#it wasn't goth rave I don't think but I don't know what it was I dunno
cowboysandpilots · 1 year
For the Love of Hockey— Ch. 1
Disclaimer: I love hockey, and I love watching it, but I have absolutely no idea of the inner workings of the NHL, what it's like to play on a team or the rules and regulations of any hockey association. Please take everything I write in this fic with a grain of salt, as I've taken a lot of creative liberties to make the story work out as I want and have planned.
A/N- Hi, I'm so happy you're here. :) If you would like to support me and my writing, please remember to hit the reblog button, as Tumblr has no algorithm and likes (while appreciated) do nothing to get creators work seen. If you would like to support me further, please consider donating to my Ko-Fi. If you're curious about where your support would go, I'm currently at $80/$200 for my monthly groceries, so any support would go towards that. :)
Amazing hockey text divider was made by: @writercole ❤️ (If you have your Tumblr palette set on goth rave, it may be a little hard to see)
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Bradley Bradshaw is a legacy player. His dad played hockey, both his uncles played hockey, and if he had any brothers, he's sure that they would've played too. It's not that he doesn't love the game; he does; it's just that he's under so much pressure, and he can never seem to live up to it. He plays it safe; he doesn't rush the puck or take illegal hits. He has a clean record with zero minutes in the penalty box, and he's very proud of that.
He may not be the best player, but he's got the best sportsmanship, and no matter what fans or reporters say, no one can take that away Until Hangman comes along. The man gets under his skin like no other. He's a cocky rookie, first year in the NHL and the talk of the town. He has no respect for the older players and no problems breaking the rules. He has more penalty minutes than any other rookie in the league, and somehow, people love him for it.
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The first time that Bradley sees Jake's smug grin, it's on the TV. He doesn't know the kid, has never played against him, but the way he's boasting about the team he got drafted to and the way he's answering every reporter's questions like he's god's gift to hockey, has Bradley's blood boiling. He clicks off the TV and chucks his remote to the other side of his couch; he should go to bed; he's got training in the morning anyway.
Despite his best efforts, Bradley can't get to sleep. He gravitates toward his phone, which is what always happens, even though the blue light makes his tired eyes burn. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he knew that the internet would be full of praise, love and ridiculous fawning for the rookie whose teammates had dubbed 'Hangman; he still opens Twitter and scrolls through his feed. It's like he can't help it, and why he chose to focus on this asshole instead of sleep, he'll never know.
The morning practice, surprisingly, isn't hell, even though Bradley barely slept and has to listen to his teammates go on and on about Hangman.
"What do you think about the new guy, Roo?" Mickey asks once they're off the ice and all crowded in the locker room.
"Don't think about him at all," Bradley answers coolly, passing him to get to the showers;— That's a lie. He spent last night scowling at his phone. He had to stop doing that; he needed to focus on this year's season and helping his team make it to the Stanley Cup. What kind of captain would he be if he let some cocky rookie get to him? It wasn't even guaranteed that the two teams would play against each other.
As Bradley's terrible luck would have it, the media coverage and general hysteria about Jake "Hangman" Seresin only got worse. The kid could apparently do no wrong, which only made his insufferable ego so much bigger. It gets to the point where Bradley doesn't even watch TSN anymore because Jake's smugness is practically dripping through his flatscreen; it makes his skin burn.
By some sort of miracle, Bradley has three days of blissful silence. Well, silence from hearing about Hangman anyway. Three days off to travel and get settled into a new city for another away game where he bonds with his team, doesn't watch the news, and spends most of his time on the ice. It's amazing. It's the most calm Bradley has felt in his life.
Much to the dismay of their coach, part of the team's bonding consists of going out to drink. Bradley, as captain, makes the case to Iceman, their coach, who got and kept that nickname when he, himself, played in the NHL.
"C'mon Ice, it's called team building!" Bradley grins. It was true that the team was a lot looser and in better spirits after a night out as long as they kept themselves in check and made sure the hangovers wouldn't be too bad.
Ice couldn't help but sigh and shake his head. He knew all too well what a team could get up to on a night out. It's not that he didn't trust Bradley; he did. It was hard to say no to the kid, and it didn't help that he was his uncle. Or really, his Godfather but Bradley's been calling him uncle since he was a kid, of course not anymore, now it's 'Ice' or 'Coach' and sometimes when he's in trouble, it's 'Sir'. He guesses that's how none of the other players know, he's sure that they would give Bradley a hard time if they knew so it was always an unspoken rule that neither of them would say anything.
