#it’s ok I like hacking into the mainframe
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parisgreen-sketches · 2 years ago
I am here to announce my commencement into cybersecurity bc getting a job in the anim field is just not happening 🤪😟😐 it’s been fun it’s been a pleasure
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mulderwearingglasses · 2 years ago
I love after Scully is abducted and Mulder is on the vampy case when the detectives are like “we’ll call your hotel if this vampire guy turns into a bat in jail” and Mulder is like “I didn’t GET a hotel I don’t SLEEP anymore”
like the DRAMA of it all!!
OK, babe, I understand your ass is in distress and not sleeping bc your Main Bitch is In The Stars but, what, you’re going to spend this case sitting your ass in the Waffle House all night twiddling your thumbs? The FBI is gonna pay for your room, dummy, go get your hotel and put on a fucking basketball game and get on your little computer and try to hack the alien’s mainframe or whatever, like damn
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lakesbian · 9 months ago
its my horrible and great agony that i cant draw good enough to make real my vision of a 3-panel mspaint comic wherein lisa aisha and rachel do the "theyre hacking into the mainframe" "in english 4 eyes" "theyre fucking our pussies" tweet. lisa says some techbabble shit rachel goes in english please and aisha goes THEYRE FUCKING OUR PUSSIES!!!!!! unnecessarily loudly and rachel is like Ok thanks. this is more or less what happens at the end of worm when rachel does not understand lisa's explanation of some social engineering situation shit and then perfectly understands aishas metaphor that involves people being kicked in the balls
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transmasc-rose · 1 month ago
Gonna post my thoughts as I go through them.
Clay says "Everything we know, everything we've been brought up to believe. It's wrong."
Is Clay acting under the assumption that Desmond isn't an Assassin, or was Clay written to be born into the Assassins like Desmond, and is implying that the Assassins were the ones lying to him?
I remember having the same questions going through the game the first time, and I feel like this is one of the many Clay bits that they drop instead of addressing.
In a later glyph, Clay says "It's getting easier and easier to hack into Abstergo's mainframe. It's like I know what data I'm looking for. Like I've already lived it."
This bit, I assume, is due to his future knowledge? He starts seeing calculations, and he's also looking for past information that he, ah, is bleeding.
Cruel of canon to put him in a canon timeloop(-adjacent scenario) later, in his DLC.
"Ancient city, Rajasthan, India, irradiated by PoE"
One of the secondary ciphers, the optional ones that you see in the images.
...I never thought about if the PoE had side effects. Huh.
"Behold—the Mark of Cain!" (Templar symbol)
Thanks sweetie.
The Kennedy assassination had THREE Apples involved in it. One used to train the killer, one used to create a distraction, and one taken from the corpse(?).
Oh my god the moon landing was real in AC but it was a Templar plot to get an Apple from the MOON.
...do we think the moon was one of the Isu Eyes to try and stop the sun from blowing up.
It looks like the Apples can be used as an endless source of energy.
"Listen. Why do we have these gifts, these abilities? Because it's in our blood."
Ok that feels like confirmation that Clay does have Eagle Vision?
Alright now they've established that Clay is an Assassin, so they knew that by AC2 at least.
"IIt's getting harder. All the pain across time, it hurts too much. She sees me raise the knife. Only a little bit longer now."
And then,
"I can't do it. Can I do it? Will it set me free from this endless ring of time? I feel the guillotine cut my throat, the bullet hit my chest, the water fill my lungs. The blood spills out thick and red. It's time to get out."
And then,
"Ah, the moon. I can see the stars. My mind is gone. Lucy, I can't wait any longer. I'm ready to go. She sees me raise the knife."
I have to assume the "she sees me raise the knife" does refer to Lucy, then?
Also he speaks quite fondly of Lucy here. There isn't any anger, or malice. This was back in AC2, so presumably they hadn't decided that Lucy was a turncoat yet, just that the two of them worked together.
At this point, Clay and Lucy were a team, and Clay couldn't make it until they left :(
Also he mentioned the moon earlier, with "I don't know what's happening to me. I've been in the machine, they keep putting me back in. And I am losing control. It's all blurring together. I'm holding a rifle. Gettysburg is in the distance. I just stabbed a man, and there's blood on my waistcoat. I'm at the opera, the soprano is so beautiful. I'm in bed with her, she cries as I fuck her. I'm speaking at the Forum, no one listens. I'm in the forest hunting. The moon. I can see the moon. I'm here. I have to stay here until you understand! Listen. Why do we have these gifts, these abilities? Because it's in our blood."
I don't remember the moon having significance later, but I'll keep an eye out as I go through these again. As it stands, the image of it seems to be something he finds solace in, and also something he knows is impossible.
That was the last of Clay in AC2 and man. I forgot how much early Clay hurts.
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is1of1 · 3 months ago
Ok first of all its way too long but ok fine.
Secondly, Transformers would have been way better rated R for violence and cussing.
Ok. Away we go!
Optimus Prime says "An unknown world called Earth" No. An unknown planet in a distant part of the galaxy? sure. Not named. -- I completely forgot about the hacker angle! They take it so seriously! They are at DefCon OSHIT and its srsbsns. -- Shia's family is the worst. The only good part of him and his fam is the fact that Bumblebee is with him. So far. I cant actually remember a lot of details about him, which is telling ofc. -- The Hot Girl going to school with him since the first grade and not recognizing him when they currently have classes together? Please. -- Ooo they said more than meets the eye! -- Ok the way they make fun of President Bush is funny but harmless mostly. "Can you wrangle me up some ding dongs darlin?" Sir you're right there. -- Oh the hackers are catching the Decepticons stealing info. using headphones and audio feedback to detect the hack? I wonder if that is real.
"POTUS MAINFRAME" lol they deserve to be hacked Also Decepticons applies to the Autobots too, they are just 'good'. -- "We must find Ladiesman217" -- God the absolute douchebag of a cop whos asking him about what just happened with Bumblebee. Power Tripping piece of shit. -- The way the Autobots bow and defer to Optimus Prime feels a liiiiittlle too feudal. -- Chihuahua pees on the robot foot. Thats 30 seconds we arent getting back. -- Omg the MOM LOL Mom - "Sam were you masturbating?" Sam - "was I... mastur- ? no mom!" Dad - "Judy.. " Sam - "No, I dont masturbate!" LIES Dad - "Thats not something for you to bring up. Thats a father-and-son thing, OK?" Mom - "We don't have to call it that word if it makes you uncomfortable, we could call it 'Sams happy time' or.. 'my special alone time..' Dad - "stop" Mom - "...with myself. Sam - "Mom!" Mom - "Im sorry its just been a weird night. And ive had a little bit to drink" -- When Secret Goverment Prick calls the chihuahua a Taco Bell Dog it feels really racist. -- Leave Bumblebee alone! -- "What'd they get you for?" "Well, I bought a car... turned out to be an alien robot. Who knew?" -- "Theres only one way to end this war, destroy the cube!" I could be misremembering but dont they destroy the cube? and now theres like 19 movies? -- Megatron would be scarier if he was basically exactly like Optimus Prime except evil. Like in a really nice way being insane and murderous. Has lots of logical precepts that sound reasonable until the result in killing everything. -- Fighting on overpasses and elevated highways is cool and all but the old man in me is like "think of the repairs! how long it would take! just fucking make a hard left or right Optimus and take it off road!" -- Of course the girl who didnt remember Sam at the beginning is an amazing driver because reasons. -- What the fuck Hugo Weaving does Megatrons voice. -- They drop the dead decepticons into the deepest trench in ocean. Ok... but they dont appear to even like encase them in concrete first. Seems like they should? BC WHAT IF!! -- Oh, OP said More Than Meets The Eye again. And Starscream got away. The end.
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user-without-a-cool-acronym · 7 months ago
Comic Number 1:
I don‘t have the energy to translate it entirely right now, so short summary under each page
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The Knights are presented with the golden armors, armors with which they are soon to be honored for saving the realm so many times. In addition to being made of gold and looking good, these are also equipped with advanced computer systems, allowing them to access any data in the kingdom. A short while later the ceremony begins
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The King is holding a speech to honor the knights, when suddenly monstrox‘s spiders attack and he takes over the video feed
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the hero‘s realize that the spiders only attack electronic systems and seem to come out of the hacked screen. Clay calls Ava for help in locating monstrox
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Ava reveals that Monstrox has somehow entered the mainframe of the kingdom, which is basically a digital copy of it, where he is now attacking merlok. Should he succeed in destroying merlok and taking the mainframe he would have control over the entire kingdom, even in the real world. Merlok meanwhile tells Ava to try and interface with him somewhere far from where he is fighting Monstrox in the digital world
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The two meet digitally in the library, where Merlok tells Ava of the seven Merlok Powers, which could be the key to defeating Monstrox. He attempts to download them, but Monstrox appears and blows up the digital library
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The explosion has scattered the merlok powers in the entire realm and all seems lost until Ava reveals that she managed to download one of the powers before the explosion: Staff of Merlok. In the real world the knights download the power and prepare to fight the spiders
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They kick infected ass and realize that the Merlok power seems to work like a more powerful version of the comb nexo powers, containing five abilities instead of three
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Monstrox is momentarily weakened and when he manages go fucos again Merlok has vanished. Ava reveals that she managed to transfer and hide Merlok in the computer of the Fortrex, cutting him off from the mainframe but protecting him from Monstrox. The team decides to go find the remaining six Merlok powers and use them to stop Monstrox, once and for all
And that was the first season 5 comic. I‘ll try to do as many as i can today, but i hope it‘s ok if some only arrive tomorrow or later than that, with school and all
btw, are you aware that despite season 5 never being made, the plot was actually concluded in the Nexo Knights magazines' comics? And if not, would you like said comics to experience the end of the story(they would be in German, but I can try to translate)?
Ooh. Yes please.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 3 years ago
Wait now I want a part 2 of Family First or just how everyone else would react or even how Bucky told them he needed help in the first place like how do you explain that????
I hope this gives you some closure 😊 We may come back to the family in the near future and see how they are getting on with public life.
main masterlist || bucky masterlist || part one || part two || prequel blurb
Family First [Behind the scenes story]
Warnings: 18+ only, nsfw, mentions of dead bodies WC: 1.9k
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“Sir, I believe someone is trying to bypass my mainframe.” Friday announced as she interrupted the weekly team meeting. “Correction, they have bypassed my mainframe.”
