#it’s 10:45 but it feels like 3am mentally to me rn
yukiranine · 1 year
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maerveil · 4 years
50 Questions You Have Never Been Asked
i was tagged by @loverofelves​ :3c thank u <3
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?
black, nothing special, my mom got it from a dollar store for me bc my old one was literally falling apart but i refused to replace it
2. A food you never eat?
the only thing i can think of that i would probably not eat even if that meant it gets thrown away is steak, or any cut of red meat. i have a lot of trouble swallowing it for some reason. most other foods i hate i would still rather eat than waste them
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?
theres no really comfortable temperature for me i think. im always either too warm or too cold. but since i spend most time in my bedroom which only gets sunlight for about 4 hours a day, im usually too cold
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
painting with watercolours and listening to music
5. What is your favorite candy bar?
i avoid sweets so i dont really know the different breeds of candy bar
6. Have you ever been to a professional sporting event?
ive participated in a few swimming tournaments when i was younger and a friend dragged me to see an ice hockey match a few years ago
7. What was the last thing you said out loud?
'hey’ at my cats because they were climbing my shelf....
8. What is your favorite ice cream?
not really a flavour, but strawberry sundae, with real strawberries and white chocolate... theres nothing quite like it
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
tap water
10. Do you like your wallet?
its a huge black leather wallet. i wanted one like this really bad when i was like 14 yrs old, now i kinda think its too big. but i like that it has space for all kinds of clutter like cards and pictures... i want to say i feel neutral about it but considering how long ive had it im probably at least a little attached
11. What was the last thing you ate?
a small bowl of plain oats with milk for breakfast
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
no... im saving my money for useless things rn!
13. The last sporting event you watched?
im really not into sports so whenever i watch sports it i dont do so deliberately. uhm. i think biathlon was on tv one time a few months ago when i visited my dad
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
i like it when its sweet but not so much that your fingers get terribly sticky from it
15. Who was the last person you sent a text message to?
my dad probably
16. Ever go camping?
yea i went camping w my dad a lot when i was younger, almost every summer for 8 years. im mentioning my dad a lot here. we are not as close as one might think
17. Do you take vitamins?
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?
no im too pretty
19. Do you have a tan?
no, but my right arm is a bit red from sitting on my balcony too long yesterday
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?
depends entirely on my mood, i dont have a general preference
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?
only when i want to act like a slut which is never
22. What color socks do you usually wear?
i usually wear black tights
23. Ever drive above the speed limit?
I CANT DRIVE AND I NEVER WILL and if you drive above the speed limit thats +5 on your sin counter. i will know
24. What terrifies you?
those scary creepypasta images, communication, and anything unpredictable. also the possibility that jjba part 7 will be animated entirely in cgi
25. Look to your left what do you see?
a manga panel of dio i traced and taped to my wall, a bunch of jjba prints, and a tiny sticker of diego
26. What core do you hate?
if this is about music... i actually dont even want to spell out the name of that genre, thats how disgusting it is. its got to do with anime
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
that time in like, 7th grade, where english class was mostly about learning australian vocabulary
28. What is your favorite soda?
i dont drink soda im so scared of the liquid sugar but like cherry or vanilla coke probably
29. Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive through?
i dont ever go to fast food places, but if i did id hit the drive thru. inside its too loud and i hate when people can watch me eat
30. Who was the last person you talked to?
in person... my dad i think
31. Favorite cut of beef?
its all bad
32. Last song you listened to?
all the fools sailed away by dio (the band with real life people in it)
33. Last book you read?
der unsichtbare apfel by robert gwisdek. im still reading it actually im just too busy to finish anything rn
34. Favorite day of the week?
saturday of course!! although last night there was someone in front of my window at 3am who screamed for two seconds for seemingly no reason. this stuff doesnt happen on weekdays
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
no and im self conscious about it
36. How do you like your coffee?
37. Favorite pair of shoes?
my dr martens mary janes... easy to get in and out of... simple... cute... whats not to love. theyre starting to fall apart tho bc i wear them all the time
38. At what time do you usually go to bed?
between 9 and 11 pm
39. At what time do you normally get up?
between 5 and 9 am
40. What do you prefer - sunrises or sunsets?
emotionally, sunrises bc sunsets remind me that the day is over and my time has run out... but aesthetically, sunsets
41. How many blankets are on your bed?
two, one weighted and one normal
42. Describe your kitchen plates?
plain white... super boring and i hate them but i used to live with a minimalist and tried to be considerate to avoid conflict
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?
rum w cola or pina coladas, but i usually avoid alcohol. makes me feel like a soggy sponge and so sleepy. hate it
44. Do you play cards?
no all card games are bad!!