"You'll look after them, won't you? Make sure that no one gets too drunk and nothing happens to your team?" Ice always calls the team Bradley's team, always emphasizes it when he's talking about being a role model. That's what the captain's for for everyone else to look up to, but Bradley had to admit that it was a little draining. Sometimes, he wanted to let loose like the rest of them.
Bradley nods. As always, he'll make sure that nothing gets broken, bones or otherwise, and no one gets arrested. "I'll make sure." He nods dutifully.
The day goes by in a blur after that, and when he gets back to his hotel room, Bradley takes a much-needed shower. He almost collapses into his bed with just the damp towel around his hips, but not before there's a knock on his hotel door. He pulls on his briefs, a nice pair of jeans and runs his fingers through his curls before he walks up to the door and pulls it open. The person who is standing on the other side is not to he expects.
"Hey, Bob." He offers easily.
The man makes no attempt to hide the fact that he's looking Bradley up and down but not in the way of checking him out, more like the way he's judging Bradley, buttoning up his Hawaiian shirt. "Are you wearing that to the bar?"
"I was planning on it. Why, what's wrong with it?"
"Nothing, just... you want to meet girls, right?" Bob gives a small and teasing smile. He has a way of making jokes that are just on the edge of mean but somehow never make Bradley angry.
"Ha-ha," He huffs sarcastically. "I can't be a designated driver if I leave with a girl, now can I?" Bradley has to admit that he would like to meet someone, but it wasn't really on the top of his priority list.
The bar is much too loud and crowded for a sober Bradley. The sound of the bass buzzes behind his eyes, and it makes him want to slip his sunglasses on, but there are only two types of people who wear sunglasses inside, blind people and douchebags. Bradley was neither.
He was making his way back to the bar for a second round at his teammate's request when he was knocked into. He doesn't exactly know what happened, but he knows he wasn't carrying a drink, so why is his shirt all wet? "Fuck." He grunts, looking down to assess the damage.
"What the hell, man? You know you owe me a drink." The voice is accusatory, like the entire thing was Bradley's fault and not the guy whose words are slurring enough; he probably didn't need that drink anyway.
Bradley looks up, lips parted, ready to tell the asshole off, except he recognizes that asshole; it's the same one who's been lighting up his TV screen and making him roll his eyes so much he's surprised they're not stuck. Jake Seresin.
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A/N- Thanks so much for reading! Right now, this fic is looking like it's gonna have at least 10 chapters, and because I'm a crazy person, I've already started outlining a sequel. Lol until next time, friends. 💕
Tagging people who said they were interested: @cryinginthebronco @jojobeaner @rigmarole-07 @agent-elle @nerdygirl1234 @milobyelo @callsign-crow @itshoneywhatever @flowersonmymind1016 @seresinning @bloodanddiamonds
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yama-uba · 5 months
Oh Gods. I just searched for Buckshot Roulette and was relieved that I wasn't the only one who had a hyper fixation on this unusual demon or Monster.
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Even 3 months ago, I noticed that this game, created in Mike Klubnika trademark off-putting, uncomfortable atmosphere, became more and more enjoyable the longer you played it. And Diller, similar to the characters from the dark game Vangers, loses his disgustingness in your eyes and begins to acquire some kind of specific piquant charm. But then I saw the art from the April update where his face/mask is contorted into this devilish smile with a cigarette, and his hyper-realistic hands are cradling a Browning A5. And something clicked in my poor brain and ovaries.
Oh, Mike, I'd pay 10 times more for a DLC where you could select your avatar's gender and appearance by typing (like Mindjourney's AI) and have a few questions with Diller between shots (Let this be the most banal integration of GPT chat, which plays the role of a character). This would be a "sissy" mode with an air gun that still does a one-shot if you choose the female gender. (Although, who am I kidding, I would always go for Gwen's look from TDA, because I'm sure that guy's "type" is definitely punk and old school goth girls)
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I can’t answer why my mind is so captivated by this creature and I’m not even interested in winning the game. I want to know more about HIM. Who are you? Are you a demon? Pyramid Head's partner, specializing in the punishment and redemption of gambling addicts? Are you death? Are you the one who killed God or are you God? Is this your real face or a mask? Are you hiding your body in the dark? Is it not visible? Don't you have a body? You don't die if you lose, do you? Or do you know how to resurrect? Where do you get so much money to throw it away on beer, cigarettes, painkillers, a resuscitator and blood components for transfusion for everyone who agreed to play with you? Is this your hobby? What do you do for a living? (And what are your plans for this evening, after the game?) Is this your nightclub or do you know the owner so they can reserve the back room for you? Are these cameras for your "home video" collection or some show on the darknet? Does selling these guro videos provide money for the jackpot? Does taking risks give you so much pleasure? Are you aware that you have problems with gambling addiction and adrenaline addiction? Was it difficult to beat Adolf Hitler? And Kurt Cobain? Ernest Hemingway? DO YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND?! What’s so special about her, besides her anorexic thinness and talent as a DJ at MMDMA-raves, that a quiet straight-A student with ADHD can’t give you?! Can’t I arrange the same heavy emotional swing?! =) And most importantly: How do you do it? How did you cross out millions of years of evolution and the most severe selection by making me think of yourself as a living man prone to risk? You're just a drawn grimace with two hypnotizing abysses instead of eyes. How did you do this?!
