#it’s just a friendly rivalry
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ayoooo3 · 1 year ago
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A Little StarChaser Story
Fandom: Marauders
Relationship(s): StarChaser, (very) background WolfStar
Trope: Enemies to Lovers, Idiots in Love
He hated that man. Truly. Deeply with every fiber of his being. He had from almost the very moment JP Jewelers had opened up directly across from his own store at the Promenade. He honestly couldn’t understand why James Potter was even in the jewelry business at all. He certainly didn’t understand why James insisted on “popping over to check his sales” every day or so, smug smile plastered on his face as he let his fingers trace along Regulus’ own jewelry displays. Like this was some game they were playing, James leaning close and asking if the titanium bands were selling, asking if he was donating the merchandise from what he assumed was a vast personal collection, treating Regulus’ business like his personal stage to perform in. Regulus hated the way James moved through the space like he belonged there, hated the way he’d smile and say “Later Reggie!” as he waltzed back out the door and back to his own shop.
For his part James loved Regulus. Or at least loved to get under his skin. Had from the moment he saw him while he was touring open store fronts. His serious expression and down turned lips tracking James and the mall rep as they discussed prices. James had delighted when Regulus stalked over to make sure they understood that putting a jewelry store directly across from his own was a terrible business decision for all involved. He had been positively giddy when Regulus leveled a glare at him when he responded with a smile and a glib “oh I don’t know, might be fun, a little friendly competition to keep us all on our toes.” James didn’t understand Regulus, why he kept everything so serious, why he seemed to refuse to enjoy life, why he wouldn’t just let James in a little bit. James didn’t understand him, but that didn’t stop him from continuing to needle Regulus anytime he had the chance.
The Holidays brought out the best and worst in them. Last year, the first year they were both open, they had spent weeks trying to one up each other with sales and deals, their respective signs containing barely hidden references to the other’s store. The rivalry enough to bring the local news their way to “report” on the holiday jewelry hijinks, and Regulus had been loathe to admit that it did drive sales, for both shops, just the way James had insisted it would. This year the interest, and the chaos seemed to double, customers seeking out both shops to see who would outdo the other, to take pictures of their signs and watch as James and Regulus snarked back and forth from their counters.
Regulus is exhausted, and frustrated, why couldn’t James just leave him be? The sales were nice, but having James’ attention on him was starting to wear him thin. He needed a break, so when Sirius approached him and tells him that he stealing him away for a brothers night at a small cafe his friend Marlene owns, Regulus doesn’t think twice about grabbing his coat and following his brother down the street.
James is exhausted as well, but elated, the energy of the holidays buzzing through him to the point that he’s probably going to burn out if he’s not careful. His brain is going a mile a minute as he walks with Remus across town to grab a late night bite to eat, Remus murmuring quietly beside him as James recounts his day in minute detail. James barely even has time to react as they push through the door and he finds himself face to face with Regulus, the first time he’s seen him outside the shop, his eyes darting around the room and slotting puzzle pieces together quickly.
“Wait… Regulus is Reg?! Your Reg?” James blurts out, glancing at Sirius who is now wrapped up in Remus’ arms.
“Oh for fucks sakes Siri. James is Remus’ friend Jamie? Unreal. Why am I just now learning this?” Regulus looks like he might walk right out of the cafe, or cry, or both to be honest.
“Right, well… we’re tired of hearing the two of you complain about each other. I had figured you guys would have worked yourselves out by now, but you seemed determined to stay enemies and we won’t have it. So… good luck, try not kill each other, enjoy the food Marls left out for you, we’ll see you later.”
Both James and Regulus stared as Sirius dramatically swept out the door, Remus giving them one last look before saying “for real you guys, talk your shit out, get to know each other, maybe kiss a little” and tossing a wink at them before closing the door behind him.
And if Sirius and Remus happened to peak back through the window a few hours later to find James’ hands tangled in Regulus’ hair and Regulus comfortable in James lap… well that’s nobody’s business but their own. Perhaps this holiday season will be a little happier after all.
