#it’s in the Ikusaba blood to have a soft side
anon-maly · 2 months
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Big sis Junko Enoshima and Monaca Towa 💗💚
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Hi there Al, may I get some general dating headcanons of your favourites Danganronpa characters?
General dating headcanons!
Characters: Mukuro Ikusaba, Hajime Hinata. Mentions of: Non-despair Junko Enoshima, Chiaki Nanami. Reader: G/N, mute. A/N: Sure thing, Al! Ok, just kidding. Just me messing around in my own inbox. Also... kinda OOC because I don't know what's canon and what's not anymore. Currently listening to: Hey Kids by Molina.
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Mukuro Ikusaba, the Ultimate Soldier, seemed like a cold and reserved person to you the first time you saw her, walking alongside her sister like a bodyguard of some kind.
That didn't change much even after you started dating: always on guard, making sure nothing happens to you when you're together, even if you two are alone.
There are, however, some times when she gets easily flustered, in contrast to that serious personality of her. A blush always appears on her cheeks when you take her hand or kiss her out of nowhere. She tries her best to cover her face with one of her hands afterwards, too stunned to speak coherently.
She's not the best with verbal or physical affection due to her lack of experience, but she truly tries her best.
For some reason, she likes to call you 'puppy'. You always thought it was ironic: a cold-blooded mercenary from Fenrir calling her beloved one 'puppy'.
She's so, so touch starved. When you two are cuddling, she tends to be the big spoon. She has the need to watch over you, so she holds you tightly, making sure she doesn't let you go.
She does the same when you're sleeping together, holding you and keeping you as close as possible. When you wake up and try to leave... you can't. Not because you don't want to, but because she holds you closer when you try to move, even if she's asleep.
One day, she asked you if you could teach her sign language. She thought it would be easier for you if she could understand it instead of making you write down when you wanted to say something.
To your surprise, she learned extremely fast, mostly because she already knew many signs.
She never uses it herself, but there may be times where she signs 'I love you'. You had to admit it: it always makes you blush.
She enjoys the silence in your quiet conversations, only broken by her soft voice. Sometimes, you think it's impossible for someone like her to have a sister as loud as Junko.
Talking about Junko, Mukuro already introduced you to her. Not because she wanted to, but because the Ultimate Fashionista did nothing but insist once she found out her sister had a partner.
"Sooo, is this the person you were talking about, Mukuro? The one you're dating?" Junko said when she saw you, analyzing you without even trying to hide it. "What was their name again?"
"Why don't you ask them yourself?" was Mukuro's answer. "If they want me to tell you something, they'll tell me."
Mukuro's always like that when it comes to you talking to other people. She doesn't want to make you feel as if you couldn't communicate with others by yourself, so she doesn't interfere unless you ask her to.
She takes a notepad and something to write every time she goes somewhere with you, in case you forget yours. She knows that will most likely not happen, but she likes to be prepared.
"I... I love you, [s/o]. I've never felt this way for someone else before. So please... don't leave my side, all right?"
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Just like Mukuro, Hajime doesn't have much experience when it comes to love, so he's kind of confused when he finds himself trying to spend more time with you, blushing and stuttering whenever you're together. He didn't understand why, or better said, he didn't want to admit he was slowly getting feelings for you.
It was Chiaki the one who told him it would be better to confess his feelings than to bottle them up forever.
It should be mentioned that Hajime hadn't told anyone about his crush for you. Chiaki simply knew it all along only by seeing you how nervous he was around you.
As your boyfriend, he tries his best to make sure you're always okay, caring for you and taking you to dates when he has the chance. He tries way too hard. Hajime doesn't want to let you down, as he has felt useless his whole life. He doesn't want you to see him as a useless, talentless person as well.
One day, you hugged him from behind while he was studying, showing him what you had writen on your notepad.
'Hajime, please... don't be so hard on yourself. You may not be an ultimate, but none of them can compare in any way to the person I fell in love with. Don't forget it, okay?'
When he turned back, he saw you signing something. He didn't know sign language, but he could tell what it meant just by looking at your face.
[I love you.]
Since that day, Hajime started to act more like himself and less like the perfect boyfriend prototype.
He's not a big fan of PDA, but he won't complain if you hold his hand while you're walking together.
He likes to call you babe or honey, but nothing too cheesy. At least, not in public.