45. What color is your car?
i cant drive
46. Can you change a tire?
i cant even consider learning how to do it
47. What is your favorite province?
48. Favorite job you ever had?
i hate jobs and careers and i would sooner let myself get exploded into a thousand pieces by impact with a speeding train than take up a job again
49. How did you get your biggest scar?
i was 15, in a really bad place mentally, and tried to make a point to someone... uh oh!
50. What did you do today that made someone happy?
this question is guilt tripping me
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w1737087 · 4 years
1st June
Sipped on mango juice through the night.
Up at around 9 from mother’s rigid voice and all her disputes with father.
Got up shut the door and shut the window. I could still hear her.
I finally placed multiple orders on ear buds..
Today she thinks dads out with a woman
I put on back to sleep playlist and later fell asleep. It was hard work, to fall asleep,
Dad called. I ignored it.
Kay called. I ignored it.
Up before 3pm and out of bed by 3
I cried before sleeping from all the frustration and triggering the sack of thoughts about my never ending tribulations and vast entrapment by mother.
Dreams? A little fucked up.
Shambolic scenarios being slammed in and out of one from another.
Killing bunnies?
Interrupted sex dream?
Other weird & hectic shit happened I cannot recall but I remember being sucked in by my pillows into some visions like a vacuum literally PULLING my face in. This happened twice and funny thing, I was in my mind REALISING it but also having the want to not... wake up because of it so I gave in again. It soon..was getting intense. Not scary but just hitting the red meter and I thought I’d burst and die and mentally I recited my shahada. Again, no fear, just intensity. Who dreams like this? For someone who dreams a lot this was something new I experienced.
When I woke all I concluded was that I really wanted to sleep. I hadn’t gotten enough and knew I wanted to get some more to meet the amount I should have gotten.
By 4pm completed the last mask sitting in the bed in my parents room.
Packed it up got ready. The little one tagged along. Dad came home and stormed back out. Mother has been fighting over the phone with him since the morning disrupting my sleep. I can hear her all day as I get on with my own day.
We went to post office to drop the mask sack off. Learnt what postage stamps are really for. A source of posting currency. Second band I sent it. Dad actually waited near the shops on the way there spontaneously, he called and we hopped in.
He took us McDonalds and we ate sitting in beckton car park. It was hot.
The little un wanted to return her books and I also needed to go to the high street.
We didn’t do either and I felt bad for not having taken her where I told her we’d go.
She also mentioned the zoo recently and I said a couple weeks time.
I’ve got to tell work I ain’t working my usual days then I’ll plan the zoo.
The car park is pretty empty. Around us boxed tarmac and in front upgraded stores.
Dads wearing a half sleeved shirt and
I wanted a fag as he had his.
I sat at the front, the little one at the back.
She talks about newspapers and her friends hand drawing being in today’s paper. She wanted to see. Dad only had dated ones.
I had one in my hands now and decided to do a crossword puzzle and a sudoku. I was really into the crossword as we arrived home.
We came home and through the journey dad talked about mother’s behaviour and she called a couple times and I didn’t like it. She is just so bothersome. Rightfully so but to witness it and know enough of what’s going on I’d without a doubt shove a muzzle on my mother for life and let my dad be. She would also be settled by this. Then I would be and that’s my main motive.
Tried to poop. Fail.
Eldest was in the shower. She was prompt.
Middle one wanted to go. I got out unbothered as i couldn’t go.
Came up
Lit up out the window.
My heart does that thing again.
Somethings deeply wrong. Inside of me I know for a fact there’s a riot, flaccid tears, somewhere along in the past couple weeks or further back I malfunctioned.
