#it’s my cancer placements 😞
lillysilvermoon · 1 year
Qualities of your SP
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Hi everyone! Hope yall are doing great, as I promised the Tarot Reading who won was Qualities of your SP, but don't worry, tomorrow I'll post What June will bring to you? (College starts Monday so I'll do my very best to make 2 readings tomorrow and post What are your psychics abilities? In the middle of the week). NOW let's get into the reading!
Pile 1
The reading is about qualities but I feel someone need to kind know something about what its going on with them??? (This is totally NOT planned but it's what I'm feeling). See, this is for a VERY specific person, below y'all gonna see the characteristics but this message has to be given to someone about their SP so, if you don't feel it's for you just continue the reading to see their characteristics!!
Hum, okay. Right now they going through a very thought situation, there is something ending in their lives but they aren't accepting and this is just making everything awful - with ends comes new begins and opportunities, but since they aren't accepting they are stuck. The cards literally complete each other, 10 of swords talks about endings and the importance of them for new things, but they are so strongly holding on that they are turning down opportunities, and the sad is: they are regretting doing this.
They are a very gentle soul, with and because of the others cards, I fell like they are imbalanced with their feminine and masculine side.
They are kind, like arts in all forms, very creative too, they like to use all their senses. They like to enjoy the pleasures life has to offer.
4ofC is astrologically aassociated with the moon in cancer, this card carries a passive receptive energy (and since you got the Empress too they definitely have more of feminine energy).
They have very "Je ne sais quoi" that many envy, they mastered the art of looking effortless. They don't follow trends and honestly don't care about them, very laid back and chill and youthful energy. They eat what they want when they want and workout when they feel like it, they believe life is to short. Hmm okay wait, they have too a big masculine energy, but because of things they have gone through they can look careless is selfish, but they are actually very kind and gentle, you will feel safe with them.
This is a general reading so: for some of you this person can be extremely toxic, with victim mentality, prone to overreactions and drama. What I'm picking up is: they are is a bad place right now, but this isn't who they are. They are NOT bad, narcissistic is anything, but they have gone through a lot and aren't their best right now (I feel you SP has been very judged by others because I feel so protective over them it's crazy like, has this urgency to say how they aren't evil or bad they are just so... omg they don't even know they just feel miserable but they have a good, kind, gentle side and it's their true self).
(Sorry pile 1 but I feel this is what you were needing to see right now😞)
Signs: scorpio, pisces, libra, house number 2, Jupiter and venus placements.
Pile 2
Hi pile 2, let's get into your reading!
They have "the whole package". They are smart, funny, and physically attractive (whatever it is for you), very masculine energy (saturn) and this is a VERY major part of their identity because it's from a major Arcana (The World) - wow pile 2 you guys are so lucky 😍 -
They are definitely into self care and they take very good care not just of their body but of their souls too, they may be into meditation or yoga, tai chi chuan.
They can be in a career who have to travel a lot, very into teamwork and social friendly, practical and effective in communication, they like to share and talk about the things they do/products they use and recommend to theirs friends, they like team sports.
Definitely someone very kind and compassionate, great with children, can be a people pleaser sometimes (but since this is minor arcana I feel this isn't too much a part of their personality, but can happen!)
They doesn't have a big ego, it's the kind of person who make you feel like you are in this together, when romantically involved would make everything to make the relationship works.
This isn't for everyone but, for some here they can also be someone that makes you feel like they are hiding something or keeping a secret from you - for some this means that they are someone who likes to make surprises to you;
They can be someone obsessed over some part of they physical appearance and go to extremes to preserve it, like work out a lot, have a extreme diet or be obsessed with eat only healthy foods, very regimented skincare routine etc, may have trust issues, struggle with repressive emotions, be closed off, would benefit from therapy but probably aren't open to the idea
(At this point feel like this group is divided into a healthy person and someone who needs to do shadow work, talk to a professional and probably receive a HUGE hug)
Signs: moon, mercury, Mars (saints! definitely masculine energy), aries, aquarius and Taurus.
Pile 3
I got to say: you are my favorite pile, Gods your SP is just SO CUTE and wonderful. Honestly the healthiest one here (what's going on with people now day huh???). But let's get into your reading, shall we?
