#it’s like ordering F&B off of wish or something
pterodactylterrace · 2 months
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*less than two months ago*
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Beloved? You sure about that Condal? Just… forgot about the mass murder at the coronation? Never happened? Not one of those small folk remembered when she killed hundreds of them for absolutely no reason other than to stare at Aegon and then fly off?
If you were going for a more realistic reaction, they would have been cheering that the dragon and dragon rider that slaughtered so many of them answered for their crimes.
So, according to Condal, hanging a dozen rat catchers (I believe?) to ensure no other assassination attempts befell the royal family would turn all the small folk against Aegon, but the dragon that killed HUNDREDS of them was “beloved”? Did Aegon not meet the quota for small folk slaughter to be beloved or something? Is that it? You have to kill at least 200 before they go from hating you to loving you?
Someone get Condal’s dumbass out of the writing room. Let like 3 hardcore fans take his place. One TB, one TG, one Team Smallfolk. They will make a MUCH better and balanced show. And maybe something interesting will happen. I mean, do we really need five episodes of Rhaenyra’s council not listening? And huge chunks of those episodes just being a bunch of old men squabbling about “women can’t!” While Rhaenyra continues doing fuck all but getting upset about it?
Jesus, show us Aemond decimating the blockade with Vhagar now that Meleys’ patrolling isn’t an issue. Show us Sunfyre’s wounds and the men left to guard him! FFS, stop just standing around talking about what they should do and actually DO something already! Fuck, after Jaehaerys assassination why didn’t they all jump on their dragons and just burn down Dragonstone in the middle of the night? Riders without their dragons are just people. Dragon fire can cook them through the stone walls (see Harrenhal) but nooooooo. Just have a bunch of scenes of people blaming each other and doing nothing about it. Super compelling TV.
Season 1 I rewatched several times because there was usually something going on. Season 2, I was able to catch husband up on the entire season in under two minutes. “Aegon wants to be a good king, his son gets killed by assassins, Rhaenyra grieves the loss of her son, Daemon left for Harrenhal after Rhaenyra found out he sent the assassins. Cole leads an army through the crown lands, sets a trap at Rook’s Rest, Aegon drunkenly interferes and ends up getting roasted by Vhagar. Aemond is now regent.” Tada, five episodes summed up. Hit all the major plot points. Most of which weren’t even impactful.
The only two major events have been B&C and RR. We are over halfway through the season, and we have had less action and interesting things happening than the last three episodes of season 1.
We were promised all out war. Is the all out war in the room with us?
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lis-likes-fics · 4 months
The Kinder Beast
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Reader Word Count: 13.3k words Warnings: NSFW, attempted sexual assault, groping, oral (m and f!receiving), fingering, multiple orgasms, unprotected sex, technically coercion, thus dub!con, virginity loss, p in v sex, creampie... A/N: I wrote like at least half of this in one night and then stopped to sleep and ruined my streak. This was supposed to be done like three days ago but I had a bit of a menty b for like...a full day and that didn't happen. Anyway, enjoy me (finally) getting around to writing for Aemond. Thanks! <3
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He was always watching you.
Your skin crawled with the feeling of his gaze burning holes into your flesh. Always on you, always watching, daring to get you alone. You could never escape him.
You feel it at dinner as you pour cups of wine, one cup far more than the others. You feel it after dinner while you help the other servants to clean the table. Sometimes it is almost as though you can feel more than one gaze.
It haunts you.
Even as you're alone in the servants’ chambers where all the servants of the royal family slept after everyone has found sleep, you feel it. It's a horrifying thing, to feel so vulnerable so often.
You keep your head down at dinner, holding a pitcher of wine steady in your grasp and hoping against all hope that he would forget you were there. But the gods seemed to laugh at you and your naïve hopes.
“Aye,” he calls, raising his cup. “Serving girl.”
You lay your eyes on Prince Aegon, moving quickly as you cover the distance between you. Every inch demolished is an ounce of your bravery pouring down a drain until you are standing right by him.
You have to be careful tipping the pitcher, lest you spill the expensive drink all over his clothes, a hundred times more expensive than the wine. Though your fingers grip it tight and your palms shake the metal, you successfully manage your task with no issue.
It's as you're fixing the pitcher from its tilt when a greedy hand gropes the cheek of your ass. Your whole body jumps and you close your eyes, pretending all is well and that you are simply imagining the whole ordeal. You breathe in, straightening up and wishing he would let you go. Again, the gods seem to defy your every hope as Prince Aegon's hand begins to discreetly rub.
Your gaze shoots across the table to an icy one unlike the greed in his brother's eyes. He watches you, his eye dark and his posture so full of poise and elegance—contrasting with Prince Aegon's jaded, dulled position beside you.
Prince Aemond raises his cup toward you, inclining his head back as he sends a gentler order. “More wine, please.”
You nod, keeping your gaze to the ground as you were meant to, and you make your way to his side. Prince Aegon's hand is forced to let go of you, and a weight is lifted off your shoulders—even if the heat of his hungry gaze bore holes into the back of your head that no amount of food or wine would satiate.
Prince Aemond sets his cup down, and you fill it. And when you've finished, he nods softly. “Thank you.”
For a split moment, your eyes meet. Prince Aemond's gaze is much more considerate than his brother's, but it is no less intense. His stare is dark, dangerous. He watches you, and he doesn't stop watching. Just as Prince Aegon never halts his scrutiny, neither does his brother's—at least when you're in the room. Prince Aemond, if nothing else, is kind enough not to stare when he's not in the room.
Prince Aegon never looks away.
You feel like a bird, a bird locked in a cage to be forced to sing, to be looked at and spectated until they lose interest and snap your neck to replace it with something better, something newer and prettier than a common songbird.
Sometimes you wish they would just go on and be done with it.
“You're welcome, my prince.” Your voice is small, a whisper. Though he seems kinder, the both of them scare you to death…one considerably more than the other.
Even now, your hands tremble, the clinking of the cups on the tray you carry echoing through the hollow walls. You take a steadying breath, willing your heart to calm as you assure yourself that you'll be fine.
The door you stand before is large, imposing. The room behind it is suffocating, it's dark and full of dangers that make you want to run. The idea of crossing this threshold into a world beholding so much danger and threat leaves you shaking. But you can't leave. How you wish you could leave…
You knock carefully to announce your presence before you push open the doors and hope for the best.
You take a step inside, glancing around anxiously. “My prince?” you call out as steadily as you can. Your body grows cold at the sight of him, lounging back in a chair with a cup in his hand.
Prince Aegon smiles devilishly at you, his eyes slightly sunken into his face, marked by exhaustion and drunkenness. “Ah,” he says, gesturing toward you with a coarse hand as you continue to walk further inside, keeping your head down. “She's brought my tea.”
The sound of a second voice washes over you in a sea of relief, and you briefly thank the gods for granting such rare mercy upon you. “It's a shame it shall go to waste,” he says. When you glance his way, the sight of Prince Aemond fills your gaze. His eye watches you as he sits back, and his gaze never wavers. “You and I both know you prefer your wines and ales.”
You walk to the table separating the brothers, setting the tray down. Just as you do, Prince Aegon rises to his feet, his cup in one hand as he walks over. You're nearly shaking, staring at the floor as you struggle to find your voice the closer he gets.
You have to clear your voice in order to speak. “Is- Is there anything else you need…my prince?”
He smiles, coming to stand at your side, his face so close to your cheek. You can hear the way he smells you, his sigh blowing against your shoulder. “Yes, there may be something you can help with…” You shudder, staring at the floor and refusing to look his way.
Without turning away from you, the prince speaks. “Dear brother, would you mind giving us some privacy?”
You close your eyes, willing the tears away as you try not to appear weaker than you already do. You flinch when you feel his knuckle brush your cheek.
Prince Aemond hums, clasping his hands in his lap. “But I'm quite comfortable here,” he says matter-of-factly.
You glance up at him, a glimmer of hope in your eyes as you look upon him. He's got the smallest grin on his face, but he doesn't even look at you. He watches his brother as his annoyed glare darts his way.
Prince Aegon looks like he'll fight his brother. His hand drops from your cheek. The breath you let out is silent. “Well, there are plenty of comfortable places in this castle, Aemond. Perhaps you might find yourself there instead.”
He shrugs. “But watch how well my boots fit perfectly when I place them here.” He lifts his feet, one after the other, to rest on the table near the tea tray. Again, he grins at his brother.
“Well, boots belong on the floor.”
“A shame for my feet, really. They do so enjoy a rest every once in a while.”
Prince Aegon's frustration is clear. He rolls his eyes and looks at you, a glimmer in his eyes that frightens you. He lowers his voice to a murmur. “Then perhaps you and I can go somewhere a little more private to…speak.”
You open your mouth to say something—you don't know what, likely just incoherent stammers of little value. Prince Aemond, it seems, is your ultimate savior.
“Unfortunately,” he interrupts, “that is not possible either. You see, she is busy.”
You both look at him to elaborate. Prince Aegon glances around the messy room and shakes his head. “I don't see a job needing tending to.”
You could name a few, but you really just want to leave.
Prince Aemond is unfazed. “I do,” he counters. He looks at you. His gaze betrays no sentiment, simply focus and a bit of amusement at frustrating his brother. “Girl, you are to take His Highness’ boots over there and shine them until they are brighter than the sun.” He tilts his head. “We can't have the prince walking around with dirty boots… Do you understand?”
You nod quickly, standing a little straighter. “Yes, my prince.”
He nods. “And they are especially disgusting, you might acquire some help while you do.”
You don't know why he is helping you, but who are you to question him when he is being so kind?
“Yes, my prince.”
He turns away from you then, reaching forward to grab a cup of tea from the tray. As he stirs it, he hums. “Make haste then.”
You move quickly, nodding as you break away from Prince Aegon's presence. He huffs, rolling his eyes as he watches his brother. You snatch up the boots, stopping by the door as you leave the both of them, not daring to look either in the eye. “My prince… my prince.”
You flee, and the door closes loudly behind you as you do. Aegon turns to his brother, shaking his head as he moves to sit once more. “My boots are not disgusting.”
Aemond hums. “You haven't seen your boots.”
The sound of fire and laughter and music fills the air. It's dark out, so dark it would be hard to see without the giant bonfire raging at the center. It's the most fun you've had in a while. Queen Alicent released you and a few of the other servants from duty for the night to enjoy the festivities as gratitude for hard work.
“Come on! You're no fun when you do not join the dance!” Emalia urges, pulling lightly on your arm so you would come with her and the others.
You lean back on your heels, laughing as you shake your head and balance your cup in your hand. “No! I do not need to make a fool of myself in front of the whole dynasty by tripping over my feet and falling flat on my face, Emailia.”
She rolls her eyes. “Please! Nobody is watching you.”
You wish that had been true.
“Besides,” she smirks at you slyly. “You may attract a man's eye.”
“All the more reason not to go.” She groans, unimpressed by your insistence of remaining a total bore. You smile, letting her go. “Go dance. I am perfectly content to stand here and watch.”
She hums, giving up as she turns on her heel to leave. You laugh lightly to yourself. As you cradle your cup in your hand, you raise it to your lips for a drink.
You'd been alone for no more than a minute, watching people holding hands as they danced around the roaring flames, before you had, in fact, caught a man's eye.
“Don't you look pretty tonight?”
You fumble your cup as it falls to the ground, spilling its contents over the dirt. Chills rush down your spine, devouring every slip of comfort in your body and leaving you cold. You keep your eyes down, staring at the wine in your cup as you try to find your voice buried in your distress.
His voice comes from behind you, a dark hum haunting your being. You try to keep your voice level, but it's hard when your entire body feels like it's shaking. “Th-Thank you, my prince,” you croak, your voice as quiet as can be.
Prince Aegon stands so close, you feel his body brush yours. You try not to tremble, but it's a useless task. His eyes bore into the side of your face, and you feel the heat of his gaze devouring the rest of you.
“So pretty, I just want to…steal you away.” He steps closer, his lips right by your ear as he whispers in a low voice, “Would you like that? For me to steal you away from here?” You squeeze your eyes shut, attempting to remain calm. “We could do anything, just the two of us.”
You swallow thickly, plastering a wobbly smile on your face. “I'm sure it would be…a lovely opportunity my prince, but..” You open your eyes again and take the smallest step away, turning slowly toward him. He steps even closer, hardly a foot away now. “But, um, I have to stay here with my friends… They'll be missing me if I go.”
Foolishly hoping to the gods that they hear your plea, you're met with the sight of his dark gaze. Your breath hitches as you take a step back. He pursues, shrugging lightly as he tilts his head.
“Or I could order you,” he says. “If I say you must go, then they cannot argue. I am the prince, after all.” He smirks, lifting his hand to touch your cheek. You flinch, but it only makes him chuckle. “Would you like me to order you, pretty girl? To take that burden off your shoulders?”
The way he says it… “pretty girl”. It makes your skin crawl. You wish you'd just gone and danced, or never shown up at all.
Your mouth opens, but words are very hard to find as you struggle to speak. “I…”
You can't refuse him. You can't send him away and tell him that the thought of his hands on you makes you want to vomit. You could be punished, killed. There's no version of this where you come out safely.
His gaze burns into your skin. His hand raises to pinch your chin, and his thumb ghosts over your bottom lip. As you struggle to find an answer, to find a way out of this very dangerous situation, Aegon feels another gaze upon his own skin.
He turns his head, his eyes searching for the object of his sudden unease.
A frown overtakes his lips as his glare locks onto another. For a moment, he keeps staring. It's a silent battle of wits, a battle of will. He should be able to have whatever he wants. He's the fucking Targaryen prince, and what he wants is your bound-to-be-virgin cunt wrapped around his cock. He is owed whatever he desires.
But this icy glare is one he cannot withstand. With a huff, he drops his hand from your face. You hold your breath, glancing up carefully to see what has changed.
“But alas,” he mumbles. “It seems my mother is calling me.”
The shock is written all over your face, a mix of fear and surprise that has his desire for you growing in his belly. He smirks again, taking one last step into whatever space you had left as he takes your hand.
You purse your lips as he eyes bore into yours. Prince Aegon raises your knuckles to his face, slotting his nose over them as he inhales your sweet scent. You shudder as he presses his lips to the round bumps of your hand. You jump when he nips them.
His eyes peek up at you as he grins. “I will be seeing you.” He drops your hand.
You swallow thickly as he takes a couple steps back. Tentatively taking your skirts in your hands, you curtsy. “My prince.”
He hums, and then he's gone. You stare after him, letting out a relieved breath as you come back to your senses. You bend slowly, retrieving your cup from the ground as you try to catch your breath.
When you rise to your feet, your gaze is caught by that of the prince across the field from you. He flickers at the other side of the bonfire, his gaze just as hot and just as burning as the fire itself.
He stands there and stares at you a few seconds more. Then, just like his brother, he disappears into the night.
You're left standing there, frightened to the very base of your being.
Quite frankly, you despise the training grounds.
It's dirty and full of spectators eager to drink in the sight of sparring princes. It even rained earlier that night, so you are left to stand in the filthy mud, holding a tray of water in your hands and waiting for the imminent end of this session.
They always train so early. Sure, you would have been awake either way, but your sleepiness mixed with the anxiety of the princes (mostly Prince Aegon) is not a good mix.
He keeps looking at you.
Prince Aegon's eyes follow you when he's not on an active attack. You do your best to keep your eyes on the wine, hoping it would keep his gaze from you. But it's hard to do so when the lingering heat of his watchful eye burns you from out to in.
You can't tell if you're grateful or not for Prince Aemond's seriosity in his training. On one hand, his hard focus on his opponent means he's not watching you. But on the other…that means Prince Aegon is not too inclined to keep his eyes forward.
You feel your arms growing tired the longer you stand there. With a sigh, you turn toward a table behind you, setting the tray down to offer your arms reprieve. You linger for a moment, closing your eyes to breathe before switching out the two pitchers of water to seem busy.
When you turn again, you nearly drop the tray onto the ground. The smallest yelp erupts from your throat as you're met with Prince Aegon's dark stare.
“Forgive me, my prince,” you nearly stutter.
He hums, grinning lightly. “That's alright.”
You duck your head a little, balancing the tray in one hand and refilling his cup with the other. You pass it carefully to him.
“Many thanks.”
You give a short nod. “You're welcome, prince.”
He watches you over the top of his cup as he takes generous sips. He never looks away. It’s awful, being forced to see. You look away from his intense eyes, finding it increasingly difficult to do what he wants. But this works for him either way. He loves to see you cower…
Prince Aegon sets the cup back on the tray. Not anticipating the action, your weak grasp tilts and sends the tray askew. The cup tips off the side, and your eyes widen in panic as you watch it spill its contents all over the front of his gear.
A terrible gasp rips from your throat at the sight of it, Prince Aegon's gear drenched in water, his cup on the muddy ground, you standing there unable to figure out what to do other than grovel at his feet.
The words stumble uncontrollably from your lips, drenched in utter terror at his response. “Oh, gods! I am so sorry. That was an accident. I didn't mean to–!”
But Prince Aegon is not angry. In fact, he's amused. He chuckles to silence you. “Come now, pretty girl. No need for that.”
You stare up at him, your eyes clouded by unshed tears invoked by such sudden fear. He takes a step closer, in permanent violation of the space you have to your person. His voice is a low murmur when he speaks. “You and I can sort this out. Just the two of us… in my chambers… tonight.” He tilts his head. “What do you say?”
You freeze, staring wide-eyed at the prince as you struggle to find a way to get out of this. You can't refuse him, you can't. But he isn't going to let you go. How are you meant to shed this man from your life? He has implemented himself and ensured there was no way to escape him, not without force.
Your mouth drops open but no words come out. But, as it seems to be like clockwork, temporary salvation settles over you.
“My prince!”
You both turn your head, laying eyes on Ser Criston Cole as he holds onto Prince Aegon’s training sword. He offers it to him. “Leave the poor girl alone, and come fight your brother.”
Prince Aegon rolls his eyes, swatting a dismissive hand at his knight as he turns back to you. His smirk returns, if only for a moment. “Will I see you again?” he wonders.
“Prince Aegon!” He grunts. “Leisure is the death of men.”
“I’m coming!”
He looks back at you, setting his frustration to the side for just a moment. You’re always interrupted, there’s always something requiring attention. But not tonight. No, tonight…he would have what he wants.
He tears his gaze away to stalk back toward his knight and his brother. Ser Criston hands him his sword. Your eyes shift, and you find Prince Aemond…just as you always seem to do.
He watches you—just for a single second. A single second that always seems to last so much longer. He takes you in before blinking away, as though he’d never laid his eye on you to begin with.
You duck your head and try to forget the whole thing.
You duck your head and pray to the gods that Prince Aegon will forget the whole thing…
You close your eyes as you stop walking, planting your feet in the middle of the dimly lit hall. You hold your breath as you turn, bowing your head and properly addressing the man with a curtsey, a basket of sheets in hand. “My prince.”
Prince Aegon’s eyes are nearly as dark as the night surrounding the castle. They always seem so…consuming. Consuming in a way that begs for breath in depleted lungs. Consuming in a way that cries out for an end to the constant burning of eternal fire. You stare at the floor.
He crosses the space between you before he speaks. “I didn’t see you in my chambers.” He stands right in front of you now, generous with the couple of feet he distances you with—though he does not have much of a choice with the way you hold the basket between you.
You had hoped you’d been sly with your avoidance the night before. After he was dressed for dinner, you made quick work of tidying his chambers before you went to attend with the other servants to watch over the small feast with the royals. When he returned to his rooms, there was nothing else for you to do… You had no other reason to return, so you did not.
You had hoped he’d missed it.
You clear your throat. “I’m sorry, my prince.”
“What kept you?” He steps forward, always stepping forward.
“My, um–” You struggle to come up with an answer quickly enough. “My-my errands. I was caught up with…with dinner.”
He tilts his head, not quite believing you as he continues his agonizingly slow advance. You find some solace, however, in his snail’s pace. It means every tiny little step you take away goes slightly unnoticed as you move to keep some distance between you and the prince.
“Well, dinner is over, and I require your assistance,” he insists. He raises his hands and takes the basket in his own hands. You try to keep your breath steady, but you’re hot with fear and anxiety. “I am your superior, am I not? You must obey me, and I say that you…” he takes your basket and drops it onto the ground without regard, walking farther past it, “...must come with me. We have a few wrongs we must right.”
When the cold feeling of the wall shoots up your spine, you’re frozen with fear. You nearly choke on your words, you struggle to even breathe correctly as you look around frantically for any sign of help. But it is so late, the castle is sleeping and any other servants awake at this time of night are preoccupied with their own tasks. Even if someone was awake, clouds cover every inch of the sky, and no one wishes to be bothered with the potential of rain in the open halls.
No one is going to help you.
“Forgive me, prince, but…” Your pulse is loud in your ear, you can hardly hear your words over it. You swallow thickly, speaking around your stutter, “I have… I have other duties.”
He’s getting frustrated now. He’s been denied you so many times now, too many times. You don’t expect him to display much patience anymore as he stands so close that your shoes touch and your arms are pinned to your chest. You can feel his breath on your face, thick with the permanent smell of wines and ales. His height over you is commanding, and you may just start crying before anything is done.
He speaks quietly, low. It’s a threat in the disguise of a reminder, and it hurts more than a slap to the face. “Your only duties, pretty girl, are to me.” He shakes his head gently. “I will not ask you again.”
His hands find your hips, and your whole body flinches at his touch. The smallest yelp drops from your mouth as you squeeze your eyes shut. You’re shaking. You don’t actually realize it—there’s too much happening at one time—but you’re shaking. It feeds Prince Aegon’s hunger.
You force your eyes open, force yourself to look him in the eye as you shake your head.
“I don’t want to.”
He tuts gently, shaking his head as a terrible grin takes his lips. He even chuckles, it’s the faintest sound but it’s a chuckle and it shakes your soul. “Such a pity,” he hums. He tilts his chin down and whispers. “You don’t have a choice.”
One of his hands raises to grasp your face, but you swat it away. Surprised by your protest, something flickers in his eyes, and you know you’ve made a mistake beyond hitting a prince. He tries again, faster this time, but you’re so full of adrenaline that you’re faster. You keep smacking his hands away, squirming vastly as you try to shed his hands from you. When he does not relent, for even a moment, pressing his hips into you just to pin you into the wall, you do the unspeakable.
You slap him. Your palm meets his cheek with a force that whips his head to the sound, and you pale as you watch his skin turn pink.
The most dangerous smirk crosses his lips. He finds great pleasure in your fight. It’s the first real fight you’ve put up since the beginning of his conquest. It’s exciting, it’s thrilling. His blood pumps at the prospect of a hunt.
He turns back to you slowly, watching you with eyes that have become so much darker. They’re like black tar, an oozing kind of look that melds into your skin and leaves you feeling like you’re going to die. Maybe you will.
His hands grab you so tightly that you can’t possibly move him away. You fight anyway, flailing your arms and legs and trying to call out for anyone to help. You know your sounds are echoing, you can hear your shouts bouncing off the walls and filling the night… But part of you knows that no one will come to help.
Even if they can hear you past the thick walls, no one will come to help you.
Because he’s the prince, and you are just a servant girl. What are you to keeping their lives?
Prince Aegon wrestles you to the ground and lays you on your back, despite your protests, despite your resistance. He forces you to the ground, takes your wrists in his hands, laughs when the tears spill. You argue for him to stop, to let you go, to leave you be. You hope and pray and beg for him to listen. You curse the gods for their cruelty—you curse the Mother for her lies.
He gathers your wrists to one hand, and you think you’ll be sick when his hand gropes your breast so roughly that it hurts. “I knew you would be fun, pretty girl.” He laughs, high off the thrill. “I’ve waited so long for this, it’s only fitting we make it last–”
A harsh grunt leaves his throat when your foot finds purchase at his leg. Using all the strength you have, you manage to land a kick. His hands loosen considerably, enough for you to yank yourself from his hold. Just to give yourself more time, you kick again. This time, you manage to find purchase at his side. A string of curses falls from his lips, but you don’t have time to listen to them.
As soon as you’re free, you stand to your feet and bolt down the hall. You don’t know if you’ve ever been faster, the way you speed through the corridors. Your heart thunders in your ears, your tears tickle your face, your breath scratches your throat. But you can hear him behind you.
It’s a stalking sound. That kind of sound that tells you he doesn’t waste strength trying to run after you. His pursuit is taunting, it’s haunting. It forces more sobs from you, and it makes it hard to see past the tears gathering in your eyes. You look behind yourself. It feels like he’s right there–
You run into something solid. Knocked to the ground, you grunt at the pain that blooms along your body at the fall. You open your eyes and look up to see what’s stopped your escape, and you feel a sudden wave of relief. It’s not a gaze that especially calms your nerves, but it’s enough to know that you might actually have a chance at safety.
“Prince Aemond!” you cry, moving to kneel before him as you duck your head. You stumble over your words, it’s so hard to speak past the fear, the pain in your throat, all of it. You do your best. “I-I’m sorry, you… Your brother, he’s chasing me and he-he’s trying to, to hurt me, and I–”
There’s no use in trying to speak coherently anymore. You break down into sobs, sobs full of broken rambles that are fueled by the emotions demolishing you. You look truly pathetic like this, you know you do—covered in tears, your lip wobbling, your chest heaving with desperate breaths.
Prince Aemond looks upon you, his face a mask of almost indifference. There’s a spark of something in his eyes that you can’t quite place. But, quite frankly, you don’t care. As long as he helps you. He’s been helping you all this time, surely he won’t turn his back now when you truly need him.
You don’t know what possesses you to grab his hand. You’re just glad he doesn’t seem upset when you do it. You hope he understands you when you beg, “Please don’t let him touch me, please!”
His taunting footsteps re-enter your mind as they come to a stop somewhere behind you. Your blood runs cold when you hear him.
