#it’s a sunny day and usually she’d be out in the garden all day bc that’s her favourite
ragazza-paradiso · 1 year
watching your pet slowly dying is the worst most heartbreaking thing on this planet
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pairing: sheriff lee bodecker x younger! reader
warnings: cheating, age gap
a/n: i wanted to write this chapter to show how y/n’s and lee’s affair began and to show how y/n shaped lee or his point of view. this song is mostly based off august from taylor swift (bc we all know at this point that i’ll just write fanfics based of any folklore/evermore songs) and war of hearts from ruelle. this one is not smut, the next one (illicit affairs) is gonna be.  additionally, i’ve come to the conclusion that knockemstiff y/n dressed like betty draper and after-knockemstiff y/n dresses likes meg draper and that is canon. btw if you’re interested in what she’s wearing in this chapter here [x] p.s.: lee’s not captain yet in this chapter
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Salt air and the rust on your door, I never needed anything more. Whispers of are you sure? Never have I ever before. But I can see us lost in the memory, August slipped away into a moment in time ‘cause it was never mine
August was an odd month this year; the godless and sunless town was going through the biggest heatwave anyone could remember. Most habitants were in the parks and outside their homes in plastic chairs enjoying the heat, however, in Y/N’s house, they were baking apple pies with the apples leftover from the little apple tree farm they had a bit south from the town centre. Y/N had suggested they just gave away the apples but her grandmother, ever the traditional woman, believed the best way to show appreciation would be to bake something. “It shows you care, Y/N” as if she cared about anyone in this god forbidden town. She couldn’t wait to pack her bags and go to the big city where she can be something other than a trophy wife. Besides, it wasn’t like there were any available suitable husband options around. 
She wiped the flour out of her forehead as she placed the last pie in the oven. 24 pies, surely that would account for a high electricity bill at the end of the month. Not that it mattered anyway, her grandmother could more than afford it after all she was the woman right now sat at the kitchen table, giving out plates as if they cost nothing. 
     - Y/N, sweetheart, can you go and deliver the pie on the living room. It’s already cold and I don’t want it to go stale.
     - Yeah, sure. 
     - To Captain Bodecker’s house. Promised Jane I’d send her one. 
     - Captain Bodecker’s? But that’s in town. - she scratched her elbows. She’d rather not go to Captain Bodecker’s house yet again he probably wasn’t even around, always busy in the station. - Can I take the car?
     - It’s a 20 minute walk, it’s sunny outside and you’re young. Save on gas.
     - But ...
     - Y/N, you better be outside with that pie in 5 seconds or we’ll have a problem. - she interrupted.
Y/N sighed, unlacing the back of her apron and placing it on the hook. Just great, that’s all she needed today, to walk to the town centre to deliver one of the pies she had just spent the whole morning preparing. She guessed it could’ve been worse, she could’ve had to go deliver it to the police station then Captain Bodecker would’ve definitely been there. It wasn’t that she disliked him, quite the opposite. Back when she volunteered at the precinct he was the only one who was nice to her or at least the only one who wouldn’t try to put his hand under her skirt. He’d even memorised her name which not even the Sheriff who had hired her knew, to this day whenever he saw her he still called her Bella. He was nice to her and she couldn’t say she hadn’t developed a little school girl crush on him, despite the fact he was married. He’d even stood up for her when her manager started screaming at her. Nevertheless, she couldn’t stand being in his presence, feeling like whatever she said would get her in trouble. His wife wasn’t someone she enjoyed either; Jane Bodecker was known for having quite the sharp gossiping tongue. Most of her friends commented their “men friends” would comment how she used to have quite the reputation while at high school and whenever she saw her at the shop, she’d always call her Little Miss Perfect or make some side comment about how she was occupying a job that someone else needed. Still, Y/N could deal with Jane, a little smile, a nod and she was ready to deal with the devil.
The sun scorched her skin as she walked her last minutes til the Bodecker residence. It was a nice home, recently painted with some nice flowers in the front garden yet there were rumours of Captain Bodecker wanting to move to Brewer Heights. Y/N didn’t know how she’d react if during her morning walks she passed by him, so she counted it only as rumours. Standing in front of the red door, she held the pie in one hand and knocked against it with the other one. She stood there waiting for someone to come in until footsteps made her wake up from her dream-like state and prepare to deal with Jane. However, as the door open, a familiar silhouette had her heart racing. 
