#it would be like a technological devolution technically
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theworldasheatherseesit · 2 years ago
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alexsmitposts · 4 years ago
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The Emergence of the Technetronic Society of Humankind The world community is being transformed. The current pandemic is only another phase of a metamorphosis set in motion decades ago. The intersection of our physical and digital lives is the battleground, where the last hopes of freedom are being bludgeoned to death. Few can see this because most people are already casualties the old world order sacrificed before the altar of liberty. Most of you reading this introduction will sense a bit of melodrama. But I assure you, anything I could type out here pales in comparison to the skullduggery that has beset humankind the last half-century. The war for planet Earth is upon us, but the battlefield is not some desert in Syria or a swamp somewhere in Latin America. The battlefield is real and virtual. It’s in the streets of Portland, Oregon, and the pages of Facebook. The Third World War is taking place in Walmart. It’s spreading to every back yard in Florida and every apartment complex in Bucharest. We’ve taken up arms against one another over every facet of life, not just whether or not to wear protective masks. Working-Class Struggle Redux Some of you already see this. You understand because you were finally forced to unfriend that high school buddy who Tweets or shares Facebook posters revealing humankind’s ignorance and meanness. We’re back to being tribal, devolution is upon us, and the end is written on the slum wall and the internet version. Wall Street is making a killing, billionaires are gnashing their teeth and wringing their hands, and the so-called little people are boiling in a kettle about to explode. Amazingly, my words here can be proven. Nobody can call “fake news” on this author. No sir. In 1970 the legendary (notorious for some) Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote a book entitled, “BETWEEN TWO AGES: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era.” The author, who was one of the five or six most influential political celebrities of the latter part of the 20th century, is well known for his aversion for first the Soviet Union, and then the Russian Federation. Brzezinski’s book was an is a “how-to” book on methods for using computers and communications technologies as a means of transforming society. Though the book reads like an analysis by a technology outsider, the work is part of a wide-spanning strategy we see coming to competition today. Let’s look at an excerpt from the first section of the book where the former counselor to President Lyndon B. Johnson and President Jimmy Carter’s National Security Advisor delineates post-industrial America’s course: “In the technetronic society scientific and technical knowledge, in addition to enhancing production capabilities, quickly spills over to affect almost all aspects of life directly. Accordingly, both the growing capacity for the instant calculation of the most complex interactions and the increasing availability of biochemical means of human control augment the potential scope of consciously chosen direction, and thereby also the pressures to direct, to choose, and to change.” I won’t tax the reader here, but I encourage you to read the book yourself so that what I am presenting will sink in. Brzezinski, in no uncertain terms, is describing the fundamental transformation of society beginning sometime shortly before 1970, when he collated the information within the pages of the book. Remember, he was LBJ’s advisor. The Rise of the Techno-Bourgeoisie He continues in this section to refer to the past ideologies of the industrial age which built and sustained America and other democracies, to insist upon a more “modern” or “advanced” central ideology. Brzezinski, who most detractors would describe as a dinosaur or archaic, was discussing cybernetics replacing humans when Bill Gates was still at Lakeside Prep School being bullied and writing his first computer programs. I mention Gates for a purpose that may be obvious to some readers. This citation from Between Two Ages will transport the reader to my line of thinking here. Brzezinski writes knowingly: “In the emerging new society questions relating to the obsolescence of skills, security, vacations, leisure, and profit-sharing dominate the relationship, and the psychic well­being of millions of relatively secure but potentially aimless lower­middle­class blue­collar workers becomes a growing problem.” Please remember, this was published in 1970, years before Brzezinski would brag that he had helped cause the Soviet Union to invade Afghanistan so that it could get its very own “Vietnam.” The man was a genius, an evil one, but a brilliant geo-policy strategist nonetheless. This book is not a reflection of Brzezinski’s powerful mind, however. This book is the revelation of a plan set in motion after Dwight Eisenhower left office. It’s a blueprint for the liberal world order to completely dominate the world. But before you label me, please consider how this “growing problem” is being used today. Who is Donald Trump? Aha! Now I have your full attention. What about the psychic wellbeing of aimless lower-middle-class Americans? Or, the psychic wellbeing of relatively secure Germans right before Adolph Hitler made them afraid of all the nations surrounding their country? Wait! Don’t go to that tangent, please focus on who got Donald Trump in the White House and how this came to pass. You see, Brzezinski and his colleagues created the conditions, the society, and the “path” we see taking shape today. Think about our symbols now, for instance. How did Google come to dominate the internet? Who stood behind? What does Google do? How about Facebook or Amazon, or any of the monumental successes we see controlling this technetronic society we now live in? Google lured the masses in with “free” and with slogans like “do no evil.” The competition was driven off, through massive investment. Now billions of people are analyzed and “computed” like Brzezinski revealed, to transform society, not to simply extract money via ads. Take the case of Facebook, it’s the same story. A huge swath of humanity is studied, spied upon, and manipulated while the puppetmasters tweak ideology, foment discord, and steer the crowd toward the desired endgame. Sounds crazy and dramatic, doesn’t it? But, wait for it. In 1972, Bill Gates served as a congressional page in the US House of Representatives. He was then a National Merit Scholar who went to Harvard for a brief time, where he met Steve Ballmer, who would lead Microsoft until 2014. Ballmer was an assistant product manager at Procter & Gamble for two years, where he shared an office with Jeffrey R. Immelt, the onetime CEO of General Electric. I hope you are keeping up with me here, for these names figure prominently in the current situation. Immelt was the head of GE’s Medical Systems division (now known as GE Healthcare) as its president and CEO back in 1997. To make a very long story shorter, Brzezinski was closely tied to all the names I am mentioning either through roles at the Council of Foreign Relations, or via more intimate and secretive associations. Take into consideration GE and Immelt’s view on China from back in 2010 when he said; “’I worry about China. I am not sure that in the end, they want any of us to win.” Fast forward to 2015 and Brzezinski is pushing for Donald Trump to “outbid” everyone for the presidency. He tweeted this to his followers on Twitter: “What’s better: a billionaire outbidding everyone for the Presidency, or billionaires picking the candidates for the Presidency?” The answer to his feigned query is drop-dead simple – “It doesn’t matter, the same people control no matter what.” And the control processes were put in action once John F. Kennedy was out of the way. LBJ played his role to a “T”, Nixon got too big for his britches and had to go, Ford plated nincompoop in charge to put the plan on pause, and peanut farmer/Nuke sub commander Carter helped roll out the red carpet for our current technetronic society. But I’m getting ahead. The Immuno-Catalyst Let me retrace a step to the associations of Gates, Ballmer, and Immelt. And most importantly, the current healthcare/pandemic crisis some experts believe is an induced one. Remember Gates’ pal Immelt headed GE Healthcare, which entered an agreement with Gates back IBio to commercialize the iBioLaunch vaccine manufacturing platform. