#it was not an easy task to be kind to me whenever I am being a dick. in fact I know it was very difficult. and they chose to do so anyway.
slices-of-naranja · 2 months
I think sometimes people think it is naive or dishonest or childish when someone chooses to be kind and optimistic. but truthfully it is very hard work to be kind sometimes. but if there is no kindness then really what is the point of it all
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callsignmercy · 2 years
No fear - Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky.
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Prompt: Tom Kazansky has no fear. But maybe almost losing you can change that.
Words: ~3k
Warning: Iceman being a dick, crying, near death experience, language? Happy ending, fluff, Charlie being nice.
Note: Happy 100 followers to me! Thanks you everyone. Here’s an Iceman fic for you! Still having a writer’s block but hopefully I can get rid of it soon. Highly unedited. English is not my first language. Sorry for the easy vocabulary and bad grammar. Please do not republish translate or do whatever to my work.
Y/C/S: your call sign
Your RIO’s name and callsign: Jack/Sunset.
Lieutenant Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky has no fear. He flies fast, with precision and never misses the target. As they say, ice cold, no mistake. And you resent him with every fibre of your being.
He’s so obnoxious and arrogant, always sure of himself. Everything that you are not. You’re cute and nice and kind and you wish you could show that side of your personality but in the field you’re in it’s impossible. Unless you want to be stepped on. You’re a woman, which doesn’t help your case in the first place, but being nice on top of it? No way. So you fake a mean attitude all the time, as well as a confident personality and you try to not take shit from anyone.
It’s hard but you manage.
The Top Gun class of ‘86 welcomed a woman for the first time in history and you wanted to make women all over the USA proud of it. You had fierce opponents like Maverick and Iceman but you wanted to prove them all that you were fit for the task.
They had all pretty much tried to flirt with you since the beginning of the week but you didn’t pay them any mind, not wanting to be affiliated with any of them. People might think that you were trying to get points by flirting with the others and you didn’t want any of that, so you stayed away from them.
The only one that didn’t come after you was Iceman. You didn’t really know why considering his RIO even asked you out, but you were grateful that at least one of them had a little decency.
He was polite and said hello to you whenever you passed each other in the halls and smiled at you but nothing more.
During a night out at the bar that you were mainly spending alone as your own RIO had decided he was gonna try his luck with one of the girls there.
Sitting at the bar you were nursing your cocktail, paying no mind to anyone, trying to have a little fun but not really succeeding in the task. The sound was too loud for your liking and the bar was packed. You couldn’t turn without bumping into someone. You really hated this kind of atmosphere but you played the part, not wanting to be considered dull for not enjoying yourself.
Your RIO kind of forced you to come, so you had to fake having fun but you would rather be in your room, reading a book or watching a movie right now.
Iceman noticed you sitting alone at the bar and walked up to you. “Having fun round here?” He asked. “Best time of my life.” You said sarcastically. “I can see that. Why are you sitting here alone?” “I don’t feel like talking to anyone or just being here altogether but Sunset kinda forced me to come, so here I am.” “You don’t like parties?” “No, I do, it’s just that it’s too packed and too loud for my liking and I don’t have any friends other than Jack and he just left to go see some girl so I’m on my own.” You answered.
“Do you want to get out of here?” He asked, which surprised you. “I wouldn’t want to make you miss the party or the opportunity to get home with a girl. I can stay on my own, don't worry. You should go back out there.” “It’s alright I don’t feel like it tonight, do you want to go get some food?” “Really?” “Yeah.” He smiled. “Alright.” You bit your lip. “Let me just go tell my RIO and I’ll meet you at the door.”
He nodded and you went to see Jack to tell him you were leaving. A few minutes later you met Tom at the door and you walked the few metres that separated you from the diner.
You spent the evening talking and laughing with Tom. It felt easy and nice to be able to talk with someone other than your RIO. You didn’t feel like he was trying to flirt with you which felt nice for a change.
After a few hours you both went back to base and he bid you goodnight before going back to his own dorm room.
You went to sleep that night with a smile on your face and the feeling that you had made a new friend and didn’t feel so lonely anymore.
As you headed to class the next morning you harboured a soft smile on your face which differed from the hard look you usually had. When you entered the classroom all the guys were already here smirking at you. Your smile disappeared as you felt this couldn’t be a good omen.
You decided to sit down next to your RIO, as usual, without paying any mind to any of them but they kept smirking and shaking their heads.
“What’s happening?” You whispered to Jack. “Apparently you slept with Iceman last night.” He murmured. “Excuse me?” You said, louder than expected.
You turned your head to Iceman. “Care to explain?” You asked him with a cold tone. “It’s okay sweetheart. I asked where he went last night and he told me he left with you and he didn’t deny when I asked him if you fucked so…” Slider answered for him. “Why are you lying to them? You know nothing happened between us.” You exclaimed, still looking at Tom, ignoring the others. He shrugged, unphased and you scoffed, shaking your head before facing the board in front of you as Charlie came through the door.
You tried to focus on the course Charlie was teaching but knowing that nobody respected you anymore because of a simple lie was destroying you inside.
You knew people would assume you really did it, and that you did it to get in Ice’s good favour and score more points like this. And on top of everything, you knew that if it were to be known by any superiors, you might be dismissed and removed from the program for it, ultimately penalising your RIO as well. The image of women in the navy and in any army corps would be worsened and they wouldn’t be taken seriously anymore as everyone would assume they were all like you.
You almost cried in the middle of the classroom that day, thinking about what you had done. Which, in the end was, well…nothing. And yet, men won again.
So that day you decided that for the remaining of the thirteen weeks of the program, you wouldn’t talk to any of them, unless absolutely necessary, and keep any communication to the bare minimum.
And you had never felt so lonely in your life.
You weren’t the nice, kind and cute woman you were before entering Top Gun, or the stern, emotionless woman you appeared to be at the beginning of the program. Now you were just plain empty. Neutral face on, at all times, no more smiles, no more charisma, no more hellos and goodbyes to your comrades. You didn’t speak a word to them anymore, you didn’t smile at them, didn’t participate in class, nor volunteered for anything. Everything felt dull.
Jack, your RIO felt it too, even though you still spoke to him, he felt like you weren’t your usual self. He knew the real you, the cute and kind you, the always nice and polite you but now this part of you was gone.
“Are you alright?” Charlie asked you one day at the end of a class as the last of your comrades walked out the door. You put on a fake smile and nodded. “You don’t have to lie to me, you know. I can see something is wrong. Also Maverick told me.” She admitted. Your smile faded as she spoke the last words. “Then you already know the answer.” “You know, they’re still boys in their head, they don’t understand that we feel emotions differently than them and they don’t know how such lies can affect our lives. They believe it’s pointless, that nobody will pay any mind to it but they’re wrong. Maverick and Goose know it, if it can make you feel better. They know you didn’t do anything and it was just a lie. They feel sad because you don’t talk to them anymore, they really enjoyed your company the first few days before it happened. They told me that you were really nice and that they enjoyed talking with you and Sunset.” You gave her a small crooked smile before thanking her and leaving as well.
At the end of the thirteen weeks Iceman and Slider won Top Gun with you and Sunset coming second. You didn’t really mind that they won, you managed to make some people proud and you hoped women would be more considered now that you had proven you were capable.
Everyone was having a really nice time at the party. You were conversing with Jack when you saw Iceman approaching you both. You turned your back to him, still not ready to face him nor talk to him. You knew he wasn’t going to apologise for anything.
You didn’t see it, but his expression saddened when he saw you turn your back to him. Jack saw it too and understood your move. He got up to approach Iceman in order for him not to get too close to you. “I just wanted to say congratulations to you both.” Iceman said. “You did a really great job together.” “Thanks man, we really appreciate it.” Jack answered, shaking Tom’s hand.
Iceman’s eyes wandered above your RIO’s shoulder, seeing you were still ignoring him. He smiled at Sunset again and left with a small sigh.
“Thanks for this.” You told your RIO. “I’ve always got you, you know that.” You gave him a small smile. “Why do you still not want to talk to him? It’s been like twelve weeks.” “You don’t understand the power a small lie like that holds. It can literally ruin my career.” “How so?” He asked kindly. “Well first of all, he lied to everyone, it’s something everyone believed I did, and after that everyone was going to think that I slept with him to get an advantage on the ranking. Second of all, if it were to be known by any of our superiors I could have been sent back to our squadron, and you would have too, because we’re a team here. Ultimately losing any opportunity we had to finish Top Gun and humiliating every woman in the navy because I couldn’t keep it in my pants so every man would assume we were all like that and not give us chances anymore.” “Wow, I didn’t really think about all that.” He said, stunned. “Yeah, well now it’s done so let’s just go back to our lives and hopefully not see any of them again.”
Your hopes were cut short as you were immediately called for a secret mission along with Maverick and Goose and obviously Iceman and Slider.
As you were getting ready to go on the mission the next day, Iceman came up to you. “Hey, can we talk?” You jumped at the sound of his voice. “Jesus, give a girl a warning.” You replied coldly. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you, I just wanted to apologise.” “Okay, but I do not forgive you.” His expression dropped at your words. “Understandable.” Your face remained stoic while looking at him. “I don’t know why I did what I did, that was really stupid of me.” As you didn’t reply he kept going. “I really liked you, still do actually. And I realised how stupid of me it was to have lied like that.” “Then why did you do it?” “Honestly I don’t know, it was just supposed to be a joke and then Slider told everyone and it escalated and I’m sorry.” “You know I really liked spending that evening with you, I thought we were friends and then you screwed me over for no reason.”
“I know I’m sorry.” He replied, head low. “I wanted to ask you out on a real date.” “Well it’s too late now isn’t it? You’ve wasted every chance you had. And you know what? I think I would’ve said yes, because you were the only one that didn’t hit on me and the only one with whom I felt truly happy being with. But you’ve wasted this. And maybe I could’ve been happy right now, instead of being sad.” You say gripping your bag and walking out the door.
A few days later you were risking your life along with your RIO, and four of your Top Gun comrades trying to shoot down enemy MIGs. Maverick managed to shoot down three of them but one was following you and you didn’t seem to be able to lose him.
That’s when you felt it. Bullets shot through your F14 and you started losing altitude. Being unable to control your plane you quickly got closer to the ground. “Eject Y/C/S! Eject! Eject!” You heard Iceman scream through your helmet. Panic came over you as you were trying to recover your plane and not kill yourself and your RIO in the process. “For the love of God Y/C/S eject!” He shouted and you almost felt like you heard his voice break.
As Iceman saw your plane get closer and closer to the ground his eyes welled with tears. “Y/N!” He couldn’t help but scream. And as you nearly crashed on the ground you managed to restart your aircraft and shoot up to the sky. A sigh of relief could be heard from everyone through your helmet. “Why the hell didn’t you eject Y/C/S? You and Sunset could have died!” Maverick was the first to speak. “I went through something like that before, I knew I could escape and save my plane.” You replied. Iceman didn’t say a word, he was traumatised. He didn’t want to think about what could have happened to you and how he would have coped with it. It was all too much for him.
You managed to shoot down an enemy plane after that and complete the mission. The three aircrafts landed on the carrier. You didn’t want to think about what could have happened up there so you got down your plane quickly, followed by your RIO. “I’m sorry I put your life in danger, I shouldn’t have done that.” “It’s alright, I knew you’d either save the plane or we’d have to eject. I was waiting for your instructions, I trust you with my life.” You give him a soft smile and head to the office to debrief the mission.
