#it’s my for patty/tk fic
icantswim-03 · 2 years
Hmm to make a primer or not to make a primer for my own fic. Decisions, decisions.
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gulabsjamun · 1 year
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wanna add to your stupid tattoo collection with me?? not much time left you'll get a breaking news alert in about two days
(read here)
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linskywords · 10 months
Hockey RPF Recs from 2023
I realized recently that I haven't done a great job keeping up with hockey fic beyond the authors I was already subscribed to, so I did some reading in the tag for the past year (and of course fell in a hole and neglected other parts of my life, you know the drill). Mattdrai is even bigger than I thought?? (She said, having been living under a rock.) Also, wow, *amazing* writers out there I had no idea about! Here are my favorites of the stories I've read so far:
so is the longing by dogjuice (mattdrai): This one might win as my favorite fic of the year. You know how sometimes you read something that's not quite as well written as you want it to be but it's doing the thing you want so you read it anyway? This is NOT that fic. It hits such good juicy trope buttons and also is clever and hilariously written. Top marks.
i'll tell you when to stop by dogjuice (mcmattdrai): Sadly this is the only other fic dogjuice has posted, but it is also excellent. The premise could be ridiculous in someone else's hands but rings so true. I was on tenterhooks for it all to work out.
In From the Cold by makeit_takeit (TK/Patty): FERAL. OVER. THIS. All three stories in this (loosely related) series are impeccable, but this one gave me the most feels. I am weak for a repressed closeted character gradually discovering happiness, and the depth of characterization is breathtaking.
Baby, I'm a Wildcard by wearemany (mattdrai): The writing!! This fic is mostly developing/established relationship, which is not usually my fave, but somehow I loved the entire thing?? Just really compelling character-focused writing that had me completely absorbed without needing to rely on angst or drama (much as I love those in other stories).
Edmonton 10 by Helenish (mattdrai): Helenish is incomparable. I cannot express how happy I am that they've (she's?) gotten into hockey lately. Read everything; I don't even know if this is the best one because I *am* subscribed to them so I read the stories as they came out and didn't rank them or anything, but this one is excellent and also you can't go wrong.
this must be the place by rafting (Jamie/Trevor): Love me some sexuality exploration. The USNTDP ensemble was so vividly and delightfully present in this one. Also, Trevor is so dumb. How can you not love it.
let me look at you by isozyme (mattdrai, mcmattdrai): This one is emotionally ROUGH but so well done. Heed the warnings, but there's plenty of emotional satisfaction as well. I read it several weeks ago and it's still living in my head.
roughed up in the afterglow by notthequiettype (mattdrai): This one is pretty short but gets a lot done in not too many words. Really excellent character interactions and dialogue.
linger by bropunzeling (mattdrai): Top-notch A/B/O content. Sometimes you just want Matthew to have heat sex with Leon and pretend not to have feelings until he can't anymore.
in the honey by donderwalk (Jamie/Trevor): Okay it's been a while since I read this one but I remember it as the highlight of my Jamie/Trevor tag search at the time, so I'm gonna say it's probably great. 😄
Serenity in Those Deep Waters by angry_geno_is_score (larsdunn): This mashes the D/s buttons sooooo good. Has it inspired me to write more D/s? Oh yes. Check it out; You Will Have Feels.
how lovely are thy branches by quadratics (mattdrai, Brady/Tim): Hilarious premise, charming execution. This isn't even about characters getting together and yet I loved it.
Hourglass Theory by puckedup (mattdrai): So short, and totally managed to punch me in the chest (in the best way).
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let-spretend · 8 months
hey ! sorry for the long wait. this is supposed tk be a fem presenting reader but i do not specify in any way. im trying to figure out how to write without starting with the word ‘you’. i’ll try on my next fic. open to requests!
cw internalized homophobia, self-loathing
kitana x reader !
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Kitana laughs at some terrible joke Johnny lands. You admire her parted lips and subconsciously strain a smile. You realize how creepy you must look or sound and stare right back down at your food. It was an Outworld delicacy, as introduced by Queen Sindel. You pick at it a bit, not exactly in the mood for eating. Despite it, you try a bite. You look up to see Kitana waiting for your reaction. You thoroughly chew and give her a smile. Even a thumbs up with it. She lightly laughs through her nose and looks down. You sheepishly smile and swallow your food.
