#it was so fun i laughed so much aaah i missed this
gayathreya · 4 months
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''oh, are you chandramukhi?! i kidnapped you in anger, now i'm sad chandramukhi might be postponed because of this! :(''
maayavi (2005)
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miniversse · 3 months
I would like to request for husband Chan X wife y/n, where Chan comes home drunk attending an after party and gets all romantic and suggestive with y/n
⭑ “unresistible” ⭑
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⭑ bang chan x female reader
⭑ content includes: non-idol bang chan, non-idol reader, mentions of drinking, drunk chan, established relationship (married), oral (f receiving), use of pet names (baby,honey,channie), releasing
⭑ note: let’s just say anon has taste because i had so much fun writing this. i hope you enjoy it!
⭑ minors dni
you lay in bed staring at the screen of your phone, waiting for a call, a message, a photo but nothing came your way. as you turn to face the empty side of the bed your husband should be laying on, you hear the click of a door and one lock, two locks. his heavy footsteps approach the bedroom.
“hey baby”…
you continue to face the wall, hoping to let him know that you’re bothered by how late he arrived home. he promised he would be back before midnight on a night out with his friends, but it’s well past midnight and you waited patiently for him. the alcohol reeks off his body as he walks to face you and he happens to wear one of your favorite outfits: a black shirt and black trousers that you bought him on your second anniversary. it had the first letter of your name embroidered on the top of the shirt with a delicate, golden thread.
“i’m sorry baby, i just-“ his words trail off, knowing there was no success in making excuses. you glance at his face, feeling a sense of guilt. he has worked hard all week, and only hangs out with his friends on fridays to spend the weekend with you. he also was unresistible, always carrying a romantic and suggestive look in his eyes.
“it’s ok channie, get washed up and we can discuss it tommorow”
he reveals a small smile, and turns to the bathroom, undressing on his way there.
he lets out a long “aaah” as he plops his head on his pillow, hair still wet and straight. you couldn’t resist playing with his dark strands and twisting them with your fingers.
“i missed you baby, i’m sorry for being late” his hands grab yours and he places a kiss on the inside of your palm.
“it’s ok honey, as long as you had fun”
“mm, it was ok. nothing beats the fun i have with you” you both laugh at his remark
“what type of fun? you’ve always made fun of me for being a workaholic”
“ ‘yknow, when we wind down, and i get to have you for the night” he expresses, words slurred and spoken slow. his fingers trace your shoulder blades, and he lowers the sheets to place a kiss on the trails his fingers left. you feel a shudder run through your body and he moves up, to look back into your eyes. he always looked graceful when he’d come back home drunk, face flushed and eyes lustful. you place a peck on his lips and retract your head, only to feel his hand on the back of your neck bringing you back and locking lips with you, intertwining tongues and whispering “i’m sorry” and “i miss you baby” repetitively. you feel his hand moving down to grab at your shorts, grinning as if he doesn’t know what’s going on.
“you really want to do this now channie?”
“mhm, and why not? getting pussy drunk from you is better than any alcohol i can drink” and with that he dives under the sheets, pulling your shorts and underwear down, exposing your cunt to him. he trails kisses from your knees and down to your thighs, bringing them up to his shoulders. he hums in satisfaction before licking your wetness, letting a moan escape your parted mouth. his tongue explores you in all ways, curling inside your folds, rolling circles at your bud and flicking it.
“you’re so good baby”
“h-honey slow down, please” but he wouldn’t listen, rather he uses his fingers to play with your clit as he kisses and sucks your folds, leaving hickeys inside your thighs every so often. you grab at his, now damp, hair as your body prepares to release. your back arches and he pulls you back down, reaching your good spot countless times before you let out a final whimper of relief, your pussy dripping wet. chan let’s your sweet release coat his tongue and he swallows it, moving up to look at your sweaty face. he places a kiss on your forehead before grabbing napkins and helping you clean up.
you cuddle in his warmth, locking lips with him for what felt like hours. almost falling asleep in his arms, you gain consciousness of the situation again, laughing to yourself.
“how do i let you come home late and eat me out?”
“ ‘dunno baby, it seems like you can’t resist me”
you weren’t suprised he knew how your mind works. after all, he was your husband, and yours only.
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ticklishfiend · 3 months
The Gaang Gets Zuko (ATLA)
lee!zuko , ler!gaang :P
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A/N : im having sooo much fun with this show rn, esp having fun attacking zuko as much as possible LOL im going bonkers. there’s no clear story or plot in this one, just the gaang being silly and zuko getting to be silly with them :P
Summary : separate short stories of each member of the gaang tickling zuko (and one where Zuko actually gets one back, read to find out who hehe)
Word Count : 5139
hope u enjoy!! <3
It was strange how relaxed Zuko was starting to feel. The air seemed easier to breathe these days, despite everything he knew they were all about to go through. But that’s just it. Zuko knows he’s not alone. He has people, good people, behind him. Though he misses his Uncle greatly, it keeps Zuko motivated to know Iroh would be proud to see how far he’s come since they’d been separated.
Things are looking up, despite it all, and Zuko’s especially happy he gets to feel that in good company.
“So, like this, right?” Aang asked, getting into position for the new firebending move Zuko’s trying to teach him. 
“Um…not quite,” Zuko walked behind him, grabbing his shoulders to gently adjust his stance. “You want your shoulders back a little more, it’ll help your balance. And you should have your waist turned a bit to the side, like this…” Zuko gently gripped onto Aang’s sides, but was startled at how quickly Aang jumped away with a surprised laugh.
“Aaah–tickles, tickles!” Aang giggled, rubbing the sensation away with his arms.
Zuko frowned with his hands on his hips, “Seriously? I barely touched you.”
Katara snickered as she watched them train, bending water in the air lazily like a fidget. “Aang’s more sensitive than most. Remember that wound your sister gave him on his foot? Yeah, that took way, way longer than it should have. He wouldn’t stop squirming.”
“It’s not my fault your water’s so tickly!” Aang cringed at the memory. He took a deep breath before turning back to Zuko, getting into position. “Okay, I’m ready this time. You just surprised me.”
Zuko lifted an eyebrow before trying again, this time with less giggly results. Zuko wasn’t used to such silliness when it came to training, but it was endearing to see Aang was comfortable enough with him to act like that (even if it was slightly annoying).
They trained for another 15 or so minutes before Zuko called for a break, ready for his pre-lunch meditation. He leaned down to gather some of his scattered things into a bag, not noticing the figure creeping up behind him. Before he knew it, Zuko felt two hands give quick pinches to his hip. “AH-! Ggghaha-!” a strangled giggle fell out of him before he could stop it, squirming out of the grip and whipping his body around.
Aang stood behind him with a grin and hands raised in surrender, “Sorry, I had to get you back for earlier.”
Zuko scowled with a pink face, trying very hard to ignore Katara giggling behind Aang. “But I wasn’t even trying to tickle you earlier,” he groaned, turning back around but keeping his guard up. “It’s unfair catching me off guard like that.”
“Yeah, but you gotta admit, that sound you just made was pretty funny,” Aang snickered, sitting down next to Katara and stealing some of her water to fidget with as well. 
Zuko sighed, turning around to hide his warm face. “Whatever, I’m gonna meditate. Don’t bother me unless it’s for lunch,” he said before walking out of their view to his normal meditation spot.
Zuko was sat on his bed reading a book Uncle had given him forever ago. Being on the run meant he never really had time to just sit and read (and maybe it was partly his pride that wouldn’t allow him to do something he deemed so lazy), but honestly it wasn’t half bad. Sure, he could be training right now, but everyone else seemed content doing their own thing so maybe that was okay for him too. Uncle always said proper relaxation was an important tool for a warrior to learn.
His reading time, however, was cut short when he heard a knock at his doorway. Zuko looked up to see Sokka peeking his head around the corner.
“You need something?” Zuko asked, sitting his book down on the bed.
“Well, I–uh…” Sokka cleared his throat shuffling awkwardly in the doorway. “I was just wondering if you would, uh–help me out with something? It’s nothing major! You really don’t have to if you don’t wanna, I know you’ve got a lot on your plate with, y’know, training the Avatar and everything, but like, I mean, if you maybe had the time–”
“Sokka,” Zuko interrupted his ramblings, holding the book up for him to see. “I’m not exactly doing anything important right now. I can do you a favor if you need it.”
Sokka sighed, “Okay, that’s good to hear because I really need your help right now,” he shuffled into Zuko’s room defeatedly, plopping himself next to the prince and throwing his head in his hands. “I think I sorta suck at hand-to-hand combat.”
Zuko nearly laughed at that. “Are you serious? You guys managed to take out every team I threw at you, and you think you’re bad at combat?”
“Yeah, but that was when I had everybody with me! You know, benders?!” Sokka sighed, “I’m not a bender, so having them with me to fight is like, insanely helpful. But…what if I end up alone at the next battle? What if I lose my sword? I’ll be useless! I need to know how to fight with my fists at least a little before we go out there.”
All this did was confuse Zuko even more. “Your girlfriend is a Kyoshi Warrior. Why aren’t you asking her for help? She’s the only other non-bender on the team, it seems pretty obvious.”
Sokka blushed and turned his head away, “Well that’s…actually part of it,” he scratched the back of his head sheepishly, “She’s so good at combat. And she’s a great teacher, don’t get me wrong! Everything I know about fighting, it came from her. But…I feel so stupid. We spar all the time, but she’s the one teaching me the moves, she knows what strategy I’m gonna take! I kinda…I wanna impress her during our next spar. Maybe show her something she hasn’t seen me do before,” Sokka looked up at Zuko with an unsure face. “I thought maybe you could teach me a thing or two?”
Zuko just stared for a moment, thinking it over. Sokka had that puppy-dog look on his face he always gets when he’s trying to win someone over…unfortunately for Zuko, he’s really good at that face. 
Zuko sighed, rubbing a hand over his face before standing and making his way towards the door. “I can’t promise it’ll help you any. I’m better at fighting with my bending than just plain combat. You’re already in good hands with Suki.”
Sokka jumped up, following behind Zuko like a puppy. “I know, but I just wanna see if it helps,” he wrapped an arm around the back of Zuko’s neck as they walked, the boy in question not acknowledging the touch whatsoever. “Can’t hurt to try, right?”
Zuko peeked an eye towards Sokka. “Whatever.”
They found an open area to spar, somewhere away from everyone else so no one could spill the “secret” to Suki. Not like anyone actually cared, but Sokka insisted this was the best move to make. 
They fought for a while, Sokka showing off the moves he learned from Suki, and Zuko trying to teach him anything that popped into his head that Sokka might not already know. But…the spar wasn’t really turning out the way Zuko had envisioned before they started.
Sokka was actually really good at this. Like, stupid good. Way better than he had given himself credit for just about an hour ago. He’d already pinned Zuko probably 5 times, and Zuko only got him down once. It was sorta embarrassing. Zuko kept reminding himself that the guy had been trained by a literal Kyoshi warrior, so it shouldn’t be that surprising.
Still, though. It did take a tiny blow to his ego that the guy asking him for training was practically kicking his butt right now.
“Woohoo! Down for the count again!” Sokka whooped from behind Zuko. The boy was pinned on his front, arms behind his back.
“I thought you wanted help,” Zuko wheezed, twisting his wrists in Sokka’s hold to no avail. “Now it feels like you just wanted bragging rights,” he mumbled.
Sokka didn’t say anything. Actually, he just kept looking down at Zuko with this look. His eyes a little wide, his lips sucked behind his teeth. 
You’re kidding. You’re kidding.
“Are you serious?!” Zuko yelled, starting to actually fight under Sokka’s hold now that he felt thoroughly pissed off. “Why would you lie about that?! You could’ve just asked for a spar!”
Sokka stammered, “Well, I was serious at first! I wasn’t lying! I really did want your help!” He paused, baring his teeth a little in guilt. “Buuuut…after we started sparring, I realized I was way better than I thought I was. I don’t know why, but I just kinda figured you’d be able to take me down with no trouble! You’re like, royally trained or something, right?”
Zuko frowned, “Yeah. I am,” he said. “In firebending.”
Sokka’s brows shot up. “Oh yeaaaah. Didn’t really think about that,” he chuckled nervously.
A beat passed in silence before both of them realized Sokka was still on top of him. Zuko twisted his wrists in Sokka’s hands, “Well? Are you gonna get off me?”
“I don’t really trust you not to turn me into bacon right now.”
Sokka laughed, “Y’know, it’s kinda funny if you think about it. Last year I used to run from you, and now I’ve got you literally pinned under me. I mean, really, it just writes itself!”
Zuko groaned, pressing his forehead to the floor. “You are…beyond annoying.”
“I’m just saying, if I had all this Kyoshi training last year, we might not even be here right now. Or maybe you’d have joined our group back then, after seeing how much of an asset to the team I am!” Sokka teased, pressing his body weight against Zuko’s arms so he could flex a muscle in Zuko’s eyeshot. 