    - Y/N, what brings you here? - she watched him dressed in casual clothing, something she barely saw if she had ever seen; jeans and a white t-shirt. 
   - Captain Bodecker ... I ... I was looking for your wife. My grandmother sent this. - she held up the pie in front of her.  - She said Mrs. Bodecker wanted one. 
   - Jane’s ... out. Come in. - he opened the door wider for her but she remained in the same place like a statue. - Come on, it’s too hot out. Don’t want no fainting lass complains on my day off. ‘Sides, don’t you want a slice of pie?
   - I really shouldn’t.
   - You can say no if you want to. No need to be afraid of me, Y/N. - he leaned against the doorframe. - Thank you for the pie, though. 
   - I guess I can stay a bit. - she tucked a bit of hair behind her ear. Lee couldn’t help but shamelessly check her out as she walked inside his home. It was no secret she was a beautiful woman, heck, Lee thought her to be the prettiest little thing to ever arrive into town, with her sunny smile and pretty dresses. This one was no different, lavender which complimented her so well with a little white rope tied around her waist into a bow, like a little present. Nevertheless, he kept it under wraps he was a married man besides every man in town shamelessly harassed her, despite the side eye he gave them.
He watched as the fabric of her dress swung with the movement of her hips. Lee surely didn’t expect such a pretty girl to walk into his home, had he known he would’ve made an effort to fix the mess that was his house. Normally Jane tended to keep that sorted as he usually spent the day and night at work, but with her staying with her mother after their last fight. It wasn’t anything new, she always did that whenever they fought and then would return after Lee made a fool of himself by begging her to return and that he was wrong during the fight. Still, she placed the pie on his kitchen table with a gentleness and posture which mirrored her privileged upbringing. He couldn’t lie and say his mind hadn’t wandered around how she would look when she eventually got married, after all that was the future of all Knockemstiff women. He also couldn’t lie and say he hadn’t wondered how she would look as his wife. She was sweet, with a sharp mind which definitely had not been appreciated in the precinct. Despite this, productivity seemed to raise whenever she called out any officers who had their feet on top of their desks instead of doing paperwork. He still remembered having to always keep an eye on her, were any officers to get too rowdy with her. Yet, she didn’t care and she held herself and believed herself to deserve the same respect as every working man in Knockemstiff. Although he imagined how she would be as a wife, he had to admit he couldn’t see her ever being some Knockemstiff’s man’s wife and with the example from her grandmother, she was surely on the path to be a rebellion starter. 
    - Big fan of apple pie, Y/N?
    - My grandmother refuses to sell the apples so instead I woke up at 6AM and have been baking apple pies nonstop. She says it shows I care. 
     - Never thought you to be found of Knockemstiff residents. 
     - And I am not. - she spoke as if the mere thought of it offended her.  - She said she promised Jane one. 
     - Don’t think Jane will be back for a while. - he leaned against the kitchen door, watching her place the pie onto his kitchen table. - You can take half that pie, if you want.
    - Trust me, I have my share of apple pie at home. - she folded her hands on top of her stomach. - Uhm ... Do you want me to cut you a slice of pie? I normally take mine with a bit of vanilla ice cream on top. It’s gorgeous, the warmth of the pie and the cold of the ice cream. You should try it?
    - You’re just full of ideas, aren’t ya? - he sat on the wooden chair as she sliced the pie to the best of her abilities. - Shouldn’t you be at university, or someth’ng? 
    - Well, grandma had the stroke and she’s not as motile as she used to be. I’ve been taking some classes at Ohio University but it’s not the same, it’s ...
    - It’s not the big city, ain’t it? - he added. 
    - It’s not that I dislike Knockemstiff, Captain ...
    - Yeah you do. - he interrupted her. - Just don’t let the Sheriff hear it. He already ain’t too found of ya. 
    - Nobody in that precinct liked me. - she rolled her eyes. - Well, they did but I did not like them in that way. 
    - I liked ya. Whenever you screamed at Leroy it always made my day. 
    - Leroy’s the most incompetent person I know. All he does is pimp girls out as if he discovered prostitution. I feel sorry for the girls. 
