#it wasn't intentional that's just how they popped into my head ig
unicornsannie · 2 months
Help me-Song Mingi
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Warning:Mingi calling reader miss/princess,big d Mingi,stranger fuck,masturbate,blow job,creepy stalker(not creepy at all), unprotected sex
(ig that's it)
You are sitting in an interrogation room with a known criminal who is most wanted by the police Now you are now facing him to investigate him
Mingi crossed his legs while looking at his chained hands."I'm bored miss investigator, can I go out because there's no one but the two of us" Mingi looked at you with his puppy eyes.You don't care what he says by looking at your interrogation paper
You noticed something cold on your thigh making you look under the table. It was Mingi's bare foot rubbing your thigh."Ew, keep your legs away from me" You pinched your thigh because it wasn't a feeling of amusement but something you never felt
"I believe that you like it, right princess of the investigation"You shook your head and continued looking at the paper back but Mingi pulled back his chair and let out a grunt
"I have a problem ma'am investigation. Can you help me".You looked at him wondering what he meant but you noticed something forming in his pants.He opened his legs further and licked his lips while looking with lust in his eyes.
"I don't think I can help a criminal like you, especially a murderer"Mingi sighed and unbuttoned his pants. He took out his cock and stroked it gently in front of you making you feel a wet presence between your legs.
You wanted to ignore it but couldn't when you heard Mingi moan your name making you look away and look at him."How do you know my name" Mingi kept stroking while answering between his breaths "I tracked you-from your university -fuck-shower-fuck Y/N let me cum"
You saw his hand move faster making you unable to hold back and walk towards him Mingi smiled proudly seeing you kneeling in front of you.You hold his cock between your hands while lowering your mouth
"Y/N-Fuckkk" Mingi slurred while holding your head to deepen it.You whine and emit a vibration that makes him curse and moan
"You really know how to use your mouth really well"You can only whine and shed tears.”fuckfuckfuck Y/N stand up now”You removed your mouth from his cock with a pop and watched as Mingi unzipped your skirt
"I want you to ride me, miss Investigator.I know you want it"Mingi whispered in your ear as he pulled your waist towards him.You climbed onto his thighs and removed your panties and inserted Mingi's cock with your wet cunt
Mingi continued to hold your waist and made you jump on his cock hard."Mingi...fuuuuuuuuck-You're too big. I can't" You cried and rested your head on his neck breathing fast."You can do it, Miss Investigator. I believe that your pussy is also craving for my presence."
"Argh-Y/N I’m going to cum inside you now” You shook your head and gripped his shoulders tightly.Mingi stood up and walked towards the wall where it was next to your bag and pressed you against the wall
He took something from your bag and watched as he took out a pill."You think I'm going to stop following you even though I'm here. You should be smarter for me"He opened it and put the pill in his mouth and he kissed you
He put his tongue in your mouth and as expected, he put the pill in your mouth. "Swallow. Now."
Without hesitation you swallowed the pill and wrapped your legs around his waist. "I will never stop chasing you and I will have a child with you. I love you even though we are only stranger"You just gripped him tighter and moaned
Soon he released his cum inside you and the same with you.Mingi put you on the table and kissed your forehead."I'll see you when I get out of jail" He winked his eyes and licked your pussy
Maybe you started liking the criminal from the day you met him.Do you have any intention to help him get rid of his case?