You sit on the castle stairs, staring at the pearly floors and walls. You could hear distant yelling in the background. Recognizing it as Queen Sindel and Mileena's voices. You were quite surprised by the topic they were discussing. Disease? Throne business? Honestly, you couldn't really give a shit. Some hurried clacking passes by, but you don't turn your head to see who it was. After a few minutes, slow footsteps could be heard approaching. You turn your head to see a blue figure sit next to you. "So, Earthrealmer, why is it that you were chosen as one of Earthrealm's protectors?" Kitana sits next to you, her right thigh touching your left thigh. She gazes at you with full curiosity. You laugh. You don't know whether you laughed because you were nervous or embarrassed about your upcoming answer. You look down and shake your head.
"I don't really know why. Before I was 'recruited' I was partaking in some street fights to earn some extra cash. I didn't have any proper training prior to going to Wu Shi Academy. All I did was flip burgers." You sigh from the memories. You take another look around you, the castle was gorgeous. She was gorgeous. But you can’t. You’re just a girl. She’s royalty.. and a girl.
“These burgers… May I ever be able to see you flip them?” You blankly stare at Kitana’s face before bursting into uncontrollable laughter. “What?! Was it a stupid question?”
“No! No! Just that, uh, it’s nothing special. Flipping burgers.” You let your statement sit for a few beats in comfortable silence. You stand up from the stairs and walk down to the bottom. You look up at Kitana and smile sheepishly. “Watch.” You pretend to shove your hair into a hat and tie around an apron around your waist. You take out a frozen patty and place it onto the make-believe grill. You create a sizzling sound and push the patty down into the grill with a spatula.
You look up to see Kitana actually interested in your stupid act. So you continue. You scoop the patty and flip it into the air and pretend to lean back to avoid the oil splatter. You push down the patty down again and pat it. You scoop it up and place it on top of a bottom bun. You place the tomato slice and lettuce gently and place three small pickles. Squirt some ketchup to top it off and place the top bun. You push it down a smidge and lift your perfect burger up to admire. You carefully bring it over to Kitana and place it onto her hands.
“Nothing special, right?” Kitana’s hands hold the invisible burger and she pretends to squish it three times. “I’ll make you a real one some time if you want.”
“That would make me very happy.” She smiles and pats the invisible burger into your lap. “Even with your, beautiful acting, I couldn’t really tell what it was that you were doing.” That statement alone made you not wanna ever act shit out again. You place your elbow onto your left thigh and rest your head onto your hand. “I’m sure Johnny can show you a plethora of movies or of himself acting out what I do.” You amuse yourself with the image of Johnny working at a fast food place. He could probably pull off the look. “I don’t want to see Johnny doing what you do.” Her left hand moves to your right thigh. You tense up. Kitana looks at you with wonder. But you just can't reciprocate it without doubt. You want to keep your mind off of that.
"What's got you so worked up, Princess?" Her mood changes slightly. She peers down the stairs, choosing her words carefully. "Just family matters." She shakes her head. "I don't really want to think or talk about those things. But, you, you intrigue me, Y/N." Your face gets hot. "I intrigue you? You sure, Princess?" You feel the back of your neck, trying to sooth yourself. "Oh, stop calling me Princess. You're making it weird." You snort. "Yeah, okay." Kitana shoves you lightly, letting out a stifle. She looks back into your eyes and puts her hand to your face. You swear you stopped moving, or thinking. Instinctively, your hand grabs her arm. You lightly move it away from your face and you quickly stand up.
"I'm sorry, Princess. I should go. Uh, good luck at the tournament tomorrow." You manage to cough that much out.
"Wait, how did you-" You leave her at the castle stairs alone. You speed walk back to your shared room with Kung Lao, Raiden, Kenshi and Johnny. You open the door rashly and head straight to the bathroom. You don't notice who was in the room. You quickly lock the door and just slide onto the floor. You place your hand onto where Kitana placed her hand and just cry. You felt gross. Not because of her touch, but because you enjoyed her company. You didn't even know if being in love with a girl was wrong for Outworld standards. Remembering how you would be viewed back at home, you just felt hollow. Even though you were away from that toxicity, the ideology they've instilled into you still runs deep. You don't even want to think this way anymore but it gnaws at you. It's not her, it's just you. You can't bring yourself to be comfortable with the way you were. You bring your legs to your chest, forming a fetal position. You let your head drop into your knees and shut your eyes tight.
