#it was meant for her but she didnt catch that so she's giving it to the medjed instead
darabeatha · 8 months
@caemthe replied ; pat: -tucks her bed para un buen mimir-
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❝ ―My utmost gratitude for your help, Lancer. I believe proper rest will greatly help lord Medjed, it has been a long day, so you should rest as well ! ❞ She doesn't know the tidy bed was made for her !
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pngjamie · 11 days
I yap about Forever + Falling with you
Forever being the end song to murder drones- and its lyrics being what they are
gives me the impression Murder Drones was a big love story about opening up and trust hidden under mounds of comedy and violence
And I dont mean that it ACTUALLY is, its more just.. a silly little feeling I get when i listen to it
Theres something about the song thats so... cozy? So like, softly spoken. A very hummable melody from one lover to another.
also falling with you, like what the fuck
never in my life have I felt a track was so carefully crafted- and prepared, carved out for two specific characters in one specific moment.
She made the choice to sacrifice herself- for him. In her eyes it was the end and if at the end of everything she could guarantee the life of one person it was going to be the one she loves, she didnt know what would be at the other end,
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The thing is, he wanted to be there for her. Even when they're knocking on deaths door, he needs to be there.
Its like trust fall exercise, except the focus isnt on 'catch me' cause they'd never let the other fall,
its about making sure they dont fall when youre not looking. It hurts both parties, to crash without warning and to see the one you love fall
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I *love* that they dont speak here. She looks to the side, shifting her glances before looking at him.
An unspoken guilt ridden apology.
The response he chooses?
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Even if the result of her actions hurt him- her intentions were good and meant to be entirely in favor of him
And in this moment, with their current history and with a yet to be seen future, he forgives her,
Cause at the very least, they're together again. He could save her.
And her look just, screams thank you to me.
Thank you for forgiving me, saving me-
for everything :) /ref
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lighthearted preparation for whats to come :)
legitimately, what she says, reiterating herself "die mad bitch"
knowing theyre heading into the end of the world to prevent it?? Theyre going off to the fucking trenches together, key word this time being together
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And then the horrible unexpected !
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Uzi is ripped away from N, confronted with what her home has become, the universe is practically screaming at her to fix it, pushing her towards the end without mercy
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But shes not doing it alone, she cant do it alone, not again, not this time
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And he wouldnt let her
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The universe could endlessly attempt to wield its cosmic grasp to push these two apart but itd never work, itd never end with them alone
Their love- their pure devotion to each other,
is so celestial in its own right
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Not super related to my ramble but i love that in them becoming official (I will not call this a confession, N definitely confessed the previous episode)
Uzis so.. wagh.. her eyes.
That trademark look of panic or worry- I mean what would you expect from the black sheep of the colony? Being excluded on the daily, left to your own abandoned devices?? The reassurance she was requesting just, ughh.. my heart...
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and the way. He fucking looks at her
Its so, soft. He knows she has not a thing to worry about. His heart is completely and utterly hers. Where most would die for their love, he lives for her.
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The universe would be dammed to ever try and separate pure unbridled love like this ever again
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ERM< ANYWAY that was super gay ew idk why im like. obsessed with their relatinshuio ahhajfhdgjbsjhfm someone blow me up
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kadwrites · 1 year
entanglement | T.S
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previous part | next part
or check out the series masterlist
summary ; your fate is now sealed
warnings ; arranged marriage trope, slow burn? , typos (english isn't my first language) , tommy being the babygirl that he is.
a/n ; i have beef with this secretary idk why. thank you guys for the support! id love to know what you guys think of this part<333
you look out the window as he drives, trying to ignore the awkwardness between you two. your heart is almost beating out of your chest.
he glances at you as he drives, "who were the friends ya had over?"
you turn to look at him "huh?", it seems like no matter how often you talk to him, his voice still makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up
"the friends, the company ya had over this mornin' , who were they?" he repeats, a little slower this time
"oh my friends madeline and fiona, why?"
"do they know about this?" he glances at you again
"of course they do" you look at him even when he looks away, your mind starts to wander "are you... ashamed ?" you try not to sound too offended.
his brows pinch together in confusion, and you see it from his side profile "what?"
"of this, of me." you're still staring at him "is that why you don't want people to know about this? 'cause you're ashamed?"
"why would i be ashamed ?"
"i don't know, tommy. why would you?" your attitude seeped into your words , unfortunately.
"i'm not" he adds with a small chuckle
"is it cause my dad is a farmer?"
he turns to look at you for a second, with an almost amused expression "i don't care that your dad is a farmer."
"then why are you so secretive about it?" you ask again, casually. you needed to know why
"i just didn't think ya would want anyone to know, i'm giving ya chance to reconsider this before anything official 'appens."
you raise a brow at him "so this isn't official then?"
"i meant an engagement party, a public announcement. an entanglement that everyone will know about that ya wouldn't be able to escape."
"ya still think i'm being forced into this..." your voice is soft ,its almost a whisper as you connected the dots, your eyes roaming his face.
he doesn't respond back, he just takes a breath and keeps on driving.
"my father gave me a way out of this," you speak again, "i've had multiple chances to end this... entanglement or whatever the fuck ya want to call it. but i didnt take them."
"why not?" he asks almost immediately after, his eyes on you again
"because i didnt want to."
his eyes go back to the road , the rest of the drive is silent and you don't mind it. frankly you didn't know what other uncomfortable conversations you'd have if either one of you spoke again.
you don't wait for him to open the passenger door, you do it yourself. you two walk in and you groan internally, resisting the overwhelming desire to roll your eyes at the sight of the blonde secretary. her eyes lit up when she spots him and you could see her practically deflate as she saw you walk in with him.
"good mornin' , mr shleby." her voice is sweet, overly sweet you think you might gag at the sound of it.
he doesn't acknowledge her as he walks towards his office but only stops to turn, waiting for you to catch up. you walk and you both enter the office through the glass door, he leans down to whisper in your ear , not too close but close enough to make the air around you feel non-existent as you hold your breath.
"i'm still not fucking 'er , by the way."
it wasn't just the hairs on the back of your neck that stood, your whole body was now covered in goosebumps. you hold back the shudder that almost escaped you. he wasn't even that close but the sound of his voice, so near. the proximity, he's standing so close to you. you can almost physically feel the secretary staring, as if she wanted you to drop dead on the spot.
you let out a small chuckle, you hope that it masked the reaction that his words caused "you're not?" you don't move though, you're too scared. maybe you didn't want to ruin the moment
"i'm not."
you nod as you lean back and look at him, your nod is slow "i believe you" you say softly before taking a seat on that same chair
he takes his coat off and hangs it, then walks and heads for his chair "your only condition to our marriage is for your parents to be financially supported, correct?"
you nod again "correct."
he rereads a paper that he grabbed , before handing it to you "you wanted it in writing."
you hesitate before grabbing the paper yourself, your eyes skim through the black ink. you lick your lips as you see the word 'marriage' and see both of your names and then see his signature on the bottom. and an empty spot for your signature, he hands you a pen
"ya still 'ave one more chance."
your eyes snap up at him, before you grab the pen, you put the paper back on the desk and then sign it.
"and now i don't"
you two don't take your eyes off eachother, as you both acknowledged what just happened, that your fate was now sealed
"an engagement party is in order now, aye?"
you huff a small laugh "yeah, and it'll be fucking grand."
taglist ; @tardisloverz , @optimisticsandwichgladiator , @theshelbyslimited , @illuminwtesz , @goldensunflowe-r , @gruffle1 ,
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billluver0124 · 3 months
"middle school shenanigans!"
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synopsis : tom goes through his 'first love' experience with y/n! WARNINGS: there is none, its a fluff story !!
authors note: once again, @rottinglilys helped me with the plot of the story ! i hope you guy enjoy my lovies<3
it all started back last year in grade 7, tom had a MASSIVE crush on y/n. he would always catch himself staring at her in classes because they had most classes together.
he always adored how she looked; her hair, her eyes, her bubbly personality, her willingness to be kind towards those who dont deserve it. but most of all...her smile. toms heart used to explode like fireworks whenever he was blessed to see her smiled.
then on the day before spring break started, tom slipped her a note in her locker.
"Hey, ich bin in dich verknallt. Magst du mich auch?
ja oder nein ?-t.k"
y/n was so confused when she got the note. she didn't know what 't.k' stood for, until the very last hour of school. when tom decided to man up and go up to her.
"y/n!" he yelled, jogging up to her to catch her attention. she turns around "oh hi tom!" she said, smiling. tom almost fell to his knees right then and there, but no! he needed to tell her how she felt! "did you get my note?" tom asked, his hand wrapped around the back of his neck. then it hit y/n straight in the face, t.k = tom kaulitz, how could i be so fucking stupid? she thought to herself. "o-oh uh yea!" she answered nervously. "c-can i see it?" tom asked, y/n nervously giving it back. he opens it to see that it wasnt answered "you didnt answer it, do you not like me back?" tom felt his heart sting a little but it was soon reassured. "n-no i do like you, i like you a-a lot!..." y/n blurted out "i just didnt know what 't.k' meant at first until now..." tom chuckled, "what did you think it meant?" "i-i dont know...t-turkey kabob?" she joked, causing them to both laugh. after a moment of silence, tom speaks "so, are you my girlfriend now?" tom asked, not knowing where to go from here. y/n nods, giving him a hug. tom feels his heart flutter at the feeling of y/n in his arms. "you wanna hangout this weekend? ill ask my mom if its okay" she asked, tom nods "yea for sure! ill see you then"
it was now grade 8, tom and y/n have been dating for a year! their families have grown fond of each other and they hangout at each others house after school most of the week and sometimes on weekends...
with the condition that the door must stay open of course...
today they were at toms house, tom was showing her a song he was playing some guitar for her and she just peacefully watched. y/n always admired toms talent on guitar, she knew he was gonna make it big one day.
after a little while, he puts the guitar away and pats a spot next to him "wanna cuddle liebe?" he asked, she smiles and lays next to him. he pulls her into his embrace, her pretty head rests upon his chest as he strokes her hair.
as tom stroked her hair, y/n found herself staring at a particular feature on his face, his lips. the pretty pink color, the way they curved into a smile whenever he was happy, and oh my god his lip piercing...y/ns never kissed anyone before, but she wanted to kiss him so bad. "is something wrong?" tom asked, slightly nervous. "nothing its just..." y/n took a breath before she finished her question "h-have you ever kissed anyone?" tom sighed "uhm, yeah..my babysitter when i was like..9" "oh.." "why? have you ever kissed anyone schatz?" tom asked, y/n looks down; embarassed "n-no, i havent.."
then almost immediately, tom got an idea in his little brain>.<
"do you want to have your first kiss?" "well, yeah every girl wants to have their first kiss" y/n joked "no schatzi..." tom chuckled "i mean do you want to have it...with me?" y/n hesitates for a moment, nervous of if shes a good kisser or not. shes really new to this! what if shes a bad kisser? what if she goes too far? but it couldnt be that bad right? its just a kiss for christs sake!
"yeah..is that okay tommy?" "its more than okay with me schatzi.." tom sat up, scooting closer to her "you ready?" he asked...
y/n nods, shakily moving her face closer to him. tom places a hand on her cheek then boom! their lips were sealed together! (aww so cute! >.<) y/n places a hand on his shoulder, deepening the kiss. then they let go because if they kissed any longer they would suffocate!
"woah.." y/n mumbled, tom chuckling at her reaction "did you like it?" "yeah i did" y/n said, softly smiling... "then we should kiss more often then hm?" tom said, smirking at his girlfriend.
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luvhughes43 · 8 months
you are in love | luca fantilli
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[luvhughes43 masterlist🌷]
request: Loved the Luca fic! Can you write one with him based on “you’re in love” by taylor?
word count: 3.8k words
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one look, dark room, meant just for you
time moved too fast, you play it back
buttons on a coat, lighthearted joke
no proof, not much
but you saw enough
you weren’t drunk enough to truly enough the frat party luca had invited you too. you were chatting with a few girls from one of your classes, but your attention kept straying to your best friend of many years. 
luca was undoubtedly your best friend. he was the reason behind a lot of your decisions - like committing to the university of michigan - and the reason why you struggle to talk to other guys at parties like these. because despite it all, you would always feel love for your best friend even if you couldn’t speak on that part out loud. 
now of course you didn’t do everything for him but… sandbox love never dies. so when you discovered that michigan offered you a substantial scholarship… a school that your best friend coincidentally had committed to playing hockey for… how could you have turned it down? 
“okay, and i swear the lectures never make any sense! like there’s no structure at all” the girls around you continue to talk but you were no longer paying attention. Luca had caught your eye, mouthing a quick you okay? from across the crowded room. you nod politely, and turn your attention back to the girls in front of you. 
you're interrupted less than a minute later however when luca - grinning - taps on your shoulder. “you ready to go?” he asks, head so close to yours you could count his eyelashes if you wanted to. 
“yeah just let me go grab my coat,” you reply, waving goodbye to your friends and taking hold of lucas hand so the two of you don’t get separated. 
it takes a few minutes but you find your roommate gwen who was guarding your belongings for you, and you give her a quick hug before grabbing hold of all your things. 
“are you guys leaving?” she asks, looking between you and your best friend with a knowing glint in her eyes. 
luca nods and grabs your things from your hands. he has your purse slung around his shoulder and your coat held up for you to slip your arms into. 
“yeah, luca’s tired” you joke, smiling back at him as you pull your arms through your jacket sleeves. 
luca rolls his eyes and spins you around before buttoning up your coat for you. when he did things like this for you, you swore that it was impossible for your feelings to not be requited. 
“tired of being bored because you ditched me, maybe!” luca smiles, your burgundy bag still sitting pretty on his shoulder. 
“you're right, I should've known better! no party is fun without me,” your reply was meant to be taken as a joke but luca enthusiastically agrees with you. 
“alright, well you guys drive safe! yn text me when you get back home. i might be late,” gwen says, her eyes catching on somebody in the distance. 
“okay i will! love you, bye!” the two of you part ways, and luca immediately slips his hand back in yours under the guise of “not being separated…”
Small talk, he drives
coffee at midnights
the light reflects
the chain on your neck
lucas passenger side isn’t an uncommon place for you. everything about his car felt familiar. he had bought it used back in freshman year, and it was beat to all hell with the amount of hockey boys and trips it’s been through. 
“hey, did you hear that rutger got a girlfriend?” luca asks about five minutes into the drive. car rides between the two of you were mostly in comfortable silence, neither of you needing to say much to enjoy your time together. 
“no i didnt. is she nice?” you respond, letting your gaze shift from the dark streets in front of you to the boy beside you. 
“yeah, i think you’d really like her,” the conversation falls flat after that. you can’t help but pay attention to luca. his grown out hair, the way his hand flexed around the steering wheel… how the light is hitting the chain hanging from his neck just right. 
with all the years you’ve spent with luca, you’ve never once got tired of the sight of him. even when the two of you were back in toronto and he had braces with all the hideous band colours. 
you would also never get tired of his company. it was all just so easy being with him like this. even though you wanted more, you thought that it always going to be enough to just be his best friend. 
“do you want to get coffee?” lucas voice breaks through your thoughts, and your smile becomes impossibly wider. coffee at midnight - as strange as it sounds - became yours and lucas tradition ever since your first final season when the two of you were exhausted and in desperate need of caffeine. luca had managed to find the only coffee shop in ann arbor that was still open, and ever since then the tradition had continued. 
he says, “look up”
and your shoulders brush
no proof, one touch
but you felt enough
luca was at your usual spot in less than ten minutes, parking the car and rushing over to your door to open it. which was another one of your many traditions. you had seen it in a romcom once, something so simple and yet so charming at the same time, and since then whenever he could luca would open your door for you. 
“look up,” luca says, gesturing up to the sky adorned with hundreds of stars. 
you look up, shoulders brushing against lucas when you feel the familiar rush of butterflies in your stomach. 
luca looks down at you, a soft smile on his face as he appreciates you without you noticing. 
you can hear it in the silence
you can feel it on the way home
you can see it with the lights out
you are in love
true love
you are in love
the coffee shop is quiet when you enter, and you order yours and lucas coffees to-go. while you're waiting, you catch lucas gaze on you and your cheeks heat up accordingly. you were so in love with him… 
“i’ve got one sugar one cream, and two creams two sugars!” a barista calls out and you immediately grab your coffees. 
back in the car luca asks you a question, “do you want to stay at my place tonight?” now, this wasn’t something unfamiliar for you two but every time he asked it still felt like the first time. it felt like how it did years ago, like giggles and blushes and unspoken feelings. 
you easily accept, “yeah sounds good. i don’t have any of my things though”
“I bought you a toothbrush when i went to the store last week,” luca flashes you a smile.
“a little bit presumptuous huh?” you tease. whenever you’ve gone to lucas before it was always pre-planned. therefore there was no reason for you to leave any of your stuff at his place. 
“oh i knew it’d happen eventually,” he jokes. “I know you love me,” luca smiles again and your heart races. could he know? has he known all these years? 
when you don’t immediately respond, luca frowns. “you're my best friend… i’d hope you’d love me?”
you shake your head to rid yourself of your thoughts. “no, of course i love you. my best friend forever!” you sing, hoping that you’ve masked your feelings well. there was absolutely no way - even if there were multiple signs that luca loved you - that you were going to confess your feelings. you weren’t going to risk your many years of friendship on something that he may not actually feel. 
yn to gwen: hey! there’s been a change of plans and i’m staying at lucas tonight. be safe tonight!
gwen: ok!!! you be safe too🤭
morning, his place
burnt toast, sunday
you keep his shirt
lucas sheets are cold, and you know that because you're tangled in them. you push your hair out of your face and sit up in bed, quickly noticing your best friend’s absence. 
you let yourself adjust to your surroundings for a moment, before a whiff of something burnt reaches your nose. 