Afterword: Let me mention again that it was a big relief to realize that I was not alone in this strange *hit)
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nebulasan · 1 year
I've been putting this off for a while but since I finally have the motivation, here's some more of the head canons that I've told @p00pdev1l I would do when I have the time. Feel free to add more to this Jazz if you want.
With the reader's place being fully whimsy goth, the first time they go to their place Denji and Power would be staring in awe with how different the reader's place is and they've never seen anything like this before. It's not long before they want to go off and look at everything they own and I think Aki would be taken back a bit as well when he first sees their place.
The reader tries to stop Denji and Power causing too much trouble around their neighborhood and stealing stuff but every once in a while they will let them do it because it will be a neighbor that they don't like so they will let Denji and Power continue on whatever they're doing.
When they spend the night at the reader's place unexpectedly, the reader sets up an airmatress in their living room for the two of them. After a while, they decided to turn one of the extra rooms in their place for a room for Denji and Power whenever they decide to spend the night.
The reader definitely wasn't expected to end up getting into a co-raising situation with one of their co-workers (especially one they ended up making out with the night before their first day) when they first started working at Public Safety but it's not the weirdest situation they've been in. They don't mind it at all since they genuinely like Denji and Power and hanging out with them.
As for the reader's friends, I think they would be more of the crazy and wild type, definitely the type that would chug shots outside of an intense haunted house and sneak in more shots inside while waiting in line inside and trying to make sure security doesn't catch them. The reader still hangs out with them after work and there's many times they would go to underground raves and goth clubs the moment the reader is done with patrol for the night. With those days, the reader makes sure they don't tell Denji and Power (and Aki as well) where they're actually going mostly cause they know what can happen at those places and even though they know Denji and Power can handle themselves, they can't help but be a bit protective of them.
As for how they started working at Public Safety, they just wanted a chance and have the motto of trying anything once. Also they might have been a bit sold on being told that they would be a nice fit and nice breath of fresh air in the division.
Their first day was definitely something and while the other workers didn't ask them about the rumored escapades, they definitely asked Aki and joked that they didn't know he had a type and that they didn't know he was into goths.
With them helping Aki out with paperwork and getting to know each other better, I do think it isn't long before he starts walking the reader home after work (especially if it's late at night when they get out of work).
I also think the two of them will continue with sharing music recs with each other after the first selection of albums the reader suggested. After the second or third suggestion, I think that's when Aki will start suggesting things for the reader to check out.
I think the reader knows that he's interested in them but the reader can wait until he's finally comfortable to tell them but for now is enjoying getting to know Aki and discovering all the different sides of him.
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ok altstuck anon here im back with the trolls, a lot of these are jfashions but hey it's alt
aradia: cult party kei. if you don't know what that is its a jfashion with a focus on pastel, light sheer fabrics and chiffon, and peignoirs and other nightwear. it also has a religious imagery connection. it's pretty spooky and she would love it i think
tavros: cottage core but more like mori kei. which is a jfashion with the theme of looking like someone from the woods, so like earthy colours, jumpers, vests. very comfy and i think mr animal whisperer would totally be into it
sollux: two takes- either cyber goth or menhera. cyber goth is like super rave style, big stomping boots and colourful wires that look like ponytails. if sollux wasn't a bit of a shut in he'd be a rave guy for sure. or menhera, which is a style born of people on japanese mental health forums putting their vent art on clothes to share. sollux would go on troll menhera forums
karkat: emo again. he and dave are emo boyfriends
nepeta: 'scenecore' which i prefer to call hyperscene. which is like the whole. tiktok monster energy bunny hat kandi which i think is a cute style but different from scene-i call it hyperscene because while it has influence from scene, it's also rooted in very hyperpop-like music-- my favourite artists of the hyperscene type are zeija, tr15t4n and d3adgrl. but yeah nepetas all about it
this got long ok ill be back with the others
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Dame Violette, Chapter One - Origins
Sitting at the back came naturally to us; I didn't like being bothered with anything, Juleka didn't like being noticed, and Sabrina could observe. She was the only one who kept tabs with the rest of the class, which suited us just fine: everyone knew that if they wanted access, Sabrina was who to talk with first. This did however come with a label, as we found out last year when everyone started to call us the “Goth Musketeers”.