I don’t know if this is anxiety or not but I find myself alone and noticing my heart beating at an abnormal rate. It is everything but peace. I feel horrifyingly unsettled. I’ve got the essays I’ve got to write on my mind. It’s a factor in play as well as the wrecked sleep and I just feel so so insufferable these days. I can’t stop it, I try to be calm, I seem calm, I tell myself calm, I am so, but just as I am, I am entirely not all fine. Whatcwr this is I need it stop. My motner and her aura, ber behaviour which wrecks my sleep every morning as well as being underpaid at work and so many otber reasons. I cannot seem to stabilise myself correctly enough anymore. Everytime I want to yell at my parents it goes down mentally and when with them individually it’s to come out as I would be deemed crazy to blurt these issues out at the wrong times. At the right time it doesn’t work either. Either their good mood or their something is in the way. I’m doing so many things wrong and i just feel I’m in the middle of an identity crisis too. I don’t go to uni, I picture my desk and have no clue what’s there, I don’t go so label it as I can’t go, my baby sis is growing up and I haven’t been there, day by day I still feel I’m doing wrong by her, now that I’ve started work I’ve wasted time to better things with her. I don’t want to be here in this house and nobody will let me leave. I have no one to speak to because speaking to people is all that’s ever done, they hear they listen but they just don’t know the root of my problems and I am just beyond in need of help. How do I survive another year of this and manage to build the money and courage to move myself out of here, i don’t want grey hairs, if they show up I’ll know I’m damaging rn and I want to be settled if anything for now, for whatcwr this feeling inside of my chest is to mellow. It’s hectic between my rib cage there and my mind is swell. They are not in sync. I am not fine. Summer always had me feeling a type of way too. It’s a very very fine day and I want it but I feel once it comes around every year I’m not a part of it. Ever. It’s like it’s always for the world except for me. I cannot indulge in it enough to feel like it’s for me too.
The house is empty for now. Just us girls. Parents gone out to get some papers for the little one.
They may be back. I don’t know. I’m in my room holed up.
Mood today:
Absolutely off
Unsettled, torn.
18:40 tbwy levaw. The sisters now. I’m all alone. It’s Such a rarity I don’t have time to pick what to do. Today’s agenda was to begin emailing Stewart and getting started on something to do with the essays.
I’m still dressed.
I cleaned up the powder that fell to the ground dispersing into a thousand pieces from my compact blush case.
I remember growing massively agitated over it as it was a fat mess and it fell like they always somehow accidentally do due to lack of space here and how I always always mentally be careful to not let them fall and they do anyway.AND I GET WO MAD
Been a busy day. Productive.
Moved extension cord back. Had to move alll my shoes and did rearrange them better seeing as the few at the bottom were damaging by the compression.
Tidied the messy tower of clothes on my chair.
Emptied the underwear drawers and distributed everyone’s own to their own rooms. Assigned the two empty drawers to the little one now. She needs the space.
Liphi went for her lip filler appointment today with Nam who didn’t wanna go with.
We FaceTimed later around 9:45 for a bit.
Her lips are bruised.
I cleaned the floor. Emptied the bin, enjoyed the brief empty house before bleaching and washing my shirts.
Shuffled some things around
Tidied the bedside table and some of the drawer, moved all the bundles of colour pencils and placed them in my art box under the bed, the drawer now has better space but still clogged as usual.
Opened a package which held my sports bras that I wanted more of after having one. They stabilise my breasts well.
The little one stayed by me as I cleaned my room. She was refolding her clothes all very neatly for their new place.
She went out with my parents when the house was empty to collect madrasah forms and tbwy went shopping at galleons. From H&M she bought a sky blue dress, trackies with hearts on them, pink sliders with cartoon slapped on and a pair of leggings.
Macdonnas in the car with dad
Late night lasagne. 00:30
Ice cream from truck - sister bought after I sorted out everyone’s underwear with the little one in parents room. She sat in her car much of that hour.
Brain kicker
A nutty Lindt bar and I just ain’t taking care of my body anymore am I in terms of eating matter..
Sneezed 3 times
Thought about that bee lad at today.
Remembering to take my vitamins.
Killed my first mosquito tonight and seeing more than a couple. This means summer has officially kicked in.
Almost burnt the entire microwave down and could have blown a fuse. I placed my lasganve in and the wrapped food pack it was in caught fire immediately and I lunged at the push button.
Couldn’t blow the flames off as they were too great. Tossed it in the sink quickly and splashed water all over it which went everywhere too.
I was very alarmed. I don’t find myself in such situations that cause panic ever really.
Didn’t go to the Palestine protests as there were fights breaking out and harm occurring with the movement.
Humayra’s in the bathroom at midnight when I’ve already set my clothes in there and was ready to shower. I went back up for something and did an arm workout for 30 minutes or so including some rnr
I didn’t like that she was in there at this hour, why is it every time I need the bathroom she utilises it. I felt aggravated and those thoughts immediately crept in that I need out, I need my own place where I can get shit done without wasting these few minutes a couple hundred times a day of everyday due to others. It’s literally slowing my life down and she’s in the way of my kitchen and bathroom use, more so the latter this season.