Omg I am SO EXCITED I'm sorry I just can, this SP is romantic and sensible and has a LOT of pieces energy; takes great care of the appearance and makes their health a priority, dress casually but you can tell they made some effort to look sharp, empathetic and compassionate, you probably won't see them judging others, emotionally balanced, unafraid of their masculine sides, they are daring and take risks - 100% would call you on a date without fear of a "no" - also they support their feminine side by embracing their emotions, will make you believe chivalry is still here, they make you feel charmed but not manipulated.
They are a very happy, zen and calmest person you will ever meet, they are very grateful and never takes anything for granted, their spirituality have a HUGE impact on their life, "big picture" thinkers, probably likes philosophy or have profound conversations and they may not reveal this in the beginning of the relationship, they may come off as very sophisticated or they can appear modest when in fact they are super wealthy, they tend to consume a very well-moderated diet, the like to enjoy the finer things in life but they don't tend to abuse substances or overuse. They are emotionally intelligent and know how to deal with their emotions in a very rational way, rarely loses their temper but definitely have healthy boundaries, have gratitude practices, they put a great deal of value in the amount of energy someone invests in their relationships and they are always nurturing quality relationships with others. May works in something family related, anything related to family including pet services. They are someone who makes you feel serenely content, you might make the happiest, most peaceful memories in your life with this person. Excellent parent and 100% spouse material.
Signs: cancer, scorpio, sagittarius, aries, moon, Neptune (pisces energy, Leo.
I am honestly very happy with this reading, took me more time but I loved - I study more about the tarot related to personality, was really fun and I loved put the theory in practice.
Hope y'all liked, see you in the next reading.
- Lia
Share so more people can see♡
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themthrfkinprincess · 10 months
Astro observation . . . TWO!!
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Whenever I see someone has a prominent Scorpio or Capricorn placement I always notice and see how sweet and overlay considerate they are. These people I’ve noticed are very helpful and there for people, sometimes they don’t think about themselves that much and contain themselves too much. They also are like nonchalantly funny? It’s not hard for them to make me laugh I’ve noticed.
But yeah strong Capricorn and Scorpio placements remind me of the giving tree idkkk
Like also Capricorn’s and Cancers be goofy as shit im crine😭
WHEW. This is from my experience but when I have seen a fair amount of Virgo or Cancer influences in somebody chart THEY ALWAYS GET ON MY NERVES LIKE GIRL DON'T DO ME LEAVE ME ALONE😭 I swear I have always had little moments with them- they can be quite annoying but guess what. I often spend so much time with them and we are right back on track maybe two seconds later it’s so funny. We switch up so much it funny. And this is funny because well I am a cancer myself and well there are more than three cancers in my family who I adore. You guys are really aggravating though.
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And like also Geminis freaky foreal like YALL LIKE BOOTY FOREAL😭
also its a double whammy if you have eros or venus in gemin lol. I have both 😈👅
so come here . . . .
AND YOOOO Like geminis and Leo’s can be so embarrassing at times? They’re very suspect to be very lollygagging individuals and I can say this because I have a Leo stellium. Sometimes I look back and be like girl no. It sad. ☹️ like girl you 36 how long you gon be doing this😕.
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They remind me of this liam dancing gif. Its not that they are embarrassing over big things- its just small stuff they can do and say which makes you go wtf???😭 Sometimes i feel they try to impress you over small weird things that no one really gives a fuck about like okay right . . . right . . .
Leo, Cancer, Gemini, and Virgo can be really corny at times- it reminds of that gif of drake doing the dougie. They can be corny in a cute way though😭but leos can get genuinely embarrassing as a mentioned beforehand
Also Geminis talk too much 🦧.
They will run their mouth and run it- i have no problem with it though I like to talk a lot lol. They are ( of course!) good listeners too! I had a friend she was so chill- I could talk to her about anything’s like- if i wanted to speak gibberish she would speak gibberish back to me. She was so random too. They are kind of silly whimsical beings at times I will not lie. Like it would not be wild to catch them froliciing in the fields randomly- its kind of expected of them in my own opinion. In my eyes they really be in their own world at times. 💀
And yo!? Tell me why Aries are so cute what the hell!?!?