On the other side of the carrier Iceman is stuck in his plane, not being able to move. Slider gets up from his seat and looks at his pilot. “Hey, you alright man?” Iceman’s head shoots up. “Yeah, uhm yeah, I’ll meet you inside.” He replies.
It took him a few more minutes and a mechanic to get him down from his plane. “You okay Lieutenant?” The mechanic asked. “Uhm, yeah sorry.” Tom replied and got up from his seat.
He headed towards the conference room walking at a slow pace, trying not to think about you. As he got up the stairs and opened the door to enter the premises he was surprised to see you sat down behind it. You were hugging your knees, holding your helmet and tears made their way up your eyes but didn’t seem to go down your face yet. You quickly wiped your face when you heard the door open and hurried to get up on your feet. Only to see that it was Iceman standing in front of you.
He looked at you for a few seconds before speaking. “You scared the shit out of me, you know that?” He said quietly, hurt evident in his voice. You looked down. “Is it going to become a habit? Breaking each other’s hearts like that?” He said and your head shoots up to look at him. “I could have lost you today and I don’t know what I would’ve done if something happened. Because now I can still pretend you’re going to forgive me for what I did and I still have a chance to be with you but if you had died then there would be nothing giving me hope anymore.” “Do you really believe what you said?” “Of course I do. I would never be able to apologise enough for what I did but I hope one day you can forgive me and my stupidity and actually go on a date with me.” He said hopefully.
You take a look to your right and left to see if anyone was there and grab Tom’s collar and pull him to you, crashing your lips on his. He was surprised for a second but quickly returned the kiss and pushed you softly behind an electrical panel so no one could see you. You break the kiss, gasping for air and smiling like a high school girl kissing her crush. He smiles back and kisses you again.
Now Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky only has one fear, the fear of losing you. But the joy of loving you is stronger than anything.
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L'appel du vide
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characters: Alexei Molyboha & X-13/[redacted] (both my ocs)
cw for manipulation and implied past trauma and abuse.
I have been told many things about this…”specimen” I’m visiting, if they so call it. I recall the memory of me asking the higher-ups about it, and receiving their case study and being told the words “do not heed to its will, do not show sympathy or empathy, for it feeds on it and will use you as a toy.”
Even after reading it and hearing what they said, it is hard for me to believe there's any possibility of me following those instructions. Thanks to “it”, I got out of the worst situation of my life. Thanks to “it”, I am able to live (semi) safely (within the limits of my profession), and show myself to a world that I had deemed as hopeless so long ago. I can only feel grateful for a creature deemed this vile, so unbothered and distant from humanity.
Those are the thoughts that run through my mind as I walk through the sterile hallways of the M.O.R.G.U.E anomaly containment facility until I reach the interrogation room. I greeted the guards with a subtle wave; I showed them my clearance card, and I was allowed in.
The creature, specimen X-13, was sitting, with handcuffed gloved hands, on one of the chairs opposite to me, its impossibly dark eyes piercing through me, smirking lightly, as if it was all part of its plan. Its fox ears twitched slightly at the sound of my entrance. It presented as a tall young man with lengthy, straight white hair and tanned skin with two cross-shaped scars beneath its left eye, fueling my curiosity about it even further. Despite them, it was beautiful, but in a distinctly inhuman manner that incited a subtle sense of unease whenever you laid eyes upon it. It smiled and asked, tilting its head:
“You must be Agent Molyboha, right? You wanted an interview with me.”
I turned on my recorder. If anything went askew, as it often did in these interviews, at least I could have proof of whatever happened.
“Yes, it's me,” I answered, fiddling with my tie. Its energy was uncomfortable, unsettling, and I felt like it was ready to lunge at me and cut me open like a wild animal. I didn't like this one bit, yet, I was absorbed by its presence, somehow.
“Come on, don't be so uptight, get comfortable. I don't bite,” its voice was low, seductive, hypnotizing; and he flashed me a grin with razor-sharp teeth, and my anxiety worsened. Now it really looked like some sort of predator out to kill me. I obeyed it sheepishly, only uttering a small “sure.”
“I wanted to know you better,” I retorted, a bit defensively. I attempted to avoid eye contact, but the specimen's eyes followed mine with keen interest.
“Really? That's surprising. You have a whole document detailing everything you may want to know about me,” it quipped sarcastically, voice hushed and squinting like it was confessing a secret.
“I also wanted to thank you.” My response caused the initial disinterest of the specimen to disappear, surprise overtaking its features. I didn't feel as anxious as it let his guard down, but it regained his composure soon after, and the wicked energy in the room regained its strength again.
“I was just doing my job, there's no need to thank me.” X-13’s mask of indifference slipped as I sensed its pride in its task. Just doing my job, my ass. I bet it was stoked when it was able to leave containment for a few days.
“No, I did. My case…it was easy to solve and considering your fame as an honorary agent to get involved in such things, I thought I wanted to thank you for your kindness. You helped me, and so many others stuck in that sect.”
A beat went by.
And another.
I feared that stroking its ego didn't work as well as I hoped.
The specimen laughed, a cruel, fox-like sound that only a creature such as itself can make. I felt a pang of shame as I couldn't help but wonder what was so odd that I did to provoke such a reaction.
“What's so funny?” I ask, embarrassment washing over me. The creature finally stopped laughing as it stared right at me again, with that annoying Cheshire-cat-like smile that had been plastered on its face for so long.
“I didn't think you'd have it in you to think I could be so selfless. I could give less of a crap about your dad, the cult he led or the people in it, Molyboha.” It inched closer to me, his grin growing as it continued, “Do you really know what I want, doll face?” Its voice lowered again, sending a shiver down my spine. Oh, how I hated being there.
“What do you want?” The feeling that it was going to eat me raw came back, hitting me like a truck. I trembled slightly under the specimen's gaze, the anxiety again clawing back at me and screaming to run towards the door and leave this unfinished. But I wouldn’t. I couldn’t.
“Just so you know, I don't have any reasons to lie to you, Alexei.” Our faces were inches apart, and this melodramatic bastard was already dragging the surprise factor too much.
“It's me, isn't it?” I answered my own question, looking at the specimen with contempt.
“It's good to see you came to that conclusion too,” it chuckled, slowly backing away. “When I saw your profile, it was like love at first sight, really.”
I felt my face go a little red at the implication. I remembered their words; “it will use you as a toy”, and a pit of guilt formed in my stomach because I completely ignored their warning. Like an idiot that is absolutely going to get mauled at the moment. I regained my strength and continued the conversation.
“I'm assuming you want me to work for you?”
“Yes, exactly,” it beamed.
“Is that even allowed?”
It doubted for a moment and brought its hand to his forehead.
“Yeah, it's allowed. I'm exceptional, of course— and I need someone as exceptional as you to keep me in check. Look.” It gestured at me to help take off the gloves, and let me take in the uncomfortable sight of its palms. Two burn marks decorated its hands, and an archaic symbol seemed, but were not, recently burnt into its skin— yet, when I touched them, X-13 felt no pain.
“I don't let others see this, consider yourself lucky,” it joked, a bit embarrassed. “Do you understand now?”
“You're…an Emanator?” I let go of its hands, shaken up by the strange intimacy of it.
“Seems like you know what you're talking about,” it mocked, raising its chin.
“My father was one of you,” I realized as I felt my stomach churn at the memory of him.
“No shit, Sherlock. I was there. What he used to keep his followers docile was you— that's what I'm getting at.”
Silence followed after. What the fuck was that thing talking about?, I thought. I stared at the fluorescent lights above me, but their brightness immediately hurt my eyes and I sat up straight.
“So, what, you want me to follow you around and hope your supervisors are so terrified of you to let you do whatever you want?” I scoffed.
“Exactly. But not the last part. Do you know what a Dissipator is?”
Oh, shit.
I did not want to talk about this at all.
“I think you got something wrong,” I blurted out. “I am not special in any manner, I'm just working here.” I tried to get up from my chair.
“Cut the bullshit,” it scolded sternly, its hypnotizing gaze forcing me to sit back down. “You're literally a reality bender, Alexei. You lived with that son of a bitch for nineteen years and the mana balance of the area was still stable. When you came here,” it paused, getting hold of a small, rectangular device similar to a geiger counter, “The energy of the room was at 20 counts,” it motioned at the third lowest setting on the object. “Before that, it was barely reaching 60 counts, even with the mana anchors. Your presence is able to reduce the presence of my mana by 33.3%. That's unheard of, so stop trying to get out of this one so easily,” it let go of the counter, pleased as it watched me sit back down obediently.
“Shouldn't you want me to make you more powerful? That makes no sense.” I asked, attempting to keep my cool, but it felt like it could hear the ominous thudding of my heart.
“Quite the opposite, actually. Us working together gives me a higher chance of doing as a wish— I would be less threatening to them. Plus, it keeps the nasty little voice in my head telling me to rip your heads off under control.” I grimaced at the mental image. What power could this creature have?, I pondered. Clearly a lot, since it was in containment and just being around it was terrifying.
“And what do I get out of it?” I said, as I inched closer to it, curiously.
“You help me! Isn't that why you joined? To help people?” it sneered at me, like it had done all this interview.
“That's not going to be enough.”
“Well, aside from seeing my pretty face daily, you'd become a division leader. A nice upgrade from your info-gathering with the Rats, right? And the pay gets better.”
It sounded too good to be true. Since I joined, becoming a field agent had been what I always wanted to do. And now, it was going to give me what I wanted. Like it always did. I'd just have to pay the small price of becoming its plaything to get it. For its good, for others’ good, to save people, and to be able to live with myself for once.
I didn't want to hate myself for what happened there anymore.
Being able to pay rent also sounded nice, for a change.
Ignoring their warnings was wrong, this was a dangerous being. But it had always been benevolent to me. If it was always going to be like this, I didn't mind becoming its toy as long as it treated me with kindness again.
The rest of the conversation went by idly, and the longer I was there, I was surprised to find myself progressively growing used to X-13’s intimidating aura. It was very knowledgeable on a wide range of topics; specifically on anatomy, chemistry and medicine, and its excitement was noticeable whenever they were mentioned, prompting a lengthy, uninterruptible rant about the subject at hand. Despite this flaw, it was an expert conversationalist and jumped between different topics at ease; it was surprisingly, one of the first few people I met since i left that place that was able to keep me thoroughly engaged when talking to them.
And then, our time was up.
“I'll think about your proposal, X-13,” I muttered, as I rose from my seat. “Your offer is so good it sounds like a trick.”
It frowned, scrunching its nose. “I don't joke about these things, doll face. Just give me the ounce of freedom I ask of you and I'll treat you like a king. I promise.”
“Promises can be broken,” I replied, a smirk on my face for the first time in our exchange.
“You're an idiot,” it shot back.
“I sure am. I'll be going now, goodbye.” I took the recorder and stopped the tape. If I actually started working around this thing (Gods forbid), keeping it in arm’s reach was going to be a smart move.
I looked back at the room, the creature waving goodbye to me as the guards took it back to its containment chamber.
“I hope I can see you again soon, Agent,” it purred flirtatiously as the guards forced it out of the room.
I didn't think I'd ever be insane enough to actually work with this bastard. I was wrong.
Relieved, I made my way back to Human Resources, praying to whatever is up there that they weren't useless enough to pair me up with this demon or whatever it was.