So I showered, scrubbed my face, ears, in between toes and all and finally done with my day around 3am
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xanthouus · 7 years
A good pal asked for these :)
1: Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette? probably? I don’t smoke but who knows, maybe future me might
2: Are you single/taken/heartbroken/confused? taken <3 
3: What if I told you that you were pretty? well thanks sugar, you’re not too bad yourself ;)
4: Ever been told “it’s not you, it’s me”? nope lol 
5: Are you interested in anyone right now? maaaaaaaybe :3 
6: What are you looking forward to in the next week? going to my favorite place in the world, Brighton :) 
7: Do you want to be single? I enjoy being single but if someone is super great then I don’t mind not being single
8: Did you go out or stay in last night? Stayed in physical but mentally went out 
9: How late did you stay up last night? 3am, pretty early 
10: Can you recall the last time you realized you liked someone a lot? yeh
11: Last three things you had to drink? cider, vodka, capri sun 
12: Have you pretended to like someone? noooooooo.. na not really 
13: Have you ever told somebody you loved them and not actually meant it? not to my memory 
14: Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months? ;) 
15: Is it hard for you to get over someone? ohh yeh boi
16: Think back five months ago, were you single? yep 
17: What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon? work 
18: Hold hands with anyone this week? thankfully <3 
19: Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol? N.O.
20: What would you name your future daughter? Luna
21: Do you miss anyone? sure do buckeroo 
22: Have you kissed three or more people in one night? unfortunately 
23: Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed? nope
24: Are you good at hiding your feelings? sure am
25: Have you ever cried from being so mad? yep, love schizoaffective disorder 
26: Who did you last see in person? my mother 
27: Are you listening to music right now? yep, flatsound 
28: What is something you currently want right now? more alcohol 
29: What is the last thing you said out loud? it’s all calories in the end 
30: How is your heart lately? diseased but chill
31: Do you wear the hood on your hoodie? if its night
32: Are you wearing socks? nope 0 clothing lol 
33: What do people call you? cunt 
34: Will you talk to the person you like tonight? omg yeh boy rn
35: Are there any stressful situations in your life? always 
36: Who did you last share a bed with? my dog 
37: Did you do something bad today? yep, sold alcohol to a minor 
38: When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you? what
39: Do you get stressed out easily? depends 
40: Will you sing today? already did bitch 
41: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t? who hasn’t felt this 
42: Who do you go to when you need to talk to someone? bae
43: Have you ever been taken to the emergency room in an ambulance? sure have hunny 
44: What are you listening to right now? you
45: What is wrong with you right now? don't get me started bitch 
46: What is on your wrists right now? nothing 
47: Where did you get the shirt/sweatshirt you’re wearing I’m naked 
48: What do you like better: hot chocolate or hot apple cider? okay anyone who says hot apple cider is dead to me literally wtf us wrong with you fight me 
49: Do you make wishes at 11:11? lucky number 7 
50: Are you a good artist? idk kid 
51: Love really is a beautiful thing huh? idk babe, idk 
52: Do you miss the way things were six months ago? fuckin no baby girl 
53: Ever been on a golf cart? yep
54: Do you have trust issues? yep
55: Ever stayed up all night on the phone, with who? what.. never.. maybe ;) 
56: Do you own something from Hot Topic? several items cause geuss what, this bitch can ride a plane henny 
57: Do you use chap stick? twice a day 
58: Have you ever slapped someone in the face? sure have 
59: Do you have a little sister? no lol
60: Have you ever been to New York? sadly nope nope 
61: Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it? in a platonic way 
62: Have you hugged someone within the last week? my arms will remain emtpy til the end of time
63: What were you doing at midnight last night? I was passed the fuck out bitch got on my level 
64: Have you ever regretted kissing someone? nope, love fighting 
65: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? yeh bitch 
66: Were your last three kisses from the same person? yep baby 
67: Have you kissed anyone in the last five days? yeah
68: Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone? who knows
69: Will next Friday be a good one? maybe baby 
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haise-ghoul · 7 years
Tagged by @tokyo-kushu
rules: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people.
Tagging: @weedfairy​ // @the-sui​ // @oefiance​ // @popypotato​ // @pac-mans-little-bitch​ // @shirokaneki​ // @snarky-gourmet​ // @sugamama-koshi​ // @forestelleth​ // @king-kaneki​ //
You guys don’t have to do this if you don’t want to!
NAME: Ashley
AGE: 19
BIRTH DATE: November 1st
1. drink: Arizona Tea
2. phone call: Missed from my cousin
3. text: From my dad cause of a change of plans
4. song you listened to: Do you Feel it?
5. time you cried: Few days ago?