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CYUTSIE PATOOTSIES!!!! I imagine them trying to rob me at a gas station I own or something. Like I don’t know imagine them pointing a gun at you and trying to rob you LMFAO. I WILL BURST OUT LAUGHING. They might shoot you tho idk😞 they really be standing on business and they intimidate me a lot once they start talking- and they could be totally be happy/polite while they are talking. It’s just their aura feels forceful? Lively? Out there? I don’t know how to explain it but yeah. Also they are so sweet too!!! These people are cheerleaders- people say that Leo’s are cheerleaders but the biggest cheerleaders I see are more often Aries. My cousin is one and she is very VERY sweet. She listens to you deeply and she really pushes you. Sometimes it’s annoying at times cause like GIRL LEAVE ME ALONE I DON'T FEEL LIKE IT 😭 I love aries though 💖😭 You guys are so cute. AND WHY THEY ALWAYS LOOK LIKE CARTOON CHARACTERS 😭
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And of course we know Pedro looks like chicken little
Also Aries women are GORG!! No seriously! Look at Halle!!! Miss Mamas is GORG!! She is STUNNING! It’s like 💥WAPOW!!!💥 getting struck and hit by her beauty😍💖
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Also David tennant so cute he's sort of like kind of my man😍😍 if you have a crush on him your so real I totally get it fren 😋💗🤭😁
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Like dude come on he's so freaking cute. His eyes are so intense it makes him look like a crackhead sometimes but it doesn't even matter HE'S SO CUTE. And his Scottish accent is so 🫦🫦🫦 I don't know what he be saying sometimes though in his TV shows like huh🗿
Cancer Mars are literally the Scarlet Witch idk dude. . . . like people can go completely BONKERS. These hoes kind of crazy. If you been wronging one for quite a while you better sleep with one eye open when you sleeping👀
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Like these people are kind of punks☹️. They retreat often when something is wrong- too much actually. They really do not want to fight or have any problems foreal. They can be very indirect at times when bothered it can get annoying. But when enough is enough its over💀 its like one fart and your dead💀
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Like that Aries and Cancer energy is not mixing well and shit can get REAL unstable there like don't do them patna!!
Uhm i totally had a million more things to say and I really did not get to re-read this. So there may be many typos- and also im kind of lazy and wish i decorated this post better. But that's besides the point- I hope you liked this post or whatever!!! I was totally honestly rambing to myself, if you found these accurate to you then great!
Peace out!!!💖💗
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seriallover · 30 days
hi,megan seems to have a lot of venus on her chart too though,they come close to her total mars equation so I wonder why it doesn't balance out
Rashi holds more importance than Nakshatra when determining if someone is Venusian, Martian, etc. For example, Megan Thee Stallion has her Ascendant in a Venus Nakshatra (Bharani) but in a Mars sign (Aries). Her Sun and Moon are in masculine signs—Aquarius and Leo. Her Lagnesh (Mars) is debilitated in Cancer, which is why she might be perceived as more masculine. Debilitated planets, in general, often feel misunderstood and have a need to prove themselves imo. Interestingly, Beyoncé also has Mars debilitated, but the difference lies in the Nakshatra placement—Megan's Mars is in Ashlesha, a Rakshasa Nakshatra, while Beyoncé's is in Pushya, a Deva Nakshatra. Unfortunately, public reactions tend to be harsher for Rakshasa Nakshatra placements.😞😖
The Moon is the most important planet in a chart, along with its dispositor. Megan’s Moon dispositor is the Sun, which is in Aquarius and conjunct Saturn. Beyoncé’s Moon dispositor is Venus, which is in her first house, conjunct Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn. This creates a significant difference between them. Both have a blend of feminine and masculine energy, which is common for all of us.😊 Megan isn’t an extremely masculine woman by societal standards; it's just that her energy differs. It's a balance of yin and yang and the audience they appeal to. Beyoncé’s energy is more traditional, likely due to her strong Virgo influence, embodying the maiden/virgin, ideal woman archetype.