Then, Sokka went quiet for a moment. Suspiciously quiet. Zuko was not a fan of his disadvantage right now. 
“Hey, who’s that fire nation girl that’s always hanging around your sister? You know, the one that can paralyze people?”
Zuko sighed, “That would be Ty Lee. Get off.”
“Yeah, Ty Lee! Man, it’d be so cool if she wasn’t the worst,” Sokka adjusted his grip a bit, like he was trying to get a better hold for something. What in the world is he planning?! “I bet I could learn a thing or two from that girl, strengthen up my fighting style a bit,” Sokka shrugged, “Eh, I bet I could be self taught. I just gotta find the right nerve…”
Before Zuko could even process what he was talking about, Sokka started poking up and down Zuko’s open sides, using one finger to poke one side, then the other, then back again. Over and over and over. 
“G-GaAH!” Zuko’s body jumped under the assault, squirming under his hold. “N-No, Sokka, let me–gohoho!” He giggled involuntarily, trying his best to hide his face in the floor while also trying to jerk away from Sokka’s ticklish hold.
“No, hold on, I think I’m getting the hang of this!” Sokka teased, poking up into Zuko’s ribs. Zuko couldn’t help the squeaky giggles falling from his lips, it was mortifying. He kicked his legs out behind Sokka like it would do anything, but with how good the boy had gotten at these warrior pins, Zuko didn’t stand a chance.
“S-stohohop! This is sohoho–ahaha so stuhupid!” Zuko cackled, writhing when he felt Sokka start pinching at his bony ribs. He could feel his face growing warmer by the second, horribly embarrassed by how easily Sokka can drag him into his playful little games.
“Okay, okay, just oneeee more thing,” Sokka said before bringing his hand up to flutter soft fingers against Zuko’s neck and ears. Crapcrapcrapcrap that really tickles. Zuko immediately fell into the most disgusting, high-pitched, girly-ish giggles he’s ever produced. It. Was. Terrible.
“Nohoho! Come ohohon! This is–ahaha this is so unfahahair!” Zuko whined, pulling against the hands holding him hostage. “This is assahahault!”
Sokka cackled at that, finally letting go of his very ticklish victim. He stood and backed away enough to let Zuko catch his breath, wiping a mirthful tear from his eye.
“You–pfff!! You’re so ticklish! Who woulda guessed that?!” Sokka laughed, practically doubled over in it. Zuko grumbled on the ground, sitting up and stretching his arms.
“And you are so childish,” he groveled, before launching at Sokka while he wasn’t paying attention. He grabbed around the boy’s waist and brought him to the ground with an ‘oof!’, the pair roughing it out for a moment before Zuko got the upper hand (Sokka was still laughing too much to put up a real fight). On the ground, Zuko had him trapped in a reverse bear hug, finding an opening near Sokka’s stomach to dig his own fingers in and make Sokka howl.
“Say you’re sorry!” Zuko grunted, trying to avoid a head butt from Sokka’s frantic squirming. “Say it!”
“AAAHH! AAAHAhahaha! I’m–! I’m ssssahahahah!” Sokka cackled, struggling to find the words with fingers digging incessantly into his stomach. Even in his wild state, Sokka could tell Zuko wasn’t very used to this, his tickling-style a little more rough than what he’s used to with the others. But luckily for Zuko, Sokka was a little too ticklish for it to actually affect anything.
“What? You can dish it but you can’t take it?!” Zuko fired back with his usual angry tone, though it was really hard to take seriously when he started pinching at Sokka’s side so viciously. 
“I cahaha–! It’s tooohohohoo–! AAAHH-!" Sokka's screaming laugh echoed through the temple, his head jerking back and forth. Zuko's fingers were getting tired, and this whole thing felt so stupid, but it was the principle of the thing! This is...how it works, right?
Zuko kept tickling despite not really knowing what he was doing, avoiding flailing limbs and a jerking head all the while. And right, right before he was about to just call it quits, he heard a cough from just outside his peripheral.
The pair froze, Zuko feeling his entire face grow warm in the matter of seconds. They both turned their heads slowly to see Suki standing there with her arms crossed, one eyebrow raised in question.
"You two having fun in here?" Suki asked through a smile, clearly on the verge of laughing. Zuko dropped Sokka like a sack of potatoes, standing up quickly with a finger pointed right at Sokka.
“He started this! He attacked me first, but–but I got out! And then he started laughing, and, I mean–it was so stupid! This is so stupid!” Zuko yelled in embarrassment, throwing his hands up to cover his whole face.
Suki giggled and walked over towards her boyfriend on the ground. “Aw, did the big mean firebender get you?” She teased a frowning (and blushing) Sokka. Suki held out her hand to him, “Come on, get up.”
Sokka took it with a scowl, refusing to make eye contact with Zuko. At least, until Sokka remembered how this whole thing started, his whole demeanor lighting up in an instant. “Oh you’ll never believe this. I beat Zuko. In a spar,” he whooped, looking over towards the firebending to find him scowling with his arms crossed. “Actually, it was like ten!”
“Six. It was just six,” Zuko squinted at Sokka in contempt.
“Okay, but six is still a lot compared to your one win,” Sokka boasted, wrapping an arm around his girlfriend.
Suki pulled herself out of his hold, “Uh, sure, but I think after what I saw, Zuko’s still the winner here,” she said, shooting an affirming smile Zuko’s way. 
Sokka dropped his jaw, “What?! But–But I beat him! Like, TONS of times?!” He exclaimed, “And I’m the one that started that! I tickled Zuko first, he totally went down!”
“When I was already pinned!” Zuko argued, angry he couldn’t make his blush fade any faster.
Suki sucked her teeth, “Sokka, if you started this, that’s even worse,” she shrugged. “You cheated. Zuko’s clearly the winner here, he just finished what you started” Suki pat Sokka’s back, shooting Zuko an empathetic look. “Sorry my boyfriend’s so childish. If you ever want a real spar, you know where to find me.”
Zuko looked surprised, really expecting her to tease him like everybody else did. “Oh, uh…yeah, whatever. Sure.”
Suki smiled, taking Sokka by the shoulders and walking him off. Zuko could hear her scolding as they walked away, “Next time we spar, I’ll show you how a real warrior cheats.”
Zuko wasn’t really sure how to take that. In fact, he decided it was probably best to ignore whatever that meant. Instead, he just grabbed his bag and tried forgetting this whole embarrassing mess ever happened.
“Zuko, I’m so sorry! I’m so so so sorry, I never meant for this to happen!” Aang practically cried behind Zuko, his words muffled under the hands he used to cover his mouth in guilt. “If you never wanna train me again, I’d understand. I just…I’m so sorry. I’m so—”
“Aang, it’s fine. I already told you it’s fine,” Zuko sighed, propping his bare foot up on the stool of earth Toph made for him. “Believe me, I’ve been burned way worse than this.”
“But that’s different!” Aang cried, falling on his butt to hide his face in his knees. “I can’t believe I burned someone. Again.”
“You’re still learning. It happens,” Zuko winced when Katara took hold of his ankle to get a better look at the burn. “Trust me, I burned a few of my trainers when I was growing up too. It’s just part of firebending. Once you’ve mastered it, you won’t have to worry about it anymore.”
Aang lifted his head with a sniffle. “Yeah…I guess you’re right,” he sighed. “Still feel bad, though.”
“As long as it doesn’t affect your training going further, I really don’t care,” Zuko shrugged, leaning back against his hands.
“That’s a little rude, don’t you think?” said Katara, popping the cork from her water bottle.
“Not really. I don’t care. I’m fine, and Aang will be too,” Zuko said, before gasping as Katara let the healing water wash over his feet. He jerked his foot back off the stool, making Katara raise an eyebrow.
“Zuko?” She looked down at the empty stool. “Kinda need your foot for this.”
Aang lit up, the smile finally returned to his face when he realized with a giggle, “I forgot! Zuko’s ticklish!”
“I am not! It just surprised me!” Zuko argued, throwing his foot back on the stool with confidence (though the pout he sported said otherwise).
Katara snickered, holding her water up so Zuko could see. “Well it’s a good thing you aren’t ticklish then, cause Aang could barely sit still last time I did this to him.”
“Yeah, Toph nearly had to earthbend my hands to the ground to keep me from moving,” Aang nodded, clearly feeling more chipper than a moment ago. Zuko cringed at the thought, shaking his head to clear it from overthinking.
“That will not be necessary,” Zuko huffed. “Just get to it, I’ll be fine. We need to get back to training.”
Katara shrugged, bringing the water to his foot and starting the healing process. Zuko immediately gasped again, his foot nearly jerking off the stool. He caught himself this time, but no one in the room missed the flinch.
Well, except for Toph, but only out of technicality’s sake.
“Your hearts racing, Sparky,” Toph sang, never missing an opportunity to tease their resident grump.
“Shut up, Toph,” Zuko said through bared teeth, straining himself to keep from letting a giggle slip. He squirmed in his seat, toes clenching and unclenching involuntarily. If he can just get through this without cracking, there’ll be nothing for these weirdos to tease him about. He can do this.
“Y’know, you should probably breathe soon. Don’t want you dying on us while I’m healing you,” Katara said, looking up from her water at Zuko’s puffed cheeks and pink face. He’d been too focused to even realize he was holding his breath in the first place. Slowly, Zuko exhaled through his nose before flinching hard again at a more solid sensation in the center of his foot.
“Grrk–!” Zuko jumped, scowling at Katara who started snickering.
“Sorry, my finger slipped,” she grinned, making the other two start giggling at his expense. 
“It’s really okay if you need to laugh, Zuko,” said Aang. “There’s no way I could’ve held it in like you are.”
“I said I’m fine. It doesn’t even…” Zuko huffed, the water finding a particularly sensitive spot right at the worst time possible, making him growl through a giggle. He shut his eyes tight, “Juhust shut up.”
At first, his days in the air on Appa were something Zuko wasn’t sure he would ever get used to. He had to admit, it was definitely cool getting to ride a sky-bison thousands of feet in the air after he’d been told his whole life the species had gone extinct with the rest of the air-benders. There was some excitement to it the first couple rides he got to experience.
But after about the fifth time, it was really starting to get old.
“I thought I knew what boredom felt like when I was out camping with Uncle, but this is really something else,” Zuko groaned, throwing his head over the side of the saddle.
“Zukoooo, remember what I keep telling you about the positive attitude?” Aang reminded him from Appa’s head, steering the bison in what felt like the same direction for hours.
“No, he’s right. This is super boring,” Sokka whined, picking at Appa’s fur with a pout.
“Don’t you guys ever, I don’t know…play any games while you’re up here?” Zuko asked, feeling a little silly about it. Playing games was so childish, but it seemed to fit this group’s whole vibe pretty well. Couldn’t hurt to ask, right?
“Yeah we used to, until Toph took it too seriously one time and Katara banned fun,” Sokka shot a look at his sister, who scoffed at the mention.
“Um, I did not ban fun. I banned Pushies,” Katara corrected him with a squint.
“Ah, Pushies. The good ole days when having a laugh wasn’t forbidden by Her Highness,” said Toph, nearly making Katara blow a fuse.
Zuko hated to ask, but this was the most entertained he’d felt in the past two hours. With an incredulous look, he asked, “What’s Pushies?”
“It was the best,” Sokka sighed like he was daydreaming. “Toph and I would push each other back and forth until one of us got too scared and called quits.”
“Which I never did, by the way–”
“Uh, not true! You know you called quits that one time-”
“Because you nearly pushed me off Appa!”
“Not true AGAIN! You couldn’t see it, but you were totally fine-”
“Oh so because I’m blind it’s my fault they won’t let us play Pushies anymore?!”
“That’s not what I meant-!”
“GUYS!” Aang shouted, throwing a stern look over his shoulder towards the group. The pair went silent before both slouching back against the saddle. “No. Pushies.”
They both grumbled to themselves, but ultimately decided it wasn’t worth the fight. Zuko looked to the sky at their bickering, thankful his temper wasn’t like it used to be.
“Games other than Pushies exist, you know. We just have to make one up,” he suggested, sitting criss-crossed to face the group. 
“Did you play any games on that murder-ship you used to ride?” Katara asked with a tone, her mood clearly a bit dampened.
Zuko grimaced, “I was kinda too focused on capturing Aang for games back then.” Zuko sighed, throwing his head and arms back over the saddle to stare into the sky. “Forget it. Let’s just go back to sitting in silence.”
It seemed like the rest of the group agreed, because for the next few minutes that’s exactly what they did. The wind whistling in their ears was the only sound to focus on.
That is, until Zuko felt something tweak his side, making him squeak an awful sound. He whipped his head around to find everyone suspiciously not looking at him. Sokka picked at his fingers, Katara seemed a little too interested in the cloth of her dress, and Toph…well, she looked straight ahead, but that was to be expected.
Zuko fumed, “Who did that?”
Sokka looked up from his fingers, “Hm? Who did what?”