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Author's notes:
this may give you a bit of whiplash considering the relationship x-13 (also known as "[redacted]") and alexei exhibit in this compared to what I normally post about them. x-13's manipulative behavior is intentional, and so is alexei being absolutely terrified of him at first; this is one of their first proper meetings, and their relationship will become healthier and more honest as time goes on. just a lil heads up!
There's also some lore things I should explain. The magic system in this world is governed by several higher powers encarnating fear. Negative emotions feed them and create mana energy that magic users allowed to draw from to perform their techniques. Sometimes they can draw that power from themselves if they have enough emotion pent up in them.
Emanators are beings chosen by these powers to do their bidding. They are able to manipulate mana energy by inciting fear into the people in the area. They are also given powers and abilities the entity's values and have distinctive markings on their skin.
Dissipators are lesser known (and not as frequent, either) but their presence is capable of removing mana energy. They have markings shaped in a four-pointed star. Their origin is found in mana-heavy and environments where many repressed emotions may come up; they exist to balance things out.
Avatars (who don't pop up here but may in other writings) are beings or objects synthesized to worship or incarnate an entity's power or values. If their creation is unsuccessful, these objects may gain sentience or some other anomalous properties.
MORGUE (Magical Object Research Gathering Unions for Enforcement) is the organization dedicated to capturing and researching emanators and avatars and creating and enforcing universal law. They exist world-wide and are divided in smaller units or unions for maximum efficiency when capturing an anomalous object. Sometimes they allow usage or participation of anomalous beings and objects in cases if needed.
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fishyishy · 2 months
A3! Event Translation - memory of toys (3/11)
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Director: Eh? You made that suggestion!?
Citron: I want to help that toy store. If things continue like this, that toy store will be crushed for sure.
Yuki: Just in case, we've already agreed that if we are able to help, we'll be properly compensated.
Yuki: Even so, we don't have the authority to make the decision. The final decision is up to you, Director.
Citron: That is right.
Director: Even Yuki-kun....
Yuki: Well, I just got dragged into it. But if you saw someone in trouble, you'd probably want to help them too.
Citron: I asked Yuki for help.
Director: .....Then, why not plan it properly and give a presentation about it yourselves?
Director: In the case that you're able to fulfil that task and properly see it through till the end, if I am satisfied, I will grant you permission.
Director: But if it's just some random idea, it could end up being bothersome for the other person, and I would not be able to give you permission.
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Yuki & Citron: ........
Director: (....I may have said it a little too harshly....)
Yuki: Whenever you say things like that, it gets me kind of fired up.
Citron: I will come up with some amazing ideas that will make the director impressed!
Director: ! Fufu, yeah. I'm looking forward to it now.
Citron: Now that is decided, let us talk about the presentation right away!
Yuki: Got it.
Director: (Yup, by the look of it, I'm sure....)
Yuki: Hmmm.....
Yuki: I know I told the director this but... it really isn't that easy after all.
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Yuki: .....sigh
Tenma: How many times have you done that now?
Yuki: Shut up. Can't you see that I'm worried.
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Tenma: That's why I'm being considerate.
Yuki: Then be more considerate.
Tenma: You basta--
Yuki: ......I'm just a little worried about planning this.
Tenma: ----.
Tenma: Planning?
Yuki: Something to help revive a certain toy store in Veludo.
Yuki: I could change the layout of the store.......when I was talking to Citron, we talked about changing the displays.
Yuki: I've thought a lot about making a theme song for the store, but I don't think that would increase the number of customers.
Yuki: Unless there's something more approachable, they won't be able to attract attention.
Yuki: Our theater company has done a lot of different things up until now.... I should be able to make better use of those experiences.
Tenma: .....
Tenma: ....It is a toy store, right?
Yuki: That's right.
Tenma: A toy store huh.....
Yuki: What?
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Tenma: Nah, I just don't think I have much of a connection with that.
Yuki: Is that so? Well, it figures that if you wanted anything you could probably get it for yourself.
Tenma: In the past I received a lot of various things as a kid, but I don't remember receiving any toys.
Tenma: Looking back on it, I think the toys I got at that time were bought for me when I was little.
Yuki: Hmmm. What did you get?
Tenma: That's right. What I can remember is that----
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m1d-45 · 2 years
spoken across stars
summary: voicelines some characters would have in sagau! takes place pre-isekai, post inazuma archon quest. includes kaeya, thoma, and diluc.
word count: ~700
-> warnings: sagau things, potentially ooc candace(?)
-> gn reader (you/yours) + unspecified traveller (they/them)
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3 || @shizunxie || @boba-is-a-soup || @yuus3n || @esthelily || @turningfrogsgay
< masterlist > || kazuha, wanderer >
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about us: the traveller
i must say, i was rather surprised that the traveller was the first one chosen to be a vessel — at first i had assumed it was merely because of their status as an outlander, but now…. well, last i checked, i was from teyvat.
about us: the creator
friendship lv. 4
sometimes i wonder why vessels are even utilized at all, in truth. i mean, what use does the divine have for a mortal man? i understand it’s not my place to question it, but… *sigh*
about you: worship
friendship lv. 6
thank you. truly, thank you. i’m not sure words could describe everything i feel, but… perhaps a night at the altar would suffice? please, just say the word. i will be there. for you.
about us: the traveller
the traveller? … they’ve done a lot of good for inazuma, that’s for sure, along with the other nations. i’m a bit intrigued about the teapot they always carry around, but milady says it’s some kind of important artifact… either way, i’m certainly curious!
about us: the creator
friendship lv. 4
sometimes it hits me just how lucky i was to make it to inazuma after the storm, and how easily i could have died at sea, never to be seen again… whenever that happens, i find its best not to think about it. i was blessed by the creator, and thinking over why i received it won’t get me anywhere.
about you: worship
friendship lv. 6
while i’m not sure what use my housekeeping skills would be to you, i place every other talent i have at your disposal. whether my sword or my shield, or even just to be somebody to talk to, i would happily accept any task you give me. it would be an honor to serve you.
about us: the traveller
i have little to say about the traveller that hasn’t already been said. while at first i may have thought their kindness was only wrought from the hands of a god… i can see now that i was wrong, and that is what truly matters.
about us: the creator
friendship lv. 4
when the winds blow hard around the winery and rain pelts the windows… it’s easy to forget everything good in the world. it’s easy to slip into a mindset of helplessness, when even going outside feels forbidden by nature… nonetheless, it’s important to recognize the fault in that belief. rain nourishes the earth, and wind drives windmills. even i have to remind myself of this fact on occasion.
about you: worship
friendship lv. 6
it would be a lie to say that i don’t hold any influence over mondstat, but it wouldn’t be to say that you take priority over any project i have my hands on. whether it’s in the middle of the weinlesefest, or the peak of the summer season, please never hesitate to come to me for anything. you gave me everything i have, and i’d be a fool not to try and return the offer in whatever way i can.
about the creator: diligence
the creator? o-of course i follow them! what gave you the impression that i didn’t? oh, am i not doing enough? i always dust the shrine at the knights’ headquarters, i say my prayers before bedtime and every meal, i never miss a service at the cathedral… tell me, what am i missing? the last thing i want is to fail at my most important task—… of course it’s most important! being a maid comes secondary to the divine, as everything else does.
about the creator: deserted
it’s easy to think that the desert is neglected by the divine, but i believe the opposite is true. were we truly abandoned, we wouldn’t have the oases, nor the henna berries, nor anything else that brought life forth and helped it thrive. if you ask me, the belief that the desert was forgotten about is what drove the akademiya to such extremes… *sigh* it’s such a pity.
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mag7dumbies · 5 months
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4 years ago I sent this to a complete stranger…. I have no idea why I sent it or why it is completely deranged but I sent it and 4 years later we are probably closer than two people 1,000 miles away could be
Kaz it’s been 4 years, 1,461 days, that have been the best days of my life, because you have been in them. You are my oracle, my rock, and the other half of my brain. I have no idea what I did to be so lucky to have met you.
In the first days of our friendship I think we wrote 4 peer reviewed papers just on Ezra Standish alone. I don’t think I ever told you this but I saved some (most) (for at least the first week) of our messages in a word doc because I liked rereading our convos. You are still just as verbose and detailed as you were back then and I consider myself so lucky to be able to read about your OCs and Aus whenever you get a hankering to share (which is fortunately often)
You have made me grow in so many ways, with your kindness and your snark. I strive to be as good a friend to you as you are to me. You’ve broaden my tastes to the moon (Fire and Ice and The Eagle are still burned into my brain) (Special mention to Rem Lezar and those eps of Rawhide because I can’t put those psychological horrors in this category but I wanted to mention it because they would have been good cause to lose my number... and yet)
Kaz this message could probably last at least 3,000 words, when it probably needs just three, I love you, I honestly believe it’s more than love, it is just a natural part of my heart, that you now inhabit. There is not a quality that you’ve shown me that I don’t love, from your strong convictions (that have rubbed off on me), your imagination that knows few bounds, and especially your patience. You are probably more important to me then you know and I hope I give as much as I get because you deserve it. Kaz you are the whole package plus about 6 other packages that I didn’t expect but happily unwrapped
I remember in 2022 when our friendship went from a casual, still very close but casual relationship, to what it is today. Our first watch party was the last two eps from Our Flag means Death season 1. What babies we were back then, there was little talking (due to how we watched but still) there was no screaming no brain melting a far cry from today. Our Saturday nights have always been sacred to me and I will/have bent over backwards to not miss them, they make getting through the week an easy task because I know I will be able to hang out with you for approximately 4-8 hours which sounds crazy and is crazy. Anyway now in 2024 I literally can’t imagine a day we aren’t in contact (I still get soft when I remember that week where I barely had the energy to open your messages and yet you were here on Tumblr being a bright spot which i definitely needed) And I get to have that everyday even if it’s just a check in or a in-depth psychology analysis on Jess Harper I get to have the pleasure of talking to you which is priceless.
One more thing Kaz when I met you I didn’t have close friends I had a couple but they felt very hollow and it was hard to communicate with them sometimes, due to my Visions TM (it’s probably the autism but I’ll blame Visions and not how my brain functions) my real world friends did not share my interest in Gay cowboys or weird shows from the 70s so I felt very alone for a long time but then I threatened a random Incorrect quotes blog and I found someone I could make a home out of a multitude of fandoms with. You will have no idea what an impact you’ve made on me. And I hope we have at least 80,000 more anniversaries that we can share
I could go on, I should go on because I definitely don’t think I talked enough about how perfect you are and literally you are perfection but this has to come to an end for one our sakes lol. Kaz you really are the breath under my wings and I want to make sure you never forget just how much I cherish you
I am so excited to see you in person in 144 days!!!
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karume-selfshipper · 8 months
Dad Might Enjoyers Assemble!
I am here humbly requesting some feedback on the start of a Dad Might fic centered on my OC Inari Yagi.
For context:
She has a seriously OP quirk
The public knows she's All Might’s daughter
All Might is trying to be a good father but has a problem with staying at work too late
Inari used to spend her afterschool hours at All Might Tower, Nighteye's Agency, or Torino's apartment until post fall out when she began staying at home (though it is recent, starting at age 12)
Inari is Deku's age
Whenever All Might is at home he becomes the overbearingly supportive father trying to help and be part of Inari's life
He worries when he's at work but trusts that Inari will be able to defend herself/make the right decisions to get out of situations
Under the cut is the first little chunk of the story. Please give me some kind of feedback, criticism, and/or critique about whether it actually sounds about right for what I've outlined above. I will not give up the odd dynamic of work vs home because it is an integral part of the story (and how I interpret All Might as a father [not a father figure like with 1-A]). And I will be revising this as it is the roughest of first drafts.
