#it’s just weird that she’s blamed for things no one else would be given a second glance about
wavesoutbeingtossed · 4 months
Ok this isn’t directed at anyone or any fandom — also I actually can’t scroll my dash at the moment so forgive me if this has been discussed lol — but as someone who has a healthy interest in pop culture and the entertainment industry but doesn’t follow any fandom other than Taylor’s, and even at that only in a very curated niche of it, but is it really plausible that Taylor is directly targeting Billie or any other artist with her releases?
I find it really hard to believe a voice memo album repackage only sold on her website or a single remix would make that much of an impact on her numbers or other artists. Obviously they’re released for a reason and every bit helps and it’s to help maintain the momentum on the charts, but I would just be genuinely surprised if those alone could be enough to block another artist’s anticipated release.
To me, releasing bonus content/remixes/whatever a few weeks after an initial release seems to be pretty par for the course not just for Taylor but for many pop artists. I feel like I hear of so many who will release an acoustic or remix version or special limited time offer vinyl or whatever when numbers start to stabilize or decrease to keep charting for a little while. It doesn’t seem to my like Taylor’s schedule for TTPD is especially different from Midnights was, for example, and I don’t think much of it differs from what many pop acts are doing these days either.
If anything I think Taylor has held back considerably for TTPD. Not out of any kind of magnanimity or charity or anything, but just because I’m assuming that’s what feels right for her at the moment. A month or two ago so many people complained about how she was doing no promo for the album release. All she did, save for a couple of short teasers on social media, was release her album. No press, no interviews, no appearances. Aside from surprise dropping the album a la folklore, I don’t really know what else she could have done to be inconspicuous. And even with that, her album still went number one. I don’t think that’s out of any kind of Machiavellian scheming, I think she’s just that huge at the moment that anything she does is going to be news and going to be eaten up.
Yes, the limited time drops of merch on her website are annoying and sure the differing bonus tracks on her variants can be annoying, but again, it’s nothing other artists aren’t doing themselves. She had 5 variants of her album. Billie and Olivia and plenty of others easily double that. (And I’m not knocking them for that, I’m saying it’s normal for their industry and everyone does it.)
I’ve seen comments on non-tumblr spaces about how Taylor is stepping on the necks of other artists (like Billie) and I just don’t see how? She’s doing typical music business stuff and it doesn’t even seem particularly aggressive. Super aggressive would be releasing more signed physicals or a new variant with a different song or releasing The Anthology on physical or some other move that would appeal to the collector instincts in fans and drive raging capitalist tendencies. A couple of voice memos and a remix hardly seem like they’d make enough impact to significantly block also-big artists like Billie who are Grammy winners with huge fan bases themselves.
Taylor’s just so huge now that anything she does is going to loom large. Think about how Cruel Summer because a massive hit four years after it was released just by sheer streaming strength, and that was thanks to Eras piquing people’s interest. Taylor released a brand new double album in the middle of the biggest tour in the world and changed her set list to make it one of the most theatrical spectacles on social media at the moment. TTPD is kind of assured staying power for the foreseeable future for that alone. (Not to mention the increased interest in her personal life of late probably increasing streams of her music a tiny bit too. That’s probably an unfortunate byproduct of her fame, but when news drops I’d bet it does cause a brief spike.)
It’s not that I think Taylor does things purely out of the goodness of her heart or for artistic merit alone; I know she’s a shrewd businesswoman and I know she cares about charts and markers of success. I just don’t think she’s deliberately targeting other artists in some sort of feud. I’d bet she had her release plan pretty much pencilled in months ago, before anyone else’s releases were in the radar. This is chess, not checkers. Her imperial-level success at the moment does not mean she has to strategically cut off anyone else at the knees; it’s that she’s the closest thing we have to monoculture at the moment and she’s just everywhere whether she wants to be or not. She can make nearly zero effort to push the album and it’s still going to be number one. And the popularity will probably last through the summer thanks to Eras and the interest online.
So is the answer that she’s supposed to step aside for other artists? Is it unfair of her to occupy the national consciousness so pervasively? I genuinely don’t know though my gut instinct is no. No one would say that about other number one artists, but very few top artists are at her level of achievement at the moment. (I’d guess Beyoncé is probably her only contemporary in that regard right now.) I would very much bristle against that notion, because again, I don’t think anyone would tell any other artist that they’ve “had their turn” and should stop pushing their album so that someone else can have a shot. But Taylor is at such a level that even the most otherwise successful artists might struggle to overtake her for the time being.
And again in this specific case this week, we’re not talking about an indie act struggling to break through to their first big hit being struck down by Goliath. Billie is a multiple Grammy and Oscar winner! Her song was in one of the biggest movies of the year that dominated pop culture all summer! She is a headliner at festivals! She may not be quite at Taylor’s level of fame and numbers because no one is, but she has a huge fan base of her own! And I’m not pitting them against each other at all because I listen to her and Olivia and all kinds of current pop acts! My point is that Billie’s work speaks for itself as does her album release, just like Olivia and Dua and whoever else is releasing albums these days. At a certain point people need to step back and consider what is deliberate and what is just current industry trends that the pop acts in particular have to follow to get the numbers they want on the Billboard charts.
Maybe I’m completely wrong and maybe this is all a targeted plan to block other artists from taking over Number 1. But if I had to guess I really would think that at this point Taylor knows she’s going to dominate the charts no matter what she does — which is why she doesn’t have to make too many public moves anymore. Her fame and her work do it for her. I don’t doubt these extra drops help boost her numbers and there’s some sort of calculated reason why they come out when they do, I just don’t think that reason is “specifically block x person from beating me”. It’s probably more “try to maintain x sales” which at her level may de facto beat the next person behind her because she’s near untouchable, but the reasoning behind those actions is not the same, if you get what I mean.
It just all seems to be yet another point to villainize her for just doing her job and living her life, when at worst she’s just doing what everyone else is doing to play the system they all adhere do. It feels like another attempt to dehumanize her and turn her into this avatar for all of pop culture’s ills, ascribing her these Wicked Witch tendencies, when her team’s job, like all popular musicians’, is to make sales. It’s not that I think she’s some benevolent artist who doesn’t care because I’m sure she does, but I just find it really hard to believe the driving force is impeding other musicians as opposed to just maintaining her own sales. Perhaps the system is broken that any other act has trouble penetrating her dominance at the moment, and that’s another conversation, but if it were anyone else at this level of dominance right now, I’m positive none of these conversations would be happening to begin with.
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disneyprincemuke · 5 months
✧.* the chocolate bunny that hopped away / ls2 *.✧
the chocolate bunny that oscar had given luna is missing, and you could have sworn that you put it away safely.
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you hum as you tiptoe on the ground, craning your neck for a better look into the cabinet for its contents.
that’s weird, you think, the chocolates are gone.
easter has come and gone and luna has just gotten baskets upon baskets of candy and chocolate. and like a responsible mother, you were not just going to let her indulge in sugar all the time. it’s already enough that she’s an energetic 5-year-old as is.
“hey, babe.”
you drop your feet on the ground and whirl around at the voice. you furrow your eyebrows. “did you eat luna’s chocolates?”
“good morning to you, too.” logan stops right by the kitchen island, blinking at you blankly. he has an empty coffee cup in hand, just freshly picked from the clean array of choices of cups. “and what? no, i didn’t.”
you sigh, “don’t lie to me. who else would have eaten luna’s huge ass chocolate bunny? she’s going to be so upset if she looks for it and i can’t give it to her.”
“i’m not lying,” logan shrugs, turning away from you to head for the coffee machine. “maybe you misplaced it? i can help you look for it if you need to.”
you clench your jaw and put a hand on your hip. misplaced chocolate? that’s unheard behaviour even coming from you — you’ve been meticulous with hiding things since becoming a mother.
“no, i put it right here after we had that egg hunt yesterday,” you frown, pursing your lips. but seriously, babe. if you ate it, just admit it so i can go to the store and get some more. otherwise, you will have to explain to your daughter why her big chocolate bunny from uncle ozzy is missing.”
logan turns around to you, head tilted. “i didn’t eat the chocolate bunny.”
“then who else would have eaten it?” you ask with a small and knowing smile. “there are only 3 people in this house — if luna didn’t eat it, and i didn’t eat it, there’s only one other person in here that could have eaten it.”
logan shrugs, “maybe there’s a fourth member you don’t know about?”
“hey, that’s totally not funny!” you shriek, smacking his shoulder lightly. “come on, babe. just admit it.”
“i don’t know what you want me to say,” he laughs comically, turning as you approach him by the coffee machine. he picks up his coffee cup and pulls you in for a hug, pressing his lips to your forehead tenderly. “i didn’t eat the chocolate bunny.”
you narrow your eyes down into a glare. “i know you ate it. and i will get you to admit it.”
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“alright, let’s get you ready for bed,” you mutter, following luna towards the bathroom. “let’s brush our teeth!”
“thank you for the chocolates, mummy,” she giggles, hopping away from you.
you look over your shoulder at logan, still sitting on the couch, already staring at you. “of course, lulu.”
“i didn’t eat the damn chocolate bunny,” logan repeats softly to you with a small scowl. “when are you going to believe me?”
you walk backwards down the hallway of rooms, shaking your head disapprovingly at your husband. “i will get you to admit your crimes, sargeant. you will not eat the chocolate bunny with no consequences.”
“i won’t have any,” logan smiles, pushing himself off the couch with his arms spread, “because i didn’t eat anything that wasn’t mine.”
“i cannot believe i married a big fat liar.”
“and i married someone who accuses me with no evidence.”
“yeah, because you ate it!”
“did not!”