Tony leapt up from his seat at the head of the table and to the control panel of the door, every electrical system was connected to Friday so he double tapped the screen to extend it to full sized. His fingers danced furiously over the screen trying to find what the hackers were after and found the bug in the personal files of his team.
“Shit.” Tony sighed. “Friday, I’m putting you to sleep until I can remove the bug.”
“Manual override complete, goodnight Mr Stark.”
“I need everyone to call your families, get them here ASAP.” Tony ordered as he tossed a basket onto the table. “Until Friday’s clear, don't use your cell phones, hand them over guys. We are going old school. Where did I put those flip phones? Frid-oh.”
“Why do we have to call our family?” Clint asked. “What were they after?”
Tony sighed and gripped the back of his chair as he stood behind it. “They stole the details of your next of kin.”
Bucky’s chair screeched as he stood up abruptly and he looked at his cell phone ringing in the middle of the basket. “I need to take that.”
The restraint in his voice wasn’t missed by some of the team but Tony just shook his head. “Can’t let you do that.”
“You don’t understand.” He growled and Steve stood up to place a calming hand over his shoulder.
“Just give us a minute.” He said as he pulled Bucky away from the table to talk quietly in the corner. “It’s y/n isn’t it, on the file. I thought it was me.”
“It was but she’s my wife, Steve.” Bucky sighed, his eyes flicking back to the phone that was lit up with another call. “And now I might have put her in danger. I need to answer that call.”
“Ok, how about I grab Sam and we go and pick up the girls together, get them somewhere safe.” Steve planned and clapped his best bud on the shoulder.
The plan was set but the second his phone rang with a ringtone, the phone number saved to override silent mode, he lost all thoughts of everything except saving you. Steve tried to block him from reaching the basket on the table but Bucky threw him to the floor and jumped across the table, grabbing the phone and putting it to his head instantly.
“Are you okay?” He rushed as he turned his back on everyone else but the silent room left most of the team able to hear you too.
“Bucky, someone’s here.” His gut clenched at the panic he could hear in your voice, how you sounded when you were being brave and putting on a smile when you were really holding back tears.
“I need you and Sarah to go down to the basement. Lock yourself inside and don’t come out for anyone but me, Steve or Sam.” He said as calmly as he could while he left the room, ignoring the stares he was getting from his team as he sprinted his way to the hangar.
“What’s going on baby?”
“Someone hacked us, they stole almost every piece of information on each of us.” He admitted as he lashed out punching his fist into the hangar wall beside him. “I’m so fucking sorry, I think they know about you, about Sarah.”
The line went silent for a moment and his hand trembled as he looked to make sure the call was still connected. “We are going to go treasure hunting downstairs ok sweetie.”
“That’s not daddy is it?” Sarah’s quiet voice was just picked up by the microphone and he almost crushed the phone as he heard his baby girl’s scream, swearing he would kill everyone that stepped foot in his house.
“Daddy’s coming, Sarah.” He promised as the line began to crackle, knowing they were almost in the basement where it was safe but no cell signal. “I love you both so much. I’m on my way.”
“We love - too.”
The screen of his phone cracked as his fist held it too tight waiting for the hangar doors to open and the rest of his team caught up except Steve who had stuck by his side.
“You have a family.” Natasha stated as she followed him through the narrow gap of the hangar door and towards the quinjet. “And Sam and Steve know.”
“Yes.” He growled and turned to see the others looking at him expectantly. “Can we not do this now?”
“On board, now.” Tony ordered as he pointed to the jet. “You can explain on the way.”
Everyone strapped into the seats except the super soldiers who stood at the top of the ramp, ready to dive out the second they were close enough.
“We need an address.” Natasha said as the quinjet was ready for take off.
Bucky strode over to the panel and entered his home address, set in the countryside where he foolishly thought it would be away from the drama and threat.
“Hmm, pictured you for the suburban Brooklyn type.” She commented as her and Clint piloted the jet towards the address. “Three minutes ETA.”
“Get talking.” Tony said as he crossed his arms.
“Leave it Tony, it can wait until after.” Steve asserted, his own arms crossing as tensions rose.
“I want to know who I am saving.” He countered.
“What does it matter, saving people is what we do.”
“She’s my wife, y/n, and Sarah’s our daughter.” Bucky confessed, not wanting another fight in the team over him. “We met in Bucharest.”
“When you were still Hydra. Is she Hydra? Is that why you kept her a secret?” Tony asked, stepping closer with every accusation and Steve just caught Bucky before he could attack.
“She’s not fucking Hydra!” Bucky growled as he pushed Steve away. “She has nothing to do with any of this, that is why I kept her and Sarah secret. I thought they would be safe.”
Bucky saw his house coming up ahead and hit the button to release the ramp. He had either explained enough that the team would help him or he was going in alone, but nothing was going to stop him getting to you. Steve stepped up beside him and watched the familiar land pass by beneath them.
“You don’t have to get in the middle of things again, I can handle Tony on my own.” Bucky said.
“I’m with you till the end of the line pal.”
“Need a lift?” Sam asked as he stepped up beside them and grabbed the back of their clothes. “Or do you want to face dive again?”
“Let’s go.” Steve nodded and the three of them jumped off the ramp.
“I have some bad news.” He murmured quietly as he ran his hand up and down your arm and kissed your forehead.
“You got blood on the carpet.” You tried to joke but your voice failed to hold any humour.
“That too.” He said, the ghost of a smile tipping up at your attempt. “There’s some more people I want you to meet.”
“Who else came with you?” You asked, worried about even more people knowing but grateful for their help nonetheless. You watched him chew his lip and knew it was bad before he even answered.
You took a deep breath and nodded as you realised there was no escaping this and maybe, just maybe, it might be a good thing. Your finger brushed over his cheek and cleared the speck of someone's blood that had landed there and you sighed as he captured your lips, all the fear and doubt evaporating with it.
“I don’t know what I would have done…” he whispered as he took in every beautiful feature he loved about you before doing the same to his daughter who had cried herself to sleep in his arms.
“You don’t have to think about it baby, you made it in time, you saved us.” You said softly as you cradled his face.
“Oh sorry.” Steve came to a halt as he saw the three of you curled up on the floor. “I just wanted to make sure you found them.”
“Can you take Sarah?” Bucky asked as he gently shifted his sleeping daughter.
Steve hooked his shield onto his back and lifted her up easily and you were grateful she was sleeping for this next part. You didn’t want her seeing the bodies that littered your house as you walked through, even you felt your stomach turning as you spotted the first one at the base of the stairs.
“Oh god.” You gasped as you saw his lifeless eyes and spun away, burying your face in Bucky’s chest.
“Close your eyes, doll.” He soothed as his hands gripped your hips and he picked you up, your legs wrapping around his waist as you screwed your eyes shut and focused on listening to his soft murmurs in your ear. “You can open them now.”
You blinked as the bright afternoon sun blinded you and it was hard to imagine that it could still be a beautiful day despite the horror that lay only yards away inside your house, the weather had no right to be so perfect. Your feet touched down on solid ground and you could see half a dozen shadows before you even turned in Bucky’s arms. You knew who each of them were, just because you were a secret in their lives, Bucky never kept anything secret when he got home. You had heard gossip and stories about every one of them and it felt like you should already be friends, but they didn’t know you.
“Hi.” You offered a small wave with your greeting and you looked at Steve with Sarah curled up in his arms. “Thank you for saving us.”
“It’s no problem.” Tony smiled and shrugged as Steve and Bucky looked at him, rolling his eyes as Bucky’s stare lingered longer. “What?”
“Ignore him, we do.” Nat grinned as she stepped forward and held her hand out to shake. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“You too. I’ve heard so much about you.”
She gave a little laugh as she let your hand drop. “Can say the same, but we will change that now, won’t we?”
You weren’t quite sure where you stood with her, the politeness came with an edge of passive aggressiveness. Thankfully Sam stepped in and pulled you into a hug.
“Forget her, she’s just upset that she was the last to find out.” Sam joked. “I’m glad you’re all okay.”
“Thanks to you.” You said as you looked around the group. “I would offer you something to eat but…I think we are going to be renovating.”
“You’re welcome to stay at the Compound in the meantime. There’s plenty of room. And, then you can tell us your real secret.” You frowned at Tony as he pulled his sunglasses out of his pocket and popped them on his face, feeling Bucky stiffen behind you. “How have you put up with Bucky all this time? No seriously, I need to know.”
“That’s something we all need to know.” Sam laughed and the tension disappeared so fast you thought you imagined it.
You bit your lip as you tried not to laugh. “I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you.”
Prequel Blurb
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Want for Justice.
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Thanks for contacting me so quickly.
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Well, we didn’t really contact you. We gathered everyone here, told them the situation and then just...waited.
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Yeah, we were ready for you this time.
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Good, good. I take it that means you’ve had a look at my big contract then, huh?
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By now everyone should be aware of the situation. So, I gotta ask...How we all feeling?
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REALLY CONFUSED! What is going on!?
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Hahaha...Yep, that’s about the reaction I expected.
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I just think it’s some freakish coincidence. Komaru, Toko and Akeru came to the states to meet Yodogawa in the first place...
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It was to meet with him and discuss that we had taken custody of Akeru but...I never imagined it’d be like this.
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Let me get this straight 404...Seishi Yodogawa. HE’S who you want to go after?
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Believe me...If I had the choice, I’d love to do SO much more than that. Problem is, given the CEO’s circumstances, that’s more than a little difficult.
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What do you mean?
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Seishi Yodagawa and Emilia Feng share one thing in common. Neither have made a public appearance in many ages. Yodogawa’s last was 3 years ago.
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Ever since his company developed that fancy-schmancy hologram tech, all of his public appearances have been made using it.
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And obviously, I can’t attack a hologram. So I’ve been trying to track him down. 
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What do we know about Seishi Yodogawa so far?
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Not an awful lot that really stands out. In Japan, he was born to a pretty wealthy family, and started his career as a Mystery Novel Author. He even attended Precepts Peak Academy because of his skill.