Upon entering the new apartment, All Might expected to see his daughter wandering around. Possibly confused by the layout and attempting to get used to her new surroundings. That was his mental state at this point, when he could spare a few moments away from the office anyways. Taking up a teaching position at UA came with yet another major upheaval in his and her life. One that All Might wanted to make as easy as humanly possible, one that would undoubtedly be among their last serious moves for a while.
At least that’s what All Might hoped.
However, the apartment was uncomfortably silent. As tempted as All Might was to comb the area looking for her, the apartment looked perfectly in order. Door properly locked, nothing broken from what he could see. No signs of a struggle or even another soul in the house…
But what if that wasn’t an accident? What if she had been snatched before she even made it home?
Unable to calm his instincts, All Might pulled his phone from his pocket. He had to check for a message or a location…
Before he could spiral too far however, Inari walked out from around a hall corner; the laundry basket in her hands filled with school uniforms. The sense of calm she exuded calmed the older man, of course nothing had been wrong. She was merely looking for the washer, this was quite the large apartment complex after all. Reducing the time either of them would have to spend outside of it. Less chance of Inari specifically being in danger, particularly when he wasn't around.
She didn’t even look up as she passed All Might, unaware of the mental breakdown he nearly had. Focus on her task a bit too strong as she mentally listed out the other chores that had yet to be done. Not once registering his presence beyond a slight step around her father.
“Inari.” All Might reached out for her shoulder, “There you are. I was beginning to worry.”
That slightly blank expression was unsettling as Inari stared at her father, the tilting of her head being the only indication of her confusion, “I’m sorry. I’ve been a little preoccupied.”
“Ah yes, the layout of this neighborhood and apartment must be quite confusing.”
All Might could only raise an eyebrow as Inari shook her head slowly, “The dishes still need to be put away and-”
“You don’t need to worry about that Sweetpea.” He tried to smile, but it felt forced, as usual, “You should focus on your studies. Perhaps at the kitchen table, so I can lend a hand as needed. I wouldn't mind while I-”
“I already finished my studies.” She stated plainly, “Only chores left for today.”
The essence of being defeated didn’t sit well with All Might as he watched his daughter turn and continue her chores. He couldn’t have been out that long, right? It wasn’t that late… surely not. No, he just barely got home at… 6 p.m.
Sadly it really was quite late. Possibly too late to cook something. While he wanted to be the best of influences on his daughter, going out for one night wouldn’t hurt. Especially with how little time he can spend with her as is. Nothing wrong with that, even if he had to keep things undercover. His quirk had been all but used up today and doing anything but takeout would be difficult. There was always ordering in… But going out felt more like something a good parent should do.
At least, that’s what he wanted to do. Having somewhat followed Inari to the kitchen, on her way into the laundry room. Despite his lack of smell, All Might was left flabbergasted as Inari returned to pull something out of the oven.
How!? How was she already five moves ahead of him? He didn’t remember prepping anything this morning, or even setting something aside to be cooked. All Might couldn't even bring himself to question Inari, the number of times he'd attempted to gently tell her not to take over so much housework has never worked. Either she was far too stubborn, or he wasn't around enough.
“It’s almost done.” Inari sighed, sliding the pan back into the oven, “Just a few more minutes.”
All but ignoring her father, Inari went about her chores. Despite All Might’s attempted dismissal of her need to do them. What was left for All Might to do? Besides wander the apartment and try to learn its layout.
It annoyed All Might to no end as he laid in bed, fuming about how quickly his daughter seemed to adjust. Maybe it was easier due to how many times it has happened up until this point. Which only came with a worse feeling for the Hero. If he didn’t feel the need to uproot his child so often… would she be so forgiving of the circumstances?
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zalder · 9 hours
TASK #11
An anonymous letter hidden during Creek Fest for whoever the universe decides needed it.
Dear Stranger,
Firstly, thank you for not throwing me in the trash. I promise that I am not a litter bug or a serial killer. I just thought that it might be fun to hide a letter somewhere and see what happened. I don’t intend to reveal my identity. There is something exciting about being anonymous with people. I wanted to write something that would find the person who needed it most. If this has found you, clearly the universe has decided that this was meant for you.
If anyone hasn’t told you lately, you’re amazing. Life can get tough, and it’s easy to forget just how much you matter, but I want you to know that you are valued and appreciated. Even though I don’t know you (unless I do), there are countless people who wake up every day grateful to have you in their life. You might not be perfect (none of us are) but you are all too worthy of their love and appreciation. Maybe they aren’t shooting it from the rooftops but it doesn’t change the fact that they would be lost without you.
Your kindness, strength, and unique spirit shine brighter than you realize. The world is a better place with you in it, and your contributions—big and small—make a difference. I know that sounds contrite but everyone serves a purpose and whether you’ve found it or are struggling to find your purpose in the world, you were created for something important. I know you might be shaking your head at the word important but everything is important in the grand scheme of things. Small decisions impact large things. There is good yet to come.
Whenever you feel overwhelmed or doubt yourself, remember all the challenges you’ve overcome and how far you’ve come. You have the power to achieve great things, and I believe in you wholeheartedly. If a complete stranger can believe in you, you’re going to be unstoppable. We all have our moments of self-doubt and self-hate but at the end of the day it’s honestly wasted time that we could be fighting toward what we want. I wish someone would tell me that sometimes but since they aren’t, I’m going to tell you!
Life is entirely too short to wait for the things you want. Go for them! I mean, if the worst thing that can happen is rejection, you’re still one step closer to what you want than you were the day before. The things that aren’t meant for you, won’t be yours but if you know something isn’t meant for you at least you can go toward the things that are.
Keep your chin up and remember that you rock, A Friend
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afraid-of-squadra · 10 months
Hello, I’d like to request a La Squadra matchup, if you’d want to write one. I hope this wasn’t too much of a word vomit! :)
-I may seem awkward at first to people, but I just have horrible social anxiety (and possible autism) and public spaces can be overwhelming. Once I am hanging out with people I know, I tend to actually become a pretty loud and more social person, and will take a parental/leadership(? Don’t know the adjective) role in my friend group.
- I’m 18 and a massive nerd (biology major 😶), so I usually end up talking about horror movies or science/math stuff. When socializing with my friends, I enjoy talking about our different interests regardless of whether or not I partake in their interest. If I’m close enough to a person, I’ll probably flirt with them in an obvious joking manner, as long as they’re comfortable. My other jokes, which I share with everyone, are usually random or about morbid subjects like death. Deep conversations are another important aspect of my relationships. I just really enjoy spending time with my friends and partners. Whenever I can, I will try to help the people around me, whether it be with a task or by listening to their problems.
- I have an amazing cat, she is a diluted calico that I found in a sewer drain, and she is the most adorable attention hog. She meows until I hold her like a baby in my arms, but I don’t mind.
- A red flag of mine is that I have trouble reaching out about my emotions, so I end up bottling things up and have a panic attack or a (rare) anger outburst. However this is something I’m working on.
- some of my hobbies include watching horror movies, sewing, embroidery, art, skating, reading, and learning about new things
- I truly love gothic rock, death metal, and classical music. I actually have a really cool patch jacket too, and I also partake in gothic fashion and makeup.
-I can’t stand people who trash-talk others for being poor or something else that is out of a persons control. It just shows a complete lack of empathy and kindness to me.
- oh yeah I don’t know if physical appearance is relevant, but I’m like 5’6, pale and chubby, and have short dark brown curly hair.
Anyways have a good day and stay hydrated ✨💛
Hi! Sorry for the wait.
This was a very difficult one, and I hope you are pleased with your result. I match you with…
Oh, this poor baby boy… He knows all too well about what it’s like to deal with anxiety, so at first you may bond because of that. You could think he’d grow distant once you “show your true colours”, but it's far from that! He’s genuinely happy when you come out of your shell, and your ability to lead is obviously a good thing for him. Now, he may not know all the things you are talking about, but he is very interested. He may not understand some stuff, so please pay attention to his state, he might get overwhelmed or otherwise uncomfortable and be too afraid to actually say something. Also, please don’t laugh at him when your flirty remarks fluster him (even if you are already dating, he is always a mess in such matters).
Pesci is truly, honestly perfect boyfriend material. Whatever your hobby is, he’s trying to pick it up too (please comfort him during horror movies, he’s easy to scare despite his occupation). Whatever you wear, he adores and compliments it. Whatever music you listen to, he also tries to get into. Your cat is now his favorite animal in the world, even if she doesn’t like him. He will probably even ask for a photo of her to keep close (not you, though, it may be dangerous considering his line of work).
Despite his relative cowardice and shyness, he’ll protect you from anything, with almost terrifying ferocity. And when you return the favor by even simply telling off somebody laughing at his appearance, he is literally ready to cry.
He wouldn’t hide his profession from you, because he doesn’t like keeping secrets in a relationship. Prosciutto is obviously the first of his teammates that you meet, but eventually others find out and want to look at the person Pesci “managed to pull off”. You become surprisingly close with Melone, somehow…
Thank you for the ask. Hope you are pleased with the result!
taglist: @go-capt-puppen
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(if you have something against Pesci, please don't bother to react, it is rather discouraging to receive "criticism" based on personal preferences considering I spend a lot of time writing these, for free).
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filmyypeople · 7 months
I don’t take much time to learn my dialogues..i read it once and it gets into my head - Maahi Bhadra
February 29, 2024 I Richa Devesar I Filmyy People
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Imagine the light in parents’ eyes when their child achieves something extraordinary. Meet this genius who's not just dreaming of making her parents proud but has already done it and that too at the tender age of six which most of kids can just dream of and infact why just kids..we grownups too. Yes that’s exactly what this Wonder kid has done. This little entertainer has captured the hearts of millions as Dabangi Arya in Sony TV’s serial Dabangi. You’ve got to see her to believe her..what a natural and effortless actor is she.  Although, the serial has taken a leap and so has her character, but her fans still miss this cutie Dabangi and trust me I’m one of them.
At an age where most kids are not even able to write properly, this little wonder is walking red carpets, receiving awards, getting clicked with fans, shooting back-to-back and signing autographs. At an age where kids find it difficult to learn a single sentence, this girl learns a script of 20-25 pages everyday and that too with no hassle. Kids her age have to be forced to get ready to go to school whereas this star kid moves from one set to other, gives shot after shot without being difficult. Actually, this Chhota Packet Badaa Dhamaka (that’s what you can call this magical and super energetic and enthusiastic kid) kinda girl is not just playing a character but is inspiring kids and adults alike, showing that age is just a number when it comes to talent and dedication.
It won’t be an exaggeration if I say that watching Maahi Bhadra playing Dabangi Arya is not like watching a serial but feels like beginning of a new chapter in entertainment, led by a little girl with a big dream and an even bigger talent. I have watched her performing and seeing her, I thought she must be 10-12 years of age but I got shock of my life when her mom told me that she is just 6 years old. Its rare…the kind of understanding of character, dedication, positivity and energy she has.