Even though he doesn't understand sign language, he knows some easy signs you showed to him so you didn't have to wriye everything down. Things such as good morning, thank you, please and sorry, but also I love you, since you used that one pretty often when you were with him.
He drinks a lot of coffee. If you sleep together, you'll probably find a cup of coffee ready for you when you wake up.
The dates he plans are always simple. His favorite place to take you is the park during sunset; calm and peaceful, perfect to enjoy each other's company just the way he wants.
When you're cuddling, he prefers to be the big spoon, even though he will always let you choose. He loves to hold you close as he softly plays with your hair in silence; it gives him a sense of security and helps him calm down.
Sometimes he'll even take your hand and start tracing letters with his finger. At first you thought they were just random letters, but after paying attention, you realized he was spelling actual words such as 'love' or 'sweetheart'.
Expect to receive way more kisses and hugs if you are alone, even if they're quick or small.
"I used to think that having a talent would make me happy, but now... I realized that the only thing I need to be happy is you. Thank you, [s/o]."
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crazynekochan · 4 years
Dangan Persona AU
Palace #7
Ruled by Makoto Naegi.
Captive is Mukuro Ikusaba (held captive in cell; will be executed for her crimes in the alternate reality if not rescued in time; picked very much the worst day to dress as Junko).
Shadow manifests as Makoto but wearing a creepy long black cloak, like he is the judge, jury and executioner (which he is), who turns into a 4-armed angel, one wielding a shield, the other a huge revolver (like truth bullets), and the 2nd pair holding up the weight of the world’s hope on his shoulders as a shining globe that seems to get heavier as the battle progresses. It’s also immune to Curse skills, which is rather unfortunate because that’s what everyone was betting on it having since Lincoln (and therefore Makoto)’s weak to Curse skills.
Palace is Hope’s Peak as ala the first game but much more pastel, with the walls instead draped in soft silk, light shining down in jarring contrast to the giant metal plates over the windows. It gives everyone the creeps, especially when the 2nd half starts with much more blood and gore appearing on the pristine sheets and floors.
As a little peep to the next palace, this is also where they get a glimpse of a Shadow Nagito. The original had gotten curious and just barely went a bit into the Metaverse. He managed to get out right away, but not before causing his shadow to be spotted tending to a strange memorial garden of class 78 before vanishing.
Finally after frankly too many puzzles, they arrive at the midway point of Mukuro’s show trial at a near exact replica of the red door to the trial grounds. They open up and find the elevator, but what is much more relevant is the metric fuckton of Junko photos and Monokuma memorabilia all over the room, almost all of them horrifically destroyed in rage, aimed at the faces in particular. Since Mukuro was dressed as Junko the day she got abducted (Junko had a scheduling issue and made Mukuro dress as her for class, even though no one else really bought it), this makes everyone rightfully very nervous and reluctantly head down, despite the sick feelings roiling in everyone’s stomachs, because they’re not gonna like this. And nope, they didn’t like it at all.
They came out to see the trial already underway, 2 large stands loaded with masked figures to the sides of the room and a high circle of 15 podiums surrounding Mukuro, chained into a kneeling position as the Judges gazed down upon her. The party looks up to see them, and finds something rather strange. On one side are 9 funerary portraits on raised poles, with the 6 judges in black robes in front of them, all focused on Mukuro. The Judges are cognitive versions of the DR1 survivors, all looking much worse for wear (cognitive Hiro looks exhausted, cognitive Hina is silently sobbing with a funerary portrait of Sakura in her hands, even cognitive Kyoko looks like she was in mourning), with Shadow Makoto in the center as the chief Justice. It’s right at the ending of the trial, and Mukuro is declared guilty for conspiracy to end the world, to the disgust and horror of the crowd.
Mukuro tries to argue, saying that this must be a mistake, they have the wrong person. Shadow Makoto tells her that no, they know full well who she is, Mukuro Ikusaba (full name, no honorifics). He continues, telling her, in no uncertain terms, all of the crimes he knows of from the alternate timeline committed by the Ultimate Despair. “And to prevent that from occurring, we must tear the despair out, root and stem. Junko would be nothing without her little cronies, after all. What better way to end this right now than by her dearest sister’s death, leaving her powerless?” Then the Shadow has her trapped inside of a cage and sent down to the dungeons to await her execution, before the party can help her.