“luca?” you call out, before getting out of his bed and making your way into the kitchen. 
luca was standing there in his pajamas, trying and failing miserably to cook breakfast. he looks up at the sound of your voice, eyes trailing your body as he takes in your outfit. 
“i’m loving the look,” he says, referring to his shirt and sweats you borrowed last night. 
you roll your eyes, laughing lightly as you walk up to luca to assess the damages he's done to the food. “how is it that you’re 21 and don’t know how to cook?” 
“aht! aht! aht! this is gourmet!” he gestures towards two messy plates. 
“ah sorry!” you amend. “i wasn’t familiar with your work” 
“yes! this is the great fantilli breakfast which i am proud to serve…” he passes you a plate and you smile up at him as you lean against his counter. 
the two of you eat in silence for a while before luca pauses and looks up at you. “you should keep that shirt by the way,” he says, completely catching you off guard. 
you wipe the crumbs from the corner of your mouth, “really?” you set your plate to the side. 
“yeah it looks really good on you,” 
you hum in agreement, twirling around in the kitchen so luca can see the full effect of his shirt. “i think i look really good in your car too!” you tease and luca sets his plate down. 
“oh yeah?” he replies, smirking.
“mhmm think i might have to keep it,” you advance towards luca playfully, grabbing ahold of his hands when you finally reach him. 
luca squeezes your hands, “sorry but the car comes with me,” 
you pause for a minute, pretending to contemplate whether the car, luca included, was worth it. “i think… i can find a place for you!”
“oh you think?” luca laughs, breaking apart from your hold to tickle your sides. 
“okay i know so!” you pant, trying but failing to break free from lucas grasp. 
“hmm.. I don’t think i heard you…” he teases, not pausing from his tickling. 
“okay okay! I want you and the car!” you yell, and when luca stops his attacks on your sides you fall against him. he wraps his arms around you and all of sudden you feel the butterflies from earlier float from your stomach and up to your chest. 
he keeps his word
and for once, you let go
of your fears and your ghosts
luca drives you home later that afternoon. you're clad in his t-shirt and your jeans from last night, and for a moment you allow yourself to forget about your rules and to imagine what it’d be like if luca was really your boyfriend. 
one step, not much
but it said enough
you kiss on sidewalks
you fight, then you talk
months go by and you two are still in the same positions that you’ve always been in - helplessly in love but too afraid to say anything. 
it was graduation weekend, 4 long years of university long gone and so were your childhood years well beyond that. you hold luca’s hand comfortably as the two of you walk around campus one last time as students. the sun was setting, and there was nowhere else that you would rather be. 
“remember first year when we were walking to the library and some girl came up to you and asked you for your phone number? did you give it to her? i can't remember anymore,” you ask mindlessly. 
luca hums in acknowledgement, “yeah i remember. but no i didn’t give it to her,” he responds, squeezing your hand. “remember when that guy… what's his name? from the football team spilt his drink on your top at the first party we went to here?”
you snort, recalling the memory. “yeah, and then he asked me to dance”
“did you dance with him? i can't remember,” luca asks. 
you lead luca forward, “no i didn’t” 
the two of you send each other knowing glances but neither of you acknowledges the obvious truth between the two of you. you were both in love. 
when you get to a crosswalk you pause and turn to luca. “remember in second when i was late for econ and i almost got hit by a car because i was running and didn’t look before crossing the road?” that was an awful day. everything had been going wrong but there had been one nice moment… luca had brought you dinner at the end of the day and the two of you sat together as you both ranted about how much harder second year was turning out to be. 
luca doesn’t respond, and when you look up at him he blanks. “lu…?” 
you hadn’t even realized that he was moving towards you until he kissed you. lips soft as they brushed against yours in an impossibly tender kiss. it lasts a few seconds, and when luca pulls away you sigh. 
“wow…” “i’m sorry, i don’t know why i did that” you both speak at the same time, both of your tones are drastically different. 
“oh” your shock was clearly evident because luca started back pedaling. 
“like it was nice but i don't…” 
“don't what…” 
luca is the one to sigh this time and it’s not out of pleasure. “we’re best friends i shouldn’t have done that,” 
at first you were hurt, but then you were angry. who cared if you were best friends? you felt so strongly about luca and now more than ever you knew he felt that same way. “luca-”
“no we don’t have to talk about this, really. it was a mistake and it won’t happen again,” he assures you, and your heart breaks. you nod silently, biting the inside of your cheek as you drop lucas hand and turn back to where you had just walked from.
“i think i’m going to head back now… it's getting kind of chilly,” you lie, just wanting to be free from luca. 
luca starts to shrug off his sweater but you hold one of your hands up to stop him. “no, you should have it” he tries again but you still don’t let him give you his sweater.
you let out a weak laugh, thinking back to the time luca had given you his shirt earlier in the year. you had let yourself think that he liked you back… “i’m fine, thanks” is all you say before you start to walk back to your apartment. this time instead of holding hands, you're holding yourself. 
weeks later this moment becomes insignificant to the both of you, but that doesn’t mean you still don’t reflect on it whenever luca shows any type of affection towards you. 
one night, he wakes
strange look on his face
pauses, then says
“you’re my best friend”
and you knew what it was
he’s in love
graduation is long over now, and your first summer out of school treats you with kindness. yours and lucas friends had decided to rent a beach house along the coast of florida, and so for the past week you’ve done nothing but drink and lounge happily with your group of people. 
rutgers girlfriend, you were quick to find out, was insanely nice and kind. the two of you had grown close, and so it came to no surprise that when luca spotted rutgers girlfriend outside, that you were close by. 
“i’m headed off to bed,” luca says, slinging an arm around your shoulder. “just thought i’d let you know so you don’t go looking for me,” he jokes, pulling you into his side like any boyfriend would. except you werent dating, and the bed he was referring to was being shared between the two of you since there weren't enough rooms for everybody to get their own. 
“okay, i’ll meet you in a bit,” you respond, breaking eye contact with rutgers girlfriend and turning your attention to your best friend. 
“sounds good,” is all luca says before dropping his arm and sauntering back into the house. you wish your eyes knew better than to trail after him and yet… you couldn’t help but stare at his back muscles as he retreated. it was going to be a long summer…
when you crawled into bed that night, luca was already asleep. you stare up at the ceiling fan, wondering if you’d ever fall out of luca. it was getting too hard to love him. 
luca always had some strange extra sense when it came to you. so it came to no shock that he had awoken shortly after you had laid down. you turned your head away from the ceiling and onto the brunette boy laying next to you.
“you’re my best friend,” luca mumbles, moonlight from the open window casting a soft glow onto his face. 
“you’re my best friend too,” you reply simply, voice breaking slightly as you realize the weight of your words. best friends… it was all you were ever going to be. 
“no, don’t be upset…” luca whispers, wiping away the tears that were rolling down your face. the genuine concern on his face made you want to cry harder. his first thought was always to protect you. 
“i’m sorry,” 
“no sorry,” he slurs, sleep catching up to him. 
you don’t say anything in reply, opting for the silence to wash over the two of you once more. luca didn’t remember this exchange in the morning. 
you can hear it in the silence
you can feel it on the way home
you can see it with the lights out
you are in love
true love
you are in love
once the trip is over you fly back to your family home in toronto. you busy yourself with work and childhood friends, and things start to become a new normal for you. now that you and luca weren’t living in michigan anymore, your hang outs became much more sparse. 
or at least, until adam had a game against the leafs and luca had sent you tickets to watch the game with him. 
you sat next to luca during the game, shoulders brushing and smiles exchanged. and you so desperately knew that even if neither of you could vocalize your feelings, there would always be love between you. 
you two are dancing in a snow globe ‘round and ‘round
and he keeps a picture of you in his office downtown
and you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars
and why i’ve spent my whole life trying to put it into words
five years go by and you and luca are still close friends. though instead of midnight coffee and study sessions it’s a quick lunch and texts between work tasks. 
tonight was different though, because you were being promoted at work and so you dressed up in your finest attire for the dinner being thrown in your honour. you had told luca all about it, and when you stood up in front of your colleagues and their spouses to accept your new position in the company, you were delighted to catch a glimpse of luca amongst the crowd. 
when everything was over and done, you walk as fast as you can to luca. “lu you’re here!” you shriek, throwing yourself into his open arms. the two of you rock back and forth for a moment, completely enamoured with one another. 
“of course I'm here! i'm so proud of you,” he smiles widely, never dropping his arms from around you. 
“thank you for being here,” you mirror his smile, giggling slightly when you realize his attention is still solely on you. 
‘cause you can hear it in the silence
you can feel it on the way home
at the end of the night luca drives you home instead of letting you take an uber. his car is much nicer now that he’s out of university, and you want to make a joke similar to the one from all those years ago… something about wanting his car and him, but you can't remember it properly enough to recite it. 
you can see it with the lights out
you are in love
true love
you are in love
when you're parked, luca steps out first and rounds the front of his car. he opens your door as he did all those years before, and all the butterflies from years prior seem to find their wings again as they start to flutter. you’re in love.
“thank you,” you say as you step out of luca’s car. you look up at the night sky, to be pleasantly surprised by the amount of stars that rarely grace the toronto skyline. “luca look up,” you tug on his blazer sleeve. 
when luca meets your gaze and looks up at the sky, he can only think of one thing. he’s in love. 
“yn…” luca whispers just as you tilt your head to face him. 
“luca…” you turn your body towards him, both of you are still standing right next to lucas car in your parking lot. 
before you can doubt yourself, you’re leaning over and grazing your lips against your best friends. luca doesn’t pause this time, instead he pulls you closer to him as he deepens your kiss. you sling your arms around his shoulders, and his hand rests itself on the back of your head. 
when you pull apart you're both breathing heavily. “wow…” “wow…” you both echo each other and luca leans his forehead against yours. 
“i’m sorry if this is too soon but… i love you,” 
you can’t help but giggle at his words. “lu we’ve been waiting for what seems like a lifetime,” you slip your lips back against his and pull apart much sooner than you would like. “i love you too,” 
“good,” luca’s smile is breathtaking. “because i’m never letting you go again,” 
you tighten your grip around his neck and you let your hand find its rightful place in the hairs at the back of his neck. “who says i was going to let you?” you hum. “i’ve waited way too long for this,” 
luca’s lips are on yours again, and for a moment it feels like you can't breathe between the love coursing through your veins and all the butterflies. “way too long,” luca whispers as he pulls his lips away from yours. 
you can feel it on the way home
you can see it with the lights out
you are in love
true love
you are in love
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cal-writes · 4 months
train au snippet number 2! this time it's namis pov. it takes place after chapter 3 and i think that wraps up train au for now! that's all she wrote™ thanks so much everyone for your love and excitement for this story it was a joy to write and share. if you have questions about the universe that i didnt get into in the main story feel free to shoot me an ask bc i probably thought about it. here is the other snippet and heres the full fic!
Nami turns on the bed. Despite sharing it, she and Zoro are miles apart on the king sized mattress. It doesn't even creak in the slightest, only the fabric rustles softly. She loves staying over at Kaya's. Everything is lush and extravagant, like staying at a hotel for free and without strangers. A vacation from real life which is what they sorely needed after tonight. Her dress is draped over one of the chairs next to the bed. In the dim light of the night the wine stain at the hem looks black. She'll have to remember to take it to a different dry cleaners than the one she stole it from. 
She looks over, pulling her hair out from under her head. With the moonlight falling in from the window she can see Zoro's profile in the dark. His eyes are closed, chest falling and rising slowly. 
"You okay?" Nami asks, loud enough to wake Zoro up should he already be asleep. He shuffles around with his eyes closed.
"Yeah. Didn't even hit me." He replies, nonchalant. Wide awake. 
She scowls at him. "That's not what I meant and you know it."
Zoro sighs and moves his arms until he can cross them behind his head. He opens his eyes and glares at the ceiling. He shrugs half heartedly with one shoulder. "Was only a matter of time, so."
Nami sits up in bed so she can put her hands on her hips. "What's that supposed to mean?" She demands.
Zoro narrows his eye at her. “We both know what.”
“You’re a catch.” She tells him and gives her a look. 
“Right." He huffs, angrily adjusting the duvet around him. "I’ve been sleeping on my friends’ couches for months when I’m not sleeping on a train.”
"So what?" She says petulantly.
"Not to mention 'a hopeless wreck and pathetic child'." He tells her pointedly and Nami scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I said that when I was mad at you, you can't hold that against me." She says and Zoro shakes his head, closing his eyes to deem the conversation over with. Nami pouts. "Even if-," She says and Zoro opens one eye, the vein on his forehead announcing his irritation. "He's a much bigger loser than you. You're perfect for each other."
Zoro groans. "You hate him, what do you care?" One of his hands pinches the bridge of his nose. 
"I don't hate him. He doesn't deserve you. There's a difference."
Zoro sits up, throwing the blanket off of him and his hands into the air. "Yes, of course. The accomplished doctor with his own apartment, obviously the teenage dropout criminal is much too good for him." Zoro's voice says, dripping in sarcasm so she stabs him in the ribs with her nails.
He lets her, rubbing his side afterwards. "This guy paid me 50 bucks to know if you're still alive. He's a mess." She tells him. 
Zoro gets off the bed in a huff. "Doesn't matter who's more pathetic. It's not up to me."
"So you're not even gonna fight?" She says and he glares at her.
Something builds up in him, a tidal wave sweeping in, but it crashes against the shore before he can let it lose. She sees it in the rise and fall of his shoulders. His breath leaves him in a short and violent burst. He shakes his head, shrugging. 
"What's there to fight for?" He asks, letting himself fall on the couch underneath the giant window. The sheer curtains are open, bathing the entire room in the light of the full moon. He pulls his legs up and pops his elbow on the back of the couch, gaze through the glass. "As you said, he got something out of it. I had a good time. Whatever." 
Nami sighs deeply. "Zoro-" 
"Wouldn't have lasted anyway." He tells her sharply. "Nothing ever does." He mutters into his hand and exhales heavily. The brief stint in the holding cell making him all melodramatic. Nami purses her lips. Zoro had been looking forward to tonight, even if he hadn’t said it in so many words. 
The blanket rustles as Nami gets up and her feet pad softly over the carpeted floors. "Come on now." She says, softly chiding. He folds his legs to make room for her on the couch as she joins him, grabbing a pillow to put on her lap in lieu of a blanket. 
Zoro glances over. "Let's be honest. He can do better." He says with misplaced humor, avoiding Nami's indignant gaze. 
She exhales loudly. "Okay, you want to feel sorry for yourself tonight. Fine. I'll let it slide." She tells him before reaching out to grab his chin with her sharp fingers and turn it to face her. "But he would be so lucky to have you. And if he doesn't see that he's an idiot. Don't argue with me, we both know I'm always right." 
Zoro sighs softly, resignation on his face. He knows she won't take any rebuttal so he stays silent, cheeks squished in her hold. She releases him. Shuffling closer until he has to put his legs over her lap. 
She lets her hands fall on his knees. "I know things suck right now." 
"Not more than usual." Zoro says, looking out into the dark. Their view stretches out across the gardens. Out here where Kaya's mansion sits, there are even a few stars visible at night. "Been way worse." He adds. 
Nami sighs again and sinks further down until the upholstery. "True." She admits. 
"I miss Luffy." Zoro mutters into the night. A rare admission. The ache and weight of the night has crushed him underfoot and revealed his mushy center. Nami puts her chin on his propped up knee and wraps her arms around his legs. 
"Me too." She says miserably. Only a little while longer now. She should check when Luffy’s flight is scheduled for again. "He's gonna be so mad at you that you didn't tell him." She says with a small smirk. 
Zoro huffs. "He would have come back early if he knew." And Zoro has been doing just about everything to avoid that. Luffy had been excited about this trip for months. One of the reasons Zoro hadn't wanted to tell Chopper about his situation was because Chopper wouldn't have been able to keep a secret. They both knew Luffy would have dropped everything, helped him, maybe even fought for him against that stupid parent and the police. Zoro would only have to ask but he never would have done that. It had taken weeks for him to even consider crashing at Nami's place. She probably wouldn't even know about it if Franky hadn't told Robin who had told her. And Franky only knew because he had nagged Zoro on the train for days until he spilled the beans. 
It was infuriating, the way he insisted he didn't need help. He was going to figure his own shit out. He always did. 
If she weren't wired exactly the same, she would have throttled him already. 
Nami hums. "Heard back from Kidd yet?" She asks. 
"No. Next week they said." Zoro mutters. She clicks her tongue grumbling under her breath. How long did Kidd need to decide to hire someone when he was desperate for any help in the bar? Bastard. 
Zoro sighs, looking up at the moon above. "Let's go to sleep." 
Nami blows out a breath. "Yeah." She says and neither of them move. Outside the moon makes its way across the sky.
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
Hi, I was wondering if you could do the Hazbin Hotel Cast x Reader, where They and Reader are having a romantic moment, but just when things are going good, Something or someone interrupts and ruins the moment?