Your head was pounding from all the crying. You wipe your eyes harshly and decide to take a shower. That would help with the headache, surely. The warm droplets hit your head, soon letting the water envelope you. You stare at the water, flowing down into the drain. Some loose hair gets stuck in between your toes.
Why can't you just let yourself have this?
You aggressively shampoo your hair and close your eyes as the bubbles start to trickle near them. As the soapy feeling fades, you rub your eyes. You weren't back home. You're in Outworld now. Filled with culture, different people and experiences. You are just going to let yourself be, for now. You take your soapy loofa and aggressively wash your body.
You finish up your whole routine and dry yourself off. You open the bathroom door to see the four, smile at your presence. You flop onto one of the four futons and smush your face into the pillow. "Sorry for taking so long. I know how long your skincare routine can be, Johnny." He laughs and pulls out his pouch full of expensive skincare products from his bag. He ruffles your hair and locks himself into the bathroom. You could hear Johnny humming some ABBA song through the walls. It's relaxing to hear. Raiden lies next to you, offering simple company. "Thanks, Raiden." You hug him like a stuffed animal and close your eyes. You could hear Kung Lao arguing over who gets what futon, but you remain still. Kenshi tells him to shut up and to let you sleep. You sigh, happy that your friends try to cheer you up in their own quiet ways.
It was officially Day Two of the tournament. It was a nice day, sun out and clear skies. The battle was taking place in the Hanging Gardens. It is a stunning venue. Lush trees and bushes, stone pathways with the grass poking out and a huge wisteria tree decorating the background. You stand behind three big chairs with Johnny, Kung Lao and Kenshi. Raiden was before Empress Sindel, with her slightly peering down at him from her fancy chair. Liu kang stood behind Raiden with his hands intertwined, wide stance.
"You continue to surprise, Raiden. Among others, you have defeated Kotal, Motaro, and Sheeva. Only two fights remain. Are you ready, Earthrealmer?"
"I am, Your Majesty." He says with great certainty. You shoot Raiden two thumbs up to cheer him on. He gives you a shy thumbs up back, but quickly hides it when the Empress starts to eye him down. She sighs. "Then next you face my daughter..." Heels clacking briskly could be heard from the side of the mini arena. Her mask was on and she had her signature fans. Blue emerged from the bushes instead of a dark pink. "Kitana." Liu Kang had surprise written all over his face. He slowly started to approach Empress Sindel to complain. "Your Majesty, this is unprecedented. Raiden's next opponent should be your heir." Kitana looks at Liu Kang with furrowed brows. "Mileena is unavailable. She's away on pressing imperial business."
Liu Kang tilts his head in mild frustration. "But I have not prepared him to battle Kitana." Raiden looks over to Kitana, slightly embarassed. Kitana reciprocated the look. "He's already demonstrated great skill. Can he not improvise?" Sindel pleads with a concerned look. Liu Kang's annoyed blink could be seen from miles away.
"Do not worry, I can do this." Raiden reassures him.
"Very well."
"I will be no easier to fight than my sister, Earthrealmer." Kitana reminds Raiden. Her eyebrows are furrowed and her body language was stiff. "I suffer under no such delusion, Your Highness." He holds his chest and slightly bows his head. "I will win this fight. For her, my Empress, and all of Outworld." They both get into ready stances. Raiden, with his left hand forward and right hand pulled back, but open. His stance greatly reflects him and his personality, at least, that's what you think. Kitana has her left hand held high with her bladed fan open. Her right hand with a closed fan in her fist, facing down. She immediately jumps up and kicks him, which makes him go flying. She kicks him again from behind, making him fall to the ground with great force. He quickly picks himself up and shoots a lightning-infused punch her way. Kitana blocks but yelps from the burn. He does the same again but with his whole arm, pushing her far. She gets up while sending her fan Raiden's way. It cuts his leg up good but he tries to pay no attention to it.
Kitana scans the audience and her eyes land on you. You tense up again. Raiden takes this chance and kicks her face in. Before she falls, she grabs Raiden's shirt. She throws him over herself and they both land to the ground with a great thud. Kitana tries to send her fans again but they go array once Raiden uses his amulet to deflect them. Before she could catch them in time, Raiden lands some blows onto Kitana's stomach. She stays standing but is clearly hurt and tired. With determination to win, she has a burst of energy. She punches Raiden's chest and slaps his face with a closed fan. She follows with a high kick to his face, her heel stabbing his cheek. “Gah!” He holds his cheek in pain and falls straight on his back. Kitana starts to run up to him to finish the match with a clean blow. But Raiden is quick to react, sending a lightning bolt her way. She blocks but it was futile. She yells in pain and falls to the floor, struggling to get back up. Raiden sees that he is safe to stop his fighting stance. He slowly approaches. "You fight well, Princess." She grimaces, but picks herself up. "As do you, Earthrealmer. Surprisingly so."