The rest of the palace works in a similar way to the first half, but everything goes into straight up horror movie territory. Like they were creeped out before, but now it was fucking all sorts of terrifying. It’s pretty much an amalgamation of all of Makoto from the other timeline’s trauma and survivors guilt from the first game. This part of the palace also has a bunches of minibosses that they have to fight through in the second half because holy crap, those things are fucking horrific. The minibosses are all the souls lost to the killing school life and it is very much not pretty. Sayaka covered in blood impaled with knives; Leon tied to a pole, pummeled to a pulp, chucking bloody baseballs; Chihiro with his head bashed in, using a mess of cables and screens to interact with the world; Mondo as a hellish biker that seems to be melting; Taka the terrifying sergeant with his head bleeding; Hifumi with his head bashed in as well, using his horrific Junji Ito-style magical girl drawings for attacks; a thing so burnt and smashed up that they could only identify her as Celeste because of the twin drills; Sakura as a silent warrior, constantly coughing up poison and blood. Even a makeshift “Mukuro”, hardly able to move from all the spears through her body. Holy crap, did that freak everyone out and make them very glad when they next saw their friends again at dinner because they’re alive!
The time limit this time is because Shadow Makoto, while being a twisted mess of repressed anger, sadness, and misery, is also fundamentally a good person and doesn’t want to kill Mukuro before she had even done anything, even though he knows that she’s guilty as sin of conspiring to destroy the world and everything in it (in the canon timeline). That’s actually where the party comes in, because by the time they clear the palace, the Shadow had finally decided that it was now or never and he needed to do this now. When they rush in to stop him, that’s when the boss fight starts.
The fight is genuinely hard as hell and the Shadow isn’t holding back. The attacks are all similar to the various minigames from DR1, just with a Persona flair. Makoto’s providing as much support as he can without being able to control his own persona, with the Shadow lashing out every time that Makoto offers his emotional support. Eventually, they notice that the giant ball of hope is getting heavier to the point of nearly crushing Makoto, who’s holding up the globe like Atlas holding the sky. His Shadow’s about ready to cry, begging the others to stop as Makoto encourages them all to keeping fighting and to not give up now. The battle only stops when they finally get Makoto to confess that he’s not always the bright ball of sunshine that they think he is and that even he needs help sometimes. With that resolved, the shadow returns to being Makoto’s persona, now instead of Lincoln, he is Logos (basically the closest to Jesus as I can get without making an even bigger mess in the MegaTen universe)
[Holy shit, I feel like I wrote a whole novel here! I’m ending this here, good night!}
Mod: The design for Makot's shadow is so flipping awesome. It’s so fitting for Makoto considering that he’s the main speaker during the class trials (cause MC and all) and this is literally a trial his shadow is holding, with the shields and revolver in each hand. Though my favourite is him holding up the worlds hope like Atlas with the sky, cause it’s still my favourite part of his character development that he admits in the DR3 anime that he’s sometimes really overwhelmed with always having to be positive as the Ultimate Hope but still keeps it up for ever (and as entertaining the anime was, it was one of the only good things it did story wise, but that’s a different topic altogether...)
The palace must be so disturbing for the party, cause up until now every palace was basically a fantasy place representing something of the person’s life/personality. But now they are in a twisted and later on gory version of their own school, and still don’t know anything of the past timeline. But things are starting to get unravelled now. Though most disturbing must be the memorial garden for their very much alive friends. The fact that the survivors, who were not among the memorial photos, are the judges who look like they experiences something very awful and traumatic. Not to mention the tons of destroyed Junko photos
That the minibosses are the victims in an all horror like fashion, where I’m imagining something along the lines of DR3 anime with Makoto’s despair hallucination, must be so brutal cause these are literally the “corpses” of their friends that are attacking them, who are in this timeline alive and happy
I can only imagine how hard it must have been for everyone to see how Makoto’s shadow actually is, which is basically being overwhelmed with all the support he has to give all the time. Cause everyone does lean a lot on Makoto (not that leaning on people is bad, but there is a limit how much one person can handle, even for Makoto)
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sadclearance · 4 years
red nail polish
pairing(s): mukuro ikusaba x female!reader, junko enoshima x female!reader
summary: y/n loves junko enoshima.
category: fluff(?) angst(?) idk what this is
warning(s): tiniest mention of blood and a knife
word count: 1691
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voluminous pink hair covered y/n's vision as she blinked her eyes awake.
