#it’s all ‘hahah I like media that’s bad don’t watch it’ when its jokes
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wynandcore · 24 days ago
Kinda tired of the whole ‘I KNOW this thing is bad because of xyz BUT-‘ rimagarole that happens in lots of discussions of media. I get that Tumblr is the ‘oh you like insert thing well that means you think it’s perfect and don’t see that xyz is bad about it’ platform, but good god can we stop assuming that talking about positive aspects of media means ignoring what’s bad about it.
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elliium · 4 years ago
yeah i mean i don't think the dream team are horrible people or anything (they certainly are not) but they're sometimes SO bad at handling their fanbase (and it doesn't help that their fanbase is already So toxic)
like mccp21 right. you could technically argue that techno wilbur grian and solidarity were cheated out of a win because they only lost by 2 points and wilbur wasn't able to play during parkour tag. but compared to mcc14, i couldn't really see anyone from wilbur's or techno's fanbase who was genuinely mad at all? like obviously people were upset because it was so close but no one was seriously attacking scott or anything. my twitter timeline is almost entirely wilbur fans along with some techno fans and no one was doing the general toxic stan stuff, it was actually very suprising. (techno himself also said twice not to attack anyone and that it was just for charity and fun so that probably helped)
contrast that with what happened in mcc14 and like ........ yikes. hell, compare that to what happened right before mccp21 when people found out dream wasnt in it. people are still actively hating on scott and hbomb and it's so upsetting to see. i'm in a twitter gc and most of the time they're wonderful, but before the teams were announced it was like. almost all "oh my god imagine george is in a team with techno, scott and hbomb 💀 id die" and like . bruhhhh
idk its hard cause dream is someone i genuinely loved watching but a ton of that is soured just by the horrible fanbase and how badly he controls them sometimes. i'm already dreading what will happen if red rabbits don't win ..
(sorry for the rant this i just am so Frustrated with it like . damn. its minecraft guys can we just chill out.)
honestly the rant is welcomed if you ever need to rant come back LOL!! i absolutely agree with you! i say all the time that obviously the dream team can’t control all of their followers because it’s literally impossible. i do think that they could do things to try to control them though. one thing is maybe talk about personal/problematic things…. offline? crazy idea but not everything needs to be said online.
i think it stems from dream and sapnap being ultra competitive whereas other cc’s like wilbur aren’t as competitive. i just do think that a simple explanation of “guys this is a for fun event and we love hbomb! we’re saying this as all a joke it’s funny hahah” which is more techno/wilbur’s style of saying things to their fans is a lot better/more respected and well received by their community than dream/sapnap’s style of “obviously don’t send hate guys”. i wouldn’t have blamed wilbur if he’d have said guys make them wait for me it’s not fair if i’m not playing you have to make them wait (which i can’t help but think dream would’ve done LMAO sorry dream flashbacks of mcc where he got stuck in SOT and the mcc where battlebox got reset😭) but the responses to different CCs is crazy. it’s like dreams fans like to treat him as a victim of targeting so they feel the need to defend him to no ends: see parkour warrior being removed LMA9 (i am a dream fan. i’m half making fun of myself.)
ultimately i can’t blame them Really too much because they absolutely can’t control their full fanbase. but i just think that they should learn to handle things better! get a social media manager or let out your feelings in therapy or something! the mcc14 stream was the worst way to handle things and no person who didn’t want hate sent to another cc would’ve done that, they would’ve ended the stream. really though there are a lot of factors that played into it, it’s just in bad taste looking back.
i think in regards to mcc15 if dream or ranboo’s team don’t win, there’ll be hell on twitter tbh. just look at the qrts of the hermit team - if anyone who isn’t a twitter favourite golden boy doesn’t win we’re in for another war 😭
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scriptaed · 5 years ago
his side, her side | 12:02 a.m.