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has funded iBio Pharma, which has been in recent news because of President Trump grandstanding about a COVID breakthrough. The company is one of those focused on vaccines against the coronavirus. And if you’re getting lost in this maze of technocrats, now it’s time to interject another key player named Warren Buffett. Buffett, who for all intents and purposes owns IBM, is another link in what we should call the Brzezinski Plan for world domination. Remember, it was IBM that teleported Bill Gates out of brainiac obscurity back in 1980. It is not common knowledge, but the last Watson family head of IBM, Thomas J. Watson, Jr. served as US ambassador to the Soviet Union from 1979 to 1981. It was the ideas and ideals along with the patriotism of the latter Watson, from which people like Brzezinski convoluted the notion of modern democracy. Thomas J. Watson Jr. was also central to the administrations of L.B.J., Nixon, Ford, and Carter. Moving forward, most people are unaware, that Warren Buffett is also the biggest contributor to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (more than $30 billion). And in this, we see how the “system” of control gets its continuity. Finally, it was the Brzezinski plan that delivered us to the current sorry state of democracy. The former advisor to key presidents not only helped devise the plan to shift the world’s ideologies and social structure, but he also helped empower the super elites running the show, and the lower-middle class minions who would stoke the forest of orchestrated rebellion. When asked how he would deal with the super-rich, Brzezinski differentiated people like Warren Buffett and Gates from the rest, while at the same time feeding the mob that Trump now leads and the left learning hordes on the left hanging: “It would be increasingly helpful if there was a movement to publish, worldwide, lists of those who make, largely through speculation, enormous amounts of money almost instantly, and hide the fact from their social context.” A Government of Business Power So, a ruling elite was and is to be lifted, isolated, and protected using demonic intimidation from every vector. Today’s dog and pony show across western capitals have roots in Rockefeller’s and Brzezinski’s Trilateral Commission, established to help put in motion the tenets from the latter’s Between Two Ages manifesto. If I throw in the fact that the Trilateral Commission’s notable member list includes such notorious super-rich as Jeffrey Epstein here, I’ve no doubt the reader will be overwhelmed by the scope of this “plan” for turning the world upside down. Finally, the academic Noam Chomsky once criticized the commission’s goals as undemocratic saying the publication of the organization, The Crisis of Democracy reflects how modern democratic systems are not democracy at all, but systems controlled by elites. And the Rockefeller Foundation’s support of the various German eugenics programs and the connections to Nazi war criminal Josef Mengele and Auschwitz tarnish anyone and everyone associated with Rockefeller, and the ruling elite of this new “modern ideal” or technetronic society. In his 1980 book With No Apologies, Republican Senator and presidential candidate Barry Goldwater called the Trilateral Commission: “A skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power: political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical in the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation-states involved.” The Brzezinski Plan for new democracy is the liberal world order’s plan for humanity. It’s a process that’s been going on for decades, one centered around and dependent on the puppet President Donald Trump. You see, I believe it is Trump’s mission to utterly destroy the very social class of people he is supported by. It is the only idea that makes sense if you examine the loosed cannon idiocy of an otherwise shrewd businessman. What better way to bury the working class who have been bred, reared, and marginalized into mediocrity than to create a revolution against everything they stood for? The Confederate flag, the statues of heroes, the race issues resurfacing, riots, discord, snarling and biting at anyone and anything that is not TRUMP! Real Death, Real Fear, Real Monopolization For this Technetronic Era to culminate in a Utopia for the ruling classes, a pandemic was set loose, a very special kind of virus engineered (probably) for segmenting society. The hard-nosed working class would shun the femininity and weakness of mask-wearing, while the ultra-liberals at the other end of the spectrum would thrive on the morality of caring – and on winning against the callousness of right-wing discord. As I try to explain to those who ask, the situation today is a perfect storm of social upheaval engineered to bring in this new society. You see, both sides of the COVID argument are right – and wrong – at the same instant. This is as it was planned. Bill Gates and his monopoly on vaccines and the health community can hide in plain sight, while Trump’s and Biden’s handlers rake in hundreds of billions playing the dynamic markets. Watching it, at least from my perspective, is like watching the pressure in a boiler build up past the red danger gauge on the outside. In Hitler’s Shadow we find the depth of the US deep state and Brzezinski’s role in the planning for the new world without the Soviets (Russians) in the picture. There’s limited space for describing a CIA operation codenamed AERODYNAMIC which was the forerunner for transformative/revolutionary efforts in the CIS including Georgia, Ukraine, and now Belarus. The reader should understand that Brzezinski, and his father before him, were central figures in a movement to subdue and subdivide the Soviet bloc, and later Russia and her neighbors. No one reading this will know of a man named Mykola Lebed, who operated alongside Joseph Bandera and with the backing of the OSS and later the CIA. He immigrated to the United States because of his importance to the CIA and the deeps state, even though he was in league with the worst Nazis who ever breathed. Brzezinski broadened the scope of AERODYNAMIC, which was in league with former Nazi sympathizers to upend Stalin, and then later Soviet leadership. The history of it is all a deep well no single volume could encapsulate. Again, I have fallen too deep into the rabbit hole of the order, but the reader can observe via this CIA document bearing Brzezinski’s authorship how the plan for today was set in motion decades ago. Trump is destroying the Republican Party for good. Technocrat Bill Gates has monopolized immunization and will leverage it for this new Technetronic Society. The money and power behind this forceful transformation of our society are incalculable, mostly unseen, and probably unstoppable. Think about it, a plan to take over the world put in place decades ago, a plan hardly anyone notices because of its incremental, indomitable, and relentless nature. Sounds conspiratorial, doesn’t it? Well, conspiracies killed Caesar and overthrew the Czar. Conspiracies were the seeds of the American Revolution and the French one too. What? You think control is just a roll of the dice?
