#it’s been weeks
mistmarigold · 3 months
What if Sunjae doesn’t die the night he meets Sol? (lovely runner au)
Sunjae didn’t care about the cold or the falling snow as he stands outside Sol’s building, seeing the lights open and close as she makes her way to her apartment. There was a deep hollowness inside him, a void that has been there since past 15 years, a festering wound that never really had an opportunity to heal because he would never let it heal.
Seeing Sol again after all those years - as his fan, no less - he wasn’t sure what to feel. It was almost as if his heart and mind were numb yet he could hear and feel the screeches of his own internal screams, demanding to be let out.
The door to Sol’s apartment closes. A moment later, the light shuts down too. But he remains frozen, standing there, unable to move.
“Ryu Sunjae?”
It wasn’t until Sol’s mother, Park Bok-soon, came in to his view that he realised she called out to him.
He bowed his head in greeting, “hello.”
“Oh, it’s so nice to see you! Have you been well?”
He was so, so tempted to just nod and smile and be on his way. But it felt as if his limbs had given up on him; drained from keeping up the charade for all these years and at last gave up.
“Why don’t you come in? I’ll make you some hot tea - it’s snowing already. Nobody will see you at this time so don’t worry about anything,” she offered and gestured him to follow her.
Oh, how he wanted to follow her and see Sol again. Maybe talk to her as Sunjae - the boy who loved her for all these years.
He took a step forward and then held himself back, “I… should go. Thank you for your consideration.”
Bok-soon took a good look at him this time around then back up at their home and then she said, “if you have time, can we talk for a moment? Right ahead, there is a small playground there, we can sit there.”
Sunjae wasn’t sure what she wanted to say but it was an excuse to linger and so he did.
They walked to the playground and then sat on the opposite ends of a bench there.
Bok-soon wriggled her hands in her lap and then began, “I know it’s been years to this and perhaps you don’t even remember it anymore but I realised I never properly thanked you.”
Sunjae’s hand clenches the edge of his coat.
She continued, “if it wasn’t for you that day, I would’ve lost Sol back then. I know that day must’ve been hard for you too, I don’t wish to bring up bad memories.”
She looked at him then, his gaze seemingly empty but harbouring years worth of feelings.
“I just wanted to apologise for everything Sol said then - things haven’t been easy for her. It took her a long time to make peace with what happened. And you weren’t to blame for it, you were just a boy back then and you saved her life. Recently, she even asked about you-“
“She did?” He interrupted.
Bok-soon nodded, “she asked who saved her and how she wishes she knew so she could thank them.”
The small bloom of hope in Sunjae’s heart wilted but still retained some of its life.
“She doesn’t remember anything about those days either. She doesn’t remember the curses or the screaming. From her point of view, she doesn’t even know she yelled at you,” she chuckles. “I couldn’t tell her that it was her favourite Idol, could I now? She would think I was messing with her. A part of me was scared too because I didn’t know anything about you.”
She took a deep breath.
“Sunjae, I don’t know what you were doing here. But I’m seeing it as a sign to tie loose ends - to make apologies and express gratitude. You saved Sol, but with her, you also saved me and my family. And so, I want to do the least bit I can: invite you over for a meal. Whenever you have time, if you would like to come, I don’t want to pressurise you but I would be so delighted if you come.” Bok-soon gave him an encouraging, wide smile.
She rummaged through her bag to tear out a paper from a tiny notebook and wrote down her address and number on it.
“We live in that building right there, on 3rd floor. I’ve listed down the apartment number and my phone too, just in case. Here, take it. I know it’s too late but let me treat you for what you did back then - knowing that it won’t be enough.”
She enclosed the small piece of paper in his hand before getting up to leave, “take care of yourself, Sunjae. If you’re well, Sol is well. That girl adores you far too much, alongside the entire country! It’s all the good karma you’ve been accumulating.”
She started walking back towards the building, when Sunjae abruptly stood up, “what about Sol? Wouldn’t she be startled to see me?”
Bok-soon nodded, “I’m sure she’ll be but she can get over it. As long as you don’t mind, I think she should know you’re the reason she is alive and well today. It’s only fair. But even if you don’t want her to know, you’re always welcome to come as an old neighbour. Then, I’ll see you someday soon, goodbye!”
