#it’s just crazy how much a certain situation I’m on the edge of mirrors a situation I was in in my early twenties
girlvinland · 5 months
Do you ever just want to warn someone of something really badly bc you don’t want them to be exposed to the same hurts and behaviors but you can’t bc you know that the person has to experience it themselves first in order to understand and all you can do is just watch?
That feeling fucking sucks.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA 326: What’s up Kids, It’s Me, Your Old Pal Stain
Previously on BnHA: Ochako shamed the U.A. Clown Mob into letting Deku go back inside his own fucking school by giving them an hour-long speech about how not to be humongous dickheads. Kouta and Gigantic Fox Lady saved the manga by being the only ones brave enough to give Deku a hug. Shouto was all “man, all this togetherness sure does remind me of that promise you made that we would handle Touya together which you immediately bailed on, doesn’t it, Dad.” Aizawa was all, “for the one and a half people out there who thought that my losing an eye and a leg might actually make me less sexy, I’m very happy to prove you wrong.” All Might was all, “[standing outside the U.A. fortress alone in the rain talking to someone or something??].” Like seriously, what was up with that though.
Today on BnHA: All Might is all “here I am in Kamino having a belated mid-life crisis because Deku abandoned me and I’m a terrible mentor and everything sucks and I hate myself.” Stain is all, “don’t make me come over there and give you a ten page speech about why you’re still the goat while menacingly holding you at swordpoint the entire time” because idk if you knew this guys, but Stain is pretty crazy actually. Anyway so he does that, and then All Might gets all emotional, and then the lady from chapter 92 shows up and gives All Might’s statue an encouraging pep talk, and then Horikoshi is all “and it even stopped raining lol can you believe this shit I’m not even a little bit subtle,” and he really isn’t. But I still got emotional anyway, because seeing people reassure All Might that everything he’s struggled for his entire life hasn’t been in vain just got to me okay. Horikoshi knows I am weak to the All Might feels and he just goes for the jugular every time, that bastard.
lmao. “in the neverending downpour, All Might is...” yeah, thank you, glad we’re getting right to that then
“All Might is driving 95 mph in his busted ass car in the pouring rain, is what he’s doing.” huh
so basically a day or two after his adopted child refused to accept the handmade bento that he packed with love, my man is out here acting like he’s got nothing to live for anymore. this sure bodes well for certain prophecies on which the clock is still ominously ticking down
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his fucking face though omg. is it weird that I’m kind of hoping more people ambush him just because I think it’d be funny to see them get their asses kicked like the last bunch
(ETA: or maybe he will just stand there openly not giving a fuck and basically daring them to stab him!! get it together please All Might.)
side note, “anti-hero supporters” is such a strange way of saying “people who hate heroes”, which I’m assuming is what they actually wanted to say?? this makes it sound like it’s a group that really loves antiheroes. “these Hannibal stans have been a real menace lately. time to go deal with them”
ha ha ha, fucking ouch
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are you really gonna do it Horikoshi you bastard. are you really going to let that be the final encounter between the two characters whose relationship you once described as the vertical axis of the entire fucking story. are you really gonna?? huh??
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you’re telling me you were driving 112 mph and you still didn’t get there in time. you’re losing your touch old man. lol Todo’s ice is almost fully melted already, how late were you
(ETA: so apparently this is taking place after the end of chapter 325, meaning he went to U.A., hung out for a bit, saw the kids come back with his bedraggled half-dead protégé in tow, watched as they shamed the civilians into some long-overdue character development, and then was all “welp, time to go argue with the hero-hating faction or something because I’m feeling useless.” and Edge just let him go, just like that. though to be fair I have to imagine it’s pretty hard to say no to All Fucking Might.)
also belated lol at the fact that the kids were all “yeahhhhhhh we are definitely not gonna touch that thing, let’s just leave it here, he doesn’t need it anyway.” probably the right call to make since they couldn’t get a hazmat team on such short notice
fuck. ha ha ha fucking ouch part two
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All Might please put that thing down before you get gangrene. also yeah, you dropped the ball, good for you to acknowledge it. nobody’s perfect and you did your best. but yeah you could have handled a lot of things completely differently. but I still love you
is Horikoshi really putting this flashback here. are you serious. what kind of fucking sadist
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look, I swear I’m not one of those people that runs up and down the street shouting “DEATH FLAG!!” at every third panel lol. but this shit screamed Death Flag when we originally got it, and it’s screaming DEATH FLAG!!! even more now. like with the capital letters and exclamation marks and all. and that’s just a fact. I don’t like it but that’s how it is
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“DID YOU READ THE SIGN??!” Horikoshi asks while zooming in maniacally because he thinks we’re blind or something. lol what
-- though actually, it only just occurred to me that this sign is actually written in English. I never really paid attention up until now and had been assuming it was written in Japanese and translated by the scanlators, but the writing here is clearly part of the original image. anyway so maybe that’s why he’s zooming in?? just to make sure everybody pays attention lol
okay fuck this
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see, this is the whole problem right here. once again All Might is all on his own. Deku’s self-destructive angst spiral was fortunately brought to a grinding halt because he actually has support from his friends and family and teachers and classmates. but All Might never had that same kind of support, and it’s made all the difference between the two of them, and not in a good way. Katsuki wasn’t wrong when he said All Might and Deku were both cut from the same cloth. but now when it’s All Might’s turn to go all “I WALK A LONELY ROAD~~” once again, there’s nobody in sight
just, after forty plus years of him carrying this torch, I just wish someone would finally come along to let him know he doesn’t have to. all those things that he wanted to say to Deku are also things that he needs and deserves to hear himself. Aizawa was making a little progress there, but now he’s got his sad zombie cloud boyfriend situation to deal with, and we can’t expect him and his perfect hair to solve all our problems. someone else has gotta step up
oh my god
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“you rang?” never mind I take it all back sob
omg why am I laughing. shit
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this man truly has the best PR game in the series. we were truly convinced he was gonna suddenly become a good guy and defend All Might against the other villains or some nonsense. as if this wasn’t the same man who decided on a whim that Iida Tensei deserved to be paralyzed, and that his fifteen-year-old brother deserved to die for daring to be upset about it
lol even All Might is all “I genuinely never saw this coming” lmao
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just want to say, for the record, I have always harbored a very sensible hatred toward Stain. feeling very vindicated right now. good job Past Me
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ffffwefjslkg. ghsdlkg. dsfkkkslkjldwkjrg
STAIN: heard you talking shit old man
ME: smh that’s what I thought you’d say you dumb fucking Stain
STAIN: how dare you talk about All Might that way
ME: gljfljgk
(ETA: in hindsight I have no idea how I didn’t clue in sooner that he didn’t recognize him -- or, well, ~didn’t recognize~ him, to be more accurate lol. I think it was the whole “is that a slight against the heroes?” thing that threw me. Viz’s translation makes it much clearer that he’s offended on behalf of All Might specifically, not heroes in general. anyways.)
sob. so All Might is all “yeah I don’t blame you for not recognizing me in this sweet leather jacket”
good thing he still knows how to do this party trick
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A+ reflexes on Stain’s part presumably pulling the sword back a few inches to keep this dumbass from impaling himself with his whole pufferfish routine. can you imagine if that was the gruesome death Nighteye foresaw. and he was just too embarrassed to say anything
lol anyways guess I was wrong about Stain everyone
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way to fucking go, Past Me. you really biffed this one
oh wait
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Stain sure is one wacky rollercoaster ride
oh fuck me lol I forgot how much I did not miss this
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(ETA: “this here is the sacred ground where All Might gave up the last of his power and turned into a shriveled old man!! please ignore the part where I admit to knowing all about that, and yet pretend not to recognize said man when he’s standing two feet in front of me.”)
Past Me, I know we’ve had our ups and downs these past ninety seconds, but I’m really starting to think you were on to something. this dude has always been kind of insufferable. always acting like his high horse is a fucking giraffe when it’s actually a Shetland pony
dammit now he’s got All Might going off on a depressed monologue
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oh my god my heart
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why the fuck does that hit so hard. he became a hero because he couldn’t bear to just sit back and let bad things happen to people who didn’t deserve it. I mean that’s basically the same as every hero ever, right? so why does it still hit so fucking hard every single time though. what is it about seeing someone so determined to stand up for other people and fight on their behalf. it just never loses its impact no matter how many times I see that determination mirrored in so many of my favorite characters
“I wanted to make the world a better place.” omg. but you did, though. like seriously, I feel like people are always dogging on him for not being 100% perfect, and fandom really doesn’t give him enough credit for everything he still managed to accomplish. this man came of age at a time when Japan was by all accounts a total shitshow, and singlehandedly managed to bring about an era of peace that lasted for four fucking decades. can you imagine having peace for that long?? that’s longer than I’ve been alive. shit
and he gave people hope. he inspired them and protected them and made them feel safe. and no, he couldn’t save everyone, because he’s only one fucking dude (and also because the whole time AFO was also out there desperately working to undermine him so that he could keep preaching his narrative of “heroes are bad actually”). but you know what he did do, is inspire multiple new generations of heroes who, if they can all manage to work together, will finally be able to accomplish everything he never could
so yeah. forty years of peace, and inspired the “that’s how we all became the greatest heroes” generation -- that’s a fucking win in my book. talk about having a net positive impact on the world. lol anyways now I’m all fired up and ready to fight anyone who tries to talk any shit about you, All Might
“but what if I talk shit about myself” okay listen up All Might I’m gonna need you to try just a little bit harder to work with me here okay. please calm down and stop blaming yourself for every single bad thing that’s ever happened in the world. do you remember that time Bakugou was blaming himself for Kamino, and you gave him a hug and told him it wasn’t his fault, and that he was only a boy, and that even though he was strong, even strong people can struggle with the burdens they place on themselves, and that you were sorry for not seeing that earlier? do you remember all of that? that’s what I want someone to tell you too, dammit. anyway please stop breaking my heart please and thanks
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are you dead All Might
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I don’t even have the slightest idea what’s happening lol
oh snap did he grab him so they could hide??
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hold the fucking phone. don’t tell me this person in the background with the umbrella is here to actually do something decent??
oh my godddd
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and here come the feels. oh boy. okay don’t mind me, I’m just gonna sit here sobbing over this fictional lady and her simple act of kindness in this weekly shounen manga that I care about way too much
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holy shit. I was not even remotely prepared. you can’t just do that to me. you can’t just leave all these death flags on my lawn and then suddenly shift gears to show me the best of humanity in a chapter where I was expecting the worst. that fucks a person up lol
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my heart. you see that, All Might. your legacy is so much more powerful and meaningful than you think
...has. has Stain actually been giving All Might a pep talk this entire time
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I give up lol. this dude is a fucking enigma
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it may just be a metaphor panel, but I’ll take it lol. I missed them. nice to see the traffic light trio front and off-center. I know the whole “this is the story of how we all became the greatest heroes” thing had left some questioning whether certain characters would continue to play a central role in the narrative, and hopefully this will help to ease those concerns just a bit
anyway, so idk if it’s getting a bit chilly down there in hell, but damned if Stain didn’t just give an actual decent fucking speech
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I have to say, earlier when I was whining about All Might not having a support squad, I really was not expecting Stain to be the one to come over and pat his head and reassure him that he made the world a better place
-- okay LISTEN
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holy fucking shit
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“I’m just gonna pretend like I haven’t been stalking him for two days and didn’t see the entire Deku bentogate thing go down, and then I’ll give him the whole big speech that I rehearsed, and then I’ll turn around and be all ‘BUT IF YOU’RE A TRUE HERO’, and then I’ll toss him the super-secret AFO wifi password that I stole from Tartarus. god I’m such a badass. fucking give myself chills”
so basically what you’re telling me is that this whole time my “what’s up kids” characterization of Stain from this shitpost has actually been 100% accurate. just want to make sure I’m understanding this right. okay then
“and then I’ll dramatically spin around and be all NOW COME KILL ME BITCH”
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it must be so much fun to write Stain. drawing this coked-out maniac who talks like a chatbot that was trained to speak by reading Alan Moore monologues. that must be a trip
anyway so All Might is still crying, the awesome lady from chapter 92 is admiring her handiwork totally oblivious to the batshit insanity going on fifty meters to her right, and it’s finally stopped raining lol
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“THE RAIN WAS A METAPHOR YOU SEE” yes, yes, we got it lol. thanks for that Horikoshi. don’t think we needed any help putting the pieces together on that one but I appreciate the effort
so that’s the end! and as I mentioned in another post, I had the count off by one chapter, but next week should be cliffhanger week! so break out your U.A. Traitor bingo cards, friends and fiends. either that or something else happens that I’m completely not expecting at all. which, based on my success rate with Stain predictions, I’d say is more than likely lol
mmm but anyway, so now that the Hug Deku 2021 campaign has finally come to an end, what’s it gonna take to get a hug for my struggling bento-preparing jacket-rocking world-weary death-flag-waving husband who is the worthiest man to ever live and deserves the fucking world, goddammit
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hereforhalstead · 3 years
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*Gif not mine, credits to the owner*
• Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader.
• Requested: Not this one! Just fancied writing a little jealous Jay piece as I thought it had been a while👀 hope you enjoy!
• Warnings: Swearing
• Summary: Voight asks you to go undercover with Adam in which you decide to tease Jay about it as the unit are unaware of your relationship.
• Words: 3083
You sat at your desk as Voight called everyone to gather round his office, he makes his way over to the whiteboard and swings it round to show the information on the other side, your eyes wander over the board and the sight of so much detail and CCTV stills. You can’t help but realise you never saw him write any that down, so dread to think the hours he was here until last night to put this plan together. 
He was clearly having one of his days where no options were wanted and or needed, he blitzed through the minor details and barely stopped to take a breath. You all stood watching as he reeled off information that you were all supposed to be taking in, you were secretly hoping someone else was paying more attention than you as it seemed to be going in one ear and out the other. You find yourself loosing concentration as you focus on a random spot on the board, you jolt as Kevin nudges your arm. You turn to see Voight raising his brows at you, jaw hung open with the corner of his lip turned in spite “Sorry, what?” you quickly straighten up and actually focus on what he’s saying. “Nice of you to join us again, Y/N” he shakes his head and continues to point out details on the board.
A few moments later you had pretty much got the gist of the plan but it then came to giving out roles “Halstead, you’re gonna be posing as a bar tender to keep an eye on movements inside”. He barked his order and Jay nodded in response, “Kim, you’ll be a drunk club goer who’s trying it on with Jay so you’ll both be near by”. She rolled her eyes at Jay who always seemed to be used in some form of flirtatious way during these things which suited him but didn’t sit well with you. You trusted your team and would never doubt their intentions but it still wasn’t ideal for them to throw themselves at Jay during these missions and you couldn’t even make a well natured sarcastic comment about how he was yours.
You and Jay had been somewhat of an ‘item’ for a few months, you found yourselves growing closer after becoming partners and soon one thing led to another. Unbearable tension built and Kim was the one to call you out on it, fed up of being put in the middle of your silly spats and childish arguments when it was clear how drawn to each other you were. You decided to keep it between the pair of you as Voight made it clear he wasn’t a fan of relations within the unit, Jay struggled at first but after seeing the way Voight laid into Kim and Adam he soon realised you had a point. It was all fun and games at first, sneaky glances across the room, little touches in the locker room but there was always going to be some negatives that you hadn’t planned for. For example, the way girls throw themselves at Jay was something you’d never get used to. I mean he truly was something else but the way they would do anything to get his attention made you cringe, what was even worse was how he would try and wriggle out of the situations but they would follow him around like a lost puppy. You’d watch as he’d get more frustrated with not being able to tell them he wasn’t single and how he looked to you for help but you couldn’t do much more. 
Jay found it equally as hard as he was quite a jealous and protective person, this was magnified when he was thrown into the deep end of men flirting with you and him having to just stand back and watch. He would step in every now and then if they really weren’t getting the hint but if he intervened every time he wanted, someone definitely would’ve caught on by now. 
Voight finished giving out instructions and demands of Hailey and Kevin taking roles of surveillance in the van parked outside the venue. He was quick to dismiss everyone which left you and Adam without direction, “What about us Sarge?” Adam questions and the group hang back, thinking they’ll be involved in a change of plan. “Oh yeah, how could I forget. The main stars of my show” he slings an arm round each of you as he pulls the pair of you to face the rest “Everyone, meet the new hot couple in Intelligence” he proudly announces and you see Jay’s face drop but you’re just as confused “Come again?” you question but Adam doesn’t need telling twice as he doesn’t seem to doubt Voight’s decision “Fine by me” he winks towards you. You look to Kim and cock your eyebrow with an unimpressed glance, she shrugs back at you and smiles which puts you slightly at ease as you didn’t want to step on any toes due to you knowing how it felt to be put in that position with a certain detective. “I’m putting the pair of you undercover, Adam as the big man and you being his not to clued up eye candy” Voight pats you on the shoulder as you notice Jay roll his eyes “Thanks Sarge, won’t take it personally” you sarcastically respond. 
“Go on, go get dressed up the pair of you.” he releases you from his hold as Adam receives a high five from Kevin followed by a “my man” in praise. “I sent Trudy out to pick up some outfits for you, go and get them from her and get your arses into gear. We leave in an hour.” Voight heads back into his office and shuts the door behind him, you make your way over to Kim’s desk and perch yourself on the edge “Why couldn’t he choose you? Surely he knows you have much better convincing power with Adam than me” you mutter but considering the room was in silence you knew everyone could hear. “You know what he’s like with me and Adam, he’s probably doing this in spite of me” she moans “Just remember to stay on his left side, he always favors his right” she adds and you laugh “he’s such a girl”. 
“M’Lady, shall we go and get red carpet ready?” Adam approaches and offers his arm out to you, you run your eyes up and down his body in judgement but he doesn’t move “Come on, it could be worse. You could be stuck with Halstead” he scans his eyes over to Jay who was already leaning on his elbow and watching the pair of you “Suppose you’re right” you respond to play along with his jokes. Jay tilts his head and a sarcastic grin flashes on his face before turning back to his paperwork “Let’s go you two, why are you still here?” Voight’s rough voice echoes through the room as he storms out of his office “Trudy picking outfits? If I come back in a bin bag just know it was better than whatever god forsaken mess she has picked” you whisper to Kim who chuckles as you take Adam’s arm and head down the stairs to Trudy. 
You’re taken by surprise as she pulls out the clothes from the bags, she’d picked out a nice white shirt for Adam with some tailored black pants and some black leather shoes. “A little magician like for me but I’ll take it” he comments as he takes the bag from her, she stares him down with her intense gaze and then turns onto you. You feel yourself dreading what she will present you with but your jaw nearly drops to the floor when she picks out a little satin black dress and when you say little, you mean little. The corresponding black heels soon get placed on the counter and you can see Trudy trying to conceal her smugness but failing “This the kind of thing you wear for Mouch?” Adam asks and laughs to himself but Trudy doesn’t mirror his humour “I rarely wear anything for Mouch” she winks and Adam clears his throat “I’ll leave that alone if you don’t mind”.
You take the bag into the locker room and slip into the dress, this wasn’t you’re normal attire but you were not mad in the slightest. The shortness of the dress would take some getting used to but once you got the heels on you felt incredible. Luckily, you always kept some make up in your locker due to plans within Intelligence being pretty last minute and you liked to make some touch up’s before you headed out to Molly’s for the evening. You took yourself over to the mirror and began applying your make up, a little heavier than usual as you wanted to match the aesthetic of your outfit but still nothing crazy and thanking yourself for washing and straightening your hair the night before so it was already good to go after a quick brush through. You studied yourself in the mirror and was quite impressed with the outcome and dare you admit, excited to see how riled up it would make Jay. You took out your phone and sent him a quick text message, simply saying ‘Sorry in advance’ so you could say you gave him some form of pre warning. 
Stuffing your old clothes back into your locker you head back upstairs and can feel your heart racing as you get closer and closer to the top of the steps. As soon as you come into sight, you’re met with wolf whistles and various comments to which you never know how to respond “Damn girl, didn’t know you had it in you” Kevin pipes up as his eyes roam your body “Not mad about it, not mad at all” Adam chimes in as Hailey coughs to interrupt “Keep it in your pants boys, you don’t see Halstead drooling over her. Be more like him” she adds and you laugh to yourself at the irony. Jay clears his throat and makes his way over to you, your heart thumping so hard in your chest that you’re sure everyone is bound to hear. He hands you a necklace and you stare at him confused, he picks up your hand from your side and places it in your palm with more force than you were expecting, taking you slightly aback “Voight wants you to wear this, something about how it can be a present Adam gave you but it will really be where your mic goes”. Adam peers over at the necklace and nods “I’ve got good taste, you’re very lucky” he suggests with a wink, Jay soon returns to his desk, avoiding all eye contact and turning his attention back to his monitor. 
“Are you not meant to have a bag of some sort?” Hailey asks and you check inside the carrier bag Trudy gave you but see nothing resembling any accessories “Nothing in here, might’ve left it in the locker room though”. You place the bag on Kim’s desk and head back down the stairs, passing Trudy’s desk as you go. She takes a double look as you stroll past and nods to herself “Not bad Y/N. You’ve got a great stylist” she compliments and you dramatically flick your hair in response, “What’s up with the mood Halstead?” she keeps her eyes on you despite her talking to Jay who makes his way down the stairs “I’m not in a mood?” he snaps back, regretting instantly as she widens her eyes at him “Tell your stompy feet that then” she looks him up and down and then smiles at you “Smash it kid”. 
You feel some sort of warmth from Trudy despite what people think of her, she always had a soft spot for you and you found comfort in seeing her as your ‘work mum’. God for bid she ever found out that you think of her that way though, she’d probably stop speaking to you all together.. 
You stand at Trudy’s desk and wait for Jay to leave but he doesn’t seem to be budging, you feel him staring at you as if he is waiting for you to make the first move “Sorry, did you want something or?” she asks and Jay shakes his head “Voight sent me down here to help Y/N look for something in the locker room” he is quick to respond but you knew it was bullshit, Voight couldn’t care less about you finding a bag let alone putting 2 people onto finding it. You push your thoughts aside and carry on walking to the locker room you had just been getting ready in. The sound of your heels clicking on the hard floor sure turned some heads and it was just your luck a drunk group of men were in one of the rooms to awaiting questioning. One of them leant against the door frame and wolf whistled, the other joined him and made some comment about how you looked but you didn’t give it any attention, Jay on the other hand couldn’t stop himself “Sit back down and shut the fuck up before I make you, we clear?” he slammed the door shut behind them but you kept walking.
“What are you really doing here Jay?” you question as you enter the room, holding the door open for him before walking over to your locker. You hear a loud thud as he shuts it behind the pair of you and leans his back against it, his knee bent as he picks off a bit of fluff from the thigh of his jeans “That dress new?” he asks, still not looking up at you and focusing on his jeans “You know it is, Voight only told the entire team that Trudy bought us outfits?” you huff as you fail to find any form of bag or purse that was intended for you to use. 
You begin to walk around to check other areas you had been within the room, the bathroom, the mirror but nothing seemed to jump out. Meanwhile, Jay was still stood leaning against the door and watching your every move intently “You gonna let me leave and do my job or?” you stand in front of Jay but he doesn’t budge. Instead he simply turns his nose up and shakes his head “Well then do something useful and help me put this necklace on” you hang the jewelry from your hand but he just stares at it “Or I’ll just do it myself then. Fuck sake” you mumble under your breath and walk back over to the mirror.
A few moments go by and it was no use, you couldn’t get the necklace on by yourself and Jay was still being as useless as ever and not moving to help, instead strolling over and sitting on one of the benches in the middle of the room. “Guess I’ll just get Adam to put it on for me, or Kevin. I’m sure they’d jump at the chance to help” you think aloud and strut past Jay who reaches up to catch your wrist before you can get any further “Come here then”.
He pulls you down onto his lap and you can feel his breath against the nape of your neck, a shiver run down your spine as he touches your skin and moves your hair to one side “Looking forward to being coupled with Adam? You look great together” he remarks and you roll your eyes at him for ruining what could’ve been one of your private moments that you were starting to crave. You stand from his grasp as he manages to fix the necklace round your neck and head for the door to leave but he is hot on your trail “Something bothering you?” you ask but Jay responds by looking down on you with that glint in his eye and mischievous smirk to try and divert your attention from how he is behaving “You don’t even have to say a word for me to know you’re lying if you say you don’t care" you chuckle but Jay isn’t amused. 
“Go and have fun, I’m sure I’ll have a great time watching the pair of you all over each other” he comments with gritted teeth “I’m sure we will have a blast, might even stick my tongue down his throat" you quickly add and curse yourself for not thinking before you speak “Go for it, gotta make it convincing” to your shock he agrees but the way his fists hang tight at his side and his nostrils are flared tell a whole different story “You really need to work on your lying skills detective”.
You can sense the rage running through him as the pair of you stand in silence, your eyes flick over to the clock and realise you’re meant to be leaving at any moment and they will be wondering where you are. You place your hand on Jay’s cheek and see him lean into your hand slightly, no matter how tense he is with you he can never stop himself from giving into your touch. “We best get going, I’ve got to see a man about a new boyfriend” you tease causing Jay to regain himself and straighten up “I dare you Y/N. I dare you to put on your little act as best you can because you know I’ll be watching and ready to remind you who you belong to when we’re alone” he threatens and you feel as though your legs could give way out of the weakness he causes you. You know him too well to know these weren’t empty threats and you were now set on going above and beyond to make him jealous “Enjoy the show, baby.”
Inbox and requests always open💃🏼
After popular demand, Part 2 to this is now up!
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Yeah in case everyone forgot, this is in fact a writing blog 😐 I'm sorry for not posting in so long, I was just in this weird writers block for a while 😔 anyways, enjoy :)
Monsta X reaction to somnophilia
As the leader of a group of 5 rambunctious man-children (well, more like 4, kihyun isn't as much of a handful) he tends to be exhausted by the time he comes home but at the same time he wants to be able to get intimate with you so he finds himself in a lil bit of a conundrum. Once he stumbles upon somnophilia he honestly doesn't know why he hadn't thought of it sooner. So one night when he gets home, he finds you in the bedroom reading a book and flops down beside you. He starts to leave a trail of lazy kisses along your neck and talks about the new thing he learned. You don't need to be asked twice before you're palming the bulge in his pants as he slowly starts to doze off. His voice ends up getting higher in pitch as he falls asleep, his hips constantly jerking up into your touch. He's in the same boat as Wonho in the sense that he wants you to mark him up so he can see them the next morning. The soreness he feels in his bones when he drags himself out of bed in the morning makes him even crazier for you if that were even possible. All in all he loves you more than life itself and the fact you can use him whenever you want turns him on a lot. 