    - He does a good service.
    - Of course you’d know. - she pushed her hair away from her shoulders, feeling the sweat roll down her neck. God it was, too hot. Lee furrowed his brown, laying the fork onto the porcelain plate. She caught his look, brow raising over in a playful, smug kind of way, before she laid her hands on the table. - I’ve seen it before. 
     - You’ve seen it before?
     - Don’t worry, I didn’t see IT, but I saw Jenny get in the car with you just after graduation. I know what she does, she would call me all the time whenever Leroy was being an ass. 
     - Oh ...
     - Don’t worry, I’m not gonna say anything. Everyone in this town cheats, mostly because everyone in this town marries someone just because they think that will save them from Hell. No one is saved if they’re born in Knockemstiff, not even me. 
     - You mean to tell me you’ve done bad things, Y/N? ‘Cause I don’t believe it.
     - I’ve never done it but I’ve thought bad things. All the time. - her gaze lowered from his face to his waist before returning back to his eyes. It was a millisecond gaze, something she herself knew but he didn’t notice, no matter how observant he was. There were no perfect men in Knockemstiff, but in Y/N’s mind he was her perfect man. After all, there are no perfect men anywhere, even Saints sin and then die heroically to get into heaven. Y/N would rather sin than die for people who would’ve had her accidentally killed many times if it weren’t for her grandmother’s name and status in town. What’s the fun in being good? Every time she was good she got yelled at, someone put her hand under her skirt or tried to pin her against a wall. She was good, she would just rather sin so people wouldn’t taint her goodness. It’s a question of self preservation, at least that’s what she told herself. 
    - That doesn’t make you bad. If so there wouldn’t be good people.
    - There are no good people. - she added, ever the negative person she was, something she had inherited from her mother and which everyone who knew her could trace back to. - All people are born so they could be buried. Everything you do ... in a 100 years they won’t remember everything and all that be left of you is your burial site. That’s your legacy. 
    - Such negative views for someone who wants out of Knockemstiff. I thought you’d have a better outlook on things.
    - I’m never getting out of here. - she sighed, almost used to the idea that she was going to stay no matter how long she fought it. - I’m gonna die here. 
    - Dying ain’t so bad. - he leaned against his chair. Y/N smiled at him, looking around his home. It was messy yes but it was still a good home yet that wasn’t what she noticed. Looking out the window, she saw a built in pool. She didn’t remember hearing the Captain had a pool. Sure, he had a the better salary compared to everyone else in town except for the Sheriff, Mayor, and her grandmother. Yet she had never heard of him having a pool, not even she had one. 
    - You have a pool? 
    - Yeah, built it back when Sandy used to come over to wind up from the dinner job. She’s married now so I don’t think she wants a pool at her big brother’s home anymore. 
   - I don’t think anyone in town has a pool. - she rose from her chair and walked to the window in a lavender rush. - It’s gorgeous.
   - You can come over whenever you want, Y/N. 
   - Can I go now? - she looked over her shoulder to him. The idea of being able to swim while the boiling august heat continued to shine down onto the hellish town. Somehow it made sense yet it didn’t. Lee cocked his head to the side, wondering if he’d misheard her words or if she was really considering swimming into his pool. Unwanted feeling stirred south of him and he punished himself mentally for imagining the lavender flower girl in such ways.
    - Well, uh ... you don’t have a swimming costume. - he babbled like a confused, stunned child.
    - I can swim on my undergarments. It’s pretty much a lace embroidered swimming costume. - Lee merely nodded, not knowing exactly what to do but knowing he was flirting with sin, looking at an abysses and seeming not to fear that he was going straight into it. 
Y/N walked from the window up to the kitchen door which led over to the garden. The once white door had withered with time, turning slightly yellowish with rust on the borders, the glass of the small see through windows cracked yet remaining its shape. The door seemed to be a small reminder of what was still wrong in the Captain’s life but she chose not to dwell over it, no to think about it. She felt the cobblestones against her feet covered by an old pair of white ballerina slips as her mirrored image became clear in the crystalline pool water. 