I can go on and on talking about Maahi Bhadra but let me share my telephonic conversation with Maahi Bhadra and her Mom Devyaani Bhadra and let you know more about this talented girl. After talking to both of them, I must salute her Mom (alongwith Maahi) for 24/7 dedication, support and guidance. Its not an easy task preparing her for a character, recording auditions, helping her with learning dialogues, being on set with her all the time, taking her from one location to other for shoots, auditions, mock shoots, promos etc. but Maahi’s mother does it all…that too with a smile on her face because this is what makes Maahi happy. So here the conversation goes….
Hi Mahi! I’m really surprised to know that you are just 6 years old and so so talented….
‘Hiiiiii! Hehheheeh….Thankyouuuuuuu’. Her giggle was so familiar and infectious at the same time.
Okey, tell me which class you are in and in which school you study?
I am in Senior KG and study in Royal International School.
Achha,  I don’t think aapne acting seekhi hai but still I want to ask, have you learnt acting from any institute or something?
Nahi, maine acting seekhi nahi hai (No, I have not learnt acting)
You haven’t learnt acting still you’re such a natural on screen. But then from where did this idea of acting come to your mind?
From my sister and Papa. When I was younger, whenever they would go out for audition, I used to accompany them infact I used to make sure that they don’t go without me. Heheh…
Oic!  Your sister and father are also actors?
‘Yes!’ And her Mom then tells me that her father Devendra Bhadra is also an actor who’s acted in serials like Kundali Bhagya, Dabangi , Shastri Viruddh Shastri and Jaghanya  (Marathi) alongwith many more. And her sister Jeeya Bhadra who is 13 years old now made her debut as a child artist in the serial Veera at the age of 2 and a half years and did serials like Aarambh, Shakuntalam etc but now she has taken a break from acting and is preparing for her Muay Thai (Martial art) competition.
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What do you have to say about Maahi’s enthusiasm and dedication for her work.
Maahi’s Mom replies ‘She is always ready to act. I don’t have to convince her or anything. To act.. Is her wish, her dream, her passion. Infact so many times, I have to think but she is always ready to shoot and record an audition so much that even at 2am, she will insist that No Mom lets do it now and send it. Actually, being her mother, its so natural for me to appreciate her but if I look at her from a distance she is a very enthusiastic and dedicated. She leaves a mark wherever she goes. Everyone who meets her says, this child is god gifted, she is mind blowing. And as far as this serial Dabangi is concerned, she was selected out of 120 kids.
Wow Maahi! That true?
‘Yes….absolutely! Mujhe acting karna bahut achha lagta hai’ (I love acting) and you know yesterday only I was shooting where I played a Punjabi boy and really had a great time.
Do you find it difficult to act sometimes, bringing out different emotions one after the other. How do you manage to do it?
‘Actually we have a team with us. They tell me, make me understand.. that now you have to laugh, now you have to cry..toh ho jata hai rona (so that’s how I cry).’ (See, its that easy for her.)
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Do you remember your first audition?
Yes, ofcourse I gave my first audition at the age of 4 and I remember that it was for Jai Hanumaan serial on Dangal TV in which I played the role of Bhoori..Bhoori (and she giggles). Her Mom then explains that the serial, based on Lord Hanumaan had a group of kids and she was the one whom Lord Hanumaan would always carry on his shoulders.
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And what other serials you did after Jai Hanumaan?
After Jai Hanumaan, I did Ali Baba - Dastaan-e-Kabul which used to come on Sony Sab and I played Haida in it. And her mother elaborates on this and tells me that she had a very important role in this serial. Also, the producers were so happy with her performance that her role got extended. And no one would believe that just one day after she finished Ali Baba she started shooting for Janam Janam Ka Sath. And for this I give all the credit to Maahi because she did not bother to take a break but was more than just excited to start her new serial.
Maahi, are you able to remember all your dialogues. Because as your Mom just told me, you get 20-25 pages script everyday. Do you forget your dialogues sometimes?
‘Arrey do minute mein yaad ho jata hai, ho jata hai mujhse sab’’. (I learn my dialogues in just 2 minutes, I am able to do everything.) Actually, I don’t take much time to learn my dialogues..i read it once and it gets into my head and I don’t find learning my dialogues difficult. And sometimes, if I forget, our team is there to prompt me and then I recall it. Her mother adds that 99% of her shots are done in one take.
How do you manage studies and acting?
Her Mom says that she is not able to attend her school regularly but her teachers are very cooperative. And Maahi is equally serious about her studies as she completes each and every worksheet given to her on time. And moreover, she gets time to study even on sets.
Now tell me Maahi, who are your favourites in Dabangi?
I love everyone Gud Kaaki, Jhakkas Kaka, Ikya, Bhoplya, Aju baba, Aaji everyone. But yes I am very close to Manav Sir, Kasturi Mam and Tanmay. Although in the serial, he is my enemy but in real life he is a good friend. We all alongwith Gud Kaaki used to make lot of reels. And Manav Sir loves me so much. Her mother adds that offscreen also, Manav Sir and Maahi are like father-daughter…he always calls her ‘my darling’ . Although Maahi is no longer in the serial as it has taken few years leap, but he often comments on her posts and in that case even her producer and director often join in whenever she is live on Instagram. Just the other day, we had gone to meet everyone at the shoot….they all stopped shooting and welcomed Maahi with so much love. Its not a small thing to leave shooting and welcome us. Actually, all the Unit gives Maahi so much love that we feel blessed.
Few days back, I read that Rachana Mistry who is playing big Arya (after it took 14 years leap) said in an interview that young Arya has set high standards for her. How was it listening to this complement?
I was very very very very happy to read that and shared it on my instagram as well. Her mother adds that Rachana Mistry told her that for the very first time she has to do her homework, she has to look at the previous episodes to see Arya’s personality and her reactions on different situation. She has given me a challenge. That is such a big complement for Maahi.
Maahi…especially after Dabangi everyone knows you, they appreciate you so much. So what do you think about all this love from people?
Yes, I enjoy it so much and thank all my audience for the appreciation and love and now I want to work with Amitabh Bachchan. That’s my dream.
O wow! I hope this wish of your reaches Mr. Bachchan and you get to work with him soon. Maahi, you are, I think the only actress who has done so many promos for almost all Sony serials going on with Dabangi. How did you manage it?
Ohhh I loved doing those promos and had a great time shooting them. And her Mom says that she had to devote a lot of time for that..because after finishing her promos she used to shoot for Dabangi. Also around that time only, she was called by Jhalak Dikhla Ja Team to record a promo....and everyone loved her in that too.
Okey Maahi, you are a known face now so do people ask you for a picture or autograph? Yes, wherever I go, people say.. Oh ye toh dabangi hai… (that’s Dabangi)and they click picture with me and autograph….yes Manav (Gohil) Sir asked me for an autograph once. I felt so nice.
Maahi, you are doing so much of work…don’t you feel lazy at times?
Mujhe sab badhiya lagta hai! (I find all this so good) No, never..it has never happened. That’s because I enjoy acting so much. Infact, I always look forward to shoot. Her Mom adds that she never feels lazy infact all the time she is very excited to do new things..play new characters and never feels bored.
Now tell me, what do you like to do when you are at home like…. when you are not shooting?
When I’m home, I like to do painting and love playing with my elder sister Jeeya and my friends. We often go downstairs and play badminton and hide and seek with friends and I play indoor games with Jeeya Didi, my elder sister.  I love all my friends and enjoy a lot with them and they also feel very happy whenever I go to play with them because most of the time I’m shooting but still I manage to take out time for my friends. Her Mom adds that she knows what she has to do and manages her time well. She gives importance to each and every thing be it studies, shooting, playing, friends etc. She has a very normal upbringing and that’s the reason she never shows attitude to anyone. Like she is very fond of making Rangoli so whenever she makes one, she calls her friends and show them. And she likes to be at home when not shooting and loves to eat home made food. That reminds me how the director of Dabangi serial would tease her on the set. Actually we are pure vegetarians so he used to tease her..Arrey Arya is pure vegetarians iske liye veg wala chicken mangvaao.(Get her vegetarian chicken)  
So how was her bond with the director and producer of the show?
Her Mom says that Arif Ali and Herumb Khote love Arya so much. They say that we thank God for bringing Maahi in their serial because this is the type of girl they wanted their Arya to be..and they say that they didn’t have to make any extra efforts, she was already like Arya..and we didn’t have to work much on her.
So, that was an interaction with Maahi Bhadra and her Mom Deviyani Bhadra. It was really a pleasure talking to them.
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runa-falls · 1 year
if you're still doing these can i uuuu request shippping game?? :) (atsv my mind only thinks about atsv)
im a 5'6 dude, black spikey/fluffy hair with snakebites >:)
im a ballsy character, i play a dangerous game with death on the daily. i do things because i CAN‼️i tend not to back down from tasks dares given to me.
i am clueless yet painfully aware of things at all times
Sometimes my first impressions are rough and messy but if you play your cards and figure me out i could be the most loyal person known to man!!! i would shove my hand in a meat grinder for u :D
i speak with sarcasm alot of the time, i make jokes for myself but i always appreciate those who laugh gehegehehe
im a stonerr fella, i walk places and look at nature n shit always!! its how i spend alot of my free time, along with drawing comics and occasionally videogames.
im a night person, youll never catch me awake during the day time :(
after getting through my messy outward persona im an easy going guy, ill drop whatever im doing to hang / help friend s ^_^
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you need someone that'll put you in your place (while you try to put them in their's) and someone to stare at you in awe as you almost die from doing something utterly chaotic.
ooo, miguel gets so pissed at you when you put yourself in dangerous situations and he needs to save you. he gets even angrier when you act stubborn and refuse his help. honestly he constantly seems so done with you, but that's just because he doesn't want to show you how much he cares and how fucking worried he is when you attempt to scale a five story building in the middle of the night.
steven gets worried too, but he thinks you're too much of a badass to actually get hurt. you and steven regularly get into trouble with miguel bc you do dumb shit and steven enables it 💀
miguel enjoys your sarcasm (he likes sarcastic people + he is sarcastic) but sometimes steven doesn't understand if you're being sarcastic or not (but he still tries to laugh even when he doesn't know what he's laughing at!). you're kind of the glue that brings miguel and steven together because they both enoy your company and love you very much, but they're from completely different worlds.
miguel is an early sleep and early riser bc he always has things to take care of. steven is a late sleeper and late riser (though he's forced to wake up early for work). you'll always have a cuddle buddy whenever you seek one of them out bc they both cannot deny you.
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danisakay · 7 months
The iPad Kid In Question
In today's generation, the concept of "iPad kids" has gained popularity as a meme and cultural reference. It represents a generation of youngsters who have grown up surrounded by technology, specifically tablets like the iPad. It was an ongoing meme that can be coined as an insult that led me to deny that I am not an iPad kid. However, with how I deal with everyday life, I’ve realized that I cannot live without it. The iPad has played an important role in my life, especially in my academics and leisure activities.
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Do I need my traditional nursing books? No, I have already downloaded them to my note-taking app (Goodnotes). I do not need to bring my thick nursing books to school because I have everything downloaded on my iPad. Do I need to bring tons of notebooks or pad paper when note-taking during lectures? No, I do not need to because I have a handy dandy iPad with me when I go to school.