But both of them have feminine looks and styles, but the real difference is in how people see them. Public perception doesn't define them, though—people often judge based on silly stereotypes and get intimidated by what they don't understand or can't have. 😠🤷🏻‍♀️💅🏼
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astroyongie · 6 months
Okay i need to let this astrology observation out somewhere so Is it just me or are cancers(or people with a lot of cancer placements) the literal menaces of society. As someone who knows a lot of them(mostly in my family) they are the most manipulative,victim playing pathological liars out there.They never take accountability for their actions and always find ways to put the blame onto someone else. Not to mentions that they’re just overall annoying af. And cancers with gemini placements,i have noticed, are such irresponsible people. You can’t rely on them for anything and they always expect someone else to finish their responsibilities,even when it concerns them. For example my brother recently was made to cut off soda by my mom(he’s a preteen)because he was drinking excessively and vouched not to drink anymore but proceeded to continue the next day and then when he was berated by my mom he blamed me for not reminding him that he wasn’t supposed to consume soda anymore…or when my cousin was sleeping over at our house and the nextt morning i was cleaning my room while she was still laying on the bed that we shared amd then when she realised she was about to miss her bus home she proceeded to get mad at me for not reminding her she only had ten minutes left when her phone was literally in her hand like girl 💀 Maybe it’s just the virgo moon/ rising in me that can’t handle careless people like them😞 I think a lot of people would say it’s because I’m a gemini with mostly air and earth placements so I naturally just don’t get along with their watery tendencies lol but that’s not the case since although i am not an emotional person in the slightest myself i am not at all bothered by “emotional” people and in fact i get along super well with other water signs most of my close friends and my two closest friends are scorpio and they are literally my soulmates and pisces is one of my favourite zodiac signs. Anyway sorry for my little rant but no one in my real life knows or is interested in astrology and i just had to let this out somewhere lol
this is an interesting POV when it comes to cancer energy. Cancer's energy (sun, risings and moons or stalliums) have unfortunately a think for emotional manipulation (and they are the best at it, even better than scorpio and pisces) and they do it unconsciously almost. They are also emotive for a reason the same way that they are very protecting and they would turn the world upside down for the ones they love
also yes, your Virgo rising might have some troubles with the emotional side of cancer when it is too overbearing. Virgos like to take care of people emotionally and bring them some boundaries and balance but cancer can be too much for them (virgo lack the straightness of Capricorn)
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misssakuramochi · 10 months
Hiiii dear🌷 Can I please request a matchup? If request is still opened and you're comfortable ofc. ✨💕✨
I am a girl, she/her pronoun, and have justtt turned into an adult. I’m an INFP I think? I have Cancer sun, Pisces moon and rising, and hella water placements in my birth chart.
I tend to be playful and polite, but my trust issuse has trust issues and it'll take a while, okay a long while, til I can open up the slightest. Then I'd turn into my inner impulsive, talkative mess with the weirdest ideas in mind and a concerning sense of humor. I’m sensitive, emotional, and can be really caring and compassionate. Well I’m the kind that’d never participate in a prank for fear of hurting other’s feelings. My creativity is helpful as long as you manage to keep my feet on the ground. Otherwise I may be over idealistic. 
I have an eye for beauty, and the other for literally everything around me (Detail-oriented at its finest, I love to perceive and analyze people). I loveee literature, enough to go to college for it. Social sciences in general are also my interest. 
I'm kind off the mom/therapist friend, solving my loved ones's problems and giving out brilliant advices I'd never follow. My love language is being your no.1 supporter. And being super random about it. I can take the smallest details about you to heart and go through hell for you. Also asking you the most hypothetically abstract questions. Also annoy you. I love to spend quality time with my loved ones, but I don’t promise that I won’t zone out during conversation or accidentally isolate myself. A girl needs her alone time 😞
Thank you so muchhh dear💕🌷 Please take your time and have a lovely dayy🍭
Hello my lovely friend! Could you kindly tell me which Fandom you wanted a matchup for? :)
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monocaelia · 2 years
hi didi!