"I hope we meet again. Under different circumstances." Kitana returns her answer with a puzzled look on her face.
"It's time for the final match. It's testament to your abilities that you've made it thus far. But now you must face General Shao." He appears where Kitana emerged out of, standing menacingly. “Victor of Tevarian War. Conqueror of the Kuatan Plains. Defender of the Navala Coast. As has his family for generations, General Shao defends us.." And you zone out. Your head leads you to the right, following Kitana sitting in the far right chair. She catches your stare and a half actually mad half pout comes your way. Before you could make a face back, an axe being slammed into the marble floor makes great noise. Raiden barely dodged, a bit surprised at the General's intentions. You stare at the fight but don't pay too much attention like before. You just know Raiden was beating his ass. He rolls in the air, infused with his lightning, into General Shao's stomach. Copying Sonic much, Raiden? Shao groans and lays. Raiden stares at him with open eyes. "It's over. I have done it!" Sindel stands up with a hidden sour face. "Congratulations, Raiden. Earthrealm wins." She slowly exits and Kitana follows. She passes by you and lightly brushes your hand. She doesn't look back to see your reaction. Your gaze lingers on her.
"Well done. You have exceeded my greatest expectations." Liu Kang warmly smiles. Raiden could only smile. "Thank you, Lord Liu Kang." He modestly bows his head. "Because of you, the Outworlders who would disturb the peace will once again be held at bay." He adds a bit of space in between his words, sort of admiring Raiden. " Come. Let us bid our hosts farewell and return to Earthrealm." Liu Kang grabs Raiden's shoulder lightly and brings him closer to you and the rest of the three. You bow, really proud of how Raiden's come to be. He reciprocates and bows his head gently. When his head comes back up, his face was beaming. Kung Lao quickly came to his best friend's side and draws him closer. "That was fantastic, Raiden. You really showed those Outworlders how it's done."
You find yourself wandering the castle halls looking for Kitana before you go back to Earthrealm. God knows when you’ll have the chance to come back, or if you ever will.
A pair of arms grip your shoulders and you immediately whip your body around to face your assailant. “It’s me, Kitana.” She puts her hands up and you sigh in relief. “Sorry, I thought I got caught.” She chuckles. “You did. Luckily, it was me.” She takes your hand and drags your hand someplace. You stare at your intertwined fingers and shiver. In both happiness and wariness. She leads you through the halls, her movements memorized. Her open hand pushes a heavy door with ease, revealing a huge bedroom.
She closes the door and pushes you onto her bed, your feet hanging on the edge. The bed was so soft, all you could do was sink. She flops down next to you, also allowing herself to sink in. She places her hand onto yours and stares into your eyes. “Can I kiss you?” You look down at her lips. They were a pale pink. You close your eyes and bring your face into hers. She laughs into the kiss and cups your face. Your hand finds her shoulder and you squeeze it. She pulls apart and runs her thumb across your bottom lip.
“I’m sorry about yesterday.” All you could do was stare at her. She was so pretty. “I shouldn’t have just left like that. I mean, leave you like that. You and me, I’ve never been told that, that was okay. But, you make it feel okay. That it’s okay to love.” She holds you in a tight embrace, despite laying down. You feel you sink even deeper into the bed. You wish the bed would just swallow you, to preserve this moment. You hug her tightly and shut your eyes.
“Don’t forget about my burger, okay?”
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mad-komet · 9 months
PLS drop the Spit Kink Approved list... pls
Well, if you insist... just keep a few things in mind:
This is solely based on the use of spitting, which I've defined as "with a focus on saliva, which must be expelled from the mouth with intent." Spit as lube does not count, that's something else, and niether does the mere presence of saliva, even if it's mentioned a lot.
I am only referencing the m/m fics in the Spit, Spitting, and Spit Kink tags. (there are actually eight which make the grade) Surely there is spitting in other fics that haven't listed it in the tags, but I am not reading all that.