"junko," she smiled, pressing her face further into the strawberry blonde goodness. "waking up to you is the best."
"y/n! i told you not to mess with my hair! i'm the ultimate fashionista," junko sat up quickly and backed away, giving a dramatic pout to y/n.
"you never cared about your fashionista title before," y/n pouted but let her beloved have her space.
"we're adults now. we have to care," junko puffed up her cheeks and got out of bed. "it's how i bring in money!"
"i know, i know," y/n smiled, getting out of the bed with her. "and i appreciate all of the hard work you do."
y/n pressed her lips to junko's cheek before being abruptly pushed away.
"did i make you mad?" y/n frowned.
"no," junko sighed, pressing her own lips onto y/n's cheek. "but i'm running late! i have to get ready!"
"okay, okay," y/n laughed. "i won't interrupt you anymore. go get ready."
junko was in the bathroom before y/n could even finish her sentence, almost knocking over a white cabinet. y/n spotted the red nail polish stains. she'd have to search up how to get rid of that later.
"amazing how serious she's gotten," y/n smiled to herself as she prepared breakfast. "how much she's... changed..."
y/n tried to pinpoint when junko changed, but she couldn't remember. the more she tried to focus on the timeline of their relationship, the less of a grasp she had on time.
she didn't dislike the present junko. she liked how serious and motivated she was, especially about her career. before, y/n couldn't get junko to be passionate about anything no matter what. junko was always talking about how predictable everything was and how uninteresting the world had become. something about...
"i can't remember," y/n sighed as she turned down the heat of the stove. she licked her lips as she tried to focus on the task at hand but paused when she tasted something bitter and acidic.
she moved to the closest mirror and saw that the part of her lips that she hadn't licked look paler and beige than the part that she had.
"junko! did you fall asleep in your makeup again?" y/n giggled at the thought. she never would've imagined junko to be so careless. well, it just made her a thousand times cuter. "so even you have these clumsy sides..."
"yeah, yeah. my skin's too good to be affected by makeup," junko winked and posed with a peace sign as she stepped out of the bathroom.
"i know, i know. my lover's just too perfect," y/n said as she set down the plates. "your hair even dries super fast for how thick it is."
"it--it's a hairdryer, stupid. try it some time," junko stuck out her tongue childishly before digging into her meal. "thank you for the food!"
"it sure does feel nice being appreciated," y/n sighed exasperatedly as she took the seat across from her. "you used to not even look at the food i made for you!"
"... i must've been real stupid, then," junko said after another bite, "because this is the best food in the world."
"should we start up our own restaurant then?" y/n suggested playfully. "that way i won't have to be jealous of all the people that get to see you in your commercials."
"don't be silly," junko waved her hand exaggeratedly. "no way i'm cut out for restaurant work!"
"yeah, i guess that'll have to wait until you get old and wrinkly," y/n scrunched up her nose buoyantly.
"yeah, i guess," junko said, stuffing her mouth with the rest of the food on her plate. "i'm seriously running late!"
"don't choke!" y/n said as she took the plate from her.
"i'll be back later tonight!" junko waved quickly before running out the front door.
y/n smiled at her work ethic before washing the dishes.
"night, huh?" y/n pouted. "well, i guess i could get groceries."
she left the cozy apartment and walked to the local grocery store.
"what?" she frowned when she got to the place that she thought the store was supposed to be.
she was sure she had taken the correct route, so why was she standing in front of an apartment complex?
"did i walk in a circle? apartments look similar and all..." y/n tried walking around more, only to find more tall buildings, both for housing and for companies. it was nothing like the remote street that she was used to.
there were billboards and big lights, as if she was in some busy district.
"maybe i got lost in my thoughts and wandered off somewhere..."
everything about this place was unfamiliar.
"excuse me, where am i?"
"what do you mean?"
"where is this place?"
"you mean... tokyo?" the stranger looked at her with a confused expression.
"tokyo? no, that can't possibly be right," y/n shook her head.
"lunatic..." the stranger frowned before walking away.
y/n took a deep breath. there was no way that she had walked all the way from her mediocre town to tokyo.
"i can't believe that was banned."
"i know! it's already been two years. plus, it's not like junko enoshima's the one reaping the profits of the sales for her clothes, anyway! she's long gone. i don't see why it's such a big deal to wear her stuff."