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how are u doing? i was just thinking of u and wanted to say hi!! :D hope you’ve been happy and healthy 🤍 i have a fun little question to ask!~
if any of the genshin characters we know of today were real, who do you think you would get along with the most and why? xoxo
jade !! hello!!!
eheh, i’ve been okay! finals are over and im winding down after such a busy semester before i start writing again. playing rune factory 5/projsekai and watching miraculous ladybug [guilty pleasure LOL] <: i hope you’ve been doing well as well! <3
hmm, i think i would get along best with itto or childe. now. hear me out HAHA
itto because he’s so endearing and dumb. it would be such a blast to be around him and kind of be his voice of reason even though it rarely works on him. honestly, i find his presence in game to be so fun to be around. i had so much fun with his little event in the irodori festival and his story quest was really entertaining as well. i don’t think any moment with him will be a dull one regardless of what mood you’re in. he would be the type of friend to make you laugh in any situation and he just looks like he gives the best hugs TT
i’m an introvert and my closest friend irl is an extrovert PLUS a heavy childe kinnie so i think childe and i would be pretty good friends. despite being. really bloodthirsty, he’s really kind and hates lying/breaking promises, and i share that sentiment too. plus he’s really attentive and would probably read my mind regarding most things and i appreciate that a lot since voicing my feelings or opinions is something i refrain from doing. if he were my friend irl, he would push me to do a lot of things that i love to do and would always be there to support me and i absolutely would love that. we also share a lot of common morals?? as in we both hold our family close to our hearts and promises are a must. loyalty and not lying to the ones we love are important to both of us and i think we can bond over that <:]
and he’s good with kids and i have. a lot of nephews and nieces that he would love to play with when they drain me of my social battery so, HAHA.
pov childe and my nephews wrestling while i’m refereeing
plus, both itto and childe would either keep the conversation going for the both of us when my social battery runs out or they would let me sit there and enjoy their company while they do god knows what without either option getting awkward <:]
what about you!! please tell me who you’d get along with too!!
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dielitttt · 2 years
Astro Observations pt.8 (a little dark)💄
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TW: mention of miscarriage
my mother has prominent lameia (248) on her chart and has had many miscarriages. Since lameia asteroid signifies miscarriages and stuff like that no wonder she's gone through that.
theres this post i saw about having an afflicted moon in 4h and "makes the person’s mother violent, angry, unnurturing, selfish, and rude" which is true
if the asteroid nemesis (128) is touching your inner planets you might be prone to going through a lot of traumatic shit
12h stelliums have pisces like features or personality traits
Having alot of Aries degrees and cancer degrees might mean your very emotional and it shows or you may have a rbf 😭😭
pisces risings probably LOVED shit that had to do w mermaids when they were young
Yeah 8h venus ppl can be physically a attractive but it’s their energy that’s very magnetic
Aquarius or Sagittarius placements like studying different religions or cultures from what I’ve seen
Yes fixed signs are prideful, but the stereotype of Leo’s being prideful is true sometimes but it depends on what house or degree they have it in etc. , for example some poeple say that Leo’s don’t own up to things, I have a Leo mars and moon and I do own up to my things even if it’s bad.
Pisces Venus , 8h Venus , 12h Venus give me “Cant feel my face” by The Weeknd vibes when their in love
Gemini venuses are not cheaters nor Gemini placements in general please stop saying that when yk damn well anyone can cheat!!