Total 22 tagged fics; Spit (2), Spitting (4), and Spit Kink (16). A few x reader fics excluded on the basis of not being gay, sue me.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I am not including ratings, archive warnings, or the like for my own convenience - if you look these up to read for yourself, it's at your own discretion.
That said, here is the Certified Spit Fics List
Chronological by Date Updated
An Attempt to Tip the Scales by Borderlinemediocre
“I’m not stopping, babe. And you’re not gonna stop me. Give up.” Charlie says, punctuating his words by spitting on Carlo’s face. Brandon’s lightheaded, and not just from the choking.
Charlie finally, finally lets up and Brandon takes a huge breath in, chest expanding as much as possible. Charlie laughs at him, reaches down to spread his spit around a bit, thumb sliding into Carlo’s mouth.
Woah mama, this one is hot. They only spit once, but oh how economical and effective it is! This, to me, gets it just right irt spitting; it's degrading and intimate and uninhibited.
🔒Calamari by Fresh_penguin
He used his thumb to pull my bottom lip, opening my mouth. He spits into my mouth. Well, not really, drooled might be a better word. I could watch the glob of saliva leave his mouth and slowly make its way to mine. I stuck my tongue out just to make sure it hit.
The only one that was in first person. First instance of spitting into the mouth, which is by far the most common. Not quite as dirty as spitting on someone, but still very hot.
🔒[pkane advisory] With you, I'm badder than I've ever been (let's make the devil smile) by Anonymous
"Open up, babe, got a gift for ya," Patrick grins, thumb on Brendan's chin pulling his slack jaw down, Brendan's brain still too offline to comprehend what's happening, and then Patrick works his jaw and, eyes gleaming, spits the remnants of Brendan's own come, [sic] now thoroughly mixed with Patrick's spit, back into Brendan's mouth. He pats Brendan's cheek. "Swallow, baby girl."
Ah, this one is pretty dirty, but barely any spitting, and it's just cum. Not really for me, but maybe it's for you?
🔒couldn't help it by jesuisgrace
He pulls back out of his space and looks down, a wicked smirk on his face when he peeks back up at TK. He purses his lips - fuck have his lips always been that fucking pretty? - and spits right onto the head of his dick. TK’s moan echoes through the locker room as Patty smears his spit down the length of him. His hand is so fuckin’ big it’s like he can feel him everywhere, long fingers dragging up as he slides his palm around the head.
Oh yeah! Plenty of spit from good ol' tknp, and this one has a link to visual reference of np spitting ... fuck yes.
🔒[mattdrai advisory] The Day Leon Draisaitl Swore Never To Buy Another Apple Product Again by irrelevanttous
At the same time, ignoring the ringing in his ears and static in his vision, he pries Tkachuk’s lips further apart with his thumb. He squishes Tkachuk’s cheeks to hold him open and leans forward again, draping his chest all over Tkachuk’s to pin him in place. Then he spits right into Tkachuk’s open mouth.
Not a lot of spitting here, and only into the mouth, but hey that counts!
🔒I wore his jacket for the longest time by rain_over_coruscant (<3)
Dahlin snorts. “You can give it better than you take it.”
“Fuck,” Auston chokes, spitting out blood-snot onto Dahlin’s socks. Through the tears, he can see Dahlin cringe, and a horrible worm of an idea drops bright and stupid into his brain. Before he can back down, he gathers up more blood and spit in his mouth and spits it at Dahlin’s face. Dahlin lets out the squeal of someone just as squeamish as Auston and shoves him backwards, leaving him stumbling all the way back against the bed, blood still pouring from him.
Woah man, this one is hot. A winner's room fic, and it's the only Rasmus Dahlin/Auston Matthews fic. It's also the only one on this list that mixes spit with blood, makes it extra juicy. Not exactly what I was looking for, but I like what I got anyway.
🔒[penguins petplay advisory] skills competition by cuprun
Kris tightens his grip just a little, using it to tug Sid’s mouth open fully, and then he leans forward, gathering all the saliva he collected to the front of his mouth and spitting it where Sid’s mouth is open and waiting for it.
Petplay is not for me, but who wouldn't appreciate Kris spitting in your mouth?
🔒it would be a sin not to sin by tapedsleeves(pp tiny) for Lurlur
Adam spits on his tongue. Vince writhes harder under him, but he can’t go anywhere. He doesn’t want to, he just has to do something with how that makes him feel. Adam’s fingers dig into Vince’s mouth, his hands held firmly by Adam’s weight. “Swallow.” Adam says, firm.
