#it would have been awesome if she was actually the bridge to the multiverse (fox xmen crossing over)
it-meant-nothing · 2 months
I’ve been trying to act cool about it… but I really can’t.
WHY WAS THERE NO NEWS ABOUT THE SCARLET WITCH??! I don’t understand 😭 Some people are saying that she’s actually already dead and not coming back anymore…
If that is so, then what the hell?? What kind of a send off is that?! Lizzie’s Scarlet Witch became a favorite by many! Lizzie grew into that character and people loved her for it! She had the best character evolution in the entire MCU!!! (Alongside Loki)
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The Other Way Chapter 7: Well That’s Just Fantastic
Chapter 1 - Last Chapter - Next Chapter
I finally finished it! So sorry this took so long guys I’ll try to be quicker with the next one :)
Dipper rushed down the street, away from the house he’d had to stay in the last few days, away from that demon, the one that just couldn’t be him! Screw the logic that in a multiverse as large as theirs he had to be a demon somewhere it just couldn’t be what was happening! Alcor was tricking them, trying to get them to trust him, he was lying! 
Except, he wasn’t. Dipper hated to admit it, but looking back Alcor had always had something about him that seemed vaguely familiar. 
Shaking his head he stormed around the corner, coming across a park with a small, abandoned playground —at least, he assumed it was a playground, it looked significantly more future-y then the one’s he was used to. Dipper walked up to the bench and sat down, he just needed to think. If Alcor was really a version of himself, that explained why he wanted to help them, but why would he lie about being him. And what about Mabel, was she a demon here? If so then where was she? Then what about their parents, Grunkle Stan and Great Uncle Ford? What about their friends? 
Maybe he’d over reacted, running away, he just, didn’t know what to do. There they’d been, looking at himself, but he had pointed ears, sharp teeth, bat-wings and eyes that looked like inverted versions of Bill’s. 
Dipper shuddered and pulled his legs up, holding them close to his chest. Was Bill human here? Were their roles reversed? What if he was actually the evil one here? What if leaving Mabel there by herself was a mistake? What if she’s in danger?
Questions continued to fill Dipper’s mind, when he felt someone sit next to him. It was a man, looking at the empty playground. Dipper scooted slightly away from him. 
‘Please just be waiting for your kids or something like that, please just ignore me!’ he thought.
“Hey Kid.” Bugger. “You okay?” The guy turned to face him properly, and Dipper moved slightly further from him again.
“Uh, yeah, I’m, I’m fine.” ‘Please just go away and leave me alone!’ 
“You sure? Where are your parents?” He sounded genuine, like he had just seen a child by themselves by a park and wanted to help, but Dipper would really rather not risk it, already having been kidnapped once since getting here. 
“They’re, um, just around the corner!” Dipper lied, pointing towards the one he had come around to get there, uncurling his legs ready to run. “Yeah, they’re, um, getting stuff from the car. I-in fact, I  should probably go, go help them.” Dipper stood up and slowly started the move away from the man, watching him as he stood up as well. 
“Do you want us to come with you? Wouldn’t want you to just disappear.” 
“Us?” he squeaked out, before walking backwards into someone, who quickly grabbed his shoulders and where has she come from?  
“Yeah, it would be such a shame,” the heavyset woman holding him said. Panicking Dipper pulled to get his arms free but her hold wouldn’t budge. When he tried to scream one of the hands moved to his mouth, a strange smelling cloth covering it and please no not again! The air to the right of the man shimmered, and a third person appeared, three fox tails waving in the air behind them. 
“I know, I always feel so sad when I hear that another child’s gone missing on the news,” they said, and before Dipper could process what was happening his vision darkened and his body began relaxing against his will. As Dipper relaxed and drifted into unconsciousness he felt the woman pick him up and begin walking. 
Why me?
When Dipper woke up, slowly, unlike the first time this had happened, the first thing he noticed was that he wasn’t alone. He was leaning against someones side, their arm nudging him a bit as he began to wake up. 
“Hey, dude, you awake?” they asked, whispering. 
Dipper opened his eyes squinting up at them, mind groggy and unsure of what was happening. “Wha-?” he said, sitting up a bit and looking around the small, dimly lit room. Including the person who was next to him, a guy in his late teens, there were four people. An older woman and another boy around probably just a bit younger then Dipper himself talking by a door in front of him, and a girl in her early twenties sitting next to a small pile of rope watching everyone else. “What’s going on?” he asked. 
“Well now that you’re awake we’re gonna escape,” the guy said, getting up. “Think you can stand up?” He offered his hand to Dipper, who took it standing up himself. 
“Why would-? Where-? Who are you what’s going on?” he asked, looking around, everyone else noticing he was awake now as well. 
“Well we’ve all been kidnapped and are gonna be sacrificed to a demon who’s going to kill us all or worse,” the girl to the side said, not getting up or moving from her spot. Dipper stared at her processing what she said, suddenly remembering what had happened before he woke up. 
“Rachael!” the woman snapped, putting her hands on her hips giving the girl, Rachael, a stern look. 
“What? It’s what happened! A bunch of crazy cultists kidnapped us and are gonna use us as human sacrifices to get power or money or whatever the hell it is they want!” she snapped back defensively. 