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hecknopoohsadventures · 8 years ago
Weekenders Adventures of Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
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And now, a technological breakthrough in Pooh's Adventures history - a classic unnecessarily reworked with your favourite cartoon characters, unnecessarily reworked with your favourite cartoon characters! The infamous Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, a.k.a. Why Paramount Should’ve Kept Those Rights in the First Place, was the closest a corporation-based animation studio could get to channelling Pooh’s Adventures as it so commonly stands - deliberate exposition that dumbs the original mains down, absolutely no reason for the guests to be there other than comic relief, a villain confrontation scene where there shouldn’t have been, dialogue tampered with to bring up these newcomers, you name it.
So of course Poohphiles would enjoy it enough to slap even less time-consistent cartoon characters onto that and make them twice as useless by having them direct every pratfall the cat and mouse stumble into as usual. This might just be fan fiction, but this is still what storytelling shouldn’t be. And so, without further adieu, let’s bite into Weekenders Adventures of Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I can’t believe I just pasted that either.
Part 1
0:15 His most diabolical scheme yet.
0:28 Implying this is artful enough to be transferred onto celluloid.
0:43 Tiff is about to request that the volume be increased, but all Dedede ironically shushes her. All he wants is Kirby's suffering.
1:18 Originality truly is dead.
3:00 As terrible as the original, uh, Tom and Jerry: Willy Wonka is, at least Spike Brandt chose characters who knew when to shut up.
3:49 Oh my god.
4:30 OH MY GOD.
7:13 Why are they paired up with these two again?
7:28 How not to script a crossover vs. how absolutely not to script a crossover.
7:42 Charlie didn't even ask...
7:57 ...neither does he care.
8:17 If you're not as starving as they were, YOU SHOULDN'T BE IN THIS MOVIE.
8:24 What's in your wallet?
8:34 Charlie's ignoring you.
9:08 How about offering some, you greedy fucks?
9:14 How about using some of your contract "more"?
9:17 It can't be that hard, right? ............Right?!
Part 2
0:59 Are every single one of them that foolish not to bring just the slightest nickel on their journey?
1:05 You can say that over and over again.
1:27 Says the girl who will just give over to temptation anyway, including booping what should not be booped.
3:01 You've got a better cartoon to attend to.
5:04 Clearly someone hasn't heard of a term called "surprise".
5:47 Bravo. Just coming out clean rather than saving yourselves jail time.
6:10 You know, at least Brerdaniel would probably treat Tom and Jerry as goofy pet sidekicks rather than have a bunch of usually-independent chatterboxes follow suit.
6:19 That's what the mouse was mentally suggesting, faithful student.
7:07 Alright! What delicious spells has Star conjured up ready for blas- Oh. Never mind.
7:31 As for the rest of you, welp, you're screwed.
8:12 Worse than tobacco?
8:57 And whoever else is surrounding the desks but doesn't matter in the slightest.
9:58 Something with more artistic merit than this.
11:46 Some kid that has lifted dicks up for generations somehow.
12:11 How..................am I barely riffing on two well-known cartoon characters' extensive presence in a movie they're not supposed to be a part of?
12:42 And how are they not noticing that creepy old man on TV? A gaping flaw in the dumbest of Pooh's Adventures implemented into a corporate, Korean-co-produced film from WB. Welcome to 2017 in cinema.
13:27 *grumbles* I know, right?
14:04 And just like Pooh's Adventures, an extra guest just had to be thrown in.
Part 3
0:18 Lor, you're in 7th grade. That, and you're mentally stable. Think about what you're saying.
0:20 Diverting gender norms, are we, Nobita?
0:31 Physically, you're not helping.
1:03 Unless Star could use her noodle arms to pick it straight out. 
2:09 Those poor Koreans.
3:03 Star's not not feeling it lately.
3:32 You don't ask that the very moment you bump into one.
4:12 It's the 90's all over again, and some millennials just happen to be in the scene as Slugworth turns Veruca's song into a goddamn reprise.
9:40 They're the only two guests dancing. Remind me what the point of this crossover is again?
11:47 And you only just noticed?
11:49 Even Twilight Sparkle herself wouldn't figure it out so accurately. She may be a god, but she's no psychic.
12:28 Or, you know, just hop onto the sidewalks.
13:00 And one of you could've just tucked it firmly into your pocket, you lazy fucks.
14:59 A simple "excuse me" would suffice?
Part 4
0:02 And the rest? They all sneak in somehow without being detected. 
1:25 See how boring and clueless these people now are?
1:49 I can understand Tom and Jerry squeezing through a pipe, but everyone else?!
2:44 In a shopping mall, no less.
3:30 But in clown garb!
4:23 tfw when a mouse can silently explain the situation better than you can.
5:00 Speak for yourself, all you're doing is standing there.
5:20 I'll say.
5:52 Hiding yourselves, on the other hand...
6:31 ...beyond "kinky".
7:23 Christ, at least Tom and Jerry are doing nothing to interrupt not-Gene-Wilder’s soothing melody.
8:00 How did nobody in the guest team accidentally push one of theirs into the river trying to rescue him?
9:07 Who now?
9:39 Why is Star so aggressive in this crossover? Her religion is unicorns and rainbows, you’d think she’d giggle and dance around non-stop being in the same team as Princess Twilight Sparkle.
11:35 This is wasted fetish potential.
11:51 Oh, finally you give a shit.
12:24 Wha?!?!?!?!?!?!?
13:31 ALL of you?
Part 5
0:02 She looks like she's seen this before. Hmm.
0:46 For once, censorship actually makes the source material less awkward.
1:01 Oh, please, this ain't close to worthy of a montage. You could have seen a live chicken being chopped up.
3:09 She came straight out of nowhere. EXPOSITION. LEARN IT.
5:03 Truly wasted fetish potential.
7:22 Every other guest concurs.