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One of the most significant advantages of utilizing an iPad for taking notes is its portability. iPads are lightweight and compact, allowing me to easily carry them wherever I go. Whether in a classroom, group meeting, or coffee shop, the iPad offers a convenient device for taking notes on the go without the need for heavy notebooks or stacks of paper. iPads also save notes digitally, removing the need for physical storage and minimizing clutter. I do not need to be stressed whenever I cannot find a certain reviewer of mine that I need to use to study for a quiz the next day. Moreover, I can organize my notes into folders, categories, or tags, making it simple to find specific information quickly and therefore saving me time and effort.
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Aside from note-taking and storing my books, I can access a lot more websites and apps that are needed for my academic requirements. Apps like Quizlet and Anki, which I use for reviewing, especially for active recall and spaced repetitions, allow me to create custom flashcards using text, graphics, music, and even mathematical equations that fit my learning style. They include multimedia features to improve my retention. These kinds of apps are really helpful for me since nursing is a course that demands a lot of memorization of different concepts. They are my lifesaver when memorizing key terms, medical terminology, anatomy, pharmacology, and other nursing concepts.
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Canva is also an app that helps me survive school, and without it, my non-creative self cannot live in the academic realm wherein creativity is a required skill in creating and finishing schoolwork. The ready-made presentations, infographics, posters, and other forms of media help me meet school deadlines. I still tweak its design, but the fact that there is a template that I can use as a guide makes me more productive. Regardless of background or expertise, a person can create graphic designs using the straightforward drag-and-drop interface and pre-designed templates of Canva.
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Another app that is helpful in terms of video editing because of how accessible it is and easy to navigate is Capcut. It is an app that both my iPad and phone can access, making video editing for school tasks easier than before. The interface is well-organized, with tools and features that are easy to access and use, allowing me to efficiently edit videos without being overwhelmed by complex settings. CapCut provides a comprehensive range of editing tools and features that allow me to modify and enhance videos based on my preferences and the requirements of my subjects. When I was in high school, I needed to borrow my mother’s laptop to edit in a built-in video editing app that was hard to navigate because of its technicality and complicated interface. But with this particular app, I can finish my work within a small amount of time, which I can say is perfect for a student who crams video-type projects.
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Google apps like Google Meet, Google Slides, Sheets, Drawings, and most especially Google Docs, have made my life easier. With just having a Gmail account, I can access my documents on all of my devices. If I forget to add something to my document and I already closed my laptop, I can use my iPad or phone to add more information to my paper without the need to assemble my laptop, especially when I’m already lying down in bed ready to sleep. If there is an urgent need to revise my work but I’m out of the house and do not have my laptop with me, I can use my iPad or even my phone and edit it through the Google apps. With an Internet connection, these apps or websites bring convenience and accessibility wherever I go or whatever circumstances I have.
Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides also allow multiple users to work on the same document at once. This real-time collaboration function is especially useful for group projects, team meetings, and collaborative writing assignments. I can monitor changes and updates in real-time, thereby facilitating seamless communication and workflow efficiency. I also consider this a lifesaver to pinpoint my groupmates who have been neglecting group tasks and monitoring their contributions.
Moreover, the nerve-wracking experience of accidentally deleting one’s document is devastating and something I do not like to experience again. Google Apps are a lifesaver again in this aspect because they automatically save versions of documents, allowing me to track changes, return to previous versions, and discover who made specific modifications.
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Last but not least, my favorite feature of the iPad is its size and how I can watch series and movies on a larger screen. I do not like the hassle of turning on my TV or my laptop, both of which I cannot bring to my bed whenever I need to rest. With the iPad, there is unlimited access to watching shows while lying comfortably in my bed. I have access to a vast library of movies, TV shows, documentaries, and original content, allowing me to explore a world of entertainment possibilities at any time and from any location. On top of that, I find it difficult to refrain from eating without watching something on my iPad. This behavior perfectly aligns with the concept of an 'iPad kid,' someone who eats while using their iPad. It is essential for me when I eat since if I do not distract myself through watching videos, I tend to eat too fast, therefore not being able to chew my food well.
Besides what I've mentioned above, the iPad's multitasking capabilities also enable me to view videos while also browsing the web, reading emails, or taking notes. Picture-in-Picture mode allows me to minimize the video player and continue watching content while using other programs, thereby increasing my productivity and multitasking effectiveness. I particularly enjoy this feature when I just need white noise or background noise whenever I need to finish something that does not require too much work or concentration. In addition, this feature is also useful whenever I need to write down notes during my online classes.
"my lifesaver"
My phone and laptop have features and strengths that I use depending on what I need, but my iPad is a mixture of them. With the help of my Apple Pencil, offers versatile features that make my life more productive. The iPad's combination of features and characteristics provides versatility and adaptation to various demands and preferences. Whether I use it for work, play, education, or creativity, the iPad is a versatile platform that adapts to my changing needs and lifestyle. At this point, I can say that I’ve already achieved a return on investment, or ROI, with my iPad.
A phrase that can describe the technology, in general, is ‘my lifesaver’. Throughout my narrative, I cannot count how many times I mentioned that phrase because indeed, these smart devices, digital services, and software applications offer convenience and accessibility that make life easier. They provide unprecedented convenience and accessibility in our daily lives. Whether it's ordering food online, booking transportation, or operating smart home gadgets with voice commands, technology makes tasks and routines easier, saving time and effort. As we manage the complicated aspects of modern life, technology is our constant friend, allowing us to prosper in an ever-changing digital landscape.
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vinsmokewife · 1 year
who is this person / chapter one
On a quest to find love on a dating website, Sanji falls head over heels for a woman with an interest in...alternative relationships that sends him down a rabbit hole of completing tasks for a seemingly sadistic mistress. But what happens when she turns out to be more than what she seems? Darkfic with themes of internalised homophobia, bad bdsm practices and lying about your identity to strangers on the internet. Please read with caution. This is NOT how BSDM should be practiced. Always practice Sane, Safe and Consensual practices boarders on being considered dead dove do not eat material read on ao3 read on ff
tags included: Alternate Universe - Modern: No Powers Internalized Homophobia Bottom Vinsmoke Sanji Top Roronoa Zoro Roronoa Zoro and Vinsmoke Sanji Bickering Sanji and Zoro are awful in this fic btw they both do terrible things Grimdark It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better Sanji is really homophobic in this fic because he's dealing with being bi jknjkn Roronoa Zoro is Bad At Feelings and deals with his feeling AWFULLY BDSM Consensual But Not Safe Or Sane Dead Dove: Do Not Eat i'm only tagging it as dead dove for safety because this is dark
authors note:
So, this is more like a personal little mission for me. I wrote a cringy fanfic called Who’s That Person when I was 13. That was ten years ago. I am about to turn 25 this year. I have been rewatching One Piece and decided I really liked the idea of Who Is This Person, but I wrote it poorly because I was 13. So, I am going to revise it. I still get comments on the sequel called Misery asking if I will ever continue it.
SO. With that said, this fanfic will be entirely different. No more ooc suicide attempts or just cringy sex scenes and DEFINATELY no mpreg if there’s a sequel. It will also be set in the modern world because I don’t know if I ever explained what verse Who’s This Person was written in. Probably didn’t think about it too much. Either way, I hope this is a lot better because I cringe whenever I read the original.
THIS STORY IS PRIMARY TOLD IN EITHER SANJI'S POV OR ZORO'S POV. Similarly to the original aha. But I will indicate it clearly in the story.
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The idea of online dating had seemed abhorrent to Sanji. A self-proclaimed pristine gentleman who was interested in real romance and not the one behind a screen. Online dating, among his age group, seemed to kind of be the norm. When he had his weekly meetings with Nami and Robin (his gal pals), they (although, more Nami than anything) seemed to talk a lot about their online escapades.  
It was time to consider the possibility of modernizing his dating pool. It is time he experimented a little in the modern age. It was about time that he considered trying a dating app.  
It might have sounded very boomerish but it was more a case of not knowing what to expect online but maybe that was what was so exciting. Sanji rarely had any time to date as much as he liked. Being a chef at his father's restaurant was draining, and the hours were antisocial. Too many long nights and sleeping in to catch up with much needed sleep. He longed to date as he was a romantic person but there was never enough time in the day to date. So, here he was, finishing up a profile on a swiping dating app that Nami recommended.  
It wasn’t long until after the account was live, he got a few swipes. Naturally, he swiped right on pretty much all of them. Afterall, he would give every woman a chance.  
One in particular caught his eye, however. It made him stop before he swiped. A beautiful woman with dark brown hair, big blue eyes and a very soft feminine face. She looked like a model; someone who didn’t seem real. Her name was Zoey. It was even a question of whether or not to swipe for her. She seemed like she might be a joke. Either way,  
Z: Hey. Thanks for the swipe. I hope we can talk soon. 
That was how this worked then. Huh. Easy. Quickly and with much eagerness, Sanji typed out a message in return. He was unsure if the same tactics worked online as they would in person. It was hard to gauge a reaction from not being able to see someone’s face but maybe that was the excitement. 
S: I’m here now, dear. I’d love to talk ♡. 
The annoying thing about this was the waiting game that one had to endure with these types of conversations. Nothing was instant. It wasn’t like when you chatted to someone, and you had to wait for every calculated move. It certainly wasn’t like normal dating. 
Z: Cool. What are you up to?  
Well, wasn’t it obvious? He was spending his time being lonely talking to someone he had never met online. But, besides the point. 
S: I’m talking to you, darling. Actually, I just made this profile two seconds ago. You are the first lucky lady I’ve spoken to. 
S: What are you up to? 
Z: Lucky me. 
Z: I’ve just been to the gym. It was leg day today.  
Z: So, I’m just going back to my apartment for a nice warm bath and a beer. Maybe a nap.  
Z: I’ll be honest, this is my first time on an app like this. I don’t usually do the whole dating thing normally. But I was told I needed to loosen up and live a little by some friends. 
Hmm. That was similar to him actually. Although it wasn’t so much that he was doing this because Robin and Nami encouraged him to. This was probably a good idea. Probably. Well, he was tired of his mundane life at Zeff’s restaurant anyway. 
S: I understand, dear. I’ve never made a dating profile in my life. 
S: I work at my father’s restaurant. Well, adoptive father. He practically raised me.  
S: But he’s a piece of work. I have ambitions of being a chef, but he won’t let me in the kitchen. I wait tables. It’s not what I want to be doing. If I’m not waiting tables, I’m bartending.  
S: I’m not sure if you’ve been to the Baratie?  
Z: I have heard of it. Not really been in it. It’s too expensive for my taste… I prefer a shitty rundown bar. 
S: Hmph. Baratie IS a shitty rundown restaurant in my opinion. 
S: What do you do? I’ve told you I’m a waiter. Do you have some embarrassing day job then? 
Z: I’m a personal trainer. I work at a gym.  
Z: It’s not all that exciting. 
Z: I’d pick being a waiter over being a personal trainer any day.  
She seemed…down to earth. It reminded him of talking to Nami or Robin. Conversation felt incredibly natural. As he lay there looking around his surroundings, his room in his apartment that had cooking books strewn around the room that he had been looking into but everything else seemed very tame in comparison. Things were getting rather dull and predictable which made him what to spice things up and holding back in conversations such as these were not his style at all. It was time to be more… direct. 