I've been busy lately but hereeeʕ⁠´⁠•⁠ ⁠ᴥ⁠•̥⁠`⁠ʔ
I'm just busy with school work
I hope you all understand my current situation and thank you
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miriel-therindes · 2 years
My OCs masterlist
(mainly for my own reference so I can keep track of them and what I’ve posted for them here, will get edited constantly)
Turunís (also called Aíra or Hûriel)  {Part Noldo, part Teleri}  |Wife of Curufin, mother of Celebrimbor, Lady of Himlad, glass-blower, alchemist|  [Dark brown wavy hair, medium brown skin, freckles, grey eyes, tall and muscular]  (Proud, clever, competitive, patient, commanding, shortspoken, protective)  {ENTJ} Raen  {Of Arnor}  |Lady of the Blue Brooch, last leader of the people of Cardolan|  [Dark brown hair, light brown skin, brown eyes, very small and slender]  (Gentle, kind, loyal, strong-willed, enduring)  {ISFJ} Nilûphêl {Of Numenor} |Lady-in-waiting of Tar-Miriel, not one of the Faithful but against the deeds of the Black Numenorians| [Dark brown skin, black hair, dark grey eyes, short and agile] (Quiet, clever in her own way, secretive, stoic, a bit cynical, but kind) Idis (Textual ghost)  {Of Rohan} |Daughter of Theoden, princess of Rohan, rider, woodworker, raised Eowyn and Eomer|  [Pale skin, dark blonde hair, green eyes, freckled, tall and stoutly built]  (Loving, imaginative, loyal, funny, principled, compassionate)  {INFJ} -Grey ace- Tára (also called Lócëwen or Isthíril)  {Noldo} |Soldier, lore-master, Feanorian follower|  [Black hair, pale skin, grey eyes, sharp features, later scarred on her face and shoulder]  (Proud, ambitious, strong, cunning, stubborn, rebellious, determined, passionate)  [INTJ]  -Aroace- Lopowen {Teleri}  |Wife of Maglor, poet, storyteller|  [Tightly curled silver hair, medium brown skin, green eyes, short] Aurlea Darling (my lotro character)  {Hobbit of the Shire}  |Hunter, dreamer, cook, and sampler of fine drinks|  [Light brown hair, pale skin, hazel eyes, short and stout]  [INFP] Faenel (nicknamed Wren)  {Gondorian}  |Tailor, of Minas Tirith, friend of Boromir|  [Long lack hair, medium brown skin, brown eyes, short and curvy]  (Hardworking, compassionate, protective, motherly, responsible, creative, brave)  -Ace and demiromantic- Elineth (mainly created to explore Edain and Elder relations in the first age) a girl of the House of Beor, refugee who fled to Himring after the Dagor Bragalloch with her younger sisters and pleaded for asylum Aursili (my lotro character)  {Dwarf}  |Of Erebor, ministrel, healer|  [Black hair and beard, light brown skin, grey eyes]  (Gentle, poetic, optimistic, friendly, thoughtful, open) -Aroace- Sage Button Tali of Khazad-dum
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rattyoakenbitch · 3 years
❝𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐨 𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞❞ ─ 𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨
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hey, it's not like you ever tried to stay . .
❥ content ; gn reader, angst, dark themes, yandere themes, toxic relationship
❥ warnings ; sxlf hxrm & mxtilation, swearing, verbal abuse, manipulation, slight nxdity lol
❥ synopsis ; all you wanted was his attention. and by the gods, you were going to get his attention by any means.
❥ a/n ; first mello fic (: i've been wanting to write something dark for a while and ig i finally got the opportunity lol. i thought i got out of my death note stage but i'm back, so please don't be afraid to send requests or ask to be added to my nonexistent taglist! alsoo while this oneshot does include s/h, i am in no way glorifying or romanticizing it!!! but i do tend to write angsty and dark fics. again, this is a work of fiction and i don't intend for anyone to take this too seriously and let this influence them.
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The loud crash of a glass echoed throughout the room as a vase went flying through the air and collided with the wall, just a few feet from where you were standing.
You didn't flinch. Didn't scream. Didn't cry. Didn't react. You were used to Mello's fits of rage by now, months into your relationship. If you could even call it that, at this point.
You knew Mello wouldn't dare lay a finger on you; if he did, he'd cut off his own hands and have live with the guilt forever, knowing he brought you harm. Which is why you didn't react.
However, he didn't seem to have a problem when it was only verbal.
"I don't fucking get you!" Mello spat harshly and continued to rant, "Why did you think that was okay?! Did you once consider how I felt?! I was worried sick that some asshole hurt you but you come back a day later and tell me you were at some boy's house!"
You only scoff, leaning against the wall in a relaxed manner, eyeing the remaining shards of the vase carefully. Just like Mello, you were incredibly stubborn.
"Answer me, Y/N!"
"Okay, Mihael," you state cooly, using Mello's legal name and causing him to listen more intently. "First of all, I don't know what you expected me to do when you invited your weird mafia 'friends' over while I was trying to sleep. Second, he's not 'some boy', his name is Y/F/N and he's one of a few people I can trust. I don't know what you think of me."
"You could've gotten a hotel room, that's what!"
"With what money, Mihael?! What fucking money? You forced me to quit my job and then practically lock me up in this hell hole that I can't even call 'home' anymore!"
Mello huffed. "Pfft, you should be grateful. I've kept you safe all this time, away from the dangers of the world. You're alive because of me. Me. You're mine."
"Yeah, some fucking life, right?"
"I provide for you, I protect you from the monsters out in the world, but you still decide to go and whore yourself out to your little 'friend'," Mello sneered, his sharp voice dripping with venom.
You stared at your boyfriend in disbelief. All words, all arguments and nasty retorts expiring on your lips.