Those words pleased Juleka to no end, but I wasn't sure if the label was the right fit for me. It seemed as though I leaned more towards punk, as did Luka. But sitting at my desk in black tights, jean shorts, a dark red t-shirt and a leather jacket, which Juleka gave me when she outgrew it, I figured that the label could apply to us all in one way or another. Sabrina was sitting next to me in black leggings, a blue and purple plaid skirt, and a white button down blouse covered by a black sweater; sitting prominently on her shirt was a black bow with streaks of purple, pink, and orange in it that I made for her last birthday. Juleka sat across from us in the next row in her usual black dress, but had decided to go with fishnet stockings for the first day back, not to mention her makeup gave off impressive “leave me alone” vibes.
Yeah, I guess we are the goth kids.
“So, I wonder who else we'll get this year.”
I turned my attention to Sabrina, who was staring down at the empty desks. We were the first to arrive as always, something which I was particularly prideful about as I hated getting into class late. All of that attention just because I couldn't set an alarm? Sabrina and Juleka were always up early and walking to school together ensured no one was left behind.
“There's going to be new faces. Didn't you say something about the mayor's daughter, and a model?”
“The mayor's daughter is named Chloe, and he's doing it as some kind of “Common Touch” thing. There was a rumour that she'd refuse come to a “normal” school if her friend the model wasn't involved, but-”
“Who's the model?” spoke up Juleka, as she peered over in our direction. Looking through her bag, Sabrina took out a faded fashion magazine and pointed the front page.
“Adrien Agreste.”
I looked at the cover, as did Juleka. He was dressed in pure white and seemed to be in some kind of angelic pose. It wasn't to my tastes but he seemed harmless enough. “This is supposed to be some guy to rave over? He looks like he'd cry if he stepped on a bug.” A giggle came out at Juleka's response, but it did seem he was a “safe” choice for someone's celebrity crush. Juleka knew more about that world than I did, she was starting to model for alt brands in her spare time. Judging by the look of disgust on her face, she probably wouldn't be gracing magazine covers with this Adrien any time soon.
At this point we saw two familiar faces enter the room, Max and Nino. Both were in our class last year. Nino waved to us before Max took a spot in one of the front desks, while Nino sat behind. From what I remember, they weren't necessarily friends but lived close to one another. Max, I knew, was for sure afraid of all three of us due to the class photograph incident last year where he had put his hand up in front of Juleka's face, of which we then made a show of jokingly putting a hex on him afterwards. Nino was alright though, and his DJ mixes were starting to really take form.
“There's two people we know.” noted Sabrina.
“Neither of which is brave enough to sit up here.” I didn't think anyone would join our row, but instead sit in front of us. “At least we don't have to switch. Could you imagine doing that every year? All that would do is make people uncomfortable.” Sabrina cast an understanding glance our way. We were always ensuring each one of us felt safe in anything we did, including in the classroom. Seating choices was a part of that.
“Well, this row is of course exclusive. Not everyone gets in.” Smirking at Juleka's comment, I decided to be productive while waiting for the school day to start. She had asked me a little while ago if I had any possible designs for a band her and Luka were trying to start up, and every so often something sparked in my mind for it. The idea was rough, but based around masks and “hidden” identities. Opening up my sketch book, I then heard Sabrina speak out happily.
“Oh! Rose is here! She must be getting better!”
Peering up from my sketch book, I smiled seeing Rose as well. Her hair was shorter but that must have been a side effect of whatever treatment she was on. Rose was in our first year at Collège Françoise Dupont and came close to being friends with Sabrina and I, but was out of class often and didn't come to school at all last year; we later found out that she was fighting a rare form of cancer and her parents were being protective. But her being here, now, I suppose meant she had beaten it down, not to mention she must have kept up in school work during all that time. She waved up to us and then came up the stairs to sit at the desk in front of Juleka, who seemed very curious about her.