6. dated someone twice: Nope
7. been cheated on: No
8. kissed someone and regretted it: No
9. lost someone special: Yep
10. been depressed: I have depression. Depression isn’t an emotion, it’s a mental illness
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Never drank
12. Blue
13. Red
14. Black
15. made new friends: I think so
16. fallen out of love: Nope
17. laughed until you cried: Only ever at 3am tbh
18. found out someone was talking about you: Lmaooo yep
19. met someone who changed you: Yep
20. found out who your true friends are: Definitely
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: Never kissed anyone before
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: 67/77
23. do you have any pets: 2 Dogs and some fish
24. do you want to change your name: Nah, but I usually go by Ash as a nickname
25. what did you do for your last birthday: Small birthday with my friend and family
26. what time did you wake up: Like 11am?
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Getting angry at the fact my power came on after 10 hours without it and then my cable and wifi went out
28. name something you cannot wait for: This potluck for my final in my ceramics class.
29. when was the last time you saw your mother: like... a few minutes ago
30. what is one thing you wish you could change about your life: Have money for college;;
31. what are you listening to right now: My Youtube Playlist and Megamind on TV
32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: haha, funny story about that, I had a huge crush on one in 8th grade. Regret that one there.
33. something that is getting on your nerves: How loud it is in my house rn
34. most visited website: Quotev
35. elementary: Done
36. high School: Done
37. college: Almost done with my 4th semester
38. hair color: Raven Black
39. long or short hair: Long
40. do you have a crush on someone: Nope
41. what do you like about yourself: My self-deprecating humor and the fact I don’t let people push me around
42. piercings: None, but I used to have my ears pierced
43. blood type: B+
44. nickname: Ash/ Cova (i honestly prefer Ash now, but I don’t mind if people who first new me as Cova call me Cova)
45. relationship status: Single
46. zodiac sign: Scorpio
47. pronouns: She/ Her
48. favorite tv show: Rick and Morty, American Dad, Gravity Falls
49. tattoos: None, but I want some
50. right or left hand: Right
51. surgery: My knee to remove a mole
52. piercing: Ears
54. sport: Karate
55. vacation: The first one I remember is Disneyland
56. pair of trainers: Skechers
57. eating: Taffy
58. drinking: Nothing
59. i’m about to: Leave to go socialize with like 13 other family members;;;
61. waiting for: When my parents tell me to get dressed basically
62. want: School to be over
62. want kids?: Nope
63. get married: Idk, haven’t found anyone I’m willing to marry
64. career: Biomemetics
65. hugs or kisses: Hugs
66. lips or eyes: Eyes
67. shorter or taller: Taller
68. older or younger: Older
69. romantic or spontaneous?: Both
70. nice arms or nice stomach: Either
71. sensitive or loud: Both
72. hook up or relationship: Relationship
73. troublemaker or hesitant: Both
74. kissed a stranger?: I’ve never had my first kiss
75. drank hard liquor?: No
76. lost glasses contact/lenses?: No
77. turned someone down?: Yeppppp
78. sex on first date?: Nope
79. broken someone’s heart?: Not that I’m aware of
80. had your heart broken?: My hopes are too high
81. been arrested?: No
82. cried when someone died?: Yeppp
83. fallen for a friend?: Whenever I do, I get over it within a week
84. yourself?: LMao no
85. miracles?: Yeah
86. love at first sight?: Nope
87. santa Claus?: No
88. kiss on the first date?: Most likely no
89. angels?: Probably
90. current best friend’s name: I have a few: Ryan, Calysta, Rebecca, and Laura (I honestly talk to them the most)
91. eye color: Brown
92. favourite movie: Anything Disney, Pixar, or Dreamworks for the most part
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para || Romancing the Cards
Time: Saturday night, 18 February 2017
Setting: Online
Summary: On the heels of Valentine’s Day, the staff decides to play up their less-than-romantic side with a new game of Cards Against Humanity…
Part 2 (End)