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genre: angst/fluff/implied smut;
pairing: reader x jungkook;
length: 1.7k;
synopsis: a collective snapshots in time shared between two, whose fates were undeniably intertwined and futures would never come to be.
her side;
[12:02 A.M.] happy 420 birthday hahah
Casual yet thoughtful with a dash of humor—it’s the least embarrassing text you could muster. The clock had just struck twelve, marking the first hour of his birthday, and you had spent the past ten minutes crafting a text of four words that he would probably spend a mere three seconds skimming through. The thing is, if you were to be completely honest with yourself, two minutes is an underestimate of your total time wasted on this simple task; because truth is, you’ve been entranced by your daily reveries and nightly fantasies that were your dreams ever since your paths have intertwined for the first time on a project at work. 
Your history with him began much farther into the past than five months back, however. Aloof, cold, yet chic, Jungkook and his nicely kempt, side-swept hair had caught the eyes of every girl in your orientation group just two years prior. Perhaps it was your preference for exuberant boys or your avoidance of bad boy lookalikes, but Jungkook had left little to no impression on you during the first half of the year. Sometimes you wonder if he, too, had failed to notice you. 
Ironically, it was only when your second partner at work had pointed out the charming looks of the boy’s that you were reminded of his existence. 
“Hey, you know that guy from across our station?” she whispers under an impending fit of giggles. 
“Oh,” you pause for a moment to scavenge through a mental image of work, “you mean Jungkook?” 
“Yeah, you know him?” 
“Well, we’ve talked occasionally—” more interestingly, you’ve noticed his multiple failed attempts to befriend another man, Taehyung, who’s been pining for you in the past months… but you decide to keep that to yourself for the sake of Jungkook’s suave reputation “—but why?” 
 “Don’t you think he’s kind of cute?”
“Uh… I guess?” 
It wasn’t a lie. Really. Precisely half a year ago, the boy was just another one of your colleagues  with a slightly above average look. From meeting at orientation and occasionally bumping into each other in the coffee room, you had never paid much attention to him; but it’s almost as if your friend’s admiration had suddenly piqued a newfound interest in him… because the more you think about it, the more you’ve realized just how often you’ve crossed paths with this boy you’ve probably spoken to for less than a total of one minute. Now, you wonder: has he also come to recognize this oddity between you and him?
There was an undeniable connection, nonetheless. Between you and him, like two classmates sneaking peeks at the other, one knew of the other, despite the lack of effort to communicate. The opportunities to meet were endless, but neither made the leap to fully engage until the both of you recognized the other when you were partnered for a shared project just months prior—and ever since then, flutters of your heart has incorporated itself into your daily routine. His smirks at your dumb jokes, his primmed grin at your clumsiness, his divinely chiseled jawline, his subtle gestures of concern over your nightly walk home, and his hushed presentation of which his words were reserved for the occasional curt jokes and uncensored curses became his irressitable charm. 
Before you knew it, your friends would watch you awe over his looks of which you would claim to be his only redeeming quality. Before you knew it, your feelings grew by the second but your heart shunned the possibility out of a last resort to save an impending ache. 
He’s too good looking. Too many girls fawn over him. He has absolutely zero interest in you. He isn’t that great anyway. What does he have going for him other than that damn crooked grin of his? And his muscular build? And his overly explicit jokes that you never would have thought would come out of the mouth of a remote man like him? 
Why does fate seem to perpetually tie you down to a man like him, time after time? Perhaps it’s the hopeless romantic in you that’s speaking, but from orientation to bump-ins both inside and outside of work, you’ve started to succumb to the idea of a destiny in which fate would inevitably bring you two together. 
[3:04 a.m.] thank you! Lmao
You would soon awaken to the next morning after a night long of anxious anticipation. Your heart would panic in a frenzy at the mere heart he had sent you as a reaction to your message. 
3:04 A.M.
He must have been awake late into the night, probably playing his last round of Fortnite. You would probably tease him tomorrow over his obsession with computer games, as you always did, and he would probably laugh it off with a plea for you to stop your incessant teases.
...or, he was up with that one particular woman you had seen him chatting with at work. You were never the type to overly inspect punctuation use or time stamps—hell, you were never the one to chase in the first place—but why else would he be up so late on his birthday? The sighting of the two and their names that would pop up occasionally on your social media feed would always sting your chest—and ashamedly so. 
She’s beautiful. She’s popular. She probably got along well with Jungkook—something which you never seemed to be capable of, for your eyes would waver and your mind would blank whenever you were around him. Jungkook probably saw much more in her than you. Even though you two were the familiar ones. Even though you knew him first. Even though fate provided you endless opportunities to seize yet you would never come to do. 