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But then later on, he had a very drastic career change. He got more into modern technology, and eventually went on to found LegionTech.
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Assuming that he is Akeru’s father, that interest in tech likely came from Shinitani Yozora, or some other source.
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But I still don’t understand whatever this mission of yours is. Are you absolutely sure that this is the right guy?
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I agree. You’re making some pretty major threats here 404.
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He’s the CEO of a multimillion dollar company, so yes, he’s obviously got SOME things he would like to hide from the public...But what could he be hiding that would make him a target for ERR0RM3SS4GE?
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The way I see it, Yodogawa’s a good guy. He’s even got a good sense of humor from the way Makoto described it.
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Not to mention his inventions are changing the world. His innovations in AI, the hologram technology, the creation of Noxus...
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Yeah, exactly. So? What terrible terrible thing could he have done? Is he dodging taxes? Funding fascists?
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Let me put it this way...What you’ve said about Yodogawa is correct, and that he’s a nice guy but...Yodogawa isn’t really my true target.
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What the hell are you talking about!? Why would you give Boss and co. tickets to see Yodogawa if he wasn’t the target?
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Unfortunately, telling you the truth of the situation is a bad move for several reasons. I doubt you’d believe me, and even if you did, the truth would be far too overwhelming at this point.
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Then what do you propose?
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Hm...I think it’s better if I SHOW you.
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Show us? Wait...how?
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Remember how I said that I’d been trying to track Yodogawa down? I haven’t had much luck. LegionTech’s security is run on the same AI program that most of their tech is. Because of that, it analyses my movements and predicts my next action if I try to get into the mainframe, immediately coming up with a solution to stop me. It’s like I’m in a hacking battle against 10 other real people.
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Is the AI really that advanced?
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If only Chihiro were here. I imagine he’d be impressed. Then again, since Chihiro is the Ultimate Programmer, he could probably do it and better.
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I’m sure he could. But the point is, even though I wasn’t able to locate my target himself, I found his home in Manhattan. 
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Ok? So...what’s the plan?
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I’ll be blunt...I need you to break into Yodogawa’s home.
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WHAT!? Break in!?
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Don’t worry. The building itself doesn’t have the tightest security. There are no guards and really only a door alarm, which I easily disabled. All you’ll have to do is walk up to the gate, get over it and go inside. I’ve actually already done it myself.
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And if Yodogawa catches us?
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Didn’t you just hear him? 404 hasn’t been able to locate Yodogawa. If he’d been at home, he would have by now.
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True. Yodogawa is never home. I’ve staked his house out for 168 hours straight and I got nothing.
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So he doesn’t come home the entire week...I guess that’s reasonably good chances.
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But why are we breaking into Seishi’s property in the first place?
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...Because the things you’ll see in that hellhole...Oooh boy.
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404? That sounds really ominous, wh-what are you talking about...?
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I know how it sounds...Then how about this? I’ll give you a little bit of a motivation boost.
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And what do you mean by THAT?
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Let’s just say that if you do this, then you can discard this laptop or put it back where you found it. The next time we meet, it will be in person. With my REAL face.
*The screen goes black
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He disconnected.
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You really think he’s gonna go through with that?
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Whether 404 keeps his promise on that front or not is the least of our worries.
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Ok. So, are we doing this?
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I’ll admit, my curiosity is piqued. Yodogawa certainly doesn’t seem dangerous, but 404 is set on thinking he is.
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While I don’t really trust either party, it wouldn’t hurt us to at least check to see if he’s right.
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So we’re breaking into Yodogawa’s house after all?
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Looks like we’ll need your help again, Four and Maya.
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Sure thing. But I think if this info is important, it’s best that at least some of you come with us.
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Actually, I have something for this situation. We can connect it to the laptop while we still have it.
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What is it?
*Four takes a box out of her pocket and shows it to the group.
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It’s a special device that we were able to swipe from Fang Inc a short while ago after all their special tech started getting transferred out of the company. It’s a small camera you hang over your ear.
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It processes a live feed to any monitor it’s connected to, so you can see and hear whatever’s going on.
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Maya and I can bring up the rear, but it would be far more ideal if only one person were to head inside. That way, the rest of the group can run in for backup if something goes wrong.
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Meanwhile, we can hang hear and watch the proceedings on the laptop. Good plan.
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But that means we’ll need to assign someone the mission, right? Who’s gonna be our fall guy?
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Not me pal. I’ve had enough Black Ops to last me a while. I’m much more suited to loud, explosive violence.
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If things go badly, we’ll need an out. This could very quickly turn from a stealth mission to a rescue mission if we’re not careful. So we must be discreet. I suggest that I-
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I’LL do it!
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*Akeru’s sudden exclamation makes everyone widen their eyes at her.
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You want discreet? You want stealth? Pick me! Let me handle it!
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A-Are you sure...!?
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Akeru, you can’t! This is dangerous!
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I agree. You’d be all by yourself in enemy territory.
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404 said there was little to no security, so why so nervous? Plus, it’s not like I can’t make my way around whatever comes my way.
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And if something comes that you’re not prepared for? Like Mr Kuma for instance?
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...I like those odds just fine.
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I want you all to know this. This ISN’T a request!
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I WILL go...I MUST go...
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You can’t-
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I get that she’s your niece, but she KNOWS what she’s doing. Plus, you heard her. Her mind’s set.
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It is.
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Besides, it’s none of your business. You don’t tell her what to do; leave it to her PARENTS!
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*She turns to Toko and Komaru.
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Ground me, cut off my pocket money, do whatever it is you think is acceptable...But if you tell me I can’t do this, or that I should hold back, then I’m about to have a teenage rebellion!
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Actually...I was going to tell you to think fast and kick ass and go do this thing.
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I’m not sure about this. Last time I asked you to steal something for me, you got captured.
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But you rescued me. Not just from Osone, but from the past I was running from. And from the loneliness I felt after what Osone did.
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I know...And I’ll do it as many times as I need to.
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I won’t stop you Akeru, because I know exactly why you’re so serious about this. But I need to ask you this.
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What will you do if you find out Yodogawa really is your father?
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It depends.
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Does it now?
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If he’s not the man 404 thinks he is...Then I’ll do what we came here to do. I’ll reconcile with him and...explain how great my life is now that you two are my parents.
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But if he’s the nasty criminal 404 makes him out to be, I’ll do what I have to...I’ll deal him SWIFT JUSTICE!
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Atta girl.
*Komaru turns to Makoto and the others.
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Let Akeru do it. There’s no better choice.
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*sigh* After hearing that, I can barely argue.
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In that case, we’re counting on you kid.
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bensiskos · 3 years ago
lowver is like theyre hacking the mainframe and adem is like in english four eyes and lowver is like they're fucking our pussies and adem is like now youre speaking my language is this anything
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(ID - a digital six panel comic of Star Trek original characters. In panel one, Lowver is shown with her back to a computer displaying ones and zeros, she has a worried expression as she says “they’re hacking into the mainframe!”. In panel two, Adem is shown with his back to a wall holding two poorly drawn guns, she has sunglasses and a tie on, and has a raised eyebrow as they say “uhh in standard 4 eyes??” Panel three shows Lowver again looking off to the left uncertainly, she says “they’re uhhh”. Panel four shows Breba holding a sword, standing next to a box labeled “cool spy stuff”, and another poorly drawn gun. He has a starry eyed expression and says “whoa!”. Lowver can be seen behind him saying “ok he can’t hear us”. Panel five shows Lowver saying through gritted teeth “they’re. Having intercourse with us. Sexually.” Panel six shows Adem holding multiple guns, one falling out of his arms. He looks excited as she says “now you’re speaking my language!”. End ID)
Soda the mental image of this ask was so good I had to draw it,,,,, they’re playing in the holodeck and it was Adem’s idea
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kittybellestark · 4 years ago
Heyyyy I just read ur drunk tony fic and I thought you were great at it, so I was wondering if you could write something like Peter and Ned are playing with peter’s suit and accidentally turn something off and tony gets a notification that peter’s dying or something and tony is like crazy overprotective irondad? If not it’s ok! Hope you have a wonderful day!
omg yes I can absolutely do this it sounds so good ???
I know you requested this in like November and I’m actually the worst for only finishing it now
I’m so sorry this has taken so long to get out but I didn’t forget about it !! Anyways I hope you considered it worth the wait I really struggled with it haha
Gonna be honest with you I’ve re-written this about 6 times now bc every time i finish it I just was not happy with it 
Being in the suit’s hardware was a no-no. 
Big, Big no-no. 
The only time Peter is allowed to work on the hardware in Peter’s suit is when Tony is right there beside him to teach him the intricate ways of a multi-million dollar not-so-much-spandex suit. 
“Dude, I really don’t think we should be doing. Don’t you remember what Mr. Stark did to you last time we hacked into the suit?” Ned whispered despite the fact that they were alone in the library’s study room. 
“Ned, seriously, he didn’t take the suit away because we hacked into it. We’re going to be fine.” 
Well, maybe not. When Tony had heard that Peter and Ned had successfully hacked into the suit to take out the tracker, he was impressed... for about five minutes. Then came the lecture of irresponsible actions, and how they could have blown themselves up. So they most definitely shouldn’t be doing this. 
But, Tony is out of country, which means Peter can’t fix the malfunctioning HUD. So things needed to be taken into his own hands. It’s not like he could really do his patrols without this suit, another rule. And Tony won’t be back for a few months and this is an emergency. 
“I don’t know what Tony expects me to do, Ned. The HUD is only really important and it needs to be fixed c’mon man, are we doing this or what?”
Ned hesitated his head moving from side to side before agreeing. He started hooking up a few wires from his laptop to the suit and Peter cheered, moving around the room. Once Ned was successfully connected to the mainframe Peter sat down right beside him. 
Lines of code started to write themselves on the laptop screen, baring everything out in Tony’s made language. This was definitely more complex than the last time the two hacked in. He was always good at trying to fix previous mistakes, or now known as making sure two teens wouldn’t be able to hack into the suit a second time. Lucky for Peter, Tony had just started to teach him how to understand his personal language.
“This is not the same coding as last time. We really shouldn’t be in your suit, I can’t understand what any of this says.” 