Various HH characters x reader where the moment gets ruined
I dont currently take full cast requests currently, sorry!!/nm (plus the HH cast is so large I'd be writing a mini novel if I tried all the characters SKXKDKVKTKV/lh)
Characters: charlie, angel dust, husk
Notes: reader for angels part is male, reader for husk and Charlie is GN, admin tried his best to brainstorm "mood killers" that are mostly unique for each part, established relationships
CWs: canon typical stuff, angel is a little freaky
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running the hotel was no small task, with chaos coming from inside and from the outside when unwanted guests follow the residents
by all accounts everything was going smoothly, you were able to sit down with your girlfriend after a stressful week of trying to redeem your sinners before the quickly approaching extermination- with no avail..
charlie was.... at her wits end, and it was obvious by the way she carried herself...
you take it upon yourself to initiate some cuddling with her, which she very quickly reciprocated her body seemed to melt right into yours as you both began to share small talk
it was nice
at least until there was loud crashing and banging outside, snapping both of you out of your little session... charlie rushed to the window, and sure enough there were some unknown sinners outside trying to start a fight- with who you didnt know yet
charlie shot you an apologetic look before rushing off to try to put a stop to the fight outside, leaving you alone
so much for trying to spend time with your girlfriend
the two of you were having a cuddle session as well, taking some much needed time to catch up on whats been going on with your lives- even planning an upcoming date for later in the week until vaggie opened the door
it was time for another group activity, according to her... that was right, you guys hadnt had one in a while... not that that made you any less annoyed for the sudden interruption...
angel must have seen the soured look on your face as vaggie left, presumably to get the others
he ends up making a comment about how hes going to make it up to you later...
you could tell that he meant... multiple things... by the look on his face
you lightly punched him in the arm before walking with him down the hall to the common area
hes not one for romance so the most the two of you are going to get is having a deep conversation at the bar- its not like he doesnt take you out on dates or give you some loving... its just not something hes totally in to or used to
hes a bitter old man, its going to take him some time to go sweet... and even then he can hardly be called that
you were just having one of these conversations, the first in a while... the chaos of the sudden extermination coming up in a few months left the hotel in a state of chaos...
youd even gotten him to laugh at one of your jokes, only to see his face immediately drop into a scowl.. you turned your head and saw alastor raising his hand and motioning for the cat sinner to come over, taking a moment to speak
your smile fell as husk climbed over the bar, grumbling lowly
he muttered a low growled apology before running off to see what was needed of him
you doubted youd be able to get your hands on him again for the rest of the evening
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princesssmars · 1 year
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cant live without a poly ship so pjhazel with reader...light (?) nsfw. making out and allusions to more. fem cheerleader reader. are there any pj fics i mean this is rachel sennot we're talkin about. not gonna proofread we die like jeff should have. reuploading bc tumblr hates me and wont make my posts show up on the tags.
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maybe reader is a cheerleader who both of the girls have a crush on, made difficult by them being...friends. aka pj has had a crush on hazel for years and has tried to stomp it down into the dust while hazel tries to forget about her feelings. which definitely always works.
you probably didnt notice them before the fight club, but once you join its hard not to. you like hazel because she's genuinely so nice to everyone and cute in that "you kinda scare me but i weirdly really like it", and you like pj because while her attraction is so obvious by the way she refuses to hit you, constantly adjusting your posture, and how you've caught her staring at your ass about twenty damn times already. but shes cute in a "you're obviously a loser but your desperation kinda turns me on way."
maybe pj catches on to how close you're getting to hazel, then being the hotheaded ass she is (affectionately) confronts hazel about it, telling her if she was a real friend she'd do her a solid and back the hell off ??? obviously hazel isnt falling for it, saying they should leave it up to you to decide who you're interested in.
lucky for them you invite them for a study date at your house that night ! when they ring your doorbell pj is nitpicking hazels button-up, getting surprised when hazel bites back and critiques her plaid zip up jacket because really? plaid?
they both quickly shut up when you open the door, smiling casually like you arent standing in front of them in a lacy bra and shorts, turning around inviting them up to your room as you expect them to follow you. they do, of course. (hazel makes sure to clowe and lock your front door beacuse shes. polite. yeah.)
the fake studying you do is dreadfully boring. hazel tries to pay attention to the work, while pj is flirting with you and getting more flustered the harder you flirt back. eventually you get sick of the bullshit, grabbing her by that fugly plaid jacket and bringing her lips down to yours.
you have to pull back only three seconds in when to your shock the brunette lets out the loudest groan you've ever heard and brings her hands up to squish your breasts, looking slightly embarrassed as giggle at her and brush some of her frizzy hair back away from her face.
a mix between a shaky inhale and a snort reminds you of the other person in the room, turning to see hazel with such a strong grip on her pencil you're slightly scared shes going to stab herself with it.
you ask her "dont laugh at her, you think you could do better?" and before you know it she's crawling towards you from the bottom of your bed and kissing you with the passion of a long lost lover.
you have to admit you're slightly surprised at how proficient she is at kissing, knowing just the right way to tilt your head and graze your lips with her tongue. it makes you so light headed you fall onto your back on the covers, hazel never giving you a chance to pull away as she follows you down and cages you in.
you make out with her for another minute or two before gently pushing her off to catch a breath, your chest rising up and down at a mile a minute. once your head clears more, you look above you to see hazel looking almost nervous. her eyes dart from you to the space to your left, and you tilt her head to see pj doing the same.
"you guys can kiss too, yknow. i wont mind. it'd be pretty hot actually."
you meant it as half of a joke but your breath catches in your throat when pj grips the sides of hazels head and kisses her. well, more like starts licking at the area around her mouth, but with a little guidance its not long before the two are in a heated makeout above you, the sight and the sounds they're making turning you on in ways you didnt think was possible.
you press a hand into both of their chests, the girls pulling apart and looking at you like they're both waiting for your command.
yeah, you were gonna have fun with this.
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was looking at hazel tiktoks and a comment complained about the lack of stuff about her on wattpad, then someone said to head over here and sometimes i forget that. u r real people. reading what i write. so. whats up.
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sweetcici11 · 1 month
smoke signals
the future’s unwritten, the past is a corridor
i’m at the exit, looking back through the hall
you are anonymous, i am a concrete wall
ellie williams x abby anderson
small trigger warnings- blood, suicidal thoughts, losts of angst
ellie williams was a disappointment to everyone and everything she ever knew. she’s failed everyone that’s ever mattered to her in too many ways to fix. there’s a certain point in your life where you need to stop and force yourself to ask what youre doing.
and when that moment comes, the world goes quiet. not a single sound can be heard. not the heavy and ragged breathing of the blood covered girl. not the desperate thrashing of someone trying to survive. not the splashing of water. her ears fail her, and apparently so does her heart.
if you asked her why she let abby anderson go that day, she wouldn’t be able to give you a clear answer. she might give a shrug or a mumble, or she might pull a gun on you. she was so unpredictable, it was impossible to tell.
there was so much resentment in her body, but she was also tired. when abby crawled away from her, choking and gasping for air she thought she might never breathe again, ellie couldnt bring herself to even glance over at her, to see the damage she kept causing everywhere she went. it was taxing, and it cost her everything.
her mother. riley. sam. joel. jesse. dina.
when did loss break you? when did it finally catch up to you and make you give up? ellie was strong. stronger than anyone she’d ever crossed paths with. and yet, as she sat in the shallow water, the salt burning every scratch on her small body, sobbing breathlessly and cradling her seemingly endlessly bleeding hand, she knew it was over. the pain was too much. she wouldnt survive it. not this time.
“just go,” the auburn hair girl sobbed, her eyes shut tight. she held her hand, though not trying to make the blood stop. there was no point. “just take him.”
when abby heard those words, her mind immediately shot to the unconscious teenage boy in the boat, and her heart ached. though in ellie’s mind, she had forgotten of the boy completely. the only thing consuming her mind was yet again, joel. she knew damn well that the moment abby drove the boat away, he was gone. for good.
and she would be too.
maybe in some other world everything wouldve been worth it. maybe in another world, she wouldve had the gut to kill abby. maybe in another world, she couldve just fucking forgiven joel and the guilt wouldnt consume her every second of every day.
maybe. maybe not.
“get up,” rang a voice form behind her, momentarily snapping her out of her thoughts. she slowly turned her head and looked at abby; broken and bleeding, but still looking at her with the saddest eyes she’d ever seen.
it scared her.
abby wasn’t supposed to be real. she wasn’t supposed to be human, she was supposed to be a monster. she was supposed to be someone ellie could blame. someone she could hate. someone she could kill. not someone she could see herself in. not someone she was supposed to empathize with.
“what?” ellie asked, and her voice rang so broken in her own ears.
“i said get up,” abby repeated, and ellie despised how gentle her voice was. she needed her to yell. to hate her too. ellie didnt understand what abby meant, so she ignored her. it wasnt hard as she was losing blood and her eyes felt heavy. the stab wound in her stomach had reopened but ellie had no intention of trying to stop it.
her body hurt. she was tired. the water seemed to be getting rougher by the second and it was drowning her. she was suffocating in her own mind and she wanted nothing more than to be put out of her misery.
“you need to get up,” abby pleaded, starting to feel drops of rain falling from the sky, washing away the blood on her body just to be replace by more. “get in the boat, come on. the ra-rattlers will kill you.”
ellie ignored her, abby’s shaky voice foreign in her ears. ellie hated abby more than her mind let her know. the last thing she wanted was for her to get in a boat with her.
abby was getting frustrated. she was trying to help her despite not deserving any of it. the girl sitting in the water had single handedly ruined her life, and abby wanted to leave her there, bleeding out and to die, but for some reason, abby couldn’t help the tug in her heart. this girl was hurt and broken, but there was something inside of abby that needed to save her. to help her.
and she hated herself for it.
ellie on the other hand was losing consciousness. and quickly. her eyes were getting too heavy to keep open, and her head was light and spinning from the blood loss. if the bleeding wasn’t stopped soon, then ellie wouldn’t make it. ellie couldn’t find it in herself to care.
abby was conflicted. it was raining hard now, and the wind was picking up. it was only a matter of time before the water got unsafe to travel in. she had to decide quickly. should she try to physically force ellie into the boat and take her? it could be the only way she survives. but it could also kill them all if she tries fighting back. did she have enough energy? what if abby gets her in the boat, but ellie starts fighting after she’s in? the boat could tip over, and the current and wind was too strong. they were all too weak.
abby could just leave her there, but abby could already feel the guilt it would bring her. maybe, in order to heal herself, she had to help ellie heal too.
abby’s blue eyes were watching ellie carefully, studying every shoulder heaving sob and every shallow breath. abby was good in noticing the small things, and the obviousness that ellie was on the verge of passing out was clear.
abby caught it in the blink of an eye; the way ellie’s sobs fell short and the way her body started leaning too much to one side. despite her potentially fatally injured state, abby swiftly knelt down and caught ellie before she was submerged completely. she had to act fast. her eyes landed on her openly bleeding hand, blood gushing out of the stubs where ellie’s pinky and ring finger used to be. while that was a problem, what worried abby the most was the fact that what used to be ellie’s white tank top was now almost completely soaked in red, and the water around them was crimson as well. abby took in a deep and shaky breath as she stood up, ellie in her arms. the girl was completely unconscious, so abby didn’t worry about her fighting back. abby grunted as she forced herself and ellie to the boat. it was rough and painful, but abby still had a will to live. she needed to survive this, not just for her, but for lev.
lev who lay in the boat, now next to ellie, starved to the bone and even in sleep, his face looked so sad and pale. she needed to help him even if it killed her.
and so, with little time to spare, abby ripped a good part of her own tank top off and lifted ellie’s stained crimson shirt, and she fought the urge to gag at the sight. the wound looked bad. she took the piece of cloth and submerged it in the water below, trying to clean it at least a tiny bit. she wrung it out and quickly press it to ellie’s wound, and even in sleep, ellie seemed to wince softly. she shifted and abby paused, praying she didn’t wake up. when she didn’t, she tied it securely to her lower abdomen and quickly set off the untie the ropes, keeping the three of them there.
abby hadn’t driven a boat like it’s in a while, and this one was old, so it took a moment to get the engine to start, but when it did, abby could feel a spark of hope ignite in her chest; something she hadn’t felt in a long, long time.
catalina island was, thankfully, not too far. the fact abby was even still conscious was nothing short of a miracle. she felt awful and she wanted so badly to just let go and let sleep steal her away, but ellie’s, lev’s, and her own life depended on her fighting.
when the domed building came into view even through the heavy rain, abby felt a wave of relief wash over her sore chest.
she was so weak and tired that she almost crashed into the beach trying to park the boat. but she didn’t care; they had made it. she stumbled out of the boat, and immediately reached for lev before pausing slightly. ellie was still lying there, her breathing ragged and shallow. abby took a deep breath before picking up lev and getting away from the boat. she aimlessly heads for the domed building, trying to get help for all three of them. abby was half hoping ellie might just bleed out in the boat on her own.
abby’s whole body froze when she heard the clicking of guns and a loud voice.
“dont you fuckin’ move!” the male voice shouted, making abby slowly turn her head to the sound. this man had shaggy orange hair and minimal facial hair, and the darkest eyes shed ever seen.
“please,” she panted, her voice just as weak as she felt. “i-im abby, i radioed in a while ago. i was told to come here. we need help, please.”
the man didnt lower his gun, but he seemed to consider her for a second.
“put the boy down, just set him on the ground,” he told her, keeping his voice just as stern. abby reluctantly did as she was told, and silently thanked him for the excuse to rest her burning arms. “there any more a’ ya?”
abby nodded slowly, noticing how her head started spinning the moment she stood back up. “one more in the boat,” she mumbled. “shes unconscious. and bleeding.”
the man with the gun nodded in acknowledgment. he said something, but abby couldn’t make it out as everyting went black.
hi y’all! this is my first time trying to write something here so please be patient
lemme know if you guys like this, i have more chapters written and stuff planned!! feedback is encouraged!!
yours truly, ci
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Lip Service
So i dont 100% know how it starts. I just know that eddie uses the phrase "lip service" maybe he and the gang of teens are at nancys house, hanging in the basement while the kids are at school, robin and steve both had a day off, which never happens. They're talking about who knows what, eddie lounged out on the floor, his feet resting on the couch. Probably next to steve who's sitting on the couch like a normal person. Eddie keeps gently kicking his shoudler, pressing his toes behind steve when his feet get cold.
And steve keeps shoving him away, but not too far, and he always lets eddie keep his toes there for a minute before he shoves at them. And maybe nancy has said something about eddie getting sponsors for the band, and he snorts, says something about how he'd be terrible at promoting a sponsor, that he's no good at lip service. And Steve's goddamn traitorous mouth says,
"i doubt that" with a snort as he wraps his fingers around Eddie's ankle and pushes his foot away. Only he doesnt get to push the foot away, because he freezes, eddie coughs, chokes really, and he's up on his elbows, looking at steve, his eyes HUGE. and he almost winces with how hard Steve's fingers clench into the skin of his ankle. Eddie opens his mouth to say something, maybe ease some of the fucking tension thats now filling the basement, because everyone is staring at steve. But steve is up off the couch before he can manage one word.
He's up the stairs before eddie manages to get himself right side up, and on his feet again. And by the time eddie is outside, jogging down the stairs of the wheelers porch, Steve's BMW is already speeding away. And Eddie's chest ACHES. because he knows he could catch him. Eddie's not the safest driver. Or the slowest.
But his chest is also aching because of the look that had been on Steve's face. It wasn't fear, eddie had seen him afraid. It was down right horror. And Eddie's chest was aching because he didnt know if the horror was because he'd meant what he said, and had been thinking about eddie as much eddie had been thinking about him. Or if he'd been horrified that he'd implied he might have had any thoughts like that about eddie at all.
So eddie watches his car disappear, breathing heavily from just the run up the stairs. He's still trying to catch his breath when robin steps up next to him.
"What happened? What's wrong?" She asked, noting the frown on Eddie's face. He sucks in a deep breath, fights off a cough and just says,
"im alarmingly out of shape Robs" he rests his hands on his head as she chuckles lightly, her hand on his back as they go back inside. She doesn't say anything else to eddie. And he doesn't ask. But she keeps looking at him. And it just makes his brain work harder, faster, makes his palms sweat.
Its been three days and eddie hasn't seen Steve once. Not at the video store. Not at the wheelers. Not even at school to pick up the little nuggets. He'd seen his tail lights friday afternoon, dustin waving out the window at eddie as they drove away.
He bounces on his heels as he stands outside Steve's door. Not sure he should be here. Who was he kidding, steve was avoiding him, of course he shouldnt be here. But steve wouldn't answer his phone either, and robin was no help. Just told eddie to give him time. But Eddie's brain had been running wild for three fucking days and he was about to crawl out of his skin. So he bounces in place a few more times. Then knocks on the door. He presses the door bell too, for good measure. Knows Steve's hearing isnt the best. He hears foot steps and hastily puts his hand over the peep hole. He hears a muttered,
"what the hell?" Before the door swings open, revealing a frowning steve. The frown does a strange sort of summersault on Steve's face. Briefly jumping into a sort of soft smile before he realized it was eddie and then he's frowning again. And Eddie's stomach sinks. Not happy to see him then. Great. Good start.
"Hey." Is all eddie says. Steve wobbles from foot to foot, not opening the door any further.
"Hey?" He says. A question. Sounding for all the world like he has no idea what eddie is even doing at his house. Like they havent seen each other almost every day since eddie got out of the hospital. It throws eddie off. Tilts everything. Makes him stumble. He'd had a PLAN.
"I um... i thought we should talk. Maybe? About the other day?" He tries, says it gently.
"I'm gonna pass on that. Thanks though." Is all steve says, in a rush, and then he closes the door in Eddie's face.
"Hey!" Eddie squawks.
And steve smiles, despite himself, at the indignation in Eddie's voice, resting his back agaisnt the door, dropping his head lightly against the expensive wood.
"Steve! Seriously!?" Eddie bangs on the door, it shakes beneath Steve's shoulder blades but he doesn't move.
Eddie huffs, leans forward until his head is resting against the wood, he flattens his palm on the door.
"Listen. Steve. I'm gonna... im gonna say something. Something i would never say. Not to your face. Or your... door. Hell, not even in your general vicinity. I wouldn't even say it if someone tossed me in a rocket and launched me into space. Not that anyone could hear me up there anyway cuz space is a vacuum so it would be-
"Right. Yeah. Sorry. Distracted." He lowers his voice, to a near whisper.
"What i was getting at is that... I've been- can you hear me?" He gets no response.
"Knock twice if you can here me. You don't have to talk. I just want you to hear me." Eddie waits. And waits. And then two soft knocks reach his ears.