You startle, genuinely yelping when you scramble to your feet and rush to stand behind Prince Aemond, putting him between you and his brother and using him as your shield. To your sweet relief, the prince puts his hand out and holds your arm, keeping you behind him. Keeping you under his protection. You let out a shuddering sigh.
“Aegon,” he returns, his voice calm and measured. His gaze is unyielding, as it always is. You just hope that, as it always is, Prince Aegon is no match for it. “Are you tormenting this poor girl again?”
He laughs. “Tormenting? Heavens no. We’re just having a bit of fun,” his gaze shifts to you, “aren’t we?”
You press yourself more into Prince Aemond, hiding as best you can.
Prince Aegon can’t decide if he’s amused or annoyed. “And even if I was, the little thing put her hands on me.” He raises his brows. “These things can’t go unpunished.”
It’s silent for a moment as Prince Aemond contemplates something. He glances over his shoulder, not quite looking at you as he questions. “Is this true?”
You swallow thickly. You can’t lie. It’s the prince’s word against yours, and you did put your hands on him… If anyone finds out, you could—would be killed. Your voice wavers as you confess timidly. “Yes, my prince.”
Prince Aegon smiles. “You see? She admits it.” He takes a step forward. “Now, if you’ll excuse us.”
Terror grips you. “No–!”
“Step away, brother.”
He stops in his tracks, staring at his brother with a furrowed brow. Unimpressed by his jest, he gives an empty laugh. “Excuse me?”
Prince Aemond tilts his head, raising a brow. “I do not believe a stutter passed my lips.” His hand lands on the hilt of his blade, a warning. “I said step away.”
Prince Aegon’s lips curl in a sneer, but his eyes…his eyes hold a predatory gaze that make you feel like you’re already trapped in the beast’s maw. “She’s my servant girl. I can do as I please. Give her to me now.”
He remains unfazed. “I do not believe I will be doing that.”
“Get out of my fucking way, Aemond.” He advances, his eyes on you as he comes forward to take what is rightfully his. You begin to protest, scared sobs falling from your lips as you panic.
But Prince Aemond takes his own step forward, but his gaze is much harder, and his determination is much more dangerous. “Touch her and we shall both be half blind, brother.” His threat is level and true, and you feel yourself alighting with more fear at the sound of it. He tilts his head. “Now run along. I’m sure you’ve got a pillar to milk.”
Rage covers every inch of Prince Aegon’s face. He huffs as he shakes his head, moving to cover the distance. “You fucking–”
Everything seems to go completely still for a moment. The air is stagnant and all breath ceases when Prince Aemond raises his blade to his brother’s face, the sharpest end only inches from his blue eye.
But Prince Aemond remains unfazed. His gaze is piercing, his posture is strong. His voice is low and level.
“Do it.”
They stare at one another, another silent standoff. You’re still holding your breath.
Prince Aegon’s lips curl into a smirk. A chuckle slips past his lips as he takes a step back. He yields.
“Well played, brother.” He sucks on a tooth, turning his dark gaze to you as his eyes glitter with apparent amusement. You’d hoped you were turning out to be more trouble than you’re worth, but the only thing you’ve achieved tonight was sweetening the prize. “Don’t worry, pretty girl… I will be seeing you soon.”
He spares one last glance at his brother before turning on his heel and walking away. Prince Aemond relaxes a bit, letting his blade return to its holster as he sighs gently. When the other prince has fully retreated, he hums.
“Come with me.”
He turns and walks down the hall. It takes you a moment to catch up as the adrenaline begins, slowly, to fade, replacing itself with an immense amount of exhaustion. You turn and walk after him, wiping your face to try to rid yourself of the tears that had begun to dry.
You follow him down the winding corridors until you eventually end up on the familiar path of his bedchambers. When you arrive, he opens the doors without a word. It’s implied that you follow, so you do. He closes the doors behind you, and you slowly come to stand in the room, feeling so awkward here. It’s so late, surely you need to leave and try to retire for the night, put this whole thing behind you for a few hours.
Your voice is timid, your fingers hesitant as you rub at your face. “Are you sure I should be here?”
The prince walks past you, trailing to a table where a bowl of now-cold water and a cloth sit. “You can be wherever I say you can be,” he says dismissively. As he wets the cloth, he beckons you closer. You have to urge your legs to move, dragging yourself over to sit in the chair he is gesturing for you to take. You don’t look at him, anxiety still whispering in your bones.
“Are you hurt?” he asks as he tilts your chin up, beginning to carefully wipe away the tears that have covered your face.
It feels strange, but…nice. It’s nice to be taken care of. You’re too drained and too quieted to wonder why you’re being taken care of. You just want to calm down.
“No,” you mumble, sighing to calm your nerves. “Thank you.”
He continues to dab at your face. “Don’t thank me yet.”
You furrow your brows, looking up as you lock eyes. He’s…sort of pretty. You hadn’t really had the time or the mind to notice it before, but you don’t intend to make a habit of noticing. Once this night is over, you intend to forget it all.
“Beg pardon?” you wonder.
He stops what he’s doing, setting the cloth back in its bowl. Looking back at you, he tilts his head. His voice does not change. “You laid your hands on the prince.”
Just like that, the fear and anxiety return. You’re already tongue-tied as you try to defend yourself. “He was trying to hurt me–”
“It does not matter,” he says, as though it means nothing. And it does. He shrugs as he continues to watch you. “My brother has a reputation but he is the prince, and you are just a girl.” He hooks his knuckle under your chin, tilting your head to look up at him a little more. “Who do you think they will believe?”
Your breath picks up once more, a heavy thing in your chest that makes you feel like you may faint. You wet your lips, shaking your head. “It was an accident. I was scared, a-and I panicked. I–”
“It is not I who questions your words,” he hums. “It will be the public’s when they learn you tried to seduce the prince.”
Your heart pounds so heavily in your chest. You swear you can hear each thump against your ribs. “But I didn’t–” You pause at the look on his face. It is not him who questions your words. You swallow thickly, looking down at your hands clasped in your lap as you try to gather your thoughts. Your voice is so quiet when you speak again, weak with your defeat. “What am I to do?”
He seems pleased that you have begun to ask the right questions. He pulls away from you, removing his holster from around his waist to set his weapons down. “Even if he says nothing, you are still his servant, and I cannot be there at every turn to help you.” He looks at you once more, his eye unwavering. “One way or another, he will have his way with you… and no one will care when they hear your screams down the hall.”
You duck your head, fiddling with your hands as these terrible feelings eat away at you. But then he speaks again, carrying words that have you glued to his every sound. “There is a way, of course, that I can help you.”
You sigh. “I’ll do anything.”
The slightest smirk curves his lips. He walks back toward you, his steps so slow, so measured. Every step he takes fills you with a strange kind of dread. His voice is so soft, the opposite of the fear-inducing sound of Prince Aegon’s.
“My brother will care less about you if you are…” he raises his hand to the top latch of his garb, undoing it slowly, “...already sullied.”
Your eyes widen as you watch him unlatch each metal piece with a clink, clink clink. A shivering heat courses through your veins, the kind of heat that has your body covered in gooseflesh. A million thoughts rush within your mind, but you haven’t the slightest clue what any of them are saying.
Had he been any other boy from in King’s Landing—a peasant from Flea Bottom, a servant in the Red Keep, a merchant from Cobbler’s Square—you would have watched with bated breath, accepted his proposal with a shy grin, fingers shaking only with the anticipation of a night of pleasure. Had he been anyone else, you might have considered sharing the night, knowing and accepting that you’d likely have to take his hand to avoid the shallow slanders of society.
But he is not a merchant from Cobbler’s Square, or a servant in the Red Keep, and he most certainly is not a peasant from Flea Bottom. He is Prince Aemond Targaryen, the son of Queen Alicent and King Viserys I, the rider of Vaghar, the second largest dragon in the world.
You cannot do this and come out unburnt.
Your throat is dry as you try to shake your head. “I-I can’t.” You stumble over your words uselessly. “I’m— You’re— We–”
He hums. “I can just tell them that you attacked the prince.” Fear strikes your head like a chord. “Of course, you would lose a hand…if not your life.”
A tear slips down your cheek to replace the old ones. “Please, my prince–”
“There’s only one way to solve this,” he says, walking toward you once more so that you’re forced to look up at him. He’s taller than Prince Aegon, and his gaze can be just as dark. “I can give you back to the beast, who will maul until he gets what he wants…” Your eyes close, trying to force the memory from your mind. He tilts his head and waits for you to look at him again.
“Or I can ruin you for him.” His proposal sends an unwanted shiver down your spine. You audibly sigh at his suggestion. “Then he shall no longer have interest in you.”
The gods have a strange sense of humor. Every time you suppose they’ve answered your prayers, they offer an alternative that you fight to determine better or worse. No win can ever simply be a win, no salvation can ever simply be salvation. It seems even now…that you’ve traded one beast for another. Now you’re forced to choose between the lesser of two evils.
Your throat is dry. You have to clear it in order to find words to speak, timid words that find a lot of difficulty in breeching your lips. You look up at him, your eyes wet.
“He won’t want me anymore?” You wipe at your eyes, trying to dry your constant tears. “You’ll…” You clear your throat. “You’ll protect me?”
Prince Aemond watches you closely, his gaze betraying no hesitance. He raises a hand to your cheek, brushing his thumb under your eye line to rid yourself of your tears. “You have my word,” he nearly whispers.
You look down at your hands, steeling your nerves as you squeeze your eyes shut.
It’s one night. Then you shall be free from the torment of the eldest Targaryen prince. Your troubles shall be put in the past. Just one night…then all will be well.
You just pray this beast is kinder.
You slowly rise to your feet, your fingers almost lethargic in their movements as you hold your breath. He's taller than his brother, just by an inch or two. It's enough that you have to crane your neck even more to look up at him. It has a strange effect on you, one that makes you even shier than you were two moments ago.
You sheepishly raise a hand to your shoulder, pushing your apron off until your arms are free from it. Letting your breath free, you release your arm from the sleeve next. It takes forever, it feels like, to shed yourself of your clothes. But when you’re bare before him, you can’t help but to cover yourself with your arms, trying to preserve what little ounce of dignity you have left.
But there’s no use in it now. He raises hand, slowly so as not to scare you, and touches your waist. You nearly shudder at the feeling, so foreign to you. He drinks in the sight of you, feasting on your body in gentle praise. You drop your arms, allowing him to see all of you.
“My brother was right about one thing,” he hums, licking his bottom lip between his teeth. “You are a pretty girl.”
It feels so different when he says it. It shouldn’t. His actions are almost as selfish as his brother’s, though at least you gain something from your nearing fate. But those words on his lips, they caress you. They send shivers down your spine and offer the smallest salve to the raging nerves preventing you from being calm.
You struggle to find your voice, not yet able to meet his eyes.
“I…” you sigh in an attempt to steady your nerves. “I am at your…your full service, my prince.”
One of his hands continues to rest at your hip, holding you close as his palm strokes your skin. You sigh, your eyes fluttering shut. It just…it feels so nice. It’s so hard to resist a touch as nice as this one. His other hand reaches up to cup your cheek, and you’re forced to open your eyes to meet his gaze.
He brushes the apple of your cheek, staring into your eyes. His words have your blood rushing, your breath becoming thin. “Have you ever had your lips around a cock before?”
Your eyes flutter at the question as you shake your head. “N-No.”
“Someone’s mouth on your cunt?”
Your throat is so dry, you keep having to swallow. “No, my prince.”
He hums. You can’t tell if he sounds pleased or not. “I suppose you’ve done nothing.”
His thumb strokes your cheek again. You lean absently into his touch. “That’s alright,” he says. He lets go of you to shrug the top layer of his clothes off, leaving him in his tunic and trousers. It’s already such a forbidden sight, heat rushes to your cheeks at a glimpse of it—as though you were not already standing bare before him. “I shall teach you.”
When his lips meet yours, you gasp against his mouth as your head begins to spin. You’re so startled by the sudden movement, it takes you a moment to actually realize what’s happened, let alone for you to gather the sense to kiss him back. His hand wraps around the back of your head to bring you closer, and a whining sound comes out of you when you feel his tongue slipping into your mouth.
This whole thing is so foreign to you, so forbidden and exciting and terrifying. Your breath shudders against his lips, and he feeds off your apprehension. He steps forward into you, and you nearly stumble back in an effort to keep up. You’re forced to stop your backpedal when the hard wood of the table digs roughly into your back.
Your stomach churns with a feeling unfamiliar to you, and you lean into it because you have nowhere else to lean. Aemond’s hands hold you tightly, his lips never relent as they suckle around yours. The tingling in your body has become so strong, your legs feel like they’re trembling, like your knees will give out any moment now.
When he pulls away from you, your breaths mingle in the short amount of space between you. They’re thick with whatever it is you’re feeling, this all-consuming lust that leaves you dizzy and wanting. You’re still so close, your lips brush against one another in a silent, teasing chase.
And you know you’ve passed the point of no return when you capture his lips once again, sighing into his mouth and delving into the desire driving you. You’re losing breath and your legs are becoming less and less capable of keeping you up, but you don’t care. You just need to keep tasting him, his lips, his tongue.
You reach for his tunic, pulling the fabric from his trousers and slipping your hands underneath it to feel the strength in his belly. He’s soft, smooth, but you can feel his muscles flexing against your touch. Aemond is the one who pulls away, panting heavily as he watches you. A smirk curves his lips and leaves you weak. You watch him take a small step back, lifting his shirt over his head and discarding it carelessly on the floor. You’re drunk on the sight of him, your lashes fluttering as you drive your teeth into your bottom lip.
When he pulls at his belt, you don’t know what to do. You just stand there, watching his deft hands as they begin to unbuckle it, pulling it from its proper place with a grand sweep. It drops heavily to the floor, and his trousers soon follow.
You hold your breath, staring at the erection between his legs. He’s long and flushed pink. You don’t know what to do, how to react. As you both stand naked before one another, the only thing you can really think to do is drink the other in.
Aemond interrupts your thoughts as he grabs your face again, smashing his lips against yours. You whine again, your tentative hands grazing his sides with a hesitant appreciation. He keeps kissing you as he moves, and you’re too distracted with the way his mouth feels against yours to do much else but stumble after him.
You’re forced to part when he sits down, his hands falling to your hips as he grips them tightly. “Get on your knees for me, pretty girl.”
The words wash over you with a shudder. You know that saying that is a show of power, a flaunt. He stole you from his tyrannical brother, and now you fall apart at the sound of the same name he’d been calling you. With no choice but to obey—both from obligation and a crumbling will—you do as he says as you slowly sink down to your knees.
You stare up at him, your eyes glittering, your lips parted. Aemond takes a moment, admiring the view before him with a sigh and the shake of his head. He thinks you look simply…perfect like this, awaiting his instruction with such an innocence about you.
“I want you to lick it,” he says simply.
You flush, feeling the heat burning in your face, feeling your core pulsing with a sudden desire. Your lips open and close, trying to figure out how to respond. You don’t know how.
Aemond wraps a hand around the back of your head, his fingers weaving their way through your hair. Slowly, he pulls you in until your nose nudges his cock. You sigh, the warm breath fanning over him and making him twitch. Swallowing thickly, you steel your nerves as you timidly let your tongue slip past your lips. Closing your eyes, you do as you’re told and you lick it.
He has an interesting taste, a salty kind filled with a heady scent that invades your senses. Your mind is clouded by lust, your fingers tremble. He closes his eye as he sighs. “Good, just like that. Do it again.”
You lean into the gentle praise, becoming a little braver as you continue to lave your tongue along the underside of his cock. It’s not hard to become addicted to it, his taste, his smell. It’s like you’ve been doused in a potion, one that intoxicates you with the strong scent of him.
You let his sighs guide you as your tongue presses against the vein running up his solid cock. He’s hard, and it’s daunting that he feels so stone-like. You take the initiative as you wrap your lips around the head of his cock, suckling gently around it as you swirl your tongue along the slit.
Aemond’s lips part, and he opens his eye to look at you again. “Good,” he says. “Very good. Suck harder.”
You do, rewarded with a gentle grunt that sends shivers all throughout your body. His hand flexes in your hair, and your breath hitches slightly when he pushes you an inch further onto his cock. Adjusting your mouth, you move to take him deeper, sucking him down however you can. Then, just as he’d pushed you down, he guides you back up. Following his lead, you move on your own, moving up and down and up down until you’ve built a steady rhythm.
“Good girl,” he breathes, this kind of hum that is far more rewarding than you would have thought. You follow his sounds, bobbing your head up and down his shaft with a growing enthusiasm. “Give me your hand.” He holds out his own for yours to take, and you do, pulling off of him with a sigh.
He guides your hand to his cock, wrapping your fingers around the base of him. His hand consumes yours as he covers it, squeezing it tight until a groan falls from his lips. He moves it up and down, setting your rhythm, up and down, just like before, up and down.
His hand guides you back down and you take him back into your mouth. You hear the faintest “fuck” breach his lips, and a light feeling floods your system. You must be doing it right. Another “good girl” falls from his lips, and you melt.
You build up some speed, squeezing hard and sucking harder to give him the pleasure he needs. Your jaw and your neck aches, but you’re too caught up in the way his moans sound to care. Your throat catches on a gag when you go too deep, and you gasp on your way up, pausing for a moment to adjust before you take him again.
You feel Aemond’s hips beginning to twitch, rising off the seat a bit as he seeks the warmth of your mouth. When they buck up into you, forcing a gag to erupt out of you, your other hand shoots up to hold him still, nearly panicking when he does. “Yes,” he huffs. “You’re doing so well, pretty girl.”
A whimper leaves your throat, and his breath hitches. As your hand jerks at his cock, he grips your hair and pulls you off of him with a grunt. Your tongue lolls from your mouth, and you have to catch your breath as fresh invades your lungs. His next curse is much clearer as his chest rises and falls with his desire.
“Fuck,” he huffs. His gaze finds you, and he smirks at the sight of your wet eyes and plump lips. “Very good, my sweet thing.”
One of his hands wraps around your throat, and you gasp before his lips find yours again. You lean into it, loving the way his mouth slots so perfectly with yours. He grabs a hold of you as he wills you to stand with him. “My prince,” you sigh between kisses, drinking the lust he pushes down your throat.
You yelp when he dips down and lifts you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he walks away with you. You hold on tightly to him, finding it so difficult to pull away from his lips. “Aemond,” he corrects you, his teeth closing around your bottom lip. You lick it, pleasantly startled by it.
The smallest scream passes your lips when Aemond suddenly drops you onto his bed. He chases after you, bending over it just to continue his attack of your lips. You cradle his face in your hands, indulging in this forbidden pleasure. He breaks from your lips, his mouth finding your neck as he kisses and licks and sucks and bites at the skin. You gasp at the feeling, your mind hazy with it.
His hands roam your skin, his dull nails grazing it with a certain longing. His lips trail down, down, down. He kisses the lowest part of your belly, lifts your leg as he moves to kiss your knee. He watches you as he does it. He doesn’t say a word, he just stares into your eyes with every peck against your flesh.
Uncontrollable shudders rush through you as his lips press against the inside of your thigh, his tongue darting to lick, his teeth nipping. He goes farther and farther, closer and closer. You don’t think you’ll be able to handle it when he reaches the prize he seeks.
Your words come out as a peep. “My prince.”
He pauses at the very center of your being, his mouth so close that his breath ghosts over you, teasing you. He lingers there, his hands gripping the underside of your thighs. “Aemond.”
His voice is low, almost dangerous. You feel too light and floaty to feel the real danger that is this man. You’re in no position to refuse as you take in a shallow breath. “Aemond,” you whisper.
Then he smirks. It’s a devilish thing that leaves you burning.
You gasp when he dives between your legs, his hot mouth meeting your hot cunt as he laps and sucks at your folds. Your back arches off the bed, and you’re overcome with this consuming feeling that leaves you wanting more, more, more. You whimper, stumbling over your incoherent words. “F-Fuck, Aemond.”
He’s hungry for you, starving as he devours you. It’s hot and heavy, and you’re left absolutely shaking in his grasp. His arms wrap around your thighs, pulling you close and keeping you down.
Your hands fly to his hair, gripping his silver locks and holding them tight to find something to ground you. You can't breathe, you can't think. It's all white noise, the sounds of wet on wet, his heavy breaths, your weak moans. It's utterly intoxicating. You don't think you'll survive.
“Oh, g-gods,” you gasp. “I c-can't. It's so… fuck, it's so good. Please don't stop!”
It’s like music to his ears. The highs of your moans, the lows of your grunts. It feeds his hunger, his pride, his desire. It writhes within him like the fire that writhes within his mighty dragon.
Aemond’s tongue licks and flicks at your clit, coaxing you closer and closer. As you tug at his hair, deep groans erupt from his throat. As your release nips at your heels, beckoning you, luring you toward that edge like a siren’s call, his name echoes off your tongue. He holds you down as you grind against his face, searching for more of him, a glutton for the pleasure he provides.
“Aemond,” you gasp, your body tensing as you get closer. “I’m so close. Please don’t stop–”
Your mouth drops open, your entire body suddenly alight with ecstasy as you reach that boiling point. White flashes behind your eyes as desperate shudders wreck you from the inside out. Your thighs tighten around his head, and his tongue never lets up as he continues to lap at your cunt. You gasp and moan and ride out your high like you’re afraid you’ll never feel it again.
He doesn't let up through your orgasm. He drinks it down, ever the starved man craving your honey. When the trembling has dulled down, and he thinks you can breathe again, Aemond sits up with a rather pleased look on his face. “You taste,” he hums, a large smirk covering his face as he licks his lip, “magnificent, pretty girl.” You melt at his praise.
When his finger teases the seam of your cunt, you look at him quickly, unsure of what you’re looking for. You whine when he presses his finger inside of you, pushing it in deep. The sensitivity matched with the slight stretch is maddening—and when he curls it, you lose your breath in your whimper.
You curse, not quite sure how to feel between your fresh release and his long finger seated so nicely within you. You cannot tell if you want to beg for more or ask him for a reprieve, if only for a moment. A moment to catch your breath, which is so frequently lost with this man.
But he’s far too happy to watch you tremble—and you do tremble. It’s hard not to when he plays your body like a player to a lyre. He thrusts his finger slowly in and out of you, content with the way you pant until he isn’t. As he adds a second finger, you clench your teeth and stifle a moan at the stretch. It’s a nice kind of stretch, it’s pleasant and warm but it drives you to madness.
He thrusts his fingers in and out of you, curling them against a spongy spot within you that arches your back in the same manner. The more he strokes you, the more you moan, and the faster he goes. His rhythm is quick and precise, and it's so blinding as it fills the air with the sounds of your moans, your squelching cunt, his eager breaths.
The pleasure swirls in your brain. It's the kind of pleasure that is just as much in your head as it is in your body, and you can hardly think past it. Bending down to meet you, his lips capture yours again. You moan into his mouth as they slide against each other. There's nothing tender about this kiss. There's never been anything tender about it. He's needy and primal, and it's the opposite of the composure this man holds as he walks about the castle with all the regality and elegance of a prince.
The way that you feel this pleasure is anything but elegant. You feel it with jerky limbs, with sharp gasps, with whining moans. You feel it with tugged hair and clasped thighs and clenched jaws. It's uncontrolled and incredibly indulgent. There's no restraint, as much as you try to keep yourself in check, he yanks these things from you and makes it impossible to be elegant.
“Such a good girl, you are,” he purrs, nipping at your earlobe. The praise goes straight to your core, straight to your pulsing clit. You're already so close, you feel the ebb and flow of a release pulling at you. “I can already imagine how perfect you'll feel around my cock.”
A whimper escapes you—a pathetic sound, really. He swallows it down like a sweet elixir, drunk on the taste, drunk on the feel. He could spend forever here, with his fingers shoved in your cunt and his mouth all over your body.
When he breaks away from your lips, he moves down your body and attacks your cunt, fingers still thrusting. You react immediately, rolling your hips against him as his tongue laps at your clit. You're so caught up in it that it takes no time at all for you to come again, this time all over his hand.
You shake as you shout, high-pitched whines and shallow breaths and blinded eyes. Your pussy clenches around his fingers, and he keeps coaxing the ends of your release from you even after you've settled.
When you go limp against the sheets of his bed, he pulls his hand out of you. You feel heavy, your eyes drooping and your chest still full of needy breath. You forget, for a moment, that you're not done. It's hard to keep up so fresh out of your virginity. You never thought you would lose it so thoroughly.
Aemond kisses your release from his fingers, humming at the taste of you with a growing appreciation. His hand wraps around his cock, and he groans. He's still so hard, and you wonder briefly if it hurts.
“Sit up, pretty girl,” he beckons, holding a hand out for you.
It takes a moment for your body to follow the order. When you do you grasp his hand as he helps you up. He wraps an arm around your waist, the other at his side as he pulls you in and kisses you with as much hunger as he began.
When he lets you go, he does so to move off the bed. You sit there, attempting to gather your thoughts. Everything is still so hazy, there's a slight confusion that is so difficult to gauge.
Aemond sits at the head of the bed, sitting back as he watches you for a moment. He seems to be giving you the moment you're needing. It doesn't last too long, though, because he reaches an arm out and wraps it around you to bring you to him, back to chest.
You can feel his cock pressing into your back as his lips brush the shell of your ear. A shudder runs down your spine.
“I am going to fuck you now,” he purrs in your ear. The smallest whimper escapes you, and his lips kick at the sound. “But before I do, I must tell you how much I've been craving you.”
You lean into him, no sense or care for the danger this situation puts you in. “I've been watching you.” A dull tingle sparks in your gut, arising in the tips of your fingers, of your ears. He was always watching you.
“You're such a lovely little thing.” He hums, “A sweet girl, a shy girl. No wonder my brother wants you so much. It's the only sensible thing he's ever done.”