Lee on the other hand watched like a hawk, from the rusted door he’d broken so many bottles of liquor against, as her lavender fabric fell to the dirty cobblestones. The contrast of the prim expensive dress against the cobblestones which had aged as badly as he had done was telling. At least it was telling enough for him and he wondered if this was a gift from God or if the devil was toying with him. The devil is in the details, his mother used to say, yet as she emerged from the water, hands pulling down her hair, he was almost entirely sure the devil was the girl in his pool, the same girl who had worn white dresses until her 18th birthday. Yet again, the devil was once an angel and to him, she was closer to becoming a fallen one than continuing to wear shades of white. 
    - You don’t swim, captain? - she asked as she swam to the border of the pool. 
    - I don’t enjoy doing it. - he stayed glued to the door, a good distance from her to ensure he didn’t get tempted. - You gonna just swim around like a mermaid, huh?
    - It’s better in the water than on the cobblestones, I tell ya. - she dipped into the water once again only to return to the surface, water droplets rolling down from her plump skin. - Come on, captain. You’re gonna leave me swimming by my lonesome? During the hottest day in Knockemstiff?
    - You’re a trouble stirrer. 
    - Maybe I’m just bored. - she smiled at him. He knew she wasn’t tempting him, he knew Y/N. She liked to tease around, she enjoyed the freedoms which she imposed onto herself and as such she was much different from the women he knew. Not that he knew any women outside of Knockemstiff. He’d been born and raised here and all the women he saw from out of Knockemstiff were on his television screen. - Come on, Captain. It’s your pool. 
    - I don’t want you to see my belly.
   - I don’t care, besides, if it’s that bad then come into your clothing. - her arms rested upon the pool border, wondering eyes tempting even the saint of all saints. Lee looked at the cold water reflecting the afternoon sunlight beams, trying to avoid the thoughts that crossed his mind before turning around. He let his jean trousers pool to the ground along with his shoes before entering the water using the ladder. He was almost sure he’d make her laugh if he were to jump into the water. 
The water was cold and dripped from his skin in crystal like drops. Y/N offered him a playful smile, swimming close to him with that wide eye child naughty fun look only she managed to still hold intact. She held her hands slightly back before pushing the water towards him. 
    - You tellin’ me you invited me in for a water fight? - he chuckled at her actions. 
    - Afraid I’ll win?
    - Kid, you’re much too tiny to win against me. 
    - Wanna bet? - she threw water again at him, swimming closer and closer to him before anchoring herself against him, hands on his shoulders. - I bet you as many apple pies as you want. 
    - Yeah, I’m trying not to gain any more weight, kid.
    - You have beautiful eyes, I’ve never noticed. - she made eye contact with him, seeing her own reflection in his light blue eyes. Maybe she’d never notice because the uniform was so dark blue his eyes reflected it like mirrors, yet they were light. - They’re gorgeous. 
    - Trying to make me blush, kid? 
    - Just never noticed. 
    - Well huh ... - he could listen to his heart beating and drumming against his chest along with the soft movement of the water. All his eyes could see was her, her hands holding onto his shoulders and her angelic face looking at him. - Thanks, you have nice eyes too.
    - You can’t take a compliment, Captain. - she teased.
    - I don’t think I’m deserving of any, specially coming from you, kid.
    - What is that supposed to mean?
    - You know what the men say in town. They think you’re the prettiest thing in a skirt to ever pace around here. Pretty sure they’ll kill each other trying to get your favour.
    - My favour? Is that what you think I’m good for?
    - No ... I ... That’s not what I meant. - his face creased. - I’m just telling you what I hear. 
    - You seem to know a lot of gossip about me, captain. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you’ve been asking around.
    - What if I have? - Lee watched for the first time her mouth shut close. She didn’t know what to say next, eyebrows furrowed together as she inspected his face, slow blinking. Her eyes left his to look at the water back at him. - Just looking out for you ... not a lot of people like you ‘round town. 
He hands gripped his shoulder as she swam closer to him. Her intention was to hug him thank you. Of course she didn’t expect no one to look out for her, she didn’t care about what a bunch of housewives and hopeless alcoholics thought of her. She knew he didn’t inspire adoration in them other. As she got closed to him, he leaned down, capturing her lips into his. Her hands slide from her shoulders to his chest, almost as if she wanted to be the good one and push him away. He was married after all. However, as his lips moved against hers she found herself incapable of pushing him away, hands relaxing just resting against his chest as she found herself acting on her sinful thoughts for the first time. 