“Look who’s talking,” the guy muttered, placing a hand on Dipper’s shoulder, pulling him out of his shock. 
Rachael groaned, moving her hand up to pinch the bridge of her nose. “First of all I said they were crazy, which I’m fairly certain I’m not. And secondly, for the final time, the Circle is not a cult!” 
“What?” Dipper asked, reminding the group he was still there before the guy could retort. 
“Just ignore her,” the woman said with a dismissive wave. “She already decided she wouldn’t be joining us.” 
“Yeah!” the other kid piped in. “But we’re gonna escape before anyone else can hurt us! Mandy has a plan and it’s awesome!” he said bouncing a bit. 
“And it’s not gonna work.”
“Oh just shut up Rachael!” 
Mandy sighed, shaking her head. “Don’t worry kid, we will get out of this. I know you’re probably really confused and scared right now but it’ll all be okay if you stick with us,” she said in an attempt to comfort Dipper. It, didn’t really work, he was still trying to process the fact he had been kidnapped again -and it had only been around three days since the last time!- was stuck in a room with a supposed cultist, and trapped in said room by different cultists who planned to sacrifice him to a new demon who, for all he knew, could be Grunkle Stan or Wendy or anyone else he knows! But he appreciated her trying. 
“Thanks. I’m Dipper,” he said, holding out his hand towards her. 
“Mandy,” she replied, shaking his hand, then motioning towards the guy next to Dipper and then the kid. “That’s Max, and this is Norm.” 
“So, what’s happening now?” Dipper asked, walking towards the door, Max following behind. 
“We’re waiting for someone to come get us,” Mandy explained. “They won’t be expecting us to have gotten out of the ropes which, by the way were upsettingly easy to undo. Then we’ll attack and tie them up with the rope, leaving when we know the coast is clear.” 
Dipper nodded along most of it making sense except for a few minor things. “How will we know which way to go to get out of here? And what happens if we come across anyone else? This sounds good for getting us out of the room but what comes next?” 
“Well I was awake by the time we arrived here so I can vaguely remember which way to go,” Norm said. “Though I guess we’re just hoping no one finds us,” he shrugged sounding unsure of that solution. 
Max crouched down a bit, reaching Dipper’s eye level. “We’ll do our best to stay out of sight as long as we can, it’s the most we can really hope for, and if Norm remembers correctly this place isn’t too big. We will get out of this. It’ll be okay.” The last part had seemed to have been more said for himself, rather that to the group, but it was nice to think about regardless. 
Plan in hand, if a bit incomplete, everyone -excluding Rachael- waited by the door, ready for when someone came for them. The room went quiet, no one really knowing how to fill it, what to talk about, so they waited in silence. 
Almost half an hour since Dipper woke up there was the sound of foot steps coming towards where they were all trapped, a small cough and the rustling of keys right behind the door, a slight hesitation, possibly at the lack of sound coming from their end. Everyone got in position, Dipper and Norm staying to one side, out of the way, and Max and Mandy each standing one side of the door.
“You lot better not be up to anything in there,” a deep voice said from the other side of the door as it began to open. 
Once the man stepped in the room Max punched him as hard as he could in the head. Dazed he stumbled to the side towards Mandy, who wrapped some of the rope around his neck, holding it tightly in place, blocking the airway leaving him gasping futilely. The man struggled under her grip but she was significantly stronger then she looked, not letting up, and after two minutes longer he slumped back against Mandy, who promptly dropped him. 
She swiftly began tying him up, Max joining with his feet. “We need to act quickly,” she panted finishing her knot. “We don’t know how long we will have before someone notices something’s gone wrong. Norm, ready to lead the way?” 
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Norm took a wary step outside, looking each way, and taking another. 
“Have fun getting caught!” Rachael teased as Mandy, Dipper and Max followed. 
“Have fun with your cultist buddies!” Max teased back getting a scowl in response, carefully closing the door behind him. Once it was closed the four of them began making their way down the corridor. 
Going around the first corner Dipper noticed the strange markings lining the walls about a meter off the ground. 
“Sigils,” Max whispered softly behind him, and Dipper looked at him. “They’ll be the reason these nut jobs have been getting away with all this, hiding what’s happening in here from out there.” 
Continuing forward Dipper didn’t know how he felt about that, as with pretty much everything else that’s happened since getting to this dimension. On one hand he’s been kidnapped a second time by people who plan to kill him, on the other he doesn’t need to worry about a demonic version of himself hunting him down. Maybe he should try taking some mental notes, for once he got Mabel out of danger. That’d probably be a good idea. 
After a few more corners, stoping and rushing ahead, being as careful as they could to stay out of sight, Norm turned to them. “The way out should be just over there out that door,” he whispered, pointing to the door in question. 
Freedom was right there! They could get out of here, get help and call the police! ‘Maybe I could ask Mandy or Max to help,’ Dipper thought to himself, “they seem nice enough I’m sure they could find a way to help Mabel and I!’ 
They all rushed towards the door, not bothering to check and see if the coast was clear, only worrying about getting out of here before anyone else could stop them. 
“Hey! Where do you four think you’re going?!”
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