8:18 *slow clap*
8:31 He already had a dog by his side, no need to make every line of dialogue politically correct.
9:18 INCREASED fetish potential.
10:16 And like many Pooh's Adventures creators, the writers do not understand independent thinking.
11:06 Um, Marco............... Oh, fuck it.
11:57 UNBEARABLY wasted fetish potential.
12:30 What, you want to kill him?!
16:48 Good.
Part 6
0:33 And it really should've been you all.
3:36 Which is more than I can say about everyone following him.
4:39 See what at least happens when you have every character in the frame? SEE HOW BORING THAT MAKES YOUR CROSSOVER IF YOU SPLICE IT WITH IMOVIE?!?!?!?!?!
5:18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUEd6gPjIsY
6:55 Sunset Shimmer fires Megan. Meme videos at their finest.
7:42 But how does even Wonka automatically recognise their names?
9:20 Well, certainly not Megan, whoever she was. Why was she in this again?
9:46 Star's response is priceless.
11:08 Of course we have crack shipping in this thing. Sunset is technically a horse.
11:53 Story of a Poohphile's YouTube career. Wonka knows what he's smirking about.
15:25 You're telling us.
15:30 Who has already spun fast enough in his 2016 deathbead.
And finally here's some outtakes, because someone thought bloopers could work in Pooh's Adventures. Prepare to cringe like you've never cringed before.
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Tom and Jerry’s baffling superiority:
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At least it wasn’t made by Yakko:
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Overall: 7.2/5
-0.44/10. This is the epitome of pointless, and a chilling reminder of the potential devolution of storytelling now that it’s possible to build stories out of emojis and Slenderman. This being simple-minded, inoffensive fan fiction by a couple of guys with needs hosted by Google Drive and linked to in one out of 27,000 wiki pages, of course it’d be insignificant to the community compared to what you can pay money for right now, but as far as innovation goes, and I say this as a film critic in progress, it’s misguided, aimless and devoid of any substance of any form. I’m just saying, with plenty of much-deserved scholarship, maybe you could be writing far more intricate prose than "Tom, Imagine when a chocolate mouse appears." I know Time Warner didn’t get some when they commissioned Gene Grillo to write Tom and Jerry into Roald Dahl. If someone else is planning to put a few (or a thousand) more cameos into Tom and Jerry’s gonzo Wonka trek for fun and not for profit, you bet I’ll be ready-ish.
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garyh2628 · 6 years ago
Chairman and Managing Operational CEO (Global Legal Authority Quasi-Judicial)
(Finance, planning, industry and foreign trade portfolios) Private
Head of Human Resources Finance and People and Global Head of Corporate Responsibility
 Investments/Contracts/Superior/Technically Competent and Right-Hand Men
NGO - (Finance, planning, industry and foreign trade portfolios) Private
 To my Pharma Hubs, Technology Hubs, Social Creative/Personal Hub, My Private Hubs, My Financial Hubs and my Health and Wellbeing/Scientific Hubs, Legal and Innovation Hubs, Hinterland Hub and to my Eastern Caribbean Hub, Linguistic/Psychology Hub, to my beloved additions and to my Institutions and Partners and Team, Pool of Potential Personal Assistants and Private Secretaries and Business Managers and also to my Fitness Hub which is an extension of my Health and Wellbeing Hub and not to forget my beloved Brooklyn Hub and my Wine/Adviser Hub, Influential Legal Cashier, Strategic Partnerships, STATEMENT OF INTENT, MY WEALTH FUND AND PERSONAL ATTORNEY and PROPERTY EXPERT GUY and THE ATTACHMENT AND MY PERSONAL BOARDROOM AND MY CHIEF STRATEGY AND INNOVATION OFFICER. The core founding support regions of this Network and Global Structure. MY FAVOURITE CEO.
  All Options remain on the Table applying the finishing touches to our Genius and my Genius and the Network and this Global Structure Genius. DRAFT
 The Network, Strategic Partnerships and Global Structure is hot–but watch the margins
And to deliver those official portfolios to me in its entirety with there Global Legal Restrictions.
  Aligning our funds with Gary and the Global Structure Goals ‘Stepping into world pre-eminence’ Delivering the full suite of Monetary Global Footprints’
 Sign up to receive a daily roundup when the Offices are delivered by me.
I’m very pleased today that plans are underway in some regions which will enable them to be in full control of their destiny as they prepare to welcome the Network and the Economic Community and the Global Structure to their regions. In other places CEOs were told that full delivery needs to be made to me for planning and for work to begin imminently using the urgency of now.  They also told those who they were helping that they need to secure a deal in order to be in control of their Economic Destiny a group was told. Effective immediately they were told that under no circumstances will my Intellectual Capacity and Global Monetary Footprints be available to help them without my prior approval. In an address they said that they are on the cusp of securing a deal to take control of its own economic destiny, a gathering of businesses leaders was told. This Network, our Global Monetary Footprint under my leadership has become a powerhouse and the Region and the Economic Community and the Global Structure is poised to do so as delivery is made to me for planning and for work to begin.  My strategic Partners are taking my que and are preparing in some cases for Independence, devolution in order to be ready to be in control of their destiny. Sighting the recent success, he told a gathering he could see no reason why they should not work with me and the Network and the Economic Community and Global Structure to secure similar investment if we worked together when delivery is made for work to begin.
 Speaking after the meeting– my Strategic Partner revealed he would be pushing for full delivery and across board and across sector and across region for planning and for work to begin and in those regions where my Offices of Budget and Management and the Nerve Centre going to be, they will be pushing the this agenda following conversations with businesses in the region.  “Certainly, businesses in the region are very enthusiastic about me and the Network and the favourable scientific forecast and they are looking forward to seeking consensus as we can build,” he said. Those who were hoping for agreement with the Network and with the businesses that are part of our Monetary Footprints will need to wait until full delivery is made to me for work to begin and in some cases they were told all previous agreements are now off the table and any future communications will have to wait until I deliver all of the Offices. We are delivering on the classified strategy and I’m very happy that after meetings you are very upbeat about it. My agenda is the only agenda on their tables right now. “This Network and this Global Structure and our Monetary Footprints Globally and my Strategic Partners and my CEOs will not be working or showing any future willingness or is prepared to work together with a set of people and organisations now or in the future and this was communicated to them Globally.