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you were in bed reading a book when your bedroom door opened, logan walking in with slouched shoulders and a tired grin on his face. “it took forever luna to go to bed.”
“probably because she has an inkling that you ate her chocolate bunny from uncle ozzy,” you retort with a small and proud smile. you lift your attention from your book to your husband. “all the arrows are pointing at you.”
“i didn’t eat it,” logan hums, shaking his head. “maybe you ate it and you’re just looking for somebody to blame?”
“you wish. i’m a good mother to our daughter,” you tease, putting a bookmark between the pages and putting your book down on the bedside table. “you, on the other hand…”
“i’m a good father because i didn’t eat the chocolate bunny,” he insists. he crawls on to the bed over to you, landing on your torso with his arms wrapped around your waist. “maybe it sensed it was gonna get eaten and hopped away.”
you furrow your eyebrows, resting a hand on his back as he lays with you. “or maybe it’s resting in your stomach.”
“i didn’t eat it.”
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you’d been walking past luna’s bedroom when you heard her speaking. assuming that she’s gotten on a call with either lily or logan’s mother.
“i have a secret,” you hear luna giggling. you peek through the small gap in the door to find your daughter lying on her stomach with her feet in the air.
on her ipad screen, you see lily’s face with a small grin, nodding enthusiastically. “really? you’re gonna tell me?”
luna nods. “yes. but you can’t tell anybody.”
“okay, i promise.”
there’s a pause, another giggle drawn from luna’s lips. “i have chocolates under my bed.”
you tilt your head and straighten your back. chocolates under her bed.
you peek into the room again just to be sure. because you could swear, that for the past 2 years, there is no such thing as under luna’s bed. her bedframe is enclosed and touches the ground — there is absolutely no space for her to keep anything under her bed.
and that only means one thing: the chocolates are directly underneath her heavy mattress.
you walk away from her bedroom and make a mental note to check under her bed. you just need to find a way to get her out of the room to get yourself in.
and when logan walks through the front door, you know just the way to distract the 5-year-old. you hop over to your husband with a sweet smile. “call for luna — i need to get in her room.”
“oh, so now you’re sweet to me,” logan furrows his eyebrows, resting a hand on the small of your back. “how suspicious.”
“no time for that,” you scoff, guiding him towards luna’s bedroom. “i’ll explain later.”
“fine, but only because i love you,” logan mutters, dropping his bag right by the wall. he pops his head into luna’s room with a bright smile. “i’m home, lulu!”
“i gotta go,” luna giggles excitedly, glancing over her shoulder to beam at logan. “bye auntie lily!”
they say their farewells before luna puts her ipad on the ground and scrambles off the ground to run over to logan. “daddy!” she says in a shrill shriek, arms in the air before she jumps into logan’s arms. “you’re home! can we watch tv?”
“sure!” he cheers, catching her in his arms. he stands and places the child on his hip before turning to you with an expectant grin, nodding his head towards the room. “what do you wanna watch? a movie? a show?”
you slip into the bedroom when they take a seat on the couch. at first, you were skeptical about trying to find a way that luna could be lying to lily at all.
you check under her bed again, only to find what you were expecting: the very sad excuse of an ‘underbed’ area between the bed and the marbled floors of your apartment. so if the chocolates aren’t there, does it actually mean that luna’s been hiding it between her mattress and the bedframe?
you sigh softly and rest yourself on your knees, mentally preparing yourself to be absolutely thrown into a wild goose chase by your daughter. you muster the courage and push the mattress up. and would you have it: 4 packets of reese’s buttercups greet you and… the damned chocolate bunny.
you grab the chocolates into your hands and stumble back out into the living room. “luna sargeant, i hope daddy was right about there being a ghost in our apartment because there’s no way i just found these chocolates under your mattress.”
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@33-81 @darleneslane @happy-nico @localwhoore @namgification @nikfigueiredo
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rollinouttahere · 1 year
Yandere Strawhats + Ace x Isekai Reader
2.2k words
Part 2
Yet again, this fic is inspired by @lovelybrooke ‘s Isekai reader stories.
I also want to say thank you for all the support and kind comments on the last story I wrote! I’ve actually been working on my own yandere one piece fic that I’m hoping to start posting in a few days give or take, so if you like what I’ve written so far, keep an eye out for that! All future writings are gonna be posted on my writing blog @rollinouttahere-writes​ so go follow that blog if you’re interested!
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Trying to act normal and inconspicuous in the One Piece universe was a far from easy task. Being the massive fan of the series that you were, it was damn hard to not give away that you knew all about the crew that was so generously letting you stay with them after appearing on their ship with zero explanation.
It became even harder to stay lowkey when Ace temporarily joined up with the Strawhats. All you wanted was to hug that man and tell him how loved he is and that he deserves to live just as much as anyone else, but you really couldn’t say or do any of that without looking weird. You’ll just have to settle for being extremely nice to him, which was very easy.
Ace himself was already an easy guy to get along with (now at least), but he was noticeably very interested in you. You couldn’t blame him, what with Luffy almost immediately outing your insane situation to him. He seemed incredulous at first, but warmed up to and accepted the story way faster than you expected. It didn’t take long for his questions to go from feeling like an interrogation to being genuine.
You were so busy soaking up the attention from such a beloved character that you almost missed how jealous your crewmates were getting. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper were taking it the best. Chopper probably because he was still so new to the crew that he wasn’t all that bothered by one of them not paying as much attention to him. Usopp was too busy building Nami’s weapon to concern himself with it too much. Meanwhile, Luffy was just so happy to see Ace again that he didn’t really notice that you were spending a lot of time with him. That, and he would usually be hanging out with both of you anyways. 
The others though, oh boy did they not like this. Nami was the most blatant about it, straight up glowering at you and Ace whenever you two were too close for her liking. You’re pretty sure the only thing keeping her from up and dragging you away from him is Luffy dismissing her complaints and telling her to stop fretting over it. You love being a part of their crew, so she should quit worrying!
Sanji and Zoro were both vying for your attention in their own ways as well. Sanji suddenly wanted more help around the kitchen, insisting that he needed an extra pair of hands now that there was another mouth to feed. Given that Ace’s appetite was on par with Luffy’s, you could understand the desire for help. Zoro’s attempts were considerably less convincing. One time he wanted you to spot him while he was working out, making you laugh right in his face at the mere idea that you would be able to help him with the ridiculous weights he lifts. His face had gone bright red after you pointed it out to him, prompting him to walk away immediately, much to your amusement.
Right now, though, you weren’t with Ace. Him and Luffy were busy doing something and you didn’t want to butt in on all their time together. Instead, you were ogling Ace’s boat that was currently tied to the side of the Going Merry.
You absolutely loved the design of his ship, it was such a clever idea to use his devil fruit ability to power a steam engine and make what looks like a tiny sailboat function like a jet ski. It didn’t appear in the anime too many times but everytime it was on screen it looked so cool. 
“I wonder what it’d be like to ride that,” you quietly mused to yourself.
“Wanna find out?”
You almost jumped out of your skin at the sudden arrival of Ace. He laughed at your reaction, not a care in the world for the near heart attack he just gave you.
“Oh my God, Ace, you scared the hell out of me!” You lightly slapped at his shoulder, your other hand resting over your now racing heart.
He laughed some more, “I could tell, and I’m sorry about that.” He didn’t sound even vaguely sorry. Ace elbowed your side, “But seriously, do you want to go for a ride?”
The offer had you staring wide-eyed at him. Then the boat. Then back at him again. “Really? Are you sure?” You were desperately trying to keep your cool and not show how insanely excited you were about the idea.
“Of course! I wouldn’t have offered it if I wasn’t. Come on,” he hopped up onto the railing and held his hand out to you. You didn’t need to mull it over, eagerly taking hold and stepping up with him. As soon as you did, he wrapped an arm around you and was ready to jump down onto his boat when Nami started yelling.
“Woah, woah, woah, what the hell are you two doing???” Nami, who was previously pruning her trees, had abandoned the activity entirely in favor of sprinting over to where you were and grabbing onto your leg.
“(Y/N) wanted to try riding my boat, so we’re going for a little joyride, that’s all,” Ace flashed Nami a dazzling smile, not at all deterred by her interruption.
“No way! What if they fall off? That thing doesn’t look safe at all!” Nami was now pulling on you, trying to get you down from the railing.
Ace held on tighter in response, “It’s perfectly safe, it has to be. I’m a devil fruit user, remember? (Y/N) isn’t, so really, I’m in more danger on that than they are. It’s fine.”
You could tell Nami was ready to argue more, but thankfully Luffy piped up, “Don’t worry about it Nami! If Ace says it’s safe then it’s safe!” Luffy, who was perched on his special seat at the bow, came bounding over, “But I wanna go next!”
“Sure thing, Luffy, we’ll be back in a bit,” Ace was quick to jump down with you in tow, not wanting to give any of the other Strawhats a chance to object. After untying it from the Going Merry, he knelt down slightly, “Hop on my back, you’re not gonna want to have your feet down there when we get going.”
Not wanting to get set on fire, you obliged. If you weighed anything to him, he didn’t show it, simply standing up straight as soon as you were on. “Ready?”
You excitedly nod your head, holding on tight to Ace in preparation. It was a good thing too, because he decided to immediately start at the leisurely speed of what felt like mach 7. A shriek emits from your throat as you take off. You think you can hear Nami yelling something again, but couldn’t make it out over your own screaming and the noise of the steam engine roaring to life.
Ace laughed loudly at your reaction, but did slow down slightly, “Sorry about that, I just wanted to get some distance before anyone else tried to stop us.” One of his arms let go of your leg and tugged at your arms around his neck, “But would you mind easing up a bit? I won’t be able to take us back if you choke me out.” 