The snow fell heavily and Sunjae kept standing there, clutching a piece of paper with a thousand thoughts and feelings assaulting him - as if they never left. He didn’t know what life had in store for him but he had been given a reason to wait for another day.
Back in his car, his manager asks him, “it’s quite late and snowing a lot too, should I drop you off at your place instead of the hotel? It’ll be more comfortable.”
In a daze, Sunjae nodded at him, not really registering his words while holding on to Sol’s bright smile - same as the first day they met - to, at last, anchor himself.
Part 2 here.
Note: No taxi driver in this (hopefully) multi-part fic bec there’s already enough for me to lose my mind over aka plot builders
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yoong-tae · 5 months
Need to rant for a moment because I am tired
People still not getting that Tommy’s “my attention” is because, yes he did think Buck was worried about Eddie hanging out with Tommy so much instead of him, we all were supposed to think that because that’s what Buck actually thought at first. It’s not until he’s complimenting Tommy so much that he admits and realizes that oh yeah! It was Tommy’s attention he wanted.
Because, yeah, why would he continue to try to hang out with Eddie AND Tommy if he was only worried about Eddie’s attention? Why would he only be worried about hanging out at times when he knew Tommy was also going to be there? He could have easily just asked Eddie to hang out with him like he did earlier in the season. Why did he seem so interested when Tommy was involved too? I don’t know, but I personally wouldn’t want the person I feel threatened by to stick around like that.
This whole “Tommy knows Buck’s into Eddie and is taking advantage of him” idea is so dumb. He didn’t think Buck was jealous because he wanted Eddie romantically. He thought Buck was just feeling left out by his bestie and this new guy they both met.
It’s so funny that you have Buck literally looking disappointed when Tommy says he’ll take a rain check on the beer. You have Buck smiling so hard at the basketball court when Tommy’s talking to him and Chimney. You have Buck smiling and stuttering when Tommy shows up to the loft. You have Buck gushing over Tommy to Maddie. You have Buck saying that he can’t stop thinking about Tommy. All of this we can see and hear. It’s all right there for us. But some people just conveniently ignore all of that because it doesn’t fit with what they want to believe. They still say Buck’s confused and doesn’t know what he really wants.
Point is, no Tommy is not taking advantage of Buck. He, just like the audience, was led to believe that Buck was worried about his spot as Eddie’s friend. You can dislike Buck and Tommy together all you want, that’s your right. But to ignore what is right there in front of you to somehow twist the narrative and make Tommy this guy who’s taking advantage of Buck, just to make him look bad, is disgusting. Just say you don’t like him and leave it at that.
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microwavingfranky · 8 months
I’m pondering that frorb (Franky Orb) again
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mightymizora · 9 months
The way my autistic ass has latched onto saying Gort but like… as if the Swedish chef from the Muppets was saying it…
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ink-stained-clouds · 9 months
when will my lover (the sun) return from the war (winter)?
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the piss jug in my neighborhood has become such a comforting constant in my morning/middle of the night walks
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vctrfuentes · 2 months
lmao why do none of these pharmacies have my adhd meds
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pedgito · 2 years
do y’all remember the single dad!eddie x teacher!reader fic i had planned?? are people still interested in that??
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itsnotgray · 7 months
i don’t think my brian has ever worked harder than this morning
i saw this actors face a few weeks ago, and have been trying to figure out what he was in.
want to know who he was?
fucking scott reed in 13 reasons why.
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euphoricfilter · 10 months
why have i returned to a surge of people liking the grommit video 🤨
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sunandsstars · 2 years
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I keep getting kicked into tumblr limbo where my dash is just empty
Not even the “uh oh! Looks like you need to follow some people, nerd!” Appears. It’s just fucking empty blue screen of death.
And then I have to restart the app and I lose where my place where I used to be..
Honestly I think this is the thing that would push me away from tumblr more than anything. I haven’t been around lately mainly because I got the tumblr blue screen and I just got fed up and went over to twitter instead. At least over there I can still see shit happening.
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Listening to music. They’re still there but at least they’re vibing. Instead of. The alternative.
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shawcl · 2 years
how do u get rid of fruit flies
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arttheclown · 2 years
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lume-nosity · 2 years
lume what if still with you anon is under your bed -still with you anon
so many days later, yes i think you’re under my bed
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