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teliphone · 1 month ago
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Summary: Your relationship with Jaeyi is far from normal. It’s toxic, suffocating and obsessive. Students around you stay away from you to avoid trouble with Jaeyi. A new student enters which stirs things a little. Maybe she could be your escape? Or maybe it leads you to sink deeper into Jaeyi’s trap. 
Warning(s): Smut, Jealousy, Obessesion, Slapping, Chains, Fingering, Overstimulation
Word Count: 3.5k
Yoo Jaeyi and you walk down the halls next to each other… or rather you’re trying to keep up with her. Her hand tightly wraps around yours, pulling you to match speed with her. You let out a small grunt of pain at how hard she’s gripping. She stares forward, ignoring everyone. You spare one glance to the side. Students mumble with each other as they stare at you. They quickly look away when you make eye contact with them. It’s quite sad, you have soon realized. No one dared try to talk to you ever since you got into a relationship with her. All your friends have left you without any reason. You’re constantly stuck with Jaeyi and it's starting to drive you crazy. The only space she allows you is by letting you sit alone at your desk. She sits a few rows behind you, so she can watch every movement you make. 
Jaeyi drags you into her science lab. The little mice run around in their cages. It creeps you out. You never understood how she could easily test on those innocent mice. You pull back slightly to stop her. She narrows her eyes and finally turns around to look at you. You drop your shoulders in annoyance. You aggressively jerk your hands away from her before crossing your arms. 
“What are you doing?” You fum. She breaks into a smile as she straightens her back. 
“I want to spend time with you,” She chirps. You roll your eyes and let out a laugh of disbelief. 
“I’ve been with you all day. Can’t I just spend some time somewhere else?” You huff. She turns around and walks deeper into the lab. She opens one of the cages and picks up a small mouse. She completely ignored you. You can feel your frustration building up. You hate when she blatantly ignores you. 
“I am leaving,” You mumble before walking towards the door. You didn’t wait for her response. You knew she was going to find you anyway. No matter how far you try to hide and escape from her, she always seems to find a way to get you. It scares and baffles you. But what scares you the most is if she leaves you. She has removed everyone in your life… all you have left is her. You need her. You pause at the door handle.
“I’ll… text you,” You hesitate before exiting. Jaeyi secretly smirks as she lifts the mice to her face. 
“Cute,” She mumbles directing it to you.  
Class today is different. You stare at the new student, Woo Seulgi, standing in front of the class. She looks innocent and lost. Your eyes scan down to see her fidgeting with the ends of her uniform. Your lips broke into a small smile. You wonder if she could survive in this toxic school. She makes eye contact with you and you smile at her—a small one with no further meaning. You didn’t pay much attention to her after that. Returning to working on your homework. Suddenly you feel a presence beside you. 
“...Can I sit here?” She softly asks. Her doe eyes are cute. The students in the room mumble against themselves. Your seat is usually empty. No one wanted to disturb your studying and gave you space. But truthfully it's because they don’t want to get in between you and Jaeyi. They fear what she could do to them. 
“Yes,” You finally answer. You didn’t care what Jaeyi would think. You've had enough of her controlling your life. You can hear a couple of students softly gasping and mumbling. Seulgi smiles and takes a seat. You stare at her a little bit before looking down at your textbook. Jaeyi quietly analyzes the scene before her. Her facade doesn’t break. In fact, she smiles. It gets her excited. She finds you cute for trying to break her rules and not knowing what it will cause you. 
It’s a few minutes after break and you walk back to class. You slide the doors of the classroom open to find it empty. You return earlier than the others. You make your way to your desk til a phone notification catches your attention. You scan the room to make sure you aren’t mistaken. You locate the noises coming from Jaeyi’s desk. You look around to make sure no one is around. Her phone buzzes against her desk a few more times. You couldn’t help but find it interesting that she would leave her phone. With curious eyes, you go to look at her texts. 
‘Please delete the video’
‘I apologized!’
‘I’ll do anything you want!’