This is why you deny this crush of yours with every ounce of your heart. This burning, unwarranted jealousy would be the bane of you. Your friends shall never hear of this pain nor of the butterflies in your stomach instigated by that boy’s simplest of gestures—he had replied to you with a heart, not to mention. 
It’s pathetic, but it’s enough for your foolish self; because even now, at this very moment as you lay in bed with your phone over your chest and your lips stuck in a wide grin, you relish in the ephemeral heights of cloud nine. 
Despite it all, you try to convince yourself: this would be nothing more than an infatuation, for something tells you your heart could not handle the truth of his whereabouts. 
his side;
[12:02 A.M.] happy 420 birthday hahah
He doesn’t realize it but an evident, crooked smile presses against his lips. She’s the first and only notification that lights up his phone screen. Aside from the distant lights of the cityscape dozens of floors below, her message illuminates his eyes amidst the darkness of the hotel room.
She’s the first to remember, he repeats to himself silently, the first to wish him well. 
“What are you looking at?”
With a simple click, he turns his phone off right as the bare chest of a woman spreads warmth against his back. She begins to press firm kisses down his neck and shoulders as her hands explored his hard abdomen along with the domains of what laid beneath the zippers to his pants. 
“Let me guess,” she muses at the lack of a response to her touches, a rare occasion for him, “is it Y/N?”
“Why do you care?” he says after a stagnant pause. 
“I don’t… unless you like her,” she watches him as he does her through the floor-length mirror. “What’s she doing texting you at midnight anyway? Something special today?” 
“Fuck if I know,” he mutters when she slips her hands underneath his waistbands.”
“Does she like you?”
The boy chuckles amusedly, “the hell? No. I’m nothing but deadweight to her for our project.”
“Did you meet her through this project?” 
“No. We’ve crossed paths multiple times before,” he recalls the shifty gaze of hers with a grin. “I don’t think she likes me.” 
“Oh? What’s there not to like?” she marvels at his muscular stature as her hands went to work. “What if she does like you, though?”
Jungkook nearly bursts into laughter—or at least the most of a laugh he could muster. The thought of Y/N’s admiration amuses him almost just as much as her peculiar actions, from her constantly flickering eyes that would avoid his gaze to the dozens of times he had easily spotted her in a crowd of many in locations that could never be by mere happenstance. 
“No,” he muses, “why would she?” 
With a meek smile and a cautious heart, she peers up to meet his eyes, “and do you… like her…?”
Like her? 
“No,” the grin from the joke before disappears from his lips, for his answer was uttered with sincerity. “Not that way. We’re barely friends…”
...at least to her.
The girl’s lips stretch from ear to ear in delight. Grabbing his phone and tossing it to the side with a newly found confidence, she turns him around to place a kiss to his lips. 
“Then why do you keep smiling at your phone like that?” 
“I am? Damn, the fuck’s wrong with me?” he quips with a lopsided grin. “Another round?” 
The girl squeals when he roughly pushes her toward the bed, the back of her knees hitting the edge as she topples onto the mattress in a fit of giggles. 
The boy doesn’t know it, but the girl takes notice of the knitted brows of his that told her his mind was elsewhere. He approaches her quicker than usual, his hands are rushed, and his lips are absentminded with the sole purpose of pursuing pleasure all in a fruitless attempt to bury his thoughts elsewhere. 
Why was he grinning? What did Y/N think of him? And what is it about her that amuses him so?
Through the remaining hours of dawn, from a room that towers over the city where he figures she must be indulging in her favorite mochi ice cream, he tries to convince himself: she would be nothing more than an infatuation, for something tells him his heart isn’t prepared for its own truth. 
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manabingu · 7 years ago
Tagged by @since-the-900s what a great surprise! Thanks fam!
