i will avoid content containing these ships.
✰ i will call my f/o’s wife/husband/bf/gf/lover/partner so if ur uncomfortable with that, sorry!
✰ im not that great of an artists so expect some mistakes in my artwork
✰ i do not have a schedule 4 posting art and chapters of my aus/stories so pls be patient with content!
✰ my phobias:
trypophobia. just seeing pictures make me shiver and scratch my skin a lot.
trypanophobia. i don’t hate seeing them but being injected with a needle freaks me out.
nyctophobia. im not that scared of the dark, only what’s in it.
claustrophobia. seeing pictures are ok but being in the situation makes me panic.
acrophobia. picutres are ok as well, it’s the situation i hate.
anddddd… that’s all i got 4 now! cya around ^_^
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rosenallies · 1 year
Wolfnetra comforting Sasha when she has nightmares 🥺
Idk if u wanted this as a prompt but I just had to 😗😌🫶🏻😌someone tell me what I should call this au tho 😭
By nature, wolves are heavy sleepers, almost nothing rousing them from a deep sleep. Anetra didn’t find herself to be an exception to this rule, until Sasha came into her life. Even when she had insisted she stay on the couch, Anetra woke up randomly throughout the night; when Sasha had finally agreed to sleep alongside Anetra, she had realized she was waking up in time with Sasha’s nightmares. It was no use in asking her why she never attempted to wake Anetra herself for comfort, Sasha was funny that way, never wanting to inconvenience Anetra in any way.
It was like clockwork, Sasha would have a nightmare and before she even woke herself, Anetra was softly rubbing her arms and cooing, her warm hands providing a sense of safety and tenderness.
“Are you alright?” Anetra asked one night, after a particularly bad seeming nightmare that left Sasha shivering from more than the cold Earth air around her.
Sasha nodded, but her eyes were still wide and fear stricken, Anetra imagined if her pretty lavender eyes could fill with tears, they would. The wolf had kept to herself that she had imprinted on Sasha, afraid of scaring her away, but she could tell immediately the nod was farce, she could feel Sasha’s fear in her own body.
“It’s ok if you don’t want to talk, but I can tell you’re still shaken up.”
“I’m sorry,” Sasha squeaked, wringing her shaking hands in her lap. Anetra took them in hers, pressing her lips to each palm.
“Don’t be sorry, it’s okay. What can I do?”
“I don’t know,” she replied quietly, head hung low.
With gentle hands, Anetra turned her gaze to meet her own. “I promise to keep you safe no matter what, okay? I won’t let anyone or anything hurt you.”
“I know.”
Suddenly, Anetra remembered the first time Sasha saw her in her wolf form. Instead of being frightened, she gingerly stroked her fur and quietly said it made her feel safe. “Sash, do you remember when you said you felt safe around me in my wolf form? Would it help now?”
Sasha looked at her with a wide eyed gaze. “Is that weird?”
“No, of course not,” Anetra assured her, “I’ll do whatever it takes.”
“Perhaps we could try it?”
Anetra kissed her cheek softly. “Of course. I won’t be able to talk, but you can lay with me on the floor?”
Nodding silently, Sasha clutched the blanket to her chest to savor some of Anetra’s leftover body heat as she left the bed. She squeezed her eyes shut as Anetra transformed, unable to fathom how it wasn’t painful, no matter how many times Anetra promised her it wasn’t.
When she opened her eyes, Anetra in her wolf form was nose to nose with her. No matter how many times she’s seen it, Sasha was always enamored with Anetra as a wolf, never frightened. Her big brown eyes stayed the same, deep and lovely just like they were when she was human. Anetra nudged her cheek with her nose and licked her gently, making Sasha giggle. Anetra then laid on the ground, leaving space for Sasha to lay her head on her belly.
The moment Sasha laid her head down, she felt immediately comforted. She could feel Anetra’s strong beating heart, steady and rhythmic adding to her comfort. Burying her fingers in Anetra’s fur, Sasha sighed blissfully.
“Thank you, Netra,” she sighed.