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You'd have to be crazy to think he wouldn't be into this. Wonho's is so sweet and pliant and just willing to do anything for you at the drop of a hat so you like to treat him sometimes without him having to worry about pleasuring you. The best way to do that is to take care of him when he's sleeping. He looks so cute with his lil cheek squished against his pillow, his shorts riding up to show off even more of his lovely thighs so you can't really stop yourself from being all over him. His favorite thing is when you leave marks all over him while he's sleeping; hickeys that cover his chest, thighs, and neck and well as red lines from your nails raking over his skin or small bruises from where you squeeze him particularly hard. He loves to wake up to the lovely ache all over his skin and he's pleasantly surprised when he looks in the mirror and sees how you've marked him as your own without his knowledge. He'll get all giddy and stare at the marks for hours if he can cause he loves them so much :,))
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Poor puppy can never seem to take his mind off of you, especially when he was sleeping apparently. Of course you loved having intimate time with your boyfriend but you were a little less than enthusiastic when it was at three am and you had to get up for work in four hours. You were suddenly reminded of the conversation you had had with Minhyuk last week, when he told you if he ended up bothering you when you were sleeping with his "problems" (since it happened more often than you would think) you could use him to tire his body out since that seems to be the only way his past partners had been able to solve it. That was what led you to edging his unconscious body four times before deciding to let him cum. It definitely helped diffuse the situation but you couldn't help yourself, he just looks and sounds so pretty moaning for you. It's not like he'd ever stop you from doing it. If the way he came as soon as he woke up to his cock in your mouth was any indication, you were certain he liked it too. Sometimes when he's just starting to wake up in the middle of a session you like to tease him because his brain is so fuzzy he can only chant one phrase over and over. Like if you say "You're my sweet lil puppy, aren't you baby? Such a whore, letting me use your body like this." He'll end up in an endless loop of saying "Your sweet puppy! Your slutty little puppy!" Over and over again until you finally let him cum. You'd be lying if you said you hadn't taken a picture or two before 👀
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Not only does he enjoy it, he encourages you to. How can you possibly resist someone so pretty and pliant just waiting to be used?? On the days he gets home before you, he'll make sure to put on some pretty lingerie before falling asleep for you to find when you start running your hands all over his body. It really is impossible to resist him then. You also found out that you could make him start to cry even when he's asleep and you've made it your mission to watch him do it every time after that. His eyes will be closed, some pretty lace adorning his body as his body twitches and spasms in your grasp and after edging him for a little while you see the tears start to trail beautifully down his cheeks and you're certain you've never seen him look more beautiful. He'll be hella embarrassed when he wakes up and feels the tears on his face and he'll jerk his head to the side and bury it into the pillow so you can't see the beauty of his tears which is slightly disappointing but his embarrassed whines make up for it.
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Oh my god he's the biggest slut for somnophilia. There is nothing he wants more than to wake up to the feeling of your strap thrusting into him, his orgasm washing over him as he struggles to comprehend what's happening in the world around him. He loves when you use his body for your own pleasure so he encourages you to use it whenever you want. He also doesn't like being woken up in the middle of the night for anything so it's better for both parties if you just do what you want and let him sleep. And his little whines and whimpers when he's sleeping are even cuter somehow?? It's mostly because when he's awake he's embarrassed by his own noises so he tends to keep them down, but when he's sleeping he no longer has control over how vocal he is so he'll whimper and squirm with the lightest touch. You'll be lightly trailing your fingertips over his inner thighs, watching his breathing pick up before you rake your nails down the sensitive skin just to hear his sweet whimpers as his body jerks under you. He's the prettiest like that so who are you to pass up that opportunity?
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I don't know why but I can imagine him being a lil bit of a sleep talker, like if you talk to him when he's sleeping he'll say something back even tho he isn't awake so when you start touching him when he's asleep he'll start babbling even tho he isn't really conscious. You could be touching him and he'll start whining and squirming and if you ask him "How does this feel baby? Knowing I can use your body like my own little toy whenever I want to, huh?" And he'll just start babbling about how good you feel and how much he likes it and it's all kinda slurred together because he isn't awake but it's super fucking cute so you love to do it. Jooheon does enjoy waking up to you playing with him, telling him what a sweet boy he is for you and praising him nonstop. And he already cums relatively quickly but he's so much more sensitive when he's asleep so by the time he wakes up you've already made him cum like three times but he doesn't mind. It's one of the first things he comprehends when he finally does wake up so he starts begging you to milk him of everything he has. It's even cuter if you get some of his cum on your fingers and shove them in his mouth cause he still can't fully comprehend what's happening so his head will flop to the side and the cum you had on your fingers just kinda drips from the corner of his mouth, covering both his cheek and the pillow beneath him. Overall, Jooheon + somnophilia is a true blessing to this world.
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2nd biggest slut 😔✊. You can really do whatever you want with him when he's sleeping, he's given you full permission for everything. The only thing off limits is blindfolding cause obviously if he wakes up to being tied up and blindfolded he's gonna freak the fuck out, but everything else is on the table. That being said, however, no matter how many times you've made him cum, if he wakes up to you playing with him while he's tied to the bed he will become hard as a rock. If he doesn't wake up during (somehow) then he immediately gets turned on when he wakes up the next morning to the stinging red marks on his wrists so then you have another problem to deal with. Changkyun is such a sweetheart when he first wakes up as well (if your playing with him) so he'll just sit there with no complaints as you absolutely ravish his tired body. He's so much easier to deal with when he's sleeping cause he can't talk back to you so maybe you should savor the time you have before he fully wakes up, just saying-
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A Not So Happy Anniversary
Title: A Not So Happy Anniversary
Pairing: Reader/Harry
Word Count: 3,151
Summary: You and Harry have a long distance relationship. When Harry messes up and misses your three year anniversary, you confront him face to face.
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Author’s Note: Ladies and gents, it feels good to be back. My inbox is open to requests. Let me know what you think!
You were furious with him. 
Completely and utterly furious with him. 
He had done this to you a million times, you always had forgiven him and moved on. But this? This was definitely something you couldn’t let go.
Both you and Harry had been dating for three years now, not a moment did you regret the decision to date the famous "wroetoshaw" on YouTube. You would be the first one to admit that his fanbase and everything that came with being labeled as his girlfriend terrified you but Harry made it worth it. Thankfully, the both of you had managed to keep your relationship away from the public. Fans not in your personal lives eliminated any unnecessary stress you both didn’t need. You were happy, he was happy. You guys barely fought. But that was about to change tonight.
Harry lived in two places: Guernsey and London. He traveled back between the two constantly which always made you a little bit upset. You understood why he'd want to live in London, of course you did. When you had gone out there with him, even you struggled to leave London once your time was up. A mix of the city life and the fact most of Harry’s friends lived there - it was a no brainer. 
But being stranded in Guernsey while Harry was away in London had been the first major roadblock in your relationship. There would be long amounts of time that Harry would be in London, leaving you by yourself at home and missing your boyfriend. He'd always come back eventually and apologize in a shower of kisses. You couldn't help yourself but forgive him but this was too far now. 
You stormed off back inside your small little flat, flipping off any guys that whistled at you in your short, black mini-dress while doing so. You had decided to get dressed up since tonight was a pretty big deal - the three year milestone with Harry. Your anniversary was today, something that you had reminded Harry about for two weeks. He promised over and over again that he would be home on time for your anniversary and that he'd meet you at your favorite restaurant for a romantic meal. Long story short, you had been sitting at the table for two hours with no sign of Harry. He'd let you down. 
You burst through the front door of your flat, throwing your heels off to the floor and locking the door with both locks. At least that way, Harry couldn't get in if he got there in the morning. You sniffled, feeling yourself now start to get upset more than angry. How could he do this? He promised. You’d always forgiven him for being late to come home before but this just felt like a slap in the face. 
A second later, you were at the fridge - taking out a bottle of wine and taking a swig from it. You knew it was stupid to try and numb the pain with alcohol, it would only leave you feeling like shit in the morning. You shook your head and put the bottle away, deciding to just go to bed and forget about Harry until the morning. 
It was about half an hour later when you had finally gone to bed, wearing one of Harry’s t-shirts and sweats. You were scrolling through Twitter to see if Harry had written anything yet no tweets came up for today. You were a little concerned at that but once you remembered just why you were angry with them, any feelings of being concerned were out the window. You turned off your phone and placed it on your side table - not being able to avoid the framed photo of you and Harry sitting there. At the sight of it, you quickly turned off your lamp and went to sleep. 
"Y/N, Y/N. Baby, wake up." You felt yourself being shaken out of your dream, your name being repeated over and over again. Eventually, your dream of a happy anniversary slipped away and your eyes fluttered open. 
You saw a dark figure over you in the bed, causing you to scream out. The figure put his hand over your mouth, trying to reach over to turn on the light as you struggled against his hand. "Babe! Stop! It's me! Harry!" He exclaimed in a loud whisper, turning on the dim lamp light to reveal himself. 
You calmed down as soon as you realized it was him, shoving him off you and sitting up in the bed. "For fuck sake Harry, you can't just hover over me in pitch darkness at-" You looked over at the time. "2:30 in the fucking morning!" 
"How the hell did you get in here anyway? I locked the front door with both locks." You grumbled, crossing as arms as Harry raised an eyebrow
"Yeah, I noticed that. I had to climb up a floor outside and get in through your window." He motioned the open window before shooting you an amused look. "I told you that you needed to lock your windows." 
"And you need to take the hint when I don’t want you in the flat." You grumbled, before grabbing one of your pillows and throwing it at him. "Harold, leave. I don't want to fucking talk to you or even look at you right now." 
"C’mon babe, don’t be like that. I know you missed me." He joked, only making the situation worse in pure Harry style. How the hell could he be making jokes and not even acknowledge how badly he had messed up? You just glared at him, shoving him off the edge of your bed and laying back down. "Go to the couch - we’ll talk in the morning when you’re actually ready to have a serious conversation.”
"Baby, come on. I'm joking." He cooed as you just ignored him and tried to go back to sleep. Harry bit his lip and sat back on the bed again next to you, watching your body turn away from him. He took the peaceful moment to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear before running a finger down your arm softly. 
"Harry, I’ll seriously do something I’ll regret if you don’t get out and give me some space." You seethed, though Harry didn't budge. 
"Your threats don't make you scary, babe. You're like a hamster." He teased before he decided to get serious - he knew you'd really kick him out of the flat if he kept pulling jokes as such. "Look I'm sorry, okay?" 
"Sorry for what, Harry? Missing our anniversary, maybe? Maybe promising you'd be home yet you didn't come back on time. Really? I always let it go but you crossed a fucking line this time." You shot back at him. 
"My flight got delayed, okay?" Harry admitted in defeat. "The plane was having engine failure so we couldn't take off in time. I had to sit on that plane for ages, I only just landed an hour ago." He said, leaning down to kiss your shoulder. "I'm really sorry that I missed our dinner. I'll make it up to you, okay? Please don't be angry with me. It’s not my fault that Gatwick is proper shit." 
"No Harry, I will be angry at you." You said annoyed, still refusing to turn your body towards him. "Okay fair enough, your flight got pushed back far. But you could've come back to Guernsey days ago so you wouldn't miss our anniversary or maybe actually spend some time with me - but no. You're too busy partying it up in London with all your friends and all the girls that probably want to sleep with you the first chance they get. I know there’s gonna be one day where you just don’t come back to Guernsey for me and that’ll be the end of us." 
"Babe, where is all this coming from? You know when we started dating that I said I’d be travelling back and forth." Harry frowned, knowing your anger was coming from something more than him missing dinner tonight. He hated to see you aggravated over this topic. Especially when all his friends knew just how much he loved you and how loyal he was. He knew that you weren’t exactly the biggest fan of the amount of female attention he received online. He understood that. But it did bother him seeing you truly believe that he’d never come back home to you one day. “What makes you think I’d ever do anything like that to you?”
"I’m just scared, Harry." You whispered back at him. "I'm very scared of what could happen while you're in London while I'm stuck here." You closed your eyes and tried to block everything out. Until you felt him turn you on your back. You opened your eyes slowly to look up at Harry hovering over you. You felt your heart skip a beat looking up at him in the dim light. Even when you were upset and mad with him, he still had the power to take your breath away. 
"You're mad, you know that? Absolutely crazy." Harry stated, leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead. "You think I'd get bored of you? Seriously? Take a look in the fucking mirror, Y/N." He teased you before he returned to neutral. “Whatever I’ve done to make you believe any of what you just said? I’m so sorry, babe. The last three years I’ve had with you have been the best of my life. I would never violate you like that.”
“You know I also work in London too - doing all the Sidemen shoots and videos. I’m building that brand more and more to make sure that I can always come home whenever I want. I’m doing it so that we can live comfortably, that I can take you on holidays and help you pay for this place while I’m away. Never once have I been in London and not missed you, Y/N. I know I’m definitely far from perfect but I won’t let you think that I don’t love you. Cause I do, so fucking much.”
He leaned down and placed kisses down the side of your face - pressing a quick peck on your lips before moving down to your neck. 
"I fucking hate you sometimes." You insulted, gasping when you felt him leave love bites on the certain spot on your neck that drove you crazy. You snaked a hand into his hair when he did so, feeling yourself wanting him more rather than wanting to punch him back to London. 
"I sincerely doubt that you hate me right now." He said in a cocky tone, pulling his head back to admire the hickies he had left on your neck and smirking down at you. 
"Shut the fuck up." You growled, grabbing his fistful of his jumper and pulling his face back down to yours. You slammed your lips back against his, the whole action coming from both anger at him missing your anniversary dinner and lust at the same time. You knew there was love in your actions as well but you were more focused on other things at hand. 
Harry did a pretty good job at keeping up with the pace of your lips against his, deepening it and taking the moment to nip at your bottom lip. You moaned softly at that before your hands were underneath his clothes, practically ripping them off him and throwing them off to the side. He did the same with you, the both of you continuing to keep your lips together almost like it was a form of life source. 
It wasn't long before the couple were now fully naked, Harry's body pressing against yours as you made out. Something about his skin pressed against yours always gave you a funny feeling in your stomach - such a warm and safe feeling. You knew that you loved this boy after three years of dating, you only hoped you'd be able to communicate that through this.
Harry pulled back after a while, leaning over to the bedside table to retrieve a condom while you placed kisses along his neck. You made sure to leave your own marks on his skin. He grabbed one quickly enough and groaned at your hickies, pulling himself off to you long enough to roll the condom onto himself. You felt your eyes gleam at the sight of your fit boyfriend in his most vulnerable state. You completely understood why she got so jealous of him being away from you - he was such a gorgeous boy. 
Your boyfriend was back on you a second later, continuing to make-out with you again as he settled himself between your legs. You wrapped your legs around his waist to keep him close, eventually both of you pulling away for air. There were no words uttered between the two, speaking with your eyes and facial expressions. The rough lust and anger had faded away now to a soft kindness and love that you felt whenever you were near Harry. You smiled at him as he returned the favor before pushing into you without another second wasted. 
"Oh!" You moaned, leaning your head back against the pillows as he did so. It had been awhile for you both, having been ages since he was last home. You had definitely missed this. "Harry," You breathed out as he let out a long sigh, getting used to the feeling of being back inside you before he started to set a pace. “Feel so good around me, baby. Fuck I missed you.”
"Harry," You moaned louder this time, going up in volume the faster he went. "Harder, baby." You urged him on, hearing a type of groan and growl leave from his lips. He buried his face into your neck as he continued to thrust faster, leaving more hickies on the other side of your neck. 
"Oh fuck yes." He grunted against your skin, his words only bringing back that fluttery feeling in your stomach. "My gorgeous girlfriend. Even when you’re angry at me, you’re still so fucking hot.” He whispered, lifting his head up from your neck to look at you in the eyes while he fucked you. “No-one can have you, you hear me? You're mine." He whispered, taking one of his hands to wrap around your neck. Not too tight but enough to send your mind spiraling.
"Oh fuck Harry!" You cried out at this, your hands going straight to his shoulders. You dug your fingernails into his skin, dragging them down his pale back as you struggled to get your words out. "You're mine, Lewis. You're mine and I'm yours." You choked out, gasping and moaning out a version of his name at every thrust.
"Damn right." He growled, eventually turning you both over so you were on top of him. He kept control despite the change in position, angling his hips up and holding your hips to keep you steady. He kept doing that for a while, just smirking at hearing the porn-worthy noises that came past your lips. That smirk wiped away however when he felt his thrusts starting to falter, Harry coming closer and closer to his orgasm just like you.
"Oh baby, I'm so close." You whispered, clutching onto him as she felt her high nearing. Harry only smirked at this, trying to go as fast as he could in that moment. He sat up from the mattress, keeping a hold on your hips. He kissed you, "Go on baby, come for me. I wanna hear you." He growled against your lips. That was your breaking point.
"Harry!" You practically screamed, reaching orgasm. It was incredible the types of orgasms Harry gave to you, they always left you speechless and shaking. You heard strangled groans of your name come from Harry, feeling him reach his orgasm too. You kept rocking your hips against his as you both worked each other through your orgasms - eventually stopping when Harry pulled out. He collapsed down onto the mattress, bringing you down with him and holding you against him.
You were left a panting mess, resting against Harry’s body and your head on his chest. All that could be heard was your and Harry's panting, both of your eyes closed to take in what just happened before Harry motioned you to look at him.
"You still mad at me?" Harry asked sweetly after a while, “I don’t know how you could be after that.”
"Oh shut up." You rolled your eyes playfully, enjoying his laughter before you pecked his lips.
"Still - I still think something needs to change, Harry." You admitted, gaining Harold's attention. "I mean... I... I love you, I do. And I want to be with you. But you’re in London constantly. I can’t even travel to see you that often because of university. If I’m just barely going to see you, I can't deal with that. I need a compromise." 
Harry thought about what you said for a moment, placing a small kiss to your forehead. "You're right. I will admit that I love London more than Guernsey but I love you more than anything." He admitted to you, nothing left but love filling his beautifully colored eyes of his. "So let's fix the problem. When you graduate from uni, come back to London with me."
"What?" You asked, confused. 
"Come back with me to London, move in with me and Cal. We never have to be apart that way." He cooed. "I can talk to the guys about letting me come back to Guernsey every couple weeks or so to see you more rather than what I have been doing until you finish school. But when you finish, I want you to move out to London to stay with me permanently. I want to have you there for everything. None of this long distance bullshit. Especially if it’s making you doubt me. I want you with me. To prove to you that you never had anything to be scared about.”
It was definitely a lot for you to take in, moving from your small little town to the big city of the UK. You were nervous about thinking of starting a life there but as you looked at Harry and saw that future involved him - it became a no brainer. 
"We'll talk about it properly in the morning, okay? For now, let’s get some sleep. Especially since you gotta make up for missing today." You said softly with a smile, pecking his lips before laying your head back on his chest. 
"So after the morning sex?" Harry teased, making you roll your eyes and hitting him with the nearest pillow as his laughter vibrated throughout the whole flat. 
Yep. London sounded pretty good.
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ushiwakaout · 4 years
Metal arm! Izuku Midoriya
Genre: Nsfw || porn with plot
⚠️ Warnings: MHA Manga spoilers + leaks || assumption theory 
Fem! Reader
Characters have been aged up
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Okay Let me get this out of the way... DEKU LOST HIS ARM AND IT HAS BEEN REPLACED WITH A METAL ONE! OKAY?! THAT IS MY THEORY and it probably will happen or we find out that deku’s actual quirk has been regeneration this whole time bc his body been threw so much to the point where he should be dead- it’s not just only UAs cute little nurse he might have a quirk that just regenerates his bones and he never knew bc deku never broke a bone until OFA. 
Okay let’s assume this most recent arc is over. 
Shigaraki has been defeated and gigantica has been taken down
Everyone is okay, alive and hospitalized.
If you’re injured its probably because you got pushed away from grand torino who protected you from protecting bakugo, 
it was the situation where you bare hugged him and yall went tumbling into the gravel, now you have a lot of scars and gashes on your back
You def. passed out when you ran up to Izuku and his fucking arm was missing, he freaked out too bc black whip created like an alter arm and passed out too when he saw that his arm was missing
put in the same room to rest, it probably takes you a few days to get up from your hospital bed due to your injuries, def had a dislocated shoulder after protecting bakugou
You don’t blame him and hes like “GOOD, YOU’RE DUMB ASS GOT IN THE WAY, IT’S YOUR FAULT” low key grateful 
Out of all the students, Izuku took the longest to get out of the hospital but by the time he has discharged a metal arm was ready for him at his dorm (you’ll have to thank hatsume later)
you’re obviously there with him when it’s just lounging on his bed with instructions on how to put it on
“You’re lucky it’s your left arm bc it would have been pretty bad if you lost the right”
He just looks at you and is like “Really y/n? I lost an arm! I think that pretty bad!” pouty baby when you say “it could be worse?”
You put it on him and the tech crawls onto his skin and attaches itself, you look at the instructions and pull on his shirt, “Take it off.” 
boy get red red, but you roll you eyes while he’s muttering off words and you just take off his shirt while he’s muttering, 
you connect a while to the back of his elbow and then to a certain section on his neck where hatsume instructed 
Izuku is still muttering nothing that the metal arm is now moving how it usually would if he was muttering
you bonk him on the head and he’s like >< 3 >< “Why’d you hit me y/n?!”
he’s rubbing his head with the metal arm and the boy doesn’t even fucking realize it so you legit have to have it in front of him and hes like “OH 😲 WHEN DID THAT GET THERE?!” 
“You’re lucky you’re cute Zuku.”
While he’s getting used to it there’s a few malfunctions
Say when you guys are cuddling, you’ll feel his left arm start to fondle your chest, he can’t feel what he’s gripping but he knows he’s gripping something, he really do be thinking it’s your arm.
You’re blushing like crazy and you’re like “Um Zuku... are- Do you know what you’re doing right now?”
He’s kinda sleepy so he kinda hums and looks over your shoulder to see what he’s been caressing
it happens several times before he’s able to control it
once you guys get older- say you’re over with UA (graduated) and you guys have free time and you’re making out, he obviously loses his train of thought of controlling his arm
it roams from gipping your butt to holding your neck
Izuku gets flustered and mutters a few sorrys while pulling away but you stop him. “Why don’t you let it go free for tonight... I- I’m actually curious.” 
He almost blows a fuse just looking at you wrap his metal fingers around your neck again. 
You DO NOT regret it
you’re naked at this point on his lap 
His metal arm has always been a turn on, and now more than ever
He’s making you ride his thigh while his metal fingers wrap around your pretty little neck, pulling you towards his kisses while his right hand is holding your hip, moving you when it seems like you would stop
When he pulls away from the kiss, your lips are plum are red with a string of your hot saliva. You’re eyes are glazed over and you look at him with a pout
“You’re so pretty riding my thigh princess, but I think you’ve had enough.”
 When he pick you up with his left arm, you whine- you’re pussy feeling sore from grinding on his thigh
He lays you on the bed, you’re brain is already mush bc you’ve cummed on his thigh already and you’re high has calmed down
But he’s obviously not gonna stop there
He laid you down on the bed for a reason and you haven’t even noticed that he’s already in-between your thighs
you’re body twitches when his tongue flicks you’re sensitive bud
you let out a whine when he reaches out with his metal arm to pinch your breast. the feeling is cold but you like it.
the atmosphere is quiet bc Izuku is focused on making you cum, and you’re already kinda out of it 
the only noise you can hear is the way his fingers slick inside you, curling their way onto your g-spot and making your body twitch.
A light moan escaped your lips, reaching out for a first full of his green hair. 
His lips suck on your clit, his breath is hot a his tongue swirls around for your arousal.
His metal arms isn’t on your chest anymore but pressing down of your tummy while he fingers you. he wants you to feel how deep his fingers are. He wants you to know where his fingers reach when you’re at the peak of orgasm but he doesn’t let you cum
and when he’s watching you come down from your denied orgasm, he’s pumping his cock slowly with his metal arm and it just makes you so horny again
you’re begging him to let you suck his cock and he obviously lets you, he couldn’t deny his princess
his metal arm reaches for the back of your head to grab a fist full of hair and he makes you deep throat his cock while tears brim in your eyes when you look up at him
he pulls you back because he doesn’t want to cum in your mouth so he pulls you up and he sits down at the edge of the bed, in front of the mirror
he makes you sit on his cock, but your not facing him, your facing the mirror and his hands are under your knees so he can sink you down onto his cock while you watch
kisses any part of your skin that he can reach while he’s fucking you
“One more orgasm, come on baby, you can do it...”
“That’s my good girl, you love my cock don’t you?”
“Say you love me baby girl.”
“I love seeing you stupid all over my cock baby, you’re so good for me, so fucking good for me.”
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sinner-as-saint · 4 years
Another World - 3.
Alien!Bucky x Reader.
Part 3 of the Another World series.
Run-through: In a futuristic world – a millennium from now, you and your family rescue and care for stranded and hurt otherworldly beings; who are held captive and kept on Earth against their wills. You save them from the bad guys who exploit them. You help them adjust to your planet’s life, and give them their freedom back. Then one day, while on a rescue mission, you come across a human-like extraterrestrial being in a cryogenic chamber, with a missing arm. And nothing is ever the same again…
Themes throughout the series: alien!bucky, fluff, smut, angst
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You heard someone whimpering, in pain.
As though struggling to get through a painful nightmare. And one name immediately flashed into your head – Bucky.
The mere thought of him being in pain, or discomfort made you restless. And you couldn’t stay in your room anymore, not when due to your enhanced hearing you could hear Bucky’s whimpers so loud and clear.
You rushed out of your room and walked over to his, trying to make as little sounds as possible, until you finally reached his room. Given he just had surgery, they didn’t lock his door just in case. You entered the room; spacious, well furnished – much like yours just arranged in a different way.
And there Bucky was, lying on his bed with a frown on his face. He was surely having a nightmare. As you approached his sleeping frame, you noticed that he now had a new prosthetic arm. Dark metal, shiny with gold accents. It was laid carefully over his torso while he fidgeted around in his sleep, whimpering and grunting a little.
You immediately rushed to his side. “Bucky, hey.” You cupped his face and he didn’t really wake up, but upon hearing your voice he stayed still.
Even in his sleep, he leaned into your touch and relished the warmth radiating off the palm of your hand which touched his cheek lightly. You noticed he stopped squirming and whimpering. He just slept soundly.
“It’s alright, Bucky. You’re safe now. You’re okay.” You mumbled, loud enough for him to hear as you ran your hand through his long hair and tried to make him feel better, even though you weren’t sure he could hear you. “I’m here.” You added and he gently turned his face to the side and trapped your hand between his face and the pillow.
You smiled down at him and caressed his face with your other hand while you took a seat on the edge of his bed.
Well, who knew you wouldn’t have to choose your life partner after all? The universe chose it for you. And here he was; sleeping soundly.
He looked so adorable when he slept. Carefree and peaceful. So adorable that you had to lean in and kiss his forehead. You felt a warmth wash over you the minute your lips touched his skin. And he must’ve felt it too because he stirred in his sleep and mumbled something.
You caught what he said rather quickly. “Don’t go.” He mumbled, barely audible. And you caressed his cheek and gazed at him with pure adoration.
“I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here.” You whispered quietly.
 You left Bucky’s room only when you were a hundred percent sure that he was asleep. You gave him another kiss on the forehead and walked into your own room. You managed to get some hours of sleep and you drifted off thinking about Bucky.
You woke up extra early the following morning just so you could train with the team, as well as be there when Bucky wakes up. Because you knew he’d be a little disoriented and you didn’t want him to freak out.
It was crazy how much you’ve grown to care about him in such little time. And how important he is to you now. Imprint. Bond, or connection whatever they called it; you could feel it like it were tangible. And it felt nice and it was comforting knowing that there’s someone there for you. Your person. Yours.
 “You’re smiling to yourself.” You heard a voice point out and you turned around to find some of your friends smirking at you. You realized Wanda was the one who spoke.