“Oh oops, I’m sorry!” You immediately loosened your arms and readjusted them. Accidentally strangling Ace was not something you wanted to do today. Or any day really.
He simply shrugged it off, telling you not to worry about it. It’s not like you could really hurt him. “I’m gonna speed up again, you ready for it this time?”
The second you confirm that you are, the boat lurches forward, cutting through the waves like nothing. Now that you weren’t panicking, you could properly take in the experience and thoroughly enjoy it. 
The wind was whipping through your hair and sea water misted the air, droplets clinging to both yours and Ace’s hair. He hit a particularly big wave causing the boat to go airborne for a moment before crashing back down. You found yourself laughing and cheering as Ace continued to show off, which only egged him on more.
After a while, Ace slowed to a stop and let you down from his back. “C’mere, step up on this,” he stepped to the side and motioned for you to step up onto the front of his boat. His hands rested on your hips to keep you steady, presumably not wanting to get chewed out by Nami if you came back sopping wet. 
“This is one of the best parts of being at sea,” he was staring straight ahead. “Sunsets out here are something else, you don’t get a view like this on land.”
He was completely correct, it was beautiful. Orange, red, and pink hues colored the sky and reflected gorgeously in the ocean. It was a breathtaking view, one you would remember forever.
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence, quietly admiring the view with nothing but the natural sounds of the ocean around you. It was nice, very peaceful. 
“What do you think about staying here?”
You tense at Ace suddenly speaking. “Like staying out here a little longer?” As lovely as this was, the others were bound to get antsy if you stayed out after dark.
“No, I mean staying here in this world,” he stepped closer to you, wrapping his arms fully around you and resting his head on your shoulder to be able to see your face. “It’s nice here, right? Why not stick around? I know Luffy wants you to. Hell, I’m sure the rest of the crew does, too.”
You were taken aback by this statement, and weren’t really sure how to respond. Sure, it could be nice here when you all weren’t being hunted for sport by marines, but this wasn’t a place you could see yourself staying long term. That, and you had a life back home, you couldn’t just throw your friends and family to the wind like that.
Sucking in a breath, you searched for the nicest way to say all that. “It is nice here, but I have to go back.” You could feel his posture stiffen behind you, “Don’t get me wrong, you all have been super nice to me! It’s just that I’ve got all my friends and family back home and I miss them terribly.”
“Your family?” Ace said this so quietly that you weren’t even sure he was saying that to you. Abruptly, he straightened up, “I know! If you want a family so bad you can join the Whitebeard pirates!”
What? You joining the Whitebeard pirates? You already feel inadequate enough around the Strawhats, you can’t imagine how pathetic you would feel around those people. Of course, it would be awesome to get to meet them, but you want to keep to yourself as much as possible since you will eventually have to go back home.
While you were thinking, Ace kept going, “Pops would love you, I just know it. We haven’t gotten another sibling in a while, everyone would be psyched to meet you.” His once comforting hug was growing tighter by the second. Suffocating even.
“And you already have friends with my brother’s crew, so that’s all taken care of!”
“Ace, ple-”
“Of course, I’m your friend too, but after you join I’ll be your big brother!”
“ACE!” Your yell startled him, mercifully making him let go of you. You take the opportunity to inch forward and create some distance, however minute.  “That’s,” oh, how to put this without hurting his feelings, “that’s very kind of you to offer, but I’d rather stay with the Strawhats for now.”
“Oh…” You don’t even need to turn around to know how disappointed he was by this declaration. He chuckled awkwardly, “I’m sorry about that, looks like I got a little carried away there.”
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” frankly, you just wanted to go back to the ship after that. The atmosphere was uncomfortable now.
After a few more seconds of silence, Ace cleared his throat and spoke again, “We should probably head back now, it’s gonna be dark soon.”
You were quick to agree and clambered onto his back, “Yeah that’s a good idea, Nami would throw a fit if we stay out much longer.” She’ll probably be mad regardless, but still.
Ace got his boat going and began the trip back. The Going Merry was a lot further away than you’d realized, it was so small that you could just barely make it out in the distance. You internally cringe, your crewmates are no doubt unhappy about you being this far away.
Despite the distance, you couldn’t help but notice how slow Ace was going compared to earlier. It’s like he wanted to drag this out for as long as possible. You decided not to call him out on it, not deeming it worth it.
“I’m not giving up, you know.”
“I’ll drop it for now, but I’m not giving up on you joining Whitebeard’s crew. Just… think about it, okay?” Ace’s voice was quiet, just barely loud enough to hear over the engine. 
The rest of the ride back remained dead silent, giving you plenty of time to mull over what just happened. It felt so… Weird. Out of character, really. He’s known you for, what? 24 hours? If that. Yet he’s trying to talk you out of going home and seems dead set on replacing your family with his own. Granted, everyone’s been more clingy than you thought normal, but this was downright bizarre. 
You really need to find a way home, and fast.
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comma-tose · 24 days
Something I noticed that I REALLY don't like is just how much current borderlands seems to be trying to diminish Rhys and Fiona's personalities and achievements.
It started out with Rhys in Borderlands 3, where Vaughn implied he was fake and that they haven't spoken in years for some reason??? Then it happened again in New Tales, where Rhys was written as incompetent, and an awful boss that fires his employees for having ONE bad idea.
It also essentially calls him a warmonger that's focused entirely on profits, and has no moral compass beyond "the almighty dollar". Going as far as to explicitly state that that is literally Atlas's motto.
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Aside from all that it also says that Atlas is essentially failing and that Rhys has absolutely no idea what he's doing, which is especially weird considering how in Borderlands 3 it's stated that Promethea is finally starting to do well for itself again, and through Echo logs you hear that even Marcus is impressed with how well Rhys is doing.
So for Rhys we have him losing connection with his best friend and being called an idiot, fake, being mischaracterised as a terrible person that apparently learnt nothing and has regressed as a person to a borderline unrecognisable state.
And now we get to Fiona. Since borderlands 3 treats the female protagonist of Tales as if she just doesn't exist, Fiona's story continues in Debt or Alive so...
Not only is Fiona characterised VERY strangely in the book but they also just give Sasha credit for some of what Fiona does, and Fiona alone tends to be the target of blame in the book. Oh and she gets compared to Handsome Jack for good measure.
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To start off with, Fiona doesn't even get her wish from the Vault of the Traveller. She gives it to Sasha, and Sasha wishes for a rare Vaultlander figurine of Typhon DeLeon which is destroyed a couple of chapters later. So not only does Fiona not even get to use her wish but the product of the wish gets destroyed anyway so it's entirely pointless.
Fiona also just decides to not be a vault hunter. That conversation she can have with Rhys SECONDS before this happens, about how it suits her, about how she's sad the adventure is over? It's just ignored. She immediately gives it up because she doesn't want Sasha vault hunting and getting put in danger again. Sure she still likes vault hunting but it is immediately given up. (I could write a whole other post about why this bugs me and I probably will).
Fiona has flaws that are addressed in the books, as they should be, all characters have to have flaws, but she is the only one out of the sisters to have flaws addressed. Sasha's are treated as if they don't exist, even when they're very apparent. Fiona learns to not be overprotective, and that she can't stop Sasha from doing things she wants to BUT Sasha doesn't learn anything. She does impulsive things that endanger both her and Fiona, and her risking their safety for fun or on a whim is just never mentioned. (Again something else I'll definitely talk about in another post).
Fiona is also consistently the one who comes up with the plans in the book, while Sasha is either not doing anything or suggesting they take the easy way out. Fiona is the one to start removing the debt cuffs from people while Sasha stands there bewildered, asking what she's doing. Fiona is the one to come up with the plan to scam the billionaires so that they can use the money to free everyone from debt while Sasha suggests just funding Gaige's revenge scheme (and assumedly just abandoning the people in debt??). And Fiona is the one to figure out how to get into Holloway's panic room and save everyone.
Fiona having her moments to shine would be great if they consistently didn't end with her being called an idiot, getting badly hurt, failing, or at one point being compared to Handsome Jack of all people. (Additional point: Sasha doesn't even defend her when she's compared to Jack, which is weird and very out of character.)
This might be petty but the book also gives credit to Sasha for Fiona surviving Bossanova's murder rally in Tales. Which is really weird considering Sasha and Fiona were separated during the entirety of that event. So instead of mentioning a time where Sasha actually helped save Fiona, like in the bio-dome when she was caught by Finch and Kroger, I guess they're actively retconning an event to give Sasha the credit. For some reason.
Fiona also has to confront Sasha about how she's treating Rhys, but then like a chapter later she literally apologises for all that, despite having every right to call Sasha out for that. So again Sasha's flaws are not being recognised as actual flaws and instead it's Fiona who's somehow in the wrong and Sasha learns nothing. Sure by the end of the book she considers Rhys her boyfriend but she is never the one to tell him. Fiona is, because Sasha just doesn't bother to, because it never treats her as someone who has to grow as a person. Sasha is usually either just used as a plot device to progress things or just doing almost nothing while being given credit, instead of being developed like a proper character. I'd call her a shell of what Tales Sasha was but even that feels too generous.
I used to really want to see the Tales characters in other borderlands media, but at this point I just dread it. Because why would I want to see my favourite characters being wildly mischaracterised and mistreated by the franchise?
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soleilars · 12 days
I know this is very common but I would love to ask you a jason grace×daughter of posidon!reader . Like...they are keeping their relationship a secret because they're afraid percy won't approve them and freak out, since percy spots them making out behind the Zeus cabin.
Sorry if that's really long but I really enjoy your work and i was shocked there was only one jason fic so I wanted to give my contribute 🙃
୨୧ the one where you and jason are lovelorn and nobody knows.