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star-girl69 · 8 months
I'm literally fangirling soooooo hard rn you don't understaaaaaaanddddd. ❤️❤️❤️❤️I feel like I'm about to like explode or smthg like damn.
I can't say I will ever truly understand how you're feeling but I want you to know that how you feel is so so so so valid. I wish there was a way that I could reassure you that you are amazing, your work is out of this world and you have people who love you and appreciate you.
Literally when I see that you have posted something(notifications always on for you honey) I start smiling at my phone like an actual idiot omg its not even funny the way you could ask for anything and I would do it twice for good measure. I hope you know that we are patient and we will always have gratitude for the people who take the time to give us wonderful content. We are also understanding and I hope you don't feel pressured to be constantly producing. We can and we will wait always. You taking care of yourself should always be priority.
I believe in you. ❤️
- ❤️
(oop I didn't mean to get heavy but I always mean everything I say)
(Is that a challenge????? Honey prepare to be admired ferociously ❤️lightwork is talking about you cause all I have to do is look in my heart fr fr)
(I will always be here to talk ❤️❤️trust)
(virtual hug cause that's the only way I know how to comfort😭😭)
oh my god. you seriously have me giggling and kicking my feet LIKEEE idk. i don’t know what to say I FEEL SO BAD but like i’m smiling so hard rn and just THANK YOU
no your words are MORE than enough this makes me so happy and makes me so excited to write more trust!!!
(NOOOOOO it’s ok you can get as heavy as you want LMAO)
(i’m gonna ignore this second parenthesis bc my reaction to it was embarrassing but i’ll give you a hint: blushing and screaming into my pillow and clutching my heart and blushing and kicking my feet and blushing more and did i mention blushing)
(tysm ily ❤️❤️)
(i LOVE HUGS and physical touch in general i feel 10x better)
(side note but i’m making a list of all the names you call me actually new one added to the list! honey i giggled. so bad. 🤭🤭)
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cherryluvrx3 · 8 months
meat lovers amirite??
Dave Strider x Reader X Karkat Vantas
Chapter 3
I stopped pacing around the room when I heard the doorbell ring. I practically ran to the door then stopped just in front to compose myself. Straighten out my clothes and pat my hair down and take a deep breath before I opened the door.
Dave, who was waiting on the other side, heard the heavy footsteps of someone running to the door.
‘Am I gonna get jumped??’
The pause.
‘Maybe they had a change of heart.’
The deep breath.
‘No they’re definitely getting ready to fight me.’
And the door opened to reveal a.. sweaty, nervous looking dude- the same one from last time actually.
“Uh..” Dave quickly peaked behind them and didn’t see anyone else, hiding or otherwise. “Your friends didn’t set you up like last time?” He smiled albeit a bit nervously.
“Oh! No I eh.. just.. asked for you myself..”
“Yeah really..”
“….Right.. well your total is $9.99..” Dave took out the pizza from his little pizza carrier.
“Hopefully it isn’t burnt this time.” I joked and Dave seemed to look surprised.
“Wait really? Your pizza was burnt last time?”
“Uh yeah, like half of the pepperoni was singed. I mean my friend ate it anyway but still.” I said and took note of how he looked sort of confused.
“Yeah that’s.. kinda weird? My friend is the one who makes the pizzas and he usually follows the Pizza Hut pizza making regulations like, word for word. Sort of like a perfectionist? I feel like if he burnt a pizza he would’ve remade it. Or are these false accusations you're putting on my bro’s name?” Dave questioned with a quirked brow and crossed arms.
“No?? Why would I lie about that dude?” I laughed.
“Well I mean, you didn’t call to replace it either.”
“Yeah ‘cause my friend already tore that shit up.” I snickered and pulled out a $10 bill to pay him. He seemed more relaxed now, smiling as he took the money.
“Oh, keep the change, buy yourself something nice.” I winked. “Well aren't you made of money? Sure you can give so much to little ol’ me?” He chuckled and pocketed the bill. “I have more money than I know what to do with man.” I lied confidently as if this pizza didn’t use up the rest of the money I had for the week. “Ha! Have a good one. I’ll let you know if anyone I know needs a sugar daddy or something.” He laughed and walked off.