And you had to answer them before they start pulling your leg. “Well, it’s a lovely day. I’m happy.”
They all groaned.
“What a sappy answer. Sure it’s not ‘cause of your space boyfriend?” Sam teased, as usual sarcasm dripping from his words.
You groaned loudly. “Please don’t call him that.” You got off the treadmill and grabbed a nearby water bottle and awaited their inevitable commentary on your situation because of course, your dad told them all about it.
“Look at you being all protective already. Don’t worry, we approve. He seems alright.” Thor spoke up and you sent him a smile.
“Thank you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have someone waiting on me.” You grabbed your towel and made your way out of the gym, letting the others get back to their workouts.
“Hey if I see you smooching your space boyfriend anywhere near me, I’m telling Steve.” Sam yelled as you walked away and you simply turned around and flipped him off.
You showered, got dressed and walked into Bucky’s room and didn’t find him in bed as you expected. Which was weird because, where would he go early in the morning?
“Bucky?” you called out. And then you heard something in the shower.
You waited and focus on it, and then you heard his voice. “I’m in here.” Was all he said.
You smiled and decided to wait for him right there. It was nice to see how quickly he was getting accustomed to his room. That was amazing progress. Usually those you rescued weren’t comfortable moving around their own rooms on their own. But Bucky was easily adaptable.
Due to the experiments his body underwent, paired with his natural, alien instincts; he had certain remarkable abilities, which Dr. Banner briefed you on, like; enhanced senses to quite a high extent, superhuman strength, extreme endurance and stamina, and rapid healing. Which is probably why Bucky was able to get out of bed and go about his day because his arm must have healed overnight.
“Impressive…” you mumbled to yourself while deep in thoughts. So much so that you didn’t notice Bucky had walked out of the bathroom.
He saw you sitting on the couch, by the side of the bed. You looked delightful, he though. Dressed in all black, along with a leather jacket.
“What’s impressive?” he asked, and waited for you to look up at him. Because if there was one thing he could easily get used to, was the way your face involuntarily lit up whenever you looked at him.
But today, your face did light up when you looked up at him. Only it was soon replaced with pleasant surprise, slight shock and something else which Bucky couldn’t decipher.
 Holy. Shit.
In front of you stood a whole new Bucky. With a new arm, with a shaved face – but still the perfect amount of stubble left, and with new hair. It seemed to you that he cut it himself, and it wasn’t so bad given he was one who learnt rather quickly, he must’ve figured it out in no time. Bucky looked… freaking hot, dare you say.
You were speechless for a moment as he stood there; fresh out of the shower, smelling great and looking even better, wearing matching colored light grey sweatpants and a shirt which hugged his muscular body perfectly.
“Hi.” You spoke, and your lips remained parted a little as you took in his appearance. You had seen your fair share of handsome men, but none ever came close to Bucky. He was dreamy. Perfect.
He smiled at you, his cheeks getting just a little rosier the more you gazed at him. His smile was bigger, brighter than yesterday. And he felt a little shy, but also a little more confident.
Truth is, when he got out of bed this morning he noticed you weren’t there. And he was a little upset for a little while, but then he thought maybe he could try and look a little less disheveled before you came – he knew you would surely come by sooner or later. And he wanted to tidy up and look better, for you. He doesn’t know why, but he felt like it.
And only when he saw his reflection in the mirror did he realize the presence of this new arm attached to him. He gently moved his shoulder and braced for the pain but none came. He raised the arm and again it was painless.
He moved the arm again, opening and closing his fist. It worked perfectly. It only looked different than his other arm, otherwise it physically felt the same. He felt a little more confident and started on his beard and hair. Once satisfied, he realized he badly needed a shower and while he was in there; he heard you come into his room.
Along with you came the wonderful scent of yours which he liked so much. And he found himself smiling brightly under the warm water.
 And now here he was, standing in front of you and very much liking the reaction he got. And wondered where he got the confidence.
“Something tells me you like what you see.” He spoke gently, just a hint of mischief in his voice. You immediately smiled and stood up from the couch.
“Oh very.” You answered and walked towards him. You noticed the playful look in his eyes and you liked it a lot. It felt comfortable being around him, so as soon as you approached him you couldn’t help but reach out and touch his short hair. “How’s the arm?” you asked, softly.
He dropped the towel he was holding and circled his metal arm around you and pulled you closer to him abruptly. All while looking you in the eye and smirking just a little, as if to boast a little and say ‘look what I can do with it’. You smiled at him and the moment your torso pressed with his, you sensed his steady heartbeat and it was crazy how familiar it felt.
Bucky leaned in just a little and pressed his forehead against yours. “It’s fine.” He said, meaning it. You placed both your arms on his chest and sighed, content in his embrace. He breathed in your perfume and secured you in between his arms and all was okay in the world. “Everything’s fine when I’m with you.” he spoke again.
And you almost melted.
You smiled and placed a gentle kiss at the base of his neck. “I feel the same way.” You confessed and he pulled you a little closer.
And while you basked in each other’s embrace, you realized that he probably needs to eat something. He must be starving.
“We need to get some food in you. Come with me.” You held his hand as you two walked towards the open, very grand, and one of the many kitchens of the compound.
 Bucky sat obediently at the island, and waited for his food while you cooked the most rapid breakfast you could.
“Be careful, you’ll cut yourself.” He pointed out as you chopped furiously on the board. You were very concerned, and sort of worried about why you didn’t think about feeding him earlier.
And you voiced out your concerns and worries but he gave you a faint smile.
“Don’t worry, no one ever cared as much as you do, besides, I’m not picky.” He answered, frowning a little at a distant memory. You were certain he thought about the time when he was held against his will.
His reply broke your heart. You wondered if they even fed him right. He looked healthy, but you doubted he ate well.
You dropped the knife and brought him his breakfast. He smiled and thanked you.
“I’m here now, and I care. Anything you want, you tell me. Deal?” you pushed his tray of food towards him gently and reached out to caress his cheek. You secretly liked the roughness of his stubble against your knuckles.
Bucky immediately lightened up the mood with a cheeky smile. “Anything?” he tilted his head to the side a little.
You smiled at him. “Anything.” You confirmed and you saw the mischief in his eyes.
“Then I demand for a kiss.” He felt the same confidence surge through him as before, when he showed off his new look to you.
“Well then.” You didn’t think twice before leaning in, closing the gap between you two and pressed your lips to his.
Bucky immediately turned to the side, and pulled you in between his legs while he sat on the stool. He held you on either side of your waist and pulled you closer. Now, with your jacket off, you could feel the contrast of temperature of his hands. You felt his body heat against your skin on one side and cold metal on the other; through the thin material of your shirt.
Your hands cupped his face like he was the most precious thing your hands ever held. Your mouth moved against his gently at first, testing the waters. But he knew he wanted you close, so he deepened the kiss by tilting his head and slipping his tongue past your lips.
And his actions sent tingles down your body. You felt all the butterflies, and your heart fluttered inside your rib cage. Carefully, almost discretely, Bucky slid a finger and then another under your shirt; gently caressing your warm skin with his fingertips while he nibbled on your lower lip.
He wasn’t being too handsy, because he knew there was many people who lived here. But he also couldn’t contain his need to have you close. So he was trying to find the middle ground as he kissed you.
His touch was innocent and sweet, and just a little risqué but you accepted all of it. He tugged on your lower lip, and then leaned in again after giving both of you enough time to take a breath each. He pulled you close until your torso pressed against his again. Your hands circled around his neck, while the other slid into his, now shorter, hair.
Bucky moaned quietly into the kiss as you stroked the top of his mouth with your tongue while gently tugging on his hair. He wanted more, he wanted so much more but he also didn’t want to rush you into it.
He kept his eyes shut even after you gently pulled away, tugging on his lip and letting him go after a final peck on the lips. He smiled, and then opened his eyes slowly, as though he was scared that you would disappear once he does.
But you didn’t. You were there, smiling at him with warmth and adoration.
“Eat.” You gave him another kiss on the forehead and then went on to make yourself something warm to drink so you could give him company while he ate.
“You’re a great cook.” He said after the first few bites of his food. You chuckled and took a sip of your drink.
“Well, it’s just basic breakfast. But thank you, I’ll take it.” you smiled at him and he returned it.
 You don’t remember the last time you felt so safe and content and warm. Or loved. Sure, you loved the team more than anything, they were the only family you had. But something was different with Bucky. You felt the bond Dr. Banner talked about, at all times. And you hadn’t brought it up with Bucky yet, but you knew he felt it too.
 When he finished his breakfast, you asked him if he wanted to go back to his room. But he said no.
“I wanted to go outside for a little bit.” He paused, and added, “I haven’t been out in the sun since… forever it feels like.” He paused again. “Can we?” He asked, politely and your heart broke a little more.
Of course, he’s only known cold and darkness, and harsh conditions. Walking out in the sun must seem like a slice of heaven. And he should be able to enjoy his freedom. And starting with a walk outside seemed like a good way to start.
“Of course we can! Come with me, I’ll take you to the garden dad built for me when I was little.” You were excited to show him your own, personal little hideaway.
 You took his hand in yours and you led the way. Bucky walked beside you, occasionally making commentary on how lucky you were that you get to call this amazing place your home. Both of you crossed paths with the other residents as well. You crossed paths with Thor, and he waved at Bucky, and the latter was nervous but waved back reluctantly.
You also saw Nebula, and she was on the floor above. She waved at you two as well. And you noticed how Bucky didn’t hesitate to wave back with his metal arm. Almost like he was showing it off, like ‘look, I’m part metal too!’
You smiled and squeezed his hand. He turned to you, understood what you meant perfectly and smiled back at you.
However the look on Bucky’s face when Rocket said hello to you, when you crossed paths with him, was priceless.
“It’s… a raccoon. It talks?” Bucky asked in a hushed voice once you were slightly far from Rocket.
You giggled.
“Now that you’ll be living here, you should know the number one rule; never call Rocket a raccoon. He hates it.” you explained further.
“Dad and I rescued him and a few others. Those, unfortunately, from Earth would mess with the laws of nature and turn animals to weapons. The others, didn’t make it. Rocket did, and dad offered to send him to a much friendlier planet where he could live freely. But he chose to stay behind with us and help others.” You ended with a smile, remembering the time you first met Rocket. You were much younger then.
Bucky smiled. You had such a kind heart, he could tell by the way you spoke about those living here. And those you rescued.
“You have so many people around.” He pointed out, pleasantly amazed.
You smiled and nodded, noticing you were now out into the yard and close to your safe place. “They’re my family. They mean everything to me.” You said and Bucky turned to look at you.
He didn’t mean to, but you caught the faint frown on his face. Kind of like how a child makes a face when they feel left out. You chuckled and leaned in to kiss his cheek. “You’re part of my family too, don’t worry.”
And he visibly relaxed and tightened his grip around your hand a little more.
 Eventually, you led him to your secret little garden. It was secluded, not too large not too little. It was perfect; lush and the perfect ratio between being full of sunshine and shadowy. You could tell Bucky was mesmerized the minute he walked in.
“This is your secret hideout?” he asked, looking around in awe.
You nodded.
“No one ever comes here. Dad brought me here when I was eight. I threw a fit once, telling him I feel imprisoned in his compound and then he made me this.” You did a little twirl and Bucky watched you with a lovesick smile on his face. “I’m pretty sure you and I are the only ones who know about this place.” You went on to talk about the changes you made over the years.
But Bucky zoned out. The way you had said ‘you and I’ made him feel warm all over. You and him were together now. Years of maltreatment and being referred to as a weapon and being showed little to no mercy, now he belongs with someone. Not just anyone, but someone who is kind and warm. Someone who introduces him to her friends. Someone who considers him part of her family. Someone who cares about whether he ate or not. Someone who holds his hand and walks outside in the sun.
Bucky had found his person. Finally.
The wave of emotions hit him and he couldn’t help but grab you by the hand, pull you close and kiss you when you least expected it.
You were surprised for the first second, but then you melted under his touch. Bucky cupped your face and kissed you so gently, as if you were made of glass. It was a brief kiss, but sweet and loving. He pulled away and rested his forehead against yours.
“Promise you won’t go, you won’t leave me.” He whispered, still having trouble believing that you were all his.
You placed your hands on top of his and promised. “I won’t, I promise.”
He bit his own lip. To you it seemed as though he was being hesitant to say something, but it was difficult for him to hold back his words as well.
“You’re mine.” he said softly, and leaned in to kiss you again. And you happily agreed.
 You and Bucky spent quite some time in the garden outside. He laid down on the grass, in the sun while you sat merely a few feet away, under the shade of a tree. He had so many questions. And you had all the answers. And just like that, you two spent hours outside in the sun.
When you got back in, giggling and holding hands still; you came face to face with Steve. He was serious, as always being the stern one.
“Steve! Hi,” you greeted him and caught the subtle awkwardness in the air as he and Bucky stared at each other, without saying a word. “Um, this is Bucky. Bucky, meet Steve. He’s captain of the team.” You introduced the two men and all you got out of them was a nod each, to one another.
Well, you didn’t expect a sudden hug or anything, but this was better than nothing.
“Tony told me to come down and meet your spa- I mean, your new friend.” Steve spoke, in all seriousness. And you could tell Bucky made a face when Steve called him your ‘friend’.
“Right, dad of course.” You knew for a fact that your dad was still calling Bucky your ‘space boyfriend’. “Well now that you’ve met him, can we go?” you asked, hoping Steve would stop pretending to be so mean.
Steve raised an eyebrow at you. “No.” he said and then turned to Bucky, “If you don’t mind, can I have a word?” he asked Bucky.
Bucky agreed and let go of your hand reluctantly and stepped aside to have a ‘word’ with Steve.
“You,” Steve turned to you. “Upstairs, now. He’ll join you in a couple of minutes.”
Bucky grimaced at Steve’s tone that he used on you. He didn’t like anyone being authoritative to his girl surely. But seeing you didn’t say anything, Bucky realized this must be a norm. After all, you did say Steve was the ‘captain’ so perhaps that was just the way he spoke to everyone.
Still, he felt the need to have you close. He was just a little nervous to have a one-on-one with Steve – someone he had heard about but never met before.
Steve knew with your enhanced hearing you’d be able to hear everything even if they stepped aside. Unless, he sent you upstairs of course. You sent a look to Bucky, as if to tell him it’s okay and he’s gonna be fine. And then you sent an annoyed look at Steve before taking the elevator upstairs to your room.
And there you waited. What could Steve have to tell Bucky? Or maybe your dad sent him to act all tough towards Bucky?
You were restless without Bucky, as you paced around your room. You tried turning on music; some of your dad’s favorite tunes which he forced you to love and cherish, in order to help with the overthinking – but that didn’t help either.
 Then eventually after what seemed like forever, you heard someone approaching your room. And then as they came nearer you caught the pattern of their footsteps and a familiar heartbeat. You rushed to your door and opened it as Bucky was still raising his hand to knock on your door.
“Hi.” He said, smiling at you.
You reached out, grabbed his hand, pulled him in and slammed the door shut behind you. You threw your arms around him and hugged him close; as if you hadn’t seen him in days when it had only been twenty to thirty minutes.
“Was he too harsh on you? What did you even talk about? You were gone for half an hour.” You pulled away to look at him. He was smiling down at you, like he always did.
He chuckled a little as he caressed your cheek and ran his fingers through your hair.
“You missed me?” he asked, teasing you just a little.
It made him all warm inside knowing that someone awaited him when he was away. Even if he was just two floors down. His heart fluttered when he was in your embrace; knowing you cared about the little things, like where he went and if someone was rude to him.
“Yes.” You said and pulled away, keeping your hands loosely wrapped around his torso. “What did you two talk about?” you genuinely wanted to know.
Bucky smiled and cupped your face. “He was nice, actually. Told me more about the place and how you guys function as a team and go on missions. He’s not as terrifying as he looks. He even told me how much of a brat you were when you were younger.” He ended with a smile.
You couldn’t help but let out a sigh in relief. Well, at least he didn’t scare your precious Bucky away.
“Well, now that we’ve dealt with Steve, the rest of the team should be alright. Maybe you could meet them all tomorrow?” you wanted his opinion.
He nodded. “I’d love to meet your friends.” He answered. And you smiled and leaned in to kiss him again.
 You and Bucky spent the rest of the day together. Occasionally walked out to go get food, then came back to either his or your room.
You asked him if he wanted to go downstairs and have dinner with everyone. But the look on his face gave it away; he wasn’t ready to socialize just yet. That, and also because he didn’t want to ‘share’ you just yet. He wanted you here, with him.
Just the two of you, in his room. He didn’t remember anything about the life he had before he was captured. He didn’t even remember how he got to Earth. But one thing he knew, his earliest memory showed him that he craved comfort and shelter and warmth. And he found that with you.
You saved him. He found all that he craved for in you, your presence made him feel loads better. And he just needed more time with you. Just the two of you.
 You said good night to Bucky and finally went back to your room at the end of the day. You didn’t feel restless, because now you knew that Bucky was in his room, safe and comfortable. But that didn’t mean that you didn’t long to be in his arms again. Or cuddle on the couch as you answered all the questions he had.
You drifted off to sleep with a smile on, thinking about the next day. And the next. And many more days which you would spend with Bucky.
You were excited for the future.
Spending time with Bucky became your favorite thing in the world. Showing him around the compound was a lot of fun as well. His first interaction with Groot had you giggling the whole day.
Eventually, he met the entire team. And surprisingly, they were well-behaved. Much to your surprise, no one called him your ‘space boyfriend’. Bucky was a little nervous and awkward at first, but then beneath the sarcasm and the playful bickering that flowed between each one of you, he saw the warmth and compassion. The same he saw in you, and he realized then that he was truly where he was supposed to be.
Here, he didn’t feel like he was a weapon, or the product of experimentation, or the winter soldier – something he recalls being called when he was in that dark place you got him out of. He sure wasn’t of this world, but he felt at home here.
And this is where he wanted to be. Forever, if he could.
With you. And he couldn’t wait for the coming days; all of which he was looking forward to spend beside you.
Another World Tag List:
@apocalypticwafflekitten @littlemisskosmix @calwitch @tossacoin2yourwitcher @thinkaboutmara @jukeboxbabbyyy @thebuckysoldier @buckysoldierstories @guardian-tn @otakushifter​ @numwoon44 @shynara51 @tommyhoe 
Permanent Tag List:
@fizzahocleirigh @adolesences @nightlygiggles 
Everything Tag List:
@cherryslibrary @kenzieam @captainamerica-is-bae @nightlygiggles @threepupsinapuddle @avengersbiggestfanever @joannie95 @jukeboxbabbyyy @buckys-plums3 @littlemiskosmix 
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vrednic · 4 years
Teen Wolf x Vampire Diaries AU
Prompt: Teen Wolf, but with a twist. Scott McCall has a twin sister… and she falls in love with Derek Hale.
Summary: After Scott refuses to join his pack, Peter Hale turns Serena McCall into a werewolf. Will her transformation be for better… or for worse?
Word Count: 3,285
Author’s Note: This series will skim the events of seasons 1-3. I have a lot of content planned, so there will be some skipping around at certain points, but it will all work in unison, I promise! I hope you all enjoy part 2! Please let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading :)
The topic of lycanthropy was one I hadn’t visited since freshman year english. I thought back to the unit of Greek mythology, and how we had been assigned research projects on famous Greek myths. My english teacher gave us the liberty to choose our own myths, and I had naively chosen Lycaon of Arcadia. Lycaon, the king of Arcadia, attempted to trick Zeus into eating human flesh, testing to see if he was truly all-knowing. Angered by Lycaon’s blasphemous actions, Zeus punished Lycaon by turning him into a wolf.
Oh, the irony of it all.
For the past three weeks, I have been given gradual insight into the world of the supernatural. The full moon was fast-approaching, and I needed to learn everything I could as quickly as possible. I wasn’t yet sure how I felt about my transformation. I was amazed at how quickly I began noticing changes. Overnight, it seemed, my senses had been dialed up to a thousand. I was stronger, faster, and more confident. I could smell, hear, and sense things other people couldn’t. One of the most fascinating things about my newfound abilities was that my body’s healing process was nearly instantaneous. The only downside of it was that I had yet to experience the brutality of the full moon. I was afraid that I would see things differently after, that I’d realize that I’d never be able to control it. Would my supernatural powers really be worth being enslaved to an insatiable bloodlust every month? Would it be worth putting my friends and loved ones at risk, especially when one slip-up could mean death for any and all of them?
I had been training tirelessly with Scott every day since I was bitten. Before school, after school, and during free periods. He had effectively taught me how to make my claws appear and disappear at will, how to partially shift into my werewolf form, how to follow scents, how to decipher chemo-signals, and how to trigger the healing process of an injury using pain. I was impressed with my progress, but I knew that I had only been exposed to bits and pieces of the extensive supernatural spectrum that I was now a part of. I had always been good at the technical side of things, so I knew that learning the basics of lycanthropy wasn’t going to be an issue. I considered myself to be on the smart side-- I had no problem displaying resourcefulness or creativity or administering critical thinking in complex situations. One thing I wasn’t very good at, however, was regulating my emotions.
When our parents got divorced, Scott and I handled things very differently. He was always a mama’s boy, and I was a daddy’s girl. Our father was an alcoholic and a cheater; something I knew all too well, but was also something I wanted to remain oblivious to. I’m assuming this realization is what made it easier for Scott to hate him, to be okay with moving on without him. It was harder for me to cope with his absence because our dad had always been my rock -- my hero --  and I couldn’t picture him ever hurting anyone. Especially me.
The night my mom kicked my dad out of the house for good, he had come home drunk. He instigated an argument with her over something, as usual. But with them it was never just an argument; it always ended up with them screaming at each other. Scott and I shared a room back then, and it was located right by the staircase, which was where they happened to be arguing that night. Not surprisingly, their heated voices turned into shouts, and we were both awoken. We peered through a crack in the door as our parents fought. My dad could barely keep his balance; his cheeks were flushed, his eyes crazy, violent words spewing from his mouth fueled by intoxication. I remembered vividly how he had lost his composure and grabbed my mother by the neck, slamming her against the wall. I let out an audible gasp and stood frozen in horror. Scott flung the door open and rushed into the hall, immediately wedging himself between our mother and father. My dad grabbed Scott’s arm, attempting to pull him out of the way, but yanked my brother with too much force. He was flung against the railing of the staircase, and he tumbled down the stairs. He was unconscious at the bottom of the stairs for maybe 30 seconds, and when he came to, he didn’t remember a thing. My mother ushered us back into our room and put us into bed. I fell asleep crying that night, but I didn’t know exactly for whom I was crying. Had it been for my brother? Had it been for my mother? For the loss of my dad? Or was it for me?
I hadn’t had the chance to say goodbye to him. I woke up the following morning, expecting him to be there, bags in tow, waiting to talk to us one last time. But he was already gone. I knew he didn’t deserve it, but I couldn’t help but miss him. When the plea for divorce was initiated, there was never a discussion about shared custody or visitations. Once the divorce was finalized, I knew that he was never coming back. It was because of his betrayal and abandonment that I grew up with issues when it came to trusting people. I was filled with this deep, aching feeling of isolation, and it made me angry. Very. As I grew older, I got better at suppressing it, but I knew that somewhere deep down, it was still there. With the full moon prodding and poking at my resolve and self control, I knew it was only a matter of time before those feelings resurfaced.
The day of my first full moon, I felt the effects as soon as I got out of bed in the morning. I felt my heartbeat rising with every breath that I took. When I got to school, my senses immediately began to feel overstimulated. Everything was brighter, louder, and more jarring. The sound of the bell ringing made me feel like someone was hammering nails into my skull. The people I passed in the hallway blurred together, all of their emotions and scents hitting me like a door to  the face. At lunch, the sound of people’s voices and laughter made me want to tear their heads off. I looked around the cafeteria, feeling myself grow angrier and angrier, for seemingly no reason at all. Rationally, I knew that these people had done nothing wrong. Emotionally, they were the piece of gum stuck under my shoe. My gaze locked on Jackson Whittemore, and I fantasized about how good it would feel to tear his tongue right out of his head. He had always been an asshole to my brother, so why shouldn’t I kill him? It would be extremely satisfying to watch the smug look on his face disappear as I stood over him, my hands drenched in his blood, as I began to tear him limb from limb…
“Uh, Serena? Are you okay?”
Scott’s voice brought me back to reality. I was suddenly overcome with anxiety as I realized the vile intrusive thoughts that I was just experiencing. What was the matter with me? This wasn’t me. I wasn’t a killer. Only, maybe that wasn’t exactly true anymore.
I nodded, fabricating a smile. “Yeah, no, everything’s great. I was just thinking about my research paper for… biology. It’s due tomorrow and I have no clue where to start.”
“That’s fair,” he said. “But remember that it’s perfectly okay for you to be feeling on edge today. It’s your first full moon and I promise nobody will blame you for not feeling or acting like yourself.”
I felt the tension in my shoulders ease ever-so-slightly. I nodded once more, reassuring him that I was in fact okay. I felt better knowing that out of all of the things that had changed, our sibling bond hadn’t. He’d be there with me to make me feel safe and to teach me control. Before long, I would be able to be just like him. I trusted him, and I knew he had faith in me. That meant only one thing: I had to have faith in me too.
Later in the evening, as the sun was setting, I began feeling the effects of the full moon amplifying. My heartbeat was nearly erratic and Scott was nowhere to be found. I was in the bathroom, standing over the sink and looking at myself in the mirror. There was a flicker of golden yellow in my eyes, and I nearly sobbed out of pure anxiety alone. I balled my hands into fists, trying to focus on anything other than the impending sense of dread that I was experiencing. I felt a warm, slippery substance course down my wrist. Blood.
I opened my fist up, revealing four deep punctures on both of my palms, where my claws had dug into. The temporary flicker of pain was small, but enough to bring me out of the frenzy. I took this opportunity to set out to find Scott.
I didn’t remember the way to the Hale house all too well, but what I did remember was its scent. The smell of charred wood and smoke would be very hard to miss. I maneuvered my way through the darkness, making sure every step I took was careful and calculated. Scott had mentioned that Beacon Hills Preserve was littered with traps set by hunters. It was also a full moon, so I knew there would not be any shortage of hunters roaming around town tonight, hoping to catch and kill their next supernatural victim.
As if on cue, I heard voices from a distance. By the sound of it, there were maybe four or five of them, all men. I swallowed, trying to think of an escape plan. I couldn’t run. It was fall, and the weight of my body against the leaves on the ground would give my location away immediately. I could have hidden, but I knew that they probably had some sort of a thermographic camera. If they happened to get me in one of the shots, I would have considered myself dead.
I tried to weigh any and all other options, but I had none. The best chance at escape that I had right now was simply to run. They sounded far away enough so that even if they did hear me, my superhuman speed would give me an advantage. I decided that now was as good a time as any, and began moving. I tried to keep to the shadows, not daring to make any unnecessary sounds. I noticed too late that I had no idea where I was going. I looked around me, but I couldn’t pinpoint any familiar landmarks. I could have sworn that I was heading back in the direction I came, but judging by my surroundings, that wasn’t the case. I stopped for a moment, attempting to gather my thoughts.
“Come on, Serena,” I whispered to myself. “Think.”  
I was jolted away from my thoughts when I saw a red light from my peripheral vision. I was frozen, completely unsure what to do. More red lights emerged from the darkness, pointing straight at me. Lasers. It was then that instinct spoke to me, telling me to run. And that’s exactly what I did.
