#it’s like she’s really next to gaz 🥰
kaitaiga · 2 months
The Embassy
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Woohoo more fake in-game screenshots featuring OCs! This time we have @alypink ‘s Aly too! This is actually the first time that Damien and Aly have met each other 🤓☝️
For Damien’s render, I tried to make it so that if the player took too long to move out of the surveillance room, he would ‘politely’ try and give the player a hint to move on 😂
*smoko: a short, often informal break taken during work or military duty.
I hope you enjoy! 🐻❤️
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islandtarochips · 3 months
Hellooo my dear!💕🥰 for the ask game
7, 10 & 14 for Tiala and Gaz 🤩 but if you have them for Koa and his wife I’d love to know!
Love ya!🥰❤️
Hola, Aly! Apologies for the wait of your ask! I was trying to make sure that I detailed it right for your questions. For BOTH Gaz x Tiala AND Koa x Aroha! I would LOVE to answer for both! So here are your answers!
7. Who likes forehead kisses? Who likes hand kisses? Who likes neck kisses?
Gaz x Tiala:
Gaz likes forehead kisses from Tiala for it is the GREAT opportunity to tease her. By leaning back a bit from her reach for they’re BOTH 4 inches APART of their height! I know Gaz loves to tease Tiala because of her height. But don’t underestimate her kicking your knees Gaz😂.
Tiala likes Gaz kissing her hand even though she try NOT to like it. For it feels embarrassing to do it (not really-). And she also hardly has that kind of treatment ever since her Ex dumped her. So this is a good opportunity.
Neck kisses? Tiala. She won’t admit it but couldn’t help it when it comes to Gaz kissing her neck. Giving her that shiver and ticklish feelings. And it makes her feel love even more whenever he gives her some kisses. And Gaz enjoys seeing her reacting.
Koa x Aroha
Aroha enjoys forehead kisses by her lover. Making her feel special which Koa would gladly keep giving her that kind of treatment. To let her know that she is always special to him.
Hand kisses? Aroha again. She would blush so much and smile softly at Koa gently kissing her hand. Reminding her the time of their wedding after saying their vows and putting on their rings on each other. That’s when Koa kissed her hand. Oh the memories. Until he became an asshole😒-
Neck kissy? AROHA. This man really knows how to treat his woman right after being that an excuse of a husband. And since he changed his way. She’s getting ALL the treatment!
10. Who plays with whose hair?
Gaz x Tiala:
Gaz would play Tiala’s hair. Braiding it, brushing it, styling it, etc. And it makes Tiala feel relaxed whenever he does her hair. Feeling his gentle touch makes her feel even more safe. She secretly enjoys it.
Koa x Aroha:
Aroha playing with Koa’s hair. I mean, a bit fluffy so she enjoys rubbing it around. And gives kisses too! Koa would smile to feel her touch.
14. What is something they argue about constantly? Is it a deep-seated issue or something small?
Gaz x Tiala:
Not too deep of an argument. Just small things. Like, maybe Tiala arguing to Gaz that he doesn’t have to give her gifts ALL the time. It’s wasting money and here’s Gaz saying back that it’s HIS money and he can do whatever he wants with it. Something like that. But don’t worry, they make it out- I mean UP afterwards.
Koa x Aroha:
Arguing about Koa’s work. No matter how many times Koa came back home from his mission. He always ended up getting calls to go to the next and it annoyed Aroha VERY much. She understands that he needs to make sure that the world is safe and THEIR family safe but he hardly stayed LONGER. Koa wanted to grant her wishes and would do it in a heartbeat. He's planning to retire soon after the events of the Black Ops 6 (hadn’t seen it yet). So he can live peacefully with his family.
This ask
And there you have it! Hope this’ll satisfy your curiosity! Thank you so much for the ask, pele! Love ya!😚❤️
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madstronaut · 6 months
baby's first soap fic (redux)
re-wrote this with the wrath of a thousand suns burning out after discovering my original post somehow disappeared/got deleted (even though the link was still in my masterpost? smh)
Reading: love you from afar by @roosterr
i found this while first tiptoeing into the depths of cod fandom on tumblr after huffing the gateway drug of simping for COD men (ghost fanart/fics) and the way johnny is portrayed here is what made me start looking up soap fics <3
once again so many absolutely delicious tropes here, key being clueless reader - though i vibe with reader being like "oh i guess im the person to leave a little treat for myself to find after a long day like my favorite choco on my bed" big mood reader, big mood - i aspire to your imaginary self-care standards
also johnny willing to bridal carry you after getting hurt and willing to stay with you at the docs? keep these kind of friends close <3
not me running to google language/meaning of flowers after roosty mentioned they were gardenias
i was late to the soap is canonically an artist/kept a journal game and freaking love it when writers incorporate it into their fics <3 also really brings to mind the phrase "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" - i have drawn/been drawn by friends and etc. and truly so touching to see how your love ones see you through their art <3
i also love that soap panics when his little secret project gets outed to gaz and co. who already know about his crush - i fucking love having wholesome little secrets with the intent to commit random acts of love/kindness/chaotic good/etc. etc.
"someone went in your room while you were gone?" ghost's low voice caught your attention, "bit creepy, innit," he grumbled, his gaze darting between you and somewhere next to you.
"christ…" ghost mutters, shaking his head in exasperation.
"could be a good bonding exercise," price had the same entertained tone in his voice as he looked between the four of you, "any thoughts, soap?"
please god i would commit crime to read teh side group chat where they absolutely roast soap for his antics...and reader for how fucking clueless she is
i vibrated out of my seat at excitement of plot twist of fake!admirer sending a fake note and wanting to meet reader, 10/10 storytelling *chefs kisses*
also "hey sarge" to reader? yes we love a girlboss (is this still a pc term? idk someone correct me if its not, still catching up to the barbification of slang words and reclaiming of feminine power with 'girlmath' and 'girldinner' etc etc)
"in fact, i don't actually know you at all. i couldn't recall your name even if you held a gun to my head." FUCK YES MY QUEEN FUCKING GET HIM FUCKING STEP ON HIM *sry busy morphing into that rabid dog barking gif to hype reader up*
when johnny says your name in that deep, gravelly tone, your heart skips a beat and your eyes snap to meet his. "who was it." he asks, but it's not a question anymore, and every fibre of your being is telling you to just give in to him.
my god when the quiet/sweet/always happy-go-lucky ones get angry it is so hot terrifying
and UNF THE LETTER!!!!!! THE LETTER. Every single fucking thing about the letter is pure perfection and sunlight "you're my person" 🥺🥺🥺 THE STRAIGHT-UP I LOVE YOU *claps johnny on back for saying it straight*🥺🥺🥺 signing off with "your heart" 🥺🥺🥺
i love how reader immediately takes off running, fucking yes queen GO GET YOUR MANS??? HURRY THE FUCK UP???
the two of you stay like that for moments that feel like hours in each other's embrace, only pulling away when your lungs are burning and your lips are swollen. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
"yer stayin' with me tonight, non negotiable." he murmurs, running a hand up and down the length of your spine. lmao negotiable?? sir??? reader did not even stand a chance??? who could tbh
last but not least, i learned the meaning of bawbag by googling it via reading this fic so once again, another absolute banger of a fic for cod fandom, ty for filling my heart soul ovaries brain with some much needed and at times completely useless light love and lore <3
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