I closed the door.
I giggled and tossed the pizza on the counter, running to my couch and flopping down to text the group chat, my legs kicking behind me.
Roxy <3
-wat wat wat!!!
-I talked to him :3
Roxy <3
-wooo!!! yeah baby!!
Tezi >:]
-Ok… and?
Gamz :o)
-so what else
-I just
-Talked to him
-Idk what you want me to say
Nepetita :3
-(Y/n)!!! You have to do more than just TALK to get close to him!! *Nepeta pouts and taps her foot*
-Like I think,, laughing with him and making small talk is a good start righttt
Roxy <3
-yep def a good start
Tezi >:]
-Stop feeding into their delusions!!
Roxy <3
-what i do? 😭
Tezi >:]
-You’re coddling them and letting them take baby steps! They need to make big jumps to make progress >:/ you could’ve asked what school he goes to, how old he is, when his birthday is, his work schedule, his address or
-Or something!!
Gamz :o)
-yeppp exactly what she said
-remember I said ya gots to take risks babe
-mannn >:/ let me take baby steps
Roxy <3
-yea!! theres norhing wrong with wanting to tske things slow and easy
-its better rhan them coming off as desperate tbh
Nepetita :3
-I guess… but still!! You have to do a little better than having a short pleasant conversation with him okie?? At the end of the day we want you to be happy but you gotta try to okie??
-Yeahhhh :/
-I guess I can like.. go to the actual place and try to chat him up there then ask for his number?
Gamz :o)
-mhm that’s a good idea lil mama
-Yeeeshhh I’m just so like nervous cuz he’s like… so cool
-Like what if he thinks I’m a loser and laughs in my face
-I think I would die
Tezi >:]
-Then fuck that guy!!!
Roxy <3
-yeah I don’t rhink you gotta worry bout nothing
-like I’m very sure if that happens terezi and gamzee r gonna stuff him in a oven 💀
Gamz :o)
-fuck yeah we will
Nepetita :3
-don’t be nervous! You’re literally so epic! I purrmise he’s gonna end up liking you beclaws who wouldn’t!!
-dawwww :>
-ty little meow meow
Nepetita :3
-:3 *hugs you*
-*accepts hug*
Tezi >:]
-Okay okay!!
-I’ll try harder
-not today or tomorrow tho
-soon tho!! I swear
-I got missing work too do remember
-but yeah I’ll try harder
Roxy <3
-great :)))
I sigh and toss my phone on the couch while I get up to eat the pizza that’s probably gone a bit cold now.
Yeah I’ll definitely approach him better. Someday.
Damn this pizza is burnt again?
The bell on the door jingled as Dave entered the store. He tossed the keys back to Aradia who was looking through a crusty magazine from 2015.
“Do you want me to take over deliveries again? We got two more calls.”
“Uh yeah but stay here for a bit? Need to chat with Karkat real quick ‘fore I man the phones again.”
“…but the customers need their pizzas.” She looked at him with a strangely intense gaze.
“Uh.. they can wait a few minutes bro. It’s not the end of the world.” He nervously joked before dipping to the back.
“Hey kat.” He greeted his friend who just finished boxing a pizza. “Oh. What do you want Dave?” He grumbled and moved the pizza to the counter for Aradia to grab.
“So the guy I delivered to just told me the craziest thing. That the pizza they got a few days ago was actually..” Dave paused for dramatic effect, “burnt..” he slapped his hand over his mouth in faux surprise.
Karkat visibly stiffened.
Dave didn’t notice though because he was more focused on teasing Karkat.
“I thought your pizzas were your ‘works of art’? Your ‘babies’? And you burnt one? What if this affects the store's reviews huh?” He laughed and elbowed Karkat.
It was then he noticed the strange look of guilt on Karkat’s face.
“..it was a mistake. So what if some schmuck got a burnt pizza?” He grumbled and went off to look for something to occupy his hands.