"she was a terrible person, but she made the cutest things!"
two years? long gone?
what did all of these things mean?
and why were they saying such terrible things about her?
"they're probably just jealous since she's such a pretty model..." y/n shook her head, keeping herself from defending her lover. she was a celebrity, so of course junko was going to get hate. y/n shouldn't let it get to her.
she refocused on the problem at hand. she didn't understand how she was in tokyo.
"maybe if i try going back the way i came from..."
she eventually made it back to the door of her apartment. the building and hall didn't look familiar at all, the only thing she recognized being the door.
she cautiously turned the doorknob and peaked inside. it was indeed her apartment. she could see her kitchen and parts of her living room.
"home sweet home!" y/n sighed blissfully as she closed the door behind her. she didn't understand anything else that had happened, but seeing something familiar again made her feel better.
"y/n?! where were you?!" junko shrieked in a panic when she saw y/n.
"i wanted to get some groceries, but i couldn't find the store i always go to. i swear it was just there last week," y/n hummed.
"i told you. we have people to deliver that stuff for us," junko shook her head.
"well, it's boring not to have anything to do. i wanna be useful sometimes, too, you know?" y/n pouted. "and it's no fun being inside all the time."
"thanks for trying then," junko embraced y/n. "but don't go out like that again! you scared me!"
"yeah, i was scared, too," y/n shivered just remembering. "you won't believe the day i had! there was this crazy person who thought we were in tokyo! no way i could've walked all the way to tokyo. and, they looked at me like i was the crazy one."
"you're not crazy, baby," junko kissed y/n's forehead.
"i know, it was just a weird day," y/n sighed into junko's touch.
"you look tired. you should take a nap," junko ran her fingers through y/n's hair.
"that's a good idea," y/n agreed, closing her eyes and letting her weight fall onto junko.
"i didn't mean on me," junko rolled her eyes playfully.
"but i wanna," y/n whined.
junko bent down, snuck her arm behind y/n's knees, and used her other arm to carry y/n's back.
"well, this is new," y/n giggled. "i could get used to being carried like a princess."
"in your dreams," junko said, unable to hide her smile.
"i love you," y/n said as junko set her down on the bed.
junko's smile faltered, and the joy in her eyes was replaced by some indistinguishable faraway look. nonetheless, she whispered back, "i love you, too."
"join me in bed?" y/n asked.
"in a sec," junko promised as she went into the bathroom.
y/n kept her eyes open, waiting for junko to come back. as tired as she was, she wanted to wait until she could fall asleep in junko's warm embrace.
her eyes wandered to the dresser, where something red was dripping out of the white cabinet. she got up from the bed and pulled it, gasping to find a bloody knife.
"make-up is so... i hate... no, i have to--"
"junko!" y/n said as she threw open the bathroom door.
her mouth fell open to the sight of a woman with short black hair, rubbing vigorously at her face with a soaked cotton pad, revealing the soft brown freckles that were once hidden by foundation.
"jun... ko?" y/n stumbled.
"i took a real long time, huh? i'd be impatient, too, if i were you," the woman dropped her cotton pad. "c'mon, let's go to bed."
she took a hold of y/n's hand and pulled her to bed, putting her thin arms around y/n's frozen body.
"sorry for making you wait so long..." she sounded sad, even with her voice muffled by her face being buried in y/n's hair.
"don't sound so defeated," y/n pulled away to look at her in the eyes, voice soft and careful. "purple suits you..."
mukuro's eyes went wide with shock.
"after all, blue and red make purple[1], right? i love you no matter what color your eyes are, junko."
mukuro froze before letting a somber smile settle into place as y/n snuggled back closer, closing her eyes and falling asleep.
the bunched up abundance of strawberry blonde strands obscured y/n's vision as she slowly opened her eyes.
she smiled, pressing her face further into the nest of pink strands. "waking up to you is the best, junko."
[1] apparently junko's real eye color is red and she just wears blue contacts idk i haven't watched it since i stopped writing three years ago.
just another shitty work. i thought this would be a good idea, but i once again didn't know how to execute it.
i also wanna do one where it's the inverse as in junko pretends to be mukuro, but i might not since i'm discouraged by how shitty this one turned out. well, we'll see.
also i once again didn't know what to title this
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