“Ned, we’re fine. Mr. Stark taught me how to read this. As long as we put what we need in the right spots it doesn’t need to be in his language, Karen will translate our part for us.”
Ned seemed to consider this for a moment. Trying to figure out if Peter was lying or not, which he mostly was. But he should know just enough for everything to be fine. Once you understand the basics the rest comes easy. 
“Are you sure you know what this says?” 
“Yeah, yeah, I know enough.” 
“Alright.” Ned smiled. “Where do we start?”
The two started to work together, Peter pointing to different parts of the code, instructing Ned on where to put new codes in and what needed to be inputted and what was corrupted to get the HUD working again. Over an hour of making corrections to the code with minimal guessing on Peter’s part they had finally wrapped up what they were doing. Just as Ned went disconnected his laptop from the suit, the eye pieces started to flash red. 
“No, no, no, no no! This isn’t good.”  Peter mumbled, taking over the computer to try and fix whatever they did wrong.
“What did we do?”
Peter scanned over the coding trying to translate the little bit of coding he actually understood go figure out the problem. The code wrote itself too fast for Peter to stay caught up, with too many warnings riddled into it.
“We messed up, badly. Oh my god Mr. Stark is going to kill us.” 
“And here I thought you were already dead, Roo. Want to explain to me why you’re suit alerted FRIDAY that you died? Or better yet why you are in the spidey suit despite that being on the No-No List.”
That was the not impressed voice. The ‘you’re in trouble’ voice. It was the ‘Peter Parker you’re in some deep shit and if you try bullshitting me you won’t like what happens next’ voice. Basically, it was a ‘I’m talking to May and you’ll be grounded’ voice and Peter knows he won’t be able to get out of this one.
Ned muttered out some swear words before recognizing that Tony Stark- Iron Man is leaning against the doorframe one ankle crossed over the other, one hand on his hip the other on his face. Tony was wearing a suit and had a deep set frown set across his face. This wasn’t good.
“I made it from China, Peter, in 20 minutes. China to New York in 20 minutes. I thought you were dead.” Tony’s voice was cold and business-like, it gave Peter chills. “I broke multiple laws, and records. I thought you were bleeding out on the street because you ran out of web fluid and couldn’t catch yourself. I was worried that someone took you and tortured you until your body just gave up. I have told you time and time again to not go into the suits mainframe without me present, and this is why, Peter.”
Tony’s hands were shaking, despite his best effort to conceal it, nearly impossible to notice if you weren’t well acquainted with him. One arm raised to tap a pattern where the arc reactor used to rest- a nervous tick that never died with removal of the machine. He chewed on his cheek and that’s when Peter realized Tony wasn’t angry.
Tony was worried, scared even but he showing it as anger. It was easier for him this way, they were in public and anger is better to show when there may be someone watching.
“Close the door Mr.Stark?” Peter asked, voice a few octaves too high. Ned kicked Peter’s leg, and Peter shoo’d Ned out of the room for the moment.
Tony raised his eyebrows stepping further into the room, as Ned stepped out, the door shutting behind them. As soon as it clicked, Tony took in a huge gulp of air.
“What in the ever-loving fuck, Parker? I thought you were dead. I pictured your dead body and tried to figure out what I’d tell your aunt. You can’t- don’t ever do that again. Jesus Christ, kid, you cannot do that, I don’t want to think you’re dead when you are fine again.”
The way Tony dropped into a squat was unsettling, his breathing uneven. His hands went straight into his hair, and after a few minutes Tony stood back up as if nothing anything happened.
“Right, I’m fine, more importantly you are alive. Don’t do that to me again, yeah?”
Peter couldn’t help but nod. “Yeah, of course. I’ll add it to the No-No List.” 
Taglist: DM/ask if you’d like to be added to the permanent taglist
@peter-is-a-bean @jean-and-diet-coke @dead-inside-pt2 @they-were-cloudsinmycoffee @parkersjiggle @7peternotparker7 @thatonecrackheadshipper @kevinthewoman @faline4you @lynxshinon @narutoyaoifan @pastelwheeler
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re-diesirae · 4 years ago
18. Claire
She was restless, but she couldn't explain the reason behind it. It was an odd sensation in her guts, called instinct or survival paranoia, but she just kept having that uncomfortable feeling of being followed. The corridors were well lit, and that sort of soothed her fears. As long as there was light, she could breathe a little easier. Maybe it was only her nerves playing a trick on her, but she could swear she had heard something over her head.
The research center was well provided. It was even better than the one they had at Terra Save NA, so finding it in such a state of chaos was a pity. The researchers must have distrusted the security of their online data since they kept physical records, too, in other words, paper. While Chris's men worked on the central computer extracting the data, she paced around the shelves peeking at random folders. She had been so focused on deciphering the coding that the researchers used that she didn't notice Leon arrived by her side.
"Found something interesting?"
"You could say so," she replied as she picked up another folder. What she found inside made her frown.
The familiar lines of letters greeted her cerulean eyes as she read the file.
1 atgccggcag aaaacaagaa agttagattc gaaaatacta cttcagacaa agggaaaatt 61 cctagtaaag ttattaagag ctactacgga accatggaca ttaagaaaat aaatgaagga 121 ttattggaca gcaaaatatt aagtgctttc aacacagtaa tagcattgct tggatctatc 181 gtgatcatag tgatgaatat aatgatcatc caaaattaca caagatcaac agacaatcag 241 gccgtgatca aagatgcgtt gcagggtatc caacagcaga tcaaagggct tgctgacaaa 301 atcggcacag agatagggcc caaagtatca ctgattgaca catccagtac cattactatc 361 ccagctaaca ttgggctgtt aggttcaaag atcagccagt cgactgcaag tataaatgag 421 aatgtgaatg aaaaatgcaa attcacactg cctcccttga aaatccacga atgtaacatt 481 tcttgtccta acccactccc ttttagagag tataggccac agacagaagg ggtgagcaat ...
Claire wasn't a prodigy student, but she was capable enough to recognize what she was reading, and her doubts were confirmed when she saw the notes written under the sequences. Those were genomes and, judging by the coding, viral genomes. She flipped through the folders and realized that no all of the genomes were viral. There were some bacterial genomes and parasite sequences listed, as well.
God...what kind of Frankenstein were they trying to create?
"It seems like they were trying to make a new virus-based on multiple pathogens. These are viral genomes, but these are bacterial genes..."
"Why doesn't it sound new to me?"
"Yeah, I guess you must be sick of hearing it, right?"
Claire spent much of her free time diving through this sort of thing. She could even cite sequences of some viral genes, but to Leon, a senior agent of the secret service, the class of biology would most likely be boring. She kept flipping through the folders until a small mark caught her attention. The researchers had marked some of the genomes with two different colored codes: PJMorpheus and PJLyssa.
She was about to show it to Leon when she heard a sizzling over her head, and her eyes turned immediately to the ceiling.
"Did you...hear that?"
"Hear what…?"Leon replied, and she saw the confusion on his face.
Just great. Not only do I hear voices in my head. Now, I can hear noises, too.
She tried to focus her hearing, to see if she caught on the noise again, but then one of Chris's soldiers said he had finished copying the data. A wave of relief fell over her. However, as soon as it had arrived, the same feeling turned into anxiety. Something about the facility of the mission made Claire uneasy. Where were the monsters?
With the information safely copied into the drive, they were one step closer to leaving that place, and that was good news, but for some reason, the restlessness was still there. It was like a needle that kept pricking Claire's gut as she walked through the corridor. When they turned the last corner, she saw the doors of the elevator, and a sense of relief filled her. Unfortunately, the relief was short-lived.
"What the...?" Hunter snapped.
"Shit...Maybe our hacking triggered the security system."
"Just great, well done, Cement. Now what?"
"Calm down. It is just a system reboot. Probably the generator needs to restart. It's a security mode when it gets overheated. It'll cut the energy for some minutes, not a big deal." Clement said.
The rest of the group seemed relieved that there wouldn't be a self-destruction protocol on its way, but Claire began to panic. There was something horrible about the idea of walking around the place in the darkness, and she wasn't sure why, but she had a bad feeling about it. Claire quickened her pace, trying to match with the team's but then…
The redhead stopped in her tracks and looked back. The lights from the corridor were starting to shut down one by one. Like an old horror movie, she saw the darkness was coming closer with each fading bulb. If it had only been darkness, Claire wouldn't have felt so panicked. The problem was, the shadows didn't come alone.
Claire heard a soft whistle in her ear, and she realized that there was something else lurking inside the blackness.
"Run," Claire said out of sudden, startling the group.
They all looked at her quizzically.
"What?" Barry asked.
"Is something wrong, Claire?" Chris asked.
Through the shadows, they come. Demons with a thirst for blood.
Two long claws emerged from the darkness impaling the body of the soldier called Hunter. He'd been the one assigned to watch over the rear and, by default, the one closer to the shadows as it approached. Muller and Bailey began shooting, trying to help their fallen comrade, but the disgusting crunch was enough to make Claire know the man was long gone.
The body fell to the ground in an awkward and humanly impossible position, making a sickening crunch. Panic ensued as the soldiers began shooting in all directions, trying to hit the "invisible" attacker. The thing was, it was not invisible. Claire could see it in the blackness: thin, elongated, pale.
"Don't waste ammo!" Claire cried, recognizing the beast, " The bullets won't harm it. That thing moves in the darkness. If we lose the light, we are dead."
"Ok, what do you suggest?" Chris asked.
"Yeah, run!"
They began running as fast as they could. The wave of chasing darkness was right at the group's heels. Claire managed to catch a better glimpse of the creature that hunted them as it moved closer. Unlike the one Leon and she had seen outside, this one was smaller and, by the looks of it, female. She could see the pale skin that covered the curves of the naked body. It could have been taken by as a regular person if it hadn't been for the abnormally long fingers that ended in black sharpy nails and the twisted faceless head. The lack of facial features seemed to be a common trait in the new strain: none of the specimens they had encountered so far had facial features except a largemouth.
The monster scratched the walls with the tip of her nails, making a creepy screech. She could hear her as she moved closer under the black veil of darkness. Their run was interrupted by another scream; this time, Muller had been the victim; the sound of tearing flesh and cracking bones made her feel sick.