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summary: after a day in the lake percy realises something is off and decides to trust his gut.
pairing: jason grace x f!poseidon!reader
warnings: kissing, language
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keeping a secret wasn’t usually a big task for you. you’ve done it before, this isn’t supposed to be hard, right? right? wrong. you loved percy, you truly did but if he knew you and jason were dating he might go insane over it. he definitely didn’t see it coming so it was easier at the beginning.
“hey sis, what you doing after the bonfire?”
“uhm, i’m going sparring with jason.”
“what? why? in the dark?”
“yeah, what’s wrong with that?”
“didn’t took you for a workaholic, that’s all” he earned a shove for that.
things started to get complicated after that. snowball as some would call. the more percy asked the more you lied. in contrast, your relationship was better than ever.
after one and two and three and… well, a lot of lies to percy gave the finest results to your relationship.
you once lied about going to take a swim by yourself and ended up dancing beneath the stars with your lover. afterwards something about helping your great friend katie gardner, which was totally worth it or else you wouldn’t be calling him boyfriend for two months now and these were only the ones percy had a few suspicious about.
today was a great day. sunny, warm and your plans to spent all the day in the lake sounded promising. you and percy had been looking forward to do something like this in ages. you two could hardly sleep in the prior night given to how anxious both of you felt, so it wasn’t weird for percy to wake up and not find you on your bunk next to him. you were just as excited as he was, how could he blame you for going out there first?
it started to get weird when the clock hit ten am and he had no sight of you. annabeth told him several times you should be handling other things and would come back soon enough. and everyone knows how hardly annabeth makes mistakes so he wasn’t surprise to welcome you exactly when she said you would be back. he could never imagine his beloved girlfriend knew something he didn’t. in the end he just brushed your lateness aside anyway.
the sun was shining down when the last people (percy and you) made their way out of the lake towards your cabin. it wasn’t rare for the two of you have sibling time together but he felt different. you used to be more comfortable around him. he tried to think about the moment you started to act off by the water, maybe it was when jason rubbed the sunscreen on your back. were you uncomfortable? he should talk to you in that case—
“did you hear what i said?”
“nope, my mind was somewhere else. what did you say?”
“i said i forgot my towel out there and i’ll get it back now”
“oh shit, wan’t me to go with you?”
“no no, you take a shower or something. i’ll be quick anyway.” he nodded to you, hesitantly as he made his way into the cabin. you didn’t brought a towel to the lake, you didn’t needed one.
you mentally slapped yourself when the door closed in front of you, quickly making another path you knew all too well. a few confused glances were shoot at you as you made your way towards the zeus cabin, it didn’t stopped you before and wouldn’t now. after all, the sight of a smiling-shirtless jason definitely altered your brain chemistry.
before you knew he was dragging you behind his cabin, afraid that it would be too suspicious to you come in. jason’s lips were on yours the moment his hands touched your skin. his already disheveled hair from a whole afternoon at the lake becoming more and more unruled with your hands intertwined in it. your boyfriend hummed against your lips as he pressed you against the cold wall, squeezing your waist as an apology when you hissed at the contact of the marmore.
“jason, we shouldn’t…”
“yeah, damn right you two shouldn’t.”
percy. standing. next to you. holy shit.
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yuikomorii · 5 months
might be wrong about this but I think the thing that really differentiates Ayato from his brother is that he actually values life in a ''pure way''. Both Subaru and Shu didn't really have the will to life until they met the MC, Reiji's only will was to overcome his father and become better than his brother due to his jealousy, and even if it doesn't seem like it from the surface both Kanato and Laito were too mindbroken due to their trauma to actually enjoy life in a non-twisted way.
Ayato went through a lot of traumatic experiences just like the rest of his brothers but unlike them, he actually had a pure reason to live, that's why he didn't abandon his brothers and was desperately searching for them when they arrived to Rottienburg (I think that's the name) and prioritized them after he got saved by reiji and was willing to go look for them with no plan ahead and he's never changed. Even after they obviously drifted apart he still wanted to save his siblings (like in Lost Eden) even if they didn't want to save him when he got kidnapped by Kino.
Or when he was the only who saved yui in the anime when she got kidnapped by the mukami (Ik it's only fanservice because the anime shows Ayato as the ml). Or when he was the only one worrying about mc in the Olympics cd when the whole thing crushed down. I know mc has had her effects in everyone (because even reiji got worried in the CD drama when he though someone was drowning, turns out it was just Shu being weird) but at the end of the day, Rejet made it very clear that ayato always was different from his brothers even as kids.
Too long? Maybe, I just like rambling a lot about ayato lol
// This franchise is longer than a decade, it’s time for people to stop pretending that Ayato isn’t different from the rest, because it annihilates his purpose like that. Now I’m not saying that everyone else sucks and Ayato is the only cool character there, it’s just that Rejet wrote him in a way that genuinely gives off main character energy. Heck, even other characters have confirmed that he got *something* nobody else does, which is true.
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Credit to: dialovers-translations, tournesolia
One thing about Ayato is that he might roast and prank you, but the moment you need help, he’ll be the first to lend you a hand. He’s by no means perfect, of course, he has flaws and makes mistakes too, but his good qualities are just so many that they’re easily able to outshine his bad ones.
Another example is the DF prologue scene. The most normal reaction would have been fighting with the wolf, as Subaru did, but instead of trying to get rid of it, Ayato used himself as shield the moment he saw it, so as to protect Yui. What makes this scene so powerful is that not only they weren’t a couple back then, but in the other Sakamaki routes, he’s still severely injured. He values life, yet he still sacrificed himself for her, no matter if she dates someone else afterwards, and guess what? Even after waking up from the coma in the other routes, he holds no grudge against her for that, but rather is on good terms with Yui. I would also like to talk about how self-sacrificing he is in the Daylight CD, but I feel like everyone listened to that one already, given that it was the most liked of the Daylight series.
While I understand that some people out there prefer more rational and/or introverted characters, I can’t stand those who deny the essence of a character. And, for all people who blame Rejet for “making him more special than the rest”, let me remind you that he’s the Diaboy who got the worst journey ending. Let that sink in. :”)
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tumblingxelian · 3 months
OK I am just gonna say it.
In regards to the whole "The writers said Ironwood sacraficing his arm means he is giving up his humanity" thing?
I think that they are 100% talking from Ironwood's perspective there.
Now hear me out.
Ironwood is one of the people who most dehumanizes Penny. Yeah sure he's superficially 'nice' when everything is going his way. Be he explicitly had her made as a weapon and the moment its more convenient to treat her as a tool than a person he does so.
Ironwood is fucking weird about his prosthetics. He is always trying to hide them until they are too bulky to cover up with clothing. He's clearly deeply uncomfortable with them and defaults to blaming them for his own behavior.
Compare & contrast to other characters. All of the heroic characters constantly emphasize Penny's personhood and even when disagreeing with her never start couching their language in commands but convincing arguments as they would anyone else.
What's more, Yang, Maria, Fox, Pietro & hell even Tyrian all wear their prosthetics or disabilities very openly and without shame. The shows framing, theme & narrative do not present these things as some kind of loss of humanity or otherwise as a negative. If "Prosthetics eat your soul" was a thing the writers actually felt, it would be more obvious.
Note: I am unsure whether the writers regard Penny as disabled, so I didn't put her with the others.
Penny's new body. Much for much-ness is made about Penny "Becoming a real girl" as though the show hadn't consistently treated her as one from her first moment on screen. & while ignoring the fact that her new body was clearly a magical/Aura construct given it was made up of wobbly green energies under a scan not flesh and bone like other characters.
Even if we ignore all that, when it comes to her new body and that whole angle, while she did show an appreciation for her new tactile senses, she was also shown to be far more vulnerable & generally to be struggling with the new body & it ultimately led to her fall.
This is very much not on brand if we were meant to regard her mechanical form as some kind of problem outside of how others used it to mistreat her.
One of Atlas's core themes' is dehumanization. The people pf Mantle are dehumanized into a faceless mob, a few city blocks that can easily be crushed beneath Ironwood's heel.
Cinder Fall was "adopted" into child slavery where the rights of her abusers to own and harm her always took precedence over her humanity.
The Ace-Ops are trained to regard themselves, their fellows & everyone else as inherently expendable. Cogs in a machine that can be replaced and should not be cared for or mourned.
& most integrally, when Ironwood sacrificed his arm so he could beat Watts. When he had Watts dangling over a lava pit & said he would sacrifice anything to beat Salem. Watts smirked. Because Watt's knew Ironwood's penchant to view harming himself or others as "Ruthlessness" and thus pragmatism was alive & well & would destroy him. Which it did.
The 'other' statement. There is one other line people point to, namely Yang's V8 line, regarding "The mechanical bits are just extra" as somehow ableist. Even ignoring as I said before that I am unsure CRWBY even regard Penny as disabled, or as equivalent to a person using prosthetics. The fact is, I can only view taking that statement as dehumanizing Penny by virtue of her mechanical nature as at best, misinterpreting Yang's statement.
Seriously, they are talking about the fact Penny will still have a soul. IE the very metric of personhood that's used to define every person in universe! It'd be no different if she was made of clay or cloned flesh.
Conclusion. As I said above, if the writers really felt that way about prosthetics, it would be much more overt than one off hand statement that very much seems to reflect Ironwood's thinking not the writers. Ironwood thinks giving up his arm and replacing them with prosthetics is something that makes him less human, a trait he explicitly admired in/projected onto Salem. It makes so much more sense for the writers to be commenting on Ironwood';'s thought process here given it thematically does not align with the rest of the show at all otherwise.