Again, spitting into the mouth, and that's about it, but still hot and orally fixated.
Undoubtedly these are all hot in their own right, but only two of these really hit the nail on the head for what I was looking for in a "Spit Kink" fic.
That aside, 8 out of 34,101 is a meagre 0.023% ... that is truly slim for Men's Hockey RPF where it is the job of these men to spit! (So it's our job to write about it, amen.)
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yabagofmilfs · 11 months
no e challenge for the fic recs: one of the other names i use is captain!!
okay, since I know for sure you have diverse tastes i can stray into my meager non-sidgeno bookmarks!
C - come stitch me up by addandsubtract | tom wilson/michael latta | 10k | rated E
i read this early in my hockey scholarship and it has simply never left my mind since. tom gets uh. sex pollened permanently basically, and has to be full constantly. mike and burky take care of him. (now that i know more about burky it's a little funny to think of him in this role, but don't let that deter you.) cw for some major dubcon.
A - and change by umbrellacam | sid/geno | 9k | rated T
it takes more than 8 years for Sid and Geno’s soulbond to snap into place. the world building in this is so interesting, and the author beautifully illustrates how disorienting suddenly having your thoughts and feelings and memories merged with someone else's would be. and the slow realization of why they are bonded is of course painful and delicious.
P - pregame routine by trilliath | sid/geno | 4k | rated E
when two-touch gets derailed, sid needs something to replace his routine and get him out of his head. geno's dick will do. because why would you kick a ball around when your enormous bf can bounce his on your face instead?
T - taste of forever by red_crate | sid/geno | 2k | not rated
Sid's never let anyone but his mom handfeed him, but he's kind of a slut for geno out of the gate so.
A - a line that we can just go cross by whiskey_in_tea | tk/np | 3k | rated M
tk struggles with how to act normal around patty when he comes back from LTIR, and how to tell him he's worried about him. i love when fics show tk as this anxious awkward mess who cares so deeply with no self awareness of why or what he actually feels, just barreling through it all until it hits him all at once.
I - in breakable heaven by pinkerton | tk/np | 9k | rated E
the adventures of lesbian tk & patty transitioning to an ldr when tk gets called up to the flyers and np is playing in the PWHL. really loved the casual yet devoted dynamic and the way tk does whatever her enormous beautiful gf tells her. :)
N - not cuffed, just hemmed by hyacinthed | Jani Hakanpaa/Joel Kiviranta | 8k | rated E
do i know who these boys are? no, but who cares when i can read one of them having a mental breakdown because their teammate is a Big Boy.
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oooh do you have any other fic recs (of any hockey rpf pairing)?
anything in my ao3 bookmarks i would recommend! but i often don't bookmark my favorite writers because it's quicker for me to just get to their entire works via my subscriptions list. below are some of my faves from writers whose entire catalogue i'd recommend:
Fake Dating Your Lab Partner and Other Foolproof Ways To Have The Best Year Ever (trevor/mason) -- my favorite comfort read. absolutely nails the friendship, the trevor/mason dynamic, the side characters, everything.
How the Future Knew (tk/patty) -- a ship i've moved on from but i still come back to this fic
May these memories break our fall (gavin/seamus) -- exactly the fic we needed about CBJ writing seamus out of gavin's narrative
take me home tonight (thom/brendan) -- really gets at the uncomfy darker side of this pairing
Front Runner (bennguin) -- i love this fic because i kept waiting for the big bad thing to happen and it was such a relief when it never did and yet it still felt like a wonderfully complete story anyway
interplanetary fall (j.t./tyson) -- the theme is that i like fic where nothing too terrible happens
in the stillness, boys, clear water till the bottom (joel/morgan) -- one of my favorite scenes ever of gross boys being gross
heel (nate/e.j.) -- beautiful achey writing
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adelphenium · 11 months
idk if you partake, but if you do i found a tinder adventures of TK+patty fic on ao3 and so far its really cute
aaaugh ty for the rec, this fic was such a delight to read...!!! the dialogue and characterizations are perfect and so charming 🥹💘 i love how much fic authors can do in the space of several thousand words !! just blows my mind how soft and funny and full of life these guys are aaaaa.....
the fic is by @notthequiettype !