"Okay cool. Good." He clears his throat, rolls his shoulders, and tries again.
"I just wanted you know that... i can't stop thinking about kissing you. And it has nothing to do with what you said 3 days ago. This was an issue I've been having since... doesn't matter. Its been awhile." He waves his hand next to his head, dismissive though steve cant see him.
"But then you said that. and you know how i am dude, my brain just goes and goes. And i know you've been avoiding me, and thats... fine. I guess. Unless it's... i mean unless you..." he frowns, shakes his head.
"I dont know. I just thought we could talk? In case maybe... you've been like... feeling things?" He grimaces. He really should have just brought the shit he'd written down, it'd be so much easier. He sighs, runs his hands over his face. Does a little spin and groan combo before facing the door again.
"Look i just cant stop thinking about what you said. And i wanted you to know that like.. it didn't bother me, or freak me out or anything. I just... i dont know man." He sighs again, drops his head heavily into the door before backing away a bit.
"Look man you're being awfully quiet, and clearly don't wanna talk to me. So im gonna go." He takes a step down the porch, still facing the door, his chest tight with hope that steve will answer it.
"I just needed you to know that i think about you sometimes." He laughs, shakes his head.
"All the time. Just, all the fucking time now. But i uh... I'll see you around... i guess?" He mutters the last words, his heart sinking as he makes it to the bottom of the steps with no movement from the door. He sighs, shoulders dropping as he scuffs his feet all the way back to his van. He yanks the door open, the metal creaking. And then
"Eddie!" He turns, Steve's standing on the porch,  his arms wrapped around his middle, eyes big and sad as he looks at eddie. Eddie stops, his hand still on the door of his van, standing wide open. He watches steve swallow. Swears he can hear it from all the way in the driveway.
"Dont go?" Its quiet, almost a whisper, and steve is all but fucking begging. Eddie stares for a moment and then slams his van door shut. He starts back toward the house. Watches steve turn and walk back inside before he gets to the porch. Steve steps aside, holds the door open for eddie and lets him pass. Eddie steps inside, watches steve close the door. Lock it. But he doesnt step away. His hand is still on the door handle. His head resting against the door as he breathes deeply. Eddie takes one small step toward him. Knows steve didnt see it, his eyes are closed.
"You okay?" Eddie asks, moving closer still. Steve scrunches his eyes closed harder. Shakes his head.
"I don't know what im doing." He says, eddie leans to the side, sees his lip caught between his teeth. He reaches out, his hand touching Steve's shoulder, he moves closer, nearly pressing himself to Steve's side, and smiles when steve sighs into the touch.
"That's okay." Eddie says, moving his hand across Steve's shoulders, soothing him. Steve shakes his head again and then moves, he turns, placing his back agaisnt the door, his hand moves to Eddie's hip, one finger dipping through Eddie's belt loop to tug him closer, eddie stumbles into steve and huffs a laugh.
"I mean it. I don't know what I'm doing with you. I've never... done this... with a guy before." He breathes.
"Girls i know. I know how to do that. But not this." He moves his free hand between himself and eddie, in the small space thats there. Eddie swallows, hard.
"I uh... i could be a girl. If you want." He winks, and it makes steve laugh, makes him tug on his jeans again, bump their hips together, but he shakes his head, smile fading, looking at eddie seriously.
"I don't want you to be girl. I just want you to be you." He says, and eddie thinks he might fucking cry. And Steve's eyes look shiny too. So eddie moves, his hands moving to hold onto Steve's arms.
"If it helps? I uh... I've never really... done anything... with guys either. Or- or girls. So just... nothing really. Over here on my end." He huffs a sort of sarcastic self depreciating laugh, and looks down, away from steve, his cheeks hot with his admission.
"I mean I've wanted too. Ya know? With guys. I mean i knew i was into guys. Not girls really so much. I mean they're beautiful, just... i never wanted them the way i did with guys. Never wanted them the way i- the way i want you." He whispers the end of it. Scared maybe he shouldn't have it said it that way, that maybe steve wasn't saying the same thing.
"Really?" Is all he gets from steve, making him look up.
"You've never- done anything?" Steve asks, his free hand moving to Eddie's side, the fingers curled in Eddie's belt loop move, cup his hip gently, Steve's thumb moves slowly against Eddie's shirt. Eddie takes a shaking breath, shakes his head just enough that his bangs wobble against his forehead.
"Nope. Just a big ol virgin. I mean i kissed Cathey Bartlet once in third grade but it was kinda gross and i didn't really want too. And she didn't really ask me. She just sort of... shovered her mouth on mine. Sort of a bummer of a first and only kiss really." He knows he's saying too much, but his mouth wont stop, never does. But steve is smiling soflty at him so he thinks maybe its okay.
"So yeah. Maybe you've never done anything with a guy, but... at least you've done things. Lightyears ahead of me. On all accounts, probably. I mean... i read things but I'm pretty sure that doesn't count. Having an active inner fantasy life doesn't count either I'm guessing." Eddie smiles awkwardly, his fingers trembling where they're holding Steve's arms. Steve nods at him, his fingers still moving gently over Eddie's shirt.
"That's not a bad thing. You know that right?" Steve asks. One hand moving up Eddie’s arm. Eddie shrugs.
"No hey, i mean it. It's okay that you haven't done stuff. I- um..." steve flushes, a deep red, and oh... eddie likes that, he sways forward, closer to steve.
"You what?" Eddie pushes, his hands moving to Steve's biceps, fingers pressing a little harder. Steve shakes his head, eyes avoiding eddie now.
"Tell me." Eddie moves his hand, his fingertips moving to Steve's chin, lifting his head so he can see his eyes.
"Please?" Eddie asks. Begs. And he watches steve nearly melt. He licks his lips, eyes locking on Eddie's.
"I just- i like the idea that I'll be the only person who's touched you." He looks away quickly after the words leave his mouth. But he doesn't stop there.
"I like the idea of learning how to do this with you. But mostly its the first thing." He scrunches his nose and looks back to eddie.
Eddie is smiing, his cheeks flushed. And then he fucking honest to god giggles. And fucking falls against steve. Steve just wraps his arms around eddie, instinctively pulling him closer.
"Why are you laughing?" But steve's laughing now too, can't help it. Eddie's laugh has always been so fucking contagious. Eddie shakes his head, stops laughing, moves, just a little, moves his nose up Steve's throat, his hands on Steve's hips, pushes him back into the door a bit and he says
"Steve harrington. You have a fucking virgin kink. Or should i say, your kink is fucking virgins?" Eddie's breath on his neck makes him shiver, at least thats what he tells himself. Eddie pulls back, stays close, looks into Steve's eyes.
"Dont you?" He asks, his fingers giving steve a squeeze. Steve squirms and shoves his hands up the back of Eddie's shirt, his warm palms moving against eddie skin, pulling him close. Eddie fucking melts into steve, a little whine leaving his throat.
"Maybe i do. Sounds like you might be a little touched starved princess." Steve shoots back, sounding satisfied, and the nickname goes right to Eddie's nerve endings, his whole body shaking. He's pretty sure his knees are about to buckle, but he can fucking feel steve holding him up, and that just makes it worse. He clings to Steve's shoulders and says the only come back he can think of it in his fuzzy headed haze.
"Princess. So you do want me to be a girl." He huffs into Steve's shoulder. Steve laughs then, his fingers pressing into Eddie's back before letting him go a little, so he can look at him.
"No. I still want you to be you." And he says it so earnestly. Eddie almost melts again, looking into his eyes, steve lifts a hand out of his shirt and tucks some hair behind Eddie's ear. Eddie licks his lips and frowns, wants to not sound too much like an idiot.
"So um... you wouldn't mind then..." he hesitates. Steve's eyes widen, waiting. Eddie grimaces a bit.
"Teaching me... how to do stuff?" He sounds insecure now. But the way steve softens makes him, not hate it. Steve shakes his head, moves his hand to Eddie's cheek.
"No. I wouldn't mind." His thumb moves over Eddie cheek bone and he leans into the touch like a cat.
"Good. Cuz i really wanna kiss you but I'm scared i might be bad at it." Eddie bites his lip, Steve moves his thumb down, sweeps over Eddie's lip until he lets it fall from his teeths grip.
"You'll do fine. I have faith in you." Steve breathes. Eddie's heart flutters.
"What if I'm bad at it? What if I'm like Cathey Bartlet?" Eddie asks, his hands clutching at Steve's shirt now. Steve shakes his head.
"No way. Not possible." Steve smiles, his eyes locked on Eddie's lips now. Eddie's clenched fists are shaking.
"You don't know. I could be terrible. Like kissing a wet mop or someth-"
"Eddie." Steve says his name softly, silencening him gently. Eddie gulps. Eyes widening.
"Can i kiss you?" Steve asks, eddie feels his breath ghost over his lips and his eyes flutter. Eddie nods, pressing his lips together nervously before releasing them again.
"Thank you for asking." Eddie says, smiling at steve as steve smiles at him, both of them moving to close to gap between them.
"Dont get used to it." Steve whispers, his lips brushing Eddie's and then he's kissing him. Soflty at first, letting eddie get used to the feeling. Eddie can feel him smiling against his lips, especially when eddie makes little noises. Steve breaks away, brushes his nose agaisnt Eddie's. Eddie nearly panting as steve practically holds him upright.
"Does that mean you're not gonna ask when you kiss me?" Eddie breathes, his forehead resting against Steve. Steve laughs into Eddie's mouth, kissing him soflty again and says
"Not always. You're mine now Munson. I can kiss you anytime i want." Eddie shivers as steve spins them, pushes Eddie gently against the door. He pulls back, his hands pressed to the door next to Eddie's head.
"That okay with you?" He asks, like he hadn't just fucking shaken eddie to his goddamn core. Eddie's hands scramble over Steve's shoulders, clutching and clawing at him, dragging him closer as he breathes
"Yes. Yeah. Totally good with it. Never stop kissing me." Eddie says, his eyes locked on Steve's mouth. Steve laughs, lets eddie pull him closer, desperately so, and kisses him again. And again. And again.
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curlyhairedsimp · 1 month
Cupid’s Sense? Failed Successfully :)
Mabel starts to see her brother and Pacifica hanging out more so she starts to think they might be secretly dating.
Meanwhile Pacifica is pulling teeth with Dipper on how to woo his sister and sort of get his approval. He meant a lot to Mabel (and she really likes her)
(They are like 16 in this fic.)
Mabel had noticed something strange going on with Pacifica whenever she was around her brother. All three of them would go hang out and Pacifica would make a real effort to get to know them. And by them she really meant Dipper. Mabel even had a list of things Pacifica did to prove it. She had at least 4 reasons.
The first super obvious reason was that Pacifica started to come on their mystery adventures that Dipper took them on. Even though she complained the whole time she kept being helpful. Like making sure Mabel didnt fall behind when running away, catching her before she fell, and she even figured something out before dipper could! She thought that was pretty cool.
The second reason was she had noticed Pacifica arguing with Dipper more. Like there was tension between them and Pacifica always seemed to swallow her words. LIKE SHE DIDNT KNOW HOW TO EXPRESS WHAT SHE WAS FEELING- ehem in Mabel’s humble opinion.
The third reason was cause she was actually being really nice to Mabel herself. She imagined Pacifica thought she needed to get in her good graces. She did tons of nice things for Mabel like taking her out to lunch, listening to her about her art projects, helping her with her art projects, and she takes hours to helps Mabel with her summer homework. Even when Dipper gave up on her for the day! So yeah Pacifica was awesome. Sure she wasn’t straight forward about her intentions and was a little mean in execution but the thought was definitely there.
“So what do you girls think? Dipifica? Pacdip?”
“Uhh I don’t know Mabel. What’s the forth reason?” Candy spoke up and looking at her with her head tiled to the side clearly thinking.
Mabel proudly announced, “My Cupid Sense!”
“Cool! Does it come with the twin thing?”
“Nah that’s just my epic eye for romance!”
“Did you ask Dipper how he felt?” Candy asked with her arms crossed and eyebrow raised.
“Oh come on Candy like he’d admit it!”
“I don’t know Candy I have to go with Mabel here. Dipper always doubles down when it comes to her and Pacifica doesn’t bother with people she doesn’t care about.”
“I don’t know something just doesn’t feel right.”
Candy look to be really contemplating but Mabel knew just what would convince her
“I’ll prove it to you Candy!“
“How?” Grenda asks and Mabel grins.
“You’ll see!”
The “you’ll see” in question was Grenda and Candy following them. By them it’s Dipper, Mabel, and Pacifica who were going to the carnival that was passing by this summer. Mabel has asked Pacifica to come with her and dipper which she jumped at the opportunity. Pacifica looked good when she came and while it was still extravagant it definitely had more of Pacifica’s style in mind. She looked very pretty Mabel admitted to herself. She felt her cheeks get hot at the thought and fanned herself a little bit.
“Is it hot in here or is it just me?”
“Mabel we’re outside in the summer.”
Dipper was giving her a look of judgement. Mabel deflected and turned her head away from him. It’s not like she was gonna say the real reason here!
“Can’t a girl complain? Jeez Dipper.”
Dipper rolls his eyes before mumbling,“whatever”
As Dipper walked away Pacifica put the back of her hand on Mabel’s head and mumbled, “ You don’t feel hot.”
Mabel didn’t know why but her blush deepened.
Mabel didn’t know why she was being so loud but it didn’t even seem to startle Pacifica. She just smiled and laughed a little bit.
“We should catch up before Dipper does something dumb again.”
Pacifica actually grabbed her hand like she usually has been doing a lot too recently actually now that she thinks about it.
“Yeah totally-!” Something caught Mabel’s eye a Giant Llama Plushie IN A PINK SWEATER! “IS THAT A LLAMA PLUSHIE?!”
Pacifica was quick to act and take her to the stand. She pulled her hand a little and started walking to the booth before saying, “come on don’t you wanna win the plushie?”
“But what about Dipper-?”
Pacifica cut Mabel off, “He’s a big boy. He’ll be fine. Come on we have a Llama plush to win!”
Mabel didn’t argue with Pacifica and followed her without much resistance. Pacifica paid for her turn and got it first try for Mabel. Mabel squealed in excitement in receiving the plush. It was one of those stupid knock down the pins but clearly were extra glued to the wood. Grunkle Stan taught her how to notice those tricks and Pacifica had a really good arm also great aim. They had run around a couple stalls cause Mabel had seen a few more things she liked. Pacifica managed to get each one she wanted.
“These are so cute! Thank you Pacifica!”
Pacifica got a little embarrassed started to play with her gloves when she got shy.
“It was nothing…You taught me the stupid tricks.”
“Yeah but I have noodle arms compared to you! Didn’t you start softball last summer? You must have gotten better!”
“I’m gonna be team captain next year.”
Pacifica said proudly and confident like she had no doubts in the world. Mabel always thought that Pacifica speaking that way was something she admired about her.
“I bet you are-! Wait! Oh crap! Dipper!”
They had left him behind ages ago!
“The knucklehead is over there talking to Wendy.”
Mabel looked to where Pacifica was talking about and yeah Dipper was talking to Wendy. Dipper had stopped crushing on Wendy last summer but he still admired her. She was really cool still. Mabel was worried at Pacifica might not know that and it bothered her. What if Pacifica got her feelings hurt cause Dipper is an idiot and can’t figure out his feeling?!
She put the Llama in Dipper’s face getting him away from Wendy and she looked back to see Pacifica was smiling. Which made her smile.
“Ugh Mabel! Get it out of my face! I can see it!”
“But she’s so fluffy Dipper! And Pacifica was so cool!”
“Oh yeah? The little west got you the plushies?”
“Yeah! She knocked down the pins like bam! In one go and her got so much better!”
“Oh yeah little west must have spunk. Maybe she’d like to go wood cutting. Good exercise for the arms and we can see how strong she is.”
Pacifica made a face and was about to speak up but Mabel had spoke up first.
“Oh my gosh yes! We can all were match lumber jack outfits so we can fit in and look cool like Wendy! Pacifica please come!”
Mabel was practically begging and completely forgot about her initial plans. Pacifica looked up and sighed before looking back at Mabel.
“Fine but we’re going shopping together.”
“DEAL! This is gonna be so fun!”
Mabel was hugging Pacifica and practically jumping for joy. Before she realized she was hugging Pacifica and how nice she smelled. And she hugging Pacifica. She felt her face to bright red and she pulled away from her quickly. When she realize Pacifica cheeks were a little red and she was looking away. When Mabel turned her head Dipped had a smug look on his face.
“What was that?” Mabel said feeling a little sour.
Dipper looked at her and said, “Nothing.”
Mabel liked that answers less but before she could complain Wendy pointed out that they should probably head home before Stan or Ford comes to look for them. Before they managed to leave the park Grenda and Candy were waiting for them at the entrance. Which admittedly Mabel forgot they were following her today.
“Northwest. Bring my sister home safe.”
“She’ll be brought back happy and healthy.”
“Huh what? Aren’t we going home together?”
“Nope. I’m gonna walk Candy and Grenda home. Then I’ll see you at the Shack. Mabel do Pacifica a favor and listen to what she’s gonna say.”
Dipper put a hand on her shoulder while saying that before lightly patting it and leaving with her other friends. She was left in confusion and Pacifica clearly was anxiously messing with her gloves again. Which made her feel really bad.
“Ugh Dipper is such an idiot! How could he just not even notice that you like him?! Leaving me with his crush and-“
Instead of Pacifica getting upset with her. She took off her gloves and shoved them in her pocket. She gently took both of Mabel’s hand holding them almost preciously.
“Mabel… I uh- I don’t really know how to say it.”
She breathed in a looking actually scared. That struck something in Mabel since Pacifica was a naturally confident person even in distress. She really should listen to Dipper sometimes.
“Hey i-it’s okay! I’m a really good listener!”