"What the hell is that?" Chris cursed and visibly upset about losing to men in a matter of minutes.
"Is one of the new mutants." Leon said, "These bastards are tough ones, Chris..."
"Was it hiding all this time?" Jill said, reloading her gun.
"No, it's photosensitive! The fluorescent lights must have kept them away, but with the system reboot and the energy out, it took the chance of the lights going off to attack us. We need to stay a secured light if we want to stay out of reach." Claire replied, " or at least stay safe until the energy is back!"
You know the odds are against you.
The annoying voice was back. Claire tried to ignore it, but the voice suddenly seemed to be a lot louder than usual.
They are all going to die here, and it'd be your fault.
Claire kept trying to ignore it. The voice not only annoyed her, but it seemed to make her clumsier. Suddenly, she felt a great pain rip her right shoulder, and she flew against a wall. One of the monster's claws had, painfully, impaled her shoulder, pinning her against the metallic wall. She could see her white blouse start to go black as the blood began to spread through the fabric.
Then she felt an acrid warmth in her face, and she saw the monstrous face in front of hers. The monster did not attack, and instead, it seemed to... sniff her?
"CLAIRE!" she heard many voices shout.
The screams echoed through the corridor, followed by the blast of gunfire.
Claire could not describe the pain she was feeling. It was a mix of a burning sensation and pulsating pain. She couldn't move, and her breathing was becoming difficult.
"You son of a..." she heard Chris shout, followed by a wave of bullets.
But the creature barely reacted to the attack. The creature's "face" had gotten close to hers, and Claire could feel the uneven breathing on her. Maybe it was the fast blood loss or the sudden headache that pierced her skull, but her surroundings were beginning to blur. She could barely make out the screams and shouts her friends and brother were doing.
The electronic voice echoed. Three minutes? If she could manage to stay alive for three minutes, then maybe she had a chance to make it out.
Fuck. Claire thought; if they didn't do something, they would all die here. She caught a glimpse of Chris and the remaining team shooting at the monster, the flashes of the fire barely lighting their expressions of frustration and worry.
You know what you should do.
She couldn't let them die here.
Are you brave enough to do it, though?
She heard Leon shout something.
This was supposed to be something you faced alone.
Jill screamed something to Chris, but she didn't understand it.
Two are dead already. How many more will you kill?
One, she thought.
"Chris!" she shouted as loud as the pain let her, "Chris, get the hell out here. Forget about me."
"Don't even think about it. I am not leaving without you, Claire."
"You have to. This place...is gonna blow up. You...need to...get...out with that...data."
"Don't you dare say it, Claire? NO, simply no..." Chris growled stubbornly.
"For god's sake, Chris...I can...distract it long enough for you all to leave. JUST DO THE RIGHT THING. The data is more...important….than my life and you know it. What's one life...in exchange for millions that...could be saved?"
Chris did not reply. Claire knew her brother was painfully aware that her words were the right; she trusted that he'd do the right thing.
"I am not leaving you! You can't expect me to just leave, damn it!"
Claire could feel the pain in her brother's voice. She knew abandoning her was hard on him. It'd been hard for her, too, if it had been the other way around. The creature put pressure on her shoulder, and she had to bite her lip to avoid screaming. Her cries of pain would only make it harder for Chris.
"Christopher Redfield!" she screamed with the little energy she was feeling, "GET YOUR ASS OUT OF HERE ...AND IF YOU REALLY WANT TO HONOR YOUR WORD AND MAKE ME PROUD...TAKE THAT...DATA AND DESTROY THE ...BASTARDS WHO...DID THIS!"
Her words finally seemed to reach him. Chris clenched his gun so hard that it almost seemed as if he was trying to bend it. His face showed his hesitation and pain. It broke Claire's heart.
The light of the elevator came through the opening doors, and she saw how the soldiers were fighting to pull Chris in; Jill and Barry grabbed Leon, who, like Chris, did not seem delighted about the idea of sacrificing her. Claire saw them enter the small space in slow motion, she felt sad, but at the same time, she knew she had made the right decision.
She could feel the creature's nails tearing apart the muscles of her shoulder. She would die in here, but not as mutant food. She heard the countdown start like a distant voice; when the counter ran to zero, Claire lost the sense of everything as the fire and heat surrounded her.
NOTE: if you guys want to come and chat about the fic, or just about CLEON in general. Feel free to drop by the discord and say hi! JOIN SERVER
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rivka-kopelman · 4 years ago
Delivery Lemur Logbook :  5
<view full logbook>
December 19th, 3431
It's Delivery Lemur (Deliveremur) once again. Right now i'm 5 mins out from Shyface, 2nd moon of Shy Omicron (Galaxy 8). Someone way out in Graygulf placed an order for chocolate pudding and this is closest place that has it.
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The one city here is Hexbreak Heights. It's powered by underground currents of liquid barium. The 95% crow population spends December/January down on the planet, so it's pretty quiet these days.
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A blandly smiling human from the catering company meets me in the airlock and takes me to a spotless parlor where I wait for him to get the pudding made. I saw his ceramic necklace with the cursive 'U' worn by unminded, people who pay psys to take away their memories or unwanted emotions. If you see that necklace on someone you know, it tells you that they've mentally rebooted and won't remember you. Lots of unminded folks work in isolated spots like this. The guy comes back to say the pudding's half done, and gives me a gratis small coffee with carved ginger.
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I nibble the ginger and sip the coffee. Interesting taste combination. It's served like this everywhere in galaxy 8, but nowhere else. It might keep me up all night, but I finish the drink. It's good. The serenely vacant caterer brings out the chocolate pudding for me in a to-go jar and I pay him &2.2N in the single-use non-depositable currency used by energy-independent settlements.
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OK, back to the ship. Queuing up launch sequence. I hold the chocolate pudding securely in the crook of my elbow. The engine is fired up and I zip out into space.
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Course set for... Where was it? Ashgulf. Ok. I type in the coordinates and ease back into my beanbag. Tum tee tum tum , ta ta tee ta ta ta... I've never had chocolate pudding before (It's a slime-based breakfast item from galaxy 1). I wonder where my headphones are. Probably my coat pocket. I contemplate getting up to check, but if I reach into my coat pocket and don't feel them there, I'm gonna have to tear this place apart. So I sit peacefully and do nothing. Something beeps
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A chattery electric whine reverberates through through the ship and gets shriller until it's too high to hear. The output of my space engine spikes dangerously high. Did I hit a button with my tail or something? No, that's not it. All the controls are locked out. The system is just giving me protocol 709 in progress over and over. What the hell is that? This hasn't happened before. A possibility occurs to me: pirates are hacking my mainframe. There could be a stowaway in here. There must be a RAM Rat or a Network Newt in the chocolate pudding. I open the jar and stir it with a pen but nobody is in there. The ship veers hard around a random moon or whatever and 100% of the pudding splashes out and I'm covered. I wipe my eyes clear and try to engage the brakes or cut power to the thruster. No go. I can't turn, reverse, or power down. I feel the velocity in my gums and bone marrow. I glance down and see my headphones in a fold of the beanbag; I'd been sitting on them the whole time. "Nice!”
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I manage to click into the PlanetScan App to get an idea of where I'm going. Looks like nowhere. No data at all - that's a first.
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Going down here I guess. Um. Just as I start to consider how quick I might be able to get into a suit and squeeze out the garbage chute, the frozen surface rushes up and my ship smashes through it. The hull shudders but does not break.
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There's a dark ocean under the ice. Protocol 709 has me hurtling through the frigid gloom, skimming the silty seabed. Is this simply a guidance malfunction or...
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... am i being drawn somewhere specific? Hmm. What have we here? It looks angular and haunted. Hopefully the ship isn't headed in there. it is though. Of course. ok in we go. There's air trapped inside the structure by hydrostatic pressure. Check out this parking lot! What the heck am I seeing here? Are psys or flooms messing with my brain?
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I'm automatically parked among these too-familiar ships and Protocol 709 terminates. I've got control of the ship back. I fire up the engines to leave right away. I am not interested in deep-sea ruins or space mysteries. Let's just call this a glitch and move on. Um... my Space Toilet looks like it was ruptured during the voyage. I really need to use the bathroom so I guess I will get out and look around. These other lemurships are locked & unresponsive. I tiptoe through the arched doorway into the dark guts of the pyramid. Ancient titanium bulkheads creak and groan under the weight of the turbulent ocean above. I see warm light up ahead.
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I emerge from the corridor into a chamber the size of a city block. A clear voice rings out from dead ahead. "Yggulazagla." The word ECHOES and echoes and e c h o e s  and fades away. I yell back yggulazagla, the traditional greeting used among lemurs. I go towards the merry-go-round where a dozen Delivery Lemurs are lounging in the revolving carriages. "Happy holidays. Did I miss a memo?" I say, climbing unsurely onto the spinning platform. "We all did. Invitations were sent out with a (deliveremur) but none of them were delivered." Hmm that may have been me. Tactfully, no one asks why I'm covered with chocolate pudding. They all look like they've been through antics of a similar sort; spinach in the ears, candles glued to knees, ruby dentures, etc. "I've been here for six days," says a (deliveremur). "When I realized no one was coming I transmitted a protocol 709 to all the lemurships in wi-fi range." "I was so confused until I checked the user manual," said another. "I didn't know about the homing override command." I didn't know there was a manual. "Good thing you thought of it, or we'd all miss the staff party." The spinach-eared (deliveremur) related the story of discovering this place by accident while looking for a yo-yo factory, and insisted these coordinates remain a lemur secret. "Now that you're here," they say to me, "We can begin the game." "Wait. Where's the bathroom," I ask. "Oh. By the end of the roller coaster. There's only human toilets; this is an old, old place."