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eusuntgratie · 11 months
wip whenever
tagged by @onward--upward a billion times thank you for not giving up on meeeee <3
i've been working on an exchange fic and couldn't share but i'm finally back to working on my patty retires fic. PLEASE send me all your actually-finish-a-longer-wip vibes i am dying i want to finish herrrrr.
a longer snippet since i missed a couple of these (terri is tk's mom just fyi)
Two days later he’s pulling up to TK’s cabin, feeling more bummed than he expected to be that TK isn’t there, but Terri is waiting for him inside with a key on a 67’s keyring, food in the fridge, fresh sheets on the bed, and towels in the bathroom. It feels like… well, he’s not really ready to look at what it feels like to have her do all that for him.  “It’s good to see you, honey. I’m glad you’re here. Travis is so excited.”  She gives him a hug and tells him about a million things about Port Stanley and the house that he immediately forgets and doesn’t say anything about hockey or ask him any questions. He hugs her back and is surprised by how settled it makes him feel.  “Make yourself at home. If you need anything before Travis gets here, you call me, okay?” He feels like he should take her to dinner or do- something, but she bustles out of the house and leaves him alone in Travis’ space before he can offer.  He spends an hour just walking around staring at shit. The place is so TK it’s funny- almost exactly what he pictured when he’d talk about it. He stands with the fridge door open staring at a six pack for way too long but decides not to push it, fills up a cup of water and heats up a plate of food Terri left for him and goes to sit on the porch. It’s beautiful here, and for the first time in forever he just sits and looks out at the world, mind peacefully blank instead of the swirl of angry and frustrated thoughts he’s grown way too used to. 
tagging anybody who has words to share <3
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bbycats · 11 months
trick or treat 👻
hi!! i meant to respond to this last night but it completely slipped my mind.
one of my favorite wips right now is this genderbent number and because i have absolutely no self control, it’s a/b/o as well. i’m such a firm believer in write what you want to read and i just adore this fic so much.
i don’t want to give too much away, but the short synopsis is: tk is still a hockey player and patty is a staff member in the flyers’ public relations department because i think dating the person in charge of maintaining your public image is funny.
and in traditional omegaverse fashion, it’s pwp.
so without further ado, here’s a potential summary from the lovely little thing called: ‘oh, this is not their love’ aka the girl!fic:
Nolan’s pretty all the time. She’s pretty fresh out of the shower with her hair hanging over her face, she’s pretty when she’s yelling at the television with her legs spread like her father, but she’s prettiest like this- laid out under TK, flushed and sweaty and heat-drunk like a chick from a fake porno.
TK thinks she’s gonna wife this girl up someday.
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selkiefinalist · 11 months
10, 20, 22!
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
i don’t think so? WAIT - when i stumbled into writing hockey rpf i wrote this tk/patty fic at what was probably close to the height of that ship’s popularity, i had no idea, and the response to that was overwhelming (look it was very small potatoes but i’m more of a rarepair writer at heart and having more than like seven people read something was fun ofc but stressful). i’m back in my niche now thankfully for all of us
20. What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written?
oh no, maybe either heel or made up because they felt like actual titles and played on themes in the respective fics and made me feel clever which rarely happens as i am normally honoring the long tradition of panic-selecting from various song lyrics right before posting, as have those who have come before and will come after me
22. Do you know how your fic will end before you start writing?
yes, always*!!! the worst part is figuring out how they get there but i’d say i usually have a couple of scenes that are soooo clear to me right off the bat and thankfully one of them is the end or close to it
*i mean, who knows, statistically. but in my heart i think this is pretty accurate. and the heart is an accurate measure
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drunktuesdays · 2 years
Ooh do you have any hockey fic recs? I feel like you would definitely have good taste!
oh god. okay. with the caveat that i have never watched a hockey game, and i only very recently found out what geno malkin looks like, which i was VERY surprised about. i could not be more out of the loop about actual canon, and any opinions i have on the fandom or on characterization come from enjoying the beats and twists of the stories rather than any adherence to "facts" or "reality" as it exists.
that being said, here are some favorites i have returned to over and over again:
AO3 user Neerdowellwolf writes some of the most fun rule 63 fic of all time. I really like her Ducks fic, and in particular, this Trevor Zegras/Mason McTavish fake dating fic is absolutely killer. to the point where i actually do constantly forget trevor zegras isn't a hot girl.
i'm also usually in the tk/patty tags, because the dynamic between the two of them absolutely thrills me. You can pretty much sort by kudos and have yourself a really great time til like 10 pages back, but here's some of my faves:
this one by loveleah that has very very good patty pov.