I turned on my heel and bolted away from where the hunters had been. I didn’t take the time to care about the tracks or the noise I left in my wake. I had the advantage of speed, but they had the advantage of knowledge and experience. These were professional killers. I wouldn’t be surprised if they knew what move I’d make next even before I did. Through the commotion, I almost forgot why I had been in the woods in the first place. The fury of the full moon hit me, unforgiving. It was as if she allowed me only a few moments of peace before the storm. I looked up at the sky and the moon glimmered at its peak. Almost instantaneously I was overcome with an animalistic urge to go back and rip the head off of every single hunter that was on my trail.
My claws and fangs appeared as if by magic, and my eyes were aglow. I felt angry-- so angry. But it was that anger that gave me power. I felt strong… unstoppable. Against all rational thought, I turned back around, using my infrared eyes to see through the darkness. A few rows of trees ahead was where I spotted them. Two of them were kneeled down, examining the tracks that I had left behind, judging the direction I must have taken. The other three were behind them, standing guard. They looked around, weapons drawn, ready to fire at any given moment.
I growled. It was a sound that conveyed equal parts rage and purpose. I was hiding behind a tree, looking for the perfect moment to attack. Just as I was about to launch myself in their direction, a pair of hands snagged me from behind with tremendous force. Before I could growl or scream, the person used one hand to cover my mouth and tucked me against his chest, making sure our bodies were still shielded by the tree. I tipped my head back to see who it was, and was met with the fiery gaze of Derek Hale.
He broke eye contact first and peered over my head, trying to come up with an escape tactic. His stone cold composure made it clear that it wasn’t his first time evading death by the hands of werewolf hunters. I, on the other hand, was terrified. I felt an equal amount of shame and embarrassment once I realized how foolish I had been. It was a night of the full moon and I wasn’t in control, for one. I also felt extremely stupid for walking into woods that were infested with hunters; ones that wouldn’t hesitate to put a bullet between my eyes. Another shame-inducing component was the fact that Derek just had to be the one to find me. I had gotten a brief description of him from Scott, so I knew that he was hardcore. He also hated liabilities, and at the moment, that’s exactly what I was.
“Now’s not the time to wallow in shame,” he whispered to me, his voice gruff. “If you hadn’t noticed, they’ve got us completely surrounded. It’s a miracle they haven’t seen us yet.”
I opened my mouth to protest, but he cut me off. “Don’t bother denying it. The smell of embarrassment is rolling off of you like a stench.”
Your commentary isn’t exactly helping, I wanted to say to him. But I knew better than to push his buttons, especially when we were on the brink of being discovered. I kept my back against the tree, waiting for further instructions. After a few minutes, Derek finally spoke again.
He lowered his mouth next to my ear, his warm breath sending a tingling sensation onto my neck and down my back. “On my signal, you run. I’ll stay behind and cause a distraction so you can get away.” He pointed behind him to another row of trees. “Run that way. Get out of the woods as fast as you can.”
Before I could get a word out, he was gone. He roared loudly, capturing the attention of the hunters that resided a few yards away. As they ran to him, he turned back to look at me, flashing his icy blue eyes. That was my cue. I took off running in the direction he had said. I heard the commotion of the fight almost the entire way. Growls and roars from Derek’s end were met with the sound of guns firing. I found myself secretly hoping that he would be okay, although in the back of my mind I knew he would be. He was Derek Hale, after all.
I made it out of the preserve after only a handful of minutes of running. At the end of the treeline, right where the road started, a vehicle’s headlights cut through the darkness. The closer I got, the more details I could make out. It was a blue 1980 Jeep CJ5. Standing beside it were two silhouettes, both male. I let out a sigh of relief.
I jogged the rest of the way and launched myself into Scott’s arms. He squeezed me tightly and ushered me into the Jeep. Stiles drove onto the road, taking the route that led back to my house. Scott turned to look at me from the passenger’s seat.
“Why the hell were you in the woods?” He asked. His tone was firm but still held a touch of delicacy. We both knew it was more for my sake than his. “Didn’t I tell you about the hunters? The preserve is not a safe place for a werewolf on a night of a full moon. Argent and his hunters have memorized every square inch of those woods. You’re lucky Derek found you when he did. If he hadn’t, I’m sure Gerard would’ve turned you into a human kebab by now.”
I felt my throat tighten in frustration. “The imagery really isn’t necessary. I know what I did was stupid, and I’m sorry, but I didn’t know what else to do. I felt like I was losing control and you weren’t there, Scott!” My voice caught on his name, and I had to take a few moments to collect myself. “You weren’t there and, quite frankly, I have no one else to turn to on this. I don’t have a best friend like yours. I don’t have one that’ll pick up my call in the middle of the night and be willing to be a part of the world of the supernatural. I don’t have a best friend who’ll chain me up on a full moon and help me find restraint. I was all alone in my home, which I could have easily torn apart if I had lost control of myself tonight. I was counting on you to help me, and you weren’t there.”
The air was thick with tension. I could sense the sadness emanating from both Scott and Stiles. I felt guilty for taking all of my frustration out on my brother, but everything I said was true, and I wasn’t going to apologize for how I felt. Scott was a natural leader, and I admired that about him. Being a leader meant taking on responsibilities, and I understood that he wouldn’t be around all the time. Over the weeks following my transformation, I got a chance to see just how much people needed him.  Peter wanted him in his pack. Derek wanted him as an ally. Stiles wanted him as a best friend. Hell, even the lacrosse team needed him as team captain. But tonight was the one night that I needed him. I needed my brother, and he wasn’t there.
“I’m so sorry, Serena. I can do better, I promise. If you’ll just let me--” he began.  
“No,” I said, cutting him off. “I don’t want to talk. Just take me home.”
With that, I turned to face the window, looking at the blur of lights, cars, houses, and dark, desolate streets passing me by. Scott sighed, but he didn’t protest.
We rode in silence the entire way back.
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lxveshotaro · 4 years
Journal - Na Jaemin
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Warnings: Sub! Jaemin, Dom! Reader, Mistress Kink, Bondage, Degradation, Orgasm Denial, Teasing, Use of Vibrator, Oral (Male Receiving)
Plot: When you walk out of the bathroom wearing nothing at all, it doesn’t freak you out that Jaemin is sitting there. What’s shocking is that he found your secret journal and he wants in on it.
A/N: This took literally FOREVER I'm so sorry anon :'( Idk why I struggled so much to write this because it's not like I didn't like the request??? But yeah here it is!
When you walked out of the bathroom wearing nothing but your happy face and saw Jaemin sitting on your bed, you didn’t freak out, you didn’t cover up, you just watched as his body tensed up. You’re a carefree woman, it doesn’t matter if he sees you naked, you all have bodies so what’s the point in being shocked.
“Y-Y/N..” Jaemin’s cheeks were flushed as he cursed himself for getting caught. You didn’t say anything, you turned to your dresser and looked at yourself in the mirror. Jaemin is one of your good friends, you guys flirt and all of that but it’s nothing serious. You turned around and just watched Jaemin, he fiddled and shuffled around and tried to figure out what to say. “You little pervert.” He jumped at the sound of your voice, that blush turned into a deep red face over time. You walked over to Jaemin and slowly combed your fingers through his hair, “I see you found my little journal.” You pulled his head back harshly after you finished speaking, “What did you find in there?” He fiddled with the little journal in his hand and bit his lip harshly. You had been on a journey, you had a guy that you were experimenting with and you were just trying out your kinks. Once you figured out your likes and dislikes you started taking note of how to handle certain situations and what kinks you and your partner enjoyed and didn’t like. 
Jaemin was still hesitating to answer your question, you let go of his hair and sighed, “Just what I thought, you’re just a shy little boy.” He’s bold, everyone knows this but you’re just now discovering how flustered he could get. “Look, you’re already getting hard, is this exciting?” He sighed heavily and nodded his head slightly. “I’m.. sorry Y/N-” You made an “ah” sound to stop him, “You read the journal right? What does it say?” He bit his lip again, “I’m sorry.. Mistress.” Feeling satisfied you walked to where you keep your toys. “So Jaemin, what were you doing going through Mistresses stuff?” He looked down at the journal, “I just.. I’ve seen it a few times in your bag whenever you went to see that guy.” He put emphasis on “that guy”. So he was jealous? He was angry that you had someone?
“Why did you say it like that?” You averted your attention from your toy box and looked into his eyes. “Well why do you have to try this stuff with him?” You let out a “Ha!” sound as a response to him, “So what are you saying?” He was back to his bold self, “Use me as your toy.” Judging by his expression and voice, he was being very serious. You raised your eyebrows from curiosity, “Do you think you could handle it?” He nodded eagerly. You didn’t need to hear anything else, you grabbed what you needed, “Take your clothes off then.”
He was quick with his movements, you smiled in an amused way as he rushed to remove his clothes. Jaemin was shamelessly hard and extremely ready for whatever you were going to do which was refreshing. He sat on his knees and waited which was something you stressed on as good behavior from your sub. You were so amused by him right now, part of you was shocked but most of you were just so excited.
You placed everything on the bed and walked over to Jaemin, “This is crazy isn’t it?” He nodded excitedly as you grabbed his arm gently and started to tie his wrist. “I’m excited.” You smiled at his transparency, he stared at your boobs, practically drooling over them, “I’m not sure you realize what I’m about to do to you.” He bit his lip and smiled at the thought. “That’s the exciting part.” After a while you finished tying his wrists, now all you had to do was tie him to the headboard. “Come here baby.” He crawled over obediently and watched you skillfully tie his wrists to the headboard. “Good, now lay down for me.” He moved slowly because of the way he was tied to the bed but he followed your instructions and laid on the bed.
"You see these?" You held up a cock ring, a vibrator, and the remote. He nodded as he watched the objects attentively. "What do you think I'm going to do with these?" He thought for a moment but ended up getting confused, so you helped him out. "I'm gonna check if you can handle me." He was just more confused by your response. His confusion was forgotten quickly once you grabbed his hard cock. He shied away from your touch at first but over time he got lost in the feeling of your hand around him. You were sitting on your knees directly beside him, one of your hands caressed his thigh while the other stroked him. “Does it feel good?” Jaemin nodded and shut his eyes to focus on the feeling more. “Good.” You stopped all movements and started fiddling with the vibrator. Jaemin’s eyes opened very quickly and a pout formed on his lips, “Why did you stop?” You turned to him and smiled sweetly, “This isn’t gonna be your only ruined orgasm baby boy, you wanted to be my toy right?” He nodded his head slowly, “Then let me do my thing okay?” He nodded once again and continued watching what you were doing.
You continued to fiddle with the toy in your hand until you were ready to use it. Jaemin watched your hand as you dragged the tip of the toy across his chest. Starting from his collarbone and down to his stomach. He sucked his stomach in a bit when the toy touched it. You continued to drag it along but you stopped on his nipple. He whined a little at the feeling of you going across both of his nipples. "They're so perky!" You smiled and spoke excitedly at them as you rolled one between your fingers. He laughed at the fact that you were excited over that. His laughter was cut off by a groan when you pinched his nipple harshly causing it to turn red.
You continued teasing him as you brought the vibrator to his lower half. You circled it around his crotch area, on his inner thighs, on his hips, and on his lower stomach. Jaemin was impatient, you noticed him trying to subtly chase the head of the vibrator. "Be patient." You pointed a finger at him which made him feel like a teacher was scolding him. He wanted to whine but he eventually decided against it.
Deciding he had enough teasing you placed the toy on his head. Jaemin hissed at the feeling, a bit of precum leaked out of his tip and fell onto his stomach. You didn't move the toy up and down his shaft, you just left it sitting on his sensitive spot. He squirmed around a bit and moaned quietly. "Tell me when you're close." He just nodded and closed his eyes again. You grabbed the toy and moved it up and down his shaft, a bit of tension left his body when you moved it away from his tip. 
He was already so worked up, it was truly fascinating. This isn’t the bold, sometimes mean Jaemin that you already knew. This is a frail, needy boy that you didn’t ever expect that you’d meet. You continued to tease the boy, he was hesitant to tell you that he was close because he wanted to cum but he was also concerned about what you’d do. After his internal battle of pleasure and confusion he spoke up. His hips rolled into the toy as he spoke, “I’m close..” He looked at you through hooded eyes, you smiled sweetly but pulled the toy away from him. This time he just came right out and whined, “Ahh, Y/N please~ just let me cum!”
"Ah, already so impatient." His eyebrows were furrowed as he tried not to disobey you. "I haven't even gotten to have fun yet." You pouted and pulled the vibrator away from his tip.
You wrapped your hand around his cock and started rubbing it very very slowly. Jaemin's body shuddered as he let out many strangled moans. Already you were able to tell that Jaemin isn't good with edging, he's quite impatient and he just wants his way immediately. He involuntarily thrusted into your  hand which made you place your hand onto his  hip to keep him from doing it again. "The better you behave, the quicker you'll cum." He bit his lip and nodded to himself as if he were giving himself a pep talk in his head.
"Can you handle me Jaemin?" He nodded quickly, "Yes Mistress! I'll be good I promise!" You nodded and smiled to yourself, "Good, so you'll hold it longer?" He seemed unsure but nonetheless he nodded again, "Yes I will, for you." You nodded again and picked up the pace of your strokes. Jaemin's body immediately reacted as he started squirming around quite a bit. He very quietly started pleading with you, "Please.. please.." You ran your thumb over his head a few times as you continued to stroke his length. All of Jaemin's moans are ones that sound like he's having a hard time, you liked it a lot.
"Are you doing okay?" You looked at his face which showed just how desperate he was getting. "I- I really r-really need to cum.. please." You nodded, "Will you beg for it?" He nodded, "Anything! I'll do anything!" He's nothing like the sub you already have, which isn't a bad thing, in fact it's even better, "Okay then, on your knees." You stood up to undo his restraints and waited for him to move into the position that you wanted him in.
Once he sat where you wanted you crossed your arms over your chest and stared at him. "Please let me cum Mistress." He put his head down as if he wasn't allowed to look at you, "What will you do in exchange for me if I let you cum?" He thought for a second, "Um.. I'll.. just.. please.. please let me.." His voice trailed off once he looked at you and saw your face. "You should come up with something then."
You picked up the vibrator again and walked over to him. One of your hands rested on the back of his head as you started making out with him. Your other hand held the vibrator that was pressed against his cock once again. He moaned into your mouth as he got more and more frustrated sexually. You broke the kiss and looked down at what you were doing. His stomach was tensing and releasing over and over again. "Should I let you cum?" He nodded innocently but you just turned off the toy instead of giving him what he wanted.
"Y/N.. you're so cruel..." His voice was shaky so you looked back at his face, his eyes were watery as he looked back at you. "Ah, I know, you've worked hard." Your hand cupped his cheek and you wiped away his tears with your thumb, "Here, I'll tell you what. I'll let you pick what you want to cum with, the vibrator or my hand?" He sniffled and looked at you with hopeful eyes, "Can you.. use.. your mouth?" Even though it wasn't one of the options it was something that he wanted so you agreed, "Okay, whatever you want."
Jaemin laid back and you climbed onto the bed with him. You lowered yourself in between his legs and took his sensitive cock in your hand. As soon as you got close enough to it Jaemin tensed up. Even the feeling of your breath on him was too much for him. You ran your tounge up his shaft and lightly licked his tip. He whimpered in hopes that you wouldn't tease him too much. Luckily you didn't, you lowered your mouth onto him which had tears welling up in his eyes again.
You sucked on his tip that had been the most sensitive all this time. "Please Y/N.." He was hoping and hoping that you'd actually let him finish this time. He thrusted slightly into your mouth which you didn't mind. You bobbed your head on his length, he groaned at the feeling of his tip hitting the back of your throat. "I'm close!" He announced this somewhat excitedly, finally able to get the release that he wanted.
You nodded as you continued to circle your tounge around his tip. A few moments later you felt his warmth shooting into your mouth as he grunted and moaned through his orgasm. You sucked him through his orgasm before lifting off of him with a pop. His cum and your saliva dripped all over his lower half, it was so messy but you loved how it looked.
"You cried." You turned away from him and started to clean up and put things away. "Yeah.." He sounded guilty, "It's okay, I had fun today. Do you want to be my toy from now on?" His eyes brightened and he nodded excitedly, "Will you not see him anymore?" Again, there was that emphasis. "I don't know, we'll talk about it later. Do you want a bath?" He nodded and waited as you ran him a bath.
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gravelyhumerus · 4 years
Criminal Minds College AU - Chapter 6
Title: “I may just take your breath away”
Relationship: Jemily
The team takes on trivia. Emily strips in front of JJ. It's quite an evening for all.
Slow-burn Jemily college AU where they live across the hall and despite all odds, the universe pushes them together. AKA they’re silly gay babies who pine after each other for months.
Read it on AO3
Tumblr:  One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Fourteen, Fifteen, Sixteen, (bonus scene), Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Epilogue
“Come on, Jayje,” Penelope whined. “It’ll be good for you to go out.” 
“I’m sick,” JJ said, fake coughing. “And I need to get a head start on my project for my new media course. It’s worth forty percent.”
“Bullshit.” Penelope said, “I know for a fact that that isn’t due for two weeks. Tonight is NOT the make or break point in that assignment for you.” 
JJ sighed. 
“You need to get out. See the world. Do more than just play soccer, work out and do homework. You’ve been hiding since your break up. It’s not healthy.”
She had told herself she would stop avoiding Emily after she had figured out what her feelings were. Despite JJ’s realization that it was a genuine crush, that JJ truly liked Emily, JJ needed to also be sure that she wasn’t simply rebounding onto someone nearby. 
Someone pretty and smart and kind and who lived right across the hall.
“It’s trivia night JJ,” Penelope said, “and we have Spencer on our team it’ll be fun.” 
JJ sighed, looked up from where she lay on her bed. 
“Make yourself pretty, you know who will be there,” Penelope replied, turning back to her make-up mirror to finish applying her purple lipstick. 
“Yeah thanks for that,” JJ said sarcastically, “I saw what you did there.”
“Who, me?” she feigned innocence. 
JJ changed from a plain t-shirt to a tighter, low cut long sleeved blue shirt. She then took her hair out of a ponytail, brushing it out before tucking it carefully behind her ears. On principle, she huffed the entire time, so that Penelope would know that she wasn’t happy about the situation, despite the butterflies in her stomach at the idea of seeing Emily again. 
She took care to apply some eyeshadow, some blush and a pink lip gloss that tastes like strawberries. There was something intimidating about Emily. She looked so… put together. With Will, he never really noticed, or cared, if she wore makeup, but Emily definitely would. 
God. This was stressful. Is this what liking girls was like? If it was, JJ was not sure she was cut out for it. 
At least she was going to be on home territory, as trivia was their thing, something that Penelope and JJ had been doing since their floor was forced into going back in first year.  
JJ was working hard at learning to relax a bit. Between maintaining her grades, soccer, and her new job editing press releases for the student government, she was already being pulled in multiple directions. A night out would be fun, she reminded herself. 
She tried to quell her nerves at going out with Emily. It wasn’t a date or anything. Just friends hanging out. JJ’s friends and Emily’s friends. Penelope’s meddling was further tying her to the girl across the hall by blending their friend groups. 
While half of her mind wanted this to happen, wanted to see Emily all the time and have an excuse to see her, smell her, hear her laugh…. JJ frowned as she realized that her crush complicated everything. Emily was already across the hall, and if she admitted her feelings, and they weren’t reciprocated, she would run into her all the time. Now, with Derek Morgan befriending Penelope and Spencer, and all of them going out together, JJ’s silly crush could send ripples across more than just her own life. 
JJ ran her hands through her hair, worrying about the possible ways she could fuck this up. She did not entertain the possibility that Emily could possibly like her back. First of all, she had no idea if she was straight or not. JJ didn’t even know how to tell. 
JJ glanced over to Penelope, who was finishing up her makeup sitting at her desk, looking into a small mirror on the desk. JJ knew Penelope was queer, as her roommate was not shy about it whatsoever. In her mug full of pens was a pride flag from last year’s pride parade. It was in June, so JJ had been back in Pennsylvania then, but she remembered seeing the joy on Penelope’s face in the photos she posted on Instagram. Penelope wasn’t the person she knew that identified as queer. In fact, Spence had recently told them that he was bi. It wasn’t like JJ was not aware of the community, she thought she was just supporting LGBT+ issues on principal, and for her friends. 
She hadn’t considered that when, in her politics class in high school, she was viciously debating on gay marriage for someone like herself. The topics always felt distant. Like something that affected someone else. She was so certain in her heterosexuality that she had joked about it to Penelope earlier in their friendship. 
The token straight friend, she had said. So much for that. 
“Pen,” JJ said, trying to force a neutral tone to her voice, and failing. “How did you know you weren’t straight?”
Penelope turned and simply stared at her for a long moment before giggling and saying: “Are you finally realizing you have a crush on Emily Prentiss?” 
JJ sat up in her chair. 
“Aw darlin’,” Penelope said to her, tilting her head, ”You barely talked about your break up. You were too busy literally running from your feelings for her ever since you ran into her at the library. I had to finally ask her out for you.”
“I–” JJ stuttered. “I talked about my break up.”
“So to answer your question,” Penelope said, matter-of-factly, “I realized when I had my first crush on a girl, just like you’re doing now. Don’t worry about it too much, you’ll drive yourself crazy.”
JJ’s jaw had dropped. 
“Babe, you came home one night babbling about how she taught you French,” Penelope giggled, “You might as well have held up a sign.”
JJ buried her face in her hands. 
“Oh god,” JJ said. “Am I gay? What am I?”
Penelope walked over and tossed her arm around JJ’s shoulders, pulling her into a hug. 
“Aww baby’s first girl crush,” she cooed, “So happy to witness it first hand. You might be gay! Or bi, or something else. Don’t worry too much about the terminology right now.”
Unfortunately, JJ was worrying too much. About not just the terminology. 
Even if Emily was gay, or bi or whatever, she wouldn’t like someone like JJ. She was always a bit of a tomboy, barely knowing how to do make up and dressing like she was going to practise most days. JJ always felt a bit awkward when she dressed up, feeling most at home in joggers and a hoodie. 
Emily, on the other hand, was all elegant with her pretty black hair, her perfect eyeliner and the way she always looked out together when she went out. Moreover, Emily was cool. She listened to music on vinyl and her bookshelf was filled with classic novels and smoked cigarettes. She lived in multiple countries, spoke more languages than JJ hoped to ever learn.
Emily’s mom was an ambassador. She had a nanny growing up. She had a single room and was paying out-of-state tuition. Well, her mom was probably paying her tuition. 
JJ could only afford to be here because she was on a soccer scholarship, and barely had enough money to cover her caffeine addiction. The surprise small stipend from her new student government job was probably the thing keeping JJ from applying for a job off campus. 
Emily would never like someone like JJ, she thought. 
After checking herself in the mirror one final time, she looked at the time. 6:54. Emily and her friends would be there soon, and if JJ knew Spencer well, he would be showing up in just under a minute. 
There was a knock at the door. She was right. 
“Hi guys!” He said, entering their dorm room and taking his customary seat on the very edge of JJ’s bed. “Am I dressed properly? I wasn’t sure what to wear to a bar.”
He was wearing a button up, with a beige sweater vest over top, with slacks and converse to complete the outfit. 
“Aw Spence,” JJ said. “You look great, I promise.”
“Remind me to take you to the mall to get some party clothes,” Penelope quipped. 
“Those were two contradicting statements,” he complained. 
Once Penelope had finished adding rhinestones to her makeup look, they opened the door to find Emily flanked by two boys, waiting in the hall. 
Derek Morgan, JJ recognized, but the other one JJ hadn’t met before. 
“Hello all!” Penelope called out from inside their room. 
“Hi Derek, Emily,” JJ said politely, “I’m not sure we’ve met–“
She reached her hand out to shake the new boy’s hand. He was tall, with a shock of black hair and a serious expression on his face. 
“I’m Jennifer, but my friends call me JJ.”
“Nice to meet you,” the boy said with a small—almost non-existent—smile, shaking her hand with a firm, confident grip. “I’m Aaron Hotchner.”
“His friends call him Hotch,” Derek piped up punching his shoulder in a friendly way. 
“He’s pre-law,” Emily informed her, “we have a bunch of classes together.”
“I do not have that much experience with trivia,” Aaron admits, rubbing his shoulder and feigning injury. 
“No need!” Penelope says, rounding up on the group, “Spencer here is basically a genius. You’re just a warm body.”
“I just have an eidetic memory!” He said, piping up from in the room. 
With introductions complete, they headed to the small pub just off campus. It was a squat brick building tucked between a restaurant and an old book store. It had a nice back patio in the warmer months, and each Monday was trivia night. 
Just inside, the bouncer drew big xs on their hands to indicate that they were underage, which were all promptly wiped off once they were inside and found a table. The atmosphere inside was relaxed, the staff not really caring if people were drinking underage on a Monday night if they didn’t cause trouble.
JJ loved this bar. It was old, with exposed brick walls and large wooden rafters over their heads. The ceilings were low and the bar was packed and loud, making the place feel cozy, yet not quite claustrophobic. On weekdays, it was mostly locals or upper year students, as their peers were more likely to try to drink underage on the weekends. The crowd was quite a few younger adults, with the occasional older couple or group of middle aged women having a girls night. 
They found a table big enough for their group by just to the right of the bar, tucked out of sight, far from the bouncers. The six of them squeezing tight onto the rustic booth and shrugging off their coats.  
Trivia started at 7:30 pm, so they still had time to get settled and acquire some drinks. JJ was squished between Penelope and Emily’s friend Aaron, who was explaining that he played forward on the men’s hockey team. JJ knew he seemed familiar, realizing that she and he had probably crossed paths at athletics functions. 
“Did you guys rub the marker off your hand?” Spencer asked, too loudly, receiving a chorus of shushing in response.
“Dude,” Derek laughed, “Not so loud you’re gonna get us kicked out!”
“What do you mean?” He asked, the classic Reid obliviousness shining through. 
Emily tossed a casual arm around his shoulders. 
“You see,” she said, “we would like to drink this thing called alcohol tonight. If we have an x on our hands, we don’t get served.”
She pointed to the x on his hand. 
“Speaking of which,” Aaron said, standing up, “I’m grabbing a beer, who’s with me?” 
“Me!” Emily jumped up, with Derek on her heels, “What are you guys drinking? This rounds on me!”
JJ balked, drinks here were expensive. Did Emily actually want to buy them drinks? Or was she simply being nice. JJ should say no. 
“Vodka cran, por favour!” Penelope responded before JJ could politely decline. “JJ drinks beer, and Reid will take a soda.”
“What kind of beer?”
“Whatever’s on tap,” JJ said sheepishly, feeling guilty about someone spending money on her. At the same time, with JJ’s baby face, there was little chance the bartender would buy that she was already 21.
“Root beer please!” Spencer called out after her, though Emily had already turned around, following the boys over to lean against the bar. 
The bartender, a gorgeous young woman with shoulder length brown hair was serving Emily, leaning over the bar. Her eyes were rapt with attention as Emily ordered, even giving her a once over before she left to make their drinks. 
Emily seemed to flirt back, but JJ could not hear what she said, the two women going back and forth for a few moments, their attention hardly broken by the other patrons. 