 (Answer 11 questions, tag 11 people)
1. Describe and inside joke with little to no context
One time me and @tyrestgwa described a situation where we watched shows and needed to “Catch Up on HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEH!” xD
2. Describe something that makes you happy
Lately it’s been a mix of things. One of em is Utapri Shining Live, that game may be just a rhythm game but it has kept me sane/happy when I start feeling depressed or anxious. Also finally getting the courage to keep making more Okudaira comics/art in general. Any time I get to talk about Ginga,Himeko &Fuya I just feel happy cuz they mean a lot to me.THAT and doing anything abridged (scripting/voice acting) and singing an actually posting song covers!
3. What’s the funniest joke you know by heart?
Any abridged episode ever made by either myself or my abridged community friends  (I have way too many)
4. What’s the craziest conversation you’ve overheard?
One time someone used the words “too maleish” as an adjective. Ever since that day, I have questioned as to what the heck that means XD...also apparently that person pretending to tolerate a franchise they don’t enjoy just to fit in with a person that had influence in a fandom they were also in just to get street cred, only to talk bad about it behind their back *SLOOOOW CLAAAAAAAAAP*
5. What’s your favorite song at the moment?
Y’know I am a person who listens to a BUNCH of music a LOT. ALL THE TIME but I play a lotta stuff on repeat. Lately  (BESIDES “JAP” by Abingdon Boys School because I have to rehearse it for Anime Idol)
I have REALLY been feeling these 2 equally:
“Bright Burning Shout” by Takanori Nishikawa
and “Eclipse” by Aoi Shouta 
6. What languages do you wish you could speak?
I really should start on taking learning Japanese seriously cuz it would be beneficial to not just hobbies but who knows what doors it can open for me. I’ve been told by people that my singing is already hella accurate & maybe I can do something with it. But aside from that I think learning Quechua from my mom would be cool!
7. Describe your idea of a ‘perfect day’
Wake up at a decent time, play some Shining Live, get ready for work so I can have money, come back, play more Shining Live, work out for an hr, shower, then the rest of the night I can either do some song/voice recordings, scripting, drawing, cosplay progress or if I just wanna be a lazy cat, just watch a movie, tokusatsu, or anime that I been meaning to get around to while checking social media in between breaks. I know that is what I already do. But my perfect day/life would be actually being in the music or acting industry and doing that schedule, but for now, this is fine ;w;
8. What’s the worst movie trope in your opinion?
Honestly I don’t like it when a minority gets stereotyped.That drives me up the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllll.
9. What made you laugh the hardest ever in your life?
I think there was this one moment in Hunter x Hunter Abridged by CoffinJockey & EarlofBassignton that gets me EVERY TIME. THE SET UP TO THAT PUNCHLINE IS ONE OF THE MOST BRILLIANT THINGS I’VE SEEN. ((I PUT A TIME STAMP ON THIS LINK. OMFG WATCH IT AND YOU WILL UNDERSTAND XD HAHAH))) ITS SO GOOD. THE DELIVERY OF THE VOICES MADE IT EVEN BETTER! I haven’t even seen the original show and I love this parody XD! 
10. What animal is the most majestic?
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11. If you could afford everything, what kind of clothes would you wear?
*RUBS PALMS TOGETHER* 8) no budget eyyy???
Well I always wanted lolita clothes tbh but it can be expensive ;w;o But I wanna own at least one dress/outfit someday. But also I want some really fancy or cool jrock/jpop inspired things. So a combo of stuff like this:
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(((totally doesn’t use this as a chance to look at Takanori Nisikawa pics XD)))
1. What is the best music related thing you bought in 2017 or 2018?
2. Cats or Rabbits?
3. What Disney character do you think is underrated?
4. Name 3 films you liked this year!
5. What is one of the best memories you’ve made in the past 5 yrs?
6. If you could ask aliens 1 question, what would you ask?
7. What types games do you like to play?
8. Favorite magical girl?
9. Strawberries or Raspberries?
10. If you could have 2 superpowers what would you have?
11. Would you rather be a Fairy, Mermaid, Alicorn or Dragon?
I dunno who to tag but yee!
@pandaloverwwf @laurathia @ahsimwithsake @malik-leena2418 @t-chan @sylphwriter @akachuscifo @galaxyeyedphoton @shiro-no-sekai  @rosey-ballerina @kittykatsandbox @two-dorks-and-a-grump  dunno if @cozymochi  or anyone else wanna chime in on these but yee~
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