 “We are seeing the region and the Global Structure coming together and acting to make real progress and the Official Offices coming together and making real investment and t is paying dividends.  We will be delivering for all our programs and policies and Philosophy as it relates to my social and creative hub. We will be making a long-term commitment from a business prospective and I will answer the question at the Official moment, the question why we would not want to co-invest and come in and show what can be delivered.  I’m looking forward to our Strategic Partners meeting Globally.  It’s not a matter of persuading me, it’s a matter of the data and analysis and research reports and our Philosophy and policies.  My decisions will only at all time fall within what it will allow me to do.  I cannot be persuaded.  I’m delighted that we made our point and it was brought to them with clarity.  It is not important for them to know the make up of the person they are dealing with, we must focus on Intellect across the board and we will under no circumstance make way for them and their mediocrity. I think its time for them to accept the reality Globally.  Change is being made all over the Globe and those deliveries will be made to me and all those Official Portfolios are effective and active.  Globally I am the legal owner and those names I am he et al in all instances and we are moving for with this process.  “In reality, the future is about those three economic regions which are outward looking and not constrained by mediocrity and by administrative boundaries – but working closely together.  “People have not been too bothered by their antics, people are now more than before more focused on the economy and what businesses want – which is skills and growth and the opportunity to really lead the Strategy rather than be listening to gossip and battling nonsense.”  Delivering the particulars to me for planning and for work to begin and for those Official classified Strategies et al to be effected. “This is a huge opportunity for the Classified Strategy, Region and these Strategic areas and that requires them to think of being absolutely at the heart of the Powerhouse Project, rather than on the edge or the fringes. Because it isn’t.” This isn’t aspiration this is reality he said.  This isn’t theatre like the days of old, this is Gary we are talking about, this is reality and work will be done. He also said that this isn’t a “one trick pony” this is it; this is what we were dreaming of for thousands of years, this is what we intellectuals live for everyday.
   He levelled criticism at a few who were put under microscopic eyes and their actions were noted, who continue to use Institutions to fight their personal battles and, in some cases, where our Monetary Footprints are which is a total contravention of any agreement. Well, Gary is the Chairman and there wasn’t another need to make that known.  Well, he revealed their plans, so maybe that’s how people know that we are on cusp of making history for the classified agenda and plus we are indeed doing the full delivery for work to begin and we have some big names on board for our sequestered Intellectual Carnival Cum retreat and it Global. I’m assuming that’s where the excitement is.  We are either experiencing a brain drain here or we are experiencing serious incompetence he said. “I would urge Gary to shout more about the Network and our plans and I agree with him, I want him to talk up our achievements on the thank you tour and talk up himself more on that tour because the suite of achievement, some people can only dreams of it and all attributed to my leadership, real tangible progress and real tangible and scientific progress across the Globe for Intellect and I know there is no one else that can sell it like a best seller.”   I’ll have to think about it lol…  I know where you are heading, wait.  It is indeed the biggest challenge we are facing, but we need to hold our horses and go to our intellectual carnival and then. Trust.  “We all have to drive this. We can't keep asking the question of a signed cheque, we have to come up with the goods and deliver the solutions.”  He said: “There has to be a real focus on getting down to business. We have put a lot of time and effort in getting this to Gary’s desk for work to begin and then further turn the meetings and relationships into action.”
0 notes
clubofinfo · 7 years ago
Expert: The dearth of anarchist theory in print is sometimes pretty embarrassing. Our discourse is rich, but it can also be maddeningly ephemeral and inaccessible, lost to zines and interpersonal conversations. While illegibility can be a defensive weapon against outside authorities, it also frequently reinforces power relations by increasing barriers to access. It’s painful to have to tell another bright-eyed and bushy-tailed new anarchist looking to read up on a subject that “You just have to talk to people or read around and fill in the gaps.” Anarchism is sadly filled to the brim with things we expect people to know but never write down. “Mainstream opinion” in anarchist circles is thus often something spread across piles of texts written by non-anarchists that we synthesize and share with our close friends, never bothering to write down a summary. Anthropology, gender studies, economics, at al… we remain parasitical on other discursive worlds, hashing out a shared analysis between close comrades but rarely providing a 101. Peter Gelderloos has long been one of the rare exceptions — an anarchist committed to making anarchist theory accessible. It helps that Gelderloos is about as plumb-line of an anarchist as one could conceive, unassailably at the dead center of our myriad internal political spectra — or at least the center of mass. “Anarchy Works” and “How Nonviolence Protects The State” were agreeable and unoffensive to not only the mainstream of anarchism but to partisans of nearly every stripe. Within our movement Gelderloos is probably the least controversial anarchist writer alive — a truly stupendous accomplishment. Worshiping Power: An Anarchist View of Early State Formation is a great book, the sort of text that should be part of the obligatory canon for all anarchists. An accessible summary and nuanced analysis of why and how states form. I’m delighted we now have it on hand. Gelderloos sets out a clear and potent anarchist analysis that knocks down primitivist, Marxist, and Hobbesian accounts while shellacking the academics that are too conservative to openly recognize what’s in front of their face. Gelderloos’ central thesis is that while there are many paths and pressures societies face, we nevertheless have some agency in how we navigate them. No technology, no material condition, no social condition is a prison sentence. It is our common values that play a huge role in determining whether a society can handle something like agriculture, cities, writing, or markets without turning to tyranny. The fight between authoritarianism and anti-authoritarianism is ultimately a fight over values far more than it is a fight over particular conditions or tools. As in other regions we see a relatively stable stateless period persisting for a long time after the development of agriculture and sedentary living, and a relatively rapid increase in hierarchy stratification, and the centralization of power once an organized religious cult perfects the ability to shape the spiritual beliefs of the broader society. (p. 214) Unfortunately, Worshiping Power has two1 minor problems: It focuses in on a definition of “states” far more pertinent to academics than anarchists, and at the same time, Gelderloos’ analysis leans into a hostility towards “worldview shapers” that builds some worrying momentum. Gelderloos is clearly chafing under academia and so he yin-yangs between a deferential, if tense, respect for it and outright heads-on-pikes insurrection