JJ felt jealousy flare in her stomach. 
As Emily’s fingers grasped the glass, the other girl’s hands lingered, and JJ watched the bartender wink at Emily before turning towards the other patrons. Emily had a cropped tank top, with a plaid shirt on top. Her tight jeans gripped her long legs, and her heeled boots gave an extra inch or so to her already impressive height. She looked hot. The bartender clearly saw it too.
She tried to push back that jealousy. She had no right to be possessive, Emily and she weren’t dating, or anything, they were friends. New friends.   
“Your girlfriend is so good to us!” Penelope cooed, breaking JJ out of her thoughts. 
JJ felt a blush spread across her face. 
“She’s not my girlfriend,” she sputtered. 
“Have you told her you like her yet?” Spencer asked. 
“Guys,” JJ exclaimed, “this is not the time. She’s right there.”
“She has not,” Penelope replied. “Even though it’s so obvious that Emily likes her back.”
“Pen!” JJ said as she buried her face in her hands. 
“Spencer you wouldn’t believe it!” she continued, unheeded, “Emily brought her cookies to the game!”
“She was just being nice!” JJ said, peeking out from between her fingers. 
“She didn’t give me any cookies,” Spencer pointed out. “And we spent almost three hours in class together.”
As he said that, Derek, Aaron and Emily returned with not only alcohol, but also nachos and fries for the table. JJ, too polite to protest when being offered food, and who had the appetite of an athlete, dug in. She took a guilty sip of her beer, and felt Emily’s eyes on her. 
Did Emily like her back? That couldn’t be true. JJ was just… Jennifer. JJ. No one special. Not like Emily. JJ decided not to linger on that thought, it wasn’t like JJ would risk their friendship by admitting she had feelings anyways. 
“You know,” Spencer said between mouthfuls, “I’ve never done trivia before, but I’ve been told I’d be good at it.
“No shit, kid,” Derek replied, talking through a mouthful of nachos, “You talk like a textbook.”
Spencer looked like he was unsure whether or not to take that as a compliment. 
“What are the topics?” Emily asked. 
“They don’t tell you until you get here,” Penelope replied, “Someone should be by with papers and pencils. 
As if summoned, a tall girl with short black hair came by, dropping off a pencil and a paper, split into four quadrants with ten blanks on each page. 
“Who wants to write?” JJ asked, looking around the table. 
Hotch was busy scanning the page for the topics: science, television, sports and music, and he didn’t realize the activity going on around him. Everyone, including Reid somehow, (Derek helped him) had stuck their finger to the tip of their nose, the official sign for ‘not it.’
He looked up, seeing the fingers and without comment he grabed the pencil.
“It’s for the best,” Emily said, “My handwriting is illegible.”
“Can vouch for that,” Derek laughed, “It’s like half cursive half something inhuman.”
Emily punched his shoulder and took another drink. 
“So how does this normally work?” Hotch asked, gesturing towards her paper with the pencil.
“Question, two minutes to write down your answer, no phones,” Penelope replied, “Then we swap with a nearby team to mark it! And so on for four rounds.”
“There’s prizes,” JJ added. “Whoever gets the most right in the end wins, we hand in the sheets to the MC to enter.”
“Sweet,” Derek said. 
“We need a name,” JJ said, looking up. 
“The twinkies,” Emily blurted. 
“The… twinkies?” Hotch repeated, incredulously. 
“I don’t know,” Emily muttered, “I panicked.”
The group burst into laughter, which Emily laughed along with. She was a good sport. 
“Let’s get Quizzical,” Penelope offered. 
“I don’t get it,” Spencer said. 
“Quiz me, daddy,” Penelope tried again, winking at Derek. 
“Settle down now, little lady,” Derek said, laughing. 
“We’re not doing that,” JJ laughed. 
She wasn’t sure who looked more horrified at the idea, Spencer or Hotch. 
“Counter intelligence,” Derek proposed instead, it has a nice ring to it and works with the trivia premise. 
“That’s funny,” Penelope said. “And seems ok for the prudish ones amongst us.”
Hotch wrote that down on their page. 
“Hello everyone,” the MC said through a microphone as the music quieted, a hush fell over the bar, with everyone listening to the women speak. “My name is Tara and I’ll be your MC tonight.”
Tara was beautiful, with curled hair tucked behind her ears and a friendly smile, she was tall, wearing high heels making her stand tall over the seated audience. JJ thought she might be a student, as she looked a bit familiar. 
“Hi Tara!” Someone yelled out from the other side of the bar. 
Tara chucked, “Hello Dave. Welcome all to Trivia Night at O’Keefe’s, we have brand-new questions and prizes for you. Are you excited?”
The audience whooped, Hotch pulled the paper close to him and readied his writing hand, taking a quick swig of his beer to prepare himself. 
“We’re going to start off with some science questions,” the MC said.
The group looked expectantly at Spencer, who looked slightly nervous. 
“First question,” Tara announced, “We’ll start by looking outside of our planet, at the others in our solar system. Scientists have long been able to calculate the masses of most planets, including Earth. It has taken longer to measure the masses of Venus and Mercury, primarily because these two planets lack what?”
“Moons, obviously,” Spencer said, too loudly. Other groups clearly overheard, writing the answer down on their cards.
“Reid,” Penelope scolded, “You’re on our team. Whisper please.”
“Sorry,” he murmured, taking a sip of his soda through a small straw. 
“Question two: of what material is a rhinoceros horn made?”
“Bone?” Derek whispered to them, “They look boney.”
“That’s actually a common misconception,” Reid replied, “They’re actually composed of keratin, which is essentially hair.”
“Huh,” Derek tilted his beer in acknowledgement. Hotch wrote that down. 
“How many hearts do octopuses have?”
“Three!” Emily hisses, before Spencer has the chance.
“Nice one,” Hotch murmured back to her.
“I like cephalopods,” Emily said, as explanation. 
JJ desperately wanted to comment on that, but the game moved too quickly. 
The next few questions were rapid fire, covering everything from the speed of a sneeze, to the surface area of the lungs, to the oxygen in the atmosphere, to which letters from the alphabet were missing from the periodic table (the answer was J and Q.)
JJ perked up when she heard the last question: “What are people who study or collect butterflies called?”
“Lepidopterists!” She said, triumphantly before the MC even listed the options.
Everyone looked at her, surprised about her beating even Reid to the punch.
“I- uh,” JJ stammered, “I collected butterflies as a kid.”
JJ caught Emily smiling at that. She looked away, embarrassed. 
Next was music, which, between Hotch and his impressive understanding of dad rock and Penelope’s encyclopedic knowledge of current pop music, and Derek’s well-rounded passion for all genres, they did fine. Reid pouted, as his eidetic memory doesn’t quite work for things he hasn’t read. 
JJ, unfortunately, was not any help. JJ liked music, but she did not bother memorizing facts about writers or sampling or anything like that. She just liked listening to it. 
After that was sports, and that topic went by quickly with JJ, Derek and Hotch answering the questions with a high degree of confidence. 
Hotch, who was already writing aggressively and getting into it, wrote more and more excitedly, and on the second to last sports question—about the composition of a baseball—he snapped the lead off the pencil right off. 
This caused sheer chaos. 
With no writing utensil, one more answer to write down, they scrambled. JJ shrugged helplessly, typically known as the mom friend in her group, she felt bad that she had nothing to offer. After a moment, Penelope discovered a fluffy pink gel pen she found at the bottom of her purse. 
“Is the ink pink, too?” Hotch asked, raising an eyebrow. 
He tried writing. The ink was pink and sparkly. 
“Yes, sir,” Penelope replied. 
“Did you just call me ‘sir’?”
“I don’t know what came over me.”
During the brief intermission between Sports and Television, somehow the Salem witch trials came up in conversation. (It was actually because Penelope had mentioned the Blair Witch Project and Spencer misheard, but that’s neither here nor there). 
“She was four?” JJ demanded, “That doesn’t seem right.”
“Oh I read about this,” Penelope said, “Dorothy something, she was accused of witchcraft alongside her mother.”
“Dorothy Good, also referred to as Dorcas Good, was only four years old when she was arrested in 1692. According to her accusers, she had allegedly bitten them on their arms. She was actually placed in jail and interrogated by Salem officials where they took the fact that she had a pet snake as proof that she was a witch, as the snake would serve the role of her animal familiar.”
“She was a child,” JJ said, horrified.
“Yup,” Spencer replied, unfazed. JJ frowned but continued writing. 
The last one was television, which was very clearly Penelope’s favourite. 
“Friends ended in May 2004 after how many seasons?”
“Oh I know that one,” Hotch said, “Seven.”
Hotch wrote that down in pink ink, the fuzzy pom-pom danced as he wrote.  
“Amy Poehler, Rob Lowe and Chris Pratt worked together on which US comedy series?”
“Parks and Rec,” Penelope said, “Parks and Recreation, God, I should rewatch that. Such amazing girl-power vibes in that one.”
“What were the names of the two government agents played by David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson in the 1993-2002 series X-Files?”
“Special Agent Fox Mulder and Dr. Dana Scully,” Emily said with a smile. 
“Wait, you too Prentiss?” Derek said. “Nerding out with Reid tonight.”
“Guilty as charged,” Emily said, “What can I say, I’m a sucker for Gillian Anderson.”
JJ’s mind stuck on that comment. Was she simply a fan of the acting? Or was she implying some sort of attraction to the actress. JJ did not ask. Her mind was wandering for too long, all while looking at Emily, that she missed the next question. 
Whatever it was, Hotch was informing her that the answer was ‘72 survivors’. 
Questions about Saturday Night Live, The Office, Scooby-Doo and a few old-timey shows that they didn’t recognize followed. 
“The last question for the night!” Tara announced, “It’s been lovely being your MC for tonight. I hope you all had as much fun as I did. You ready?”
The crowd cheered.
“Ok this one’s for all the nerds out there: what sci-fi series premiered in 1966?”
“Star Trek: The Original Series,” Reid hissed, struggling to keep his voice down. “Which was the beginning of a franchise that has now lasted over fifty years, spanning nine television series, thirteen films and assorted shorts, video games and novels.”
“Ok Mr. Spock,” Emily laughed, “Thank you for your brain.”
“Spock’s Brain is actually one of the best episodes in the Original Series,” he replied, JJ couldn’t tell if he had made a joke or was simply spouting another fact. 
As trivia wrapped up, and the scores were being tallied, the bar roared back to life, with music booming and the attendees milling about near the bar, back at the darts and grouping around the tables.
She found herself chatting with Hotch and Penelope, about some question they were unsure about, but her eyes were fixed on Emily and Derek. Derek had a hand in the small of Emily’s back, guiding her past the crowd near the bar. 
JJ wondered if there was really something more there, despite Penelope’s encouragement of her crush on Emily. Maybe she was already into Derek? He was very affectionate with all of his friends, especially Penelope, so maybe it was nothing. But still, Emily seemed to be reciprocating. 
But the hand didn’t leave, it held her close, almost protectively, something a boyfriend would do. 
JJ turned away, pushing the thoughts away and slamming the last of her third beer, scanning for where Spencer had run off to after the game wrapped up. He was seated with two other people at a table near the back, talking excitedly at them while they looked at him with rapt attention. Out of curiosity, she wandered over.
Maybe she can hang out with Spence as she banished the strange feelings of jealousy burning in her chest.  
“Return to tomorrow?” the girl asked Spencer, leaning over the table in excitement.  
“Return to tomorrow, season two, production number fifty-one,” Reid replied, “An alien named Sargon takes over Kirk’s body while two others take over Spock and Dr. Mulhall.”
JJ frowned, she had no idea what he was talking about, but recognized that it seemed like the plot of an episode of Star Trek.
“Alien races appearing?”
“Trick question, a race is never identified. Sargon is a disembodied mind?”
“Dr. McCoy quote?”
He looked stumped for a moment. 
“Five, four, three, two-”
“I will not peddle flesh, I’m a physician!” He concludes enthusiastically. 
This all appeared to be an extension of his trivia game. JJ was happy that he was making friends, despite him worrying that he wouldn’t fit in at a bar, he seemed to have found his people. 
JJ gave him an affectionate pat on his shoulder before passing, on her way to the dart board. With Reid occupied, Derek and Emily flirting at the bar and Hotch and Penelope hitting it off, JJ decided to show some random boys up.
It would make her feel better.
There was a pair already at the board, tossing the darts fairly inaccurately. JJ asked if she could join, batting her eyelashes in a way she knew would grab their attention quickly. 
They immediately welcomed her in, handing her some darts. She hit the nineteen, twenty and dead centre in quick succession. The rush of the game kept away her earlier feelings of jealousy, centering her in the moment and her goal.
The boys were floored. JJ was good at darts. 
She played three rounds, slamming them each time easily. Amateurs. They were drunk, aggressive with their throwing, all force no finesse. Typical men.
After the third round, they left for the bar, offering to grab her a drink to celebrate her win, she followed close by, knowing better than to leave a drink unattended, but also not passing up the opportunity to drink for free when it was a silly boy paying. 
Maybe she should rebound after her break up and sleep with a random man. She looked at the man in front of her, he was tall, with dark hair and hazel eyes, wearing a tight fitting white shirt. His companion had sandy brown hair and dark eyes, but neither of them were stirring anything in JJ’s heart. Both were objectively attractive, but neither were the beautiful brunette that lived across the hall. 
JJ accepted her drink graciously, knowing she had to fill another few minutes of small talk before it was appropriate for her to rejoin her friends. 
The one boy was telling her about darts, in detail, despite the fact that she had informed him that she did know how to play, and had just beat him at the game. 
“Can I steal JJ from you guys for a sec?” She felt a hand on her bicep and Emily’s sweet voice in her ear.
JJ turned and the taller girl was next to her, her hand resting lightly on her bare arm, feeling electricity where their skin touched. 
“Uh, yeah,” the brown haired boy said, JJ didn’t remember his name, “Of course.”
JJ smiled apologetically before allowing herself to be led away.
“Thought you could use an out,” Emily whispered in her ear, “You looked bored.”
“Thank you,” JJ replied. “I was.”
They stopped further down the bar, standing close, with Emily looking down at her, their hips brushing each other. JJ could smell her perfume over the ambient smell of alcohol, bar food and the old building. 
“Men,” Emily laughed, “Am I right?”
They laughed. JJ wasn’t sure exactly what she meant but she thought she got the gist. JJ gulped down a sip of her drink, a vodka soda that the boy had chosen for her. 
“Speaking of, are you and Derek, uh,” JJ asked, nervously, “A thing?”
Emily’s eyes widened, and her lips tugged into a smile, she began to laugh. 
“Derek Morgan?” She guffawed, “Absolutely not, that boy is like my brother. Oh my god, JJ you thought we were together?”
JJ felt herself sigh a breath of relief, hoping that it was not visible on her face.
“I just saw how he was at the bar,” JJ explained, “I just assumed.”
“Oh that,” Emily smiled, “I asked him to basically pretend to be my boyfriend, a beard if you will. Keeps guys hands from wandering.”
JJ frowned, that she could empathize with. 
“But no, we’re very much just friends.”
JJ looked over to their table: Derek, Hotch and Penelope were currently playing a game that seemed to consist of tossing coins into Reid’s empty soda can. 
There was a comfortable silence for a moment, both girls listened to the music, standing closely, closer than they needed to. 
Emily ordered them another round, and by that point JJ had given up protesting, realizing that this is just what Emily did. 
Grabbing their drinks, Emily handed JJ’s to her. They smiled and raised their glasses in cheers. 
“To new and old friends,” Emily said, “and to us winning at trivia!”
“I can drink to that!” 
Both accidentally raised their arms too enthusiastically, their glasses crashed together. Emily’s grip slipped and the glass went tumbling out of her hand, right onto JJ. She was suddenly damp and sticky, the liquid soaking through JJ’s thin shirt. 
“Oh my god,” Emily gasped, “I’m so sorry.” 
“Shit,” JJ gasped, putting her own drink down onto the bar and stepping back. “It’s ok, it was both of our faults.” 
“Let’s get you to the bathroom,” Emily said, with a hand pressed to the small of her back, leading her away from the bar. As an afterthought, Emily grabbed JJ’s drink and carried it with them.
A few people gave her concerned glances, one patron offering her a small napkin that did basically nothing. JJ wasn’t mad, it was fully an accident, but now she was just desperate to dry off. 
Now, JJ was acutely aware of Emily’s hand on her lower back. Warm and firm, it guided her into the bathroom. 
As soon as the door shut, the silence made JJ’s ears ring. Emily had turned to the paper towel dispenser, yanking probably four feet of it off and bunching it up before handing it to JJ.
It was a small bathroom basically just the room, one sink and no hand dryer, much to JJ’s sadness.
JJ hoisted herself up onto the counter, taking the paper towel from Emily, patting her shirt hopelessly. The alcohol soaking into the cotton and leaving the shirt a noticeably darker blue. JJ sighed. 
“I’m such a klutz,” Emily said apologetically. “My mom always was on my case for it.”
“It’s not your fault, Em,” JJ said, “it was an accident.”
Emily grabbed more paper towels, moving closer and helping her, patting on the shirt, over her stomach. 
JJ held her breath, realizing that Emily was so close. JJ could look up, see Emily’s face, looking concentrated, with her perfect red lips right there. Her strong hands were carefully dabbing at her shirt, fussing over JJ in a way that made her heart skip a beat. Emily’s collarbones led down to her chest, visible with her low cut chest. JJ felt herself blush, looking up to the ceiling, feeling embarrassed at these thoughts. 
JJ’s top hadn’t changed much, besides it feeling a bit less damp, it still showed the liquid clear as day. 
“This is doing just about nothing,” JJ sighed, clearing her throat. “Maybe I should just go home. It’s getting late anyways.”
“Nonsense,” Emily said. “You can wear this.”
JJ’s jaw dropped as Emily shrugged her plaid shirt off her shoulders, revealing her tank top underneath and handed it to her. JJ took it, dumbly, closing her mouth but saying nothing. 
Emily turned around, clicking the lock on the door, and leaning her shoulder against it, just in case. She took a sip out of JJ’s glass, casually, as if JJ was not about to take her shirt off behind her. 
Emily’s back was to her, but JJ sat, frozen, holding this new shirt in her hand. JJ pulled her wet shirt off, very aware of being naked in front of Emily. Well, shirtless, with her white bra visible, but still feeling incredibly naked. 
She quickly buttoned up the plaid shirt, it was oversized and a warm grey with hints of green and navy, feeling very incredibly soft. 
Warm and dry, JJ felt the shirt envelop her in what felt like a hug. A hug from Emily. 
JJ hopped off the counter and smoothed out her new shirt, Emily’s shirt. JJ folded up her wet shirt and held it in her left hand. The other girl turned and looked JJ up and down, with an unreadable expression on her face. 
“You look good,” Emily commented. 
“Thank you,” JJ managed. 
They stared at each other, for a moment, the room filling with a tension that made her shiver. The music thumped from the other room, but JJ’s heartbeat was deafening. She had accidentally stripped a layer off of Emily, and desperately wanted to take more off of her. Emily’s black tank was riding up, revealing a small strip of her stomach above her high waisted jeans. Emily’s face was flushed from the alcohol, her pale skin becoming pink on her cheeks and nose. JJ thought back to that morning when she had caught Emily in her PJs, of what she knew was under her shirt. This too hugged her curves, revealing hints about what lay beneath. 
“We better get back,” JJ found herself whispering. 
The bathroom was small, so the two of them were packed together in the tiny space. Emily suddenly leaned forward, closing the distance between them, reaching her hands out towards JJ. 
JJ’s heart raced, unsure what to expect. Was Emily going to kiss her? No. Why would she? Oh my god what if she was? 
Emily’s hand carefully fixed her collar, tugging on it slightly. 
“There,” Emily whispered, “you’re perfect.”  
JJ closed her eyes at the feeling of Emily’s hands on her. Sighing slightly. 
She chastised herself for being silly. Emily was just fixing her collar. Being a good friend. 
“Let’s get back,” JJ said. 
“If we have to,” Emily replied. JJ tried not to read into that too much.  
They returned to their table, squeezing back in tightly with their overcrowded group of friends. They were in a heated debate about the Zodiac killer. Neither girl knew how the conversation got there, but Emily immediately joined the conversation. 
After a few minutes, and after quite a few sly looks from Penelope, the MC tapped on the mic, gaining the audience's attention. 
“We officially have a winner!” Tara announced, “With 36 points, it’s Counter Intelligence!”
Their table erupted in cheers. They had won! There were a flurry of high fives, hugs and fist bumps in their celebration. 
Tara, the MC came over to their table to congratulate them. She told them that they had beat out the second place by one point. 
“Impressive work everyone,” Tara said, “that’s close to a high score, and these were hard questions.”
“We have a great team,” Penelope said with a grin. 
“I can tell,” Tara replied. “Are you all going to come back next week? It’s Halloween themed!”
They looked at each other, then nodded at her. It was a plan. 
“See you then!” Tara said. 
She gave them their prizes, which were mugs with the bars logo printed in white on the green mugs. She would treasure it. 
JJ finds herself yawning, catching the eye of Emily, who said: “we better get JJ to bed, looks like she’s fading.”
Please, JJ thought sleepily, resting her drunk head on her hand, take me to bed.
Sitting down, JJ’s five or so drinks had hit her hard, and she dreaded standing up and risking stumbling. She was drunk. JJ wasn’t a light weight, but over their time at the bar, she had gotten quite a bit of alcohol into her system. 
“Come on, sweetheart,” JJ could feel Penelope grab her arm and hoist her up. JJ leaned on her, feeling a warm affection for her friend in the moment. 
Together, they walked home in the cold night air. Laughing, chatting and walking together amicably, all holding their prizes in hand. JJ leaned into Penelope’s side, feeling warm despite the chill of the air. Something felt incredibly right about that moment, those people. 
She didn’t want it to end. 
They went their separate ways from Hotch once they got to campus, bidding him farewell, not before Penelope added him to a group chat titled “The Team 🕺” in reference to their trivia playing. Hotch promised he’d join them all again next week. 
Once they climbed the stairs to their floor, Reid continued up to his room and the four of them found themselves trying to quietly return to their rooms without getting caught by the RA. 
Despite being served for the entire night, if they got caught drinking underage they would get in a lot of shit, especially Derek and JJ on their athletic scholarships. 
Muffled whispers and giggling filled the air as they walked through the common room.
Derek hugged them all goodbye—he seemed to be a hugger JJ surmised—and went to his room down the hall. 
“Oh!” JJ said, spinning to face Emily in the hall. Penelope had already entered their dorm, with the door closing behind her. “I can give your shirt back tomorrow! I can… er… wash it for you. It probably smells like beer now.”
Emily gazed at her, from over her shoulder as she unlocked her door, looking JJ up and down.
“Keep it,” she said. “It looks good on you.”
JJ would swear she saw Emily wink at her, but couldn’t be sure. 
Emily disappeared into her dorm room, and JJ went into hers. 
She slept with the shirt folded neatly next to her pillow, the smell of Emily’s perfume filling her senses as she dreamt. 
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oliverwxod · 5 years
The hardest part is letting go (Part 3) - Geralt imagine
Pairing: Reader x Geralt 
Warnings: mentions of sex, swearing, angst
Summary: Part 3 to Part 1  Part 2 (italics are flashbacks/memory)
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"Geralt- please We- we need to get him to someone who can help- he's going to -" 
 "He won't" came Geralt’s blunt reply, staring at her in warning as if to tell her to stop panicking, it's was annoying and not helping the situation. 
 Bloody Jaskier and his need to be so sarcastic all the time, she had told him just minutes ago not to touch the gin, but no. He went and exclaimed his wishes, talking as if it were all a joke and then shooting himself in the foot as some people would call it. Well, in his case making himself not able to breathe.
 She helped Geralt haul Jaskier’s slumped body onto roach before he climbed on making sure he would not fall. 
 "Follow after us with his horse" Geralt spoke, knowing it would be a lot slower if he waited for Y/n to bring her horse and Jaskier’s at the same time. "Meet us in the nearest village where we will find help"
 She nodded in fear for Jaskier, she didn't care how scared she may be walking alone in the forest, she didn't even think of those who were after her to return her to her kingdom. Geralt did not think of this either.
 For once panic was setting in for his friend. Even though he complained about the bard an awful lot he did not want harm to come to him. So he set off, supporting Jaskier and thinking of nothing except the thoughts of the nearest town and help.
---------- --------------------------- ------------------------------
Geralt had left her hours ago, she could sense she was near a village, the sound of horses, light chatter and village natter. 
Y/n had been left with nothing but her own thoughts throughout the silence of the Forrest. And it was silent, oddly silent, no sound of the wind through the leaves of the trees, no creatures chirping, nothing. 
 The only thoughts she had were of the other night in the inn. Of Jaskiers words and the awkwardness of when she retreated for the night to the same room as Geralt. Thinking about the encounter made her curse under her breath, she had no doubt embarrassed herself, that or she had scared Geralt off, making everything awkward. 
------------------------------------------ --------------------------
  The walk up the stairs was unnerving, the creeks from the floorboards put her on edge, she was nervous to see him, would he be asleep already? Would he be waiting for her? Would he want to - like Jaskier said he did. 
 When she opened the door, slowly and cautiously she was met with the sight of Geralt shirtless, sitting in the bed, resting against the headboard staring at the pictures on the walls, one of his hands tapping on his thigh above the sheets. His eyes were drawn to her as soon as the doors opened, his shoulders slumping in relaxation as he realised it was just Y/n. 
 "The bard not win and persuade you into his bed for the night?" Geralt spoke, voice rough and grainy from tiredness. 
 "Couldn't risk him falling in love with me" she spoke, teasing. 
 "Hmm, am certain he already is Princess" he grunted. She moved closer to the empty side of the bed, Geralts eyes following her. She mirrored his position, however say above the covers, resting against the head board. 
 "Is that right?" She asked, an eyebrow raised as she waited for his response.
 "He wrote a song about you" he stated. 
 "Well maybe I made the wrong choice, maybe I should go to his room, pay him a visit he won't forget" she spoke making a move to stand up. It was all teasing, she wasn't actually going to leave the room. Geralt’s hand stopped her, taking hold of her shoulder and pulling her back. 
 "'No." He said gruffly. 
 "You heard me" he said "you're staying here" 
 "Why? Want me all to your self?" She smirked. 
 "Y/n-" he said, his tone turning serious, she could feel the scold coming back on, the tone that made her feel like a child being told off, put back in their place. 
 "What- do you not- " she spoke, stumbling over her words. "It's just Jaskier said-"
 "What did Jaskier say?" Geralt asked, a sudden spike of anger. 
 "It doesn't matter- I just, I thought earlier, the way you looked at me when Jaskier asked me that question- you know about me being-" 
 "A virgin" he spoke watching her give a small nod, avoiding looking at him. 
 "You don't have to listen to him. There's no rush, no pressure- you shouldn't just do it with anyone-" 
 "You do, Jaskier does" she pouted. 
 "Yes. But you are not us, you are a princess, that's comes with consequences."
 "Yes but if I want something then shouldn't I explore that possibility? That pathway it may lead me down?" she asked. 
 Geralt sighed. "You don't know what you want Y/n" he spoke, his tone turning soft, he knew the effect his words would have on the stubborn girl, she wouldn't like to hear it. 
 "And how do you know what i want?" She glared at him. 