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auncyen · 11 days
warning: falling rocks ahead
True to form, Mirabelle is fretting.  You don't blame her, given this is the final day of the quest she was saddled with by no less significant a figure than the very God she worships, but you'd hoped the refresher tutorial had settled her nerves, and then you reached what she called 'The Death Corridor'.  She's going to exhaust herself, and while experience says she usually finds her second wind when it's most needed, you would rather you all reach the King with a calm demeanor.
"--So there must be a trap-- Something weight-sensitive, or something!  Or, or!!! Maybe it's time-sensitive! If we spend too long here...!"
"There's nothing weird in here," Siffrin tells Mirabelle, and you believe him.  This room is rather empty, with only six pillars that you watched him check as you rested your legs.
"But there must be!!"
"Belle, Belle, don't worry about it," Boniface reassures her. "Frin isn't good at many things, but they know stuff about traps."
You smirk at the face Siffrin pulls before adding in your own two cents to calm Mirabelle.  And tease them more.  "Right. If we can't trust the one who's supposed to lead us THIS early, this won't bode well for later..."
"But, but--"
Siffrin sighs before taking a step away, deeper into the hallway.  "We're not dead yet, are we?"
Mirabelle tilts her head, considering with a furrowed brow.  "...Well, that's true..."
Good, she's calming down.  Time to convince her so you can all move on. You have only hours before the King's Curse will have frozen everyone but her.  "We HAVE been in this room for a while...  And Siffrin has been walking everywhere, so if it was weight-sensitive, something would have killed him by now."
While Isabeau was clucking over her before, he nods along at the end of your logical argument.  "Exactly! It's all fine!"
"Oh... ...yeah! Yeah, okay! I'll believe you!" Mirabelle shifts from doubtful to relieved to embarrassed in only a matter of seconds, ever expressive.  "Sorry... for worrying... I'm a little on edge.."
"We're good, Mira."  Siffrin smiles at her, their eyes closed. "See?"
They say something else.  There's a click.  A deafening THUD.
You don't know if the click was before Siffrin's words, or after, or during.  You have no idea what Siffrin actually said.  The THUD, which was definitively final, knocked the words right out of your mind.  Your ears are ringing as you see a colossal boulder where Siffrin stood, and for two slow heartbeats, you wait for Siffrin to somehow pop out from behind it, or call out a 'tada!', because of course he sidestepped it (it's too large), he's the trap finder because he's fast enough to outrun the ones he accidentally sets off (it dropped too quickly)--
from stone.
the room.
Your vision
goes darkless
and your throat hurts
you're screaming
you're the only one screaming
at a tree?  it's too bright, how is it so bright in the House, how is there a tree--
"M'dame!  ODILE!"
Isabeau yells, but he sounds far behind you, when only a moment ago he was close by--and you had your back to the end of the room.  You blink in confusion, clearing your eyes, and try once again to make sense of what's in front of you.
It's a large, healthy deciduous tree.  It's not Siffrin, it's not a boulder, and it is most certainly not a boulder crushing Siffrin.  It's...it's Dormont's Favor Tree.
And then it's Isabeau, who's circled in front of you with wide, concerned eyes.  "M'dame, what's wrong?"
"Siffrin--"  How can he ask what's wrong?  How can he ask that when Siffrin just died?  "Siffrin--"
The words catch in your raw throat.
Isabeau looks even more alarmed.  "Siffrin?!  They're--did something happen?  I thought they were still napping...!"
Isabeau thinks Siffrin is napping?
His reaction is so incongruous with what you just saw that it momentarily shocks the grief out of you.  Because Isabeau is not acting like he just saw his friend crushed by a boulder.  And you cannot explain how you could have been in the House, seeing just that, and now be back outside it.
Was it... not real?  But how?  You know there are rare Sadnesses that can make you see terrifying fears come to life, but if that had been the affliction you should have come back to your senses with a fight on your hands too, or the conclusion of one.  Instead you're just...here, with no one else but Isabeau, who is growing more fretful with your silence.
"I... I need to check on them," you tell Isabeau, just to give him some kind of answer, and then walk as quickly as you can back towards Dormont.  It's a gait Isabeau easily matches with his own long legs, still looking at you with alarm.
"Y, yeah, sure, let's check on them!  But--M'dame, I have never heard you scream like that--"
You don't know what to tell him when 'Sadness-inflicted affliction' seems to be off the table right now.  But frankly, explaining yourself is not an immediate priority.  "I need to check on Siffrin."  That's all that matters. "Where are they?"
You already have an idea where they might be, given where they napped yesterday. But you want certainty.
"They said, um, the meadow to the south?"
Same as yesterday, then. Or perhaps it's still today, if you just hallucinated over half a day in the blink of an eye.
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neyafromfrance95 · 6 days
so re: my favorite new delusion that the kiss will somehow be adar kissing galadriel to bait sauron, I remembered this scene happens at some point, either ep 6 or 7.
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So Sauron is indeed reacting to stuff happening down on the battlefield during the day. Granted, a lot happens he could be reacting (slightly smirking) about. But the possibility is there. Maybe we're due for another controlled fury moment like he had when those numenoreans told him he wasn't good enough for her lol.
Honestly it's like... Based on story momentum, if Galadriel kisses someone romantically it either has to be Sauron or it's a kiss that's somehow still *about* them (which an Adar kiss would be if he's trying to taunt Sauron in a quick moment on the battlefield).
Or it's simply not a romantic kiss and just a cheek, forehead or hand kiss and this was all just a rumor that spiraled simply because Morfydd teased it.
There can't be other romantic kisses unless Celeborn appears out of thin air. Elrond planting one on her and revealing surprise romantic feeling that ultimately can't go anywhere would be a jarring, momentum killing story turn when the season is meant to be about a "collision course" between Galadriel and Sauron in the finale. If it happens in ep 7 as they're insisting, then the audience is suddenly confused and wondering what that was about instead of focused on the suspense building to Galadriel and Sauron's meeting.
Also notably, they never paired up Rob and Morfydd for the press tour, despite how much screen time Elrond and Galadriel shared this season.
(I truly think this wouldn't even be a conversation if the incel lorebores didn't have a habit of badly interpreting scenes like the face touch in the trailer)
oh nooo, don't feed my delusions even more, they will grow! (please do feed my delusions)
his reaction to the numenoreans joking that maybe one of them is more suitable for gal needs to be talked about more! bc it was the first and only time his mask slipped off and he was about to lose it! bro saw her ankle on that raft and it was jover! suddenly, a mere suggestion that she might in theory be with smn else made this ancient being skilled in deceit almost reveal his true nature! like, when i saw his reaction for the first time, i thought it was so weird and uncharacteristic! then he beat those same dudes to a pulp!
sooo, what i'm trying to say is that, if sauron were to see his warrior queen caged and then kissed by the orc that they both blame their misfortunes on, ohhh boy. it'd be jover for the middle-earth.
and listen, so far the writers haven't given me a single reason to doubt them. even if galadriel is married to celeborn, a sudden switch to their romance would be a poor writing, since the show was about sauron x galadriel relationship from the very start (literally, finrod's speech alluded to it and then celebrimnor's one about silmarils)! same goes with elrond.
also, the whole "the light reflecting your hair reminded me of the love of my life who is lady galadriel, of course" thing was so bold??? i can't believe they did that. so, i'm 90% sure they aren't chickening out after pulling something so sick and obsessive on his part.
so yeah, either it has to do with sauron, or it's a platonic peck that was overblown by the fandom.
and agreed, we wouldn't be wasting our energies on the half of the discourse happening rn if it wasn't for the incel lorebros forcing these conversations to divert the attention from sauron x galadriel.
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bobbydagen24 · 5 months
in Defence of Creek ( warning if your an Avid Creek Hater you may not want to read this 😂😂 )
ps. Branch will Hair strangle some guy he Barely knew who he didn't even care about for betraying them but doesn't do the same to his Jerkass Brothers who let him down his whole life 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️.
anyway onto the topic at hand 😂😂😂😂
Creek gets an unfair Rap in my opinion sure he technically betrayed the village but when you examine the story of the first film he literally had no other choice.
as there's no other scenario that didn't end with him being Horribly Eaten as soon as he was picked by Chef for Gristle Jr to eat and taken out of the cage his fate was sealed.
unlike the rest of the snack pack he didn't have the option of sitting around waiting on the off chance Poppy would Rescue them.
we see in the Betrayal scene he was literally in Gristle's mouth before he finally played the only card he could and said he'd do what ever they wanted him to do.
and from then on he was kept in Gristle's locket around his neck which I have to say was Horrible poor guy was stuffed in their with no space or light or even air given how tight it was.
and he was kept there until eventually being moved out of the locket and put into Chef's waist bag just before the snack pack got the Locket from Gristle and were then captured by Chef.
and from that point like Creek himself said there was literally nothing else he could do that wouldn't result in him being killed straight away by Chef.
this is what rubs me the wrong way about the movie trying to make him into a villain he has no real agency in the betrayal it'd be a little easier for me to Judge him.
if he was kept in the cage with the Rest of the Snack Pack so he had the option of just having faith in Poppy someone he claimed to care about.
coming to save them but instead he took the more cowardly action and offered to sell everyone out early on in order to save himself then I feel it'd work a little better.
but having him be plucked from the cage early on and literally only betray everyone when he was on the verge of being eaten just makes him a victim in my eyes.
like I'm sorry but he can't be blamed too much for anything he does at that point he's just a normal civilian who's life was put in danger by negligent leaders ( cough Peppy cough ).
he technically wasn't obligated to die then and there and the whole situation with him selling out the Village is a classic Trolley Problem sure its easy to Judge.
from the outside but when we're on the verge of being gruesomely murdered who's to say what each of us would do in the moment to stay alive.
basically its Chef's actions and she's the one to blame not Creek dude was a literal Hostage who had been kidnaped Humiliated by being shoved in a taco and sprinkled with spicy stuff.
and then nearly eaten and then crammed into a tiny locket for presumably Hours and then crammed into a waist bag like how is this guy not the victim here?
and some people do like to point to how he behaved about the whole thing telling Poppy he's doing it for her but I'm sorry that doesn't change anything in my eyes.
sure its an unusual reaction but its also an unusual situation and I see it more as him weakly attempting to justify it to himself since he does admit he wishes there was another way but is promptly reminded by Chef that there isn't.
his Reaction isn't Great but it doesn't change the situation and make him some pure evil person.
a little autistic maybe? given the weird response to an emotional situation he has but yeah it doesn't make him worse in my eyes.
basically to end things the film as well as the fandom that villainise him seem to basically be saying that he should have just laid down and accepted his gruesome fate the first time.
and the movie even ends on a cruel irony of still being eaten along with Chef.
which for Chef is ironic in a karmic way but for Creek its just kinda sad tbh so the film's saying his death was decided at the start and he's a villain for not accepting it the first time.
and as punishment he meets the same fate in the end anyway.