Your eyes widen in confusion. What video is this person talking about that they desperately want Jaeyi to delete it? Is she blackmailing someone? Before your thoughts can continue, the door slides open. You quickly glance away from her phone. Jaeyi stands at the door staring back at you. There is an unreadable look on her face. She smiles, but her eyes are emotionless. You slightly gulp and avert your stare. You walk to your desk and act like you weren’t caught red-handed. Jaeyi slowly walks past you while staring at you. You feel your heart racing. She takes a seat on her desk and lifts her phone. Her eyes swiftly read the text messages. She glances up from her phone to stare at you with heavy-lidded eyes. 
She knows you saw it. 
She slides off her desk. You hear her footsteps coming closer from behind. You unconsciously straighten your back. Your awareness heightens. She places her hand on top of your shoulders and grips. Your breathing hicks. She leans her body down til her lips touch your ears.
“Don’t tell anyone,” She whispers softly. You secretly clench your fist underneath the desk. She smirks and tilts her head to look at your face. You quickly stand up to get away from her. Her presence is too suffocating. The sweet scent of her perfume is enough to make your brain numb. Your action causes her to widen her eyes and step backward. You tug the green uniform closer to your body before glaring at her. You fascinate her without even trying. From behind, you can hear the sounds of more students entering the room. They all freely talk amongst themselves happily.
“I don’t care what you do as long as it doesn’t involve me,” You speak in a low tone. Little did you know, it does involve you. Everything Jaeyi does involves you whether you like it or not. Her lips slowly turn into a small smirk. You didn’t wait for her response and turned your body around. Right at that moment, a student accidentally bumps into you. The drink in her hand falls onto the white of your shirt. You can feel the cold liquid seep into the cloth. She gasps and immediately starts apologizing. You are stunned for a moment before forcing a small smile. 
“It’s okay,”
“No no, I will pay for you,” She splutters. She starts running her hands over your shirt to try and clean it. Her face expresses such stress and embarrassment. Her movement causes the liquid to spread, making your shirt translucent. You softly grab onto her wrist to stop her. 
“I said it’s okay,” You repeat. She stops moving and stares at you with pitiful eyes. Her poor heart feels like it’s escaping her chest. She nervously looks over to see Jaeyi staring at her with a blank expression. You let go of her hand and start walking to the door. You expect Jaeyi to follow you, but she doesn’t. You secretly feel sad and disappointed about it. 
You enter the bathroom and slowly take off your uniform. This leaves you with just a bra on. You plop the white shirt into the sink and switch on the water. You quietly listen and watch the water drench your shirt. You tilt your head to look at the ceiling and let out a deep sigh. What a hassle. You didn’t have an extra pair of shirts meaning you would have to wear this wet shirt back to class. You reach down into the sink and start scrubbing the material. After a few minutes of scrubbing, you lift the shirt to examine it. Water drips at the edges. Good enough. You wring the shirt til it's somewhat dry and put it back on. The coldness makes you shiver. You just have to suffer through til the end of class. 
You take a seat, slightly shivering. The air feels so cold against the wetness of your shirt. It feels uncomfortable having to be in a class like this. You avoid the stares of other students as you take out your textbooks. Among the students, one is particularly more interested. Jaeyi can't stop staring at you as you try to pay attention to your homework. Her eyes slowly examine your back. She sees the wet damp on your back and tilts her head. The wetness has made your shirt slightly translucent. Your bra is so visible, it's almost humorous to her. She can’t help but think it’s like you want her to see it. She starts to smirk and shift against her seat. You’re so exposed, yet you don’t even realize it. You lean forward to straighten your back. Her eyes dilate at the full view of your back. She nibbles her bottom lip as she starts to fantasize about you, specifically your bra. 
She imagines herself running her fingers down your spine to tease you. She traps you between her body and your desk. You would blush so cutely as she leans her face close to yours. It drives her crazy how reactive you are. 
“Stop it,” You glare at her, slightly pushing against her shoulders. She pushes you to sit on your desk. She quickly slides her body between your legs. She smirks and brings her hands to the front of your wet white button-up. 