"I.." You start, but laugh pitifully. "I don't even know what you're saying. I don't know if you even know what you're saying. Honestly, Mello, just when I thought you couldn't surprise me anymore, you start spewing complete and utter bullshit out of your mouth." Mello's silence only egged you on. "It's no wonder Near always came in first place." Aaand there it was. You snapped.
If looks could kill, you'd be dead. Mello's eyes widened in anger at the mention of Near, reminding him of his inferiority.
In a completely different situation where he wasn't on the receiving end, Mello would be smiling proudly, listening to your clever retorts and comebacks. You've always been as stubborn and hot headed as him, and he really liked that about you, fuck that "opposites attract" bullshit. (I ACC LOVE THAT TROPE LOL IM SORRY) However, considering you were both extremely toxic people, it was far from entertaining when it was you who got in a fight with the other.
You didn't stop, though. If he was gonna play that who-could-be-more-toxic game, you weren't gonna back down.
"I don't know if it was the explosion or you've really always been that stupid, but you need to get the fuck over yourself and stop throwing tantrums when you find out that I have a life, too, and I have friends. Friends who actually give a damn."
You stare down each other in silence, a heavy tension hanging in the air. Still, after a few moments, Mello didn't make any effort to speak or react, other than walking out of the room.
Days, weeks went by. Mello hasn't spoken a word to you. Hasn't even looked in your direction when you passed each other or walked into the same room. You didn't exist anymore, and it worried you.
Mello was never like this. Within a few days or even hours after an argument, you would easily kiss and make up. Had you gone too far this time?
Besides the fact that Mello was intentionally giving you the cold shoulder, he was also busy with work, and was out of the house from midnight to early afternoon. During that time, you would stay at home and carry out your every day mundane tasks and chores.
Even now, you didn't seek comfort in your family or friends. You were either busy keeping the house clean, sleeping, or entertaining yourself on social media. But it was all a sad attempt to keep your mind occupied on anything else other than Mello.
And one day like any other where Mello was out doing whatever the hell mafia dudes do, you snapped. You decided you were sick of the silent treatment.
If Mello was gonna play dirty and ignore you, you were gonna give him something to react to.
Mello came home some time after sunset. Kicking off his boots as he walked in the front door, he immediately knew something was off. It was quiet - too quiet. Despite the fact that you were practically taking some sort of forced break after the argument, you acted the same. You went about your day and didn't bother acting shy or timid around Mello. You still hummed earworm pop songs to yourself or put on a podcast to fill the tense air. But now there was nothing. Just Mello, the walls, and the silence.
Mello cautiously walked around the house and searched for any signs of you, fearing the worst.
As he frantically looked around, he stopped abruptly at the sight of blood smeared onto the hallway wall.
His heartbeat began to thump loudly in his ears.
Then he noticed more blood. And more, smeared up on the wall, and eventually a trail picked up. He followed the bloody trail as it lead him through the hallway and stopped outside of your shared bedroom that he hasn't been inside for weeks.
Mello shakily inhaled and braced himself for whatever gruesome scene he would walk into.
He reached for the doorknob, twisting it and letting himself in.
Soon as he did, he ceased all motions, his breath caught in his throat as he tried to process what his eyes were showing him.
There, you sat on the bed, nothing on but your underwear and one of Mello's shirts. On one hand, you loosely held a pocket knife. On the other, you had your sleeve rolled up, your inner arm facing Mello's direction.
Your doe eyes looked up from the floor and met Mello's panicked ones. He was finally looking at you again. Despite the gorey setting and the stinging in your arm, you smiled. You were real to him again.
Multiple cuts oozed blood and trickled down your arm, onto your now dirtied clothes and the once satin white sheets below you.
As Mello got closer, silently freaking out, he could now see that these weren't just cuts - you carved out words. Sentences, onto your arm.
Among the many bloody 'I love you's' and pleads, one word stuck out to him.
It was his name.
He felt sick. Distraught. Guilty. Afraid.
"Y/N," he choked out shakily.
His gaze trailed up your arm, your body, and fixated onto your seemingly innocent face. Your face was rested and gentle, your eyes still staring up at him with adoration and desperation. If it weren't for the blood that painted your whole body and surroundings red, he would have found comfort in your presence.
"I did this.." You ran your fingers along your fresh wounds, not once wincing or drawing back in discomfort. "For you."
You continued, a sick sweetness in your voice. "Jus' wanted to show you how much I love you.. You've been leaving me so lonely, Mello." You frowned. "It was only a matter of time before I had to do something. And now you're finally here.. And you won't leave me again."
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