He takes a deep breath in, his nose pressed into your hair as he does. With a sigh, he chuckles. “How lucky I am to have gotten to you first.” His hand flattens against your belly while the other strokes the inside of your thigh.
“You see, my brother…he would have ravished you.” The idea makes you cold, you have to force away the heat that pushes at your eyes. “But me…” you can feel his smirk against your ear as he whispers, “...I am going to ravage you.”
Your voice is a small murmur of a thing when you speak. You reach over your shoulder, your fingers finding his hair. “Please…” you whimper.
Aemond turns you around, lifting you up as he moves you to sit in his lap. His cock sits against your belly, and you lose breath just looking at him. You watch his face as his gaze covers you. His arms wrap tightly around your body, and when he kisses you, he has to move up to do it.
You cradle his head in your hands as you do, grinding your hips against him in your haste. He groans as you do, enjoying the way your pussy rubs against him. His strong hands wrap around your thighs, lifting you up again as he positions you over him.
When he eases you down, you whine into his mouth. But the intrusion doesn't stop as he presses deeper and deeper into you. Your thighs meet his lap, and you break the kiss to let out a heavy sigh at how far he sits within you.
You linger there, your mind hazy with the stretch as your body goes limp. It feels so good.
Aemond's hands flex on your thighs, and you moan when he presses you down, squishing your bodies together in an attempt to go deeper. “I can feel you clenching around me,” he huffs. “Do you want me, pretty girl? Do you want me to make you feel good?”
You roll your hips a little in his lap, your voice a permanent whine in your ear as you keep him close, your face buried in the crook of his neck. “Yes,” you gasp. “Yes, please fuck me, Aemond.”
He shifts his hands to grip your ass, and the moan that falls out of you is high and heavy. You hold him tighter, grinding down into his lap.
You fall into a steady rhythm soon enough—his hands guiding your rolling hips, your pitched moans, his strained breaths. Your thighs shake around him, it's so hard to keep it steady when you need more.
It drives you as you fuck yourself on his cock, searching even deeper for that pleasure, You're not used to the heat curling in your belly. It's white-hot, consuming. It makes you so hard to focus as it slowly begins to become all you know.
For a moment, you wonder if this is what it feels like to be a dragon. This overwhelming heat which makes a home inside of you. Hoarding, nesting, conquering. You wonder if this feeling is what makes the Targaryens what they are, rulers.
But then you remember. You remember who you are. You remember that dragons are fierce, and you could never even imagine being as fierce as even the smallest of the Targaryen beasts.
So you lose yourself in the pleasure until all you know is Aemond. His lips press against your skin as you ride him, his fingers digging into your skin as he licks and bites at your neck, your collarbone, your chest. When his lips wrap around your nipple, you're done for as you throw your head back. Pushing your chest closer to him, you bounce in his lap and indulge in this pleasure.
His moans vibrate within you. You're left gasping as his tongue digs into your nipple and sends electricity flowing through your veins. “Aemond, please,” you mewl. “Don't stop.” His tongue glides toward the valley of your breasts, and you arch your back into him when he claims your other nipple.
A sudden crack of thunder resembling a dragon's roar deafens you for a moment, and a startled gasp slips from you at the sound. You had not even realized it had been raining. If it weren't for the bliss clouding your mind, you would feel foolish for not hearing the rain sooner as it slaps against the windows of his chambers.
In your brief distraction, Aemond brings you in tight as he pushes you onto your back, and you yelp as you tighten your arms around him. His figure towers over you, and you hesitate for a moment as you stare into his eye.
He's pretty. It has an almost sobering effect on you. If you forget who and what he is, if you forget (for the moment) why you are here… you think that this is the man who you would allow to sweep you off your feet.
But he isn't, and he can't be. He is your prince and (for lack of better word) savior. You owe him a debt, which you will pay and move on.
So when his hips snap into you, you lose yourself all again to make all of this easier. Like the pouring rain outside, his sudden thrusts are quick and persistent. The sound of his cock sliding in and out of your dripping cunt matches that of the rain smacking against stone, against earth. You hold onto him, arms and legs, as he fucks you.
He holds you close, like he'll keel over if you disappear. His sounds, though deep and heavy, hold a certain desperation in them that transcends blind lust. As you moan in his ear and ramble nonsensically about how good he's making you feel, he buries his face in the crook of your neck and feasts at your throat.
Somehow, this position allows him to drive deeper within you. You're left gasping, seeing stars with every slap of his hips. One hand cradles the back of your head, tangled in your hair as you moan. The other grasps your hip and refuses to let go as he holds you still.
The rain outside carries on. It's more fitting than a silent night. The thunder rumbles and roars, just like the heat writhing within the both of you. “Do you like it, pretty girl?” he mutters in your ear, his breath thin and his voice low. “Do you like how I’m fucking you?”
You’re losing it, teetering on the edge of senseless bliss. There’s too much pleasure shooting in your body and nowhere to put it as you clench and shake and moan. “I can’t–” you stutter, wrapping your legs tighter around him. “Please, my prince, I can’t!”
“Do you want me to make you cum, pretty girl? Is that what you want?” His excitement and desperation mix in a heavy encouragement that has his hips thrusting rougher into your own. It feels so good for you to be able to think about what he’s asked. All you know is that he’s going to let you cum, and that’s all you want right now. You crave it, like the soil craves water, like your lungs crave air.
As you pull him tight within your embrace, you're driven by your need as you nod. “Yes, yes, yes, please.” You gasp at the roll of his hips. “I’ll do anything. Please give it to me.”
He loves hearing you say that. I’ll do anything. Part of him wonders just how far you would go. You’re already fucking him, the prince, in order to escape his brother, another prince. If he had his way—and it’s likely he will—you’ll find yourself in this position more than once following this encounter.
He just supposes you ought to be more careful to whom you speak those words.
“Beg for it,” he demands, his lips lazy against your skin. “Beg for me to keep fucking you. Beg for me to cum in you, to let you cum on my cock. Beg me to give you what you want, pretty girl.”
You’re too far gone to care, and your dignity has long since been shed. You’ve already sold your soul, you’ve already given up the virginity that’s meant to be reserved for a husband—were he ever to find his way to you. You have nothing left to lose but your life, and that has already been sold to the Targaryen reign.
So, as the thunder rumbles, you let the pleads fall. “Please, Aemond, let me cum,” you stutter. “Please cum inside of me. I need you.”
He’s losing control. It’s a confusing, conflicting feeling. He needs the control, he needs to feel it in his hands, especially as he takes you—something that was rightfully his when he decided you were. But you…oh, you just had to be so perfect, so obedient, so good. His control was slipping, and it was your fault, and part of him didn’t even care.
He held you still and he held you down as he fucked his cock into your squelching pussy and cricled his dept fingers over your aching clit. The sight of your tearing eyes as your foreheads pressed together was addicting.
You are the first to cum. The thunder outside of his window is loud, a terrible rumble that almost silences your desperate moans, the sobbing breaths that fall from your lips as you see white. The pleasure overcomes you like the pouring rain that drowns the ground in its consuming cover. You hold him tight, too tight perhaps. But there’s not enough sense in your mind to care.
You clench so tightly around his cock, he doesn’t understand how he was supposed to resist. With a few powerful thrusts, he spills inside of you with a low groan that sounds like a roar with the way it is drowned by the raging crack of thunder that deafens you both. Your cunt swallows his cock and his cum down, milking every last drop as he fucks it into you in deep, short thrusts.
You shake and tremble, still so caught on the ride that is the orgasm still ripping through your body. Aemond’s teeth graze the skin of your throat as his breath fans over your skin.
It takes a long time for either of you to come down. Tremors glide through your muscles as you lay on your back, your limbs very slowly loosening from around him as you lay limply on the bed. Your breaths mingle, an exchange of sobering lust which turns to solemn clarity for you and satiated hunger for him. As his gaze catches your face, he hums as he leans in and captures your lips.
As wrong as you know it is—though you know you’ve passed the point of moral obligation—you can’t help but to kiss him back. This man has consumed you, body and mind and soul. He has a claim on you now that goes even deeper, somehow, than the cum he’s shoved into your womb. You don’t know what you’re going to do, but for now…you simply give in to the intoxication of his desire.
When he pulls out of you, it's with heavy sighs and weak whimpers. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you to sit up, leaning all the way back until he’s laying against the pillows at the top of the bed with you right at his side. Despite your better judgment, you seek his warmth as you rest your head on his chest. Aemond throws one arm over you and the other behind his head.
Neither of you look at one another. It’s an unspoken agreement, while you both think over things in your mind. No gazes really need to be exchanged.
You thought, like some great metaphor, that the rain would begin to slow now that the frenzy has faded. You thought that the thunder would settle and the harsh patter of rain at the window would begin distant flicks of water on glass. But as you lay there, wrapped in Aemond’s embrace, the storm refuses to cease.
It’s a while before you find your voice. When you do, it’s still so quiet, and now hoarse with its overuse throughout this dark night.
“Will…” you lick your lip, swallowing thickly with a sigh. “Will Prince Aegon truly leave me be now?”
Aemond doesn’t respond right away. As he stares at the ceiling, you feel his thumb begin to stroke slow circles into your shoulder. It remains quiet for a long time. “My brother does not care whether you have your virtue or not.” His words would have pulled a gasp from you, were you not subconsciously expecting them from coming from his mouth. “He would have raped you all the same.”
Still, despite your suspicions, despite your inhibitions, you sit up just enough to look at his face. Despite everything, remaining oblivious seems like an easier choice than facing what you already know: he lied to you, and you let him do it because one evil is easier than the other. “What?” you whisper, apprehension in your eyes as you watch him. He stares back at you, taking in the sight of your innocence. He could not have chosen better.
“But he shall not,” he says, a firmness in his soft voice that eases your worry. “He will not cross me, and I shall have you transferred to my chambers instead of his to keep my eye on you.” He takes your chin in his grasp, pulling you close. “I promise my protection, it is yours.” His lips hardly brush against yours, it is you who closes the distance (no matter how much you convince yourself that it is him). You sink into him with a gentle sigh.
“He will not touch you. Now…” his eyes are dark when he says it, “...you belong to me.”
You always knew this was the route. You knew, whether you would ever admit it to yourself or not, that he always meant to own you. And you let him. You let him do it, despite knowing what he is.
He is a Targaryen, and all Targaryens must be beasts in the end, some more than others.
Prince Aegon is a cruel beast, a monster truly favored by none… but Aemond is no less cruel. He is a subtler beast, the kind that lies in waiting, charms with smiles and soothing promises, the kind that bargains in the dark and sways the monsters of the daylight. The difference between the princes is not the difference between good and bad. You know this. You have known this. You always will know this.
But Prince Aemond’s cruelty is kind…and you’d rather be monstrously deceived than beaten bloody and bruised.
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Ice and Fire taglist: @divinearchangel @alexxavicry @katsukis1wife @kmc1989 @the-nerdy-goddess @urmomsgirlfriend1 @ireallydontcareanymorebrooo @lover-of-books-and-tea @avalyaaa Tag yourself here...
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cyberm4n · 7 months
NSFW Alphabet for Alastor, Vox and Husk if you don’t mind pretty please!
as you wish :)
feat. alastor, vox, and husk
i wrote this over the span of a week and for a good portion of this i was pretty drunk so my apologies if it gets messy
A= Aftercare (what they’re like after the act)
alastor would recognize the need for aftercare but like as soon as you're fine and happy he's done with this whole ordeal. especially if you're someone who needs cuddles he will tolerate it until the exact moment you don't need him to.
vox tbh gives the vibes of like, he doesn't entirely think aftercare is necessary so only if he's in a good mood will he settle in and take care of you after.
husk is 100% all in on aftercare. you need water? done. need a towel? he's got them ready. anything you need he has it or will do it. he'd probably be SUPER big on cuddling though but he'd never admit it. he does get sleepy very easily tho.
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
alastor doesn't seem the type to have a favorite body part but if he did it would be your neck. sorry.
vox is definitely an ass man 100% he always appreciates some ass
husk i feel would be particular about your hands, idk why he just gives that vibe.
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it)
alastor is a big fan of cumming inside, leaving a mark on you
vox is 50/50 but he usually leans towards facials
husk is a creampier but in a more like intimate way.
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory)
i don't imagine alastor having a dirty secret but i 100% think vox has fuck machines and husk is lowkey into bdsm (the more tamer parts)
E= Experience (do they know what they’re doing)
i think in order of most experience to least it would be: vox, husk, alastor. i think alastor would have some experience but he doesn't do that stuff a lot yk, husk has definitely fucked before and knows his way around and i solidly think vox is an absolute sexual deviant and is the most experienced by far.
F= Favorite position
alastor is anything that establishes him a a dominant. thinking like a mating press cause he'd want to see your face but doggy style also works.
vox is a cowgirl enjoyer, or anything where you're on top of him. he likes watching you do the work.
husk probably trends to more vanilla like missionary but i don't think he'd have a favorite. he definitely likes anything where he can see your face though.
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
alastor would be super serious i think, vox is like mostly serious/intense but sometimes he's just in a silly mood and i think husk is always a little bit relaxed about it, unless it's something really intimate then he's being all romantic and shit.
H= Hair (grooming habits)
alastor is well groomed when he anticipates having sex whereas husk is well groomed regardless, and vox i think is the kind to always keep it hairless down there
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
alastor is almost always rough but CAN be a little bit softer. same with vox, both of them are doing it with the intention fo dominating you.
husk is 50/50 can be either tbh. in a relationship he'd prly lean more towards something sappy and intimate.
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
i don't see alastor masturbating at all tbh. sorry i know that's such a boring hc but like, i just don't see it happening.
vox 100% does, favorite way to blow off steam if you're not there. remember the fuck machines from earlier? yeah dude prly has a plethora of sex toys.
husk does but not often, like a normal amount. if he's feeling in the mood and you're not there or not in the mood as well he does mind it. he'd do the old man huff thing when undoing his pants tho.
K= Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual)
alastor would be pretty into choking and irgasm denial or like dubious consent. some form of cnc or just something that makes him feel like youre at his mercy. i think vox is in a similar boat but he'd be into the mirror kink or whatever it's called where you have sex infront of a mirror. husk would be into somno and overstim i think
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
alastor would be into privacy, given the fact he's like dominating you he wants the space to do so
vox doesn't care but in his office is where the majority of it would happen i think. he seems the type to rage the fuck out at his desk and need his little doll come make him feel better :(
husk is a bedroom guy but on the off chance the hotel is dead quiet you might be able to convince him into something in the parlor
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick/turn ons)
alastor is domination and owning you, vox is a mixture of possessiveness and genuinely wanting to get off, husk is all in for pleasure and pleasing you
N= No (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do)
alastor would never bottom, like ever. it doesn't matter how much you ask that man is never submitting to you
vox i don't think there's much but he's not into being dommed i don't think. it's a very thin line though because like sometimes he'd like to just be a bit mindless and get fucked and pampered more
husk would never do really rough play. anything that involves straight up hurting you is a big no
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
alastor would be a giving guy i think. not that he wouldn't enjoy you giving him head but it's a power thing right, when he goes down on you and you're writhing beneath him? it's heaven. skill wise 7/10
vox is a receiving guy, he loves watching you suck him off. i think he'd go down on you if you asked but it's not his first thought yk. skill wise 4-5/10
husk is a 50/50 again but i think he's more partial to receiving. something about you on your knees and taking care of him like that is so mesmerizing. skill wise 8/10
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
alastor could last for a really long time tbh despite the powerplay it's also mostly about your pleasure to dominate you. he'd be fast pace wise though
vox is about average for how long he lasts, there's somedays he's a little fast and he'd lowkey get embarrassed if you teased him. he's fast pace wise but it depends on how close he is.
husk is average but it also depends on what you're doing. anytime you give him head he's very quick to cum, and he'd such a fan of it tbh. he'd be a wildcard pace wise, really depends what you want him to do.
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
alastor doesn't like quickies at all, he likes time to do this shit properly
vox LOVES quickies idk if i need to elaborate more
husk isn't a fan of quickies but occasionally appreciates them.
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
alastor is 50/50 if it has anything to do where he has less power then no but if it's just something more he could do then yes!
vox is a cautious yes, but it's very unclear to me whether he'd want to just be an in the moment thing or like discussed before hand. he seems like the kind to randomly pull out a move midsex and gage your reaction
husk i think he leans closer to no, in his opinion the way he's doing things seem great so why complicate it more? but if you really want to try something he will
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
alastor can go quite a lot of rounds I think, like each round is around the same, the only reason he's stopping is if he thinks you physically can't take it anymore
vox can go like 2-4 rounds i think but they definitely get shorter as he goes. you're only making it to round 4 if he's had a rough day
husk is like max 2 id say. second round gets a lot shorter and he REALLY relies on you helping him out for both of you to reach climax.
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
alastor and vox yes but alastor could lowkey get possessive for no fucking reason. idk why he just seems the type to be a bit condescending especially if you have sex later.
husk is a no, i think. like if the activity required a toy then sure but he definitely doesn't have toys unless you were adamant about using them he wouldn't suggest it. i think he might get insecure he's not making you feel good enough though :(
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
alastor teases a lot but he's not a fan of when you tease him. if you do any sort of bratty shit he's 100% putting a swift end to it, but he does like the challenge. he seems like he might be into total denial so it's a dangerous game for you
vox teases and doesn't mind being teased but i think he's the kind to get frustrated if you're being a brat in public
husk is SUCH a tease. like you wouldn't really expect it but it's just little things in public with affection while no one is looking. during the actual act he's not one to tease much though
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
alastor grunts fr but like i think that'd be about it. other than little coy comments and some degrading praises he's pretty quiet
vox on the other hand MOANS. if you tease him abt it he will get so fucking mad. but like he's definitely loud asf too.
husk is a groaner but he also moans. he's like a medium level i guess? more on the quiet side, i don't see him getting loud
W= Wild card (random sincannon of any sort)
alastor really likes marking and will do so. like one minute you're just lying in bed, the next you're on his lap as he digs his teeth into your neck.
vox really likes handjobs idk why but he just does. something about watching you jerk him off gets him going
husk likes making out while fucking. like he's the kind to give you the sloppiest of kisses while he ruts into you.
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants)
skipping cause i feel like it's been answered thoroughly, they all have cocks that vary in size and grooming.
Y= Yearning (sexdrive level)
alastor has a low sex drive, mostly dependant on your needs. if you hc he's asexual then it's mostly on you to get him going or atleast express interest
vox has a higher sex drive but not crazy. dude mostly just likes to destress and fucking is a fun way to do that.
husk is average. but when he's feeling in the mood he makes it pretty clear.
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
alastor doesn't sleep after very often, unless you very specifically ask and he feels like you need him.
vox depending on the circumstances goes to sleep pretty quickly, like he'll do some basic aftercare and if he feels like you're fine he's dozing off.
husk is a sleeper but he'd make sure he stays awake long enough to make sure you're fine. since he's big on cuddling he'd be drifting off, murmuring in your ear and asking if you're okay before he finally goes to sleep.
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henry7931 · 25 days
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Got Your Body B*tch!
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This is Marco, he’s a raging asshole (for a lack of better words). I’ve known him all of my life, down to when we were young kids. And he’s always been a huge pain.
Marco, is the type of guy who’s cocky, always gets what he wants, comes from really nice rich parents, and incredibly insensitive.
He’s been that way forever.
I thought I was done with him when I left to go to college. That was until I walked in to my college apartment and saw Marco unpacking bags.
“Drewphus! I didn’t know you’re my roomie. You’re going to have to leave the apartment when bring a girl over, okay? Oh also, no touching my shit. I don’t want you get poverty all over it.”
If looks could kill in a moment, I swear Marco would be dead on the ground right now.
“I’m kidding…. Well, kinda. So here is your space, I hope you don’t mind but i already called the bigger bedroom since i was here first.”
“That’s fine Marco,” I say biting my tongue.
“Great, well have fun unpacking whatever you got in those two suit cases. I’m gonna have some private Marco time if you know what I mean”
Marco makes a jerking off hand gesture, I just roll my eyes and head into my new room.
A few hours past after I unpack and settle in, I order a pizza for dinner and lay back in bed.
All I can think about is how I’m about to have to live in the same quarters as Marco. The same guy I cant stand to be around.
So just like I always do when I get this stressed— it’s time to jerk off. (Something I’m sure Marco has already done 12 times today)
I checked my phone to see how much time I have until the pizza arrives, one hour. Great!
I pull off my shorts and open up my laptop. I feel a little embarrassed to admit this but I the kind of porn I like isn’t for everyone. I have a foot fetish. And not just that I this thing for jock athletes and their feet. I hate how much it turns me on especially since it’s guys like Marco that really get me going.
I start scrolling through and see this really hot jock with big feet. I click on his page. His username says AlphaAlex, he’s tan, dirty brown curly hair, six pack, big muscles…
I start mentally picturing him with me in the room, fantasizing him taking off his sneakers and dirty gym socks in front of me.
He says to me, “Hey Drew, do you mind rubbing my feet? I’ve had a really long practice and they are killing me.”
He puts them on my lag and says, “sorry if they stink!”
He lets me rub them and I ask him if I can smell them…
He says, “Sure, you can do whatever you want with them. After you’re done with my big jock feet, do you mind massaging my cock next?”
I stare deeply into AlphaAlex’s massive bulge on the screen. Almost about to nut…
Cum squirts onto my chest just as I turn to see Marco standing at my door with his cellphone recording in hand.
“Bro, wait until I show this to everyone! Now everybody going to know you’re a foot freak!!”
I hop out of bed and Marco turns around and I chase him butt naked through our apartment.
He screams, “Stop chasing me foot freak!!!”
Marco shuts the door and I feel my stomach turn. I beg him to delete the video but he doesn’t respond.
As I go back to my room, I cry into my pillow… I feel so mortified.
I lay back, wiping my tears and say, “If someone could hear me, I wish I can get revenge on Marco. No I want more! I want everything Marco has…”
I cry myself to sleep, nervous for what the next day had in store for me.
The next morning, I wake up feeling kinda off. It takes me a second but I realize that somehow I’m not in my room!
In a panic, I rush to get out of bed until I come across a mirror.
That’s when I see Marco’s reflection looking back at me!!!
“Holy shit!!”
I feel a moment of fear hit me… but then I remember my wish last night. Someone out there listened to me.
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I look at Marco’s face and then down at his body. Hes a dick but…. He is hot…
I pull off Marco’s shorts he slept in and his 10 inch hard morning wood comes flopping out.
“Holy fuck…”
I grasp it in Marco’s hand, which I guess is my hand now?
Nervous, yet kinda excited, I wasn’t sure what to do.
I looked down at the throbbed cock in my new new hands and immediately start jerking off.
I hop back into Marco’s bed and bring his foot up to his face. He actually has some sexy feet!
I start licking his foot from heal to toe. I relish in knowing the fact that he would go insane if he saw me with his body right now.
I keep tugging away at his cock and this maybe the best jerk off session in my life.
I twist Marco’s nipple and let out a soft moan.
“Fuckkk Marco your nipples are sooo sensitive,” I say aloud.
Hearing his voice sends me into a frenzy, just the thought that I can say anything, do anything as him. I have complete control of this dickhole!
I stand up out of bed and dash to the mirror, I grin at his reflection and jerk his cock even faster.
“Drew, it feels soo good, keep jerking my cock Drew. My body belongs to you now, my big feet, my sensitive nipples, my sexy abs… FUCKKKK THIS IS SOOO HOTTTT!!!”
I nearly screaming by this point and I feel every muscle in Marco’s body tighten.
I’m tugging so fast now and then cum sprays all over the place.
I fall back onto Marco’s bed covered in his nut. I look at his covered hand and lick it clean.
I lay back and gently rub his fingers back and forth on his stomach up to his chest.
Then reality started to sink….
Wait, if I’m Marco… what happened to my body?
I hear a distant familiar scream coming from the background.
“Oh shit…”
Heavy footsteps coming charging my direction and before I can even get up the door slams open.
Out of the door is my body…
My eyes get big, I don’t think I’ve ever been that angry. My face is blood red and he starts to charge at me.
“Hold up!” I say hopping on top of the bed.
He balls up a fist and starts to pull back. Before he can reach me I grab the balled fist.
I guess Marco’s body has quicker reflex’s.
I pull him in and toss him on the bed. I pin him down and say, “I’m a lot stronger than you now. You wanna talk instead?”
“F YOU!!!”
I twist my former weaker arm and he shouts out, “OWWW SHIT, FINNNE!!!”
I get hop off my body and let him turn over.
He glances me over and says, “did you just jerk off in my body?”
I look down at the undeniable evidence.
“Yeah, I did. It was amazing.”
“You piece of—”
I look down and notice the tent in my boxers.
“Wait are you turned on right now?” I say to him.
“You have a very noticeable boner right now.”
“Shut up! No I don’t!”
“What was it for you? Seeing your body all naked? Or was it when I pinned you down?”
He says nothing to me, just looks away.
“I mean you have very hot body Marco, theirs no shame in being turned on by it. Hell, I can’t stand you and I just had the best jerk off session in my life. What’s getting all hot and bothered? Is your hairy pits?” I hold his armpit up and step closer to him.
“Or maybe it’s the sight of your own cock.” I say shaking his semi-hard dick at him.
I move even closer to him. He looks like he’s in a trance.
“Oh you know what always gets me hard. Big manly feet,” I kick his foot up and show it to him.
I place his foot on my former bulge and start rubbing it.
“Does that feel good?”
He still say nothing but lets me keep going.
I push him further on the bed and pull off the brief I went to bed in my last.
My dick comes out standing straight up and leaking from the tip.
I place his foot on it and start toying with it using his toes.
He lets out a moan.
I look at my former face and he’s so turned on right now.