Oh, Zuko was so onto them. Pointing a finger at Sokka with a squint, “Don’t. Do it. Again.” He said sternly, before turning back around towards the sky. Zuko swore he could hear them snickering behind him, but hoped that would be the end of it.
Another minute went by with nothing, and for some reason Zuko really thought he evaded trouble with that intimidation move he pulled. Clearly he didn’t know this group well enough yet.
Another tweak to his side, this one closer to his ribs this time. Anything near his ribs always made him flinch hard, his elbow shooting down to cover the area with a giggly shout. Zuko growled when he faced them, “Seriously, who’s doing this?!” They all looked up at him like they were clueless. He’s gonna kill them. “Answer me!”
Finally, he heard Toph giggle, clearly unaffected by his little hissy fit. “It was me. Both times, actually,” she grinned, throwing a leg over her knee. “What, you gonna do something about it?”
Zuko’s jaw locked forward, feeling like he was breathing smoke out of his nose. His hands clenched beside him, telling himself it would probably not be the “right thing” throwing this twelve year old over the side of Appa.
With a grumble, he fixed his face and looked up to the sun above him. “You people are crazy.” Zuko crossed his arms and slumped against the saddle, decidedly not turning away from Toph this time. Everyone got a chuckle out of that, even Aang.
“No, I think Toph’s the crazy one,” he chuckled, smiling over his shoulder. “The rest of us are pretty normal, right?”
Zuko deadpanned Aang’s way. “No.”
Toph crawled over beside Zuko, who nearly flinched at her presence. “Lighten up, Sparky! Remember what Aang said? Positive attitude?” She accentuated Aang’s words with more tweaks to Zuko’s side, these far more ticklish now that she doesn’t have to hide it. Zuko jumped with a giggly shout, trying hard to hide his side with his elbow, but that just made Toph reach around his back to get his other side.
“Gah-! N-Nohoho!” He complained, pushing at her hands and face. “Quihit!”
“Cmooon I’m bored! This is the most entertained I’ve been in hours!” Toph tickled into Zuko’s ribs as she talked, making him fall over on his side in giggles. He kept pushing at her with his hands, but his stupid body kept betraying him, his elbows shooting down to cover the area too much to really fight back.
“Toph-! Tohohoph!” Zuko squealed, everyone around laughing at his funny noises. These people are the worst. “Gahaha! Get her ohoff mehehe!” He cackled, feeling her fingers vibrate into his ribs and stomach at the same time. Zuko’s eyes were scrunched tight in mirth, feeling silly and stupid and ticklish.
“This is too good. You sound like a girl!” Toph laughed, poking into his side like a typewriter. Zuko couldn’t stop giggling, flipping over on his stomach to crawl away (though he didn’t have much room, cramped on this stupid saddle with the rest of these freaks). He opted for crawling as close to Katara as he could get, praying she’d take pity on him and make Toph stop embarrassing him already.
Katara chuckled, “Okay, I think he’s had enough,” grabbing for Toph’s wrist (her hand still trying to worm it’s way under Zuko’s armpit) Katara pulled Toph away from Zuko as he slumped close to her side panting.
“Aweee, what?! I was just getting started!” Toph whined, making another grabbing motion in Zuko’s general direction that had him flinching with a squeak.
“You heard her, quit it!” Zuko griped, trying to silently maneuver himself as far from Toph as possible without her hearing. It was like a game of cat and mouse, Toph listening for any subtle sound Zuko made for her to launch her free arm in his direction, making him zip out of her reach before she could grab him. 
“Cut it out, this is ridiculous!” Zuko complained, getting behind Sokka and gripping his shoulders like a human shield. “Ha! How ‘bout that, shortstack?!” 
“Hey! Don’t rope me into this–AHH! NO! NONONOHohohoho!!” Sokka fell over on his side in giggles the moment Katara let go of Toph’s arm, the shorter girl launching for his sides.
“This’ll do for now!” Toph cheered, digging into Sokka’s waist with her rough fingers and making him howl. “I’ll catch you eventually, Sparky! Just wait til I’m finished with him!” she grinned wickedly, Sokka losing his mind just below her.
“But you already—! Gah, forget it,” Zuko sighed, crawling silently over beside Katara to hopefully avoid getting involved in that mess again. “She’s ruthless.”
Katara giggled, shooting Zuko a smile, “You get used to it.”
Zuko caught himself smiling at dinner. It was weird, usually when he smiled, it felt like an intentional move. Smiling to convince someone he’s happy, or smiling to fake innocence. But tonight…he started smiling before he even realized he was doing it.
Aang was telling some silly story from over 100 years ago, something from his childhood before all this. It was a stupid story, something Zuko would’ve found himself scoffing at if he had heard it even just a few months ago.
But things are good now. He felt good. Happiness came easy to him, like breathing or pulling fire from his hands. Zuko never thought he’d get to feel this again after everything he’d gone through, but these weirdos just had a way with him.
Something about these people, his friends, was always able to make him smile. They were annoying. They’re loud. They’re way too touchy, and always in his personal space. Like now, with Toph curled against his side as she laughed along to Aang’s story.
And yet? Zuko’s come to be okay with that. He’s come to like it about them, as crazy as it sounds. 
The fire he sat in front of now didn’t have to be a threat. It was home.
A/N : i was all over the place writing this LMAO hope yall like it anyways cause it was fun to write!! pls consider reblogging if u enjoyed!! <3
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Aaah open requests! Yay! I loved the fic about the peacocks interrupting Baldwin and I NEED more light-hearted reader x KOH's Baldwin. Could you pretty please do reader "arguing" with Baldwin over something silly where he ends up teasing her into giving in to what he wants? Basically them behaving like two lovesick teenagers instead of king and queen. Thank you!
♤ All In Good Fun - King Baldwin x Reader ♤
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♤ Crack Fic ♤
A/N: Hello Anon! I'm so glad you enjoyed that fic! I agree, I need to do more lighthearted stories and hopefully this one turned out how you wanted it to! As always, this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven, not the real historical figures. Enjoy!
PS: I used the same scenario from the “Those Darn Birds” fic, just maybe like a week later from when it was set :)
The union of Baldwin’s cousin and her, now husband, had proceeded as planned.
The king did his best to not speak to his new cousin in law and avoided him at all costs to prevent an uncomfortable and insulting interaction.
Y/n stayed beside Baldwin all day, as the king and queen should, so other than a brief awkward congratulations to the newly married couple, there was no other issue.
Still though, Baldwin was not enjoying the event at all. For the entire day, all he could think about was retiring to the royal chambers and getting away from the chaos.
Finally, evening arrived and the guests went to their rooms to prepare for dinner. 
“Oh thank the lord that is over!” Baldwin sighed as soon as the door was closed.
Y/n chuckled, “it's not over yet my love, we still have dinner”.
This earnt a heavy sigh from her husband as he removed his mask and veil, sitting his tired body down on the couch.
“Must I go darling? I am sure my presence will not be missed. I barely spoke all day?” he protested.
Y/n laughed again as she sat down at the vanity to fix her makeup.
“You're the king sweetheart! You're the single most important man in the kingdom! You must attend!”.
This earnt another tired groan from Baldwin, “you could just tell them I was too sick to attenddd?” he asked, raising his one good eyebrow.
“Are you suggesting we lie to our own friends and family about your wellbeing?” the queen gasped sarcastically, turning dramatically to look at him.
Baldwin grinned at her reaction.
“Maybe I am! As you say, I am the king after all. I can do what I please” he added in a sarcastically upper class voice, standing to approach his wife.
Y/n laughed again, turning back to the mirror as Baldwin wrapped his arms around her shoulders and rested his chin on top of her head.
“Is that so? Well I guess you must stay then if you are soo tireddd” y/n teased.
“Well are you going to attend?” he asked with a smile.
“Yes, I must attend. Besides, I need to tell the guests that you ‘were so exhausted’ and that you ‘couldn't possibly even stand up any longer’”. 
The king’s smile widened.
“Thank you my loveee” Baldwin said, kissing her head before going to get changed into a nightgown while y/n continued to ready herself for dinner.
She finished getting ready just as Baldwin was snuggling underneath the bed covers with a book in his hands.
Y/n smiled and rolled her eyes as he looked up at her with a cheesy grin.
“Well, you sure look comfortable” y/n teased again, standing from her seat.
“Yes I certainly am, but I would be much more comfortable with you in here thoughhh” he teased back.
The queen bent down to kiss her husband on the forehead.
“Well I shall be back in about an hour, would you like me to bring you some food your highness” she curtsied dramatically causing Baldwin to chuckle.
“Yes pleaseee, you look beautiful by the wayyy” he replied, the goofy grin on his face widening.
“You're lucky that you're sweet” y/n replied, turning to leave.
“I love you!” Baldwin called out.
“I love you too!” y/n called back, slipping out of the room with a small smile on her face.
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mrghostrat · 6 months
Hi bilvy! since the new year is approaching rapidly, i wanted to ask my favorite creators (that includes you! i love your art & your fics) how they look back on their 2023 tumblr year and which blogs made them happy to be here. i am very happy to follow you and hope you'll have a great 2024! 🧡
this is so very sweet, thank you non 😭💛
i'm gonna forget a thousand people if i try to list everyone, but i do have a few names i wanna express gratitude for
i've been trying to get back on tumblr for ages, and i could never get it to stick until this time around. i think a huge part of that is bc of @foolishlovers. right from the start, their tags made me squeal and laugh, and i love every SINGLE thing they post. following them was like having the finest of the good omens fandom curated onto my dash for me, and made it so easy to slip back into fandom after 8+ years of no fandom interaction at all. then they also turn out to be super nice and sweet and a wonderful writer?! so yea. thank you jane. i'm on here every day (which is something i desperately missed, and am so happy about) cause of you.
i also appreciate the hell out of @bunnakit and can't imagine my dash without them. we're friends from twitch that follow entirely different shows and don't understand most of each others posts, but seeing oat's enthusiasm for their shows and their gifs/meta/content just makes me really happy. i love seeing them enjoy themself 🥺
aaah and last one i think has to be @almalvo. we dont actually interact on tumblr much, but every day i pop into their discord or their stream and thrive off the community they've fostered. i found them by randomly searching "good omens" on twitch one day and stumbled headfirst into some of the most incredible artwork, by a person who is so chill and down to earth and fun to talk to. checkin in on malvo has become a favourite part of my day 😭
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mimikittysblog · 1 year
BFF! Heeseung: Your Ex Tries to Get You Back
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Synopsis: How each member of Enhypen would react when their best friend (who also happens to be their crush) has their ex trying to get them back.
Genre: Fluff with a tiny sprinkle of angst | headcanons
Jay - Jake - Sunghoon - Sunoo - Jungwon - Niki
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
Okay so I see bff! Heeseung being your childhood friend
Like you’ve been friends since diapers, parents being all close and all
You guys grew up together and were inseparable
You two actually always had a crush on each other
But as cliche as it is, you two were just too scared to say anything really
Not wanting to change or ruin your dynamic
So to get over your crushes y’all started dating other people
Your feelings also kinda went away when Hee went to I-LAND
He then debuted and your feelings continued to disappear
You guys still kept in touch tho!!!
Still bffs after all
After every episode you text or call Hee reassuring how amazing he is!!
But also to tease him sometimes
“You looked so cute last episode trying to look intimidating lolol”
Thankfully your bff was able to debut and you actually got into your dream college
Where you eventually met your significant other (now ex)
After he debuted and after his first promotions ended his schedule finally calmed down just a bit
Enough to where he can properly hang out with you again
Here is when his feelings for you returned. Unfortunately..
You were already taken.
At first he approved of your significant other
I mean they seemed cool to him and you deserved someone like that
But as the relationship went on, and you started complaining to him about them more, he started to think
I could be better
Why are you with them anyway??
They don’t deserve you.
Why am I thinking thi- Ohhhh.. I like them again.. fuck.
Thankfully, you know your worth soon enough and after consulting with Hee about what you should do, you broke it off with them.
You go bestie 😘💅 proud of you!
Hee was over the moon honestly
Like now it’s time to go full on…
✨Lee Rizzeung✨
One problem…
He’s still too scared
Damnit Heeseung
But after his feelings continue to grow he then became determined to eventually confess to you
Tonight it was one of your hang outs together
Heeseung suggested to go out and play some basketball with him
You weren’t much of a player but you’ll always agree to hang with your bff
As usual, hang outs with him were just filled with many good times and laughs
He also likes to tease you while playing since he is better than you at basketball
Its better if there is a height difference too
If he’s taller than you, he’ll just keep the ball up high
Just laughing while watching you trying to get the ball from him
However if you are taller, he’s still at an advantage cause he can move faster than you
Overall its just a fun time
That is until they suddenly showed up
Hee was about to shoot the ball, suddenly out of nowhere your ex caught the ball.
They looked at Hee with a blank stare then turned around to you
“Hey.. I missed you.”
“Can’t say the same” You reply
Saying Hee is annoyed and pissed would be an understatement.
Wtf is this prick doing here??