I thought this was a Trolls film not a Final Destination film lol.
anyway even tho its separate cannon I was Happy when he was Revealed to still be alive in TBGO sure I feel his Return could have been written way better.
but Regardless I'm Glad he's still alive he didn't deserve to die and also the movie cannon never contradicts the tv show cannon in Terms of Creek's survival.
so yeah he could very well still be alive in the movies as well sorry Haters 😅😅😅😅.
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knightofmordred · 1 year
i saw someone say merlin and gwen had tension when gwen became queen due to her position in power and that's the status merlin wanted (with arthur), all i can say is what kind of show did you watch ???
but no let's actually talk about it.
a lot of fans claim that merlin and gwen grew apart when she became queen or that she didn't treat him as she used to. first of all, you have got to remember that gwen didn't have much screentime in general in season five. not to mention the fact that pretty much everyone had their character forgotten and their relations (for example, we hardly got any gwaine and merlin!).
majority of the time, certain scenes in season five are given as examples to show that merlin and gwen grew apart (with the blame being on gwen). one of those scenes was when she asked merlin to run her a bath.
a lot of fans forget that's literally merlin's job? he is quite literally paid to service the king (and now the queen).
merlin came into gwen's service when sefa betrayed her. sefa, who was supposed to be the closest person to the queen. not only was she there to assist gwen in daily/household tasks, but once she settled into her role, she would have also been handling gwen's royal + state affairs. i have often questioned why they didn't give gwen someone else, but thinking about it more, it makes sense why - gwen had already gone through so much betrayal and the situation with sefa also showed there would always be a risk of that - hence why she now had no one to be her maid.
this ties into point two tbh because gwen also witnessed people trying to kill arthur in different ways - one being when merlin was enchanted. so it makes more sense to ask your most trusted friend to carry out tasks (that they're paid to do anyway).
i understand the point some people make - it's weird to suddenly be commanding your best friend to do things for you. but fans also forget there were three years of gwen being queen which we didn't see! gwen was a maid herself and came from a low income family. she had never reached that level of status before she was married.
do you seriously believe that she wouldn't have struggled in her new role? that she didn't struggle asking people to do things for her? that she so easily assimilated into her role as queen with authority? and do you seriously believe that merlin didn't encourage and support her through this? that it is likely he was the one who helped gwen feel more at ease of people doing things for her?
there is only "tension" there because you make it so. the same way fans do with anything that comes to gwen. you pluck things out of thin air because you simply do not look at gwen as a character, just someone in the way of what you want.
Edit: I completely forgot Gwen was enchanted when she asked Merlin to run her a bath with the intention of Daegal trying to lure him into a trap. Thanks op in the tags!
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shift-shaping · 3 months
another ale at noon
solas, blackwall, and varric have another boys' night. day. it's like the middle of the day. boys' brunch.
rating: t
pairing: solavellan (discussed)
warnings: alcohol
previous fics | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
"So Solas is Chuckles, I get to be Hero, which is quite nice of you, Sera is Buttercup, Bull is..."
"Tiny," Varric said with a grin.
"Very creative," Solas added dryly.
Blackwall frowned. "Who else was there?" 
"I believe I've heard you call Commander Cullen 'Curly,'" Solas offered, and Varric nodded, obviously enjoying the attention. "And Josephine, Ruffles."
"But you just call Cassandra 'Seeker.'” Blackwall recalled. “Why is that?" 
Varric laughed, a bit nervous, and looked towards the door of the tavern as if Cassandra could enter at any moment. "I'm not calling Cassandra anything she doesn't want to be called. I'm already on her shit list."
Solas hummed, and sipped from his drink. "Enaste used that term the other day --'shit list.'"
Blackwall grinned at Varric underneath his untidy beard. "So you're a bad influence, then."
"I'm sure the Dalish have their own curses." Varric waved his hand dismissively. "She's heard it all before."
"I heard she called Cassandra a 'cunt'." All three men looked up at the barmaid, who must have been eavesdropping. "Sorry. You didn't hear it from me."
That got another laugh from Blackwall. "No, that can't be true."
"Sera told us, just the other night! I guess Lady Cassandra told the Inquisitor she needed to put the Inquisition above the needs of her clan, or something."
"That would piss her off," Varric agreed.
"Are you sure Sera wasn't exaggerating?" Blackwall was thoroughly amused by all this, and admittedly Solas couldn't blame him. Enaste was nearly a religious figure to him --hearing her curse in common was probably very entertaining. "Maybe Sera just wanted an excuse to say 'cunt.'"
"Sera needs no excuse to curse," Solas added, and Blackwall laughed again in agreement.
"Well like I said, you didn't hear it from me. Did you lot want another round?"
"Sure," Varric gestured at the table. "What's another ale at noon?"
The barmaid left to get their drinks, and Blackwall shifted in his seat. "So if everyone gets nicknames except the people you're afraid of, does that mean you're scared of Lavellan?"
"No," Varric laughed, then paused. "Well, maybe. Should I be?"
"I don't know," Blackwall shrugged. "She can be harsh, but she's fair."
"It was interesting to see how she handled that magister, Alexius." Varric said. "From her description of what happened at Redcliffe, I thought she'd have his head on a spike." He shook his head, brows furrowed. "She just sent him to work with Leliana, right?"
Blackwall nodded. "Much kinder than the bastard deserved." He sighed and shrugged. "Mercy is a good thing though. Better to follow too merciful a leader than a cruel one."
The barmaid returned with their drinks, and Solas realized he'd actually finished one. He thanked her as she took the empty tankard away. "So if you aren't afraid of her, Varric, why haven't you given her a nickname?" He asked, and Varric thought for a moment before responding.
"It feels weird, I guess. She's the Inquisitor, that's her nickname."
"I think you can do better," Blackwall teased.
Varric rubbed his chin. "I'll think about it. It has to be natural, you know? You can't force these things." He sighed and leaned back, then took a long drink from his tankard. "I could ask her uncle for ideas, I guess. You know, I've never seen an elf with a beard like that." He chuckled. "It's downright dwarven."
Blackwall nodded to Solas. "Did you know he was coming?"
Solas shook his head. "No, and neither did she."
"We're a long way from the Free Marches. Dangerous route, too."
"That's family," Varric said. "I'm not surprised her clan is worried. An elf tied up with all this chantry shit? It never ends well."
"We have to make sure it does," Blackwall replied with an oddly reverent certainty. "She has a duty to the world, but we have a duty to make sure she doesn't die performing it."
Solas looked at Blackwall curiously. "Back in Haven you said you didn't care if she was actually chosen by Andraste. Do you still feel that way?"
"You were there, we all were." He gestured vaguely towards the Frostbacks. "She's insisted time and again she's not chosen by Andraste and doesn't believe in the Maker. But when it came down to it, she was willing to give her life for a bunch of people she doesn't even like." He shook his head as if in awe. "So no, I still don't care if she's chosen by Andraste. She's a woman worth following, and she’s trying to make things right."
"I think she mostly follows you," Varric joked. "I don't know how you can go running into battle headfirst like that. I'm surprised you still have most of your teeth."
"That's why I'm here," Blackwall raised his tankard, then took a long drink before slamming it down. "So you three can keep your pretty faces intact."
"Oh, speaking of pretty faces," Varric said, remembering something and turning to Solas. "Do you know how she got those scars on her face?"
Solas had spent much too long staring at those scars for her not to have told him about them. But she wasn't self-conscious of them, so he assumed it was fine for him to divulge. "A fishing accident, in her youth," Solas replied.
"A fishing accident?" Blackwall asked incredulously. "What a woman." The way Blackwall talked about Enaste was always illuminating. He seemed somewhere in-between worshipping her and being in love with her. Perhaps he had to be, to put himself in so much danger for her so often.
"I wonder if she's found a place nearby to fish," Solas said, frowning. There were streams here and there, enough to provide the keep with fresh water, but none of them that he knew of were deep or productive enough for fishing. "She used to fish from the lake near Haven. It gave her some peace from all the chaos."
"Did you notice, in Crestwood, how she looked at those crab traps on the beach?" Blackwall asked, grinning, and Solas couldn't help but smile back. Enaste had tried to be subtle, but it was impossible not to notice her casually wandering along the waterline and leaning over the traps. Sera teased her for it, and she'd been predictably defensive. It made for a surprisingly light-hearted moment amidst so much doom, and Blackwall had promised to take her to a real seafood market some day. That led to Sera calling her 'fishbutt,' which didn't make any sense but was amusing regardless.