S: Hmmm. I don’t know… I’d kill to have a personal trainer like you ;) 
Maybe a little too cheesy. He bites his lip and hopes it lands. There’s a minute or so with no message. Because it was a little bit of a gamble, the minute in between this message and the next one seemed significantly longer than any other message and to be honest, he was beginning to think he had down something wrong but that was all until the next message came through. 
Z: Hm.  
Z: If you want to play that game, I think you make a handsome waiter…  
Z: A man like you serving my every need? I think that’s exactly what you’re supposed to do. 
And…Sanji was not expecting that kind of response and it made him sit upright in the bed. It was…bold. Suspiciously bold actually. Normally his attempts at wooing women didn’t exactly earn that kind of response. It took him a few minutes to even think of what to say but before he could type something in return, she writes again. 
Z: I have to go…run some errands.  
Z: It was nice talking to you. 
Z: I’m interested in getting to know you if you are interested in me too. I think we could have a very special relationship J 
Z: See you later, Sanji. 
Sanji almost at once replies back. The conversation is over quicker than it has begun but he doubts it will be the last. 
S: Of course. I’ll talk to you later, starshine. 
Zoey is now offline.  
Sanji let himself fall back against the bed. It was a short conversation, but it left an impact on him. What kind of special relationship was she after? He thought about what she said for a minute but then disregarded it. After all, she was merely a stranger on the internet and perhaps she was only there to fill a need of her own but... 
How does one conversation get you so invested?  
He hadn’t forgotten about tonight. It may not have seemed interesting at first, but the start of the night from 6pm he had to go to work. Tonight, Zeff (his adoptive father) was working which meant that Sanji was front of house. He didn’t hate being front of house; it wasn’t a particularly hard job, but it meant he was as far away from the kitchen as possible.  
See, Sanji had so much respect and admiration for Zeff. Zeff practically raised Sanji when no one else would. Zeff stepped up as a father to Sanji when his own father (who he doesn’t know or remember) abandoned him. Sanji had absolutely nothing to his name and not a roof over his head when Zeff found him.  
So, it wasn’t as if Zeff and Sanji hated each other. There was a lot of love there but...not at work. Zeff kept Sanji as far away from the kitchen as possible, especially when he was working. If he wasn’t, he made sure Sanji wasn’t scheduled for kitchen duty. This brought a lot of frustration as Sanji wanted to be a chef and being a chef in Zeff’s restaurant seemed like the ideal choice for him but... There was a lot more to it than that.
To others, they never seemed like they got on. They are constantly bickering. Zeff telling Sanji that the reason he isn’t allowed to cook is because his cooking is shit, Sanji calling Zeff’s restaurant shitty and rundown...that kind of things. 
However, he obviously didn’t mean it because nights like to tonight, Zeff would retire early and hand Sanji the keys to the restaurant telling him he’s on lock up duty. 
Sanji didn’t mind. It was a moment of quiet for him. Once the staff were dismissed, Sanji would just do some admin out the back. Tonight was no different. However, he kept looking at his phone. Since Zoey, Sanji had managed to start conversations with other women. Some of them charming, some disinterested and some just looking for friendly conversation but none caught his eyes like Zoey did.  
Sanji was in the middle of some paperwork in the office when he heard a bang on the door. It scared the shit out of him. He nearly fell off his chair but at once the voice that shouted out made Sanji annoyed more than anything. 
God damnit Luffy. 
Sanji almost ran from the office to the front door where, in the darkness of the night, his friend Luffy was standing with his face against the window. Sanji unlocked the door. 
“Hey! Do you want me to lose my job?” Sanji opened the door to see Luffy standing there. Luffy was one of his best friends. He actually met Luffy here; because Luffy ate Zeff out of house and home and got forced to do the dishes for a week as payment. He got to know Luffy and his antics. He admired Luffy’s carefree nature so much. Luffy merely smiled and pushed his way to the door, following him was his other friend, Nami. 
“Hey Sanji! Sorry he was so excited to be here,” Her sweet voice said throwing him a wink which at once lessoned his anger.  
“He just needs to keep his fucking voice down. I could lose my job if Zeff finds out he’s helping himself to food from the kitchen,” 
Sanji had an arrangement with Luffy. Luffy stopped turning up the Baratie and eating without paying the bill, and Sanji would let him into the kitchen on nights he’s closing up and he had free range of the food that’s going to be thrown out. Sanji disagrees with the idea that food should be thrown out like this; at least let someone who doesn’t have much eat it. 
Or at least Luffy so Zeff stops popping blood vessels whenever he comes by. 
Just as Sanji is about to close the door, a hand grabs onto the end of it and pushes it open. Sanji didn’t see that they had taken their other friend along. 
Roronoa Zoro. Sanji and Zoro were not friends. 
“Aren’t you going to let me in, shitty cook?” 
Sanji was so close to slamming the door right in his stupid moss head face and break that stupid look on his face. Zoro was built like a brick house and had a hair full of moss like hair. He just looked so stupid in Sanji’s eyes. He hated when Zoro tagged along like a stupid mossy looking dog. 
“Not with that damn attitude,” 
Although Sanji looked smaller in comparison, he had just as much strength as Zoro so he tried to push the door back only for Nami to grab his shoulder gently. 
“Come on you two. Can’t you two stop bickering for once in your life?” Immediately, because it was Nami, Sanji opened the door and let Zoro in who basically barged past him. Had Nami not been there to defuse the situation, there would have been a fight as Sanji clenched his jaw watching Zoro just barge into Zeff’s restaurant like this, the disrespect! 
“Fine. I’ve got work to do in the back. Will you PLEASE make sure Luffy doesn’t get into the good fridge? And that Mosshead keeps to a one drink minimun. He’s lucky I let him even have one,” 
They both look at Zoro, who has made his way over the beautiful looking bar off the corner. He’s in the fridge looking for a beer. God, just the look on his face makes Sanji want to punch his face. 
“Fine. Don’t worry. I’ll look after him. Just do what you need to do...please!” Nami said with that sweet voice of hers. If Nami didn’t only like girls... 
“Fine. Anything for you~!” Sanji turned to go for the back, giving Zoro one last glare before he did. Then he went back into the office and started doing the administration he was supposed to have done a while back. About 5 minutes into it, his phone buzzes. He assumes it’s going to be Nami sheepishly telling him that Luffy got into the fridge or that Zoro has opened a second beer but... 
Quickly, Sanji opens his phone and opened the app only to read her message. 
Z: Are you awake? I just got back from the gym. 
S: Yes, yes, I’m awake. I’m just cashing up for the night 
His reply came rather quickly. He didn’t realise but he had been hoping for all day that she would message him. 
Z: Good. 
Z: I know we’ve only started talking but I like talking to you, Sanji. 
Z: There’s something about you that I really like. 
S: I’m very flattered. I enjoyed our conversation this morning too. 
Sanji continued to type away at the admin on his computer. He was half paying attention to the conversation. Normally he would have managed to get this done quicker but he would stop every now and then to speak to Zoey. The conversation was really casual until near the end, just when he was away to finish cashing up, a message caught his eye as it came from entirely out of nowhere. 
Z: So, Sanji, I want to ask you something, but I don’t want to scare you away. I really like the connection we have already, but I want to ask, what do you think about... kinkier stuff? 
“Hey Zoro...” 
Zoro was barely paying attention to Luffy’s whining. Something about the good fridge being locked or something. Hell, if he knew. Luffy had currently found himself a bunch of plates of food that didn’t make the cut (but was fine otherwise) desserts, sweets and all that but he is still complaining about not being able to get into the fridge. However, it is not Luffy that is pestering this time.  
He had lost track of time since Sanji had went into the back. He had been sitting at the bar, legs on the table on his phone. Not a habit Zoro often indulged in but recently, something rather interesting happened that made it more...so. 
It seemed that Zoro was too invested in whatever was going on and that was annoying Nami. Since this morning, when she first seen Zoro, he’d been acting a little...bizarre. He was not one to be distracted by his phone unless it was for a reason. Sometimes, Zoro even forgot he had one but as of today, Zoro has been watching his phone like an absolute hawk.  
So, Nami decided the next logical thing to do and while he wasn’t looking, Nami snatched it out of his hand. 
Zoro suddenly realised what had happened jumped to his feet and nearly tackled her, but Nami prepared herself for this and stood to the side. 
“Oooh, you finally have a girlfriend? Is that why you keep looking at your phone?” So far, Nami didn’t look at the screen. She didn’t really feel the need to right now as she kept dodging Zoro who was increasingly getting more flustered with her. 
“Nami, I swear... Give me it back or I will punch you across this room,” Zoro didn’t often threaten his friends. Not as a joke but Nami decided to push his buttons a little more as she then went to look at the phone. 
“Hey, maybe I should introduce myself as one of your best-” Nami interrupted herself as she saw the contents of his screen. It was a dating app. It was a familiar dating app. It was a dating app that Nami frequented but... she never saw Zoro on it. Maybe he had blocked her, so they didn’t match. She seen the last message... that was sent by Zoro. 
Z: So, Sanji, I want to ask you something, but I don’t want to scare you away. I really like the connection we have already, but I want to ask, what do you think about... kinkier stuff?  
Sanji? No. Zoro and Sanji hated each other. They couldn’t stand each other. Why would they be...wait... Zoro’s name wasn’t Zoro. It was Zoey. 
“Z-Zoro...what is...” 
Just then, Luffy burst through from the kitchen just as Zoro had grabbed the phone from her hand and shoved it back into his pocket as if nothing happened. Luffy looked at the two of them and frowned. 
“Hey. No fights without me! I thought Sanji would be finished by now,” 
Nami didn’t know what to say. She felt like her head was spinning. What was going on between her two friends. She looked at Luffy and then Zoro before she took a step. “Should I go check on him?”
Although he never showed it, Zoro stepped forward with every intention of stopping her, “I don’t think dartboard brows will be long. Wasn’t there another case of food you didn’t seen near the door to the back? That’s normally where they keep the good beer as well,”  
Luffy scoffed and shook his head, “You know I don’t like beer, but I guess I’ll go have a look. Thanks Zoro,” Luffy turned his heels to go back into the kitchen. That left Zoro and Nami alone again. Nami turned to look him before she started heading towards where she knew Sanji would be. That was until she heard Zoro’s voice. 
“Don’t you want to know why before you storm off and make matters worse?”  
Nami turned on her heels. She could barely look at Zoro right now. Zoro was, in clear view, catfishing Sanji on a dating website. She assumed it was because Zoro hated Sanji so much that he was going to make him miserable by doing something like this. To embarrass Sanji and humiliate him. Nami didn’t mind a bit of banter between friends. A little bit of bullying was fine, but this right here was taking it too far. 
“I don’t care what reasons you have. I understand you hate Sanji, but this is really cruel Zoro. I thought you were above this,” 
Zoro’s eyebrows knitted together as he watched her. He seemed calm enough. He sat down again, looking at her and shaking his head. 
“You think I’m doing this because I hate him? Hm. Maybe it does seem that way...doesn’t it,” There was something about the way Zoro was acting that seemed very unreadable, but Nami could only assume that was the reason. Why else would you catfish someone other than...? Now it was Nami’s turn to be confused which Zoro seen and in the most casual way, he revealed a secret leaning back with a beer in hand. 
“Did you know I’m gay, Nami?”  
Nami now fully turned to Zoro. Nami took a breath. Something like this didn’t bother her. Nami was a lesbian and was happily in a relationship with another friend of theirs, Vivi. Their friendship group was pretty diverse. There was Luffy who was asexual and aromantic. Robin and Franky, despite being in a relationship, were both bisexual. Brook was an old gay man. Usopp was bisexual as well. 