against it. The choice to stick with an established academic frame around “states” in technical and overly specific terms is useful in that it allows a more fine-grained analysis of the various hierarchical social systems at play in the last ten thousand years. But it’s also a deeply dangerous choice because it risks minimizing the full extent of what anarchists oppose. It’s clearly not enough to avoid having a centralized administrative hierarchy with at least three tiers of organization. Anarchists oppose rulership wholesale — from tribal chiefs to diffuse games of social capital and interpersonal abuse. There’s a noxious history of anthropologists collapsing ‘anarchism’ down to whatever mere anti-statism is necessary to valorize the society they’re currently taken with. This sort of shit is how we get people venerating warrior honor societies with literal slaves and calling them “anarchist” or thinking they’re anywhere near the vicinity of a liberated world. Gelderloos himself obviously knows better, but I’m not sure his few caveats are strong enough to correct errant readers. This focus on a very specific subsection of power structures is interesting but it leads to a conclusion a little far afield from anarchism’s concerns. What’s the most critical element to starting multi-tier coercive administrations? The creation of values that enable universal centralization. This is certainly true as far as it goes, but the more interesting and anarchist question is what leads to domination at all, in any flavor or organizational structure? Such is of course less a question for anthropology or sociology and more one of game theory, philosophy, psychology, and the like. The danger with something as obtuse and macroscopic as the anthropological lens is that you’ll start viewing things in similarly sweeping terms. What falls out of Gelderloos’ account is a enmity towards elite worldview-shapers that he repeatedly identifies in personal asides with scientists and modern academics. It’s a compelling argument and certainly no anarchist worth their salt would defend elites of any sort. Further — ever intellectually honest — Gelderloos does note the potential for such figures to be potent sources of anti-authoritarian rebellion. Still this framing leads Gelderloos to paint a split between ‘pragmatic’ and ‘non-pragmatic,’ that he spins as the critical difference between the sort of invention, writing, engineering, trade, etc, that can be perfectly harmless and the sort that ends up feeding the state. This is a flavor of anarchist morality that would collapse all our values down to merely resistance to social authority. Casting the inquiry and creativity that underpins science and technology as only tolerable if they are made merely instrumental. Learning is only worthwhile if it helps us fight, to live healthy, to live free. (p. 235) What a terribly impoverished notion of “living free”! Surely inquiry and creativity are themselves part and parcel of freedom, not merely servants or tools. Is freedom just some passive state of being we’re trying to retreat to? Or is it an active, striving, reaching sort of thing, that necessarily includes learning for its own sake, exploring for its own sake, dreaming for its own sake? To say that I recoil in horror at the prescription that science be enslaved to serve some kind of social order would be a severe understatement. A world where we must interrogate every flight of investigation and demand to know its pragmatic utility for the social order is a world far away from any notion of freedom I value. If anything I’d say the goal of anarchy is to finally unleash science from the shackles that social hierarchies have kept it in. Don’t hate academics for being “unpractical,” hate the system that gives them that privilege and denies the rest of us it. While it’s certainly an occasionally valid lens to look at “science” from the outside, in sociological terms as an existing institution, community, and practice situated in a specific social and historical context, it’s at least as valid to view “science” from the inside, in cognitive or philosophical terms as an approach to pattern-finding, as diligent root-seeking or radicalism, an approach that is present in all conscious minds — yes even isolated ones — and certainly in all societies. “Science as radicalism” obviously in no remote way obliges a priest class. It can lead to universalizing values or perspectives, but when rooted in the people, emergent from the ground up rather than from an elite, actual truths ultimately aren’t easily manipulable to serve power, instead they provide greater agency to all. Our capacity for choice is dependent upon the accuracy of our maps of reality. And freedom would certainly be meaningless without the inclination to grapple with, to feel out, connect, and engage with our environments. Yet it must be said that at points Gelderloos talks in ways that conflict with said enshrinement of pragmatism and instrumentalism, for instance characterizing a critical stage in the devolution to statism with, “Authoritarian orders within the network would unite, since their logic favored the accumulation of power over the unimpeded search for truth, meaning, and ecstasy.” I couldn’t have put it better. This tension with his other framings is indicative of Worshiping Power’s greatest strength, its honest complexity. While I love rhetorically potent Gelderloos, and he certainly pokes his head out at points to call forth fire and brimstone, he is mostly at his best when he embraces nuance, tracing the complex and varied paths of state formation and resistance. Gelderloos absolutely eviscerates Marxist and primitivist claims about state formation by simply bringing to the fore the immense contingency and differences in the record. The only reasonable takeaway is that a society’s internal meta-structures of culture, religion, ethics, etc. guide them at least as much as material conditions. Honest nuance comprises a vicious denial of any sort of simplistic deterministic prescriptions. In particular Gelderloos is very honest about markets not obliging inequality, hierarchy or states: States can organize trade networks, but trade networks do not generate states. The Indus Valley civilization, one of the oldest in the world, is an interesting example. At its height (between 2600 and 1900 BCE), the civilization had a population of some five million people living in half a dozen cities — such as Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro — and over a thousand towns and villages. It made up a world system together with its trading partners, ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Of these, the Indus Valley civilization was the largest. and in contrast to the other two, it was probably stateless. No solid evidence has been found of kings, priests, armies, temples, or palaces. Some of the largest buildings in the urban centers were public baths; the urban planning, sewage, and hygiene systems were the best in the ancient world; and the relative equality of housing size suggests an egalitarian, non-stratified society. …the lack of military structures suggests that the rural population traded their surplus more or less voluntarily with the artisans of the towns and cities. (p. 142) Stateless societies also existed at the heart of one of the most intensive, high-value trade networks in world history, in the Banda islands of the Maluku archipelago. The islanders participated in the spice trade for centuries, occupying an essential productive niche, while preserving their statelessness. Social organization throughout the Maluku archipelago was localized and largely horizontal. (p. 144) The Cucuteni-Trypillian culture existed from 4800 to 3000 BCE in the area that is now western Ukraine, Moldova and eastern Romania. They practiced agriculture … invented the oldest known proto-writing system in the world, manufactured