I pull his foot away and he says softly, “please don’t stop…”
“Oh you don’t want me to stop?”
“No… please Drew… it’s throbbing…”
“Well you’re gonna have to finish the job yourself, I’m going to shower and head to the pool.”
“Yeah the pools still open, got to make the most out of these last few warm days Drew.”
“YOU!!! Drew, you can’t just leave me like this!!! I want my body back right now!”
“Sorry DREW! But this wasn’t my doing necessarily. If anything this is karma for you being such a prick all these years. Now run along and go take care of that boner little gay boy.”
I look at the corner of Marco’s room and see his dirty sock.
“Oh here you go! A gift from me to you, enjoy!”
I give my former throbbing dick a pat and I run off to the shower, leaving Marco in his mixed emotional state.
I rinse off quickly and come back out, I walk back into Marco’s room and see he’s still on the bed— sniffing the dirty sock and wanking one out.
“Oh fuck you’re back already!” he says to me.
He looks so pathetic right now.
“Geez, just stay right where you are.”
I drop the towel and get into bed with him. I grab my former cock and push it into Marco’s throat.
“HOLY!!!!” he screams out.
I suck off my former body while Marco’s moans frantically.
I feel him running my former hands in his hair and I feel myself getting a little excited from it. It’s kinda hot being this aggressive and sucking my former body off.
He lets out a loud grunt and cums down my new throat.
“Better?,” I say whipping the excess cum off my mouth.
“God yeah,” he says taking heavy breaths.
I look at my former body in the eyes and for a split second I thought about kissing him. But then reality sinks in… that’s still Marco inside.
I get out of bed and say, “I’m heading down to the pool.”
I put on his bathing suit and he says to me, “Drew, I’m sorry for being such a dick.”
“I know you are,” I say back.
“Can we try to fix this?”
“I’m sorry to Marco but I don’t think we fix this, these may be our bodies forever. So you might as well get comfortable.”
I left him sitting in his now former room naked and silent.
When I get down to the pool it doesn’t take me long to notice others noticing me.
Some girls and some guys, I look over at some of the guys and even wink at one. He is super cute and fit.
I hop on to a float and lay back soaking up the sun. I wait to see if that guys going to make a move when the ultimate buzz kill shows up.
It’s Marco in my body.
“Sup,” he says to me.
“Just trying to relax.”
“Yeah well, we still need to talk.”
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“We don’t now f*ck off.”
He rolls his eyes and walks over a chair by the pool.
Soon that guy from earlier comes over.
“Hey, what’s up?” he says to me with a grin.
“Just laying out wait for you to come over,” I say with a smirk.
“Oh is that so?” he says flirtatiously.
He gets into the pool and now he’s right next to me.
“I’m Lois.”
“Marco,” I say introducing myself to him.
“So do you live here?”
“Yeah I’m on the second floor.”
“Nice, I’m on the third.”
We flirt and have small talk for a minute until he asks me out.
“Sure you wanna do tonight?” I say to him.
“Oh man, yeah I’m down,” he tries not to be too excited.
“Great, let’s say 7?”
“Yeah 7 works for me.”
“Cool,” I say grinning at him.
I peak out of the corner of my eye and see my Marco coming up to the pool.
“What are you doing?” he says to me.
“Oh hey Drew, this is my roommate.”
“Oh nice, I’m—”
“Don’t care dude, I need to talk to you Marco.”
“Uh okay, sorry Lois. I’ll see you tonight?”
“Yeah for sure!”
I get out of the pool and walk back to the apartment with Marco angry.
“What was that?” he says sternly.
“None of your business! Also you were just so f*cking rude!”
“I don’t care! You were flirting with that guy!”
“Yeah so? We are going on a date tonight.”
“Yeah, and you interrupted it.”
“You’re going on a date with a guy in my body?!?”
“It’s my body now and yes I am!”
“But… but you just sucked me off and…”
“And what? You thought that was something special?”
“Well what you did a few hours ago seemed pretty gay to me.”
“Yeah that’s because I’m in your gay body and plus that’s my body. It’s kinda like masterbation.”
“Whatever man, I really don’t care. If you want to pretend to be straight that’s fine. But I’ll be honest, I think you’ve always had feelings for guys. I know because I’m in your body and I’m still attracted to men.”
“SHUT UP!!!”
“So it’s true, you’ve been a dick to me my entire life about my sexuality, what I like, and it turns out you have some pinned up jealousy towards me right?”
Marcos looking down at the ground.
“We could have been friends, do you not get that?!? We could have—”
Marco grabs me and kisses me.
I was so shocked and I even felt butterflies in my stomach. We kiss for a few minutes before I pull back.
“I’m sorry Drew! I was never going to do all of that stuff. I… I don’t know how to say this… I like you. I like you a lot. Hell, I thought about kissing you just about every time I went to kiss any girl. But I have so much anger and you’re right I am jealous! I’m jealous that you’re out and proud of yourself. You’re so confident! Fuck!!”
“So why put me through so much!?!! I mean look at us, we’re literally trapped as each other now! All of this could have been prevented if you just owned up.”
“I thought… I thought you would have hated me so much that you would tell everyone the truth about me. So… I just, I was a prick.”
“Damn right you were!”
“Sorry… again.”
“It’s fine, I guess I’m sorry for causing this body swap thing between us. I made some wish last night to get back at you. I didn’t think it would become anything but then woke up as you.”
His eyes get big, “so that’s how this happened?”
“Yeah, I guess something out in the universe was listening in and heard me.”
“That’s nuts.”
“Yeah it is.”
“Well if we are being honest about everything. I wasn’t just turned on by you dominating me upstairs. I was freaked out and yet turned on from being inside of you.”
“Really? My body?”
“Yeah Drew, you’re cute. You have an adorable face, cute slim figure, you’re charming yet kinky.”
“And now I guess we are going to have to be each other forever?”
“Yeah I guess so.”
“Well if I had to be anyone else, I’m glad it’s you.”
“You mean that?”
“I do.”
I grinned at him and he smiles back at me. We both start to laugh.
“Are you still going on a date with this Lois guy?”
“Well not if an adorable guy who’s charming yet kinky stops me.”
“I guess that’s me now isn’t it?”
“Well I can’t fully stop you but I can tell you this. If you don’t go—we can order take out, lay in bed together, and fool around all night.”
“Hmmmm… that sounds promising.”
“Plus, I know my body really well. And I can tell you no one knows how to make that body feel as good as I do.”
“Is that so?”
He walks closer to me seductively and Im starting to get hard again.
“I’ll nibble on those nipples, toy around with my balls…I bet you these hands are going to feel so good working that cock..”
He reaches into my bathing suit and I gasp.
“Fuckkk, I guess I’ll be staying tonight,” I say barely getting words out.
“Hell yeah!!!”
3 Months Later:
“Babe, are you packed? We got to be at your parents in a couple of hours… Babe?”
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“Are you kidding?”
“We have time for a quick round, sides I’ll jerk you off using these sexy toes,” I say wiggling my feet at my boyfriend.
“Fuckkk… I guess we have time.”
Marco pulls off his shirt and I see the definition built into my former chest. He’s been hitting the gym a lot lately and everyday he’s looking sexier and sexier.
Marco pulls off his shorts and he’s already hard from these feet. It works like a charm every time.
I watch as my boyfriend grabs the foot that used to belong to him and he kisses every toe.
It’s crazy how quick the time had flown since we woke up as each other. I guess it helps that we are so in love with one another.
I start rubbing the cock that used to belong to me and now I’m hard.
“Babe, you are so talented with those toes… mhmmm that feels good.”
I use both feet and stroke back and forth.
He stops me for a second and plants my foot on his face.
“Did you work today without any socks on?”
“Hell yeah I did.”
He takes a big sniff of them.
“Fuckkk, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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ann1eee · 1 month
Shinazugawa Sanemi’s SFW+ NSFW Alphabet
Minors dni :)
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A• Aftercare
Sanemi isn’t very vocal about his love for you, but that doesn’t mean he has no other way of showing it. He spends the time after sex to rub your back, run you a hot bath and shower you with kisses. He feeds you your favourite food after sex, and kisses your forehead. His favourite way to show his love is to run his fingers down your back and gently kiss your shoulders.
B• Bedroom attire
Sanemi loves when you wear his clothes to bed. Seeing you in one of his t shirts or even a formal shirt makes his blood rush down there. Bonus points if you aren’t wearing anything except his shirt, and smell just like him. He’ll be kissing you before you notice him. If you decide to wear lingerie to bed, he ends up ripping it in order to get it off you as quick as possible.
C• Capacity
Sanemi’s job requires him to reach the peak of his physical and mental abilities. That applies to the bedroom, as well. He has endless stamina, and enough strength to manhandle you however you wish, and try out any new position on your mind. He can go as long as you want, but usually decides to stop after round 5 or 6. That is if you can handle it.
D• D1ck!
Sanemi is a big boy, 6 inches soft and 7.5 fully hard. His base is medium brown, and a pink tip to match. His dick is mostly straight, a small curve downward. He cums a lot, and cums hard. He likes teasing you by wearing pants where his bulge is visible. Loves it when you sit on him.
E• Experience
You’re definitely his first. As a demon slayer, he doesn’t have time for frivolous relationships, sexual or not. But after developing those feelings for you, he can’t help but feel attached and rethink his lifestyle choices. If he’s your first, you both spend your nights softly giggling as you try new things together. If he’s not, you spend nights smirking as you teach him how to use his tongue, hands, face and dick;)
F• Favourite body part
Sanemi loves your ass and your hips. Doesn’t matter if you’re under him or on him, his hands will always be on your ass at least thrice. Nonetheless, seeing your cleavage in public makes his head feel light, and you spend the rest of your time asking him to wait till you get home.
G• Gifts
Sanemi often buys you gifts as a way of showing his appreciation and love for you, since he doesn’t do well with words. He tries his best to make you happy, whatever way he sees fit. He likes gifting you necklaces and clothes. His favourite colours on you are white and blue. If you ever gift him anything, he’d first be shocked at receiving it, but he’d treasure it more than anything he owns. He smiles softly as he thinks about it.
H• Hair Down There
Sanemi likes keeping himself groomed, not only for you but also himself. If you admit to liking his happy trail, he tries even harder to keep it the perfect length and shape. He doesn’t shave himself bald, neither does he let it grow too much.
I• Irritating!
Sanemi has a short temper. He’s almost always irritated by something or the other. Yet, he tries to control his anger around you, considering the type of household he grew up in (the last thing he wants is to do something around you that reminds him of his father around his mother) But, there are times he just can’t control himself, like if you were hurt when he wasn’t around to protect you. He’d definitely be the type to yell at you after he makes sure you’re alive and in one piece.
J• Jealousy
Sanemi is THE MOST jealous person you know, and he has no shame to hide it either. He’s not into pda too much, unless he sees a man even remotely shooting his shot with you. Cue Sanemi flinging his arm around your waist and staring daggers at the poor man, who awkwardly shuffles away. He makes sure to let you know that you are his, and he’s yours. If you’re the one getting jealous, he’s gonna be spending the whole time staring at you and smirking. He kisses you hard in front of everyone you think wants him.
K• Kiss Kiss!
Sanemi’s kisses are the most intense, and they leave you breathless for a good minute. He likes to wrap one arm around your waist, and the other holding your chin. His tongue roughly snakes into your mouth as he pulls you closer. Sometimes he pins you to a wall and wraps your legs around his waist to kiss you deeper.
L• Lewd
Sanemi is hesitant at first, but after a while of being with you, he shows off his lewd side both in bed and otherwise. He’s open to trying new things, and teases you about them the next morning. His favourite thing to do at home is have sex in different spots- kitchen counter, bathroom, sofa, or the training grounds in his mansion when no one else is around to catch you. He sneakily touches your ass or your chest out in public, or drags you to a secluded corner to make out. 10/10 freak
M• Masturbation
Before meeting you, Sanemi masturbated once or twice a week, just to keep healthy and let out the pent up frustrations. He’d much rather train than waste his energy and time on pleasuring himself. After meeting you, he masturbates maybe once a month, if he’s away from you on a mission. He thinks about the way you look while he fucked you, and the sweet sounds you make.
N• No!
Sanemi’s biggest turn off in the bedroom is pain. No matter how freaky you two get, he’ll never agree to do something to deliberately cause you pain, whether you like it or not. He goes rough, yes, but only what you can handle. He’ll never willingly hit you or make sex painful for you.
O• Oral?
Sanemi loves going down on you more than you going down on him. He likes to watch your face as your expression turns into one of pleasure, and he doesn’t stop until you’re in total and utter bliss. He goes down on you until you whine and blabber, and only once he thinks you’ve reached your breaking point will he fuck you.
P• Positions
Sanemi’s favourite position is doggy. He loves your ass, and he loves grabbing your hair as he hits it from behind. He’ll spank you and leave light red handprints on your ass every time you’re in doggy. His second favourite is when you ride him. He’s extra soft with you when you’re on top of him, and offers you neck kisses and hickeys as he guides your hips up and down.
Q• Questionable
Sanemi’s weirdest turn on is you being cockier than him and standing up to him. He is used to people being scared of him and running away from him, so he doesn’t expect any different from you. But when you actually stand up to him and show him you’re not scared of him, he finds it amusing. This carries on to your relationship, where you being cocky even as a joke gets him hot and bothered.
R• Rare
Something you don’t see often when it comes to Sanemi is him talking to you about his past and his family. He rarely ever opens up when it comes to his experiences, and deals with it mostly on his own. One time he beautifully braided your hair and when you asked him where he learnt to braid, he grew silent. After a few minutes of you looking at him expectantly, he told you about how he used to braid his little sisters’ hair back when they were younger. Your expression softened but he didn’t answer when you asked him more questions about his childhood. Slowly but surely, he starts to open up more about his past and you’re always there supporting and encouraging him to share his life with you.
S• Sex
Sex with Sanemi is passionate, rough, and leaves you sore and unable to walk for a few days. He’s always there for you after sex, and makes sure to give you lots of affection and care. You usually have sex once every other day, unless he’s back from a long mission- which means you’ll be going multiple rounds every day. He always makes sure you’re comfortable or up for it, and never ever forces you to do it if you’re not in the mood.
T• Tolerance
Sanemi is a heavyweight, but he almost never drinks. Drinking has been a negative thing for Sanemi ever since he was a little kid. Alcohol made his dad beat his mother and siblings, and he feels too much like his dad when he drinks. If you like drinking and insist on taking him out for drinks, he’ll agree but keep a count on the number of drinks he’s had. He doesn’t get drunk easily, and takes care of you when you do. He never does intimate things with you after you drink, even if you insist on it.
U• Uncomfortable
Something that makes Sanemi extremely uncomfortable is talking about his feelings and expressing himself through his words. He’s not very expressive that way, and if you’re expecting someone who showers you with words of love and affection, he’s not the one for you. He prefers showing his love through his actions and the way he treats you.
V• Vocal!
Sanemi absolutely loves it when you make sounds in bed. He loves knowing he has that much of an effect on you, and kisses your neck everytime you make a sound. He himself is not very vocal, he mostly groans and breathes loudly with his mouth. He doesn’t moan too loudly and doesn’t scream.
W• Wildcard
Sanemi loves leaving hickeys and marks all over your body. He likes the thought of making other people uncomfortable when they notice the marks on your neck and chest. He also loves it when you leave marks on him, making sure to widen his jacket even more and show them off to anyone who sees him. He smirks to himself and asks you to leave even more marks when he comes back home.
X/Y• Yuck!
Sanemi’s ick is someone who is completely casual about their life. He loathes people who have unserious attitudes about important things in their lives. He loves someone who is driven about their goals and plans. He finds hardwork extremely attractive.
Z• ZzZ
Sanemi sleeps extremely less. Being a demon slayer, he’s always busy on missions and has to stay vigilant at all times. He usually sleeps after a mission, for a few hours. He’s a light sleeper and is almost always exhausted due to lack of proper sleep. After you insisted on him getting more sleep, he complies but only sleeps well when you’re in his arms.
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sxcret-garden · 7 months
Wooyoung ღ NSFW Alphabet [M]
ღ Ateez - NSFW Alphabets ღ Ateez Wooyoung x gn!reader ღ words: ~2.6k ღ genre: smut ღ warnings: heavy power dynamics in some parts (especially with sub!Woo)
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A = Aftercare (what he’s like after sex)
This hugely depends on what kind of sex you had. Overall he’s definitely caring, looks after you, asks if you feel okay and how you liked it. If he took on the more dominant role he’s definitely gonna rub your back, cuddle with you, get you some water, help you clean up,... there’s literally nothing he doesn’t think of. Will be ESPECIALLY cuddly if he teased you a lot during. But if it’s the other way around and you took on the more dominant role he’s gonna snuggle up to you like a cat. He will still take care of you eventually, but he needs to hear what a good boy he was first.
B = Body part (his favorite body part of his partner)
I really think he’s a boobs type of guy and also a bit of a perv, so I can’t not say your chest. Like… if you have breasts he loooves playing with them, squeezing them in his hands, just the feel of them, y’know? Huge fan of nipple play too, so you can expect him to give them a lot of attention. And if you don’t have breasts then I think the answer is still chest!! Idk, there’s just something about him marking up that part of you or resting his hand there as he makes out with you that feels so good to him. Plus, what better place to rest his head than your chest where he can feel your slowly calming heartbeat afterwards?
C = Cum (anything to do with cum)
He loves your taste and loves having you watch as he licks your juices off his lips after giving you head. Definitely the type to kiss you as the taste is still present on his tongue. As for where he prefers to cum… he’s not too picky about that. However, he finds it insanely hot if you get on top of him, maybe pinning him against the bed or a wall, and you tease him so good that he can’t but help cum right then and there in his pants. Will definitely blush a little at his failure to keep his composure, and if you tease him about it (or maybe even humiliate him 👀) you can be sure this guy will submit to you immediately and be hard again in no time.
D = Dirty secret (a dirty secret or secret desire of his)
Secretly he wants to try being under your command for a day or maybe even longer. Of course that includes any sexual acts you might wish for, whenever you tell him to, but it’s not just about sex for him. Wants to be ordered around by you and please you, do anything you ask of him, and afterwards receive praise or a punishment - whichever you see fit. And in between he’s going to be your little toy who’ll do anything you want.
E = Experience (how experienced is he?)
I think he certainly has some experience, maybe more, maybe less than what you’d think. But what I’m sure of is that he knows himself very well, and even if he has less experience, communication won’t be a problem for him, so it’s easy to figure out what works for the both of you either way.
F = Favorite position 
You on top of him, preferably with you being in control. Don’t get me wrong, I think he’s a total switch, but the thing he’ll keep wanting to come back to is simply you sitting on top of him, deciding on what pace you’re going at and controlling when he cums. He’ll go crazy if you keep edging him again and again until it gets painful, but even then all he’s going to do is hiss curses through gritted teeth and beg and at the same time he’ll enjoy you making him your little toy so much that most of the time he isn’t even going to think about taking matters into his own hands and finally getting that release he so desperately craves. Though such times do exist, and then he surely is ready to fight you for dominance no matter what…
G = Goofy (is he more serious in the moment? is he humorous?)
Sex with Wooyoung is definitely going to include laughter. It’d feel off to him to always stay completely serious throughout. Whether he’s chuckling to himself as he teases you, or laughs because one of you was being clumsy or something that you two imagined to feel good didn’t quite work out as well as it did in your heads - he knows how to lighten the mood and sometimes appreciates you doing it as well!
H = Headspace (how much does he think about it/you during the day? how elaborate are his fantasies?)
I think he has sexual thoughts less often than you’d expect him to. But when he does they’re usually deliberate, when he really has the time to make up elaborate scenarios. The type of guy who knows it’ll feel even better when he thinks about it until he really is painfully horny, and gets off to whatever thoughts are up in his head only when he can’t take it anymore. If he has a partner they’re definitely going to be the nr 1 person to appear in his fantasies, though from time to time he might think about someone else too.
I = Intimacy (how passionate or romantic is he?)
Very passionate at all times!! Can be very romantic too if it fits the mood, and won’t find it too cheesy at all to prepare the bedroom with candles and rose petals and all that stuff 🥺 though this won’t be the standard, but from the way he always looks at you with adoration in his eyes no matter what you’re doing, I’d say he is fairly romantic!! 
J = Jack off (how does he masturbate and how often?)
Pretty much every day, mostly out of habit and to briefly destress in the shower after a long day. Though sometimes, when he has the time, he’ll spend quite a while masturbating in his room (oftentimes while fantasizing, as described above 👀)
K = Kink (one of his kinks)
How could I not talk about his very apparent degradation kink here!! (Very uncreative, I know lol but come on!!) It does things to him to say the least when he gets pushed around a bit. I’d even go as far as to say he’s into being humiliated, like you making fun of him for cumming so fast, or teasing him about what a little obedient slut he is when it takes you no time at all to make him submit to you. Might start giggling and blushing right then and there, and will enjoy it even more if you punish him for that reaction. He’ll be painfully hard in no time, and at the same time he just can’t stop pushing your limits, until you start to manhandle him. (And even if he’s a lot stronger than you, this guy will simply play along and let you do to him whatever you want.)
L = Location (favorite places to do it)
Pretty much anywhere if y’all are horny enough djbdndndd he won’t shy away from semi-public sex, though he probably wouldn’t try to sneakily get you off with other people in the room (he’d certainly still tease you though). The bed, the couch, someone else’s bed, against a wall, the kitchen counter, a public bathroom,... anything goes so long as he gets to fuck you.
M = Motivation (what turns him on, gets him going)
Your reactions, your voice, your praises, even you pushing him around a bit… any affirmation is enough for him to keep going, and once he’s caught a glimpse of what he can do to you, he’ll get even more curious and want to find out even more about you! And even if the day comes where he’s seen everything, he’ll just want it all over again, so really it’s very easy to get him going and to keep him going.
N = No (something he wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Really he’s open to most things, but one thing he certainly won’t do is using sex as a distraction or as a way to fuck out your feelings before having talked about it. He wants you two to always be transparent with each other, as he would never judge you for anything and he wants a partner where he feels that they won’t either. Angry sex or anything similar is totally okay with him, so long as both parties know what’s going on emotionally!!
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Loves giving and receiving equally, so he’s definitely going to suggest 69 sometimes! Is a big fan of turning it into a game of who can make the other cum fastest, or of who can make the other feel so good that they lose focus and have to stop pleasuring the other. However, he also enjoys simply taking turns, because he loves watching your reactions and hearing you praising him about how well he’s doing. Plus, sometimes he really just wants to lean back and enjoy as you suck him off too.
P = Pace (is he fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He’s more on the fast and rough side, but can do slow and sensual too. Especially when y’all are just having sweet vanilla sex he’ll be so soft and caring with you 🥺 and yet he’ll keep a slow pace until you start begging him for more, focusing entirely on your pleasure as he makes sure to help you build up your orgasm slowly, so he could make sure your high shakes your whole body when it finally does come crashing down on you.
Q = Quickie (his opinions on quickies?)
A big fan tbh! Though it’s not a rare occurrence for something that was supposed to be only a quickie to turn into well over an hour of sex so cjbdndbdnxnx
R = Risk (does he like to experiment or take risks?)
He’s open to trying out pretty much anything, especially if it’s something you bring up to him. Will usually not find it weird, even when it’s something that would seem weird to others or that a lot of people shy away from. Sure, there are some things he won’t be into, but most of the time he’ll be open to at least try! As for risk taking - as I said, semi-public is definitely something he’d be open to, but he will make damn sure you two don’t get caught.
S = Stamina (how long does he last?)
Not as long as he’d like lol. However, when he really feels himself running out of energy but both of you still want to keep going, he’ll simply suggest taking a bit of a rest with some cuddles, and then eventually you’re gonna start lazily getting each other off again. You’ll either keep going for another round or two, or you’ll agree that you really are all out of energy and you can just keep cuddling!
T = Toys (does he own toys? does he use them? on a partner or himself?)
I think he’d like the idea of using toys while having sex with you! A vibrator, a cockring, or maybe even handcuffs - if it enhances the pleasure for you, him, or both of you, he’s all for it!
U = Unfair (how much he likes to tease)
Teases A LOT. I don’t think I need to say much here. He’s a tease in- and outside of the bedroom, he just can’t help himself :’)
V = Volume (how loud or vocal is he? what does he sound like?)
He’s pretty vocal I’d say!! Definitely talks a lot and is super into dirty talk especially - but if you’re only just starting to have sex and getting to know each other’s bodies, or if he’s with someone inexperienced, he’ll definitely communicate a lot too and ask what feels good and what doesn’t, nudges you in the right direction, etcetc. Lots of moans and groans and other noises that tell you he likes what you’re doing especially when you’re pleasuring him, or when he’s coming close. And don’t get me started on the fucked out and exhausted but at the same time sweet tone in his voice afterwards, as he tells you how amazing you were.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon)
“Ahh…” Wooyoung lets out a pained noise, almost a whine, as you push him into the mattress with his hands pinned above his head. You can see his muscles dancing under his skin, yet he doesn’t put any strength at all into a rather pathetic attempt to free himself. You’ve ceased your movements on top of him, edging him for the third time now, and you can tell he’s slowly losing his composure, a drop of sweat on his forehead, and his eyes shut tightly in a desperate expression. Still, he doesn’t do anything to resist. He doesn’t free himself - which he undoubtedly could - and he doesn’t flip your positions around to take over control. He barely even begs. Of course he does, but what falls from his lips the most are praises about how good you make him feel, how beautiful you are, and sometimes a “can’t take it anymore”. And that’s your cue to stop, to let him rest while his chest rises and sinks as he breathes heavily, waiting until you can start riding him again, not yet knowing yourself whether you’ll let him cum this time, or if you want to keep playing with him. 