Your ex then reveals that they’re sorry and wishes to have you has theirs again
“Sorry dude. She’s taken.” Heeseung said out of nowhere
You, of course, are shock at Hee’s words cause as far as you know.
You aren’t taken.
“Oh yeah? By who?” Your ex asked
Ngl you never thought this day would come.
Unbeknownst to him, your feelings for him also returned. So him saying that caused all sorts of different reactions.
Your ex then turned to you and asked if this was true.
You were still surprised at Hee’s words but eventually confirmed Hee’s statement
“Of course its true dingus.” Hee would say as he snatched his ball back
Which he then promptly shot a three pointer effortlessly.
Incredibly sexy of him. I know.
“You thought they would go back to you? Someone who never truly cared for them? Someone who only cares about themselves and their reputation? Dude you don’t even remember their birthday. Favorite color. Movie or any of their interests. What are their hobbies? Hmm?”
“Yeah thats what I thought. They deserves better than that. Better than you. And that happens to be me. So get out of here.”
Your ex made no effort to leave at first but then Hee did that thing where he pretended to throw the ball at their face just to make them flinch.
They of course flinched which also made you giggle and Hee to laugh
Feeling humiliated, they finally left.
Hee then looked at you and the realization of what he said finally crashed down on him.
His ears turned bright red and he tried to play everything off by shooting the ball again.
Missed this time tho. Lol.
“Did you mean that?” You asked
Hee then took a deep breath and decides it’s finally time. He turned around to you and confessed everything.
How he has always had a crush on you, how he was always jealous of your past partners, how much he wants to be with you, etc.
“..I’m in love with you Y/n.”
At first you had no reaction which scared him shitless.
Like he almost shat his heart out.
But then you broke out into a laugh and pulled him down into a hug.
“I’m in love with you too idiot.”
Relieved he returned the hug, laughing as well. Just happy to finally be with you.
“Sooooooo I’m your boyfriend now??”
“I sure hope so!!!!”
“Say no more.”
He then decided to be a cheesy lil shit and dipped you down and kissed you.
Hohoho im turning red imagining it 🫣
You both are just so happy.
Hee then took you out and got you some refreshing drinks.
Before the night ended you two just talked about your past together all your silly moments and oblivious moments to each others advances.
Realizing the both of you could’ve been together since you understood what feelings were
But honestly its okay, what matters is now.
And now you two are together, in perfect moments of your life, happy.
.✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚: ✧・゚✧.
© mimikittysblog 2023
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ngmn2002 · 1 year
Ch 104: Random thoughts
Alrighty, the new chapter is out. It was kind of fun, but I don't think I have much to say about its events. Alright, let's see how things will turn out. Let's get started...
Alright, the school festival has finally started.
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They look cute. And, feels so good to see Nene with her brooch again. I missed it.
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I'm a bit confused, how could normal people see him in his 'supernatual' form??? That thing said about him… it gives some bad vibes about him being that way for real.. but I know I'm just overthinking.
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Good to see them having fun, but... Hanako's reaction... made me laugh so hard.
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Why was he so scared? The leader of the 7 mysteries, the guy who is involved with so much supernatural, unnormal stuff, a supernatural himself and all, for more than 50 years... who laughed at Nene for screaming in fear when they first met...
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who is also found of things as...
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still fears a 'hunted house', apparently. That's.....
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Too cute! More vulnerable Hanako moments, please!
Speaking about that, imaging how it would be if the twins went together into a 'hunted house'... I assume Amane will be scared while Tsukasa... would show a face like this one as he examinates the place...
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... up until they get out, and once they are out he would laugh it was so much fun and they should do it again. I also forgot to take the red house experience into account, it helps a lot. The hunted house would feel like child's play in comparison, but it will still be fun to him. As for Amane... I wonder if he would show his fear to Tsukasa or if he would try to hide it and keep cool in front of sweet little brother. Can't imagine him showing being scared or telling Tsukasa so, it doesn't feel proper for the picture of: "cool & amazing big brother". Though, it would be also fun to see him showing his weak side to little brother. I think Tsukasa would love to know about it. He loves all big brother's sides after all. Hmm... does he know about this side of Amane...? Them going into hunted house together would really be so much fun. ~ Hmm... it seems the only school festival the 2 had in kamome was the one in their 1st year, since it seems they died before the one of their 2nd year... it makes me sad to think maybe they didn't have the chance to enjoy it together, since Amane was keen about fixing the clock and strange things happened during that festival... aaah... I hope they at least shared a few fun moments that day!
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♪ ~ ♫ ~
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Hanako asking for cotton candy eminds me a bit of Tsukasa in here, seems both boys love it. ♡ I do, too~ Feels good to finally get the chance to see Hanako finally actually eating something and normally. The donut thing didn't go that well and I was wondering how a 'supernatural' like him eats normal food.
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It's different from here.
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Love his reaction in here. Nene... the hot guy you need is right behind you, no need to look for one. Just look at him and only him. He is way better than those you're looking at. You don't need to look for anyone when he is right there.
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How is the confession plan going, Nene-chan? Does the name 'Hanako-kun' ring a bell?
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Sooo... was Kou affected by the mention of real Mitsuba in any way or not? Also... Mitsuba 0.2 seems to have a little bit of a fun time in there.
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Hmm... so we discovered what these things do.
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Her... pleased face in there looks wired. I'm surprised to see a calm 'lady' like her enjoying watching a fuss like that through the window.
*sigh* anyway, don't want to get into a kokujoudai rant again, I'm tired of that. Really, knowing that he appears a second later... what prevented it from going back to him and reporting what happened to him? That way, it won't be needed for him to ask "Is everything going according to plan" or even... why wouldn't he ask his koku instead... saving time or something? EEEh... I want to see him talking to his koku for once, you know? -Hmm? who is that guy I'm talking about? Well,
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Let's welcome Tsukasa back. Took you a year to make a pleasant appearance. ^^ Last time I saw you was in ch 92...
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Looking as cool as ever. Now...
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You seem to be enjoying yourself and that's cool as well. want to see some awesome things of you later, alrightttt? ♡ Ah... it's a bit funny last time you were there it was near a door, now a window... next time what would it be? ~
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He is so tiny. ♡ ~
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Anyway, feels like red koku is going on a vocation lately and spends its time with its master's assistant, and the master is more than ok with that. Cool.
Seems our little red koku can't decide where it really belongs. Or it's just too energetic like its master. That would be funny and cute, if that was the case. um...Tsu looks funny in the 3rd shot
Speaking seriously now,
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Let's see what we had answered from here. What are you up to... still kind of a mystery, amaze me my dear, alright? ♡ As for the questions that follow. Indeed, you're a part of the plan this time. Good to know. But maybe you're not a part of a bigger plan? Hmm... who knows. Waiting is the key to knowing for sure.
Also, thanks my dear for granting this for me. ~
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You really went too easy on me, present Tsu. past Tsu... let's see what you'll do.~ please don't go too easy! try to make things balanced.
Alright, lastly... nat's part.
Fun talk ... Serious talk:
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Now these things make sense.
Makes me wonder, while sakura knows about his blood thingy and him being 'unkillable', she still said this:
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Maybe she has other standers to who 'stays' in mind? but after her 'reminded' her...
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... anyway, his little speech felt funny to me more than anything else. I think this guy only says what would make him look 'cool' during the moment of speaking, whether it came in contrast with things he said before.
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So, you enjoy being the bad guy or not? Make up your mind. Don't just use words because they suit your 'cool' image regardless of them being contradictory to other words you said before or not. Hmm... his reaction in here to seeing 'blood as gross' seems pretty accurate.
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His 'cool' way of telling his story/rumor... I can give my reaction to it in this little thing.
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Past Tsukasa's 'rumor' thing is much more 'cool', captivating and interesting to me.
Speaking about the clock, didn't expect such a 'twist', from Hanako remembering trying to work around it, and then trying to remember why, to Tsukasa telling Nene about its powers, to...? nat actually being the one to deal with it, doing something to it with his blood? .......... So, all this build up was to show us nat's true power? ........... Well, I will stop in here, until everything is clear and solved out. I hope the clock's deal won't be over in there, since it will be too boring after all that build up. Though, what did he really do to it? What will happen to the clock next? What would they get out of doing that? How would No.1 react? I'm looking forward to see these things getting answered.
Until next chapter. ~
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mrprettywhenhecries · 8 months
ghost stories
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Billy Hargrove ✘ Win Lewis (OC) // Eddie Munson ✘ Lydia Bellamy (OC) // Robin Buckley ✘ Blossom Bellamy (OC)
⇾ w.c. 3.5k words ⇾ warning(s). canon x oc pairings, spooky stories, drinking, suggestive themes, but nothing explicit ⇾ a/n. a little halloween collaboration with @super-unpredictable98/@hawkinsglasscloset, featuring my Winnie and her Lydia and Blossom.
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"Wow, great place to get murdered. Nice one, Win," Blossom huffed as Billy parked in front of the lonely cabin. 
"Chicken!" Lydia teased. "What’re you scared of?  This is the middle of nowhere, nobody will come here to kill you." 
"That is precisely why someone might come here to kill me!  I've never done drugs, I never drank alcohol or smoked, my organs are valuable!" Blossom cried.
“Oh, come on!” Win exclaimed, grinning as she got out, excited for their weekend away. “It’s not as bad as it looks!” she insisted, opening the door for Blossom.  
"You're right... it's worse!"  Blossom walked in and ran her finger over the mirror right by the door.  "Not only is it creepy, it's filthy too. Only you guys can drag me to these things."
“It just needs a quick dusting, that’s all,” Win said with a shrug, opening the curtains to a cloud of dust. 
“Don’t worry so much, B,” Robin said, joining her girlfriend inside, bringing their bags in. “We’re gunna have fun!”
"I hope so."  Blossom softened seeing her girlfriend. " Anywhere is perfect with you."
Eddie’s van pulled up moments later, parking behind the Camaro.  “Hey, guess I wasn’t as late as I thought I’d be,” he said, grinning excitedly as he jumped down from the driver’s seat.
"Hey, sexy!" Lydia called, rushing to greet her boyfriend, practically jumping into his arms.
“Hey, missed you,” Eddie exclaimed, lifting her off her feet, greeting her with a kiss.
"Missed you too!" Lydia took his arm once he set her back down. "I can't wait to have you holding me in front of the fire while we make s'mores."
“Mmm, sounds perfect,” Eddie mused, a lopsided grin tugging at his lips. “Then we can go back to our room and have some fun,” he drawled, his hands slipping down to give her backside a squeeze. 
"Aaah!  You naughty boy!" Lydia giggled, giving his hair a little tug. "Come on, it's getting cold out here."
"Don't want my lady getting a chill now, do we?" Eddie asked, shutting the driver's side door and pulling open the side panel to unpack the supplies. "Can you help me carry in the food, babe?" he asked, handing her one of the large canvas bags while he grabbed the large cooler. 
"Yeah, but that'll cost you a treat," Lydia winked before taking the bag to the cabin. "A special secret treat."
"Oh?" Eddie chuckled, tilting his head as he followed her inside. 
"This place is awesome, so cozy," Billy mused as he brought his bag and Win's inside, joining the others. 
“I knew you’d like it,” Win said, letting her eyes roam the room.
"Perfect place, nobody can hear you screaming my name," Billy whispered teasingly, leaning into her. 
“Yeah, other than our friends,” she pointed out, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Nah, I have a feeling they’ll be a little too preoccupied to notice,” he replied with a smirk, pulling her down with him to the old dusty couch. "They'll be busy playing their own dirty games."
Win laughed, collapsing into his lap. "I guess that’s true," she agreed, fighting back a grin.
“It’ll be a nice break from everything,” Robin said, pressing a kiss to Blossom’s temple.
"A break from Steve," Blossom laughed, wrapping her arms around her girlfriend. "I could use a warm shower."
"I hope his date goes well," Robin said.  As much as she loved teasing Steve about his string of bad luck with women, she did hope he could find someone that made him as happy as Blossom made her.  "Why don't you take a quick shower and we'll get a fire going," she offered.
"I hope so too, he's so nice, he deserves it," Blossom nodded, stealing a kiss and turning to find the bathroom.
"Have a nice shower," Robin called, giving Blossom's ass a soft smack as she walked away. "Okay, who wants to help me start a fire?" she exclaimed, heading for the hearth.
"I will," Billy offered, giving Win a quick snuggle a kiss to the tip of her nose before getting up to help Robin get wood for the fireplace.
Win scrunched her nose at him, sitting up to watch them, resting her chin in her hand as she let her eyes follow her boyfriend's ass.
Billy looked over his shoulder to find his girlfriend observing him. "Enjoying the view?" he teased.
"Always," Win replied, winking at him. "Do you guys need any help?" she asked, pushing herself up. "I think we got it," Robin answered, tucking her hair behind her ear as she added some wood slowly to the small flame that Billy had started.