“Well yeah I wasn’t accusing you of doing it on purpose,” Dave paused and turned to look at Karkat, “did you.. do it on purpose..?” He asked, with a confused smile.
uh oh.
here it comes.
Karkat snapped and shoved Dave out the kitchen and back to the front of the store.
Before Dave could try to talk to him again, Karkat already rushed to the break room and slammed the door shut.
“.. I will go deliver the pizzas now.” Aradia got up quickly, snatching the two pizza boxes and leaving.
Dave checked the clock to see how long he had left on his shift.
2 hours.
a/n - I sure use "..." a lot... but I like it.. hehe...
idk its just so I can portray the timing of their pauses while they speak and they make a lot of pauses *skull emoji*
also nepeta's contact name is 'nepetita'. I'm mexican and adding "ita" to something is sort of saying "little" in an affectionate way so her contact is saying 'little nepeta' if any of u are confused
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Chapter 4
of lost in the dark (he's got a heavy heart) by @definitelynotshouting!
( 1 & 2, 3)
"For a long moment, Grian stares at them, mind as fresh and blank as new snow. It feels like he’s circling something, drawing inexplicably closer to its event horizon with each new revolution– like any minute now it will pull him in, and he’ll fall, forever tumbling to regain his balance."
oh the spiral,,, love the use of event horizon here hell yeah
"It only takes a few simple ingredients to invert a healing potion. All he needs after that is a little time to brew them, when nobody else is looking."
extremely personally attacked bc -and this might shock you /s- my special interest is this block game and as soon as Tango mentioned potions the entire chart popped up on my brain.
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this one, almost exactly. backstabbed by my own autism once again
"Three or four." Grian keeps his face carefully neutral. "I dunno, maybe five?"
"It's a familiar tic, and the aching thing in Grian's chest spiderwebs out in fragile fractures. He's never enjoyed lying. Half-truths, sure, and he's always loved a good loophole– but outright lying? That's not his normal style. Tango is right, five is an absurd number– it's a miracle he's even entertaining the thought."
"spiderwebs out in fragile fractures." AUGH oh how i love literature fuck yeah. that hurt
"But five will be enough to make sure. No last minute resurrections, no sudden rescues. Just himself, the void, and the universe they all belong to. He wonders if it will sing to him as his code falls apart."
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"You weigh like, nothing, dude," Tango informs him, and there's a little hitch in his voice Grian doesn't want to parse. It makes something in his chest shudder and curl up, tight and cold. "What the hell."
there's something so infinitely funny to me about the direct contrast between the narration and the dialog- its like tango is a muppet starring on a Noir film. very good.
Grian's chuckle is a small, reluctant thing, breaking in his throat midway, but Tango's entire demeanor brightens as if he'd burst out into howling laughter. Something swells in the air around them, and it takes a moment for Grian to pinpoint that feeling as hope.
HEAD IN HANDS orz I'M- (sobs) I'm a weak man i see hope and i go nuts
Maybe it's the knee-jerk fear that makes Grian do it, the bone-deep terror that this will somehow pollute his resolve– or maybe it's just cruel impulse. Either way, this question has been spinning in his mind ever since they found him in the void, and Grian blurts it out before he can swallow it back down. "Why are you even here?"
i loooooove dread and terror man, hooting and hollering for cruel impulses
"I'm serious, man." Tango sets his jaw, then heaves a sigh, glancing up at the ceiling. One foot taps anxiously against the wooden floor. "It's… okay. Okay, I’ll admit it. It's actually because of Jimmy." It takes a beat for that to sink in. When it does, Grian’s eyebrows rocket into his hairline, incredulous. "Tim?"
gay people?? on my block game????? more likely than you think
ok i didn't grab any specific fragments of Pearl's appearance but oh boy oh buddy oh fuck if my back didn't tense up :^> ass clenched i fear
Closing Thoughts
i know it will get worse before it gets better. but i can't help but to hope and i think that's a wonderful thing to achieve while writing angst <3
i have the urgent need to do ANYTHING minecraft-fiction related, so i might start workshoping something with my friends and i's mc ocs :Dc idk im inspired
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