#it would be for the oasis memorabilia of course. surely he knows that
rosewatergrapefruit · 11 months
oasisdna posting a selfie with setting sun over it, why do I kind of need him
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
CPN : stock photo clues care of xiao laoshi 🔍
all of this is clowning and connecting things that may or may not be related. that’s just how cpns work. if you don’t like it then scroll along. if some things don’t make sense to you then it doesn’t. don’t take this too seriously. i’m trying to add as much clues and cpn as i can but it will be virtually impossible to catch every single thing that will be talked about.
i’ve already talked about the same/similar furniture here cause that was so rude of them. lol. the photo in question for WYB was from his oasis post last 4/16/2019 and was about BAPE’s F1 merch. There are two other photos from that post so you can see more of the sofa in question. GG’s looks like it doesn’t have the backrest, but it seems to be the type that’s removable. I think the term is modular furniture or something like that. the wall behind too ( GG’s ) is similar to WYB’s ( p2 ) 1- I know it’s not the most unique paint shade in the world but you know what i mean. Also GG’s is 2022 so that’s some years apart and the look of it may change. what’s sus about this is it’s not the first time we CPNd them in the same place.
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this is a visual representation of how they took their respective photos from the alleged same sofa. 😂 please im cackling! turtles are too funny!
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Now let’s look at the other photos one by one and see what we can find 👀
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P1: Wonder what this is? It’s called roasted brain flower, apparently. As per baidu search it’s described as : A traditional snack in Sichuan and Chongqing. It is roasted with pig's brain mixed with sea pepper powder, pepper powder and other seasonings. Now where did we see this featured before? In TTXS and WYB samples it. TTXS does a lot of these things, trying everything from different regions so this is not as CPN as we think. Also one popular restaurant that serves this has WYB’s face in their store because of that TTXS episode. Coincidentally, XZ also has a signature memorabilia from the same store.
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I won’t talk about the jianguo photo anymore cause it’s the big 🍭 here. and let’s appreciate how cute this princess is! her cheeks!
P2: Of course, he will use this type of effect so we don’t know exactly what it is. Good thing turtles are detectives lol. The first guess is that it’s the titanic lego set because there was a LRLG fake rumor before that seemed to talk about it. it was about purchasing something that is expensive and the word “ship” was mentioned. At the time, this titanic set was out.
I mean, the lights/shapes and all that seem the same. This would be okay if GG was known to play with lego but he’s not. We all know who is tho. Either this is a photo taken by GG when WYB built it and he decided to share it a stock photo. Or this from WYB and he ( GG ) edited it.
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Another more logical guess is it’s a night cruise ship that goes around Chongqing and you can eat there too. It’s one of those things that I can’t tell if GG is doing this because he knows he can get away with it. Any sensible / casual fan would think it’s some cruise ship or whatever. Focus on jianguo and his selfie. It’s only us tbh that would think about the Lego.
P3: The freakin hand held fan of destiny lol. We’ve all seen the tape he had on it during the WDB wrap up. We thought that it was broken or it may be a marker, tho the more popular guess is it was damaged. Now he’s using something that is in good condition. CPN is, he got Yibo’s. because WYB was seen using a really small one lol. Or maybe WYB bought a new one for him. Who knows. This hand held fan truly is one legendary piece of turtle history 😂😂😂
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P4: AHHHH THE SELFIE, where he is wearing airpods when he answered he prefers wired headphones. sure. Also yes we can see your apple watch. The watch all turtles are eyeing between the two of them. They are both endorsing watches GG ( zenith ) and WYB ( casio ) so why are you both showing that off? 😂😂😂
The peace sign is also a match to Bobo’s — which was something we CPNd ( sort of ). Yes it’s a common gesture when someone takes a photo but whatever.
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but i think the more important question is where are the other photos?
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sources: one two three four five six
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