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One awkward minute later, mini golf commenced. It's a game of plastic grass and a small ball called The Golfer's Mini-Ball. I don't know the real rules honestly but I pretend I do and I muddle through. Actually pretty soon it is clear that none of us know how to play. I nudged the ball through a round tube. "Oh that's the foul-of-the-tube: I am disqualified," i say, and leave politely. End of log 5
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spinnin-burnice · 4 years ago
Watch Dogs: Legion x AmRev
@burgoyned Chapter 5 is here! Any feedback would be appreciated ^^
Chapter 5: Cruel Britannia
“One Miami Vice coming your way!” Hanger exclaimed, sliding the drink down the counter. Burgoyne caught it, and immediately chugged it. Clinton sat on his left side while Howe sat on his right. Neither was drinking anything fancy. Staring at his whiskey, Clinton turned to Hanger. “Anything new happening while we were gone?” he asked. The bartender shook his head. “Besides a few Albion workers sliding in and out nothing new.” “Damn, why are there so many of them?” Burgoyne inquired, looking around the bar. Howe chugged his vodka before pulling out his phone. Damn nothing. He put his phone back. I guess he is no longer speaking to me.
William only remembered arguing with his brother the day after the incident happened. Neither of them was certain what has happened, but he just remembered, after talking to their mother, his brother cut all forms of contact with him. “Caroline is DEAD, William! What made you think she could have survived an attack like that?!” He could be correct. Tapping his shot glass, Howe slid off from his spot and walked back to the Safehouse. “Where are you going?” Hanger said as he took Howe’s shot glass. “Gonna run some errands and ask Bagley a favor,” Howe responded as he inputs the passcode and walked into the room. Making his down to the main room, he found Bagley quietly humming to himself while André repaired the destroyed Spiderbot. “Goddammit, is this bent?” the hacker muttered to himself, in the meantime looking at the burnt part. Bagley spoke up, “Why hello Billy. Here to tell me more of your ‘fanciful’ stories?” “I got none so far. Listen, I need a favor to ask from you.” “Why certainly. Is it a location to the nearest strip club? There is plenty of that lined near Piccadilly Circus.”
“NO BAGLEY!” Howe took a deep breath. Before he could respond, Clinton and Burgoyne walked into the room. André got from his desk and gave the Spiderbot to Clinton. “I tried to repair the thing as much as I could, but sadly it appears to damaged to recover anything.” “Damn. That’s a shame.” “Not quite. That might be one of the Spiderbots destroyed in the explosion. There is however another one sitting inside New Scotland Yard,” Bagley said as he pulled up the map of Central London. A yellow dot indicated the Metropolitan Police Station. “Judging from the explosions that night, I have a feeling there has to be at least one of these Spiderbots that survived the explosion. Perhaps we can make it a mission to recover it.” The men looked at each other. Howe finally spoke up. “Yes, here is the thing Bagley…and to everyone else,” he paused, trying to clear his mind. “My sister…Caroline…was near the site when the explosion occurred…I don’t know if she is dead or alive but…my brother believes she is and won’t speak to me.”
“Whaaatt? Won’t speak to you? That is rough,” said Burgoyne as he patted his friend on the shoulder. Clinton cocked his head. “Wait, are you talking about George? Isn’t he out of the country right now?” “No, I mean Richard. He’s….” “OOHHH ok. But why won’t he speak to you?” Howe stared at the couch. “He cares deeply about Caroline. I do too. I just have a feeling that she might have survived the explosion, but Richard was certain she was dead and we both had an argument over it.” He looked back at these friends, his brown eyes glistening with tears. There was a long silence, a silent where you can hear only the machines hum. Bagley finally broke the silence. “My condolences, William. You believe she might still be alive. I’m sending the location to New Scotland Yard to your phones. You can find every detail of the victims that were present at the explosion site inside.” “Thank you Bagley. I suppose this means we head out?” Howe asked everyone.
“Indeed. I’ll stay here and monitor from behind with André,” Clinton said. “Looks we’re heading out, John.” Howe turned to leave for the exit. “Wait do you have a mask?” Burgoyne asked him as he held up his. The fighter held up his. It was a blue and purple striped skull with a blue ring on the crown sewn onto a gray mesh. “Found this in a crate outside the stadium.” “Then ALLONS-Y!” Burgoyne proclaimed. The two men left the Safehouse and entered the pub, which was now crowded with customers. Hanger was too busy behind the bar pouring drinks for those sitting at the counter to notice the Operators leaving The Earl’s Fortune. Burgoyne flagged down a car with his phone. “So nice to be able to hack vehicles with a click on the phone, don’t you think?” glimmered the playwriter as he slid into the driver’s side. Howe took the passenger seat next to him. “I suppose, although the advancement of technology does scare me.” “Oh, you’re one of those. Ok, I see.” Burgoyne clicked in his seatbelt. Howe did the same. Bagley pinged their earpiece. “I’ve marked the road leading to the station. Do be careful, Albion is on high alert today.” “Will do. Thanks, Bagley,” Burgoyne answered as he shifted the car into drive and drove off.
It was mid-morning when the men arrived at the Metropolitan Police Station. Burgoyne parked their car away from the prying eyes of Albion guards and police stationed outside. Turning to his friend, the playwriter whispered, “Feeling ready?” Howe nodded, slipping his “Ded Coronation” mask on. Burgoyne slipped on his “Knight of Avalon” mask and the two exited their car and proceeded towards the police station. The men slipped into an alleyway across the station. Pulling out his phone, Howe hacked into the nearest surveillance camera. From the camera’s point of view, the men could see the main entrance of New Scotland Yard. A security checkpoint was on while behind the machine a man stood behind the counter. On the left side, a waiting room was devoid of any people where only the news was playing on the TV.
Panning to the right, Howe and Burgoyne saw stairs leading to the second floor. Howe hacked the camera on the second-floor hallway and scanned the room. Burgoyne whispered, “I think we might be in the right area. Keep searching.” The fighter began hacking all the second-floor cameras until he hacked one located inside a secure area. Bagley pinged. “There it is. Now hack the Spiderbot and get it outside the contained area. Make sure no one sees you. And also the laptop holds information of all the victims recorded. Do hack that in the meantime.” “Roger that,” Howe responded. Burgoyne tugged at his phone. “Let me show you something cool.” Howe handed over his phone. The playwriter pointed the camera right at the Spiderbot and pressed the screen. Immediately the Spiderbot stood up but began to wobble. One of the legs was breaking off from the mainframe and wires were exposed. Yet it was still operatable.
“To knock two birds with one stone,” Burgoyne gloated, controlling the Spiderbot to the laptop. The phone pinged, signaling the downloadable data. Burgoyne pressed the screen again, and the Spiderbot began downloading all the data from the laptop and transferred it straight to the phone. Feeling smug, Burgoyne turned to Howe. “ ’Technology scares me’ and here I just proved to you that technology is here to stay, so you’ll have to accept it.” He could sense Howe’s expression of distaste behind the mask but was fascinated by it all. Bagley spoke through the earpiece. “Fantastic! I’ve received all the data from the laptop. Let’s see……’ Caroline’ is not found in the list of deceased. However, that doesn’t prove anything yet. You’ll need to find the hospital records to confirm it. For now, return to base with the Spiderbot.” “Yes sir. Thank you Bagley.” William felt his heart beat faster. Caroline isn’t dead but I still need the hospital records to prove it.
As he reveled in the thought of his sister being alive, Burgoyne successfully navigated the Spiderbot through the ctOS vent. The bot exited from the side entrance of the New Scotland Yard. “Give me one second,” Burgoyne hissed, passing the phone back to Howe. He watched as his friend ran across the road and slip into the driveway. It only took a few minutes before Burgoyne slips back with the Spiderbot in hand. He beckoned Howe from their hiding spot before running to the driver’s seat. Howe jumped into the passenger seat right as an Albion guard began suspecting their activity and proceeded to approach their car. Just as he was about to tap on the driver's window, Burgoyne rolled down the window and shot the guard with his pistol, much to Howe’s surprise. Two Albion guards nearby heard the shot and ran over. Howe panicked. “GO! GO!” he shouted. Pushing on the gas pedal, Burgoyne booked the car out from their location right as fighter drones were called.
After dodging the police and Albion for some time, the men finally arrived at The Earl’s Fortune. Howe gasped for air from nearly suffering a panic attack. “Next time…let me handle it…” “Mhmm, sure.” Burgoyne exited the car with the bot in hand. Exiting out of the car, Howe walked into the pub. It wasn’t as crowded as it was in the morning, but it was still buzzing with patrons. Hanger was busy chatting with one of the patrons at the bar, so the men slipped into the Safehouse. Clinton greeted them as they arrived. “Well, I don’t know what you pulled out there so I hope it was worth it,” he scolded them. Burgoyne handed the Spiderbot to André, who took the bot and proceeded to repair it. Bagley laughed. “I must admit, watching how each of you operates brings tears to my eyes.” “You don’t have eyes, Bagley,” Burgoyne pointed. “No, but I certainly don’t have ‘fanciful’ imaginations.” “HEY!” Howe and Burgoyne protested together. Bagley snickered, and the men shook their heads. Nevertheless, it was a successful mission. Mission Complete.
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finitevoid · 5 years ago
Favourite headcanons for Jayvie? Favourite AU ideas for Rotten OT4? Rant about Marlos!! What kind of dates do you think Jal would go on? ♥♥
yesssss yes YESSS
favorite hcs for jayvie:
so a lot of people like to have evie be like, super involved in auradon politics and going to balls in fancy dresses and endearing the royals to her and then by extension the vks and like. mmm jay should go with her. like okay. jayvie in matching outfits being all beautiful and charming and endearing the auradonians to them... manipulating the royals into thinking that they’re nice, upstanding young people and just not mentioning all th e Crimes they used to commit... its perfection ajd I’ve wanted to write a fic about this for like. AGES
but also okay jay definitely models evies clothes for her and when she gets bigger and does things like have a business Instagram she’s always dressing him up in her clothes and doing his hair and taking pictures of him and like forcing everyone to look at her boyfriend :). she does it to mal and carlos too but they like don’t like they’re picture taken v much whereas jay lives for the attention like the king that he is so he’s ALWAYS happy to model for her
favorite au ideas for rotten ot4:
oh man oh MAN. okay uuuh lightning round
-way back I had this idea for a set of one shots where i retold the heroes’ stories but this time w the rotten 4 as the protagonists ie Snow White retold except evie is the princess and 101 dalmations retold except carlos is the protagonist etc and it never went anywhere but man I loved that idea
-I remember thinking of a heist movie au where evie and jay would dress up and be all fancy to Infiltrate The Enemy meanwhile carlos and mal would sit in the van. like carlos was the one Hacking The Mainframe and shit whereas mal would come in guns blazing if shit went sideways for jay and evie
-im a sucker for normal modern day highschool aus where like the 4 get sent to Auradon Boarding School and are like. H.