 "I've seen the same situation hundreds of times" he said. 
 "Well right now I know what I want" she said defiantly. 
"Prey tell" he grunted. 
------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
She almost cringed as she thought of her words admitting something like that to a Witcher of all people. She must have been crazy to show that much vulnerability to someone like him. Someone who didn't care for others emotions. Let alone reciprocate. 
------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------------
"You don't" Geralt’s response was blunt, harsh on the tip of his tongue and he knew they would hurt her. 
 "I do" she spoke sitting up, moving closer to him. He stopped her with a hand.
 "I can't return your affections" he spoke, he had made his tone purposely blank, a way of warning her before she tried to push any further. Because Geralt knew how easily he could give in to Y/n.
 "I don't care- I just want to know how it feels- what if I die tomorrow or the day after that- then I'll die never knowing the touch of another-" she didn’t know why she had suddenly become so - so desperate. That wasn’t like her at all and she knew it but couldn’t stop the words from tumbling out of her mouth. 
 "You're not going to die" he spoke rolling his eyes at her dramatic speech. 
 "You don't know that" she huffed. "I'm sure Jaskier wouldn't say no to me" Geralt sighed again, was she really playing that card?
 But the thought of her leaving his room to retreat to Jaskiers made him move his grip from her hand to her waist, instinctively squeezing it. She gave him a smug smile knowing she had won. Gritting his teeth he spoke.
 "This will change everything"
 "It will change nothing, I swear" she replied forehead resting against his. He closed his eyes briefly before opening then, gold meeting silver. 
-------------------- ------------------------------- -----------------
Y/n was approaching the nearby village, an Elven doctor meeting her at the entrance with a smile. 
“you must be y/N?” He spoke with a kind voice. “I am Chiredan. I was asked to meet you here and escort you to an Inn for the night.” 
“how's Jaskier?” she asked eager to know before realising she was being rude by not greeting him back. “Sorry, that was rude of me” she said. “It’s nice to meet you” 
“It is understandable” he spoke kindly again. “Your friend will be okay. He is in a deep sleep that was practiced by the sorcerer. He should wake soon, Geralt of Riviera told me to keep you away until tomorrow where I will escort you to the house.”
“Oh- well thank you” she spoke softly, she was angry that she couldn’t go and see them straight away , but that wasn't Chiredan’s fault. 
The village was small, quiet and not very entertaining as Y/n spent the time alone in her hired room in a small inn. The only sounds were from the laughter and chatter from the towns people, drinking their way into the weekend, a joyous song ringing throughout, yet Y/n couldn’t find any joy in it. 
She didn’t like being left so in the dark about her friend. She just wanted to see him to make sure he was okay. Maybe she shouldn’t have trusted Chiredan so easily, she didn’t know him- maybe he had taken Jaskier and Geralt and they were in need of actual help from her. 
She didn’t sleep the whole night, worry keeping her head racing and anxiety ringing through her entire body making her restless. 
Morning took forever to come. She was already up and waiting outside of the Inn, watching the sun rise from a dark blue to a pinky sky before setting into a blue mist of cloud, a chill taking over the lands. 
“Good morning Y/n” Chiredan’s chirpy voice made her jump from where she had been staring across the cobbled streets. 
“Oh- sorry, good morning.” she replied distractedly. 
“I can take you to your friends now, it’s safe” 
“thank you” she spoke, jumping up with an energy she didn’t have before. She untied her horse and Jaskiers, handing one too Chireadan to take when he offered. 
They walked the paths in silence, it didn’t take too long to reach the destination. A gasp coming from the man next to her as they came to a stop. 
Y/n looked at him to see he was focused on the house infant. She turned to examine it, seeing the entire upstairs of it had caved in, rubble and dust littering the surroundings, cobbles of rock still rolling across the floors. 
“Jaskier” Y/n called aloud, spotting the bard from across the yard. He was looking through a window his face pale as he desperately searched for something or someone. 
But Y/n’s voice broke him out of his concern, his head whipping to the sound of her, she had reached him by the time he looked, Y/n bounding into him, arms wrapping tightly around his neck, squeezing him to her in relief. 
“I'm so glad you’re okay” she spoke into his shoulder, His arms automatically reached around her waist,  hugging her with the same amount of strength, happy that he was near her. He always felt grounded with her around. 
“where's Geralt?” she asked with a sudden panic, staring at the house in fear. 
Was he in there? Was he hurt?
Jaskier pushed her behind him slightly as he continued to look through the glass, wanting to make sure nothing would suddenly appear and hurt her. Y/n edged forward at the same time as Chireadan, all three of them squinting to look through the cracked glass. 
Y/n wished she didn’t, gasping as her eyes landed upon him. In plain view of everyone, Geralt was on the floor, fucking whom Y/n assumed must be the sorceress. 
She backed away, yanking Jakier’s arm with her and turning to the horse to find them food, anything to distract herself from the image she was repeatedly trying to blink away.  
She took a shaky breath, her heart clenching as she tired to breathe properly. 
She guessed she shouldn’t have been so surprised. She had been told; A Witcher does not feel. 
Tags: @sdavid09 @c-s-stars @bitcheswithbrokenhearts @fandomhell97 @flowercrownsandmetallicarms @tdntu0 @soulmatelove96 @saelwen-the-shy-elf @momc95 @kingniazx @diab1a @whatanicepanohthatsjustme @marvels-gurl @kathhdd @didi0666 @anotherweirdoontheinternet @Mary-ann84 @intoanothermind @awkwardcat16 @marvels-gurl @lovepandasloves @spiro-nagnew @randomzxx @germansarechill @comfortingcreature @namelesslosers @lovelifedaniela @p3nny4urth0ught5​ @5sospenguinqueen @mgc-its-easy-as-123 @haleysucks00 @alwayshave-faith​ @ohyesmarvel​ @girrafeeeeeee​ @wiseeggspickleslime​ @starkspn-marvel2​ @p-writes​ @fiftyshadesofrebel​ @20hannahbear01​ @shondlenoodle​ @ashleighrebekah 
soz if I missed anyone xx
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marvelmymarvel · 4 years
Just Kids (Part 10)
Shouta Aizawa x Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Synopsis: As the quiet kid, no one expected you to end up as Hizashi Yamada’s best friend. But Shouta Aizawa?? That was right up your alley. High school was hard, especially as upcoming heroes, but maybe the 3 of you would get through it together. But this is no happy ending, this is high school after all.
Song: High School Sweethearts (Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkOHVGNw7EY) For the second part!
Trigger Warning: Smut
A/N: The final chapter!!! HOLY SHIT I DID IT!! Lol, anyway, there is another song called Recess, which I can do an epilogue to... Please let me know :) Gif is NOT mine!
PS: I didn’t mean for the smut to happen, but it just did. Enjoy! It's also long as shit. Smut below the keep reading.
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Detention. The word you knew was coming but at the same time dreaded hearing it. Shouta and Hizashi looked at you with wide eyes, neither of them intending for you to get disciplined alongside them. “May I ask why” you pressed shakily, knowing that your parents were going to be upset with you getting detention two times in the past two weeks, this wasn't you. 
But the two beside you made you this way.
“You were apart of the fight,” the principal said simply as he put the papers altogether, Hizashi and Shouta lunged to defend you but you shook your head, “I accept the punishment.” Hizashi sent a glare at Shouta, no matter how any of you looked at the situation, it was all his fault. 
And he knew it.
Standing, you asked to be dismissed before storming out of the room leaving the two boys alone with the principal. Once the door closed, the principal cleared his throat and looked at the two in front of him. “I know I may seem, out of place here, but I can't help but hear the whispers in my halls... She’s a lovely girl, both of you should see and respect that” both Shouta and Hizashi nodded at the advice as what the principal was saying was true. For the past two years, you’ve been treated in a way that would make any grown man ashamed, and they were starting to see it. 
“Why give her detention then if you know it’s because of us?” Hizashi asked, shifting in his seat uncomfortably at the way the principal was glaring at him. The older man cleared his throat before leaning back into the leather seat, contemplating how he could state his next words appropriately. 
“I’m trying to show her that she's better off without you two”
Silence filled the air as both boys stared at him blankly, better off without them? The more they sat there, the more they realized it was true, you were, in fact, better off without them. If you had never sat next to Shouta first year, then you two would have never ended up here, and if Hizashi didn’t force you to talk he would have never have broken your heart.
“I’m sorry but I’m going to have to disagree”
Hizashi’s eyes shot to Shouta as he began to argue back with their superior. The principal raised his eyebrows, urging for the brunette to continue with his bold statement. “Sure we may have both messed her up a bit, but look how far she's come! I’m not saying it’s because of us, I’m not saying that at all, but to claim that we ruined her is a fucking insult to her personal growth” both Hizashi’s, as well as the principal's eyes, widened in response, and at that moment, the principal realized he was wrong. 
Humming, the older man leaned back into his chair and watched Shouta seethe before him. “Alright,” he leaned towards his desk and grabbed your detention slip, “Take this to her and tell her she's off the hook... I also suggest you make it right because I will not have more fighting in my halls.” Shouta eyed the slip but grabbed it anyway. Nodding at him, he stood and began to walk towards the door. The sound of it slamming shut caused Hizashi to eye the principal quizzically, was that his intent?
“Did you... Want that to happen?” The principal smiled and began to rip up the boy's detention slips. “I was a kid once... Now go get cleaned up.” the principal's calm words brought a little smile to Hizashi’s face, without saying another thing he too was up and out of the office. Who would have known that an authoritative figure could have fixed a broken love triangle?
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The sigh you let out bounced around your room as you dropped your book bag near the door. Today was officially the worst day of your entire life, you were certain of it. Moving to the mirror, you took a good long look at your reflection. Who were you now? Did you like the new you? A knock sounded out, causing you to jump in your place. Staring at the wooden door, you scrunched your eyebrows together, curious as to whether or not it was real. Another knock sounded out and you instantly began to move from your spot towards it. 
Can we just be honest? These are the requirements
Swinging it open, you were greeted with an out of breath Shouta who was gripping your detention slip. “Oh, it's you” you grumbled out as your arm instinctively began to close the door on him, but his foot was fast and stopped it from closing. “Shouta-”
If you think you can be my one and only true love You must promise to love me
“Listen to me”
You grew silent at the sheer angst in his voice, whatever he had to say was important. Stepping back, you opened the door wider for him to slip in. While it was a sweet gesture, you still had your walls up as protection. You wouldn’t let him fuck you over again, even if you loved him and would follow him to the edge of the Earth.
And damn it, if you fuck me over I will rip your fucking face apart
“I love you, more than anything” Shouta’s eyes were wild as he approached you. Licking your lips, you backed up with him until your back hit the wall. His hands came up and pressed against the wall behind you, caging you in like an animal. And boy oh boy did you love it.
Step one You must accept that I'm a little out my mind
“I may be crazy, but god damnit I’m crazy for you, do you know that?!” his snarl made your heart beat faster, the feeling of his hot breath against your face causing you to move your body closer to his. Your whole body was set ablaze as he pressed back into you with a force that shoved you back into the wall.
Step two This is a waste if you can't walk me down the finish line
”And if you even think that anyone else will be waiting for you at the end of that aisle, you’re wrong” your lips trembled in response, hands running up his chest and arms. You tried to intertwine your fingers, but he simply grabbed your wrists and pinned you down. The moan that came out of you was embarrassing but only egged him on more as he moved to hold both wrists with one hand.
Step three Give me passion, don't make fun of my fashion
”Cat got your tongue kitten?” he purred out, his now free hand coming down and grasping your neck. It was soft but firm, most importantly, it was full of passion. “Shouta” you cried out as he shoved his knee in between your legs. A bolt of lightning rushed through your body at the feeling of his knee pressed against you, hitting you in the spot that would make you weak. 
Step four Give me more, give me more, more
“You want more baby girl?” your ear lobe was captured between his teeth as another moan flew from your lips. The feeling of him against you had you seeing stars, but everything he was saying just now made you feel like you were on the moon. Was this real? It was silent in the room with only your moans filling the air as you humped against his leg.
“Use your words kitten” 
If you can't handle a heart like mine Don't waste your time with me
”I want you” you cried out as another jolt of electricity ran up your spine. Your head flew back onto the wall, moaning louder at the way he pressed his knee harder into your core. “S-sho!” you cried out as he pulled from your heaving form. You looked beautiful to him in this exact moment, all spread out against the wall and yearning for him.
If you're not down to bleed, no, oh If you can't handle the choking, the biting The loving, the smothering 'Til you can't handle it no more, no more
His hand shot out and gripped your neck just hard enough for you to see stars. Ripping you from the wall he threw you onto the bed before climbing on top of you. He trailed his lips up to your neck, and you arched it in response, urging him to continue his assault on your skin. His other hand slipped down to the hem of your skirt, lifting it a bit so that he could slip his hand where you wanted it most. The instant his fingers brushed your soaked panties you knew it was all over for you.
Go home
He was now home to you.
“You gonna be my girl forever?” you nodded shakily as his fingers moved your panties to the side before rubbing them against your slick folds. Another moan fell from your lips and he quickly captured them in his to silence you. “We can still get caught baby” he cooed out while his finger prodded at your quivering entrance. You nodded up at him, fully submitting to him and quietly confirming that you would be quiet for him. But the second his finger slipped in was the second you broke that promise as a loud moan ripped from your throat. His free hand slammed down over your mouth as he sat up for better leverage. 
Can we just be honest? These are the requirements If you think you can be my one and only true love You must promise to love me And damn it, if you fuck me over I will rip your fucking face apart
“Shhh, be a good girl now” 
He quickly added another finger and smiled at the moan that came up and vibrated against his palm. Scissoring his fingers, he watched you carefully as he tried to find your spot. Another groan flew from your lips as he hit the spot and a smirk grew on his face at the way your cunt pulsed around his fingers. While his two fingers felt good, Shouta knew what you needed to get off. Climbing down your body with his hand still pressed against your mouth, he pulled out his other hand much to your disapproval. You groaned against him, both from the lack of his fingers and at the sight before you. 
High school sweethearts, line up They're trying to waste my time High school sweethearts, shut up If you're not my type
With his eyes still locked with yours, he brought his slick covered fingers up to his lips. Your eyes rolled back as he sucked his long fingers into his mouth, groaning at the taste of you on his tongue. He couldn’t wait to eat you out. Shouta released his fingers with a pop, “You taste so good” he purred as the fingers once more travel down to where you wanted them. 
High school sweethearts, line up They're trying to waste my time
Gripping the waistband of your skirt, Shouta yanked it down to your knees. It wasn’t great work, but it would give him enough access to have you screaming. Taking off his binding cloth, he let it fall to the side of the bed, hoping he wouldn’t have to use it on you. Ripping your panties down as well, he quickly connected his lips with your clit, causing you to slam your head back into the pillow. The fingers you wanted so bad once more entered you, but now it was three fingers instead of two. You shook your head in ecstasy as you bucked your hips against his face. 
High school sweethearts, shut up If you're not my type
Shouta’s hand left your mouth in order to hold down your wild hips and he was happy to see that your mouth was open in a quiet scream. Adding a fourth finger into the mix, you began to fuck his face harder and harder as the coil began to tighten in your stomach. Your own fingers tangled in his hair, gripping him and holding him down the harder he fucked you with his fingers. All four of them were rubbing against your g-spot and you suddenly felt something you’ve never felt before.
Step five You can't be scared to show me off and hold my hand Step six If you can't put in work, I don't know what you think this fucking is
“S-Shouta somethings h-happening” you cried out, but he didn’t let up and instead fucked and sucked you harder. A deep groan ripped from your chest as the coil snapped and the feeling you had exploded from down below. Cum flew like a stream against his face and he ground you harder against his tongue in order to keep the orgasm going. Shouta pulled his fingers from you but continued licking, cleaning you up as your legs shook beside him. 
“What the f-fuck did I just do” you breathed out, chest heaving as you started to come down from your high. Shouta climbed up your body before pressing his lips against yours. You could taste your essence against him, which only confused you more as he pulled away with a shit-eating grin.
“You just squirted against my face, that's what you just did” 
Step seven, this one goes to eleven If you cheat, you will die, die
Your face grew red but he quickly reassured you that what just happened was hot and more than okay to do again. His hands grabbed the hem of your shirt before ripping it open, causing buttons to fly everywhere in the room. A gasp flew from your lips at the quick movement and you realized quickly that you two were far from being done.
If you can't handle a heart like mine Don't waste your time with me If you're not down to bleed, no, oh
Sitting upon his knees, Shouta began to strip from his clothes while your fingers traveled back down to your core. Kicking off his pants, he gripped onto your skirt and panties and ripped them off of you, leaving you in nothing but a disheveled bra and broken button up. “I’m gonna make you scream my name every day until we die” he snarled as his hands reached for your bra once more. You expected to help you unhook it, but instead, he ripped it as well.
“YOU OWE ME NEW THINGS” you cried out, but he simply ignored you and threw it away. Shouta straddled your hips and took you in. “Take your shirt off then” his hand began to pump his length lazily as you quickly sat up to take off your disheveled shirt. Feeling ballsy, you placed your hands on the back of his thighs and pulled him up your body. His eyebrows furrowed but the moment your lips touched the head did he realize what was going to happen.
“Sit” you grumbled, trying to sound firm while still obviously being submissive. Smirking down at you, he sat softly against your chest. You locked eyes with him as you guided his dick into your mouth, pushing him down until he hit the back of your throat. “Oh fuck” he growled out into the room. One of his hands gripped the headboard in front of him while the other laced in your hair. You began to bob your head, taking him in deeper and deeper. He tried to hold back, he really did.
But the gag that came from you had him seeing stars.
If you can't handle the choking, the biting The loving, the smothering 'Til you can't handle it no more, no more Go home
He gripped your hair harder and growled out your name as his hips began to fuck your mouth. Tears sprung to your eyes as you gripped his thighs tightly, holding on for dear life. Gagging and wet sounds filled the room, causing Shouta to fuck harder into your wet and eager cavern. “These holes belong to me” his snarl had your eyes rolling back in pleasure as your other hand snuck down in a way to relieve yourself. His hand flew back and slapped it away, “No touching.”
Can we just be honest? These are the requirements If you think you can be my one and only true love You must promise to love me And damn it, if you fuck me over I will rip your fucking face apart
You groaned at his statement but obeyed him nonetheless. “You’re my little whore aren't you? You gonna be my little whore forever?” your head nodded weakly considering he was now fucking your face faster and harder, his own words turned him on more. “F-fuck. You gonna make me cum kitten?? You wanna take all of my cum down your pretty little throat?” You moaned around him, eyes locked with his as you begged him to cum down your throat. “Fuck here it comes!” he growled out as his other hand now laced into your hair, holding you close as he fucked you harder and harder. Shouta’s hips stuttered and a loud groan came along with hot ropes of cum filling your throat. 
You gagged around him but tried your best to swallow his seed. Some spilled out of the corners of your mouth as he pulled out. You gasped for breath, a smile wide on your face as slobber and cum dripped down your chin. Shouta brought his finger down and swiped some of the concoction on his finger before bringing it up to his own lips. “That's hot” you growled at the sight of him eating his own cum. 
All of it was hot.
High school sweethearts, line up They're trying to waste my time
You tried to sit up, thinking that you two were done, but he shoved you back down while shaking his head. “No, no baby, I’m not done till you’re screaming” rubbing your thighs together, you suddenly became overly aware of how wet and needy you were for him. Crawling back down your body, he reached over to his pants and grabbed his wallet. “What are you doing?” you questioned, but it was soon answered as he pulled a condom out. 
“We aren’t pro’s yet, we can't have babies now” he commented with a smirk before ripping open the parcel and rolling it onto his cock. “When did you get condoms?” you teased while he lined himself up to your dripping entrance, he shot you a smirk before easing into you. 
“Ever since we had sex two weeks ago... I figured this would happen again” 
High school sweethearts, shut up If you're not my type
His lips attached to your neck, sucking softly as you started to stretch around him. He was big, and you knew from the last time that you would definitely have to get used to it. “You’re doing good baby” he cooed as his kisses began to move up and down your neck, he stilled when he bottomed out inside of you, taking note on the way you lost your breath.
High school sweethearts, line up They're trying to waste my time
”Okay, move” you breathed out while clenching around him. He let out a groan as you squeezed around him deliciously, everything felt so good and so right. Pulling out a bit, he let you catch your breath before snapping his hips back into you. The head of his penis slammed into your cervix, causing your toes to curl in response.
High school sweethearts, shut up If you're not my type
Your breath was knocked out of you as he began to roughly fuck you. The sound of the bedsprings bouncing mixed with your moans as your legs wrapped around his waist. “G-god don't stop!” you cried out, fingernails dragging down his back as he fucked into you harder and deeper. Tears began to form in your eyes, causing him to still inside of you. “Did I hurt you-”
Could you hold me through the night? Put your lips all over my mine Salty face when I start cryin'
”Keep going!” your scream had him moving again, turning that scream into a loud moan as you gripped him harder against you. You were so happy he was your first, you weren’t sure if anyone else could make you feel this good, so good in fact that you were crying underneath him.
Could you be my first time? Eat me up like apple pie
“I want to be yours forever” you sputtered out into the air. Your words seemed to mix with the sound of skin slapping skin as well as the headboard banging against the wall, and it only urged him to go harder. 
Make me not wanna die Love me rough and let me fly
Your head flew back as a scream ripped from your throat. You were sure you heard your neighbor screaming for you to shut up, but you could care less at the moment. Shouta’s hand gripped the headboard, giving him great leverage to hit the spot he knew would have you seeing stars. 
Get me up, yeah, get me high Tie me down, don't leave my side Don't be a waste of my time
Your hands seemed to roam against his body, causing him to growl down at you. Reaching down beside the bed, he grabbed the binding scarf and forced it to wrap around your wrists. A gasp flew from your lips as the binding cloth pulled your hands up above your head and tied around the headboard, securing you in place below him. 
“I said no touching” 
Can we just be honest? These are the requirements If you think you can be my one and only true love
His growl had you bucking up to meet him, eager to feel all of him till you came. Shouta’s arms came down to rest beside your head, propping himself above you as he pressed his lips hungrily into yours. Your hands fought against the bindings, wanting to feel him as you came around him.
You must promise to love me And damn it, if you fuck me over I will rip your fucking face apart
Your pleading was airy and came out like a chant, begging him to let you touch and feel him. You waited for this, waited for so long. He reached up and grasped the cloth with one hand while the other plunged into your hair. Your hands became free and immediately went straight for his own locks as you pulled him down harder against you. “I love you Y/n... Always have and always will”
High school sweethearts, line up They're trying to waste my time
“I know” your coo sounded so innocent, but the sob at the end of it had his hips stuttering against yours.
High school sweethearts, shut up If you're not my type
“I’m gonna cum again” he growled, deep groans and moans filled the room the more his hips snapped against yours. One of his hands went to your clit, flicking it quickly in order to push you over the edge with him.
High school sweethearts, line up They're trying to waste my time
Your legs rose up into the air, your own moans mixing with his. The room was anything but quiet, the sound of skin slapping against each other went with the sound of the headboard smashing against the wall as well as the springs screaming with each thrust. You began to hear loud banging against the wall, followed by a shut up and you made a mental note to apologize later.
High school sweethearts, shut up If you're not my type
“Cum with me sweetheart” his growl in your ear had your back arching, euphoria washing over you as you moaned out his name. He gripped your hips tightly, fucking you harder and harder as he chased his own release. The way he was screwing you had you seeing stars and soon you squirted against him again. He pulled out of you and ripped off the condom, jacking himself before releasing all over your stomach. He grunted your name, head falling back as the sticky ropes of cum covered your skin.
Bringing your hand up to your stomach, you scooped some of it up and placed it in your mouth, moaning lightly at the salty taste on your tongue. Urged on by your actions, Shouta leaned down and began cleaning his own ejaculation off of your skin. Your fingers ran through his hair, scratching his scalp lightly as he continued to clean you up. 
After he had cleaned you all up, he fell beside you on the bed with a huff. His chest rising and falling just like your own. Turning his head, he locked eyes with you. “Will you be my high school sweetheart?” you stuttered out, rolling on your side so you could face him better. Shouta shot you a smirk before grabbing you and pulling you down onto him. His hands racked through your hair sweetly, quietly apologizing for any pain he caused you just now.
“You’re going to be more than just a high school sweetheart... And don't you forget it”
Tags: @lysawayne​ @wesparklebitch @txxrxng @uwuhuffelpuff
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mythicamagic · 4 years
Sesskag week - Day 1: Crime
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Summary: Kagome makes a startling discovery about Sesshoumaru's face markings. She then involves herself in his daily beauty routine. "Being so pretty should be a crime." Oneshot.
AN: For Sesskag Week Day 1 Crime.
Rated T
1,400 words
(all prompts posted on Ao3, fanfic.net and Dokuga)
War Paint
It had happened by accident while Kagome had been sitting upon a certain Daiyoukai's lap, enjoying a lovely make-out session. Their first, really. After clumsily navigating their feelings in an awkward exchange of confessions they'd ended up tugging each other close, starting to caress.
So Kagome had brushed her thumb across his elfin ear, his soft lips, his exotic stripes-
Only to find the magenta had smudged under her touch.
Kagome stiffened.
"What is it?" a content voice rumbled, Sesshoumaru very much occupied with kissing her neck.
"Your- um…I think I broke your markings?"
Sesshoumaru's lashes tickled her skin in a slow blink. "If they have smudged it is fine."
"B-but-" Kagome gaped, leaning back and hesitantly touching his crescent moon, finding a similar situation. "They're not permanent?" she rubbed her index finger and thumb together, noting the colour and substance on them. "Wait, is this makeup?"
He snorted, "if you wish to call it that. Demons refer to it as war paint."
Kagome rose a brow, holding onto his shoulders and peering closer. "No way, this is crazy!" she breathed, eyes wide. "I don't know how to feel right now...I mean they're such a part of your identity!"
"But they enlarge and become all jagged when you get angry- and they stay on your face even after you've transformed!"
Sesshoumaru idly kissed her ear, teasing the shell between sharp teeth and rather wishing she'd focus on their forgotten canoodling. "Some clans feed youki into war paint, fixing it to their skin. When youki fluctuates, such as when I am angered, it causes the paint to change, as you mentioned. It is because this particular paint combines so well with youki that we use it in humanoid form. It then stays on even after transformation, though it changes slightly in appearance."
"Wow," Kagome hummed, catching his wrist as he attempted to grope her, studying the stripes. "You apply them here too. Are they anywhere else on your body?"
Golden eyes glittered wickedly. "Allow me to show you the full extent of them, miko."
Kagome blinked, confused for half a second before she yelped, reading the warning signs.
Too late. The demon pounced, sending her to the ground in a tangle of limbs and breathy giggles.
A week into their relationship, Kagome lounged on a nest of furs, heels kicked up behind her. Ignoring the strands tickling her bare skin, she watched with rapt attention as Sesshoumaru sat half-naked before a mirror. She had witnessed his beauty- er- war ritual a few times now, memorising how he applied the colourful paint. He always started the day with them, touching up his markings within the privacy of his chambers.
Rolling off the bed and grabbing a robe, she tugged it on loosely, approaching. Sliding her arms around broad shoulders from behind, Kagome kissed a pointed ear.
"Can I try?"