Mabel tangled their fingers more to comfort her.
“Just listen Mabel. Don’t cut me off.” She shot her a weak glare and Mabel nodded seriously. Cause she can be serious. “I don’t like Dipper.”
“But I thought-” Pacifica glared, “Sorry. Sorry.”
“I like you. Like actually like like you.” That made Mabel’s jaw drop but Pacifica kept speaking, “A-And I know you might not like me back. I’m not the kindest or most compassionate person. I’m really bad talking about my feelings and I can be really mean to you-”
Mabel tried to be romantic and cut Pacifica off by kissing her but she ended up hitting her braces to her teeth. Which ouch.
“I-Im sorry! I didn’t mean to- are you okay?!”
Pacifica uncharacteristically broke out into a fit of giggles which relieved Mabel. Pacifica looked actually relieved though.
“I-If you want still w-we can try again. I’ll be more careful. Promise! Only if you want to-!”
Pacifica this time kissed her and it was perfect. When they separated felt like she saw stars.
“Here I was nervous that my hands were sweaty.”
“Does this mean I can kiss you whenever I want?!”
Pacifica giggled a little and nodded her head putting their foreheads together. “You can kiss me whenever you want.”
“Really?! Does this mean we’re girlfriends?!”
“Yeah… I think it does.”
“Heck yeah! I got a girlfriend before Dipper!”
That made Pacifica snort and Mabel thought it was adorable but Pacifica made her promise not to mention it in front of other people. Which soon after they went back to the shack. Mabel got left at the door step since Pacifica said if she came in now Mabel would definitely tell everyone they’re dating the minute they got inside.
“But can’t I tell people that we’re dating?”
“I wanna take you out on our first date before that… I-I wanna do it properly or something.”
“Ah shucks! You’re making me feel all special.”
Pacifica smiled at her and tucked a strand of Mabel’s hair behind her ear with a little smile.
“That’s the point. I’ll see you next time.”
She kissed Mabel’s cheek before saying goodbye and Mabel went into the shack absolutely swooning. Dipper was there with that smug look from the carnival. She gave her brother one good look before she threw her arms around him rubbing their cheeks together.
“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!”
“Never suggest I like Pacifica Northwest again.”
“But we’re twins Dipper you can’t tell me you don’t find her gorgeous and cool!”
“Get off! No way!”
“Liar! Liar! Pants on fire!”
(Author’s Note: I was thinking about getting The Grunkle’s react along with her friends I told you so. Or at least Candy’s. Maybe do another one about their first date if this does well)
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avastrasposts · 1 year
The Pilot and his girl - ch. 2
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So, I have vague plans for this fic now but the first two chapters are just dabbles, trying to find a way to write a reader insert and to write Frankie Morales. I'll have to think of a good title for the fic as I get the story together, for now it's just a bunch of scribbled ideas in a notebook. I'll update and give more of a summery once it's taken shape in my head I guess? Until then, I hope you enjoy a second date with Frankie and some fluffy flirting with our sweet soft boy.
Edit: making this easier to navigate- Chapter 3
Waking up late the next morning you catch up on the gossip from last night in the bachelorette party chat thread. It’s filling up with groans and promises to never drink again as your friends wake up across the city. You’re feeling fine, you’d only had a couple of cocktails last night, and now you’re poking fun at your friends while Lizzy curses at you for letting her do too many tequila shots. 
Steve’s future wife: “Seriously, you should’ve stopped me, you were supposed to be my guardian last night!” 
“I stopped you from ordering Long Island Teas for the entire club at 1am, your head and your credit card should be very grateful, Lizzy!”
Steve’s future wife: “My head doesn’t feel very grateful right now…”
Your phone suddenly pings with a new message and as you tap out of the party chat you see Frankie’s name on your screen. You can’t help but feel a little jolt of excitement as you pull up his message.
“morning. i was wondering if youd maybe like to get some coffee today, seeing as i didnt get a chance to buy you a drink last night?”
Your mouth pulls up in an inadvertent smile as you see the text, you’d been hoping he’d get in touch soon.
“Morning, yes I’d like that, I definitely need coffee this morning! 
You hit send but instantly regret it, maybe that message sounded like you only wanted coffee and not that you were happy to see him again? You quickly type out a new message. 
“Sorry, I hit send too fast… I meant to say that I definitely need coffee. But I'd also like to get some with you.” 
The second you hit send you see the innuendo and bite your lip, fuck! 
Frankie can’t help but chuckle as he sees her message come through. He knows she means coffee but he sees her typing away as the three dots move on his screen and guesses she’s trying to back track from the “get some” innuendo. He waits while she types, still smiling to himself. He’d been nervous about asking her out for coffee so soon but he wanted to give her a chance to get to know him a bit before he asked her out for dinner, less pressure for both of them he figured. When her instant yes came back he’d felt heat flash through his body, he really wanted to see her again and she seemed to feel the same way. 
“Shit, ignore that last message completely, I mean, yes, I’d really like to get some coffee with you this morning, Frankie.”
Frankie chuckled again and typed his reply. 
“no pun intended then?”
“Shut up :)”
And then; 
“Where do you want to meet, and when? I’m free the whole day. My only plan was to recover from last night.” 
Frankie suggests a coffee shop in a part of the city close to downtown. The area is good for weekends and has lots of places to hang out under the trees that line the river that runs through the neighbourhood. She knows the place and agrees to meet there in an hour and Frankie gets in the shower to get ready. For all the flack Pope had given him last night about making him pay up the one hundred dollar bet he’d also seen that Frankie was really into this girl. He’d spent the ride home telling his friend to not worry, that he was a great guy and that this girl would like Francisco Morales if he only gave her a chance. 
“I know it’s a tired old line but just be yourself, Fish. You’re charming when you want to be and good looking, you know the girls always line up for you when we’re out, even with that damn cap shoved down your forehead. She’s into you so just relax and enjoy the company of a beautiful woman.” Pope had slapped his friend on the shoulder before getting out of the truck and now Frankie tries to force himself to feel some of Pope’s confidence as he scrubs himself down in the shower. “Just relax, he tells himself as his stomach flips at the thought of the way her lips had felt against his cheek last night. “You’ve got this, Frankie, you got her number, she replied, she wants to see you again, just take it from there.” 
The second you’ve confirmed to Frankie that you’ll meet in an hour you rush out of bed and into the shower. Butterflies are back in your stomach and you’re kinda surprised at the effect this guy is having on your nerves. It’s not like you to get so nervous about a guy you’ve barely spoken to, even if he was cute and broad as a barn door. Something about Frankie’s shy approach, the way his face seemed to soften when he smiled, made your heart melt a bit. But there was definitely something more confident lurking under the surface, you could tell from his teasing replies to your messages. It gave you the feeling that he was probably hiding a more assertive manner under his initial shyness and you couldn’t wait to make him comfortable enough to bring it out. You were looking forward to getting to know him better and so far it didn’t seem like you’d regret your snap decision to give him your number last night. 
The coffee shop Frankie suggested is right on the river and as you’re walking towards it Frankie texts saying that he’s got a table out back next to the water’s edge. You make your way through the building and see him sitting at a table looking snug in a dark green hoodie, the cap still firmly on his head. His unruly curls are poking out around his neck but it looks as if he’s made the effort to contain the ones around his ears, they are tucked in under the edge of the cap, still threatening to escape. He’s sitting relaxed, leaning back in the chair with his arms crossed, looking out over the river where two crews are rowing past. As you get closer he seems to spot you from the corner of his eye and his gaze finds yours, his handsome face splitting into a warm smile as he gets up. 
“Hey, good to see you,” he says, stepping forward to drop a kiss on your cheek before stepping back, still smiling. Your butterflies make themselves known as his warm smell washes over you, that same warm cotton smell from the night before, mint from his toothpaste and something that has to be his body wash. His lips are soft as they brush against your skin, a sharp contrast to the light scratch of his beard. He seems to pause for a second against your cheek as his hand lands on your waist and when he pulls back you feel the cool tip of his nose on your skin. 
“Hi, good to see you too,” you smile as you try to squash the butterflies, letting him pull out the chair opposite his at the small table as you sit down. He gets back to his own seat and leans on his forearms on the table, making it shift slightly as it takes his weight. You bite the inside of your lip as you suddenly feel very shy at the way his eyes are focused on yours and he seems to notice the movement, his eyes dropping to your lips as you worry at them. 
“You’re gonna draw blood, hermosa,” he says with a soft voice and you feel his thumb smooth over your bottom lip, making you let go of it. His gesture is gentle and calming and as he drops his hand back to the table you find yourself wishing he’d continued, your face leaning into his hand. His crooked smile makes your own creep back as he captures your fingertips between his own on the table, gently tugging them towards him, as he leans closer, dropping his eyes to your lips again. Your breath catches in the back of your throat as you watch the pink tip of his tongue dart out over his bottom lip as he moves closer. 
“Morning, early birds! Let me guess, some coffee to start off with to wake you up, huh? And then let me take you through our specials today. Ya’ll are gonna love our seasonal pancakes!” 
You all but groan when the server’s chipper voice cuts through the moment you’re having, Frankie immediately pulls away from you and your fingers slips through his as he clenches his jaw before picking up the menu card on his side of the table. The server continues to rattle through the specials and you scan the menu in front of you. 
“Do you wanna start with coffee, maybe?” Frankie asks, ignoring the server’s chatter. 
“Yes, please, that sounds good. I don’t know what I wanna eat yet,” you say and flip the menu over to look at the huge drinks menu on the back. 
“Black coffee for me, thanks,” Frankie says to the server who has finally covered all the specials. “Know what you want, hermosa?” 
“A double shot cappuccino, thanks,” you reply, looking up at the server who takes your orders and walks away with a nod. 
“Rude,” Frankie smirks as he leans forward again, capturing your fingers in his, his eyes crinkling at the corners. His shyness from last night seems to have disappeared in light of your own and his eyes are warm and soft as he gently tugs you forward, his gaze flicking down to your lips and up to your eyes. You feel heat pooling in the pit of your stomach as he gets close enough for you to smell his toothpaste again, his lips pulling up in a small smile as he gently strokes his thumb over your bottom lip. 
The sharp signal of a phone suddenly cuts through the air and Frankie actually drops his head on to his hands and curses in Spanish under his breath before he leans back and pulls the offending item out of his back pocket. 
“I’m about to toss this damn thing in the river,” he grumbles, throwing you an apologetic look. But looking at the screen his eyebrows pull together in a deep frown. 
“I’m really sorry, I have to take this, it’s work but they usually don’t call on a Sunday.” 
Frankie gets up and steps away from the table. You watch him retreat, realising you don’t actually know what he does for a living. You go back to studying the menu and after a couple of minutes Frankie sits down again, a disappointed look on his face. 
“I’m really sorry, but I have to go,” he says, his hand shooting up to the back of his neck in that same gesture from last night, his face looking crestfallen and apologetic. “There’s an emergency at work that I have to deal with, the guy who’s on call this weekend is stuck in traffic behind some big pile up and can’t get to the airfield.” 
“Oh,” you say, disappointment washing over you, feeling your stomach drop, and it must’ve shown on your face because Frankie’s hand shoots forward and grabs yours. 
“Please don’t think I’m trying to get out of our date, I was really looking forward to hanging out with you but,” Frankie’s fingers are rubbing across the back of your hand, his eyebrows knitted together over his worried eyes, “it’s a medical transportation, some transplant organ that I have to pick up from Mount Hope and fly over to General, it can’t wait.”
“Wow, I didn’t even know you’re a pilot. You fly airplanes?” 
“Helicopters,” he replies proudly as he pulls you up from the chair, still holding on to your hand. “I did it in the army for years but since I left I’ve been working at a local airfield, doing different transportation assignments.” His large hand feels like it dwarfs your own with how easily it fits inside the warmth of his and you hold on to him as he walks you across the patio into the coffee shop. “Maybe we can get the coffee to go?” he suggests, “And some pastries too? They do really good little hand pie things here.” He smiles down at you and you feel a bit better about the sudden end to your date, at least it doesn’t seem like he’s running off just to get away from you. 
When you get to the counter Frankie asks for your coffee order to go and pays for a couple of hand pies while you pick them out, cherry for you and Frankie immediately goes for the same one when you point it out. While he’s waiting for the pies he suddenly looks over at you with a quizzical look. 
“What?” you ask, his face suddenly mischievous. 
“Are you afraid of heights, hermosa?” 
“No, but I’ve never been in a helicopter if that’s what you're asking?” 
“Do you wanna go up in one today?” Frankie grins, his eyes definitely looking like he’s about to get you into trouble.
“Can you do that? I mean, are you allowed to take someone up just like that?” 
“You’re my new co-pilot in training now,” he beams, delighted with his idea. “I’ve got to fly from the airfield to Mount Hope, pick up the box, fly over to General and then back to the airfield. Shouldn’t take more than a couple of hours if you’re up for it?” His smile is infectious and the excitement in his body is palpable as you feel his hand squeeze yours, you can’t refuse him. 
“Sure, I guess I’ll sign up to be your co-pilot, Frankie,” you laugh and he pulls you in under his arm, dropping a kiss on the top of your head as he grabs the bags with coffee and pastries. “You’ll love it, I promise.” 
Frankie guides you out of the coffee shop and shows you to his truck parked across the street, taking you round to the passenger side door and opening it for you like a gentleman. It makes you smile at him as he gives you a hand up the high step and he grins back at you, making your heart flutter at the sight of his eyes lighting up. In the short time you’ve spent with Frankie, his eyes have definitely become your favourite feature, the dark brown irises changing as his smile comes and goes on his face. When he smiles they seem to soften, his eyebrows coming together as the corners crinkle, when he’s nervous or awkward he drops his head and looks up at you from underneath the peak of his cap and his eyes mirror the worry in his head, now they’re really sparkling with mischief and glee as he all but bounces around the front of the truck before pulling himself up into the driver’s seat. 
“Your coffee, hermosa,” he passes the take away mug to you before placing his own in the cup holder. The truck has been sitting in the warm sun and Frankie pulls the hoodie over his head, tossing it in the back before starting up the truck. The white t-shirt underneath does nothing to hide the sheer width of his shoulders as he turns in his seat, hooking his arm round the back of the bench seat as he manoeuvres the truck out from the tight spot at the curb. You try not to stare at how his chest flexes as he twists half way around in the seat, his muscular arm resting right next to your head. You follow the line of it up underneath the sleeve of his t-shirt, it’s ridden up high on his deltoid and you can see the dark smudge of his armpit as he grunts, twisting around again. 
“Admiring the view, cariño?” Frankie chuckles as he catches your eyes on his chest and you feel heat rushing to your face, quickly slapping your hand over your eyes, stifling a giggle. Frankie laughs loudly and pulls your hand from your face, tugging you closer to him across the wide seat. 
“Come here, hermosa, you can look as much as you want,” his chest is rumbling as he laughs but he pulls your hand up to his mouth and presses his lips to the back of it before setting it down on his leg, moving his hand to the gear shift and pulling out into traffic. 
“So, never been in a helicopter?” he asks, glancing over at you. “Ever been up in a smaller plane?”
“No, nothing like that, only regular commercial flights. Is it very different?” You’re slightly nervous about the idea but Frankie’s excitement is infectious, this is clearly something he loves. 
“It’s very different from a commercial flight but I’ll make sure to go easy on you, no loops or flying upside down.” He moves his hand on top of yours as the traffic starts to flow smoothly, lying warm and solid over your own. 
“I’ve never seen a helicopter fly upside down, you can do that?” Your limited knowledge of helicopters makes Frankie break out in a big grin. 
“Only on special occasions,” he glances away from the road for a second and gives you a wink and you roll your eyes as you catch on. 
“Ha. Ha. Very funny, you’re a regular comedian,” you pull out your hand from under his and punch him lightly on his upper arm, but you can’t help but smile as he chuckles and pretends to duck his head to get away from you. 
“A few helicopters can fly upside down but not this one, unfortunately, I’d like to see your face when I do it,” he laughs again and takes your hand back, placing it on his thigh but holding on to it this time. “Really, don’t worry, hermosa, I’ll take us up and down and fly straight as an arrow, no fooling around.”
“At least not in the air.” It slips out before you know it and Frankie immediately snorts loudly and you feel laughter bubbling inside you as he breaks out in a wide grin, shooting you a mischievous look. 
“At least not in the air,” he agrees, looking at the road again but his eyes are wrinkling at the corners as he smiles. “I’m gonna have to keep an eye on you, make sure you’re not touching any of my buttons.” 
“Ok, that one was too obvious,” you giggle as he tries to contain the way he’s chuckling at his own joke. 
“Yeah, I know but I couldn’t help it,” he smiles, tugging at his cap and looking over at you as the truck comes to a stop at a red light. His brown eyes are warm and happy, the sunlight shines into the car from behind him and his unruly hair has escaped from under his cap and is curling around his ears again. You hesitate for a second but the urge is too strong, you reach up and graze across them with your fingertips, feeling the soft strands brush against your skin. Frankie inhales deeply and the smile slips from his face, replaced by something more urgent. He leans in and the rich aroma of the coffee he’s been drinking washes over you. 
“I really want to kiss you,” he mumbles close to your lips, “but not in my truck at a red light, so please, hermosa, do that again when I won’t crash any vehicles we might be in.” He stays close for a beat longer and drops his gaze to your lips before pulling back with a small groan just as the light changes to green. 
You feel like the atmosphere in the truck is about to reach a dangerous boiling point so you try to calm yourself down by sipping on your coffee and reaching for one of the pies, handing the other to Frankie. 
“I feel like I'm tempting fate by eating a cherry pie with one hand while wearing a white t-shirt.” he says as his first bite drips cherry juice down his fingers. “This is so good though,” he catches the trickle down his pinky with his tongue which makes you swallow and quickly look away. 