Solas sipped from his drink, still smiling at the memory. "Yes. She said she prefers eating crab, but catching fish. Apparently her uncle is particularly skilled at preparing it."
"You two spend a lot of time together," Varric observed. The comment put Solas immediately on edge, but Varric went on before he could say anything. "Don't get all pissy, Chuckles. It's okay, really." He paused, his expression suddenly gentle, and sighed. "She likes you. That's a good thing. And maybe she's just glad to have another elf around."
"I imagine she is, yes." Solas still had no interest in pursuing this conversation with them. He enjoyed the company of Varric and Blackwall, but their attempts to pry into his relationship with Enaste were grating. It was an entirely private matter, and he owed them no explanation.
His icy response left an awkward pause, just as it had every time they’d brought it up before. After a few tense moments, Varric pushed himself from the table and stood. "I'll be right back, nature's calling."
Blackwall and Solas were fully capable of sitting in comfortable silence together, and often did in the field. Now, though, there was a weight to the silence that made it uneasy. Solas chose to ignore it, and instead stared out over the tavern blankly. It was slower now than it would surely be in a few hours, when the soldiers finished their afternoon training and came to relax. Maryden was tuning her instrument, occasionally strumming lazily, giving the tavern an atmosphere of lighthearted anticipation. 
When Blackwall finally spoke, his voice was gentler than before, and lower, too, as if he didn't want them to be heard. "I like you, Solas. You know that." Solas frowned at him, unsure where this was going, but said nothing. "I know you've seen a lot in your life, and maybe I'm in no place to give you advice. But I'm just going to say it, and you can do with it what you please," Blackwall took a deep breath. "Life is short, and hard, and then you die. I know you want to maintain a... professional relationship with the Inquisitor, and I know you don't want to hurt her reputation, but I've seen the way you look at her." He sighed heavily. "Just… take it from me: don't let your pride get in the way of something good."
There was no teasing in his voice, no playfulness, just an earnest man sharing his thoughts. Solas looked away, quiet for a while longer. It was more poignant than Blackwall could possibly know, and in a way, he was right. "Thank you," Solas said finally. "You make a fair point. I will... consider it."
Blackwall nodded gruffly, and took another long drink. Varric returned soon after, and broke out a deck of cards. Playing Wicked Grace with the two of them was a ritual Solas had become accustomed to, as even at camp Varric always had a deck of cards. Enaste joined them on occasion, and one memorable evening most of the camp played a massive game together. He preferred it like this though, and not just because Blackwall had a tendency to bet far too much. It was quieter, easier, and he didn’t have to think quite so much about how to fill the silence.
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dafodils-on-the-moon · 2 months
!!!! So many questions bc I love this with all my heart <3 First, it's freaking hilarious that he became jester because he was "difficult to handle." LOVE that. Second, I gotta know, what does everyone else think about him? Arthur? Gwen? Morgana? Is Morgana doomed to die by the hands of a COURT JESTER?????
Ok so. Crucial part of this Au: Uther knows Merlin in Balinor’s son but does NOT know abt the magic. Merlin does not know about being Balinor’s son. Uther kept him cause he thinks it would be a good idea to have a dragonlord on hand that's loyal to Camelot, given what he's keeping under the castle.
Also I'm very aroace and don't wanna write romance for a while, so no romantic Murther.
Instead, Uther raises Merlin and Arthur as brothers. He deeply encourages the loyalty to one another as keeping Merlin loyal is essetail and Merlin is a very valuable asset that bears protecting. He emphasises to Arthur that as the eldest, Merlin is his responsibility and he should take care of him. Merlin is his younger brother.
Arthur takes to this role like a wildfire. Protective as SHIT over his new baby brother (Merlin is two years younger), esp. Since he was… not doing too hot when he first got to the castle. He was greiving and seemed *terrified* and didn’t speak at all for months. He was sickly too, for reasons no-one could pinpoint. Arthur had made it his mission to cheer Merlin up, as no one should be that sad. He and Merlin communicate at first via drawings.
He only seemed to improve after he started talking quietly to an imaginary freind he named “Kiggah.” It seemed to help cause merlin slowly started talking to Arthur and then in general and his health imrpved too.
Yeah… Merlin’s imaginary freind is Killgarrah lol.
Killgarrrah, or Kiggah as a now 5 year old Merlin could pernounce, is getting a major overhaul in this AU. His is going to be far far less of a bastard. Cause dragons are too cool for him to be the absolute worst.
In this AU Kiggah actually cares more THAT HIS ENTIRE RACE WAS ERADICATED than that he was trapped under the castle. Cause, fr, that is not the part id focus on. Also I gave him a family before, sorry man. Kiggah was also really really fond of dragonlings and hatchlings and was very excited to see the hatching of his first great-grandhatchling before the purge. Ow.
Anyway, Merlin is TERRIFIED of being in Camelot. He’s terrified he’s going to say something wrong and reveal his secret and die. He blames himslef for his mother’s death (cause he’s like 4 1/2 and thats normal for kids that age) and more specifically, his magic. So he supresses the shit out of it, which is why he’s so sickly.
Kiggah senses Merlin basically killing himslef and tries coaching Merlin into using his magic again. Adopts Merlin as his own hatchling. Kiggah doesn’t know Merlin’s dad is Balinor, but he DOES know he’s emrys, magic itself. As a result, Kiggah views Merlin as a fellow magical creature and raises him accordingly. He… doesn’t really get how human hatchlings are supposed to work.
Merlin starts acting weirdly dragonlike. His growling, he’s biting people, hee’s climbing everything, hoarding things and has a major fixation with fire. He is gettign “difficult to handle” as UTHER, assumes this is just how dragonlordlings are, (good gracious), but needs a way to coverup the fact he’s raising one.
Fooleswurth, nuerdodivergent in ye-old times, sees Merlin and his like “haha verily. Reminds me of when I was that age, I was just the same. He must have “The Jester’s Spark, haha.”’ Uther goes “yes and” and now fooleswurth has an apprentice and Uther has a way to explain why his ward is so weird.
Anyway, Kiggah is NOT excited about Merlin’s new older sister, but Merlin loves her. He is very excited for whenever Morgana’s magic manifests. She grows on Kiggah. (Esp. With all teh trouble she gives Uther). Morgana’s going to be fine.
She and Merlin get on like a house on fire. Gossipy bitches. Morgana sics Melrin and his “jester’s privolegde” on bothersome nobles to insult them into the ground.
Gwen becomes Morgana’s maidservent, and she Morgana and Merlin are great friends.
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olderthannetfic · 2 months
So I was looking at this old post of yours (in your fandom meta tag) and has anyone else noticed that Hogwarts AU fanfic and meta about if this or that character from another fandom would be Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw has completely disappeared? I assume that this is related to JKR’s transphobia making her (understandably) persona non grata to a lot of online queer people of the kind who dominate fanfic fandom at least on AO3 (I’m less familiar with Wattpad or other corners of fandom that are overwhelmingly cishet and writing het, and the Bridgerton drama has taught me a lot about just how out of pace a lot of them are with even elementary queer stuff, yeesh). but I was wondering if others have noticed that. It did seem to really start to crater around 2019-20 when she stopped being coy and blaming it on “middle aged moments,” and started openly making transphobic tweets and writing essays about it rather than just “liking” others’. Like when I was into Yuri on Ice circa 2016-18, it was still all over that fandom, even though people were already souring on the actual official franchise stuff such as those terrible Fantastic Beasts movies.
So I’m mostly active in anime, JRPG and Western genre TV fandoms so I was curious if this was also happening elsewhere. I’m also wondering if the fact that actual HP fandom seems to be increasingly divorced from canon (like fanon pairings of characters who never interacted in canon being the most popular lately) is related to this too.
Cuz having a Hogwarts AU used to be a sign that a fandom had Arrived. I remember in 2016 you saw people doing house sortings for the people on the frickin 538 political podcast. Now I never see any of that even with huge fandoms.
It’s interesting to me given that it feels like her transphobia hasn’t dented much of her popularity with non online nerd culture. Like the third Fantastic Beasts movie failed but those had never been good and had been declining in box office numbers already. But the Hogwarts Legacy game sold really well. You still see HP in stores all over the place with other nerd culture staples like Star Wars and Marvel. Still constantly see brands doing collabs. I often find non online friends and family, including many who are genuine allies to the trans people in their lives, who have no idea about her transphobia. Or they’ve only heard a little and assume it’s some weird insular online culture thing that is just fans nitpicking, maybe having heard about some other Twitter “canceling” over nothing and figuring it’s like that. They’re always shocked and horrified when I tell them what she’s actually saying and doing.
Interesting question.
For me, as an Old, it just feels like Hogwarts AUs are part of my childhood, and why wouldn't they be less common now? But realistically, if they actually are declining, it does mean something.
There's no way for us to know if the "Would X be a Hufflepuff?" posts are really a thing of the past. That could be a question of whom one follows or of fans leaving one's platform. But we can at least poke at some AO3 tags and see if they show a pattern.
The relevant tags are Alternate Universe - Hogwarts and its metatag Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting.
There are 21,426 works in the metatag. Obviously, not everything uses the tag, but it's a starting point. (Some cursory playing with filters on big tags makes me think that maybe around 3/4 of HP AUs are actually tagged with a relevant AU tag.)
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If we look at the AU tag itself, the numbers have come down in the last few years. (This year is obviously only half over, so we'd expect those numbers to be smaller.)
But we have to take into account how big the archive itself was. It's been growing significantly since it opened to staff accounts in late 2008 and then more widely in late 2009, so the overall rise doesn't mean much, but the recent drop might.
