#it’s just WONDERFULLY random 😂❤️
fckedupnerd · 2 months
Sometimes I remember that Simon Farnaby’s Instagram account is objectively one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen and I’m delighted by it all over again.
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hotarutranslations · 2 years
Cool Person
Today, I want write a lotttttttt,
to everyone but,
My time is limited,
But I want to tell you,
It may feel like buwaaaaa, going between these 2 but, please read it if you'd like 🍀
Today, Morning Musume '22, had our Christmas event
It was funnnnn!!! lol
Everyone's performance was amazing! With the everyone in the FC watching over us, what was it, it felt like I could trust and have a peace of mind, I got uneasy and checked along the way but, the warm applause made me feel relieved again 😂 lol
I'm thankful
Really, thank you very much, to everyone who supported us 🎅❤️
I still want to write about the event but, I'll take my time and write it before Christmas,
Now, there is an announcement 🎈
Angerme's Takeuchi Akari-san, will be graduating after next springs tour
It's sad, thats what I'm writing, with the assumption that feeling is there,
Takeuchi-san, is super cool!!!!!!
With her huge dream, Saying it out loud, conveying it in sentences, her words towards her group as well, really, it was super cool
Takeuchi-san and I really get along, She is always funny when we hang out, such that I nearly forget about it 😂
When I saw Angerme's Budokan the other day as well, she was cool after all! This girl can since really well!! all of a sudden I remembered that,
Reading her sentences now, Aah, what a straight-forward idol, I suddenly remembered it again
For the fans, this is a very sad announcement, but what is it,
that she can tell us to look forward towards the future as well, I really thought it was cool 😌🍀
various experiences that were sweet and sour......
Just that phrase, was Takeuchi-san just about in play mode,
I know those words!!!!! I ended up giggling 😂 lol
Takeuchi-san who is facing a new dream! Of course I will support her from now on!
We wont be meeting a lot for the new years Hello! Project Live, as we'll be on different teams but,
It seems like today everyone was in rehearsal today,
Oda left my photobook in a random place (angry) in the studio,
I calmed down,
with the words,
From Takeuchi-san and Kishimoto Yumeno-chan,
I was sent a photo of Angerme and Tsubaki Factory surrounding the photobook and eating 😂😂😂 lol
This is approximate but,
I was glad I spent today as I usually would!!!
For all of the fans, I hope you'll spend your time wonderfully, in Takeuchi-san's remaining half a year 🍀
Tomorrow! Morning Musume '22's new songs release!
This evening,
Angerme's Takeuchi Akari Debut 11th Year Commemoration Special Show! Takeuchi Until Morning! 2 ~Ishida and Kishimoto~ Complete Version
The completed version finally aired!! By all means definitely watch it!!! The tension at the end is too unsettling though!!!
Today I will post a photo from after that recording!
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Even then I wanted to do this again next year with Takeuchi-san and Kishimon------! Nah! Just being able to do it this year was a luxury---!
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fizzydrink698 · 3 years
first of all, congratulations!!!! 🥺🥰 i’m so proud 💖 2000 followers!!!
second of all, this is a LONG anon. very very long. i’m 🍷, just so you don’t have to scroll to the bottom to see who it is (unless you already did that)
third of all, the past few days were super busy so i had to read consort 3 in chunks and LET ME TELL YOU THE SUSPENSE KILLED ME. so i thought things would get better. and then consort!minho was an idiot. i think consort!minho is at fault here, but reader’s being pretty stupid as well. that moment when reader told consort!minho that he forgot to say good night to his father, i thought everything would get better. hah. i was VERY wrong. but honestly is consort!minho at fault either because ngl it was an extremely awkward situation to be in. like what does he do?? but then his actions ;-; whyyyyyyyyyyyy why did you do that (both you and consort!minho :3) ;-;
fourth of all, i saw your post of jisung lifting his shirt up during my lunch break xxxxxxxxxxx i malfunctioned.
fifth of all, late night bite!jisung is something else and i think i already sent an anon about lnb (i’m calling it that now) but i need to talk about it again because it’s been on my mind the past few days and i need to say: the way you wrote it was beautiful. the beginning of lnb pulled me in and the whole thing was wonderfully written and the beginning is the part that keeps playing in my mind and now i want to go read lnb again and reader’s idc attitude fits so well and i love it so much. yeah.
sixth of all (are these things even grammatically correct at this point), i had a sixth point but i forgot what i was going to say so back to consort. consort!minho���s decision to send reader back to their chambers doesn’t sit well with me because one, that’s mean and that hurt reader’s feelings 😤 be nice. two, the rumors that are going to fly around the palace… especially because it’s the heir to the throne… yeah, not good. three, i feel like it put both consort!minho and reader in a more awkward situation than it would have been if consort!minho just led the way to his chambers. four, again, it’s mean. consort!minho and reader have a LOT to work on.
seventh of all, MORE CONSORT??????? YES PLEASE 💖 i might send long anons like this so yeah (most of it is just me misusing punctuation and random incoherent thoughts)
love, 🍷
i think i’m done. for now. :3
thank you so much! i’m glad you’re enjoying consort so far 🥰
much to unpack, let’s go:
1. thank you! ❤️
2. hi 🍷 anon! not gonna lie, i was very excited to see your reaction to this instalment 🥰
3. things are absolutely going to get interesting with minho and reader. they’re in a very difficult situation, and they’re just…not communicating 😭 they both so petty and so absolutely assume they’re in the right, and it delights me.
4. it’s the immediate embarrassed laugh after, like he just completely forgot where he was. silly, precious dude 😂
5. thank you so much! i really like that opening conversation in LNB. it kinda reminds me of the cafe scene in hypothesis. i love having reader and their love interest just sit and talk without that much romantic tension and really build their rapport. it always cheers me up just writing it 😊
6. minho sending reader back to her chambers is interesting. bc it’s definitely A Choice, and he has to have been motivated by something. he has to know on some level that people are going to talk. he has to know that reader - and literally everyone else - is expecting them to be sharing a bed. so…why not? why this decision? hmm.
7. so much more consort to come! i hope you’ll enjoy, and i’d absolutely be up for more long asks 😊
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