Billy was gonna say something about letting the men take care of it, but he quickly held his tongue, remembering Robin wasn't a man and not wanting to offend her.
"What sort of treat would you like?" Eddie asked his girlfriend, dropping the cooler in front of the fridge to unpack it. 
"Surprise me," Lydia grinned, taking the food from the bag and putting it on the counter.
Eddie smirked, handing her an ice cold beer. "That what you had in mind?" he teased, kicking the fridge door shut with his foot as he leaned across the counter.
"Shhhhh!" Lydia giggled, pressing her finger against his lips though she nodded in agreement. 
Eddie grinned against her fingers before licking them teasingly and cracking the beer open. "You want any?" he asked.
"Yeah... but only if you give it to me," Lydia said pointedly, wetting her lips slowly. 
Eddie glanced up at the others who were pretty distracted by the fireplace before taking a long draw from the can and pulling Lydia closer, his lips slotting with hers. 
Lydia drank from his mouth, and though the beer was cold, warmth spread through her body, stemming from where her lips met his.
“You’re welcome, you looked parched,” Eddie chuckled, drinking some more for himself.
"I feel a lot better," Blossom announced as she left the bathroom, wearing a big fluffy robe and pajama bottoms.
Robin straightened when she heard her girlfriend, grinning proudly as she dusted off her hands. “Look, we’ve got fire!” she exclaimed, gesturing to the hearth as Blossom joined them. 
“You guys are so handy,” Win laughed, pulling Billy back to the couch with her.
"You've seen nothing yet, wait until it's time to wash my car in the summer... you'll be drooling," he teased.
“I can’t wait,” Win murmured, tugging his shirt collar down to press a kiss to his collarbone. 
"My hero!” Blossom cried, throwing her arms around Robin’s neck before lowering her voice to a whisper.  “You're so hot when you do manual work.”
Robin chuckled. “The place feeling a little more welcoming now?” she asked. 
"Definitely and it's nice and warm... you know, I could fall asleep out here in your arms," Blossom pulled her down to the couch as well.
“That sounds nice,” Robin murmured, breathing in the scent of Blossom’s shampoo.
“So what do we wanna do now?” Win asked, looking around at the others.
“Once it gets dark I say we play some drinking games and share a few ghost stories,” Eddie suggested, pitching his voice low as he wiggled his fingers ominously, a grin tugging at his lips.
"Oh come on, no ghost stories, I don't like attracting that sort of thing," Lydia groaned. "It's all bullshit anyway." 
"Who's the chicken now, huh?" Billy laughed. "If you don't believe in them, there's no harm in telling a few."
“Yeah, c’mon Lyds, don’t be a buzzkill,” Win said, giving her friend a mischievous look. 
“Don’t worry, babe, I’ll keep you safe,” Eddie teased, wrapping an arm around her.
"Fine, whatever, I don't believe in ghosts," Lydia insisted, rolling her eyes. "But just for the record, you all suck." 
"Some of us more than others," Billy said, making a blowjob motion with his hand.
A laugh burst from Eddie at Billy’s innuendo and he pressed a wet kiss to Lydia’s cheek. “Got that right,” he agreed smugly. 
Lydia stuck her tongue out before going back to the kitchen to heat up their dinner. 
"Don't mind her, she doesn't like horror stories since our brother told her about something called Alice Human Sacrifice," Blossom laughed.
“Sounds spooky!” Robin said, tickling Blossom’s sides. 
“Well, I’m excited. I like being scared,” Win said, stealing Eddie’s beer can to take a drink.
"It's just a silly tale Simon made up," Blossom laughed. "Our dad is always encouraging him to write more crazy stories." 
"Who is Alice though?" Billy asked. 
"Nobody," Lydia shrugged, offering each of them a plate of lasagna. "Simon made them up."
“So, what’s the story?” Win asked, accepting the food eagerly.
"There was once a little dream, and being afraid people would stop dreaming it, it decided to bring people to itself in a sort of wonderland," Blossom began, setting the tone as she slowly glanced at her friend’s faces. "Each person lured in was an Alice,” she explained.  “The first Alice was a singer who was adored all over the land and that made him quite arrogant.  Until one day a madman shot him, making a red blood rose bloom from his head." 
"The second Alice were a pair of twins, a girl and a boy who were lured by their curiosity," Lydia continued, rolling her eyes. "But the land warped their vision and pit one against the other until they killed each other with their bare hands, never to wake from their deep slumber."
"Interesting," Win murmured, wondering if there was more or not.
"That would suck killing your twin..." Robin mumbled, chewing her lip.
"Yeah, I think killing anyone would be sorta bad, but especially your twin," Blossom ageed.
"It doesn't make much sense, but Simon is just like that..." Lydia huffed softly. "He watches too much anime." 
"Yeah, that sounds like him," Win snorted, taking another bite of lasagna.
"Who wants a drink? I say it's time we really get this party started," Eddie exclaimed, glancing out the window, noticing how dark it was growing outside.
"I'll have a beer," Billy said, raising his hand nonchalantly. 
"Me too," Lydia winked at her boyfriend. 
"Yeah, same," Blossom nodded. "Oh!  Did you guys read Tomie? It's a new horror manga that just came out in the Monthly Halloween magazine."
“Hon, I think you and Lyds are the only ones that have read that,” Robin pointed out with a grin while Eddie handed out several cans of beer.
"Ugh, people have no taste!  This guy should be famous," Blossom huffed, taking her drink to go with her dinner.
"Maybe one day," Lydia agreed, taking a sip from her own can.
“Anyone else got any scary stories?” Robin asked, looking pointedly between Billy and Eddie.
“Oh, I do,” Eddie said, his grin widening. “But first I think we need a little ambiance,” he drawled, turning off the lights, leaving only the fire to see by.
"Oh, here we go..." Lydia breathed. 
"Now it's getting good," Billy chuckled, reaching around behind Blossom and discreetly running his fingers up her back like a spider, making her scream. 
"ASSHOLE!" She cried.
"Billy!" Win chastised, giving his shoulder a shove as Robin stuck her tongue out at him, pulling Blossom into her arms to comfort while Eddie plopped down on the floor in front of the fireplace. 
"So..." he began, waiting to make sure all eyes were on him, a feral grin on his face. "It was a dark, cold night, much like this one--" he said, glancing around the room from under his long bangs. "--and a group of friends, much like us, decided to camp in the middle of the woods. They were having a fun time, everything was going well, until night fell--" he said, his voice dipping low.
"How surprising," Lydia snorted; she knew his storytelling skills were off the charts. She’d seen him as the dungeon master for his epic campaigns and she loved it. 
"What happened when it got dark?" Blossom asked.
Eddie turned his grin on Blossom, glad to see she, at least, was hooked, while Robin looked vaguely uneasy and Win was watching him intently. 
“The moon came out from behind the clouds and shone down brightly, its light filtering through the foliage to the forest floor beneath. A couple of the group decided to go get some more firewood and they ventured out further along one of the trails. Soon they came upon several dead animals,” he said, pausing for effect. “However, they could see no apparent cause of death, no blood or wounds, no sign of attack, and yet there were more than one, spread out along the trail.”
Lydia put aside her fear and skepticism and decided to enjoy the story as if it wasn't a load of wank. "That's... intriguing," she murmured, curious to know what was causing the deaths.
Eddie raised an eyebrow at her, determined to at least give her the heebie jeebies. 
“Unsettled, the couple hurried back to their campsite, telling the others what they saw, but their friends dismissed it, laughing at them for being too jumpy.” Here Eddie paused to take a drink, exhaling deeply before continuing.
“All seemed to be back to normal, the friends drinking and partying late into the night, when a twig snapped nearby and the rustling of leaves announced something approaching. The friends jumped to their feet, their hearts in their throats as their eyes swung to the sound. Moments later a deer came into the clearing and stopped, its ears perking up as it froze. The friends watched it, not wanting to startle it, when suddenly, it fell to the ground, dead. Nothing having touched it,” he exclaimed.
Lydia took Blossom's hand; now both sisters were hooked and slightly disturbed by the image formed in their minds. Billy on the other hand, saw where the story was headed and was already planning a little stunt that would for sure freak the girls out.
“Oh shit—“ Win breathed, slipping her arm around Billy’s, as she leaned into him, though her focus was all on Eddie. Eddie, however, noticed the glint in Billy’s eye and nodded to him before continuing.
“Now thoroughly spooked, several of the teens began to wonder if they should leave or find a new spot to camp, but the others argued, not wanting to pack up camp in the middle of the night. Besides, they figured the strange animal deaths were probably caused by some sickness or maybe poison they had gotten into. 
“Talked into staying, at least for the night, everyone went to sleep, crawling into their tents. The next morning, when one of the girls awoke to take a piss in the woods, she tripped over a large dark shape not far from the smoking fire pit. At first it appeared to be a pile of clothes, but upon further inspection, it was one of her friends, their body cold and eyes wide open and staring.”
"What was it? How did they die?" Lydia exclaimed, jumping slightly when she saw a shadow pass by the window.  "I saw someone! There's something out there!" she cried, pointing toward the dark window pane.
"I'm sure it's nothing," Billy huffed dismissively, winking at Eddie.
“You’re just jumping at shadows!” Robin exclaimed, though her voice wavered, rising in pitch as her eyes darted to the window.  Eddie’s grin widened and he leaned in closer to finish off the story, enjoying the way he had them in the palm of his hand. 
“As soon as the girl realized what she’d tripped over, she screamed, scrambling away from the body. But by the time the others roused from their tents, alerted by her cry, she too was already dead, not a mark on her.  
“Frightened senseless, her friends ran, fleeing into the woods, chased by an unseen attacker. And one by one, their screams too were silenced, and to this day, no one knows what happened to them, their bodies never found.” Eddie’s voice was near a whisper now and the flames behind him danced, casting eerie shadows against the walls of the cabin. 
“Now, there are some who think the mysterious deaths of the teens and the animals were caused by a toxic airborne chemical leak, but others, others say it was the work of an old hermit who lived deep in the woods, hidden away from the world, who conversed with spirits and demons. They say he could steal your soul just by touching your shadow.”
"Your shadow? That's... um, that's stupid," Lydia said, clearing her throat, but she screamed when she heard a knock on the window. 
There was no one there except for a tree branch that looked a bit like a hand. 
"Who's there?" Blossom asked, seeing another dark figure flashing past the opposite window.
"I’ll go check," Billy said, disentangling himself from Win’s grasp before getting up and slowly walking to the window. 
“Billy, wait—“ Win began, her words dying on her tongue as he peered through the glass, his eyes going wide and his mouth falling open in a silent gasp before he suddenly collapsed.
“Billy?” Win called, frozen in place on the couch, fear clutching her chest.
“Oh haha, very funny, Billy,” Robin said, her voice slightly hoarse. 
“Yeah, very funny,” Lydia agreed, though there was an edge to her voice. 
Eddie, however, jumped to his feet and hurried across the room, dropping to knees and leaning over Billy, listening.
“He’s not breathing!” he exclaimed, and Win shared a frightened look with Lydia and Blossom. 
“Eddie, watch out!” Robin exclaimed when she saw the shadow of a hand silhouetted through the window, its thin fingers reaching toward Eddie’s shadow on the floor behind him.
"Eddie!" Lydia shrieked,  jumping and tackling him, rolling with him to a darker corner. "Fuck! Stop playing, it's not funny!" 
"Stop messing around, Billy! We know you're alive!" Blossom said weakly, trying to believe it. "Wait, Robin, don't go over there, stay in the dark where there’re no shadows!"
“I’m not playing!” Eddie exclaimed, fighting back a grin as he pulled Lydia atop him. 
Robin hesitated, but Win didn’t, pressing her back to the wall and edging closer to the window to peer outside. There was definitely someone out there; she hadn’t been hallucinating the shadow of that hand. 
“Billy,” she exclaimed, dropping down to her knees and crawling beneath the windowsill to his side. He still hadn’t moved, even when she poked his stomach. “Playing dead, huh?” she grumbled under her breath. “Maybe this will revive you,” she said, leaning down to kiss him.
Billy’s lips curved beneath hers and he kissed her back.
"Call me Snow White, babe... cause your kiss just saved me," he joked, pulling her closer to kiss her again. "You totally believed it for a second!  Come on, it was a great joke!"
"You're lucky you're cute or I'd pummel you for that joke," Win exclaimed, pinching his arm before kissing him back. 
"Aww you love me," Billy chuckled, rolling atop his girlfriend. "It was just an elaborate plan to get a kiss." 
“Oh really? That’s kinda dumb seeing as I kiss you all the time,” Win huffed, though she wore a small grin, her fingers tangling in the chain of his necklace to pull him closer. 
"Happy Halloween!" Steve exclaimed, opening the window from the outside, waving with the hand-shaped branch. "Henderson! Come here! You need to see their faces!" 
"Steve? Dustin?" Blossom narrowed her eyes, fixing her glasses. "What the hell are you doing here?" 
"You arse! I fucking hate you! That was so not funny!" Lydia cried, smacking Eddie's chest with an angry huff.