[6:42:52 PM] <Kurt> next game... fewer rounds [6:42:59 PM] <Marley> Yeah agreed [6:43:03 PM] <Brody> I'm thinking ten? [6:43:13 PM] <Blaine2> That sounds better, yeah [6:43:17 PM] <Brody> with blanks [6:43:19 PM] <Kurt> and some blank cards [6:43:26 PM] <Marley> yeahhh and like expansion packs? [6:43:30 PM] <Kurt> Sure [6:43:42 PM] <Brody> we already have them [6:43:49 PM] <Marley> I didn't see them I guess lmao. [6:43:57 PM] <Marley> I was gone half the day XD [6:44:35 PM] <Blaine2> I gotta use the little boy's room. Brb [6:44:49 PM] <Brody> ...and my sane friend left [6:44:50 PM] <Brody> and my son [6:45:05 PM] <Brody> well, at least I still have pizza [6:45:18 PM] <Marley> Ohh. I have Chinese [6:45:21 PM] <Sebastian> Lily grow tired of your company? [6:45:26 PM] <Kurt> Blank card surfaces round one [6:45:29 PM] <Kurt> nice [6:45:37 PM] <Brody> I only told one story! [6:45:37 PM] Marley wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [6:45:50 PM] <Marley> I've heard others ;) [6:45:50 PM] <Sebastian> I've heard plenty. [6:47:21 PM] Brody wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [6:48:22 PM] Blaine2 wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [6:49:07 PM] Brody wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [6:50:54 PM] Marley wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [6:51:38 PM] <Blaine2> Well, this got quiet [6:51:53 PM] Sebastian wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [6:52:09 PM] <Sebastian> A little. [6:52:12 PM] <Kurt> Sorry I'm multitasking [6:52:17 PM] <Kurt> (i.e. i've got hw due in a few hours) [6:52:19 PM] <Marley> Sorry! [6:52:27 PM] <Blaine2> For real, Bas, how are you feeling? [6:53:05 PM] <Blaine2> I just realized that sound accusatory, I'm just legitimately asking [6:53:26 PM] <Sebastian> I'm fine, Killer. Stop fussing. Or bring your ass over here and I can prove it. [6:53:27 PM] Brittany wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [6:53:30 PM] <Brody> he's on his feet, at least [6:53:36 PM] <Brody> and snarky [6:53:53 PM] <Blaine2> I'm not fussing, I'm just asking, S :P [6:54:49 PM] <Brody> don't let him guilt you SB-- he just wants your ass [6:55:30 PM] Brody wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [6:55:48 PM] <Sebastian> Damn right I do. [6:55:53 PM] <Sebastian> Bring it to me. [6:55:59 PM] <Blaine2> Okay [6:56:15 PM] <Brody> sorry say huh? [6:56:24 PM] <Brody> be strong, Son! [6:56:48 PM] <Brody> hold out against the Corruptive Mentor and his evil ways [6:56:51 PM] <Sebastian> He's doing the smart thing. [6:57:19 PM] <Sebastian> Come on - you wanted him to get a favourite sex position. [6:57:33 PM] Brittany has left the game. [6:57:33 PM] <Blaine2> ^ [6:57:36 PM] <Brody> he doesn't want //your// favorite sex position [6:57:38 PM] <Sebastian> I'm just being a good samaritan [6:57:48 PM] <Sebastian> Hey, I'm willing to switch it up. [6:57:48 PM] Blaine2 wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [6:57:55 PM] <Marley> Aww Brittany left. [6:57:58 PM] <Sebastian> He can decide for himself. [6:58:04 PM] <Marley> She left me alone with all of you :P [6:58:13 PM] <Sebastian> Lucky you [6:58:31 PM] <Brody> he's obviously lost his mental facilities and can not be allowed to make his own decisions [6:58:37 PM] <Brody> you'd be taking advantage, Bas [6:58:53 PM] <Blaine2> I'm completely sane, thank you [6:58:55 PM] Sebastian wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [6:59:11 PM] <Brody> well, okay-- glove up [6:59:17 PM] <Brody> obviously [6:59:42 PM] <Blaine2> Obviously. Don't wanna catch that mono STD [7:00:05 PM] <Brody> good point [7:00:14 PM] Blaine2 wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:00:19 PM] <Sebastian> You guys need to stop listening to Spencer. [7:00:31 PM] <Kurt> Where is he anyways? I thought he was joining [7:00:32 PM] <Brody> (low blow Blaine) [7:00:53 PM] <Blaine2> (he's talking about himself shhh) [7:00:55 PM] <Marley> Damn I should have saved mine for another round, but I couldn't help it >.