More students came. A girl with pink hair, who sat in front of Sabrina. Another girl with rainbow dreadlocks, who took another front row seat. A large, towering boy with crossbones on his shirt took up a spot further down.
Kim then came in, with Nathaniel not far behind. Both boys we knew, in fact Kim I had known since childhood as he was in my first school before my parents moved the bakery. Since then he's just grown, and grown, and grown, but not exactly in maturity. Nathaniel I knew would sit in front of us, probably next to this pink haired girl. He was an artist but mostly kept to himself, though last year he had wanted to try and collaborate with me a few times. We could never agree on a common subject, which was a shame.
Miss Bustier herself then walked in, with three students in tow behind. I already knew one of them as Adrien, and one had to be Chloe, but upon making brief eye contact with the third, a vision came to me.
Sharing macarons with her on the first day. Her pushing to try and force me to get with a crush. Her just being pushy in general. Her donning a necklace with a pendent in the shape of a Fox. Her not being able to keep a secret leading to a discovery leading to- - “Nettie, you okay? You spaced out for a full minute.”
Sabrina had her arm extended out to my shoulder in concern, and Juleka was also looking over with worry. “Just a small...shock. It's nothing to worry about.” That did seem to calm them down but I knew they hadn't really seen me go like that in public too much. Maybe it would be better to try and avoid eye contact with these three new kids for a while.
“Did I miss anything?”
“Yes, just Miss Bustier introducing the new students. Alya Cesaire, Adrien, and...Chloe Bourgeois.” Sabrina couldn't hide the disgust in her voice saying that last name, and I looked at her with a curious expression. “Chloe, it turns out, is the girl from Friendship Day a few years ago. The one who bullied me around all day.”
My eyebrows raised in surprise. “Oh right, you never did find out her name.”
“She said unremarkable people didn't have to know her name. Luckily I don't think she remembers me but the moment she opened her mouth, I knew it was her.”
I stared down at the front of the class. Adrien and Chloe were sitting together, while Alya was beside the girl who had the rainbow hair. If anything, there was a strong possibility we'd never have to interact with any of them, aside from a group project maybe here and there. It was the same the last few years, everyone in smaller groups rather than big ones.
“At least you don't have to sit next to her. Even if she did remember you, who would ever mess with us three?”
Sabrina brightened up hearing that from Juleka, as did I. Indeed, with the three of us together, nothing could mess up this final year. Miss Bustier then closed the door to the class and turned her attention towards us. I suppose this meant we were now full.
“Alright students! Let's get started.”
It was, all in all, a very uneventful day. There was a brief incident where Kim tried to rile up another student about their crush on a classmate from when they were in a previous year together, but it was handled pretty deftly and with Kim having to apologize to who I found out later was Ivan and Mylene. It was hard to keep track of the names but luckily Sabrina was a sink for remembering such things. Leaving for the day also had some new challenges as it seemed so many in the school came out to ask for the autograph or just to see this Adrien kid and the spectacle that caused at the front of the building was more than enough for me to pull Sabrina and Juleka out the back door of the school and on to a side street where we'd get past it all. Maybe that's why he had been homeschooled for so long, because his parents knew that this sort of thing would happen.
But none of that was my concern. It was easier to not be involved with the lifestyles of the rich and famous. At some point things can calm down when other students hopefully see he's just as human as the rest of them
Homework was usually done between all three of us, that way we could compare notes and if one of us got stuck, usually an answer could be found putting our heads together. It also helped to get over different obstacles, like my weakness with History, or Sabrina's with Chemistry, and Juleka's with Math. We each did our own work and helped to get one another through a block if it came up. I think our system is what allowed us to keep such high grades these past few years. Part of this also involved trading off where we studied; one week in my room, next at Sabrina's, the next at Juleka's.
Which is how we ended up in my room, with me on my bed with Sabrina and Juleka laying against it.
“So, I couldn't help but notice that you were rather interested in Rose earlier, Jules.”
Juleka didn't respond right away but the light pinkness crossing her face told more than enough. It was no secret to any of us that our friend had a preference for girls; considering that Sabrina was bi and my own demi-ace status we had more than our fair share of the rainbow in our little group.
“She's not afraid of us. And her voice is hardcore, maybe she'd like to try for our band when we're ready.”
“A lot of the sketches I did earlier today look promising!” While there was no set deadline for them to get started, I knew Juleka and Luka wanted to get going with the band project sooner rather than later. Pulling them out of my book, I gave them over to Juleka who hummed with approval. “These are all awesome, Nettie.”
