#it was my pre-eidolon Triforce Trio OoT prequel comic with my high school best friend and man
shannonsketches · 10 months
Been casually following your stuff for a while, but I only just now went through your blog for real. So since I know you also have major Ganondorf brainrot, any particular takes on him and his philosophy in TP?
I haven't played Twilight Princess in a thousand years, unfortunately, and apparently I never bought it?? So I've got a lot more hours logged in OoT and Windwaker. I did however snag myself a treat on ebay so I may have more thoughts about this in the coming weeks.
That said, I do remember that he was the first Ganondorf that made me and the friend who I originally started doing Zelda comics with think about Ganondorf more critically as a trickster and not a tank (I was too young to really be considerate of Wind Waker when it first came out, but I was 16 when TP dropped and we were already having fun playing in the zelda sandbox. I remember really hating his design in TP, so I must've already been knee-deep in my OoT shit lol)
Idk if it's necessarily what you asked but I think I recall that his dynamic with Zant and his literally possessing Zelda really changed my perspective on him as a magic user (even though he is still pretty hands-off in OoT, we had SSB: Melee by then and if you know you know) and probably spurred the idea that the Gerudo stones in the OoT dungeons could be read as Ganondorf setting those traps up.
His monologue and death scenes are also some of what formed my headcanons about his very calm demeanor masking this bitterness and stubbornness and being inclined to succumb to his anger and grief (because what is left for him here? He's already lost everything, and all that remains is revenge). I also really liked that in OoT his beast form is a result of him losing control of the triforce, and in TP he can switch back and forth, which implied to me that that anger and grief is controlled and terrifying and precise, which is just such an excellent fucking flavor of villainy. Twilight Princess said, "Remember Ganondorf? He's older and wiser (this is a threat)."
Anyway that's all I can think of off the top of my head -- but I'll be thrilled to report back if/when I'm able to replay the game soonish!
Also....This is not what you asked but I have a very fond memory of watching my friend (who was a Link stan) play TP and commenting in-character as he played through, and every time he died I would laugh and say 'Try Again!' in Thee Dumbest Old Man Voice a 16 year old can conjure, and we ended up basing their entire dynamic for our comic on it, haha.
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