“Stop?” She hums as she starts to unbutton the first button. By the third button, she can see your bra peeking out. You shyly look away while biting your lips. She slowly finishes off the last button and quickly tugs your shirt aside to expose your front to her. Finally, after seeing your bra through the shirt, she can see it fully. The cold air touches your bare skin. Your cheeks start to burn bright red. Her eyelids become heavy with lust. She brings her hands up to cup your boobs. Her thumb harshly rubs against your nub. Your breathing hicks. You shut your eyes to save yourself from making more noise. Her two thumbs grind against your sensitive nub while groping the soft plush. She repeats the action over and over til your boobs start to become red from her touches. You tilt your head back and let out a soft moan. She smiles at your reaction and rewards you by kissing your neck. You try to clench your thighs together, but her waist stops you. Your lower stomach feels funny. Suddenly you couldn't handle her touch anymore. It’s making your brain turn into mush. You grip onto her wrist causing her to stop. She leans back and widens her eyes in surprise. Your breathing shakes as you glare up at her. Her eyes were black like the void, unreadable. 
“Do you want me to stop?” She asks softly. 
“...Yes,” You breathe out. You didn’t understand why you said yes. The feeling was too much… but it was also so good. She pauses, deep in thought before her eyes quickly shift. 
“Okay,” She simply responds. She removes herself from your body, leaving you breathless on your desk. Your front is still completely exposed. She smiles at the redness on your chest. As you try to collect your thoughts, you hear a camera click. You quickly glare up to see her snapping a picture on her phone. A picture of your touched boobs. She smiles brightly and slides her phone back into her pocket. 
Jaeyi clenches her thighs underneath her desk. She couldn’t believe that just imagining about you caused her to feel turned on. She grips her pencil and smiles. Laughing at herself for being so needy. It’s silly to her. She forces herself to look away from your innocent body and back to her textbooks. This little game you’re playing is just the beginning. 
Seulgi begins to notice how see-through your shirt is. Her eyes widen, and she swiftly takes off her jacket, gently placing it over you for cover. You turn to meet her gaze, and she offers a soft smile before shifting her focus back to her homework. With a smirk, you touch the hem of her jacket, hoping Jaeyi noticed the gesture. She surely did. Though her expression stays neutral, her grip on the pencil tightens, turning her knuckles pale. 
Jaeyi’s room is dark and cold as she slams you against her wall. She traps you between her hands. You grunt in pain at the impact. You could tell your shoulders are going to be bruised again. You glare up at her eyes in hatred. Her eyes dilate and you can see the pure jealousy in her eyes. Her tongue brushes the inside of her cheeks. Thoughts swirl inside her head. You couldn’t help but let out a laugh. She’s so jealous. So easy.
“You’re laughing?” Her voice low. You playfully move your eyes from her lips to her eyes while you poke her lower stomach. Your fingers slowly drag up to grip her collar. You tilt your head and lean closer to her face. Her eyebrows lift in amusement. 
“You don’t control me,” You whisper. Her eyes darken as she smirks. You shove her back and attempt to walk away. She quickly grabs your wrist and spins you around. You fight against her, but she is surprisingly strong. Her hands naturally wrap around the back of your neck, forcing you to look at her. Your eyes feel like sharp knives while hers look warm. 
“I’m going to prove to you I do,” She hisses. She presses her lips against yours softly. You try to move away, but the hand behind your neck locks you. Her tongue brushes against your closed mouth. Her fingers gently rub your neck. While she kisses you, she pushes you onto her bed. She quickly grabs your hands and pins them above your head. Her knee secretly slots between your legs causing you to moan. With your mouth open, she can deepen the kiss. 
“Kiss me,” She begs. You try to squeeze your legs together, but her legs block you. You jerk your body, trying to get away from the source. You can feel yourself getting turned on. She leans away from the kiss in frustration. Her eyes are lidded and lustful. Your chest moves up and down fast. She dips her mouth down to your neck to lick and suck. You accidentally let out a soft moan. She smiles and bites down on your skin. She pulls away again to look at your eyes. 
“Your moans are sweet,” She hums. Her voice is so soft and seductive. You feel your heart skip a beat. 
“Fuck you,” You snap, feeling your cheeks turn red. She smiles and dips down to your ears. Her breathing tickles you. 