Sabrina peered over and nodded towards me in agreement, before quizzically pointing to a design in the lower left corner. “What's with the butterfly thing?”
“Oh! That's a sketch of this, I found it this morning on the way to school, that's what I picked up out of the puddle.” It had been on my mind on and off all day, the Butterfly broach, but I didn't want to take it out of my pocket for fear of losing it again. Pulling it out in front of Sabrina and Juleka, both of them stared down in wonder.
“Looks expensive.”
“And ancient. I'll bet the Captain might know more if we showed it to her.”
Getting up off my bed, I made my way over to a mirror hanging off the back of my bedroom door. Looking down at the broach, I delicately fastened it to the front of my shirt, giving a slight laugh at the contrast of what seemed to be such a valuable piece of jewellery against a red t-shirt that had a few holes in it.
But then, the world shook. It was just a momentary thing, but the floor seemed to shake and everything in my room shifted a little bit. A purple wave of energy leapt forward out of the brooch, and materialized in front of us as a strange mixture of a butterfly and a bird. It wasn't an animal I had ever seen before, and judging from the looks on Sabrina and Juleka neither had they.
It took a moment for the creature to open up its eyes, grimacing as it did so until seeing my face, at which point it broke out into a joyous smile. Floating over towards my face, it bowed and extended out a hand.
“Salutations! You must have found the broach, and therefore are my new holder! How exiting, my name is Nooroo, and may I please ask your name so that we may get better acquainted?”
I stared at the creature...or Nooroo? I stared at Nooroo in the eyes. No vision or shock was coming. My own eyes darted back and forth behind him to Sabrina and Juleka. With a silent and worried nod, Sabrina was basically confirming that what I was seeing in front of me was for sure not some kind of illusion. Juleka, however, had a more mischievous expression.
"Awesome. A floating giant bug mouse butterfly, it's rad."
I wasn't sure what to think. Except that I wanted to know more. Instead of my full hand, I held out a few of my fingers towards Nooroo, who put both of his hands around them to shake back.
“Hello...Nooroo. My name is Marinette.”
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doublelp · 4 months
what the "favorite punk subgenre" poll says about you
hardcore: you're not that picky about the stuff that you listen to. there's too many variations of "hardcore" to reasonably discern much. if you only call it "hardcore" without the "punk" then you prefer newer stuff like Sunami or Gel.
cyber/synth/electronic: you prefer raves to shows. you occasionally miss the days of old technology with all of it's bulky monitors and numerous wires, like in Lain.
post-punk/emo: if you chose this for post-punk then you think that punk is fine, it just doesn't have that certain je ne sais quoi. there's a 50/50 chance that you're goth. if you chose this for emo then you know what you are.
horror/steampunk/rockabilly: you are a theater kid and you think the performance of punk is cooler than the music. you are also incredibly homosexual but in an annoying way. if you chose this for horror punk then you have opinions on the various misfits lineups and albums.
folk/anti-folk: you have a lot of preconceived ideas about punk but do not actually like punk music. you also play folk punk and it sounds bad because you think that's what makes it punk. you could probably use a shower.
pop punk: you miss the warped tour, regardless of if you were actually old enough for it. you wear the rose-tinted glasses with pride and barely listen to anything released in the past 5 years except for like Jeff Rosenstock. you prefer the "pop" in pop punk rather than the "punk".
queercore/riot grrrl: you have vaguely progressive social ideas which is why you like these subgenres specifically. you would absolutely go see Kathleen Hanna live despite the terrible Le Tigre song she did for Hillary Clinton. there's a slim chance you've heard of g.l.o.s.s. or even limp wrist.
grind/crust/d-beat: you are fairly well-versed in punk history/subgenres and believe that this is the logical conclusion for the genre; anything else would be like trying to reinvent the wheel. you're also an asshole.
garage punk: you are a little too normal. what bands do you like, The Hives? go back to your desk job.
ska: you get a little annoyed when people make Tony Hawk Pro Skater jokes about ska because there wasn't that many ska songs in those games. and besides, you much prefer 2tone and appreciate the rich history behind the genre. you listened to a few first wave ska songs and while you appreciate it's origins in Jamaican folk music you kind of prefer the punk elements of the second and third waves, which makes you worried that you're maybe a little racist? there's also that one Madness album with the blackface on the cover which you vehemently disagree with but it's still ska history and the album is pretty good so maybe you can chalk this up as a learning experience. you own a pork pie hat but you're not sure if it's ironic or not.
another punk genre: you were annoyed that Oi! or egg punk wasn't on here, but it's fine whatever. if you chose this for cowpunk then i'm a little baffled because what the hell are you listening to other than Meat Puppets?
i don't listen to punk: at least you were honest.