> [7:01:43 PM] Brody wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:01:51 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [7:01:53 PM] <Marley> See should have saved it :P [7:02:50 PM] <Sebastian> What? [7:03:36 PM] Marley wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:04:39 PM] <Sebastian> Shit. [7:04:42 PM] <Blaine2> Shiiit [7:04:48 PM] <Blaine2> I thought I had that shit in the bag [7:04:54 PM] <Kurt> Ahahaha [7:05:01 PM] Brody wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:05:04 PM] <Brody> YES! [7:05:05 PM] <Blaine2> DAMN [7:05:09 PM] <Marley> That was a blank card, wasn't it? :P [7:05:13 PM] <Sebastian> That was close. [7:05:18 PM] <Sebastian> Not gonna lie. [7:05:25 PM] <Brody> not surprised [7:05:37 PM] <Brody> I bet it wouldn't have been if I'd added David too [7:05:52 PM] Brody wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:05:58 PM] <Marley> Way to play dirty ;) [7:05:59 PM] <Sebastian> That'd do it. [7:06:01 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [7:06:36 PM] <Sebastian> ((fuckfuck if this was OOC i'd have the perfect one for this)) [7:08:16 PM] Blaine2 wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:10:10 PM] Finn wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:10:26 PM] <Kurt> (HAHAHAHA NOW KURT'S IN LAST) [7:10:42 PM] <Kurt> (i was secretly hoping for this the moment seb went up 2) [7:11:03 PM] <Sebastian> (Sebastian is POINTEDLY not saying anything XD) [7:11:28 PM] <Blaine2> (Cause that's a good way to make Blaine /not/ come over lmao) [7:11:46 PM] Brody wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:11:54 PM] <Sebastian> ((Also in a way, he's like, now I look like a better person)) [7:12:54 PM] <Finn> [I am going to have to go now. Its gone 3am here] [7:13:11 PM] <Blaine2> [Damn! Okay, goodnight! [7:13:14 PM] <Sebastian> (Are you in the UK too??) [7:13:16 PM] <Marley> (Night) [7:13:19 PM] Finn wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:13:23 PM] <Brody> (night) [7:13:25 PM] <Sebastian> (I mean it's the same for me, but my sleeping pattern suckssss) [7:13:28 PM] <Kurt> (onen last win before youre out! night!) [7:13:31 PM] <Finn> [I am. ] [7:13:41 PM] <Finn> [Night night] [7:13:47 PM] <Sebastian> (Morning :P) [7:13:49 PM] Finn has left the game. [7:15:01 PM] <Blaine2> Sorry, I'm hella distracted rn [7:15:47 PM] Marley wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:15:55 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [7:17:43 PM] Brody wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:18:37 PM] <Blaine2> Oh my god [7:18:46 PM] Sebastian wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:18:52 PM] <Brody> yeah, sorry SB [7:18:53 PM] <Brody> no choice [7:18:58 PM] <Kurt> . . . [7:18:58 PM] <Sebastian> The clear winner. [7:19:00 PM] <Brody> I even knew it was a trap [7:19:02 PM] <Blaine2> Are you the chief, Bas? [7:19:21 PM] <Blaine2> Does the position come with a badge? [7:19:28 PM] <Sebastian> You know it ;) [7:19:31 PM] <Brody> he does need a badge [7:19:42 PM] <Brody> we were supposed to have a ceremony, Blaine [7:20:01 PM] <Blaine2> Apparently we have to now [7:20:05 PM] San has joined the game. [7:20:14 PM] <Blaine2> Should my ass require blood sacrifices? [7:20:15 PM] <Brody> you have your Worship by Primitives Badge [7:20:22 PM] <Kurt> Glitched on me... it's frozen on the one I picked last time and won't let me pick a new one. :/ [7:20:35 PM] <Marley> Hey, Santana! [7:20:37 PM] <Brody> it'll let you go next round [7:20:54 PM] Kurt was skipped this round for being idle for too long. [7:21:03 PM] Sebastian wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:21:11 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [7:21:24 PM] <Sebastian> Going for fashionably late, San? [7:22:14 PM] <San> Don't I always? [7:23:05 PM] Marley wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:23:28 PM] <Kurt> I feel like I've consistently chosen Marley as of late... Ryan Gosling was pretty much an instant-win NGL [7:24:15 PM] <Blaine2> Yeah, I've been reexamining our friendship and wondering where I went wrong [7:24:26 PM] <Marley> I target them just for you ;) [7:24:31 PM] Marley wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:24:32 PM] <Marley> Not really though, but you have, and I thank you :D [7:25:08 PM] <Kurt> oh no! i keep breaking the game trying to select a card it says I dont have [7:25:13 PM] <Sebastian> ((that was my weakness for My Immortal shining through ngl)) [7:25:16 PM] <Kurt> dang it! [7:25:26 PM] <Kurt> it doesn't let me pick a card then to play :< [7:25:47 PM] <Kurt> hmmm refresh has fixed it [7:25:54 PM] <Kurt> nevermind all is good :) [7:26:06 PM] Kurt wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:27:29 PM] Marley wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:27:42 PM] <San> That was a hot card, Marls. [7:27:53 PM] <Marley> Thanks, San. I thought you'd like it ;) [7:28:34 PM] Blaine2 wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:28:45 PM] <Blaine2> Aww thanks, Brodes [7:28:53 PM] <Brody> Son, did you have that left over from you Chiefton days? [7:29:08 PM] <Blaine2> I did, yeah. Saving it for something special [7:29:20 PM] San wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:29:24 PM] <Brody> glad that worked out for you [7:29:28 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [7:29:29 PM] <Brody> And San--so right on [7:29:33 PM] <Brody> I heartily approve [7:29:46 PM] <Sebastian> Shame Spence isn't here. He could've learned from that round. [7:30:06 PM] <San> Isn't it the worst? [7:30:12 PM] <Brody> Really is [7:31:04 PM] <Brody> I mean, you gotta be willing to put your money where your mouth is [7:31:21 PM] <Brody> or some more literal variant of that idea [7:31:53 PM] <San> I haven't had to worry about it lately. [7:31:56 PM] Brody wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:31:57 PM] <Sebastian> Finally we agree on something. [7:32:04 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [7:33:29 PM] <Brody> (Brody is staying quiet) [7:33:59 PM] Blaine2 wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:35:33 PM] Blaine2 wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:35:41 PM] Play 2 cards, in the order you wish them to be judged. [7:35:46 PM] <Blaine2> Brody, were you the Florida one? [7:36:36 PM] <Brody> there was a florida one? [7:36:57 PM] <Blaine2> I [7:36:59 PM] <Blaine2> I [7:37:04 PM] <Blaine2> I'll take that as a no [7:37:12 PM] <Brody> sorry-- it's getting late [7:37:20 PM] <Brody> I'm still recovering from yesterday [7:37:21 PM] <Marley> Bed time? [7:37:47 PM] <Blaine2> It's fine, it is getting a little late. Especially if you're an old timer, I suppose [7:37:54 PM] <Brody> exactly [7:38:59 PM] Brody wins the round. The next round will begin in 8 seconds. [7:39:14 PM] <Marley> Look at that! Even sleepy you win! [7:39:20 PM] <Blaine2> Congrats, Dad. For winning again. [7:39:29 PM] <Brody> thank you, thank you [7:39:48 PM] <Brody> I would like to thank all of the Little People, who stayed off my Lawn so I could be here [7:39:53 PM] <Kurt> Congrats again, Brody [7:39:57 PM] <Kurt> I'm off to bed now I think.. Long day tomorrow. [7:40:03 PM] <Brody> ditto [7:40:11 PM] <Marley> Night guys! [7:40:15 PM] <Brody> Apparently we're introducing a dog and a horse [7:40:18 PM] <Blaine2> I'm getting off, too, yeah [7:40:19 PM] <Brody> it sounds like a movie [7:40:21 PM] <Kurt> Have fun [7:40:35 PM] <Sebastian> It sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. [7:40:36 PM] <Blaine2> Bas, can I actually come over or are you tired? [7:40:36 PM] <Sebastian> But good luck with that. [7:40:51 PM] <Kurt> 'night [7:40:51 PM] <Blaine2> I should probably specify that it's just to hang out [7:40:51 PM] <Blaine2> .. [7:41:28 PM] Error: Error communicating with server. Will try again in 0.5 seconds. [7:41:29 PM] <Blaine2> because I'm bored. [7:41:29 PM] <Marley> You can come hang with me :D [7:41:29 PM] <Sebastian> Of course, B. Because you're bored ;) [7:41:48 PM] <San> Gnight, party people. [7:41:53 PM] <Blaine2> Oh shut up :P [7:41:56 PM] <Blaine2> I'll be over soon [7:42:10 PM] <Marley> Awesome Sauce! See you soon! [7:42:13 PM] Kurt has left the game. [7:42:13 PM] <Sebastian> I'll be waiting. Night everyone but Kurt. [7:42:27 PM] <Blaine2> I'm glad he left before he saw that, Bas [7:42:28 PM] <Marley> If that was to me [7:42:31 PM] <Marley> lol [7:42:31 PM] <Marley> I'm tired [7:42:41 PM] <Sebastian> He was talking to me, Marls. [7:42:45 PM] <Marley> Damn :P [7:42:47 PM] <Marley> Yall suck [7:42:47 PM] <Sebastian> Night. [7:42:51 PM] Sebastian has left the game. [7:42:52 PM] <Marley> Night [7:43:13 PM] <Blaine2> Lol, I love you, Marls <3 get some sleep [7:44:08 PM] San has left the game. [7:44:28 PM] Marley has left the game.
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