“Stop fighting me,” She mumbles. She sticks out her tongue and licks the outer shell of your ears. You twitch against her body, squeezing your eyes shut. She knew every spot to get you hotter. With a quick movement, she unclasps three buttons from your shirt to reveal your bra. She licks her lips and squeezes her legs together. She’s been turned on since earlier. 
“You teased me all day,” She whispers. She lets go of your wrists and places both hands on your boobs. You lay submissively, not trying to move away and she smiles. She starts pressing her fingers into the softness of your chest. Her eyes glued onto them like she’s addicted. Your nipple hardens and exposes themselves on the surface of the bra. Her eyes flicker up to watch your reaction as she brushes her thumbs against them. Your head tilts back a little and hum a soft moan. Her tongue drags down to the middle of your chest. Her hand continues to squeeze your boobs aggressively. You bring your hands down to her lower neck. You gently gesture her head to look back up. 
“Kiss me,” You blush. She lets out a giggle and moves her body up to capture your lips again. You feverishly move your lips against hers. Her lips feel so soft and plump. You feel like you're floating. She tilts her head, bumping her nose against yours. She keeps the pace to match your needy ones. Her brain turns into a mess when you slightly bite her bottom. She pulls away from the kiss, her chest moving up and down. Her fingers move to unclasp the rest of your buttons. She helps you get out of your green school uniform. She starts taking off hers as well but leaves on her black bra and panties. 
You bring a hand up to cover your red cheeks. You feel embarrassed being the only fully naked one. It makes you feel so vulnerable before her. Just how she wanted. She wants to show how much power she has over you. She moves to the side to grab something out of her bed drawers. Your heart starts to hammer against your chest when you realize what she’s holding. There between her hands is a small silver collar with a small chain. She returns between your thighs and gestures for you to sit up. You obey and she clasps the collar around your neck. She tugs the chains for fun causing you to jerk forward. She pecks your lips. 
“Turn around,” She smiles. Your response is too slow making her tug the chains again. You grunt and it clicks into your head to start moving. You turn your body til you're on all fours, your bottom facing her. You gulp nervously because you can no longer see her. Suddenly you feel a hard slap on your bottom causing you to cry out. Her eyes darken and she smiles sinisterly. 
“You know you’re not supposed to talk to anyone but me right?” She reminds you before slapping again. You bite your lower lip to stop yourself from crying out. 
“I am just protecting you,” She whispers. She tugs the chains harshly making your head tilt back. You choke against the collar, tears starting to form. 
“Say you’re sorry,” She demands. She slaps you again and smiles when she sees your ass turning red. 
“S-sorry!” You cry. She places her cold hands gently against your bruised bottom. She rubs them a little then runs her fingers down to your slit. She rubs your core and chuckles. You’re shamefully wet. It’s like she didn’t have to do much for you to turn into a dirty mess for her. She rubs your juice around your clit. You moan and jerk your body. She continues to circle your clit til she can feel your juices spilling from your core. 
“Please,” You beg, jerking your hips to chase her fingers. She smirks and tilts her head. 
“Yes?” She purrs. 
“...Please put it in,” You blush. 
“Anything for you,” She hums before shoving two fingers into your core. You gasp at the sudden feeling of getting full. You squeeze your eyes shut and grip onto the bed sheets. Your eyebrows furrow in pleasure. She moves her fingers in and out slowly, watching closely at how your hips jerk against her. She feels more turned on and bites her lips. She lets you ride her fingers for a moment. Listening closely to your quiet moans. But you’re moaning too quietly for her. She tugs the chains hard causing you to tilt your head back. It chokes you. She starts moving her hands fast, abusing your walls. You cry out loudly. 
“You react so well,” She mumbles to herself. The sounds of your wet core against her fingers become embarrassingly loud. You moan so sweetly it sounds like a melody in her ears. 
“I’m going to come,” You choke. She moves her fingers faster and tugs the chains harder. You feel so sinister in this position. It makes you roll your eyes back and moan. Her two fingers slide easily against your wet gummy walls. After a few more strong thrusts, you come onto her fingers. You let out a loud high pitch moan. Your silk runs down her knuckles and she chuckles. She lets go of the chain and slows down her movement to let you catch your breath. She pulls out her wet fingers and rubs your clit. Your body shakes and jerks from overstimulation. Just when you thought it was over, you felt her fingers thrust into your core again. 