"Yes it was!" Eddie cried, howling with laughter. "You should have seen your face! And you thought it was bullshit when I started," he reminded her.
"Steve!? You lied to us? You like to me?" Robin gasped, her mouth falling open. "Did you even have a date at all?" she exclaimed. 
"No, Eddie asked us to help out with his prank so we just... you know," Steve jumped into the cabin and helped Dustin inside. 
"It was bullshit! I didn't believe it for a second, I was just... pretending!" Lydia exclaimed, folding her arms over her chest. "You're not getting any tonight."
“Awww c’mon, Lyds!” Eddie exclaimed, pulling her into his lap and kissing her neck. “I could protect you from the monsters,” he murmured.
“We’re gunna get you back for this, you know that right?” Robin said, throwing Steve a level look.
"Yeah, we expected that would happen," Dustin chuckled, his eyes crinkling with amusement. 
"You're all so done," Blossom warned while Lydia turned her head with a little humpf, though she didn't push Eddie away. 
"You'll need to spoil me a lot tonight,” she muttered.
“Oh trust me, I have some things up my sleeve,” Eddie purred, kissing his way up Lydia’s jaw.
“Yeah, don’t even think about talking to us!” Robin exclaimed, though she wore a goofy grin, pulling Blossom into her arms to comfort her. 
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⇾ taglist. @elliethesuperfruitlover @b1tchygh0sts @heartbreak-sandwich @vampyreddiemunson @everybodylovessteve
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borathae · 2 months
Chapter 7
are we about to see his art collection or his "art collection" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
sneaking around is fun keke no wonder she is all excited and giddy haha cutie pie
Stop laughing”, Taehyung warns quietly, looking over his shoulder. He carries fondness in his eyes and a mischievous grin on his lips. stop IM GONE IM SIMPING IM A PUDDLE
NO UR A MENACE FUCKER DECIDES TO TICKLE ME TO STOP MAKINGME LAUGH NOPE watch my ass fall down the stairs and wake the whole house up
“You’re beyond adorable."
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I told my familiar to light the candles your WHAT????
Taehyung is thinking into the future. THATS I WHAT THOUGHT TOO YIPPEEE
other than the rest of the house - which reminds you more of a museum than a home - his wing looks like a home. Bear in mind it was still a very impressive - and royal - home, but it gave you a homely feeling with its burgundy red walls and hardworking radiators. ooh red walls, they feel cozy/warm and very royal vibes
He is already wearing fur slippers HOW DID HE DO THAT dudes faster than flash
Why ruin your home with the dirt of outside? FR 💯
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They are matching with his UWU, im imagining cat slippers its too funny
You have the prettiest of ankles, my sweetest me to hobi and kook
ALSO HOW MANY ANKLES DID U SEE MY MAN (ik he saw a lot considering he is ancient lol)
Tall windows let in the moonlight from the left, illuminating the paintings on his walls that sounds extra cozy, i want to put a fluffy blanket on my shoulders
“Doesn’t he? It’s the reason why I purchased it”, he says excitedly. 👀 u sure about that?? 👀 did he get kneller to paint it for him 👀👀you sure that this isn’t like your great great great grandfather BABY CONNECT THE DOTS
come now I want to show you something else. HE CHANGED THE SUBJECT
Oh no”, you chuckle, “he just likes to show off.” still cool cousin kudos to him
“Three years? Holy cow and I can’t even work on an essay for twenty minutes without feeling the need to procrastinate.” WOW TAEHYUNG DAMN THATS SICK also u didnt need to call me out like that i-
Delicate roses climb up a marble pillar thats amazing i love murals
"A very long time." edward cullen who
Shall I show you something else too?” he asks quietly. aww my cute lil pookie go ahead why so nervous, smooches the fuck out of nervousness😭
the description of him playing violin gave me goosebumps and its 33C here. why am i slightly teared up
Gosh you own so many cool things.” ik he is soo cool, he can totally murder me on the stairs
Do you have your secret stack of drugs up there?” you joke, dont what if he is a mafia boss???? also he is about to throw you off the top 😭 yeet
Okay yep, holy cow. This is better than drugs FR OCTAGON SHAPED ROOM ARE THE BEST, my uncle's living room is like that and its amazing to play "find the object with hints" type games
if I could marry one room it would be this one TAE MOVE SHE IS MINE WE ARE MEANT TO BE MARRIED wait tae dont move, we can be a throuple
people were right, namjoon copied love yourself album FROM SIR KIM TAE-ITH HYUNGWILL THE THIRD, love thyself
His skin is glowing silver again, like water when it reflects the moon at night or snow when the sunlight hits it just right. singularity performances *shudders
You are the only person who knows this room exists.” SAY WHAT *faints
Why did you paint the stars?” THAT TOO FOR 3 YEARS AND HE THOUGHT OF IT AS HELL, his therapist will need a therapist
NAUR THE ICE CREAM NO SHE JUST TOLD U NOT TO hes such a cute lil shit i cant
oh the trying to be invisible, i do that too, i keep doing that for half of an academic year, and all that time i just vibecheck everyone and the other half, i slowly come out of the shell (not much tho lol) that way i dont miss anyone or does anyone miss me and they cant hurt me too
this chapter was so cute, fluffy and cozy and they both speaking more about themselves aah its sooo good. and i loved his home/wing. the description of the place was just great i could feel the bed and the stars
byee 💜💜❤️❤️
This ask was a ghost ask on my computer 😶 like I saw that you sent me an ask in my notifs and I could open it on mobile, but it was non existant on my laptop HFHADHSF help
sneaking around is fun keke no wonder she is all excited and giddy haha cutie pie
no but they're so cute no joke 🥺
I told my familiar to light the candles your WHAT????
he's just a rich lil spoiled vampire
Taehyung is thinking into the future. THATS I WHAT THOUGHT TOO YIPPEEE
other than the rest of the house - which reminds you more of a museum than a home - his wing looks like a home. Bear in mind it was still a very impressive - and royal - home, but it gave you a homely feeling with its burgundy red walls and hardworking radiators. ooh red walls, they feel cozy/warm and very royal vibes
I agree YES 🥺
he is so fucking HOT
You have the prettiest of ankles, my sweetest me to hobi and kook
I'm obsessed with their ankles 😶 it's the Dom in me 😶
ALSO HOW MANY ANKLES DID U SEE MY MAN (ik he saw a lot considering he is ancient lol)
imagine all the ankles he had resting on his shoulders 😶
Delicate roses climb up a marble pillar thats amazing i love murals
NO BUT ME TOO 😭 I wanna paint a forest mural on my bedroom wall, but I'm too scared to mess up
Shall I show you something else too?” he asks quietly. aww my cute lil pookie go ahead why so nervous, smooches the fuck out of nervousness😭
he's just a lil pookie <3
Okay yep, holy cow. This is better than drugs FR OCTAGON SHAPED ROOM ARE THE BEST, my uncle's living room is like that and its amazing to play "find the object with hints" type games
ooh nice I love this vibe <3
Why did you paint the stars?” THAT TOO FOR 3 YEARS AND HE THOUGHT OF IT AS HELL, his therapist will need a therapist
he does not a Therapist I can tell you that much HAHAHHAAH
oh the trying to be invisible, i do that too, i keep doing that for half of an academic year, and all that time i just vibecheck everyone and the other half, i slowly come out of the shell (not much tho lol) that way i dont miss anyone or does anyone miss me and they cant hurt me too
That was me too when I was younger, but we're allowed to take up space on this earth. That's our right too, remember that my love 💜
this chapter was so cute, fluffy and cozy and they both speaking more about themselves aah its sooo good. and i loved his home/wing. the description of the place was just great i could feel the bed and the stars
I'm so happy that you loved it so much seriously heheh 💜💜
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paletidalwavelover · 11 months
Jily Fanfic Recommendations
Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of fanfics!
Listed below are the jily fanfics that I absolutely adore so if you haven't read these yet just know that you are missing out on all the fun.
I've revisited these fics more times than I can count over the past year . And no matter how many times I read they never fail to bring a tear to my eye during the sad parts and make me laugh uncontrollably during the funny. I hope you like these fanfics as much as I do.
• The Season by missgryffin
Rating : 4.5/5
Bridgerton inspired AU: James Potter, Duke of Peverell, has returned to London just in time for the season, where Miss Lily Evans is about to make her debut. Only, he’s not looking for a wife, and she’s not particularly interested in a husband.
One of the members of my holy trinity. i cannot praise this one enough. If you're a Bridgerton fan, this one is definitely for you. Amazing chemistry, well written characters and an intriguing plot. This fanfic has it all.
• Ruin by baguette2016
Rating : 4/5
AU: After losing her best friend in combat, Auror Lily Everett returns to Hogwarts for a break from the battlefield. She soon discovers that she's signed up for a year alongside her ex-fiancé who is rather determined to make sure the past does not rest easy.
If you like evil James trust me, this is the one. Never have I ever wanted to punch a character in the face so badly. He took evil to a whole new level. But regardless of that this fanfic was a great read and had me hooked. I stayed up past one in the morning just to finish it and I wasn't disappointed.
• And the Wolves All Cry by monroeslittle
Rating : 4/5
AU. if a certain person doesn't hear a prophecy, does it still come true?
An awesome dark AU. It made me cry
• Jump (For My Love) by Ritaskeeterd
Rating: 5/5
When you are the Prince of England, the last thing one might expect is to be jumped from behind by the most beautiful woman one has ever seen, who - in turn - seems to have no clue at all and mistakes one for someone else. Surely, Prince James has the right to be disproportionately upset about this. The question is; does he need to?
aaah!! This one is definitely my ✨favorite✨ one. It's so sweet and cute and fluffy! I have no other words for you, just go read it already!
• Love in a hopeless place by starrylaa
Rating: 4.5/5
Having been hiding out in the middle of nowhere to escape Voldemort's tyranny, Lily is captured by patrollers and then offered as a prize to Voldemort's followers. James claims her as his own, in the process altering the course of both their lives AU.
• Bought by scriibblehere
Rating: 5/5
"I've given this this a lot of thought," he says, "And I want to buy you."
If you haven't read this yet, what are you doing !? Unfortunately it's incomplete but don't let that stop you from reading this. Bought is the sort of fanfic that keeps you up all day and night.
• All the young dudes by MsKingBean89
LONG fic charting the marauders' time at Hogwarts (and beyond) from Remus' PoV - diversion from canon in that Remus's father died and he was raised in a children's home, and is a bit rough around the edges. Otherwise canon-compliant.1971 - 1995This IS a wolfstar fic, but incredibly slow burn. Literally years. Long build up but worth it I promise!
Its a great story but you need to have an enormous amount of patience for this
• properly improper by lizardcookie
Rating: 4/5
“Marry me,” Mr. Potter repeats, closing the distance between them by striding back up towards the sofa, only to stop and crouch to one knee right there at her feet, looking up at her. Burning. “Pick me,” he elaborates. “Pick me, choose me, love me instead.”(arranged marriage, regency au)
• Good Enough by lizardcookie
Lily Evans and James Potter go toe-to-toe, solving their issues the old fashioned way- through a duel. Lily Evans doesn't know what she wants but James Potter just wants to be good enough. One-shot
• Deception and Disguise by ClaudiaWrites
Rating: 4.5/5
In order to escape from her uncle, King Riddle, Princess Lily Catherine Evans flees from the royal palace. What happens when she makes acquaintances with the Marauders, the famous gang of bandits known throughout the kingdom? Will she be able to overcome her qualms and trust them with her true identity, or will it be too late?
• Crossroads by Emmyjean
Rating: 5/5
In her seventh and final year at Hogwarts, Lily Evans finds herself facing a tragedy that leaves her life in pieces. She ultimately finds great strength both within herself and those she never would have expected
I just started reading this and it is AWESOME. This is the first fic I read in which I actually enjoy their arguments. Usually in all the fics I read their argument consist of how he is an arrogant toerag and whatnot which is why I found this one refreshing. Would 100% recommend. Edit- just completed this fic and I was literally sobbing for five minutes straight. The last chap is so heartbreaking yet so beautiful. I've never ever felt this before.
And finally at long last I have completed my list. I will of course be updating it as I read and discover new fics. I hope you all enjoy these fanfics as much as I do!
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mochiwrites · 2 years
Hello, hi, I have just finished reading "i see the wolves at bay coming after me" and I have some Thoughts.
First of all: I love sea fruits Mumbo already?? He's trying his best and doing such a bad job <3 Running late, completely missing the fact he is being flirted with by the man he has been tasked to capture. Love that for him. But actually getting that little intro from his POV really enriched the rest of the story. And we get so many little hints at his backstory. I am very excited to see more of him!