-urban fantasy starring djinn!jay, faerie!mal, witch!evie and of course, our favorite Normal Human Dude, carlos
-I had this one scifi au I concepted where jal were your classic space mercanaries, carlos was an escaped convict for space infractions and evie was the princess of a planet that she abandoned bc Grimhilde. I need to revisit that one
marlos. marlos. hnmtnrjewjakak i love them okay. like. the kabedon. we ALWAYS talk about the kabedon but let’s talk about the implications of the kabedon. mal is sitting there, fantasizing about what is, by every means, her ideal life. she’s trying to actively escape how she feels like she’s on the fresh layer of hell by fantasizing about her and rotten four starting shit and pranking people and causing mischief. and the first the FIRST thing she imagines is carlos in a funky ass leather jacket walking up to her and getting all up in her face slamming the lockers behind her head. dare I say horny? LISTENN. she is dating the king. and she’s sitting around like. imagining carlos pulling pranks with her. effervescent. ben needs to watch out. carlos doesn’t even have to do anything and she’s like fantasizing about him. fucking hilarious
(insert obligatory carlos is being mr-steal-your-girl joke here)
but like let’s talk let’s DISCUSS their actual dynamic shall we. so in d1 we can actually see a lot of them interacting but in like, subtle ways. mal is the leader of the gang, as we all know right so when carlos is scared or nervous he looks to mal for support, and in the second scene of d1 when maleficent is practically throwing mal around the room theres this Look between carlos and mal where they look at each other, terrified, and then carlos ducks behind his mother to avoid maleficent. and, of course, a moment in d1 that makes me go utterly batshit is when fairy godmother does like jazz hands when they exit the limo and mals first reaction is to shield carlos and jay with her arms. protective mal. PROTECTIVE MAL
but listen. my all time fav scene with them (other than girltalk obvs) is right before mal gives him the truth gummy in d2. she’s freaking out and hides out in the boys room when carlos is in it, read: she feels safe there. 2. when she’s romanticizing the isle, carlos is having absolutely none. of. it. nobody else really challenges the way she’s thinking like carlos is. carlos is like, reminding her that the isle was painful and traumatic for him, and for her, and she sort of wilts under that logic. (and even the part later on with the gummy holds a special place in my heart because when chad comes like waltzing in and mal is just sort of standing there looking annoyed and carlos is like. get out of my room chad. is peak marlos they’re so salty okay!) (also the fact that chad doesn’t question mals presence in carlos and jays room at all? lmfao? like I know you know we all know that boys and girls can hang out and have it not be romantic but chads an insufferable straight man so I find it amusing that he didn’t point that out)
dates jal would go on:
one of my weaknesses for the rotten ot4 is definitely all of them going to jay’s tourney games so DEFINITELY that and and oh my god I am WEAK for mal wearing jay’s jersey on game day tbh but but I loooove the idea of mal playing tourney too? thanks to @fuck-you-i-am-spiderman it’s all your fault. so them practicing together like YES (and evie and carlos wearing their jerseys on game day but shh shh that’s rotten ot4 we’re talking about JAL)
mal isnt super romantic or anything but jay definitely is and he’ll do shit like get her flowers just to make her blush and be like. you shithead this is stupid flowers are stupid. and jay’s like awww but i love u:( I’m just showing my affection babe. and she’s like SHOW IT LESS STUPID. but she secretly likes the romantic shit when it’s not tooooo extreme it makes her feel loved and thought of:)
but I wouldn’t say their dates are like ur average going to a restaurant type thing maaaaybe seeing a movie together but I think it’s more likely to be like. mal’s like jay come with me into the woods I’m looking for an herb evie needs for her potions. and jay’s like ok let’s go and then they end up racing through the forest and wrestling on the ground for a while (and then making out probably lol) before they go back. and then as soon as they’re in vicinity to anyone else mal pretends like she’s above playfighting like jay and carlos do. but jay knows.
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moonchildsaurora · 5 years ago
The social butterfly of a Tech Genius
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»»—— Crew Member #6 of Space Pirates ATEEZ ——««
all aboard The Perihelion, welcome to the co-pilot’s log system! here you’ll be able to access the crew’s profiles should you wish to read about their journeys: (no nsfw content)
[CAPTAIN] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
an underestimated intellect with huge love for the cyber world and technology  
you hear him before you see him in a crowd
a Drex’un who was born and lived his life in the technology-thriving city of Vollurn up until he was invited to join Hongjoong and Seonghwa on their journey
[database file: Drex’uns are often described as demon-borne even though not all bloodlines are derived from infernal ancestry. Purely for the fact that prominent horns protude from their heads, a prehensile tail that’s used for grabbing things and will coil around their legs when upset/nervous, sharp canines and eye colours that cover the entire sclera. Depending on bloodline, some Drex’uns have elemental abilities]
Mingi isn’t sure about his bloodline as he never knew his parents, though his intelligence goes far beyond that of an average being’s. Not only does he process knowledge extremely fast, his memory is remarkable; able to recall even the tiniest details and his ability to analyse/break codes allows him to have free reign in the cyber networks
his teal-coloured horns and tail have onyx gradient tips, adorned with a few gold jewellery (his actual ears are also pierced with hoops) to complement his molten gold eyes
making heads turn, be it for his energetic presence or fashionable attire; “just because I grew up on the streets doesn’t mean I have no pride for my looks”
learnt to be resourceful and street-smart at a young age, knows all the short cuts and side alleys of the city like the back of his hand (he’s had a lot of time to wander around). Also found out that he had a knack for by-passing security systems whenever he needed shelter for the night
frequents the ‘Merripalace Arcade’ where it’s both an underground hangout for tech whizzes and the cyber battlegrounds for competitive players. The first visit gave him a taste of a different kind of freedom and an introduction to the world of hacking. It’s probably one of the few places he’s felt a part of a community; no judgement of your species nor your background but rather your digital reputation is more valued and the sort of technological talents you bring to the network
if there’s one thing Mingi is a natural at it’s socialising, he could walk into a club alone and come back out later with a new social circle if he so wishes
“ok who DON’T you know here?”
“just look at that face, how can you say no to him?” – Mingi is walking proof that Drex’uns can pull off the puppy-dog face and get away with it
he was gifted a second-hand mirage drive by Einux, a Nagzoid [database file: a reptilian humanoid being with serpent ancestry so they tend to have more snake-like features] who became a shot-term mentor figure after Mingi unintentionally helped crack a system code for a database Einux was commissioned to work on (because Mingi thought that guy was just really bad at math on first glance)
[database file: a mirage drive is pretty much a miniature tablet with a hologram touch-screen and every tech whizz would protect theirs with their lives; especially when were layers of secret activities and programs stored into it]
“you remembered to wipe clean the data trail and replace the originals with the dud files right?”
“yeah of course...does planting a virus in the system that will cause ‘Time Warp’ to play every time they try to click open a file counts?”
“Mingi, I…….”  
Einux introduced Mingi to his network of contacts and helped set him up with his first commission, safe to say Mingi was at a loss for words when he got his first pay up front (and that was just the deposit)
by the time Yunho had come across Mingi at the Tech Institute, he had been in the cyber scene for 4+ years already and never once had to deal with someone catching him in the act  
Mingi.exe has stopped working
he’s met a couple of Sheirzois before but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t lowkey checking out the blue-haired giant whilst panicking on the inside, he’d argue there’s always time to appreciate beauty
two options popped into his mind then and there; either he bribed his way out (as his mentor taught him) or he attempted to maybe throw some punches and then make a getaway
(expectation) looks like he’s intimidating & can fight vs. (reality) he’d probably cry if he hit someone & is just a soft boy all-round
extra trivia: ironically for an infernal being, Mingi doesn’t deal well with anything supernatural/ghosts-related. Once Woo and Yeosang pranked him, Yunho helped a little but he doesn’t need to know, and convinced him that the basement storage hanger was haunted after totems started appearing in odd places along with ominous noises. Mingi was so ready to abandon ship before Hongjoong did damage control & Jongho promised he’d fight all the ghosts for him 
was already metaphorically weeping at the thought of having to empty his money pouch but turned out that Otis (his multi-coding bot) had somehow manage to win the Sheirzoi over along with an invite to drinks
“I’ve got many questions for you regarding your efficiently adorable bot”
“…and I to you as well, BUT first do you have a name? And secondly have you been to ‘Le Apollon’? Coz if not they make some really mean Northern Drops there!”
Yunho turned out to be one of the most chilled individual Mingi has met and he didn’t mind the other’s enthusiastic discussions about all technological inventions, and was even just as enthusiastic to share with Yunho about his own passion for cyber tech
one too many drinks later Mingi was accidentally spilling secrets he definitely wasn’t meant to and even ended up dancing on the table at some point, all while Yunho hyped his new friend up on the side
was forever grateful that Yunho never ratted him out to the authorities and consider him shook for the 2nd time in that day when he was offered a roof over his head, a more permanent one too
“do you want to be the big spoon, or is it my turn? We can rotate!” 
thus the bromance of all bromances was born
living with Yunho not only meant Mingi would wake up to good vibes, but more than often would wake up to either the screeching of the smoke alarm or “HOLY SMOKES WHERE ARE THE WATER PODS? DID WE RUN OUT OF THEM? AGAIN?!”
putting out accidental fires became second nature to Mingi, initially he’d aggressively fret over Yunho but now he’s come to accept such is the life of a chaotic bright inventor and this is fine
in fact when Hongjoong and Seonghwa came across their humble abode (thanks to Yunho’s cleaning bot) it was an iconic first meeting over smoke. Yunho did most of the talking when Hongjoong pitched his desire to recruit a crew for space voyage, Mingi too busy sitting there staring at the two new-comers with shooting stars in his eyes and hearing about the prospects of an adventure. Within that day the crew had gain 2 more members, because Mingi and Yunho are a combo package deal
“oh has the system be glitching? If you don’t mind, would you like me to have a look at it?”