Sesshoumaru paused halfway through starting his eye shadow-esque markings. Raising a thin brow, the demon shifted long claws up, handing her the brush.
Beaming, Kagome grabbed a pillow and knelt on it as the Daiyoukai turned to face her. Delicately holding his jaw with one hand, she coated the brush with paint.
Slowly and gingerly, she swept rich magenta over his closed eyelid. Her heart melted at the display of trust, pausing to gaze at his placid expression and closed long lashes.
"You're so pretty it should be a crime," Kagome sighed, carrying on.
Cutting her eyes to the ceiling, a grin wormed its way onto her mouth. What an impressive ego. Shifting up on her knees, the miko's tongue poked out of the corner of her mouth while she focused. Drawing the stripes on proved harder than first assumed. Her fingers shook a little. The magenta line wobbled and Kagome huffed, grabbing a rag and wiping it off. Sesshoumaru cheek twitched. A golden eye cracked open.
"No peeking," she huffed, fluttering a hand.
Thin lips curved, but he obeyed. "This one does not understand your initial reaction to them. You seemed confused, though I have witnessed you in war paint before."
"My eye shadow? I don't wear that for going into battle though- turn this way, please-" she guided his head to turn left.
Sesshoumaru felt a wet trail cut across his cheek, a twin, lower stripe gliding over the contours of his face. "I do not see the difference. You were fighting with it on."
Giggling, Kagome gently bid him to turn the other way. "I guess you have a point, but let's just say the intention behind it wasn't to mark me or intimidate any enemies. Girls in my time wear it for themselves or to appeal to boys."
"Only women wear it?"
"Well, some men do. Especially models, but it's usually to do with fashion or to give people confidence."
Sesshoumaru's mouth turned down at the edges, mulling over this information as she painted the stripes onto his right cheek. "Confidence to...slay their enemies?"
Kagome giggled, "no. I told you we don't do a lot of that in the modern era," she smirked, holding either side of his face and moving it so that he looked forward. Kagome then lay his arm over her knee, carefully painting his wrist.
"This one was hoping you'd been joking," he snorted, blindly lifting it when the miko shifted to try and draw the second line that licked under his first. "Tell me, what was your intention when wearing the 'eye shadow' that day?"
Kagome's cheeks flushed red, heart tripping a little before catching itself and returning to its usual rhythm. Shifting her touch to his restored left hand- she squeaked when he used it to grasp her wrist and draw closer.
"Sesshoumaru," she whined, grumbling when he dragged teasing lips over the racing pulse within her neck.
Sharp teeth scraped in a nip, causing a squeak to caress his hearing. "Tell me the reason," he purred.
"F-fine, alright already," Kagome glanced away. "I wore it for you, obviously. I wanted...to get your attention a little."
The smoke of a smile ghosted his lips, chest rumbling with satisfaction. "And now you have it, miko."
"Mhm," squirming, she gently batted him away. "And I'm very happy about that but I'm almost done, so control yourself, Mr."
Sesshoumaru's hands settled possessively on her waist, resting his elbows on his thighs, lingering close. With his eyes shut, the scent of her smelled that much more intimate and strong, twined with his own. Finishing the stripes on his arms, Kagome's chest bumped an aristocratic nose as she rose up, moving silky bangs slightly aside on his forehead. Changing brushes for a thinner one and dipping the end into a light, powdery blue, she held her breath.
Long fingers roved, wrapping around her waist to hold her steady. Squinting, Kagome ever so gently touched the paint to his skin, curving the brush down in a gentle sweep.
Exhaling in a rush, the miko nodded with satisfaction.
Setting the brush down in favour of the mirror, Kagome settled on the pillow and smiled. "Okay, I'm done. You can open your eyes now."
Inhuman eyes slid open like a lazy predator interrupted from a nap. Sesshoumaru blinked, drinking in the image of himself within the mirror. It was almost ideal, especially impressive for her first try. The only slight imperfection was the crescent moon, but he remembered his own frustration with it as a pup. Drawing it on was especially difficult.
Flitting a warm gaze up from his reflection to the miko peering out from behind the glass, he gentled. "It is almost perfect."
"Almost?" dark brows drew together, worried she had made a mistake.
Removing the mirror from her grasp and setting it aside, Sesshoumaru lifted the woman onto his lap and hummed, kissing the available flesh of her chest that remained uncovered by her loose robe. "As you have discovered before, Kagome, those are not the only markings needed on my body."
Tugging on his obi and loosening white hakama pants so that they slackened, falling low on his hips, Sesshoumaru gave a devilish smirk.
"You will apply the rest."
Kagome burst into giggles, eyes glittering with mirth. Picking up the brush and dipping it in magenta, she dutifully returned to her task.
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defensefilms · 3 years
Defense Films Names His Top 5 Favorite Rappers
In All It’s Infinite Glory And Magnanimity, Defense Gives You His Top 5 Favorite Rappers. 
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5. 50 Cent 
To this day, when you need a playlist for a MMA class and the group is hella diverse, you’re not really sure which way to go with it, pop in that 50. Can’t go wrong with Get Rich Or Die Trying (the original), or even that G-Unit Beg For Mercy.
That run from late 2002-2005/06 was unlike anything you’ll ever see again. That was a perfect situation where there was organic support from fans and there were people at a business level, mainly 50, that knew how to turn it into the wave that it became and industry has been trying to replicate this ever since.
While most people remember is the numerous scandals, beefs and controversies of that time but it was the music that moved the audience. For all the ways 50 Cent’s success mirrors ruthless American capitalism, his debut album is low key one of the most inspiring albums you’ll ever listen to. 
It’s a foxhole mentality on wax. It’s me-versus-you type thinking. It’s someone has to lose and I’ll be damned. It’s who ever has to get hit, is gonna get hit. 
See the first time I listened to it, it was about “In Da Club”, “Wanksta”, you know the more palatable records that got on radio and all that but the more I listened the more I realized, it was actually built on the backs of songs like “Patiently Waiting”, “Many Men”, “Back Down”, “Don’t Push Me” and “Gotta Make It To Heaven”. On one side it’s as motivational as you can think of but it’s not the wacky kind of naivé motivational talk because it’s willing to get it’s hands dirty and go in to much grittier ideas. 
Like his predecessors, 50 pulls off the trick of balancing easy-to-listen-to records on a foundation of graphic and aggressive songs.  
Recommended Songs: Maybe We Crazy, When It Rains It Pours
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4. Jedi Mind Tricks
I’ll give you props if you know who these man are but they are legends. Point blank. Violent By Design will forever rank as one of the great group albums in hip-hop history.  Vinny Paz, Jus Allah and producer/DJ Stoupe The Enemy of Mankind, gave hip-hop a shockwave they weren’t ready for, especially back in 1999.
Hip-hop as a business wasn’t ready to market a group, whose themes were rooted in topics like government control, military warfare, covert control tactics, religion and psychological warfare. To have all that in one bundle wasn’t something that big time A&R’s were ready for. 
Had they started this group in 2010, they would have walked in to a business landscape that was far more suitable to who they were as an act and as MC’s. 
Even with that JMT still enjoyed a lot of notoriety and they definitely succeeded in establishing their following, despite the odds. 
While Violent By Design may serve as the magnum opus of their body of work, their run really starts in 1997 with the Psycho-Social, Biological & Electro-Magnetic Manipulation Of Human Kind. 
Yes guy, that’s an album title. You gotta think now, I was in high school the first time I heard this and I was very into conspiracy theories and nonsense, so this album hit me right between the eyes. The idea that someone could use the medium of hip-hop in this way was crazy and the album would have been more than 10 years old when I first heard it.
No, the hip-hop historians among us will argue that Wu-Tang were a better and more influential group and I’d tend to agree, I can also bust back and say, “these dudes took Wu-Tang’s formula and gave it a whole different edge.”
 I’ll break it to you like this, Wu-Tang gave the world swordsmanship and the first projectile weapons like bow and arrows, spears and the likes. Jedi Mind Tricks gave the world gun powder, advanced modern explosives and semi-automatics. You see what I mean?
Recommended Songs: Untitled, Retaliation Remix
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3. Jay-Z
No top rappers list is complete without my man. The only reason he ain’t higher is because, I rate a rapper more highly if they’re in the prime of their musical abilities. If this were an all-time list he’d be way way higher. 
Beginning with Reasonable Doubt is really the only place to start when it comes to Jay. The production, the skits, the way every sentence was so tightly wound together, the word selection and sentence construction. It’s remembered as an album of hits because of tracks like “Cant Knock The Hustle”, ”Feelin It” and “Brooklyn’s Finest” but Reasonable Doubt was really defined by “Dead Presidents”, “D’evils”, “Politics As Usual” and “Can I Live”. 
The first batch of songs gave the album some relatability, as far as depicting club vibes and nightlife glamour because that second batch of songs were all built on darker themes like betrayal, jealousy, greed, blind ambition and deception. That combination of themes as well as the production to match each one is why that album will always rank high among a certain listenership. 
With that being said, never make the mistake of thinking Jay or any man is perfect. There’s like a 3 album run where there’s moments of dope-ness but not a truly complete album. 
Still with that, songs like “Imaginary Player” and “Where I’m From” will rank among his best songs.
It’s only when you get to The Blueprint can you start to see Jay perfecting the art of crafting, whole, complete albums that bump from start to finish. The Blueprint was near perfection in this regard. “U Don’t Know”, “Heart Of The City” and “Momma Loves Me” will rank as his best efforts and yeah, I skipped a few.
The Black Album replicated the Blueprint’s listenability, while also dealing in topics that created an album that sounded very personal to Jay. 
All told, the best parts of his catalogue are so strong that there is no denying his place on my list.
Recommended Songs: Dead Presidents, I Love The Dough
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2. Action Bronson
I cannot for the life of me fathom how this man doesn’t get the love but the real ones know. 
The mixtape download era (2010-2017 give or take), had many unlikely success stories. An overweight white guy, who grew up cooking in his parents deli/eatery, turned pro-chef then turned rapper, is beyond unlikely. Only the internet could allow this man to succeed and thank the hip-hop gods it did.
From 2012 to about 2018, Action was one of the only constants in my playlist. I still remember where I was the first time I heard “Brunch”. His catalogue starting with the Tommy Mas produced, Dr Lecter and boasting full collaborations albums along side Statik Selektah and the Alchemist, and of course the classic Blue Chips series. This man’s prime will be underrated. 
If you’re going to take one chapter of Bronson’s art and study it, it’s going to be Blue Chips 1 and 2. Both are thematically perfect without ever trying to be. Which is what allowed Party Supplies to make production choices that grabbed you from the jump. From the first time you hit play on the opening of Blue Chips 1, you’re hit with the sound of falling shards of glass and a violin sound that makes the opening song un-skippable. The songs themes are also a perfect introduction to the man himself. Debauchery, expensive taste, hedonism, revelry, unabashed pleasure-seeking, drug use and just enough self-depreciation that you felt you were along for the ride rather than just a fly on the wall, turning your nose in disgust. It was a perfect mixtape, at a time when mixtapes were at a crazy dumb high standard.
It’s not so much that a rapper made punchlines about food, that would be an over-simplification and really missing the trick. It’s that he made everything he said sound like the dopest thing ever and the most underrated trick about his music is that he made grown man rap without needing to be thuggin’. A rare feat. 
Bronson has since gone on to establish himself as a content creator/producer/food review guy but man, what he accomplished as a complete body of work is nothing short of astonishing.
Recommended Songs: Midget Cough, Bonzai
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1. Headie One
So it’s late last year. I’m hanging with my boy Phil and Brown, we had just finished some content and Phil says “yo listen to this”. He proceeds to play Golden Boot and it hasn’t stopped bumping since. 
A UK rapper with a lyrical nous and wit that rivals even legends like Jay-Z, but rapping over trap and drill beats. What Headie One is doing is not the norm and I’m talking in terms of his lyrics, sentence construction, word selection, metaphors, he does it all and like all the greats, he makes it look easy. 
His collaboration with RV definitely helped mold him, with both the “Sticks and Stones” and “Drillers and Trappers” mixtapes giving you an idea of what Headie offers as a lyricist. He compliments RV’s brash, aggressive boasts with slightly less obvious but incredibly witty boasts of his own.
His discography though really starts to peak with 2018′s “The One”. That’s where Headie begins find a sweet spot between his lyrics, production and the themes of his songs. A mixtape like this can only exist via independent release because outside of the aforementioned “Golden Boot”, ain’t none of those songs getting any radio play especially in a country as “conservative” as England. Even in a genre saturated with gangsta/trap, “The One” stands out for what he accomplishes lyrically.
Headie would follow that by releasing “The One Two” in June of 2018 and he ascends even more in what he’s able to accomplish with the words.
 The track “Banter On Me” should be in an all-time list somewhere for being the wittiest track of all time. The song is literally just Headie finding new and innovative ways to boast, call out and bait his foes. Hip-hop/Rap has plenty of beef songs that weren’t really direct call outs to any known public figure but were still definitely taking shots at someone. 50 cent’s “Wanksta” and “Officer Down” are some examples of such songs I can think of. Those did not really have the kind of wit Headie displays here. The constant streams of alliterations, double meanings, puns, metaphors, inferences and innuendos is just astonishing. There’s a real mastery of language at play here. The song is a lesson in language, no textbooks. 
Headie has since released his debut album along with additional tracks for the delux version of the album. His debut studio release “Edna” does what studio releases are supposed to do. “Parle-Vouz Anglais” and “Aint It Different” will standout and are difinitely the most palatable songs as far as radio play. Those are the 2 songs I’d play for first time listeners. 
Recommended Songs: Hard To Believe, Dues, Zodiac
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jishyucks · 4 years
If II ‣ Lee Jeno
‣ genre: fluff, enemies-to-lovers, royal!au
‣ wc: 7.1k
‣ summary: How irritating would it be for one to not understand their own feelings? 
Part 1
Dedicated to all those who requested a part 2! Hope it’s as good as the first.
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“I missed you, Y/N.”
With the way the prince was looking at you and the seemingly sincere words that he let fall from his mouth, you found the beat of your heart go crazy. There was no denying that. 
The silence grew louder as the seconds flew past. You were left with no idea how to reply to the prince. These were the first words he had said to you after your break. He didn’t even let you prepare for this. 
“Your highness, I–“
“You don’t have to reply to that,” he gulped. Jeno almost slapped himself for stopping you. He didn’t know why he had done so, but a small part of him knew it was because he was afraid to hear what you were going to say. What if you replied in a way he didn’t want you to? Then that would be foolish of him to say such things, “Please, let me change.”
You bowed and quickly made your way to the door, glad that Jeno cut you off. The moment you shut his door, you let your body rest against it, letting out a huff of air that you didn’t know you were holding in. He missed me. 
You had no idea how to feel about this. Chenle and Jisung did keep you up to date on the prince and his, what they assume are, feelings for you, but actually witnessing it yourself was different. 
“Y/N?” Jeno called. 
You squeezed your eyes shut in hopes of getting rid of that twinge in your chest before turning to open the door, “Yes, your highness.”
A sheepish smile appeared on Jeno’s face as he held up the tie in his hand shyly. This came as no surprise for you. 
“Of course, your highness,” you retorted. 
He handed you the tie and straightened his back for you to be able to properly tie it around his neck. You had to reach around his neck to get a hold of the other end of the tie. As you began to go over the typical steps that your mother taught you, Jeno couldn’t help but watch as a focused look started to grow on your face. With the close proximity between the two of you, you could feel his breath against your forehead. 
Glancing up at the boy, your eyes locked with the Prince’s own eyes.
“Yes, Prince?”
Again, silence hung in the air like the drying laundry you had left in your backyard this morning. You both stood there, eyes flowing into each other.
“I–“ A knock at the door abruptly ended whatever he was bound to say, Chenle poking his head through the door’s crack. 
“I’m sorry to interrupt but breakfast is ready and the Queen and King have been waiting.”
“We were just about to come down,” you say sharply. Ensuring that the tie was perfect, you stepped back and gave it a good look, “Chenle, you can come walk with us.”
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It was so quiet in Jeno’s study that the only sound that could be heard by the two of you was the ticking of the clock that hung above the door and the occasional scribbling of the pen and ink against the paper that sat on his desk. 
You were standing to the side, watching as the wind brushed past the bushes in the garden, waiting for any orders from the prince. 
You hadn’t felt this relaxed serving the prince in years. The way he treated you was far different from the time prior to your break. You couldn’t help but smile at the thought of the Prince’s progress. 
Unbeknownst to you, Jeno was stealing short glances, determining whether or not this was the best time to apologize to you. That was his priority. To apologize to your first before confessing. 
The day you came back, he had been trying to find the perfect opportunity to say sorry. He wanted to make sure you knew it was sincere because he wanted it to fix everything he had done. 
Sighing out loud, he leaned back in his chair and let his head fall back. The ceiling stared back at him almost scornfully. 
“Are you okay, your highness?” 
He jumped slightly, head shooting up to look back at you, “I’m good… I’m just thinking about many things.” 
“Ah~” you grinned back. Redirecting your attention back to the window, you left the prince to get a view of the back of your head. The sunlight was shining directly onto your figure as you stared calmly out the bay window, “Thinking about your studies?”
Will Y/N even forgive me? He believed that you were only tolerating him at this point. Shaking his head, he breathed out heavily once again, Even so, apologizing is what’s best. 
“No, no…” he answered, “Just… “
“Just…” you anticipated. For some reason your heart thought that it’d be appropriate to run a mile a minute. 
“Just things…” he gulped, “An abundance of things.” Sitting back up, he pushed his body back against the wooden desk, “Things that… don’t matter that much.”
You held back a giggle at how the prince was acting. It was obvious that whatever he was thinking about seemed to matter a lot. He sounded like he was being interrogated by the highest guard in the castle. 
“Okay, your highness,” you replied softly, “Just don’t stress yourself out too much.” 
How could I not? Jeno groaned, When this is about you. 
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“I’m sorry! – No that’s not it… I sincerely apologiz– too formal…” Jeno stared at the mirror, scowling at his own reflection, “Y/N… I want to say that I apologize for the way I have treated you for the entire time you’ve been at my side…” 
After a long hour of practice, Jeno sighed proudly at the progress he just made, mentally noting that sentence in his head when it came to the actual time. He just needed to add more to it. 
His reflection mirrored the fatigue expression that sat on his face, not unusual at such a late hour. The castle didn’t have the hustle and bustle it usually did, which Jeno took as the perfect time to think.
Once he was able to apologize, he could rebuild his relationship with you from there. He can finally tell himself whether his feelings for you were genuine or whether they just lingered there at the thought of you disappearing from his side. It was easier said than done, but at least he had something. The only thing that could possibly diminish them was you and how you’d respond. 
A knock at the door startled the sleepy prince, causing him to nearly jump out of his skin. The door creaked open and in popped Johnny’s head, a sheepish look on his face. “I’m sorry to barge in like this, but I can’t help but hear you through the door.” 
Jeno couldn’t even reply out of embarrassment. He almost forgot that a guard had been standing outside his door this entire time. 
“I think you should get some rest, Prince Jeno…” Johnny suggested, “You – uh – might mess this all up if you don’t.” Before closing the door, Johnny directed a comforting smile towards Jeno, in which Jeno had smiled back. 
The next morning, or a few hours later, you found yourself hovering over the dormant prince like any normal day. His eyebrows were still furrowed in his sleep, which made you laugh a bit out loud. Even when he wasn’t awake he was still the crossed face boy you grew up with. It was surprising no wrinkles had sprouted on his face from frowning so much. 
“Prince,” you say quietly. You chose not to shake him awake, afraid to anger him, “It’s time to wake up.” Stepping back, you rest your hands on your hips, waiting for him to start stirring before you resort to another round of waking him. 
His body laid still, chest slowly rising and falling. It was evidence your wake-up call didn’t work, “Prince?” You chose to tap his shoulder to help. 
This time, he began to stir. He stretched out his arms and rolled to his side, trying to force his eyes open but failing miserably, “Good morning.”
You were taken aback at the greeting, still quite not used to the good mood Jeno has recently constantly been in, “Good morning, Prince Jeno.” 
His nose scrunched slightly at the formality. Jeno wanted to tell you to just call him Jeno instead, but he decided that it’d be better for him to save the request for later. He figured his steps were too big for you as he viewed them the same way.
He heaved himself up, eyes still closed and messy hair falling over his forehead like it was wet. Being the human you are, you had to admit that he looked cute right now. You were thankful that the muscles in his eyes weren’t working or else he’d be aware of the way you were gawking at his appearance. 
“Would you like me to get you a wet towel, your highness?” You figured that it would help him out a lot right now, seeing how he was actually struggling to fully wake up. 
“It’s okay, Y/N,” he grinned and managed to open one eye which he then used to look up at you, “See? I’m awake now.” He swung his legs over the edge of the bed and sat there for a bit. 
Again you feel your heart’s rate skyrocket, feeling the need to smile even in a situation where it wasn’t appropriate. You turn away and go to his closet, letting out that smile which hurt you to keep in. 
Raking through his clothes, you almost didn’t hear the prince approach you from behind, “Can you help me find clothes fit for horse riding?”
“Yes, Prince,” you pivoted towards a certain section of clothes and picked out an outfit set for the entire day. Something casual yet still fit for a prince. By the look on his face he liked it just as much as you did. 
“Thank you, Y/N. I think I got it all from here. I will meet you down in the dining hall.”
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“Do you remember the riding classes we took when we were younger?” 
You followed the prince to the back of the castle, not being able to keep up with his pace which was driven by excitement. He was a good ten yards ahead of you so you were forced to speed walk, “Yes, I do, Prince. May I ask why?”
He finally led you out one of the larger entry ways and to the garden, slithering his way along the path. You wondered if his legs were growing as tired as yours, but with the bright look on his face, it was unlikely. 
“I want you to come with me,” Jeno still hadn’t looked back, eyes set on the stable which grew closer with every step. Through one of the open windows, you could see the stable boy, Jaehyun, grooming the mane of one of the horses, not aware that you both were on your way. 
“Come with you?” 
Jeno finally reached the front door of the stable, turning to face you nodding. You were out of breath but you tried not to make it obvious in front of the prince. 
“I-I can’t do that, Prince Jeno,” you refused, “I have to stay here. I’m not even wearing proper clothing.” In all honesty, you really did want to go horse riding. It was an activity you hadn’t done in years. It’s been so long you can’t even imagine how it feels like for the wind to brush through your hair as you gallop down a hill. 
“I’m not asking you,” Jeno pushed the door open, turning his face towards you, “I’m inviting you, or more so telling you. Also you are wearing perfectly good clothes.” 
Jaehyun greeted him with a bow, immediately turning to Jeno’s stallion. He probably knew what Jeno was going to ask for since it was a rare occasion for Jeno to go out riding. He set up the saddle for the horse, ensuring everything was ready for the prince in a short amount of time. 
“Can you prepare the mare as well?” Jeno questioned, “Y/N is coming along with me today.”
Your eyes widened as you turned to the prince, who only paid attention to greeting his horse, Sai. You hadn’t even agreed to go and now he’s asking Jaehyun to get a horse ready for you as well? You knew now that you were too late to reject this request, so you just stood back in silence. 
“Yes, prince,” Jaehyun quickly went back to the other horses and cooed at the one furthest from where you stood, gently putting on her respective saddle. Guiding the horse towards you, he smiled and handed you the rein. 
Jeno had already gotten on Sai, greeting it plenty of times with a low voice. You eyed the height of the mare and grumbled a little bit underneath your breath. It was a tall animal and you believed you didn’t have the strength to hoist yourself up. You stood back slightly to create some sort of plan for you to get on. 
“Need help?” Jaehyun noticed the way you stood stunned. It wasn’t weird for him to offer as your relationship with him was closely similar to your relationship with Doyoung. Like a big brother. 
You nodded, relieved, “Yes, please.” Jaehyun dusted his hands off on his trousers, walking over to you from your back. Cautiously, he placed his hands around your waist, making sure you were fine. Before Jaehyun could even count down to indicate when you could jump, a forceful cough had left Jeno’s mouth, startling the silence he found unsettling. 
“Are you alright, Prince?” Jaehyun asked. The both of you looked up at Jeno, clearly worried and slightly puzzled.
Jeno cleared his throat, “I’m okay. Just some dust?” He turned his attention back to Sai who was standing patiently.
Jaehyun nodded and went back to helping you, counting to three before he told you to jump in order for him to lift you. He had carried you onto the horse with ease, not dropping his hands from you until you were settled in the saddle. 
“Thank you, Jaehyun.”
“Yes, thank you,” Jeno nodded.
“No problem, Prince, Y/N,” he bowed, “I will be here to help you guys later.”
And with that, Jeno led the way out of the stable and further back towards a small valley. You decided that it’d be better to trail behind Jeno, mostly due to the fact you were unsure in what he wanted. Besides, that was your job, to stay behind the prince and follow his orders. 
You both rode in silence for a short while, sounds of the ground beneath you and the river a long ways away filling your ears. The pace Jeno decided to take was not too fast or slow. It was enough to take in the scenery that was hidden by the castle when you stood at the front. You wished you could see such a view often. 
“The river’s water is almost as blue as the sky,” Jeno suddenly hummed, eyes pinpointed on the stream ahead, “Race you there?” 
Before you could even answer, Jeno ordered Sai to speed up, almost at a full gallop. You were taken aback for a brief moment before you ordered your own to follow, “Prince, that’s not fair!” You couldn’t help but beam widely, laughing out loud at the sudden adrenaline that was probably shooting through both of you. 
Jeno was thrown off by your laugh, being that it wasn’t too often that he’s actually heard you do so. Inside he blamed himself for this. It pushed the urge within him that wanted to apologize as soon as possible. At this moment he pushed it aside and joined in, letting out the joy he’s kept hidden for a long time. 
At the edge of the water, Jeno halted slowly, immediately looking back to see how you had progressed, “I win!” 
You were only behind the prince by a few yards, easily catching up. Your cheeks were hurting from the amount of smiling you had been doing but it was something you couldn’t help, “Your highness, you got a head start.” 
“I still won,” he pushed on jokingly. Jeno hopped off his horse and approached the water. Leaning forward, he let the cool river graze past his fingertips. Still used to the orders you had to follow, you stayed on your horse and watched him marvel at the body of water, constantly looking back and forth at its length. 
“What are you doing?” The sun was hitting his eyes as he looked up at you, “Come down.” 
There was a tickle deep down inside you that wondered what really had gotten into the Prince. His behaviour drastically changed from his behaviour before you’d left him for your break. There was no doubt that you weren’t complaining. It was like invisible boulders were lifted from your shoulders. The only thing was that you just weren’t used to this angel-like behaviour the prince decided to acquire. 
Similar to Jeno, you slid off your horse, slowly inching towards the body of water. You couldn’t comprehend whether or not the water mirrored the sky’s hue or if it truly was so blue itself. You looked up and found yourself facing the beautiful landscape of hills and mountains, all untouched. Even the air felt different. 
You noticed the prince had sat down on the grass, still dipping his hands into the water like a precious child. You copied his figure, sitting down about a metre or two away from him. 
Again, the sounds of nature drowned out anything else, you and Jeno sitting in silence and genuinely enjoying everything that surrounded your tiny figures. You were glad he brought you with him. 
“I’m sorry.” 
The sudden apology caused your head to jerk at the direction of the prince. He was picking at the grass, afraid to make eye contact with you.