He’s right, the pie is very tasty and you both fall silent as you try to capture every flaky crumb that falls from the pie as you bite into it. The filling is sweet and tart and gone far too soon. 
“Fuck, I wish we’d bought three each,” you moan as you swallow down the last bite. Frankie is still juggling the last of his as he turns the truck on to a smaller road on the outskirts of the city, steering with one hand and keeping the pie away from his, miraculously still white, t-shirt. 
“Here, have the rest of mine,” he offers, holding out his hand to you. 
“You sure? You’re not one of those people who offer their food and then get offended when I eat half your fries?” 
“No, I’m smarter than that, I always order a large fries when I’m eating with a woman,” he grins. “Just take my pie, I’m gonna need both hands here anyway.” 
“I’m gonna test you on that,” you say as you gratefully take the last bit of pie from him, “this damn pie really is too good.”
“You wanna share my fries, hermosa?” Frankie smirks, the truck now rumbling down a long straight road, air hangars in the distance. “That must mean I’m getting a second date out of this?”
“That still depends on how this helicopter ride goes, you make me airsick I might change my mind.” You scrunch up your nose as the hangers come closer. “I’m actually kinda nervous, I don’t wanna fuck up your assignment by throwing up in your helicopter.”
“Do you usually get carsick or seasick?” Frankie asks. 
“No, not usually.” 
“Then you’ll be fine, that kind of sickness has got something to do with the balance system in your ear so if you don’t get seasick you’ll be fine in a chopper.” He reaches over with his clean hand and squeezes your thigh, giving you a warm smile, “Don’t worry, hermosa, I’ll take care of you.” 
Frankie pulls up next to the hangar and parks the truck, grabbing his hoodie from the back, quickly coming round to the passenger side as he tugs it over his head and gives you a hand down.
“This is the place,” he says and waves in the general direction of the open hangar doors. “I’ll just get the paperwork from my boss and then we’ll be off.” 
With a hand on the small of your back he guides you towards the hangar where you’re both greeted by an older man who introduces himself as Denny, Frankie’s boss, as Frankie explains that he’s taking you with him on the assignment.
“Sorry to commandeer your date, miss,” he says with a friendly smile as he hands Frankie the paperwork and a set of keys. “But I’m sure you’ll enjoy the trip, Frankie is one of my best pilots.” 
You look over at Frankie who’s looking pleased about the praise as he flips through the paperwork Denny handed him. 
“Thanks, boss, I’ll remember those words next time we talk about my pay raise,” he grins and closes the folder. “Come on, cariño, let me show you the chopper and get you strapped in.”
Frankie’s warm hand rests on the small of your back again as he takes you towards one of the helicopters parked outside the hangar. He’s rattling off facts about it and the technical specifications, you’re trying to keep up but most of it means nothing to you, and he soon breaks into a chuckle as he sees your confused face trying to comprehend what he’s talking about. 
“Don’t worry about it, sorry, I get a bit carried away, even the guys in the army would tell me to shut the fuck up when I got too technical.”
“It’s really cool that you fly helicopters for a living but I genuinely have no idea what any of that means,” you smile at him, “I’m just happy you’re happy to let me tag along today.”
“Of course I am! It was my idea after all, I’d feel too shitty about ditching you before I even got you a coffee.” You’re at the chopper and Frankie unlocks it, sliding open the door and helping you up into the passenger seat. He picks up the seat belt but pauses, looking at your torso. 
“You’re gonna be cold in just that t-shirt and jacket,” he says. You’re wearing the same jean jacket you had on last night with a fresh t-shirt underneath and as you watch he tugs his hoodie off again. “Put this on, I’ll run over and grab something from the locker room.” 
You take the hoodie from his outstretched hand, “Thanks, Frankie,” and he gives you a quick smile before turning and jogging back towards the hangar. 
You slip his dark green hoodie over your head after shedding the jacket and tossing it on to one of the seats in the back. The smell of him overwhelms you the second you pull it over your face, still warm from his body. It smells clean, like fresh detergent and something woody and spicy that might be his body wash. You stop for a second to inhale the scent that seems to be inherently his before pulling it all the way down. The hoodie is far too big for you and you have to roll up the sleeves just to have your fingertips showing. 
You’re wiggling into the seat belt, hooking your arms through on either side, when Frankie comes jogging back with black hoodie on. This one is decidedly more well worn, the fabric fraying at the edges around his arms where he’s pushed it up to his elbows. Down by his hip you can see the white of his t-shirt shining through a hole that looks like something burnt through the hoodie. 
“Comfy?” he asks as he steps up into the cockpit on your side, checking your seat belt and clipping you in securely. 
“Yeah, very. Thanks for lending it to me,” you smile up at him. He’s very close suddenly, as he bends down and pulls on the straps, you feel the tension locking your body into the seat. Frankie looks down at you as his hands still on your waist, you’re holding your breath, his eyes seem to be fixing you in place as much as the seat belt and you hear him slowly exhale, almost in a shudder. 
“Remember what I said about not crashing any vehicles?” he asks, his voice dropping into a low whisper, dark and rich. You nod slowly, the hoodie suddenly feels much too warm. “Please remind me about that when we come back here.” He stays locked on you for a few more breaths until he finally pulls away, caressing your waist as he lets his hands slip over you.
As he steps down and walks around the chopper to the pilot’s side you slowly exhale, trying to calm your racing pulse. That’s four times you’ve been close to kissing and the tension is building inside you to the point where you just want to grab his face and pull him down to your lips. Frankie’s presence is both comforting and rousing, his easy smiles make you feel happy and warm, but the tension that builds when he comes close is exhilarating and almost paralysing. 
Frankie swings into the pilot’s seat and straps himself in, starts going through the pre-flight checks and hands you a pair of headphones to put on. He slips a pair over his own ears and soon you hear his voice coming through them as the helicopter's engine roars to life. It’s loud, much louder than you expected, and you’re glad for the headphones protecting your ears. 
“You ready?” Frankie’s voice comes through the headphones with a slight distortion and you give him a nod and a thumbs up and he smiles back. His face shifts into a more serious look as he looks over the instrument panel and readies everything for flight before he pulls back on the stick in front of him and the helicopter slowly rises off the ground. You feel your stomach plummet as the tarmac drops away beneath you, the cockpit of the chopper seeming impossibly small. It makes you feel like you’re sitting on a tiny chair with nothing but sky around you as Frankie makes the helicopter climb higher. You focus on a spot on the floor between your feet to get your nerves under control and only throw quick glimpses out the window as the surrounding buildings fall away and are replaced by blue sky.  
“Hey, you ok?” Frankie’s voice comes through your headphones as his warm hand lands on your leg and you glance up at him. His eyebrows have knitted together and he’s got that sweet worried look again. 
“Yeah, I’m good, I think I just got a bit of vertigo as we took off,” you huff, drawing a deep, slightly shaky breath. 
“We won’t be climbing anymore, I’m just gonna keep us straight and steady to Mount Hope now. Just keep breathing, hermosa.” He rubs your leg a few times and smiles before he grabs the stick with both hands again. You watch him as he checks the instruments, hailing Mount Hope Hospital to let them know his ETA and then corrects the chopper’s course slightly with a small movement of his hand. He’s moving with an easy confidence that makes you relax, he looks so comfortable in the pilot’s seat, so sure in every move he makes, never hesitating as he checks the instruments and manoeuvres the helicopter. This is the most confident and assured you’ve seen him yet. You trust yourself to sit up a bit straighter and start looking around, carefully glancing outside and actually admiring the view. 
“Feeling better?” You look over at Frankie as his voice comes through your headphones again, he’s smiling as you nod and smile back. 
“Everything looks so different from up here, I can’t even pick out any landmarks,” you remark, looking out over the city again. 
“That’s city hall over there,” Frankie points at a large domed building in the distance. “And there’s General Hospital where we’ll drop off the cargo. And there’s the river,” he points at the long watery snake that glints like silver as the sun hits it from above. 
Frankie continues to point out landmarks to you as he pilots the chopper towards the first destination and pretty soon you feel comfortable enough to lean closer to the window and let your gaze drop down below the chopper. Your stomach clenches at first but then you get used to the view and start enjoying yourself and Frankie’s easy company. He seems so happy flying, so in his element, that it’s hard to not get affected by his good mood. The shyness from your first meeting last night is gone and when he looks over at you it’s with bright eyes and a big smile. 
“I love that I’m the first one to show you all this,” he grins as you get braver and turn in your seat to get a better view out the window. “Your very first helicopter ride, it’s a big deal.” 
“I see why you love it so much, it feels addicting, to be able to fly above everything like this.” 
“Yeah, I always knew I wanted to be a helicopter pilot, used to watch the traffic reports on the news, just to get to see how the pilots flew, even when I was just a kid.” He chuckles at the memory. 
“And then you did it in the army you said?” 
“Yeah, I joined up with the intent to train as a helicopter pilot, I was in Delta Force for years before I left the army.” You see his face change into something darker as he seems to fold in on himself a little. “It wasn’t exactly the experience I thought it would be, it…it was maybe…it left me a bit..I don’t know…” he falters and you see the light go out in his eyes as looks down on his hands for a brief second. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry, you don’t need to say anything if you don’t want to,” you regret bringing it up as you see how it changes his mood, but Frankie shakes his head, giving you a small crooked smile. 
“Don’t worry about it, it’s just…I wanna tell you about it but not now, it’s maybe something for a date much further in the future, if you still wanna have me around then.” He says the last thing with a look over at you that melts your heart, that soft smile that transforms his face. 
“We’ll see,” you smile back at him, “if you stay true to your word about sharing your fries with me.” 
He chuckles and takes your hand, giving it a quick kiss, before grabbing the stick again.
The radio crackles through your headphones and you hear someone from Mount Hope hail the chopper and Frankie responds, starting to prepare for the descent down onto the landing pad outside the hospital. It takes a few minutes and your stomach flips a few times as Frankie steadily brings the helicopter down towards the ground. 
When you’re on the ground a hospital worker in scrubs and a jacket walks over to the helicopter holding onto what essentially looks like a big cooler with a red cross on it. Frankie quickly unbuckles himself and jumps out to slide the door to the back seat open. The middle aged woman with grey hair grabs his hand as she climbs into the back, giving you a quick nod, while Frankie checks that she’s safely strapped in and gives her a pair of headphones.
Soon you’re up in the air again, this ascent was much easier to handle, and Frankie turns the helicopter around and radios to General Hospital to let them know the ETA of the transport. With a stranger in the back of the chopper, the woman has the cooler on her lap the whole way, your conversation with Frankie is minimal. You keep looking out the window, trying to spot places you know, and at one point Frankie nudges your shoe with his boot and points down at a building ahead of the chopper. “The Outback Bar” is painted in large letters on the roof and he gives you a quick grin as you spot it and smile back at him. 
This trip is longer but time still passes fast and soon Frankie is bringing the helicopter down towards the bigger hospital. This time the landing pad is on the roof of a tall high rise and Frankie’s eyebrows are knitted together in concentration as he parries the side winds and slowly makes the descent. You watch him from the corner of your eye as he gently shifts the stick and works the pedals to correct the position. You can’t help but wonder how different this must be from his experience in the army. You try to imagine doing this while at the same time being under threat of enemy fire, but you can’t even picture it. 
When the helicopter touches down on the landing pad you barely feel it, just a slight sway. The lady in the back immediately unbuckles herself as Frankie gets out and slides open the door. You hear her yell a thank you to him over the roar of the rotor blades before walking with brisk pace towards the medical team waiting for her. Frankie swings himself back into the pilot’s seat and straps himself back in. 
“That’s it, mission accomplished, back to the airfield for us.” he says through the headphones and gives you a bright smile before pulling back on the stick and making you rise into the air again. 
“I feel bad,” Frankie suddenly says. “I just realised I never asked what you work with? I’ve just been going on about helicopters.”
“Don’t worry about it,” you laugh, “My job is nowhere near as exciting as helicopters, if I took you to my office you’d fall asleep in a corner before long,” you smile back at him.
“I doubt it, I’d be stealing snacks in the break room, isn’t that what office work is all about?” he smirks back at you. “What kind of business do you work in?”
 “I work in publishing, with academic books mainly.” 
“Really?” Frankie says, his eyes widening as he looks over at you. “That’s pretty damn impressive though, sounds like a job you need to be really smart to do.”
“I don’t know about smart, often it feels like I mainly baby sit grumpy professors who don’t understand why their thirty year old dissertations can’t be printed unedited as a text book,” you sigh, “my people skills are very often tested to the max.”
“But still, you’ve got a college degree right?” he asks, as you nod he continues, “I went from high school to the army and then on to this. I know nothing about anything except flying choppers.”
“That’s still pretty impressive to me though,” you smile at him. “If we had one of those Deep Impact situations, you know, where they have to select the important people to save to keep the human race going? Book editors would not make that cut but I’m pretty sure pilots would be needed.” 
Frankie chuckles, “I fucking loved that one, with Elijah Wood and Morgan Freeman, right? I liked that the meteor actually hit earth, and they showed the destruction and the panic, most movies build up to it but then disaster is avoided at the last second..” 
“Yeah, I really liked that too, in a messed up kinda way,” you say, ”and how they showed how that kind of event brought out the worst in the human race.”
 “What kind of movies are you into?” Frankie asks as he corrects the chopper and sets a course towards the airfield.
“Uuhm…most of them, I guess? I love any kind of historical drama, makes me feel like I have a time machine. And although I’m not crazy about superhero movies I love all Spider-Man movies, really looooove,” you emphasise the love, pulling out the o while Frankie chuckles. 
“I didn’t take you for a Spider-Man girl but that’s good to know.”
“What about you, what are your favourites?” you ask him. 
“I’m pretty predictable, I love action movies, and superhero movies,” he laughs, “and any good horror movie, especially at home with all the lights out, really scare the shit out of myself.” 
“Oh no, I can’t handle horror movies, Frankie!” you protest. “I get so scared I can’t sleep after them. I saw Gremlins when I was like nine and it scarred me for life, I haven’t watched anything scary since I think.” 
“You never watch horror movies?” Frankie asks, his eyebrows raised, looking shocked. 
“No, never really, I avoid them if I can.” 
“Not even classics like The Shining, Psycho, Halloween?” Frankie’s looking over at you, rattling off horror films you’ve heard of but would never dream of watching.
“No, nope, never ever, absolutely not,” you shake your head firmly, you know exactly where Frankie is going with this. 
“I think I need to plan a movie night for our second date,” Frankie chuckles. 
“That’s one sure fire way of not getting a second date, Frankie,” you warn, crossing your arms and pressing your lips together in a firm line, “absolutely not happening.” 
Frankie giggles and leans over, tugging at your arm, trying to uncross it, “Come on, hermosa, I’ll protect you, keep you safe from all the monsters, I’ll let you hide behind me when you get scared.” 
“Why would I even wanna get scared in the first place?” you protest, his giggles making you smile as he tugs your arm free and pulls it over towards his seat. 
“Because then you can hide yourself in my arms and I can feel like the brave guy protecting you from the imaginary monsters,” Frankie smiles and does that thing where he pulls your hand to his lips for a kiss while his warm brown eyes stay locked on you.
You smile back at him, his lips are warm and soft against your skin, and you wish you were back on the ground already. “I’m happy with you just being the brave helicopter guy who’s great at keeping me calm during flying.” 
“Yeah, really?” he smiles and you recognise the way his eyes shift to something more mischievous, “wanna try something scary up here?” 
“Uhu, what do you have in mind, Frankie?” you ask cautiously, “no crashing any vehicles please.” 
“Just hold on to your seat belt, like this,” he lets go of your hand and motions you to grab on to the straps just below your shoulders.
“Why, Frankie?” you ask nervously. 
“Just hold on,” he grins and you grab hold of the straps, watching him intently. He hails the airfield on the radio and tells Denny you’re almost back but that he’s going to try out something before landing. “We’re just gonna have some fun up here,” he says to his boss while grinning over at you. 
“Frankie….” you plead, but you can’t stop yourself from giggling too as the all clear comes through the radio from Denny. 
“Alright, here we go,” Frankie grins and you suddenly feel your whole world tipping sideways and you all but scream as the chopper suddenly tilts, Frankie pulling hard right on the stick. After a few seconds he straightens up again, only to bank hard left as you squeal, squeezing your eyes shut. Your stomach drops as you feel gravity pull you down, only the seatbelt keeping you in your seat. Next to you Frankie is chuckling happily as he pulls the chopper back up horizontal again. You press your head back hard against your set, trying to catch your breath. 
“You alright, hermosa?” Frankie’s voice comes through your headphones, you can hear his grin and you open your eyes and look over at him. “I fucking hate you, Francisco Morales,” you huff but you can’t hide your smile creeping up. The rush had been exhilarating and Frankie laughs at you. “Wanna do it again?” he asks and when you nod, he looks delighted, “knew you’d like it. Hang on then, cariño.” 
As Frankie puts the chopper through a number of skilled manoeuvres, the world around you tips and tilts until your head is spinning, adrenaline flowing through your system. It’s like being on the world’s best roller coaster and you can’t help giggling and squealing as you’re running out of breath. Until suddenly, out of nowhere, the air sickness hits and you feel nausea crash over you. 
“Frankie,” you cry out, “please stop, please stop.” 
Frankie immediately brings the chopper up to hover steadily and leans over, one hand on the stick, the other on your shoulder. You breathe in and out of your nose and try to control the panic in your chest. 
“Just breathe, hermosa, just look at the horizon and keep breathing.” He rubs his warm palm over your arm, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done so much, I’m so sorry, hermosa.” He keeps rubbing his palm up and down your arm and the warmth from his hand and his calm voice in your headphones brings your breathing under control and the nausea dissipates slowly. Eventually you can look away from the horizon and over at Frankie, he’s still leaning over as far as his seat belt will let him, his eyes worried and guilty looking under the cap. 