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elysynn · 2 years
The end of last year I built up some great momentum with writing. I wrote and posted a completed multi-chapter fic that was in the ballpark of 25k words, got a couple chapters of my original work done and made some progress on my long-neglected WIP. I got outlines written for 2 new fics and a plot synopsis written for a third. I've been really excited about getting them all underway.
It's been six weeks now since I last opened any of my docs. I'm still thinking about scenes and plotlines but I just haven't been able to face a doc. The first couple weeks, I thought I'd just burned myself out with all the progress I'd made in the last couple months of the year. But, as the weeks have rolled on I recognized that it's because I just don't have the creative juices to spare right now due to the job that pays the bills.
One of the things I love about my job is I get to spend a lot of time in my own head analyzing, troubleshooting and problem-solving. The area of IT I work in is really dynamic and is well suited to my attention challenges. But the last couple months have been r e l e n t l e s s. We've had things come up that have required more pivoting and maneuvering and creative solutioning than has ever been needed before in such a short span of time. On one hand, I love it. It's invigorating to be presented with a high-stakes problem and turn it around successfully in record time. But on the other hand, it means all my creative capital is being spent on things that are exciting, intriguing, challenging - but not necessarily fun.
It will pass, I know that. It's not the first time work has thrown my creative life a curveball. My aforementioned WIP is a testament to that. It's different this go around because I know what's sucking all my creativity away and while I don't necessarily resent it, I do lament it.
All that being said, I haven't been completely bereft of creative expression outside of work. The Reversi skin just wasn't cutting it for me anymore on AO3 in terms of a dark theme. So, I decided to experiment with making my own skin inspired by Tumblr's Goth Rave theme. I'm still tinkering with it - I've never worked with CSS before - but I've been enormously pleased with what I've got so far. And my eyes are happier reading at night. It's been a nice bridge between my work and hobby worlds that my brain could carve some space for.
And now that I've rambled on not entirely certain of the point I felt compelled to make, I need to go finish making a pretty picture of servers and the like living in harmony.
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poetrusicperry · 3 years
Hello dear, im not sure if you still take requests for ships with the dps boys, but im gonna give it a try.
My name is Deniz, i go by he/him pronouns and i am non-binary. I have french and turkish nationalities. I have short curly dark hair and black eyes and have prescription glasses that i never wear even if i am blind because i, even after 8 years of wearing them, still forget to put them on my nose. My eneagram is 5w4. I'm really into arts, painting , music, theatre and writing poetry. I play the guitar. My favorite classes are latin, french and english. Im into philosophy and politics (left wing). I fluently talk french, english, and turkish. As i said, i am really into music, and i listen to pretty much every genres existing, but my favorites are goth, black and death metal, french electro/rave, shoegaze, classical music and classical arabic music. I am also pagan.
What else? Arg yes, I hate socializing and partying, i still hang out with the same 3 people i met 10 years ago. I can assure that i am socially awkward and don't know how to speak to people face to face.
I don't know how to describe my sense of style... i guess we could say that it is very victorian/goth oriented but with a clown-ish twist. I love black pants and poet blouse and i only wear that. Very David Bowie-esque in his White Duke era but with occasional dark red and dark purple because they are my favorite colors.
Oh dear Dionysos. I really hope this wasn't too long and boring. I also stalked your blog for an hour, i love it.
(I apologize for the occasional mistakes, as i said english isn't my first language...)
hello, deniz !! first and foremost, i would like to sincerely apologize for how long it took me to get to this. it's a tad short, but i hope you enjoy it all the same <3 p.s. i think it's so cool that you're trilingual !!! and thanks for your kind words. sending love and hugs (:
shipping you with neil !! (:
you two would meet at a theatre performance, no doubt. you’d both be there enjoying the show alone, but seated next to each other. and neil being the outgoing and personable dude he is, he’d strike up a conversation with you before the show, during intermission, and afterwards, asking if you wanted to go to a diner and talk about other shows you’ve seen.