“I couldn’t quite hear you, Prince,” you shifted closer. Not too close, just by a bit as if it would actually help your sense of hearing 
“I’m sorry,” this time he looked to your direction. It allowed for his voice to project towards you and you were well aware of what he was saying. You didn’t reply. 
“I know it’s… far overdue… but I’m sorry. For everything,” Jeno felt the confidence kick in, “I know it’s going to be hard to make up for everything, as my actions and attitude have been extremely unacceptable, but I really do apologize, from the bottom of my heart… I hope one day you can forgive me and I will put effort in order for you to do so.”
He let you muster up a reply, throwing a stray stone he’d found into the water, causing a ripple effect. All the worry had been washed clean from his chest, even if he wasn’t sure of how you’d reply. 
“Prince, I appreciate your efforts in trying to reconcile with me,” you say delicately, “But as you said, it will take time for me to fully accept your apology, though I do well consider it, your highness.”
Jeno felt the corners of his mouth rise at this reply. It was far better than he imagined. There was a small little piece of him that believed you wouldn’t even consider forgiveness, but since you did, Jeno was even more motivated to make it up to you, “Thank you, Y/N.”
You bowed your head quickly and looked straight ahead, trying to hide the smile that tried to force itself onto your face.
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Instantly regretting telling Chenle and Jisung about the day before, you sent the two boys a threatening look, holding up a soft fist to add some extra emphasis.
“He apologized! To you!” Chenle exclaimed. You wanted to shut him up, especially since you guys were hanging out late in the kitchen rather than in the servants’ quarters. You were sure that the rest of the main castle could hear his sharp yells of excitement.
“How many times do you have to say that?” you groaned, resting your head onto your arm which was propped on the main island of the kitchen. 
Jisung snickered alongside Chenle and Doyoung was cleaning up the remaining mess. Even he had an unusual look in his eye that looked quite similar to Chenle and Jisung’s. 
“He’s slowly advancing,” Jisung pointed out. And he wasn’t wrong. Jeno was surprising you with every action he’s been taking. 
Chenle wiggles his eyebrows, “He has feelings for you~” Jisung nodded too enthusiastically for your liking, completely agreeing with the nonsense coming out of Chenle. Young boys and their obliviousness to love was, at the moment, the bane of your existence. 
You rolled your eyes and shook your head, “Platonic feelings.” The two boys glared at you, obviously not liking the entitlement to your idea.
Doyoung spoke up from the sink, “Why are you denying it?” He was wiping down the last of the kitchen surfaces, “Why would someone who made such foolish actions towards you not even a month ago apologize all of a sudden?” Doyoung approached the three of you, “I think he both genuinely feels sorry and his feelings are lighting that spark for him to finally get through with his decisions and actions.”
“You sound like my dad,” Jisung commented, “But I agree.” 
You were trying to avoid not answering at all, but if you did choose not to reply, it would be an immediate point for them and a zero for you. You wouldn’t admit to them but they have a point. Out loud you’d deny it. 
“Okay, goodnight!” You turned around, averting your eyes to the door, “See you guys tomorrow.”
“Don’t change the subject!” Chenle whined. But he was too late. You were already out the door and walking in the direction of the servants’ quarters where you can sleep and completely forget about this Prince rubbish. 
Jeno’s brows furrowed at the distant sound of what seemed like Chenle yelling. After some contemplation, he chose not to mind too much about it. Instead, he let his thoughts wander towards the events of yesterday. How it went better than he anticipated, the sound of your laugh that seemed to bounce off the walls of his head, how he now has a chance to make it up to you... everything. He asked himself why through all these years he chose to treat you terribly when instead he could’ve lived all those days like he did yesterday. Nerves were an absurd thing.
A knock at the door struck the Prince out of his thoughts. Just as a few nights ago, he let his head through the crack of the door and smiled politely, “Good evening, Prince.”
“Good evening, Johnny. Anything wrong?” 
“How did it go with Y/N yesterday?” Johnny’s smile came off as mischievous, eyes narrowing slightly as he waited for the news. 
“It was well,” Jeno thought of adding even more detail, but he decided to answer the only question Johnny asked. Johnny nodded his head, taking the big grin on his face as the details, before he slipped back out the door, leaving Jeno alone once again. 
Jeno laid down and buried his head down into the pillow as far as he could. He was looking for the comfort that could hopefully lull him to sleep, especially with all that was going through in his head. 
He was excited for tomorrow. Excited to see you. Jeno hadn’t figured it out just yet, but deep down in his subconscious, the trip to the valley made him realize that your absence wasn’t the cause of his feelings for you. It was you alone that was the cause of his feelings for you. 
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The Prince’s behaviours didn’t change at all for the next week or two. Even when it wasn’t mandatory for you to come along with him, he’d bring you along. It wasn’t in a demanding way either. He would stick his bottom lip out like how he used to as a child and urge you to come with him because he’d get bored. If you said no, he’d beg so much to the point where everyone around you found him irritating even if they won’t admit it. 
This was the side of the Prince you knew was always swept under the stern image that he usually showed off. The side that hindered pure hatred for the Prince. You felt yourself slowly forgiving the Prince, which was a good thing. 
Today, you were granted a different job as Prince Renjun was visiting and Jeno wanted it to be solely just him and his best friend. Though you were appointed kitchen and meal prep for the day, you were still told to be on standby in case Jeno needed your service. You weren’t complaining at all.  You were in the kitchen with Doyoung and Kun talking about the latest gossip of the kingdom. 
“I heard that she turned against her parents,” Kun strung on, “She doesn't want to be a politician.” The sounds of commotion in the kitchen could easily drown out the boy’s soft voice, yet he still chose to whisper. 
“I wouldn’t wanna be a politician either,” shrugged Doyoung, “Can’t blame he-“
The kitchen door swung open revealing one of the butlers. You noticed how he scanned the room carefully before he stopped at you and waved you over. 
“Am I needed?” There was no other reason why you’d be called. 
He nodded, “Yes. They’re in the garden and are in need of snacks. Prince Jeno said anything was fine.” 
“Gotcha. Thank you.” You turn back towards the interior of the kitchen and start fixing the snacks for the two royal Princes. You believed that it’d be better to keep options open in case Prince Renjun didn’t have the same taste as Jeno. 
You placed them all onto a silver tray, cautiously making your way out of room and straight for the main corridor. It was a clear path from the dining room to the garden, a single hallway guiding you down to the outside. 
When you had arrived at the lounging area of the garden, you were only met with the presence of Prince Renjun who was preoccupied with an insect in the flowers. 
“Good afternoon, Prince Renjun,” you bowed respectfully as you sat the tray down at the small table in front of the bench. It wasn’t unusual for you to speak easily with the northern Prince, as you’ve met him countless times before. 
“Thank you, Y/N,” he smiled at you and marvelled at the selection of food set in front of him. 
“Where is Prince Jeno?” You weren’t initially going to ask the unnecessary question, but your curiosity had gotten the better of you. 
He hummed and took a sip of water, “Oh he went to the washroom. He’ll be back soon.”
You bowed once more before you turned to leave, only to be stopped by the Renjun.
“Jeno seems to really like you,” he laughed lightly. It was a heartwarming laugh, welcoming even. He was talking to you like how he would with Jeno. 
“Me?” You kept composure even though your insides were far from it. 
“I came here to spend time with him like we always do but somehow the topic always ends up on you.”
You blushed, “I-I apologize for that, Prince Renjun, I have control in what he thinks or speaks.”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” he pops a grape into his mouth and smiles, “No need to apologize, though. You’ve done no harm. Also it’s refreshing seeing him like this.” 
At a loss of words, you offered an awkward smile as you bowed, hurrying back to the kitchen to get away from the conversation. 
Even Prince Renjun? You laugh a bit, feeling the butterflies still free in your stomach, If only Prince Jeno knew how I felt. 
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Jeno loved to exercise. He’d run a long distance willingly and ask to practice his sword fighting skills with Johnny, who had many advantages over him. But today, he just wasn’t into it, not with the amount of responsibilities his father began to pile up on his shoulders. 
“C’mon, your highness,” Johnny taunted, “You haven’t practiced in a while. The King told me not to go easy on you.” They walked slowly in a circle, eyeing each other carefully.
Jeno’s grip around his sword tightened and then loosened just as fast. He couldn't find the strength and motivation to fight today. He didn’t speak up, mostly because his mind was blank and off somewhere else. Before he knew it, Johnny swung his sword at the level of his arm. Jeno yelped, dodging the weapon with ease. Johnny smirked and backed up a bit to give him space to get ready. Jeno groaned and took a swing of his own, missing slightly. 
“Nice try, Prince,” Johnny raised his brows and grinned mockingly at Jeno. This practice was far more slower than he expected as he was used to the fast paced duels he’d often have with the prince. Knowing his role in this duel, he took one swing and followed it quickly with another, trying to warm the prince up a bit.
Jeno’s sword didn’t hold its purpose of defending himself, instead he had stepped back twice to avoid Johnny's strikes.
“What’s up with you today?” Johnny questioned. And just like he was speaking to himself, Jeno chose not to reply, “Three weeks of no practice and you’ve suddenly gone terrible, Prince?” Johnny knew this wasn’t true. He just wanted to provoke the Prince into trying harder. It wasn’t hard to get Jeno angry.
Jeno, enraged, stabilized his hold on his sword and took heavy steps forward. Underestimating the strength he put into his attack, he swung his arm, feeling a sharp pain shoot through his shoulder. He cried out sharply, dropping the sword at the instant he processed the pain. His left arm went to cradle his limp one, losing feeling in his legs out of shock. 
“Are you alright?” Johnny put down his own sword and approached the Prince, “Let me bring you to the infirmary. That doesn’t look too good.”
Next thing Jeno knew, he was laying in the small medical wing of the castle, arm in a cloth sling. He had nearly dislocated his shoulder, but the pain was due to a torn muscle. 
“Do you need anything, Prince Jeno?” You were called down the second Jeno was dropped off at the infirmary, “Anything to consume?”
Jeno sat up slightly, feeling the same feeling he had back in the duel room.
You gasped and fixed his pillow as it was earlier, “The nurse told me you should shift in any way for the remainder of the night. It’s going to help with healing. But you can return to your chambers tomorrow.”
Jeno nodded understandingly, “Is it time for dinner yet?” 
“I can go get that for you, Prince,” you bowed and smiled politely at Jeno, excusing yourself as you went to fetch the dinner Doyoung and Kun were probably preparing. 
Jeno trying to use chopsticks with his non-dominant hand was a sight. It simply looked as though he were a toddler new at learning how to handle the eating utensil.  If he wasn’t basically your boss, you would have been teasing him by now, but you kept quiet. You did feel bad for him though. Would it be weird to help him out?
Meanwhile, Jeno was wondering why Doyoung chose to cook something that was difficult to pick up, trying not to complain out loud.
“Do you… need help, your highness?” You stood a few yards away from the foot of his bed, “I apologize. I couldn’t help notice that you’re having a hard time.” 
At first, he shook his head, claiming he could do it on his own. He evened out the chopsticks and attempted to pick up the food in front of him, failing once again. After a moment of shame, he nodded and stuck the chopsticks out to you for you to grab. 
You took them, ignoring the fact that your fingers had brushed his fingers before you picked up one of the pieces of food and bringing it closer to his mouth. Using his neck, he bent forward, opening his mouth wide for you to pop the food in. 
“Mmm,” unable to smile with his mouth, his eyes had turned into crescents, nodding, “This is delicious, especially after being injured.” Once he swallowed the food, he had gestured towards another part of the meal. You picked it up for him to eat, repeating the same actions as earlier.
Focused on the food, you hadn’t noticed the look Jeno was giving you. It was a grateful look, almost adoring. He didn’t deserve you, but he was willing to try hard so that he did. 
“Which one next, your highness?” The chopsticks hovered over the meal in between you both, waiting for Jeno’s next request. 
“Y/N?” Jeno internally hoped you would look up at him. 
And you did, “Yes Prince?” 
He cleared his throat and fidgeted on the napkin with his left hand, “Can you… can you call me just Jeno from now on?” 
To him, the request was simple and easy. Nothing too much to handle. He didn’t think there was much fuss about removing Prince or your highness from your vocabulary. But to you, from the way your heart skipped a few beats, it was a larger deal than Jeno expected it to be. Jeno? As in no honorifics? 
For a minute, you hesitated, afraid that if anyone else hears you addressing the Prince with no respect, you’d get in trouble. But then you were reminded that it was his orders… he asked for it. But why?
“Yes, Pr-“ you choked back on the word before correcting yourself, “Jeno.”
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The sky was pitch black as you sat outside of the servants’ quarters just by the castle. Some stars peeked from behind that darkness, twinkling brightly. 
The other servants were getting ready for slumber behind you, taking turns to use the washroom. You, though, did not feel sleepy at all. Your eyes didn’t feel like they were being weighed down like usual and you really felt as though the thoughts that ran through your head acted as some sort of electricity that kept you up. 
“Why aren’t you getting ready for bed?” Jisung joined your side, head falling back. He mirrored how you stood, taking in the sky as well, “You’re always the first to sleep.” And it was true, while everyone else was washing up and changing clothes, you would be passed out in your bed, not minding the noise happening outside of your room at all. 
“Not tired, that’s all,” you say back, “The Prince didn’t work me hard like usual today.” 
You feel Jisung turn the direction of his head towards you, then soon, you could feel his eyes burning holes through the side of your face. Dropping your head, you looked back at him, “What now, Park Jisung?” He had a teasing smirk sitting on his face. 
He nudged you, “I wonder why?”
“Wonder why what?” You blushed. 
“Wonder why he’s treating you better? Perhaps… he has feelings for you~” The way the boy sang this accusation made you wanna knock some sense into him.
“I would hit you so hard right now… but I won’t only because I have the feeling he does too,” you retort, “And I hate it.” This was probably the first time you admitted it to Jisung. But never to Chenle, not now, not ever. 
“Because it’s The Prince,” you answer, “This is the same boy who treated me like dirt for the longest time… I shouldn’t be feeling some type of way towards him but I do. Maybe it’s because I know he isn’t really that horrible.” 
Your mind had a flashback to all of the things he’s done for you ever since he apologized. He treated you the way you wanted to be treated, he asked Doyoung to make you your favourite desserts, he brought you on little adventures not too far from the castle, and made sure you were fine. 
“I don’t know the prince as much as you do,” Jisung said, “So I have no idea how to reply to that. You should know how you should feel about him since you’ve grown up with him.”
You let out a sound that let Jisung know he was right. You did know the prince and you knew damn well he wasn’t completely rotten at heart. It was just some image he wanted to uphold and there was probably a reason behind it. 
“Y/N?” You turn and find Johnny peeking into the quarters, “The Prince is calling for you.” You could tell by the look on Johnny’s face that he felt sorry for interrupting you at a time when you were supposed to be resting. But when duty calls, you have to uphold it. 
The knight walked you up to the Jeno’s chambers, keeping up a small conversation between you both. Once you had gotten to Jeno’s room, he notified you that he was just outside like always.
Knocking gently on the door, you hear the Prince grant access. You pushed it open, slipped in and closed it behind you, bowing when you caught sight of him. 
You spot Jeno sitting across from the entrance of his room on the balcony. He was faced away from you, looking down at the kingdom in front him. 
“Evening, Y/N,” he turned to you and gestured for you to come, all before turning back to return to his previous position. 
“Did you need anything?” You were driven to look out at the town, some lights open and others closed. It was like Jeno’s own view of the stars. 
“I couldn’t sleep,” his chin was now resting on the balustrade, arms being used as a cushion. You stood at his left, staring at the side of his profile as he continued to gaze off. 
Before you could question him, Jeno tilted his head so that his face was slightly angled towards you. Though the skies were of a darker hue, his eyes still sparkled, “You know that feeling where you have so many things lingering in your head that it’s all you could think about instead of counting sheep?” He continued to lay his head there, just staring up at you. 
“Actually, I do,” you nodded. Leaning over the railing, you took a big breath in, “Happens to me almost every single night,” You left out the part that they were mostly of him, “It bothers me so much to the point that I use Chenle’s  snores to calm me down.” 
He laughed and sat up, eyes still dancing on you without your knowledge. You were so focused on anything but him and he noticed that.
“That’s why I called you here,” his voice grew quieter, almost completely changing the atmosphere around you both. 
“So I could get these things out of my head,” he continued on. A small smile appeared slowly onto his lips as you finally turned to look at him. 
“Why me?” Maybe the Prince had drunken some wine… but then you remembered he never liked the drink. 
“Because they’re all about you…” the words had nonchalantly trailed out of his mouth. This time it was Jeno who couldn’t make eye contact with you. 
Blinking dumbfounded at Jeno, you found no words to reply to his words.
“Every single night, I think about you… I don’t try to but it just happens,” he sighed out, “Those days you left for a break? Not a single day went by in which I didn’t wonder what you were doing. Not because I wanted to boss you around but because it was strange to not have you with me.”
He let a comfortable silence occupy the air between you both, noticing a few of the lights turning off in the distance. It reminded him of how late it was. 
“Can I tell you something, Jeno?” You asked quietly. You figured that this was the only appropriate time to express how you felt. It was only fair as Jeno let some of his feelings out. 
He nodded. 
“I was hurt when you treated me the way you did,” you admit, “But I forgive you for that because of how much you’ve changed and how much you’ve proven you have. A part of me always knew you weren’t actually like that.
“When I went for that break, I was hoping to cleanse my head from you and my duties. But, mostly because of Chenle and Jisung, that wasn’t the case.”
The stillness in the air went unbothered for a prolonged moment before Jeno stood up and leaned on the balcony next to you. He let your shoulders touch his own slightly as he relaxed in that spot. You wanted to move away but you enjoyed the heat that radiated off of the boy. It made your skin tingle as it isolated you from the cool air that swept past you. 
“I really like you, Y/N,” Jeno finally confessed shyly. He finally had his feelings figured out and he didn’t care at this point if you didn’t reciprocate them. He just wanted to let all those bottled up feelings go, “I really really like you.” 
Your heart began to beat out of your chest and you were afraid that Jeno could hear it because of how quiet the night had been. Everyone’s assumptions were right. The Prince did fancy you. And there was no doubt that you did, back. 
“I really really like you, too.” 
Jeno looked over at you, almost as dumbfounded as you were earlier. He didn’t think his feelings would be returned. He thought he’d be going to bed in tears tonight. 
Feeling his attention on you, you looked up at him, now just noticing how close you guys actually were. 
“Can I kiss you?” Jeno whispered. 
For some reason he was afraid to talk out loud, not only because Johnny was standing outside of his door, but also because he felt as if the whole world was listening in on this special moment. You nodded, eyes pouring into his. Jeno leaned in just as you did, slowly, not stopping until your lips were finally on his. 
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Please like or reblog if you enjoyed this :3 I felt like it was too choppy at parts but I still had fun writing it, judging by the fact I didn’t plan a part 2!
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kystarlight17 · 4 years
Isashiki Jun’s  Makeover
Mostly based on Discord shenanigans where we talked about Miyuki’s hat and the author wanting Miyuki to be good looking because the power of Chrisawa was too strong. I also took some lines from a film called Not another teenage movie. Hope you guys enjoy!
Jun was deep into the heartwarming story of Kiyoko learning to find her inner princess that Tsuraga Ren has always seen in her when a knock echoed throughout the room thus destroying his concentration.
He glanced at the clock and noted that it was too early for Tetsu to visit him. A part of him wanted to ignore the knocking in favour of the story he was currently engrossed in but it was persistent. Grudgingly he got up and made his way over.
“Alright, alright quit knockin would ya! I’m coming!” he shouted as he made the short distance over. Opening the door he was slightly surprised to see the number one catcher standing there, his trademark smirk in place.
“Evening, Jun-senpai” he greeted,
Jun squinted suspiciously at him, “What’s up Miyuki?” he asked with cautious curiosity. 
Miyuki grinned “Is it okay if we talk inside senpai?” he asked,
Jun then felt genuinely curious as Miyuki hardly asks for help from the third years, nevermind his own batch mates. Being the good senpai he was, he stood aside and opened the door wider to allow the second year in.
Jun observed his actions as Miyuki took off his shoes at the entrance and started observing the room. Jun’s prized shougo manga collection taking a proud prominence in the room of course. Jun then pointed to a bed whose owner he was sure was still out practicing and wouldn’t be back in a few hours. Miyuki occupied the indicated spot and Jun made himself comfy in his own bed. He carefully set aside the manga and pinned his stare on the second year who was still eyeing his collection.
“So Miyuki what is it?” he asked,
Miyuki then became uncharastically shy as he scratched the back of his baseball cap before sighing in defeat, “How do you appeal to someone?” he asked.
Jun raised a quizzical eyebrow at this but answered teasingly “Appealing to someone? First you gotta improve on your personality you brat”,
Miyuki huffed because he is aware he may be rough around the edges but you can’t expect someone to change their personality overnight. 
“I’m serious senpai”,
Jun raised his hands up placatingly as he,too, was aware that Miyuki’s personality was not everyone’s cup of tea but for certain people it helps to keep them on their toes.
“Well everyone knows being good looking is a good way to appeal to someone” Jun stated but he soon exclaimed “Oi I AM giving a serious answer here” when he saw the ‘I know that already’ look on Miyuki’s face.
“I can’t help you if you don’t give me some details to work with” muttered Jun crossing his arms “Like are you tryin to appeal to a girl? A boy? Some other adult that’s not the coaching staff? Who? Cause context matters you know”
Miyuki was silent again as he stared off to the side and Jun allowed the second year to stew it over. It’s not everyday Jun would get the privilege of seeing an unsure Miyuki. 
Eventually Jun could hear Miyuki’s quiet answer “It’s Sawamura”.
That was all Jun needed to hear before a diabolical grin took over his face and he quickly wiped it off when Miyuki faced him again.
Jun pretended to think it over, massaging his chin as he found himself in this precious moment. He wasn’t Ryousuke by any means but this was too damn funny of a situation. It was unofficially recognised by the whole school that Chris and Miyuki were the most good looking boys. Chris with his tall stature and eyes with a personality that reminded some girls of a prince charming. Miyuki on the other hand was like a textbook male lead in a shoujo manga with wicked gleaming eyes and charismatic aura that was popular amongst the younger girls and those who don’t know him that well.
Jun was there when Sawamura first entered the scene, the boy from Nagano was brazen in challenging Azuma-senpai. Looking back at that memory Jun remembered a passing thought he had when he saw Miyuki and Sawamura interact at the mound ‘He seems awfully touchy’. He did not give it another thought as afterwards he and Tetsu were muttering about how a middle schooler managed to strike out their senpai.
‘Perhaps there was more to it than that’ thought Jun,
“Well if it’s Sawamura I’m sure you’re fine in that area Miyuki” Jun answered “I’m pretty sure Sawamura still keeps pestering you whenever you’re around”,
Miyuki slightly rolled his eyes at that and answered “Well ever since he was paired up with Chris-senpai Sawamura hasn’t been doing that much”
“Oh? In what way?” asked Jun even though he was well aware that before Sawamura would have been only talking about Miyuki but now Sawamura has been singing high praises for the third year recently and no one else.
“Well what does Chris-senpai have that I don’t?” quipped back Miyuki “Apart from the obvious” he quickly added.
Jun had an idea that Miyuki meant Chris’s skill as the better catcher and not in terms of personality or looks. Sawamura seemed better equipped dealing with Miyuki since the two of them reminded Jun of half the shougo manga couples he has read before.
Then Jun had a brilliant idea.
“Miyuki stand up”, he ordered.
Curious Miyuki stood up and Jun had him stand in the center of the room. Jun slowly walked around him thinking what needed to be improved on. The answer was obvious to him. Jun hated seeing Miyuki style his baseball cap like that. Sure it looked nice on the second year boy but it hid away one of Miyuki’s best features. He pointed and prodded at the second year until Miyuki stood alert like he was greeting the coach. Jun stood before him and crossed his arms once more. He looked straight into Miyuki’s eyes in order to convey his seriousness.
“Okay I know what you need to do” he stated,
“What?” asked Miyuki
Jun grinned mischievously, “It might seem crazy but you just have to trust me”.
Miyuki silently nodded as Jun slowly made his way over. Jun could see Miyuki tracking his every move, curious as to what stunt Jun was going to pull over him. Internally laughing he quickly swiped the hat off the catcher who squawked in protest and ruffled it.
“That’s it” exclaimed Jun looking at his masterpiece. A hatless Miyuki.
“I’m a miracle worker” he continued directing Miyuki towards the floor length mirror propped in the corner. 
“You look excited,” stated Tetsu as he shovelled some rice into his mouth. It was one of the rare days where Tetsu decided to have breakfast at Seido rather than eating at home. However, a very excited Jun from last night was adamant that the captain should sleep over so that Tetsu can see something interesting happening during breakfast. 
“I’m curious about what you wanted me to see,” he continued.
Jun nodded absentmindedly as his attention was all over the place. A part of his mind on whatever Tetsu was saying, the other on the clock, some at the cafeteria door and the rest on a very awake southpaw pitcher. Jun was too excited to fall asleep after Miyuki left the room with new knowledge and after a long study session with Tetsu. He was a sucker for makeover scenes and shoujo-esque plot lines. This situation was both and Jun would have kicked himself if he had missed the opportunity to influence something. Even though Miyuki didn’t need a lot of work, it was still a makeover scene. Who knew a hat could change a person that much!
Soon he heard Kuramochi’s signature laugh which meant Miyuki was not that far behind. Jun nudged Tetsu, gaining his attention.
“Captain, may I present to you the new and improved Miyuki Kazuya”, he declared within the captain’s earshot only, jutting his chin towards the cafeteria doors which opened as if on cue.
Then because it was Miyuki Kazuya off all people, he walked in as if he was in slow mode like some teen movie from the states. 
Tetsu was quick to notice what Jun meant ,“So his hat is gone?”, he quizzically observed 
“Yup”, Jun proudly declared now fully engrossed watching Miyuki making his way over to Eijun who was not aware that the catcher has entered the cafeteria. The two third years watched as Miyuki sat directly across the southpaw who was distracted with his food. Miyuki must have said  something to gain Eijun’s attention and Jun was particularly amused when Eijun did a double take when he landed his gaze on the grinning catcher.
“You gave Miyuki tips on how to style his hair?”, Tetsu asked and Jun hummed in reply. Last night, much to the catcher’s confusion, Jun directed Miyuki on how to style it. It wasn’t a demanding style as it would only take up 3 minutes of his day. Miyuki’s hair in its natural state was nice and all but it’s the little details that count, Chris couldn't achieve his current hairdo without a little bit of help anyhow. It was something he learnt from his sisters and shougo manga, it’s all about the details.
Miyuki seemed to be appreciating Jun’s wisdom based on the smile he was currently sporting as Sawamura looked dazed looking at the catcher.
“Should I tell the other third years sans Chris about the new stakes?” asked Tetsu once he took his gaze away from the two.
“You betcha” Jun happily replied digging into his breakfast, the betting pool getting bigger with higher stakes as more and more people decided to join in. He had a personal stake in it to be honest. 
It all started when he made a casual observation to Ryousuke that Sawamura had a type and it wasn’t catchers. Ryousuke retaliated that it was baseball skills first then looks last. They made a bet to see which one Sawamura fell into and with Jun’s latest involvement he wondered how Ryousuke would even it up.
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