Hongjoong did a happy dance on the spot knowing that not only did he now have a talented inventor on his ship but also a gifted tech genius, he put Mingi in charge of managing the mainframe systems along with intel collecting this decision that Hongjoong would later semi-regret because (at times) the word “self-control” doesn’t seem to exist in Mingi’s vocab
Seonghwa adopted him and Yunho pretty easily and space mum’s cooking is Mingi’s fave, occasionally using his puppy-dog face he’s perfected over the years to his advantage in gaining extra midnight snacks (being everyone’s baby, no one’s really immune to this)
“Hwa you’re supposed to be the one disciplining the kids!”
Mingi and Yunho were known to be the chaotic fun duo, but with Wooyoung is just chaotic – not to mention he got his Yunhogizer confiscated by Hongjoong for almost a week after, “I thought we were all comparing assets, Wooyoung sent his to the group chat so I figured this was some kind of crew bonding”
also was one half of the reason that the ‘whatever happens at the Tav/clubs, stays at the Tav/clubs’ rule got implemented and one-night sexytimes were banned aboard The Perihelion after Jongho witnessed a random still semi-nude humanoid trying to sneak out of Mingi’s room without being noticed (Hwa went on parent-mode and panicked yell whilst covering Jongho’s eyes)
Jongho avoided Mingi (out of sheer embarrassment) for a few days and that was pretty devastating, considering how close the two became in their friendship that Mingi was one of the very few people in the crew whom Jongho was openly clingy with at times
no one can argue about Mingi’s loyalty to his crew/new family, and under his care-free flamboyant exterior he’s a genuine listener and will not hesitate to offer his shoulder for his family to lean on whenever they need it
recently he’s created new software to enhance Seonghwa’s cybernetic lenses (as a birthday gift) that’d allow him to see clearly miles ahead, in the dark and lock-on tracking function. What Mingi failed to let Hwa know was that he still hasn’t disconnected the sync link to his mirage drive and therefore if, for example, an image was sent through it’d appear in the other user’s field of vision
“wait for it, wait”
“what exactly are we waiting for Mingi? And why are you giggling over a screaming pink…starfish?” (that’s Patrick Star by the way)
seconds later there was a clamouring from the bathroom, the solid sound of someone falling before, “MINGI!”
“that my good lads, is what we were wa-oh whoops gotta go!”  
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(moodboard made with love, by @s1ardusk​ ♡)
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In the Belly of the Beast: Part 2
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Hm...It looks like no one’s down here.
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Well, that makes sense. The security mainframe is hard to access after all. There’s no real need for standing guard with all the security measures.
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Ok, so recap so we’re all sure...The things Emilia Feng needs for the Kerokuma Initiative are down here, right?
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With Oliver’s virus in the system now, this will be our only chance to destroy it once and for all. We need to get this done as fast as possible before anyone catches on. 
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I’ll stay here and be the one to push the self-destruct button, or whatever we need to end this. You three will be tasked with infiltrating the security mainframe of the building, and destroying the central power. However, even that has super tight security.
*Makoto pulls up a set of instructions from his phone.
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There’s a titanium door that’s impossible to access unless we get into a security room down here and press the button to open it, but said security room is behind a laser field. If we touch the laser, the alarms go off and we’re done for.
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Alright, then here’s an idea. Toko and I will make our way down to the mainframe and get ready to wreck it.
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We’ll be leaving the laser field and access to you, Akeru.
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Alright...I really was looking forward to smashing the security up though...
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Don’t misunderstand kid. We would happily let you if we could.
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But you’re the only one agile and nimble enough to get past the laser field. You’re the lynchpin of this whole operation, so we’re trusting you not to get caught.
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Well, when you put it like that...Fine, I’ll do it.
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Good luck~
*Komaru kisses Akeru on the forehead.
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Yeah, thanks.
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*Akeru slides through a ventilation system and pries the grate off the wall.
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Hey! Akeru! I can see you!
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Oh, you can?
*She sees Makoto looking at her through a pane of glass.
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Well then, Uncle Koto, watch a master at work!
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B-Be careful Akeru! Don’t get a big head!
*Makoto’s sweat runs a mile a minute as he watches Akeru dance through the laser field. She comes very close to just grazing the lines, but despite her playfulness, she displays expert athletics and skill.
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Hup! Hyah! Wooh! Woah! Yagh! Rogh! WAHOO!
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Uuuugh I can’t watch!
*After a minute or two of backflips and stunts, Akeru makes it to the other side. She knocks on the glass to get Makoto to open his eyes.
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You worry too much Uncle Koto. Look, we’re all good!
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Oh thank god! Sorry, I guess I underestimated you.
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Now hurry and get that door open.
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*Akeru crawls through another vent into the empty security room, and scans the desk for buttons. She easily identifies the one for the gate, and switches it on.
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Alright mom’s. Crash that security grid.
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*A short distance away, the titanium doors allowing access to the mainframe clunk open.
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Akeru did it!
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Of course she did it. Now let’s get going.
*Toko and Komaru storm the mainframe.
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This place is like a labyrinth...How are we supposed to know where to go?
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Well, based on what is common knowledge, we should aim to go deeper in. The central security hub should be right at the center of the mainframe.
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Ok...in that case...!
*The girls head towards the general direction that feels right, but they immediately run into another door.
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Damn! There’s more!
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I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a whole set of these doors. We’ll need to let Akeru know to-
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*Before Toko can finish her sentence, Komaru shoots the door with her hacking gun, after equipping a Move Bullet. The door opens with ease.
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There we go. Let’s get moving.
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You mean you could’ve just done that the whole time!? What was the point of letting Akeru slip past the laser field!?
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I didn’t want to take away my girl’s moment of glory.
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Besides, I didn’t know if it was gonna work without setting off any alarms...
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Fine...whatever...let’s just move.
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Yeah, I see it. Don’t touch those.
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It’s gonna be tight...there’s not a lot of places you can put your feet here...
*Komaru and Toko shimmy along a narrow ledge to avoid stepping into an electric field and being electrocuted to death.
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*A sudden burst of wind blows out from behind Komaru, and nearly knocks her into the field. Toko grabs her by the back of her shirt to stop her falling. She then hoists her back up.
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That was close.
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That wasn’t your fault. Don’t worry about it.
*They get to the other side on more secure foothold.
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Should’ve known this place had some extreme ventilation. I mean, it’s freezing in here.
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Yeah...I don’t think it’s ventilation though...Despite how cold it is, it’s kinda hard to breathe.
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You’re right actually...then...what’s going on?
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Well, I’ve thought of something. While we’ve been exploring looking for the central energy supplier, we’ve passed by a lot of things that look familiar to me. Electric fields, fans, wires, platforms...
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The type of stuff that you’d typically find in...well...
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A computer...which means...
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I think this entire building is one giant computer. Maybe it doesn’t look like it on the outside, but there’s no denying we’ve run into what are basically giant versions of PC components the entire time we’ve been in here.
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You’re right. In fact, what we’re standing on now look suspiciously like steel cables.
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*POW!* *POW!*
*Komaru blasts another door and opens it.
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Honestly though, whether it’s a big computer or not, I don’t care to stick around and find out. Let’s just destroy it and go.
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Right behind you.
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Rgh...This is getting tight...
*The girls hoist themselves through a tunnel with connecting wires sprawled across the space. They struggle to squeeze themselves through and around them.
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Come on, it’s not that tight. Maybe you’ve just put on a bit of weight.
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Shush! I’m not fat, you’re just skinny! Maybe it’s my boobs getting in the way, did you think about that!?
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If that IS the case, that just annoys me more...Here, take my hand.
*Toko pulls Komaru through, causing her to come stumbling out of the wires and into Toko’s arms.
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Well, hello there~
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Shut it you.
*Toko prods Komaru’s forehead with her finger, but smirks affectionately.
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So...where to...huh?
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What’s up?
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...Is it just me or did it suddenly get...kinda warm...?
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*Komaru grabs Toko and the girls dive out of the room. They do so just in time, as the room suddenly glows with heat and radiation.
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Agh! We almost got microwaved!
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Damn! We need to hurry! If the computer’s heating up like that, it means it’s being used for something!
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In that case, let’s go this way!
*Komaru points to a long winding tunnel that goes downwards.
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Well, this might take us where we need to go, but...
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Come on, you said we didn’t have much time, right? Let’s go!
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*Komaru practically shoves Toko into the tunnel, and they slide down it like a long, dark, winding slide.
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Hey! Do you think-!?
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Yep, this has gotta be it!
*Toko and Komaru arrive in a large, spacious area, with 7 large, vibrating structures around them.
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These have gotta be the cores to the whole computer. We need to destroy them to help Makoto get to where he needs to be.
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Yeah...but...are we sure we wanna do this?
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Why is it NOW that you try to pull things back?
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Don’t get me wrong. I’m not leaving here until these things are demolished. It took way too much effort to get here. I’m just trying to consider our options.
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This entire labyrinth is the inside of one big computer, so if we take out these cores, it won’t just open the doors and shut down the security, it’ll take out power in the whole building. Are we sure that’s a risk we can take.
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Heh...Look at you, considering all your options for once.
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You’re right, but also...I imagine Leona’s already planned ahead of time for that. And even if she hasn’t, there’s no way that Four, Oliver or any of the other Freedom Foundation members didn’t. I trust them to have a plan.
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...Yeah, I guess. But we’ll need to dip as fast as possible as soon as we do this. 
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Yep. But in the meantime...
*Toko grabs her taser and shocks herself.
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Ooh! Is it MY turn now!? Good! Let’s get cracka-lacking!
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*Komaru and Jill then go to town on the cores.
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*The building suddenly goes dark, and the door blocking Makoto off from the project room opens. Lots of smoke and sparks from the malfunctioning technology spews out into his face, causing him to splutter.
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Welp, looks like they did it...
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That’s my mom...s...
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Akeru, don’t wait for me. Go back upstairs, and find Byakuya and Leona. Don’t get caught. Those soldiers are gonna be on high alert.
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Got it! But...what about Toko and Komaru?
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They’ll be fine. They’ll find a way out somehow.
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In that case, I’ll see you up top.
*Akeru leaps up and vanishes into a vent. Makoto looks towards the smokey door and cracks his knuckles.
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Time to ruin Emilia’s fucking day...!
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