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It does seem like there's a downward trend lately, but it doesn't look like it's falling off a cliff.
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kerubimcrepin · 6 months
Liveblog - Dofus, livre 1 : Julith [PART 21]
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I've already said how weird this whole situation is from Joris's pov, but imagine dying, being given a new body with a way smaller brain and no speech yet, as well as no object permanence, and having to comprehend while in this condition, that your brother, who spent the last 50–80 years trying to hunt you down and make you into a coat, just saved your son from being blown up, and is now dying.
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But you lack the brain capacity to understand any of that. Or remember any of that history.
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You just know that he's hurt, badly, and that you don't like seeing him in pain.
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Joris knows now, that for an ecaflip demigod, it's not that big of a deal to die. At least not the first time.
So it's really more of a "You sacrificed yourself for me?" question.
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He's paying back his debt. He can't be mean to Joris, when all he's done is be nice to him, he's not that kind of person.
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And when he wakes up again, things will be different, between him and Kerubim. Something new is going to happen.
To quote Dofus Aux Tresors de Kerubim: It will have a different taste. A different feel.
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Kerubim's current lack of object permanence or the idea of death, is both a blessing and a curse, because he has no fucking idea what happened, or where Atcham went. Poor kbitty.
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On one hand, this is inherently traumatic for Joris. He must be tired of watching ecaflip demigods evaporate.
On the other hand, I can't help but feel that this is the moment Joris and Atcham truly begin to love one another. So I can't even feel sad about this moment, like a normal person.
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Chat, this is what I cal coping and perhaps even seething. Joris is inclined to think Bakara is wrong because Bakara fucked up Majorly at this part of the movie. Also because Joris has not slept the entire night. Also because he watched 2 people die. Also Simone is far away. Also what IS Simone to do with a dofus-related issue?
Julith would absolutely have hurt Lilotte. There is absolutely not a single doubt in my mind, that if it got her what she wanted, she would dismember Lilotte as Joris watched.
I don't blame him for making mistakes and fumbling, though. He's like 10.
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If she really isn't that bad... If ALL she wants to do, is to bring Jahash back... If that's what it takes for her to leave Lilotte and Kerubim alone...
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And among all else, if this brings the man she loves back? He doesn't mind, then.
(Puts on a giant, Dofus Aux Tresors de Kerubim themed tinfoil hat)
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Joris is a difficult character to read due to his insane multitudes and affinity for lying to everyone and himself.
Due to his passion for wanting to learn about his birth parents, I think spending time with Julith and Jahash is like a dream to him.
But I can't miss the dimension in this interaction that Julith is a scary dark mage called "the butcher", who already killed his father once and then kidnapped his friend, and they are both standing near her, behind him, and she is holding what is essentially the magical equivalent of a nuclear bomb in her hands.
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And the things he says to her may or may not be affected by like, idk, two or three of these factors? Like there might be a slight possibility that he said "I'm sure she wouldn't have hurt you" and "a real family" specifically to decrease the chances of her killing Kerubim and Lilotte. Not sure where I get this idea from, though.
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This is literally the worst day in Kerubim's life as a father. There is literally no going back. Thank god his little kittybrain is going to forget all about this in roughly 3 minutes.
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leiasources · 1 year
an  assortment  of  disney  sentence  starters.    a  compilation  of  sentence  starters  from  and  inspired  by  lilo  and  stitch,  lady  and  the  tramp,  lady  and  the  tramp  ii:  scamp’s  adventure,  the  little  mermaid  and  the  little  mermaid  ii:  return  to  the  sea.  feel  free  to  adjust  as  necessary  but  do  not  add  to  the  list.  thank  you!
‘ i don't see how a world that makes such wonderful things could be bad. ’
‘ if anybody ever needed a muzzle, it's him ... ’
‘ have you lost your senses completely? ’
‘ i'd give anything to have what you have. ’
‘ i didn't mean it, {name}, i don't know what i was thinking! ’
‘ beyond those distant hills, who knows what wonderful experiences there are, and it's all ours for the taking. ’
‘ if you promise not to fight anymore, i promise not to yell at you ... except on special occasions. ’
‘ you ... saved my life. nobody else here would have dared to do that. ’
‘ you don't know what it was like. ’
‘ i see you haven't changed a bit. ’
‘ hey! watch where you're going, stupid head! ’
‘ you don't belong on the street. you won't last five minutes out here. ’
‘ wonder what they do around here for excitement. ’
‘ do we have a lobster door? no! we have a dog door! we're getting a dog. ’
‘ we're just going to forget this whole thing ever happened. ’
‘ how could there be anything wrong with something so wonderful? ’
‘ i'm not going home! you can't make me. ’
‘ did you lose your job because of me? ’
‘ if you want to leave, you can. i'll remember you though. i remember everyone that leaves. ’
‘ i just ... i just don't feel like i belong here. have you ever felt that way? ’
‘ i'm giving you a choice, you can come with me or you can return home. ’
‘ if your father knew about this place- ’
‘ if you ask me, she's a little strange ... ’
‘ everybody thinks i'm ... weird ... ’
‘ this is great. this is living! i never get to do this at home. ’
‘ why don't you go tell my father? you're good at that. ’
‘ stop criticizing me! that's all my mother ever did, criticize me! ’
‘ you're hiding something from me ... ’
‘ remember this: a human heart has only so much room for love and affection. ’
‘ i'm going to bust us out of here, if it's the last thing i do. ’
‘ i know you're trying, {name}, but you need to think about what's best for them ... even if it removes you from the picture. ’
‘ i've given you what you've always wanted ... they're the one who's been lying to you all these years. ’
‘ it wasn't built to keep something out ... it was built to keep me in. ’
‘ you've got no one to blame but yourself. ’
‘ well ... that's what comes of tying yourself down to one person. ’
‘ we could run off together. we don't need them. ’
‘ you're just like ... like your mother. ’
‘ it's about time you settle down. ’
‘ i thought we could sit out here and talk. ’
‘ i'm sorry i bit you ... and pulled your hair ... and punched you in the face. ’
‘ sometimes you try your hardest but things don't work out the way you want them to. ’
‘ i hope that you appreciate what i go through for you. ’
‘ take my advice and settle down with this one, huh? ’
‘ i should have been home hours ago ... ’
‘ i'm late because i had to go to the store and get peanut butter because all we have is stinkin' tuna- ’
‘ no, you don't belong there, you're better than that and that's what i like about you. ’
‘ you know, i really believed they had a chance ... then you came along. ’
‘ isn't it obvious? {name}'s in love. ’
‘ why didn't you wait at the school? you were supposed to wait there! ’
‘ that's the first time i've seen you smile in weeks. ’
‘ i know that's why you wreck things and why you're mean to me sometimes ... ’
‘ i was just like you when i was your age. ’
‘ i don't need you to shelter and protect me! ’
‘ you're not like the rest of us. you're good and kind. the streets will beat that out of you if you stay. ’
‘ you really want a family, don't you? ’
‘ i've got a very comfortable home, where i know you'll be loved and appreciated ... ’
‘ why do you act so weird? ’
‘ open up your eyes to what life can really be ... ’
‘ are you going to play dolls? ’
‘ this is great. i mean, i really love this ... adventure, excitement, danger lurking around every corner ... ’
‘ you don't have to be scared of me. i won't hurt you. ’
‘ we can't go in! the sign says- ’
‘ i need you to stay here for a few minutes. i'm going to be right back. ’
‘ i'm {number} years old! i'm not a child! ’
‘ hey, i brought you some pizza in case you were hungry. ’
‘ i'm not your girl. i don't belong to anyone ... ’
‘ i wish i could tell {name} how i feel ... but they'd never understand. ’
‘ you seem very familiar ... have we met? ’
‘ people treat me different. ’
‘ i know you've been keeping something from me. ’
‘ sometimes ... things have to change and maybe sometimes they're for the better. ’
‘ you didn't think they would miss you!? ’
‘ this is you and this is your badness level. it's unusually high for someone your size. ’
‘ all i ever hear is rules, rules, rules ... don't do this and don't do that ... ’
‘ everyone has trouble fitting in at your age. i know i did. i was a regular fish out of water. ’
‘ there's a great, big hunk of world out there with no fence around it, where two people can find adventure and excitement ... ’
‘ why did you keep the truth from me? ’
‘ i bet they've got a lid on every trash can ... oh, and a fence around every tree. ’
‘ we're a broken family, aren't we? ’
‘ if it wasn't for you, i would have wound up somewhere else... ’
‘ i'm the only one who understands them. you take that way, they won't stand a chance. ’
‘ our family is little now and we don't have much but if you want you could be a part of it. ’
‘ i'm going to stuff you in the blender, push puree then bake you into a pie and feed it to- ’
‘ when you're footloose and unattached ... well, that's nothing but the best. ’
‘ what are you doing out here? don't you have a nice family back home? ’
‘ don't you have a family? ’
‘ oh man, must have been horrible having someone care about you that much ... ’
‘ you have a home and a family that loves you. you're not like the rest of us, {name}. ’
‘ i'm just so afraid i'm going to make a total fool of myself. ’
‘ you're hiding something from me ... ’
‘ i didn't think they would miss me that much ... ’
‘ have you ever seen anything so wonderful in your entire life? ’
‘ i got to get to work. stick around town and stay out of the roads, okay? ’
‘ they aren't much of a family ... but what choice do i have? ’
‘ it's clear to me that you need them a lot more than they need you. ’
‘ i might not be a doctor but i know that there's no better cure for a sour face than a couple of boards and some choice waves. what do you think?  ’
‘ you're such a pain. ’
‘ come to join the party? ’
‘ the world out there is full of traps. here? here you have a family that loves you. ’
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