Sanji was the outlier. The one person who wasn’t like the rest of them... 
“No, I didn’t know you were. Is this how you’re coming out to me? By catfishing one of my best friends? Because this is one hell of a coming out,” She breathed out.  
“No, just listen Nami,” Zoro was clearly becoming a little impatient Nami could have laughed. She really could have. Zoro and Sanji hated each other. Or at least that’s what she thought. 
“So, you’re...what... catfishing him. That’s pretty fucked up,” 
“I didn’t intend on it being him. Listen, Luffy and Usopp made the profile on my phone as a joke. When I went to delete it, I got curious and started swiping through people. Sanji’s profile appeared. I only started talking to him today. It’s...nice to talk to him without him being annoying or antagonising me. It’s like we’re friends-”  
“You know you could just talk to him too and not be a dick about it. This is a pretty extreme way of going about it. And what about that last message about kink-” 
It was at that moment that Sanji appeared through the kitchen doors looking absolutely furious with Luffy who was covered in... chocolate. The two of them stopped looking angry at each other and looked at their friend. 
“Zeff is going to be absolutely furious with me! A whole chocolate cake! Gone!” Sanji pushed Luffy who went and stood next to Zoro. Sanji looked at Nami and looked at Zoro.  
“Who told him about the case next to the door? The one that’s clearly for cakes?” 
“It’s just a cake,” Zoro replied casually, “I’m sure if Zeff lets you near the kitchen you can just make another one, waiter,” 
If Sanji wasn’t already at 100, he was now with Zoro’s little comment. Sanji was ready to storm in that kitchen, but he took a moment to compose himself. 
“I’m going to have to stay all night to replace that cake so whatever you three wanted me to do with you, I’m going to have to say no,” Sanji showed them to the door, “Now please, leave.”  
“Fiiine I had my share. I wonder if Shanks has left me anything...” Luffy said as he headed towards the door. Zoro just looked at Sanji who scowled at him then Nami looked at Sanji. She wanted to say something about Zoro. About...Zoey... 
“Nami... Dear, I’d love you to stay but I have a cake to make and Zeff will kill me,” Sanji never got mad at her, and he wasn’t mad at her. However, this was the politest way of saying please leave.  
“Okay...” Maybe tomorrow, if he was free...she didn’t want to upset him more than he already was. She left and was left with Zoro because Luffy decided to go to Shanks house instead. It was awkward because Zoro probably knew what Nami wanted to do. They walked alongside each other and didn’t talk. 
Until Zoro broke the silence. A deep almost regretful sigh left his lips as he stopped on the street. He looked at Nami before talking. 
“I’ll delete the profile tonight. It was a stupid thing for me to do...” 
Nami nodded in agreement. “Thank you Zoro. I won’t tell him if you do that...” 
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whumpcateyes · 8 months
So! A little gift for any writers who want it
I have asthma, anemia and have had Covid twice(neither time was my fault but that’s another story)
These things have left me with some *issues*
So, I thought it might be fun to try and talk about it for writing inspiration and 1st hand reference
(Content ahead: exhaustion, loss of oxygen, lightheadedness, etc)
Breathing issues:
It’s like I’m always wearing a sports bra, this isn’t like a getting better or worse thing, just a constant. There is always this tension in my chest in muscles that don’t exist. It kinda feels like a mattress pressing down on top of me at all times
Every breath is not enough, I often breathe with my mouth because I can’t take a deep enough breath, but taking deep breaths makes me light headed, so breathing exercises for anxiety just make me lightheaded(which, as you can guess, does not help the anxiety)
Being outside helps immensely(it doesn’t fix it, but cold, sharp air feels better)(bonus points make your underdressed Whumpee escape outside for a breath of fresh air in winter, shivering in the cold because it’s the only place where they still feel alive)
When I’m not getting enough oxygen, I start to feel it in my arms, neck, and face. I don’t know if this is a good description, but it’s like my muscles get heavier and tighter, but my skin and flesh feel lighter and numb
Constant. Yawning. You just keep fucking yawning, you cannot stop
Dark, noticeable circles around your eyes, they don’t fade or go away. You look like a raccoon, you look like you just woke up from the worst nap of your life. Almost all of my friends have told me that the first thing they notice about me is the circles
I am Always Tired. Every day is a little different. Sometimes I stay at a constant 40% energy all day, sometimes I start at like 20% then jump to 35% in the evening, sometimes I cannot get above 10% no matter what I do. And you can never predict when it will happen.
Sleep doesn’t help, caffeine doesn’t help, my medications(vyvanse and an antidepressant) do their best but it’s not enough. I used to start my 8hr shifts by drinking a monster energy and praying that I could stay awake
Exertion of any kind feels terrible. Already tired + can’t get enough oxygen + being on your feet for a long time = you feel seconds away from passing out at all times, you are achy and can’t think straight, your vision and body feels light and flat as if your flesh has been replaced with helium, but your bones have been replaced with lead. It’s hard to focus on anything besides the thoughts in your head, especially understanding instructions
I take frequent naps, usually on the couch, but generally whenever I can. If I rest my eyes, I get really sleepy. Sometimes I’ll take a nap less than an hour after getting up in the morning
There is a limit on what you can do each day. I plan my routes through tasks to conserve as much energy as possible to prepare for any unplanned events.
Emotional shit:
It makes you feel useless, I’ve never been an athletic person, but if I get out of breath, which isn’t hard, I stay that way for 20+ minutes and it makes me feel wimpy
You feel like you can’t pull your weight with the people you care about, because you can’t move your body enough to stand and help them. Every task feels like trying to climb a mountain because you are so so tired
Nothing feels entirely real, like you are watching a recording of your own life
It’s hard to get out of your head
You feel like you’re worse than your younger self(which is stupid because I am fucking 18), you feel like everything about you is getting worse, it makes you question whether you deserve any support you’re getting.
Every day feels like a waste
Frustration, constant frustration on not being able to do easy tasks in a reasonable amount of time.
Sometimes it’s easier to crawl around on the floor, because it’s hard to be in your feet
Possibly entirely unrelated but I haven’t seen enough about them:
Head rushes!!:
Sure yeah sometimes it’s not so bad but here’s the steps to a very very strong head rush
Stand and stretch(the stretching is what does it)
Everything goes blurry and you feel lightheaded
Your vision goes dark as if you closed your eyes
You feel weak, you sit down sometimes you fall over
Sometimes it’s like you black out for a few seconds, and wake up on the floor
You shake uncontrollably, trembling like you’re cold
The shaking calms, your visions fades back and you can control your movements
You feel a little unsteady for a few more minutes after
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spookysalem13 · 11 months
Today has been a very rough day. Half way through my work day my old boss comes into my job. My best friend and I who used to both work with him were on duty. My best friend is now the manager, which was this man's prior job when he was working with us.
He comes in, walks behind my friend and I while we're focused on working on something and he says to my friend "having fun watching the handicap work?"
For those who don't know, I'm disabled. I try to always come at it from a positive light, but it does get me down. Especially right now, I'm very down about what goes on with me.
That comment didn't sit well with me, obviously. But as I'm dealing with a lot of stress, anxiety and depression right now, I just tried to ignore him and focus on my task. But he didn't take to being ignored too well.
He stood behind me while I worked and said "well that's what you are, a handicap!" All I could muster up at that point was a simple I don't appreciate that. I don't refer to my disabilities in the way you're speaking about them right now.
Being the kind of person he is, he then proceeded to out loud list my disabilities, with customers in the store for everyone to hear. Ending that with "see a handicap!"
Accused me of trying to hide it, said I couldn't hide it from him, he worked with me, he's fully aware I'm a handicap!
Mind this man's tone was rude, was demeaning. He was trying to humiliate me. The whole time he was laughing. He's fully aware of the difference between saying someone is disabled between calling someone a handicap. Especially when mocking me and asking if my best friend is having fun in his new management position by watching the "handicap" work.
This is a man I went out of my way to help on countless of occasions. A man who made me do his own management job because he was too lazy to do it himself. He'd rather sit out in his car and nap during his shift.
Yet I still tried to see the good, I helped him whenever he asked. I was always kind, polite and understanding with him. Never strayed him wrong. Yet he comes in and completely humiliates me!
I was so upset, entirely speechless. After he left I went outside and I cried in the back of the building. One, for the cruel words. Two, for the humiliation and three for feeling so stupid for going so far to help this man.
I feel bad enough in the body I am. I struggle enough as it is. To go so far as to do what he did is disgusting! It truly hurt. It broke me down when I've already been feeling broken.
So it's easy to say today has definitely been a hard day.
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kiisblog · 11 months
Locomotion of Lost Ideas. 
I randomly sent a video to my friend of a train passing by outside my balcony without knowing that trains are one of his favourites. When he mentioned his love for trains, I impulsively told him I would write about it. I'm not sure if I made a mistake by telling him that because now I have to whack my brain to find a great idea to write about trains. How am I supposed to do that? Usually, ideas come to me, i don't think about them but now I have to think. However, I cannot engage in all this thinking without a cup of coffee, so I headed to the kitchen, made one, and sat on the balcony, gazing at the railway tracks, hoping they would inspire me but it just ended up being a staring contest. 
Oh, that reminds me, when I asked him what he likes about trains, I was expecting him to say something like the journey, destination, or the people, because that would be so easy to write about. Instead, he hit me with - wheels, locomotives, railroads, suspensions, powerlines.
It wasn't really that surprising because, well, I know him, so I actually saw that coming.
Anyways, I sat there thinking about wheels and suspensions, but what on earth am I supposed to write about that? Should I write about the scientific history behind them or How a Diesel Electric Locomotive works? What good would that do? It seems like writing a textbook, and who wants to read one, or for that matter, write one? Maybe I should search for metaphors that connect trains to life? Now, that sounds cliche. The sound of trains is nice, although it was annoying at first when I moved into this house because a train used to pass by every few minutes to hours. There are all kinds of trains that pass by near my balcony—ordinary ones with passengers, metros, coal-loaded trains, and even trains carrying sealed packages.
Sometimes, I watch people walking on the tracks while I sit there sipping my tea. There are also a few dogs. If I were to describe the view from my balcony, there are three large apartment buildings behind the tracks, surrounded by trees and plants. It's no wonder if there's a cozy spot for animals to rest in the midst of the tracks and apartments. I must admit that I've grown quite attached to my balcony, it's very comforting. However, I've never once thought about jumping onto the tracks. I'm not that kind of person. Whenever I mention that I live near the tracks, people jokingly say that their intrusive thoughts would tempt them to jump onto the tracks just seconds before a train passes by. I find that idea rather silly, to be honest. 
By the way, this reminds me (again) of that scene in Breaking Bad where they decide to steal a train car chock full of methylamine, swap it with 90% water, and no one would know. The train heist plan was so intense and thrilling, I almost thought they were done for when the whistle blew, and the train started moving without them finishing the task. But somehow, the plan succeeds, and then something really dark happens after that, which my train of thought (pun intended) is urging me to stop to avoid any more spoilers.
Well, I'm nearing the end of my coffee cup, and I still haven't figured out what I'm supposed to write. I guess I'll have to call it a day and let my friend know that I couldn't come up with anything. He'll probably tease me about it the whole day because he's my biggest hater.
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