“Woo…” you breathe out, leaning in to scatter a trail of sloppy kisses up his sternum. “Such a good boy for me…” The way he looks at you when he opens his eyes makes your heart swell. There’s still so much warmth in his gaze, and so much desire too. He doesn’t care if you keep teasing him like this or if you finally grant him that release he so desperately needs - all he cares about is you making him feel good, one way or the other. And so you press a kiss to his lips, before slowly starting to roll your hips again.
X = (X) as a mark (does he like marking you/being marked? where?)
He enjoys marking his partner, but loves being marked up even more! If you set any rules like no marks where it’s hard to cover, he will absolutely annoy you by pretending as if he was trying to give you a hickey there, but he’ll never do it for real (unless maybe he’s drunk and goes a little overboard kalsjdfks). Instead he loves marking your chest especially, but the inside of your thighs and your hips are close seconds! As for him, he really doesn’t mind where you put your mark on him. Couldn’t care less if it’s somewhere that’s hard to cover - quite the opposite actually. He loves the thrill of knowing he’ll be in trouble the next day because of you sucking a mark into the skin on the side of his throat. He does see it as a way to mark you as his and vice versa, but it’s not among the most important parts about sex with you for him.
Y = Yearning (how high is his sex drive?)
Average I’d say? He doesn’t need sex every day, though he wouldn’t mind! He certainly won’t say no if it’s something you want, but for him he’d be perfectly satisfied with only a few times a week, when you two really have the capacity to take your time with it.
Z = Zzz (how quickly he falls asleep afterwards)
Tbh he can fall asleep fairly quickly afterwards. However, he will always make sure to stay awake for a good amount of aftercare and some cuddles. Even when he’s spent and tired he doesn’t want to fall asleep on you immediately.
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miheartsedthings · 7 months
NEW NSFW Alphabet ~ Headcanon~ Billy Hargrove
Minors DNI
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SO, I've taken the liberty of changing this up a bit. I've redesignated some of these letters because I think we've all seen the old ones so many times. Also, I think these changes could be more interesting for Billy in particular. Mind you not All of these are different, just some.
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A- Aftercare (What is he like right after sex?)
Billy is attentive. He knows how rough he can be so after he's calmed down, he takes care to make sure you're okay. This can look like verbal check ins or bringing you water and towels. He'll make sure you're safe and comfortable.
B- Body Count
Billy gets around. He stopped counting after 30.
C- Cum
Billy likes it inside you. Rather that be your mouth or elsewhere, he likes the idea of the essence of himself being in you. On your chest is a close second.
D- Dirty Talk
Billy is big on dirty talk. He gets really into it and can't help telling you how good you feel and giving orders (stroke that c*ck, baby). He has no problem telling you what he plans to do to you.
E- Easy (Does he play hard to get?)
Billy is usually easy. The only exception is if you're desperate. Then, he'll tease you, making you beg and tell him how badly you want him.
F- Fight
Arguments with Billy don't typically turn into sex, believe it or not. When he's actually angry, Billy doesn't feel safe, and if he doesn't feel safe he's not getting aroused. He's much more likely to say something to embarrass you and then storm off.
G- "Good Girl"
Sex being one of the few times he can be openly affectionate, Billy showers you with praise. He's a big fan of telling you what you're good at, how nice you taste, how good you're doing. Etc.
He likes when you tell him how he's making you feel, and he LOVES to hear you say you're all his.
H- Hickey
YES, he loves giving you hickeys, all over your body but especially in places where people can see them. When you give him a hickey he wears it like a badge of honor. (Side note, this just gave me an idea for a story 😘)
I- Intimacy
Billy really enjoys intimacy and feeling loved by you, he just has trouble verbalizing it. He expresses love physically, he wants to touch and kiss and fondle you to show his affections. He's also slower to anger with you and will show up around you.
You know how cats pretend they don't care about you and then just "happen" to be in the same room as you all the time? Yeah, that's Billy. He just happens to show up to parties you're attending, even parties you're throwing that he wasn't invited to.
He crashed a wedding you attended because he heard you didn't have a plus one.
J- Jealous
Does it even need to be said? Billy will get jealous if your gaze lingers on a poster too long. He's a walking nightmare to any guy who looks your way. He's your scary dog privilege.
When he gets jealous there's a 50/50 chance that he's just as mad at you as the other person. Sometimes he views you as too innocent to notice other people lusting after you. At other times he accuses you of having a wandering eye.
It takes a long time to talk him out of his jealousy, but it always comes back to reminding him that he's good enough and you aren't going anywhere. After a jealous episode he's usually feeling vulnerable. Kisses help.
K- Kick (Something he's always kicking himself for)
Billy regrets the times you've seen him lose control of his anger. He wishes he could've been better when you met so you didn't have to see any of that and he could've avoided hurting you. Now that he's growing he just wishes he could've been a better man for you in the beginning.
L- Location
Billy is fond of car sex. He likes to get you in the backseat and put down a towel to protect the seats. He also likes to get you alone at a party with the music to cover the sounds.
M- Motivation
Billy gets turned on easily. He loves when you try to flirt with him, even if you're bad at it. If you're bad at it then he just teases you about your crumby game and watches you get flustered which he finds extremely cute.
He loves you in skirts and halter tops. He loves seeing you naked in his leather jacket. He'll pretty much f*ck you at the drop of a hat.
N- No
No scat, no golden showers, no sounding.
O- Oral
Billy is a big fan. BIG BIG fan of oral, both giving and receiving. In a way he's more proud of his skills with his tongue than with his stick. In a way it feels like more of an accomplishment to know how to use just your mouth and fingers to get someone off.
P- Position
His favorite position is cowgirl, believe it or not. (More on this later) A close second is having you flat on your stomach. He likes to have you like that with an arm around your neck, mostly because it quickly overwhelms you and he loves seeing you like that.
Q- Quickie
Billy is down for a quickie in theory. In practice he's more likely to just make you late to wherever you're supposed to be.
R- Risk
Billy likes a healthy level of risk. Like I mentioned he likes having sex at parties, but he'll also sneak into a bar or restaurant bathroom with you. Back row at a movie theater is a fun one.
S- Sloppy
Billy gets sloppy sometimes, maybe if he's drunk. He likes fingering you when you're really wet.
T- Time
Billy likes sex pretty much whenever, but his FAVORITE time is the middle of the night. If you find yourself up late with him you're going to get your cheeks clapped. This is also true if he wakes up in the middle of the night. And don't let there be a thunderstorm, Lord help you.
U- Unfair
Billy likes to tease you, fluster you, overwhelm you, make you say please, make you say exactly what you want before he gives it to you. Jerk.
V- Volume
Billy isn't shy about his sounds, he'll let you and the people next door know how he's feeling.
W- Weakness
When you ride him he falls to pieces, (see, told you we'd come back to it.) particularly when you get up on your feet and squat down on him. Combine that with a hand around his throat and he's done for.
X- Xenial (Is he hospitable?)
Billy wants you to feel safe and comfortable when you're with him. At first, he doesn't know how to go about it besides having stereotypical "girl" stuff around.
He also mistakes looking out for you and "keeping you safe" for being bossy. He'll try to tell you who to hang out with, how much to drink, and where to go because he wants to take care of you. Needless to say this causes problems.
At the end of the day, if you need anything all you have to do is ask.
Y- Yearning
Billy has a high sex drive, but it doesn't have to be penetration every time. He likes all kinds of sexual behavior and will thoroughly enjoy it every time.
Z- Zone
Billy wants above all else to just share space with you. It doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing, as long as you're safe and happy it's the perfect place for him.
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Thanks for reading 😘
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moralesluvr · 1 year
hey gabrielle! i was just wondering if you could kindly write a fluff alphabet for miles morales (e-1610)? thank you so much!!
fluff alphabet ft. boyf!miles morales
♡ pairings & aus: miles morales x black!fem!reader ♡ summary: fluff alphabet!! ♡ warnings: none! just fluff ♡ a/n: thanks for your request!! ♡ got a request? | masterlist ♡
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A - ACTIVITES (what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time with them?)
♡ miles loves spending time do the simplistic things, as long as you're there and he can bask in your presence. he enjoys the subtle intimate moments like going grocery shopping together or ordering food and eating it in either of your rooms at night.
♡ if you have errands to run, he loves to tag along! he'll sit with at the table when you're getting your nails done, or he'll follow behind you whenever you have to go grab something from the store. he especially loves when you both get home from being out all day so that you can cuddle at night
B - BYE BYE (what do they do when they have to say bye to their s/o? how are they feeling?)
♡ as much as he wishes he could stay with you forever, sometimes patrol calls in the most annoying times-- which calls for very quick goodbyes. he always has to have his lips on you somwhere, whether it's your forehead or lips or cheeks (sometimes even your fingers or hands if he doesn't have time) he has to kiss you goodbye and tell you that he loves you. he definitely gets sad when he has to go :(
C - CUDDLES (do they like to cuddle? what's it like to cuddle with them?)
♡ miles morales loves to cuddle man, it's crazy. he's coming home from a mission most times and you're already waiting with your arms stretched out wide. he always likes for you to be the little spoon, but sometimes, if he's in a mood, he'll lay on your chest with hand underneath your shirt, resting on your tummy or your cleavage while he tells you about his day :(( cute bby
D - DATES (what is it like to go on a date with them?)
♡ miles isn't really one for the big fancy dates that require him to wear anything but jordan's. he's the more laid back type-- he thinks it's much more romantic to take you to a rooftop picnic date at night rather then some steakhouse. it's just more intimate !!
E - EQUAL (how much effort do they put into the relationship?)
♡ he def puts his all into your relationship, but it takes time for him to get there. he didn't want to bombard you with these protective feelings he had at first glance, but once you guys were in an established relationship, he definitely upped his game.
F - FIGHT (what is it like when they get into fights with their s/o?)
♡ miles literally hates fighting with you. it’s usually about him sneaking around or being unsafe when he’s on patrol, but other times, it’s about more serious topics. he never raises his voice but he has a bad habit of just ghosting you to get some time to think to himself. however, he’s always in the same spot, and you go there to see him and finally talk to him. he always tells you, “i’m sorry, hermosa. i just needed time to think.”
♡ he’s so grateful for you. and he definitely shows it to you. he’s always telling you how much he loves you, how grateful he is to have you in his life. he’s constantly showing you off to his friends/family like “look, isn’t she so perfect? yeah, i love her.”
♡ he’s always holding you somehow. whether it’s your hand, or he’s cuddling you in his arms— he has to be touching you. sometimes he opts for holding your arm when you go places that you’re more comfortable in than he is.
I - IMPRESSION (first impressions?)
♡ your first impression of him was that he was endearing, but in an awkward sort of a way. you had your own set of nerdy interests that you were more than comfortable talking about to him, and he was always piggybacking off of your statements and discussing them with you.
♡ his first impression of you was that you were way too good for him. you were gorgeous and well spoken, as well as just overall a sweet person. you guys had your own banter though, and he loved how comfortable he could be around you.
♡ ngl this boy can get jealous sometimes. at first he really tries not to, but after witnessing you get hit on one too many times, he’s definitely not going for that again. anyone who even thinks about trying to get with you will be shut down immediately and he has no shame.
♡ miles is a damn good kisser— believe me when i say that. it took a second for him to learn because he’s never kissed anyone, but he’s a fast learner 100%. his hand placements are always on your waist or cheeks, but sometimes his hand trickles up your shirt when you’re kissing.
♡ it took him quite a while to say ‘i love you’ mainly because he didn’t want to scare you. he took you on a rooftop for a picnic date and while you were watching the stars, he whispered that he loved you. you whipped your head around and stared at him in disbelief because at first you didn’t believe him. he was scared that you were gonna leave him, but when you whispered it back and kissed him, he knew he had made no mistake.
♡ when he was little he always dreamed of having a wife, but now that you’re in his life, he’s definitely solid in that choice. he’s always daydreaming of marrying you and starting a family somewhere nice. he waits until you bring up the topic first though, and when you do, he tells you that he knows that he loves you in every universe. and in those universes, you’re together forever.
♡ BONUS — M IS FOR MUSIC. he def listens to j. cole, denzel curry, bryson tiller, drake, etc etc. he lives for 90s r&b and soul, as well as really sensual spanish music.
♡ he definitely calls you babe, baby, and sweetheart. he’s a little sappy, but you always find it cute when he calls you nicknames. sometimes he’ll try to be annoying and call you stink or pookie, but you know it’s all jokes.
“i love you, baby.”
“are you okay, sweetheart?”
“you’re so cute, stinka(butt).”
♡ it lowkey took him a sec for him to open up. and by a sec, i mean a literal second. after being in a relationship with you he just felt the need to pour everything out because he values honesty. he tells you about his problems and you tell him yours.
P - PUPPY LOVE (what are they like during the early stages of the relationship?)
♡ it’s like he’s avoiding stepping on eggshells. he tries his hardest not to make you uncomfortable or say something wrong because he’d literally go insane if you left because of something he did. but he’s very loving and he always makes sure that you’re okay.
♡ if he wants to, he can be extremely quiet. he usually is if he’s upset or frustrated because he knows that opening his mouth could result in something he regrets. he’s also super quiet if you’re talking because he’s always listening to you sk intensively.
♡ he loves to relax with you by baking or listening to music together. you could be in bed after he’s had a long mission, and he’s got you in his arms while humming the lyrics and just enjoying your presence. he’ll make treats with you if you’re baking and somehow flour always ends up on both of your faces. (he also def wears a spiderman apron)
♡ he did NOT tell you he was spider-man, but he confirmed it. you had suspected it was him because you always caught him disappearing every once and a while, plus, he wasn’t very good at hiding it. i mean, he is a clumsy teenage boy— but when you asked him about it, he couldn’t even lie to you. he just straight up told you yes, and then you laughed together.
T - TALK (do they talk a lot? does their s/o talk more?)
♡ he talks a lot sometimes, if he’s talking about something that he really likes or take interest in. but majority of the time, he wants to hear you talk instead. he’s def a big listener when it comes to you!!
U - UPSET (how do they treat their s/o when they’re upset?)
♡ he consoles you and gives u a ton of kisses. if it’s something he caused, he’ll just hold you without saying anything because sometimes the guilt is too much. but if it’s something that was out of his control, he’ll ask you if you want to talk about it, and then he’ll kiss your forehead and tell you everything’s gonna be okay, and that he’s got you.
V - VALENTINE (what do they get their s/o on holidays?)
♡ for christmas and your birthday, he always opts for whatever you want. he’s willing to break his back to get you things that you like, it’s just ‘cause he loves you.
♡ for your anniversary or valentine’s day, that’s when he gets more sentimental stuff like framed pictures of you or expensive jewelry. he loves watching you open the gifts and have a big smile on your face knowing that he caused it :(
♡ miles secretly loves when you play with his hair. he probably won’t admit it to you until you touch it while he’s in your lap, and then he’s praying and hoping that you don’t stop. when you see his eyes fluttering closed and his mouth slightly agape, you know to keep going.
X - XOXO (what’s their love language)
♡ physical touch + words of affirmation 100%. bonus points if you like the same music as him because i bet he won’t shut up about his favs, discussing discographies with you or sharing earbuds while you’re together. he loves to cuddle with you, he gets a spark with just a simple touch. and he loves to hear you tell him that he’s doing things right or that he looks good, idk, it just makes him feel like he’s a good bf to u :((
Y - YEARNING (what do they do when they’re missing their s/o?)
♡ he def looks at pics of you or you guys together if he can’t be with you. if he misses you and it’s bad, sometimes he’ll literally tear up because he loves you and he just wants to see you. if you’re available, he’s definitely facetiming you and telling you repeatedly how much he misses you. like he says it 24/7. he’s very irritating.
“baby, i miss y-“
“miles oh my gosh.”
Z - ZILCH (what is a definite no in the relationship?)
♡ he cannot and will not ever do anything with asking you first. from the most mundane to the highest of extremes— if he hasn’t asked he ain’t doin it. he’s a big consent king and no matter what it is, if you’re not giving a definite answer or he hasn’t asked you first, it’s just not happening. at all.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 ☻
thank u for reading!!
𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐑-𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓🕷️: @queenesther996 //@sukunas-slutty-bitch // @c3f21 // @wydney // @rinnyisnothere // @brieryann // @moisttowllet // @Dee-m-cee // @liliummz // @starhrtz // @daisydark // @randomhoex // @solanawrld // @whore4hobie // @tanakaslastbraincell // @simp4miguell // @nyrovi3 // @my3tumbles // @aziulsworld // @enchantingfoxsparkles // @mancerseedu // @cafehyunji // @personofyou // @mcdvsr // @kopiivie // @ellatienesuscosas // @venuswash3re // @calliarlerte // @pr0wlerpunk // @tzuyuzzs // @wisepoetrycheesecake // @clearskiiiess // @d3atht3hek1d
𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ✎: @Dee-m-cee // @euphorichappiness10 // @adoree-kaelynn // @mhadnirb // @mmst4rz // @iris-theflower // @fleurrieerecs // @kenlani // @kala2022 // @ilyless // @milesmolasses // @laylasbunbunny // @all444miles // @thecoloredpages // @bl00dsuccker
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bitethedustfools · 1 year
New sagau idea? Part 2
Decide to make part 2 because i have bunch of ideas that probably might inspire you and i do feel these kind of stuffs need to be explored more. Fyi, I don't play genshin but i do know some from watching people gaming. Apologizing once more of these kind of idea/au exist as well.
Decide to make part 2 because i have so many ideas.
1) A violent and heartless player
You play Genshin Impact to pass time and are also a very violent and aggressive player where you'll always yell and throw items to vent or throw insults under your breath, and then back to gaming. In short, It's like a Call of Duty toxic player went into Genshin Impact.
Falling to death or drowning angered you to the point of banging your head and cursing. Not to mention, walking in the game angered you too because the characters were too slow!
You suck at first; impulsive action is not the best choice when you're angry, but you are in some way adaptable. You decide that your anger will be the source of your motivation to go through everything, so everything works out in the end.
Insulting is your mother tongue, so that means the characters and even the NPC are not spared as well. Most of your vicious, colorful insults and hurtful comments went toward people whom you hated and annoyed the most.
You remember the time when you laughed at Timmie's dumb dead birds and wished you had an option to push him off the bridge. His dad probably sensed he was a little b*tch back when he was a baby and went out to get some milk and never come back.
You sometimes intentionally let them die in a fight or or do something all in the name of experiment. You would even build a prison for them in the serenitea pot and just do the f*cked-up stuff that's possible in this game.
So one day, you broke your gaming setup due to your outburst, and somehow you woke up in Teyvat.
You didn't believe it was reality, and you still treated them as characters. Besides, they looked stupid with those stupid clothes on. They would stood out like a sore dumba$$ if they walked around in your world like that.
Anyway, killing Hilichurl or other small enemies is no problem for you. Committing a crime doesn't bother you. You probably don't bat an eye on killing people as well. Besides, all of this is just a game to you.
They're not real to you.
Their death is their fault for picking a fight with you. Should have just looked away instead of approaching you. Not your fault their feelings hurt.
Archons wanted to smite you, and somehow you managed to escape them and deal a few harmless blows. Not that it matters; you will be the one to seek them out and fight them when their backs are on you, and the cycle will repeat.
How you're still alive using a measly weapon because you don't know how to use claymore, polearms, and etc. is beyond you. But hey, anything is a weapon as long as it deals damage and even if it don't, you are still satisfied from letting all your anger out.
Nevertheless, all of the nations are in turmoil, and the culprit is none other than you.
The characters will definitely hate you, or maybe they feel ashamed and insecure about themselves because they want to fix themselves. Some acolytes and the people who believe in justice and peace had 'kill on sight' pinned on your back. They don't even believe that you are a god. God don't act like this.
The Wanderer 4th betrayal definitely happened, and Dottore clones definitely got hunted for sport because they annoyed you Does the Fatui wants to recruit you? You don't know, depends. Do they believe you are the god they worshipped? Also, don't know. Not like you care though.
No one can wreck havoc and commit more sins than you. You, a single person, broke Teyvat's peace and order effortlessly than the fatui with just impulsive anger and chaotic energy.
And if one day you realize that you actually have blood on your hands, you'll probably shrug it off and say it doesn't matter.
If you go back to your own world, no one knows what you have done. Who's going to tell the police? The dead people you stabbed out of annoyance? Those fiction characters that had animosity toward you?
No, will there even be someone alive in Teyvat if you were to return?
2) Streamer and gamer player.
In which you are transported into Teyvat along with some game skills, menus, and anything relevant to a game. That includes the chat box.
You learned that you were still streaming when you got sent to Teyvat, and everyone in the chat can see you. Cool, so it's not a dream; it's real, and instead of playing, you are the player! Where's Aether/Lumine? Why are you here? "AIYO!?? We got to see DAT CAKE!"
You are not aware that you looked like an idiot talking to yourself unless pointed out by the chat. It seems that the chat sees you as part of the game, which means that they can see the characters and NPC thoughts and words while you see them as a normal person.
Cool. Now you have to have the chat got your back, or else you're doomed. Dead. Unable to be revived. You're not sure if you can do that, but you're not willing to try.
Another problem that arises is that the chat tends to troll you or bombard you with loud sounds. It makes it harder to trust them or focus on what the characters are saying when they did this.
Sometimes you beg the chat, like they are some sort of sadistic god looking down at you from above the clouds with their chins high and a sneer.
All because you want some goddamn money because apparently, if they donate money, it instantly becomes moras and you're broke as fuck like cmon, help a fricking clown out.
Strangely, despite everything looked real, you have the physics of a game. The things you find in the game work if you try hard enough. For example, glitching under the Mondstadt's land. With these kinds of things, you don't need to walk when you can just glitch and get sent flying across the nation. Just making use of this bug makes your life easier.
Oh, how did you get stuck on this cliff while you were trying to use another entrance to Sumeru? That's right, it's an experiment to see if it works.
"Don't laugh, chat; I'm doing this out of curiosity and for you. Youre the one whos suggesting this."
The characters in Teyvat thought you were a rather peculiar person, talking to yourself at random times, and you seemed to know too much even though you didn't do any research, merely fighting hilichurls and robbing back the bandits–
–Oh Great Archons! You can fly!? No? It's a glitch? Well, they don't understand enough to understand you, but hey, that's so you. Keep up being weird, player.
Maybe the things you do are… unique and can be considered divine in their eyes. After all, who could walk on air like you do? Or bringing people back to life and knowing so much? No one could do that, so you must be a god!
As a matter of fact, you remind them of a certain figure. That's right! The creator! The creator acted like you too. Always talking to this thing called "chat"
"Um, no, I'm a gamer and chat is chat."
You fail to take into consideration that while everything looks like a game in your eyes, the people are definitely real, and this is what they thought of you.
3) Killer player
You don't play Genshin Impact, but you are quite resourceful, cunning, and deviously smart. You know this game is quite famous, and coincidentally, the prey you aimed to take life is playing it too.
In order to get closer to your prey, you must be fluent in their language. You listened to all that your prey blabbered and what they showed with an interested smile. You even question them once in a while to get them going all for the sake of learning the prey's personality and schedule and how you want to unalive them.
When you did kill your prey and accidentally broke their computer/laptop in the process, you got transported to Teyvat. In a way, you had stolen your prey's fate instead.
(The characters had mistaken you for their creator before but dismissed it because you lacked a certain presence. However, you do feel familiar with them because you sometimes watch over the game when your prey has played before.)
Now, you heard interesting things about this game, and you grew more interested when the characters interacted with you. How amusing! The characters had no idea you were a very sinister and cunning person behind a weak and polite persona.
In terms of healthcare, they are leaning toward supernatural stuff, and the medicine using materials found in this world is also effective. However, they seem to be lacking in a certain area that needs surgery.
Most deaths were common due to hilichurls and bandits, or those whom they called the Fatui, so they wouldn't be examined too closely. You doubt that they even have something that closely resembles fingerprint identification, judging by the lack of technology..m
…Which means hiding and killing is much easier than in your previous world.
Teyvat is such a nice place to have entertainment. It didn't take too long for you to settle here and get comfortable.
Monstadt is a city known for freedom and peace; however, once you arrive here, every night, no doubt a single person will go missing or be found dead. You are normally a silent killer, but you couldn't resist letting them know. Their expression thrilled you.
All those knight roaming around at night, and they couldn't even save a single person. What a pity.
In Liyue, the funeral parlor became rich all thanks to these crimes you were committing. Does a certain acolyte know what you're doing? Maybe not, afterall, there are more ways to kill a person than just a sword and poison.
Accidents could happen, you know? falling off a cliff, in the wrong place at the wrong time, being mauled by animals where people conveniently are not near, or dealing with the wrong person.
Inazuma is much more easier; their deaths could be pinned on one person who is also the source of the nation's tense atmosphere. Hatred, anger and fear rose with each crime you committed, but there is no evidence that you did it. After all, what could a weak and polite person who looked like they couldn't wield a sword do?
Plenty actually. Not that they know.
Sumeru is quite nice. Full of gifted scholars and intelligent individuals. You thought it will be a challenge seeing as you have similar minds and yet, most disappointed you.
All these smart people, and they couldn't string the murder together. Maybe you don't kill the right one which mean the don't care. Oh? Then should you kill the one with that grey hair? He seems to be someone of importance.
You made Akademiya your target. You must admit that you learned quite a lot of precious knowledge in this place. While youre here, might as well pretend to be one and use this time to gather infos.
They did not know and realized how you got into the Akademiya or how you had disguised yourself as one of the scholars. They don't know how you got through security or how one by one are slowly not attending the class or the expedition.
They said that acting confidently like you belong there and becoming part of the background like a plain NPC is always the key to infiltration.
And oh, even if they get suspicious and point that out to you, you know what to do. Lying, speaking half the truth, and gaslighting are also languages you are quite good at.