neil would also completely ADORE your fashion sense. he always wanted to dress similarly to you, but he lacked the confidence in himself (also his dad wouldn’t approve). he’d have fun with you, getting him out of his fashion comfort zone (‘:
the fact that you’re trilingual? one of neil’s absolute favorite things about you. he’d often ask you how to say the most random things in french or turkish just to hear you speak the languages heh
introducing him to so much new music !!! as everyone knows, neil’s childhood was pretty sheltered and one-dimensional, so the fact that you listen to all sorts of music is fascinating to him (“what about this music draws you to it ?” he’d ask all the time)
having neil around was a great reminder for you and wearing your glasses. but neil thought it was really cute when you guys would go out to eat and he’d have to read you the menu because you really just couldn’t see it HAHA (also an excuse to sit hella close to you hehe)
you would be neil’s #1 fan when he began to pursue acting, and it was that much more special to you since that’s how you guys met (:
neil would convince you to go to a party with him “just to see what it’s like,” but you’d both find that you were way more content having a quiet night in watching movies or reading poems to each other
lots (and i mean LOTS) of bookstore visits
you two would love to experience new things together (whether it be trying new foods, a new literary genre, or a new movie)
overall, you and neil would be such a cute couple and while your interests certainly varied, you had enough in common to keep things relatable and fun
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Wondering what time of the year to go to Disney? As a young girl we always went at Christmas time because it wasn't as busy as other times of the year. In the early 2010s I always took my daughter the months of Jan and Feb because again, it was the slowest time. ENTER 2020 that threw everything off! More recently, there is NO time that is a Disney "Downtime". The parks are as packed as ever. SO in order to plan more effectively, you should look at the season Calendar to get a good idea about when you think the large crows MAY be less or to make sure it's a group of people or event that will jive with your family.
These may help:
1. Crowd Control - For 2022 here is a general overview of a "crowd" predictor that may be helpful.
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2. Official Disney Events -
EPCOT International Flower & Garden Festival — March 2 to July 4, 2022
Disney H2O Glow After hours run May 28 - Aug 27
EPCOT International Flower & Garden Festival — March 2 to July 4, 2022
Disney After Hours Boo Bash (Magic Kingdom) — August 10 to October 31 2022
Disney Very Merriest After Hours (Magic Kingdom) — November 8 to December 21 2022
EPCOT International Festival of the Holidays (EPCOT) — November 26 to December 30 2022
Holiday Celebrations at Disney's Animal Kingdom — November 12 to December 30 2022
Holiday Celebrations at Disney's Hollywood Studios — November to December 2022
EPCOT International Festival of the Arts — Mid-January 14 - February 21 2023
3. Are you the running type? There are multiple Marathons at Disney...
- runDisney Springtime Surprise Weekend — March 31 to April 3, 2022...this one has a different theme each year that incorporates a run and fun activities!
- Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend — Jan. 4 to 8, 2023...huge action packed weekend with fun runs, kids runs and distances.
- Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon Weekend — November 4 to 7, 2022....participants celebrate the run the next day at the food and wine festival!
- Disney Princess Half Marathon Weekend — Feb. 23 to 26, 2023
3. Did you know there are "unoffical" themed days? Here are a few I found.
- "Dapper Days" are days that people dress their best to go to the parks. Think the "Main Street Trolley Show" at Magic Kingdom, a barbershop quartet or Kentucky Derby comes to Disney.
Sat April 30, 2022 EPCOT with Flower & Garden Festival!
Sun May 1, 2022 Disney's Hollywood Studios
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- "Gay Days" - June 2 - June 5 2022
Gay Days at Disney is one of the biggest PRIDE celebrations in the country. There are a variety of activities ans events around the Orlando area. For a full listing check out this website
- Bats Day - You heard that right BATS like the flying, mysterious creature...they inspire the culture of this day. Inspired by Goth culture, think Disney meets Dracula but not in the Halloween sense. For more information check out the website...
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There are some unoffical days that have been present in the past like Rave Day at Disneyland and Harry Potter Day at Magic Kingdom however, I haven't found any updates about those returning to the parks in 2022.
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Disneyland - I don't post much about Disneyland BUT of course in typical LA style, Disneyland has a lot of events surrounding "Disney After Dark" which have themes as well and special GLO features/performances. As you would assume Disneyland has different events and different calendars than Disney World. You can find some of those listed here:
Hope this helps with your planning. There is ALWAYS more to do at the parks other than "just" a theme park. With the specialized days, if it's your thing...there is a cool sense of community.
#disneyland #disneylove #disneymagic #snowwhite #disneyig #magickingdom #disneyphoto #thehappiestplaceonearth #instadisney #disney #fun #trip #visit #myhappyplace #disneyparks #disneypic #cool #travelling #disneyworld #waltdisneyworld #love #adventure #happy #disneylife #disneyxmas #disneyaddict #visiting #intags #disneyside #amazing
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