and traded. … Contrary to assumptions about the state being a more advanced form of political organization, the Cucuteni-Trypillian culture was stateless, egalitarian, peaceful and non-patriarchal. The Cretan civilization were in all probability a stateless people who organized an important trade network spanning the Mediterranean over more than a thousand years. They were a peaceful society with a minimum of defensive infrastructure and no record of involvement in offensive warfare. …there is no evidence of such rulers. The palaces served as warehouses, redistribution centers, collective housing for priestesses and administrators, archices and religious sites. … The Creten diet was too rich, too diversified, to suggest a hyper-exploited, enslaved lower class. … Nor is their evidence of a Cretan army or other mechanisms capable of imposing the sort of work-or-starve, blackmail economy so common in other city states. The very diversity of Cretan food production (spanning multicrop agriculture, apiculture, silvaculture, aquaculture, fishing, and hunting, a diversity that would be impossible for a weak state to surveil and control), paired with a lack of evidence of a police or military structure makes the proposal of a coerced or dependent peasant population ludicrous. In the worst case the merchant-priests controlling the palaces might have been able to impose an unfavorable exchange rate making it difficult or impossible for the peasants to aquire luxury goods, but the peasants would still have been more or less self-sufficient, autonomous, and healthy. The Cretan civilization did have a written language, at the time a common sign of state authority, although nearly all the decoded fragments of Linear B are simple trade records and lists of resources, with a few religious references thrown in. Universally, early states with written languages used the written record to preserve laws, chronicles, and accounts of the power and grandeur of their supreme leaders. In practice, the palace economy was probably a network of religious centers where farmers, artisans, and merchants bought their produce or their trade goods, sometimes in the spirit of a gift, an offering to the gods that would be redistributed, and sometimes in the spirit of exchange. Mask-wearing priestesses represented the gods in important ceremonies, anonymizing spiritual power rather than concentrating it in any individual or family. They also specialized in the occult knowledge, like math and writing, which allowed them to administer a large trade network. (p. 149) There are numerous other examples throughout Worshiping Power as Gelderloos drags to light just how systematic the bias in the historical record is towards states, and how good of reasons we have to assume all the holes in the map were anarchistic or at the very least stateless. Too often, historians and archaeologists fabricate cheap mysteries, “Why did this great civilization suddenly collapse?,” because they refuse to accept the obvious: that states are odious structures that their populations destroy whenever they get the opportunity, and sometimes even when they face impossible odds. Words cannot do justice to the relief one feels at finally having a book that makes this longstanding anarchist argument in direct terms and extensive examples. I hope that Worshiping Power‘s longest lasting contribution will be to open our eyes not just to the complex trajectories that power structures can take but to the immensity of anti-authoritarian currents and forces throughout history that resist and suppress them. This is the first major step in fleshing out and normalizing an anarchist narrative of world history where the giant gaping holes in the conventional histories are centered and given their rightful place as the real agents and heroes. Gelderloos tries his hardest for a certain academic equanimity throughout Worshiping Power but you can sense the white knuckling going on until the end when he can finally let loose the anarchist howl, we are still here. We have not disappeared. We are still here. …No matter what continent we are from, those who choose to align ourselves with an anti-authoritarian history can be proud: we are the ones who have killed kings. Worshiping Power is an excellent and potent reminder of the expanse of the possible. All the possible ways we can shoot ourselves in the foot and allow the rot of domination to spread, but also all the ways we can resist, all those that have, and all those that have succeeded at living freer than we can sometimes imagine.   --- *  Gelderloos does make one factual mistake or omission, he dates the earliest domesticated plant species to 10,500 years ago, but evidence in Palestine has revealed that humans domesticated first started farming grains 23,000 years ago. Who knows what else has been covered up, sunken around the edge of the Mediterranean? http://clubof.info/
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paulflynnunrevised · 8 years ago
Lessons NOT Learned- Euro Referendum
Euro Referendum -Lessons not learned.
The Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee’s reports on lessons learned from the Euro Referendum misses the main lessons and seeks to continue controversies on matters of minor importance such as ‘purdah’
I did not vote for the report because the LESSONS MISSED include:-
Referendums outcomes are decided by the side that tells the most plausible lies.
It’s significant that two of our witnesses also led campaign in referendum on the Alternative Vote, and the north East Devolution referendums’ are Matthew Elliott, Chief Executive, Vote Leave, William Norton, Legal Director, Vote Leave. Everyone knew about the message of NHS money on the Red Bus and Osborne's threat of chaos. Few read official briefings.  It was the hyperbole that won it.
The PACAC report covers cyber security poorly and with what appears to be a rudimentary understanding of the issues.
PACAC refer only to practical, tangible events such as the website crashing. This may well have been the result of an attack but the much more troubling issue is the continuous use of online data to target and manipulate. An elite group is shaping world politics to suit their private beliefs, their behaviour having untold and unquantifiable affects.
Although the Committee has no direct evidence, it considers that it is important to be aware of the potential for foreign interference in elections or referendums. The report on lessons learned from the website crash described it as “technical in nature, gaps in technical ownership and risk management contributed to the problem, and prevented it from being mitigated in advance”.
However the crash had indications of being a DDOS (distributed denial of service) ‘attack’. We understand that this is very common and easy to do with botnets.There can be many reasons why people initiate a DDOS: commercial, political etc. PACAC does not rule out the possibility that the crash may have been caused by botnets.
 Lessons in respect of the protection and resilience against possible foreign interference in IT systems that are critical for the functioning of the democratic process must extend beyond the technical. The implications of this different understanding of cyber-attack, as purely technical or as reaching beyond the digital to influence public opinion, for the interference in elections and referendums are clear. PACAC is deeply concerned about these allegations about foreign interference. 
The use of algorithms and artificial intelligence was probably a significant but invisible element in the campaigns.
The journalist Carole Cadwalldr has exposed the influence of American billionaire Robert Mercer and Cambridge Analytica in manipulating voters’ opinions.
There is absence of evidence of Russian Cyber influence or other invisible campaigning from other countries because the Electoral Commission has not investigated.