And Fontaine, oh, Fontaine. A nation that is known for justice when, in fact, it's not always about justice but entertainment. It is a nation that indirectly challenge you as well. Entertainment? Why, you know what kind of entertainment you shall give! It will be something that everyone remembers for the rest of their life.
You are like Jack the Ripper, never caught and never punished. Did the Archons ever suspect you? Who knows. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't.
All you know is that you have an alibi to back you up and a likeable and underestimated personality.
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itaehynz · 1 year
love yourself or no one else will. — c.bg ・ ⟢
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╰ pairing: choi beomgyu x afab!reader.
╰ genre: pure angst.
╰ warnings: very little profanity, cheating, crying, betrayal.
╰ summary: the night of your anniversary, the night you wished the best for. you and beomgyu had your ups and downs but you never would have thought it would’ve escalate this far.
part 1 | part 2
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you and beomgyu have been together for two years. there’s been quite a few ups and downs, but nothing you two can’t get through.
there’s been a few ‘oh, she’s just a friend.’ and ‘oh, i’ve known her all my life. she’d never become an obstacle for us.’ on beomgyu’s end but again, nothing you two can’t get through.
beomgyu seems to really love you more than life itself but these days, he seems a bit… off. like there’s something he’s not telling you, something he may be hiding or maybe a surprise! he would never hurt you in anyway, right?
anywho, today’s your two year anniversary with him. you texted him that you’d be working late tonight in order to surprise him and get everything set up for dinner at your shared apartment. he responded with an ‘okay babe, i’ll see you later’ considering he was working.
when he responded to you, you hearted his message putting your phone to the side and starting cooking away. you decided that it would be great help if your best friend would be able to help you get everything ready, but apparently she was busy with something.
‘it’s fine’, you think to yourself. you can do this within a 4-hour time span, beomgyu usually doesn’t come straight home after work anyways so you’re sure it’d be nice if he were to walk in on a beautiful dinner after wearing himself out with a long day’s work.
you continue to cook, yelling for alexa to turn on your playlist. this should help you move quicker.
it’s finished. everything is perfect. there’s a trail of rose petals leading from your front door to your dining room table. there’s a fresh wine bottle sitting atop the beautifully decorated kitchen island, cork waiting to be popped off in celebration. lights dimmed for a sultry mood, and the food. everything looks amazing.
you finally take off your apron and rush to your shared bedroom to dress in your best attire. you put on a beautiful, skin tight silk black dress, something beomgyu has always loved seeing you in.
you sigh in content waiting for beomgyu to walk through that door in his work attire, a suit with the tie that he pulls at all day, trying to make himself more comfortable as he sits behind a desk for hours.
finally, you hear keys jingling at the door. ‘it’s beomgyu.’ you think to yourself with a bright smile painted on your face. you quickly grab the flowers resting on top of your kitchen counter, waiting for beomgyu in front of the door.
you assume he seems to be having a hard time unlocking it as you hear him grunting lightly behind the door. once you finally hear him unlock it, your eyes glisten with delight and love.
until they walk in.
‘they’ as in beomgyu and… your best friend.
your eyes turn from what was delight to pure disgust. beomgyu and your best friend both stop in their tracks, eyes blown out as if they’re deers that were caught in headlights.
“b-baby… i can explai-” beomgyu breathes out, obviously tired from the full on makeout he was once having.
“e-explain what b-beomgyu?” you say, tears brewing in your eyes. you cannot even begin to explain how you’re feeling right now. anger? sadness? distress? probably a mix of all.
“h-how l-long has this b-been going on f-for?” you mumble with tears now streaming down your face. beomgyu and your (old) best friend share a look, one filled with despair and knowingness. you expected something bad to come out of beomgyu’s mouth but you never would’ve thought it would be this bad.
“after our first argument, i went to her and ranted but it escalated into something more. i didn’t expect our relationship to last this long, i’m sorry y/n.” he utters looking down at his feet, disgusted with himself for how long he let the hookup carry on for.
you suddenly feel a turning feeling in your stomach, you think you’re gonna be sick. you feel extremely dumb for not noticing his change of actions and words. the way he’s been cancelling on your dates, claiming “something came up” at work and the way he’s been talking to you, rushing through the conversations as if he had somewhere to be. you guess he did have somewhere to be… with her.
you’re deep in thought before you hear the slight shuffle of your best friend’s feet causing you to look at her with narrowed eyes. making eye contact with her, she seems to have tears brimming her eyes which makes her look away abruptly. you look back over at beomgyu and then her again coming up with a plan, “you know what,” you interject, “you two can eat, i’ll be in the room if you have anything else to say.” you add before turning around and walking back to the shared bedroom.
once you reach your bedroom, you start your plan: gather all of beomgyu’s shit, put it in a suitcase and kick them out once they finish eating.
you don’t know how you’re going to build up the mental strength to do so but you know it’s what you have to do. you can barely look at her or beomgyu without wanting to cry. this is one of the downs you and beomgyu will not be bouncing back from.
you hear beomgyu and your now ex-best friend talking, trying to come up with ways to come back from this situation and have everything go back to normal. you silently scoff, finding it silly how beomgyu thinks he’ll always be able to get what he wants. it’s not happening.
you hear them finally put their plates in the sick just as you finish packing up every single last thing that beomgyu has ever owned. you begin dragging the suitcase out of the room, causing them both to look at you in shock.
“y/n, you’re not serious right?” beomgyu speaks, true sorrow laced in his tone. you look up at him with tears threatening to trickle down once again, fiddling with the suitcase handle. “yes. i am, i don’t want to see either of you ever again.” you say, looking between them both.
beomgyu’s now blinking rapidly, trying to rid away his tears. “y-y/n, p-pleas—please” he sniffles, “i’m r-really s-sorry.” you stare at him, unpleased with the way he’s acting. he’s trying to get what he wants again. your ex-best friend is now looking at you with sad eyes, tears brimming at her eyes.
“LEAVE. both of you,” you yell, voice cracking trying your absolute hardest not to cry in front of them. they both jump at the sound of your voice, beomgyu’s officially given up. he’s still sniffling but he’s not saying anything. instead, he reaches over for the suitcase, hand lightly grazing yours.
he tries resting his hand on yours but you snatch your hand away, looking up at him “go.” you say, voice laced with faux ferocity.
seeming as if they finally got the memo, beomgyu takes the suitcase and walks to the door. your best friend follows suit and waves back at you, knowing this is the last time she’ll ever see you.
“wait,” you say. beomgyu perks up his head quickly, hoping you’ve changed your mind about all of this.
“leave your keys, i don’t want you thinking it’s okay to come back.” you add, leaving beomgyu with no choice but to lower his head once again and placing his keys on the kitchen counter. they both begin walking out the door again, not gaining the strength to look back at you.
once the door slams, your knees give out. you’re on the floor, sobbing profusely. you never would’ve thought things would end this way and that’s not what you were hoping for. especially not on your anniversary. the dress being worn right now, the dress beomgyu apparently loved on you, a dress that you now hate. you’re filled with anger yet sadness at the same time, mad at yourself for not seeing how weird he’s been acting but sad for having things end this way.
now looking back on all of the things that could’ve been or should’ve been if you hadn’t wasted your time on a lost cause also known as your relationship. it was obvious beomgyu had stopped loving you a while ago, but it just hurts you to think about.
if it was so easy for him to hide things from you, why was it so hard for him to let you go? he never loved you. you guess it is true what they say.
love yourself or no one else will.
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2023 TTYUNZ.
╰ author notes: i hope you guys enjoyed this one! just a little something to get you guys by as i get close to finishing “icrtfy” <3!
╰ p. taglist: @boba-beom @bucketofhiros @yeofy @n0-thisispatrick @hyukafied @hyunimylove @luvsoobs @choiwrld @majestyjun @tyunkus @belovedxiao @h00nerz —
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twinksrepository · 7 months
Dante SFW Alphabet
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Rating: T
CW: None
A/N: Well while working on the fic I realized I needed something to help me nail down how I want Dante to react to certain things. So thanks to my lovely friend @jellys-compendium I decided to do a SFW & NSFW alphabet for the silly pizza man. So here's the first part and I hope you enjoy it!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Dante isn’t all that affectionate in platonic relationships. Well, when it comes to Nero he can’t help ruffle his hair or pushing his shoulders when they’re on a mission. He also doesn’t really show his affection when anyone else is around when it comes to the romantic side, he might get handsy but his actual affection is kept for when the two of you are alone. He just doesn’t want to verbalize that he knows Nero is his nephew when it opens up those scars. He shows his affection in small touches, like brushing your hair off your forehead. When it’s cold out, tighten your scarf just a bit closer to your skin before you leave the shop. Brushing his fingers along your knuckles when you sit on the couch and he’s sitting there beside you. The second anyone shows up? All that goes out the window and he’s back to being his walled off silly flirty man. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
As a best friend, he’s got your back no matter what and knows what you’re thinking almost at the exact moment it crosses your mind. He’s the kind of best friend that you can sit for hours talking about random things with while it seems like no time has passed at all. Just that kind of friend that is always there when you need it. Given how Dante likes to keep himself in his office most of the time the friendship would have to start with sadly demons being involved somehow. Either you having a problem with them and going to see him for it or being caught up in something you shouldn’t be and Dante saving your skin. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Dante might not seem like it, but once he’s comfortable with you as a person and then in a relationship with him he is a cuddle bug. Like his affections, he cuddles in private but he enjoys the feeling of your smaller form wrapped in his arms tucked up against him, with your head over his heart. Feeling you returning the cuddles with your hands resting on his forearms tapping away a random pattern while his hands roam along your back. He also likes feeling your cooler skin against his since he’s always warm as a side effect of his demonic heritage. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Dante doesn’t want to settle down, while it’s a small wish deep inside of his heart he knows he can’t. Yet when even a sliver of it is offered he’s quick to hold on and enjoy those moments. Can he cook and clean? If you define cooking as letting pizza boxes grow mushrooms and their own ecosystems maybe. Dante orders Pizza for a reason and if he had access to it he’d totally eat kraft dinner, and not with milk. That’s too fancy for him. Instant noodles are his backup for pizza when Morrison cuts off his tab. As to cleaning? I direct you to the piles of pizza boxes growing mushrooms. Yet the lack of cleaning is planned to confuse people to make him think he’s a bit of a slob.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Dante would be quick about it and cold as hell. “I’m done, you were fun for a while Doll but I’m bored.” Something to break your heart while he acted like he didn’t care in the slightest because he’d rather you walk out of his life crying and hating him while whatever part of his heart that you’d taken died with the door closing. It’d be to protect you from the life he leads but it’s for the best, so if having you hate him means you’ll never be in the crosshairs of someone or something after him then he can accept the pain.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Commitment itself? Once the relationship progresses to the point where he knows you aren’t running away from him and the dangers in his life that man is wrapped around your finger. His heart, body, and soul are yours, bad flirting and dramatic ass too. He would do anything for you and wants you in his life. As to getting married? That is not in the cards for him from the standpoint of official traditions. Or doing paperwork. Dante would tell you putting a piece of metal on his finger or signing paper doesn’t mean anything to him. It’s the fact he loves you the way he does and wants to spend the rest of his life with you and treasure you. He sees you as his partner without anything official because he doesn’t need it to know he’s yours and it’s the same for you. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Dante has his gentle moments but they are rare, with his general attitude he doesn’t see the need to be gentle on the physical level. When he is it’s a rare treat but he’s not out of his way to ever harm you, if anything it’s more like he doesn’t always know how to be gentle. What he thinks is a soft pat on your shoulder is actually strong enough to make you fall on your face if you aren’t prepared for it. Emotionally? He can be pretty damn closed off early in a friendship or relationship. As it grows deeper and he’s better at reading you he knows when you need him to drop his shields and walls and just reassure you with his words and to just be soft with you. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
This big silly pizza man, doesn’t like hugs. No, this silly man LOVES hugs, and not the soft ones where it’s a gentle caress, no he loves great big ass bear hugs that might crush your bones. Because if he’s hugging you, you’re someone he trusts so he doesn’t need to try and hold anything back when he does. The problem is most of those hugs aren’t shown to anyone because of how closed off he is, so be prepared once you get past that wall and there isn’t anyone around. Or if he wants to annoy you because he’ll put you in a bear hug if he knows it will get you riled up and feisty. But those bear hugs of his are also always so warm because he’s just warm and it’s just a nice feeling. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It takes him a while to say it, but when he does it’s not some big romantic moment or anything. Which is par for the course since saying he loves someone means he is in deep and it paints a huge target on whoever it is. Yet his delivery the first time would be over something silly, like bringing him pizza after a hard day when he’s starving after just getting back to the shop to find you on his heels just behind him with a fresh pie in hand. “I love you, Doll.”
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Dante does get jealous but not in a way that bothers him. As far as he’s concerned if you’re in a relationship with him to that point he doesn’t need to worry about it. That’s not to say he doesn’t find it annoying when anyone comments on how something should have bothered him, like a coworker claiming they need to walk you to the office and seeing Dante waiting for you. Sure Dante feels that churn in his stomach when others flirt with you and you laugh or flirt back a little but he knows nothing will ever come of it. He does get a sick kick out of seeing whoever is trying to woo you when he slides up behind or beside you and watching their face fall as you turn to look at him with a megawatt smile. Almost like he enjoys it when they realize they’ve got nothing on him because you only have eyes for him. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Dante’s kisses are as varied as his moods, ranging from sensual and heartwarming to domineering ones that leave you breathless and the kind that leaves your knees buckling from just how overpowering they are. If anything it’s the reflection of how he feels in that moment with you since he isn’t always the best with words. Dante likes to kiss any part of your skin he can find but if he had to pick one place as a favorite, he’d say it was your hands because to him your hands are so different from his. His that are rough from all the sword work he’s done over the years and when he looks at yours knowing they’ve never done anything like his. He finds something just so sensual and heartwarming when you kiss the edge of his jaw, almost like it’s a promise that you’ll be back later.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Dante… is not good with children… at all. Like to the point that if one of them looks at him and starts crying he feels his whole being freezing. So when he sees them he flinches every time no matter how small of a reaction, and it’s something you come to catch when you see it the longer the two of you are together. However, the first time you meet Pattie and find out how old she was when she first met him, it clicks why he isn’t good with kids. Even more so when Trish and Lady tell you about the little blond that drove Dante nuts.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Sleeping. So much of Dante’s work is later in the day or into the night that the morning is when he sleeps or catches up on missing sleep. So if you want to spend the morning with him, you need to curl up in said bed with him. That’s if he made it to his bed and didn’t just crash on the couch. Another way that is a bit sneakier is if you roll into his kitchen and make breakfast, the smell of a home cooked meal with bacon tends to make the grumbly pizza man appear still half asleep and mumbling before dropping his head between your shoulder blades while you work away at the hot plate in the back room that makes up half of his kitchen. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
If Dante doesn’t have a mission on the go most nights he usually stays at his desk while you take up the couch, the two of you talking long through the night. Those nights you get to see him scowl when the office phone rings because while he might not say it he hates the interruptions to your conversations. Every once in a while on a rare occasions Dante will slide onto the couch with you, draping his arm over your shoulders and tugging you in close to him as the two of you swap stories about things you’ve seen and been through. But. If anyone shows up through the doors Dante is quick to dart away before they see him like that. He’d much rather spend the night with the two of you just talking then dealing with demons running amok. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Dante is slow to reveal things, even as your relationship moves forward and it’s not just because he’s closed off or has the walls up. He knows there are things about him that if you knew would put you in danger so he’s careful about what he does tell you. Yet he wants you to know all the important things about him and wars with how much to tell you. Some things are a lot easier than others like how much you mean to him and the effect being around has had on him. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It’s interesting to look at Dante and his patience because really there’s two sides to it. The one where he pretends things get under his skin and acts like he’s pissed, like most of his interactions with Lady. It’s easy for him to make a show to give the appearance of having a short temper, another great diversion tactic from what he’s actually like. That being said there are real things that could grate on his nerves like threats to those he cares about and it takes a lot for that side of him to show. If he did have a true short temper like the one he sometimes shows he wouldn’t have made it this far. When it comes to him being in a relationship with you there’s a world of patiences as the two of you figure out your boundaries with one another. Just don’t shoot him in the head or he might start to treat you like Lady.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
As much as Dante pretends like he isn’t paying attention he knows every detail you say and everything about you. He knows every inch of your body, those eyes of his are sharp when it comes to the finer details. If he’s pressed for information he does act like he doesn’t know anything, but when it comes to you he remembers your preferences for food, drinks, colors, flowers, all of it. So when it’s a day that’s important to you he has your favorite ready, it’s take out, but it’s the thought that counts. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Dante’s favorite moment is silly, when the two of you were making that transition from friend to dating. When you showed up at the office with the pizza he had ordered, expecting it to be the delivery guy and seeing you there instead. Laughing at him as you told him he did owe you that date he had promised and if he was too dense to figure out you were genuinely interested in him then you were gonna drive that point home. Even if you had to slap him in the face with said interest. You being so forward sits in his head as that point when he realized you weren’t just hanging out with him because of the bad luck that seemed to follow you. You actually wanted him, and that meant the world to him. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
This man is protective to the point it’s almost annoying, he knows you aren’t a fighter and he sees it once your relationship progresses so far as something he needs to do. Sort of like a duty as part of your relationship to keep you safe, which conflicts internally since he knows that you being in the relationship with him has also placed a larger target on your back. Some of his protection is of course his usual style of hack and slash when it comes to demons themselves that think you’re an easy target. Whenever certain humans that are remnants of a cult or similar start sniffing around Dante makes a show of following you at a distance, well a show where they can see him but you can’t see him. Dante doesn’t need you to protect him, but he would like you to not be defenseless if he can’t be there and tries to get you to be able to fight back somewhat. Not the same way as he would, more along the lines of being able to create an opening for you to get away from whatever might be after you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
His everyday tasks are bare bones minimum effort, this man has one focus day to day and it’s trying to keep himself afloat with enough money to order pizza. So they don’t get much effort. Even as your relationship progresses that doesn’t change, he doesn’t put too much effort into dates either no matter where you’re at in the relationship. Dante isn’t much of a gift guy either, the idea of buying you something just for the sake of buying you something makes his head spin in confusion. He’d much rather show his affection in person with touches after a rough day. Now when it is something important that’s when he puts the effort into it, so when he does give you something, it holds a lot of meaning and he does spend days thinking about what he is going to give you. When it comes to your anniversary he spends the mouth before starting to think about what he wants to do to show you it means something to him. He even goes so far as to ask Kyrie for advice since of all the women he knows she’s the most practical and unlikely to tease him for it. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
As good looking as Dante his, he isn’t the most hygienic. After a mission coming back covered in grime and possibly demon blood he doesn’t care about getting cleaned up, sees it as part of the job. He looks good but he isn’t good at cleaning his body or his clothes, the real reason he gets a new leather coat every four years or so. Because it’s so covered in grime even he can’t stand the smell of it. You cringe every time he comes back from a mission and he leans closer and the smell of rot and copper floods your senses, waving your hand in front of your face and trying to shove him into a shower. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Dante might not be vain but he knows he is good looking, it’s part of his charm and his taunting when he’s in a fight. He has the kind of looks however that takes very little effort for him to maintain and his life style seems to add to it. Like when he doesn’t shave for a few days and his stubble gets longer, of his hair a little shaggier, instead of taking away from his looks it seems to increase them. Which when others fawn over his rugged handsomeness you do find it a little annoying as your own jealously flares. At least until he sends you a wink during the fawning. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
As the relationship progresses Dante refuses to admit that you’ve become an integral part of his life and the thought of losing you makes him freeze. Because he’s at a point where he needs to figure out if he wants to keep going and accept the realization he needs you to feel whole, that for the first time since he lost his family as a child that you slot into that missing piece of him and it completes him. It’s a thought he doesn’t really enjoy having to dwell on, just how much you are the missing pieces of him that he didn’t know could be filled in. Pieces he thought would forever be lost to the void and tucked behind mental doors to never be seen. Its easier for him to accept that you don’t mean anything and lie to himself instead of admitting how deeply ingrained you are as a part of him now. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Underneath all of his devil may care (I know bad pun) attitude and his taunting when in fights that makes it seem like Dante is a cocky uncaring slob deep down he feels like everything he does is never enough. That if he hadn’t been so scared as a child, maybe his mother wouldn’t have died, maybe he and Vergil wouldn’t have been separated. That if he had of just been more then maybe he wouldn’t feel so lonely when he has his nights alone, refusing to let anyone see that at his core he’s still that scared little boy. So when you come along and peel all those layers away from him he comes to realize he can be that person even for a little while and accept that you care about him even with that sense of self depreciation. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Dante doesn’t like olives. That’s for certain. When it comes to people he doesn’t like them being clingy or needing a lot of attention. Essentially he likes his people to not be like a dog but more like a cat, instead of wanting to spend every second with him or wanting his attention he wants someone there when they feel like being there. He doesn’t want someone that wants his undivided attention 24/7, it’s too exhausting for him. He prefers when a person, be they a partner or not, is just there to spend time with him and either do their own thing while he does his or be off on their own. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Dante is a bed hog and blanket thief. The worst of his blanket thieving is he doesn’t even want them after ten or fifteen minutes with how warm his skin is. So he steals them, wrapping them around his body, and they end up on the floor. Which is great when you want to press close to him as a personal furnace. The man, no matter how big the bed is, needs to sprawl, legs wide apart, arms stretched as far as they can. He’s a starfish flopped on a bed and while it is a pain it is kind of cute to see a small bit of drool when he’s truly passed out. 
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SFW Template
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lullinglily · 1 month
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Sorcerer Rogier X GN! Reader SFW Alphabet
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He dotes on you incessantly. He’s always touching you in some way, whether it be playing with your hair or holding onto your arm or laying across your lap while he pretends to be interested in whatever it is he’s reading. He’s a smooth talker with a silver tongue that he puts to good use; rendering you weak with just a few words. Rogier leans in close when talking to you or helping you with something, he’s acutely aware of the effect he has on his beloved and quite enjoys seeing you so flustered. Likes to lift your hand in his and gently kiss it, his lips roaming up your arm until he switches to your neck, where he will of course continue his upwards pursuit. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He’d be a spectacular best friend. Rogier is a reliable, supportive, knowledgable and overall friendly guy! He’s great to hang out with. As for how it starts, maybe you need some help studying for something. Maybe you don’t understand the new scroll you picked up or you just can’t wrap your head around some obscure part of Lands Between history — Sorcerer Rogier to the rescue! He’d be more than happy to explain to you just about anything. Alternatively, I think a friendship could also stem from your shared interests in the Night of Black Knives, the dogmatism of the Golden Order, or just plain old Roundtable gossip. Swapping stories and getting in-depth details on petty rumors are his guilty pleasures. 
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Most certainly. Keeps at least one arm around you as he drifts off. He might shift around in his sleep but he still somehow keeps contact with you throughout the entire night. A drunken Rogier is twice as clingy. He’ll pass out on top of you, by your side with his face in your hair and half of his body covering you or with his head resting on your lower stomach. 
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Rogier isn’t sold on completely settling down, he’s much more interested in the partnership that spawns from a marriage than staying in one place and taking up a less dangerous hobby. He wants to be able to go on daring adventures and the like, and he’d love to have you with him! It’s just that he has some dreams he still wishes to realize. He’s set on marrying you, make no mistake. He’s pretty good at cooking, although he doesn’t do it much so he’s a little out of practice. It could be worse. He’s a fan of whipping up something quick to surprise you with; especially if he knows you’ve had a rough day. Likes it when you feed him and enjoys doing the same to you, he thinks it’s cute. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He's extremely respectful, keeps it lighthearted, promises to keep contact and actually does. 
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
If you both love each other and are content in your relationship, he’ll pop the question. Easy as that. He knows what he wants and is quite confident in his proposal. A healthy Rogier would wait around a standard time to propose, most likely a year and a half. However, towards the end of his life, he’d ask fairly quick (given that you are both comfortable in your relationship and it wouldn’t be random etc etc). He won’t be as slick or sure when proposing, instead he’s jittery and constantly stumbling over his words. He knows he’s dying soon, he knows it’ll be more than a little selfish to ask you to marry him when all has been said and done, but he needs to know if you’d be content being his. He wants to be your husband, if only for a little while. 
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Rogier is a very gentle lover. Physically his touches are always soft, kind and playful. He adores you and treats you with the upmost care. He’s just as tender emotionally, maybe even more so. You’ll come to him crying and he’s immediately swooping you into an embrace, tutting at you and kissing away any tears. 
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Of course! Any affection from his partner is much appreciated. He reciprocates it warmly but not without a few teasing words (“What’s this? Did my sweetness miss me?” “Such a clingy thing you are, my love”). He hugs you often. Every morning before parting ways, every evening when you are reunited with each other once again and anytime in between. He adores it. While he’s no stranger to kind words or friendship, he hasn’t known closeness like this before. The love you show him is truly unique. 