this one where patty's father arranges a marriage for him so he can go be a 1890s farmwife HELLO???
this one that's just super super good by @amazonplanet
and this one that i love by @okaynowkiss
on the pervert side, there's a waxing fic that me and @okaynowkiss were absolutely bonko obsessed with. i don't wanna talk about it.
i also know nothing about jamie benn and tyler seguin but that's another pairing that has fic i vibe with. this is a A/B/O fic that i think does something SO interesting with the concept.
and this timeloop fic!
here's a few more pervert fics i won't be discussing any further:
patty/the flyers (please read the tags)
jamie benn/tyler seguin (EXTREMELY read the tag and summary and do NOT speak to me about this)
anyway the end bye
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yabagofmilfs · 1 year
love your fic recs!!!
😂 A fic that made you laugh out loud
Pretty much every tk/np fic i've ever read, but off the top of my head i'll go with like one of those cymbal crashing monkeys by whitchbhitch because i think of this line constantly:
Travis' instincts are busy staring at Patty saying "Big. That's a big boy. That's a big boy right there. Big bodied. I'll tell you what, that's a big boy if I've ever seen one," but that's just what his instincts do 24/7 when he's in Patty's vicinity, or when he's away but thinking about him, or even when he's completely distracted. His instincts are a mechanical monkey marching in a circle crashing cymbals but instead of cymbal noises what comes out is just a little voice yelling "Big! Big! Big!"
💘 A fic you couldn't stop reading once you started
Anything that Touches by saysthemagpie. I literally laid in bed all day reading it with tears trickling into my pillow, haha.
✨ A fic you wish you could read again for the first time
I don't have a real answer for this because I actually did go back and reread everything in the sidgeno tag when I was about halfway through it! I felt like I didn't fully understand or appreciate the dynamic at the beginning of my ~journey and wanted to experience it with the correct mindset, haha. It's called research, okay!!
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tkachunk · 2 years
Short Fic Recs (< 10 000 words)
nothing else shaking so you might just as well by iceguy (1470 words): (tim/brady) look i'll rec anything by ao3 user iceguy but this one is about an iconic moment in timbrady herstory (the tim fight against the oilers) and really nails the msrh codependency, even in a post-msrh era (the msrh is a state of mind. in a way, we're all living in the msrh)
luck and timing by aliquis (9870 word): (connor mcmicheal/hendrix lapierre) rarepair anyone? i would be lying if i said i could identify either of these players by sight but the author really nailed the enthusiastic puppy 4 bitchy cat vibe, which is a joy to read.
wish i had a river by puck yeah (4358 words): (tk/np) what happens to a relationship when needs aren't communicated and also patty exploring a post-nhl world, which is always delightful
so i don't have to keep imagining by preciousthings (6048 words): (superbuddies) miscommunication and pining! and then lying about miscommunication to save the friendship (gotta be one of my favourite tropes)
pages of my heart by deceasedraven (4350 words): (tk/np) i don't have the stats on this but i'm pretty sure this is my most reread fic. it's fun, it's funny, it's got kevin hayes acting like an idiot. what else can you possibly need in a fic
love is a game we deserve to play out loud by growlery (5349 words): (tk/np) every time i see this fic in my bookmarks i am SHOCKED that it doesn't have more hits. this fic has EVERYTHING; royalty au, pining, father figure claude giroux. rhyming.
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eusuntgratie · 1 year
OKAY OKAY OKAY so i started working on this a year ago at least... like before vgk even announced he was going on ltir. i love it and i want to finish it but i have commitment issues which i why i write so much shortfic bc it's really hard to stay focused on one longer project.
bascially its about patty retiring so he can stop hurting himself trying to play and so he can get away from the media and just be who he is. and tk becomes a big part of that when he asks him to come stay at his place in port stanley for the summer.
this fic is NOT my typical wheelhouse. there's not a lot of angst, and there IS smut but i definitely wouldn't consider it porny. but i love the world i've created and the softness of patty learning to let tk take care of him.
i've got about 10k written, i think it will end up around 15k maybe? and the whole thing is plotted. so i really just need to sit down and focus on it when my brain is not made of soup and i think i can bang it out.
maybe with the combined forces of @puckingfabulous @eliooliver83 and @amylauren13 this one will actually see the light of day. 🫠
you should be able to see all the snippets i've posted of this one here or in my #patty retires fic tag.
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