“Feeling better?” he asks, moving his hand up from your arm to gently cup your cheek, his thumb stroking over the soft skin. “I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to make you air sick, cariño.” 
“I’m feeling better now,” you give him a small smile, “I don’t know what happened. I was having fun and then it just hit me all of a sudden.” 
“I think I went a bit overboard on the banking, I should’ve been more careful with you, I’m really sorry.” Frankie’s pained expression tugs at your heart and you reach up and put your hand over his on your cheek. 
“It’s fine, Frankie, I really had fun, it was like being on the best roller coaster. I guess it just got a little bit too much suddenly.” 
Frankie looks a little bit less guilty and gives you one of those warm, soft smiles that makes the corner of his eyes crinkle, his thumb still caressing your cheek.
“I think I’ll get us down again now, get some solid ground under your feet, hermosa.” 
“Sounds like a good idea,” you smile back at him, thankful for his calm way of getting your freak out under control. He leans back into his seat, reluctantly letting go of your cheek, and starts the descent. 
As the helicopter smoothly descends towards the airfield tarmac you see Denny approach from the hangar. Shielding his eyes from the dust whipped up by the rotor blades he waits until Frankie safely puts the aircraft down and turns off the engine, the silence almost deafening after the constant roar in your years. Frankie gets himself out of the pilot’s seat before coming round the chopper to help you out, gently taking the headphones off your head and unclipping your seatbelt. 
“Easy there,” he says, taking your hand and helping you to find your footing. Your legs are surprisingly jelly-like after being in the chopper, a bit like stepping off a boat when the ground still moves under you. “Don’t want you falling over, hermosa,” Frankie tucks his arm around your waist as Denny comes over. 
“Thanks for handling that, Morales,” he says as Frankie hands over the paperwork and the keys to the chopper. “Head on out of here, I’ll finish up, go enjoy your date.” The last thing he says with a smile at you, still safely tucked in with Frankie’s arm around you. 
“Thanks, boss, I’ll see you tomorrow,” he gives Denny a nod and guides you back towards the truck. You’re fine on your feet now but Frankie’s arm feels good around you, so you let your hand slip around his waist and with a little tug Frankie pulls you closer, you catch his smile as you glance up at him. 
As you get back to the truck Frankie walks you over to the passenger side door but doesn’t open it. Instead he moves so that your back is against the side of the truck, with him standing close in front of you. You feel a shiver run through your body as you see the look in his eyes, his brown eyes almost black as he leans closer to you. 
“Remember what I told you to do again, back when we were at the stop light?” he asks, his voice dropping low and dark. 
“Yes,” you breath out, pulse racing so fast you can feel it in your throat. 
You lift your hand and caress your fingers through the unruly dark brown curls poking out around his ear. Frankie inhales and briefly closes his eyes before opening them again as you let your hand slip down his neck, caressing the soft skin behind his ear. You stroke your thumb over his jaw, fitting your thumb against the bare patch. 
Frankie steps in closer, his hands coming up to cup your cheeks, slotting them around your face. The pink tip of his tongue pokes out, wetting his bottom lip briefly. 
“Can I finally kiss you now?” he whispers as his eyes flick down to your lips before looking up at you again. 
“Yes, Frankie, please,” you whisper back at him. 
His lips are soft, warm, supple, as he gently presses them against yours, his thumbs caressing your cheeks and his scent fills your nose. You wrap your arms around his waist and pull him closer and he steps in eagerly, pushing you up against the warm metal of the truck. His tongue darts out and runs along your lips, making you open up and taste him willingly. He deepens the kiss, tilting his head to savour more of your mouth as you feel his tongue slide along your own. A small moan escapes you and in response Frankie slides a hand behind your head, tangling his fingers in your hair, pulling you closer. 
You’re bunching up the sides of his black hoodie with how desperately you’re hanging on to him as he licks deeper into your mouth, the gentle kiss quickly turning into something a lot more eager. Frankie’s pressed up against you fully and as he shifts his stance you feel the ridgid thickness between his legs press up against your stomach. The sensation sends a jolt of electricity through you and heat pools at the apex of your thighs as Frankie moans into your mouth, shifting his weight again. With a groan he pulls away from your lips, both of you panting, out of breath. 
Frankie drops his forehead against yours and closes his eyes, you can feel his chest rise and fall against yours. 
“You drive me crazy, mi hermosa,” he whispers, “wanted to do that since I first saw you last night.” You smile up at him even though his eyes are still closed. 
“Probably would’ve let you do it last night too, Frankie,” 
“Should’ve asked Pope for a bigger bet,” he grins, opening his eyes and looking down at you. You smile and reach up for his lips, he meets you eagerly and you lose yourself in how soft he feels as lets his tongue slip into your mouth again. 
Chapter 3
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sadisthetic · 4 months
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hi. this is my dnd character for toonkind dnd that i first made 7 years ago that ive recycled twice now because i wanted to finally play an ongoing campaign with him. for his third life, not only did i give him a design update, hes also has undergone a MAJOR overhaul in terms of personality and backstory tho i kept some bare basics the same (human ranger with urchin background who LOVES swords and knifes A LOT. and that he has an ambiguous age) the overhaul includes the isekai. and that hes a cunt now. but hes funnier now too lol.
im adding some more details and trivia about him under the readmore
so like if it isnt obvious the double isekai is meant to mirror the fact that i fucking played with him in 3 separate campaigns now. its part of him metatextually now lol. he was such a different guy tho. an EXTREMELY LOYAL guy. now hes significantly more selfish. and rude as hell. but hes not that to be mean or malicious. hes actually a pretty nice guy hes just extremely inconsiderate bc he prioritizes his own wellbeing most of the time. its how he had to grow up
copy pasting this tweet i wrote about him "blade at 15 was a guy that shouldve been playing halo while drinking monster but instead hes a guy stealing apples and eating mushrooms off tree bark. miraculously few instances of poisoning all things considered"
he wouldve been a fucking gamer otaku fr. he got isekaied in the mid 2000s and as a kid he fucking LOVED watching dragonball on saturday mornings. if he got to be a teen on earth, he would eventually found the anime and gaming subcommunities online BUT ALAS. he grew up trying to catch fish with his bare hands. or at least he did until he gave up quick and ate weeds.
also. despite the hardships. hes like. fine? somethings wrong with him. but its not trauma. he didnt mourn his parents much although its not like he couldve done anything with their freshly isekaied corpses when immediately hes being chased by fucking beasts. its okay they were like b-tier parents. (hes definitely not a normal person.)
he wandered the woods trying his best to survive alone and in spite of everything trying to kill him (including the shit he ate...) he ended up in a nearby(?) town and things got a bit easier after that. because he could fucking steal to eat real food now. he stayed in the woods on the outskirts of town bc no one showed grace to a thief and just dropped in every so often to swipe shit. steadily he learned forage (through sheer trial and error)
he was highkey a menace. but eventually in his late teens, a traveling party gave him an idea to like fucking. get a job. as something. he managed to make it work as a ranger/guide for hire
he fucking loves booze. he absolutely underage drank. when he could steal it. and later pay for it. and also even though he could pay for things as an adult, he still steals shit if he thinks he can get away w it (he has an absurdly (or at least pretty) high sleight of hand stat)
before he got isekai'd a second time, went through a CATASTROPHIC DIVORCE with an elf woman who he met in an expedition party who became enamored with him after he saved her life. the uh. fallout happened bc blade didnt realize (and still hasnt realized) that hes kinda aro (fundamentally did not understand her romantic intentions and thought she was just a friend wanted to hang out w him a lot. those were dates.) and his ex didnt realize how onesided it was bc she was so love with him. geez.
also. he was from arizona. hes half white half mexican. but with all the time spent not speaking spanish in a different fucking world, it made any spanish speaking skills he had atrophy to hell. it happens and it was bound to happen bc he was so young and had like no reason or opportunity to practice.
also he chose his name. he hated his lame ass name so much he was like "wait. i dont have to use it anymore." but he was 13 fucking years old. anyways he thought blade sounded cool for a name. knifedad happened later when he got his first knife. he still had a bad naming sense. he was 14.
also although his ethics are kinda wack, whats important to note is that he ultimately doesnt want anyone to like. die. its like his policy. save people that he can while trying his best to not die himself
he also has a soft spot for kids. whether hed bc a good dad is debatable but like. i think hed be a nice one
most important note: his longsword is named Darla, his dagger is named Samantha, the knife in his pack is named Nicky, and his newly acquired strange glowy sword is named lucia, and he wants a cool greatsword very very very fucking bad
i drew him in his under clothing also so that i could have a better sense for his body type when i designed his new outfit im adding it here too. he has a shitton of scars bc hes the type that pisses ppl off that they wanna shank him and also he routinely eats shit a lot. a lot of the scars in this sketch are pretty random except for one specific injury for a certain backstory event i have in mind
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billluver0124 · 3 months
"fallen for a lie."
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synopsis: after catching him cheating, with him unaware. how has it been for y/n since it happened?
WARNINGS: cheating, crying, slight mentions of alcohol abuse
A/N: i was listening to 'no time to die' while i was making this, hope you guys enjoy<3
it was on a friday night, she was out with her mother when she saw him. kissing another woman in a nearby alleyway.
she stood blank, watching him touch her in ways he would touch y/n. groping the other womans body as she tugged on toms dreadlocks, y/ns dreadlocks, the locks she would twirl between her fingers as he would lay asleep in her arms back home.
"are you okay sweetie?" her mother asked, unaware of what was going on "y-yea, yea im fine mom" y/n smiled, keeping all of her current emotions in the back of her mind as they continued their day together.
it has now been two weeks since then, tom still unaware that y/n saw him giving his love and affection to another. the affection that belonged to y/n. but y/n refuses to bring it up, the memories too much to bare.
every night since then, while tom was vast asleep. y/n would sneak out of their home, an entire bottle of Smirnoff's vodka and her emotions as she would walk the streets, drinking her sorrows away. there's no way tom would ever have the privilege to see y/n cry ever again.
then she would sneak back home, going back into bed as sleeping tom would unconsciously wrap his arms around her. and she would just let it happen. she tried so hard to feel any pure genuine love in his arms, but all she felt was warmth and comfort. this was still her tom, but no longer the tom that loved her.
she wouldnt even sleep, she would just think about the fact that he would slip away and let another woman call him hers. what did the woman have that she didnt? how could he do this to her? the sweet nothings he would tell y/n constantly everyday were really sweet nothings
she would look at tom, sleeping so peacefully. he looked so beautiful to her still. and she still loved him. "my beautiful boy" she thought, but the thing is, he is no longer her beautiful boy.
how long could this have been happening for? how long has it been since he first slipped away from her? why cant she let him go now? how can you sleep at night next to the man who you meant nothing to,who was your everything and youd do anything for, but he would do jackshit nothing for you? if this was y/ns life now, it was far away from fair.
y/n realizes that all of this was just a lie, she had fallen for a lie... ...but when will she let this lie go?
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samcscreams · 9 months
There goes her record.
Sometimes violence is necessary. Sometimes it's hard to understand that. Sometimes you don't have a choice. Sam wishes she could always have a choice.
Got this idea and ran with it. Short one today. Hope you enjoy:)
“Sam, wait up!” 
“What do you want Shelby?” Sam turned to face the intoxicated girl running up to her. 
“Mmm Paul said you have smokes,” Shelby said, holding out her hand and trying her best at puppy dog eyes. 
Sam just scoffed and pulled a pack of cigarettes from her back pocket and placed one in Shelby’s hand. Normally Sam would refuse, but staying on Shelby’s nice side meant free shit at parties. So if parting with a few cigs gets her a beer or more she’d do it every time. 
“That’s my good girl,” Shebly drunkenly said as she patted the side of Sam’s face. 
Sam hated when she did that. Now, Shelby wasn't necessarily Sam’s type, in fact she was still trying to figure that part of herself out, but she couldn't help but feel a twinge of warmth at those words. Yet it was always followed by self loathing afterwards. How pathetic of her to crumble at such easy words. She doesn't know Sam. Nobody really knows her. Hopefully nobody ever will. 
“Green bag in the kitchen,” Shelby yelled as she walked off into the crowded room. Sam threw a thumbs up as she took the last gulp of her drink and stumbled forward to find another. 
Once making it into the kitchen, she scanned around for the lovely green bag. She pushed through a handful of people until she found it hiding in the corner. She pulled it closer and opened it up to find a decently expensive bottle of vodka. Sam grabbed a classy red solo cup and popped the cap. Before she could even get a shot’s worth in her cup, an icy cold hand grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her back. 
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing Capenter?” an even colder voice yelled. 
The sudden movement had spilled the drink onto Sam’s shirt. Unfortunately her drunken state made it hard to recover, but once she regained her balance, she looked up to find her assailant. 
Great. Jordan fucking Waters.
He's been a pain in Sam’s side since she rejected him sophomore year by kicking him in the balls.  
“You think you can just take my shit?” He barked as he aggressively grabbed the bottle.
“Who the fuck said this was your shit?” Sam snapped, snatching the bottle back. Jordan lunged for it again, causing Sam to stumble and let go. She tried to catch it but her reflexes were far too slow to do any good. 
They both stared as the bottle shattered on the ground. Sam turned to walk away but Jorden grabbed her by the arm and held her in place. 
“ You own me 120,” he demanded.
Sam snapped her attention up from the bottle, not realizing it was still her main focus. “I don't owe you shit,” she growled and pulled out of his grip. 
“It was in my fucking bag. Or you too fucked up to read? You own me 120 bitch!” He said, grabbing the green bag and pointing to the ‘J. Waters’ written on the inside of the lid. 
“No, Shelby said-” Sam started, but then eyed another green bag on the floor.
“Shit.” Sam didnt have enough to pay Shelby for a couple beers, let alone giving this fuck wad 120 for somthing he broke. 
“Listen, I don’t have that.” Sam could feel her chest tighten at the look Jordan gave her. Like his mind landed on a solution that would end up being much worse than just finding the 120. 
He staggered over to her, his face morphing into a wicked grin. Once he was close enough Sam could smell the alcohol on his breath. He was probably more fucked up than she was. He grabbed her tight by the waist and turned into her ear. 
“Either you pay me the 120 or you show me a night worth the same.” As he finished his offer he grabbed her ass causing Sam to shove him to the ground. 
“You fucking bitch!” Jordan shouted as he scrambled to his feet. Sam watched as the boy’s face turned bright red, with anger or embarrassment, she couldn't tell. All she knew was that the pit in her stomach was pulling at her and her hands were starting to itch. This wasn't going to end well. 
“And here I was being generous,” Jordan spewed like venom to the crowd that was forming in the kitchen. Sam shoved her hands in her pocket as a million eyes fell on her. She turned to walk away as she couldn't afford another public display of violence on her record, but Jordan’s two dumb ass best friends were all of a sudden right behind her. 
“Let's take this outside.” And with that, Sam was being lifted into the air and taken out back. 
Once in the back yard the two boys threw Sam to the ground. Jordan crouched down and grabbed her by the chin. Time seemed to slow down as Sam watched the party goers flood out around them. 
“Someone’s gotta teach you a lesson,” Jordan said as he patted the side of her face and stood back up. Sam took the opportunity to quickly get to her feet as well. 
Jordan didn’t like being told no. Through his whole life Sam was the only one to turn him down. Boy’s like that never forget.
“See, you like to walk around like you’re too cool for the rest of us. Like you aren’t some townie trash like the rest of us.” 
Sam scanned the area to try and come up with the fastest escape route but she was surrounded. It was hard to hear what Jordan was saying over the blood rushing in her ears. 
“You just take shit without asking. All you do is take. Maybe it’s time to give–”
“I’d never give you shit,” Sam spit out
Jordan stopped in his tracks and marched over to Sam.
“And here I thought Carpenter’s were easy.” Jordan paused to savor the hurt expression spreading across Sam’s face. 
“At least that's what my mom says. Such a scandal to get knocked up in highschool huh?” 
Sam’s skin felt like it was on fire. Her hands bawling to tight fights inside her jacket as she repeated over and over in her mind: “He doesn't know. Nobody knows. He can't know.” 
“Well I guess if you dont take after your mom, maybe that sister of yours does.” 
There goes her record. 
By the time Sam came to, she was on top of Jordan, his face beaten and bloodied. Her hands still wrapped around his neck as the metallic smell filled her nose. ‘I can’t kill him,’ she thought to herself. As she went to let go, a voice clear as day spoke over her shoulder. 
But you could.
Sam’s blood ran cold as she hesitated for one single moment, only snapping out of it a second later and scrambling to get off of him. 
A small crowd rushed to Jordan’s side as Sam stared in shock. Out of the corner of her eye she saw her bloodied hands, causing her to aggressively wipe them in the grass. 
“He’s not breathing!” A girl cried out. 
The rest of the party goers just stared at Sam as if she was a wild animal. As if she just told them all the truth. 
“No. No this. This isn't right. I didn't. I.. I..” Sam felt the panic explode inside of her. The world around her was closing in. 
“You fucking killed him!” another kid yelled out. 
“I.. I..” Sam couldn’t get any words out. Here it was, the moment she’d been pushing away since the age of 13. How stupid she was to think she could have outrunit. It’s in her blood. It’s who she is. 
“Sam.” A voice broke through the crowd. It was soft and warm. 
“Sam, it's okay. Sam!” She looked frantically all around to find the voice. The voice that keeps her grounded, the voice that will drown out all the others. 
“Sammy. Please.” 
Sam opened her eyes and pushed herself away from her baby sister. 
Tara sat on the edge of Sam's bed holding a glass of water. 
“You were thrashing pretty bad. I wanted to make sure you were okay.” 
“Just a nightmare. Go back to bed,” Sam said shortly. She was still trying to get a grip on reality. 
Tara hesitated but got up from the bed and placed the glass of water on Sam’s side table. She turned back towards her big sister to say one last thing. 