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It may take a while, at most 4-5 months. Until then he’s using “I like you” or “I’m fond of you.” Nothing too serious but shows that he cares. He’s such a charmer, constantly showering you with cloying compliments aplenty. When he does finally say those three troublesome words it’s like they mean nothing at all, yet they carry upon them the weight of his entire heart. He says them so calmly, so casually, it takes you by surprise. It was late, you were lying on his lap reaching up at and fumbling with the jewel that hung from his hat; admiring the way it’s dazzling light shone across his cheek. Your hand changes its course, choosing instead to run a finger over his cat-like smile. Its then that he captures your wrist in his hold, placing your palm on his cheek as he rubs the back of it with his thumb; tracing circles on your skin and looking at you with all the love in the world. He's lovesick and just can't seem to help himself around you, so when he next opens his mouth the cat's out of the bag. He's shocked when he realizes what he's said, but comes to accept the words just as soon as he'd uttered them. Yes, he loves you.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Feels more smug than anything when someone stares at you for too long; Rogier knows how lucky he is to be yours. He enjoys sweeping in and placing a hand on your hip just to add salt to your admirer’s wounds. If things get too serious or he senses any discomfort from you he’ll step in and thoroughly tell them off, maybe even make a show of it and obscure you from their view. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Bewitching. It’s impossible to keep track of how many times he’ll kiss your cheek in a day, it’s his way of saying “hello” or “thank you” or “how are you?” or … Well, it can mean a lot of different things. The point is he does it so so very often. He likes to kiss you anywhere, he loves you and that includes your entire body. If he had to pick his favorite spots to kiss you though they’d have to be your hands, cheek and neck. Forehead kisses are used as parting gifts and are also often used when comforting you. Likes kissing the inside of your wrist as well, it’s like his usual hand kisses but more mesmerizing. He’ll do these just to see you squirm. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Acts like his usual self but a bit softer. He loves children, thinks they're a special blessing to the ever-dreary Lands Between. Although he never wanted to be a father himself, seeing the world he inhabits to be too cruel to bring a child into, he does find his thoughts drifting towards the prospect when he's with you.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
It’s truly a wonder how Rogier is able to act so charming despite only getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night. He gives you a chaste kiss on the forehead once he awakes, humming a tender ‘good morning’ to you in that chipper voice of his. If you’re not much of an early bird and slow to rise, he’ll get a bit playful with his methods to rouse you. Such methods include blowing raspberries into your neck/chest or bridal carrying you out of your shared bed himself. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Rogier are relaxing, healing and blissful. He likes to take the night slow and puts in a ton of effort to make you comfortable. The night begins with a fragrant herb-strewn bath that you both take together, washing each other off before fixing each other’s hair and so on. Rogier learns your favorite flavor of tea early on and perfects the recipe, handing it to you at just the right temperature before settling into bed. These times will either be spent basking in each other’s presence or rambling about your interests/days. Rogier enjoys the latter, opting to snake an arm around your shoulders while his other hand plays with your hair. You will always be the first to fall asleep no matter what. Rogier stays up late studying, reading, learning etc etc … he’s a capital ’S’ scholar and tends to get a bit lost in his work. He’ll often get up and move to a nearby desk if he feels he’s disturbing your slumber. It feels like coming home when he finally gives in to exhaustion, dragging himself to bed and slotting his drowsy form against your side. 
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) 
Oh dear. He’s a pretty open guy, just not with emotions. He tends to steer conversations far, far way from his inner turmoils. He won’t have any issue with you unloading all of your emotional baggage onto him —  he takes pride in knowing you talk to him about your own problems — it’s just that he never wants to go over his. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
 He’s a pretty lax guy. He doesn’t take what others say about him too seriously. He doesn’t tolerate any disrespect thrown on your name, however. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Rogier has you down to a science. He’s chatty, loves to learn, and you just happen to be one of his favorite topics of discussion. He remembers every important date, how long the both of you have been together, what sort of present you’d like for your anniversary etc etc … He acts very smug about it too. Knows just what to say or do to elicit his desired response. 
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Your first date! Oh to be searching for Deathroot with your crush clinging onto your arm because they're scared to death of the catacombs. How romantic. He lets no harm come to you whatsoever. He's a talented sorcerer, after all. He's also a perfect idiot; letting his ambitions spoil what was supposed to be a romantic and peaceful day for you both. While neither of you run into much trouble, he does sense that he messed up by putting his interests above your own and profusely apologizes. You have him pay you back by taking you on what you call a "real date," as if those imps weren't real enough. He obliges, of course, and goes well beyond anything you were expecting. Because of his excellent commitment to putting together the best date you've ever been on, you allow him to take you out adventuring again; so long as he gives you a heads up beforehand.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you?)
A normal amount. You’re both living in the treacherous Lands Between, there’s plenty of reasons for him to be protective of you. He has your hand in his when you go out, leading the way so that he’ll hopefully be the first to weather any hardship. He’s very much against the prospect of you leaving the Roundtable on your own. If he can’t accompany you he’ll charm some other capable Tarnished into doing so. Gives them a whole talk about it too. Ensures that whoever it is looking after you gives you proper space, but should you return with even a hair on your head harmed they will not be getting paid.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Rogier puts an absurd amount of effort into dates. He once collected and took care of a myriad of glintstone fireflies just to release them on a date for some ambient lighting. He likes spiffing up an area before taking you there, often covering your eyes with his hands as he leads you to it. He’s always showing off when it comes to daily tasks. He does them well, just adds that extra bit of flourish to boring everyday chores to see you smile — to hear you praise him. 
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Has a difficult time conveying his more negative emotions. He’s pretty guarded in that regard, usually because he’s ignoring his own problems or isn’t sure how to address them. Gets easily absorbed by his work, can be a little impish at times and not take things as seriously as they should be. 
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Not very, but he does want to look nice for you. He washes up well and combs his hair every day and whatnot. 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
It depends on how serious the relationship becomes, but generally yes. It’s rare for Rogier to let his guard down completely around someone, and he’s become quite used to your affection. He’d be rather pitiful without it.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He’s playful and a huge tease. Loves to hold items out of your reach, exchanging them for a sweet peck on the cheek. Like to read books aloud to you in a theatrical manner, acting out scenes and changing the cadence of his voice to fit the scenario. He lives for your smile and will do everything in his power to see you beam up at him each and every day. 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Closed mindedness, arrogance, etc … 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Sprawls out, always has a leg or arm hooked over you. 
23 notes · View notes
musings-of-a-rose · 1 year
I'll Always Wait For You - Chapter 18 (Final Chapter)
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x f!reader
Word Count: 6900+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: Well, this is it. The final chapter. I’m feeling very emotional about this one, as these 2 are my babies. This fic was the second thing I ever started writing AND my first series. I started it in November of 2021 and now I’m ending it in June of 2023. Thank you to everyone who has read it, left comments, reblogged it, talked about it off of Tumblr (I am still FLOORED that this has happened!). This is what keeps people creating. Even if you think you have nothing important to say, or if all you say is just a keyboard mash of letters, I can promise you ALL of it means the world to us. So I dedicate this fic to you, the reader. You’re the real star here and I can’t express my love enough. If you’re ever wanting more, I am always down to write one shots, drabbles, character insights, what ifs, etc for this fic (and any of my others).
Now excuse me while I go cry
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Main Masterlist
I'll Always Wait For You Masterlist
Frankie Morales Masterlist
<&lt;Chapter 17
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“You look so beautiful!” Olivia gushes over you after she tucks the last braid into place, watching you stand and do a little twirl in your white dress.
“You think so? It’s not too much?”
“Too much? Girl, it’s your wedding day. You can’t be too much!”
Smiling, you smooth out your dress as you take in your reflection. You’re marrying Frankie. Your Frankie. Frankie, whom you’ve been in love with since you were 19. This is real. It’s happening.
Ok, technically, in the eyes of the law, it happened a few weeks ago at a courthouse. But there’s something special about gathering in front of your close friends and family, wearing a beautiful dress, and getting to repeat those vows in front of everyone. A soft knock at the door brings you out of your head and Olivia walks across the room to peak her head outside. 
“Mosa, it’s the photographer. Are you ready for the first look?”
“It’s HERmosa!” Frankie’s muffled yell comes from behind the door and Olivia smirks. 
One last glance in the mirror at your reflection and you nod, turning your back towards the door. You hear some shuffling as Frankie is ushered in backwards and the photographers get into place. 
“Turn in 3..2..1..Turn!” Olivia says and then steps back.
You turn, your eyes finding his almost immediately, as if they were drawn there. He’s dressed in a tailored suit, fitting his form perfectly, his grandfather’s kerchief folded and poking from the pocket. But what you’re really interested in is his face, his eyes growing wider and glossier the longer he looks at you.
“Hermosa, you…you’re beautiful,” Frankie says, awestruck.
“You’re just figuring that out?” You say behind a smile.
“No, I mean I always knew but…wow.”
He walks up to you and cups your cheek, running his thumb across it as Olivia hisses something about makeup from the corner of the room. But you couldn’t care less. Frankie was here, marrying you. This is all you’ve dreamt of for well over 10 years. A tear runs down Frankie’s cheek and you wipe it away.
“Are you ok?”
He sniffs and smiles. “I’m the best I’ve felt in a long time. I just…I only wish we would’ve done this sooner.”
“We did. We got married in the courthouse, remember?” 
He smiles at you. “I meant more that we never…that we stayed together since that first kiss.”
“Me too. But we can’t dwell on what-ifs. We can only think about the here-and-nows.”
Frankie tips your chin up and presses a light kiss to your lips, the clicks from the camera going crazy. You pose for photos for several minutes before Olivia ushers everyone from the room, winking at you when she says she’ll give you 10 minutes of alone time before she came to get you. The second the door closes, Frankie pushes his tongue in your mouth, pulling you as close as he can. 
“I can’t mess this dress up, Frankie,” You say pouting.
“That’s ok. I can work with that.” Frankie grips your hips and spins you around, bending you over the back of the chair and clasping a hand to your mouth as he takes you, your hands desperately trying to reach behind you to pull him in closer. 
15 minutes later, Olivia knocks on the door and enters hesitantly, smirking when she sees you smoothing down your dress, Frankie’s face more pink than when she had left. 
“It’s time,” she says, tossing her thumb over her shoulder and looking at Frankie pointedly. He turns to you and kisses your cheek.
“See you out there?”
“Raging sharks couldn’t keep me away.” 
He kisses you once more before Olivia starts clearing her throat. When he straightens up a curl falls on his forehead and you softly push it back to where it was, feeling Frankie’s eyes on you the entire time. He opens the door and looks outside befire turning back to you. 
“Your gift is here.”
“You don’t have to get me a gift, Frank-”
Santi walks through the door, dressed in a nice tux and smiling from ear to ear. You hadn’t seen him since the day he confessed his love for you and you had missed him terribly. Frankie was your best friend, but Santi was a close second and you’d hated the idea of getting married without him there.
“Hey, Hermosa.”
You catch a glimpse of Frankie’s smile before he closes the door as you wrap your arms around Santi, feeling him squeeze you back just as hard. Separating a few moments later, you dab under your eyes as you try to choke back tears. 
“If I smudge my makeup, Olivia may kill me.”
Santi laughs. “She’s Benny’s girl, right? She’s perfect for him.”
“She’s really great…but how are you here?”
“I uh…Frankie called me a few weeks ago and told me…well, everything. I’m sorry I was screening my calls, Hermosa. I just…I needed time.”
“I understand. But…you’re here now! Are you ok?”
“I’m doing alright, Hermosa. Actually, pretty good.”
“You’ll have to tell me all about her.”
He laughs. “I will. But uh, hey - do you need a Man of Honor? If…if that would…be ok?”
“I would love to have to as my Man of Honor! But…Benny already agreed and I don’t know how to tell him -”
Santi waves his hand. “Benny was in on this. He knows and already said it was ok with him as long as you wanted it.”
Your eyes go wide. “Wait. Benny knew you were coming and he didn’t tell me?”
You gasp. “That bitch!”
Santi laughs his hardest yet. “So…”
“Let’s go, Man of Honor.”
The next thing you know, Frankie’s kissing you, everyone whooping and cheering, Aurelia throwing more flower petals into the air as they announce “Mr. and Mrs. Morales.” The rest of the night was like a blur, between photos and eating, first dances and cake, you barely had time to sit until things started to wind down long into the night. When you tried to help clean up, Olivia literally slapped your hand away and glared at you.
“Absolutely not. Benny!” He walks over and play groans when she says she’s recruited him to help clean up. She pretends to twist his nipple when he starts to complain and he yelps, high pitched and smiling as they play fight for a few moments before he gives in, grabbing plates and stacking them to wash. 
Frankie looks exhausted and he’s limping a little, so you beg him to not carry you over the threshold. “You did that when we got courthouse married.”
“Yeah but-”
“No. I’m not having you throw your hip out on our wedding day. Not from this.”
He chokes and smiles, giving in, a dark twinkle in his eye. “Alright. If you insist.” But by the time you’d made it upstairs and gotten your clothes off, both of you were too exhausted to do much of anything aside from a shower and literally fall into bed. But Frankie made up for lost time the next morning, waking you with what he claims was already your third orgasm of the day, his curls mussed up from being buried between your legs. He presses his body to yours, swallowing your whimpers before he adds his own, hips shaking with release. 
You spend your honeymoon at the Miller family cabin upstate, the only clothing you wear being one of Frankie’s shirts and sometimes his hat, which drives him wild. He celebrates another sobriety milestone while there, smiling wide at your praise. When you get back home, you can see he has an extra pep in his step, always a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, always wanting to touch you, whether a hand to your wrist, a touch to your lower back, or a smack on your ass, chuckling as you yelp and smack him back. When you ask him why he looks exceptionally happy, he credits you. “I finally got the girl of my dreams, the love of my life.”
Frankie and you settle into a comfortable routine. You were no strangers to living together, the adjustment taking no time at all. Life goes on as normal, except now, you get to live it with Frankie, no longer separated by a stupid argument, misconceptions, or a bitch of an ex wife. This was exactly where you were meant to be. 
Several months later, Frankie follows you into the family restroom at Target, slinging your purse over his shoulder as he rifles through the bag of stuff you’d just purchased.
“Pink dye first, right?” He asks, raising his eyebrows as he looks at you.
“Yeah. They’re more accurate supposedly.” 
Frankie tears open the box and studies the directions, as if he hadn’t done this several times already. He opens one of the sticks and hands it to you, turning around to give you a little privacy. 
“Start the timer,” you say as you zip up your pants. Frankie hits go on his timer and turns to face you, a pregnancy stick held face down in your hand. He can see your nerves, your worry and concern on your face.
“It’ll be ok, Hermosa.”
“Yeah I know. But what if it isn’t?”
“It will be-”
“We’ve been trying for months, Frankie. I know the OB said to try for a year before fertility testing but-”
Frankie walks up to you and pulls you to him, applying a gentle pressure as he hugs you close, kissing the side of your head. “If it’s negative, then we keep trying, ok? It hasn’t been a year yet and sometimes these things take time.”
“Yeah. Will told me that it took them months to conceive Liam. And they were trying too. Just…breathe. In….out…”
You breathe with him for a few breaths. “You always were annoyingly calm in a crisis.”
He smiles. “Wouldn’t help to freak out behind the joystick.” 
You open your mouth to reply, but his timer cuts you off. Your mouth jams shut, nerves taking over your body as Frankie holds your gaze. 
“If it says negative, we can keep trying. Remember that. I love you no matter what, Hermosa.” You nod, taking a deep breath. “Ready?”
“Ready.” You flip the test over and look, 2 bright pink lines staring back at you. Tears immediately fall as you laugh, turning the test around to show Frankie, who yells, grabbing you up in his arms and hugging you tightly. He kisses you for a moment, pressing his forehead to yours. 
“I fucking love you, Hermosa.”
“I love you, Frankie.”
He yanks the door open and whoops loudly, people turning to look at him as you follow him out of the bathroom. 
“I’m going to be a father again!” He pumps his fists in the air, smiling from ear to ear as people cheer, clapping and congratulating you as they finish their purchases, one older couple handing you a gift card on their way out, telling you to spoil that baby. 
Frankie was hesitant at first with your pregnancy, despite being so supportive and actually wanting a child with you. A couple months in, you finally ask him why he seems afraid to touch you, that you won’t break. He finally confesses to you that when Elizabeth was pregnant, she did nothing but yell at him, belittling him and wouldn’t let him touch her at all, not her belly, not even to rub her back or feet. She called him horrible names and would blame it on the hormones. Your heart breaks for him and you have no words. Well, you have words but they aren’t nice ones. Instead, you sit next to him on the bed, leaning back onto one arm, and take his hand with the other, gently placing it on your lower belly. His eyes light up as he looks at your tiny for the moment bump, tears welling in his eyes as he brings his other hand up to take the other side. He pulls your shirt up just enough to see your belly skin, giving it a tiny kiss.
“Hey, little one. You grow strong in there and don’t give your mom too much of a hard time.”
From then on, Frankie is all in. Whatever you need, he gets it, even if it’s a ridiculous request at 3am. He’s constantly touching your growing belly, talking to it as much as you do. He finds Aurelia’s old crib in the attic, a few boxes of baby stuff and a bassinet up there as well. He sets up the nursery under your instruction, letting Aurelia help with the decorations when she comes on the weekends. You decide to wait to find out the sex of the baby, thinking it would be something fun to do. So instead you call it “Bean”.
“Think Bean will like this?” Frankie asks, pointing to a baby swing. 
“They might, but Frankie, that swing is nearly $150. We can’t afford that.”
His shoulder’s slump but he agrees. “Maybe we can check the thrift shop. It’s the one thing Will didn’t toss our way.”
He was there for all of the classes too, birthing ones, breathing ones, even the hypnobirthing ones. He signed up for a “birthing partners” class, learning the best ways to support you not just during labor and delivery, but during the 4th trimester, or immediately postpartum. He helped you practice your meditations, making sure you had everything you needed and that you remember to take your prenatal and drink enough water. 
When you’re 8 months pregnant, getting winded from walking down the hall, Frankie gets a call from his boss at Flyboyz on his day off, asking him to come in. He grabs his hat and gives you a quick kiss before leaving, reminding you to drink water. He’d been working a lot lately, trying to make extra money so he can stay home with you and the baby for the first month. You’re not sure how long he’ll be gone, so you plop yourself down on your bed, pulling over the basket of baby clothes that still have to be sorted and you get to work, separating the sizes, long sleeve vs short, nightgowns from onesies. A couple hours later, the front door opens and Frankie slams it behind him, the picture frames rattling on the walls. You set aside the footie pajamas you were folding and go to stand up, but Frankie comes storming into the bedroom before you can move, anger coming off of him in waves.
He yanks his hat from his head, tossing it onto his dresser, knocking some things off of it. “I can’t fucking believe her!”
Struggling a little, you manage to get up and cross the room to him, placing your hand on his mid back. He recoils, anger flashing in his eyes but it’s not directed at you. Unsure of what happened, you know he needs to calm down before he can tell you. You grab an ice cube out of your glass of water and turn to Frankie.
“Give me your hand.”
He looks at you, eyebrow raised. “What?”
“Just do it.”
He stares at you for a moment before shoving his hand out. You flip it palm up, opening his fingers and place the ice cube in his palm. He yelps, but you hold his hand firmly so he won’t drop the ice.
“What the fuck, Hermosa?”
“The cold will help reset your nervous system.”
“I don’t think- it’s too fucking cold, Hermosa.”
“Just another few seconds.”
His chest, which had been heaving a moment ago, has slowed down, the anger still there but at a manageable level. You tip his hand and grab the falling ice into your own palm, putting it in the sink in the bathroom before coming back to the bed and trying to sit on it. Frankie is there, taking your hand and helping you into bed. He goes to stand but you squeeze his hand and pull him until he sighs, sitting on the edge, his shoulders slumped.
“How do you feel?”
“Fucking angry, but…the edge is gone. Ice…who fucking knew?”
“So..may I ask what happened?”
His eyes darken with repressed outrage. “I thought I was getting extra work. Instead, my pilot’s license has been suspended, pending a review.”
You sit up quickly, eyes going wide. “What??”
He nods, his jaw clenching. “Apparently, someone made a claim that I was using when I flew some clients and now they have to investigate.”
You knew that Frankie had been clean over a year, that he wasn’t using at all. “Oh, Frankie. Wait..who made the claim?”
He looks at you. “It was anonymous but I know it was Elizabeth.” He says her name with absolute disgust and hate that you nearly pull back from him. 
“Elizabeth? Would she-”
“Oh come on, Hermosa. You don’t think it was her? I’ve been clean for well over a year. She’s the only one who would have known that I used that would make claims.”
“What about Rick?”
Frankie shakes his head. “Nah. He left Flyboyz while you were…out of town. I told him he had to leave or I would report him for selling. He started to threaten to bring me down with him, but then remembered you were…not in my life and he could see the rock bottom in me, I guess. So he backed off, just left to go elsewhere. There’s no way it’s him. It’s her. It’s always her causing shit. I’m so fucking sick of it!”
Placing a hand on his back, you start to rub it, adding in little scratches here and there like he likes. “She is a bitch.”
“I just got my license back. I worked so hard on that.” He puts his face in his hands, resting his elbows on his legs. You scoot towards him wrapping your arm around him. 
“I know you did. But you said suspended? That doesn’t mean revoked, right?”
He shakes his head. “No, it doesn’t.”
“So…what does it mean?”
“It means, I can’t fly until it’s reinstated. I have to pee in a cup at random times during the week for 6 months to prove I’m clean before they will lift the suspension.”
“Well there you go!”
He looks up at you, his eyebrows pulling together. “There I go, what? We can’t afford for me to not have this income, Hermosa.”
“We’ll be ok-”
“You’re about to have a baby. Your income won’t happen for a bit, and that’s fine, but we needed this extra money and now I can’t provide that. All because of my bitch of an ex!”
“Frankie, we’ll be ok. If we have to borrow money, we can.”
“I’m not borrowing money.”
“Fine. Then I will borrow it.”
“No, I’ll…I’ll figure something out.”
“Just…can we just stop for tonight? I’m trying to process this.”
You open your mouth to argue but then see the exhausted look on his face. “Sure. Why don’t you come talk to us? That always makes you feel better.”
Leaning back against the headboard, you watch as Frankie scoots up the bed, getting level with your belly as you turn on your side so you’re not being squished. He chats to the baby for a while, about everything and nothing and by the time he’s done, his shoulders are relaxed and he’s not as angry anymore. 
Elizabeth never fully admits to being the one to make the claim, but you see the look on her face through the car window when you make your next exchange for Aurelia after Frankie confronts her and you know she did it. There’s nothing you can say or do except wait it out. Frankie getting his license back will be all the revenge you’ll need.
—---- (Skip to the next line if you don’t want to read about labor. It’s not terribly graphic at all, but I know it’s not everyone’s thing)-------
“I never thought I’d have to beg you to have sex with me!” You stomp your foot, furious that Frankie won’t follow the doctor’s advice. 
It had been a few weeks since his license was revoked and you were a week past your due date and not happy about it.
“Hermosa, I don’t-”
“Want to hurt me, I know, I know. But the midwife even said that sex is the best way to induce labor because of the prostaglandins in your semen.”
“You make it sound so sexy.”
“Frankie,” you pinch the bridge of your nose, taking a deep sigh. “I am the size of a house. I am miserable and sweaty and I haven’t seen my feet in months and I just want to have this baby already. If it’s my belly, I can turn around-”
“You are fucking gorgeous.”
“Then please?”
Frankie studies you for a long moment, his shoulders starting to slump and that’s when you knew you had him. “Alright, fine. We can try it. But we’re going slow, taking our time, ok?”
“No arguments here.”
Contractions started within an hour of Frankie cumming inside of you. You weren’t sure at first what you were feeling, but it sort of felt like a bad period cramp, so you assumed this must be it. Frankie timed them all for you, helping you breathe as they got more intense and closer together, and when they were close enough apart, Frankie helped you to his truck and drove to the hospital. In between contractions, you watched him as he drove, expertly winding his way through traffic, a look of focus on his face, a little furrow between his brow the only indication that this was not a normal day behind the wheel. How lucky you were to have this man, who can be calm in stressful situations, want to spend his life with you. 
“What?” Frankie glances sideways at you before turning back to the road.
“You’re cute when you focus.”
A smile pulls at the corner of his mouth. “Remember how cute I am when you’re in transition.”
Before you know it, you’re in a labor and delivery room, barely spending any time in triage before they whisked you away. Hospitals can be a frustrating place to have a baby. Each nurse walks in and tells you to rest between contractions, try to get some sleep when you can, but then a new nurse comes along within an hour, always rousing you from sleep to take your blood pressure or put their fingers where you didn’t want them. You’d finally had enough of the latter and told a nurse to kindly fuck off, and denied internal exams unless it was a medical emergency. Frankie was by your side the entire labor, putting counter pressure on your hips when you needed it, pulling your hair from your face, sneaking you snacks because they forbid food and you said you’d chomp off your own fingers if they didn’t let you eat. Transition was hard, but all of a sudden, you knew it was time to push. Following your body, you get on all fours, taking your calming breaths, but then realizing that Frankie was not next to you. Turning your head, you see him, wide eyed and backing towards the door.
“I’ll just-” He points his thumb over his shoulder at the door.
“No, please. I need you here with me.” Another contraction has you breathing again and it’s a minute before he replies.
“You want me here?”
“Yes. I need you, Frankie.” 
His eyes start to water over and it doesn’t occur to you then, but later that night it’l come to you - he wasn’t trying to dodge out of the delivery. He was having a flashback to when Elizabeth kicked him out of the room right when Aurelia was making her way into the world, and your heart hurt all over again. Frankie is at your side in an instant, turning to yell for the nurse who had surprisingly not come in for some random check.
“No time!” You yell, letting out a low groan, a technique you learned to help move baby down and out. Frankie’s face slides into focus mode and he moves behind you, just in time to catch the baby as it comes sliding out. He gathers the baby up, holding it close as it screams into the world. The nurse comes running in then, having heard the baby crying as you turn onto your back, arms outstretched to hold your baby, skin to skin.
“Baby is here! I didn’t even know you were transitioning! You were pretty quiet.”
The nurse bustles around and does her thing while Frankie transfers the baby to your bare chest. Tears stream down your face as you look at Frankie, who has tears of his own. He kisses the top of your head. “I am so proud of you, Hermosa.”
A few moments pass, the baby calming against your chest. “Hey Frankie? Is the baby a boy or girl?”
He slaps his hand to his forehead. “I forgot to look! I was so focused on catching the baby and whether it was breathing and not dropping it that I don’t think I looked! Here.” He lifts the hip of the baby and smiles.