We are living in new age of propaganda. “psyops” – psychological operations and cognitive warfare will that determine the result of future elections and referendums.
Damian Tambini, director of the media policy project at the LSE, says  electoral Law isn’t fit for purpose. He calls for a parliamentary commission to urgently review it. He says “It’s totally covert. And people don’t realize what is going on.”
  PACAC Report – Cyber Security 
The implications of this different understanding of cyber-attack, as purely technical or as reaching beyond the digital to influence public opinion, for the interference in elections and referendums are clear. PACAC is deeply concerned about these allegations about foreign interference.  
Reasons why PACAC should investigate further
Issue is wider than EU Referendum
It may be worth suggesting a one-off evidence session to look at all aspects of the issue given the articles published by Carole Cadwalladr.
There is evidence to suggest that this is a much wider issue than the EU referendum. Evidence from analysts, below, suggest that this type of targeting was used in the last General Election and as recently as the Stoke By-Election. Furthermore the billionaires involved intend to extend the areas they cover to encompass the rest of Europe.
Lack of transparency regarding foreign election funding
This is wilful manipulation of the media and unchallenged use of foreign funds to influence our electoral processes.
An investigation by PACAC could raise the issue that this type of work has yet to be declared by any group as ‘services-in-kind.’
It is within PACAC’s remit to explore the fact that online advertising is not governed at all by electoral rules. Broadcast advertising is subject to strict controls, PACAC could make recommendations on the future of online advertising. Broadcast advertising is restricted in the interests of fair play as it traditionally had a wide reach and great impact. Recent shifts have proved unfair advantages are now to be gained from targeted online activity bringing into question the requirement for tighter regulation.
Extent of available expert evidence was not considered fully during this EU report
The issue is also wider reaching than one- off, concrete events pinpointed by the Committee such as the website crashing during the referendum campaign.
Carole Cadwalldr’s Facts/Article Summary
Damaging News Sites
CNSnews is owned by the Media Research Center. They promote themselves as "America's media watchdog", an organisation that claims an "unwavering commitment to neutralising leftwing bias in the news, media and popular culture".
Receives a large bulk of its funding from Robert Mercer - Trump's single biggest donor.
Robert Mercer
  Started his career at IBM, where he made "revolutionary" breakthroughs in language processing - a science that went on to be key in developing today's AI.
Became joint CEO of Renaissance Technologies, a hedge fund that makes its money by using algorithms to model and trade on the financial markets.
One of its funds, Medallion, which manages only its employees' money, is the most successful in the world - generating $55bn so far.
 Since 2010, Mercer has donated $45m to Republican political campaigns and $50m to rightwing, ultra-conservative non-profits.
He funds a climate change denial thinktank, the Heartland Institute.
This is a billionaire who is trying to reshape the world according to his personal beliefs.
Carries out worrying disruption of the mainstream media
 Steve Bannon
 Trump's campaign manager and now chief strategist.
 Close associate of Merce  
  It was $10m of Mercer's money that enabled Bannon to fund Breitbart - a rightwing news site, set up with the express intention of being a Huffington Post for the right.
Regularly hosts antisemitic and Islamophobic views, and is currently being boycotted by more than 1,000 brands.
Phenomenally successful: the 29th most popular site in America with 2bn page views a year. It's bigger than the Huffington Post. 
It's the biggest political site on Facebook and Twitter.
In 2014, Bannon launched Breitbart London, telling the New York Times it was specifically timed ahead of the UK's forthcoming election. It was, he said, the latest front "in our current cultural and political war". France and Germany are next.
  Cambridge Analytica
 Robert Mercer's is reported to have a $10m stake in Cambridge Analytica, a small data analytics company spun out of a bigger British company called SCL Group.
 It specialises in "election management strategies" and "messaging and information operations", refined over 25 years in places like Afghanistan and Pakistan ie: Mass propaganda that works by acting on people's emotions.
Cambridge Analytica worked for the Trump campaign and the Leave campaign.
  How these Companies are used for Manipulation of Media and Politics
 Jonathan Albright, a professor of communications at Elon University, North Carolina mapped the news ecosystem and found millions of links between rightwing sites "strangling" the mainstream media.
Trackers from sites like Breitbart could also be used by companies like Cambridge Analytica to follow people around the web and then, via Facebook, target them with ads.
Cambridge Analytica boasts that it has psychological profiles based on 5,000 separate pieces of data on 220 million American voters - its USP is to use this data to understand people's deepest emotions and then target them accordingly.
Andy Wigmore, Leave communications director said Cambridge Analytica had worked for them and taught them how to build profiles, how to target people and how to scoop up masses of data from people's Facebook profiles. 
Facebook was the key to the entire campaign, Wigmore explained. A Facebook 'like', he said, was their most "potent weapon". "Because using artificial intelligence, as we did, tells you all sorts of things about that individual and how to convince them with what sort of advert. And you knew there would also be other people in their network who liked what they liked, so you could spread. And then you follow them. The computer never stops learning and it never stops monitoring."
They hadn't "employed" Cambridge Analytica, he said. No money changed hands. "They were happy to help."
Services-in-kind were not declared to Electoral Commission. A foreign billionaire influenced the referendum without that influence being apparent.
Wigmore confirmed "Nigel Farage is a good friend of the Mercers. And Robert Mercer introduced them to us. He said, 'Here's this company we think may be useful to you.' What they were trying to do in the US and what we were trying to do had massive parallels. We shared a lot of information. Why wouldn't you?" Behind Trump's campaign and Cambridge Analytica, he said, were "the same people. It's the same family."
 Sam Woolley of the Oxford Internet Institute's computational propaganda institute believes one third of all traffic on Twitter before the EU referendum was automated "bots" - accounts that are programmed to look like people, to act like people, and to change the conversation, to make topics trend. And they were all for Leave. Before the US election, they were five-to-one in favour of Trump - many of them Russian. Last week they have been in action in the Stoke byelection - Russian bots, organised by who? - attacking Paul Nuttall.
  You can take a trending topic, such as fake news, and then weaponise it, turn it against the media that uncovered it.
automatically copied from Paul Flynn - Read My Day http://ift.tt/2prp7wQ (hopefully before Mr Flynn has revised it).
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