“He deserved it ya know.” 
“What?” Sam said as her anxiety shot up. 
“Jordan. I heard you say his name in your sleep. Two black eyes and a busted lip was enough to straighten him out.”
“I'm lucky he didn't press charges.” Sam scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“Should have been worse with all the accusations coming out now. Probably why he won't, considering most of them are from my grade.” Tara’s words made Sam’s chest burn. Knowing that creep was walking around made her blood boil. Yet Sam hated when her blood boiled.
“Violence should never be the answer, Tara. I shouldn't have done that.” 
“Ya but sometimes it is. Sometimes it’s necessary. Besides I know you'd never hurt me.” 
Before Sam could even process her baby sister's words the voice broke through, icy and cold. 
But you could.
“Get out of my room!” Sam demanded. Her eyes darting down to her hands as if watching them would keep them in check. 
“What?” Tara shifted her body weight at the sting of rejection settling in her stomach. 
“Tara, get out!” Sam raised her voice, still refusing to look anywhere but her hands. 
“Just get the fuck out, okay.” 
“Jesus, fine, goodnight.” Tara turned and went out the door, slightly slamming it as she left. 
Sam turned over onto her side and gripped her pillow. Tears stung her eyes and stained her face. All she could hear repeating over and over: “You could, You could, You could.” She wanted to scream, but that would only bring back wanted unwanted attention. It wasn't safe. That itch in her hands, that burn in her chest. God, she would do anything to take it away. 
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prefect30 · 7 months
Little Dove
Instead of Lucy Gray, he gets her younger, little sister, Rosalie Jade.
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Preivous Chapter
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Chapter Two
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"Own it."
Own it? How the hell am I supposed to "own it" in this situatiion?!
When he realizied where he was, Coriolanus couldn't believe it. He truly was in a monkey cage. He was being watched like animal. He saw that most people on the other side of the cage were children with their parents. He wondered why they were here.
Shouldn't they been in school?
"Excuse me sir! Yes, you in the red!"
Oh God. Then there was him. Who he even was is a mystery to Coriolanus. What he does know is that he not only is being watched by almost all of the Capitol's children, but by all of Panem because of this stupid reporter and his camera man.
Trying to ignore the man, he discretly looked around trying to find a way out of here. If he was being recorded, he didnt want to look stupid. Well, he already did, but he didn't want everyone watching him have a panic attack. He can already see the paper headlines.
'Snow's disastrous meltdown!'
No. He can't have that, but what else can he do?
Just as he starts to think that the large rock to his far right is looking pretty friendly, he feels a slight pressure on his left hand.
Rosalie Jade had grabbed his hand trying to gain his attention seeing that he was in his own world.
"Relax. If you panic it'll just give em' more sparks and you don't want a fire catching now do you?"
Forgetting that Rosalie Jade was there with him for a second, he looks down at her, giving her a look of confusion.
At first, he doesn't know what she meant. All he knew was that her small, dainty hand made him feel warm, like he was on fire. Like he was alive. Then he realizes what she meant.
They're on a stage.
This is a performance.
And if he wants to win the prize waiting for him at the end of the show, then he was going to have to give his best performance ever.
Coriolanus now understand why Rosalie Jade as able to just brush herself off once she realized where she was. He now understood why she wanted to look presentable.
"Once you decide to move, make sure those cameras get my right side, it's my good side."
She knew this is a show.
Maybe her life in 12 was spent on a stage. Why else would she be able to be so normal about his. Other tributes looked like deers in headlights when they realized what was happening. But when Rosalie Jade realized, she made sure to shine in those headlights.
Then he realized. He realized why she was dressed in such a showy way. He realized why she had the snake in the first place. He finally realized.
She knew she was going to be chosen at the reaping.
What she did to deserve such a doomed fate, he'll never know. But what he does know is that he needs to get his act together. He can't keep standing here like a deer like all the other tributes. No, he needs to be like Rosalie Jade.
Finally doing something, Coriolanus bends down to take the rose, that is now on the ground from the fall, and rip off the stem. Rosalie Jade gives him a funny look at that. Then, he moves her hair back.
Rosalie Jade watches him the whole time. Looking at him with amusement and a small smile.
Coriolanus then puts the rose in her hair, admiring her for a second.
Putting his hand out for her to take, he asks, "Rosalie Jade, would you like to meet my neighbors?"
"I would be delighted to Mr. Snow." She giggles and takes his hand.
Suprised by this, most people gasp and Coriolanus hears the reporter saying, "Well would you look at that. They're holding hands. That's not something you see everyday."
Both ignoring the annoying reporter, Coriolanus guided Rosalie Jade over to the end of the watching spectators, making sure to avoid the reporter, but not the camera.
He then introduced Rosalie Jade. "Hello. This is my tribute Rosalie Jade Baird. She wanted to meet you all. Please remember your manners."
"Hi there." Bending down to the children, Rosalie Jade stuck her handout, but not past the bars. This made the children have to stick their hand in on their own, not Rosalie Jade, which could be seen as a threat of some sort.
Clever girl.
"Hello. My name is Pontius." The little boy eagerly shook her hand, making sure to show off his pearly white teeth and Capitol bred manners.
"Where did you find that snake?" The little boy was so eager to get his answer, he didnt realize that he had started to get closer to the cage. Just like the others.
Giggling, Rosalie Jade answered, "Well, he found me. I was singing one day down in the meadow, and he slithered on up beside me. Must've liked my singing. Both lovers of music I guess. I wish I still had him with me though he was a good friend."
"Oh." The little boy seemed confused by her answer. Confused by her actions. Why would she want a snake as a friend?
Well there something we can relate on kid. This girl is so confusing.
Seeing a little girl close behind the boy, it was time for Rosalie Jade to ask a question.
"And who is this little lady behind you?"
"Oh, that's my little sister, Venus. She's four."
"Well I think that four is a smart age to be."
Stepping forward, the little girl could be seen wearing a worn out polka-dot dress with her small, strawberry icy dripping down her hand, threating to stain her dress.
Shifting her icy from one hand to the next, she asked in a curious, yet nervous voice, "Could I touch your dress?"
"Of course darlin'." Rosalie Jade gently smiled at the little girl, moving her dress for her to reach it easier with her small arms.
The little girl eye's lit up as she reached her hand through the cage and started to smile while petting Rosalie Jade's dress.
"I like your dress too. Polka-dots always make me happy." Rosalie Jade spoke up.
The little girl froze in shock from the complement and blushed, rushing to her mother's leg to hide her face. This earned an "Awww" from the crowd.
As Coriolanus and Rosalie Jade made their way down the line of eager children, he was able to take a minute to study her.
She was quite good with children for just being a child herself. She was kind, polite, and her southern accent seemed to make the kids laugh.
Her golden waves were brightly shining in the sun's light. Her dress had seen better days, but it still looked like the rainbow little kids would try to follow to find a pot of gold at the end. And her sapphire eyes shined just like the true gem itself.
But there was something else about her that Coriolanus couldn't seem to figure it out.
They finally reached the dreadful end of the line where the reporter was impatiently waiting for his chance to talk to Rosalie Jade.
"Hello there. Yes. Hi!"
She sees you, dumbass.
"Oh. Hi there! Is this being recorded?"
"Why of course! Wouldn't want the people of Panem to miss this wonderful event of the tributes coming to the Capitol."
You're so stupid. Why would you say that this is "wonderful" to the kid who is gong to die. God, even I knew not to say that.
"Wonderful indeed," Rosalie Jade forced a smile, "and who might you be?"
"What? You don't know who I am?" The reporter muttered as the camera man laughed at her jab. The reported turned back to him. "Don't laugh, some people don't have t.v.'s in the Districts."
Turning his attention back to Rosalie Jade, the reporter introduced himself, "Lepidus Malmsey, my dear."
My dear?
"Well it's nice to meet you Mr. Mansy." Rosalie Jade smirked.
"A funny one, aren't you." Lepidus mumbled to himself.
He might start crying is she keeps this up. Really shouldn't had called her inevitable death wonderful.
Wanting to get somewhere with Rosalie Jade, Lepidus started to ask some questions.
"Rosalie, your dress has been quite a hit here in the Capitol. Did you make it?"
"It's Rosalie Jade darlin', not just Rosalie. But it was my mama's. Quite the beauty though, don't you think?" Swishing her dress around, she beamed up at Lepidus.
"My apologies dear. But that doesn't seem to be the only beauty here."
Again with the dear! And calling her a beauty? I mean she is. Just stop!
"Aww, thank you." Rosalie Jade blushed from the complement.
"No problem dear. Now you said the dress was your mother's, is she in 12?"
"Just her pearly white bones darlin', just her pearly white bones."
"Oh, well, any other family in back in 12?" Lepidus, shocked by how calm this little girl was easily able to talk about her dead mother, tried to find something to make it a more, happy conversation. Maybe talking about another family member that she would never see again would help.
"Well, there's my big sister, Lucy Gray. But we're both 'part of the Covey, and all of us are family in the Covey."
"Yep, the Covey! We're just a bunch of musicians who go 'round from District to District, playing for people. Well, we did until a bunch of Peacekeepers rounded us up and made us stay in 12."
"Wait. Rounded you up?"
"Yeah, I'm not from District 12 or any of the other Districts. Neither is anyone else in the Covey."
She's not from 12? She's not District? Well that must suck, being forced to play a game that you shouldn't even qualify for.
Trying to get away from the fact that Rosalie Jade just confirmed that there is a world outside of Panem, which would not sit well with the people of the Capitol, Lepidus asked, "Well, uh, what more can you tell the people of the Capitol about the Covey?"
"Oh, we Covey love color, me more than most!" Rosalie Jade laughed.
After answering, Rosalie Jade started to look around, getting bored by the man. He was fun to mess around with at first, but now she was getting bored. Besides, she's only 12, her attention spans not that big.
Sensing that she was starting to get bored, Lepidus started to grasp at straws. "You mentioned a, uh, a-a sister! Yes, what us she like?"
Not wanting to answer to somewhat personal question, Rosalie Jade looked towards Coriolanus and smirked.
Oh shit, now what is she going to do?
Gripping Coriolanus' arms, Rosalie Jade said, "Have you met my mentor? Says his name is Coriolanus Snow. And clearly I must've gotten the cake with the cream 'cause he seems to be the only mentor here."
Cake with the cream? Must be some sort of backwards talk from the Districts.
"Ah, yes. What are you doing in there Mr. Snow?"
Putting on his best Plinth Prize winning smile, Coriolanus said, "Well after seeing Rosalie Jade here on that stage and hearing her singing, I had no choice but to come see her for myself."
"Just for the record, I didn't have a choice." Rosalie Jade butted in.
"Niether did I." Coriolanus rebuttals.
"And did the Academy tell you to do this?" Lepidus asked wanting to keep the conversation going.
"Well they didn't tell me not to!" Coriolanus joked.
"Oh, so you went in there all on your own?"
"Well they did tell us to get close to our tributes. I wanted a head-start and again, after seeing Rosalie Jade on that screen for the first time, I just knew I had to meet her as soon as possible. I hope the Academy's not to mad at me for that!"
"Well it seems that we're about to find out now."
Just as Lepidus finished saying that, Coriolanus saw two Peacekeepers coming his way.
Wanting to meet the Peacekeepers in the middle for it to at least try to seem like this was all planned, Coriolanus turned and started to walk away.
But before he could even move a foot, he felt that same warm hand on his again.
"Hey, do you think you could bring us food or water? We haven't eaten since the reaping."
They didn't feed them on the train? Of course they didn't feel them, they were in a fucking livestock shipping containers.
Before he could anwser, Peacekeepers were right by his side, escorting him out of the cage. Coriolanus watched as Lepidus tried to talk to Rosalie Jade again, but she just looked at him and walked away, going to sit on a rock next to Jessup.
Trying to talk to the other tirbutes, but failing miserably, Lepidus decided it was time for him to go, ending the recording with, "Well I'm Lepidus Malmsey and this was the first look at the tributes for this years Hunger Games."
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Being escorted out of a monkey cage by Peacekeepers is one thing, but being manhandled by them is another.
"I can walk fine myself, thank you." Coriolanus attempted to break free of their strong grips once they were a good distance away from the watchful eyes of the Capitol, but the Peacekeeper on his left brought him closer to her and tightened her grip.
"What do you think you're doing, boy? You can't just go in there because you wanted to!"
Well someone's on their period.
Growing up with two women as his role models, one would think that Coriolanus Snow was taught to respect women. But alas, all of Tigris' teachings were no match for his misogynistic and egotistical mind.
Needing to turn this conversation around in some way to benefit himself and not get him in trouble Coriolanus spoke, "Well for your information, I talked to one of the reporting Peacekeepers at the train station if I could along with the tributes, my tribute, in the truck and he said I could. In no way, shape, or form did I know that we were going to be dropped in a monkey cage."
And just for spite, he added, "And besides, I'm a student at the Academy, it is my project, my job, to get to know my tribute. What other way to get to know her better than going with her?"
The Peacekeeper, taken back with all of this information, started to apologize. But before she could even start, Coriolanus swiftly cut her off with the manipulative words of, "Before you even think to apologize, what were all of you thinking?! Just dropping all of the tributes, a Capitol citizen, into a monkey cage? God, at least have some dignity. With the way you just threw all of them, threw me! Well your no better than the animals themselves."
Both Peacekeepers finally letting go of Coriolanus, he heard the girl respond with, "I'm very sorry sir. We didn't know another Peacekeeper allowed you in. Our apologies."
Smirking in triumph, Coriolanus took a few large strides ahead, making sure that he stayed in the front and the Peacekeepers stayed behind him.
"Just don't let it happen again. Who knows if anyone else would have been as forgiving as me."
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"You're late Mr. Snow."
Oh, shut up. You're probably high on morphling right now.
"Yes, I was very bu-"
"Busy with what Mr. Snow? Having a small interview with your little songbird?"
Someone kill this man.
Just wanting to get to his seat while trying to anwser High-as-a-kite-bottom's question, he heard a cackle come from his upper left, stopping his train of thought.
"Hippity, hoppity, how was the zoo? You fell in a cage and your tribute did, too!"
Dr. Gaul.
The mad scientist seemed to have been freed from her lab once more. From having seen and met her at the reaping ceremony, Coriolanus had learned a couple things about her already.
She is incredibly smart. She would be an amazing mentor to have. Stay on her good side if you would like to live. And she is completely and utterly insane.
Wanting to at least acknowledge her question, Coriolanus said, "It was fine."
"Fine! Oh you stumbled into a cage and landed on a..."
Realizing that she wanted him to finish her sentence, Coriolanus mumbled, "Stage."
"Very good! You would make a great gamemaker one day. Have you ever thought of that as a future career?"
No. God no. Not enough power.
"Leave the poor boy alone Volumnia. He's already been through so much today, isn't that right Mr. Snow?"
But before Coriolanus could retaliate to Highbottom's remark, his fellow classmate, Arachne Crane decided that the attention needed to be on her. "Holding her hand Coriolanus, really? You make it seem as if she is one of us. Never thought you would stoop that low."
Do you ever shut you big, fat, fucking mouth Arachne or do you also need Felix to help you with that too?
"They are like one of us. They are still people."
Great. Thanks Arachne, now Sejanus is going to go on a rant about how District people are eqaul and blah blah blah.
"Are they now Mr. Plinth?"
Oh shit. Think it through before you answer Dr. Gaul's question, Sejanus. Please for once in your life. Think. It. Through.
"Yes. They are still people. They still have rights."
"Well we won the war. We get to choose their punishment. That is our right." Dr. Gaul countered.
"No it isn't! I don't care what you say. You've no right to starve people, to punish them for no reason. No right to take away their life and freedom. Those are things everyone is born with, and they're not yours for the taking. Winning a war doesn't give you that right. Having more weapons doesn't give you that right. Being from the Capitol doesn't give you that right. Nothing does."
Why can't you ever think anything through!?
"And that, Mr. Plinth, is where you and everybody else living in the Capitol differ."
Finally reaching his seat, Coriolanus sat down and was rewarded with yet another question.
"Mr. Snow since you have gotten a inside look at the Games, may I ask, what are they for?"
Well this is easy. Even the monkey who can't think anything through knows the anwser to this question.
"To punish the Districts."
Dr. Gaul just smiles, no, more like she bares her teeth to him. No "correct" or "well done" is given to Coriolanus to make him feel confident in his anwser.
Wanting to redeem himself, Coriolanus proposes an idea to Dr. Gaul that could not only help Rosalie Jade inside the arena, but him outside of it. Because, of course the winning tribute would get the Plinth Pirze, right? So if he can get this approved by Dr. Gault then maybe, just maybe, Rosalie Jade could get a fighting chance.
"What if you made the games more interactive? What if you get people to sponsor tributes, to bet on them? In return, tributes would get food or water. It would bring the the number of people watching up. If people have something to win in the end, they are more likely to stick to it."
While Sejanus looked at Coriolanus with utter disgust, Dr. Gaul looked at him, intrigued.
"Hmm. Write me a paper on all of your ideas and get it into my office by tomorrow morning."
"Dr. Gaul! You should know that Coriolanus and I do almost all of our work together. We best work on it together if you want the best and most ideas on the paper."
No! Clemensia! What are you doing? Stop!
"Yes, yes. Of course. Anyway, I'm off to see my mutts. Then it will be time for my milk and cookies!"
Again, insane.
Finally leaving, the second Dr. Gaul closes the door, Highbottom speaks up. "Mr. Snow, you will receive one dermit for endangering a student."
What? What is a dermit and who did I endanger?
"Pardon me?"
"If you recieve three dermits, you will be expelled."
"What! But who did I even endanger?!"
"Yourself, Mr. Snow. Now, you will receive and second one for insubordination if you don't start to complete your work."
Forget someone else, I'll do it. I'll kill the fucking bastard.
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