So much for summer love, for saying us, ‘cause you weren’t mine to lose.
taglist: @lookiamtrying​
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arodrwho · 6 years
Can I ask C, N, and P for the character of your choice? Thanks!
:D :D
alright so under the cut bc it got a bit long but!!for lila!!
C: Comfort
1. how do they sit in a chair?
lila 100% definitely does not sit in chairs properly. how she sits depends on who she’s around, probably, but if there’s nobody…at least one leg is up on the chair. hell, she’s prolly not on the chair at all. she’s sat on the ground, maybe on a counter
2. in what position do they sleep?
on the ground? scrunched up tight. her back usually hurts a bit when she first wakes. on dragonback? upright, but much looser. leans forward on one of len’s spikes and goes boneless in the harness
3. what is their ideal comfort day?
mm…a quiet day at home, no clients, no emergencies, no escapes. warm food. warm sun, or maybe a little rain. time to putter round in her garden, and maybe to try to bake something. definitely time to brew something, to pull out a book to curl in a corner by the fire with len. probably some rain on the rooftop then, even if the earlier bit of the day was sunny. and lots of quiet. only the trees rustling and murmured conversation
4. what is their major comfort food? why?
mm. it used to be her grandma’s recipe for….something, i’m not sure what. her sister used to make it for her after they left home, but she could never get the recipe quite right, and the just-off version stuck, and that became lila’s comfort food. and then of course her sister went and died, so it’s all bittersweet now
so i thiiiiink she’d have to have a new comfort food, and i think that’d be something warm and simple–something she and len make a fair bit, whenever they’ve the right supplies and the time. i’m thinking toasted bread with some kinda meat sandwiched in the middle
5. who is the best at comforting them when down? 
len. hands-down, len
N: Never Have I Ever
1. what would they never do?
mm, she’d never turn on a fellow non-magicuser
2. what have they never done that they want to do?
she’s never burned a guard’s house to the ground, if that counts
3. is there anything they absolutely can’t believe people do?
not really?
(that said, she can’t believe some people willingly put their hands on certain kinds of wool. why would u ever do that to urself, she asks. w h y)
4. what is the most embarrassing thing they’ve done?
the most embarrassing thing….mmmmmm…….well. once she claimed to know how to make a certain potion. attempted to make the potion very flashily. and she made a rookie mistake and it blew up in her face. her hair & skin were dyed turquoise for weeks. len nearly choked trying not to laugh. she was not pleased
5. have they done anything they thought they’d never do?
mm……i mean. she lost millie, but that’s a cop-out of an answer, so…she hurt len. like she really hurt len. emotionally, in the emotions. bad. they weren’t even having an argument, he was trying to help and she said some Bad Stuffs and he went very quiet and did not talk to her for a long time
P: Personality
1. what is their best personality trait?
i mean it’s cliche as hell, but her hope i guess? like, for her, hope is a choice. and despite everything that happens to her she just…keeps choosing it. even when it gets hard. especially when it gets hard
2. what is their worst personality trait?
she doesn’t always think. like when she thinks she’s a fairly good tactician, but when she doesn’t, when she’s impulsive and hotheaded and lets her anger get the best of her–things go bad.
she also tends to not trust others. and even when she does trust them it’s like, she trusts herself more. this leads to her feeling like her instincts are always the best right ones (which is not the greatest in combination with her the above trait, which is why i list them together), among other ungreat things
3. what of their personality do others love?
that she’s kind and enthusiastic and matter-of-fact
4. what of their personality do others envy?
her ability to keep moving through crisis after crisis like it’s nothing (which they tend to think of as her being Literally Unruffle-able, but in point of fact is just her being rly good at compartmentalizing & also taking fantasy anxiety meds)
5. do they hate anything about their personality/about other’s personalities?
she doesn’t like her temper. she doesn’t like that she makes jokes at the wrong times. she doesn’t like that she isn’t very patient. she wishes she were clever like len & wise like millie
as for others’ personalities…she hates that len hates himself. and she hated that millie always thought she knew best (which…u know, ironic given answer #P2)
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