Having your moon in an Aries degree could indicate you handling your anger by throwing or destroying stuff because you can’t properly express ur anger right but all this depends on what house or sign ur moon is tho (this applies more to the people who have a fire moon at an Aries degree)
Your close friends can Atleast share one or more placements you have for ex: my bestfriend shares almost all the placements on my chart but we act differently sometimes , she has sag sun, Scorpio moon, Scorpio rising, Capricorn mercury , Sagittarius Venus , Leo mars, and Aquarius Lilith. While i have sag sun, leo moon, Aries rising, Capricorn mercury etc. While we both have the same mercury we communicate very differently because I have my mercury in the 9h and 0 degrees while she has her mercury in her 2h at 10 degrees. She also has a twin brother who has the same exact chart as her but it also matters on the degrees etc. BYE WHY IS THIS SO RANDOM😭😭
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8h placements literally get shade for no reason at all like yesterday some girl was looking at me weird and because I had a charger in my purse?? like girl what and some dude that was sitting next to me was literally talking shit abt me RIGHT NEXT TO ME when I didn’t even do nothing like leave me be 😞😞
Capricorn risings or being saturn dominant usually have a boney bone structure or rlly skinny sometimes
Mars-Neptune aspects are really good at lying because of how much people like them and how much creativity they got when it comes to that
Aries risings May ignore their intuition a lot of times or just fire signs risings in general sometimes
Pisces risings and Libra risings Can have like rlly pretty eyes or can sometimes fit that blonde hair blue eyed standard.. (but this all depends on genetics, dna etc)
It’s like the universe is a prideful towards me like everytime i say nothing gonna happen the thing happens like wtf😞😞
Idk why but I’ve seen earth signs and cancer signs that r dudes MAJOR anime fans when they were young and still r sometimes. They probably debate abt which anime character is better☠️
people think I’m ignorant just bc I don’t care abt whatever is happening and I think it’s bc of my Capricorn mercury
Aries risings are so calm when there’s some chaotic shit happening
Leo’s give off that mean girl vibe but rlly sweet when u get to know them
My mom has a cancer rising but has it in a Leo degree so no wonder she has a lion like type of face and she has a lion tattoo on her chest 😭😭
I think the degrees in your ascendant can also tribute to ur physical appearance
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zombies-aliens · 3 years
Damn made a harsh realization. On placidus house system I’m a Leo on sidereal I’m a cancer and I thought even tho being a cancer would suck bc of all their emotions they have, always crying and the usual stuff astrologers make them out to be like they’re some kind of pain in the ass or whatever, it would still be better than being a Leo because.. well I don’t think I’m a Leo beecauseee I don’t get attention LOL so maybe I am a broken Leo AND IM A LEO RISING TOO DUDE 😞 and now I’m a cancer sun and rising but here I am feeling like I hate this zodiac sign too. But here’s the realization. It’s not the zodiac signs I hate. It’s myself I hate. And no zodiac sign placement is gonna change it for me 😞
I’m fine though. Of course I’d never share this irl bc it’s really stupid let’s be honest haa. And I’m probably just pitying myself 😅 i mean it’s probably just me being a double cancer anyway. I kinda feel mean to myself saying all that!!! I mean fuck I told my damn mom and she never mentioned it to me after I admitted I hate my fucking self. I don’t matter to her. I told my dad too and he didn’t say a word. I don’t matter to him neither. My own parents don’t really care about me like they say they do. Ah who gives a fuck. This is my life. I wish I could shut the hell up and just accept it. Nothings gonna save me and I can’t even save myself. When I move away from home I’ll keep contact with them to a minimal. No one’s ever gonna understand my side of the story
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babyfairy · 7 years
i feel like my aquarius moon really clashes with my cancer sun and libra rising 😞 like i’m really chatty and friendly on the surface and i do care abt my friends a lot but i’m always so distant!! and i never realize until they get (rightfully) mad at me for it rip
i’ve learned that the more you try and battle the traits of some of your placements the more prominent and (at least in my case) bothersome they are 😭 i think you should embrace it!! aquarius is such a fascinating sign. aquarians and people with prominent aquarius placements are truly like no other in my experience. also you’re ruled by venus! so you’re cute no matter what! don’t be too down on yourself about it!
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monocaelia · 2 years
i went to pick up my nephew and this kid saw my nuitalia hanging from my keys and he touched it and was like “i like youw action figuwe :3” and i almost bursted into tears TTTTTTTT
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astroyongie · 3 years
i have my lilith in cancer which i heard was the worst sign lilith could be in and to make things worse it's in my 1st house 😞😞 the stuff i read were all so negative and scary im :///
Lilith represents our inner shadow, our wrath and even if you have it in Cancer try t see it in a positive light ! because hey this makes you like super badass ! Lilith Cancers are very scary yes but that because they are so protective of the ones they love and care for which basically makes you dating material <33 Never be insecure about your placements, they are all especial in their own ways !
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