“I am going to make you come over and over til you turn dumb,” She snickers, slamming her fingers knuckles deep. You cry out and jerk your body away from her, but the chains limit you from moving away. You claw at the collar, but find it useless as your body bounces at each of her thrusts.
“I want to numb your mind til all you think about is me.” 
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riecurrents · 1 month ago
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gl-saveme · 1 month ago
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Lee Hyeri (Jaeyi) and Kang Hyewon (Yeri) talking about Hyeri's kiss with Chung Su-bin (Seulgi) in their new drama "Friendly Rivalry"
Hyell's Club | ep39
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glgifs · 25 days ago
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kittymannequin · 26 days ago
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anthony thomas lombardi, "self-portrait as murmuration"
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idontcaboose · 7 months ago
Haunted Car Au part 13
Previous. Masterpost
“You done figuring out the sound files yet?” Duke asked while tapping on the hood of the Batmobile.
He was excited to hear a campy “Yes, Sir!” Come out of the open windows of the car.
“Neat, first off, any files that have your name in it?” He was a little disappointed, but still snorted to hear the tragic ‘Noooooo’ from Darth Vader.
“I think Red Robin has some pronoun type files in there, what are yours?” A mix of sir’s, dude's, and bro's were played until Duke had to stop the guy.
“Ok, what about age?” He wasn't expecting to get a straight answer, but when the car played a Scooby-Doo cut of ‘those meddling kids’, he was confused.
“So a kid?” Duke questioned. He got a weird mix of 'Ehhh', 'Kinda', and 'close enough' type files.
“We can worry about that later, any ideas how you got stuck?” A short ‘Nope’ with a pop on the P played.
Talking to the car guy was strange. Getting answers could be easy or turn into 20 questions trying to clarify an answer. So far, Duke knew the person:
is male or male presenting
a meta
has no clue how he possessed the car
has a good understanding of current memes
was possibly in their teens (probably a bit younger than Duke, but older than Daimian)
was a street kid? (When asked where he lived the car played “Why should I worry” from an older Disney movie about homeless animals in New York or something. He had to look it up.)
has a good sense of humor
and is taking their situation in stride.
Duke really had to wonder what their life has been where this is not a vast problem to fix…. And whether or not he should argue his ‘notification tone’ being a choir singing.
He really does not get paid enough for this, but it is better than the other stuff Gotham throws at the Bats.
“Mind if I get you up on the lift and check the engine? Might give us some clues.” After an affirmative from the car guy, Duke got to work.
@kizzer55555 @sebas-nights @candeartist422 @trappednyourheart @fandom-life-corrupted-me @tkiesai @2lbballpeenhammer @admiralwidow @rewrittenwrongs @whotfevenknowsanymore @symmetricalastigmatism @thespacedragons @atinygracie @okami-love @lesbian-spider-drone @1n0sss @forgetmenot-bluepurple
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anticurses · 1 month ago
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fanfictionroxs · 1 month ago
Seulgi and Jaeyi are drowning, have been drowning for years, but the question remains if they'll pull each other out of the water or finish each other off.
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fullsundiall · 9 months ago
i absolutely love lecfosi embracing people hating on charles like YEAH. thats my driver. he’s a cunt, he’s a bitch, and he’s meaner AND faster then your driver.
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kdramaxoxo · 1 month ago
Who cares that Hyeri is a 30 year old playing a high schooler. Friendly Rivalry is SO GOOD!
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youngzjae · 18 days ago
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CHOI YOUNGJAE as NAM BYEONGJIN Friendly Rivalry / 선의의 경쟁 (2025), EP. 16
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gl-saveme · 1 month ago
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Lee Hye-ri as Yoo Jae-yi in Friendly Rivalry EP 9
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ruushes · 6 days ago
'what about you? been in any good battles?' red hawke they could never make me hate u
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dragonsareawesome123 · 2 months ago
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Me defending Jaeyi when it turns out she was the one who orchestrated the events that led to the rooftop scene at the end of ep 2 so she could be the one to ‘save’ Seulgi.
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