So I had somehow managed to miss that this was a steampunk au until I started reading, so I got so excited when it was revealed in-text. Aaah I'm so excited to see how else it's going to be used (perhaps something to do with those cool abilities you mentioned Mumbo having in your response to Stitch's ask? 👀)
The introduction of the crew was amazing! So well written, and I loved how every character got to shine at least a little bit. You can really tell they've lived and worked together for a while, they were clearly very comfortable together. The whole beer thing made me laugh, even more so the payoff with Grian/Ren running away with the cups of rum. It worked so well within the scene.
The little Grian and Iskall moment with the eye contact? Hello? Waaah I am having an emotion. It's not a ship I've read a whole lot of fic for but I am already 100% on board with how you are writing them ❤️
Your characterisation of Grian is so good. The cockiness, the fondness for his friends, and the intensity of how much he loves to do the things he does. His personality and his voice are just so on point! And I loved him flirting with Mumbo, it was great! I loved every bit of it. And the line "Shame, we lost a real nice looking one to the blue jackets" is just.. ajkahdkjsahkjdsa. I have been spinning it in my head all day.
I was already very interested in Sea Fruits AU before this fic, and now I am hooked. Have subscribed and am very excited for more!
I LOVE SEA FRUITS MUMBO SM..... my biggest gripe with writing mumbo in Any au is making him seem cool(ish) while keeping him in character. so while he may be a lieutenant in the marines, he is going to be the Soppiest Man you will Ever see. I'm already developing a lot of things with stellar and mojo for mumbo's full backstory and I'm loving what we've got so far :D I'm excited to write more of him!
I'm really excited about the steampunk aspect of the au!!! steampunk has always been something I've wanted to play around with in a fic, so I'm looking forward to the chance to do that with this au
I LOVE THE CREW SO MUCH MAN :((( I wanted to give them all a chance to have their personality shine through. the beer bit is one of my absolute favorite bit of the fic, the ren moment and all <333
grian and iskall my LOVES... you've found my special ability: making you feel Emotions for ships you aren't fully familiar with >:3 welcome to my griskall propaganda
but WAHHHHHH TY :((( grian is so much fun to write here (I mean he always is, but this is like enjoyment to the Max). he's so cocky and confident and that really shines through in the way he interacts with his opponents and how he carries himself. him flirting with mumbo was so enjoyable to write, and the line at the end... I love it all so much. my ultimate goal with this au is to have grian flirt with mumbo at Any Possible Opportunity :3
but thank you for reading!!!! :D I'm so happy I've finally been able to write something for it, and I'm brain rotting so bad about it. I've been planning things all day <3
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britishassistant · 2 years
@emyluwinter submitted: I really missed you! You are one of those authors whose works made my anxiety subside and breathe easy. It's fun to laugh and pity poor Reporter Yuu. Ахах.
I hope you will feel better soon and your health will be stronger!!
I hug you tight!!!
Aaah, thank you so much Emy!! This really means a lot to me!! I’m on the mend now, and hopefully I’ll be able to post a lot more soon!!
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leopardmask-ao3 · 2 years
NHH 2022 Day 25: In the Between
Link to the challenge Today’s Word is: Dragon Characters: Gem, Pearl Season: HC8/just before, tangentially also Empires 1 Other tags/warnings: ender dragon Pearl, satyr/fae creature Gem, Gem knows a little magic, the Void is basically outer space Word Count: 738
Summary: Entering a new world is sometimes a challenging prospect - especially if one has a schedule to keep elsewhere. Fortunately, Gem won't be traveling alone.
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Gem lay on her back, watching the stars above her. One arm was behind her head; the other kept a secure hold so she wouldn't fall.
There were stars below her, too, both the real ones that were all around, and an imitation of the sky in glittering scales. The surface under her shifted up and down as great black wings flapped slowly.
Gem moved the hand that was under her head to touch a charm at her neck, renewing the small volume of air she was carrying with her as she traveled through the Void between worlds.
Her ride rumbled at her. "You doing alright back there?"
"All good, thanks, Pearl." Not for the first time, Gem was glad that she had known Pearl long enough to learn to understand Pearl's draconic grumbles and growls. This journey would have been much less fun without somebody to talk to.
Teleportation in would have been the easy solution. But this was a private world they had never visited before, so someone else would have had to do it first to get them there, and Gem and Pearl were just coming from a prior engagement that they didn't want to get cut short by a sudden disappearance. So, since the Void was practically Pearl's native habitat and she had no trouble flying in it, they decided to take the long way.
"What were we thinking, accepting two invitations to private worlds with opening days so close?" Gem sighed lightheartedly. It wasn't like she minded all that much. Once they were settled in both, they'd be able to travel between both at will.
"Well, I had my own reasons to keep busy," Pearl growled. "I dunno what you were thinking though."
Gem laughed. "Okay, okay. Do you know how close we are yet?"
"Close enough to get there on time."
"Good enough for me."
Gem had been napping when she was awoken by blowing wind across her face. "Are we there yet?" she mumbled.
"Almost!" Pearl's enthusiastic roar carried even better in the proper atmosphere of a world.
Gem uncurled herself from the spine scale she had tucked herself against. She climbed forward and wrapped her arms around Pearl's neck for better purchase against the moving air.
"Is that where we're landing?" Gem asked about the landmass below.
"That looks about right, yeah."
Pearl descended in figure-eights, Gem clinging on right, until finally-
"Pearl, the ground is getting awfully close- aaah!"
Before Gem could finish her sentence, the sturdy shape she had been clinging to vanished, leaving Gem flailing. She grabbed at Pearl again, who was now in her humanoid form, and the two of them toppled to the ground.
"Ow," Pearl commented.
Gem took her time in rolling off of Pearl and sitting up. "Pearl!" she scolded. "What was that??"
Pearl tried to get up, but settled for propping herself up on her elbows. "Um... I missed the ground?"
"You missed. The ground."
"I couldn't exactly feel when I reached it!" Pearl protested. "It'd be like you walking from air into... I don't know, smoke or something. Feet-first. So maybe, when I realized my head was at beach level, I panicked a bit..."
"And so now we're in a hole that you made."
"And now we're in a hole," Pearl agreed. "That I may have dug." She tried to push herself up again. "Gem, you're sitting on my wing."
"Oh, sorry." Gem carefully placed her hooves on stone and stood up, releasing Pearl to stand as well.
Pearl looked up and out. With Pearl in human form, the scoop out of the ground was at least as tall as either one of them. "At least there wasn't anything built here yet," Pearl said. "I think we arrived a little early!"
Just then, the murmur of conversation reached them. Gem and Pearl looked at each other excitedly. More and more voices joined in.
And then, they were looking over the rim of the pit. Face after face, popping into view, until no fewer than twenty-four people ringed the newcomers.
Gem's ears flicked a little at the attention, but her nervousness didn't last long. These were the friends they had come here to see.
Xisuma knelt and reached down to help Gem climb out, while Grian did the same for Pearl. "Hello hello, you two. Looks like you made it right on time! Everyone, please welcome GeminiTay and Pearlescentmoon to Hermitcraft!"
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ellemany · 2 years
Cat Lovers
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Tokyo is a big place. There's a lot to do there and each agent wanted to do something different. From riding a bullet train to participating in Fashion Week. Fade already knew what she wanted to do since they said they were going to spend a weekend in Japan. But she didn’t expect that her path would cross with a certain agent with a blue fringe.
Words: +2200
Available on Wattpad in Portuguese
Available on Ao3
 - Oh, save it.
 That's what Fade said before shooting that clone in the head.
 Fade became suspicious of the placement of the last attacker alive as she entered the spike's point. No one was so stupid to leave the super weapon unprotected to be easily disarmed. The Turkish agent sacrificed the glory of disarming the spike to hunt down the hunter. And it was a far more pleasurable sensation than it should be killing him mid-sentence.
 She twirled the gun on her finger, returning to the point. Yoru disarmed the spike, while Sage resurrected Raze, with Astra next to her.
 - Ah…- Raze sighed, stretching. - What’d I miss? - She gave a charming smile, looking at the other two.
 - Everything, practically. - Astra shrugged.
 - So, it's over? Raze turned to Sage, eyes gleaming.
 Sage sighed, as if she was relieved. She smiled, nodding.
 - It’s over.
 - AEEEEEEEEE! VACATIONS!!! - Raze jumped on Sage and Astra, swinging them.
 - We're only taking two days off. - Yoru grumbled, finishing to disarm the spike.
 - It's more than nothing! - She smiled, pulling them both with her. - Let's go to karaoke! On Tokyo Tourer! Toer! Tower! Ouh ouh ouh I want some pokemon plushies! YORU! - The Japanese trembled when he heard his name, picking up the spike from the ground. - TAKE ME TO A SUSHI BAR!
 - You wish. - He grumbled, walking towards their base, right past by the girls. - Tourists. - He said in a bad mood.
 Sage rolled her eyes with a smile, letting Raze take her.
 - Just use your phone Raze...
 - Oh yeah! Oooh Astra, didn't you mention a club?
 - Yessss! - Astra gave an excited smile. - Ah chale, now you're speaking my language.
 - FADE! - Raze yelled out of nowhere, turning to Fade, pulling Astra and Sage with her. - You're going with us, right? It's going to be sooooooo fun!
 Fade gave Raze a smile, infected by her excitement.
 - I have plans for the afternoon. - She shrugged, putting her hands in her jacket pockets.
 - Nooooo! - Raze whimpered and held Astra's face, pinching her cheeks. - It'll make Astra cry!
 Astra pouted, eyeing Fade. The Turkish agent rolled her eyes, giving a slight smile.
 - But I accept the club later.
 - EEEEEE! - Raze jumped up and turned around again, pulling Sage and Astra with her. - YORU!
 - Holy shit... - Yoru threw his head back, already tired.
 - You'll kill me. - Sage grumbled, trying to free herself from Raze.
 - No worries. - She hugged Sage tighter. - COME WITH US IN THE CLUB! LET'S GO!
 - No. - He kept walking, not even looking back. 
 - Oxi omi. - Raze grimaced and dropped the two, running to Yoru. Sage let out the air, taking a deep breath. - What do you have to do that 's better than being with us? - She started walking backwards, in front of him. 
 - It doesn't matter. - He spoke through gritted teeth, trying to dodge Raze.
 - Aaah c’mon! - The Brazilian whimpered. - Everyone goes! Please! It will be so much fun!
 - I already told you I don't want to! - He snorted, passing by Raze at once.
 Raze whimpered more, making mention to go after Yoru, but Sage grabbed her shoulder, giving her a slight smile.
 - Let him go.
 Raze looked at Sage and then looked at Yoru, sniffling.
 - I wanted everyone together… - She shook her head.
 - I know. - Sage nodded.
 - Let's go chale! - Astra hugged Raze, excitedly. - Party on!
 The three walked away, laughing and talking about what they were going to do.
 Fade, with her characteristic cat eyes, watched everything in silence, following her own way.
 Tokyo is a big place. There's a lot to do there and each agent wanted to do something different. From riding a bullet train to participating in Fashion Week.
 Fade already knew what she wanted to do since they said they were going to spend a weekend in Japan. She carefully researched the place and followed the route traced by the navigation app until she reached her destination. It had an understated facade and looked bigger on the inside. Fade had a burst of joy as she entered the small building.
 A Neko Cafe, with decor and everything.
 The walls were painted in pastel colors, divided between the cat and food areas. Fade did research that would make the FBI jealous about the entire history of the place and CIA agents should learn from her interrogation with the Cafe receptionist about how they treated felines. When she was satisfied, she allowed herself a look at the cats' menu.
 And that was enough for her to melt all of her bounty hunter facets.
 Fade ordered a coffee before entering the cat area, studying the kittens as if she were planning to kidnap each one for herself. She watched the cats from where she was. An elegant Maine Coon strutted around one of the cat toys, enjoying the attention it received from a few fascinated children. A British Shorthair was lying on a bed, allowing a woman to stroke its soft fur. A small Munchkin was struggling to follow a man who was going to drink his coffee with its short legs. Many other stray kittens were at the Cafe.
 Yep. Fade was going to kidnap one of them.
 She watched a cat with eyes as blue as the sky and fur as black as the night moving. He walked slowly, a little tired. Fade guessed he was at least 20 years old. She wanted to take care of that old cat.
 But he walked over to a man sitting in the lotus position against a wall, snuggling into his lap. The man, wearing a hooded Jojo sweatshirt, began to caress the cat with the back of his hand, using circular moves. It was a peculiar movement, as if it were an old habit between them. Fade guessed that those two had known each other for a long time and she thought that was adorable. She kept trying to see the man's face, half hidden by the hood. His thin lips moved as if he were talking to the cat and his down hair had a blue fringe…
 Fade frowned. It wasn't possible...
 The man let out a sigh and leaned his head against the wall, eyes closed. Fade's jaw dropped.
 - Yoru? - She whispered.
 Sora was a great listener. Ryo could always tell him everything, really blurt out. And that was the closest therapy he would ever get.
 - Don't get me wrong… - Ryo could feel the blue eyes on him, staring at him without judgment. - I like the… idea of ​​what we do there… But… Ugh I just wanted answers… - He swallowed, lowering his gaze. Sora's head was resting on Ryo's thigh, with his feline face turned towards him. - And I only got more questions… This is getting more and more difficult.