“We have a son. I have a son!”
—---No more labor/delivery details—---
Luis Christian Francisco Morales was born perfect. 10 little fingers and 10 little toes, skin glowing. He was the perfect combination of you both, although you say he favors Frankie mostly. 
You both settle into your roles as new parents, a lot of it being new to Frankie too, since Elizabeth had denied him so much. He was determined to not miss out on things this time, making sure you both had everything you needed and watching Luis when he stayed awake between feeds so you could have a nap. Aurelia cries the first time she sees Luis, big ugly sobs, and when Frankie finally calms her down enough to ask what’s wrong, she simply says “He…he’s…s-so so cute!” She happily takes up the mantle of “Big Sister” when she’s with you. Once, you wake from your nap only to find all 3 of them sleeping, Luis curled up on Frankie’s broad chest, Aurelia tucked onto his other side. You snap a photo and then quietly leave the room, taking the time to actually shower. 
About a month in, Frankie comes back from dropping Aurelia with her mom. His eyebrows were pulled together in confusion as he stares down at his phone.
“Everything ok?” You ask, shifting the bottle you were feeding Luis with so it was a better angle.
“Yeah. Uh…Santi just texted me.”
“Oh yeah? Everything ok?”
“Uh..he says congrats on Luis, that he’s the cutest, and that he was out of service for a bit and he’s sorry he didn’t text earlier.”
“That’s ok. I know he’s busy.”
Frankie is quiet for a moment. “He offered me some work.”
“Well, not just me. Benny, Will, and Tom too.”
“What kind of work?” When he doesn’t answer, you look up at him. He kicks his shoes off and sits next to you on the couch. 
“Consulting.” His eyes don’t meet yours, focusing instead on his fingers, where he starts to pick at the skin around his nails.
“Consulting.” You say in disbelief. 
“Wait, like a mission?”
Frankie shrugs. “No? I mean, it’s just scoping out a place and looking for weaknesses. We give our report to the government he works with and then come back. Easy peasy.” 
“If it’s so easy peasy, why aren’t you looking at me?”
He takes a deep breath and let’s it out slowly before looking at you. “It’s for a week. Just trying to find holes in a fence.”
“And why do they need you?”
“They need a pilot.”
“You don’t have your license.”
“It probably doesn’t matter over there.”
“Frankie, I don’t-”
“I’ts $17k, Hermosa. We need the money.”
“I don’t like it. So much can go wrong. Who’s house is it? Definitely no one that’s a stand up citizen. What happens if they find you first? No, I don’t like it.”
“Just..he’s coming to town tomorrow and we’re going to chat about it at Benny’s fight. Let me ask some more questions.”
“I don’t like it, Frankie.”
“I know. Just..let me talk to Pope.”
It’s late the next night and you start to pace the floor of your bedroom, wondering when he’ll be back. He’d texted you to tell you Benny had won the fight and they were stopping at the bar for a quick drink before Olivia takes him home to play nurse. 
That had been 2 hours ago.
The door finally opens downstairs and you quietly make your way to the kitchen, where you were hearing Frankie move around. 
“Did I wake you?”
You shake your head. “I was awake. Luis is asleep.”
“Good, good. He go down ok?”
“Yeah, actually in his bassinet, but Frankie? How did it go?” 
He gets a glass of water, chugging half of it before setting the glass down on the counter. “It’s just a recce. No live fire.”
“There’s a possibility of people shooting at you??”
“I mean, we are casing a place. It’s always possible if guards see you or-”
He looks at you. “Hermosa, we need the money.”
“I don’t have a job. We need this.”
“No money is worth your life, Frankie. None of your lives.”
“I won’t be in any major danger. I’ve done worse.”
“Yeah but you didn’t have a family then.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“No. No, I don’t like this, no.”
Frankie puts his hands on his hips, cocking one hip back as he looks at you. “We’re behind on bills.”
“So? I’ll borrow some money and you can stay.”
“Or I can get another job? A new client. I can-”
“You just had a baby, so no.”
“Then I can-”
“Hermosa.” He says it firmly, that hip still cocked back as his eyes find yours, resolve in them.
“You’ve…you’ve already said yes, haven’t you?”
His tongue comes out to swipe across his bottom lip. “We leave Thursday.”
Silence stretches between you both as you stare at him in disbelief. “I can’t believe you made that decision without me.”
“I made the decision for us. We need the money.”
“Oh, fuck you and the money! I said I could borrow it. You’re just being stubborn!”
“I’m taking responsibility! We needed money and this just happens to come our way? I have to take it.”
“So you’re saying it’s fate that Santi texted you to lure you down there with the promise of $17k? You’re telling me that it’s just consulting and nothing else? Can you promise me that?”
He shrugs. “That was the original deal.”
“But can you promise me?”
He studies you for a moment, his eyes lingering on yours. “I’m going, Hermosa.”
And with that, you turn on your heel and walk out of the kitchen, closing the door behind you, wishing you could slam it. 
The next couple days were torture. You kept trying to convince Frankie to stay, convince all of them to stay. You didn’t want any of them going. But they all said the same thing that Frankie said. “It’s just consulting.” Thursday morning, Tom comes to pick up Frankie pretty early. He leans over to kiss you in bed and you take one more shot at trying to get him to stay. Your fingers wind into his curls as you pull him to you, deepening the chaste kiss he had started. 
“You can still stay,” you say, your voice barely a whisper.
“I’ll be back in a week, Hermosa. I love you.”
Tears streaming down your face, you reply. “I love you too. Please don’t die. Don’t any of you die.”
Frankie chuckles. “We’ll be fine. I’ll call you in a couple of days once we’re settled, ok?”
Except, Frankie did not call in a couple of days. Neither did any of the others, nor had they reached out to Stacy, Molly, or Olivia. There was no one to call, no contact. They needed it that way for whatever consultation they were on. Stacey brought the kids over and Olivia came too, all of you opting to stay together and support each other at least during the day. As the few days stretched into a week, which stretched into nearly another, Olivia split her time between you and Stacy’s, offering to watch the kids so you each could have a moment to yourselves. She was at Stacy’s tonight, Luis snuggled and tucked in beside you as you channel surf the tv, landing on nothing in particular. It was day 10 and about 2am so all of the infomercials were on. You landed on one for some random kitchen gadget when your phone rings. You jump, grabbing for your phone to quickly hit the silent button before it wakes Luis. It was an unknown number, but definitely foreign and so you pick up right away.
“Hermosa,” he breathes a sigh of relief, his voice wavering on the last syllable of your name. 
“Are you ok? Is everyone alright? Fuck, I’ve been terrified out of my mind.”
“I know, I know. I’m sorry. Things got…out of hand. I can explain more when I get home.”
“I understand. But you’re ok?”
“I’m ok. A little banged up but ok.”
“Everyone else?”
The way he’s silent has your throat closing up, making it difficult to speak. “Frankie?”
“It’s Tom.”
While Tom and you never were best friends, there’s no way you would’ve wished death on the man, nor would you have wanted to have his girls without a father. 
Frankie’s mom takes Luis while you drive to the airport, there to pick up Frankie as Olivia and Stacy were going to get Benny and Will. You had experienced all of the emotions these past 10 days, mostly anger and fear, but when you heard his voice, a part of you caved. You just wanted him home and were grateful that he was alive.
You spot Benny first, towering over a majority of the crowd as people file out security and head towards baggage claim. Then you see it - a dark blue standard heating oil cap bobbing next to Benny and suddenly, you’re running, pushing people out of the way as you run towards him, Frankie seeing you at the last moment, dropping his bag to gather you in his arms, burying his face in your hair. Olivia and Stacy copy your actions, Will hissing when Stacy throws her arms around him. He mutters “I’m ok.” before pulling her to him. Pulling back, you look up into Frankie’s black brown eyes, taking in all the features of his face, his laugh lines, the spot where his one dimple pops up, the fact that he had the audacity to shave his beard. 
“You shaved,” you said simply, running a finger along his jawline.
“Yeah. But I’ll grow it back just for you.”
His lips crash to yours, his hands cupping the sides of your face as you press your body against his, fingers twisting in his shirt. 
“I’m still mad at you,” you breathe out between kisses.
“Fair enough.”
Hugs were exchanged all around before everyone went to their homes. On the drive home, Frankie tells you everything, how it was just a consult but then they decided to try and do it themselves, how it would’ve all been fine if they hadn’t missed their window, or if Tom had listened when he said it was too much weight for the helicopter. 
“Wait..you crashed?” 
“Yeah. It was just a little crash.”
“It’s me. I landed us…mostly fine. We all walked away.”
He explains about the money and the people from the village, and how they had to trek up the fucking Andes mountains and down the other side. How a young man from the village had wanted revenge and got it, dying himself in the process. How they carried Tom down the side of the mountain, leaving a ton of money there, only to make it to safety and come back with a new chopper to get the money and safely make it back in a whole other country, which is where he called you from. By the end of the story you’re silent, tears quietly falling down your face as you realize how easily they all could’ve died on the side of those mountains. How one of them did. 
“We each put about $5mil in a trust fund for Tom’s girls, made sure Molly was taken care of. It’s what Tom would’ve wanted and it’s…it’ll never be enough.”
“Hey,” you squeeze his thigh and he looks at you, tears on his cheeks. “You are not to blame. Every one of you knew what you were doing, knew there were risks. And while I can’t say who shot first as I wasn’t there, Frankie, it was self defense. And, I’m sorry, but knowing you and knowing Tom? I’d bet money on him shooting first.”
Frankie nods. “Yeah I guess so…. are you mad at me still?”
“I was all prepared to be so pissed at you, but honestly? I’m just glad to have you here and alive.”
Frankie spends the next hour between your legs and you spend the hour after that washing his hair and tending to his arguably minor wounds. Once you were clean and dressed, you made him something to eat, as you’d have to go get Luis shortly. When you set his glass of water down, he grips your wrist, pulling you into his lap.
“How are you feeling? Do you need to call your sponsor?”
He shakes his head. “Surprisingly, no. I think I’m just so grateful to be alive. And there’s one more thing.”
“What?” You ask nervously.
Frankie leans in closer, speaking low in your ear. “We got the rest of the money.”
“The $17k?” You said stupidly.
Frankie smiles and shakes his head. “A lot more than $17k.”
Your eyes widen. “What?”
“Millions, Hermosa. Each. Millions. We’re set for life, as are Luis and Aurelia.”
“Can we stay here?”
Frankie chuckles. “What?”
“I don’t want some giant mansion. I want to stay here. In our house.”
Frankie smiles and kisses you lightly. “We can do whatever you want to.”
“What do you want to do?”
“Besides take care of my family?”
“Besides that.”
“Once I get my license reinstated, I want to start my business.” His eyes light up as he talks about it, how he had already looked into getting retired choppers, and had gathered up some possible contacts, even scouted out some property. The only thing that had stopped him was the money, which was no longer an issue. 
6 months later, Frankie’s license gets reinstated, the owner clapping him on the shoulder and apologizing for everything. A month later, Frankie opens Chopperz, his veteran owned and operated helicopter tour business. It’s a instant success - apparently people really want to experience flying in various retired military equipment being flown by actual veterans. He even has repeat customers, although a lot of them are women and you catch more than one of them blushing when he talks to them. 
Will and Stacy build a new house, much bigger to fit their expanding family, ecstatic that they were finally having a girl. He quits giving speeches almost immediately, staying home with his family and helping Frankie out when he needs it. 
Benny and Olivia confessed that they had actually gotten married the day after Benny’s last fight, not able to wait any longer. When he came home, they took off to travel the world while their dream house was being built just down the road from Frankie and Will. 
Santi went to Australia to find Yovanna and her brother, following them around until they got settled. He and Yovanna stayed together for a while, and he took some time for himself, wandering the world to see things when he wasn’t in a uniform. He eventually came back, building a house down the road from Frankie and the Millers. But to his first get together with everyone, he brought a girl, which wouldn’t have surprised anyone, but you could see the way he looked at her, constantly touching her lightly, pressing kisses to her head, shoulder, lips, anywhere he could. And she was doing the same, her eyes lighting up every time they looked at each other, so when you asked him later, away from everyone else, he scratches the back of his neck and admits that he thinks she’s the one, that she gets him, understands him, and doesn’t give a flying fuck about his money, which she didn’t even know about until now.  
Frankie and you were finally happy, after all these years. Elizabeth finally stopped her shit, leaving you and Frankie to be happy and only communicating when it regards Aurelia. Instead of moving, you decide to expand your house, adding another couple of bedrooms because you want to eventually expand your family. Frankie is beyond happy, smiling at Luis and Aurelia as they run around their new treehouse in the backyard, feeling you wrap your arms around him from behind, kissing his broad back before moving to stand next to him, his arm around your shoulder as you both watch your kids.
“What are you thinking about?” You ask, turning your head up to him.
“How happy I am. How I wish we had started this all sooner, that it didn’t take such a shitty road to get here, and that it didn’t take us this long.”
You reach up and cup his face, pulling him to you as you kiss him, his soft lips lightly nibbling at yours. 
“I’ll always wait for you, Frankie.”
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yourimagines · 4 months
What he likes about you Fluff
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers: Fluff
A = Admiration, what he absolutely adore about you: That you come up for yourself, your not afraid to tell people your opinions.
B = Body, what is his favorite part of your body: Your lips, they way they feel when he kisses you, the way you bite down on your lip when he makes you all shy, the way you smile.
C = Cuddling, how he likes to cuddle: He's like to be the big spoon but also the small spoon, he just loves to cuddle you.
D = Dates, what his ideal date with you would look like: Going out, drink and have fun.
E = Emotions, how he express his emotions around you: He knows how to communicate with his emotions, he isn't afraid to cry or show he's a bit angry but he would never harm you no matter what.
F = Family, does he want one? If he does, when: Yes, he wants children, he wants them with you and he's already a father and would love to be a family with you.
G = Gifts, how he feels about gift giving? What is his habit when it comes to this: He loves to spoil you, he doesn't care what others think about it, he gives whatever you want. He orders stuff what you placed in your wish list, surprising you with it. He also brings you your favorite snacks from the store.
H = Holding Hands, when/how he likes to hold hands: Always holds your hands in public but also when your laying together, cuddling.
I = Injury, how he would act if you got hurt: He would freak out, he already lost to many people he loves, he would be angry at himself for letting this happen to you.
J = Jokes, does he likes to joke around with or prank you and how: He loves to joke around, giving you sarcastic remarks or saying the obvious things, he likes to see you laugh and rolls your eyes at him.
K = Kisses, how he likes to kiss you: Pecking you lips when you talk to him, or just holding your face and just kissing you deeply.
L = Love, how he shows you he loves you: Always texting you or calling when he's away, Saying ever day he loves you, asking you you feel. He's always checking in on you, He cares to much that it hurt him sometimes.
M = Memory, favorite memory together: Meeting his family, seeing how much he loves them and how much they love him. The pranks and the fun that day, they all loved you and he fell even more in love with you but that day taught you sometime that life is too short and you better enjoy it.
N = Nightmare, what is his worst fear: Losing you, he already lost so many people in his life. He needs to check in with you every day, he needs to know your okay.
O = Oddity, what is one quirk he haves: His sarcasm, he's also sarcastic with you. You don't mind and sometimes you get him back at his own games.
P = Pet Names, what he likes to call you: Love and darling.
Q = Quality Time, how he likes to spend time with you: Spending time with his family, enjoying life and loves to stay at home and just enjoy each others presence.
R = Rhythm, what song reminds you of him: My blood from twenty one pilots. You both would do anything for each other, you cheer him up and he does the something with you. When you hear this song it reminds you of him, doing anything for you because he loves you.
S = Secrets, how open is he with you: He tells you everything, how he feels, what he saw on the road. He has no secrets for you.
T = Time, how long did it take you to get together: It took a while, he was afraid and unsure about himself, till one of his sister said he should asked you to be his before he's actually to late.
U = Upset, how does he acts when you’re upset: He tries to understand but sometimes he just doesn't get it. He always tries to cheer you up and give you some advice and just be there for you, it pains him when he can't help you and cheer you up.
V = Vaunt, what is he proud of, Does he likes to show you off: He's proud you stick up for yourself, he even says to to his fans to not mess around with you because your just like him.
W = Warrior, how would he feel about you fighting? Would he fight for you: He would be proud and joins you, he always has your back and would punch anyone who wants to hurt you.
X = X-Ray, how well can he read you: He knows they way you react if somethings wrong, he knows when you love something or when your angry/hurt.
Y = Yes, how would he propose to you: Somewhere private at a holiday trip.
Z = Zen, what makes him feel calm: knowing your okay, makes him feel calm. knowing your safe and happy with him.
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polyklok · 1 year
B, D, F, I, J, K, P, U, X, Y smut for toki please i hope this isn’t too many i have an unhealthy obsession with toki i wish he was real😭😭😭💔
It’s so hard to be a groupie when the band isn’t even real 😔 lol
B- Body Part
He could write a thesis on all the parts of your body and why he loves each one, but his favorite is your tummy! He loves how soft it is, he loves the way it folds and twists when you move, and he probably has a breeding kink so-
If you’re chubbier, he likes to playfully poke at it and squeeze your waist as he’s kissing you. If you’re skinnier, he finds the image of the bulge of his cock moving in your ‘stomach’ really hot.
As for on him? He’s hasn’t thought about it before but Toki would say his arms. He’s obviously ripped and he likes that he can pick you up and manhandle you around if need be.
D- Dirty Secret
Toki is very open with you so he doesn’t have many secrets. That being said, he is a little, erm, fucked up in the head so I think a small part of him craves to watch you get dicked down by Skwisgaar and even join in on the action.
The guitarists have a complicated relationship, ok?
F- Favorite Position
This is me realizing now that I know like…three named positions at most
Ok, after some research, I’ve decided that Toki would be a big fan of Rocking Horse. He likes the closeness, leaning into you, seeing your face and being able to grab at your hips and control how you move on him. Though, he usually resorts to classic missionary.
I- Intimacy
It’s a bit of a mixed bag. Usually, Toki will start off very sweet and giving to you but that quickly melts away when his head starts getting clouded with pleasure.
His foreplay is extremely passionate, he’s completely focused on your pleasure, usually getting you to an orgasm before he even takes his pants off.
But he has a tendency to get quite rough, even if he tries to hold himself back. His thrusts get hard and sloppy, he grips onto you until you start bruising, his little whimpers turn into grunts. He might even accidentally hurt you- if something crosses the line, you’re gonna have to be very vocal in order to get him to snap out of it, and he’ll apologize immensely! It’s gonna take some patience to find what you both can gain pleasure from at the same time.
His aftercare is top notch too, very intimate.
J- Jack Off
Poor boy didn’t even start until his early twenties, his religious environment made him terrified of the act when he was young.
Once he was in Dethklok, he finally stopped fearing God and decide to take a whack at whackin’ it. I’m so sorry And-woof!-he found himself a new favorite pastime.
Ok, honestly, Toki doesn’t masturbate as much as some people do, but at least a couple times a week. And it’s very intense. He has to bite his lip, or sometimes his shirt, to suppress his moans as he thrusts up into his own hand. He uses his own imagination rather than porn, maybe he’s thinking of you. He usually finishes on himself rather than on the bed or something (see headcanon X).
If you two are in a relationship and are suddenly apart from each other, likely because he’s on tour, he’s gonna be masturbating a lot more and he’s always gonna FaceTime you to join him. Please, please join him, he feels so much better if he’s coming with you.
K- Kink
Hair pulling, temperature stimulation (like using ice or hot wax), blind folding, overstimulation, breeding, cockwarming, praise and a little bit of degradation.
He’s also usually the one in control of these situations. He doesn’t like being a sub all that much.
P- Pace
Like I said, he can start slow but he gets rough very quickly. While he doesn’t “Jackhammer” (I hate that word) he does keep a generally fast pace. If you put music on in the background, he gonna naturally keep pace with it.
U- Unfair
He teases you all the time, even to a point where you can’t tell if it’s accidental or not! He’ll grope and grab all your sensitive parts and then ask what you want for dinner. His lips will graze over your neck before he gets caught up in an interesting part in a movie!
Once you’re in the bedroom, he really doesn’t have the patience for teasing. He might taunt you a little bit, but he’s not going to withhold pleasure. If anything, he’s gonna keep making you cum for him until you can’t properly use words.
If you try to tease him in anyway…oh boy. In public, he’s pulling you away immediately and take you in whatever semi-private spot he can find. In the bedroom, he’s gonna whine and complain and might legitimately get upset if you don’t give up the act. He doesn’t like being teased.
X- X-Ray
It’s six inches fully erect, circumcised, slightly higher than average in girth, although the base is larger than the head, and it aims upwards against his stomach, not very veiny.
Not much else to say here. It’s a pretty nice dick.
Y- Yearning
Toki waxes and wanes. Sometimes he’ll go at it multiple times a day, multiple days in a row, and other times he could go a good month without even thinking about it. Although if you ask, he’s pretty much always down.
If he’s really desperate, he will literally get on his hands and knees and beg you for some relief. He can only jack off so many times before he craves your touch again.
If anyone else wants to make a request, refer back to here!
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ma1dmer · 11 months
League of Legends - Darius NSFW
noxus forever or whatever, slay
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex): He allows himself to relax, you can visibly see the tension leave his body as he rolls his shoulders and helps you clean up, the moment you are the most relaxed and close to sleep he'll press a quick kiss to your neck and go shower.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): Doubt Darius cares much to think about that, he knows he is a strong man with a nice body, but picking something specific, it doesn't even cross his mind he just cares that his body is in working order. If he was asked about his partner ,he'd probably say the same, how he doesn't fucking care as long as you can defend yourself, which is true, but he definitely notices some smaller things, the flex of your thighs when you ride him for example, or the way the muscles feel under his grip when he pushes your thighs over his forearms to push himself deeper.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person): Darius would never outright say it but he likes messing you up, he'll pull out midway through his orgasm to get it on your stomach or back or simply to watch it drip out of you. He'll apologise gruffly but it happens a bit too often to be an accident.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): He spends so much time fighting, that it has definitely crossed his mind about taking you right after they've conquered a city, i also think that as different as he is to his brother, the thrill of battle still gets to him in a way. He'll eye the throne ,of a man that definitely was not worthy of wearing a crown, with disdain, and then he'll think of you, how he can't wait to get back to you, how he wishes you were with him right then and there to celebrate, how easily he could dismiss his soldiers and bend you over that throne and slide inside of you- he just really misses you.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?): He has a couple of notches under his belt, but they are definitely countable on one hand, he is so busy and he definitely needs to trust someone a lot to be able to fully allow himself the ability to relax like that with them.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual): Anything where he can simply, hold you, against him, over him, under him, just lay there and let him do the job, he'll switch between what he sees working for his partner and what works for him after they cum.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc): He is more relaxed, but isn't ready to just laugh ,it breaks his concentration, might slap your ass and growl for you to focus, but won't chastise you if you laugh at something.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.): Darius doesn't trim or shave, he is a soldier first and foremost ,he'll keep himself as clean as possible but he won't spend any more time on something so unecessary.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…): He isn't particularly good with romance or romantic gestures, but he'll try, he'll let you lay back and give you a massage to relax after a long day and then he'll pull open your thighs and dive in.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon): Too focused on his duty to focus on his dick, starts doing it more often after you start plaguing his thoughts though, which gets him more frustrated if he is being honest, he should be focusing on war strategies not the idea of fucking you over the Grand General’s desk.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks): Darius is probably very very vanilla, can't see him trying anything extreme or unconventional.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do): Away from possible prying eyes, he would rather not have you in a war camp, but if that's the only spot you two have he'll order any man around his tent to fuck off and carry you over his shoulder, his intentions, and why he should not be bothered very very clear.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going): Strength, its cliche and oh so Noxian of him, but wether you are standing up for yourself verbally or slicing through an enemy with an axe ,Darius wants to see that fire behind your eyes.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): Sharing, it doesn't even cross his mind because the moment its known that the Hand of Noxus is pursuing you nobody dares to even think of flirting with you.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc): Doesn't have much of a preference , doesn't prefer it over being actually inside of you, but won’t complain.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.): He starts off slower with deep strokes , but the closer to his climax he gets the rougher he gets ,the moment you cum he'll tell you to hold on and finish himself off quickly.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.): Depends heavily on his duty, if he is busy don't even think of bothering him, if he has time to spare though he'll let you know, so you can drop by and ride him until Swain asks for him or something.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.): Surprisingly not a risk taker in his sex life, if something ain't broke why fix it by adding unecessary parts.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…): You know his stamina is high, the Hand of Noxus has stamina for hours, and if his partner wants to be satisfied, who is he to not satisfy them.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?): He does not really understand toys, but as long as you don't tell him about them he is okay with you using them when he is away, not necessarily for any pride related reasons, but because you are already such a distraction that he doesn’t want to think of you pleasing yourself on top of everything.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): Not a tease , he doesn't see the point of it, he isn't really about playing games, but if you absolutely must test his patience, he'll give it to you, he'll growl about everything you did to fucking annoy him and ask why must you always play these games with him while pushing your head down and his cock in. If it's his cock you wanted he'll make sure to give it to you.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make): He grunts and growls through his teeth , definitely throws his head back and curses lowly with that first slide in.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice): He is definitely on the more vanilla side of things, but i can see him being easy to coax into something like primal play, pull him out to a forest and have him chase you. He'll catch you that's a guarantee but oh will he make your loss worth it.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words): You know it's big, i know it's big, god knows its big, he is built like a brick house.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?): He spends so much time on the battlefield and in war rooms that he forgets to care for himself, and especially those parts of himself. He wants to be with you, but Noxus comes first.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): He does not fall asleep until he is sure you are comfortable , he'll wait for you to be asleep before he can relax next to you.
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