 Sora stretched out on Ryo's lap, letting out a tired meow.
 - I know. It's too tiring... - He shook his head, going back to stroking Sora's back the way he liked. - But I have to do this...
 - I agree.
 Ryo froze, immediately recognizing the voice coming from above him. It populated the nightmares he had when he was awake and was the newest reason for his insomnia.
 - It's not easy to deal with what we must deal with. - She continued and Ryo felt her footsteps around him, soft and silent, stopping in front of him. - But places like this help a lot. It seems to take that weight off our shoulders. - He saw her sneakers first, right before she sat on the floor, hugging her knees.
 The Japanese man swallowed, looking up at Fade. She looked around curiously, as if she felt comfortable there and wanted to find out more about the place.
 - It's nice to see the sunlight. And the energy here is much lighter than the energy at the base. Fear infests that place. - The Turkish agent turned to the other, swaying a little. - Here and now, I only feel fear coming from you. - She tilted her head theatrically, blinking as if confused. - Why are you afraid, Ryo?
 Ryo moistened his lips, not taking his eyes off her. He moved his hands carefully, as if fearing her next actions, clenching his fists on his knees. Sora sat between his legs, facing Fade as well. He knew well when there was an intruder in his territory. 
 - What do you want? - He asked low, defensively.
 - Me? - She made an innocent face, blinking. - I just came to appreciate kittens. Just like you. - She smiled sweetly, looking down at Sora. Ryo gritted his teeth and Sora meowed. - They have a file for each of them, with lots of useful information. I found it extremely helpful. I should adopt a similar method. - Fade smiled and extended her hand towards Sora, carefully. The cat bristled, as if ready to pounce. Fade noticed the movement, stepping away respectfully. - He doesn't like me…- She pouted.
 - We don't like you. - Ryo snorted.
 Fade turned to Ryo, gripping her heels. She put her chin on her knees, watching him intently, like a curious cat.
 - You know each other well... He was accepted at the Cafe on the same day you were registered. Maybe you two share birthdays. - She looked at the two, giving a slight smile. - Sora... Sky... Yeah. It matches with the Night.
 Sora meowed, looking at Fade as if he planned to rip her neck off. Ryo, with his hands close to his boots where he hid a knife, was thinking the same.
 Fade blinked a few times and straightened her legs, sitting in the lotus position in front of him.
 - I didn't come to disturb your safe place, Yoru. It wasn't intentional for me to end up at the same Neko Cafe as you. I won't be in the way anymore. - She tilted her head to the side, giving a slight smile. - But I'm glad to meet another cat lover.
 Ryo looked her up and down, still tense. She represented danger and all his instincts told him to attack or flee. He stood in the same spot, as if waiting for her to make some offensive move. She looked to the side, with a white cub passing by her. Fade held out her hand, catching the kitten's attention. He sniffed at Fade's hand and licked it, allowing her to pick him up and caress him. Ryo and Sora exchanged glances, having an internal conversation that only those who had known each other since their cradle could have.
 - I'm not a cat lover. - He spoke finally, incisive. Which wasn't a complete lie. He would hate to have to worry about a cat in his apartment. Sandboxes repulsed him. - Sora is my friend. That’s it. - Ryo's ears got hot from the words spoken out loud. Heavens, that was ridiculous. But it was true. So much so that the cat meowed in agreement.
 Fade nodded, letting the kitten play with her coat.
 - You are good friends.
 And how they were.
 Ryo remembered the birthdays he spent playing with Sora at that Cafe. He remembered the few people he'd taken to meet the cat, as if he needed their approval to have a relationship with them. Sora never liked anyone and the two had great fights over it. Ryo always ended up getting all scratched up in these fights and soon he was the first to apologize. Ryo stole a master key from that Cafe because he knew that, at some point, he would be so distressed that he would have to go there to cry into the soft black fur in the middle of the night. Sora was the kind of grumpy cat who would never deny Ryo's hug.
 If Ryo had a friend, it was definitely that crabby old cat.
 - Yes. - He finally spoke, shrugging his shoulders.
 Fade nodded, grinning.
 - 300 credits.
 - What? - Ryo raised an eyebrow, not understanding what she was saying.
 - 300 credits and I don't post the pictures I took of you with Sora. - She rested her cheek on her hand, caressing the kitten in her lap. - And you'll start treating Raze better.
 - What?? - Ryo repeated, with indignation. Sora's pupils narrowed. - I thought you wouldn't get in the way!?
 - I will not. - Fade nodded. - As long as you pay me 300 credits and treat Raze well. - The Turkish agent narrowed her eyes on the two. Even as she looked at them, she didn't know if the growl she'd heard was coming from Ryo or Sora. - The girl is kind to everyone. You have no reason to be rude to her.
 - She's loud and...
 - 350.
 - Fade??
 - 400.
 Ryo stopped talking, dumbfounded.
 Fade gave one more smile. Ryo might be friends with Sora, but the man was still embarrassed to admit that he regularly went to a cute Neko Cafe. Shame was a funny feeling. It was the feeling of humiliation generated by an inhibition created, several times, by the own person. Shame could easily be used to manipulate someone.
 It was called blackmail, and Fade has some pride in being an expert at it.
 - No one else will know about your secret place, Yoru. - Fade smiled gently, letting the kitten climb her arm. - Seems like a small price to pay.
 Ryo pressed his lips together, glaring at her. For a moment, Fade thought he wasn't going to fall for that one. If Ryo used his head a little, he'd realize that no one but him would care if he liked kittens. 
 - Right. - He spoke through gritted teeth.
 Fade beamed, catching the kitten before he fell.
 - Good choice! - Fade held the kitten in front of her, rocking him slightly. - Isn't it, cutie? - She made her voice thinner to speak to the kitten, in a jovial aspect.
 Ryo and Sora looked at the woman with disdain. They definitely didn't like her.
Thx for reading (๑ > ᴗ < ๑)
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ase-trollplays · 3 months
11. Smile - Florah
Florah and Cacoph (for once wearing his psionic dampener instead of taping his mouth) sat next to each other with a bowl of popcorn on the latter's living room couch watching the end credits of the second in a four-part action movie series. Movie marathons were a favorite of hers when Karima was still alive, and she mentioned missing them now that she's gone. She didn't expect Cacoph to spontaneously invite her to his hive to binge his favorite action series. It was cheesy and ridiculous and stupid with the most convoluted plots, but that's what made them so much fun to watch!
At least, Cacoph was having fun. By the time the credits finished rolling, Florah looked like she was ready to cry despite having fun during both movies. Cacoph frowned and set the half-empty popcorn bowl on the coffee table and nudged Florah to look over at him.
"What's wrong?" he signed. Florah sighed and reached down to pat Feriya, who was laying at their feet.
"I... I miss Karima. I thought having a movie night like old times would be fun, but instead it's just a reminder she's not around anymore," she explained sadly. If Cacoph's ears could droop, they would be hanging abysmally low much like Florah's own.
"We can take a break. I need to get something to drink," Cacoph said, though he couldn't bring himself to actually get up and leave the room with Florah looking so down. After a few moments, Florah looked over at him in slight confusion.
"Did you change your mind about getting a drink?" she asked, though she raised an eyebrow curiously when she noticed a mischievous gleam in his eyes. "... What's that look?"
"I want to see you smile," Cacoph signed with a playful flair. Still confused, Florah attempted a smile. However, it was so clearly forced and jarring that it caused Cacoph to flinch. He waved his hands in front of him in a "Stop, stop, stop" gesture, and Florah sank even deeper into the couch.
"Sorry... I guess I'm just not in the mood to smile," Florah apologized and flicked his ears. He turned his gaze to Feriya, who lifted her head up attentively. However, she wasn't looking at her. Florah followed her gaze to Cacoph, who not only had the same mischievous glint in his eyes as earlier, but now had both hands raised as if preparing to strike. "Uh... Cacoph? What the fuck?"
"I know one way to make you smile," he signed with a grin so wide under Florah backed away a little and looked visibly creeped out. The yellow blood raised his hands once more, now wiggling his fingers, and Florah backed up until her back was against the arm of the couch.
"Cacoph wha-- aaAH!?" she started only to be immediately cut off by a surprised shriek when Cacoph dove at her. In seconds, Florah found herself squirming and laughing and trying to shove her best friend off her as he tickled her sides. Feriya, now sitting at attention, looked back and forth between the two trolls as if debating whether or not to intervene.
"Stop, stop! Okay! I'm smiling! I'm smiling!" Florah pleaded between frantic laughs and breathy guffaws. Feriya began to bark at him and bite and pull at his shirt hem to try and pull him off her master. Cacoph continued for a few more seconds before acquiescing and sliding off Florah so she could catch her breath. Feriya pawed at her and nudged her with her nose to make sure she was okay, and Florah gave her a few pats on her head.
"Much better! I knew you could do it!" Cacoph signed followed by a snicker. Florah, still catching her breath, tiredly flipped him off. He simply chuckled at her and vacated the couch to finally get his drink.
"I swear to god... I'm going to get you for that..." Florah threatened weakly at the air but hopefully loud enough that Cacoph could hear her from the kitchen. She would have her revenge, but right now it was time to pet her dog with a genuine smile on her face.
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popponn · 9 months
sweet, icy stuffs.
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summary: it's ice cream date, simply.
notes: i went out to some new places today and it was fun. and i kinda miss writing short & quick stuffs for a bit. i wanna put the underlashes bros here but the tone would change, so probably someday. on a more mellow set. warning: none, just fluff and ice cream date with isagi and nagi. my nagi phase kinda shows. as usual, don't think of anything too much. reader's gender unspecified.
character: nagi, isagi.
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nagi seishiro
“Aaaah…” Seishiro casually opened his mouth while not moving his eyes away from his phone.
At this point, you only stared at him a pair of bored unamused eyes even as you spoon fed him another spoonful of white ice cream. “You know we can just get a tube ordered and do this at home right?”
Hearing that, Seishiro’s eyes finally spared a second away from his screen—to look up at the ceiling, thinking. He hummed, then said, “But you said you wanna go out?”
You made a face similar to a disappointed pigeon feeder whenever the bread they spread ended up getting eaten by some deranged ducks instead of the pigeons. “…you know what, I’m not even going to argue with that.”
“Cool,” Seishiro commented, fully focused on not breaking his combo. “Oh, I think I should tell you something.”
“Hm? What is it?”
“Uh…ah. My combo…”
“Wait a sec—I forgot. What was it… ungh…”
“…are you for real?” you sent a silent look of exasperation and fondness at that. Thinking that it was probably due to his recent 16 hours jetlag, you finally took your first bite from the treat Seishiro bought “for” you.
Immediately, your first reaction was trying not to gag like a chocking rat.
“…Sei…?” you uttered out, after five seconds of your whole live flashing beyond your eyes. In horror, you looked at the cup filled with three new flavors of ‘Mystery Monochrome’ campaign. The white, grey, and black in said cup suddenly felt so ominous. “…what flavor were this again…?”
“Oh, right,” Seishiro said dully. “I don’t think those ice cream were your taste—don’t eat them.”
“…you had been enjoying these…?” you eyed him with eyes full of both confusion and admiration.
Seishiro shrugged, “Kind of? It’s not that good or bad, but it’s definitely not your taste. I will just buy you another thing later.”
Yet, again you tried not to sigh—fond, amused, touched, and a bit baffled in a way. “…why don’t you say so since the start?”
“It’s troublesome. And I forgot,” Seishiro answered easily. Then, with a mouth wide open, he asked for another spoon, “Anyway, aaah…”
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isagi yoichi
“Are you sure you don’t want some?” you asked Yoichi for the nth time, with almost half of the ice cream gone.
Yoichi blinked as if you just took him away from whatever trance he was in. Then, still smiling, he smiled wider, “Yeah, really. I mean, you are the one who was craving for it.”
“Still,” you stared at him with a spoon hanging from your mouth, “for you to just watch while I just eat is just…”
Yoichi let out an easy laugh. His cheek still leaned on his palm, with the full weight of his soft gaze still on you, “Just think it like... I got full just by looking at you, I guess? And I just drank and ate a lot for lunch—I’m good.”
You tried not to show anything but scoff at his answer, all while continuing to eat through your treat, “…what’s with that answer…”
“…uh?” Yoichi asked back wordlessly, genuinely confused.
“Nothing,” you brushed him off, before taking a spoonful filled with bits of every flavor from your cup and pushing it to your boyfriend’s face. “Still—here. Just a bit. I insist. I have known you long enough to know you often act happy like a child over sweets.”
“Hey, I’m not that bad!” Yoichi lightly bumped his knee with yours. Yet, despite his protest, he still leaned over and took your offer. Then, within a blink of an eye, you saw his face lightened up—like a boy who tasted his favorite sweet for the first time, “Oh—it’s good!”
If it was cute, at least you didn’t say that to his face immediately.
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